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TAHUN AJARAN 2017/2018


These tools include the respiratory function of air containing oxygen and remove the air
containing carbon dioxide and water vapor. Purpose of the breathing process is to obtain
energy. Breathing events occur on the release of energy.Human Respiratory System consists

1. Nasal cavity
On the surface of the nasal cavity there are tiny hairs and mucous membranes that
function to filter the incoming air into the nasal cavity.
2. The base of the throat
Base of the throat compiled by some of the cartilage that forms the Adams apple.
Base of the throat can be closed by the valve base of the throat (epiglottis). At the time
of swallowing the food, the valve is closed the base of the throat and breathing at the
time of valve opening. At the base of the throat there is a sound film that will vibrate
when air from the lungs, for example when we talk.
3. Trachea
Windpipe (trachea) located next to the front of the esophagus. In the chest cavity,
trachea branched into two bronchus (bronchus). In the lung, bronchus branch out
again into a tiny channel called the bronchioles. Bronchioles end in the form of small
bubbles, called bubble of the lungs (alveoli).
4. Lungs
The lungs are located inside the chest cavity. Chest and abdominal cavity bounded
by siuatu septum called the diaphragm. The lungs are two pieces of the right lung and
left lung. Right lung consists of three gelambir (lobe) is gelambir top, middle and
gelambir gelambir below. While the left lung is composed of two gelambir gelambir
gelambir top and bottom. The lungs are covered by a lining of the lungs (pleura).
Alveoli in the lungs are huge numbers, approximately 300 million alveoli. Entire
alveolar surface area is estimated to 100 times greater than the surface of the body.
Dikekelingi alveolar capillary blood vessels.

Gas exchange in the alveoli

Oxygen required for oxidation is taken from the air we breathe when we
breathe. At the time of breathable air to enter through the respiratory tract and
akhirnyan into the alveoli. The oxygen contained in the alveoli diffuses
through the cell walls of the alveoli. Finally get into the blood vessels and that
there is bound to hemoglobin in the blood becomes oxyhemoglobin.
Subsequently circulated by the blood throughout the body.
Oxygen is released into the body cells so that the oxyhemoglobin
becomes hemoglobin again. Carbon dioxide produced from respiration are
transported by the blood through the blood vessels eventually came to the
alveoli of the alveolar carbon dioxide is expelled through the respiratory tract
at the time we exhale.
Thus in the alveolar gas exchange of oxygen occurs in and
karnbondioksida out.
Breathing Process
Breathing involves two processes that incorporate breathing or breathing
air and exhaling or breathing out the air. Inhale and exhale is called inspiration
is called expiration.
At the time you inhale, the diaphragm muscle to contract. Original
position of the diaphragm is now a straight upward curve so that the chest
cavity to expand. This is called abdominal breathing. Simultaneously with the
contraction of the diaphragm muscle, the rib muscles also contract so that the
chest cavity expands. It is called chest breathing. Due to the expansion of the
chest cavity, the pressure in the chest cavity is reduced, so that the outside air
from entering through the nose then finally air through the airways into the
lungs, so the lungs inflate
Exhalation occur because the diaphragm muscle and the muscles of the
ribs and also assisted with berkontraksinya abdominal muscles. Diaphragm to
be curved upward, ribs down to the bottom and moving inward, resulting in
smaller chest cavity so that the pressure in the chest rise. With increasing
pressure in the chest cavity, the air from the lungs out through the respiratory
Lung capacity
Air in and out of the lungs at the time of the so-called air-breathing
breathing (tidal air). Volume of air breathing in adults approximately 500 nl.
After we do the usual inspiration, we can still breathe deeply. Air can enter
after a normal inspiration is called complementary air, the volume is
approximately 1500 ml. After we do the ordinary expiration, we can still
exhale a vengeance. Air that can be issued after the expiration of air called
supplementary, approximately 1500 ml volume. Although we exhale from
your lungs with a vengeance in the lung was still there the air is called residual
air. Residual air volume of approximately 1500 ml. The number orespiratory
air volume, air complementary and supplementary air called lung vital

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