Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology

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Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 7, July 2013 ( 2013) pp.

DOI: 10.1007/s10439-013-0800-z

Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology

Department of Neurological Surgery, Stony Brook University Medical Center, 100 Nicolls Road, HSC T12, Room 080, Stony
Brook, NY 11794-8122, USA
(Received 9 September 2012; accepted 21 March 2013; published online 3 April 2013)

Associate Editor Ender A. Finol oversaw the review of this article.

AbstractMany factors that are either blood-, wall-, or hemorrhage.33 This accounts for only about ve per-
hemodynamics-borne have been associated with the initia- cent of all strokes, but the consequences of aneurysmal
tion, growth, and rupture of intracranial aneurysms. The hemorrhage are dire, carrying a mortality rate of about
distribution of cerebral aneurysms around the bifurcations of
the circle of Willis has provided the impetus for numerous 50% and a morbidity rate among survivors of about
studies trying to link hemodynamic factors (ow impinge- 50%.14 The pathophysiology (term used to include
ment, pressure, and/or wall shear stress) to aneurysm aneurysm formation, growth, and rupture unless
pathophysiology. The focus of this review is to provide a otherwise specied) of aneurysms leading to aneurysm
broad overview of such hemodynamic associations as well as growth and eventual rupture are not entirely clear, but
the subsumed aspects of vascular anatomy and wall struc-
ture. Hemodynamic factors seem to be correlated to the research, especially because of the large number of
distribution of aneurysms on the intracranial arterial tree and groups studying aneurysms over the past decade or
complex, slow ow patterns seem to be associated with two, continues to converge on identication of the
aneurysm growth and rupture. However, both the prevalence mechanisms responsible.
of aneurysms in the general population and the incidence of Reasonably, such dilations occur because of deleteri-
ruptures in the aneurysm population are extremely low. This
suggests that hemodynamic factors and purely mechanical ous factors or deciencies in the blood or because of
explanations by themselves may serve as necessary, but never structural deciencies in the arterial walls, or both, with
as necessary and sufcient conditions of this diseases the focal nature of the disease being modulated by nor-
causation. The ultimate cause is not yet known, but it is mal or abnormal (yet undened) hemodynamics at the
likely an additive or multiplicative effect of a handful of predisposed locations (Fig. 2). The extent to which the
biochemical and biomechanical factors.
pathophysiology is intrinsically predisposed or envi-
ronmentally induced is also not clear. Epidemiologically,
KeywordsCerebrovascular, Hemodynamics, Etiology,
factors associated with aneurysms over the years include
Growth, Rupture, Geometry, Flow patterns, Wall shear
smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, female gender
post-menopause (potentially protective role of estrogen),
polycystic kidney disease, EhlersDanlos syndrome,
a1-antitrypsin deciency, increased levels of plasma elas-
tase, altered expression or activity of matrix metallopro-
Cerebral aneurysms are focal weakened pouches of teinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases,
arterial walls around bifurcations of the circle of Willis alterations in molecules involved in tissue repair/vascular
(Fig. 1). Approximately 5% of the population remodeling/extracellular matrix maintenance, growth
(~15 million people in the United States) is estimated factors, cellular adhesion molecules, familial history,
to have at least one cerebral aneurysm. About 0.2% of genetic aberrations (genes or genetic regions encoding
these aneurysms rupture every year (30,000 ruptures/ for collagens, elastin, endothelial nitric oxide synthase,
year in the United States) leading to a subarachnoid a1-antitrypsin, matrix metalloproteinases (21, 23, 29,
and 212), tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases, bro-
nectin, secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine,
Address correspondence to Baruch B. Lieber, Department of polycystin, endoglin, transforming growth factor-b
Neurological Surgery, Stony Brook University Medical Center, 100 receptors, versican, perlecan, serpin, brillin), aneu-
Nicolls Road, HSC T12, Room 080, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8122,
USA. Electronic mail:
rysms with an irregular or multilobulated shape,
0090-6964/13/0700-1347/0  2013 Biomedical Engineering Society
1348 SADASIVAN et al.

aneurysms with higher aspect ratios (ratio of aneurysm evidence shows that taken individually, all these fac-
height to neck), anomalies in the vascular tree around tors are at best proximate causes of aneurysm patho-
the circle of Willis, surgery or disease induced changes physiology. In so far as hemodynamic factors (ow
in ow in the affected parent artery, and larger aneu- impingement, pressure, wall shear stress (WSS)) are
rysm sizes.28,36,80,81,88,94,96,98,109,126,137,146,150,151,156,163,204 concerned, the phenomenological/epidemiological
The list is not exhaustive but is illustrative of the observation that the aneurysm occurrence rate is so
fact that a plethora of factors have been associated low in the population demonstrates that these, by
with aneurysms and that all of them are blood-, wall-, themselves, are insucient conditions as causative
or hemodynamics-borne. More important, the factors of aneurysm initiation and formation. The
ultimate cause is not yet known, but it is likely an
additive or multiplicative eect of a handful of factors.
Previous listed references may be consulted for cellular,
molecular, and genetic factors associated with aneu-
rysms. There are also several review articles written on
the subject.14,49,96,98,126,150,156,163,189,213 The focus of
this review is to address hemodynamic factors associ-
ated with aneurysm pathophysiology; also addressed
are anatomical and structural factors as these inher-
ently affect prevailing hemodynamics. We attempt to
provide an overview of the breadth of the subject so
different aspects are dealt with in varying degrees of
depth and we briey summarize salient (due to
importance or popular use) variables or articles and
note our conclusions from the evidence presented.
Thus, broadly, the article represents our perspective on
the status of physical variables that govern aneurysm
pathophysiology. The reader may look to the refer-
ences listed to gain additional information on different
aspects or to educate themselves on different perspec-
FIGURE 1. Circle of Willis showing common locations of tives.
cerebral aneurysms. From Schievink156 (N. Engl. J. Med., A search of the phrase (cerebral OR intracranial)
Schievink WI, Intracranial aneurysms, 336, pp. 29, Copyright
1997 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with per- AND aneurysm AND (ow OR hemodynamics) in
mission from Massachusetts Medical Society). Pubmed, Medline, and Compendex gave 2891, 2350,

FIGURE 2. A basic flowchart showing mechanistic possibilities of aneurysm pathophysiology.

Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology 1349

and 331 results, respectively; search of (cerebral OR unruptured aneurysm smaller than 10 mm. In general,
intracranial) AND aneurysm AND biomechanic* the data clearly show that the average size of ruptured
gave 85, 75, and 108, results respectively. Results were aneurysm samples is greater than the average size of
limited to journal articles, duplicates were removed, unruptured aneurysm samples (Table 2). The effect
and article titles were manually reviewed to condense size (ruptured sizeunruptured size), however, seems
the number of articles to 386. The reference list used to be about 1.5 mm at best. Also, 7085% of all rup-
here is a representative subset of the content of these tured aneurysm samples are smaller than
~400 articles. 10 mm.9,46,75,78,125,204 Hypotheses suggesting that a
certain class of aneurysms reach stability below the
10 mm size and thus rarely progress to rupture do not
GEOMETRY seem to be supported by the evidence.46
Other geometrical variables have been constructed
Flow patterns at arterial locations predisposed to to include the aneurysmparent vessel complex in an
aneurysm formation or within aneurysms (predisposed attempt to derive better descriptors of rupture. The
to rupture) are intrinsically governed by vascular aspect ratio (aneurysm height/aneurysm neck) of rup-
anatomy. Several studies have evaluated such ana- tured aneurysm samples has been found to be ~2.4,
tomical and morphological factors with the goal of while that of unruptured aneurysms ~1.6.102,125,141,193
elucidating dierences in vascular anatomy between The size ratio (maximum aneurysm size/parent vessel
patient and control populations to determine geomet- diameter) of ruptured aneurysms is 4.1, while that of
rical factors causing aneurysm initiation and between unruptured aneurysms, 2.6.142 The volume orice area
ruptured and unruptured aneurysms to determine ratio (aneurysm volume/aneurysm neck area) of rup-
geometrical factors causing aneurysm rupture. Table 1 tured aneurysms is 14 and that of unruptured aneu-
summarizes the arterial locations within and around rysms 7.212 Ruptured aneurysms are often (4060% of
the circle of Willis at which aneurysms are found. It cases) multi-lobulated (presence of blebs) or have
should be noted that both ruptured and unruptured irregular surfaces.31,59 Descriptors quantifying the
aneurysms are combined in the table and that the shape of aneurysmal surfaces (surface undulations,
studies listed in the table may not precisely differenti- ellipticity, non-sphericity, curvature) have also been
ate their results into the locations listed. For example, found to have the potential to delineate ruptured from
internal carotid aneurysms may include posterior unruptured aneurysms.34,141 Many other geometric
communicating artery aneurysms while basilar artery variables have been constructed; the more popular
aneurysms may include aneurysms of the vertebro- ones have been reviewed previously.4,102 The sensitivity
basilar system or list only basilar terminus aneurysms. of the predictive tests based on these factors is around
The important point to note from the table, however, 7075%.125,141,142,212 Much larger data sets will be
is that at least 7075% of all intracranial aneurysms required to improve the predictive value of these tests if
occur at one of three locationsthe middle cerebral they are to be used to make clinical prognoses of
artery (at the bifurcation), the posterior communicat- individual aneurysms. Also, geometrical thresholds
ing artery (at the internal carotid artery junction), and predicting rupture would be more accurate if they were
the anterior communicating artery (at the anterior obtained from prospective studies of unruptured
cerebral artery junction). Internal carotid and basilar aneurysms that are left untreated and then progress to
artery terminus aneurysms, which can be considered to rupture instead of the retrospective data being used for
be at T junctions seem to constitute at most about 7% these tests,112,206 but such prospective studies are dif-
(at each terminus) of all aneu- cult to conduct.
rysms.4,14,34,46,50,75,91,112,145 Anomalies in the geometry of the circle of Willis
A large number of geometrical studies are driven by (such as hypoplasia, absence, asymmetry of paired
the goal of determining thresholds that will delineate vessels, fenestrations, triplication) have been suggested
unruptured from ruptured aneurysms. Various vari- to occur more frequently in patients with aneurysms as
ables have been suggested, of which the maximal compared to controls.12,91,208 Statements that no such
aneurysm size is the most widely used. There were early differences exist have been made.165 Contradictory
suggestions that a critical size threshold varying reports have also been published associating circle of
between 5 and 10 mm existed above which aneurysms Willis anomalies with ruptured aneurysms.34,105 Such
are at increased rupture risk, or at least that unrup- anomalous circles of Willis seem to exist in about 50%
tured aneurysms smaller than 10 mm have very low of the general population.84 The overall evidence seems
probabilities of rupture.31,207 But given the data col- to be insufcient to conclude such association at this
lected thus far, this position does not seem defensible time. However, there does seem to be an association
in so far as predicting rupture risk of any given between asymmetry of the anterior cerebral arteries
1350 SADASIVAN et al.

TABLE 1. The location of aneurysms on the circle of Willis.

Article Number of aneurysms ICA (%) MCA (%) ACA (%) PComA (%) AComA (%) Basilar (%)

Crawford30 163 30 (18) 54 (34) 20 (12) 46 (28) 7 (4)

Kayembe91 67 12 (18) 15 (22) 2 (3) 27 (40) 4 (6)
Rinkela,146 563 223 (42) 159 (30) 126 (24) 55 (10)b
Forget46 245 27 (11) 29 (12) 48 (20) 71 (29) 36 (15)
Joo78 889 131 (15) 258 (29) 152 (17) 284 (32)
Jeong75 239 20 (8) 61 (25) 14 (6) 52 (22) 66 (28) 13 (5)
De Rooij34 150 10 (7) 84 (56) 20 (13) 22 (15) 14 (9)
Carter17 1673 216 (13) 398 (24) 315 (19) 426 (26) 193 (12)
Ruiz-Sandoval152 231 42 (18) 46 (20) 64 (28) 61 (26) 7 (3)
Hademenos59 74 18 (24) 3 (4) 11 (15) 4 (5) 24 (32)
Richardson145 53 13 (25) 16 (30) 13 (25) 6 (11)
Nader-Sepahi125 182 23 (13) 53 (29) 47 (26) 28 (15)
Juvela82 181 79 (44) 82 (45) 7 (4) 8 (4) 5 (3)
Weira,204 3776 1437 (38) 797 (21) 1118 (30) 234 (6)b
McDonald120 1023 165 (16) 294 (29) 121 (9) 66 (6) 158 (15) 143 (14)
Beck9 155 19 (12) 39 (25) 49 (32)c 20 (13) 28 (18)
Baharoglu 20124 271 52 (19) 40 (15) 5 (2) 49 (18) 58 (21) 12 (4)
Mackey116 2930 1067 (36) 749 (26) 398 (14)c 374 (13) 342 (12)
Mean Std. Dev. % 21 11% 26 12% 12 10% 17 6% 23 10% 10 7%
Literature review, bPosterior circulation, cIncludes AcomA.

TABLE 2. Differences in size of ruptured and unruptured aneurysms.

Ruptured Unruptured Effect size Effect size

Article (mm) (mm) (mm) (% of ruptured size)

Sadatomo153 7.2 5.6 1.6 22

Baharoglu4 7.8 6.4 1.4 18
Weir 2002 (in Lall102) 8 7 1 13
Weir 2003 (in Lall102) 10.8 7.8 3 28
Hoh 2007 (in Lall102) 6.2 4.3 1.9 31
Juvela 2008 (in Lall102) 5.6 4.9 0.7 13
Baumann 2008 (in Lall102) 7 4 3 43
Beck9 6.7 5.7 1 15
Yasuda212 6.7 4.9 1.8 27
Hademenos59 11.9 13.5 21.6 213
Juvela 2000 5.6 4.9 0.7 13
de la Monte 1985 (in Weir204) 11.4 7.6 3.8 33
Nader-Sepahi125 7.7 5.1 2.6 34
Carter17 8.2 8.4 20.2 22
Rahman142 7.9 6.2 1.7 22
San Millan Ruz154 7.6 6.1 1.5 20
Joo78 6.3 5.5 0.8 13
Mean (Std. Error) 1.5 (0.3) 19 (3)

and the presence of anterior communicating artery pared to unruptured aneurysms.4,34,153,177 There is
aneurysms, with 2550% of circles with aneurysms some evidence that the longitudinal axis of aneurysms
having the asymmetry as compared to 525% of non- clusters around specic angles with respect to the
aneurysmal circles.91,115,165 There is marginal evidence parent artery166 and that more distal aneurysms have
indicating higher frequencies of asymmetry of the smaller sizes,17 but the effect of the perianeurysmal
posterior communicating arteries in the patient popu- environment154 must be considered along with such
lation.91 Aneurysms seem to be more (as compared to results. Advancements in software and hardware have
controls) prevalent at bifurcations with greater bifur- enabled the quantication of much more sophisticated
cation angles (angle between the daughter geometrical variables (or sophisticated combinations
branches).12,73,89 The longitudinal axis (aneurysm of geometrical variables) of the 3D aneurysmparent
height) of aneurysms is more aligned with the direction vessel complex with relative ease104,111,138,139 and
of parent vessel ow in ruptured aneurysms as com- although it is difcult to imagine that a critical
Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology 1351

threshold predicting aneurysm rupture (or initiation) ow penetrance, a secondary vortex rotating in the
could be derived from purely geometrical factors, opposite direction of the primary vortex may form in
future evaluation may yield a geometrical predictive the aneurysm.54,171 A greater part of the ow into
test with acceptable sensitivity and specicity to be anterior communicating artery aneurysms comes from
clinically useful. the larger anterior cerebral artery but comprises of a
mixing of streams from both anterior cerebrals and the
intraneurysmal ow is additionally affected by the
FLOW asymmetry of ow in the efferent A2 segments of the
anterior cerebrals.19,92 Basilar sidewall aneurysms may
Flow Patterns and Pressure
be affected by the asymmetry of ow distribution in
Flow in cerebral aneurysms has generally been the vertebrals, but the effect of this asymmetry is
evaluated qualitatively by clinical and in vivo angiog- generally resolved in the length of the basilar artery by
raphy and dye visualization in glass and elastomeric the time ow reaches basilar bifurcation aneurysms.19
models and quantitatively by particle image and laser Being under the inuence of pulsatile ow, these
Doppler velocimetry in glass and elastomeric models aneurysmal patterns have a temporal quality so that,
and by numerical computational uid dynamic (CFD) for example, portions of the uid in the parent vessel
simulations. Figure 3 is a sampling of images from can be driven into the aneurysm vortex during systole
such varied studies showing the fundamental patterns and then be distributed either into stagnation zones at
of ow within aneurysms; the reader may look into the aneurysm dome or into the central vortical regions,
these and other references to gain additional visual while a greater portion (greater as compared to systole)
perspective on intraneurysmal ow. As represented in of the intraneurysmal uid exits the aneurysm during
the gure, the gross qualitative features of ow in all diastole.53,107 The location near the distal neck where
aneurysms can be discerned from knowing the geom- the ow impinges the aneurysm wall and the propor-
etry of the aneurysmparent vessel complex and esti- tion of the neck area carrying ow into the aneurysm
mates of volumetric ow in the arteries leading to and can vary during the cardiac cycle54,182 and stable or
from the aneurysm. The traditional ow pattern is that oscillating vortical structures may persist throughout
of sidewall aneurysms, where the ow near the vessel the cardiac cycle or they may be transient, existing only
wall closer to the aneurysm impinges on the distal neck for parts of the cardiac cycle.67,158 The ow in the
of the aneurysm, enters the aneurysm, moves along the parent vessel at the aneurysm neck is also generally
aneurysm wall in a circular/vortical manner and exits disturbed (by the inow and the outow) and may
the aneurysm back into the parent vessel at the prox- contain portions of the intra-aneurysmal vortex, sec-
imal neck of the aneurysm.51,67,71,110,134,168,169,182 ondary ow structures including helical ow patterns,
Central regions of this vortex have very low ow and recirculation zones.110,134 Overall, the ow pat-
activity.53,128,135 This pattern, although simplistic, terns in any given aneurysm in a patient are unique to
serves as a fundamental description of ow in all that aneurysm because the geometry of the aneurysm
aneurysms. Complexity to the pattern is usually added parent vessel complex and the parent vessel ow rates
by the prevailing geometry. Flow patterns in aneu- are unique to that aneurysm.
rysms at bifurcations, for example, are governed by the There is no dierence in intraneurysmal and sys-
bifurcation angle, by the asymmetricity of the daughter temic pulsatile pressure as shown in 34 in vivo aneu-
branch diameters and by the ow distributions into rysms,130,157 in 8 patients intra-operatively39 and
these branches.168 Flow from the parent artery tends to endovascularly,41 and in in vitro sidewall aneurysms.53
follow the trajectory along the longitudinal axis of the There are in vivo experiments suggesting that pressures
parent, tends to enter the aneurysm at the neck closer at the aneurysm dome are statistically lower (mean
to the larger daughter branch, forms a vortex in the pressure lower by 10 mmHg in 5 cases,1 systolic and
aneurysm, and exits at the opposite neck into the diastolic lower by 6 mmHg in 80 cases60) than systemic
daughter branch closest to the exit.135,175,192 The vor- values, but the relative magnitude (515%) of these
tical structure may not be present if the aspect ratio of differences may have been effected by the recording
the aneurysm is very low (with ow maintaining its methods. The augmentation index (ratio of reected
direction while deviating into the aneurysm) or a sec- and primary amplitudes in the pressure waveform) at
ondary vortex may form if the aspect ratio is high or if the carotid artery was 8% higher (statistically signi-
the aneurysm has a bleb.110,134,192 Aneurysms with cant) in aneurysm patients as compared to controls;
higher aspect ratios tend to have a lower penetrance the index was recorded post-hemorrhage in 90% of the
of ow or primary vortical structure into the aneurysm patients at least 2 months after the event,190 but the
and tend to have ow stagnation zones near their effect of the hemorrhage on the difference needs to be
domes.147,192 Depending on the width and depth of this investigated. Thus, the signicance of pressure vis-a`-vis
1352 SADASIVAN et al.

FIGURE 3. Schematics of flow patterns in (a) sidewall, (b) bifurcation with symmetrical outflow, (c) bifurcation with asymmetrical
outflow, and (d) asymmetric bifurcation. (e) Laser induced fluorescence study in a sidewall channel at mid systolic acceleration; (f)
Dye visualization in an elastomer model of an anterior communicating artery aneurysm; asymmetrical internal carotid flow; (g)
Computational fluid dynamics in a giant internal carotid-posterior communicating artery aneurysm at early diastole; (h) schematic
of flow patterns in a high aspect ratio bifurcation aneurysm with a bleb; (i) schematic at one instant in the cardiac cycle of different
flow patterns obtained from computational fluid dynamics simulations in anatomically realistic aneurysms. Panels AD from
Steiger168 (With kind permission from Springer Science + Business Media: Heart Vessels, Basic flow structure in saccular aneu-
rysms, 3, 1987, pp. 5761, Steiger HJ et al., Figs. 3, 7a, 7b, 8); panel E from Lieber107 (With kind permission from Springer
Science + Business Media: Ann. Biomed. Eng., Alteration of hemodynamics in aneurysm models by stenting, 25, 1997, pp. 463,
Lieber BB et al., Fig. 5A); panel F from Kerber92 (CW Kerber et al., Flow dynamics in a lethal anterior communicating artery
aneurysm, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 20, 10, pp. 20002003, 1999  by American Society of Neuroradiology); panel G from Stein-
man171 (DA Steinman et al., Image-based computational simulation of flow dynamics in a giant intracranial aneurysm, AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol, 24, 4, pp. 559566, 2003  by American Society of Neuroradiology); panel H from Ujiie192 (Ujiie H et al., Effects of size
and shape (aspect ratio) on the hemodynamics of saccular aneurysms, Neurosurgery, 45, 1, pp. 119129, 1999); panel I from
Cebral22 (JR Cebral et al., Characterization of cerebral aneurysms for assessing risk of rupture by using patient-specific com-
putational hemodynamics models, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 26, 10, pp. 25502559, 2005  by American Society of Neuroradiology).

aneurysm pathophysiology is manifested via the stress proportional to neck area and inversely proportional
generated in the diseased arterial segment (i.e., the to the square of the maximum aneurysm diameter,
aneurysm) and the extent to which such stresses are with peak WSS values equaling those at arterial
sustainable by the progressively diseased wall. bifurcations (~50150 dynes/cm2).108,168 The ow pat-
terns described above provide a picture of the relative
velocities and WSS values in the aneurysm; regions
Classication of Aneurysms and Wall Shear Stress
near the neck that acts as a ow divider or regions in
The quantication of aneurysmal velocities is lar- the aneurysm body where ow impinges have higher
gely driven by the goal of obtaining wall shear stress velocity and WSS values while regions where second-
(WSS) values at the luminal surface of aneurysms ary ow structures prevail or regions of ow stagna-
(Fig. 4). Intraneurysmal velocities are broadly about tion have lower velocity and WSS values. Peak
an order of magnitude lower than in the parent artery. velocities ranging from 10150% of the velocity (axial
In idealized aneurysms, velocites are suggested to be or average) in the parent artery,10,60,63,108,110,181,183,192
Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology 1353

maximal WSS values ranging from 10 to 1500 dynes/ facilitate numerical simulations on geometries that are
sq cm,15,1820,25,54,63,79,101,110,178 and cardiac cycle- patient-specic.3,21,27,63,139 Such developments allow
averaged WSS values ranging from 10 to 220 dynes/ for numerical calculations of ow elds in the entire
sq cm13,55,171,178,179 have been reported. Minimum circle of Willis2 or correlations of global morphological
values of velocities and WSS are, in general, in the sub- and hemodynamic variables to incidence and rupture
decimal range in almost all studies. WSS has been in- patterns132; the latter study nds tapers in the internal
versely related to the aspect ratio,161,211 dome diame- carotid artery to be associated with unruptured aneu-
ter,180 and the surface area79 of aneurysms and low rysms while greater curvatures of the carotid siphon
WSS and increased residence times are correlated to seem to be a deterrent to aneurysm formation. The
thrombosis.144 Regardless of the value of the WSS or ability to perform these numerical simulations with
the method of its evaluation, it is important to relative ease has also facilitated parametric studies
emphasize that it is not only a difcult variable to where engineered arterial and aneurysmal geometries
evaluate with high delity but that the calculated val- can be systematically varied to compare ow patterns
ues only represent a snapshot in the lifetime of an and intraneurysmal velocities or where ow patterns
aneurysm. can be calculated in several patient-derived geometries;
Technological progress has enabled the develop- attempts can then be made to extrapolate such results
ment of sophisticated algorithms to extract surface to classify patient morphologies according to hemo-
geometries from patient medical imaging data that dynamic patterns. Results include a negative correla-

FIGURE 4. (a) Velocity vectors obtained with laser Doppler velocimetry in acrylic casts of a middle cerebral artery aneurysm
before and after it grew over a period of 1 year. Examples of wall shear stress magnitudes calculated with computational fluid
dynamics in (b) a posterior communicating artery and (c) a middle cerebral artery aneurysm. Panel A from Tateshima 2007183
(S Tateshima et al., Intra-aneurysmal hemodynamics during the growth of an unruptured aneurysm, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 28, 4,
pp. 622627, 2007  by American Society of Neuroradiology); Panel B from Kulcsar101 (Z Kulcsar, et al., I Szikora, Hemodynamics
of cerebral aneurysm initiation, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 32, 3, pp. 587594, 2011  by American Society of Neuroradiology); Panel
C from Shojima161 (Shojima M et al., Magnitude and role of wall shear stress on cerebral aneurysm, Stroke, 35, 11, pp. 25002505,
1354 SADASIVAN et al.

tion between dome size and intraneurysmal ow region spanned by the neck of the future structure
velocity,180 a correlation between aneurysm size at experiences ow recirculation or secondary ow with
rupture and the diameter of associated side branches,62 associated low and oscillating WSS values. After the
greater ow activity in aneurysms on the outer curva- blebs or aneurysms form, the WSS in these regions
ture of arteries and invariance of velocities at the neck drops. Figure 4 shows one such aneurysm where the
with changing aneurysm aspect ratio,131,155 greater inow impinges at the location where the bleb neck
vorticity with decreasing alignment of the aneurysm gains denition (high WSS), but a recirculation region
height to inow direction,177 consideration of second- that gains vortical structure (lower WSS) exists across
ary ow structures in parent vessels with varying tor- the span of the bleb.183 A range of about 20
tuosity affecting aneurysmal inow,70 secondary 200 dynes/cm2 for peak WSS26,54,183 and 400
vortices/recirculation in terminus aneurysms only 600 dynes/cm2/mm for spatial WSS gradients101 have
when the necks are eccentric to the parent vessel axis been reported at the pre-aneurysm/pre-bleb edges,
and when the eccentricity is less than the parent vessel minimum WSS values in growth regions are generally
diameter,129 identication of a certain threshold of the close to zero. An oscillatory index of the spatial gra-
angular displacement of the aneurysm center to the dient of the WSS has been associated with the location
parent artery axis in one terminus aneurysm resulting of aneurysm formation.160 These results are from a
in deeper jet penetrance and changed ow structure,44 total of 32 cases only and the study with largest sample
increasing complexity of ow patterns and increasing size (20 cases)26 states that 20% of blebs were not
proportion of aneurysmal surface exposed to low found at regions with the highest WSS, so additional
(<5 dynes/cm2) WSS with increasing size ratio.188 data are needed to conrm this phenomenon. It is
Cycle-averaged WSS values are found to be plausible that the search for the cause of aneurysm
inversely proportional to aneurysmal growth dis- growth and rupture will require incorporation of the
placement13; 2030% of the surface area at the dome biology, and cannot depend solely on the physics of the
of ruptured aneurysms is exposed to low WSS ow and its derivative variables in the aneurysm.
(<4 dynes/cm2) as compared to 510% of the area Most studies use Newtonian uid properties for ease
in unruptured aneurysms55,79; the minimum WSS in of computation or experimentation, but blood is non-
the group of ruptured aneurysms was found to be Newtonian with shear thinning properties. The non-
half (absolute value 0.2 dynes/cm2) of the unruptured Newtonian eect is mostly negligible in the parent
group in 50 posterior communicating artery aneu- vessel and near the aneurysm neck, but is much more
rysms, but no differences were found in 50 middle apparent in low velocity regions.42,108,136,210 Experi-
cerebral artery aneurysms178; areas of low WSS were ments with non-Newtonian uids report lower intra-
not signicantly different between ruptured and neurysmal velocities, weaker vortical structures, more
unruptured groups in one study.25 The maximum stable and symmetric vortical structures, wider areas of
WSS (absolute mean ~500 dynes/cm2) in ruptured low WSS, and displacement of low WSS regions as
aneurysms was found to be signicantly higher than compared to Newtonian uids.11,42,136,194 WSS values
that in unruptured aneurysms; other studies support can be 2050% lower than the lowest values predicted
the notion of higher maximal WSS in the ruptured by Newtonian uids in the low shear rate regions at
group with161 and without79,178 statistical signi- aneurysm domes, while spatially averaged WSS over
cance. An index of oscillation of the WSS was not the dome regions are about 1025% lower.42,194,210
signicantly different between ruptured and unrup- The error with the Newtonian assumption seems to be
tured groups in one study.178 Ruptured aneurysms appreciable when the shear rate is below 1015 s21
were found to more frequently have complex and (WSS is less than ~1 dynes/cm2).42,210
unstable ow patterns with concentrated inow
regions and smaller impingement zones as compared
Numerical Simulations and Limitations
to unruptured aneurysms.22,24
In vitro and numerical studies have evaluated the Numerical simulations are sensitive to the boundary
WSS at arterial regions where aneurysms or bleb conditions used for the calculations. For example,
regions within aneurysms form by either articially replacing the vasculature proximal to aneurysms with a
removing the blebs and aneurysms from geometries straight pipe substantially reduced the impingement
obtained post-formation26,54,118,160 or from geometries and high WSS values (dierences of as much as 100
obtained pre- and post-formation.101,179,181,183 The 125 dynes/cm2 at some locations) in the inow zone.18
results seem to consistently suggest that blood Recordings of ow waveforms in the internal carotid
impinges at a location close to where the neck of the and vertebrobasilar arteries in 39 healthy subjects have
aneurysm or bleb forms with associated high and suggested that an archetypal waveform for each artery
oscillating WSS (or WSS gradient) values while the could be constructed and then scaled to the average
Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology 1355

ow rate in the artery of a specic patient.43,57 While understood to mean patient derived, some caveats to
such waveforms facilitate simulations when ow data the implication that the results are specic to the
from the individual patient are unavailable or they can patient may be noted because these limitations also
be used to compare results across various geometries aect the use of these numerical results to explain
depending on study aims, the accuracy of the results causative mechanisms of aneurysm pathophysiology.
generated with such idealized waveforms can be low if As mentioned previously, since the late seventies,
the goal is to quantify the hemodynamics in a specic imaging and computer visualization of blood vessels
aneurysm. The cycle-averaged WSS can differ as much has improved signicantly so that three dimensional
as 40 dynes/cm2 between results from idealized and representations of the lumen of sections of the vascular
patient-derived waveforms86; altering the ow ratios in tree are readily transferrable as structural meshes on
the A1 segments by ~35 and 100% can change spa- which detailed ow calculations can be performed.
tially-averaged WSS by 40% and time-averaged WSS Since in most cases the vascular wall geometry and
by 100%, respectively.87,201 Phase-contrast magnetic mechanical properties are unknown, the common no
resonance imaging is becoming the standard mode of slip boundary condition is applied. Unfortunately,
measuring ow waveforms in patients due to its non- even with the most up to date imaging equipment,
invasiveness, but measurement of ow waveforms at small blood vessels that may branch o larger vessels
all inlet and outlet sections of the vascular segment of cannot be visualized, the vasa vasorum72,97 is invisible
interest are not yet practicable. Traditional outlet (possibly effecting accuracy of near-wall ow calcula-
boundary conditions include constant zero pressure tions) and the exact location of the boundary of the
(the easiest to implement and the least accurate) and visible vessels themselves is uncertain, requiring a
three-component (2 resistances and 1 capacitance) generally arbitrary threshold and smoothening algo-
Windkessel, but several others exist56,202; differences of rithm to prevent the CFD program from encountering
5070% in the time-averaged WSS have been reported badly deformed elements. Additionally, to start the
with different boundary conditions.119,143 Validation iterative calculations of the ow eld within, entry and
studies of numerical simulations with particle image exit ow conditions into the region of interest are
and/or laser Doppler velocimetry and correlations with required. The inlet and outlet conditions are not
phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging in patients obtained from the individual patient in most studies
have been conducted.45,66,198 Gross ow structures are thus far. Finally, the obtained geometry is a snapshot
generally in agreement in such studies, with any in time and space and usually it undergoes geometrical
quantitative differences between the numerical and changes; the inlet/outlet conditions also change
in vitro studies mostly being due to geometry; sub- depending on an individuals posture and level of
stantial quantitative differences between the phase- activity. Another cautionary note is with regards to the
contrast and numerical/in vitro results can be found pressure elds generated by CFD simulations and the
due to the lower spatio-temporal resolution of phase- extrapolation of changes in pressure within the com-
contrast imaging. putational domain to the biological system. It is well
Although the assumptions and limitations of accepted that CFD can produce physiologically rele-
numerical simulations are recognized, a couple of vant ow rates and ow velocities by simply imposing
cautionary notes may need to be mentioned. All inlet ow conditions and zero pressure at the outlet(s).
commercially available CFD codes and many of the The CFD software then seeks iteratively to establish
homegrown codes are based on the NavierStokes the pressure eld that will drive uid through the
equations that merely describe the second law of computational domain at the imposed inlet mass ow
Newton, and which are based on continuum mechan- rate and distribute it throughout the region of interest.
ics. Blood, of course, is a complicated suspension of Imposing zero pressure at the outlet is justied by the
formed elements that are deformable and which react fact that regardless of the absolute pressure at the
not only with each other but also with their sur- outlet, the pressure gradient between the inlet and
roundings. This interaction is not limited to only outlet remains the same. This is due to the fact that the
physical mechanics, but also biochemical interactions pressure gradient only needs to overcome mainly vis-
(cellular, molecular, genetic factors referred to in the cous dissipation and some uid inertia. However, in
Introduction section). Unfortunately, the laws that the circulatory system the boundaries that surround
govern such biological reactions have not been fully the blood do react to its presence in a viscoelastic
elucidated and thus cannot easily be incorporated into fashion. Rapid pulsatile pressure changes are trans-
a computational scheme. mitted to the surrounding walls which work in har-
The term patient specic has been often used in the mony with the heart to absorb these rapid pressure
titles and descriptions of reported simulation results. changes and attenuate sharp pressure spikes. This is
Although the term is applied loosely and is generally the well-known Windkessel effect and mathematically
1356 SADASIVAN et al.

it is manifested as a substantial reduction in the wave unruptured and 108 ruptured aneurysms suggest that
propagation speed as compared to its value inside rigid nascent or initial stage aneurysms seem to have their
boundaries. Thus, in a rigid domain all the energy inner surfaces completely covered with endothelial cells
produced by the heart is transmitted to the uid with thin smooth walls comprised of linearly orga-
whereas inside a viscoelastic domain, part of the energy nized smooth muscle cells, regular layers of collagen
is transmitted to the walls and retransmitted to the and very little evidence of inammation. The wall
uid in a delayed fashion. Therefore, the pressure ow subsequently degrades through two different observed
relationship in the viscoelastic domain is vastly dif- types. The wall thickens, being comprised of bro-
ferent than in the rigid domain both in terms of blasts and disorganized smooth muscle cells (intimal
absolute changes in pressure values as well as in its hyperplasia), but eventually starts to lose its gross
phasic relations to the ow wave. regularity and becomes hypocellular showing
As the kinetic energy of ow impinges on the apices increased collagen content, and organizing luminal
of bifurcations, it is converted to increased pressure and thrombosis. In what can be considered the nal stage
this increase has been speculated (especially from before rupture, the wall becomes irregular, extremely
numerical simulations where only the requisite pressure thin, and hypocellular with obscure layers of collagen
gradient is used to impart ow) to be a factor in aneu- and sparse smooth muscle cells. Ruptured aneurysm
rysm pathophysiology,40,47 but consideration of the walls were mostly comprised of an acellular proteina-
total pressure at these regions suggests that this pressure cious structure (hyaline-like) with sparse smooth
increase in only about 24% and is unlikely to have any muscle cells and irregular collagenous layers with dif-
substantial effect.106,162 There have been suggestions fuse inltration of macrophages and leukocytes. It may
that turbulent ow regimes exist in aneu- be noted that the temporal nature of degradation
rysms,38,40,60,148,196 which can drastically effect shear through these four wall types is only an inference based
rates and accelerate wall degeneration, but it is much on literature evidence. Also the entire aneurysm wall
more likely that the recorded phenomena are due to does not necessarily delineate itself into these wall
highly disturbed or unstable ow patterns interacting types; degeneration of the wall increases from the neck
with aneurysm wall uctuations and not characteristic to the dome189 and aneurysm ruptures mostly (8085%
turbulence61,71,168,175,192 (characteristics of turbulence of cases30,31) occur at the dome.
include disorder, irreproducibility in detail, efcient In comparison to peripheral arterial walls, cerebral
mixing and transport, and irregularly distributed three- arterial walls have negligible elastin in the medial and
dimensional vorticity over a wide range of length adventitial layers with no external elastic lamina, which
scales173). In other words, such ow patterns may be a makes cerebral arteries much stier (less distensible)
probabilistic phenomenon exhibiting complex laminar/ than peripheral arteries.40,65,124 Aneurysm wall thick-
transitional structures, and can neither be properly ness can range from 15 to 700 lm 29,113; the anisotropy
characterized as laminar ow (a deterministic phe- induced by collagen in the aneurysm wall has been
nomenon) nor as turbulent ow (a stochastic phenom- measured113; the yield to breaking strength of aneurysm
enon). Large discrepancies in CFD results produced by wall tissue seems to be around 0.52 MPa113,167; uni-
various laboratories, especially in the transitional ow axial tests of meridional strips of aneurysm tissue sug-
regime, were noted in a validation and verication study gest a best-t to a three-parameter MooneyRivlin
conducted by the Food and Drug Administration.172 model and show a statistical (n = 16) difference in one of
Transitional ow and other limiting assumptions the model parameters between ruptured and unruptured
(specicity of patient-specic data, blood homogene- aneurysms29; biaxial tests with best-t Hookean and
ity, Newtonian properties, non-compliant walls) in two-parameter Mooney Rivlin model parameters have
numerical simulations noted above have been addressed been published.187 The pulsatile motion of some aneu-
before.170 The overall clinical utility of CFD has also rysm walls has been imaged64,85 (average displacements
been discussed previously.23,83,149 of 40300 lm are reported85), but currently achievable
spatio-temporal resolution can substantially effect
accuracy. Further, attempts are being made to use such
WALL STRUCTURE wall motion behavior to estimate the unknown material
properties of the aneurysm wall through inverse analysis
Histopathological and/or immunohistochemical schemes.6,100,214 Numerical schemes are also being
evaluations of the walls of human cerebral aneurysms developed to simulate wall remodeling (mostly by sim-
suggest that the walls of aneurysms can be dierenti- ulating collagen turnover) and growth of aneu-
ated into what are possibly dierent stages of pro- rysms.37,68,99,203
gression to eventual rupture (Fig. 5).48,49,176,189 Results Early suggestions that volume distension (balloon-
from three studies48,90,176 assessing a total of 74 ing) of aneurysm walls or mechanical fatigue made
Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology 1357

FIGURE 5. Four different types of aneurysm wall generally characterizing changes during progression to rupture. AN: aneurysm;
PA: parent artery; N: neck; D: dome; ad: adventitial side; lu: luminal side; mh: myointimal hyperplasia; t: fresh thrombus; ot:
organizing thrombus Left column with types IIV from Suzuki176 (Suzuki J and Ohara H, Clinicopathological study of cerebral
aneurysms, J. Neurosurg., 48, pp. 505514, 1978); right columns with types AD from Tulamo189 (Adapted by permission from BMJ
Publishing Group Limited. [J. Neurointerv. Surg., Tulamo R, Frosen J, Hernesniemi J, Niemela M, 2, pp. 120130, 2010]).

severe by resonant uctuations can substantially con- substantially affect aneurysm initiation in patients;
tribute to aneurysm growth and rupture58,123 do not these structures are also widely prevalent at human
seem to be valid.32,69,174,175,193 As smooth muscle cells bifurcations (at >60% of bifurcations205), which,
in the medial layer are arranged circumferentially, again, does not match aneurysm prevalence.
there is a gap in the medial layer at the apices of Numerical simulations that incorporate deformable
bifurcations and this gap had been thought of as a wall properties with pulsatile blood ow (called uid
weak point predisposed to aneurysm formation, but structure interaction, FSI) in articial and patient-
the fact that this region has abundant collagen bers derived aneurysm geometries have also been carried
running along the gap,16 that these gaps occur in at out.5,110,184,186,195 In general, the use of deformable
least 60100% of all bifurcations16,52,205 (while aneu- walls does not affect the gross ow patterns, but the
rysms occur in 5% of patients), and that ex vivo secondary ow structures can be different with lower
pressures of 600 mmHg do not expose these spots as peak velocities and WSS values. In zones of low/stag-
weak52 make these gaps unlikely to be a substantial nant ow, wall compliance can increase the minimal
factor. Due to the shear stress environment215 at velocities (and minimal WSS).110,185 Maximal aneu-
bifurcation apices, these regions tend to develop a rysm wall displacements ranging from 150 to
cushion/pad-like region of intimal thickening over time 750 lm,8,185,186,195 percent reduction in maximal WSS
(incidence ~20% by age 10 years, ~60% in adults205) due to deformable walls (as compared to rigid) ranging
that can project into the lumen. Although an ex vivo from 10 to 35%,7,8,185 and maximal wall stress at the
steady ow study in rodent bifurcations suggests that dome of around 0.20.3 MPa5,7,8,195 are reported.
ow stagnation exists distal to these intimal pads,127 Assuming a uniform wall thickness (300 lm) can
it is unclear if these can cause ow separation and reduce the maximal wall displacement by 4045% and
1358 SADASIVAN et al.

increase the spatially averaged systolic WSS by 60 low shear) regions. It is also suciently clear that
90% as compared to an assumption of physiological aneurysm rupture occurs at the dome (at the dome of
variation in the wall thickness (300 lm at parent vessel aneurysms or at the dome of blebs that may form on
to 50 lm at the dome).186 the aneurysm body). The current, generally accepted,
hypothesis is that the initiation of aneurysms is
related to (mechanical) degeneration of the bifurca-
SUMMARY AND HYPOTHESIS tion apex due to the high shear stress or high shear
stress gradient in this region. Data also suggest that
The hemodynamics of cerebral aneurysms has been the initial location of aneurysms is distal to the
reviewed before.76,103,133,158,159,209 The impetus of all bifurcation apices where shear gradient zones would
the studies mentioned above can be categorized into be higher.120,153,189 In vivo experiments have certainly
one broad and one specic goal. The global goal is to demonstrated that articially creating a high(er)
identify physical mechanisms that are responsible for hemodynamic stress environment at bifurcations leads
aneurysm pathophysiology and the more specic goal to apparent degenerative changes in the elastic lamina
is the prognosis of a given (usually unruptured) aneu- near the apices with lesions resembling incipient
rysm using these physical variables. The abundance of aneurysms.93,95,121,164 To match the prevalence of
studies investigating variations in morphological and aneurysms, this mechanism should reasonably imply
hemodynamic (and combinations of morphological that the shear stress at the middle cerebral artery
and hemodynamic) parameters may facilitate achieve- bifurcation (~20% of aneurysms), the anterior cere-
ment of the latter goal, but in general this seems far bral-anterior communicating artery junction (~30%),
away. The prognostic relevance of these parameters and the internal carotid-posterior communicating
has been questioned209 and, at the least, much larger artery junction (~25%) should be higher than that at
sample sizes and multivariate analyses are required to the basilar or internal carotid bifurcations. Peak sys-
distil predictive values. Aside from the assumptions tolic velocities in the middle cerebral artery seem to
made in numerical studies (which could be overcome be at least 3050% higher than those in the basilar
with technological advancement), the biggest hurdle is artery, but further evaluation is required to quantify
that the predictive value of such studies may remain the shear stress differences at these locations.
limited until biochemical degradation of the aneurys- Another plausible physical mechanism that may
mal wall can be simulated and incorporated.114,122 contribute to aneurysm initiation is the fact that the
Ever more sophisticated computations incorporating stagnation point at the bifurcation apices (or within
the entire circle of Willis, pulsatile ow, wall defor- aneurysms) migrates at dierent parent artery ow
mability, and wall degeneration leading to aneurysm rates.101,191,211 The movement due to pulsatile ow is
growth are being developed.35 It is plausible, however, further exaggerated by heart-rate variability (60%
that advancements in medical imaging of ow in variation in mean middle cerebral artery velocity has
intracranial aneurysms74,199 or of the aneurysmal been noted200). This constant stochastic migration of
wall117,140 in individual patients will, in the near future, the impingement point within a small area, or spot,
provide greater predictive values and obviate the need subjects the endothelial cells to frequent changes in
for simulations in this regard. the shear direction and can facilitate the initiation of
In terms of physical mechanisms facilitating aneu- aneurysms. Heart rate variability and stagnation
rysm pathophysiology, it is clear that no geometrical spots are yet to be evaluated in detail, but two pre-
factor(s) currently exists to classify aneurysms vious experiments77,197 clearly show the effect that
according to rupture status, no inherent anomalies in vibration (an equivalent phenomenon) can have on
the circle of Willis clearly delineate the propensity of transitional ows. It is thus plausible that one of the
the vasculature to form aneurysms or to cause three indices of oscillatory shear stress that have been
aneurysm rupture, and no hemodynamic discriminant developed to correlate with aneurysm initiation,118,160
(only WSS or its derivatives have really been evalu- or another such index, correlates better with locations
ated) is currently able to predict aneurysm formation, of aneurysm initiation rather than just high WSS or
growth or rupture. Some guidelines can, however, be WSS gradients. Further evaluation is needed to verify
gathered from the collected evidence. The results of this mechanism. Hemodynamic factors may be cor-
these studies suggest that complex (or separated or related to the distribution of aneurysms within the
recirculating or secondary or disturbed or unstable or circle of Willis, but all such mechanistic explanations
oscillating) ow structures are involved in the growth will probably only serve as necessary but not suf-
and rupture of aneurysms and that the growth of cient causative conditions of aneurysm pathophys-
aneurysms occurs at low ow (or slow or stagnant or iology.
Physical Factors Effecting Cerebral Aneurysm Pathophysiology 1359
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