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Name_________________________________ Period______________

Exceeds Meets Approaching Did Not Meet Points

Criteria Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

Composition: 20-19 18-16 16-14 12 or below

Components of
composition are well
placed creating an
interesting composition;
space is well utilized with
a sense of depth and a
focal point.
Value/ Contrast: 20-19 18-16 16-14 12 or below
A good range of values is
used, with lighter values
in the light/highlights,
darker values in the
shaded/ shadow areas.
Values are used to create
three-dimensional forms.
Subject Matter: 20-19 18-16 16-14 12 or below
Still life subjects are used,
consist of at least three
objects, drawn accurately.
Effort: 20-19 18-16 16-14 12 or below
Took time to develop idea,
worked hard, completed
project and used class
time wisely.
Craftsmanship: 20-19 18-16 16-14 12 or below
Neat, clean and complete
drawing, shows skill and
understanding of media
and tools.
Point total:

Charcoal Still Life Rubric

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