Operating Systems: Syed Nasirin, Ph. D

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Operating Systems

Syed Nasirin, Ph. D

Google classroom
What is the passcode?
This is what an OS do:
controls the backing store and peripherals such as scanners and printers
deals with the transfer of programs in and out of memory
organises the use of memory between programs
organises processing time between programs and users
maintains security and access rights of users
deals with errors and user instructions
allows the user to save files to a backing store
provides the interface between the user and the computer - for example, Windows 10
and Apple MacOS
issues simple error messages

An operating system is a system program that controls and organises the general
operation of the computer.
The Goal of OS
1. Efficient use of computer system
2. User convenience

Unfortunately, user convenience often conflicts with efficient use of computer


An OS cannot provide both

The key goal of an OS is to provide a combination of efficient use and user

convenience - that best suits the environment in which it is used.
Efficient use vs.User convenience
Efficient use of resources can be obtained by monitoring the use of resources and
performing corrective actions when necessary.

A comprehensive method of monitoring may lead to high overhead as a computer

systems contains several resources like memory, i/O devices and the CPU.

Current approach: Simple and easy to apply but known-to-be suboptimal

strategies for ensuring efficiency.

They either focus on efficiency of a few important resources like the CPU and
memory, or handle user programs in a manner that guarantees high efficiency.
What is an OS?

An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer
by a boot program, manages all the other programs in a computer.

Boot program: is the initialization of a computerised system (e.g., boot loader)

The other programs are called applications or application programs. The application
programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a
defined application program interface (API). In addition, users can interact directly with the
operating system through a user interface such as a command line or a graphical user
interface (GUI).

API: is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications.

An API specifies how software components should interact.

GUI: As a human-computer interface (i.e., a way for humans to interact with

computers) that uses windows, icons and menus
Facets of user convenience
Facet Examples
Necessity Ability to execute programs, use file system
Good service Speedy response to computational requests
User friendly OS Easy-to-use commands , GUI
New programming model Concurrent programming
Feature for experts Means to set-up complex computational structures
Web-oriented features Means to set-up Web-enables servers
Evolution Ability to add new features, use new computers
Examples of OS
Laptops, tablets, and desktop computers all run operating systems that you've probably heard of.

Some examples include versions of Microsoft Windows (like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7,
Windows Vista, and Windows XP), Apple's MacOS (formerly OS X) Linux and many others.

Depending on your device and the applications you use, you will need one of these operating systems to

carry out the tasks that you request.

Key concerns of an OS
Programs Initiation & termination. Providing convenient methods so that several
programs can work towards a common goal.
Resources Ensuring availability of resources in the system and allocating them to
Scheduling Deciding when, and for how long, to devote the CPU to a program.
Protection Protect data and programs against interference from users and their
More about OS
Master control program (such as DOS, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, Unix, and Windows) that automatically
runs first when a computer is switched on, and remains in the background until the computer is turned off.

It commonly comes preinstalled (on the boot section of the computer's main hard disk) and is usually
the most complex and largest program to be used by the computer.

A computer user is typically more affected by the capabilities of the OS than by those of the hardware.

Main services provided by an OS include (1) user-interface, (2) carrying out commands of the user
and the application programs, (3) supervising installation and running of other programs and
hardware, (4) controlling the input-output functions, (5) allocating system resources such as
memory, processor time, disk space, and peripheral devices to regulate the flow of work within the
computer, (6) handling file and directory management, and (7) providing file-sharing and
networking functions.
Main services provided by an OS
(1) user-interface,

(2) carrying out commands of the user and the application programs,

(3) supervising installation and running of other programs and hardware,

(4) controlling the input-output functions,

(5) allocating system resources such as memory, processor time, disk space, and peripheral
devices to regulate the flow of work within the computer,

(6) handling file and directory management, and

(7) providing file-sharing and networking functions.

In summary
An operating system or OS is a software on the hard drive that enables the computer
hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software.

Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless.

Operating Systems A Concept Based Approach - 3rd Edition (UMS Co-op)

By: Dm Dhamdhere

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Additional reading
Windows 10 OS - Notes are available in Google Classroom
What are we going to cover throughout this
Processes and threads
In computing, a process is an instance of a Structure of OS
computer program that is being executed. It Message passing
contains the program code and its current Deadlocks
activity. Depending on the operating Synchronisation
system(OS), a process may be made up of
multiple threads of execution that execute
instructions concurrently.
Memory management
File systems
Security protection

Tests & assignments
3 Tests - 20 percent each 60 percent altogether out of your carry marks

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