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Days of shooting plan

Key days on which we have filmed:

st th
1 filming date: 8 December 2016
nd th
2 filming date: 9 December 2016
rd th
3 filming date: 25 December 2016
th th
4 filming date: 26 December 2016
th st
5 filming date: 1 January 2016
th rd
6 filming date: 3 January 2016

st th
1 filming date: 8 December 2016

This was the first day that we stared filming. It didnt go according
to as it was planed due to the fact it was really cold outside and
there were a lot of interference. There were people that kept coming
in the way and a lot of car noises.

nd th
2 filming date: 9 December 2016

This was our second day of filming this went slightly more smoothly
as we knew what we were doing. However we broke the 180-degree
rule a few times so we had to go back and re-film some scenes.

rd th
3 filming date: 25 December 2016

We had a problem with our location. We were no longer able to film

at the current location that we first stared filming in. so we had to
re-film all the scene that we did in our previous location.

th th
4 filming date: 26 December 2016

On this day we had to re-film everything because the main actor

was not available because he was on holiday so we tried to re-film
as much as possible and we got some filming done.

th st
5 filming date: 1 January 2016
On this day everything went smoothly we planed everything out
that we need to film we got together and filmed the majority of our

th rd
6 filming date: 3 January 2016

This was the last day that we filmed, we finished off all of the

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