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Attention: The commands must be used 100% equal as showed here, wrong cmds could

lead to data loss or HD loss! Double or triple check the cmd before to press en
So we'll have to enter:
F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 (enter)
For reference: F3 T>m does:
Level T 'm': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[D
Now wait 15~30 seconds until something like this appears (it will vary a bit):
Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewr
ite Retries = 0000
User Partition Format 5% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00008DED, ErrCode 00000
080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs
User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs
ONLY after the message like above you can turn off everything.

Fixing BSY or CC errors aka BUSY (I recommend some practice before trying this):
Note: All commands are case sensitive !
First, make sure you have your hard drive accessible; on a table with open acces
s to the drive is best.
Second, you need to remove the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) from HDA case using a
Mini Torx 6 screw driver.
Third, connect RX & TX cables from your RS-232 adapter, verify that all is corre
ct, and then connect the power supply to Hard drive circuit board.
Explanation: The problem with the drive is that the drive is stuck/halt in a BUS
Y state. This basically locks up the SATA port, causing the BIOS problem (cannot
detect the drive at POST). In the terminal, you will see this sort of error (LE
D: 000000CC FAddr: 0024A051). Once you see this in the terminal, the terminal se
ssion to the drive is completely blocked and will not accept any more commands.
In order to circumvent this, we'll need to disconnect the PCB (circuit board) fr
om the hard drive case so that the LED: 000000CC FAddr: 0024A051 command cannot
be sent from the firmware of the terminal session.
After you have connected the power to the circuit board, press CTRL+Z in your Hy
perTerminal session. You should now see a prompt like this:
F3 T>
If you do not see this prompt, check your RS-232 connections to the drive. (you
may have the TX and RX flipped).
Now we'll need to access the Level 2, type:
F3 T>/2 (enter)
F3 2>
And type (to spind down the motor):
F3 2>Z (enter)
Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 0.147 msecs (the time will vary here)
F3 2>
Now the tricky part. Pratice a lot without any power before even trying this. Yo
u need to make sure that the screws don't touch the PCB board where they aren't
suppose to or you will fry your PCB board. If you have been practicing and the p
ower is not connected, start at STEP ONE.
With the POWER CONNECTED to the PCB board, as well as your TX/RX terminal wires,
mount the board back on the HDA case. You must have the power connected when yo
u do this.
Now type (to start the motor):
F3 2>U (enter)
You should get something like this:
Spin Up Complete
Elapsed Time 7.093 secs
F3 2>
Then go to Level 1 (by typing /1):
F3 2>/1 (enter)
Now lets do a S.M.A.R.T. erase (create S.M.A.R.T. sector):
F3 1>N1 (enter)
G-List step is optional:
Skip G-List step first, if after proceeding the whole BSY fix and the drive stil
l remains under BSY error, then you'll need to repeat BSY process with G-List co
mmand below.
G-List Erase (Fix Defect List):
F3 1>/T (enter)
F3 T>i4,1,22 (enter)
For reference:
Level T 'i': Rev 0001.0000, Overlay, InitDefectList, i[DefectListSelect],[SaveLi
Power OFF/ON the drive (very important!)
Wait 10 seconds and now Power ON your drive.
Press CTRL+Z on terminal and type:
Partition regeneration:
F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 (enter)
For reference:
Level T 'm': Rev 0001.0000, Flash, FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[D
You should get something like (in around 15~30 seconds):
Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 14, Max Certify Rewr
ite Retries = 00C8
User Partition Format 10% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00004339, ErrCode 0000
0080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs
User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

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