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Blog Task #1: Magical Realism Discussion Questions

1. Why does this short story classify as "Magical Realism"? What elements of magic appear
in the story? List two examples. What elements of realism are included as well? List two
Magical Realism which could be define as a literary in which realistic combined with
elements of dream/ fantasy. As we can see in this short story, A Very Old Man with
Enormous Wings, the author shows us both magic elements and realism elements such as1.
The old man with wings who appears in peoples yard one day, People believed he is an
angle, then one day he flew away. And women who had been changed into spider because of
disobeyed her parents both of this were related to elements of magic appear in the story. For
the elements of realism were first, the short story describes the looks of an old man, which
they said he looks like a beggar and the curiosity of people when they saw strange or weird

2. Complete the following chart:

The man is a(n) Textual evidence with paragraph number

Angel Their neighbor women who knew everything
about life and death saw him and said Hes an
angel, she told them. He must have been coming
for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the
rain knocked him down. On 3rd paragraph first
Animal But when they went out into the courtyard with
the first light of dawn, they found the whole
neighborhood in front of the chicken coop having
fun with the angel, without the slightest reverence,
tossing him things to eat through the openings in
the wire as if he werent a supernatural creature but
a circus animal. On 4th paragraph first page
Beast He remained motionless for several days in the
farthest corner of the courtyard, where no one
would see him, and at the beginning of December
some large, stiff feathers began to grow on his
wings, the feathers of a scarecrow, which looked
more like another misfortune of decrepitude. 3rd
paragraph page 4.
Man He was dressed like a rag picker. There were only
a few faded hairs left on his bald skull and very
few teeth in his mouth 2nd paragraph page 1.
Dream A short time afterward the child woke up without
a fever and with a desire to eat. Then they felt
magnanimous and decided to put the angel on a
raft with fresh water and provisions for three days
and leave him to his fate on the high seas. This
was related to dreams because their family hope
sick child would be better. 4th paragraph page 1
Other While still practically a child she had sneaked out
of her parents house to go to a dance, and while
she was coming back through the woods after
having danced all night without permission, a
fearful thunderclap rent the sky in two and through
the crack came the lightning bolt of brimstone that
changed her into a spider. 3rd paragraph page 3.

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