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Fall 2016 Practicum-in Business Final

Student Name: Doris Hernandez Title Capstone Project: Sharing Week

Source I. Title: The Science Behind the Joy of Sharing

Author: Emma M. Seppala Date Published: July 15, 2013

URL Address: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/feeling-it/201307/the-science-behind-the-joy-sharing-joy

There are times when you remember all the bad moments in your life and cannot remember all of the good ones. That is
because the brain tends to put more weight on the negative moments rather than remember the positive ones. This is
bad for ones mental well-being and emotional health. There are researchers that suggest that the reason why people
cannot recall these favorable moments is because they are not shared, making them not truly happy experiences.
Sharing can come in different forms, there is verbal sharing, there is sharing moments with close friends, partner or
family member, and the act of sharing an object. There is research that indicates that people tend to feel happier if they
share, there is also research that concludes that if a person is alone then the level of happiness is neutral. Overall the act
of sharing increases happiness and appreciation as well as the likelihood of remembering. There has been an
improvement in the not only in the level of satisfactory but also in that it makes people more social and allows them to
connect with others at a more personal level. Sharing also makes people more unselfish and decreases envy and makes
people physically healthier. Overall sharing is good for people even if the experience is little and they are discussing it
with a close friend because that makes the act of happiness last a little longer than a few seconds. It affects the person
experiencing it and it affects the person with whom it is being shared. Sharing can really go a long way. This article
relates to my topic because the patients at TIRR Memorial Hermann will be sharing their motivational and happy
experiences with me and with other patients. Hopefully, this makes the patients happier to give a piece of their life to
help and encourage other patients to get better and share their own experiences. The patients will have the opportunity
to share their encouraging stories as well as a song that they relate most to or a song that motivates them to get better.
The patients will make these things presentable and I will share them with other patients and sharing will not only be
verbally but also in the physical form of giving. This source is credible because it is from a well-known magazine that
focuses on psychology and includes real research and data and therefore should be reliable.

Source II. Title: The Sharing Effect

Author: Summer Allen Date Published: November 24, 2014

URL Address: http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_sharing_effect

Sharing can come in different ways, there is sharing something with a pet, going to the movies, or just verbally sharing
what happened in class to a friend. Researchers believe that people share these experiences because they either want
people to people to feel the same way or because they know that the person that they are sharing with will understand
and are possibly going through the same situation. Sharing makes people feel like they are not alone which makes them
feel better. Research concludes that when you share with a friend it activates a signal in the rewards part of the brain
which makes a person happier and more likely have a more positive attitude and overall life. This relates to my
internship because the patients at TIRR Memorial Hermann are all going through a similar situation where they have to
get well physically. Having Sharing Week will show that that they are not alone and that there are people trying to get
better just like they are. This will make the patients happier to share their stories and songs to motivate other patients
to mentally and physically perform well in their therapy sessions. This article is relevant to my project because it offers a
significant amount of research and credits many scientists and researchers. It is recent in terms of the published date
and provides a lot of information seeing as it is from a respect university, Berkeley University.
Source III. Title: Giving Support to Others, Not Just Receiving It, Has Beneficial Effects

Author: Wolters Kluwer Health Date Published: February 11, 2016

URL Address: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160211184959.htm

Social support plays a huge role in the brain. It positively affects the brain in the areas involved in stress and reward
responses. A research suggest that it may be better to give than receive because of the positive emotions it can bring
upon. Giving support allows a person to feel like they are in control. Giving rather than receiving makes people feel like
they are doing a great deed making them feel valued and important. Giving support can come from volunteering, or
simply giving advice. This correlates with my project because people will feel happy to do something for another person.
They will not only feel happier but also be less stressed as suggested from the study which can help in their process of
recovery. Each patient will have the opportunity to give a piece of their life to make another patient happier and more
motivated. This article is reliable because it is from a widely known magazine and is recent in terms of the research and
the date published.

Source IV. Title: Art and Happiness

Author: Cathy Malchiodi Date Published: September 27, 2011

URL Address: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/arts-and-health/201109/art-and-happiness

The process of a person doing something on their own allows them to have great pride in their object. Art is a good
method for therapy because it is a good way to express ones memories and get a message across that a person might
not otherwise say in words. Art allows people express their creativity brings about positive feelings. Not only this, but it
also helps a person relax and overall have a healthy life. This relates to my project because patients will have the
opportunity to not only express themselves verbally but also through art, they will design their cards, where they will
put their song and stories, and the person receiving it will be able to view how the patient expressed themselves
through the project. This will be great because not only are they communicating with me they are also able to be
creative which will help them heal emotionally and physically. This article is relevant because it comes from a respect
article and the author has a PhD which makes it more reliable.

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