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Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)


Team member Team member Team member Team member

coordinated with other coordinated with other coordinated with other coordinated with
Team Collaboration members very often members somewhat members occasionally other members
and provided often and provided and provided limited minimally and
significant moderate contributions contributions to the provided very little
contributions to the to the group group contributions to the
group group.

Completion of Helps the group set Helps the group set Helps the group set Helps the group set
personal tasks and meet goals both and meet goals and meet goals both and meet goals both
individually and individually and individually and individually and
collectively collectively most of the collectively only some collectively rarely
time of the time

Problem Solving Involves the whole Offers suggestions to Offers suggestions Chooses not to
Skills group in problem solve problems and occasionally to solve participate in
solving sometimes problems, and problem solving
encourages group sometimes
participation demonstrates effort to
help the group work

Cohesion Actively participates Demonstrates effort to Does not impede the Promotes
in helping the group help the group work groups efforts fragmentation of the
work together better. together the majority of group
the time

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