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1400 W. 4th St.

Williamsport PA, 17701

Dear Senator Mcllhinney,

My name is Caden Mitchell and I am currently a prospective Registered
Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) working to complete Aramarks dietetic internship program
at UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Susquehanna. I am also
completing a masters degree at the University of Southern Mississippi in Nutrition and
Foodservice with an emphasis on a dietetic internship. I have decided to write to you
today concerning bill No. S. 3082: Preventing Diabetes in Medicare Act of 2016. The
purpose of this bill is to allow any individual who is currently a beneficiary of Medicare
to receive Medical Nutrition Therapy if they have been clinically diagnosed with pre-
diabetes or display multiple symptoms of diabetes. Upon review of this bill, I felt it
completely necessary to write to you since current research conducted by the Center
for Disease Control, has shown that this will not only reduce long term healthcare
costs but will also help save lives of those in your district! Currently, the bill is awaiting
review by the committee of finance and I ask that you advocate for its approval
amongst the current legislators and vote in favor of its passing when possible. It WILL
make a difference in your communities lives. I have attached a short fact sheet below
with the congressional findings that reinforce my point.

1. The CDC has estimated that around 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes.
2. Of those age >65, an estimated 51% have pre-diabetes
3. Approximately 1 of 5 hospitalizations in 2008 was correlated with Diabetes
Mellitus as stated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
4. High blood glucose levels can be reversed in many individuals with pre-
diabetes. According to the Institute for Alternative Futures, if 50 percent of adults with
pre-diabetes were able to successfully make lifestyle changes proven to prevent or
delay diabetes, then by 2025 approximately 4,700,000 new cases of diabetes could be
prevented at a cost savings of $300 billion -Section 2; congressional findings of bill
No. S. 3082 Preventing Diabetes in Medicare Act of 2016
5. The average cost to treat someone each year with diabetes is $13,741, in
comparison to $3,495 for those not suffering from diabetes, a difference of $10,246
each year.
*all data reported from

I would like to request a response and anticipate hearing your viewpoints on the issue
as well as your willingness to encourage others around you to take action.
Have a great day,

Caden Mitchell
Aramark Dietetic Intern
University of Southern Miss 18
West Chester University 16
Nutrition and Dietetics

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