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Name: Nasria M. Talusob Date: Nov.

21, 2016
Grade and Section: 10- Apitong

The Hijacked Plane

P-Q-R-S-T---Panic, Quite, Redoubted, Scary and Terrible! The 5 successive

letters with meaning and interpretation that I manifest and utter after all!

The day that I was very much enjoyed. It was the time of meeting and seeing
each other with my friends. Lot of enjoyments, laughing, pissings and jokings we did. I
felt very independent and no one possess the day and time at that moment but merely
we, ourselves.

One of my friends Norjanah invites us to attend her 18 th birthday party but before
we get at their home we have to ride the hijacked plane. Wow! What a very special and
important visitors we are. Yes, we ride on a plane containing 150 people and the plane
was currently flying over barren desert. The hijackers take over, killing the pilot and co-
pilot, and sealing themselves in the cockpit. There is no way for us to open the door, but
we could damage the ventilation system causing fumes to fill the cockpit. The hijackers
will die but with no-one able to enter the cockpit and fly the plane, it will crash in desert
killing everyone on board. I was shocked that time and in panic. I saw many people
cried and afraid. They dont know what to do and even I dont know what to do. But I do
nothing and waiting whats the next to be happen than doing something that can harm
the lives of the 150 persons and the persons on the runway of the airplane. At least I will
not going to die with unclear conscience.

But then unfortunately, my bestfriend Norjanah was among to those who died
and I cried and cried as I witnessed those particular scenario. And after a while, I quickly
woke up when I heard some noise. It was from my mother calling my name. I felt
nervous and then realized, it was just all in my dream.

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