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Good afternoon Mr.

so on and so on and so on my name is Derick Tidort and the

reason I am here today is to introduce the concern of sexual and reproductive
health on St.Maarten. The topic I will be speaking on is sexual and reproductive
health social, economical, ethnic and legal issues I chose to explore this topic
because I was interested in knowing the effect of sexual and reproductive health
and the amount of knowledge the young people on this island have about it.

To properly explore this topic I have chosen to use three sources. The first source
was an interview from a past high school student who had been a victim of teenage
pregnancy. The secondary source was an online article titled sexual and
reproductive health for all. The tertiary source was yes or no questionnaires done
by 10 of my friends who were willing to answer my few short questions.

Sexual and reproductive health improves the society by furthering secondary

education, especially for girls. Did you know that there are quite a bit of high
school girls who dropped out of school because of pregnancy? For the past year
there were at LEAST 4 students who dropped out of the P.S.V.E high school alone
because of teenage pregnancy hindering them from being fairly economical in the
society. The past high school students which I had the interview with was named
Martha Dele. She was a student of this school here and at the time of her
pregnancy she was in fourth form and was 16 years old. Challenges and issues
were faced while trying to reach in contact with the interviewee. Due to the
channel used which was the telephone, it took me two days to finally get her
contact information then it took an additional two hours of continuous calling to
finally get to talk to her. Another challenge that I faced was coming up with
questions. The electricity company taking the current was another issue that I came
across when typing up the question. The context where I then did the interview
was in a relaxed environment in the comfort of my own home. My source was
found to be very reliable, that is because me and the individual are related and are
naturally open when it comes to communicating with each other. The source used
did affect the validity and reliability of the information gathered. Due to the
challenges that I had in coming up with questions the, questions were rather brief
than in detail. Also the context affected the validity and reliability of information.
The leasing of many missed calls may have changed the interviewees setting to a
noisy environment which made her annoyed thus alterinng the reliability of the
answers. The channel used also affected the validity and reliability of the
information gathered. The fact that a telephone was used for the interview may set
a time limit to the conversation due to the phone credit, which prevented answers
from being properly analyzed. Basically the information I obtained from the
interview about sexual and reproductive health was that if you do not have proper
knowledge of it, it could lead to teenage pregnancy and also that it will be
impossible, well almost impossible to continue high school and be pregnant at the
same time and is one of the worst experiences a teenager could ever have
emotionally, physically and mentally.

There are many beneficial factors that can occur with sexual and reproductive
health, from reduces poverty to promotes womens rights to Strengthening health
systems and so on. The second source which I have obtained information was from
an online article titled Sexual and reproductive health for all. It was written by
Susan Wood and was published in September 2010 in New York. It was made to
inform the public on the importance of sexual and reproductive health. There were
challenges and issues in finding this article as well. Due to the channel used which
was the internet, there were many, many websites with the same title and each with
their different information irrelevant to my topic. There was also the issue that I
had to spend many hours of reading articles from different sites. The context where
I was looking for the source was in a calm environment. The information was
found true because the author of the article has 30 years of experience and had
been studying in countries all around the world. The information might have been
true but the source was found not to be very reliable because only one fourth of the
information spoke about my topic and the rest of the information was irrelevant.
The source had affected the validity and reliability of the information collected.
Due to the long tiring process of continuous reading the first bit of information
found was used without a second thought. Also the context used had affected the
validity and reliability of the information collected. Because the research was
being done in a calm environment, it allowed me to properly read the information
without any distractions. The channel used also affected the validity and reliability
of the information collected. Because the internet was used the validity of the
information had got to be very reliable and valid. In a nut shell, proper knowledge
of sexual and reproductive health can save many lives and improve countless
others. It also makes effective in reducing poverty, advancing development and
protecting human rights.

Sexual and reproductive health is not being taught on this island nor is it practiced
anywhere or talked about on the island.The tertiary way in which I obtained my
information was by sending 10 yes or no questionnaires to 10 of my friends with
each in a different district. The questionnaire was done in order to know the
amount of knowledge people knew about sexual and reproductive health on this
island. Challenges and issues were faced. One of the challenges faced was that
because it had to be sent by email I did not have all of my friends emails. Another
issue that rose was the questions were hard to come up with. Then there was an
issue where some of my friends did not respond to my email. When making the
questions it was done in a relaxing environment until the bar down the hill began
playing music. The source used was invalid, the reason for that is because you
cannot tell whether the person is being honest or not. The source used may have
affected the validity and reliability of the information gathered. Due to the
challenges that I had in writing the questions in the questionnaire, questions were
rather brief than in detail. The context used may also affected the validity and
reliability of the information gathered. Because of the loud music playing I was not
100% focused on who I was sending the questionnaire to. The fact that the
questionnaire was sent through email may have also affect the reliability and
validity of the information obtained. Because it was sent by email I saved time in
distributing the information all at once.Summary to the questionnaire is that young
people lack the knowledge of sexual and reproductive health on Sint Maarten and
is not taught enough around the island.

In conclusion with proper knowledge of sexual and reproductive health young

teenagers can have a brighter future for themselves and also it is not being thought
around the island and if left in this state can lead to an unsatisfying and unsafe sex

Context : relaxed environment

verbally over the telephone

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