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The Magical World

of Colour Numerology

By Trish Banks M.A.

2006 Trish Banks. All Rights Reserved worldwide under the

Berne Convention. May not be copied, distributed and/or re-sold
without first obtaining the written consent of the author. Thank

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer: The author and/or any

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any detrimental act arising from the individual purchasers use or
applications of the material.

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WELCOME to the magical world of colour numerology


This is the game where YOU have the winning numbers.

The objective here is simply to PLAY.


Do you ever wonder why you dont get on with some people no matter how nice they

are or why you are drawn to others for no reason that you can understand? Well perhaps

the answer lies in the energetic dynamic that happens between two people when they

come together. Colour numerology can be the key to unlock the hidden secrets of who

we really are and what draws us to another person.

Colour numerology was introduced to me as a therapeutic tool and while it is effective

for my own purposes, I discovered along the way that its also great fun. Its a way to

look at the energetic relationship between two or more people and discuss it without

getting too caught up in personalities. It speaks of the potential energy available within

any given relationship and the unspoken dynamics involved. Its an intriguing aspect of

ourselves that plays a big part in how we relate to other people and uncovering its

mysteries is an adventure I would encourage every person to embark on.

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The first thing you need to do is find your own key.

You do this by using the numbers of your date of birth. Each number all has a

correlating colour, which your point of entry into the rainbow of light.


Take your birth date and add up the numbers bringing each number down to a single

digit. as shown in the examples below The numbers will break down into four;

a childhood number (day), a skill number (month) a goal number (year) and an

overview number (all three added together)

e.g.; (1)

Date of birth...............................................21 -9 -1963.

Child energy..............................................2+1 = 3.

Skill energy...............................................9 = 9.

Goal energy...............................................1+9+6+3 =19 =1+9 = 10 =1.

Then add the your three numbers together to get the overview number.

Overview..................................................3+9+1 =13 = 1+3 = 4.

This persons numbers are......3-9-1 and 4

Now that you have your numbers go to the map

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Draw a line from your first number (child) day in the month to your skill number

(month of the year). This line may span the whole circle or may stay on the same side,

pay attention to the movement on the map itself.

Then put the second energy line in, moving from the skill number to the goal number.

(year). Now look for your overview number, this is the sum total of all the other

numbers. The thing to remember about the overview number is that this point of view is

the one in which you see all the other numbers and the movement around the map.

Now go to the colour readings and select the relevant information for you.


Once you have found your numbers, select the cards relevant to you. Your overview

card is the first card to read, as this is an indicator of how you will perceive all other

information. It is important to remember at this point, that you are a vehicle for this

energy, and you are more than this energy. Take time to reflect on the qualities

presented on the cards. Check out what areas are balanced and unbalanced in your view

of yourself. Ask others if they see you in this way and remain open to their view of how

that energy flows within you. We often do not see ourselves as others do, as we are

largely unaware of our resistance to a particular frequency.

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If you feel there were areas out of balance in your childhood or are presenting as

unbalanced in your current situation, a short meditation on the creative visualisations

below will take you where you need to be, and heal an old wound that keeps you out of

relationship. It may help you to come to a greater understanding of how comfortably

you manifest this energy by reading the fuller explanation of the different aspects of the

colours, child, skill, goal and overview in the book.


Statement, I AM.

Qualities of the red ray.

Balanced. Unbalanced.

Courageous. Dominant.
Strong personal will. Resentful.
Forgiving. Obstinate.
Grateful. Ruthless.
Spontaneous. Quick tempered.
Truthful. Sentimental.

Affirmation, I am strong, full of courage and succeed in all I do.

Visualisation to bring red energy into balance:

Picture a red rose, set against a pale blue sky. As you focus your attention on the centre
of the flower, watch it slowly open its petals to reveal its golden heart. Breathe in the
fragrance along with the colour to fill your entire body.

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Statement, I FEEL.

Qualities of the orange ray.

Balanced Unbalanced.

Harmonious. Despondent.
Self-confident. Lazy.
Enthusiastic. Exhibitionist.
Independent. Proud.
Constructive. Destructive.
Sociable. Inferiority complex.

Affirmation, I feel alive and well and release my joy within.

Visualisation to bring orange energy into balance:

Imagine a large dark blue bowl full of oranges. Notice how the colours sharply contrast
each other. Take one of the oranges and cut it in half, breathing in the fresh sweet aroma
of the fruit. Taking one segment of the orange, hold it up to the sunlight and look at the
way the juice glistens as you anticipate its flavour. Now taste the fruit, taking in all the
refreshing qualities the colour has to offer, swallowing them down to a place just below
your navel.

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Statement, I THINK.

Qualities of the yellow ray.

Balanced Unbalanced.

Awareness. Devious.
Optimistic. Pessimistic.
Clear logical mind. Vague.
Artistic. Cowardly.
Tolerant. Sarcastic.
Honesty. Judgmental.

Affirmation, Ideas flow to me and I feel renewed.

Visualisation to bring yellow energy into balance:

Picture yourself walking through a field of daffodils on a sunny spring day. Lie down in
this sea of yellow and let the fragrance wash over you. Once lying down notice small
bunches of primroses growing close to the earth. Pale purple crocuses cluster together
under the veil of yellow in the afternoon sunshine. Get a sense of the expansion and
freedom of this colour and let its happiness bring a smile to your heart.

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Statement, I CARE.

Qualities of the green ray.

Balanced. Unbalanced.

Compassion. Indifference.
Love children and animals. Selfish.
Adaptable. Envious and jealous.
Discriminating. Frustrated.
Imaginative. Unimaginative.
Active. Passive.

Affirmation, I feel young and free, as though my life were just beginning.

Visualisation to bring the green energy into balance:

Imagine yourself lying comfortably beneath a leafy canopy of a wood or forest. Watch
the sunlight flicker between the branches as you take in the pungent aroma of the forest
floor. Notice the many different shades of green all around you and search out the tiny
pink flowers that hide from easy view. In this place you can never get lost as the forest
knows where you are, let it take you where you need to be.

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Statement, I EXPRESS.

Qualities of the blue ray

Balanced. Unbalanced.

Trust. Unfaithful.
Integrity. Self-righteous.
Serenity. Superstitious.
Self- expression. Apathy.
Inspiration. Over ambitious.
Tactfulness. Aloof and distant.

Affirmation, I feel at peace and inspiration flows to me.

Visualisation to bring the blue energy into balance,

Imagine yourself walking through a field of bluebells on a bright summers day. Lie
down and look up at the blue sky and let yourself breath in the colour with the fragrance
of the flowers. Far off in the distance you can hear the sound of water as you let the
clear colour wash over your entire body.

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Statement, I SEE.

Qualities of the indigo ray.

balanced. Unbalanced.

Responsibility. Easily depressed.

Highly intuitive. Separateness.
Practical idealists. Inconsiderate.
Devotion. Blind faith.
Articulate. Scattered mind.
Reformers. Conformist.

Affirmation, I am the teacher and I teach by example and heal by my presence.

Visualisation to bring the indigo energy into balance:

Imagine looking up into the night time sky, the deep blue velvet peace lit only by the
twinkling stars descends upon you, calming and soothing the wounding your life has
endured. Let yourself surrender as you slowly fall into space and are cradled by a
hammock of stars gently holding you in safety and love.

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Statement, I SURRENDER.

Qualities of the purple ray.

Balanced. Unbalanced.

Humanitarian. No true concern for others.

Inspired leaders. Fanatics.
Kind and just. Flaunt their power.
Self-sacrifice. Arrogant.
Pure idealism. Morbid interest in the reality of Darkness.
A reverence for all life. Superiority complex.

Affirmation, I have inner peace and know in my heart the joy of Being.

Visualisation to bring the purple energy into balance

Imagine your self, going down steps into a deep cave. As you descend you become
acutely aware of your physical body. Breathe into any areas of tension or stress. As you
go deeper, become aware of any and all feelings you embody. Try not to become
attached to any one feeling, but simply let them be there. Then include the business of
your mind. Let your thoughts float by without judgment or attachment. Notice that as
you go deeper into the cave it is getting brighter. When you arrive at the bottom enter a
beautiful cavern lit by crystal light. Allow yourself be nourished by this place. Be still

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Statement, I RECIEVE.

Qualities of the silver ray.

Balanced. Unbalanced.

Spiritual harmony. Schizophrenic.

Fluidity. Elusiveness.
illuminates. Deceptive.
Unbiased. Delusion.
Reflective Wallows in emotion.
Mercy. Melancholy.

Affirmation, I manifest the pure white light of goodness on the earthly plane.
This ray holds the balance of spirit and matter as above so below.

Visualisation to bring the silver energy into balance:

Imagine looking at the reflection of the full moon in a still pool at night time. When you
feel you can hold this picture clearly look up at the moon itself, if you become
distracted by outside thoughts go back to the reflection in the water until you can hold
both with the same clarity.

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Statement, I SERVE.

Qualities of the golden ray.

balanced. unbalanced.

Forgiveness. Conceit.
Generosity. Limitation.
Maturity. Paranoia.
Gracious. Disgrace.
Knowledge of the self. Suspicion.
Abundance. Scarcity.

I let my radiant energy and strength inspire others towards happiness and fulfilment.

Visualisation for the gold ray.

Imagine yourself at the foot of a tall mountain and slowly begin to climb towards the
top. As you go, become aware of the journey. Is the way easy for you or are there
obstructions that make your progress slow. No matter what you find along the path, see
yourself reaching the summit, where you meet a person of great wisdom and power. Sit
with them for a while and receive the gift they have for you. When you feel ready to
leave, say thank you and know that they are always available to you at any time.

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If you want to look at your line in relation to some one elses line place both lines on

the map together and read the cards relevant to them.

e.g.; (2)

Date of birth..............................................12-3-1960.

Child energy..............................................1+2 =3.

Skill energy...............................................3 =3

Goal energy...............................................1+9+6+0 =!6 =1+6 =7

Overview...................................................3+3+7 =13 =1+3 =4

This persons numbers are................................3-3-7 =4.


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Reading the chart calls the intuitive aspect of your mind into play. It invites you to see

the relationship as an energetic interaction between two people. When you have both

lines on the map the first thing to do is really look at the chart and acknowledge what

you are looking at is the lines of relationship. Examine the shape the lines create and

feel there impact on you intuitively. Ask your self what does the shape say to you?

Explore the idea that this is the energetic potential shared by both people and the

interaction that may be possible between them and then wonder is that potential being



Any number shared by two people form a PLATFORM connection between them. This

means that they have a shared way of understanding or seeing the world. This

connection may not be immediately obvious from the lines on the board as the common

factor may be an overview number, but however it presents itself is a very definite


PLATFORM connections assist relationship by bringing into awareness the common

ground where both could meet about any situation and may find more in common than

you would have otherwise imagined.

The next type of connection to look out for is the CROSS connection. This is where two

lines on the board cut through each other at some point. This kind of connection is very

intimate as each flow of energy intermingles with the other. When this level of energetic

intimacy is chosen by both partys, as with the beloved, it can be a wonderfully

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enriching experience, but it is deep and the potential creates the possibility for

wounding so great gentleness and care needs to be taken. If a CROSS connection arises

without that conscious choice, such as a work colleague or family member, the need for

appropriate boundaries comes into play and respect for each other is vital to sustain

healthy relationship. Energetically this connection is a reality, so openly discussing

what it feels like may clear up misunderstandings and help set out boundaries that will

improve relationship and give a greater insight into defences that have in the past come

up unconsciously.


As you begin to get a sense of this relationship, it is important to include the time frame

for the connections, by this I mean the link might be your child number to another

persons goal number, which for right now, would work well for a grandparent and

grandchild but may not be so evident yet if both people are still very young. Once there

is a connection, then its there. The numbers offer the potential for energetic

understanding between you both so it is up to you to engage with the energy common to

both, there by activating it in the relationship outside of the timeframe constraint.

The next thing I would like you to consider while reading the map is the direction each

life-line is moving towards, from child energy to goal energy. Sometimes lines that do

not appear to have any kind of connections, share the direction of movement from the

active side of the board to receptive and back again. Remember, energetically there is

always action or movement, but the action on the receptive side is to receive, so ask

yourself are you balanced in regard to this or are you always on transmit. This is

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particularly relevant when older people are looking at connections they have had all

through their lives.


The more you play this game the more you will begin to see into relationships. Give

yourself time to listen to the intuitive aspect of your nature and you use the guide lines I

have set out only as a starting point. The important thing to remember is that

relationship is formed between two, so it is in the space in between that you will find

the spirit or Higher Self that is common to all.


Trish Banks 2006 - All rights reserved worldwide. 17

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