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- Sacred Heart of Jesus -

The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus convokes us in this

thanksgiving Eucharist, because the Lord is our Good Shepherd,
because He cares and leads us, because He is Love.

Pilot of our Congregation, Whom we can hope everything, as

Mother Pabla usually said, the Heart of Jesus accompanies our journey
of Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne, in our desire of being in the world
compassionate and merciful heartbeat of Gods Love.

In this Year of Mercy, this Solemnity that we celebrate today,

reminds us the words of Pope Francis:

Dios never tires of casting open the doors of his heart and of
repeating that He loves us and wants to share his life with us The life
of the Church is authentic and credible only when she becomes a herald
of mercy. She knows that the primary task, especially at a moment full of
great hopes and signs of contradiction, is to introduce everyone to the
great mystery of Gods Mercy by contemplating the face of Christ
From the heart of the Trinity, from the depths of the mystery of God, the
great river of mercy wells up and overflows unceasingly

We join today in thanksgiving prayer because God has a heart;

because we are called to have his same heart, so as to be able to love
Him, to do whatever He may tell us, and to surrender ourselves and to
serve our Sisters and brethren with the greatest care, with full detail,
with all love.
- Sacred Heart of Jesus -

We pray for the Pope Francis, the Bishop Vicente and all those who
are part of the Church. May, by experiencing the compassion and
mercy of the Lord Jesus, we live attentive, concerned and available for
our neediest brethren. LET US PRAY

We pray for peace. May the efforts for searching ways of dialogue and
encounter do not stop. We pray for the countries and societies
punished by any kind of violence, and for the refugee and immigrant
people. LET US PRAY

We pray for those who suffer from sickness. For those affected by
natural calamities, the economic crisis and unjust politics. We pray for
those people who give their hearts in these or another situations of
pain and hopelessness. LET US PRAY

We pray for each Sister of our Congregation, especially in this time of

celebration of Assemblies. We pray for the Laity of St. Annes Family.
May we be planted in love and built on love. LET US PRAY

We pray for the people who feel Gods call to religious, priestly and
missionary life. May, in their trustful answer, they always know of Gods
fidelity and his Heart. LET US PRAY

We pray for all the Sisters, benefactors, collaborators, family members

and friends who already enjoy Gods Presence, and who keep on
accompanying our congregational journey. LET US PRAY

We pray for each one of us, gathered in thanksgiving prayer to our

God because He has a Heart. May his heartbeat continue making
possible for us to do whatever He may tell us and, in this way, to
embody his Love and his Mercy in the world. LET US PRAY

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