GEO144 Syllabus Spring 2015

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GEO144 Course Syllabus

The Geology of Pacific Northwest Rivers, Glaciers, & Deserts

(4 credits)
Winter 2015
Lecture CRN 76428: Saturday 1:00-3:50 PM
Lab CRN 76429: Saturday 4:00-5:50 PM

Chemeketa Community College

Salem Campus
4000 Lancaster Drive NE
Salem, OR 97305

Instructor: Jason Robert Patton email:
Course Website:
Mailbox: Woodburn Campus
Office Hours: Woodburn Campus Faculty Lounge Monday 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
Course Title: The Geology of Pacific Northwest Streams, Lakes, &
Total Instructional Hours, for Course, per Term:
33 Lecture Hours = 3 Credit(s)
33 Laboratory Hours = 1 Credit(s)
Prerequisite: None
Term(s) Offered: Fall __ Winter __ Spring __ Summer __ Offered as needed
Required Text(s): Tarbuck, Lutgens, Tasa, Essentials of Geology, Prentice-
Hall, 12th edition. Bring your text to class for every class.
Required Supplies: three ring binder for class handouts including blank
paper for drawing illustrations and notes during class; colored pencils for
making illustrations, calculator
Contact: Please dont hesitate to email me with any questions, comments,
or concerns. I welcome any feedback or suggestions. The best way to
contact me for any reason is by sending an email directly to my Chemeketa
Community College email

Course Description:
Studies surficial geology of the Pacific Northwest, including streams,
groundwater, coastlines, landslides, glaciers, lakes, and deserts. Includes
geomorphic provinces of Oregon, topographic maps and profiles, Ice Age
floods, Geologic Time, and geologic cross-sections.
Statewide General Education (AAOT) Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the Science course, students should be able

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GEO144 Course Syllabus
The Geology of Pacific Northwest Rivers, Glaciers, & Deserts
(4 credits)
Winter 2015
Lecture CRN 76428: Saturday 1:00-3:50 PM
Lab CRN 76429: Saturday 4:00-5:50 PM
1. Gather, comprehend, and communicate scientific and technical
information in order to explore ideas, models, and solutions and
generate further questions.
2. Apply scientific and technical modes of inquiry, individually, and
collaboratively, to critically evaluate existing or alternative
explanations, solve problems, and make evidence-based decisions in
an ethical manner.
3. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of scientific studies and critically
examine the influence of scientific and technical knowledge on human
society and the environment.

Performance Based Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Summarize Plate Tectonics as the critical framework which controls
all geologic processes.
2. Interpret topographic maps and use them to answer questions
about the landscape, including stream characteristics.
3. Create a topographic profile and use it to interpret local geology.
4. Distinguish between the two main types of rock weathering and
their contribution to soil formation and soil profiles.
5. Identify the types and causes of mass wasting events, recognize
landslide terrain, and discuss the mitigation of slope failures.
6. Identify and describe stream characteristics and effects such as
gradient, discharge, sedimentation and erosion. Compare and
contrast characteristics of various streams in Oregon.
7. Describe characteristics of lake and lake basins, and classify some
of the lakes and lake basins in Oregon. Recognize the roles of
landslides, glaciers and faults in forming lake basins.
8. Learn the basics of groundwater, and its associated karst
topography, and discuss the importance of conservation and
protection of this valuable resource.
9. Explain the effects of glaciers in the present day: their erosional and
depositional landforms and influence on Oregons geomorphic
10. Discuss causes of Ice Ages and the Ice Age glacial events that
shaped the Willamette Valley.
11. Explain the work of the wind and formations of deserts, and
outline the desert geomorphology of the Oregon Basin and Range
and Owyhee Uplands.
12. Describe coastal features and the processes that make them
13. Explain the significance of Geologic Time, fossils, and

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GEO144 Course Syllabus
The Geology of Pacific Northwest Rivers, Glaciers, & Deserts
(4 credits)
Winter 2015
Lecture CRN 76428: Saturday 1:00-3:50 PM
Lab CRN 76429: Saturday 4:00-5:50 PM
Oregons stratigraphic record.
14. Interpret a geologic cross section as evidence of Oregons
Geologic History.
Course Content Outline
I.Plate Tectonics Mechanics
II.Review Oregons Geomorphic Provinces
III.Topographic Maps and Profiles
IV.Rock Weathering
V.Mass Wasting/Slope Failure
VI.Streams and Fluvial Systems and Lakes
VII.Groundwater and Karst Topography
VIII.Glaciers, Ice Ages and Pleistocene Floods
IX.Basin and Range and Desert Processes
X.Stratigraphy, Oregons Stratigraphic Record, Oregon Fossils
Tentative Class Schedule*
Date Topic Readings
Week 1 Lecture 1: Introduction to Geology 1 & 18
Lab & Quiz 1: Geologic Time

Week 2 Lecture 2: Plate Tectonics 2, 11.4-11.6

Lab & Quiz 2: Plate Tectonics

Week 3 Lecture 3: Topographic Maps online#

and Geomorphic Provinces
Lab & Quiz 3: Topo Maps
Online Lab 1: Geomorphic Provinces

Week 4 Lecture 4: Rock Types, Weathering 3, 4.1-4.4,

Lab & Quiz 4: Rocks 7.1-7.7, 8.1-8.4

Week 5 Lecture 5: Landslides 12

Lab 5 & Quiz 5: Slope Stability

Week 6 Mid Term

Lecture 6: Hydrology 13
Lab 6: Hydrology
Sunday Field Trip 5/10/15: Mollala River

Week 7 Lecture 7: Hydrogeology 14

and the Oregon Caves
Lab 7 & Quiz 6: Groundwater Mapping

Week 8 Lecture 8: Glacial Cycles 15

And Megafloods

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GEO144 Course Syllabus
The Geology of Pacific Northwest Rivers, Glaciers, & Deserts
(4 credits)
Winter 2015
Lecture CRN 76428: Saturday 1:00-3:50 PM
Lab CRN 76429: Saturday 4:00-5:50 PM
Lab 8 & Quiz 7: Glacier Velocity
Online Lab 2: Glacier Extent

Week 9 Class Holiday (Memorial Day)

Week 10 Lecture 9: Basin and Range 16, 11.1-11.3

and Review Lectures
Lab 9 & Quiz 8: B&R Extension Calculation

Review Labs

Week 11 Review and Finals Week, Final Saturday 6/13/2015 1:00 5:50 PM

* Note: Instructor reserves the right to make changes to course schedule

as deemed necessary. The dates for the lectures are listed on the website
Late Assignments are NOT ACCEPTED
Your final grade will be comprised of:
Summary Points
Participation 100
Course Notes and Illustrations 100
Nine Labs (20 points each) 180
Online Labs 160
Quizzes (8) 160
Research Paper 50
1 Mid Term 50
Field trip 100
1 Final Exam 100
Total 1000

There are 1000 points available and grades are assigned by the percentage of total points as follows:
1000-940=A 939-900=A- 899-870=B+ 869-830=B 829-800=B-
799-770=C+ 769-700=C 699-670=D+669-600=D <599=F

The instructor will send announcements via email to the students email addresses. Please contact the instructor only via
the email listed above. The instructor will respond at their earliest
convenience. Students will exchange contact information with their peers on
the first day of classes. This is important so that if anyone misses a class,
they can contact more than one of their peers to go over the notes and lab
materials. Also, students will need to interact during the online portion of this
course and having other students email addresses will facilitate this.

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GEO144 Course Syllabus
The Geology of Pacific Northwest Rivers, Glaciers, & Deserts
(4 credits)
Winter 2015
Lecture CRN 76428: Saturday 1:00-3:50 PM
Lab CRN 76429: Saturday 4:00-5:50 PM
Classroom Conduct
Side conversations among classmates are disrespectful and disruptive to the
instructor and your fellow students. Questions or comments about the
course material are welcome at all times but should be approached in a
respectful manner.
The use of cell phones, iPods, or other items that may distract you, your
instructor, or your classmates are not permitted during class. All such
devices must be turned off.
You may not leave the room during an exam or quiz unless you are ready to
turn in your finished exam.

Academic Honesty
You are encouraged to work together to review notes from lectures, to work
on problems from the text, and to formulate ideas for any take-home
assignments. However, all work you turn in must be your own independent,
original work.
In the event that any work is copied from another student, zero credit will be
given to all students involved (regardless of who copied from whom).
Any sources of information used in your written work must be referenced
(regardless of whether the material was copied word-for-word). This includes
your text book and all internet sources (reference these by including the
name and URL). Any work including un-referenced material from another
source (regardless of whether it was copied word-for-word) will be given zero
More information is available at:
Academic Misconduct: Cheating, plagiarism, collusion, abuse of resource
materials, computer misuse, fabrication or falsification, multiple submissions,
complicity in academic misconduct, and/ or bearing false witness will not be
tolerated. Violations will be dealt with according to the procedures and
sanctions proscribed by the College of the Redwoods. Students caught
plagiarizing or cheating on exams will receive an F in the course.
Chemeketa Community College is committed to equal opportunity in
employment, admission to the college, and in the conduct of all of its
programs and activities.

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GEO144 Course Syllabus
The Geology of Pacific Northwest Rivers, Glaciers, & Deserts
(4 credits)
Winter 2015
Lecture CRN 76428: Saturday 1:00-3:50 PM
Lab CRN 76429: Saturday 4:00-5:50 PM
Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty, and the
Disability Services office. Students with accommodations approved through
Disability Services are responsible for contacting the faculty member in
charge of the course, ideally prior to or during the first week of the term to
discuss accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible for
accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through Disability
Services should contact V/TTY 503.399.5192 or .
Advising and Counseling
Recent research indicates that community college students who seek out
academic advising are more likely to meet their educational goals. Meeting
with an advisor can help:
clarify your academic and life goals
choose classes that prepare you for a career
ensure whether your credits will transfer to another institution
Advising and counseling appointments are available by making an
appointment at the Salem campus, 503.399.5120. In addition, you may
want to explore My Game Plan, an electronic educational planning system at
Instructors are also available to discuss class, degree, and career options.
Start planning now.
Career Center: Bldg. 2, Rm.115, 503.399.6544
Library Services: Bldg. 9, Rm. 200, 503.399.5043
Math Learning Center: Bldg. 3, Rm. 277, 503.399.3998
Open computer labs: Bldg. 6, Rm. 218 and in Bldg. 9/Library
Study Skills Center: Bldg. 2, Rm. 212, 503.399.5162
Tutoring Services: Bldg. 2, Rm. 210, 503.399.5190
Writing Center: Bldg. 9/Library, 503.399.7179

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