Final Tech Lesson Plan Frazier

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Topic: Plagiarism and Citations

Class Information: 10th Grade English, 24 students, 1 IEP

Date of Lesson: September 5, 2016 Time of Lesson: 8:00am

General Goal: To inform students about plagiarism and how to prevent committing plagiarism
by properly citing sources

A. Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Define plagiarism and explain four common types of plagiarism
State the three types of citation formats
Use technology to assist in citation generation
Form their own MLA citations

B. Materials/Equipment:
Student laptops
Projector/projector screen
Teachers desktop computer
White board and marker
Students will need: lined paper, notebook, and pencil
1 iPad for student with special needs

C. Procedures:
1. Anticipatory Set: The teacher will begin by instructing the students to log onto their
laptop computers. Once students have logged on, the teacher will ask the students to
close their laptops temporarily and look at the teachers computer screen that is
projected on the wall.
The teacher will play a short YouTube video about plagiarism.
Video title: Plagiarism Rap (Cite Your Sources)
The teacher will open a Word document and type the question What is plagiarism?
Students will write responses in their notebooks.
2. After 5 minutes, the teacher will ask the students to raise their hands and share their
responses. The teacher will type the responses in the Word document, under the
question, in bullet points.
3. The teacher will open up a PowerPoint document and begin the lesson by introducing
the topic: plagiarism and how to properly cite.
4. The students will open their laptops and open up a new Word document. They will
take notes in the word document, as the teacher speaks.
5. The term Plagiarism will be on the first slide, and the teacher will read the written
6. The next slide will be on the 4 common types of plagiarism. The teacher will go
over each type and provide an explanation.
7. Next, the teacher will go over the consequences of committing plagiarism.
8. The teacher will ask the students to open up Internet Explorer, Google Chrome,
Firefox, or any other web browser and try to find what types of citation formats there
9. After 10-15 minutes, the teacher will call on students to share what they have found
in their web search.
10. The teacher will go to the next slide, on the three major types of citation formats:
APA, MLA, and Chicago, and when they are commonly used. The teacher will
explain that MLA is what this class will use.
11. The teacher will ask the students what citing your sources means. The students will
type their responses in their Word processed notes.
12. Students will raise their hands and share their responses with the class.
13. The next slide will be on in-text citations. The teacher will go over the basic format
of in-text citations for MLA.
14. The teacher will discuss how to prevent plagiarism and the importance of citing your
work. The teacher will ask for a volunteer to demonstrate an in-text citation on the
15. The teacher will discuss what a Works Cited page is, on the next slide. The teacher
will explain how it should visually look, briefly.
16. The teacher will open up a web browser and go to the CSN library website. The
students will follow along and do the same on their computers.
17. The teacher will pause after each step of instruction.
18. The teacher will locate the MLA style guide for proper citing.
19. The teacher and students will open the guide and the teacher will talk about the
20. The students will save the guides to their personal accounts, on their computers, to
reference in the future.
21. Plan for Independent Practice: The teacher will explain a final activity to the class.
Each student will be given either a piece of paper with a website URL, an online
newspaper URL, a physical book, or a physical magazine. The students will locate
the MLA guide on their laptops to create a proper Works Cited citation, based on
their source. They will also write an example of an in-text citation, based on the
given source. The students will type their citations in their Word document (where
they have been typing their notes).
22. After about 20 minutes, the students will submit the Word document with their notes
and citation online to the Canvas equivalent school database.
23. Closure: The teacher will instruct the students to log off of their computers, put all
of their belongings away and to take out one sheet of paper.
Exit Activity: Three questions will be written on the board- What is plagiarism?
What are the four types of plagiarism? (Explain) What are the three major citation
The students will work independently on this task
The teacher will tell the students to put their paper into the turn in tray before they
D. Assessment:
Students will be assessed based on an exit slip activity given at the end of the
class, and on the Citation Creation independent practice activity. The teacher
will be able to assess the students knowledge on plagiarism and citations by the
answers that the students give to the questions that are asked. The teacher will
also be able to assess by examining the citations that the students create during
independent practice.
The students will be graded on the following criteria:

Exit Activity: 15 points

Student formed an accurate definition of Plagiarism

based on the information given in class __/5 pts

Student defined the four types of plagiarism and offered

a detailed explanation for each type __/5 pts


Student stated all three types of citation formats __/5 pts

Citation Creation Independent Practice: 15 points

Student formed a complete MLA style citation, with little-no

location or punctuation errors, that correctly reflect the students
source __/5 pts

Student formed an accurate MLA style in-text citation, with no

location or punctuation errors, that correctly reflect the students


Student used the internet to properly generate the MLA citations

(such as referencing the CSN MLA guide) __/5 pts
Total: ___/30 points
E. Possible Connections to Other Subjects:
This information could be useful in every subject that requires research/incorporation
of outside sources
Examples of other subjects where plagiarism and citation knowledge is useful:
o Science
o History
o Phycology
o Art
Knowledge of how to use technology to access information is useful when working
independently, and can be used throughout a students educational career.

F. Modifications and Accommodations: Student with Special Needs

Student: Jason Leese
Diagnosis: Autism

o Jason will use an iPad instead of a laptop. The iPad is hands-on (touch
screen) and is easy for Jason to use. Jason will use the app Proloquo2Go
when he has difficulty verbally communicating during the lesson.
o A one-on-one aide will be present to assist Jason during the Independent
Practice activity and the Exit activity. Jason will receive a physical source
(i.e. book or magazine) to cite, and will be given extra time on these
o The one-on-one aide will take Jasons notes for him.
Works Cited

Citation Styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, IEEE: Home. University of Pittsburgh. n.p.,

n.d. Web. 9 July 2016.

Crawford, Benna. What Can Happen to a Student Found Guilty of Plagiarism? Our Everyday

Life. Our Everyday Life, 2016. Web. 9 July 2016.

Plagiarism. Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, 2015. Web. 9 July 2016.

Start Your Research: Cite Your Sources. College of Southern Nevada. n.p., n.d. Web. 9 July


The Common Types of Plagiarism. Bowdowin. n.p., n.d. Web. 9 July 2016.

UAlbertaDoS. Plagiarism Rap (Cite Your Sources). YouTube. YouTube, 18 Dec. 2013. Web. 9

July 2016.

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