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Student Name: Katherine Ruvalcaba

Date: 1/29/17
Artifact Description: Graffiti Painting creating a painting using an image while maintaining
aspects of the original image.
What you learned: I learned that creativity can be a challenging aspect of technology AND
class work but with the appropriate tools, everyone can be an artist. I had previous experience
writing short stories for other classes so that wasnt a difficulty but the painting itself was. Its
easier to create an original piece than it is to create a piece from an image while maintaining
aspects of said image. I didnt want it to be a childish figure from something like Goosebumps, I
wanted it to have a semblance of relevance to our current political climate. I wanted it to be close
to reality while maintaining an aspect of sheer and utter terror which proved to be a bigger
challenge than I anticipated. However, using the appropriate tools and being able to address my
creativity and imagination through these tools allowed me to enhance my knowledge of
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed: #1
Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Teachers use their knowledge of subject
matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face to face and virtual environments. (Links to an external site.)
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Using tools like Paint or Photoshop allows a
teacher to express their creativity while reaching outside of the stuffy mold theyre categorized
into. By collaborating with students on projects involving Paint or Photoshop, we are able to use
a students creativity to better their work. If I continue to pursue my career as a teacher, Paint or
Photoshop would have to be a technology my students use to allow them room to be creative
with their work. It gives students a chance to use their artistic brains while creating a project
relating to the subject matter theyre working with. By allowing students to use these artistic
tools, I would enable them to expand their minds.

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