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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [1]

Class 4
Full Year 4th Grade Review
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Answer t he quest ions

(1) A rectangular park has the walking trail on the periphery of the park. If the length of the park is
43 meter and breadth is 25 meter, how much distance will a person cover if he takes 4 complete
round(s) of the park ?
(2) Find the place value of underlined number
(3) Rohit's mom made a batch of pastries (each batch has 24 pastries). She had to throw 1/6 of the
pastries as they were over-cooked. She made 4 more batches of pastries. How many pastries
does she have now ?
(4) Shade the images to show the f ollowing f raction addition.

5 + 1 =

10 10

and makes

(5) Following shape is made of several small cubes. What f raction of cubes are not visible in the
picture shown below ?

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(6) Which is the equivalent f raction f or the decimal number 0.3

3 10
a. 1 b.
10 3

3 1
c. d. 3
10 10

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [2]

Fill in t he blanks

We celebrate children's day on November. (Answer in roman numerals)

(8) T he cost of f encing is Rs. 1983 per meter. T he cost of putting a f ence around a triangular park

with sides 184 m, 183 m and 151 m is Rs. .

(9) Enter the correct operator f rom < , > , =

98648679 seven million f our hundred f orty-seven thousand f ive hundred one

35341354 twenty-f ive million f ive hundred f orty-f our thousand two hundred f if ty-

f ive

A number when divided by 4 gives 4. T he number is .

T he empty boxes below should have numbers and .

247 249

(12) 3 2
Sarika has planted many f ruits in her f arm. She planted of a f arm with bananas, with
11 11
pears and with mangoes. T he total portion of Sarika 's f arm that is planted with f ruits is

T he chord of a circle can be smaller than its diameter (T rue/False): .

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [3]
(14) A publisher published 91983 books in the year 1987, 35537 books in 1988, 59247 books in
1989 and 60981 books in 1990. T he total number of books were published over these f our

years was .

(15) Subtract the f ollowing f ractions

A) B) C)
13 5 9 7 10 8
- = - = - =
16 16 13 13 11 11

D) E) F)
10 2 10 2 5 1
- = - = - =
11 11 12 12 8 8

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [4]
(1) 544 m
(2) 80000000
(3) 116

Step 1
Rohit's mom f irst made one batch of pastries. T he number of pastries in one batch = 24
Step 2
Out of the 24 pastries she made, the number of over-cooked pastries =1/6 of the 24
= pastries
= 4 pastries
Step 3
T he number of remaining pastries f rom f irst batch = 24 - 4 = 20 pastries
Step 4
T he number of extra batches she made = 4
T he number of pastries in these 4 batches = 4 24 = 96 pastries
Step 5
T otal number of pastries = Remaining pastries f rom f irst batch + Number of pastries in 4
= 20 + 96
= 116 pastries
Step 6
T heref ore, the total number of pastries she has now is 116.

(4) + =
5 1 6
10 10 10

+ =

(5) 40

(6) 3

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [5]


(9) A)

Step 1
Let's f irst convert number in words to numeric f orm
seven million f our hundred f orty-seven thousand f ive hundred one = 7447501
Step 2
T o compare two large numbers f ollowing steps can be used,
- First compare number of digits. Number with more digits will be larger.
- If number of digits are same, compare the most signif icant (lef t-most) digit.
Number with higher digit at this place will be larger.
- If lef t-most digits are same, compare next digit (towards right), until we f ind a
case where digits dif f er
Step 3
Let's f irst compare number of digits of 98648679 and 7447501,
Number of digits in 98648679 = 8
Number of digits in 7447501 = 7
Step 4
Since 98648679 has more digits than 7447501,
98648679 > 7447501

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [6]

Step 1
Let's f irst convert number in words to numeric f orm
twenty-f ive million f ive hundred f orty-f our thousand two hundred f if ty-f ive =
Step 2
T o compare two large numbers f ollowing steps can be used,
- First compare number of digits. Number with more digits will be larger.
- If number of digits are same, compare the most signif icant (lef t-most) digit.
Number with higher digit at this place will be larger.
- If lef t-most digits are same, compare next digit (towards right), until we f ind a
case where digits dif f er
Step 3
Let's f irst compare number of digits of 35341354 and 25544255,
Number of digits in 35341354 = 8
Number of digits in 25544255 = 8
Step 4

Let's compare 1st digit f rom lef t.

1st digit f rom lef t in 35341354 = 3
1st digit f rom lef t in 25544255 = 2
Since 3 > 2,
35341354 > 25544255


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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [7]
246 252

Step 1
Lets observe the boxes where numbers 247 and 249 are written
247 is at 2nd position
249 is at 4 th position
Step 2
Dif f erence in their position = 4 - 2 = 2,
Dif f erence in numbers = 249 - 247 = 2
Step 3
From above dif f erences we can inf er that each part on this line represent 1
Step 4
T heref ore number at f irst position should be,
= 247 - (2 - 1) = 246
Step 5
T heref ore number in f irst box = 246
Step 6

Second missing box is at 7 th position

Number at 7 th position = 246 + (7 - 1) = 252

(12) 3 2
Sarika has planted many f ruits in her f arm. She planted of a f arm with bananas, with
11 11
pears and with mangoes. T he total portion of Sarika 's f arm that is planted with f ruits is

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [8]
T rue

Step 1
Let us f irst understand the def initions of chord and diameter. A chord is a line segment
whose endpoints lie on any part of a circle, whereas diameter is a chord which passes
through the centre of a circle.

Step 2
In the above f igure, AB, CD, PQ and EF are all chords of a circle.
Step 3
T he longest chord PQ is the diameter since the line segment passes through the centre of
the circle.
Step 4
Hence, the statement "T he chord of a circle can be smaller than its diameter" is T rue.

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [9]

Step 1
Number of books published in the year 1987 = 91983
Step 2
Number of books published in the year 1988 = 35537
Step 3
Number of books published in the year 1989 = 59247
Step 4
Number of books published in the year 1990 = 60981
Step 5

Number of books published in the year

+ Number of books published in the year
Number of books published in all f our 1988
years + Number of books published in the year
+ Number of books published in the year

Step 6
Let's do the addition:
9 1 9 8 3
+ 3 5 5 3 7
+ 5 9 2 4 7
+ 6 0 9 8 1

2 4 7 7 4 8

Step 7
T heref ore, the total number of books published by the publisher in f our years was 247748.

(15) A)
13 5
- =
16 16

9 7
- =
13 13

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ID : in-4-Full-Year-4th-Grade-Review [10]
10 8
- =
11 11

10 2
- =
11 11

10 2
- =
12 12

5 1
- =
8 8

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