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Lesson Plan Format (an adaptation of the MoPTA lesson plan format for KCAI students)

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Name of Lesson : Class : Elementary Art

Its In Your Hands Grade : 5th
Name of Teacher Candidate : School Placement :
Katherine OHara TA Edison Elementary School

group) KCAI addition

Rationale : (2-3 sentences why this topic is important and relevant to this age
This lesson addresses both state and national standards around material and conceptual investigation. It involves the identification of themes
on personal, societal, and global levels. Students who are/are becoming adolescents are increasingly aware of larger themes in their internal
lives; this assignment gives students the opportunity to identify and elaborate on personal themes.
bulleted) The students will:
Learning Objectives (the lessons objectives and learning outcomes for meeting curricular and student needs;

The students will:

- Understand how to use one-part molds for slip casting.
- Be able to compare two artworks and discuss their purpose.
- Be able to select and develop a theme for creating a work of art.
- Be able to experiment with different images for representing their themes.
- Be able to create a multi-medium in-the-round sculpture.
- Be able to create an artist statement which explains the intended theme of the artwork and on what level (personal, societal, or global)
the theme applies on.

Missouri Visual Art Standards (bulleted)

I.2.A.5 Combine simple forms to create a complex object/form (in-the-round)

I.3.C.5 Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes: World Time (e.g., past, present, future)
III.1.A.5 Discuss and develop answers to questions about art, such as: Who decides what makes an artwork special, valuable or good?
V.1.B.5 Compare and contrast two artworks on: Subject matter, Theme Purpose of art in culture
National Core Visual Art Standards (bulleted)
VA:Cr1.2.5a Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work of art.
VA:Cr2.1.5a Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice.
VA:Cr2.2.5a Demonstrate quality craftsmanship through care for and use of materials, tools, and equipment.
VA:Cr2.3.5a Identify, describe, and visually document places and/or objects of personal significance.
VA:Cr3.1.5a Create artist statements using art vocabulary to describe personal choices in artmaking.
VA:Pr5.1.5a Develop a logical argument for safe and effective use of materials and techniques for preparing and presenting artwork.
VA:Re.7.2.5a Identify and analyze cultural associations suggested by visual imagery.
VA:Cn11.1.5a Identify how art is used to inform or change beliefs, values, or behaviors of an individual or society.
Studying Artists / Understanding Art (Learn
ing outcomes includes artists, historical
and cultural context; can include books for elementary)
The students will: (bulleted)
-Students will view several images of sculptures made by contemporary artists. These artworks are about topics that engage the viewer on
one of three levels: personal, societal, or global. Two of these artworks are from the school of social practice. One is a postmodern sculpture.
-Isaac Cordal Politicians Debating Global Warming
-Fred Wilson E Pluribus Unum
-Janine Antoni Mothers Hand Meets Daughters Hand in Prayer
Creating (Instructional Strategies; HOW it will be taught ): Expressing (Learning Activities; WHAT the students will do):
List and bullet sequentially the strategies used in Lesson Structure and Procedure including direct instruction, oral or written directions,
modeling, guided practice, independent practice,etc
-Questioning (view artworks) -Think-Pair-Share (during whole group discussion)
-Discussion (Whole group discussion on interpreting artwork) -Whole group discussion (while filling in graphic organizer)
-Direct instruction (Students will be told the expectations of the artwork) -Observing (during modeling)
-Modeling (how to pour casting slip, fill out planning sheet, and sculpting -Whole group brainstorming
with wire) -Slip casting
-Conferencing (during independent practice) -Brainstorming and sketching (on planning sheets)
-Sculpting (nichrome wire)
-Independent Practice (planning sheets and sculpting)
Evaluating Artworks : (the overarching things that you will grade; the rubric in the assessment section will be more specific) (bulleted)
-Development of theme of personal significance is clearly expressed on planning sheet
-Students sketches on planning sheet show diverses approaches to the selected theme
-Students correctly identify on what level their selected theme is important on
-Forms expressed in planning sketches are expressed in the final sculpture
-Quality/craftsmanship of sculpture, including how it is attached to ceramic hand
-Ceramic hand, nichrome wire, and model magic blend together harmoniously in finished artwork
-Artist statement clearly communicates about selected theme and identifies on what level the theme is applicable: personal, societal, or
Exhibiting Artworks (be thoughtful) : (bulleted)
-Artwork will be displayed in the school library
-Artist Statements will be displayed with each student's piece
-Learning statement will be displayed with the artworks
Assessment Procedures : (assessments used before, during, and after the lesson) (bulleted)

Before : Students technical skills with wire were assessed in the previous lesson (see image).
Instructor will ask questions regarding students understanding developing theme. Thanks for including this image; it really helps me to
understand their previous learning
During: Planning Sheet/Instructor will walk around the classroom, observing and conferencing with students.

After : (please attach assessment tool to end of this lesson plan)

Lesson Structure and Procedures: The sequence of events of the lesson elements. Please list each sequence by day or class period.
Consider: * Four Studio Structures * Eight Studio Habits of Mind * Procedures should be linked to objectives * Materials Management
Day / Class #1
Preparation Before Class (materials management): Class set of one-part plaster molds for making ceramic hands, casting slip portioned into
containers for easy pouring, slips of paper with students full names on them at each table with mold, powerpoint of artworks for discussion of
theme prepared, planning sheets, pencils and erasers at tables, nichrome wire portioned for each student, graphic organizer on white board.
Engagement / Opening : Students will view sculptures by three artists. Students will discuss the artworks in a think-pair-share/whole group
activity. The instructor will use a student's answers to fill in the graphic organizer on the whiteboard. Students will watch a demonstration on
how to use a one-part mold to create a slip casted hand. Instructor will demonstrate how to fill out planning sheet for sculpture and some
techniques for sculpting with wire.
Connection to Prior Learning: Builds on previous experience using wire and knowledge of negative/positive space.
Modeling: Demonstrate how to pour casting slip, filling out planning sheet, and sculpting with wire.
Procedures: Students will sit at front of room for brainstorming and demonstrations. Students will move to seats where molds, castings slip,
and name cards will be waiting. Students will pour molds and place them on shelves. Students will then fill out planning sheets. Students will
be allowed access to their school laptops for research purposes while filling out planning sheets. Once planning sheets are complete, students
will pick up nichrome wire.
Guided Practice: This will be mini-lessons helping students fill out planning sheets and sculpt with nichrome wire on an as-needed basis.
During work time, instructor will walk around the classroom and remind students of lesson expectations, showing students sculpting
Independent Practice: Students will fill out planning sheets and begin sculpting.
Clean-up: Students will write their names on their cardboard bases and tape their sculptures in progress to the same base. Students will place
their planning sheets and sculpting materials in the class box.
Conclusion: Clean, seated, and silent tables line up.
Eliminate Class #2 if only one session is needed, repeat as many times as needed for multiple days / classes
Day / Class #2
Preparation Before Class (materials management): Class set of slip casted hands, sculptures in progress, planning sheets from the previous
Engagement / Opening : Review of concepts from the previous week. Model sculpting techniques using nichrome wire. Model how to attach
nichrome wire to ceramic hand.
Connection to Prior Learning: Continuation of prior weeks lesson.
Modeling: Demonstrate sculpting techniques and how to attach wire to ceramic hand.
Procedures : Students will sit on floor and watch review. Students will move to their seats and finish their in-progress sculptures and attach
them to their slip casted hand base.
Guided Practice: This will be mini-lessons helping students sculpt with nichrome wire on an as-needed basis. During work time, instructor will
walk around the classroom and remind students of lesson expectations, showing students sculpting techniques.
Independent Practice: Students will finish sculpting with nichrome wire.
Clean-up: Students will place their planning sheets in the class box and sculptures on shelf.
Conclusion: Clean, seated, and silent tables line up.
Day / Class #3
Preparation Before Class (materials management): Bisquare sculptures and model magic.
Engagement / Opening : Review of concepts from the previous week. Model sculpting techniques using model magic over the wire portion of
the multi medium sculpture. Instructor models filling out guided artist statement.
Connection to Prior Learning: Continuation of prior weeks lesson.
Modeling: Demonstrate sculpting techniques with model magic.
Procedures : Students will sit on floor and watch review. Students will move to their seats and model magic over the nichrome wire on their
multi medium sculptures. Students will then fill out guided artist statements.
Guided Practice: This will be mini-lessons helping students sculpt with model magic over the nichrome wire on an as-needed basis. During
work time, instructor will walk around the classroom and remind students of lesson expectations, showing students sculpting techniques.
Independent Practice: Students will finish adding model magic over their nichrome wire armature and fills out guided artist statement.
Clean-up: Students will place their sculptures on shelves.
Conclusion: Clean, seated, and silent tables line up.
Resources and Supplies : (include all supplies per student; be specific as to amount and size) (include hard copy materials such as handouts,
prints, PPTs, etc.)( plan for storage)(bulleted)
-Images of Isaac Cordals Politicians Debating Global Warming, Fred Wilsons E Pluribus Unum, and Janine Antonis Mothers Hand Meets
Daughters Hand in Prayer on Google slides.
-Name Cards (one per child)
-Open face plaster mold (one per child)
-Container of casting slip (one per table)
-Pencils (one per child)
-Planning sheets (one per child)
-4x4 cardboard base (one per child)
-4x4x6 box (1 per table)
-Nichrome Wire (8 per child)
-Model Magic (1 oz per child)
-Artist Statement Worksheets
Technology : (instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning)(bulleted)
Google Slide Presentation on projector via laptop, padcam via projector, 1:1 laptops available for research
Differentiation / Accommodations / Modifications / Increase in Rigor : (to help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural
and language differences, etc.) (include all listed below)
Differentiation: Students will see and hear how to make their slip casted bases and wire sculptures before independent practice begins.
Students choose their own subjects for their wire sculptures.
Accommodations: Students may receive one-on-one instruction. Students who have extremely low fine motor skills will be allowed to use
thicker, plastic coated wire that cannot go into the kiln, but will be secured to the clay base with tape on day 3 of the project.
Modifications: ELL students, students with reading IEPs, and students who have been identified as having intellectual disabilities will receive a
modified planning sheet which requires less writing and fewer drawings. Students who have intellectual disabilities or are emotionally
disturbed will be allowed to create a non-representational artwork which is a symbol of the theme selected to the child.
Increase in Rigor: students who finish early and whose pieces show excellent craft for their developmental level on day 2 of the assignment
will be given some of the limited extra wire to further their pieces. Students who finish early on day 3 with excellent craft for their
developmental level on day 3 will be allowed to paint their sculpture using watercolor paints.
Classroom Management: (strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior needs to help keep
students actively engaged) Includes: behavior management plan, time management, transitions, and lesson/class wrap-up
Behavior Management Plan :

Attention Grabbers:
-Address class: Sh, class will stop, look, and listen

Class Rules:
-Students sit at assigned seats

-Verbal warning
-Speak with the classroom teacher about the behavior

Materials Management:
-Supply Baskets will be ready for class
-Class art is out and ready

-Students who are well behaved and are showing exceptional engagement in the lesson will receive a reward ticket

Time Management /Transitions :

Time Management:
-Ten to Fifteen minutes entering, introduction, and instruction time
-Thirty to Thirty-Five minutes of independent practice
-Five minute warning before clean up time
-Five minute clean up time

Lesson/Class Wrap-up (same as conclusion)

-Seated and silent tables will be called to line up
Extensions : (activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and thinking about the learning objectives by applying their
new knowledge in a different way)(bullet, minimum of 2)
-Students may look at the work of art from social practice artists from books provided
-Students may use the planning sheets provided to develop new ideas for future artworks
Follow-Up to Todays Lesson : (quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen student understanding and
interconnect concepts; may be incorporated in next session as connection to prior learning or throughout the unit)
A quick review of some of the functions of art discussed on the first day of the lesson. This will be contrasted to the functions of wearable art,
which is the next project.
Reflection : If you had the chance to re-teach this lesson, what would you do differently ?)(complete this section in final draft after lesson has
been taught) (5 or more complete sentences)

Learning Statement: (Summary of what has been taught in this lesson and its purpose to be displayed with the artwork; to inform the school
community of the learning involved in the lesson.) (Bold or italicize 3 or more key concepts or vocabulary.) KCAI Addition
Fifth grade students created multi-media, in-the-round sculptures. Each student used these sculptures to develop a theme of personal
importance. Students identified these themes as being of personal, societal, or global significance.
Images of Student Work: (5 Examples) (Complete this section in final draft after lesson has been taught.) KCAI Addition

Student Rubric:
1 2 3 4

Theme I did not pick a theme. I picked a theme. I picked a theme and I picked a theme and
thought of one way to show thought of two or more
it in my sketches. ways to show it in my

Does my sketches look like My sculpture does not look My sculpture looks a little My sculpture looks like my My sculpture looks just like
my sculpture? like my sketch. like my sketch. sketch. my sketch.

Craftsmanship My sculpture looks like it will My sculpture looks like it will My sculpture is not wobbly My sculpture is well built
fall apart any second now. hold together, but there are and has no loose ends of and has no loose ends of
lots of loose ends of wire wire. wire.
and wobbly parts.

Artist Statement I didnt write an artist I wrote an artist statement, I wrote an artist statement I wrote an artist statement
statement. but didnt tell my theme. that told my theme using that told my theme and says
complete sentences. if my theme is personal,
societal, or global. I used
complete sentences.

Instructor Rubric:
1 2 3 4

Development of theme of No theme is identified. Theme is identified, but not Theme is identified and Theme is identified and is
personal significance is elaborated on. bears resemblance to the reflected in the sketches.
clearly expressed on sketches.
planning sheet

Students sketches on Theme is not expressed in One approach to the theme Two approaches to the Three approaches to the
planning sheet show sketches. is expressed in sketches. theme are expressed in theme are expressed in
diverses approaches to the sketches. sketches.
selected theme

Students correctly identify Student did not correctly Student correctly identify on
on what level their selected identify on what level their what level their selected
theme is important on selected theme is important theme is important on

Forms shown in planning Forms expressed in planning Forms expressed in planning Forms expressed in planning Forms expressed in planning
sketches are expressed in sketches are not expressed sketches are some what sketches are expressed in sketches are obviously
the final sculpture in the final sculpture expressed in the final the final sculpture expressed in the final
sculpture sculpture

Quality/craftsmanship of Quality/craftsmanship of Quality/craftsmanship of Quality/craftsmanship of Quality/craftsmanship of

sculpture: no wire ends are sculpture is poor sculpture needs sculpture is adequate sculpture is excellent
sticking out, forms are improvement
easily readable, transition
between mediums is

Artist statement clearly Student did not create an Student identified their Student identified their Student identified their
communicates about artist statement selected theme in their artist selected theme in their artist selected theme and
selected theme and statement. statement using full identifies on what level the
identifies on what level the sentences. theme is applicable in their
theme is applicable: artist statement using full
personal, societal, or global. sentences.


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