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An Improved FPGA Implementation of Direct

Torque Control for Induction Machines
Tole Sutikno, Member, IEEE, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris, Senior Member, IEEE, Auzani Jidin, Member,
IEEE, and Marcian N. Cirstea, Senior Member, IEEE

computation approach, this is impossible to achieve due to the

AbstractThis paper presents a novel direct torque control delay between the torque sampling instant and the instant the
(DTC) approach for induction machines, based on an improved corresponding switching status is passed to the inverter [2].
torque and stator flux estimator and its implementation using The ripple might exceed beyond the hysteresis bands, and
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). The DTC
performance is significantly improved by the use of FPGA, which
hence tends to select the reverse voltage vector that causes
can execute the DTC algorithm at higher sampling frequency. rapid increase/decrease of the torque [3]. This, consequently,
This leads to the reduction of the torque ripple and improved will produce larger torque ripples and slightly degrade the
flux and torque estimations. The main achievements are: i) performance of DTC. Several methods were proposed to
calculating a discrete integration operation of stator flux using minimize the output torque ripple. These include the use of
backward Euler approach, ii) modifying a so called non-restoring space vector modulation (SVM) [4-7], the injection of
method in calculating the complicated square root operation in
stator flux estimator, iii) introducing a new flux sector
dithering signal [8], the use of constant carrier frequency [3]
determination method, iv) increasing the sampling frequency to and recently, the hysteresis based DTC with predictive control
200kHz such that the digital computation will perform similar to [9-12]. All these methods require knowledge and
that of the analog operation, and v) using twos complement modifications of machine parameters which will complicate
fixed-point format approach to minimize calculation errors and the simple DTC structure and will increase its control
the hardware resource usage in all operations. The design was sensitivity. Moreover, the same effectiveness in minimizing
achieved in VHDL, based on a Matlab/Simulink simulation
model. The Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) method is used to verify
the output torque ripple using those methods can be achieved
the functionality of the FPGA estimator. The simulation results if a higher switching frequency is applied, with a high speed
are validated experimentally. Thus, it is demonstrated that FPGA processor.
implementation of DTC drives can achieve excellent performance Traditionally, the DTC algorithm is executed using a Digital
at high sampling frequency. Signal Processor (DSP) [13-15], with code written using C-
programming or a graphical programming approach
Index TermsDirect Torque Control, Field Programmable appropriate for rapid prototyping. It should be noted that the
Gate Arrays, Induction Machine, VHDL
sampling frequency of the processor depends on the
computational burden. For the basic DTC algorithm, normally
I. INTRODUCTION the sampling frequency of the DSP (e.g. DSPACE 1104 or
TMS C2000 series) can reach up to 20 kHz. This, however, is
D IRECT Torque Control (DTC) of machine drives has
gained popularity since it can provide fast instantaneous
torque control with simple control structure. The original DTC
still insufficient to operate the discrete hysteresis controller,
similar to that of analog/continuous hysteresis system, so that
the output torque ripple can be restricted within the band, even
scheme was proposed by Takahashi in 1986 [1] and uses when it operates at the worst conditions (i.e. at very low
hysteresis controllers to control independently both the stator speeds that cause extreme torque slope).
flux and the torque. Ideally, the error or ripple of the torque Some works used a combination of DSP and Field
(or flux) is restricted within the hysteresis band, so that the Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), reducing DSPs
output torque (or flux) will satisfy its demand. However, in computational burden by distributing some DTC algorithm
practice, as the hysteresis controller follows a discrete tasks (look-up table, blanking time generator and hysteresis
controllers) to the FPGA. Thus, the sampling period to execute
Manuscript received December 15, 2011. This work was supported in part
by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia under Grant VOT 78584. the overall DTC algorithms can be minimized to reduce the
T. Sutikno is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas output torque ripple [16-18]. However, the combination of
Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He is currently pursuing for his PhD controllers increases the cost and complexity of the interfacing
at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (email:
N. R. N. Idris is with the Energy Conversion Department, Universiti circuit, and is not a practical solution for commercialization
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia (corresponding author, phone: purposes. Some attempts [19-20] implemented entire DTC
60-755-36139; fax: 60-755-66272; e-mail: algorithms on a single FPGA but the HD coding there was
A. Jidin is with the Power Electronics and Drives Department, Universiti
Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia (e-mail:
generated using third party packages, i.e. MATLAB/Simulink,
M. Cirstea is with the Computing and Technology Department, Anglia with the Xilinx System Generator Fixed-point toolbox, which
Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK (e-mail:

is not fully optimized to achieve fast sampling frequency. In r : rotor time constant J : moment of inertia
[20], a significant increment in the sampling frequency to s : stator flux linkage space vectors in stationary reference frame
twice of that obtained with a DSP (which is 40 kHz) is r : rotor flux linkage space vectors in stationary reference frame
reported. r : rotor electrical speed in rad/s
vs : stator voltage space vector in stationary reference frame
This paper presents an effective way to design, simulate and
implement the flux and torque estimations for hysteresis-based
DTC utilizing FPGAs. The main contribution of this paper is Te,ref + HBTe
the development of the flux and torque estimators using an (a) Te,ref
optimized VHDL code on the FPGA (i.e. from scratch), to
Te,ref - HBTe
achieve a sampling frequency of 200 kHz. With the highest
sampling frequency, it is therefore possible for the torque Te,ref + HBTe
ripple to be restricted within its hysteresis band and hence (b) Te,ref
minimize the ripple by reducing the band size. Moreover, the
Te,ref - HBTe
performance of flux estimation as well as the inherent current
control in DTC system can be improved. Taking this into Te,ref + HBTe
account, the estimations in DTC are the main parts to be Te,ref
implemented using FPGA, as they involve complex (c)
calculations (e.g. integrals, square-root, multiplication and Te,ref - HBTe
precise current scaling factor). The optimized VHDL code DT
design will be based on the MATLAB simulation model, Fig. 1. The waveforms of output torque sampled at DT in the hysteresis
where the type of data, number of bits (resolution), sampling comparator for (a) low speed, (b) middle speed and (c) high speed
time, and scaling factor performed in simulation are similar to
that of FPGA implementation. The estimations of stator flux
and torque in the DTC of the induction machine will be To illustrate this, waveforms of discretized electromagnetic
presented in Section II. The equations of stator flux and torque torque under 3 different steady-state operating conditions are
in discrete form and sector identification will be given in shown in Fig. 1. These are drawn so that only the effects of
Section III. Section IV will present the description of the motor speed and the applied voltage are considered. During
estimations using MATLAB simulation and Modelsim Altera the positive torque slope, the active voltage vector is applied;
simulation. Finally, the simulation and experimental results otherwise, the zero voltage vector is selected. It can be noticed
are compared, to verify code/design effectiveness at the that the torque slopes (for positive and negative slopes) vary
highest sampling frequency. with the operating speed. As a result, the torque switching
frequency and hence the VSI switching frequency also vary
II. MAJOR PROBLEM IN HYSTERESIS-BASED DTC with operating conditions. Thus, it is common practice to
select the device with switching capability based on the worst
Despite its simplicity, the DTC based on hysteresis case of operating conditions.
controller causes some major problems such as variable
inverter switching frequency, high torque ripple and high B. High torque ripple
sampling requirement for digital implementation [3-8]. These In digital implementation, the output torque is calculated,
problems are briefly described as follows. and the appropriate switching states are determined at fixed
sampling time (DT in Fig. 1). This, however, causes a delay
A. Variable inverter switching frequency
between the instant the variables are sampled and the instant
In hysteresis-based DTC, the switching frequency of a VSI in which the corresponding switching status is passed to the
is mainly governed by the switching of the torque hysteresis inverter, therefore, the torque ripple cannot be restricted
comparator. The slope of the torque waveform, which directly exactly within the hysteresis band. If the band is set to be too
affects the switching of the hysteresis comparator, vary with small, the overshoot of the torque beyond the hysteresis band
the operating conditions (rotor speed, stator and rotor fluxes, could cause a reverse active voltage vector selection, instead
DC link voltage) [5]. This can be seen from the discrete form of a zero voltage vector selection. The selection of the reverse
of the torque equation given by (1): voltage vector causes the torque to decrease rapidly and as a
result the torque ripple increases [8, 18, 21-24]. This situation
Te,n 1 Te,n 1 1
Torque slope Te,n

is illustrated in Fig. 1(a).
s r
(1) C. The need for high speed processor
P m vs,n jr s,n j r,n
3 L
Reducing torque ripple by lowering the band width of
2 Ls Lr hysteresis comparator would be fruitless when the processor
where: used has a limited sampling frequency. The problem of high
Te : electromagnetic torque P : number of pole pairs torque ripple can be eliminated if a high-speed processor is
t : small value Lm : mutual inductance
: total flux leakage factor Ls : stator self-inductance utilized, where the discrete hysteresis controller performs
s : stator time constant Lr : rotor self-inductance closer to the operation of an analog based comparator. As

shown in Fig. 1(a) and discussed in sub-section B, the rapid

decrease of torque due to the selection of reverse voltage
vector can be avoided if the sampling time (DT) is sufficiently


Fig. 2 shows a simple structure of hysteresis-based DTC by
Takahashi [1]. A decoupled control of torque and flux was
established to permit fast instantaneous control. The stator flux
is controlled using a 2-level hysteresis comparator, while the
electromagnetic torque is controlled using a 3-level hysteresis
comparator. The outputs of the comparators, along with sector
flux information, are used to index the look-up table, to select Fig. 2. Control structure of DTC based induction machine
the appropriate voltage vectors to control simultaneously both
the stator flux and the torque. The most significant element IV. DESIGN OF TORQUE AND STATOR FLUX ESTIMATOR
that can guarantee a satisfactory DTC performance is the A. Proposed Method to Improve Torque and Stator Flux
estimation of the stator flux and the torque. Estimator
In order to estimate the stator flux and the electromagnetic This paper presents an improved FPGA-based torque and
torque, several parameters need to be determined. The stator flux estimator for DTC induction motor drives, which
mathematical model to be used is tailored to the needs of permits very fast calculations. The improvements are
controlled drives [25]. Firstly, the stator currents from the performed by: i) calculation of the discrete integration
motor Ia and Ib, are transformed into - coordinates [26], operation of the stator flux using backward Euler approach; ii)
which are adequately suited to the DTC algorithm, as follows: reducing the sampling time down to 5s; to avoid saturation
I I a (2) due to DC offset present in the sensed currents, the LPF Filter
is applied; iii) modifying the non-restoring method to calculate
3 complicated square root operation of the stator flux; iv)
I ( I a 2Ib ) (3)
3 introducing a new method to determine the sector. In all
At the same time, by using the switching status (Sa, Sb and operations of FPGA implementation, the twos complement
Sc) produced by the switching table, the stator voltages in the fixed-point format approach is used in order to minimize
- reference frame are determined: calculation errors and the hardware resources usage.
Vdc 1. Fixed-point Arithmetic
V ( 2 S a Sb Sc ) (4) A fixed-point variable consists of a binary pattern which is
encoded in twos complement number, and a binary point. It is
3 a way to encode negative numbers into ordinary binary. The
V Vdc ( S b S c ) (5)
3 size of the binary pattern and the location of the binary point
Then, using the calculated I, I, V and V, the estimation of are specified using three parameters, namely: sign bit, integer
the stator flux in - coordinates is performed as follows: word length (IWL) and fraction word length (FWL). The total
number of binary pattern bits is well-known as word length
old ( V RS I )Ts (6)
(WL). The approach can represent numbers in the range [-
old ( V RS I )Ts (7) 2IWL, 2IWL] with a step size of 2-FWL. When using this
arithmetic, the most important aspect is always to consider the
Finally, equation (8) calculates the flux magnitude by using a binary point location for every variable. VHDL has supported
square root calculation, whereas the electromagnetic torque is the fixed-point arithmetic operations, and designers have some
estimated through equation (9). manipulation flexibility to improve performance.
s 2 2 (8) 2. Backward Euler Approach
The discrete backward Euler formula is
Te P( I I ) (9) y( n ) y( n 1 ) k .T .u( n ) . It is simpler for FPGA hardware
implementation, comparing to the forward Euler and
Trapezoidal method in that they require the register to store
The original scheme is based on hysteresis controllers, where
the output status from the controllers, together with the sector the previous value of u( n 1 ) function. The backward Euler
flux information, are used to select the optimized voltage integration method also can to maintain the system stability in
vectors from the look-up table to satisfy simultaneously both the large step size. Therefore, the discrete backward Euler
flux and torque references. The flux vector is controlled to integration method is chosen to calculate the quadrature flux
form a circular flux shape. ( and ).

3. LP Filter get simpler logic of the sector analysis for FPGA

Notice that Rs is the estimated stator resistance, while Ts is implementation through VHDL gate level coding; each sector
the implementation sampling time. Works [27-28] suggested is represented on 3-bits.
that a low-pass filter should be added to the integrator in the
practical implementation to avoid integration drift problem B. The Design Flow
due to the DC offset in the sensed currents. The stator flux The validation of the designed torque and flux estimators
equations are: was performed by using the Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL)
( old ( V RS I )Ts )( 1 c * Ts ) (10) simulation. The DTC MATLAB/Simulink model is simulated
( old ( V RS I )Ts )( 1 c * Ts ) (11) and then, the same data Ia, Ib, Sa, Sb, and Sc obtained from the
simulation, are copied from the MATLAB workspace to
where c is the cut-off frequency of the filter. For this VHDL codes, along with the inputs for the targeted FPGA.
implementation, the cut-off frequency is chosen as 5 rad/s. The VHDL codes are simulated in ModelSim-Altera before
4. Non-restoring Square Root Algorithm being synthesized and implemented in FPGA.
In DTC drives, the stator flux ( s ) is calculated as square
root of the quadrature flux magnitude. To calculate the stator
In order to verify the torque and stator flux estimator
flux ( s ), the non-restoring square root algorithm, proposed
models, a comprehensive DTC simulation is conducted. in
by [29], is modified as below (D=radicand, q=quotient, Matlab/Simulink (Fig. 3). The upper model is a standard
r=remainder, and n=half of the radicand word size): model (which is not ready yet to be implemented in FPGA)
r0 1 ( n 2 2bits ) and the lower model is generated as one ready to be
q0 0 ( n 2 1bits ) implemented in FPGA. The simulations of the DTC model,
For i=0 to n-1 do: which perform double-precision calculations, are used as
If ri 0 then references to digital computations executed in FPGA

ri 1 4 ri D( n2i )1 D( n2 i )2 ( 4 qi 1 ) implementation.
else The standard Simulink models are not ready as direct FPGA

ri 1 4 ri D( n2 i )1 D( n2i )2 ( 4 qi 3 ) design input, the designer must prepare them as the FPGA
programming will be conducted in twos complement. In
If ri 1 0
principle, the procedure is similar with the one in [19, 32],
q i 1 2 q i 1 which is aimed to use minimum number of operators that
else process a maximum number of operations.
q i 1 2 q i The DTC model is simulated in Matlab/Simulink and then
The square root result is qn( n 2 -1 downto 0), coded in n bits. the same data (Ia, Ib, Sa, Sb and Sc) obtained from the
simulation was copied from the Matlab workspace to VHDL
5. New Sector Identification code, as well as the inputs for the targeted FPGA. The VHDL
The present work introduce a simple method to determine codes were simulated in ModelSim-Altera before being
the sectors of the flux vector, based on a comparison between synthesized and implemented in FPGA. However, the stage is
, 3 , 3 and 0, which is modified from [30]. With the optional. From Matlab simulation, the designers can go the to
FPGA implementation stage, without using ModelSim-Altera
comparison, it is simpler to determine the sector of the voltage
simulation stage. Quartus simulation environment can be used
vector, compared to the conventional methods of using arc tan
to verify the design.
of angle, three stages comparison based on , or
determination of angle using CORDIC algorithm [31]. VI. FPGA IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TORQUE AND FLUX
The algorithm of torque and flux estimation is implemented
in an architecture consisting of six main blocks, as shown in
> 0 (sector) Fig. 4. This architecture has six inputs: two 21-bit currents (Ia
> 3 > 3 and Ib), 12-bit high voltage DC-supply (Vdc) and three
0 0 0 101 switching statuses Sa, Sb and Sc. At the end, it produces three
0 1 0 110 outputs: the estimation values of torque (Te), flux ( s ) and
0 0 1 100
0 1 1 ddd sector. The sampling time chosen is 5 s, which is limited by
1 0 0 ddd the ADC used.
1 1 0 001
1 0 1 011 A. The Architecture of Torque and Flux Estimator
1 1 1 010 All the equations modeling the motors behavior are
implemented in a two-stage-pipelined architecture, as in Fig. 5
Table I shows the Karnaugh map of the proposed sector
identification. Through the simplification, it will be possible to


Fig. 3. Control structure of DTC based induction machine

Several mathematical operations are performed in parallel. At

the first stage, stator currents and voltages in -coordinates
are calculated in parallel, so that those results can be used to
estimate the stator flux in the same stage. The resulted currents
and flux are used to determine the flux magnitude and the
torque estimation in the second stage. A 62-bit non-restoring
square root is implemented in order to compute the flux
Fig. 4. Block Diagram of torque and flux estimators.
Paper [20] has proposed that a three-stage-pipelined
architecture should be implemented in this module, by 2. Quantization
The determination of word size (word length) is one of the
separating the computation of stator currents and voltages
critical parts in FPGA implementation. On one hand, the use
from the estimation of the stator flux. However, the former
of an insufficient number of bits may reduce the precision or
can be considered as an immediate calculation and therefore,
cause a calculation error, which can destabilize the whole
those calculations can be merged into a single stage. As a
system. On the other hand, the use of larger words may
consequence, the latency of the estimator is reduced from 15
increase the hardware implementation area.
s to 10 s.
3. Sampling time
B. The Digital Properties of the Torque and Flux The sampling time Ts is limited to 5 s by the ADC used.
Estimators Therefore, all the operations involved in this model are
To achieve a good implementation, several digital performed within this sampling time.
properties need to be considered when designing these
estimators. Adopted binary format, quantization and sampling C. The VHDL Design of the Torque and Stator Flux
time are amongst the key factors. Estimators
1. Binary format representation The algorithm of stator flux and torque estimator is
In this implementation, twos complement fixed-point implemented in an architecture consisting of seven blocks:
representation is used during all the operations, except for the 1. I and I Calculation
square root calculation. In this particular case, unsigned fixed- The function of this block is to transform the stator phase
point representation is applied, since its operand and its results currents Ia, Ib and Ic into the stationary - coordinates (I and
are always positive. I) refer to equation (2) and (3). In this design, the values (Ia,
Ib) and (I and I) are represented on 17-bits and 18-bits twos-
T) < 6

Fiig. 5. The architeccture of torque and

d flux estimators.

respectiively. In these cases represennt 87381 (i.e 2 ) and

151349 (i.e 2 ) respectively in binary 19-bbits, each as
[1.18]. It
I is important to note that the results (beforre truncated)
of the V and V are allocated eachh to 34-bit, as [16.18], but
the finaal values of thhe V and V area only 22-biit. The most
significant 9-bit and least
l significannt 6-bit of eachh the V and
V 34-bbits are truncaated, so only 27 2 th 6th bits are used to
Fiig. 6. Block Arithm
metic unit of the I and I calculationns represennt the final vallues of each thhe V and V asa 22-bit, i.e.
[10.12].. The truncatioons are conduccted to minimiize hardware
commplement fixed-point form mat [5.12 bit] and [6.12 bit]
b resourcees, while stilll retaining suufficient preccision. Once
resspectively to get
g the precise values. As shown in Fig. 5,, to again, the
t tailoring annd adaptation made
m by the designers
d are
avooid overflow thhat the result calculation
c of I
a+2Ib and 1
3 very im
mportant here.
of the equation (2)
( are represeented each on 19 bits, as [7.12] 3. s Calculation
andd [1.18] respecctively. The paart of 1
he equation (2) is
3 of th a. and Calcuulation
reppresented as 1551349 (i.e 1
3 x 2 18 ). In Fiig. 6, the valuee of Afterr the calculatiion of - coomponents of current and
voltage, the - fluxx is calculated in this block (refer to
3 x 2 18 is rep
presented as 1
19 h24F35 (tthe 19 is num
mber equationn (6) and (7)). The other inpuut, Rs, is repressented on 10-
of bits, and the h24F35 is valu ue of 151349 in hexadecimal). bits (5.55 bit). The outpput - compoonents of the sttator flux are
Thhe output of thhe signed multiiplier is repressented on 38-bbits, represennted in 31-bitt twos-compllement fixed-ppoint format
as [8.30]. Howevver, the I is only representted on 18-bits as [4.27]. In
I this paper, the
t sampling tiime (Ts) is 5 s.
The value
[6.12] to minimiize hardware resource,
r so the 38-bit [8.30]] is of Ts iss represented inn [1.27] as 288 h000029F (=671), and
truuncated to beccome 18-bit [6 6.12]. Based ono the evaluattion thereforre the samplinng time of 5 s will be calculated
c as
ressult, the 18-bitt has been con
nsidered suitabble to representt I 4.999344 s (671/2277 0,000004499934 s). Consider C the
preecisely. Here, the tailor maade experiencce of designerss is ( 1 c * Ts ) filter part
p of equation (9) and (10)), the part is
verry important inn order to develop the VHDL L code effectiveely. selectedd: 0.999975. In this case, thhe value is represented in
Thhe efficient implementation
i n of the alggorithms larggely [1.22] as
a 23 h3FFF F97 (=41941999), so 0.999974966 will be
deppends on the designers ex xperience [33]]. Therefore, the obtainedd to represent the 0.999975 filter.
f The filterr is designed
papper offers a simpler arithm metic concept based on tw wos to overcome the probblem of integrration drift. Thherefore, the
com mplement fixed-point formatt for VHDL proogramming. low-passs filter is used to replace the pure inteegrator with
approprriate cut-off freequency (5 rad//s).
2. V and V Callculation
The function of
o this block iss to calculate thhe stator voltagges b. Magnitude
Ma Calcuulation
in - componennts - refer to equations (4) andd (5). The inpuut is This block is desiggned to calculate the magnnitude of the
12-bit high voltage DC-supply and three swittching status. The T stator fllux. The inputss of the block are the - components of
outtput voltages are representeed in 22-bit tw wos-complem ment stator flux,
f and the output is thheir magnitude, which is
fixxed-point formaat [10.12]. Thee RTL viewer of the calculattion represennted in 62 bit fixed-point foormat (8.54 bitt). The RTL
is shown in Figg. 7. The num mbers 19 h224F35 and 19 viewer for the magnituude calculationn is shown in Fig.
F 8.

h15555 are to represent an
nd in equaation (4) and (5)
T) < 7

Fig. 10. RTL

R viewer of the Torque
T Calculatorr

Figg. 7. RTL viewer of

o the V and V caalculations

Fig. 11. The comparisonn between MAT TLAB/Simulink siimulation and

experimental result for torque estimattion. (a) MATL LAB/Simulink
simulation, (b) FPGA basedd experimental ressult
Figg. 8. RTL viewer of
o the magnitude caalculator

T* + Torque
hysteresis Voltagge

+ table
* Flux hysteresis

Test Statorfluxandtorq
S que
est estimators

ia i b ic Vdc
Te Inducctionmachineand
Figg. 9. RTL viewer of
o the sector judgm
ment inverrterlookuptable
s baseddsimulator(FPGA) Sc

cc. Square Root Calculation Fig. 12. HiL

H implementatioon of DTC
This block is designed to calculate statorr flux ( s ) using
Table I,, which is moddified from [300]. By using Kaarnaugh map
moodified non-resstoring square root algorithm m. The first outtput simplifiication, it onlyy involves twoo comparisons (as apposed
of the block is represented
r in 31 bit fixed-ppoint format, and
a to threee comparisonns). The RTL L viewer off the sector
theen it is truncatted to 17 bit (4.13
( bit). Thee principle of the determiination is showwn in Fig. 9.
callculation is based
b on thee powerful im mproved methhod
preesented in refference [34], which is creeated by authhors 5. Torqque Calculationn
oriiginally, and caan be used in general
g applicattions. The function
f of thiss block is to caalculate the torrque as given
4. Determinationn of Sector by equaation (8). The output is represented on 55 bits [14.41]
The work has introduced a simple
s methodd to determine the fixed-pooint format, annd then it is trruncated to 266 bits [6.20].
secctor of the fluxx vector, based
d on a comparrison as shownn in The RTTL magnitude calculation
c viewwer is shown inn Fig. 10.

D. Synchronizations TABLE III

In the proposed architecture of the torque and flux Parameters Type or values
estimators, synchronizations are conducted in two stages. The Rotor type Squirrel-cage
first stage is used to synchronize the output of - stator Nominal power 2425 VA
Voltage (line to line) 400 V
currents ( i and i ) and - stator fluxes ( and ), and the Frequency 50 Hz
second stage is to synchronize the flux magnitude ( Te ) and the Stator resistance, Rs 5.5 ohm
Rotor resistance, Rr 4.45 ohm
electromagnetic torque ( s ). Stator self inductance, Ls 0.0149 H
The synchronizations are designed in one cycle of the Rotor self inductance, Lr 0.0149 H
Mutual inductance, Lm 0.299 H
sampling time (in this case 5 s). By using the low sampling Combined inertia, J 0.00925 kg-m2
period (high sampling frequency), the torque ripple can be Combined viscous friction, B 0.006 N.m.s
reduced significantly. In other words, the undesired overshoot Number of pole pairs, P 2
or undershoot in torque can be minimized by employing a faster
sampling time. The 5 s sampling time (in the flux and torque
estimators) can only be achieved by employing FPGA. With the
DSPs and microprocessors available in the market today, it may
not be possible to implement such high sampling frequency.
The one cycle synchronizations also functions as a buffer, so
that the parameters can be loaded to the buffer in each clock
cycle. The similar data-path and buffering concept have been
introduced in [35], for application to an automatic speech
recognition system based on FPGA.
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. The comparison between MATLAB/Simulink simulation and the
VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION experimental result for flux locus. (a) MATLAB/Simulink simulation,
As discussed in Section II, the torque ripple can be reduced (b) FPGA based experimental result
by increasing the sampling frequency. The sampling time used
and DTC controller, experiment based on hardware-in-the-
in this implementation is 5s and by doing so, the torque ripple
loop (HiL) simulation is conducted. In the HiL simulation set-
is reduced to 0.2 Nm, as shown in Fig. 11. The figure shows the
up, the induction motor is simulated using an FPGA device.
experimental results obtained using two different sampling time.
The induction motor and inverter are modeled using a look-up
With a much lower sampling time the torque can be limited
table which is constructed based on the results obtained from
within its hysteresis band since the oversoot (or undershhot)
the offline Matlab/SIMULINK simulation run earlier. The HiL
beyond the band is avoided. Eventually the ripple can be
set up is illustrated in Fig. 12 and the parameters used in the
reduced by reducing the hysteresis band.
HiL simulation are listed in Table III. Thereafter, the results
The experiments were conducted on Altera APEX
were compared to the validated MATLAB/Simulink
EP20K200EFC484-2x, and consumes 2093 logic elements for
simulations (carried out in double precision). Fig. 11 and Fig.
the implementation. The comparisons of the area (LEs)
13 show some comparison results between
consumption between the results of the research presented in
MATLAB/Simulink offline simulations and the ones obtained
this paper, with other works, are shown in Table II.
from the real-time HiL simulation. In Fig. 13, the hysteresis
band is reduced to about 0.7 Nm. Due to the very small
COMPARISON OF THE LEs CONSUMPTION sampling time of 5 s, the torque ripple is mostly contained
No Reference LEs DTC sampling within the band, with very small overshoot and undershoot.
consumption period (kHz)
Similarly, owing to the small sampling time, it is also possible
1 Ferreira [20] 4,100 40
2 Llor [36] 3,901 40 to reduce the flux hysteresis band to a very small value of
3 Utsumi [37] 0.00446 Wb (0.5% of the rated flux). As a result, Fig. 13
- Type A controller 3,737 20 shows the locus of the flux of almost a perfect circle, with
- Type B controller 5,622 40 very small ripple. Consequently, one will expect almost a
4 Bossoufi [38] 3,166 20
5 Proposed 2,093 200 sinusoidal stator currents generated, with very small harmonic
contents. It is important to note that the experimental outputs
As an alternative solution to the implementation, a low cost are displayed through a 12-bit DAC. So, all outputs are
FPGA devices, such as from Cyclone family, can be used. For truncated within 12-bits. Regardless of this, the offline
example Altera DE2 board which offers a rich set of features simulation from Matlab/SIMULINK shows a very close
is suitable for sophisticated digital systems implementation. agreement with the results obtained from the HiL real-time
APEX EP20K200EFC484-2X was used for our simulation as demonstrated by both Fig. 11 and Fig. 13. The
implementation due to the availability of this device/board in results have proved that the proposed FPGA implementation
our laboratory during the development of the system. of the torque and stator flux estimators is successful. All units
To test on the effectiveness of the FPGA-based estimators

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EEE Transactions on vol. 58, pp. 8500-859, March 2011 Conference (Cambridge, 20008). He coordinated a European rennewable energy
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control of a PMMSM machine," in n Compatibility annd Power Electronics
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Tole Sutikkno (M08 IEEE) received his B.E Eng.

and M.Eng. degree in Electriical Engineering from
Diponegoro o University, Inddonesia and Gaddjah
Mada Univ versity, Indonesia, in 1999 and 20004,
y. Since 2001 he has been a lectureer in
Electrical Engineering Deppartment, Universsitas
Ahmad Dah hlan (UAD), Indonnesia. Currently, he
h is
pursuing PhhD degree at the Universiti Teknoologi
Malaysia (UUTM), Malaysia. His research interrests
include the field of power eleectronics, motor drive
systems andd FPGA applicatioons.

Nik Rumzii Nik Idris (M97SM03) receivedd the

B.Eng. deggree in Electrical Engineering
E from
m the
University of Wollongong, Australia, the M.Sc.
degree in power electronnics from Bradfford
University, West Yorkshire, U.K., and the Phh.D.
degree fro om Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM) in 1989,
1 1993, and 20000, respectively.
He is ann Associate Professor at the Univeersiti
Teknologi Malaysia, and an Administraative
Committee Member of the IAS/PELS/IES Joint J
Chapter off IEEE Malaysia Section.
S His reseaarch
inteerests include ac drive
d systems andd DSP applicationns in power electroonic

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