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Pay Grade 2 or less Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8 Over 10 Over 12 Over 14 Over 16 Over 18


O-81 9,946.20 10,272.00 10,488.30 10,548.60 10,818.60 11,269.20 11,373.90 11,802.00 11,924.70 12,293.40 12,827.10
O-71 8,264.40 8,648.40 8,826.00 8,967.30 9,222.90 9,475.80 9,767.70 10,059.00 10,351.20 11,269.20 12,043.80
O-62 6,186.60 6,796.80 7,242.90 7,242.90 7,270.50 7,582.20 7,623.30 7,623.30 8,056.50 8,822.40 9,272.10
O-5 5,157.60 5,810.10 6,212.10 6,288.00 6,539.10 6,689.10 7,019.10 7,261.50 7,574.70 8,053.80 8,281.20
O-4 4,449.90 5,151.30 5,495.10 5,571.60 5,890.50 6,232.80 6,659.10 6,990.60 7,221.00 7,353.60 7,430.10
O-3 3,912.60 4,435.20 4,787.10 5,219.40 5,469.60 5,744.10 5,921.10 6,213.00 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40
O-2 3,380.70 3,850.20 4,434.30 4,584.00 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50
O-1 2,934.30 3,054.30 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10
O-33 5,219.40 5,469.60 5,744.10 5,921.10 6,213.00 6,459.30 6,600.90 6,793.20
O-23 4,584.00 4,678.50 4,827.60 5,079.00 5,273.10 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00
O-13 3,692.10 3,942.30 4,088.40 4,237.20 4,383.60 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00

W-4 4,043.40 4,349.70 4,474.20 4,597.20 4,808.70 5,018.10 5,229.90 5,548.80 5,828.10 6,094.20 6,311.70
W-3 3,692.40 3,846.30 4,004.10 4,056.00 4,221.30 4,546.80 4,885.50 5,045.10 5,229.60 5,419.80 5,761.50
W-2 3,267.30 3,576.30 3,671.70 3,736.80 3,948.90 4,278.30 4,441.50 4,602.00 4,798.50 4,951.80 5,091.00
W-1 2,868.30 3,176.70 3,259.80 3,435.00 3,642.60 3,948.30 4,091.10 4,290.30 4,486.80 4,641.30 4,783.20
E-94 4,885.20 4,995.90 5,135.40 5,299.20 5,465.10
E-8 3,999.00 4,175.70 4,285.20 4,416.60 4,558.80 4,815.30
E-7 2,780.10 3,034.20 3,150.30 3,304.20 3,424.50 3,630.90 3,747.00 3,953.40 4,125.00 4,242.30 4,367.10
E-6 2,404.50 2,645.70 2,762.40 2,876.10 2,994.60 3,261.00 3,364.80 3,565.80 3,627.30 3,672.00 3,724.20
E-5 2,202.90 2,350.80 2,464.50 2,580.60 2,761.80 2,951.40 3,107.10 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70
E-4 2,019.60 2,122.80 2,238.00 2,351.40 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60
E-3 1,823.40 1,938.00 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30
E-2 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00
E-15 1,546.80
1. Basic pay for an O-7 to O-10 is limited by Level II of the Executive Schedule which is $15,125.10. Basic pay for O-6 and below is limited by Level V of the Executive Schedule
which is $12,391.80.
2. While serving as Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff/Vice Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, Chief of Navy Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Army/Air Force Chief of Staff,
Chief of the National Guard Bureau Commander of a unified or specified combatant command, basic pay is $21,147.30. (See note 1 above).
3. Applicable to O-1 to O-3 with at least 4 years and 1 day of active duty or more than 1460 points as a warrant and/or enlisted member. See Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulations for more detailed explanation on who is eligible for this special basic pay rate.
4. For the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, Chief Master Sergeant of the AF, Sergeant Major of the Army or Marine Corps or Senior Enlisted Advisor of the JCS, basic pay is
$7,894.50. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion for O-1 and above is based on this basic pay rate plus Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay which is $225.00.
5. Applicable to E-1 with 4 months or more of active duty. Basic pay for an E-1 with less than 4 months of active duty is $1,430.40.
6. Basic pay rate for Academy Cadets/Midshipmen and ROTC members/applicants is $1,027.20.
Pay Grade Over 20 Over 22 Over 24 Over 26 Over28 Over 30 Over 32 Over 34 Over 36 Over 38 Over 40
O-10 16,072.20 16,150.50 16,486.80 17,071.50 17,071.50 17,925.30 17,925.30 18,821.10 18,821.10 19,762.50 19,762.50
O-91 14,056.80 14,259.90 14,552.10 15,062.40 15,062.40 15,816.00 15,816.00 16,606.80 16,606.80 17,436.90 17,436.90
O-81 13,319.10 13,647.30 13,647.30 13,647.30 13,647.30 13,989.00 13,989.00 14,338.50 14,338.50 14,338.50 14,338.50
O-71 12,043.80 12,043.80 12,043.80 12,105.60 12,105.60 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70
O-62 9,721.50 9,977.10 10,236.00 10,738.20 10,738.20 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40
O-5 8,506.50 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40
O-4 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10
O-3 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40
O-2 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50
O-1 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10
O-33 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20
O-23 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00
O-13 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00
W-5 7,189.50 7,554.30 7,825.80 8,126.70 8,126.70 8,533.50 8,533.50 8,959.80 8,959.80 9,408.30 9,408.30
W-4 6,523.80 6,835.80 7,092.00 7,384.20 7,384.20 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80
W-3 5,992.50 6,130.50 6,277.50 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30
W-2 5,257.50 5,366.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70
W-1 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00
E-94 5,730.30 5,954.70 6,190.50 6,551.70 6,551.70 6,879.00 6,879.00 7,223.10 7,223.10 7,584.60 7,584.60
E-8 4,945.20 5,166.60 5,289.30 5,591.40 5,591.40 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60
E-7 4,415.40 4,577.70 4,664.70 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20
E-6 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20
E-5 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70
E-4 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60
E-3 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30
E-2 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00
1. Basic pay for an O-7 to O-10 is limited by Level II of the Executive Schedule which is $15,125.10. Basic pay for O-6 and below is limited by Level V of the Executive Schedule
which is $12,391.80.
2. While serving as Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff/Vice Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, Chief of Navy Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Army/Air Force Chief of Staff,
Chief of the National Guard Bureau, or Commander of a unified or specified combatant command, basic pay is $21,147.30. (See note 1 above).
3. Applicable to O-1 to O-3 with at least 4 years and 1 day of active duty or more than 1460 points as a warrant and/or enlisted member. See Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulations for more detailed explanation on who is eligible for this special basic pay rate.
4. For the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, Chief Master Sergeant of the AF, Sergeant Major of the Army or Marine Corps, Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of the National
Guard Bureau, or Senior Enlisted Advisor of the JCS, basic pay is $7,894.50. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion for O-1 and above is based on this basic pay rate plus Hostile Fire
Pay/Imminent Danger Pay which is $225.00.
5. Applicable to E-1 with 4 months or more of active duty. Basic pay for an E-1 with less than 4 months of active duty is $1,430.40.
6. Basic pay rate for Academy Cadets/Midshipmen and ROTC members/applicants is $1,027.20.
Basic Allowance for Housing RC/Transient Family Separation Allowance
(January 1, 2015)
Pay Without With
Partial Differential All Pay Grades: $250
Grade Dependent Dependent
0-10 $ 50.70 $ 1,563.60 $ 1,923.30 $ 333.60 Basic Allowance for Subsistence Family Subsistence Supplemental
0-9 $ 50.70 $ 1,563.60 $ 1,923.30 $ 333.60 (Effective January 1, 2015) Allowance (Effective October 1, 2010)
0-8 $ 50.70 $ 1,563.60 $ 1,923.30 $ 333.60 Officers: $253.38 All Pay Grades
Enlisted: $367.92 Not to Exceed $1100.00
0-7 $ 50.70 $ 1,563.60 $ 1,923.30 $ 333.60
BAS II $735.84
0-6 $ 39.60 $ 1,433.70 $ 1,731.30 $ 279.00
0-5 $ 33.00 $ 1,380.60 $ 1,669.20 $ 269.70
Clothing Allowances (Effective October 1, 2014)
0-4 $ 26.70 $ 1,278.90 $ 1,470.90 $ 179.40 Standard Initial Clothing Allowance (Enlisted Members Only)
0-3 $ 22.20 $ 1,025.70 $ 1,217.10 $ 179.10 Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps
0-2 $ 17.70 $ 812.70 $ 1,038.60 $ 211.50 Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
0-1 $ 13.20 $ 697.50 $ 929.70 $ 228.60 1584.06 1820.66 1833.96 2012.24 1394.32 1622.44 2005.34 1937.74
03E $ 22.20 $ 1,107.00 $ 1,308.60 $ 187.80 Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance (Enlisted Members Only)
02E $ 17.70 $ 941.40 $ 1,180.50 $ 224.40 Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps
01E $ 13.20 $ 818.70 $ 1,091.10 $ 263.70 Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
W-5 $ 25.20 $ 1,299.90 $ 1,420.80 $ 112.20 Basic 306.00 324.00 338.40 342.00 241.20 248.40 399.60 385.20
W-4 $ 25.20 $ 1,153.80 $ 1,302.30 $ 138.30 Standard 435.60 464.40 482.40 489.60 346.75 352.80 594.00 568.80
W-3 $ 20.70 $ 970.50 $ 1,194.00 $ 208.50 Special 0 0 640.80 640.80 0 0 0 0
W-2 $ 15.90 $ 861.00 $ 1,096.80 $ 220.20 Civilian Clothing Allowance
W-1 $ 13.80 $ 722.10 $ 949.50 $ 213.30 Duty Type Initial Replacement 15 days in 30 days period 30 days in 36 month period
E-9 $ 18.60 $ 947.70 $ 1,249.50 $ 281.40 Permanent 1006.20 335.40 0 0
E-8 $ 15.30 $ 870.60 $ 1,152.60 $ 264.00 Temporary 0 0 335.40 670.80
E-7 $ 12.00 $ 802.50 $ 1,069.80 $ 305.40 Personal Money Allowance (Monthly Amount)
E-6 $ 9.90 $ 741.60 $ 988.20 $ 295.20 1. While serving as Chairman or Vice Chairman of the JCS,
E-5 $ 8.70 $ 666.90 $ 889.20 $ 251.10 or Army or Air Force CS, CNO, CMC, or CNG Bureau
E-4 $ 8.10 $ 580.20 $ 772.80 $ 217.20 2. Senior Member of the Military Staff Committee of the U.N. $225.00
E-3 $ 7.80 $ 539.40 $ 718.80 $ 177.90 3. General or Admiral $183.33
E-2 $ 7.20 $ 514.20 $ 684.90 $ 237.90 4. Lieutenant General Vice Admiral $41.67
5. Senior Enlisted Member of a Military Service and NG $166.67
E-1 $ 6.90 $ 514.20 $ 684.90 $ 281.40
For other pays or specific requirements for the pay cited in this table, go to the web at:
Aviation Career Incentive Pay
Years of Aviation Service
2 or Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 14 Over 22 Over 23 Over 24 Over 25
125.00 156.00 188.00 206.00 650.00 840.00 585.00 495.00 385.00 250.00
Career Enlisted Flyer Incentive Pay
Years of Aviation Service
4 or less Over 4 Over 8 Over 14
150.00 225.00 350.00 400.00
Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (Crew Member- Non-AWAC)
Pay Grade Amount Pay Amount Pay Amount Pay Amount Pay Amount
Grade Grade Grade Grade
O-10 150.00 O-5 250.00 W-5 250.00 E-9 240.00 E-4 165.00
O-9 150.00 O-4 225.00 W-4 250.00 E-8 240.00 E-3 150.00
O-8 150.00 O-3 175.00 W-3 175.00 E-7 240.00 E-2 150.00
O-7 150.00 O-2 150.00 W-2 150.00 E-6 215.00 E-1 150.00
O-6 250.00 O-1 150.00 W-1 150.00 E-5 190.00
Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (Non-Crew Imminent Danger Pay/Hostile Fire Pay

Diving Pay HDIP (Parachute, Flight Deck, Demolition, &

Officers 240.00 (Max) Enlisted 340.00 (Max) All Grades 150.00
(Member qualified for HALO Pay 225.00).
Basic pay for the MCPO of the Navy, CMSgt of the AF, Sergeant Major of the
For other pays or specific requirements for the pays cited in
Army or Marine Corps, and Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief National this table, go to the web at:
Guard Bureau, basic pay is $7,894.50. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion for O-1
and above is based on this basic pay rate plus HFP/IDP ($225).
Submarine Duty Incentive Pay (Effective October 1, 2011)
Cumulative Years of Service
Pay Grade 2 or less Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over
2 3 4 6 8 10 14 16 18
O-6 595.00 835.00
O-5 595.00 790.00 835.00
O-4 365.00 525.00 595.00 705.00 790.00
O-3 355.00 510.00 595.00 705.00
O-2 305.00 425.00
O-1 230.00 425.00
W-5 285.00 375.00 425.00
W-4 285.00 375.00 425.00
W-3 285.00 375.00 425.00 425.00
W-2 285.00 375.00 425.00 425.00
W-1 285.00 375.00 425.00
E-9 425.00 600.00
E-8 415.00 550.00
E-7 405.00
E-6 155.00 170.00 175.00 300.00 325.00 375.00
E-5 140.00 155.00 250.00 275.00
E-4 80.00 95.00 100.00 245.00
E-3 80.00 90.00 95.00 90.00
E-2 75.00 90.00
E-1 75.00
Submarine Duty Incentive Pay for O-7 through O-10 is $355.00
Cumulative Years of Sea Duty
Pay 1 or Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over
Grade less 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20
O-6 100 100 100 394 400 400 419 450 463 494 506 525 544 544 569 594 625 669
O-5 100 100 100 394 394 394 394 400 431 438 456 463 463 463 500 525 550 594
O-4 100 100 100 325 331 350 356 375 388 388 394 394 419 419 475 494 506 525
O-3 100 100 100 263 281 325 331 344 356 375 394 394 419 419 456 475 494 506
O-2 100 100 100 263 281 325 331 344 356 375 394 394 419 419 438 456 475 494
O-1 100 100 100 263 281 325 331 344 356 375 394 394 419 419 438 456 475 494
W-5 210 210 210 263 300 506 544 544 544 544 613 656 700 700 750 750 750 750
W-4 210 210 210 263 300 506 544 544 544 544 613 656 700 700 750 750 750 750
W-3 210 210 210 263 300 475 494 500 506 544 613 656 700 700 744 744 750 750
W-2 210 210 210 263 300 456 463 463 475 544 594 594 656 656 700 700 700 700
W-1 180 190 195 263 300 306 350 438 475 525 569 569 594 594 631 656 656 656
E-9 135 135 160 381 400 438 438 469 688 700 700 713 725 750 750 750 750 750
E-8 135 135 160 381 400 438 438 469 688 700 700 713 725 750 750 750 750 750
E-7 135 135 160 381 400 438 438 469 688 700 700 713 725 750 750 750 750 750
E-6 135 135 160 350 375 394 406 438 638 656 656 656 675 694 713 731 750 750
E-5 70 80 160 350 375 394 406 438 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638 638
E-4 70 80 160 350 363 363 363 363 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488
E-3 50 60 100 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
E-2 50 60 75 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94
E-1 50 50 50 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63

Career Sea Pay-Premium is $200 per month. Career Sea Pay-Premium is not paid to grades E5 through E9 over 8 years of cumulative sea
duty. Career Sea Pay-Premium is included in their Career Sea Pay.
Cumulative Years of Sea Duty
Pay 1 or Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over
Grade less 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20
O-6 225 230 240 255 265 280 290 300 310 325 340 355 380
O-5 225 230 245 250 260 265 285 300 315 340
O-4 185 190 200 205 215 220 225 240 270 280 290 300
O-3 150 160 185 190 195 205 215 225 240 260 270 280 290
O-2 150 160 185 190 195 205 215 225 240 250 260 270 280
O-1 150 160 185 190 195 205 215 225 240 250 260 270 280
E-9 100 120 175 190 350 375 390 400 410 420 450 475 520
E-8 100 120 175 190 350 375 390 400 410 420 450 475 500 520
E-7 100 120 175 190 350 375 390 400 410 420 450 475 500
E-6 100 120 150 170 315 325 350 365 380 395 410 425 450
E-5 50 60 120 150 170 315 325 350
E-4 50 60 120 150 160
Cumulative Years of Sea Duty
Pay 1 or Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over
Grade less 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20
O-6 225 230 240 255 265 280 290 300 310 325 340 355 380
O-5 225 230 245 250 260 265 285 300 315 340
O-4 185 190 200 205 215 220 225 240 270 280 290 300
O-3 150 160 185 190 195 205 215 225 240 260 270 280 290
O-2 150 160 185 190 195 205 215 225 240 250 260 270 280
O-1 150 160 185 190 195 205 215 225 240 250 260 270 280
W-5 210 310 338 506 534 590 625 660 730
W-4 210 310 338 506 534 590 625 660 730
W-3 210 310 338 478 492 499 506 534 590 625 660 695
W-2 210 310 338 464 471 478 534 576 625
W-1 182 189 196 310 338 345 380 450 478 520 555
E-9 130 156 328 347 425 458 477 490 503 516 555 588 620 646
E-8 130 156 328 347 425 458 477 490 503 516 555 588 620 646
E-7 130 156 328 347 425 458 477 490 503 516 555 588 620
E-6 130 156 295 321 380 393 425 445 464 484 503 523 555
E-5 65 78 156 295 321 380 393 425
E-4 65 78 156 295 308
E-3 50 60 120 150 160 170 190
E-2 50 60 120 150 160 170
E-1 50 60 120 150 160
Variable Special Pay (Medical Officers)
Pay Under 3 But Less 6 But Less 8 But Less 10 But Less 12 But 14 But Less 18 But 22 and
Grade 3 Than 6 Than 8 Than 10 Than 12 Less Than Than 18 Less Than Over
14 22
Intern 100.00
Thru O-6 416.66 1,000.00 958.33 916.66 833.33 750.00 666.66 583.33
Above O-6 583.33 For specific requirements for the pay cited in this table, go to the web at:
Variable Special Pay (VSP) (Dental Officers)
Pay Under 3 But Less 6 But Less 8 But Less 12 But Less 14 But Less
Grade 3 Than 6 Than 8 Than 12 Than 14 Than 18 18 & Over
Intern 250.00
Thru O-6 583.33 583.33 1,000.00 833.33 750.00 666.67
Above O-6 583.33
Board Certified Pay Special Pay (Medical and Dental Officers) Additional Special Pay (ASP) (Dental Officers)
(effective April 24, 2008)
Pay Under 10 But 12 But 14 But 18 & Pay Under 3 But Less 10 & Over
Grade 10 Less Less Less Over Grade 3 Than 10
Than 12 Than 14 Than 18
All Grades 208.33 291.66 333.33 416.66 500.00 All Grades 10,000.00 12,000.00 15,000.00
Incentive Special Pay (Medical Officers)
Specialty Annual Specialty Annual Specialty Annual Amt Specialty Annual
Amt Amt Amt
Aerospace Med 20,000.00 General surgery 29,000.00 Otolaryngology 30,000.00 Subspecialty Category I 36,000.00
Anesthesiology 36,000.00 Internal 20,000.00 Pathology 20,000.00 Subspecialty Category 28,000.00
medicine II
Cardiology 36,000.00 Neurology 20,000.00 Pediatrics 20,000.00 Subspecialty Category 23,000.00
Dermatology 20,000.00 Neurosurgery 36,000.00 Phys and Prev/Occ Med 20,000.00 Subspecialty Category 20,000.00
Emergency Med 26,000.00 OB/GYN 31,000.00 Psychiatry 20,000.00 Subspecialty Category 36,000.00
Family practice 20,000.00 Ophthalmology 28,000.00 Pulmonary/IM-Critical Care 23,000.00 Urology 28,000.00
Gastroenterology 26,000.00 Orthopedics 36,000.00 Radiology 36,000.00
Multiyear Retention Bonus (Dental Officers)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
4 Year Agreement 50,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 25,000.00
3 Year Agreement 38,000.00 30,000.00 27,000.00 19,000.00
2 Year Agreement 25,000.00 20,000.00 18,000.00 13,000.00
Cumulative Years of Service
Pay 2 or less Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8 Over 10 Over 12 Over 14 Over 16 Over 18 Over 20
O-7 8,264.40 8,648.40 8,826.00 8,967.30 9,222.90 9,475.80 9,767.70 10,059.00 10,351.20 11,269.20 12,043.80 12,043.80
1 Drill 275.48 288.28 294.2 298.91 307.43 315.86 325.59 335.3 345.04 375.64 401.46 401.46
4 Drills 1101.92 1153.12 1176.8 1195.64 1229.72 1263.44 1302.36 1341.2 1380.16 1502.56 1605.84 1605.84
O-6 6,186.60 6,796.80 7,242.90 7,242.90 7,270.50 7,582.20 7,623.30 7,623.30 8,056.50 8,822.40 9,272.10 9,721.50
1 Drill 206.22 226.56 241.43 241.43 242.35 252.74 254.11 254.11 268.55 294.08 309.07 324.05
4 Drills 824.88 906.24 965.72 965.72 969.40 1,010.96 1,016.44 1,016.44 1,074.20 1,176.32 1,236.28 1,296.20
O-5 5,157.60 5,810.10 6,212.10 6,288.00 6,539.10 6,689.10 7,019.10 7,261.50 7,574.70 8,053.80 8,281.20 8,506.50
1 Drill 171.92 193.67 207.07 209.60 217.97 222.97 233.97 242.05 252.49 268.46 276.04 283.55
4 Drills 687.68 774.68 828.28 838.40 871.88 891.88 935.88 968.20 1,009.96 1,073.84 1,104.16 1,134.20
O-4 4,449.90 5,151.30 5,495.10 5,571.60 5,890.50 6,232.80 6,659.10 6,990.60 7,221.00 7,353.60 7,430.10 7,430.10
1 Drill 148.33 171.71 183.17 185.72 196.35 207.76 221.97 233.02 240.70 245.12 247.67 247.67
4 Drills 593.32 686.84 732.68 742.88 785.40 831.04 887.88 932.08 962.80 980.48 990.68 990.68
O-3 3,912.60 4,435.20 4,787.10 5,219.40 5,469.60 5,744.10 5,921.10 6,213.00 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40
1 Drill 130.42 147.84 159.57 173.98 182.32 191.47 197.37 207.10 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18
4 Drills 521.68 591.36 638.28 695.92 729.28 765.88 789.48 828.40 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72
O-2 3,380.70 3,850.20 4,434.30 4,584.00 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50
1 Drill 112.69 128.34 147.81 152.80 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95
4 Drills 450.76 513.36 591.24 611.20 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80
O-1 2,934.30 3,054.30 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10
1 Drill 97.81 101.81 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07
4 Drills 391.24 407.24 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28
O-3E 5,219.40 5,469.60 5,744.10 5,921.10 6,213.00 6,459.30 6,600.90 6,793.20 6,793.20
1 Drill 173.98 182.32 191.47 197.37 207.10 215.31 220.03 226.44 226.44
4 Drills 695.92 729.28 765.88 789.48 828.40 861.24 880.12 905.76 905.76
O-2E 4,584.00 4,678.50 4,827.60 5,079.00 5,273.10 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00
1 Drill 152.80 155.95 160.92 169.30 175.77 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60
4 Drills 611.20 623.80 643.68 677.20 703.08 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40
O-1E 3,692.10 3,942.30 4,088.40 4,237.20 4,383.60 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00
1 Drill 123.07 131.41 136.28 141.24 146.12 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80
4 Drills 492.28 525.64 545.12 564.96 584.48 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20
Cumulative Years of Service
Pay Grade Over 22 Over 24 Over 26 Over 28 Over 30 Over 32 Over 34 Over 36 Over 38 Over 40

O-7 12,043.80 12,043.80 12,105.60 12,105.60 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70 12,347.70
1 Drill 401.46 401.46 403.52 403.52 411.59 411.59 411.59 411.59 411.59 411.59
4 Drills 1605.84 1605.84 1614.08 1614.08 1646.36 1646.36 1646.36 1646.36 1646.36 1646.36
O-6 9,977.10 10,236.00 10,738.20 10,738.20 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40 10,952.40
1 Drill 332.57 341.20 357.94 357.94 365.08 365.08 365.08 365.08 365.08 365.08
4 Drills 1,330.28 1,364.80 1,431.76 1,431.76 1,460.32 1,460.32 1,460.32 1,460.32 1,460.32 1,460.32
O-5 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40 8,762.40
1 Drill 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08 292.08
4 Drills 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32 1,168.32
O-4 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10 7,430.10
1 Drill 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67 247.67
4 Drills 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68 990.68
O-3 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40 6,365.40
1 Drill 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18 212.18
4 Drills 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72 848.72
O-2 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50 4,678.50
1 Drill 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95 155.95
4 Drills 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80 623.80
O-1 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10 3,692.10
1 Drill 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07 123.07
4 Drills 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28 492.28
O-3E 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20 6,793.20
1 Drill 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44 226.44
4 Drills 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76 905.76
O-2E 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00 5,418.00
1 Drill 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60 180.60
4 Drills 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40 722.40
O-1E 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00 4,584.00
1 Drill 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80 152.80
4 Drills 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20 611.20
Pay Grade 2 or less Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8 Over 10 Over 12 Over 14 Over 16 Over 18 Over 20

W-5 7,189.50
1 Drill 239.65
4 Drills 958.60
W-4 4,043.40 4,349.70 4,474.20 4,597.20 4,808.70 5,018.10 5,229.90 5,548.80 5,828.10 6,094.20 6,311.70 6,523.80
1 Drill 134.78 144.99 149.14 153.24 160.29 167.27 174.33 184.96 194.27 203.14 210.39 217.46
4 Drills 539.12 579.96 596.56 612.96 641.16 669.08 697.32 739.84 777.08 812.56 841.56 869.84
W-3 3,692.40 3,846.30 4,004.10 4,056.00 4,221.30 4,546.80 4,885.50 5,045.10 5,229.60 5,419.80 5,761.50 5,992.50
1 Drill 123.08 128.21 133.47 135.20 140.71 151.56 162.85 168.17 174.32 180.66 192.05 199.75
4 Drills 492.32 512.84 533.88 540.80 562.84 606.24 651.40 672.68 697.28 722.64 768.20 799.00
W-2 3,267.30 3,576.30 3,671.70 3,736.80 3,948.90 4,278.30 4,441.50 4,602.00 4,798.50 4,951.80 5,091.00 5,257.50
1 Drill 108.91 119.21 122.39 124.56 131.63 142.61 148.05 153.40 159.95 165.06 169.70 175.25
4 Drills 435.64 476.84 489.56 498.24 526.52 570.44 592.20 613.60 639.80 660.24 678.80 701.00
W-1 2,868.30 3,176.70 3,259.80 3,435.00 3,642.60 3,948.30 4,091.10 4,290.30 4,486.80 4,641.30 4,783.20 4,956.00
1 Drill 95.61 105.89 108.66 114.50 121.42 131.61 136.37 143.01 149.56 154.71 159.44 165.20
4 Drills 382.44 423.56 434.64 458.00 485.68 526.44 545.48 572.04 598.24 618.84 637.76 660.80
Pay Grade Over 22 Over 24 Over 26 Over 28 Over 30 Over 32 Over 34 Over 36 Over 38 Over 40

W-5 7,554.30 7,825.80 8,126.70 8,126.70 8,533.50 8,533.50 8,959.80 8,959.80 9,408.30 9,408.30
1 Drill 251.81 260.86 270.89 270.89 284.45 284.45 298.66 298.66 313.61 313.61
4 Drills 1,007.24 1,043.44 1,083.56 1,083.56 1,137.80 1,137.80 1,194.64 1,194.64 1,254.44 1,254.44
W-4 6,835.80 7,092.00 7,384.20 7,384.20 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80 7,531.80
1 Drill 227.86 236.40 246.14 246.14 251.06 251.06 251.06 251.06 251.06 251.06
4 Drills 911.44 945.60 984.56 984.56 1,004.24 1,004.24 1,004.24 1,004.24 1,004.24 1,004.24
W-3 6,130.50 6,277.50 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30 6,477.30
1 Drill 204.35 209.25 215.91 215.91 215.91 215.91 215.91 215.91 215.91 215.91
4 Drills 817.40 837.00 863.64 863.64 863.64 863.64 863.64 863.64 863.64 863.64
W-2 5,366.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70 5,453.70
1 Drill 178.89 181.79 181.79 181.79 181.79 181.79 181.79 181.79 181.79 181.79
4 Drills 715.56 727.16 727.16 727.16 727.16 727.16 727.16 727.16 727.16 727.16
W-1 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00 4,956.00
1 Drill 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20 165.20
4 Drills 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80 660.80
Cumulative Years of Service
Grade 2 or less Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8 Over 10 Over 12 Over 14 Over 16 Over 18 Over 20

E-9 4,885.20 4,995.90 5,135.40 5,299.20 5,465.10 5,730.30

1 Drill 162.84 166.53 171.18 176.64 182.17 191.01
4 Drills 651.36 666.12 684.72 706.56 728.68 764.04
E-8 3,999.00 4,175.70 4,285.20 4,416.60 4,558.80 4,815.30 4,945.20
1 Drill 133.30 139.19 142.84 147.22 151.96 160.51 164.84
4 Drills 533.20 556.76 571.36 588.88 607.84 642.04 659.36
E-7 2,780.10 3,034.20 3,150.30 3,304.20 3,424.50 3,630.90 3,747.00 3,953.40 4,125.00 4,242.30 4,367.10 4,415.40
1 Drill 92.67 101.14 105.01 110.14 114.15 121.03 124.90 131.78 137.50 141.41 145.57 147.18
4 Drills 370.68 404.56 420.04 440.56 456.60 484.12 499.60 527.12 550.00 565.64 582.28 588.72
E-6 2,404.50 2,645.70 2,762.40 2,876.10 2,994.60 3,261.00 3,364.80 3,565.80 3,627.30 3,672.00 3,724.20 3,724.20
1 Drill 80.15 88.19 92.08 95.87 99.82 108.70 112.16 118.86 120.91 122.40 124.14 124.14
4 Drills 320.60 352.76 368.32 383.48 399.28 434.80 448.64 475.44 483.64 489.60 496.56 496.56
E-5 2,202.90 2,350.80 2,464.50 2,580.60 2,761.80 2,951.40 3,107.10 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70
1 Drill 73.43 78.36 82.15 86.02 92.06 98.38 103.57 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19
4 Drills 293.72 313.44 328.60 344.08 368.24 393.52 414.28 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76
E-4 2,019.60 2,122.80 2,238.00 2,351.40 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60
1 Drill 67.32 70.76 74.60 78.38 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72
4 Drills 269.28 283.04 298.40 313.52 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88
E-3 1,823.40 1,938.00 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30
1 Drill 60.78 64.60 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51
4 Drills 243.12 258.40 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04
E-2 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00
1 Drill 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80
4 Drills 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20
E-1 > 4
mos 1,546.80
1 Drill 51.56
4 Drills 206.24
E-1 < 4
mos 1,430.40
1 Drill 47.68
4 Drills 190.72
Cumulative Years of Service
Grade Over 22 Over 24 Over 26 Over 28 Over 30 Over 32 Over 34 Over 36 Over 38 Over 40

E-9 5,954.70 6,190.50 6,551.70 6,551.70 6,879.00 6,879.00 7,223.10 7,223.10 7,584.60 7,584.60
1 Drill 198.49 206.35 218.39 218.39 229.30 229.30 240.77 240.77 252.82 252.82
4 Drills 793.96 825.40 873.56 873.56 917.20 917.20 963.08 963.08 1,011.28 1,011.28
E-8 5,166.60 5,289.30 5,591.40 5,591.40 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60 5,703.60
1 Drill 172.22 176.31 186.38 186.38 190.12 190.12 190.12 190.12 190.12 190.12
4 Drills 688.88 705.24 745.52 745.52 760.48 760.48 760.48 760.48 760.48 760.48
E-7 4,577.70 4,664.70 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20 4,996.20
1 Drill 152.59 155.49 166.54 166.54 166.54 166.54 166.54 166.54 166.54 166.54
4 Drills 610.36 621.96 666.16 666.16 666.16 666.16 666.16 666.16 666.16 666.16
E-6 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20 3,724.20
1 Drill 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14 124.14
4 Drills 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56 496.56
E-5 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70 3,125.70
1 Drill 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19 104.19
4 Drills 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76 416.76
E-4 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60 2,451.60
1 Drill 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72 81.72
4 Drills 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88 326.88
E-3 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30 2,055.30
1 Drill 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51 68.51
4 Drills 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04 274.04
E-2 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00 1,734.00
1 Drill 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80
4 Drills 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20 231.20

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