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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform.


Lagrange–Finsler Spaces,
Noncommutative Ricci Flows
and Deformation Quantization

(brief review)

Sergiu I. Vacaru

Science Department
University Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi, Romania

Department of Mathematics
Yeditepe University, Turkey
July 20, 2010; Istanbul, Turkey

c Sergiu I. Vacaru, 2010
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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Purposes/ Items:
• Almost Kähler Lagrange–Finsler Structures
• Ricci–Lagrange / – Finsler Flows
• Finsler Spinors & Almost Kähler Dirac Opers
• Spectral Functionals and Noncommutative
Ricci–Finsler flows
• Ricci Flow Evolution & Fedosov Quantization

Refs, :

Concept/ coefficient form of N–connections: E. Cartan, A. Kawaguchi, C. Ehressman ....

1. G. Vranceanu, Sure les espaces non holonomes. C. R. Acad. Paris 103 (1926) 852–854
2. R. Miron and M. Anastasiei, The Geometry of Lagrange Spaces (Kluwer, 1994)
3. A. Bejancu and H. R. Farran, Foliations and Geometric Structures (Springer, 2005)

4. S. Vacaru, Finsler and Lagrange geometries in Einstein and string gravity, IJGMMP,5
(2008) 473-511; arXiv: 0801.4958
5. S. Vacaru, Deformation Quantization of Almost Kahler Models and Lagrange-Finsler
Spaces, JMP 48 (2007) 123509 (14 pages); arXiv: 0707.1519
6. M. Anastasiei and S. Vacaru, Fedosov Quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Hamilton-
Cartan Spaces and Einstein Gravity Lifts on (Co) Tangent Bundles, JMP 50 (2009) 013510;
arXiv: 0710.3079
7. S. Vacaru, Einstein Gravity as a Nonholonomic Almost Kahler Geometry, Lagrange–Finsler
Variables, and Deformation Quantization, JGP 60 (2010) 1289-1305; arXiv: 0709.3609
8. S. Vacaru, Finsler Black Holes Induced by Noncommutative Anholonomic Distributions
in Einstein Gravity, Class. Quant. Grav. 27 (2010) 105003 (19pp); arXiv: 0907.4278

9. S. Vacaru, The Entropy of Lagrange-Finsler Spaces and Ricci Flows, Rep. Math. Phys.
63 (2009) 95-110); arXiv: math.DG/ 0701621
10. S. Vacaru, Finsler and Lagrange Geometries in Einstein and String Gravity, Int. J. Geom.
Meth. Mod. Phys. (IJGMMP) 5 (2008) 473-511; arXiv: 0801.4958

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization


I. Almost Kähler Lagrange and Finsler Structures

II. Ricci–Lagrange / – Finsler Flows

III. Finsler Spinors and Almost Kähler Dirac Operators

IV. Spectral Functionals and Noncommutative Ricci Flows

V. Ricci Flows Evolution and Fedosov–Lagrange Geom.

VI. Conclusions and Perspectives

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

I. Almost Kähler Lagrange/Finsler Structs

Geometric mechanics =⇒ nonholonomic manifold (Vrânceanu, 1926):

V = (M, N ) smooth & orientable M , non–integrable distribution N
Examples: 1) V is a (semi/pseudo) Riemannian manifold
2) V = E(M ), or = T M, is a vector, or tangent, bundle; 3) cotangent bundle, = T ∗ M
N–anholonomic manifold enabled with nonlinear connection (N–connection) structure
N : T V = hV ⊕ vV
Coordinates u = (x, y), or uα = (xi , y a ); h–indices: i, j, ... = 1, 2 and v–indices:
a, b, ... = 3, 4; coefficients N = Nia (u) dxi ⊗ ∂y∂ a ; particular case: Nia (u) = Γabi (x)y b

Lagrange–Finsler geometry & Einstein gravity

Fundamental/generating regular Lagrange function
L 1 ∂ L
L(x, y) : gab = , det|gab| 6= 0.
2 ∂y a∂y b
Canonical N–connection
L i 2
L i ∂ G L i 1 L ij ∂ L k ∂L
Nj (x, y) = , G = g ( i ky − i)
∂y j 4 ∂y ∂x ∂x
i i dxi
nonlinear geodesic equations for x (τ ), y = dτ
d2xi L i k dx

+ 2 G (x , )=0
dτ dτ
equivalent to Euler–Lagrange eqs dτd ( ∂y
∂L ∂L
i ) − ∂xi = 0

Fundamental Finsler function F (x, λy) = λF (x, y),

0 6= λ ∈ R, particular Lagrange geometry L = F 2
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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Proposition: ∃ N–adapted (co) frames (vielbeins)

µ ¶
∂ ∂ ∂ ¡ ¢
eν = ei = i − Ni (u) a , ea = a , eµ = ei = dxi , ea = dy a + Nia (u)dxi .
∂x ∂y ∂y
Nonholonomy: [eα , eβ ] = eα eβ − eβ eα = Wαβ eγ ; anholonomy coef. Wiab = ∂a Nib ,
¡ ¢ γ
Wjia = Ωaij , N–connection curvature: Ωaij = ej (Nia ) − ei Nja , holonomic Wαβ = 0.

Distinguished Connection: d–connection D, a linear

connection preserving
¡ under parallelism the N–connect.
γ h i a v i a
D ⇒ Γ αβ = D = (Ljk , Lbk ); D = (Cjc, Cbc)
Distinguished objects: d–objects, d–tensors
d–vector, X = hX + vX = hX + v X
N–adapted geometric constr.: Levi–Civita ∇ is not.
Torsion: T(X, Y) + DXY − DY X − [X, Y],
Curvature: R(X, Y) + DXDY − DY DX−D[X,Y],
Ricci: Ric + {Rβγ = Rαβγα = (Rij , Ria, Rai, Rab)}
Sasaki lifts for metrics in total space
g = Lgij (u) ei ⊗ ej + Lgab(u) Lea ⊗ Leb
ei = dxi, Leb = dy b + LNjb(u)dxj
α0 β L 0 0
Frame rotations: gαβ = eα eβ gα β
Theorem: ∃ Cartan’s d–connection cD uniquely defined
by Lgij and cD Lg = 0, hT(h•, h•) = vT(v•, v•) = 0
Remark: Anholonomic deforms: ∃ g D = g ∇ + g Z, not
Riemann–Cartan distortion g Z, completely defined by Lg.
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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Theorem: Any Lagrange (Finsler) geometry can be

modelled equivalently as a N–anholonomic Riemann
manifold V, and inversely, with canonical fundamental
geometric objects induced by L (F ).

Almost Kähler models/variables, 2+2 splitting:

Lagrange–Finsler, gravity, nonholonomic Ricci flows.
Almost complex str.: J( Lei) = −ei and J(ei) = L
L 1 ∂L i
L(x, y) induces a canonical 1–form ω= 2 ∂y i e
& 2–form θ(X, Y) + g(JX, Y) = gij (x, y) Lei ∧ ei

Theorem: A canonical almost Kähler model on T M of a

b = cD,
Lagrange (Finsler) space is constructed for θ D
θb b X J = 0.
DX Lθ = 0 and θ D

1. Finsler variables can be introduced on Riemannian
manifolds via 2+2 splitting.
2. Almost Kähler models for (semi) Riemannian V
3. Equiv.: (g, ∇) ≡ ( Lg, LN, cD) ≡ ( Lθ, N b
J, θ D)

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

II. Ricci–Lagrange/-Finsler/-Einstein Flows

Hamilton’s evolution eqs:

∂gαβ (χ)
= −2 pRαβ (χ)
for a set of (semi) Riemannian metrics gαβ (χ), real
parameter χ, Ricci tens. pRαβ (χ) for Levi–Civita ∇.
Perelman’s functionals:
Z ³ ´
p F(f ) = p R + |∇f | e−f dV,
Z h i
p W(f, τ ) = τ ( pR + |∇f |) + f − 2n µ dV,

volume form of Lg, dV, integration over compact V,

funct. f for gradient flows
R with different measures, scalar
curv. pR for ∇; τ > 0, V µdV = 1, µ = (4πτ )−n e−f .
Important problem: Nonholonomic/non–integrable/
constraint evolution of geometries with ”rich” structure
(almost Kähler – Finsler / –Einstein spaces and
generalizations), noncommutative/ supersymmetric ....

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Claim: For almost Kähler models of Lagrange–Finsler/ –

Einstein spaces, Perelman’s functionals are
Z ¯ ¯2
Lb ¯ b fb¯¯ )e−fb dV,
F = ( θR + θS + ¯ θD
Z ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Lc θ θ ¯h b¯ ¯v b¯ 2
W = [b
τ ( R + S + ¯ D f ¯ + ¯ D f ¯)
+fb − 2n] µ
b dV,
R and θ S are h- and ¯ v–components
¯2 ¯ ¯of curvature
¯ ¯2 scalar
of θ D b fb¯¯ = ¯¯hDfb¯¯ + ¯¯v Dfb¯¯ , fb
b = ( hD, v D), ¯¯ θ D
R b
satisfies V µ
bdV = 1 for µ b = (4πτ )−n e−f and τ > 0.

Consider 2–form Ricci flows

θ(χ) = θ(•, •, χ) + Lg(J•, •, χ)
= gij (x, y, χ) Lei(χ) ∧ ei
= θij (χ)ei ∧ ej + Lθab(χ) Lea(χ) ∧ L b
e (χ)

L 1L
for θij (χ) = gij (x, y, χ) Lei i(x, y, χ)
θab(χ) = Lθab(x, y, χ) Leb b(x, y, χ)

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Proofs for N–adapted almost Kähler evolution eqs

Theorem: If a Kähler – Lagrange/ – Einstein 2–form
θ(χ) and functions fb(χ) and τb(χ) evolve for ∂χ
= −1
R b
and constant (4πb τ )−ne−f dV as solutions of
∂ Lθij 1 θb θb ∂ Lθab 1 b θb
= − ( Rij − Rji), = − ( θR ab − Rba ),
∂χ 2 ∂χ 2
∂ fb ¯ ¯2
= − θ∆
¯ b fb¯¯ − θ R − θ S + n ,
b fb + ¯ θ D
∂χ τb
W( θ(χ),fb(χ), τb(χ)) =
∂ c L
than ∂χ
bij + DiDj fb − 1 Lθij |2
2 τb[| θ R
bab + DaDbfb − 1 Lθab|2](4πb
+| θ R
τ )−ne−f dV.
Corollary: The evolution, for all τ ∈ [0, τ0), of
N–adapted frames eα(τ ) = eαα(τ, u)∂α is defined by
· i b a
ei (τ, u) Ni (τ, u) eb (τ, u)
eαα(τ, u) = ,
0 eaa(τ, u)
L i j
with gij (τ ) = ei (τ, u) ej (τ, u)ηij subjected to eqs
∂ α bβγ eαγ ,
eα = Lθαβ θ R

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

III. Finsler Spinors & Alm Kähler Dirac Oprs

Nonholonomic almost Kähler – Clifford structures

N–con.: T V = hV ⊕ vV, (semi) Riemannian V, = TM.
A Clifford d–algebra is a ∧V n+m algebra, product
uv + vu = 2g(u, v) I, distinguished h–, v–products
u hv + hv hu = 2 hg(u, v) hI ,
u v v + v v v u = 2 v h( v u, v v) v I ,
u = ( hu, v u), v = ( hv, v v) ∈ V n+m, I, hI and v I
are unity matrices (n + m) × (n + m), or n × n and
m × m.
Def. Clifford nonholonomic bundle on a almost Kähler –
Finsler space is defined as a Clifford bundle
Cl(V) = hCl(hV) ⊕ v Cl(vV), Clifford h/ v –space
h . .
Cl(hV) = hCl(T ∗hV), v Cl(vV) = v Cl(T ∗vV).
Def. d–spinor bundle S = ( hS, v S) on
V, dimV = n + m, is a complex d–vector bundle
. .
Spin V = Spin(V n) ⊕ Spin(V m), Spin(V) =
Spin(T ∗V). The set of sections Γ(S) = Γ( hS) ⊕ Γ( v S)
is an irreducible Clifford d–module.
Theorem: Any almost Kähler–Finsler/–Einstein space
defines canonically a N–anholonomic Clifford/spinor geom.
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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Almost Kähler – Finsler Dirac operators

d–gamma matrix relations γ α̂γ β̂ + γ β̂ γ α̂ = 2δ α̂β̂ I,
with action of duα ∈ Cl(V) on a d–spinor ψ̆ ∈ S,
. .
c(duα̂) = γ α̂ and c = (duα) ψ̆ = γ α ψ̆ ≡ eαα̂ γ α̂ ψ̆
allows γ α(u)γ β (u) + γ β (u)γ α(u) = 2g αβ (u) I.
The canonical spin Cartan d–connection is defined:
θ b . L 1 θ bα β µ
S ∇ = δ − Γ βµ γα γ δu .
Actions of Clifford d–algebra and Clifford h–algebra are
transformed into maps Γ∞(S) ⊗ Γ(Cl(V)) → Γ∞(S) and
Γ∞( hS) ⊗ Γ(Cl( hV ) → Γ∞( hS) by considering maps
. .
bc(ψ̆ ⊗ a) = c(a)ψ̆ and hb c( hψ ⊗ ha) = hc( ha) hψ.
Definition: The Dirac d–operator (h–operator) on a spin
N–anholonomic manifold (V, S, J) (h–spin manifold
(hV, hS, hJ), or v–spin manifold (vV, v S, v J)) is
D = −i (b c ◦ S∇)
¡h h h v v v
= D = −i ( b c ◦ S∇), D = −i ( b c ◦ S∇)
Dirac d–operators are called almost Kähler and denoted
b hb vb
θ D = ( θ D, θ D ) if they are defined for the Cartan/
normal d–connection.

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

IV. Spectral Functls & Noncom. Ricci Flows

The spectral action/functional paradigm:

Standard models of particle interactions and gravity can
be ”extracted” from noncommutative geometry, spectral
triple (A, H, D), postulating the spectral action
T r f (D2/Λ2)+ < Ψ|D|Ψ >,
T r is the trace in operator algebra, Ψ is a spinor, all
defined for a Hilbert space H, Λ is a cutoff scale and f is
a positive function. Dirac operator D on a
noncommutative space defined by a noncommutative
associative algebra A = C ∞(V ) ⊗ P A.
The spectral geometry of A is given by the product rule
H = L2(V, S) ⊗ P H, where L2(V, S) is the Hilbert space
of L2 spinors and P H is the Hilbert space of quarks and
leptons fixing the choice of the Dirac operator P D and
the action P A for fundamental particles.
The Dirac operator D = V D ⊗ 1 + γ5 ⊗ P D, Dirac
operator V D of the Levi–Civita spin connection on V.
Theorem: Spectral functionals with nonholnomic
Dirac–Finsler operators contain in commutative limit the
Perelman’s functionals for Ricci flows.
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Spectral triples and distance in d–spinor spaces

∞ . R
Scalarp product p
on Γ (S), < ψ̆, φ̆ >= V (ψ̆|φ̆)|νg |,
νg = det|g| det|h| dx1...dxn dy n+1...dy n+m is the
volume d–form on V.
N .
H = L2(V, S) = [ hH = L2(hV, hS), v H =
L2(vV, v S)] is the Hilbert d–space obtained by
completing Γ∞(S), norm defined by the scalar product.
A canonical (almost Kähler) spectral d–triple
b for a d–algebra N A is defined by a
( N A, N H, θ D)
Hilbert d–space N H, a representation of N A in the
algebra N B( N H) of d–operators bounded on N H, and
by a self–adjoint d–operator N H, of compact resolution,1
such that [ N H, a] ∈ N B( N H) for any a ∈ N A.
Theorem: Let ( N A, N H, θ D, b J, [cr]Γ) defines a
noncommutative geometry being irreducible for
N .
A = C ∞(V), where V is a compact, connected and
oriented manifold without boundaries, of spectral
dimension dim V = n + n. In this case, there are
satisfied the conditions:

1 An operator D is of compact resolution if for any λ ∈ sp(D) the operator (D − λI)−1 is compact.

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

b = ( hg, v g), with

1. There is a unique d–metric g( θ D)
the ”nonlinear” geodesic distance on V defined
n o
b f ] k≤ 1 ,
d(u1, u2) = sup f (u1, u2)/ k [ θ D,
f ∈C(V)

for any smooth function f ∈ C(V).

2. An almost Kähler model of N–anholonomic manifold V
is a spin N–anholonomic space, for which the operators
b0 b0 b
θ D satisfying the condition g( θ D ) = g( θ D) (and
canonically derived almost Kähler spaces with
L b 0) = Lθ( θ D))
θ( θ D b define an union of affine spaces
identified by the d–spinor structures on V.
b . R b −n−n+2
3. The functional S( θ D) = |θ D| defines a
quadratic d–form with (n + n)–splitting for every affine
b ←−
space which is minimal for θ D = θ D as the canonical
almost Kähler Dirac d–operator corresponding to the
d–spin structure with the minimum proportional to the
Einstein–Hilbert action constructed for the canonical
Cartan/ normal d–connection with the d–scalar
curvature sθ R,
Z p √

− n−1 s hg v h dx1 ...dxn
S( θ D ) = − θR
12 V
n+1 n+n
δy ...δy .

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Spectral almost Kähler flows and Perelmans functls

Family of generalized d–operators
2 I L αβ
θ D (χ) = −[ θ (χ)[ Leα(χ) Leβ (χ) −
eβ (χ) Leα(χ)] + Aν (χ) Leν (χ) + B(χ)],
real flow parameter χ ∈ [0, χ0) and, for any fixed values
of this parameter, the matrices Aν (χ) and B(χ) are
determined by operators θ D(χ) induced by metric
compatible d–connections θ D(χ); for the Cartan/ normal
d–connection, we have to put ”hats” on symbols and
write θ D b ν and B.
b 2, A b We introduce functionals
h 1φ 2
1 2
F = Tr f (χ)( D (χ)/Λ )
X 1
' f(k)(χ) 1a(k)( φD2(χ)/Λ2)

W = 2W+ 3W,
£e eφ 2 2
for W = T r f (χ)( D (χ)/Λ )
X eφ 2
= f(k)(χ) a(k)( D (χ)/Λ2),


cutting parameter Λ2 for both cases e = 2, 3. Functions

f, with label b taking values 1, 2, 3.

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The coefficients can be computed as ”N–adapted” Seeley

– de Witt coefficients.
Theorem: For the scaling factor 1φ = −f /2, the first
spectral functional F = P F( Lθ, θ D, f ) can be
approximated as the first Perelman functional (in our case
for N–anholonomic Ricci flows) is
F = δV e−f [ θs R(e−f Lθµν ) +
3 f L αβ L
e θ ( eαf Leβ f − L
eβ f Leαf )].

Theorem: 2d spectr.funct. W = P W( Lθ, θ D, f ) is

approximated as the second Perelman functional
W= δV µ × [χ( θs R(e−f Lθµν ) +
3 f L αβ L
e θ ( eαf Leβ f − Leβ f Leαf )) + f − 2],
for scaling 2φ = −f /2 in 2W, 3φ = (ln |f − 2| − f )/2
in 3W.
Conclusion: The Ricci flow theory of almost Kähler –
Finsler/ -Lagrange / -Einstein spaces can be extracted
from noncommutative geometry.

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

V. Ricci Flows of Fedosov–Lagrange Sps

Karabegov–Schlichenmaier appr. & Ricci flows:

Λαβ (χ) + L αβ
θ (χ) − i Lgαβ (χ)
u = {uα} on V2n; (u, z) = (uα, z β ) on TuV2n, z β fiber
Deformation Quantization for running on χ families of
C ∞(V2n)[[v]], formal series on v, coefficients from
C ∞(V2n), on Poisson manifold (V2n, {·, ·}(χ)).
Flows of associative algebras on C ∞(V2n)[[v]], bilinear
operators r C(χ), r ≥ 0 on C ∞(V2n), contin. star prod.:
f ∗χ 2 f = 1 2 r 1 2
r C( f, f ) v , 0 C( f, f ) =
f (χ) 2f (χ), 1C( 1f, 2f ) − 1C( 2f, 1f ) = i{ 1f, 2f },
complex i. Formal Wick product:
à !
v L αβ ∂
a ◦χ b (z) + exp i Λ (χ) β
a(z)b(z[1]) |z=z[1] ,
2 α
∂z ∂z[1]
a(v, z, χ) = ar,{α}(u, χ)z {α} v r , multi–index{α}

Formal Wick algebra W̌u associated to TuV2n, u ∈ V2n.

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

a. Evolution of Canonical Fedosov–Lagrange opers

Extension of θ D(χ) = { θΓ b γ (χ)} on W̌ ⊗ Λ,
b (a ⊗ λ) +
χ ´
L β θ bγ z L
eα(a) − u Γ eγ (a) ⊗ ( Leα ∧ λ) + a ⊗ dλ
Definition: Fedosov evolution d–operators δ̌, χδ̌ −1,
χ L α
e ∧ z Leα(a),
δ̌(a) =
½ i αL
χ −1
δ̌ (a) = p+q z eα(a), if p + q > 0,
0, if p = q = 0.
Proposition: The Ricci flow evolution of torsion and
curvature of χD b are computed
z b zγ L Lbτ L α L β
χ T + θ γτ (χ) T αβ (u, χ) e (χ) ∧ e (χ),
2γ ϕ
z b z z L b τ (u, χ) Leα(χ) ∧ Leβ (χ)
χR + θγτ (χ) LR ϕαβ
Theorem: Under Ricci–Fedosov flows, the properties
h i i
χ D, χ δ̌ = adW ick ( zχTb )
b 2 i b
χ D = − adW ick ( zχR),
hold, [·, ·] are dega–graded commutrs of endomorphisms of
W̌ ⊗ Λ(χ) and ad ¡ W ick are defined
¢ via dega–graded
commutators in W̌ ⊗ Λ(χ), ◦χ .
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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Fedosov theorms & Ricci flows of normal d–connects

Theorem: Under Ricci–Fedosov evolution, any (pseudo)
Riemanian / Lagrange metric Lg defines a flat normal
Fedosov d–connection (for simplicity, we omit χ–labels)
b b i
D + − δ̌ + D − adW ick (r)
satisfying the condition D b 2 = 0, where the unique element
r ∈ W̌ ⊗ Λ, dega(r) = 1, δ̌ −1r = 0, solves the equation

δ̌r = Tb + R b + Drb − ir ◦ r
and this element can be computed recursively ∀χ with
respect to the total degree Deg as follows:
−1 b
r(0) = r(1) =µ 0, r (2)
= δ̌ T, ¶
(3) −1 b b (2) i (2) (2)
r = δ̌ R + Dr − r ◦ r ,
à k
i X
r (k+3)
= δ̌ −1 b
Dr (k+2)
− r(l+2) ◦ r(l+2) , k ≥ 1,

where a(k) are the Deg–homogeneous components of

degree k of an element a ∈ W̌ ⊗ Λ, W̌ is the sheaf of
smooth sections of W̌.

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Theorem–Definition: The Ricci–Fedosov evolution of

star–product is defined/ computed on C ∞(V2n)[[v]],
f ∗χ 2f + σ(τ ( 1f (χ))) ◦χ σ(τ ( 2f (χ))), proj.
σ : W̌D(χ)
b → C ∞(V2n)[[v]] onto the part of degs–degree
zero are bijections; inver.maps τ : C ∞(V2n)[[v]] → W̌D(χ)
calculated recurs. w.r.t. the total degree Deg,
τ (f )(0) = f and, for k ≥ 0, τ (f )(k+1) = δ̌ −1
b (f )(k) − i
(Dτ adW ick (r(l+2))(τ (f )(k−l))).
The evolution of normalized ∗χ is characterized by Ricci
flows of equivalence class c0(∗χ) + [ χκ̌] for flows of a
unique 2–form computed χκ̌ =
i α0 i ³ 0 ´
= − Jτ (χ) LR b τ 0 (χ) − d Jτα (χ) LT b τ 0 (χ) Leβ (χ)
α αβ
8 6
and the evolution of closed Chern–Weyl d–form
γ̌ = − 14 Jτα (χ) LR b τ 0 (χ) for the canonical class
χ χ
ε̌ + [ γ̌] proving:
Theorem: The Ricci–Fedosov evolution is characterized
by the evolution of zero–degree cohomology coefficient
c0(∗χ) for the almost Kähler models of Einstein–Lagrange
spaces determined by respective flows of d–tensors Lg(χ)
which is computed c0(∗χ) = −(1/2i) χε̌.

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Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

Three important arguments for Finsler gravity and almost Kähler variables:

Almost Kähler / Einstein–Finsler Gravity/ Flows

a. Quantum gravity – Einstein–Finsler geometry
1. Unified geometric formalism for classical/quantum,
(non) commutative mechanics/ gravity/ gauge theories
and Ricci flows – nonholonomic almost Kähler strs.
2. Einstein eqs in models of gravity, in almost Kähler –
Finsler variables: a) integrated in ”general” forms;
b) quantized following Fedosov/ A–brane / nonholonomic
Ashtekar / gauge (bi–connection, perturbative) formalism.
3. Nonlinear dispersion relations from any QG model result
in Finsler type metrics with velocitiy/momentum variables.
ds2 = ηij dxidxj = −(dx1)2 +(dx2)2 +(dx3)2 +(dx4)2 = 0
The light velocity c, in x1 = ct; light ray xi(ς), vector
b b
field y i(ς) = dxi/dς, dτ = dt/dς, c2 = gbibj (xi)y iy j /τ 2.
In anisotropic media (and/or modeling spacetime as a
classical/quantum ether model) c2 = F̌ 2(y j )/τ 2,
³ ´r
2 bj bi b
j b b
F̌ (y ) ≈ ηbibj y y + qbi1bi2...bi2r y i1 ...y i2r ,
b i i b
b b 1 qbi1bi2...bi2r k 1 ...k 2r
ω 2 = c2[gbibj k ik j ]2(1 − )
r [gbibj kbikbj ]2r

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° 21/ 23
Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

b. Deform. quant. of Einstein gravity

How to encode Einstein /Ricci flow eqs in Def. Quant.?
Theorem: The field/evolution equations in
Einstein–Finsler gravity/ nonholonomic Ricci flow theory
can be represented as 3–form equations
¡ L α θ βγ L α L β L γ
²αβγτ e ∧ R + λ e ∧ e ∧ e = 8πGT τ
T τ = mT τ + Z T τ , mT τ = mTατ ²αβγδ duβ ∧ duγ ∧ duδ ,
T τ = (8πG)−1 Z ατ (χ)²αβγδ duβ ∧ duγ ∧ duδ ,

stationary conf. being equivalent to Einstein eqs for ∇,

α 1 s α m α
p R β − ( p R + λ)e β = 8πG T β .
θ θ
g D = g ∇ + g Z → in deformation of curvature 2–form
b τγ = pRτγ − Zbτγ (χ).
Theorem: The evolution of zero–degree cohomology
coefficient c0(∗χ) (the Chern–Weyl form) for the almost
Kähler model of an Einstein ³ space is c0(∗χ) = −(1/2i)´ε̌,
for ε̌ + [γ̌], γ̌(χ) = 14 Jτ α −λ Leτ ∧ Leα + LZbτ α(χ) .
Corollary: In almost Kähler Lagrange–Finsler variables,
the quantum field/evolution equations corresponding to
Ricci flows of Einstein’s general relativity are
e ∧ γ̌ = 2πG²αβγτ Jβγ LTb τ − Jβγ Leα ∧ Leβ ∧ Leγ
L α
c Sergiu I. Vacaru, 2010
° 22/ 23
Ricci Flows, Noncommutative Lagrange & Deform. Quantization

VI. Conclusions and Perspectives

' $
Nonholonomic Fedosov–Einstein spaces
Fedosov–Finsler geometry
& %
¢ A
¢ ? A
¢ Algebraic Index Theorems A
¢ for EF–spaces & A
¢ A
¢ Classiffication of exact solutions A
¢ A
Noncommutative ¢ Deformation ¡@ Ricci–Fedosov evolution:A deformed
¢ ¡ @ A
Geometry & spectral
¢ actions ¡ @ Perelman(spectral) functionals
¢® ª
¡ @
Dirac (Fedosov, EF) N–adapted Ricci–Fedosov flows
N–anholonomic: Clifford bundles, Deformed nonholonomic
aK–spinors, aK–Dirac d–operators geometic evolution

? ?
NCG [Dirac (Fedosov, EF)] NCG Ricci–Fedosov flows:
noncommutative deformed - Ricci–Finsler evolution of
(nonholonomic) geometry noncommutative deformed
geometries/ gravity models

Figure 1:

c Sergiu I. Vacaru, 2010
° 23/ 23

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