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Student Name: Katherine Ruvalcaba

Date: 1/22/2017
Portfolio Artifact Description: Truss Bridge creating a 2-dimensional profile of one side of a
truss bridge.
What you learned: In creating the profile of my truss bridge, I thought it would be simple
enough to draw a few lines and shapes but I was sorely mistaken. I considered myself familiar
with Microsoft Office programs like the tool I used to create my bridge, PowerPoint. However, I
found it a challenge to find symmetry and balance in creating my bridge. I tried Photoshop but
my bridge did not come out like I had envisioned. I learned through the ordeal that technology
doesnt merely mean computers. There are programs available which require attention to detail
and immense patience. After looking at various models and standards for truss bridges, I decided
on the Pennsylvania model which I thought would be easy but after 3 hours, I realized I had been
wrong. To summarize, these programs deserve patience and skill.
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed:
#3 Knowledge Constructer: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to
construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others. Found at
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Technology has come a long way since my
parents were in school. I would say that technology has continued to advance since Ive left
grade school and that was only a couple of years ago. In using programs like PowerPoint or
advanced programs like Photoshop, children are able to create and strengthen their knowledge of
computers while building their imagination. My plans are to teach history, and with drawing
programs like PowerPoint or Photoshop my students would be able to create a variety of iconic
buildings from history such as towers, castles, and bridges. Using those tools to set a foundation
or a blueprint for students may allow them to become technical in their pursuit to build 3-
dimensional models for projects.

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