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NAME: __________________________ Teacher: _______________________

Date: ____________ Class: __________ Lesson: _____________________


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Attendance/ Student is late to Student is late Student is late to Student is
Promptness class more than to class more class once every always prompt
once a week than once a two weeks and and regularly
and/or has poor week and/or regularly attend attends classes.
attendence of has poor classes.
classes. attendance to
Level of Student never Student rarely Student Student always
Engagement contributes to contributes to proactively contributes to
class by offering class by contributes to class by
In class ideas and asking offering ideas class by offering offering ideas
questions. and asking ideas and asking and asking
questions. questions once questions more
per class. than once per
Listening Student never Student rarely Student Student almost
Skills listens when listens when sometimes always listens
others talk, both others talk, listens when when others
in groups and in both in groups others talk, both talk, both in
class. and in class. in groups and in groups and in
class. class.
Behaviour Student almost Student often Student rarely Student almost
always displays displays displays never displays
disruptive disruptive disruptive disruptive
behaviour during behaviour behaviour during behaviour
class. during class. class. during class.
Preparation Student is almost Student is Student is Student is
never prepared rarely prepared usually prepared almost always
for class with for class with for class with prepared for
assignments and assignments assignments and class with
required class and required required class assignments
materials. class materials. materials. and required
class materials.



Date:__________ Class:________________ Lesson:__________________


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Distraction Distracts Distracts Distracts Does not distract
instruction instruction 2-3 intruction once instruction during
several times times during a during a class a class period.
during a class class period. period.

Leadership Never displays Rarely Generally Displays

leadership. discplays displays leadership and is
leadership. leadership. positive.

Participation Does not Participates in Participates in Participate in all

paticipate at all some class most class class activities.
in class activities. activities.

Cooperation Never listens, Rarely listens, Generally Always listens,

shares and shares and listenes, shares shares, and
supports the supports the and supports the supports the
efforts of others. efforts of efforts of others. efforts of others.
Attitude to Often is Occasionally is Rarely is publicly Never is publicly
group work publicly critical publicy critical critical of the critical of the
of the work of of the work of project or the project or the
other memers of other members work of others. work of others.
the group. of the group.

Attitude Repeatedly has Rarely has a Generally has a Always has a

about the a negative positive positive attitude positive attitude
task(s) attitude about attitude about about the task(s). about the task(s).
the task(s). the task(s).


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