Can & Can't (Ability)

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Can & Cant

Listen and finish the sentences:

1. I ............... ............... ..............., but I ............... ............... ............... .

2. He ............... ............... , but he ............... ............... .
3. ............... you ...............? Yes, I ................
4. They ............... ............... , but they ............... ............... .
5. We ............... ............... and we ............... ............... .
6. ............... she ............... ? No, she ................

Listen to Tina talking. Put if she can and put if she cant.

Can ...? Tina You Your Partner

drive a car
speak French
speak Spanish
play tennis
play the piano
use a computer

Complete the chart about you.

Complete the chart about your partner. Ask questions like Can
you drive a car?

Headway Elementary 3rd Ed, recordings 6.3 & 6.4

Skills & Abilities

This is a skill. What job would it be good for?

What skills are useful for these jobs:





care assistant

What skills do you have? Make a list .

I can...

Headway Elementary 3rd Ed, recordings 6.3 & 6.4


Headway Elementary 3rd Ed, recordings 6.3 & 6.4

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