Present Continuous Spelling Rules

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Present Continuous/Progressive Spelling Rules

BE verb + ing verb

1. Add ing to the base form of most verbs

start starting
finish finishing
wash washing

2. When the base form ends in an e, delete the e and add -ing

live living
care caring
ride riding

3. When the base the verb ends with ee just add -ing

agree agreeing
see seeing

4. When the base verb ends in ie, delete the ie and add y then add ing

tie tying
die dying

5. If the verb has one syllable and ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant (CVC),
double the final consonant and add ing.

stop stopping
rob robbing
beg begging

6. Do not double final w or x or y.

sew sewing
mix mixing
play playing

7. If the verb has two syllables, and the final syllable is stressed, double the final

ad mit admitting
oc cur occurring
per mit permitting

* in American English l is not doubled.

8. If the verb has two syllables, and the final syllable is not stressed, do not double the
final consonant.

hap pen happening

lis ten listening
o pen opening

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