Miller Troubleshootinglog

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Troubleshooting Log for NJHS Teachers and Staff


To have a live reference tool available for teachers to view, edit, and leave feedback on technology issues encountered during on school-related
work in order to resolve issues in a timely manner.


As part of my graduate coursework, I documented any technology issues that I experienced, other teachers or experienced, or my students
experienced. In this log, you can scan to see if the problem you are encountering is already listed, then what steps are needed to correct the issue.
This is a live document, and I encourage everyone to add to it as technology issues arise in your classes.

School Appointed Technology Contacts:

NJHS Technology Coordinator

Angie Myers (

Technology Support & Network Specialist

Jacob Gebers (

Director of Technology
Jared Rex (

Troubleshooting Document Creator:

Ashley Miller (
Ashley MIller
Spring 2017
Troublshooting Log

Troubleshooting Log

Date What is the Problem? Helpful links? What did you do? Did it work? Help Teacher
Ticket? Feedback

1-17-17 Google Classroom will not display thumbnail Nothing. Waited it out. Google has been Yes. By the end No
images or open assignments turned in. m/status/google notified. of the day I could
access files.

1-17-17 Projector and laptop would not connect Turned laptop so cord could go Yes, but it takes a No
during 6th period. perpendicular. New AIrs have the few times.
thunderbold port on the opposite side of
the Pros. Now I have to pull more cord
up so there isnt stress on the cable.
1-17-17 Student error: Quizlet Live is down. BE AWARE - there is Refresh the page - may take 2 or 3 Yes No
a Chrome extension times.
called Quizlet Live
Hack that will instantly
answer on that
students turn.
Extensions are
currently blocked for

1-18-17 Two students did not have their computers Allowed them to plug in charger into a Yes No
charged. floor outlets under the desks.

1-18-17 Student computer will not turn on. Battery Held power button down until restarted. No Referred
was at 55% in the class before. student
to tech.

1-18-17 PDF wont load on Google Classroom. Refresh. Yes No If that does not
work, have
student turn WiFi
off and back on.

1-18-17 New MacBook AIr has thunderbolt port on Turned computer sideways. This helps Yes No Going to pull
opposite side of MacBook Pro. Causing the keep the cord in place, but is very through cord from
projector to disconnect from computer. inconvenient. hole in desk and
use cord clips to
keep the cord
from pulling.
1-24-17 Students computer will not allow her to type. Asked her if she restarted, refreshed, No Referred
She has restarted the computer 3 times, and reconnected - which she already did. student
refreshed, disconnected and reconnected to tech

1-24-17 Some students are experiencing their WiFi Computer teacher told them to restart Yes No
disconnecting randomly multiple times in a their computer.

1-25-17 Student who is just now getting a laptop Sent student to tech office to retrieve Yes No
(would not turn papers in) did not bring it to computer. Took about 8 minutes.
class first period. There is a test online, so
he had to leave class to go get the computer.
He said that the tech office was closed (not
true) so he couldnt pick up his computer.
(He has to sign his in and out everyday).

1-30-17 My MacAir seems like it is overheating. The Researched issue. No ? Will keep
bottom will get really hot and the fan will start om/en-us/HT203184 When an app isn't responding or programs and
running. Im not sure if it is because there is working correctly, it might use more of apps closed
a bottom part to the case constricting airflow, the processor (CPU) than it should, even when not in use
or if this is normal. acbook-air-heat-fan-no when the app doesn't seem to be doing and see if this
ise anything. As the CPU gets busier, it uses helps.
more energy, which reduces the time
that your Mac can run on battery power.
It also generates heat, which can cause
the fans in your Mac to spin faster.

2-3-17 Fan is still turning on and off randomly and is Read Apple Help Forums. I do not have No Yes
loud, despite keeping applications and permission to do what it is asking of me.
programs. ?tstart=0 Placed a help ticket.
2-6-17 Student WiFi is not working for several Turned their WiFi on and off, then had Yes No This is an
students. them restart. ongoing problem
that they should
know how to
resolve by now
without disrupting
the class by
making an

2-10-17 Computer will not stay connected to the Unplugged, restarted computer, plugged No Yes Tech gave me a
projector. back in. new adapter.

2-16 Students cannot download the lab Placed help ticket - this isnt something I Yes Yes All extensions,
simulations from have authority to change. applications and
downloads are
blocked by the
school due to
VPN abuse.

2-17 Lost chargers - multiple students the past Several students have lost their No No Students have to
couple of weeks. chargers. Some let others borrow theirs, see the tech
then the other student never returns it or office for a
loses it. replacement.
There is a fee
.Students are not
doing this,

2-22-17 I have been unable to print since yesterday Placed help ticket. Yes Yes There was a
and need to do so to get my curriculum map problem with
organized. printing PDF files
that would cause
the printer to time
2-24-17 Computer is not letting me print again. It Placed help ticket. n/a Yes Tech office
keeps saying "holding for authentication. worked on my
computer and the
problem was

2-27-17 Second workroom copier is not recognizing Entered username and password Yes No
my badge so I can print. manually.

2-28-17 The copier is printing papers on an angle Called tech office. No Yes Tech had to put
again and cutting off pages. in a call for
service from the
leasing agency.

3-1-17 Laptop fan is still running intermittently. Called tech office per Jacobs request. No No Jacob took laptop
and did a reset
and uninstalled
and reinstalled
the battery. He
cannot find
anything wrong
and needs to
know only if it
increases in
New Troubleshooting Topics

Topic Resource

Google Help

Start page for troubleshooting and learning about all of Googles
products (ex. Youtube, Gmail, Drive, Chrome, Blogger, Google Play,

Microsoft Word Quick Start Guide

Create and save a document, toolbars, commands, where to find
files, tools, sharing options, Smart Lookup

Microsoft Excel Quick Start Guide

Create and save worksheets, toolbars, insert and build functions,
manage data with tables, where to find files, sharing options, Smart

Microsoft PowerPoint Quick Start Guide

Create and save a presentation, toolbars, commands, where to find
files, tools, sharing options, Smart Lookup, design ideas, morph
images and objects, format shapes with precision,

Computer Troubleshooting for Teachers and Students

Website developed by a cohort of teachers whose mission is to e.html
empower all teachers to repair their own devices without having to
wait on a computer technician. They also have information about
how to use the Microsoft Office Suite. This website would be great
for teachers who consider themselves beginners.

Coding Ground: An online lab for IT professionals

For experienced users who want to take free online classes
regarding java technologies, programming, web development and

Childnet International

A guide to teach students how to think critically about what they see
online, preventing and responding to cyberbullying, and other
current issues regarding child safety on the Internet.
Teacher Feedback

Upon sharing my initial Google Troubleshooting Log, I listened to the suggestions and wishes of my coworkers
regarding what would be useful in their classroom. I created a summary of the feedback I received, as shown in the
table below. From there, I created the new troubleshooting resources based on my coworkers feedback.

What teachers want: What teachers do not want:

Basic references for newer versions of Microsoft Office Force to be used as a requirement before contacting
Suite tech office
Written in laymans terms Long, narrative format
More information about how to use Google products Advanced skills because these can be found as needed
and may not benefit anyone else
Easy to find on Drive
Short, clear and concise
Ability to add to log, if desired
How to learn about more advanced skills that doesnt
necessarily connect to curriculum
Benefits to Teachers and Students

Both teachers and students face technology problems every day. These issues disrupt learning and sometimes even halts a

lesson. Napoleon Area Schools has three technology staff members, and it is impossible for them to attend to a teacher or students

technology problem instantly. By keeping a log of technology issues, both teachers and students can access the document and see if

there is anything that can be done in the moment instead of waiting on the technology department.

Keeping a log is teaching students a valuable life skill. Students see teachers as experts, and when he or she is stumped, their

credibility suffers. What students need to be taught is that because of all the technological advances made during the past few

decades, it is impossible to keep up with everything. Instead, students need to see teachers model problem-solving and critical thinking

in order to resolve an issue. Our students are already to the point of wanting everything done for them, but by seeing a teacher take

care of a problem, they will see the value in solving their own problems without assistance.

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