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Blog Task #1: Magical Realism Discussion Questions

Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the key words in the question stem to
plan your answer, and to the grading indications of each to ensure you are meeting the

1. Why does this short story classify as "Magical Realism"? What elements of
magic appear in the story? List two examples. What elements of realism are included as
well? List two examples. ( /4 K /2 I /1 C)

In my opinion, this short story classify as Magical Realism due to the fact that this
short story had different concepts such as fable and allegory under a realistic view. Magic in
a mundane world to be exact. Elements of magic appeared in this Magical Realism short
story include an appearance of an old man with wings and the transformation between
human to spider. The elements of realism are included as well, for example the old man was
described as a beggar speaking unknown foreign language. There were only a few faded
hairs left on his bald skull and very few teeth in his mouth. [Paragraph 2] . Next example of
realism is when the community tried to used iron to test if the old man is alive.

2. Complete the following chart:

The man is a(n) Textual Evidence with paragraph number

Angel Hes an angel, she told them. He must

have been coming for the child, but the poor
fellow is so old that the rain knocked him
down. [Paragraph3]

Animal "They found the whole neighbourhood in

front of the chicken coop having fun with the
angel, without the slightest reverence,
tossing him things to eat through the
openings in the wire as if he werent a
supernatural creature but a circus animal."
[Paragraph 4]

Beast "At the beginning of December some large,

stiff feathers began to grow on his wings,
the feathers of a scarecrow , which looked
more like another misfortune of
decrepitude [ Page 4 Paragraph 3]

Man There were only a few faded hairs left on

his bald skull and very few teeth in his
mouth. [Paragraph 2]

Dream "But he must have known the reason for

those changes,for he sometimes sang
under the stars [Page 4 Paragraph 3]

She kept on watching until it was no longer

possible for her to see him, because then
he was no longer an annoyance in her life
but an imaginary dot on the horizon of the
sea. [Page 4 Paragraph 3]

Others: Transformation A fearful thunderclap rent the sky in tow

and through the crack came the lightning
bolt of brimstone that changed her into
spider. [Page 3 Paragraph 3]

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