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College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Course Title : basic electricity and electronics Course Code :

Year : 2016 /2017 Semester : I
Time allowed : 3:00 Hours Max Mark : 40%
Full name : _______________________________
ID No : _______________________________
Section : _______________________________
Date :
Filled by the Instructor Only

1 2 3 4
Total Marks
(10M) (10M) (10M) (10M) 40%

Answer the questions based on the instructions written on the question paper only.
Any mischief or disturbance during the exam. will automatically disqualify the result
Dont detach any page from the answer sheet.
Dont use your mobile phone, while you are in the exam room
NEAT and CLEAR answer is rewarded

Good Luck!!
1. a)Derive the relation for Transient response for first order (5M)
a. RC Circuit b. RL Circuit
b) In the circuit shown in fig. v(t)=56e-200t V, t>0 and i(t)=8e-200t mA, t>0
a.Find Values of R and C (2M)
b.Calculate time constant (1M)
c.Determine the time required for the voltage for the voltage to decay half its intial value
at t=0 (2M)

2. a)The switch in the figure opens at t=0. Find vo for t>0 (5M)

b)For the circuit in the figure find io for t>0 (5M)

3. Find i(t) and v(t) for t>0 in the circuit if i(0)=10 A for Fig (a) (5M)
and find v0 and vx for t>0 if v0(0)=10 V for Fig (b) (5M)

Fig (a) Fig (b)

4. a) Explain about the generation of three phase voltages? (3M)

b) A symmetrical three-phase, three-wire 440V supply is connected to a star-connected load
as shown in the figure. The impedances in each branch are ZR=(2+j3), ZY=(1-j2) and
ZB=(3+j4). Find its equivalent delta-connected load. The phase sequence is RYB

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