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THE NEW Third: Third Worldist ideologies emphasizing state

control of industry and economic self-reliance are

REGIONALISM displaced by the neoliberal economic doctrines.

Regionalism connotes political movement based

on awareness of and loyalty to a region, combined The immediate aftermath of independence
with dedication to a region-wide agenda of some for most African states in the late 1950s and early
kind. 1960s did not immediately produce a particularly
Regionalization creation or realignment of encouraging climate for regionalism.
transactions and attitudes along regional lines and is 1961 and 1962
- Casablanca, Brazzaville, Monrovia
a manifestation of globalization. Regionalization is
a process with integration as its fruit. May 25, 1963
Integration process by which states within a - OAU
particular region increase their level of interaction
with regard to economic, security, political, or Organization of African Unity
social and cultural issues. Aims
- Sovereign Equality
New Regionalism a comprehensive, multifaceted - Non-interference in internal affairs
and multidimensional process, implying a change of - Territorial integrity
a particular region from relative heterogeneity to - Condemnation of political assassination and
increased homogeneity with regard to a number of subversion
dimensions, the most important being culture, - Peaceful settlement of disputes
security, economic policies and political regimes.
- Dedication to the emancipation of the remaining
*What is NEW in the new regionalism? colonial territories in the continent
OLD REGIONALISM During the cold war period, African states
-Also known as first generation regionalism or shared one common cause the ending of apartheid
classic regionalism in South Africa and were also, to some extent, able
-must be understood within a particular historical to maintain the superpowers interest in their affairs
context, dominated by the bipolar Cold War by taking advantage of their competition for
structure influence.
-Eurocentric and narrow, 1980s
-formal and power and strategic considerations - falling per capita income, lower per capita food
influenced by cold war politics and was in many production, and a smaller share for the region in the
cases imposed by superpowers (hegemonic world market for exports
-introverted and main actors are nation-states 1993
-commenced by the end of the Second World War The OAU established a Mechanism for
and died out on 1960s Conflict Prevention, Management and
NEW REGIONALISM African Economic Community was also
-Also known as second wave regionalism or current established.
wave regionalism
-New attitudes towards international cooperation and 2001
the decentralization of the international system Leading African states agreed to an initiative
brought about by the collapse of communism and known as the New Partnership for Africas
the end of the cold war. Development (NEPAD), a comprehensive
-Extroverted, main actors include state and non-state programme designed to address Africas increasing
actors marginalization in the face of globalization.
-Commenced on the end of the Cold War
New Regionalism as a response to Globalization: - established on May 26, 2001
First: Regionalism seen as a way of emphasizing - came into being in July 9, 2002
and protecting local cultures and local enterprise - Much more ambitious organization than its
Second: New regionalism stems not only from predecessor.
protectionist impulses but from competitive ones
Provided in Article 30 of the Constitutive Act of the - envisaged as a response to the neoliberal
African Union. agenda being promoted by the major
Achieve greater unity and solidarity between the African Western countries and the institutions
countries and the peoples of Africa; dominated by them such as the World Bank
Defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and - started with a commitment to open
independence of its member states; regionalism within the overall context and
Accelerate the political and socio-economic integration rules of the World Trade Organization,
of the continent; rather than a protectionist device
Promote and defend African common positions on issues 4 Main Ingredients:
of interest to the continent and its peoples; 1) Liberalization of trade amongst its
Encourage international cooperation, taking due account members and other states and regional organizations
of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal 2) The creation of customs union with a
Declaration of Human Rights; common external tariff
Promote peace, security, and stability of the continent; 3) Coordination of economic policies
Promote democratic principles and institutions, popular 4) Cooperation in certain specific sectors
participation and good governance; Rio Declaration MERCOSUR was declared to be
Promote and protect human and peoples rights in strategic alliance
accordance with the African Charter on Human and
Peoples Rights and other relevant human rights NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
instruments; - an extension of the Canada-US Free Trade
Ensure the effective participation of women in decision- Agreement of 1988 to Mexico
making, particularly in the political, economic and - focus is very much on trade rather than
socio-cultural areas; broader economic integration
Establish the necessary conditions which enable the - criticized for it as being driven essentially
continent to play its rightful role in the global economy by American industrial concerns to exploit a
and in international negotiations; cheaper labor market, and one that is less
Promote sustainable development at the economic, subject to environmental constraints
social and cultural levels as well as the integration of
African economies;
Promote co-operation in all fields of human activity to ASIA
raise the living standards of African peoples; HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
Coordinate and harmonize the policies between the 19th century
existing and future Regional Economic Communities for - Southeast Asia became victims of European
the gradual attainment of the objectives of the Union; colonialism.
Advance the development of the continent by promoting
research in all fields, in particular in science and During World War II
technology; - Japan expelled the Western colonial powers from
Work with relevant international partners in the the region and subjected it to a brutal occupation.
eradication of preventable diseases and the promotion of
good health on the continent; Following World War II
Develop and promote common policies on trade, defense - SEA countries gained independence from
and foreign relations to ensure the defense of the colonizers, but became part of the Cold War.
continent and the strengthening of its negotiating
positions; 1954
Invite and encourage the full participation of the African - US together with France, Great Britain, New
Zealand, Australia, Philippines, Thailand, and
Diaspora as an important part of our continent, in the
Pakistan founded the Southeast Asia Treaty
building of the African Union.
Organization (SEATO).


- Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand gave rise to
OAS (Organization of American States) the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA).
- Founded on April 30 1948 for the purposes
of regional solidarity and cooperation 1963
among its member states - Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia founded
- Promotes social and economic development MAPHILINDO.
in the Western Hemisphere through
cooperation 1966
- South Korean President Park Chung-hee created
MERCOSUR (Mercado Comn del Sur)
the Asia Pacific Council (ASPAC).
- commenced on January 1 1995
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) partnership[and] to promote regional peace and
- founded on August 8, 1967 stability.
- Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, 3 Pillars
Thailand (ASEAN 5) 1. economic
Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam 2. security
- Originally designed as an anticommunist 3. sociocultural
organization. SETBACKS
- Transformed into a cooperative grouping with Asian economic crisis Lasted for almost 2
numerous committees and working groups. years.
ASEAN members spelled out in the Bangkok Regional haze Brought about by the large forest
Declaration that their main goals shall be: fires in Indonesia.
to accelerate the economic growth, social progress, Political upheaval in East Timor When
and cultural development in the region through joint Indonesia invaded East Timor.
endeavours in the spirit of equality and

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