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Category 5 4 3 2

Great Good Developing Not Ready

ART The book This book may This book This book does not
WORK/DESIGN demonstrates demonstrate some demonstrates demonstrate much
detail and color and detail, but lack of color color or detail. It is
Total Points: 10 made a may be a bit rushed and use of also off topic.
timely effort. or messy. Possibly materials. It
Is neat and off topic. is on the
thoroughly verge of being
thought out. off topic
CONTENT WORK Each page is This book may This book This book does not
consistent contain some detail contains only contain enough
with my and facts, but is a few facts. facts and/or
Total Points: 20 guidelines. lacking the No details and understanding of
Includes 7-10 minimum of 7 facts is missing the the content being
facts and per page. correct asked.
details about These facts may amount of
these facts. also be pages. Not
short/undescriptive. descriptive
and is short.
STUDENT The student The student does The student This student does
UNDERSTANDING understands understand why does not not understand the
the preserving the understand importance of
importance earth is important, why preserving the
of preserving however cannot preserving earth and its
Total Points: 20 the earth and attach what they the earth is resources, nor can
its resources, have learned to important, but make connections
and can their own life for can make to their own lives
make great further some about how to do
connections comprehension. connections so.
as to how to to real-life or
apply what at home
they learned situations
to their own regarding the
life. earth.
OVERALL This This students books The student This students book
QUALITY students demonstrates some demonstrates does not
book neatness and an effort but it demonstrate
demonstrates understanding, but is not neat. neatness or color,
neatness, the book is either a The student and/or the student
Total Points: 20 colorful work bit messy to lacks in does not have a
and has understand, or they understandin true understanding
understood do not connect g but has of this lesson.
the content their ideas to real- made valid
very well. life situations. improvement.
Total out of: 70 Points

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