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LOocate the problem.

This is step one. Find where the point of stiffness is. Determine where in your neck it is, if it's on
the left or right side, etc. Use your hand to feel alone the neck muscles and locate stiff spots.

Gently massage stiff spots.

Once you've found the stiff muscles, firmly, but not rigorously, add some pressure to the painful
spots. Massage up and down the neck. A tennis ball or other rounded object can be used to
massage stiff neck muscles.

Stretch the neck muscles.

Once you've massaged your neck for about thirty seconds, begin stretching your neck muscles.
Turn your head down and to the side away from the pain, almost like you're smelling your
armpit. Stretch your neck muscles slowly and gently every direction you can.

Usually going through this once or twice is enough to feel an immediately difference. If it isn't,
repeat it as many times as necessary. Take about 60 seconds to do it each time. The stiffness and
pain will eventually subside.

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