Grid Drawing Value Final

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Teacher: Ms.


Title of lesson: Grade level: Time allowed:

Grid drawings 9th-12thArt 1 8/10- 45 min class periods

NAEA Standards:
FA 12.2.1.e Synthesize knowledge of the relationships between advanced technique, skill, and
FA12.2.1f Demonstrate respect for accepted procedures regarding responsible care of equipment
and materials.
FA12.2.1a Analyze multiple ideas and materials to demonstrate planning and refining.

Teaching Rationale:

Why are you teaching this lesson?

I am teaching this lesson so students can compile all of their knowledge of value and shading
How does this lesson relate to a learning theory?
This lesson relates to constructivism, this lesson will build off of previous knowledge.

How is this lesson appropriate for these student?

This lesson will show what the students have learned about value and shading.

Learning Goals:
Students should use value properly.
Students should follow instruction.
Students should create a grid drawing.


Students will create a drawing of an image that they brought from home.
Students will use a grid to render the image of their choice.

Vocabulary Words: Materials:

Value Drawing paper, graphite pencils, erasers, blending tortillions,

masking tape, pictures from home.


Cultural Information:
This assignment will be a reflection of the students interests.

Studio Procedures for Making Art:

1. Student will take their image that I have resized to a black and white 11x18 image and
draw a 1x1 inch grid on it using pencil.
2. The students will then take their image and tape it onto the drawing paper taping the
bottom and right side if the student is left handed and taping the bottom and left side if the
student is right handed.

3. The student will cut out a square of the grid at a time ad draw it in moving from the top
untapped corner diagonally to the bottom taped corner.
4. Student will continue to work on these in class for 7 days in which if not completed they
will become homework over the weekend.

Teaching Procedures for the Lesson:

Introduction / Motivator / Anticipatory Set / Bellringer: I will tell the students we are going to
begin a grid drawing of a picture that they will bring from home
Transition / Segway: I will hand out the packets of facial features.

Teacher Demo / Direct Instruction: I will explain the assignment to them, and show them the how
to grid and tape their pictures.
Studio / Guided Practice: Student will work independently to complete the assignment.
Closing: have student clean up supplies and put the m away properly.
Evaluation Methods:

Formal see rubric below.

Informal walk around observes students working, ask questions to check for understanding.

Modifications for Special Needs:

Student will be given extra 1 on 1 time with assignment.
Classroom Management Procedures: Make sure students stay on task, make sure supplies are
being used properly.
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built by JBBeshear
Pencil Self Portrait Using the Grid Method
Derived from rubric: High School Art Rubric Rubric Code: N53626

Drawing a self portrait using a photograph and the grid method Ready to use Public
Keywords: Drawing
Directly link to this rubric or embed it on your
Categories: Subjects: Arts and Design website:
Types: Assessment (Other)

Grade Levels: 9-12

http://w w w

<a href='http://w w w .rcam

Pencil Self Portrait <iframe src='http://w w w .r

Enlarge and reproduce a photograph of yourself using the grid method
Good Excellent
(N/A) Does not meet
(N/A) Meets expectations (N/A) Exceeds expectations
Preparing the Grid Poor Good Excellent
10 pts The drawing paper was
divided into perfect 2 inch squares Did not draw the grid Only a few corrects to the grid The grid was prepared by the
correctly or needed the student with no mistakes
teacher to draw the grid for
the student.

Using the Grid method Poor Good Excellent

20 pts The student looked at the
grid on the photograph and Did not use the grid to place Only a few areas not placed Excellent placement using the
reproduced the portrait in the lines and features for the correctly grid method
portrait portrait

Shading Poor Good Excellent

60 pts
The drawing was not shaded Some areas were shaded--and There is a full range of values.
some were not. The drawing was The shading is gradual and
shaded using one value realistic

Effort/Attitude Poor Good Excellent

10 pts Did you use your time
wisely? Was your class time *Negative Attitude *Completed work and met basic * Went beyind the assignment
productive and NOT distracting to *Did not try requirements * Chose a challenging subject
others? Did you have a *Wasted time * Average interest level * Worked totally independently
POSITIVE ATTITUDE? Did you *Disturbed classmates
use your FULL POTENTIAL? *Was distracting to the class
*Warnings given by the
teacher for being too loud or
off task

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