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receiving on May 13th.

The retreat was very kindly

St. Philomenas N.S. organised by Sr. Genny.
Convent Road, Tullamore.
February Newsletter, 2017.

Dear Parents/Guardians, 9th February: Girls from 6th Class took part in a
basketball blitz in Mucklagh for a number
I hope everyone had a relaxing mid-term break and are of weeks. They got the opportunity to play
back fully refreshed and ready for a busy few weeks. against other schools and improve their

3rd February: Well done to our two quiz skills. Thank you to Ms. Marron for working

teams who took part in the Credit Union with the girls each week.

Quiz in the Tullamore Court Hotel:

Alexandria, Ashanti, Lillian, Phoebe and
Sarah were on the Junior Team and Aisling, Amy, Ellie, 10th February: All classes took part in
Emily, Sharona and Tiffany were on the Senior Team. They the 10@10. Each class did 10 minutes
practised so hard over the past few weeks and did their exercise as part of an Operation
school proud on the night. Many thanks to Mr. Maher for Transformation initiative to get all the
giving so freely of his time to help them with their schools in the country active.
preparations. We are taking part in the Read Anything, Anytime,
7th February: The Confirmation girls in 6th Class went on a Anywhere initiative ran by Tullamore Library. The classes
retreat in the Day Chapel. This was an have given a commitment to read for at least 5 minutes
opportunity for them to reflect on the very every day. The reading takes place during DEAR time
important sacrament that they will be (Drop Everything And Read) and the aim of the project is
to foster a love of reading in Wednesday, March 1st is the beginning of Lent and in the
children. We are doing really well interest of healthy eating, we are asking that all sweets
and thank you to Miss Higgins for and treats be left at home so that the school can be a
organising this worthwhile activity. sweet free zone. Thank you for your co-operation.

During the weeks of Lent, we are organising a collection

for Trcaire. Your daughter may bring in any spare coins
13thFebruary: The 6th Class girls in Ms. McDonnells class that she may have and put them in the Trcaire box in her
visited the Offaly School of Special Education where they classroom. The money will then be donated to the charity.
did Valentine Art activities with the children. Both groups Our annual Church Gate Collection in aid of St. Philomenas
of children really enjoyed the experience. N.S. takes place at all Masses this weekend, March 4 th and
5th. Thanks to all the parents that have volunteered to help
14th February: Ms. Gaffey, our Home School Liaison
teacher worked with Ms.
Carraghers 3rd and 4th Class on a The Department of Education and Skills have sanctioned a
Valentine Art activity where training day on the new Primary Languages Curriculum for
they painted and decorated glass all the staff on Monday March 13th. As a result, there
will be no school on this day.
jars. They looked beautiful and
made a lovely Valentines gift. Thank you Ms. Gaffey. Kind regards,

Points to Note Bridget Clear.

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