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Template for your persuasive speech outlines

See below for the outline. Note the HEADINGS, highlighted in yellow here. YOUR
outline should also have these headings!

-Be sure each point on your outline has ONE and ONLY ONE complete sentence. Not
a sentence fragment. Not a paragraph. Remember, the outline isnt a script for
what you will say in your speech. The outline is your tool for organizing your
thoughts. Your speech will extemporaneous/conversational and will include your
natural conversation about the main points.

The parts highlighted in blue indicate questions you need to be able to answer for
yourself as you prepare your outline.

How will you incorporate the steps of the Motivated Sequence in this Presentation?

1) Attention get the audiences attention and make the see relevance of topic
to them.
2) Need. Identify the need or problem that needs to be addressed.
3) Satisfaction Show the audience how your solution will solve the problem or
meet the need.
Talk about the charity. Why are they credible? How will they spend the
money? Why should we trust them? Tell us their history, their
successes, how they function.
4) Visualization show the audience how your solution will play out. You can
also show them how lack of employing this solution will result in negative

Tell us case studies, examples, Paint a visual picture for us and how
the money will be spent.

5) Action tell the audience exactly what you want them to do and how. Make it
easy for them.

How do we donate? Online? Writing a check? Show us how easy it is.

I. Introduction
A. Attention getting device:
B. How/why relevant to audience:
C. Ethos/credibility (of you, the speaker): how will you bolster your ethos,
not just here but thr/o the speech?
D. Thesis/Central Idea (One complete sentence that isnt a question that
sums up the main point of your speech. Make sure its persuasive in
nature and that it doesnt state your three main points.):
Is your com 1010 audience receptive, hostile or neutral to this
thesis? How you answer this question will impact your choices
thr/o the speech.

E. Preview of three main points (one sentence that states your main

Transition: a transition is one complete that simply states what you just
told them and then what youre about to them.

II. Body how will you include logos and pathos in this speech?
A. First main point. [depending on the organizational format you are
using, it could be statement of problem or statement of the need for
action, etc.]
1. Subpoints
2. Subpoints
[break these down as much as you need to]
Transition: heres an example of a good transition: Now that I just told
you about the history of clown colleges, Im going to tell you about
where they are located.
B. Second main point.
C. Third main point
III. Conclusion: Note: depending on the organizational structure you are
using, you may have some other points to cover in your conclusion as
wellthis is a general conclusion
A. Restatement of thesis: dont feel you need to play around w/ the
words you can repeat using the same words. Repetition is good.
B. Creating a sense of connection w/ intro
C. Inspiring an appropriate state of mind
D. Call for action: tell the audience what you want them to do/think
E. Sense of closure: how will you end w/o simply saying thats it.

And when you are done w/ the first draft, ask yourself the questions on page 444 of
your textbook!

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