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2\ J

SolidWorks Essentials



7. Bucuresll Romama, Tel 021.311 88 29
z:JS SOLIDWORKS www 3dcadvegra corn

/\bout This Course .............. . ......................... 2
Pr~requi sites .......................................... 2
Cour"e Design Philosoph) ............................... 2
Usmg this Book ....................................... 2
/\bout the Training Files ................................. 3
Conventions Used in this Book ........................... 3
Windm\ s 7 ...................................... ... ..... 3
Use or Color ............................................. 4
Clraphics and Graphics Cards ............................. 4
Color Schemes ........................................ 4
Lesson 1:
SolidWorks Basics and the User Interface
What is the SolidWorks Son ware? ... .. ....................... 6
Design Intent. ............................................ X
Fxamples of Design Intent .............. . ................ 9
ll<m Features Arl\:ct Design Intent ........................ 9
rile References. . . . . . . . . . . ............ . ...... . .......... I0
Object Linking and I mbedding (OLE) .................... I0
f-ile Rel'crcncc F'ample ................................ 11
Opening Fib ............................... . . ... .. . .... 12
Computer Memory ............ .. ............ ... ... .... 12
rl1c SolidWorks User lnt~ rf~t ce ..... .. .............. ... ...... 13
Unse lectable kons . . . . . ...... .. .................... . . 13
I leads-up Vie\\ roolbar ......... . ............ ... ....... 14
Pull-dm\ n Menus . . . . ......... .. ..................... 14
Contents SolidWorks 201 3

Keyboard Shortcuts.................................... 15
Quick Tips ........................................... 15
FeatureManagcr Design Tree . ........................... 16
Using the Command Manager .. ...... ........ . ............. 17
Addi ng and Remo\ ing Command Manager l'abs ............. 17
Mult iple Monitor Displays .............................. 17
Propl.!rtyManager .................. ....... ............ 18
Task Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Opening Labs with the Dl.!sign I ibrary ..................... 20
Search .. .... ......... ...... . ........... . ....... ... .. 20
Mouse Buttons ....................................... 21
System Feedback .................. . .................. 21
Options ............ .. ..... .. ..... . ............. .. ... 22
Lesson 2:
Introduction to Sketching
:m Sketching............................................ 26
Stages in the Process ...................................... 26
Sa\ ing Files............................................. 28
Sa\e ...................... .......................... 28
Sa\c As ............................................. 28
Sa' c As Copy .............................. .. ........ 28
What arc We Going to Sketch? .................... ..... . .... 21)
Sketching .............................................. 21J
Default Planes ... ..... .... .. ... .... . .............. . ... 29
Sketch Entities .......... .. ..... ...... ................... 3 I
Sketch Geometry ......................... . ............ 3 1
Basic Sketching ...................... . ...... .. ........... 32
The Mechanics of Sketching ... .. ................... ... .. 32
Inference Lines (Automatic Relations) ..................... 34
Sketch Feedback . ..................................... 35
Status of' a Sketch ..................................... 36
Rules fhat GO\ ern Sketches ................................ 37
Design Intent. ........................................... 38
What Controls Dc::.ign In tent? .... . ..... ... ............... 39
Desired Design Intent .................................. 39
Sketch Relations ........... .... ... ..... . ................. 40
Automatic Sketch Relations ... . ......................... 40
Added Sketch Relations ............. . .. ..... ......... . . 40
Lxamplcs of' Sketch Relations ........................... 41
Selecting Multiple Objects ....... .. ............ .. ....... 43
Dimensions ............................. . ...... .. ....... 45
Dimcnsioning: Selection and Prc\ ic" ................... .. 45
Angular Dimensions ................................... 48
L\trudc ....... .. .... ... ........... . ................... . 49
Sketching Guidclincs'f ............. . ...................... 51

SolidWorks 2013 Contents

l \~ret~~ I: Sketch ami ExtrUtk I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

I \CrcJsc 2: l..,ketch anc.J l"\trudc 2 . .... . ..................... 51
I \:rcJsc 1: l..,kctch unc.J l \trude J........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
[ \ercJse -l ~k~tch anc.J [. \lfllc.J~ ..J . . 55
I -...crt'Jsc 5 ~kdch ami l \truc.Je 5 ....................... 56
l \ercbc 6: Sketch and l \truc.Je 6. . ......................... q
Lesson 3:
Basic Part Modeling
na..,Jc Mmlclmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
~tage-. in the Proce~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
I crm inol\1g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
r eatun: ...................... .. ................... 61
Plan: .......................................... 61
I \lfllSIOil . . .............................. 61
Sketch. . ................................. . ... 61
Boss . . ..................... . .................. 61
Cut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
I i ll~ts <tnd Round~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61
Desig n Intent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 61
C. honsmg the Best Profit~ ............................... 62
t honsmg th~ Sketch Plane ............................... 63
Planes . . . . . . . . . .. . ............................. 63
Placement or th.: Model ................................ 6 3
lkt:.11ls nrthc Part ... . ................................. 65
<.;tundard VJe\\S ...................................... (l'i
I\ lam Bnsse-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
lkst Pmlile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
~k.:tch Plane ........................... . ........ 66
Des1gn Intent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
~kctchmg the I IN I ~ature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
I \!rude Opttun.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6X
Rcnammg I eaturcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6')
Boss l:ature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
l..,ketchmg on n Planar I :Jce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
\ketchmg . . . . . ............................. 70
langenl \re Intent /.ones ........................... 71
-\utntransJllonmg lkt\\een lmcs and \re" ................. 71
<. ut leaturc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 73
VJl'\\ ~elector . . . . .................................... 74
l l-. mg the lll1l.: Wl/ard . . . . ............................ 75
<.. rcating a <;tandard llok .............................. 75
Countcrhmc llulc ..................................... 76
Vie\\ Options ...................... . ................... 77

Contents SolidWorks 2013

r illcting ... . .... . ...... . ............................. . .. 77

Filleting Rul es .... . .. . .. . ... .. ......... . . . ............ 77
Edge Selection ........... . ............... . ........... 78
Recent Command!> Menu ...................... . ........ 8 1
1-'i llct Propagation .. . ........ . . . .. . ........... . ....... . 8 1
lditing Tools .. . ...... . ........ . .. . .. . ................... 82
Editi ng a Sketch ...................................... 82
Selecting Multiple Objects .............................. 82
Editing Features .. . ........... . ..... . ......... . ....... 83
Rollback Bar ........................................ . 84
Detai ling Basics ................ . .. . ...... . .............. 89
Setttngs Used in the l"cmplate ...... . .................... 90
CommandManager Tabs ........ . ..... .. .. . .... . ........ 90
Ne\\ Dra\\ ing .. . ............. . ......... . .... . ........ 90
D n l \ \ ing Views ................ . ................. . ....... 9 1
Mm ing Viev\ s .......... . ............................. 93
Center Marks .......... . .............. . . . ................ 94
Dimensioning . . . . . . . ................................... 95
Driving Dimensmns ........................ . ........ . . 95
Driven Dimensions . .................... . ......... . .... 95
Manipulating Dimensions ............................... 97
Associati\ ity Between the Model and the Dnl\\ ing .......... I00
Changing Parameters ... . . . ....... . ...... ... .... . . . ...... I 00
Rebuilding the Model .......... . ...... . . . ............. I 00
Refreshing the Screen ........ . ........................ I0 I
Fxercise 7: Plate ........................................ 103
Fxercise 8: Cuts ...... . ......................... . ....... 105
hercise 9: Basic-Changes ..................... . .. . ....... I 08
F\en.:ise I0: Base Bracket ................................ 110
I \ ercise I I: Part Drawings ................................... I l-l
Lesson 4 :
Symmetry and Draft
Case Study: Ratchet ............. . ................... . .. . 116
Stages 111 the Process . ........ . ................. . .. . ... 11 6
Design Intent. . .. . ... . ............ . .............. . .. . ... 11 7
Boss Feature \\ ith Drall ...................... . ........ . .. 11 8
Buildmg the llandle ...................... .. .......... 118
Design Intent or the I land le ........... . .. . ...... . ...... 118
Symmetry in the Sketch ......................... .. ....... 11 9
Symmetry While Sketching .................. .. ........ 120
Symmetry atler Sketching ............ . .. . ... . . .... .. . . 120
Mid Plane Ex tru ~io n ................... . ... ...... ..... 121
Dra li I oggle .......... . .............. . ... . . . ........ 121

SolidWorks 2013 Contents

<;;!--ctchmg lns1ue the Mllucl ......................... I~ ~

lk'>ign Intent ot the l'mnsltllln ....................... I ~2
Cm:ular Prolik . . ........ . .... . ..... . .... I~J
'\kctching. the(. m~ le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... I ~-1
l" the Appearance nl D1mcnswn., . . . . . .... . 125
I \truding. L p In ~C\l . . . . . . .... 126
lk.,1gn In tent of the I kad ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
VII.!\\ Opl1011., . . ....... . .......... . ............ I 30
Dl!-.pla) Opt 1ons . . . . . . .............. . . . ....... . . . .. IJ I
Mouily Optlllns ..... .. . .......................... 13 1
Mtuulc MOU'>C Butlon IUIKlW11S ...... . ................. In
Rdc r~:nc.: I nad I unction:-. ........... . ... .. .... . ..... 133
Keyboard Shortcul!>. . . . . .............. . ......... . . I 3J
ll '> mg Model rdgc~ in a <\k~:tch ............... . .......... 13-1
/onm to ~ckctiun ........................ 13-1
Named \ le\\'> .......... . .................. . . I 3 '\
l.,kctch1ng an Of'lsel. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. . 115
( 'reaung I nmmcd Sketch <icometl') . . .. . ..... . ............. I36
I run and I \tend . . ... . ................... I 37
Mod1fymg DtmciNons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
r-.tca'>unng . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. 1-U
I \erCISl' 12 Symmeli) and on. .ch I . . . ...... . .......... 146
I \crl' lse 13: Ratchet llandkl'hangcs ... . ........... . ..... . 147
I -<erci"e 14 <:;ymmctl'} and 01'1\ct., 2. . . .................. 149
I \CI'C I'oC 15 : Up I o <;;urfacc ........... .. ........... I -\2
I \Cl'Cis\.' 16. Pulley .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. ............ 155
I \crc1sc 17: Idler \rm ............. . ............. . . . .... 15X
hcrci!->c I!-!: I ool I I older . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 60
lesson 5:
\.\ hy l '>C Path:ms'.' . . .................................. 16-1
Pattern Opt1ons . . ................ I 6R
Ilyout lcaturcManagcr lksig n I rcc .................... I 69
Rdcn:ncc <.icomc tr) . . . . . . ............. 169
I mcar Pattcn1 ........................ . .... I ~ I
lklctmg Instances .. . .............. . ................ 173
( rt:\llllclr) Path.:rns. . . . . . .. . .............. . . .... 17-1
Circular Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 175
Mirror Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 77
Paucrnmg a ~olld Body ................... . .... . . I 7X
Usmg Pattern '\tcd Only ... . . . .. . .. .... ... . . . .. . . . ...... 179
Sk.:td1 Dmcn Pallcms . .. . .... . .. ... ......... . .. . ....... . I KO
1\utomatie DllllCIISIOning or 1\kctchcs ........ . .. .. ....... I XJ

Contents SolidWorks 2013

r,~r~ l~c llJ I mear Pauem ~. . . IX5

l \ erc1se 20 . '\1-.etch Dm en Puuenh IX6
l \ere1sc 21 ~k1pp111g IINancc~ . ......... ......... I H7
I \er~o:1se 22 . I inear ami Mirrur Paucrns . . . .................. I XX
I \er~.:1se 23 . L1rcular Pauerns. . . . ................ . . I X9
I \t:n:l!>e 24: 1\\e~ and \lultipk Pattern~ ......... . ... . ... . . 190
Lesson 6:
Revolved Features
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 194
0 0 0 0 0 0

Siage' 111 the Proce'" .......... . ...... . ...... . ...... 194

Des1gn Intent . . . . . . . . ......... . .............. . ..... 195
Re,ohcd I eature::..... . .... . . . . . . . . . .......... . .. . .. . llJ5
c;;l.,ctch ( reometr)' ut the Re\ oh ed I ea lure . . ....... . . . .... 195
Ruk., Gmernmg Sketches ut"Re,nhcd Features ............ 197
D1n11.:nsion111g the ~ketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
D1ameter DnnclhHllls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19X
<. reatmg th~ R~' oh ed I ..:a tun.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llJ9
Btuldmg the R1m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Muhibod) c;;ol~tb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Btnidlll!,! the Spoke . . . . . . . ...... .. . . ... .. 205
(. ompleung the Path and Pmlile C..,l..etchcs . . .............. 2<1"'
Chamler... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 210
lh:alYie'' Graph1cs ................................. 211
l dll Mntenal . . . . ........ . ....... . . . ................ . . 214
1\ I as., Properties .. . .................... . . 21 (l
Mass Pmp..:rucs <'" (. ustom Propcrtils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7
I 11..: Properllcs .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. 21 7
Cl<~!>ses ol I !le Prop..:rtle'-o ............. . ....... . . . ..... 21 7
(. reatmg I !le Propert1e" . . .......... .. .... . ............ 21 X
Uses oiTJic Pmpert1~s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1X
SolidWorks ~1mulauon>.prcss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
()\ Cl'\ le\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
1\itc... h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Usmg '\olld\vorks '\1mulatmnXprcs-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
!he S1mul:lllon>.prc-.s Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,.., ..,
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... 222
Phase I: I 1\.lurc., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Pha.,e 2 I oatb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1
Phase 3: Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Ph.:ts..: 4: Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22'
Phase 5. Results . .. . .......... . ............ . ....... 225
Phase 6. Opllmii'C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Updating the Model ....................... . :!:!X
Rc.,ults. Reports and eDnl\\ 111gs . . ................... . . 229

SolidWorks 2013 Contents

I \l.'rc1-.e :?5 I IJngc .. , . . . . ............................ :!~~ I

I \erL'I'-1.' 26 \\'hcd ............................. 232
I \l.'fCISC 27. (JlliUI.' .. . ........................... 234
I '\l.'reiSC 28. I ool Pu... t ........ . 237
[ \l.'l'el'-1.' 29 llll(be .... . .................. . ......... 2JS
I \crcl"l.' 30. ~" ccp-. ........................ . ......... 239
Cottcr Pin . . . ................................. 239
Paper Clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 239
f\111crcd ~\\el.'p . . .......................... 240
l \1.'rc1-.~ 3 1 \unulatiun- '<press. . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 241
Lesson 7:
Shelling and Ribs
".hcllmg ami R1hs .... . .............. . ....... . ..... 244
".tagcs 111 thc Pwccss .... . .................. .. .. . 24-t
'\naly/111!,!. .md .1\dthng Draft ....... . .................. .. 245
Drali ,\naly-.ts . . ............................ . . 245
<>ther <>ption-. li.1r Drali. .............. . .............. . . 246
Drali LJ..,ing. a Ncutr:tl Planc ........................ . . 246
\hclling .......................................... 247
( >nkr of ( >peratiun-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 24 7
FaeL' \dcction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 24S
Pl.mcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 249
1-th" ............................................ . :! 5 ~
Rth <.ketch .. . ......................... . .. ....
Com cn 111g hlgcs .................. . ............. 256
Full Rmmc.J rilkt;. .............................. . ...... 257
I hm I caturcs .
l \Crct\1.' 32 Pump CO\ ~r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 261
I \crcl'>l.' 3 :>: (\lmpr~<,stllll Platc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
I \crct..,c 34: Bltm Dryc1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... , , . 26-l
l wrc1-.c 35 . .1\nglcs 267
I \l"rc t-.c 36: J\rm . 26X
I \cn:t..,c :.7: Blade 269
Lesson 8:
Editing : Repairs
Pan L diting ............................. 27:!.
\t,tgcs 111 th~.: Proc..:-., ......................... . .... 272
I Jttmg rop1c;. ................... . . . ....... . .. 272
lnli.lrmallnn from a M11dcl ....... . ........ ..... 272
I mdmg and Repairing Prohlcms ........................ 273
..,cllmgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 273
\\hat'' \\ mng Dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 274
I lat I rcc V1C\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ......... 276
\\ hcrc tu lk gm ........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 276

Contents SolidWorks 2013

Sketch ls~uc~ .. . ... .......................... 271-l

Bo.\ \clcciwn ............................. 27X
Chcd. Sketch for I catun: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Rcpatr Sketch . . ....................... 2XO
R~:patnng Sk..:tch Plan~: 1-.~u~:~ ......................... 2X5
I cawn:Xpcrt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2!-i!(
I n:etmg I calure~ . . ........................... 2lN
I lltt I callln: and I nven I caturc~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 2X9
Ftll~:t>-..pcrt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Changmg l tllch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2n
I tlktXpert <.. urncro.,. . . .................... .. . ...... 293
E:\c rc t~c ;x: I rnm. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
E\l.'l'l.ISC 39 r rrnr!:>2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
r\CI'CISC 40: trrOrl>J . . . . ............................ 297
l \Crct!:>c -lf Adding Dralt .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . 29g
I .\Crcisc 42: Uo.,tng the I illctXpcrt I.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
L\crcto.,c 4 ~- U'-mg the I tlktXpcn 2...... .... .. ... ....... 301
Lesson 9 :
Editing : Design Changes
Part ldiung... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
\tagc~ 111 the Pmce-..... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Dcstgn Change''> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-1
Rcl(Utrcd Ch<mg~s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
lnf(mnatwn I rom a Modd .............................. 105
Part Re' te\\ er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
fkplnd~:nctcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30X
Rehutlding rot1(S .............. 31 (}
Ro ll hm:k to leuturc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
I rce1c Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Rcbu tl u I cedbad, and lntemtpt . . ....................... 310
I caturc \:)upprco;ston . . .................... . 31 I
l'caLUre Stallstics .................................... 3 1I
(,encral rools . .. ................................ 312
Ddct tons . . ................................... . 312
Rcordl.!r . . ....................................... 3 13
'.kctchXpcrt ...... .. ................................ 315
Skeh.:h ( ontour-. .................. . ......... .. . .. 321
Contours 1\' aihthlc .................................. 321
"hared ~ketches . . ......... ... . ... ..... _. . . 322
Copytng 1-tlleh . . . .... ...... ......... .... . ........ 324
I \ercJ-.c 44: Change-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
I \CI'CI~C 45. r dltmg ............................ . ...... 329
I \crcise 46: l)kl.'tch Xpert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
I \Crcto.,c 47. ( ontuur Sketches ............................ 332

SolidWorks 2013 Contents

Lesson 10:
Cuntiguratllln-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 116
l.:rminolng)' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 116 (on tigurallom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In
Acccs;,mg lh.: CuntigurationManager . . ............... . . J J 7
Adding Ne" Configuration!>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11X
lklinmg the Configuration ....... . .... . ................ 340
Changmg ConfigurntiOih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Renaming and Copy mg Configumuon-. .... . . . .. . .. . ..... 341
Managing Contigurauon Data . . . . . . . . . . ............. 342
Other Method ... to(_ reatc ContiguratiOJh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5
r-. h>dlf~ Configurations . . . . . . . 14'\
D.:s1gn I ubi.:-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Dum:n ... Iun Nam.:-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
l !-.lOg Ulobal Vunabl.:-. .md l.lJUations ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I D
lqu<.llllie-. ............. . . . ....... . ........ . . .. .... J 47
th.:r.III \\ 1dth ........................ . . ..... ....... 34 7
Mm1mum I dgc DI\UJnec .... . ................. . ....... 34 7
t r..:atmg I qualltic;. .................. . ... ... J:.JX
( .Juhal \tanabl.:-.. . . .......... . .............. . ........ . J 4X
<.. rcatmg. tJ lohal \t .mahlc-.. .......................... . J4X
lklinmg then, crall \\1oth. . . ............... . ......... 35 1
FquItiun.., . . .............. . ..... . .. . .... 353
I UllCtlOll'-. . . ............... .. . . .. . ..... . .... 353
I lie Pwpcn1e.., .... . ..................... . ... .153
l\lh:asurc . . . . . . . .............................153
[ quail on <;oh c Order . . . .......... .............. 354
Direct Input of' LquatJons . . ..................... 354
<.'rcatmg a ~mimum I dg.: D1stam:c .......... . ....... .. .... 357
Plannmg the lquution . . . . . . .................. .157
\duing :m I quutJon l J... mg the D1alog .......... ......... 35X
Other l l..,c.., of Con lig urallons . . . . . . . . ............... . . ) 61
Mmklmg ';tratcgJe-. li>r Cnnligurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :162
I oiling Parts thut ll a\c <..untigurauon-. .....................163
)).:;,11:.!11 l.1 hrar) . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ............... 364
Iklinllt ~cllmgs .............. . ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Multiple Rcli:rcncc... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3M
Dropping on C1n:ular Faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
In the Ad' am:ed C\ lllrsc.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16l)
I \l:rci-.c 4 X. Conligumtions I. .... . ...... . ................ 170
I \crcisc 4l): t onligumtion ... 2........... . ............ . .... 372
r \CI'U~I: 'iO. Conliguralllllb 3 . . ................ . ....... 373
I \creis~ 5 1: U:-.111g Global Varwbk:s . . ... ............. . . ~ 7 4
I \L'fl: I~C 5::! u. . mg I quat inn.... . . . . . .. . .. . .......... .17'i

Contents SolidWorks 2013

Lesson 11:
Using Drawings
More \hnutl\lakmg Dnming!-. . ..... . .. . ... . .. . .. . ..... 378
'itag-.:!-. in thl' Proce~:- . . ........... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ 78
1\-.:ctwn Vie'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 79
Vte\\ Alignment . ........... , . . . .................. 382
l'vlmld Vie''~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Tangent I dge:-. .. . ... . ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Broken Vte\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3X5
1\lignmgVtC\\~ . ...... . ....... . ...................... 386
lktad Ytc,,:-. ........... . ... . .............. .. ...... J87
Dnm tng ~h-.:c l s and Sheet I nrmats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
J\ddmg Dr.m mg Shcch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
ProJc.:ctcd Vte'' ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Dra\\ mg Vie'' Pmperucs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \90
Annotatmm,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. .... . . .. . . .. 391
Propenic., 111 Dr:m ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 I
Datum I cature \ymhol~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \93
<;urt'ace I mish c:;> mhnl'> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
Dnncnc.,wn Prnperue... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Ccnterlmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W6
Geomc.:tnc J okrance 1\y mbnls . . ..... .. ..... . ........ 396
<. op) tng View., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l98
Dnm:nsmn I C\l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
E:-.crctsl' 5-I Broken V1c\\s ,md \cct1nn~ . . 404
F.\crcise 55 : Drn\\ mgs . 405
Lesson 12:
Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling
( <I'>C 1\tuuy: lni,cr~al Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I<Hi
Bottom-Up 1\'>scmbly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -108
'\tagc~ m thc Prucc.,.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
rhc 1\S~->cmhl y. . . . . . ........ . .. . .... . ... . ... .. . .. -109
l rcatmg <I Ne\\ J\s.,embly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Po'>tltnn of thc lirst Component . . . .. ... .. . .. .... . . .... 411
I -.:atun:Manag-.:r Dc'>tgn I r-.:c anu ')ymhob . . . . . . . . . . , ... . 4 I 2
D-.:grccc., or I recdnm . . . . . . ......... . .. . . . ..... 412
<.. nmpuncnh . . ................ . . -112
I \tcrnal Rclcrcnccs '-,earch Ortlcr ................... . . 4 14
I ik Name' . . ........ .. ....... ... . -114
Annotations .. .. . ... . .... . .... .. ..... . . . .. . . .. . .. . 4 14
Ro11hack f\lnrkcr ........... . .............. . ..... . .... 415
Reorder .. . . .. .... . .. .... .. ....... . ... . . .... . . . ... . -1 15
Mntc <mlllps . . ............. . ................ . .. . ... 415

SolidWorks 2013 Contents

1\udmg <.. ompnn~o:nt~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 416

ln!>t:rt Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . ...... 416
Ml" mg. and Rotating l ompon..:nts . . ............ . ...... 41 7
Matmg llllllponcnts . . . . . . . . . .................... 41 X
Mate I ) JK'" and A ltgnrm:nt . . . . . . . . ...... . .......... . . 419
Matmg Conccntnc and Cmnc1dcnt. . . . .................. 422
W1dth Mate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Parallel Mall.! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:! X
Dynam1c A~~cmbl y \lotwn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42()
Dbpla) mg Part<. onliguratmns 111 an \ ss~.:mbl) . . .......... Q()
fhc Pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -t!9
l l..,mg Part Conliguraunns 111 A~"cmbl1e<. .................... 429
I he \cconu Pm . . .................... 431
Opcnmg u l omponent .............................. 431
<.. rcatmg Cop1c~ of tn ... tanc~.:... . ..................... 434
Component I I10111g and I ranspan:nc) .................... 434
Component Propcrt11.:s . . . . . . . . ...... ..... ....... 436
~ub-asscmbllcs . . . . . . . . . .............................. 43 7
~mart 'VIat~.:s . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ... ...................... 438
I n...crt mg Sub-asscmhll~.:... . ............................ 440
Mating ~ub-ns~cmbli~.:... . . . ... ... .. ............ ..... ... 440
D1stancc Mate~ . . . . . . . .... . ....................... 441
Un11 l.,y..,tem ................................... 44:!
I' ad, anu (Ill . . . . . . . . . . . 443
I \en:isc 56 Mm~.:... . . . .... ... ....................... 445
I \l.!rcise 57 Cnp~.: (,nmkr . . . ........... 447
h~.:rcise 'IX Us mg til de :mu ShO\\ l'l111lpon~.:ut ..... .. ........ 449
I \CI'CI"'i.! 59 Part (lmtig.urutwns in an \s-.emhl) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
I \t:rcist: 60 lJ-Jmnt Changt:.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Lesson 13:
Using Assemblies
Usmg 1\.,'>t:mblit:., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
~ta gcs in tht: Proct:'>" ..... . ........................ 4'\6
An,lly/mg the 1\s..,t:mbl) .. . ........................... 4q
tvtas., Prnperti~.:s <. alculauons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 for lnterli:rcm:e .............................. 458
(.heck mg li.1r (. learanl't:" . . ............... 460
Static '" D) mlllliC Intt:rl't:rt:ncc Dt:tectmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Perli.1m1ance l on ... luer.ltlon"' . . . . . . . . ................ 46.i
llwngmg the Valul.!s of I)lnlcnsH111"' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46'\
I \ploucu ,\sscmhlies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -l66
~ctup tor th..: hplodt:u VII!\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4M
I 'PI<dmg a Smgk Cnmpon~.:nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46X
1\-.s~.:mbl) [ \plndc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -170
(. hangmg. the I \plod~.: I>1rcct1on . . ....... ............... 47:!
u. . mg J\uto-Spacing . . ........... . ......... 47-1

Contents SohdWorks 2013

L \plllUC I inc <..;1\ctch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 76

I \.plnde 1 me Selection~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Other F\plode I mcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Adju ... llng the hplode l me~ . .... . .... ..... ... ....... 4 77
1\nunallng 1 \.plmled 'vie"" ....... .. . .... .. .. . ... .... 4KO
1\nunatlim Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4XO
Pia) back ( lptmns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41\0
Bill of Matenals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4X 1
A-.scmhly Drav.,Jngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4lt>
\ddmg nalloons . . ..... . ......... . . .......... 4X5
d 1tmg the 1 'plodcu Vie\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4X6
I uitmg the L\.ploue 1 m~ Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4X7
l'wrcisc 61 Collismn Detection . .. ..... .... . 4XX
1 \.Crci-.c 62 . l"inumg anu Repainng lntcrl\!rencc~ . . . . . . . . 4X9
1 'ercise 63: Checking for lnterll:rcnccs. Collisions a nu Clc,trances 4l) I
herl"Jse 64. hploueu Vic\\s and \s~cmhly ()r;mmg~ . . . . . -W~
l ~\ercJSC 6"i r,ploded Vie\\S . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 494
Appendix A:
Optums Scttmgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . 496
l"hangmg the Dct:wlt Optmns . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 496
Suggested Sellmgs . . . . .......... ...... . . . . . . . 4%
Dncumcnt lemplnlc'> .. ........... ... .. . . . . . 496
ll<m to C rcatc a Part 1em plate . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . 4l)7
Drm' mg 1em plate" tmd Sh~et Formats . . . . . ...... . . . . . . 499
Organl/lllg Your Templates .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 499
Dclltult 1emplatc-. . ........... . . .. .. . . . . . . "iOO

Introduction SolidWorks 201 3

About This lhe goal of th1-. course 1~ to te:1ch ) ou h1m to use the ~olldWorl-.s
Course mcchanu.:altk:-1gn auLOmallon '-oltw<tre to build parametric model~ or
part!> and asscmbltes and ht)\\ tn maJ..c s1mplc Uru\\ ings oltlm!-.e part'
anU 3S!.ell1blies.
I he Snlld\\orJ..-. software 1s such a rohu-.t and feature nch applicatmn
that lt IS llnpracllcal to CO\ er C\ Cr) 111111UtC detail and aspect of the
solh\are and !-.till ha\ e the cour-.c be a rea-.onahlc length. Th.:reli1re. the
focus oftlw, course is on the fundamenta l "kills and concept~ central to
the -,ucccs:-ful use ofth~ <\oltdWorb .,uflwarc. You should \ic\\ thl'
training Ctlllr...c manual as a "upplcmcnt to. not a n::placcment fi.>r. the
system dncumcntation and on-line help. One...: you ha\ c de\ dop...:d a
good fi.1undauun m h;tsic sJ..ills. )tlll can rdi:r to the on-lml' help for
informai1011 on less f'n:quently used commmHI 11ption....
Prerequisites Students attcndmg tht!-. cour-,c arc c'pcctl'd to ha\ c the folio\\ 111)!:
Mechmm:al dcs1gn e'pcncnce
I 'penencc "1th the 'v\ mdn"s" llperuting -.y-.tem.
Completcd thc on line tutonab that o~re mtegratcd 111 the Soltd \\'orb
-;olhHtre You can acce-;s the onlme tutnnab h} Help,
Online Tutorial
Course Length I hl' recommended 11111111llU111 length of thi~ ~nur'>c 1!. 4 days.
Course Design I hi~ cour"~ ~ dt:'>lgncd around a process- or ta-.k-has~d approuch to
Philosophy trammg. \ pmcl'~-.-ha'>ec.ltmmmg cnur...c cmphasl/es the prnecsscs <tnd
procedures you li.lll!m to complde a particu lar w-,k. H~ utili/lng ca-.c
-.tudics ltllllu-.tnllc thest: pmcessc-.. you lcam the necl'S:>Uf} commantb.
npt1ons and menu-, m thl conle\.t of completing a ta!.k.
Using this Book I h1s trmnmg manualts mtcnded h> he U!>cd 111 a eb-.sroom ~n' 1rnnmcm
undl'r the gu1dancl' of an C'(ll'l'lencl'd ~l)lu.!Worb lnstruclllr. ll IS not
mtt:nded Ill be a -,\!1 f-paccd tuton.ll. I he c'amplcs and case studic-. arc
dc-.Jgned to he demonstrated "In c" h} the mstructor.
Laboratory I aboratory c'crci-.C'- gi' c ynu the npportullll) w appl) and practice the
Exercises matcnal eo\ l'rcd dunng the lecture 'demonstration portillll of the
cour-.c. r he> ;ue des1gned to represent t}plcal design and nwdding
situation-. '' hllc ht:mg moc.le-,t enough lo he completed dunng das.,
tune You shuu ld note that many student-. \\ork at dlfli:rent paces.
I hcrctorc. we ha\c included more lab e'erc1.,e., than you can
rca-.onahl) c\pect w complete durmg the course. Thts ~n-.ure' that C\ en
the fi.tstc-.t -;tudent "i ll nnt run out of;.e.,

SolidWorks 201 3 Introduction

A Note About 'I h~: tira'' ing~ anti d1mcn-.io11'. gl\t:n 111 the lab t:\crc1se~ arc nut 1nt~:ndcd
Dimensions tu rdkct any p:u1u:ular dratling standard. In !~tel. -.nmctimcs dlmcn,lt)lls
arc gi\~:n inn l~ll>hionthat \\OUid llC\t:r be cons1dcrcd acceptable 111
1ndustf}. 1 he r..:a ...on fi)r this is thl' labs ar.: dcs1gncd ltl ~:ncuurugc you tu
apply the mformauon co\ ~:red 111 class and to cmplo) and rem force
ccnam techniques 111 nwdclmg. \-.a result. the dra\\ mg~ and duncns1on-.
in lhl' t:\crci-..cs arc done m a \\a) that complements tlm ohjcclln:.
About the 1\ complete set of thl! \arious lilcs usl!d throughout this cour-.l' can he
Training Files dm,nloaticd l'rom the ~olidWorb \\Cbsitc. www.solidworks .com.
lltd, on the hnl.. Ior Support. thl!n Training. then Training Files . then
SolidWorks Training Files. ~eh.:ct the hnl.. li1r the dcsircti Jilc set.
l'hcre may he more than one' crs1on ot\:ach file sl!t a\<Hinhk'.
D1rect L RL: tra.mingfllessolidworks
The file'> arc supphed tn s1gned . .,df-c.\tractmg c\ccutahlc pacl..age!-.
1 he files are organ11cd h~ kssnnnumhcr. I he Case Study fuldl'r
'' 11l11n each les>.Oil contains th~: tiles your mstrultnr uses\\ hlle
prcscntmg the les-.ons. The Exercises folder conto.uns <Ill)' tile-. that arc
rcqu1retl ti.1r dmng the labonuur) t:\crcisc-..
Conventions Used lh1s manual U'>cs the fi.llllm ing typographic cum emion!'.:
in this Book
C01n ention
I Meaning
Bold Sans Se rif Snlid~ork~ commands and option~ appcnr 111
I thi~ sty le For e.\ample. Features > Extruded
Cut .. llll'<lllS cllcl.. the Extruded Cut 1con on
the Features tab of the lommandf...1anager.
Typewriter Feature name" and tile 11<1111\!s appear 111 th1s
J sl] le. I or c\amplc. Sketchl.
---- 1Dlltlhk lmcs precede and fi.1ll0\\ scclllllls ol

17 Do this s tep the proeetiurcs. Tlm, pnn 1dcs separatwn

bel\\ ~:en the -.tcps or the procedure anti large
blocl..s of e\pltsnator} tCXl. rhc \teps
thcm-.d\es arc numbered 111 san!'. -.enf'holti.

Windows 7 l hc !'.crccn shots 111 th1s manual \\ere made usmg the ~ol1dWorl..s
solh,arc runnmg on Window:. 7. II' you arc not using Windo\\s 7. or 1f
you ha' c a JJ!li!rentthcme setting. you may not1ce slight d1 !li:rcm:cs 111
the appearance of the menus and "mdows. I hesc dl!lcrcnccs do not
alll'ctthc perli.mmmcc ol'thc '><lfi,,are.

Introduction SolidWorks 2013

Use of Color or
rl1e o;;nlldWllrl-s user tnterl~11.:e ma"es 1.!:\lcnsl\ c use col or to
h1ghlight sckctcd gel11l1dJ) and tn prO\ 1dc ynu "ith '1sual Iced back
I h1s great!) mcn:ascs the mtulll\ cncss and case ol u::.c nl the
SohuWorb. snllwarc. I o take maxnnum ad\ anlage of tlm. the training
manual' arc printed 111 full culor.
Also. 111 man) c.1scs. \\e ha' e U'>Cd
additional color 111 the dlu'>tmllons to
cummlllllcatc: concep t ~. idcnu fy
ll:aturcs. and othcn\ 1sc con\ c:y
important mli.mnatiun F- ur C:\ampk.
\\C m1ght shm\ the result ol a fillctmg
npcraunn \\llh the lillct~ 111 a dllkrcnt
colore' en though. by tkll1ult. the
Solid Works solh' arc \\ ould not ll1spla) the re,ults m that \\a).

Graphics and ., he SohdWurks soil ware sc:ts a ne\\

Graphics Cards standard" 1th bcsHn-class graph1cs.
I he combinat ion of a h1ghl)
rcllcctl\c m<~tcrial and the realism of
ReaiView Graphics 1s an cflcctl\c
tool li.1r evaluating the q uail!) of
at.h.Jnceu pan modds and surfaces.
ReaiView Graphics is hard" arc
(graphics card) support o l advam:cd
shaumg 111 realumc. for example, if
you mtate a part. 1t rctams lis
rendered appearance throughout the
mtatulll .
Color Schemes Out of the bm. the Solld~orks soli\\ arc prm 1des sc\erul pr.:dclincd
color schemes that control. among other thmgs. the color-. used lbr
h1ghllghtcd ttcms. selectell lh:ms . .,ketch rdatmn '>}mho b . and 'hadcd
pn:\ IC\\~ of features
We ha\c not w,cd the :-.amc color scheme lor eH:J) c:t-.c -.Lud~ and
e\crct~ch.:cau-,c ~mm: colors arc more \'''hie and clear than othcrs
"hcn "llh dlll\:rcnt colon:d parts.
In add 1tion. wc ha\c changed the' ic\\pllrt bacl-ground to plam \\llllc
snthut the lllu~trauons reproduce better on" h1te paper
As a result. h~.:cuusc the colnr settings on your computer may he
diflcrcntthan the ones u..,cd h) the authors ufthh hook the 1mages )llll
sec llll your <.,crccn lllil) not c\actly match thllsc m the book.

Lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and the
User Interface

l lpon SUCC\!~sful COillpkllllll orthl~ h.:SSOil, you \\ill he able to :

Describe lhe key charactenst ics or a l"cature-hased. para met ne ..,ohd
motk h.:r
D1stmgutsh bct\\ccn '>kctchcd and appltcd li.:aturc~ .

ldcnu l"y the pnndpal components nf' the ~ohdWorks user intcrlltcc.
I \pl:.lm lum dill"crent dimcnswmng mcthodologic;. ~omcy
difl"crcnt dc:-.1gn imcnh.

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2013
SolldWorks Basics and the User Interlace

What is the ~ol1dWmks m~chan1cal d~-.1gn auwnulli()f1 ...on\\nr~ 1!-. ajcoture-ha.wd,

SolidWorks paramctric solid modclill,:! th~s1gn tool\\ h1ch takes ad\anLag~ orth~
Software? cas) to lea m Windn\\ s graphical user mtcrlltce. You can crcm.: Jullr
as.lmuttll'c' 3D solid 1111H.leb "ith or" 1thout cwl\tiWIII\ '' htlc utihtlng
awomat1c or user dclim:d rdat1ons tn capture de., ign illfl!lll
rhe ltalici/Cd term~ Ill th.: prC\ ious paragraph mean :
Fe ature-based
Just as an ass.:mbl) 1~ made up ul a nu mher or 1ndiv 1tlual p1.:c.: parts, a
l.,ol1dWorks model 1s also made up or mdh 1dual constnucnt clcmcm....
lhc"l' elcmenh arl' calkd fi:atur.:;..
\Vhl'n you cr.:ate a mmld ll'lllg the <\oltdWorks soliwarl', you \\Ork
with intclligl'nt. l'a~y to understand geometric feature ... such as hoss~s.
cuh. hcllc..,, ril:b. lilll'h. chamfers. and drnlls. \-, thl' li:aturcs arc crl'atl'd
they arc appl1cd d1n:ctl} to th~ '' ork pi~Cl'
h.~aturcs can be classilicd ~ts 1.'1thcr sketched or appltcd.
"'kctched I caturcs. Based upon a 2() sketch. General!) that-.ketch
I'> trmsfonned mto a solid h) e'tru-.ion. rota lion. "'' ccpmg or
Applied I eaturcs Created dtn:ctl) on the solid modl'l. I illets and
ch:~mlcr-. ar~
c'-<tmpks of this type of l'caturl'.
I h.: l.,oltt.lWmb soli\\;tn: graphical!) shows )OUlhc katur.:-bused
~tructurc of your modl'l 111 a sp~.:ctal wtndo\.\ calkd the
I calurcManagerR destgntr~.:c. ll1e I .:atur.:Manager dcstgn trc.: nnt on!)
-.hlm" you th.: sequencl' 111 '"htch th.: li.:aturc-, 1\erc crcut.:d, it g1' .:s you
1!:'1') a~.:ccss to all the lllllll'rlytng associated tnformatton. You \\Ill kum
morl' abuut th.: rcalureManager design tree throughout this course.
Io tllu:-.tratc th.: concept of l'caturl'-
hascd moddmg, consider the part
sho'' 11 at the right

lhts part can be 'l'-ualltcd as a

collection of se\ era I di lli:re11t
1\!lllllrC~ Sllll1l' of\\ htch add
matcnal. like thl' C) lmdncal hus....
and some'' luch r.:mm c matl'nal.
like the hltnd hole

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 1
SoltdWorl<s Basics and rhe User lnrertace

11 \\<:''ere In map the mdh iduall~aturc ... tothe1r com:spondmg.ll!>ting

m the I caturdvlanagcr dcs1gn tree. 1t would look like thi~:

I he dunens1ons and relations used to create a li:aturc arc caplllrcd and
slnrt:d 111 the nmdd lh1s not only enables ynu to capture your design
inll:nt. it abo cnabh:-. you to qllld.l:r and casil:r make changes to the
Dm mg D1men.,1nns: rhc...e arc the dlmcn'>Wih u-.ed '"hen creating
a 1\:ature rhe) mdudc the dlmcn'>mns as-.oc1ntcd "ith the sk~:tch
g~:nmetry. a~ "ell ,,, tho..,e assocwtcd '' ith the feature itself A
.,impk c\ample nlthi.., \\Ould he ,t l~aturc like a cylmJncal boss.
I" he tllamcter of thl h1hs 1.., controlled h) the dwmcter of thl.'
sketched circle. I he hc1ght of the boss 1., controlled h) the depth to
"h1ch that ell-de "as l!\truded "hen the feature" as made
Rdallons: J'he-.c mdudc -.uch m formation as paralk!J..,m. tangency.
and conccntncuy lllstonc:tlly, tlw, type ormlimnatinn ha-. been
eonHnun1cateJ on dnl\\ mgs '1;1 feature control ... ymbols. B)
C<lptunng thts 1nthe sketch. olid'.l.llrks enable' you to full~
capture your des1gn mlent up front. 111 the model.
Solid Modeling
\ soiiJ mudd 1s the most eompktc type ul gcomctne 111
lAD sy-.tcms. lt contams all the" ire frame and .. urlilcl! gcom~:lry
ncccs~ar) lo full) dcscnbc the edges and lltccs o l tltc model. In addillll!l
to till' glomctnc 111rnrmati1m. 11 hth the informatiOn called topology that
relates the gcometr) together \n c\ample of tnpolog) \Hluld he" h1ch
l~tccs (sur laces) meet tll "hi eh edge (cun c) This mtell1gence makes
opcratinns such a lilletmg as cas~ as ,.,cleellng an edge and ..,pec1l) 111g a
raJ1u ....

Lesson 1 SolidWork s 201 3
SolldWorlts Basics and the User Interface

Fully Associative
A Sol id \\ orks mndd 1:. full> a~soc1at I\ e to the dm'' mgs and
a),semhlies that r.:li:rence 11 . Changes to the model arc <IUtomaticall)
rclkcted 111 the assocwted dr:l\'>lllgs anu assemblies I iJ...e'' 1se, you can
make changes 111 the collie'- I or the Jra'' mg or asscmhl) and kn1m that
those chang..:s "d l he rctkctcd ha~:J... in the model.
(Jcomctric rdationsh1ps .. uch as parallel. pcrpend1t:ular. hnritontal.
'ert1cal. concentne, and <:omddent arc just <;ome llt' the constraints
surportcd in ~olidWo rJ...s . In uddllinn. equation" can he used to
establish math..:matical relationship:-. among r;1ramctcr... B> using
l!OJbtramts ami cquatillllS, ) llll can guarantcc that tlcs1gn Cllll<:cpt~"> sud1
as through hole:_.. or equal radi1 arc capturcd and mamtu1m:d.
Design Intent
l hc linalnahcitcd tCnll i'> dcslgn Ill tent. Thi ... ~LihJCLl is \\llrth) or its
n\\ n ~ection. ns ti1llm\ s
Design Intent In order ll> w ..e a paramctnc muddcr liJ...e ~ohd\\wJ...s dlic1cntl). you
must co1ls1dcr the design mtent bcli1re mndchng. Iks1gn mh:nt 1s )'Ollr
plan as to ho\\ the mod cl "hnuld hch;l\ c \\hen 11 1s changed. l'he '' U) m
"h1ch the model 1s created gm ems 11\l\\ 1t "dl he chang~:d . Se\ era I
l'allors contnhutc to ho\\ you capture d1.:'i1gn mtcnt
Automatic (sketch) Relations
Based on hn\\ gc(llllell') 1s sketched, these rclatwns can pnn 1dc
l:Ommun geometric relationship~ between objcch su~:h <I~ purallel.
pcrpcmhcular. hontontLII, and 'crtical.
Used to relate dimensiOih algchraicall) , the)' pnl\ ale illl c\lcmal W:t)'
to h)rc~: change ....
Added Relations
1\ddcd to the modc.:l as tl i-.. created, rclatmns prm 1de another \\<1) to
connect related gcumc.:tr). ~ome cmnmon rclm1ons arc eonccntnc.
tangent, Cllllll'ld..:nt. and collmear.
Dimens ioning
I he \\a) in \\hich a sJ..etch Is dimcnswncd \\Ill ha\e an nnpactuponus
dc..,1gn intent Add d1mens1ons 111 a "ay th.ll rct1ects ho\\ ynu "ould
liJ..e to change them.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
Sol idWorl(s Basics a nd the User Interlace

Examples of C.,om~ C.\ .ampks or tli ll'lrcnt tlc-.tgn mtent m a skctch arc -,hlm n helm\ .
Design Intent
1\ sketch tl1mcnsmncd hl-..e thts \\ ill 1-..eep
the holes 20mm from each end rcgardks-.
or hO\\ thl' ()\ erall plate \\ IUth, 1OOmm,
1s ch.mged.


Baschnc dtmcn-.tons hl-..c thts \\tll 1-..Cl.'P

the holes posllmn~tl rdath e to the kfi
edg.~ or the plate. !he posit l lll1~ or the
holes arc not ,tlll.:ctctl h~ change:- in the
ll\ crall \\ idth or the plate

Dimens1oning from the edge and fiom tOO---i

ccntcr to ccmcr" tll mam tam the distance
het\\ ccn the hole ccntcrs and allo\\ it to
he changed that ''a~

How Features Dc:-.ign 111tent 1-. .tlll:ctctl h} more than JU'>t

Affect Design llll\\ a sketch 1!-. dimem.umcd. l he choice or
Intent rea tun:~ JIH.l the modd mg methodolog)' arc
also 1111portant. for e\.amplc, consider the
cas-.: nf a simple steppcd shall as sho\\ n at
the nght. There arc .,e,cral ways n pan l1!-..e
thts could he built and each "ay crcntes a
part that 1s geometrical l)' 1dentical.
The "Layer Cake" rhc layer cake approach build-. the pan nne piece at a tinw. addmg each
Approach layer. ur li.!atun:. onto the prc\ 1ous unc. hkc thi-..

Changmg the thickness or one l,t) er ha-. a npph.: clll.:ct, chang ing thl.'
f1lhlt l!ll1 of all th-.: othl.'r layer-. that \\ l're creall.'d aficr 11.

Lesson 1 SolidWo rks 201 3
SolidWorlts Basics ond the User Interface

The " Potter's rh~ pott~.:r's \\h~cl approach huilth the ptlrl u~
Wheel" Approach a ~mgle. re\ oh ell feature. 1\ 'mgle -.!-.etch
repr.:sentmg. thl' cross ..,c.:tion indut.lcs all the
informauon anti t.lm1cnsions neccs~ar) to mak.:
thl' part as one f~aturc. While this approach
may se~m 't:r) dlku.:nt, ha\ mg all th~.: t.les1gn
mlormat1on cont:tinl't.l "ithin a singk I~:Hun.:
lim1ts lle\1h1ht)- and can make ch:mges ''' k"anl.
The Manufacturi ng rhe manulilctllnng appwach ltl moddmg 111 1 1111.:~ the "ay the part
Approach \Hluld h~ manutllcturetl. I or <:\ample, 1rtlm. stepped shaft \\as turned
on a lath.:' ) ou \\ ould start \\ llh a pi~ce or har ..,toe!-. and r<.:lllll\ 1.!
llhllenal usmg. a ...eri.:s or cuts.

File References "'ol it.I\Vorks cr.:att:s lil~.:s that ar.: compound documents that contn1n
.:kments lnun ntht:r lik~. hie rdi?r.:nn:;, arc creatt:t.l b) hnkmg. tiles
rathl'r than Juph.:aung m formation 111 multiple lilcs.
Rel~rl'IH.:.:d liks do not h:l\c to he stor.:d \\ nh the dm:umt:nt that
reli:renct:s them. In must prat:t~e.:a l applicatHlll". tht: rt:li:renc~:t.l
documt:nts nn: .,wred 111 mulup l ~: locat mns on the computer or net\\ ork.
SohdWork~ pro\IU.:s Sl'\Craltools to t.letcrminc tlw reti:rences that
C\ISt antlthc1r locatwn.
Object linking and In the \\.' indo\\~ cm mmmcnt. intimnauon ...haring hct\\ct:n file~ can he
Embedding (OLE) hantlled t:Hher b~ ltnkmg or cmheddmg tht: mt(mnatmn.
1he main d11li:rt:m:c~ bet" t:t:n lt nked object~ anti cmhctllkd objects arc
"her~ tht: data 1s storct.l and IHm you uptlatt: the tlata n tkr you plact: tt
111 tht: tle~t i natwn lile.

Linked Objects Wh.:n an object i... linkctl. inlimnation IS urtlat~:J on ly irthe ~ource lilc
is mot.I J!it:t.l. I mJ.. cd data is ston:tlmthc llnun:e tile. !he t.le~tinaunn lilc
.,lorcs unl;. the lm:ation nr tlw source ti le (an C\tcrnal rd~rcncc). anti it
displays a rcpre~entallon or the hnk.t:tl t.lmn.
I 1s <ll~o uscl"ul "hen ynu want to mcludc ml(mmlllon that 11-
mamtaincd mtl~:rt:ndcntl). such as data collccteJ b) a dill~n.:nt
Embedded Objects When you cmhcd an object. infi1rmation in th~: t.le-.tinat lon tile t.Jt,esn't
change it you modify the "nurce li le. Emht:dt.lcd ohject" hccon11.' part or
the tlc ...tlnatwn tile and. on et: Inserted. art: llll longer part or the suurcc
li le.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 1
SolidWorlcs Basics and the User Interface

File Reference I he 111:.111) d1 Jli:n.:11t type~ ol C'<ll.:rnal rcli:rcncc~ created b} SolidWorJ..~

Example arc slllm 11 111 the li1llo\\ mg graphic. l;)omc olthc rcl"crcncc~ can he
l111kcu or cmhcudcd

Dru\\ ing ~~


Library Feature Insert Part

Lesson 1 SolldWorks 2013
So/ldWorlcs B asics and the User Interface

Opening Files Stll!d\Norks I\ a RAM-rc<,ldcnt CAD sy.,tem. Whene\ er a tile 1~

optned, IllS coricd from liS storage locatiOn(() the comrutcr's Random
1\cccs:-. Memory nr RAM. \11 changes tolhe file an: mode to the cory
10 RAM and only \\rlllen back LO the tlngmallilcs during a Save

Fixed Disk

Computer Memory lo better understand ''here li lcs arc red and '' h1ch copy ut' the li le
\\t'arc \\urking on, 1l1s 1mpor1antto dlllcrcnllatc hct\\ccn the t\\O mam
tyres of' computer memory.
Random A ccess RamJum \ccc-,:-. Memory (RAf\.1) 1s the \Oiallk memory oftht
Memory computer. f h1s lllCI11llr) Oil f) store., informatiOn\\ hen the computer 1-.
operating. \\!hen th~ compuh:r 1s turned olT. any mformatmn 111 R \ f\1 j..,
Fixed Memory I 1\cd mcmm') 1s all the norl-\ o latllc memory. l"lw. mcludcs the
computer hard dm c. lloppy disk .... ttp di..,ks and (.'[).., l'i\ed memory
lll'lds its inf(mnattun C\ t'l1 "hen the computer 1s not running.

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and the User Interlace

The SolidWorks rhl.! <;jolu.l\\nr"-~ us~.:r llllerlac~.: is u ll<lll\e WindO\\ s interface. and i.l'i
User Interface such he ha\~.:-. 111 the ::.a me mann~.:r a;. nth er \v mdows upphcallons. Snm~.:
ofth~.: more 1mportunt a'>pech of the mterlacc ar~.: identilicd hckl\\ .

\6)...._. ......

t: -""'''"""~"<''""'
~ "'-l
~ "-!
~ ......J
~. Origin

.... . . (-
Q ~l>!!\10<

o -~
' '
1 l

Unselectable At lime-. you \\Ill nmic~.:

commands. 11:ons. and menu1)pllons that are
Icons gra} ~.:d out and uns~.:h.:ctahle
Thi-. 1s hecaus~.: }llU may not he" orkmg 111
the proper environment to access those opt1ons. I or example. if you arc
wor"-mg 111 a "htch (Edit Sketch mode). you ha\ e full accc.,s lOa lithe
shh:h toob. I hmc\l.!r. you cannot select the 1wns such a-. lillct or
chamf~r on the reaturcs tab of the { ommandManagcr. Th1s dcs1gn
hdp-. the mc\pericnccd hy limitmg the cho1ccs to only tho:-.e that
.1re .1pprnpnatc
To Pre-select or A., a rule, the ...,olaiW<,r"-s soli\\ are does not require you to pre-sclect
Not? objc~.:~ ... bcftH"l' opening a menu or lhalog ho\. lnr c\ample, 1fyou \\ant
to add '>111111.' tilh:h to the edges ol')our model. you ha\e complete
frecd1H11 )OU c.m :-.dect the edges fir.,t and thcn click the Fillet wnl or
you can die"- the Fillet wnl and then select the edge-.. I he cho1ce 1s
) our-..

Lesson 1 SolldWo rks 2013
Sollc/Worl<s Bas1cs and the User Interface

Heads-up View l he Heads-up View tnolhar 1:> a e:,. ~ q ~- [J.

Tool bar tr:msparcnt toolbar that contams man)
common 'IC\\ man 1pula11on commam.h..
vlan) or the ICons ( -.uch ..IS the Hide/Show
Items 1con 'ohmvn) arc Flyout Tool button:o.
thll cnntum other optwns. l"hesc !lyouts
contain a small J1m n arrtm l<l access
the other

Pull-down Menus The Pull-dm\ n menu ... pru\ 1J e access ll\ many or the commands that
the ~oltd~orb snllware otli.:r:-. rlm11 ll\ er the nght l11cing urro\\ t1)
acce:-s the menus. ChcJ.. the pushpm tu keep the menus open.

\\then a menu item has a nght-pointing

ttrl"\1\\ hi-e th1s: t"""' . it mca1h
that tha.. 1s a sub-menu assocmtcd '' nh that
When a menu Item IS rol lo\\cd b) d hpses
hJ..c th1s "~.!> ...... ,... 11 mean., that the
npt1on opens <.1 dialog bo\ '' 1th add1tiona l


'->- ,_
cho1cc., ur mlimnatll)ll 0..,.
J. c-....... s.,.......

~ ftDutW'liJPo.m'
~ ,'9...

_,. Wdd._,

SolidWorks 201 3 lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and the User Interlace

Customizing \\ hen the Customize Menu item ~~ sclectcu. !\'*M ( trlllt

Pull-down Menus each item appear-.\\ llh a check bo\. <.lcanng Se""!! C.'"

the check bo\ rcmo' cs the as..,ocmtcu 111:m Qo>flltV

from the menu. LJ91" and (MNta1;







( tf311'tot fN'd

Keyboard Some menu it..:ms md1catc a k..:yhounl shurtcut lik..: tlus:

Shortcuts Solid\\ orb conform~ to standard \\ indtm.., coil\ cnt1ons for ~uch
shnrtcuts a~ Ctri+O li)r File, Open: Ctri+S for File, Save: Ctri+Z fc.11
Edit, Undo and -.o on. In ;~ddllmn.) ou cun cuslc.llllltc \oliu\\urb b~
cr~Hmg your U\\ n short cub.

Quick Tips Quic k Tips are part of thc on-line

help syst..:m. Th~:y ask"\\ hat" ould
you like to do'.'" and pro\ 1de l) plc<.~ I ~~ ~ """""""
uns\\ cr.., bascd on the current ta..,k. 0 Oto! mort lr'Wn
Clicking an answer highlight~ the 11 err.,,. lhr':!! m tm m
1con reqUired w perform that ta~k. ,., CW!u!w:r:;t"k tqn IlD
D' Edt., rmtmJune.

""'*'... ~ ~~~
Toggle Ou1ck Tips _ . /

Lesson 1 SolldWorks 2013
So/idW01 ks Basics and the User Interface

Featu reM a nag er The leatureMnnagcr design tree is a unique part of the Solid Works
Design Tree sol1ware that 'isually di!-.plays all the lcntures in a part or assembly. As
lcaturcs are created they are added to the I catureManager d<.!S1gn tree.
As a result, the FeatureMnnager dcs1gn tree represents the
chronological sequence of modcling opera!Ions. The
design tree also allows access to the editing of the features (objects}
that it contains.
FeatureManager Des1gn Tree

P~ DimXpertManager

.I -- __:\"''""'"''" Show
" ' AOOOAAI1 (l)doull)
ll:!J s.n-.
lil - .....
t: Moo..... """ fj>Kif!Od
Q F,....
~ l"''
~ ...,..
t Ong.n
a ~bV .....
fl F>Idl
fl ro1n2
li! SJ.dll
& Rob
tl C)llo<t
f:l -
fl foldS
~ !( c ........-

Show and Hide Many fcatureManagcr ncms (icons and loldcrs) arc hidden by default.
FeatureManager In the image above. only l\\O li.llder-; (Sensors and Annotations) are
Items shown.
Click Tools, Options. System Options. and FeatureManager to
control their\ isibility using one of the three settings explained bclmv.

"....... ..- . liJt - -

~ a-;,.-
~- '
~ t.,.... .......,.
~a~ -
- .' I.'"""
li!S..I- .- .
f;:j r-. ill"""" .....
fiiF....- e . .:.1 ~

r_ .. .
Automatic - ll1dc th.: 1tcm \\hen 11 is .:mpt).
Hide - Jlidc the item aL all times.
Show Show the item ar alltinh.s.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
SolidWorks Basics and !he User lntorlace

Using the I he CommandManager is (I set or n:ons drv ideo llllO tabs that arc
Command geared towards srecrlic ta-.J..s. I or c\amrle. the part' crsion has -.~.:cral
Manager tab~ w Jcecss eomnMnd-. related to li:aturcs. sketches. and -.o on.

-- .:. --..-
~ ~ - .---
- e~-.- Q.f. -
b--- -011
I-.. ! ~...,lt-I~!OBot-.m!

Note l'he Commandl\1ana!!cr can he Jrsplayed '' ith or'' llhout tc\t on the
huuons. These rmages o.,ho\\ the Use Large Buttons with Text optron.
Adding and I he dclault settings sho\\ li\1: I~N ~~l~~-~====~~~~
Command Manager tabs l{lr a part
lilc. Others can be.: added or
rCillll\ ed by nght-cheJ..rng on <Ill)
., h .......
-;- Sbich

tab anti clicking or clearing the tab MoldToak

hy name. O.UMog<"-
fhl.'rc arc diffc.:rent-.1.'1.., of tahs lor Gr.-.
B f.lonl(poot
part. asscmbl) and dr<m mg lilcs. -..roo~o
~ orf>UPfodud

Multiple Monitor SolrtiWorks can take adnmtugc or mu luplc monitor d i spluy~ to sp:rn
Displays monrtors and to move documen t " rndow-. or menu~ to a dilli:n:nt
Spanning Monitors Click Span Displays t'u on the top bar or the Solid Works" tndm' to
stretch the drsplay across both rnon rt1lr~ .

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 201 3
SolldWorlls Bastes and tho User Interface

Fitting to a Monitor Fit to Left Display nr Fit to Right Display " on th~
Cli~:l-.. ~ither
top bar {ll a document to lit 11 to the lell nr nght mon twr

L~ J
Tip I'he (. nmnHJndl\ l .mag~r or Prupcrt} "-1JnJI!O:r lJn he drag~o:d and on the top. "'de or ouhtdc of the ~nltu\\o rl-...., '' tllll(m nr 10 a
PropertyManager \.lan) '.nlu.l\\ tlrb cnmnwnu' ar~ e\el'lltcd through the
Prnpert} \1anago:r. lho: Prorert) \ huwg~r m.eupie~ th~ ...a me ~ero:en
po~iti1m a' th~ I euturo:~ l anagcr dc,ign tree and rerlao:~s 11 "h~n 11 j., m


~ Open and
Close 1con

Group Box
Open and acuve

Group Box
Closed and mactve

'I h~ 111p nm of' bull nth o:olll;lln' th~ ,t, OK. Cancel ,md Preview
lkhw. the top nm of' butwn' tr~ on~ m more Group Boxes that
cnntam ro: l.ttcd optt\111,. I ht:) can h~ npo:m:d (e\p;,uukd) or elo..,~d
( etlllap,cd) ;tnd Ill mJn) l'<t":" made , tell\~ or maclt\ e

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
SolldWorks Basics and the User Interface

Task Pane I h~ Task Pane \\ muo" C<llllams the SolidWorks Forum

SolidWorks Resources .J . Design Library d . File Explorer
Search .a , View Palette , Appearances, Scenes, and Decals ~

and Custom Properties - uptwns The" mdo'' appears on th~ nght

h~ ddimlt hut 11 can hemmed and ro.:~11~d 11 can he 11po.:ned 'closed.
tacked or mo' ed rrom Hs del~tull positiOn on the ~de o l thc

GtttaQ ltarl.-d
Q ..

~a~ U os~
,_.,, ""'


? ..........
~) (.tref"'llll~


t "' '--"' Ot-o.,...onoo~Jhttce
.. Repart. hU ....

U lfl'UOf\10


- .. ~~b'

......... . . .
(A)ffont (A) TOO

- ..... ..




~ ....
.. .......


. ....W:kE..-~P"'td
3 1Beta1 .. ~bl

~:~~ -

.. ........
filtafl . . lloy


SDidW\. 'Y """"

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2013
Sol/dWorlrs Basics and the User Interface

Opening Labs with You can opcn partJ> and al!l-Cmhhcs re4turcd
the Design Library lor lab c\erctses u~mg the dcstgn library.
\dd the cla~s liJc.., to the dcst gn llbrnry ~u- ...
U t......OI
usmg thi~ proccourc. e::E!::I
.Q . . -
Open thc Task Pane ,1110 the Design , t;J ~
Cl id, Add File Location 4
<;clcet the Essentials lt)ldcr uscd l(lr
the clasl-t lilcs. 11 should be found under
the SolidWorks Training Files folder.
Click OK.

Double-dtek th~o: teon of the part <lr asscmbl) tn tho.: Design Library nr
orag uno orop ll Ill tO the ( iraphics i\rca tonpo.:n it.
Search lhc Search optton can be used to lino Files and Models on your
sy ...tcm b) searching !or any parlofthe name (requtres Wind~ms
Dcsklllp S~.:urch o.:ngmd. or to lind mformatmn from SolidWorks Help.
the Kmm lcdgo.: Bas~.:, Community I orum or Commands. Search w.. ing
lhts proccourc:
( hoose \\ htch type of s~arch you Wllltld Jtke tO 00.
rype ,t name or parual name mto the Search -=-----'T':'""...
b11\ ano click the search tcon IEJ.
lor Knowledge Base and Community
Forum llcarches. you will need to login to
your account

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 1
SolldWorlt.s Basics and the User Interlace

Mouse Buttons lhc kll. right and nmldk mousL' huunns ha\c di~unct n11:an1ng~ 111
<.;ol id Works.
()elect objects such a ... gcnmctr). menu ... bullon~. and nhjcds in till
I d..:s1gn tr..:c
Activates a contc\t scns1tl\ c shorh.:ut menu. I he ~:on tents olthc menu
ddlcr dcp~.:ndmg on "hat nhJcct the cursor 1s over. lhe:-.e menu., abu
n.:prcselll shortcuts to frcqucnlly used commands.

Note \t thc top of th..: Shortcut Menu is thc Context

Toolbar ll con lams some of thc most cnmmonl}
ti'-Cd commands 111 1cnn llmn.
Bdm' 1t ~~ thc puii-Jo\\ n mcnu. It ~:on lam' other
command ... that arc availablc in the ~:nntL'\l or the
sdct:tion. in thts c:-.amplc a lace.


*'X c...._r......
..., _ _ _ _ _--1

Dyn:umcall} rotate" pans or tooms <1 part nr asscmhly. Path a dra\\ ing.
System Feedback I c!.!tlhack 1s prm ttled h) a symb,,l attached to the
cursor nrrm' tndll:<lllllg "hat you an: sekctlllg or V..:rtc\
\\hat the !>}'>lem ts cxpccting you to sl.!kcl. As thc
cursor llnab a..:ro's the model. lcedhad, "ill come Fug.:
Ill lhl.' l(mn of S) mho Is. ndmg ne\t tu the cur...or
The illustration at the right ... ll!l\\ ... '>OI11e nr thl.' I a~o:l.'
...ymhob. 'crte\. cdg..:. fac..: am.! d1mcn,tun

Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2013
SolldWorlt.s Basics and the User Interlace

Options I ocatcc.J on the Tools menu. the Options dialog ho\ enable!> you to
cttstollll/e the C.,olidWnrb so1iware to rellcct !>Uch things as your
company\ dralling st:mc.Jards il" \\ell a-. your inc.Ji, ic.Jual prcli.:rences
and "urJ.. cm 1ronment

Tip l -;e the -.carch har in the upper nght of the.: Options dialog bo\ In find
sy~t..:m opt1ons and c.Jocum..:nt prop..:rt1..:s. lypc the lahcl of the ch..:ck
h{l\. radio button. nr other option to locOJie the page" h..:rc the option

o.._, ,, - ....--t(tltt..... - .1

Au ~hll
I \.loo_,..._

' Cob> J,...,.
~ d<h
.. Cl'u!lltln.Moactan~f"'*'e
./LJwtyt'--- bclmm:llnl

- '
Oooplty!Sc! t ....
.-tn;llitl~IMU,-"!a. ...._,

.,,~(0'1~ ..,...,~

r ............,._~QPeft......,...
-~~~...-.mC'I''tttM't: . . .
f><f.,.., T..,pl" "


~ ecM -.oo '-' ,t<O'*'O

fNiilr fe~ta.t~

.I f:Nd~P1 H!Mr
WhMetaMIIftiJ~ llltcnDt.
T-h c.....,.,,~ ~ )
Hclf' YfiDidtl oolbol
J,,.,.._..,.... flmiar~-jW"'t

DIMbllr ad6111:11Nf .......,.t Cllf'lf91U\~tmlilll

l*"h ~...,.ltltSoldWollb w~
l 'ollbot"-
1 ... ~ l rton/Wf n'lln-'}i
- - Custom<r [ W _ I M _ l P7ogr>m
~ .... ~~Ci~Clrt~Mtlr!~~ .nirQy:ut.gtle:sCD ~twb "WJUafiOn

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 1
SolldWorl<s B asics and th e User Interlace

Customization You ha\e SO.:\ emll.:-.d~ or l.:ll~lllmi nllllln . fhcy .m.::

System options
!he opt1on~ g.roupcu umkr the h..:aumg System Options <~re ~;l\co on
your") stem a nu allcct ..:' ~:ry document you open m your <.;oliuWorb
sc-.s1on <.;y~tcm sett mg), allll\\ you to control a nu cu;,tomuc) our" ork
ell\ mmmcnt. I or ..::-.ample, you might like ''orking '' uh colorcu
'1c\\ port background. I don 1. ~mcc th1s I'> a :-.ystl' lll -..cuing, pans or
a ... scmhl ics opened on ) llUr systo..m \\oulu ha'~.: a colorcu ' le\\ port The
'ame file-.. opened on my 'Y~tcm \\lluld not.
Document properties
1 hcse scttmgs arc applied to the md1\ idual document. Ior c\amplc.
units. dralimg standaru~. and matcnnl prupcrtle'> (dcns1ty) Jrc nil
document settmgs. lhey arc '-<1\cd \\ ith the document and do not
l'hangc. regard ii.!SS of \\hO~C ~}'>tem the document 1-.. Opl.!ned on.
I or more informalwn ah1111t the option" -..l'ttmgs that arc 111 th1s
cour-..c, rdcr to Optum.\ S<'flmgs on page 496 in the i\ppend1x.
Document templates
Document tem pla tes arc prc-uclincd uocumenls that \\ere set up" ith
ccrtam sp.:n lk '>Cttmgs. I or c\amplc. youmtght want t\\ll d11lcr.:nt
template-. I(Jr purl..,. One" ith l.ngli-..h sett lllgl> ... uch a~ i\NS I drulimg
-.tandard-. anu mch units. and one "llh met ne settings ~uch a~
millimctcrs un 11~ and ISO drnl\mg -.wnuards. You can '>Cl up a~ mull)
di llcrcnt uocument tcmpl.ue-. <h you nceu. lhc.:y can be organu.:d mto
d11lcrent fo lu.:r'> for easy acc.:s-. \\hen opl..'nlllg ne\\ docum.:nts. You
can create document templates fi1r pan-.. as'>cmhltcs. and dr;m mgs.
f or more detailed 1nstruL11uns on htm wncat.: document templates.
rclcr to /Jocumenl's tlfl page 496 111 the 1\rpcntlt\.
Mun) tunes the propcnic-. ofun ind1\ 1ouul obJCd c:.~n hl' chang..:u or
cdncu I or c\ampl.:. you can change the uci~IUit ot~play ol a d1mcns1on
to supprc"" one or both c\tcnslon Iincs. or you can chunge the color of a

Lesson 1 SolldWorks 2013
SolidWorks 8as1cs and tho User Interface

Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching

Upon successful complctton of this lesson, you will he ahlt: 1\l:

l'r..:at..: a 111.!\\ part.

lnscn a 11C\\ ..,kctch.
Add sketch gcoml'try.
Lstabllsh ~ketch rdat10n-. bet\\ ccn ptcccs or gcoml'try
Undcr... t,md the state or the !>ketch.
I \!rude the ::.ketch 1111{1 a soltd.

Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
In troduction to Sk etching

20 Sketching l lw.. lesM111 tntn>ducc~ 2[) -.!,.etching. the ha~-- or mode ling in
~nlu.lWork~ .

' I

.- -.- I I

1 \tru ... JoJb R~:\ohe!>

<;\\eeps l olb
I he tllustratmn hclo\\ -.IHm s ho\\ a gi' en -.ketch c~1n l(wm the hast" ol
SC\eral Ollfen:nt !}pes of li:ature~

Extrude Revolve Sweep Loft

In th ts les~on. on I) 1.!\trudcd li:utun.:!> "t ll he co\ ered. l"hc m hers" tll

he cm en.:d 111 detail in ln!l:r lessons nr course-..
Stages in the I 'er)' sketch has '-1.!\ era I charactcn-.ucs that cnntnhutc to th -.hape, '1/C
Process and onentatwn

New part
Ne\\ pnrh can hl' cn.:at~:d 111 mch. mt ll nnetcr nr ~>t h~:r unih. Parts arc
to create .tnd hold the -.ohd modl'l

"'k.:tdw-. ar~: colkctwn ... oi2D geometry that arc to ~:rc;tte solttl
Sketch geometry
I} pes or 2[) gcomclr} sudl a-.. Iincs. Circles .md rectangle~ that make
up the .
Sketch relations
( l.!omctnc rdattonsh tps ~uch a-. hor11ontal and 'crttcal arc .tpphcd to
the -,!-.etch geometry. ll1c rdauon-.. restnet the mm em~:m 11r the cnuuc-..

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching

State of the sketch

I a.:h '"etch ha~ a 'i[,\lu~ that dctcnnincs "hcthcr 11 1s n.:ad:. to he uscJ
or not. I he \late can he lully-. under- or m er defined.
Sketch tools
roofs can he tn modi f) the sketch gcomctl) that has hccn crcah.:d.
rillS of!cn 111\ oh c~ trrmm1ng ur C\tcndrng. t..'lllltlcs.

Extruding the sketch

I \trudmg uses the 2[) sketch to create u 1D soltd feature.
Procedure rhc process in this le~snn inclut.ll''- -.!-..etching and C\ti'U>.IOilS. To hcgin
'' ith. a ne\\ pan file 1s created.
Introducing : 1 he New tool create>. a llC\\ ~nl1dWml-..s document from a selection nf
New Part part. assemb ly or dnl\\ rng templates. rhere arc ..,c, craltrammg
tcmphlll's 111 addition to the default one~.

Where to Find lt Menu Bar: New

Menu File, New
K~:) hoard 'ihortcut Ctri+N

1 New part.
Cltck New and cite" the Part _MM tcmplat~: from the Training
Templates tah on the New SolidWorks Document dtalng hn'l.. and
clic" OK.


. . _.. - - -!ol .J'Ir-"" ......

(- J
lh~: p<trt I'- crcat~:d '' ith the settings of'th~: temp late. One "cy ...cuing 1s
the pan.., un1h \..,the IWillC 11npl1cs, lhi.., part temp late u~cs
m11limctcrs ,1s the Ulllt .... You can create and sa\c any number of
different tcmpbh.:s, all\\ it h dill\:rcnl setltngs.

Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching

Saving Files ~a' mg lll!!s \Hilt:)> the lih: inli.,mwtmn 111 RAM to a locauon on u li\ed
di:-.k. <:;olid~orb pro\ 1de-. three opt1on~ for sa\ mg. fifes. I ac::h ha~ a
diiTerenl e!li:ct on tile rcler..:ncc-..
Save Cop) the file 111 RAM to the lhed dl'>K, !ell\ mg the copy 111 RAM open.
lftlm tile 1s hemg n:fi:n.:nced by an) open <:;olidWorks files, then.: arc
no changes to the n:fi:rl!nce

Where to Find lt Menu Bar: Save loJ

Menu. File, Save
Ke}hoard ~hortcut : Ctri+S
Save As Cop) the lilt..: 111 RAM to the lhc<.l 01sk under J ne\\ name or file type,
replacmg. tilt: tile 111 RAt-. I "llh the ne\\ tile. 1 he old file Ill RAM 1s
closed 1dthom sa\ mg. lf thi:-. tile 1s hcmg rcli:n:nced hy any Of/('11
~oliJWorb liks. you 'hould updmc the rcti:rcnccs to tlw. ne\\ file.

Save As Copy Cop) the file in RAM ltllhc lhed Jt,k under a ne\\ name or file t}pl',
lca,ing the ongmalm RAM open.lfthts file 1s hcmg rcfi!renccd hy .m)
open SoliJWork'> file:.. you \lwuld not update the reli:renccs In tlm ne''
fih: .

2 Filing a part.
Click Save Id anti file the partlmtler the numc Plate. !"he c\ll'nstOn.
.sldprt, i-. added automatically. Click Save .

. ......oo.-. }1


'WM~Wo.~ s
......._ ....
I - P.r


... c - If
"' '------~--~~


SolldWorks 2013 lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching

What are We Ihe first lea tun: or a pan W ill be crcutcu 111 thts ~cctillll. !"hat lllltWI
Going to feature 1::. just the first or man) tcature~ nccucu to complete the pan.

Sketching ~~ the <let ol crcaung a 21) profile cum prised or\\ m: frame . I )ptcal g.eomctr) t) pes .tn: Iincs, an:s. ctn:les and clltpses.
~!..etching ts dynamtl", "tth fccdhacJ.. fwm the cursor to maJ..c tl easier.
Default Planes "Jo create a sf.-ctch, you must choose a plane on '' htch to sJ...ctd t. lhc
.;ystcm pnn u..lcs three mitiul planes hy dduult. J'hcy arc Front Plane.
Top Plane. ;.md Right Plane.
Introducing: \\ hen crcaung. a ne" sJ...etd1. Insert Sketch opens the sJ..ctdter on the
Insert Sketc h current!) sch.:cted plane nr planar l~cc \till also use Insert Sketch to
cdtt an e\isung. ...ketch.
You must sdcct a phmc nr a pl:mar lltcc of the model alicr d tcf.-mg
Insert, Sketch. I he ~o.ursor ~ :' appears indicating that ) ou should
~elec t a thee or plane.
Where to Find lt ( ommand~ lanager Sketch > Sketch ~
Menu: Insert, Sketch
~honl"ut Menu Rtght-cltcJ.. a plane or planar lace and eltcf.- Sketch

Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to

3 Open a new sketch.

Cllcl-. E::. lh1~ "Ill ~lnm all
three defuult plane~ for
sdt:cllon m a Trimetric
oncntatwn. 1\ Trimetric
orientation ~~a p1cturial 'ie\\
that 1s onenkd so the three
mutuall y rcrpcmllcular pluncs
arrear unequally

I rom the screen. choo::.e the l

Front Plane. The plane "Ill
highlight aml rotate.
Note The Reference Triad ( lo\\ er left eomer) sl\0\\s the orientation
or the mouel coordmate a\e'> (rcd-X, grccn-Y and bluc-Z) at all .1.
llllH:~. lt can help ..,hm\ h1m the \ IC\\ orientation ha:-. been
changed rclati' c to the Front Plane.
4 Sketch active. ..
I he sclccteo Front Plane
wtates so n 1.., parallel to the
:.ncen I

1he sy mho I n:present~

the sketch ongm lt 1s

u1splaycd 111 the cnlor red,

inuicatmg that 1t "'act I\ c.

Introducing: When many C::nlidWorl-.s commands arc acll\C. a symbol or a set of

Confirmation Corner S) mbols apr~ar~ m the upper nght wrncr or the graph1cs area. Tl11s
area 1~ called the Confirmation Corner.
Sketch Indicator \\'hen a si-etch 1s .lcll\1!, or open. the Confirmation Corner ~
displil)S t\\l) 'o)'lllhllls. One looks like a si-etch. nle other ha ~
red .i\ l'hcsc ~ymhol~ prm iue a '1sual reminder that you arc X
.Jctl\ c m a si-etch. Chckmg the si-etch symbol cxns the
si-etch and sans am dum~n. C.l1ckmg the n:d X c.\lts the si-etch and an~ changes
\\hen l)th~:r command.., arc acli\C, the conlirmat1un comcr
t.l1sph1).., a chccl-. mnrk anu an X. l'hc check mar!- c'ecutc~
the ~u1TCI1l Clllllmant.l. lhc X cancels the command.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introduction to Slcetchmg

Sketch Entities ~ohtiWorl-.s nfli:rs a ndt 'am:t) or ,1-.~tdt tools for cn.:atmg pro tile
gcnmcll') . In tlus ks..,on. on I) one of the most ha~tc -.ha pc~" tll he u..,cd.
Sketch Geometry The l(liiO\\ mg ~:hart ltsts ..,omc or the sketch en lilies that arc available:

Sk(tc h E nlit)
I Button Ceometr) f: \ample
l. tnc

- ~-

Pcnmctcr Ctrclc
C~nterpOIOt ~'Hl'
Tangent \r~:
- --
J Pomt \re )
Ellip-..c rg
- --
Parttul I 11 ipse

[Q] ~-

-- -
~ ~
-- !--~ - --- ' - - - - -
<.itraight Slot ),.
<:;traight ~lot ~
.> Putnt Arc ~lot
~ c _:'0
<.. cntcrpomt t\rl

Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
lntroductron to Sketchmg

Sk~ tc h Entil) Button Gcomel r) E'\amplc


- I
Corner lh:l:tangk

- - -------
D -
(_ l:ntt:r Rectangle
I' ... I
-- - --- - -
~Point ( orncr
Rcctungh: 1::::;
~ Pomt (enter
- - - -
Para lldogmm ,a
~ I I
-- - - -+
- - - ---4- - - ---
Basic Sketching lhc hest way to begin sl\ctching. i~ hy the mo:-1 timdamental
-.lmpc. thl' Line
The Mechanics of lo ~k.:tch geometry. thtre arc twu tcchntljlll!s that can be used
Clic k-Cl ick
l'osnmn the cur~ur "here you \\':1111 the I me to start. (lid, (prcs~
and rdea~e) th\.' Iell mou-.e hutton. Mm L' the cur-.or to "IKrc you
\\,lJll the ltne (O Clld. t\ pre\ le\\ tlfthC c;ketch entity\\ Ill t'olltm tiK'
cur"nr liken rubber hand Clll:k the lctl mouse huuon a -.cconu
lime. Addtllonnl clICks CII!LllC <I -.encs or conm.:ctcu I me:.
PosllH\11 the cursor" here you ''ant the Ime to start Prcs" and hold
the Jell mouse hullun Drag the cursor to \\lu.:re ynu \\ant the ... kctl'h
cnltly to end. A pn!\ ic" of the sketch entity will l\1llm' the cursor
ltkc a ruhh.:r hand. Rclo.:asc the ldt mouse button.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching

Introducing: I h~: Line lonl create~ -,inglc lim: ~cgmcnh 111 J skdl'h. lluritontal and
Insert Line \Crllcal hn~: ... can h~: cr~:~lled \\hlk "kctching hy \\Jtchmg li.1r the
lccdhack symhob on the cur-.;or.

Where to Find lt t ommandManager Sketch > Line '

Menu. Tools, Sketch Entities, Line
<;hnrtcul \h:nu. R1ght-chck in the graph1c~ area and d1ck Line '
Introducing: Sketch Sketch Relations ure used to li.)rt:e a bdla\ mr on a "ketch ekm~:nt
Relations thereby t:arturtng Jcs1g11 tntCill. lht:) will he Jl..,lliSSCd Ill detail in
Slwtcft Re/at mm on rage -10.

5 Sketch a line.
Click line ' .ltld sketch a huntunlalltm: from
the ortgm. I he .. - ,. symbol arpear" at the
cursor. md1cating that u Horizontal rdation 1s automatically added to
the Ime The number mdicatcs the length of" the l1nc.l'ltek agamw end
the Jin~:.

Important! Do not be too concaned \\llh makmg.thc line the e\.act length.
l.lol1dWork ... soilware IS d1mcns1on dm en - the d1mensmns control the
s11e olthc gcomctr). not the other ''a) around Make the sketch
appro\llllatd) the nght s11c and share and then use d1mcns1ons tu
make tl L'\.acl.
6 Line at angle.
Starting at the end of the fiN ltne.
-;ketch a Imeal an angle.


Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching

Inference Lines In additmn to the - " and .. I S) mbol.,. dashed ml'erence lines'' ill
(Automatic abn appear to help )llU .. lint' up.. \\ ith exi.,llng geometry l hesc lines
Relations) meludc e\ 1\llng lme 'cc tor.... nom ~a 1.... hon/ontals. 'erucals. tangent'
and ccnter~.
Nott' that some lines capture
gel111lctric relatwns. \\hi le others Q
simply act a ... a gUJde or reference\\ hen
skctclung 1\ dlf1'cr~.nce Ill the color or ~ . , ,,

the inference hncs ''ill d1-.tinguish
them . In the p1cture at the right. the
!me" laheh:d ../\ .. an: olh e-grcen . .tnu 11'
the sketch line snaps to them. a tangent
or pcrpenu1cular rclauon ... hlp ''ill he
I he hnc labcleu .. B.. 1s blue lt only pnn 1de-. a rcl'cn:nc~.:. 111 thi ... ca~c
H:nlcal. lll the other endpolnl. I r the sketch hnc is cnued at tlm. pomt.
no 'crllcal rclatmn "Ill be captured.

Note I he d1~plu) of' Sketch Rclatlllns that appear. automat1call) can he

l<lggkd on and oll'using View, Sketch Relations. lt \\ill remain nn
dunng the initial phas~.o or sketching.

7 Inference lines.
<.. reatc a line mo\ mg 111 u d1rcc11on pcrpcn-
dlcubr tn the pre\ IOU!> Ime. I h1s cau~cs
inl'crem:e line'tt\l be uisplaycd \\hllc
sketching. 1\ Perpendicular relation is 11
crcutcd hct\\een thl\ Ime anu the LJ-.t one
I"hi~ cursor'> mhl1l 1ndicatc:-. that you arc
caplllring a perpend1cuhtr relatwn. Note
that the lm~.: cur~nr 1s nnt sho\\ n !'or clarity.
8 Perpendicular.
\ nothcr p~.: r pcndlcular line 1" created lh11n
the l;tst endpo1nt. \gain. a perrendieular
relatHlll 1s autonwllcall} ~:aptun:d .

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 2
lntrod ucUon to Sketching

9 Reference.
Cn.:atc a horunntallinc lhun the i<hl a
cndpomt. Some inkrcnccs arc stncll} fur
reference and do not create rclallnm. lllC) ~- 1
.m.: d1spla}cd in blue. llm rdi:rcncc 1s
us~:d Ll' ,1lignthc cndptunl \Crtically \\ilh
the nngin.

Sketch Feedback rhe sl-.ctchcr has 111<111) li:cdhacl-.

fi:atun.:s. !'he cursor'' 11 I change
ln sho\\ \\hat t) p-..: or en lit) 1:-.
hcmg. created. lt "11 I a bo
indicat~ ''hat sclcctlllll'- on the
C\lsting g.eomell). ~uch as end. COII1C1dent (on) or 1111dpuml. .1rc
"'a liable J red dot "hen the cursor 1s on it.
l hrcc or Lhl' 111\lSI comnHJil Ji:cdhacl-. symbols arc:
Symbol Icon Description
l -
I ndpnmt Ydlo\\ concemnc cm:lc-.
app~:ar nl the 1'11dpomt
\\hen Lhl' cursor is m er 11.
l\ lldpuint ---'t>--- I,he l\11dpoint appears :1s a
yclkn' square. 11 changes
to red ''hen the curs11r
hm ~:rs 1l\ er the Ime
l OlllCILkllt t The lllladranl pllllllS ur the
(On I dgc) I c1rcle appear '' 1th a
com:entr~c c1rclc m er the
I ccntcrpomt.
10 Close.
tlusc thl.' sl-.~:tch '' llh a linallmc conncdcd
to thl' stanmg plllnl of the lir-.t lmc

lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching

Turning Off Tools Turn otlthc actiH:: tool using. on, oftht:~c ll:t:hnillllcs:
Menu Bar: Select
lnmmandMnnug.t:r ( Itd.. the a~:ti\ c tool to toggle the llltll oiT
Keyboard Shortcut: Esc

11 Turn off the tool.

Pre,... tht: Esc key on tht: 1-cyhnard tn turn olrthe line tool.

Status of a Sketch <..ketches can be 111 one of li\ t: dt:linltiOn -.tatcs at an~ ttmt: lht: st<llus
or a sketch Jcpemh on gcomctnc rdat1on-. bct\\ccn g.comt:tr) and the
d1mcn-.101b that dcline it. lhc three most common states arc.
Under Defined l hc -.kt:tch 1s im1dcquatcl)' ddined. but the skt:tch can still he used to
~ ()Sketch l create li::aturc::.. lhis 1s good because many times 111 till' early stages or
the des1gn process. thcrt: 1s11'! sullicient mfnrmatwn tu fully delinc tht:
-.ketch. Wht:n more mlimnatton h~:comcs <1\allahlc. IlK r~nwmmg
delin111nn can he addcu at a lata t1mc. l ndcr dt:lined sl-t:tch geometry
1-. blue (h) default)
Fully Defined The ... ketch has complete inlimnation. Fully ul'lined gCl111ll..'lry IS black
~ 51-.etchl (b)uelault ). J\s a general rule. \\hen a part IS rekascd In
manuhtclunng. the skt:ll:ht:-. \\llhin ll should ht: f"ully de lined.
Over Defined I he '\ketch has duplicate d1mens1ons or conllictmg relations and it
~ ~ (+)Sketch! should not he used unul repaired. I \tr~mcnus dimcnsllllb and rllatmn ...
-,lwuld be dclctt:d. (her de lined gt:ometry 1s n, 1 (h) dl.'l ~llllt)

Note !he l\\ n other stales arc No Solution Found ami Invalid Solution
Found. I hey both 111d1catc that thcr~ arc crn1r~ that llUI'-L he rcpa1reu.
I ur more ml(lmlallon 1111 rcp<llr'>....c~ lnson8: Fditillg ' R,,win .

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 2
lnlroducllon 10 Skelchlng

Rules That Dilll:rcnt type~ of sketch~:-.'' ill yield ddli.'rent results. <:;evcral di llcrcnl
Govern I) pes nrc -.umman;cd in the table helm\. lt '"important to note that
Sketches ...omc nr
the techmquc-. shm\ n in the table hchm arc ath anted
Lcchnu.Jues that arc CO\ ered either later in tlm cnur~e. or 111 other
ad1anced course~ .

Sketch Type Description I Special Considerations

-- '\ ty ptcal ..... tandnrd" T'\lone reqlllrcu .
... ketch that ts a neat!\
dosed contour. - I
Multtpk nested
contour., creates a boss
-l None required.

I "tth an intanal cut

1 ()pen contour create:. J '\lone rcqlllrcd. I m more mf'unnallon. sec

L/ thm li.:ature '' ith

cnn-.tam thicknes-.
Thin F<'aflln ' on page 2.'i!i.

(. orncrs arc not ncatl) Use the Contour Select Tool. I or nwn:
dosed. Thn should he. tnf'ormattnn, Sk( hh ( 'onrotll'' on
page 321

l - -
Although tlus -;kcll.:h \\Ill \\lltk. lt
rcpn::scnts poor technique ami sllpj>)
\\or~ 1. ,,.. , . '" ~ , 1. ,,

<..,ketch co11tatns a sdl:_ Use the Contour Select Tool. I or more

mtcrsccung co11wur. ml'ormatwn. 'cc Skuclt Comoun <)11
page 321 Ir both contours an..' ~dl'Clcd,
till', type of '">ketch'' tll create a Multibody

I Solid <.;cc \lu/rihoclr Soli(/\ 111 the

ldnmct'd Parr .llodcling l'llursc
Altlll'urh tl11~ '' 111 '' 01 k. multthodtc!; arc
un ad' .mccd mndclmg tcchntque th.u ) nu
should not use until ) uu ha\ c 111orc
Ilte '>ketch co11tams -~-Tht~ t) pc or ~ketch can ereall' a Multi body
9 Ul'>.fOlnt COillOUI"'>. Solid. <:;cc \lultihml\' )ofid, m the
ltll'OIJnd Part \/odcling cour...c

0 Althourh tlw; " , multthudc' oc

nn .1d1 nnccd model me lcchmquc th.u ) ou
shuul~l11111 use unlll ~nu hJ\ c In ore

Lesson 2 SolldWorks 2013
lntroducrton ro Sketchmg

12 Current sketch status.

I he -..1-.etch 1s Under Defined he~:.1use
Sllllle or the geometr} IS blue Note that
enupmnh or a Ime can he a lll lll:n:m colnr
and dllTLrent -..tat c.: than the line itscl r lnr
c\ampk. the \ertlcallmc at the origin 1s
hla~.:l-. hecauo,c 1t i., (;I) \crttcal. and (h)
auuchLd Ill the nngm Ill m C\ cr. the
upplrrnost cndpomt 1.., blue because the
length or the line "' under dctinc.:d .
13 Dragging.
llndc.:r dc.:frned gc.:<llllell"} (blue) ~:an he.:
dral'uc.:d to Ill!\\ locatl\lll'-.. I ully defined
ge,unctry Lannut Drag thl' upp.:rmost
endpuint to change the.: shape.: or the .. 1-.c.:tch
rhl' dragged cndpoilll appears ~IS a green

14 Undo the change.

l ndo the.: la ...t cummanu hy tlk' Undo "-) nptum. You .:an ...e.:
(and fwm) a list nt"th.: lastli:\\ cumm.mds h)- cl1cl\ing the dm\n
arnm llll'llU. lhl' 1\c) hoard .. hllltLUI Im Undo 1s Ctri+Z.

Tip You can al ..o Redo l" a lhange. \\llllh rc\C.:rts it ba~-:1\ tnth.: :-talc
prior to undo. 1ll.: slwrtcut lilr r.:do j, Ctrl+Y

Design Intent l'he dcs1gn iment. Is d1.,cu"cd l'arher. gm nns hu\\ the pan j., buih and
l11m 11 ''Ill change In thi., \!\ample. the '>1-.etch .,hape mu:-.l be.: allm,.:d
111 chang.: 111 thL''l' "a) s:

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introd uction to Sketchmg

What Controls Dcs1gn lnll!lll in a sl-.ctch 1s captured and cunLnlllcd by a comhmat1on ol'
Design Intent? t\\ o Lhmgs
Sketch relations
Create gcnmctnc rclaunnsh1p.., such as parulld . col lmcar.
perpendicular. or coincident het\\ ecn ... !..etch ckmcnls.
DimcnsiOih <lrl: used Ill uclim: lhl' SI/C and location the ~!..etch
geomdr) l mcar. rad1al. dwmcter and angular dm1ens1ons can he
Ill full~ uelinc a -.J..ctdlt/1/c/ capture the desired design llllCnl fl!l]liii'CS

undeNandmg and applying a comhinatwn of' n.:lauon ~ and dnncnsions.

Desired Design In order l'or the sketch to ch.mgc pmpcrl). the curn.:ct rchluons aml
Intent uuncnsu>ns arc n:qu1rcu l hc rcqlllrcd dcs1gn mtent 1s listed heilm :

llon;omal <lnd n.:nu.:1l


Angle' aluc.


Right-anglc comcr.... or
pcrpcnd 1cular l1nt.:s.

(he rail lcn).!th Htluc.

lesson 2 SohdWorks 2013
lntroductton to Sketching

Sketch Sketch Relations arc: u~ed to l(m:c a beha' wr on '' sketch cleml'nt
Relations thereby capturmg tks1gn Intent. ~omc an.: uutomnt1c. others can he
adt.h:d as n~.:cucd. In th1s C"\amplc. we" ill look at lhl' rdatlons 1>11 one
of the lines and C\ammc hm\ the} ullcd the design mtcnt of the skcH:h.
Automatic Sketch Automatic relations arl' added a:. gcomctl) I'> sketched. We""'' thi-. as
Relations \\C sketched the outline 111 the pre\ 1nus steps. ~ketch feedback tell-. you
''hen automatiC rclatllln-. arc hcmg created .
Added Sketch I or those relations Lhill cannot he added autnmatlci.llly. toob C"\1\t to
Relations ~.:rcatcrdat1on-.. on selected gl' \llllCtl") .
Introducing : Display Display Relations shm\s and optionally enables ~ou to remo'c
Relations geomctm: reht11onsh1ps hct\\een sketch elcmcnh.

Where to Find lt ( llll1111<tlldManagcr Sketch > Display/Delete Relations ~

Menu: Tools, Relations , Display/Delete
Properties Propcrt) ~l anager : Add Relations
-=----- - - - - -=---:::::=~-=
15 Display the relations
associated with a line.
C. ltck the uppcrnwst angled hnc .---
and thc PropcrtyManagcr open-..
Jl1e Existing Relations bo\ m
/ ~ .

the Prnpo.:rt::-Manager .tlso l1:-.ts

the gcometru.: relation-. that .m.:
a ... soclah.:d \\ llh the sl'kctcd Ime.

Tip lhc rdat10ns arc VIsible because View, Sketch Relations i!> turnl'd on.
I rIll., turned oil doublc-clu.:kmg the georlll.:lr~ \\Ill shO\\ the relations
and open the Pmpert}Mani.l).!er.

16 Remove the relation.

RcmoH' the uppenno-.t relat1on h:r clicking
the n.:l<tllon, either the symhol or in the
Propert) M.mager. and pressmg the Delete
kc}. Ifthc symbol is selected. 11 changes clllor
and 01-.plays the entitles 1L nmtrnb.

So lidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introduction ro Sl<etchfng

17 Drag the e ndpoint.

B~caus..: ~
no longer ~on~tram~d to he
the ltnc
p~rpcndJcular. th~ ..,k~tch"Ill b~havc
dtlkrcntly \\hen you drag 11. l ompurc tlw, tll
hll\\ the sketch bchavcd '"hen you draggcd 1l
in step 13.

Examples of I hcrc urc many typ~s of Sketch Re lations. Wh1ch ones arc \'alid
Sketch Relations dcp~.:n(h, nn the eombtnallon or geometry that you ~elect. Selections can
h~.: th~ cnt it)' itsd f. cndpomt'> or J comhmation Dl.!pending on the
sdcctmn. ,1 hm1ted -.ctol'opWm>. 1s madc a\all<thk I'hc folhmmg
l.hart ... ho\\ !> -.omc c\amph:.., of -.k~tch rdatum~. llm, .., not n completc
IJ..,t of all gcometnc rdatlllns '\dditlllnal c\ampl~s "ill he mtrmluc~d
throughout th1s cour-.c.

Relation Before After

Coincide nt bct\\~cn
a Ime and an

Me rge bet\\'ecn l\\ll ~

- -1---

-- - - --
- - ~

cndpomt~. I

.1 /1 .
Paralle l bctwl.!l.!n

I /:
m o or mor~ hn~~

Lesson 2 SolidWorks 201 3
Introduction to Sketch ing

Relalion Before Art er

Perpendicular ,
hcmccn twn ltnc::..


-- -- -
Collinear bct\\ccn
"<' . .
1 or m on. lt ncs.
-I ,



Hodzontal '""'""
tn one or more l111cs.

Horizontal hct\\ccn


/( d
lwn or mun.
CIHJptlll1l~ .

~ -

Vertical applicu to
<lllC or more l111c-..




SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 2
lntroducllon to Sketching

Relation Brfore -\fter

Vertical het'' ~:~:n I ~

1wo or n11wc
cmlpo mh .

Equal bcl\\ccn t\\o
or more h ne'


Equal hcl\n:cn t \\ o 1



or more arl ~ or (-.:}

-. \

Midpoint hct\\ccn a ,
I me anti an cnllp\llnt


I /}
Introducing: Add Add Relations 1-. Ill create ..1 gcnmctnc r..:lauon~hip !"Uch a~
Relations pamllcl or collm..:ar hcll\~o:cn -,ketch clcmcnt'i.

Where to Find lt CornmunuM:mager: Sketch > Display/Delete Relations 1& >

Add Relation .J.
1\ knw Tools, Re lations, Add
Properties Prop~o:rtyl\lanagcr Add Relation s
Selecting Multiple ""'you learned in a prl.!\ toll., lc.,S\lll. }oll ..elect object~ " nh thl ldi
Objects mou'>~o: hull1111. \\hat .tbout \\hl'll )llll nectl to select more than 1H1e
nbJcct at a ltm~: ' \Vhcn 'iclcctmg mulltplc ob.Jl'Ct..,. \olttl \\ork~ lollm"
stand..trd Mtcrosoll \\ 111Utl\h con,cntlons: hold dm\11 the Ctrl ke~
\\ htlc scl~:ctm g the obJCCh

Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketching

18 Add a relation.
llold dm'n Ctrl und click the t\\o lmc:-.. fhe ., -...
Pmpcrt}Managcr :.h<m'- only tho:.c relation:. that arc -....,_
v~tlid lite geometry selected. Lntl

. \

l'lil:k Perpendicular, ami clu:k OK or click in a
blank urea nf tht: graphics "ind<m.

19 Drag the sketch.

Drag th~: sketch hack mto ttpprO\imatel) its
nngmal ...hope.

So lidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching

Dimensions 1>1mt.:ns1ons arc another" <t)' w de line g...:om..:lrj <lrld capture dt.:'>lgn
llllt.:lll Ill the ~ohd\\11rb system. n1c adnmtage llf Uslllg a dimellSI\lll IS
that ll 1s used to bnth d1splay the current ,aluc and change 11.
Introducing: rhc Smart Dimension tool Ul:termines the pmpt.:r type or Ullllensron
Smart Dimensions based on the g.comt.:ll") chosen. fli'C'I'ieu ill.~ the d1mcns1ll11 hc!i1rt.:
~:rcat1ng 11 I or e\amplc. 11'you p1d. an arc tlu.: system wdl create a
rad1al uunens1on. If you p1d. a cirde. )otl \\Ill get a u1amcter
dunen-.1o11. \\htk sdecung 1\\0 parallel lmcs "111 create a lmcar het\\ ccn them In cao.,cs ''here the Smart Dimension tool
ISil 'tlflllh: sman enough. you ha\ c the ''Pll\111 or sdectmg e11upomts
:md 1110\ 111g the dl111e11Silll1 tO UlllCrCilt 111e<l'tUrement f10Siti011S

Where to Find lt (. Sketch > Smart Dimens ion <?G

Menu . Tools, Dimens ions, Smart
\hon~:ut Menu R1ght-d1ck 111 the graphics area anu cl id. Smart
Dimension <?
Dimensioning : \s ) ou sckct shtch genmetf) "llh the drmenston l\lol. the S) ... tem
Selection and creates a prc\ le\\ ol'thc d1mens1on. I he prc\ le\\ cnal"'les you to sec all
Preview the pmsihk options hy snnpl) mm 111g the mouse after makmg the
..,l:fcl'lllllls. <.licking the lc11mouse hut1<1n place-. the dimension 111 Its
currl'nl pn,uio11 and om:ntalion Clickmg the right mouse button ~
locb onlv the onentat1on .lfl1m mg. you tn mm e tht.: te\t hcli1re final
placement b) chc:k1ng the left mnuse button
\\ 1th the dimension tool and t\\o cndplll11l~ -,dcl:led. hdtm arc three
pn~s r hle onenta u un~ fin :1 lmcar drmen ... wn. !he nrluc 1~ dcn,cd i'rom
the Initial point In pnmt drstanc:c and nKI) change based on the
nru.:nt.1tion selected

Lesson 2 SolldWorks 2013
Introduction to Sketchtng

Sketching with On An opt inn 10 ~ketch am! create UllllO.:Jh!llns at the 'iam.: tunc 1s on scn.:cn
Screen Numeric num.:ric mpu1. ll rcqlllr.::-. thc~o.: '>leps:
I . C'lu:k Tools. Options. System Options. Sketch, Enable on
screen numeric input on entity creation.
2 Add dimensions on tlw Property 1\ lamtgcr of the selected sketch
J. Rght-cllck thc graph1cs area anJ d1ck Sketch Numeric Input <:> .
4. Uso.: the sketch tool nnd I) pc 111 '.tlues a-. they l11ghlight

Tip Atthi~ earl) swgc. 11 1~ lnLIU\ 1-.ablc In U'>e tlw. nptinn hecauso.: 11 can
lnadH:rto.:ntly cro.:ate <Ill \l\ cn.klin~:d sketch (see Stall/\ o/a Sketch un
page 36).

20 Adding a linear dimension.

l lick Smart Dimension t> ami click
the lmc shn\\ nand nght-cllck lijlto
lock in the mientation. lllck again to
place the le'\t nrthe dum:nsion ahll\e
and to the nght of the line. I he
d1mcns1on <tppear-. "1th a Modify tool
d1splay mg. the current length of the
I in~: . J"ho.: thumb\\ hcd IS useJ In
mcrcment.tll} mcrcasc dccn:asc the
'.tluc usmg the middle mnuso.: huuon.
Or" 1th tht te\1 highlighted. you can
typ-.: .!ne\\ Htlue to chang-.: 1t directl) .
The Modify Tool !"he modify tool that appears" hen you create or
edll il dlm-.:ns1nn (paramct-.:r) ha., se\ eral option-..
rhe opiiOII'> U\ .ul:thk to you ar~.:

Dtal the 'alue up or do\\ n.

~\;I\ e the current' :due and e:-.11 Ihe thalog bn\..
00 Restore tht 1lflginal \alue anJ 0.:\lltho.: dl.tlog ho\.
[j] Ro.:bulld the moJcl \\llh th~.: current \iilu-.:
~ Re1 erso.: the 'en se nftlw dJmensl~lll
@ Chango.: the thumtmhed incr-.:ment 'alue
~ Mark thc dimcn-.1011 li>r Jnm 111g tlllpl)rt

Note The dnncn~lon name can b~ changed in the upper section 111" the uialog

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketching

Units in the Modify Un1t~ dllkrent from th.: part unlls can he
Tool selected rortho: lllpUl. 'When l}plllg the\ alue.
select the Units > menu <llld select mput unns.

21 Set the value.

Change th.: 'aluc to 20 anu clld, thl..'
Save 0 opll\ln. 1he lhmcnsl\lll lilrl..'c'-
thc length of Lhl..' line tu he 20mm.

np Pre~~111g Enter ha-, the sam.: clkct as cllckmg the Save 0 hunon
22 Linear dimensions.
Add Jddnwnal lmcar dJm<:n~Jons 20
to thc sl-.dch a!-< shn\\ n.
Dimensioning Tip When you dimcnswn a skl'll:h.

start\\ nh the :-mal lest diml'ns1on
lirsl. and work your W<l) 1\1 the
htrgcsl r.

Lesson 2 SolidWork s 201 3
lntroducrlon to Sketching

Angular 1\ngular dnm:n:-ton.., can h.: crl'ated ustng the same dtmcn~ion tool used
Dimensions w create lmear. diaml'ter and radtal dm1en'inn~. Sdl't:tctlh..:r two Ime..,
thatarl' bnth non-enllmear and non-parallel, or ..,l'lcct thr..:e non-
cnlltncar endpotnh.
Depending on '' hcre you place the angular dimenston. you ~:an get thl'
mteri11r or e\ll'rwr angll.'. thc acuh: angk. or the ohlt4ue angle Plls-.tbk

n 1.. 4 2' I

I -

23 Angular dimension.
Usmg the dimcnston llHII. create
the angular dunen ... wn ..,)Hl\\ n
and !.et the \aluc tu 125.

lhc sJ..ctch ,.., litll) dclincd.

- - 50

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
lntroductton to Sketching

Extrude Once thl' -.1-l.'tch '' cnmpkted. it can he C\trudcd to create the lirst
l~mure . Therl.' an.! man) opuons fi.)r e\trudmg u s!--:tch mcludmg the
st.tr1 and end wndtuon'>. drall and depth of c\truston. \\ htch ''Il l be
d1scu~scu in more detatl in later lessons. 'lypictllly. c\truswns tal-c
place 111 a direction nnrmal to the .,kdch plane. 111 th1s C:J'>L the Front

Where to Find lt l ommnndManag-:r Features> Extruded Boss/Base 111

Menu : Insert, Boss/Base, Extrude

24 Extrude.
Cl1ck Extruded Boss/Base
On the Features
('nmmandl\1an;tgcr tah. the
options llll'lllhcr methods or
crcatmg 1'-:aturcs arc l1sh:u
along'' nh Extrude and
Revolve. 1 he> arc UtlLl\~llltthlc
because this s"dch does not
m..:ct the ..:ondnions m:..:cssary so _
li1r crcatmg these t) pc-. of
kature-,, I or c\,lmplc. a
Sweep lcaturc I'C4llll'\.'s both pmlilc aml path '"etches. Sim:c there ts
onl) one sk-:h:h at tlm. t1me, the Sweep opt1nn I!'> una\'atlahlc.
!he 'IC\\ automat1call) changes to Trimetric a nu a pn.:\ IC\\ of the
katurc 1s -.ho\\ n al the default depth.

Drag Handles and llandlcs rl' appear that can be

Rulers used w drag th-: pn.!\ IC\\ to the
dcs1rcd d..:pth. The handles arc
colored ror the at:ti\C direction
and gnt) fnr tnacli\'C dlreCIIOJl.
/1. call out sl1lm s the Lurrcnt
dc;pth 'aluc and a Ruler 1s
displayed to glltllc the drag
1\ I m 1ng closer to the ntlcr

grad1ents allow.. you tu ..,nap to
I hem. so _

l esson 2 SolidWo rks 2013
Introduction to Sketchmg

25 Extrude Feature settings.

Change thc ~cuing~ a~ ~IHm n
End Condition Blind
-.:~ (Depth ) 6mm
( hd, OK .;> to crcatc the katurc.
Tip l hc OK hullnn ., 1s Jll!-.l one \\<I) to ac.:epl am!
complete the proccs~ . J\ sccomJ 1s tn press the
Enter kc)

r\ tlmd mcthmJ I~ the SI.'( or OK/Cancel buuons

in the Confirmation Corner or the graphiLs
A fourth method 1s LO nght-chck and chck OK
l'rom the -..hortctll menu.

Up To\tt'o
Up To Su<feu
OH ut frOM Swff(

U pTa\'lfto
0,.1 o Sutfau
Off'-tlfi!Df'n s..llf4Kt
Up Tollod,

26 Completed feature.
lhc cnmpktcu kalure j, thc tiN ~olid.
llf fea ture or the part. lhe skctch IS
ah..,orbcd uno the Extrude! tcature

Note Click the + prcccdmg the feature name to e~pand , lli Boss-Extrudd.
the feature and sho" the ... ketch. 8 1li Boss-Extrudtl
~ Sltetchl
27 Save and c lose.
( ltek Save 1.1 thcn cite!- File, Close w cfo..,e the pan

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 2
Introduction to Sketchmg

Sketching l'nlhl\\lllg ,., a cnllcctionol'"rulcs olthumb" or h..: ...l practice~ lor

Guidelines t ... t...etchmg of\\ hu.:h alll\ohdWurb ll'>er'> '>hould be U\\ arc. \om..: nl
thc-.c lip'> ar..: cm cr..:d 111 substanllal detail 111 subsequent lessons '' 11hin
this hook.
t-.....:cp your "k..:tch..:s -.unplc \1mph: '>1-...:tchc~ an: cas11:r to cd11. lcs;, to de' cl11p errors. and help '"lth do\\ n-.Jrcam li::11un:s such a-.
COil Jig.urallOilS

Make use ullh..: ongin in your liP.. t sl...ctch.

lhc lirsl -..I-. etch or a Ill!\\ pan -..houlu rcpr..:scnL the 111<1111 profile or
the part.
l r..:atc sketch geometry lir'>t. add geometnc rdatlllnships ">Ccnml.
and 1hcn add )\lllr dimcnsmn-. la:-.1 Dimension., can 'omct1me.,
llllcrkrc \\ llh the audit lOll nl re4u1red rdatiOil~ .
lh c geomc1nc n.:lat1n11' "here\ er p<hslhlc to mamtam dc ... Jgn
Ill tent.

Dra\\ the ... 1-.ctch 111 .1ppro\lmatcl) the nght sc.lh: to prc\ cnt errors
or gcomctr:y m erl,tp "h..:n you -..tan addmg duncn-..inn ....
Add or edit dime11'>ion., on I he close'>! smallc-.t gcnmetry IJr,t. then
'' nrk your "il) 1\1 the \llltcr larg..:r gcnmctry to preH:nt geometry

Use relation'>, ..:quatiom., und global' unables 111 rcduec the numhcr
Of" mdepcnd0:11t UlllH!nsmll-.. needed
lake ad\ant.g.e ofsyn11nctry. U:-.c th..: Mi rror or Dynamic Mirror
sk.:tch tool to muTor skclch dcmenls and add symmctncal
lk fle\lhlc. lt may be ncce-.sary to change the order m \\lm:h
you 're addmg Ull111.!11~1\ll1"> or rclatlmh. Drag the ">kt:tch geometry
clo loth.: reqUired location befor~ adding dmH.:n;,iono.,.
I 1\ l.!rror~ as they occur. Use Sketc hXpert and Check Sketch for
Feature" h1ch can qlllcl-.1) help) \lll 1denlil). prohlem"> and curr..:ct
them .
I Thanks to Joe Mede1ros Javelin Technologies.

Exercise 1 SolldWorks 2013
Sketch an d Extrude 1

Exercise 1: Cr\!at\! this p:11i the tnlimnatiun and

Sketch and dim~.n~tons prm ided ')J..ctch <tnd c\llttdc

Extrude 1 pmliles to create tht~ pan

I hi' lah n:mlim:e~ the li,lltm ing -.J..ill-.:
111/mclucillg. \'ew Par/till pag\! 27.
flkdt hi11g on pag1..' 29.
111/irnru/ i11n (1 111/0//UIIic
Rt'laliomJ on page J.:.l.
/)iml'mum' on page .:.15.
F\1nule on page 49.
U111ts millimeters
1 New part.
( rcate a ne\\ pan thtng tht: Part MM templ.llt:
2 Sketch.
l rt:at\! tluo, ,J..ctch lll1 the Front Plane u... mg ltne.....tulornatic rdaunm.
and dn111..'1l.,tun...


3 Extrude.
I \truJc the sJ..etdl 50mm 111
dt:pth .

4 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 2
Sketch and Extrude 2

Exercise 2: l rt!alt!th1~ part u~mg the inllmmllwn and

Sketch and d1111t!nsions prm idcd. "11-...:tch ami c11.trudc
Extrude 2 prolih.::. to crt!tllc this part .
fhi~ lah n:111liuce~ the l llll ll\~ ing "" 11 Is:
l11tmducmg "\e11 Part on page '27.
Skeh fling on page 29
lnf(relln I i11es ( lllfoi/UIIil
Rclatium) on page '4.
/)imt miom nn page 45.
r \'lrlllll on page 49
l nit~ millimeters
1 New part.
t reatc a Ill'\\ part the Part _MM
2 Sketch.
t rcate tlw. sketch on the Front Plane usmg line-..1utomatic rdatwn-.
and d1mens1ons


3 Extrude.
I \trmk the sketch 50 mm 111

4 Save and close the part.

Exercise 3 SolidWorks 2013
Sketch and Extrudo 3

Exercise 3: Cn:al~ th1~ partll'.. ing the inlormu11on

Sketch and Jnd tlmH!Il~IOI1s pnn 1d~t.l . 1\kl'teh and
Extrude 3 O:\trutk prolilt.:s 111 crei.IIO: thi' part.
Th1' lah remli.Jrcc:-. th~: f(JllO\\ mg skill.,:
lntm cluc Ill}! \c11 Pari on page 27.
Skc!clung on page 2lJ
fll/( 1"1' 1/C"t' [ill<'.\ (t/UI0/1111/ic
RclatiomJ nn page 3~
Dinwmiom on page 45.
Er1rwl( on page 49.

l ' mt' millimeters

1 New part.
( rcato: a ne\\ part the Part MM h.'mplatc.
2 Sketch .
Create this ~t..ltch on the Front Plane line'. automatic rdnt10n~
and d11n~:nslon, .

3 Extrude.
I \trude lho: .. kctdl 25mm m t.lepth .

4 Save and c lose the part.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 4
Sketch and EKtrudo 4

Exercise 4: l'n.:ah: thi~ part usmg th..: tnlimnation

Sketch and anc.l d tm..:nsmns prm id..:c.l C..,k..:tch and
Extrude 4 1.!'\Lruu..: prolih.~... to n..:at~.: thts p<tn
l h1~ l,th r.:mforce~ the li.1lhm mg skills:
lntrodm mg \ell' !'art un page 27.
Sk ..tching lm page 29.
ln/<'r<'IIC<' Lines ( lllfomttllc
Ntfation'J on page 3-1.
/)ime/1.\iom on page -l'i.
/;\m!(/< on page -19

l 'nih. millimeters
1 New part.
t re<IIL' a n..:'' part ustng the Part MM t..:mplat..:
2 Sketc h. -- IS 1-
t r..:ah~ tlm....!..etch on th..: Front Plane
u-.tng ltncs .IUlOITia\11.: r\.!lauon~ anJ
UII11Cn ... luns

3 Extrude.
l \truc.IL the sJ..ctch 100mm m depth.

4 Save and close the part.

Exercise 5 SolidWorks 2013
Sketch and Extrude 5

Exercise 5: (. n:at~ thts part usmg th~ mt(mnatmn and

Sketch and dim~n.,inm. prm tded Sketch and e'\trud~

Extrude 5 profile:- tn creak the pan.

lhts lah r~mtorccs the till Ill\\ ing skills
lmmcluclllg \e11 Partnn page 27.
S~ctdung un page 29
ln{ereun Lmn r lllfoll/cllit' Relations) on
page 1-t
Dimensiom on page 45
l\trut!e nn page 49
l n11s miltimeters
1 New part.
Create a ne\\ part the Part MM templ.tte
2 Sketch.
( thts sk\.'tch on tlw
Front Plane Ime-..
automat I\: rci.Hinns .md
lully ddinc the ..,J....:tc.:h.

3 Extrude.
l '\tntdc the sketc.:h 25mm 111

4 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 6
Sketch and Extrude 6

Exercise 6: ( r~a t ~
thl'- part using the ml(mnauon dllO
Sketch and Jlln~ns1on.., pnn 10eo. 'il-.etch ,md e\ t rud~
Extrude 6 proli le.., to cr~atc the part.
l h1" lah reinlhn.::e, the li.11lowing skilb:
lmrm/lf(ing \c11 Pun on page 27.
\'kelching, on page 29.
ln/irenn<'\ (;lulnllltlfic Rdulitms)
on page 3~.
Dimemion\ on page 45.
l:'wruclt on page -N.
Units millimeters
1 New part.
(. reatc a ne\\ purl u;.mg the Part_MM template.
2 Automatic relations.
Create th is si--etch on the Front Plane u ~ mg lmes anu automatic
rd.lll\lllS. <;ho\\ the Perpendicular and Vertical rclauons

J\00 dii11CI1~1011S Ill fully udine
the ..,J..etch. 25

4 Extrude.
l \truue the -.!-.etch 12mm
5 Save and close the part.

Exercise 6 SolidWorks 2013
Sketch and Elltrudo 6

Lesson 3
Basic Part Modeling

Upon ~uc.:cc~srul cnmpklmn olthts lcs~on. ;.nu\\ ill he abh: to:

(. hoo~c the hest pmlile li:>r sketchmg.
Chuosc th~: proper sJ..ctch plane.
l \trude a sJ..ctch .ts a cut.
(. reatc llnle \\ 11ard hnks.
lnscn lillcts on" ...ultd
L'-.e the.: l'Utllng tools edit sJ..c.:tch c.:dll li:aturc and n'llhack.
MaJ..e a baste dr<l\\ mg. ut" a pan.
MaJ..c.: n c.:hangc tu a dimcnswn.
Demonstrate the ........ocwti\ ll) hl'ti\Cl'l1 the ll1l)(kl anu tb dr:t\\ tngs.

lesson 3 SolldWorks 2013
Basle Part Modeling

Basic Modeling llw. 1~:!-.son dt-,~:uss6 tht:

con-.idcrattotb that }OU mal....:
hd(1rc crenung a part. and shm\ s
the proces., nfcn.:atmg i.l sunple

Stages in the I hl' steps 111 planning aml t'\l'L'Utlllg the creauon ofthi-. part ~tre ltstcd
Process hcltm

\\hat re the terms commtml) w-cd "h..:n about modclmg and
u'ing tht: ~~~lidWorl..s ,ofi\\.trc

Profile choice
Wluch prolil..: 1s till' ht:stnlll'l\l chtlu..,e \\h~:n -.tart1ng the mmlding
Sketch plane choice
Once you, c eh own the best pn,lilc, hm' d11L''> this a llcct ~ liUr choa:c
nl si-etch plane''
Design intent
Wh,tt is dc-.1gn int~:nt and lm'' does it llli:ct the nwdcling process''
New part
Opcnmg the ne\\ p<111 Is the lirst st~:p.
First feature
Vv hat 1-. the fin.t katurc'!
Bosses, cuts and hole features
lltm do ynu rnod1l} th~: fip,[ li.'ature by addtng bo-.scs, cuts and holes''
Rnundmg oil' the sharp comers lillcting.
Editing tools
LJo,e thn:e ol the nm.,tcommon editing ttwb.
( reatmg a dr<m mg sheet and Jrawmg 'ie" s or the model.
Dimension changes a change tn a d1mcnswn chungcs thl.! mmkl\ )!L'Illnetry. ll!l\\
do..:s tlw. happen''

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Basle Part Mode/lng

Terminology 1v1o' 111g to :lD n:qum.:s som~: ne" tcrm111ology Th~: ~olid'WorJ..~
soft,,arc employs many term" that you\\ Ill become tamillar "ith
through usmg th~ protlu<.:L. t\l an~ an.: terms that you'' ill rcwgni1c from
dcs1gn .mtl manut:1ctunng .,uch as cuts and hos.,es.
Feature All <.:Ut'>. husse>., plane>. .md .,J..dchc~ Lhut you create arc <.:nn.,idcn.:tl
h:atun.:s. '-.kctch~.:tlli:atures arc Lhos~.: based on ..,kdche>. (boss and <.:ut).
and applied li:atures arc based lll1 edges or fa<.:<.:s ( lilh.:t).
Plane Planes .arc llat illld 1111illllC. rhe:y arc rcprc...cnt..:d on the >.crecn \\ lth
'1sibk edges. !hey <tre u~cd as the primary o.,kctch >.urfaee lnr creating
boss and cut li.:aturcs
Extrusion \lthuugh there .1r~.: many ""Y" ., '~
tu create li:at ur~s and shape the -'
solltl. tor th1.., lcs..,tm. only
erlrtt.II0/1.\ "ill he discussed.
1\n e.\trusiOil \\Ill 1!:\lcntf a
prolill! along a path L}piC<tlly
normal tu tht: prolilc plane li1r
snm~.: d istan<.:c. 1 he mm cmen 1
along that path becomes th~.: .,oltd mndd .
Sketch In th..: ")ol1d'v\orb "}sh.:m. the namc U!>cdto des<.:rihc
a 2() protilt: "' .1kc1ch ~kctchc" arc on tlat
Hu:t:., and planes" 11h111 !hi! model They arc genera !I)
u"ed "" the bas1.., fm and cuts, althtlugh they
can 1.!\lst mdepcnlkntl) 25

Boss Bo.1'c' are U>.l'U to add mall.:nulto the motlcl. l11l' cnt1ea l11llllal ll'aturc
is always a bos.,. A lkr th~: tin.. t feature. you may add a:, many bus..,l'~ as
lli.!L'dl'd Ill enmplcle the dcs1gn 1\s \\ 1th thl' ha>.~:. all bosses h~:gin \\ 1th a
sketch .
Cut A ( 111 1s u... etlto rcmm< from till' model. 1 h1>. 1~ thl' oppo..,ll~.:
of' the lmss. I 1k~.: thl' hoss. cuts h~:gin as 2D skl'lche" and rcmmc
matl'nal h) 1!\tru... um. re\ olutmn, or ntlKr m~:thods ) ou \\ i11 learn
Fillets and Round s !- ilfel., and m1111d\ are gcnl'ra lly adtkd to the stll id. not the sketch. By
nature of thl' l~1ccs adjacent w thl' edge. thc S)'m kmm s
"h~.:ther to create a round (rcmo\ 111g material) or a li lkt (adding

Design Intent liO\\ tlw moll~.: I shoultl hi! crcatl.!d and changl'tl, 1s considcretlthl' dcs1gn
mh:nt Rdatlllnsh ip" h..:t" cen li:atur~.., ant! the scqul'nt:l' of thc1r
creation all contn hutc to dl'slgn intent.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
BaSIC Part Modeling

Choosing the (.'hou... t: the "hl' \t ' profiJt:. IJ11., profik. \\ h\!11 e:>.trutkU, \\ 11J !_!Cill'r<ltl!
Best Profile more or the nwdcl than any other. loo).. at these nmdds <h 1!\ampk'-o

Pa r t
-j Bc'> l Profile Extruded


SolidWo rl<s 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle P8rt Modellng

Choosing the One~ the ho.:.. t prolik '" detcrmmed. the nc.\t "t'-'P '"to dectde "lm:h
Sketch Plane 'IC\\ to u..c and sdect the plane wtth the ;.amc name for ... ketchmg tl
I he <.oltdWnrb ... on\\ arc prm tdc" thn.:..: plan..:.... the) an: desert bed
Planes 1here arc three Jctaull piano.:.,, labclcd Front Plane. Top Plane .md
Right Plane. I ad1 phmc '" mlinlle. hut ha., '>crcen border:- fur' tc\\ tng
and selection l\ bo. c<Jch plane pas:-.e~ thwugh the ungm and '"
mutuall} pcrp..:ndicular to the others.
l"ho.: plancl> can b'- r'-namcd In thts cour-e the name-. Front Plane. Top
Plane and Right Plane r..:plaec the dcl~lllh n,un..:" rcspecll\cl) lhi"
namtng c.:tltl\ entmn 1s used mother ( \D -.y .. tcm" .tnd '" c.:omf'nrtahle to
many u-,..:r-,.
'\ltlwugh the plane"
arc mlinttc. tt 111.1) b'-'
etbler to think of them
th hmllln~,t an open
ho\. eonneettng at the
urigm. l''-lllg th1"
analog}. the inner
laces of the ht\\ arc the
potential sketch

Placement of the lhc part'' tll he plac.:1..'d into the ho\ three tunc;.. I.<ICh 11111\.' the he... t
Model prolilc \\ 111 C.:Ont<ICI or he parallel tu one 01' the three planes. \!though
there arc man) comhtnauon ... the choice., <Ire limttcd tothn.:e !i11 thts
\\hen choo.,mg the sketdl plan..:. con<,~dl.!r thc part'., .1ppcaram:c and tl'-
oncnt<lllon tn <Ill a-.semhly I he appearance dictate-. IH)\\ the part'' 111
be onl'ntcd 1n ...wndard \ il'\\.., ..m:h ""the Isometric. it al.,,) detcrm tnc...
hm\ you '' tll 'pcnd most nf your tune luokmg at the nmdcl ""you
neat..: 11
lhc part'... orh:ntatton in an .tssemhl} du.:t;lle" hn\\ 11 1s to he po.,lllonc<.l
"tth re~pcct to other. mating parts.
Orient the Model for 1\nnthcr c.:onstdcr<1IIIH1 \\ hl-n dcudmg \\ h1ch ~ketch to u~c ts hm'
the Drawing you \\ant the model to <lppcar tmthc dra\\lllg \\hen you dcta tl 11. Ynu
... hou ld htuld the modd so that the l'm nt nfthc mode l t!> the same .1-. th<.'
I runt\ 11.!\\ mth<.' dr;mmg rhl'> "ti\CS ltllll' dunng the dct:ulmg pmce .....
h\.l'aUl-C ~ou can u... c prcdelincd 'tC\\~.

Lesso n 3 SolidWorks 201 3
B asic Pan Modeling

In the lir.,t e\amph:. the bl.'-.t Rtght Plane

profile 1s 111 contact'' ith the Top ""-
plum:. ~

Top Plane /

In thl.' ...econu e\.tmph:. 1t '" Rtght Plane"-

cnntacllng the Front plane "'-

I he l:hl C\<llnplc >.hO\\" the hc..,t Front Plane

profile tn C<ll1tact '' 1th the Right /
plane J(...
Chosen Plane lhe Top plant.! onenttlll\ln ...ccms
to he the hc>.t I Ius i nd i cate~ that
the he ...t pnllik >.lmulu he
>.lo..etcheu on the Top plane of' the

How it Looks on the B) g1~ing careful thought to

Drawing \\ h1ch plane IS u"cu tn
-,(...etch the profile. the
proper '''-'""an: cast I)
gcm::rated on the dt'latl
dra\\ mg..

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
BaSIC Part Moelellng

Details of the lh ... part''~" ill b~ a~ati11g '' ~ho\\11 h-:lll\\. 'I h~r-: ar-: l\\ll main bo''
Part li.:atur~....'om-: ~:uh. anc..l lill~:h.

Standard Views
' <D
0 '' '''
~' I ''
l .--~.&.,

- .

~ I I
Main Bosses 'I he 1\\0 main lwss~s haH'
c..listllll'l rrolilcs Ill c..llll~rcnl
planes Inc~ arc cu11n-:-:1-:c..l as
o.,IHm 11 m the c\plnc..l-:c..l 'ic" at

lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Model/ng

Best Profile I he lirst fi.:uture or the nwdd

1~ cre<~teu from the n:ctangular
,ketch shm' n m crlaiu lll1 the
mndd. Tlm is the be.,t prolile
to begin the model.
The rectnngk ''ill then he
e\trudcd a-. a ho~~ to create the
.,nhd li!aturc

Sketch Plane Placmg the model m the hn\ detcm11nc~ '' l11ch plane -.hnuld hl' used
tn skl.!tch on. In tlm. ca~l.! 11 '' 111 he the Top plane.

Sketch Plane /

Design Intent ., hedc~lgn Ill tent or this Plrt descnhcs hu\\ the purl\, rclntlllll'>hl()\
-,lwuld or should not he created A, changes to the mmlcl arc made. the
mndd ''Ill behu' ea' intended
\11 hnh.o., arc through holes.
llolcs in base arcs} mmclncal
~lot 1s ahgnl.!d "ith tab.

So lidWorks 201 3 lesson 3
BasiC Part Modellng

Procedure I h~ moddmg pro~:c~s includ~... skctc.:hmg and cr~atmg bosS\:'-. cuts and
ro hcgm "nh. a ne\\ pan tile~~ created.
1 New part.
(. lu.:k New 1 ) , or cl1ck File, New. Cr~al~ a ne" pan using the
Part MM t~mplat~ and Save 11 as Basic.
2 Annotations setting.
R1ght-cltd. the Annotations folder and dear tht: Automatically
Place into Annotation Views op11on. I h1s '"If pre>ent dlln~n:-1\111~
linm bemg IIN:rted \\lth dra" ing. \le\\s later in th~ 1~-.son
3 Select the sketch plane.
ln~crl a ne\\ s ketch and choose
th~ Top Plane.

Tip \ planc doc..,n 't ha\~ to bc ..,(Hl\\ n

111Mdcr lo bc tt:-.ed. 11 can be
selecleu from thc '"
I eaturc.:Manager ue'> Jgn tree

Sketching the First Creatl.! the lirst feature by e\lntdmg a sketch into a boss. rh~ lir-.t
Feature li:atur~ 1~ al\\ a} s a bos;.. and 11 1'- the lirst soltd !Caturc er~ated 111 any
pan. Begin\\ 11h th~ sketch geometry. a r~ctanglc.
Introducing: Corner Rectangle '" us~d to cn.:me a rcctan!! le 111 a ~ketch. Inc.:
Corner Rectangle rectang le IS Ct1111(1rJSed Of ll1Ur ltnes (t\\(l hori/Oiltill UllU t\\0 \erllcal)
conn~ct~d at the eorn~r.... lt i:. ... kctchcd 0) mdicating the locations or
two tltagonal corners. T her~ an~ -,cv~ra l other rectangle JXtrallc.:logram
toot... a\ ailabl~
Ce nter Rectangle r::J - Use-. a c~nll~r pmnt :Jnu corn~r to cr~ate u
r~ctangle ''11ft hori/onta l and\ crticallmes
3 Point Center Rectangle ~ - lrcates a rectangle.: ha..,~tlon .1
tcnta (10111t. llllUpoint of edge and CllrnCr. l. ines ar~ p~rpCilUICUia r
at ~:urners.
3 Point Corner Rec tangle <> - lhcs th r~~ corn~rs 111 ddine a
r~ctangl~ I llll'<. arc p~rp~nd 1 ~ular at com~r~.
Pa rallelogram a - Use.., thn.-c eorn~rs tn dclin~ a porol/elogmm
(cumcrs r~ not r~rp~:nd i CUiar).
Where to Find lt lummandManagcr Sketc h > Corner Re ctangle O I
1\knu Tools, Sketc h Entities, Corner Rectangle
~honcut Menu: Right-click m the graph1cs area and cltck Corner
Rec tangle

lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Moelelmg

4 Sketch a rectangle.
Click Corner Rectangle D l nnd
b~ogm th~ rectangh: at the ongm.

1\ hike "ure th..: r..:ctangle 1s lock ell to thl' ong111 h} looking for the
n rle\ cursor a-. }Oll hl'gtn skelchmg. Do not \\orr~ about the '-1/C ~
nfthl' Dum:nsionmg 11 "111 takL' earl' of that in the 111.'\t ;;:
5 Fully defined sketch.

\Jd dtml'nswns to the \kl'tch.
lhl' -.k\.'ll'h IS l"ull: Jdilll'U
Extrude Options \n e:\planatmn ofsomtnfthl' more frl'quentl) u;.eu Extrude optwns is
gi\ en bellm. Other optwns ''ill be dtscussl.'d in later lc!>snns.
End Condition Type
1\ skl'tch can he c\trudeu m one or t\\O ulrl'cttons. I 1ther nr both
dtrccuons can tcrmmote at ...ome blind depth. up to -.ome geometry Ill
the model. m C\lend through th~ \\hole model
I h..: dtstunce lilr a hlmu or mtd-plane c.\tnJston. I or m1u-plane. ll relcrs
to the total depth of thc l':\lrllSIOn. I hat \\Olllu mean thut a depth or
50mm h1r a mtd-plane c\truston \\ould re.,ult 111 2'imm on each stde o f
the sk~tch plane.
Applies dmli Ltl thl' C\lruston. Drall tmlh~o C:\tru ... wn can he im,arus
(the prolile get'> sm;tlll:r "" llt'\trude:-.) or outward.

SolidWork s 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modalmg

6 Extrude.
( l1ck Extrude
and c:\trudc the
n.:ctanglc 1 Omm
Click OK.

lhe completed ti.:ature I' ..,ho\\ n hcrc.

Renaming Any feature that appcars in the I caturcManagcr Je~ign tn.c (<l!>lde fmm
Features the part Itself) cun he renamed u"ng the pmccJure helm\. Rl'nilmmg
lcatures 1.., a u...dultcchlllquc tor finding and c<llllng fcaturc;. 111 latl.'r
stage:-. of the model. Wdl cho-.l.'n. log1calnamcs help you to organi;c
your work and make 11 cus1er ''hen someonl.' else has to l.'dit or modJI)
your mtHkl.
7 Rename the feature.
lt I'- g.onJ pracucc to rename the li.:ature~ that ;.ou create "nh "1mc
mcanmgf"ul name. In thl.' I ellurel\1anager Je..,1gn tree, use .1 \ery ..,Jo\\
douhlc-chck to edit the bnurc Boss-Extrude!. When thl' name I'-
IHghllghtcd and cui tahle. typl' BasePlate as the m.:\\ li.:aturc mune. All
lcnture;. 111 the SoliuWorb systcm can bc cdttcd m the -.,ame way.
Tip ln..,tcad ofusmg a -.lo\\ dtluhlc-click to edit the name. )OU can select the
name aml press F2

Boss Feature 1hc nc\t ti:.tturc "Ill bc tht: bo""

\\ 1th a cuncd top I he ..,)..etch
plane li.>r th1s feature ts not an
c\islmg plane, hut a planar luce of
thc model l hc reqUired -..ketch
gcmm:tl) 1.., -.lllm n m cri mu till the
lini-.hcd mouel.

Losson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basic Part Modeling

Sketching on a \n~ planar ( llat) fac~ ol th~ modd can be used .1!> a .,J..etch plane.
Planar Face Simpl)' .,elect the lltc~ and chcJ.. Sketch ~ . When; faces arc d11licult to
.,eJect because they an: nbscur~d by other laces. the Select Other tool
(sec Stlcct 01her Pmndure on page 1-l I) can be U\cd to choose a face
\\ ithout rconcnting the\ IC\\. In this case. the planar race on the lhmt or
the BasePlate i-.

8 Insert new sketch.

Cl1cJ.. Sketch E:: ')cleLtthe
imheated face.

Note Mal-e sure that Features > Instant 30 1s turned otr I ea' mg it on
\\ill caw.~ .,c,cral handles <111d a\es that \\e arc IHll currently usmg to
appear un the ltu.:c

Sketching ~oltdV! orb ol1i:r., a nch 'anety of sketch toot... for crcatmg prolilc
gcomcll). In th1s c"\ampk. Tangent Arc 1s used to create an arc that
begins tangent to,, ~elected endpnmton the sJ..etch. Its other endpomt
can he placed in space or on another ...J..ctch entll~
Introducing : Tangent Arc I'> used to create wngent arc~ 111 J sJ..ctch lhc arL mu ...t be
Tangent Arc tangent to snmc other enllt). line or arc, at Its -.tart

Where to Find lt Command!\ lanagcr~ Sketch > Centerpoint Arc ~

> Tangent Arc ~~
Menu: Tools, Sketch Entities, Tangent Arc
Shurtcut l\1enu R1ght-clicJ.. 111 the gmph1cs area <llld cltcJ.. Tangent

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modo/1119

Tangent Arc Intent When you sketch a tangent arc. th~.

Zones \oltd'Worb soh\\:trc ml~r~ linm
the 111\ltllln of the lUrsor whlthcr
you "ant a tang~o:nt or normal arc.
I here arc lilltr mt~o:nt l'nn~.:s. "tth
ctght ro~sthh.: r~.:sulh :ts -.htm n
\ou can -.t.Jrt sketching a tangent
.lrC from the end (11\1111 of <Ill}
1.!\l'>ltng sketch l'nllly (lmc. at\:, splinc. and '-llllll) l'vlll\1.! the I.'Ursor
:1\\ ay rrum the end 11llllll

1\lm mg the cursor tn a tangent du~.ct tllll creates one nl'thc f(ntr
tangent arc possthilittcs.
Mtl\ mg the cursm in a normal dtrectton create:- on nlthl!' 1(1ltr
normal arc possihtltttc-.
r\ prl'\ ic\\ shtm s \\hat I) pc of an.: you arc sketching.
) ou can changl' rrom onl' to the othl'r hy rl.'turntng the cur-.or to th~.
l'ndpnint and 111tl\tng a'' a) in a dilkrcnt dtrcctwn
Autotransitioning \\hen using Line . )llltl'<ln '" itd1 from skctchmg <I line to -.k.~.:tchmg
Between Lines and a t.mgl'nt arcmd hack .tg.lln. '' tthmll cltckmg Tangent Arc -::> You
Arcs can dntht-. h) r~o:turning the cur-.tutn the cmlpnmt and lllll\ tng <I\\ ay 111
a dtllcr~.nt dtrccltonor by prc-.stng the A key on thl' kl'yhoanl

9 Vertical line.
Cltck Line <IIlO start the
'crttcallinc at the lmH.'r
cdgc capturing a
Coincident rclul ton at
thl!' hm l.!r l.'t.lgc and Ve rtical
rclallnn I

10 Autotransition.
Prl!'ss the lctt~.:r A on th~.: kl'y hoard.
You arl' ntm 111 t.mgl!'lll an: nwd~..

lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modcllng

11 Tangent arc.
SJ..~:t~.:h a I SO arc tang~:nt to
th~: '~:rllcal line. lthll.. for
the mlcren~.:c line mdu:atmg
that the end rmnt or the arc
i~ ilhgned hon;ontally '' tth
the arc\ cent er
When) ou lint~h l-1-.ctchmg.
the arc. the ~!..etch
tool automallcall) "" ttchc~
bacJ.. to the I me tool.
12 Finishing lines.
l'r~:Jtc a \ ct1i~o:ttl I in~: from
thc ,trc end to the ha~e. and
0111.: more line Clllll\ccting
the houom ends l1 r th~: t\\ 0
'ertic.:al IIncs.
Note that the hor11onta lit ne
ts black. hut it~ endpumts
arc not.

13 Add dimensions.
1\dd lin~:ar ami radial
dtmetbtons to the
A~ you add the
dimension~. mm c the
cursor around to 'tc\\
dil'lcrcnt posstbh:
on en tat ions.

A'" .l) s duncn~tnn <tn arc b) ~electing on its ctrcumrcrcncc. rather than
ccnter. 1111~ maJ..c.., other dtmcnstonmg opltons (min and ll1tl\) ;1\:lll-

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Baste Part Mode/lng

14 Extrude direction .
Clu.:l.. Extrude ,md
set the Depth tu 10mm
Not~: that the pre., IC\\
shm\ s the C'\lrtiSIOil
going 11110 the ba,c, in
the proper dm.:ct1on.

I r the lllrcctlon or the pn.:\ le\\ ,... il\\ ay Jinm the hu ...c, ell cl.. Reverse
Direc tion ,
15 Completed boss.
fhc ho ...s merge~ "ith the
prc\ tous ha'e w l(lrm ;:s
smglc sol id
Rename the lc:nure

Cut Feature Once the tw11 mam bos.., li:aturc ... arc completed, 11 is t1111c to create,, cut
to represent the rcmo' al of mmena l Cut features an: created 111 the
~a me "'>
as ho..,sc!> - 111 this ca~c '' nh a sketch and C'.trul>ton.
Introducing: lhc menu !'or creaung .1 cut kalUn.: h) e'.trudmg ts tdenliC<llto that of
Cut Extrude crcatmg .1 boss. The on I) d1 llcrcnce 1s that a cut rem m c.., matcnal "htlc
a boss adds it. Other than that dt..,tllll'ttnn. the commands arc the snme.
I his cut represent' a s lot.

Where to Find lt CnmmandManagcr Features > Extruded Cut "

Menu Insert, Cut, Extrude

16 Rectangle.
Prc~:; Spacebar and click

Front 4Jl Stan a sl..ctch on

this large l~1ce and add a
rectangle Coinc ident '"llh the
bottom mndcl edge.
Tu m niT the rectangle tool.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basic Part Modellng

17 Dimensions.
Add a dll111.!1l~lon a~ ~hm\ 11.

Note lhc sl..ctch is undo:r delino:d. ".eo: Stall/.' (~/a Sf..cte"h on page 36.

View Selector or
lhc Vie w Se lector h<:lps to \ lsUalJ;e Ill)\\ \ IC\\... th~. model \\ill
appear l hc View Sele ctor tool appear... as a cuhe ~urmunding the
model "hen you cl1ck View Orientation ~ ur the Spacebar key.
Select a face of' the cube tu lnok at the modd through the cube, normal
to that l~tcc or sekct a 'IC\\ orientation b) name

Where to Find lt I kad ... -up V1e\\ loolh<lf' View Orientation ~-

Kc) board ~htlrtcut Spacebar

SolldWorks 2013 l esson 3
Basle Part Modollng

18 View Selector.
Clit:l.. View Orientation li and du.:!.. Isometric.

19 Through All Cut.

Clic!.. Extruded Cut .. .
Choose Th rough All and click
OK. lht~ type of end conditton
ttl\\UY!> cuts through the entire
modd no nwller hO\\ l~tr Nu
depth sdllng 1\ as needed.
Rename the feature

Using the Hole T'he Hole Wizard ts used lll create -.pcetalitcd holes 111 a -.olid. lt can
Wizard create stmple, tapered. counterbored and counter-.unl.. holes using a step
by step procedure. In this C\ampk. the Hole Wiza rd \\ill be used 1\l
create a standard hole.
Creating a You can choose th..: l ~tce to ms..:n th..: hole: onto, ddinc the hnle \
Standard Hole dimenstons anti locate the hole using the Hole Wizard. One ol'the most
tntuiti\e aspect-. ol'th~.: Hole Wizard ts that you specify the sit~: of the
hok h) the fastener that goes inw tl.
Tip You can nbn place holes on planes and non-planar f ltc~.:s . I or e'\amplc.
you can creat~.: a hllk on a cylindrical l1.11.:e.

Lesson 3 SolldWorks 2013
Basic Part Modollng

Counterbore Hole A counterhore hole 1~ required in thi~ model. l ~mg the front hu.e of the
model and .1 rdallon. the hole can he llll~ltmned.
Introducing : rhe Hole Wizard cn:atcs ...haped holes. such as coumer~unk and
The Hole Wizard counterhorc types. The process creates !Wil sketches. One defines the
~hape of' the hole. I he other. a point. locate~ the ccntcr

Where to Find lt <. ommand~lanagcr Features> Hole Wizard

~lcnu. Insert, Features, Hole, Wizard

20 Select Counterbore.
Select the fi1cc ind1catcd and click Hole Wizard
...,cl the properties ut' the hole as follow~ .
Type: Counterbore
Standard : Ansi Metric
Type: Hex Bolt
Size: MS
End Condition: Through All

21 Wake up the centerpoint.

Click the: Positions tah.
Move the cur-.or onto till'
Clrc:umlcrence of the large: arc.
Do 1101 clmp if

Note When the Coincident sy mho I appear-, , th~ center pnmt or the 1.1rgc:
arc has hecn ..woken up.. and I'> 110\\ a pomt you can snap Ill
<.lick tho..: ))(lint onto the arc's ccntcrpomt. I ook the li:edhuck that
tdh. you that you arc snappmg to the arc'" ccmcr. a cmnc1dcnt rc:lation.
Click OK to add the rd:lli\lll and agam to complch: th~: dialog

So lidWo rks 2013 lesson 3
Basle Part Modellng

View Options \nhuWork-. gp.~-.} llll th~ option l11 r~pr~~cntmg your soltd model~ m
one nfs~' era I dil1crcnl "'>"
lhcy arc 11-.tcd belm\. "ith th~1r tcons.

~J Shaded

frlj Shaded w ith Edges

lJ Hidden Lines Removed

ll Hidden Lines Visible
@j Wireframe
I \:.tmpks ol each arc sho>\11 m the lllustratinn bdm\. You" !I I leum
mon: ahnut 'IC\\ display and mampul:llion in Le1son .f )rmmefnaml
\~ [\~ ~~ f~~ t
) '
" ....

<;,;huded lltuden l . m~s IIJducn Lin~~

\\ ir~rram~
\h.ttlcu "Hh
I dt,\~S Remm~d Vtsthle

Filleting Fill~ting rell:r-. Ill both lilkt" (addmg \Oiumc) and l'liUnus (rcmming
'lllumc). I he dt-.tllli.:Lmn '"made hy the g.~omdric condtuon-.. not the
cnnunaml itscll I ilkt'> arc created on -.dectcd edge.., or all of the cdg~s
or -.elected fhc~.... I hO!-.C edge-. can he sdt:ctcd Ill -.t:\ era I \\ay .... Opllon-.
~,i-.t lbr lhcd or' a nab le rudiw; fillet~ and tang.:nt t:dgt: pn1pag.atmn.

Filleting Rules \omc gt:nt:ral lil lctmg ruk'> ar~;

I. I l.'a\ ~ cosmt:llc li llets unti I th~ t:nd.

( reate muluplc fillets that ''ill haH' the same radius in the ...unw
3. \\hen you n~cd lill~ts ol'dtllcr~nt radii. g~nerall;. you ...hould mak.~
the lilleh li r-.t
4. I llkt nrdt:r '" tmpnrtanl. I tll~ts crcatc 1:1ec~ and edges that can he
u-.ed to generate more lilkh.
Tip I h~ I eat11r, \pe1r on pag~ 2XK can bc used to automate thc s11mg and
mdcrmg ol fi llcts.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modolfng

Edge Selection The Edge Selection tool bur selects eombmmion' or edge-. that arc
related to selected edge 111 ~01m: \\'ay. lt ts a multtple edge !-.election
method that can be used 111 comhmatwn '' tth any other -.election
method-.. I ur an e\,tmph: o I' hull-. edge o;clcctwn. f illd \/Jert t.m
page 290.
I or C\amplc. ~eh:ctmg tht-. :.tng.k lmldcn edge olkrs -.c, en dllkrcnt
comhmation-. M edge:-. ( shm\ n a-. red and da-.hcd ). each under a
th lli:rem tcon and name

C unnected to end loop Co nnected to 'tart face Internal to reaturc

Right feature Connected All

Note I he number of a\ a11.lhle edge comb1natmn-.. altlng "1th the naming and
ll"Oih. "tll '.tr) hu-.ed on the scleetetl edge I or e\amrle. 'electing one
or the arc shaped edges 111 thiS same model \\Ill rroduce a dflli:renl
\cn,ion or the edge selcctmn IOlllbar lh1s toolharcan also he 1gnorcd
Ill 1(1\ ur or direct scleclltlll'o.

Where to Find lt l ommandi'VI,magcr: Features > Fillet ..,

t-.knu: Insert, Features, Fillet/Round
c;;hortcut Menu R1ght-chcf.. a lltce or edge and clu.:f.. Fillet

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modellng

22 Insert Fillet.
Cl lcl-. Fillet J! Click Manual und .,cl the rad1us ., x
value to Smm
Preview You ha\ ea chmcc bcl\\ ecn Full preview. Partial ~c..._,., ....
preview and No preview oftho.: lillcl. Full
preview. a., sho" n in the fo lhm mg unagcs.
,_ ...
..,......, ...
generates <I mesh prc\ le\\ on cach sdec t-.:d cdgc.
lt. . . To,....
Partial preview on I} gen-.:nllcs till prc\ 11!\\ on the
lirsl c<.Jgc you select. 1\s you ga111 C\pl!ncncc \\il h
lillcting. you\\ Ill prohahl) want to use Partial nr
No preview because the) arc la;.to.:r
""'* rn.. aet

.J 1tf90t prc:!p9_._
,.,_ .......
Tip l he disp lay -:an be changed w Hidden Lines Visible 10 m :~kc it easier
to "elect the o.:dgcs. The edges tan he selected .. through .. the shaded
lll(ldd ,., lll';play-.:d hdm\ (lt)l Fillet and Chamfer onl))
23 Select edge.
t.;eb;t the ... inglc cdgo.: silO\\ 11 through the moucl and die!-.
Internal to feature, 1 Edge :o h\O edges h1ghhght

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle PBrt Modollng

24 Additional selections.
~d~ct the addtlumal four corn~:r edge~ as -.lum n. 1gnonng the opuon~
pro\ id~d o:r th~ hlg... Sdeetion loolhar. I dgcs arc automaucally
lilt~r~d O) the Fillet command. \ callout :~pp~ar... on the lirst
edge you ..,eJ~cl. ~cl~cl si\ edges total. chd, Full preview and die!-.

Note When -,d~.:cung these edges. 1gnon: the optmns olrcrt.:d b) th~: Fdgc
Selection toolhar.

Note \I I -.1\ fillets Jrc eontmlkd h) the ~.une dunen ... ion 'aluc lhc creation
ol lhl!!>C JilJeh h<IS generated 111..'\\ l.'dg~s -.ullaOlc ft)r th~ lle\t ~CriCS 01'
li llets.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Parr Modollng

Other Selection You can also ... ekct~.dgcs h) dmgging a '' mdo\\ or u:,mg kc)'huanl
Options '>huncm.
Drag the \\ mc.l<\\\ lrom tell to right all the edge.., that :1rc entire!)
msuk the'' mdo\\ an: ~clecl1.'d.
Pre-.~ Ctrl+A to ..,ckct all the edges.

Recent Solid Works prO\ 1dc-. a :ju-.lll',cc..l" ~ Sdo<totw

Commands Menu hufl~r th,H 11-,h the last h.''' command-. ~ ,.. .....
for ea-.) rcu.,c

121. -
c: ... _

tl -

25 Recent Command.


R1ght-dick in the graph 1c., area and click Recent Commands and the
Fillet command from the li~t tu u... c 1t agam
Fillet Propagation \ -,dected edgc that connect... In other~ in ,1 ... mnolh fa-,hl<'n (through
tangent cun e-,) can rmpagale a smgle sclccuon lllhl many.
26 Preview and propogate.
Add another fillet. rad1us 3mm.
usmg Full preview
Sl.'!cct the cdgcs indicated 1\l sec
the selcctcd edge-, <~nd pre\ IC\\ .
lllck OK .

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modellng

Editing Tools rhrcc or the mnst useful editing tt)(lb an: introduced 1n till', lc~son : Edit
Sketch, Edit Feature ami Rollback. the)' can he u~cd to i.!dit and
r..::pair sketches and features as \\el l as ~reedy '"h~.:rc, 1n the
I eatureManagcr tks1gn tree, the feature~ arc to be cr~.:atcd .
Tip rhc other editing toob an: round lah.:r in this 1\.!sson: Fditi11g F~oflm.,
on page 83 ami Rollhad !Jur 11n page X~
Editing a Sketch Onn: created. sketches can be changld Edit Sketch Th1-, 1>pcns
the sclccted sketch "o that you can change anythmg: thc dmlclhlon
\a lues. thc dimcn-.ions thcmsch l.!s, the gcomctr) 1lr gL'omctric
Introducing : Edit Sketch enablcs you to access ,1 sketch and makc change:-. to any
Edit Sketch a~pect of tl. During editing. the tnlllkl is rolled hack" to ib swte at thc
tunc the sketch wa-. created I he model '' tll hc rcbutlt "hen thc sl..ctch
is c:-.ited.

Where to Find lt ">hortcut Menu: Rtght-cl1ck a o;l..ctch or lcaturc and click

Edit Sketch ~
\lcnu. ~clc.:ct a facc and click Edit, Sketch

27 Edit the sketch.

Rtght-clu.:k the BottomSlot lcaturc and dtck Edit Sketch ~. I he
e\tstmg sketch '' tll b..:: npcned l(lr cdllmg.
Selecting Multiple \s you lcamcd in I es.1r111:! on pagl.! 25. \\ hcn sd~:ctmg muluplc
Objects tlbJects. hold do\\ n thc Ctrl k~.:) and th~.:n sclc~:t the llhJCI:t'-
28 Relations.
Sclcct the cnc.lpoint and cc.lge as shlm n
anc.l add il Coincident relation.

29 Repeat.
Repeat the procedure li.1r the cndpomt
at the other cnc.l or the rcct,tnglc as
-,h,m n. The addtlll'l1 ofthl!~l! rclmmns
\\Ill full~ delinc the sketdl

Note I or mor~ llllllrnlatil'n ,thoul relauom. se~:'lt 11 Relation' on page 40.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Basic Part Modelrng

30 Exit the sketch.

(.'lie!.. Exit Sketch l?'~ in the upper right (eunlirmallon) corner to e\ll
the '>keh.:h and rcbulltlthl' pan.

Editing Features I he ~ceontllillct shoultl propagate Into the larger dwmekr till et. In do
this \VC\\ Ill Ctl!t the dclinlll!lll or the J.i._,l fillt.:t f\:atu rc.
Introducing: Edit Feature chang..:s htm a lcatun.: 1.., applicd ltl the model. I ach
Edit Feature feature ha~ specific inlnm1at1un that can he changed or added to.
dt.:pendmg On the t) pc or r..:uture lt IS. \s .1 gcncruJ ntJc. the ~a me UIU)og
bm. used to create a 1\:uture 1s u"cd tu it.

Where to Find lt Menu . Edit, Definition

O..,hortcut Menu. J kallln.: and du.:k Edit Feature llf

31 Edit the feature .

R1ght-click the Fillet2 feature ;md d1eJ.. Edit Feature Ill' . J'hc e\lsllng
feature \\I ll be npenetl l(lr cd tttng usmg the same PropcrtyManagcr that
\\as u-,ed to cn.:ute the feature.
32 Select additional edge.
'.elect the additional edge as -.htm nand the propagation ''ill create the
li llct.. as sho\\ n. Cltck OK.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 201 3
Baste Parr Modellng

Rollback Bar 'l he Rollback Bar is th..: blue lwn/ontal e .....

har located at the hottom or the ----t~ --"Cl =,'----'~
FcatureManJger de-.1gn tree.
I he Rollback Bar ha-. man) u-.cs lt can he li'>O.:U to .. ,,alk thrnugh" a
modd -.hll\\ mg the step... that \\..:re loll owed to hudd 11 m lll add
li:murcs at a spccllk point m the part\ history. In this c'ampk. 1t \\ill
be us..:d [()add a ho lt: li:aturc hcl\\cen th..: e'isting lillet features.
Using Rollback with I he Rollback Bar I'> abo us..:ful ''h..:n editing large part., to lumt
Large Parts r..:huildmg. Roll hack to the po-.iunn ju.,t afkr the feature that you arc
cdlltng. When the t'dllmg IS completed. the part 1s r..:b111h on I} up tnthc
roll back har. llu-. pn:\ elll' the cnllrt part trnm bcmg rebuilt. the part
cull he s:l\ ed in a rollhaek state.
Introducing : The 'tnu can roll hack .1 part using the Rollback Bar m the I cmure!VIanager
Rollback Bar des1gn trct:. lhc rollhack har IS a lme ''h1ch lughhghts \\hen sde..:tcd.
Drag the har up m down the r caLUrcl\1anag..:r destgn tree tl) ... tcp
lilf\\ard or had.\\aru thmugh the regenerat ion scl]Ltt.:nce
Note Io mm c the roll hack bar'" ith thc arnm keys, cltd, Tools, Options,
System Options, FeatureManager, Arrow key navigation. The
lil..:us must h..: set loth..: rollhack har h) clickmg on 11. lithe ltlcus 1s set
to the graplHc'> area. th..: arro\\ kcy ... "111 rotate the model.

Where to Find lt ~hortcut 1\lcnu. R1ght-cl1cJ.. a tl:atun: ami cl1cJ.. Rollback ..

~ hortcutMenu Righ t-c ltck 111 the I ..:atureM.lllagcr dcs1gn tn:c ,111d
cltck Roll to Previous llf Roll to End

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modellng

33 Rollback.
Click on Llw Rollback Bar and drag it upward\. Drop it beiWecn thl
fillet feature~ as shm\ n.

- ->
' Jmamlllcmlmml "' ftMifiMgiH *Jptfi
~ --
t ;
R!J s-n
..._ _ . _ ,
~ - .......
<s>. ... ......
l$) .....
<s>. ... .....
<St ........ <S>. ... ......
I. o..,.. 1. 0...,..
. Q- lfl-
t G'!I-
111 ....-
l t aKlllbMIIIIn-lloiU
() "*11 ~

34 Face selection.
~do.:ct the li.\cc ind1cated and click Hole Wizard

Tip J'vl ulllplo.: instance" ol' Lhl..' hnlo.: can be crl..'atcd 111 one command b)
mscrtmg additional points at other locations.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
BaSIC Part Mod elmg

35 Type.
<. hd, the: Type tah. ~et the: propc:rl tC:!-. of the: hole
a~ ll>llows.
Type: Hole
Standard: Ansi Metric
Type: Drill sizes
Size: 7 .0
End Condition : Through All

36 First hole.
Cl td, the Positions tab.
l loat mer the: arc o:dgc to .. ,,al..c up" the
nntC1']1llll1t lltd, tn plac:c the pomt at the:
I 11r more: ml\mn.ll ton 011 .. ,, .JI..lllg up"
ccnkrpntnh. scc stcp 21 0 11 page: 7(!

37 Second hole.
ll~ing the same: proccuurc. cltcl.. 0 11 the
co:ntc:rpomt nn the: oppo!-.tte side as shm\ n.
Chcl.. OK.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Part Mode/lng

38 Change the view orientation .

Click Isometric lt.l tn change
'ic\\ nricmatltln

39 Roll to end.
R1ght-cl1ck un the rollhad. har
and click Roll to End

~ -J.<- ---
~ -
IS! ao"'-
Q _ ......
l. o-.,.
. Q ... -
flll llot-
. . . aoof .........- ....
e ....
, lf' ot.ocn-..... -
(I __,

Introducing: lJ..e Appearances Ill change the culor unu tlptu:LJI prnpertu.:~ of
Appearances graph1c~. C.ol11r Swatches ~:an ulso he creattd for user delintd colur~.

Where to Find lt ~ht,rtcut 1\ lcnu R1ght-chd.. ,, ll1ce. ll:atun:. hod). part. or

t'Oillpnnenl. click Appearances. and cl iCK the nem to cull
I kads-up Vie'' l onlbar Edit Appearance

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modelmg

40 Select swatch. *:=---~?

Cite!.. Edit Appearance . L ndc.:r the.: Color
sdc.:c.:tton. \dc.:c.:tthc.: standard ""atch and nne or
the.: c.:olnr-.. as shm\ n.
(.'he.:!.. OK

41 Display appearances.
<. he!.. the.: DisplayManager i tah to sec: the.: color
hstc.:d ( he:!.. thl I c.:aturdvlanagc.:r de.,tgn tree.: ~
tu h.

Tip I hc.: DisplayManager can al-.o he.: w,c.:d to' tC.:\\ dc.:cab. scene.:".
.md cameras
A Note About Color Yuu can custnmi;c the ctllors of the SoltdWorb user tntcrtitc.:c. I hts ts
in the User Interface done.: through Tools, Options, System Options, Colors. You can
...c.:lcc.:t pn:dc.:linc.:d color schemes. or create your 0\\11 . In snmc C.:<tscs, \\C
ha\c alt..:rcd colors fmmthetr deli.llllt ...ctttngs to tmprme clartl) and
reprodultion quahl) . \-..a r..:suh. th..: coh1rs on )OUr") stem may nut
matd1 the ctllors li'-Cd 111 thts hoo!..
42 Save the results.
(_ ltc" Save 1.~ to 'ia\c yllur \\\lfk.

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 3
Basle Part Modellng

Detailing Basics <.>olidV. orb enable.., ~tlll to ca"ll} ere at~ dra\\ ing!> from parts or
a..,... emhlre..,. lhc)o.l.' unm mg.., arc fully a..,..,m:wli\ c "1th the parb and
assemblll.''i the} rcll:rcncc. I r you chang~.: the model. the dnm mg \\Ill

i-b ..:

\arinus tnp1cs rdatcd to dra\\ mgs arc imcgrah.:u mlo se\ era I
le...son.., thmughout th1.., boo!... I he matcnal presented hcrl.! 1s JUst the
hcgmning. ">peclfically
Crcntmg a ne" dnm mg lilc anu ..,hc~.:t.
Crcatmg dnm mg 'ii.!\\S u..,mg the Vie\\ Paklll.!.
Using dillll.!llSIOil ass1s1 tools
J\ comprehcnsl\ ~treatment of lktailrng 1.., olli!red in thl.! course
flolu/lllwh nrmr/1/g.\

Lesson 3 SolldWorks 201 3
Basle Part Modollng

Settings Used in rhc UriJ\\ ing template USCU in this SCCtllll1 has bcc.::n OCstgllC.::U Ill tndUU\!
the Template the.: Document Properties shown 111 the.:: chart bc hm . ~cttmgs are
acccsset.lthrnugh Tools, Options rhe scuings that'' tll he used m tlm.
ksson arc:

Document J>roperties
~)ste m Option"
(Set U'iing dra'' ing template)

l kl\\ mg:., Dtspltt) ~l) le. Dra llmg ~tatH.Ian.l:

Display style for new views = Overall drafting standard =
Hidden lines visible AN SI
Tangent edges in new views =
t l ahlc.,:
Bill of Materials, Automatic
update of BOM = Selected
I )tmcnswm.:
Drawings, Hidden Model Edges . Font = Century Gothic
= Black Primary precision = .123
Add parentheses by default=

Detadmg. \ uto in..,ct1 on 'te\\

All options = cleared
- - - - - --
lJn tts
Unit system =MMGS

CommandManager c
Then: arc OlllllliJtldMatMgcr tab ... that arc o.,pcct tic to the process or
Tabs dcwiling. ant.lmakmg dr;m ing'>. I he) arc

lt J C,~ illl ..,

View Layout l ..,.,..,~r t ....uwl~~


New Drawing Dr.m mg tile-. ( .SLDDRW) are ~~'ltdWorks lilcs that contam dnl\\ mg
...heels. I aeh sheet IS the equl\ a lent ()r a single sheet nr paper.
Introducing: Make Make Drawing from Part t<.~kcs the curn:nt part and step'> through the
Drawing from Part creation nf' a Ur<l\\ tng Jilc. sheet limnal and lllttiaJ dra\\ ing \ Jc.:!\\'- Ustng
that part.

Where to Find lt Menu Bar. New . Make Drawing from Part/Assembly 14

Menu File, Make Drawing from Part

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Basic Part Modellng

1 Create Drawing.
Click Make Drawing from Part/Assembly i' and choo~e
B Size. ANSI .MM lwm the Training Templates tah .
I he sheet formnt creutes a B-si;c dra\\ ing ( 11 \ I 7'") arra nged'' 1th 1ts
long edge hori;untal I he sheet lbrmat include~ a hord.:r. Ill le blod.
a nd oth.:r graph1cs.
Tip the template" ill automatilall~ 11p<:n1t. .:l11111nating the
nec.:d to cl1d. OK.

Drawing Views I he 1n111al tasl.. ofdetadmg 1~ the cn:atmn nf, IC\\S. l ' ~mg the Make
Drawing from Part/Assembly tOtll leads )OU through the sclectilll1 or
the dr;m mg -.hcet to the View Palette. rim. option generates dra\\ mg
'te\\ s that match the oncntallons 111 th.: part usmg a drag and drop
procedur.:. \ <.ldtl1nna l 'll'\\.s can he prnjc.:et.:<.l or foltktl d 1n:CLI) from
the dropped 'ie\\
I hcsc options arc d1scus-.ed in detail 111 the.: So/ull!'twk\ Drall'ing~

2 View Palette.
Ckar Import Annotations. I)rag the.: Front' IC\\ from th.: View
Palette and drop 1t onto the dra\\ mg ;Is shn" n. lt '' i11 he re.: mm cd lrom
the palette.

(A) Ffont (A) Top

L ..a.
(A) Right e;oct

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modellng

3 Projected view s.
Add tht.: Top' 1\!\\ by mm mg th~ cursor anme the' ic\\ and clu.:king..
R~tum the cur,nr to tlw Front' 11.'\\ and mn' c to tht.: nghtln crl.'att.: the
Right \ 11.!\\ .
Clid.. OK.

4 Drawing views.
Add th~ Isometric '~~" h) draggmg and Jn,ppmg rmm the paldt~
Pltllx 11 in th~ upper right cnmcr

i - ic...:
-- .- ...
Tip l'h~ part document h sl ill open 'lnu can press Ctrl+Tab to s\\ 1Ld1
het\\ l.'t.:ll thl.' ur<l\\ mg ,md part document '' mdo\\ s.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Po rt Modellng

5 Display.
Clu.:h. tht' Isometric\ tt'\\ and cltd. tht' Shaded button.

=rl' l
Moving Views Dra'' tng. 'ic\\.., can he rt'po~itwncd on th..: dra\\ mg. 'tou plm:e your
plllllh:r m er thl.' \ te\\ hllrder. tht'n Jrag tht' 'it.:\\. In the standard 3 'te\\
arrangement. the Front' te\\ ts the sown ' te\\. l'hts mean., that
111m mg the Imnt \ tt'\\ lllll\ cs all three 'tcws. The Top and Right' te\\ s
art' aligned Wth..: Front I h..:y can on !) nHn e .I long th..:tr a\is of
6 Move Aligned Views.
Sc.!leet and mm e thl' Front' i.:'' lt can he 111m cd in any tltrl.'ctton and
the oth..:r 'tt'\\s re111a111 align..:d

o T ~

b-d )

l =- ...
T=" ;_

Note Usl Alt-drag to scl..:cl an)'' hen.: 111 tht' 'tC\\ . l 's..: Shift-drag to
the ... pacing bt't\\t'C.:Ilthc \ te\\ ... \\htle uraggmg.

Les son 3 SolldWorks 2013
Basle Par1 Modellng

Tip ()nee the dr;m ing ' i~.,, ha-, been -,cb:tcd. ll can he dragged "1th the
mouse or mm cd "nh the amn' key-.. n,c distance mm cd n1r each
press or
Ull arnl\\ key IS -,et under Tools. Options. System Options.
Drawings. Keyboard movement increment.

Center Marks Center Marks arc <lllachcd t11 cm: le and an.: ccntcr.. 111 tht: dr..t\\ mg
\ 11!\\ .

l't:ntcr mur"-s "crt: notmst:rtcd m to the dr;m mg
'le\\ s automat1call]. You can tum th1., option (~ ........
( . . . . . . . . . . .t

on or oil ~et your prcl~rcnct: tht: Tools, :..rWIID:*.1

Options, Document Properties, Detailing \.- ......... .....
r..... _,.. _..,

... .
mcnu. ..........
;...,...,., ~

v:..-........~ .....

Where to Find lt lonunnnJ\IIanagcr: Annotation > Center Mark '.!1

Menu Insert, Annotations, Center Mark
l;jhortcut tvk nu: R1ght-d1c"- Ill the graphics area and chck
Annotations, Center Mark

7 Center Mark.
(. lick Center Mark 0 . " X
C. hck tht: large ;m: m the - ..
lhmt ' it:\\, C. kar Use ...- .
document defaults. -- ..
check the Extended
lines opt1011 lllU st:l the
Mark size 111 2mm a.,
sho\\ 11.

R~.pcat or
1!1r sch.:ctitln
the t\\O holes 111 the Top
' ic\\
l'hd.. OK

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modellng

Dimensioning D1men~111n~ can be created in dra'' ing 'le\\~ using ~e' era! tool..,. Some
dunensiom. can be related to the dimen:-iom. gcnerau.:d 111 the -.ketche!--
a nd li.:aturc~ or the mode l. rhe:.e are clri1111}!. d 1 men..,1on~. Ot her
dllllCil i>i(\11~ arc indercndent or the sh.ctches and 1\:atu re~ ol' th~ model
I he ..c arc clrilen dimen~ i llll!>.
Driving l>ri\ mg dimension-. ah,ay~ displa} the proper va lue., and c.m be uscd
Dimensions to change the mudel. !"he Model Items wol unporls the tl 1 me1bllln~
created 111 the sh.etc.:hc., nnd l i.:aturc~ or thc model in tu the dra\\ m g.
Driven Dm cn dimcnsmns al'' ays <.ltspla> the f11'0flCr 'allll.!s hut cannot be U\ed
Dimensions to change the model. I he' alue!> or dm en d1men.,1on., change" hen the
model dimens lllns change. B}' ddaull. dimcn"!lln" ut' th1~ I) pc appear
1r1 a dtllcrcnt color and arc cnclo.,cd 111 pan:nlhcscs ll crc .m: I\\O ""Y"
tu create drl\ en <.hmenswn":
!"he: Smart Dimension tool manuall) Jdd~ du11en-.11111-. In the
model lll..c tlmsc in a <.!..etch.
!"he DimXpert tnol .tdd-. dtmcnsJUns \H>rl..tng l'r<1111 a datum
flll"lllllll .
Modo!llt _ __ ~

Introducing: Model The Model Items tool as!>tsts in adding

Items dtmcn.,mns to a 'ie\\ or all ' IC\\ :-. U).lllg the
dimen,tons that h;n e Jlready been generated
"htle creatmg the model. You can nnpnrt the
dtmen..,ton-. li.>r a !'lelcetcd li:aturc or till' enure
model lt al..,o ha .. the capahtlll) tu select and
llllpOrl dtlli.:relll typl'S of' di01Ciblt10S as \\ell <I~
man) l}fle" of Annotations and Reference
Geometry that may. e\i~t "llh1n the 111tldl.'l

Where to Find lt ( ommand\1anagcr: Annotation > Model Items <>-

Menu. Insert, Model Items

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modellrrg

8 Model items.
l'lld, Model Items t>- . CIJ.:l-. Entire Model <h lhc
Source aml Import items into all views.
Lmkr Dimensions. clicl-. Marked for drawing.
Hole Wizard Locations, Hole callout and
~ X

Eliminate duplicates
C!Jcl-. OK


..... ~

Note fhc flO!->llllln of a dllll<.'ll~lllll depend~ Oil hll\\ Ihe kalLJrC \Hh Cr<.'atcd
ami "here the modd dum:nsion "a-. rlacctl. Your resulh ma~ 'a~
linm the unagc aho\.:
Tip Once the lllmen-.J~'Jh arc mscncd. they :u.: assm:1atcdto that 'JC\\ and
"JIImo\c \\ilh 11 dcllbcratdy mmc lh~.:mloanoth~.:r \iC\\ or
dcktc th~.:m l11r mor~.: mfomlallon. sec \lompulcumg Dlllll'II.\W/1.\ on
page 97

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modellng

Manipulating One~: uimcnstons ha\ c bc.:n added to a 'tc\\. there arc se\ era! opttons
Dimensions as tl) ho" thcj can be manipulatt:d

Drag Drag dunen~10n~ hj their tc:-.t to ne\\ k'cation~.

u~e the infcn:nce ltnes to align and poslli\)11
--- --
Hide Rtght-dtck the <.ltmension ll.!\t and click Hide
rmm the shortcul menu.
Move to another f"h~.:rc
is g.:nerall) more than one 'ic\\ "here a
view dimcn~ion cun be used. To mm c a dimension.
Shift + drag. the dtmcnsion onto another\ tC\\.
Copy to another ro copy the dimcnsitlll. Imill dm' n Ctrl and
view drag it into :mother' tC\\ and drop tl.
Delete Ull\\ anted dimension~ can he deleted from the
d ra\\ mg usmg the Delete key.

9 Drag dimensions.
Drag dimension~\\ tthin the 'ic'' 10 r~pn!>llion them as shO\\ n. Do not
mnH' the R3mm , 10mm , 100mm or R8mm dimension::. as shm\ n.

$ - ! ~- 1
L ; - : j~ _l

~.0 ~
; I i

Tip Align dimension tt":-t the ydlo"' guiddi nes.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modeling

10 Move to another view.

Shift 1 drug lht: 100mm d1men~wn to Drawing Viewl <Jnd drop ll ll
"ill be moved from thl' tlnginal 'ie\\ l<llhc ne\\ 'Je\\

l_i I_j I
0 I
I {t) 0 I '
I ~


!_i _j
l, J 10 l, J
I ! I !


11 Move remaining dimensions.

Mme the R3mm, 10mm and R8mm thmen~mn:- a~ -.llll\\11

$- I i
( -'--1.1
J i



SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Basle Part Modelmg

Dimension Palette I he Dimension Palette appear~\\ h.:n you tnscrt a dtnh:n... mn or "dect
one or more dimcn:,mn .... ~nu ~an change the dnncn:-.tlln.., ' prnpcnics,
t'nrm:Jlllllg, po'>tlHlll. ,md ,tllgnment.

Where to Find lt ~cll!cl one or more dtmcn..,ton.., then clu:k v.

Dimension Assist Use the Smart dimensionrng optwn of the dnnen-,tnn a-.-.t ... t tool w
Tool - Smart manuall) .tdd dtmcn-.tom. 111 the dra\\ ing. J"hc-.c dtmcn-.tuns :Jrc
Dimensioning cnn... idcrcd to be c/ntcn dtmcn\lon-.. ~cc Dnl'en /)uucn,wm nn
page lJ5.

12 Arrange the dimensions.

Select all ol the dtmcnsions 111 thl'
. ... .. ...,
tinnl 'ic\\ and cltck v to 11pcn the
Dimension Palette Then. click
Auto Arrange Dimensions . 1\l
pro' tdc better spacmg and
alignment or the dtmen ... ion ...

13 Dimensioning . - Dln~<nloo - - - _7.

Clu.:k Smart Dimension ~ and the Smart
dimensioning ~ opllnn. ~clccl 'en ice-, at the tnp
and hounm. C. li ck the Jell (orangc) quadram tn
placl' the dtml'nSIOil In the Jcfi of lhl.: \ ic\\.
<.ltl'k OK



14 Display options.
In th.: Dimension pmpcnic ... clear the Add Parentheses "' nptinn.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
BIISIC Part Mode/lng

Associativity In the ()olid\Vorks ~nn"are. e\t:l}thmg ~~ associutl\e. If you make a

Between the Model change 10 an mdl\ idual pan. that chang~ "Ill propag<ltc to any and all
and the Drawing dnm ing~ and nssemhlic~ that rdcrence it.
Procedure lo change the "lA' orthc BasePlate katurc lollo\\ th1s procedure:

15 Switch windows.
Open Documents
Prc~s Ctrl+Tab and click the p:.111
lilc to"" Itch h<lck to the pan
document ''m do\\ .

Changing ~ol1dWorks makes it \Cl) ea~) to make ch:mges l<lthe d1mens101h or

Parameters :our part I his en-.e or editing IS one ol' the pnnclpal hcndih or
paramctnc motkhng. 1t 1s al-,n '' hy 11 1s ..,o Important to properly
capture your dc-,1gn Intent. I r you don't prop\.rly capture the tle-.1gn
mtcnt. change" to dunens1on~ may cau~e quite unc:-.pcctcd results m
your p:111.
Rebuilding the A licr you make \.hang.c~ tnthc dirncnswns. ~nu must rebuild the model
Model to cause those changes to wkc afl'cct.
Re build Symbol 11 you m<.~ke dJ<mgc'- to a '>ketch or pan that rcq111r\. the part to he
rebuilt. tl rebuild symbol 8 I~ dlspi.Jyed bestdc the pan's lltllllC as \\ell
,IS SUJ1Cr1111(10'>CU llll thl! ICOI1 oJ' the 1\:aturc thJt req111re-. rchuiJJmg
1i BasePlate Look tiK r-.:bulld 1cnn on the "'latus Bar. also.
The rdnniJ symbol abo 1.., Ul'>phl) -.:d \\ ho.:n you cd1t a sk-.:tch. Wh~.n you
c\.it the skdch. the pari rebuild'> automtllil'all)
Introduc ing: Rebuild Re build n:g~:nerah:~ the mod~l '' 1th ,In) change., ynu IHI\ c made
Where to Find lt Menu Bar Rebuild I
1\knu. Edit, Rebuild
K-.:y hoard ~hortcut Ctri+B
Tip 1he mod~ I 1s n:hutlt \\ h~:n it 1s ,.,;l\ cd.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 3
Baste Part Modelmg

Refreshing the Ir you s1mpl} "ant to rdn:sh the screen c.hsplay. remcn mg <Ill) graphiC
Screen anilach that might remam from prc' ious operation-.. ~ou ~hould use
Redraw. not Rebuild.
Introducing : Redraw Rdre-.he... the screen. hut does mH rehudd the p<!rl.
Where to Find lt 1\kmt View, Redraw
Keyboard !.ihortcut Ctri+R
Rebuild vs. Redraw Redraw '' ll l1w1 cause changes to dimcn-.1un" total\c clll:ct. lhcn:rure.
1t 1-. 'cry fast Rebuild rcgencrate ... the model. Dependmg on the
cnmple-..ny o l the mndd. Lh1~ can take more lime

16 Double-c lick on the feature.

You can douhlc-cln:k on the BasePlate lcaturc etther 111 the
I eatureManagcr des1gn tree or the gmph1cs area. V. hen you do tlus. the
parametlrs assucmtcd "1th the lcature \\Ill appear.
l>ouhll:-du.:k on the 100mm d 1menswn mdicated. I he Modify d1alog
hm, ''Ill appear. I nter a ne\\ \ alue enher hy typmg. ll directly or hy
using the "J1111 bo' tiiTO\\ s. I nter 150mm and cltck OK.

17 Rebuild the part to see the re sults.

Ylllll.lll Rebuild tlw ran etthcr b) clicki ng Rebuild 11 on the Modify
ho:\ or on the Menu Bar If)OU w.c the one cm thc Mod ify dtalog. hll\.
the dw log ho\ \\ I ll ~t:Jy urcn so you canmakc another change. I hts
makes e-..plnnng .. ,, hat If" scenanch cas).

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2013
Basle Part Modellng

18 Update the drawing.

Pre:-.~ Ctri+Tab aml cl1cl.. the dr;:l\\ ing lile to..,,, 111:h back to the tlra\\ ing
-.heeL I he dnm ing ''ill update automallcnll} to relkctth~: chang~.:s 111
the model Dlllll:lhion-. mn~ mm e dunng the rebuiltlmg pmce-.:-. and
requm.: som~.: ckan up

. tbl

i - .:;K;_!

19 Close the drawing.

( lie!.. File, Close to close the dnm mg. ( lick Save Alltn 'a' c both the
tlra\\ ing ;tntl part file-. a\e the lik 111 the 'ame li,ldcr as the pan.


SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 7

Exercise 7: ( reme tlm, part the Inli.lrnwtlllll

Plate <IIHI dimensiOn!. pro1 1ded. '\ketch and
e\trude prolil~:- to create the part. n,,s
lab reinli.1rcc>. the 1(1110'' 1ng. ..,kill-.:
( 'lwo.\111.!!. Ill<' lkst l'mfi/c on
puge 62.
lntmtlucing ( orner Reuungfe on
pag.: n7.
Sf.elching on a Planar fan nn page 70.
Bos.1 F('(l/111'<' on page 69
Us ing lilt ffoh ll'i:ardon pag.: 75.
Unih millimeters
Procedure C. n:ate <I ne\\ mm part and nam.: it Plate. Cr.:ut.: the geollldl) a..,
-.hlm n in thl.! follm\lng -;teps.
1 Sketch base feature.
C. rl.!at<: a Ill!\\ sketch 1lll the Top plan.:.
\du the gelllllell) anu uunell..,lllll ... ""
..,hm1 n


2 Extrude base feature.
I \tnuk the sketd1 10mm J'> shown.

Exercise 7 SolidWorks 2013
Pla to

3 Boss .
<.r~atc a ne,-. :-."etch on the tnp face of the ~o hu. \ du the geometry unu
dune n :,mn~ as shm\ n
I \ trutlc a l"lo~" 25mm

4 Hole Wizard.
C he" Hole Wizard .~ anu chc" th1.' face sho\\ n.

Chc" thc Positions tab l'lucc the pomts a-. sllll\\ n.

lite" thc Type tan. Set Ill\.' pmperttes nf the hole as lnlltm s
Type: Hole
Standard: Ansi Metric
Type: Drill sizes
Size: 25mm
End Condition: Through All

5 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Exerctso 8

Exercise 8: Use r~etangl~~. tang~tll arc~ and

Cuts ~ut li:atur~~ to create the part
Thi~ lah r~ml(lrcc~ the lolllm mg
lntrmlu< ing
Corner Re< tangh <'n
page 67
Tangent In lnf('l/l /one1 llll
page 71
Cui Ft'lllltrc on page 73.
Filhliog on pttge 77.
l nits: millimeters
Procedure Create .1 ne\\ mm part .md name it Cuts . Creat~ the gcometl') as <.hem n
in th~ li1llm\ ing '>t~p~.
Sketch base feature .
<. reatc a 11~\\ sketch on the Top plane. Add 1h~ geomctr) and
dimen~tnn~ a~ 'ho\\lt
--- ~-----------------------------------;



2 Extrude base feature.

1.:-.trude the skt:h.:h 5mm as -.llln\ n.

Exercise 8 SolidWorks 2013

3 Cut slot.
l'rl!nt<.: a Ill!\\ sk..:tch 011 th..: lOp
IJCI! ol th..: :-.ol1<.l. Add thl!
g.::ornctr:,. and tlun..:rhiOJh '''
sho\\ n
I \trudl! a cut usmg Through

4 Cut another slot.
( rl!alo: ,1 111!\\ -,ketch using th..:
Silll11!l(lCC 1\uu th..: gctlmetl)
;mtl tlirn..:n-.ron-, as\\ n.
I \lrud..: anothl!r cui usmg
Through All.

5 Cut rectangle .
( r..:tlll! a Ill!\\ sk..:tch ll\111!:.! thl! samc tile..:. 1\ud thc g..:oml!tl) anu
drml!n~wn-, as -,ho\\ n

I \tnrdl! anothl'r cut Through All.

.------+- 25 r- 15

15 25

SolidWorks 2013 Exorcise 8

6 Fillets.
Add lill~:ts ol R10mm and R8mm lu lh~: ~:ug~:" J!'. sh0\\11 .

7 Save and close the part.

Exercise 9 SolidWorks 2013

Exercise 9: Mal-~ dumg~s lll th~ p;~rt

Basic-Changes Cfl'<lteJ 111 the pre\'iou~
llm. C\en:rse uses the
folio\\ rng ''-rlls:
( 'lumgmg
l'arwneten nn
page I00
Rehllllcllllg the I lode/
on pag~ I 00.

Procedure Open an ~""ling part 111 tlw Lesson03 \ Exercises l\1lder.

Open the part
<.;e,eml change:' \\Ill he
perlnrmeJ on the: motlel to re... ite
it anJ checl- the Jc: ... rgn inllnt.

2 Overall dimension.
Douhk-Lirc:l- the lirsl k<~tlll'l' (Base Plate) 111 the: I eatun.:Manugc:r
dc:srgn tree m nn the: suc:cn to acccss the: d1111~nsron .... Chang~ the
lc:ngth drmensrnn to 150mm (shm\ n hold and undcrlrnc:d helm') and
r~hlllld the mndl'l.

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 9

3 Boss.
Dnuhl-.:-did. th-.: Vert boss l~atur-.: and chang-.: the height dimcn.,iun u~
.,hm\11 Rl!build the part .

4 Hole locations.
Dnuhle-chck the 07.0 (7) Diameter Hole! kature and change th-.:
dim-.:ns1nns to 20mm Rchuild the model

5 Center the Vert Boss.

Dltermmc the proper \ allll' and changl! the dimem.ion that ccnter., the
Vert Boss un the h;t,c.

Tip Opt10nall). ynlll'<lll delete the diml.'nsllm and add .1 relali!ln-. that
Cl'lltlr-. thl VertBoss rclatJ\1.' tn th-.: basl .

6 Save and close the part.

Exercise 10 SolidWorks 2013
Base Bracket

Exercise 10: nlls lah r~mlim~s th~

Base Bracket rol lm\ ing ski lis:
( hoo.,ul,f!. rhe Bt'sf
I'mfile on J1<lge 62.
!Jnss F<'atun on
pag~ 69.
C:m1g the 1/o/e Wi:ard
1lll pag~ 75.
f-illeting on pag~ 77.
Units: millimeters

Procedure l r~<ll~ a no:\\ mm pan and nanlL' it Base_Bracket. l'r~at~ th~ geometry
a:-. sh<Wvll in th~ folltm ing steps
Sketch base feature.
Cr~ato.:,, 11~'' si-etch on tho.: Top plan~ '\tlu the geomdl') anu
dim.:nsin11s "" sho\\ n.


2 Extrude base feature.

L"truue th~ sketch 20mm Ill cr~at~ the bas~ li:ature a:. shm\ 11.

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 10
Base Bracket

3 Sketch on rear face.

Change to the Back 'vie" onentt111on, selectlh"' !:tee ind 1catcd and
create a ne'' ... htch. Add the g.e\llllCll') and dimcn~iun' al> ..,Jllm n


Select Face

4 Extrude boss.
I \ trude tn the -.ketch 20mm as -,IHm n.

Exercise 10 SolidWorks 201 3
Base Bracket

5 Fillets.
Add li ll~t s to Lh~ edges as s h ll\\ n.




SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 10
Base B r;rcker

6 Hole Wizard.
C l u:l.. Hole Wizard anti d ttl.. the lace "hm\n. U tck the Positions
wh antllocJte the hok~ J!'> ~hm\ n. l he!.. thl' Type t;~h and \CL the
pmpcrt tc-. ulthc hnh: a~ li>l lm,..,:
Type: Hole
Standard: Ansi Metric
Type: Drill sizes
Size: 20mm
End Condition : Through All

7 Second hole.
Repeat the procedure tn creall' an 18mm hnle on <1 tl tllcn:nt ll1ce :1-.
slum n

Select Face

8 Save and close the part.

Exercise 11 SolldWorks 2013
Part Drawings

Exercise 11 : l'r.:at.: tlw. part dra" mg th.:

Part Drawings information prm idl!d.
llm. lah n:ml(m:<!~ th.: l(lllO'>\ ing
\'c11 f)r({lrinp, on page 90.
Dn11ring 1/ews on page 91
( 'c:/1/cr \/ur/...1 on rage 94.
nunl'm ionu1~ on pngc 9 5.
L~e th<! B Size ANSI_MM t.:mplate and the huilt part Basic-

Dimensioned View U~C lh<! l(JJ (O\-\ lllg graphiC~ lO c reate the drttwlllg..
.... I-- ._ -
I 11
~ T


o 0
r r - :. 1
'<D- -r
~ 15<) --~6

"' I
-Jr2U 10



L ~


Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draft

Upon succeo,sful Clllllplctron of tillS le..,son. you'"" be able to:

llse the \ IC\\ tlii>pla) anti nwtllficatron commands.
Copy anti paste features
I dit the dclinrtron ami parameter~ ol' a feature anti regenerate the
llse Up To Next anti Mid Plane end contlrtrnn ... to capture deo;rgn
Use ~:rmmctr) in the sk.etch.

lesson 4 SohdWorks 2013
Symmetry and Drafr

Case Study: I h~.: Ratchet contam-. many olthc

Ratchet li:atur..:s and proc..:uurl!s that you
\\Ill us..: Ji..:qucntly. it ..:untams
bosscs. l'llls, sketch geoml'll),
fillets and urall.

Stages in the O...omc key -.t,tgcl> 111 the motk>lmg prm.:css nl thl:- part arc shm\ n 111 th.:
Process loiiO\\ mg Jt.,l. I uch of thc~c tnp1cs compnses a sccttnn 111 thl! lesson.

Design intent
I he ll\Crall ue:-.lgn intent lt)r thl! purt is UISCUSl-l!d.

Boss feature with draft

I he lirst pnrt1on ol' the model tu be crcatct.l1s the Handle. I he Handle
uses sJ..ctch..:tlltnes ant.l1s c\truu..:t.lm t\\ o t.llrcctlon., "nh drall lllrllllng
a -.olttl. lt I" the lllllHII li!atun: of the part and demonstratcs the us..: nl'
m1rrnring in th..: -.k~tch
Up To Next end condition
l'hl' "CCOild J10rllllll of the mntll!J b the Transition Jt ll~l's the
Up To Next end condition to t:ontH:ctto the Handle's lilces.
Sketching inside the part
I he tlmJ bos., created Is the Head. lt is ... k..:tchcd "tthin the soltu
crcated hy tlw Transition.
Cut using existing edges
lh.: Recess 1s the lirst ..:ut t~ pc katun. crcatet.l. lt w.c., an ulhet lrom
thc e\lsttng ct.lg..:.., of the mud..:! to cr..:at..: till: sJ..cll:h. lt 1s C\trut.led as a
ullsct cut to a sp..:c1lic depth.
Cut w ith trimmed sketch geometry
l h..: Pocket 1s another ..:ut katurc. th1s timc using cm:l~.:s tha t an:
trimm~.:d ltlthc prnpcr shape.
Cut using copy and paste
I he Wheel Hole li:ature "ill hc cnp1cd and pal-h:J.
I tl lcts and round., ,tre adt.h:J 111 the .,oltd using se\ ..:ral t.l11li:rent
Editing a feature's definition
I cutur..:s that alrcad)' c\lst can he chang.:d usmg Edit Feature I 11l~h
11111 h~.: ,..-t.llled in thts \\a)

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draft

Design Intent fhe general des1gn mtent olthe Ratchet 1s summunted in the
illuslrulion and list belo\\ . Specific dcs1gn 1nlent l(lr each p011ion ufthe
pari is discussed separald)'.

, Pocket Recess


Ccntcri ng: The Head. Handle und Transition li.:atun:~ arc
eentercd along Jn a\. IS.
S~ tnOlCtl~; rhe p<111 IS S) 111111Ctrical, hnlh \\ llh n.:speel 10 ,1
longitudinal celllerhne and \\ ith respect to the p~!rllll !! plane

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry and Draft

Boss Feature The first part of th~ Ratchet \H: \\Ill model i., the Handle. lhe lir:-.t
with Draft feature m an} model 1s sometime:-. rci~1Ted to as the haw featu re. t\11
other li.:ature>. an.: built onto the first feature.
Building the fhe Handle ha>. a r --.,
Handle rectangular crm.-.
~cction. It 1s e\trudcd Handle SectiOn
\\llh dral1 an elrual
dl>.lanec 111 nppo>.Hc
lhrcctJOn!-> from the .J
~ketch plane.

Design Intent of fhe Handle j<; a -.ketched li.:nturc that uses lmes
the Handle and nmmring to form the htNe nuthne or prolih:.
a red angular cn1ss section.
Draft: fhe dratl angle I'- equal on hmh -..1des
of the partmg plane.
S) mmctr~ : r cnturc 1-.. symmetru.:al \\ lth respect to par1mg rlunc
and the tcnkrlint a\ Is ol the Handle.
1\ccnh.:rlme. a pie.:..: or rcti.:rcnn geometry.\\ ill be lO
pos1t1on and sket.:h the Handle ,.,ket.:h .
f he .:~nterl111c r~prcs<!nh 01-.Lall.:C from the end of the lundlc Ill
the .:Ciller of the furthest hole and 1.., also Used 111 llliiTOflng
skct\.h geometry .

Procedure lkgm h} lolkm ing this prm.:cdurc

New Part.
Crlate a ne\\ part using the Part MM template on the Training
Templates tab. ~m c the part ami name ll Ratchet.
2 Sketc h plane.
\elect the plane Top as the '>ketch plane.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draft

Introducing: Insert Insert Centerline ~~used to~:reLJte a rdi:rcncc line 111 a shtch. llll:
Centerline ccntcrline can be n:11tcal. hortlllntal. or an arhttraf) angle dcpcndmg.
on ho" the mfi:rcnlc~ <~re usL'd. l k~.:ausc the ccnterlinc ,., con-.iucrcd
reli:retKe g.eomctry. ll does not ha\e to be fully defined 111 the "ketch.

Where to Find lt Command".1nnager: Sketch > Line ' > Centerline !

Mcnu Tools, Sketch Entities, Centerline
Shortcut l\1t.:nu Rtght-dtck m the gra phic~ arc:1 ,md cltck
Note 1\11) pli!CC of skctch gcomctr) CHil hC COil\ erted into
construction gcnmctry or' a:c-\ ersa. ~clcct the
geometry and togglc For construction in the
Pmpcrt) l'vhuMgcr

3 Sketch a centerline.
Sketch a ecntcrlme running \crt1eally from the ongin.
'I he length 1s not nnportant. I
i I

4 Display off.
roggk the lilsp lay ol' relations of/ usmg View, Sketch Relations.
Note further lcsson-. \\Il l as~ume that Vie w, Sketch Relations 1~ togglcd of/.

Symmetry in S) mmetnca l glometr} m a '!-.etch can be created easli) the

the Sketch Mirror option. You c<m 1111rror as you sketch - real t1me r111rronng. Or.
you can selcct a lready \ketched geometry and mirror it alier the fact
nmronng.. A. lso. Symmetric rclatillns can be added to geometry alkr
In an} case. mirroring ncates cop1es that arc related to th~: ongmals h}
the Symmetric relat1on. In the c:N: or ltn~:s. the s) mmetnc relation i-.
app li ~:d tu th~: end points of th~: lmcs. In lh~: case o l arcs and circks. the
S}l1111l\.'trtc relation 1~ apph~:d to the entity ihd[

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry and Draft

Symmetry While Symmetri c geometry can he crea ted in rea l tunc as you -,ketch. I he
Sketching Dynamic Mirror rm:thod cnabk~ mrrwrrng he/ore l>kctching.
Introducing: M rrrorrng requr rcs a lrnc. linear edge or ccmcrl rne. rh..: lrnc is acuvatcd
Dynamic Mirror bc!(lrc sk~:tching the geometry to be mrrror..:d.

Where to Find lt 1\knu: Tools, Sketch Tools, Dynamic Mirror

Symmetry after Sy mmctry can be cr..:at..:d by skctehrng l111C half of the geometry and
Sketching usrng mirronng to crcat..: the other. T'hc symnwtry is applred u/ier
Introducing: Mirror Mmonng r.:qulrcs u lrne. linear cdg.: or ccntcrlrnc. nliS lrne dclinc .. thc
Entities miiTor plane "hi eh 1s ah\ ay:. normal to the skdch plane and passes
through the sdect..:d ccnt..:rlrne

Where to Find lt CommandManagcr: Sketch, Mirror Entities lh

Menu: Tools, Sketch Tools, Mirror
Shortcut Menu : Rrght-d1ek rn the graphres area and d 1ck Mirror

5 Dynamic mirror.
Sclel't the centerlim. and click the Dynamic Mirror tool. lhe
Dynamic Mirror S) mhol appear, at both ends of the centerlrne.

6 Sketch line.
Sketch a Ime liom the upper end ufthL' ccnterli nc rmn mg to
the nght. 11. m1rror image of the lrnc 1s created on the oppm.lle
~ rd c of the l'Cntcrline.

7 Complete the sketch.

Add a Ime m the vertica l direction and then horiRmtal,
stopprng at the centcrlrne. lurn utrthc mirror tool.
Do not c ross thc ccntcrlme \\h rle skctchmg in the Dynamic
Mirror llll)Ue. I r you do. Juplrcate geometry CUll he created.
S topping at the ccnt..:rlmc caused the symmctncal lrnes to be
merged into n s1nglc Iinc.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Drafl

8 Dimensions.
I ully d11m:n~tnn the ~1-.~.:tch



Mid Plane In thi" part. the fiN kature created 1~ a Mid Plane e\trtl~lllll. The l\11d
Extrusion PhiiK' opt10n e'lrudc<., the profile equall} 111 opplhlle directwns. I he
depth I!' the total C\lruded d1stanc~:. -.,plit e\ en I} 111 each dtrectH'Il
Draft Toggle I he Draft lt toggle can he selected Ill drallthl! l~1ce~ normal to the
c\tru~lon dtrcction rh\! Draft angle and Draft outward toggk-., can be
used to setth~: value .1nd dlrl!ctwnul'the angle.

9 Extrusion.
Click Extruded
Choo!.e the Mid Plane
option Irum the hst and
Clllcr a depth of 15mm

(. l1ck Draft and set the

angk tn 8. l'hc Draft
outward checl-. ho.\ should
be dean.:d.
(.he!-. OK tu crcat\.' the

Lesson 4 So lidWorks 2013
Symmetry 11nd Draft

10 Completed feature.
I he completed feature 1\ shm' n <ll the right.
Name the feaLUre Handle.


Sketching t he <;CC\llld ll:ature in the part is the Transition. another boss that" ill
Inside the ctlnnect to the Handle ll:atun:. -, he sketch for thts lcature 1s created on
,1 standard plane.

Transition Sect1on

Design Intent of The Transition feature 1s ,1 s1mph:

the Transition 1:1rcu lar proli lc that is c\trudcd up to
the C\lsllng Handle leaturc.
Ccntcring: the c1rcular prolih:
1s ~:entered on the Handle
Length : the length nfthc
section 1s d~:tcrm mcd usmg
c\isung locations.

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmerry and Draft

11 Showing the Front plane.

s,,1tch tn an Isometric' 1e\\ Jnd chcJ...
the Front plane fn>m the
I caLUreManager ue~1gn tn~i.!. lt \\Ill hi.! ..., '
hghhght..:d on the "crl.'cn.
fo make ~ure the plan!.!}" ""hie.
nght-chck the Front plane m the
f enturcManager dc~1gn tree. and ell cl-.
Show .,. . 1he planl' \\Ill app-.:ar -.h.tded and tram.parent.
12 Plane settings and changes.
I here ure ~ctling~ to dct-.:rmtne Ill\\\ plJnes "ill app-.:ar nn the ...crecn.
for !>haded plan-.::-. clicJ... Tools, Options, System Options, Display/
Selection ,111d dicJ... the Display shaded planes ehecJ... bo\. Set the
color nf the planc u~mg Tools, Options, Document Properties,
Plane Display
Any plane. ')'tem {lr gem:rated. can he resued
b) draggmg 11~ handles. Rcsitc thi~ plane so that 11~ 'o,..t li
border~ Iie closer 10 the bt)Uildaries or the featu re. 1
fhc planl'S can also be automaticJIIy SI/Cd to the
modi.!l. Right-cl tel-. the plan!.! ami cl1d.. AutoSize.
Circular Profile I he -.J...ctch fi>r thi.! Transition l;;murl.! ha" very s1mpk gcomctr} and
rl.'lntlons. \ cirdc 1s .,.J...ctchcd and rcl,ltcd to a position 1111 the pre\ inu"
tcature to define 1l. fh1s rclatnm ''Ill J...ccp the Transition centcred on
the Handle fl:ature.
13 Open a new sketch .
With the Front plane still sdl.!ctcd. click Sketch ,e. .

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmerry and Drafr

Introducing : View lh~ View Normal To <lption ., u-.~d to ~:hang~ th~ \ 1 ~\\ oncntallon to a
Normal To tllr~ctiunnormal to a selected planar geometry. lh~ g~nm~ try can be
plane, -.k~tch. planar race or li.:atur~ that contallh a ...ketch

Tip Cllckmg the Normal To con a ...ccnnd tune'' Ill ll1p the orknwtinn
around tu the opposlle ~de or the plane
Note Io :wtnmallcally chung.~ ea~h n~\\ skct~o:h pl an~ t< a 'lC\\ normal to Tools, Options, System Options, Sketch .md
Auto-rotate view normal to sketch plane on sketch creation

Where to Find lt Shortcut 1\knu: R1ght-dick a planL' or planill laL'c and click
Normal To I.
I kad ...-up Vie\\ roolhar: Sd~ct a plane or planar lace and click
View Orientation Ji , Normal To I.
"-~Y hoJrd <:)hortcut Space bar+ click *Norm a l To

14 Normal To view orientation.

Pn:-.~ Spacebar and .:lld. Normal To I. . ronl Piano
I ht" ori~nt" th~ \ ic\\ sn you can sec the
phmc \ tnte .... ,~ ,md shap.: and makes
' . . . .,1
sketching ~a.,tcr r.
liL .. - ~

Introducing: Circles t he Cl reil tool i-. u...~J to cn.:at~ d rcles li1r cuts and hosscs in a .,ketch.
1 he ctrcle j., de lined h) cllher Center or Perimeter cr~allllll . l'~nt~r
r~quires l\\O locatmn ... : the ccntcr. md a location on th cm:umli:n.:nc~
Pcnmctcr nxtu lrcs lm:ations that rcprcscntl\\ll (or optionall) three)
locattun., on the pcnmct~r

Where to Find lt t nmnulndl\l anagcr~ Sketch > Circle 0 J

M~nu Tools, Sketch Entities, Circle
Shortcut M~nu Right-dn.:k in the gr.tph tcs ar~a and d1ck Circ le

Sketching the Many inkrcncc pomt.. ~o: n h~ used to lm:.1tc c1rd~s. You can u.,c the
Circle ccnh:r of prc\ musty creah:d circlt.s, the on gm .md other pomt lucation~
to locate the ctrek's ~.:enter. In th1:-. t:'\ample, \\l' "Il l automauc;d ly
capture a coincidlnt rclalll'll to the 11rigm hy !>ketchmg the ccnter of the
ClfCk Ull ll.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draft

15 Add a circle and dimension it. 1> 12

Click Circle 0 and add a c1rde :.11 the Front PlonA
Add the d1.tmctcr dunensmn to fully
ddine the skt:tch. Set the \a lue to be
12mm rh~: skt:tch is fully ddincd.

Changing the With the d uncnsionmg standard currt:ntly in u~e. d1amcter tlimcnsltlns
Appearance of are d1spla)ed '' 1th one amm outside the c1rcle. You can change the
Dimensions displa) so that two arrm\'> arc 111s1dc of the c1rcle.

16 Click the dimension. 12

f\\o small dots will appe:lr on the Front Plone
JITO\\ ht:ad-, the dimensiOn

Note I he h1gh hghtcd gcomctr) c:1n <tppcur 111 any eolor. 1 he cnlor depends
on the Sele cted Item 1 colm settmg.

17 Toggle the arrows.

llick one olthe green dots to toggle the
arnm s to the ins1de of the circle. l h1s
'"orb on all dimensions. nut just
dtanll.'tcr dunensions
lltd, again to place the arrtl\\s outs1dc.

18 Change to Isometric view.

Unlike ''hen you creatt:d the
first lcaturc. the system '' 1ll
not s\\ nch 'IC\\ ont:ntations
<llltomaucally l(>r any other
bosses or cuts. Change to an
Isometric' ic".

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 201 3
Symmetry nd Drft

Extruding Up To I he -.ko.:H.:h ''ill b..: o.:\trutlo.:J up loth..: ne\t f:to.:o.:(-.) it o.:m:ounto.:r-. along
Next 1t-. path. lt 1" unportanl to \\atch tho.: pro.:\ 10.:\\ graphio. to dt:tenmnc that
tho.: boss'' gomg in tlw proper u1n.:~o:tion. n:\er"ng the tl1rectttlll if

19 Up To Next extrusion.
Click Extruded Boss/Base
and watch tho.: prc\ Je\\
di-.pla)- t'h<mge the d1r..:cunn
...~., that th~.: prc\ tl\\ -.IHm' the
e\tru-.ion runnmg 1!)\\ aru'i tho.:
(. hang..: th..: o.:nd condttwn ,,,
Up To Next
<.lttk OK
Renamt the kature to

20 Hide plane.
R1ght-cltck the Front plunc .tnd d11..k. Hide

Up To Next vs. Up The o.:nd cond1uon-. Up To Next and Up To Surface generate dilli:r..:lll
To Surface ro.:-.ults in mun)- Ghe-. I he Image on the kll I' l(lr l p I (I O..,urface \\hen
the .mgh.:d (red) ltll'<.! i" sekcteu The e\lrU.,I\111.., -.hap..:c.J h) the sekcted
..urlate 0111} nn..: 'url:tce sd..:ct11111 1s alltl\\ cd. lh..: unag..: 1111 th..: right
is lm l p I o Ne\t 1\11 lac..:' 111 the path lllth..: O:\trU-.1011 ar..: u.,cJ Ill
,flap.: the e\tl'll'll'll

SohdWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmeuy and Draft

Design Intent of lh: Head 1s a -,kctchcd ti:atun: thut use!> Ime!> and tangent arc~ to timn
the Head the has1c outlmc or prollh: fhl' prolile ~~ C\trudcd 111 oppo:>ltc
dm:cuons. e4ually. \\ nh dratl. I hi'> feature 1s the key katurc ofth .. part.
it "tll contam pockets and hoks used tin the locatiOn ol' other parts.
rhe design Intent (lr the Head IS 11:-.ted hdo\\.
Arc ("enters: lhe
ccntcrs olthe two

0 /,p'" '""'
arc~ m the outlme
(prnti le) Ime up
'ert1call)- m a Top
\ 1e'' onentation.
f"hc rUOII ,Ire 11\lt
equal , and can
change to ,my

Profile Location:
( I I)
The -.kctdl gcomcll") IS located nn the parting plane the \Oild
'' nh the larger .trc centercd \\ 1th rc-.pcctto the model on gm .
Draft: I he applied drnll is equal on both sides of the parting plane.
Thicl-ncss: lllc tlm:kncss olthc part IS equal on both Sides or the
part mg Ime.

( I Il

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry end Draft

21 Centerline.
Sdcct the plane Top .ts the sl..ctch pl.tne. Oncnt the 'te\\ to the
same uirectmn <;tat1 o lT the '>ketch " 1th a centerlinc as !->h(m n.

22 Lines and arcs.

Create a llm. and tmnsJtton
direct!) mtu <1 tangent arc
u... mg Autotransitioning
Fm more mllln11atmn. '>l.!e
. lutotransitioning Bct11een
Une., am/ lrn on pag..: 7 1.

23 Return to a line.
Al1cr the arc,.., complete. th..: line tmll
<~gam become.., acllve <;keh.:h a line the L<tngcnt mli.:rence lme. l ml
the Imeal the enu ol'lhe lirstline

24 Tangent arc.
L se aulotraJhll iOntng agam 10 dose the
prnlile starl ing \\ Jth a tangent arc lium
the last endplllnt

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draft

25 Add relations .
Aut! rclatwns to attach th..: urc
ccntcrpomh to the ..:nu-. ul the ccllll.'rline
a-.\ n.

26 Dimensions. R13
/\uti dinH.:no., tnns as\ n to full}- delinl.!
thc -.ketch


27 The extrusion.
( 'hange 10 an Isometric '1e" .mu
d H.:k Extruded Boss/Base . 'i..:t
the type tn Mid Plane. depth to
20mm and dran to 8. Rename the
latc't lcaturc tn Head
lhc three mnm l~aturc.., that mnkc up
the tl\crall shapc nl thc pan arc mm

Lesson 4 SolldWorks 2013
Symmetry and Draft

View Options Th~ Soltd'Norks ~on\, an.: pnn td~~) ou '' llh mun) option~ l(lr
contr0llmg nnd mantpulatmg ho'' 111\ldel~ are di!-.pla)ed on your ~creen
In g~neral , these\ ic'' options can he 01\ u.kd mtnt\\O group~.

Display Optio ns

CJ . _ tlri-
( J l _ ..... _
UghhMCt ( ,..,.e ~Utlct,..,

- ....... 1,...
,.,. ,_,_
la! o..n q,..w, ,.IIM~
" -0--
.. - ...
a... d -
; ,_

.. s.a-.......


~ l a\ltnp~~

. .....,._"-'ro'o
" Doll'~
, Uo ...<a~~Anotyw

...... l~ ~ ........
,..,.... Go ......

C tr~tnftlft'W'I4

Modify Options



'.,._....... _....
t.-u .... c.n.., >1\ z-tor
~ z-........ '
...... l z-wo.o
r..-.. .....,_
itJo. ...... c ,..,
+ -
Joo 1..._...,...., aw
c....... \ t~--
-V- (t"Shft1Z

S.:d(he 54f: C~\'InoAa-

Jl$.dd0 Sc:~ftDot 1

z..,......, Sc.'-'1 c.."
"v - - .

~ ld:H{&Jlpn..

P.wt. . lw.n "'"' ...........


,.,.ln9ltN ANftAI.

( ftltftof,._.,.

Note The 111\\CI pmtton~ ol'thc~c menus h:nc hc~n truncated.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draft

Display Options The rollm' mg illu<lllnn~ of the Ratchet illu~tratc the ddlcn:nttypc ...
or UISJ1la) optmn~.

\.\ irdrnme l l1ddcn I 111e-. V1-.ihlc ll 1ddcn l111e-. Rem m ed

Per~pecll' e <;cction

/cbra ~tnpes '\hadtm., 10 Shaded !\lode Shuded With l"dge~

Note The Perspective unu Section View option-. c.m he arphed tu .1ny type
or' ie\\ '' 1relramc. h1ddcn Ime. or .,haucd. The Draft Quality HLRJ
HLV tool ~ can he m:tJ\-e \\ ith all 'IC\\ t) pc~ hut atli.:cts unl) the
Hidden Lines Removed and Hidden Lines Visible optlllllS hy makmg
the display faceted and li1 ~h..'r to mampulall.!.
Modify Options The modi I} optiOns are listed hdm\ nc\.1 to thc1r cmn:spnnding tool ....
Note it 1~ notorwusl) ditlicuh to lilll'..tratc somcthmg .1~ dynam1c a-.' IC\\
rotntwn 'ia a m..:dnun as ... t.lllc ao, a pnntcd manual. rhl.'n:li.>rc. the
dillcrcnt 'JC\\ opuon-. Jre only IJ.,h:d and sumnH.Irltcd hl.'n:. Your
111"truct11r \\ ifl demonstrate thl'lll for you 111 chls._.

Zoom to Fit: looms 111 or out so thl' cnt1rl' modd 1s 'i'>ihlc

Zoom to Area: loom., 111011 a pllrtion of the' Jc\\ that yuu
h) dragging a bounding ho'\. the ccntcr of the ho\. is marked" 1th
a pluo, ( 1 l s1gn.
Zoom In/Out: /noms 111 a., you prcs., and hold the ldlmousc
hullon anu drug the lllllUSe Up. /1lOI1lS OUt as you drag the lllOU"l'
dO\\ n.
Zoom to Selection: /noms 10 the SI/Cor a ...cb:tcd entity.

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmorry and Drah

~ Rotate Vie w: RNah:'> the' ie\\ as )OU pres" and hold the lctl
~ moUsl' buuon and drag the mouse around tiK' -.creen.
Roll View: Rotates the '"e" .1bout ,111 a\is norma l to the -,crcen as
you press .u.ld huld the lell mouse hutton and drag the mouse

j around the -.erc.:n.

Pa n View:
~croll-. the '1e'' -.o ihe nwdel mm cs as you drag the

Middle Mouse !he m1ddlc or\\ heel nHlUsc hutton on a three bullon mouse can be used
Butt on Functions to d) namtcally manipulate the Usmg the m1ddle or" hcd
mouse hulltlll ) nu can:

Funct ion Button \\h eel

- -
Prcs-. and hold the middle Press and hold the "heel
mouse bull on. \s) nu mm c mouse hull on. As you mm c
Rota te
the mnu'>c. the 'tC\\ rotates the mouse. the \ IC\\ rotate,
rrecly rrecly.

Cltck the middle mnu'>c l'ltel- the '' hcd nwus~.:

hull on on the ge<lmetf) . \s butwn on the geumctl)
you mn\ e the nHlu ....:. tiK' lhen. pr~.:s" .md hnld the
Rota te '1e\\ rotates about that "heel mou..,.: button. I he
a bout selected geometry. 'le\\ rotates about the
geomct r)

l'" '-;_ '""':~'" "'

. geomcll: as ) ou mm e the
The u.:nmetn. can he a
j mnu..,e.
tcm pnnu) a' 1s.
1 Pres'> and hold the Ctrl i-cy and hold the Ctrl i-cy
tog.:ther '' llh the "heel
Pa n or l'og<the<" uh th' ontddk
mt'u"e button. I he '1e'' mouse button. Th.: "le\\
"ill -.eroll as ) ou drag the \\ill scroll a'> ~ou drag the
lllllU'>t: lllOli'C

Prc.,., md hold the Shift key \pin the '' hel:l mouse
together'' llh the m1ddlc button . I he \ IC\\ " i11 too m
nHlU..,c button. I he ' te\\ larger as you ... pm th.: \\heel
''Ill 1oom larger a" you do\\ m\ ard: ,.,mallcr a'> you
Zoo m
drag th-: mouse UP'' ant: spin the" heel up" ard. Or.
.. maller as you drag the rres~ and hold the Shift i-cy
mou-,e dtm n\\ ard and the "heel mou!--c hullnn
as you drag the mouo;.:

Zoom to
Doubk-clu.:i- th.: muJdlc 1 """blc~l;,, th< "heel
mou ... c button In toom the mouse huttllll to toom the
cnt1 re model to li 1 ~.:nllrcmodel t(\ lit.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Drah

Reference Triad The Reference Triad can he uscJ w change the \I C.:\\
Functions orient~ llon . Selecting an a\ Is, \\l th or Without m.lu1llon:1l kc.:ys.
can be.: u..,c.:J w control rotation..,.

Selection Result

Select a\ ls not nom1al to ..,crccn A\ Is um:ction 1s normal to the

")ckct <1\ls normal to sn~.-cn Rlltate 'IC\\ I go clock" 1so.:.
Shift sch.ct <1\is Rotate ' IC\\ 90 degrees dock'' isc
ahnut the -,clcch.:d a\IS
Rolutc \ ic\\ aholll the selected a\ I..,
thmg Arrow key mcrcmcllls.

Keyboard I 1stcd helm' arc the predclined key hoard shmtcuts l(lr 'ic\\ oplluns:
Arrow Keys
Shift+Arrow Keys
--- j Ro"'tclhn '"""
Rotate the ' IC\\ 111 90 mcrcmclll!>

Att+Left o Right Keys~ Rotot< ahout monna I to '"' " ' " "
Ctri+Arrow Keys \ 1m c tho.: '1e"
--~ -- - -----
Shift+Z I on m In
z 7 on m <>ut
- -
I uom to l1t
- -
G r-. lagllll}'mg <.d.1-.s
-- --
lrnnt Oncntation
- -
Back Om:ntallon
I ell Oricntatwn
~-- l- -
Ctrl+4 Right Oncnlllon
- +-
Ctri+S lop Oncntatllln
-~- ---
Bottom Oru.:ntat1nn
-~-- - - -
Ctrl+7 bomctnc Oncmauon
Ctrl+8 Vi~" Normal l'o
Spaceba r
- -- - f--
VIL'\\ Oru::ntatinn lkll l1g.

Tip In a ur~m ing. lllll) the Zoom and Pan function-. can he uscu.

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry and Draft

Tip Clear Zoom to fit when changing to standard views 111 Tools,
Options, System Options, View to prc\ cnt fittmg the model to the
graphics area on <Ill \mcntati<ln change.
Note Click Tools, Customize and the Keyboard tab 10 "cc ,1.,s1gncd
shortcuts. u. .
c the s,unc dwlog to add s11llrtcuts or your()\\ n

~~.. -,.
bl.w~ 'hc-r
~ ..,.... ~
:rr:. ~~
..... hHtldgir
t '-=.rA.eoen

+ - -.-
+.r,.,.. ""'aon
1 ttdrf9..., asp..,. Prerw
~ lov;llt.-~,.._ ,._
1 .................. -

Using Model I he first cut 1\:aturc to be added 1s thc Recess, a pocket that is e'truded
Edges in a d(mn from the top lace of the Head. I h1s 1\:aturc .1lhl\h li>r the
Sketch or
plucetm:nl a CO\ er plate 0\ er the ratchd gears. Since the CO\l:r IS the
same genera l ... hape a... the Lop lltcc, it ''nuiJ he helpful to take
advant.tgc of the edges ol the Head\\ hen -.kctchmg the profile lilr the
Recess cut. \'vc \\ 111 do th1s by making an Offset or the cJge-. ul the
Zoom to Selection lhe Zoom to Selection opuon /!lOIIb in tHl a sdccted cntit). making it
1i 11 the screen.

Where to Find lt Menu Select geometry or ll:aturcs and click View, Modify,
Zoom to Selection
\hnrtcut l\ lenu Right-click gcomdl) or 1\:aturcs and d1ek
Zoom to Selection

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 4
Symmetl)l and Draft

Named Views Ado a cu~tom nmm:d '1e\\ to the Orientation d1alog bo'\ to n:call the
/\Will IL'H: I and rotatl\ln angle ol the model m the graph1e~ aro?a. lJso?
th1~ to easd} retum to .1 pro?\ ious \ k\\ of' the model

Where to Find lt ll eads-up VIe\\ loolhar: ll1cJ.. View Orientation

New View
Keyboard Shortcul. Spacebar, then New View

28 Se lec t face and zoom .

~ekl t the LOp l~tee or the Head
and d1cJ.. Zoom to Selection -.. .
lhat ltlce "ill lil l the gmrlm;s
"indo'' .
29 Named view.
Pn:ss the Spacebar to open the
Orientation d1al~1g ho\

<. licJ.. New View ~ I} re Head

and d1ek OK. <. lose the
Orientation dtalog hm..

Sketching an OfTsets 111 a sketch rd) on e\l'>tlllg model edge~ nr sketch en1111es 111
Offset another sJ..etch. In this c'\amplc ''e "1llutilitl' the model euge~ of the
Head. I hLse edge~ can he chosen smgly. ur as the houndal} of' an
l'nllrc fitcc. 'When poss1hle, 111s a goml idca In p1eJ.. the lacc because the
sJ..eteh \\ j 11 n:gencratl' better If' ~llbSl'lJUenl ehnnges add or rel110\ e
edge~ f'mm the r:tce

'I he o?u gc~ arc proj-.:etl'd onl<l the plan<? or thc skctch. regardless
"hcthcr they l1e on that plane or not.
Introducing: Offset Entities '' uscd to create copte~ or model eugcs 111 a sketch
Offset Entities 1 hesc cop tc~ arc o fl',et rmm the ongmal b) some spcctlicd amounL

Where to Find lt CommandManagcr Sketch > Offset Entities 7J

M-.:nu: Tools, Sketch Tools, Offset Entities
~honcu t Menu. R1ght-cl1cJ.. 111 the g raphu: ... area and clid..
Offs et Entities

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry and Drah

30 Offset the face boundaries.

<:;elect the top face anu click
Sketch E: \\ nh the li.tcc still
~elected. click Offset Entities
?J ~et the dt~t ancc qlluc to
2mm and Reverse the dtrcctton
tfneccssar). 1110\ ing the nllsct
to the lllStdc anu click OK

31 Resulting Offset.
The ollset create!'. t\\o lines and t\\O arl'S. "1111s
g.comctl) '"dependent on the soltd luec 11 came
from md '' tll change'' ith the soltu. I he sketch
I!> aUL0111UllC::tl ly full} defined anu read} to
c\Lrudc a ... a cut.
32 Settings for the cut.
Choo!-.C Blind cut '' 1th 2mm ftlr the depth 'aluc
.md cltck OK.
33 Rename the feature.
Change the name or Lh~ ll:aturc to Recess.

Creating I he Pocket'" another c\truucd cut fcaturc . lh"' sJ,.ctch U!'.C!-.

Trimmed m crlappmg cm.:lcs that arc tnmmcd ln create a !-.lllglc contour. I he
Sketch c~.:ntcrs of th~.: cJrdc!-. arc rdated to e\lsting cin:ular ccntcrpomts.


34 Sketch circles.
<\elect the top. mncr litcc ncatcd hy the l,tst fcntun:
a-. the sketch plane. L smg Circle 0 , create a ctrclc
usmg the e'l.i-.ung ccnterpoml locatton as the
circle-. nngm. <:;nupplllg to this locattun ''ill relate
the cm:le tn 11 automatically. (. rcmc a second ctrcle
oil' 10 the s1dc of the modd.

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Drah

35 Relate the centers.

Cl u.:k Add Relation J.1 to upc:n the: Add
Relations Prnpc:rt)' l:)cll!ct the sc:cond
ctrclc: and the c:dg.c: of the cut. Choo~c: the:
Concentric opuon and d tck OK Concentric
forcc:s the: t\\0 arcs (the ctrcle and the circular
edge) to share: a eummon ccntcr l hts \\Il l pull
the ctrel~ mto p(l-.JIJOn.

Trim and Extend ~htch entities can be trimmed shortc:r usmg the Trim llptiOn. In thts
c:'umplc. the m c:rluppmg portmns of the ctrch;s wt ll he rcmmc:d I hc:n:
arc: sc\c:ral tnmmmg options Power Trim, Corner. Trim away inside,
Trim away outside ,mu Trim to closest lhc) can also he: lc:ng.thcnc:d
ll'.. ing Extend I he) arc: tltscus hellm .

Introducing: Trim Trim ean he usctlto shorten ""c:td1 gcomc:tr).

Where to Find lt ( ommantlManagcr: Sketch > Trim Entities ~

Mc:nu Tools, Sketch Tools, Trim
l:)hortc:ut fVIc:nu . Rtght-cl td. in the graphics area and click Trim

Power trim F rcmo\C:..,

the: port ton of an c:ntll) that
you drag mc:r bct\\cc:n
intcrsl'ctmn-. (lf to an

1 hl' Corner f"l opti1111 i..,

u...c:tl to tnm b) "l'cping thl'
gc:omctry sdcctc:d to J
C:llmmon mtc:rsceuon.

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry and Draft

u~c the Trim away

outside t3 l<l k..:ep the

imidt' pnrltons ofg..:mnetr}
agatn..,t a boundar) ~elect
the I'' o boundam:.., ( 1.1) li r~t
then the piece'> ofgeomctr)
tu tnm ( 1 ).
lhe Trim away inside
=t ~ to keep the out\ttlc
poruom. or gcnmctt}
agamst a houmlar~ Seh!ct
thc two houndancs (B) tir~t
thcn the p1cccs of gconH~try
to trim ( I).

l ..,e Trim to closest ~

to tnm selected gcomctry
to the ncarcst mlerscction
or rcmo' e a port inn of the
gem111!lr} betwecn

Introducing: Extend can he useu to lengthl'n skl'tch gcomell').


Where to Find lt Commandl\.lanagcr. Sketch >Trim Entities tt: > Extend

Entities 1T
1\lcnu: Tools, Sketch Tools, Extend

"elect ncare~t thc cnd

lo C\tcnd and cl1ck to
c:--tend lo thl' ne.\1
mters..:ct ion

Drag the neurcst ~

l'ndpomt und drop 11 on
the mtcr..,ccting cntll} ~ ~
to c\tcnd I ~

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Drah

36 Trim the circles.

Cltck Trim Entities 1t- and
Power trim option

Drug, cwrou the portiom of'rhe ~ketch


that \'Oil 1\'WII w H'IIIIJI''.


aao 'tOU QnOf' .:ot~J.,..
lfi1Un Cif pd
on ., mlt'l ...,
'-* 0'\. bct.rdnO ft'\lt'J fll
.,...,.,tw:rccnktalf'CJ1 fo
-. tMCIIt'l"'t:ln ~ .,_., .,..
~-~~~m ., 0' 80""' Q.IJOI'
n1e S)SlCin \\Ill linO the lnlerscct\0\lS .. Cl!lll.f'ltc:nttn

ht.'l\\ccn the c1rclcs and rcmm c the


37 Add dimensions. R9
1\tld dmh:m.ums to the arcs. r hil- \\Ill lillly tlclinc
thc slo.ctch.
38 Turn off the dimension tool.
An ea~) v. a) to turn oil' the dimcni-Wll tool is to
"mply prc1-s the Esc kc) on the keyboard.

Modifying ()incc th1.. skc t ~h entities arc arcs, the systcm automa ti cally created
Dimensions radial tluncn ... ions. ll'you prcrcr dmmcter dimension .... )OU ~un qui~kly
change the d1spli.1) optnlll'>. I or more 1n-tlcpth d1111en ... mn changes.
rig.h1-d1ck 1he d1mcn-.1tlll. and click Properties.

39 Diameter dimensions.
Select the dirncnsJ()ns, nght-clid. and cltd.
Display Options, Display As Diameter.

Lesson 4 SolldWorks 2013
Symmetry and Draft

Introducing: Offset lhc Offset From Surface ..:nu

From Surface ~.:onultllln I'- 10 locJtc th~: end of
an e\trU'>IOil a:- n nwasuremcnt liom a
plane. race or ...urface rather th<lll the
... ketch rlanc uf the kature.
l n th1.., c:-..amplc.: the end of the
e\tnlsiUil j;, metl>oUri.!U from the
botwm lltce or thi.: par t.
I he Translate Surface oruon can be
checked or clc.:an.:d. Jt.., m..:an1ng 1..,
c\flhllned bchm
What the Translate 1he Translate Surface nptlllll of the
Surface option Offset From Surface end cund ttion '"off
does : h) dc.:illllh
In the tllustra ti\Hl at the right, both
column" are positioned hclO\\ t\\ o
idcnucal 'em1-c1rcular rcfen:nce <>urliJcC>o.
Both column" .trc C\truded such that the
top ol each 1s 1.4" bchm the rcti:rcncc
surface.,. l he co lumn un thl le/; \\ 'US
e\trmkd '' ith the Translate Surface
opuon on. n1e column on the right '' u.,
e\trudld '' ith the opt ton u iT.
I he Offset from Surface opuon 111
the Translate Surface optllln detine.,
the end cunditmn h) lmcarl)
twnsJatmg a COp) of the su ri~ICC 111 the
dirccti\m of the c\Lrus1on. Wnhuut 1t.
the cop1ed surlacc 1., created h)
projeclmn normal to the orig 111al
"url~ce I knee the two dtll\:relll
Note l nthi-, e\ampk. the flll'lltton ol the planar l~tce .,eJected mean~ that both
1lpt11m" reach thl' 'lame re>oult

40 Offset From Surface.

( ltek Extruded Cut and clmose the Offset From Surface cn<.l
nmditmn . ~ ct the Offset Distance to 5mm .

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 4
Sym metty and Draft

Introducing: Select Select Other ts used to :.ehxt hidden laces of the mmlcl \\llhout
Other reorientmg 1t.

Where to Find lt ~hmtcut Menu. Rtght-cltck a li1ce and d tck Select Other ~

Select Other I o select t:tce.., that are htdden or obscured, you usl' the Select Other
Procedure op11on. Whl'n you pthttion thl' cursor 111 the arl!a cl I a llu;~ and pres... the
nght mouse button. Select Other i!-. a\ntlahle as an op11on on the
<.hnrtcut menu. lhc lltct: closest to thl' cursor ts htdden. l\hn ing o\er
laces ltstl'd 111 the dw log htghltghts them on the scr..:l'n.

41 Named view.
Press the Spacebar to open the Orientation dialog hO\ . Click Head to
dtsplay the 'ie\\ stall' nf that named \ te\\
42 Face selection.
Right-click U\ er thl' htddcn hnlllllll fal'e and l'hCH)Sl' Select Other. I r
thl'rc arc multiple sch.:cttlms. -,lide the l'Ursnr up and dcm n the Select
Othe r ltst to highlight pcho.,tbll' lace 'iclecuons. l lsc the lcn mouse
bullon to o.,dcct the t:tce dirl'd l) m select thl' d1otcl' Face I rum the ltst.
( lu:k OK and rename the li.:atur~ Pocket.

Tip Other taCt'S can he htdden dunng the seh:clion. Rtght-dtd. J r:.lcl! tu
lmh: tl. Pr~..,.., Shift and righl-dtck to unhidc 1t and rcmO\ c 11 fmm the

Lesson 4 So lidWorks 201 3
Symmetry and Draft

Measuring 1 he Measure opuon can he u~cd ror nwn) mcasurcn11.:nt tasks

mcluding mca-.uring a single cnllty or hct\\CCilt\\o cnllllcs. 1hi.!
en lilieS IIH.!IUUC fi.Jce!>. edges, \ Cf(ICCS, and plllnh. rhc lllCLI!.Un:mcnt
.1ppcars 111 the dduult units nl' tht.: part hul ynu can chang..: that in th..:
Measure di<dog ho\

, ,,c.d!HrMM~b~ 6.61.,
t'ldlii 'L9:13n
DID ff 1 kX11n
r. ...uulOilT~

In thi.., C\amplc 11 "ill be to mea.. urc th..: shortest distance bct\\..:en
an edge and a plum:
Introducing : lhc Meas ure command can calcu late distances. length!.. -..urfacc arc<h.
Measure angles. cm:ks and X.' ./locatillllS ur s..:lccted \CI"llCCs. rnr cm.:l..:s .md
arcs. thl.! ccntcr. ll11mmum and ll1J\111lllll1 dimcn~ions arc L\Hlllablc as
sho\\ n belo'' . You can change het\\ ccn thcs..: d1m..:nswns 111 thc
Measure d1alog hm. or 111 the on-scrc..:n ca lll)llt

6! C4'f\fctto(..Cff
d{, M.,,..,...,o.o-c
IKI ~o..d-
llb o........

SolidWorks 201 3 l esson 4
Symmetry and Draft



lib c........

Where to Find lt Commandl\1<111ll):!l:r: Evaluate > Measure .a

Menu : Tools, Measure

43 Measure between face

and vertex.
Clit.:k Measure A and
d lt.:k the !.tee ( rmm st~:p
42 ) and \CMC\ as sho\\11
~ Ul)ooo
Dlllt'l. 2..S....
er.n. '. s .cao..a
Ol'!W l 0. 4.xa-
IIH: Normal Distance and '"-: lt.Ak!lrt~ Te: .,..,_.. .9.DfiiO
... ~~TCaod!l<-
Delta Y arc hoth Smm
lnfum1at10n for the
t.:umbi ncd -,elect i o n ~ 1s

Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2013
Symmetry and Dmft

Tip The: Status Bar :.H the: hollom of the SolrJWorks "mdow dil'>play-. ...mnc
... I m liar mfonmuion \\hen the Measure loo! j<; oil I r a Circular edge
was ~dected. the status bar \\ould .,hll\\ the Radius and Center.

44 Hole wizard. .. 9
Clrck Hole Wizard " and
add hoks using AN SI Metric
and Drill Sizes of 9mm and
12mm Both hole~ arc
Through All and ccntcred un
C\l.,ting c1rcular c:dge... as
shm\ n
Rcnam.: the li.!aturcs Wheel
Hole (9mm ) <llld Ratchet

.. 12

Note You must create the t\\\l hole ... as separate: lcaturcs. Y(lll cannot crc<.~te
holes of' arying diameter., 111 .1 <.,ingk lcature.
45 Fillets.
1\dd lillct... on edge... and t~1ce., a:; ~ll\1\\ n hehm.

R 3mm R 1mm R 2mm

a me = Handle Fillets Name H End Fillets Nantt: T-H Fillets

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 4
Symmetry and Draf t

Editing the Fillet or

Ih~ last lillt:l to cn.:ah: is Jround th~ upp~.:r und IO\\ er edge ... the
Feature Head. "iince Lh1., lill~.=t has the sam~.: rudiu" as the lil lct on the ends ol
the Handle. \\C "Ill ed1t this c\istmg. lillettn mc ludc the edges on the
Head. Th1s 1s a better Lcdm1quc than crcatmg a ne\\ lillet and try mg. tn
ligur~ out hm\ to keep th~ i r radu equal. In do thi~ \\c \\Il l edit the
dc!in it1on nfth~ H End Fillets.

46 Select and edit the fillet

R1ght-cllck the li.!atur~ H End Fillets. and
dilk Edit Feature. Sdecl the additional
edges around the upper and lower edges o l
the Head r hc '>elect lOll li st ... hould 11(1\\
in(hcate a lUta l of6 edges ..,dct.:h:d

47 Save and close the part.

Exercise 12 SohdWorks 2013
Symmetry and Offse ts I

Exercise 12: l se o lbet:- aml symnh.' LIJ tu complete

Symmetry and the pan .
Offsets 1 llli!> lab n:i nlorees the folhmmg -.kllh..
Jmmduc mg Ime/'/ Centerline on
page Ill).
St'IIIIIU'/1'1 u!ie1 ~kltcllllrJ!. nn
page I ::!0
\lid Plane Frti'II.\UJ/1 on page I:! I .
SJ..etclring till qf/iet on pai!L' 135.
Lnlls. millimeters

Dimensioned l se the lolltm mg graphtc-. "ith the dc.,tgn intent to create the part.
2X <J.> 10 THRU All 7

50 75

~ 40


R6 <t Por t and t'!Oies

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 13
Ratchet Handle Changes

Exercise 13: r-.1ak~ changes to thl.! pan created 111

Ratchet Handle the pr~' 1mts 1e~-.on .
Changes Th1-. l.!\crc1se the fbl1tm 111g
li-1111 (1171/ 1:\reucl on page 13 7.

Design Intent <;om~ a-.pcch ol the d~:s1gn Intent for tl11-. part arl.!:
1. I he pan must r~main
sy nun et nca I a bout thl.! Right
2. I he Transition requ1rl!'i
llat). that arl.! um en h} till.!
Ul'>tance het\\ ccn them

Procedure Open an e\ist111g pan.

1 Open the part Ratchet
Handle Changes.
1 he change\\ ill take place
in the -.hapl.! of thl.!
Transition !Caturt.

Exercise 13 SolldWorks 2013
Ratc het Handle Changes

2 Edit the sketch.

Rtghh:lid, the Transition lcmure und click Edit Sketch. Modify the
sk.etch (()add the equall) spaced horitontal fhlls 8mm apart. I '\it the

3 Edit Feature.
I ditthc H End Fillets fi!atun: to
add more edges. '.elect the l'i1ur
ne\\ edge" createtl b) the llah.
t lick OK.

4 Resulting fillets.
l he ne\\ edges become part uf the
li llet feature, thl' shape ol
the nc:-.t fillet feature tn update
5 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 14
Symmetty and Offsets 2

Exercise 14: Lh~ ollsct.., and s]mmetr) tn

Symmetry and comr l ~l~ the rurt.
Offsets 2 I h1s lab re1nti.m:es thc ti.1lhm mg
/ntmduc ing,: Insert ( 'emerfinc
on page 119.
Symmcfn a/f("} f\kct' lung on
page 120.
iiJtmdudng flie11 "vomwl To
011 rage 124.
SI. etching an Off\ et on
page 135
lmmt!ucing 0/fset From
Surface on page 140.
Hl'll.lurtng on pag.: 142.

Procedure Op~n the 1.!\lStll1g rart Offset Entities and cr~al<...' the geometry a-.
sh<m n 111 the fol hm mg ..,teps.
1 Offset entities.
LJ-.,t: Offset Entities l(lcrt:atc the ..,J..ctch gcmmtry ..,tum n.

Exercise 14 SolldWorks 2013
Symmetry and Offsets 2

2 Offset from surface.

u~~: a Cut Extrude \\it h un Offset From Surface or 10mm. Sdcctthc
hidden htcc u~1ng Select Other.

I hi~ cut,l\\ <l} ... how ... the rc~ult-. the ull"..;ct from ~urfacc optiOn rhc
Measure ton I can he used to check Ihi' \ aluc

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 14
Symmetry and Offsets 2

3 Offset.
Create " n~:" ;.l-etch and ull\et the face 2mm.

4 Offsets with symmetry.

l ;.c View Normal To Ill nncnl the pan L'-.1! Center lines ;md Mirror
Entities to crl'illC and 1111rwr ;.!..etch gcomcll") u-, -.hem n. l -,c a Cut
Extrude Through All.

( :c

5 Save and close the part.

Exercise 15 SolidWorks 2013
Up To Surface

Exercise 15: u.,~ symm~tr: anu an up to surfac~ enu

Up To Surface conut!l on to compl~te the part.
1111, lah reinlilrc~' th~ folio\\ mg ~kill-,:

!ntmduc i11g Uymunit \lirror \In

pag~ 120.
L p To "ve11 l's L I' 7(, '\111:/c~ec on
page 126.
l ln tts: millimeters

Procedure Open an c\lstmg pan mtnH:d Up_To_ Surface

l '"' ng Plane2. create the gcometl) bdo\\ Ll'>lllg lines and ") mmctry.


r l
t 10

132 J

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 15
Up To Surface

2 Extrude with direction.

I '\tntdl.' tlw ,l,.t:tdl (. h~:l.. 111 the Direction of Extrusion lidll anll dt~-:1..
thl.' hlul.' ~l..l.'ld1 hnc "' 'illlm n. 'wt the Depth to 28mm


3 Up to surface.
\kctLh un Plane 1 .mu n...:at~ tiK ltrclc ditm.n'll'lll.'d .. , ,flo\\ n I \lntu~o:
th~: ,l,.~:tch Up To Surface and clrd; thl.' pink lhc~: to t~:rmrnutc th~:

Exercise 15 SolidWorks 2013
Up To Surface

4 Fillets.
\ dd lilkts as -.ho\\ n h~ltm .

Tip I h~'~ lilkts arc' ~r; order dcr~:ndcnt: th~ 12mm fillet' muo;t rr~ccdl
lh~: 3mm one'
5 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 16

Exercise 16: (. omple!l.: this part usmg tiH.: Ullllen ... ions prm ided. l se

Pulley rc:latinns v.hc:rc: applicable: lo muintam the design

llw. lab u...c:s the: folhmmg :-1-.llb
.~\lllmt'ln in Ill< t:iketc 11 on page: 11 Q,
\ltd Plane 1 \fl'lls/011 on page I~ I.
/)mft Toggle (lll page I:! I
lmmduc1ng ( 'irch\ on page I ~-I.

Optional I r you would like to U\e the e\ i'itlllg gL'Oinl!try. sk ip to Procedure I r

Sketching you \\Ou ld like to create the o.,l-.c:tche<s, open a 111!\\ mm pan ant! use the
dunension.., bc:hm I here arc three sl-.ctchcs n.:qum.:u. the: lirst c:reah:tl
on the Front Plane, the rc:maming l\\ o on the Right Plane.

Front Plane Right Plane

Procedure Open an e\isllng pan namc:d Pulley.

1 Extrusion with draft.
I '-I rude th~.o Base sl-.dch (red)
10mm using thc: Mid-plane c:ntl
c:onullltln and 6 ol drali

Exercise 16 SolidWorks 2013

2 Hanger.
l ''-'the Hanger (bill\.') ~!..etch anJ another Mid-
plane e'trU ... I\111 llr4mm \\ llh the ~:tllle ,IJlHlllllt or

3 Cut and hole.

( re ate a nil us1ng the Cut 'kl..'lch (green).
I he cui '' Through All 111 bnth J1rectmn~.
\ JJ a 5mm JJ<tmeter hole.

( reatc a tlmJ hole. 3mm centercJ .Jhll\ '-'the

on gm.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 16

4 Fillets.
<\uu il filkt lll 1mm to the botlOill CUgl's or
the cut.

1\ud lillch ol 1 mm and

0.5mm i.l!> ... ho\\ n.

Note I h..:'>c lill..:h ar..: \l.!f} d..:pcndllll. the 1mm lilkts mu... l pr..:ccd..:
th..: 0.5mm one...
5 Save and close the part.

Exercise 17 SolidWorks 2013
Idler Arm

Exercise 17: Creatc th1~ part u~mg the unm~n).itms prm tdctl t -.e
Idler Arm rdaunns "' h~.:re applicahl~.: to ma nna m the <k'>~gn
inten t. Ul\ c cardul thought to th~.: best lncallllll l(>r
lhc ongm.
The on I) ri.!li:rcncc planes rcqutrcd rur thi~ part arc
Top. Front antl Right.
I Ius lab uses thc filllll\\ 111g. skills

'\rmmctn ill tin S/..e1clt on page 119.

\lid l'hmt l \tm\i0/1 on pm!e I::! I.
t rtmdmg Lp To 'vnt nn page 12Cl.
L ruts millimeters

Design Intent The dc~1gn in tent lur tlw. p.n1 1s as fi> ll<m s:
I. rhc part IS Sy llllllClrll:al
2. rrnnt holes :m. nn th~.: ccntcrl111c.
3. All tilh:h anc.J rountls (highltghtcd n:d abm c) arc R3mm unless
4. Cemcr holes 111 Front and Right share a lllllllllon ccntcrpoml.

Dimensioned U:;c the f(llltl\\ 1ng graphiC!>'' 1th the dc-.ign mtcnt to create the part.
Front View

Top View

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 17
Idler Ar m

Right. View

Detail View A
0 121HRUALL---..


R3Ali /
flllEIS&. --


Exercise 18 SolidWorks 2013
Tool Holder

Exercise 18: lhi" lah reinforce~ the l(llln\\ mg ..,ktlb:

Tool Holder i11 tht W.ctch on page Ill).
\fu/1'/am! E\'11'1/.\UIIIOil pag.: 121 .
lmrocludnp,. ( 'udc1 on pagt. I :!-t
Trun tmcl Fr~tncl on page I J7.
l nn._ millimeters

Design Intent \omc a"pccts nt' the dc"tgn intent li.'r thi-. pan arc.
All lillet-. and round' arc R2mm unlc~s othcn\ '"c noted .
(. ir~ular edge'- {)f equal mdti dtanK"tcr ..,lmuld rcmmncqual.

Dimensioned u..,c the lnllil\\ tng graphtc ... "ith the dc"ign tntcnt tn cn::<ttl' the pan.
Views Iangcnt edge' .trc htddcn 111 J 11 ' t~'\\ '

-cBORE f..,: M5 He< HI"OCI &. 11

Top View

Front View 40

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 18
Tool Holder

Deta.J.l View A


Exercise 18 SolldWorks 2013

Lesson 5

Upon succc~~rulo:ompkttnn olthts lc~S(lll. you" il l b~: able to:

(. reat.: a I meat pallem
AJd a ureular pattern
l l ~~ geometry pa!l~:rns properl).
<. reatc a mtrrur pattern
Use the pallem sccli only opt ton\\ tth a linear pattem
Add a sl-.dch dm en pattern.
\utnm:ll~: the procc"' (lr full~ Jclining a sketch.

Lesson 5 SolidWorks 2013

Why Use Pau~:rns an. th~ h~:-.t m~:thod lor tteaung mulupk tn!>tance .. of' one ur
Patterns? mml' katur~:~. l ~cor pa11cm.., j, pn.:fcrahle to other methods lhr '>l'\ era I
reason ....
Reuse of geometry
1111.: ongmal or Seed feature j, created only once. Pattern Instances
M the ... eeu an.: created ami placl.'d. "1th rcl~nmces hm:k to the '>eed
Due 1~1 the '>Ced mstance rclattonshtp. change:-. to the ... eed arc
automaticall} p<l'sed on to thl.' mst.tncl.' ....
Use of Assembly Component
Pauems crcat-.:d nt the part k\ d arl'
reusable at the a ... -.emhl) le\d a'>
Feature Driven Patterns. !"he paltern
1::.111 he us~:d In place component parts
or ~ub-as... cmblte..,
Smart Fasteners
One last ad\ <111t<tge patll.'l"llS i-. Ill
support the use or '-!mart I a"tl'ner.,.
"imart I astl.'ners arc used to
automalll'<tll} add l(lsteners tn the
a-. ... emhly. fh ~sc arc spl'ctlil: to holes.

Pattern Terminology ro USl' rauerns, ) (Ill '>11\luld undl.'r'>tand the term-. "el:d .u\d pallern
I hl' -.l.'ed "the genmcll) to he patterned lt c.:an h~.. one or nHlrl'
katurc-.. h<,dt~:s or face.:-..
Pattern Instance
I he.: Pattern Instance (or Ill'>! Instance) '" tlw "'cop),. of the \ecd
created h) th~o. paltc.:rn. 11 ,.., 111 r.1ct much mme than a cup) bc.:caw..c tt ,.,
dcri\ c.:d liom the .,c.:~:d <llld chang~:" "ith the .,ecu.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 5

Types of Patterns rhcn: arc man) t)pc~ 11fpaucrn~ ;natlablc in <;oliJWnrk~ and the
fi)lhmlllg table~~ intended tn highltghtlhe typu.:a l uses ror each type.
Note Not allnr the pauan t} pc~ in the table arc ~ h m\n a~ ca~c ~tudtc~.

Pattern Type: Typical usage: Key:

Seed ~
Pattern Instance

Onc-dtrectional urra) '' uh ..:quat

Linear ....... . ~ -.pacing.

r\\-o-diredillllUl array\\ llh equal

Linear ....... . lmJ -.padng.

. tm ! I" o-dirc..:tumal array: pall ern

Lmear ........ E!!J ..ccJ only.

One- or l\\O-utrcctl\lnal array.

Linear .... .. . . lmJ Selected tn .. wn..:e-. rcnw\ed

One- or 1\\o-dtrc~.:tional <trray.

Lmear ....... . (ID] \elected dtlllCilSIOih \ ancd

Lesson 5 SolidWorks 2013
Pa ttemlng

Circular arruy '' ith equnl spal'ing

Circular ....... ~ about a center.

c_ rrculnr array" ith C\ en spacrng

Circular ....... ~ nbout a c.:ntcr. Selected
instance~ remo\ ed or angle less
than 360.

Circular array with Sl'lected

Circular ....... ~ dimensions' nricd.

Minurld tmentation about a

Mirror......... ~ selectcd plane. Can use sdcctcd
l~niun:s or the entire body.

Arrangement hnscd on a wblc 11r

Table Driven ... ~ XV locations !'mm a coordinate

!Z-1 Arrangement based llll the

Sketch Driven .. ~ position-. ofpornb in a -.ketch.

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 5

\rrangemcnt h<hl'U on the

Curve Driven ... ~ g..:umcll') or a cun c.

Arrangement or rull11r pnrti;tl

Curve Driven ... ~ ctrcular path .

t\rrangemcnt hased un the

Curve Driven ... genmetr:. ur a PnlJCCit:d cun e

t\rrangcmcnt 1lf' mstances to

Fill ...... . .... ~ paucm hthcd on a lhc..:

Lesson 5 SolldWorks 2013

Pattern Options Pall~:m li:atur~:" . . har~ "~'~:raJ opllllll...,, lh~:) ar~ Ulllljllt: to tht" cla"" of
tcatur~.: and" ill he dt,...,cu...,...,ed 111 d~:taillat~:r in thts Je. . . . on .

Pattern I Select Propagate Pattern Skip Geometry Vary Instances

Feature Feature, Visual Seed I Instances Pattern Sketch to Vary
Bodies or Properties Only
'I' - ...-


- - - -f--- -

- ---1--
Circular J J J J J
- - - - -
Mirror J J J
~ I


J J r J
- - - -- - + ~
1-- -

J J ~-
l'eatun.: . . a nu
- t---
l - -

~ I' at:~:" on I)

Note I he sk~:tch oplllllls Linear Sketch Pattern El ,llld Circular Sketch
Pattern * ~:an b~: us~:d "ithin a -,J..etch Ill crcat~: copies of shtch
gcnm~.:t~ lh~.:y dtl 1111/1.!1'\!tlll.! pallcm li:atur~:-...

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 5

Flyout l'hc llymn I catureManager destgn tree enable., you to 'tC\\ hnth the
FeatureManager I ealun.:Manager destgn tr..:e <IIlO the PropertyManager at the ... amc linK'.
Design Tree I ht., cnahks you to select feature'> from the I eatureManager dc ... ign
tr..:e "hen tl would othem t"e he oh.,cured b)' the PropertyManagcr. lt ts
al-.n tran-.parcnt. overla) ing the p<~rl graphtcs.

l'hc llyout I eaturcManager dcstgn treL' ,., act I\ atcd auwmaltcall.> \\ tth
thl! Prnp~.:rtyManager. ltmay appear eollap~ed and can bl! c\p<mded h.> on thl! piu., .. " stgn prelh.
Reference fherc art: t\\tltypes of Referenc e Geometry that arc uselultn crcaung
Geometry pattems: Temporary Axes and Axes.

Temporary Axes I 'cryC) lmdrtcal and con teal fcatur..: ha., an a\t'> as.,octatl!d "tth tt
v IC\\
the temporal) ll\1.!!> of the partusmg View, Temporary Axes
One <l\i., ,., dr-.p layed through ~:ach circular lace m till' model.

Where to Find lt I h.:mb-up Vie" loolhar Hide/Show Items > View Temporary
Menu : View, Temporary Axe s
Axes Axes arc leaturcs that mu ...t he created using one of se\ era I method.,.
I he advantages to cn.:atmg an a\ rs is that it can he renamed. sek<.:h:d by
name from the I caturcManager de.,ign tree. and reSiled.

Where to Find lt lommandManagcr: Features > Referenc e Geome try >

Axis ,
'vknu Insert, Refe rence Geometry, Axis

Lesson 5 SolidWorks 2013

llo.::n.: an: some 1:'\amph.:-.:

Tem porary Axes """' - - ?_
can bl' muue .; x
permanent aml
l'n u111quc
names ll'>lllg the
One Line/Edge/
Axis uptum.

~dect L\vO planes

or planar' C'>
anu the optlllll
Two Planes

Sd~:ct Two
PointsN erti ces
10 dc!inc an ~1'\IS
through them .

So lidWorks 201 3 Lesson 5

Sdcct a
Cylindric al/ ~ x ~
Conical Face to
dl'finc an .l'
through the
rotation.ll ccntl!r.

a plane or
planar l~u.:c and a
pomt or' crtc"\ to
dclinc an a"\ls
nonnalto lhc
planc through the

Linear Pattern 1hc Linear Patte rn tool creates coptcs. or lll'>lancc-.. 111 a lmcar paucm
controlled by a dircctton, a dtstunce and the numbcr ofcoptc..,. !"he
mstanccs arc th.:pcndcn t on the originals. Changcs to thc ongmals arc
pa-.scd on to the 11Nanced feature:..,.
Introducing: Linear Pattern create.., rnultiplc llhtanccs m onc- or I\\ o-dtmcn-,wnal
Linear Pattern anay .... I he axt~ can bc an edge, a "\Is, tcmporar) <1\t~ or lmcar
dj lllCI1SI011 .

Where to Find lt lommand'V1anagcr: Features > Linear Pattern !11

Menu: Insert, Pattern/Mirror, Linear Pattern

1 Open the part named

1he pan cont;un ... the -,ccd
fcaturc tllJt v. tll be li"CU m the

Lesson 5 SolidWorks 2013

2 Direction 1.
C. hcJ.. Linear Pattern '11 .
<:;cl.:ct th.: lm.:ar .:ug.: of ..
the part and click Reverse
Direction . 1fncc.:ssary.
to the um.:ct 1on -.htn\ n
~et the Spacing tn 2" anti
Number of Instances
to 5
<..,~ket the tlm~e ll'<ttures
!>hll\\ n 111 Features to
Note rhe callout '" altm:hc<.lto the geometry used to
ucfi nc th.: patlcrn <.Ji r.:ction or 3\i'o. lt C<111Win~
the k.:y s.: llmg~ for Spacing .md Instances
an<.l1s .:ditabl.:. Douhh.:-clu.:k the s.:ttmg to
chang.: and r.:typ.: th.: \al u.:.

R1ght-d 1ek the ca llout to acc.:s:-. othlr pallern
commands su.:h as Reverse Direction and
Geometry Pattern
ctc-.... Ort'!II0'\2

3 Direction 2.
l"\pand the Direction 2 group ho\ and cl 1ck
anmhcr lmcar edge ~cl the Spacing und
Instances ,,.., -.IHm n -

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 5

Deleting Instances l n~tancc~ that art' generated h} the patlern cun be de leted b) ~clectmg a
marker at the ccntrotd nf the inst,mce shm\ n in the pattern pre\ tew.
I a~.:h mstance ,., ll~tt'd 111 arr<l) format (2,3) for Hkntllicat ton.
I he o;eeJ lca tut-c can tmt h.: deleted.

4 Instances to Skip.
I \pand the Instances to Skip group bo\. and cltck the -,j, ccnter
tnstancc markers. l hc tlll) lttp sho"., an arra~ locatwn that,., auded to
tlw li!>t "hen selected

5 Completed pattern.
Cltck OK to add tiK puttcrn leaturc LPatternl

Lesson 5 SolidWorks 2013

Geometry Patterns 1h~ Geometry Pattern option i~ us~<.! to 11111111111/~ rcbull<.ltime b)

using the Seed gcnmetl) fnr all Instances in the paltem lt shoul<.l only
be use<.! ''hen the geometry or
the sec<.! an<.! the tnstanees ure <lf
tdenllcal or .,,m liar -.hape.
Without Geometry
IIth~: Geometry
Pattern option i-.
t lc!urcd. the ~:nd
CllOd lllllll \)I Ih~: 'oeed "'
u~~d m the mst<ll1c~ .... In
th1., c\amph:. th~: Offset
From Surface ~:nu
condll ton olth~ blul'
-.~cd l~:nur~ i., applle<.l
in th~ urange instances.
forcmg them to use th~ !>nme end condllmn.
With Geometry
li the Geometry
Pattern nptum ,.,
checked. thl' geomcll)'
llf'th~ !>ced ,., U<,~d. IlK'
g.eumetr) ,., cnptcd
along the pattcm.
tgnoring the end
eond 111nn .

6 Geometry Pattern.
Rtght-cliek the LPatternl li:atun.' and chd. Edit
0 - . .........
Feature Ched. the Geometry pattern optwn
and click OK. lkcau.,c the piJtc ts constant ..--...
s -.-..~

thtd.:nes-.. the rc.,ultmg g~om~try "ill look the o"'-

0 ......... .....

7 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 5

Circular The Circular Pattern lllol create!\ cop1cs, or in-.tanccs. in a eircul:tr

Patterns pattern controlled b} a cent er or rotation. an angle and the number 11f
cup1e". Changes to the originals arc passed on tu the tnstanccd katurc-..
Introducing: Circular Pattern creates muluple Hhtmces or one or more l~aturcs
Circular Pattern spaced around un a\lio. I he U\1'- ~an he deri\ed rmm a circular lhce.
cm:ular or linear edge. U\ls. temporury axis 11r angular dimcn"i1lll
Where to Find lt t ommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern '1: > Circ ular
Pattern 0
Menu. Insert, Pattern/Mirror, Circular Pattern

1 Open the part named Circular Pattern.

2 Pattern Axis.
(lick Circular Pattern 0 .
C. lid. m Pattern Axis and clid. the cylindncal
racl.' or the model as <ihll\\ 11.

Lesson 5 SolidWo rks 201 3

3 Settings.
<'Itd. 111 Features to Pattern ~ x
and die!-. the tlm:c feature~
s)Hl\\ 11 Ior
Features to Pattern
Clicl-. Equal Spacing.
4 m~tanecs und cliel-.
Geometry pattern
Chc<:l-. thut the Angle ~~~et ttl
360 anti cltck OK.


Note I he Reverse
Direction opuon 1~
meanmgl'ul on ly'' hen
an angle ol hcr than
}()()' IS

4 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 5

Mirror Patterns I h ~: Mirror Pattern ton l ~:r~:ate' a cop). or mstance. acrm., a plane or
planar Iat:~:. r he 111!-IUilCI.! " tlcpendl.!lll on the ongmal. Cha nges l\l thl
lll"l!:(lllal prupagall do" n ln the m trrorl.!d m'lancc(s).

Introducing : Mirror Pattern t:n.:all.:s one llbt JilCI.! o f 0111.! or more katurc' or a hod}
Mirror Pattern acro~' .1 plan!.! or planar !':tel.!

Where to Find lt ( ' Features> Linear Pattern '1: > Mirror

Menu Insert, Pattern/Mirror, Mirror

1 Open the part named Mirror Pattern.

2 Mirror.
( ltek Mirror and the
Right plane.
\ekt:t the lthmry 1\:,tturl.!
Keyed Hole l a.., the
Features to Mirror
Cltck OK

3 Save and close the part.

Lesson 5 SolldWorks 2013
Pattem lng

Patterning a Solid l o mirror all th~ g..:omdr)' llf a part (th..: hotl}) uhnut a cummon fac..:.
Body thl common litcc anti the l.ol itl hotly.

Note I h~ Mirror Face/Plane must he planar.

Where to Find lt Mirror Propert} Manugcr: Bodies to Mirror

1 Open the part named Mirror Body.

2 Mirror.
Cltck Mirror anti the nH.:c as shtm ll C lick Full , X


- ,,.,.._


9 ..._

3 Bodies to mirror.
<. Itd. Ill Bodies to Mirror. ~t nd select thl' rart In the grarhtcs arcn.
<.. hck OK

4 Save and close the part.

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 5
Parrem lng

Using Pattern !'he Pattern Seed Only opll<Hl is used " hen a t\\ o direcuon putt em is
Seed Only created. r he second d1n.:ct1on defaults tu pancming all gcometl)
created by the lirst di rection u n lcs~ Pattern Seed Only 1s u~ed to
pattern onl} the original or seed geometr}. llt!> common!} used w
pn.:\ent ~l\erla pping rc-.ults \\hen the t\\O di rect io n ~ use the same

Where to Find lt Linear Pattern Propcrt) Manager Pattern Seed Only

1 Open the part named Seed Pattern.

2 Direc tion 1.
Clicl- Linear Pattern '11.
o.;clcct the lmear edge ,1.., the
Pattern direction, 30mm as
the Spacing. and 2 us the
Number of Instances
I ur Features to Pattern,
select the ltbrar) fi:aturc
3 Prong. Plug2.

Note 1\n e\ 1sti11g p<llt<:rn feature ~..un he u~ed .ts the Features to Pattern.
rfm, enables} ()U to pallcrn the pattern.
3 Direction 2.
I or Direction 2. select
the lmear edge on the
oppo.,ne \tde as the
directwn. rever-,tng the
arnm head. ~et the
mstances to 2. spacing
to 50mm.

Note 1\s seen 111 the prc\ IC\\. the onglllal (.,ccd) feature Is patterned 111 both
Jtrcct inns.

Lesson 5 SolldWorks 2013
Pattem ing

4 Pattern seed only.

Cild. Pattern seed
only to rem m c the e\ll<l
<:>et the Direction 2
Spacing to 30mm unu
elld. OK.

5 Save and close the part.

Sketch Driven 1he Sketch Driven

Patterns Patterns tool create~
copies. nr instnncc~. 111
nn arrangement
controlled b) ~ketch
points. I he path.:m can
be hased on the
ccntrotd or the seed or
a selected potnt niT the
l hts C\amplc.:
reprcl>ents the hole!>. 111
a strut:tural steel plate.
Introducing: Sketch Ske tch Drive n Patte rn cn.:ates multiple in:-.tances based on pomts in a
Drive n Pattern sdectcd sketch. The sketch must e\ ISI hcforc the pall em i-. created.

Where to Find lt lommanuManagc.:r: Features > Linear Pattern ~~~ >

Sketch Driven Pattern '
Menu: Inse rt, P a ttern/Mirror, Sketch Driven Pattern
Tip Only point geometry is used by the Sketch Dmen pattern. Other
geometry, such as construcllon lines, can h~.: used to po!>ition points but
\\ill be ignoreu h) the paucrn.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 5

1 Open Sketch Driven.

fhc part contain' a seed ti!aturc {Hole) and an
1.!:\lstmg lm~:ar pnltcrn li:aLUn: {Standard

Introducing : Point r h~: Point tool~:r.:at~:-. polnl Clliiiii.'S Ill thl.! acllw sketch. I h~: -.k.:tch
cnllt} Point ~:an he U\l.!d tu local.: a position 111 a sketch that other
g.:ometr) (cndpomh l(lr c\ampl~:l cannot.

Where to Find lt <.. ommandManager: Sketch > Point

M~:nu : Tools, Sketch Entities, Point
~hortcut Menu . R1ght-cllck 111 the graph1c-. urea and click Point

2 Sketch with points.

( reatc a 111.!\\ sketch on the wp 0
H1cc ol' the Plate feature JlS
<.. rcat..:: tin: centerlm..:: and add ~/
th~.: pomt:-. and d lnh:nsmn' as
siHm 11 0 125
.. /
( ' lose the sketch

0 /


l esson 5 SolidWorks 201 3

3 Sketch driven pattern.

., ,. 0

-.. -
Clu.:k Sketch Driven
Pattern and click the 11
ne\\ sketch and the
~ 0

Centroid option. Under

Features to Pattern. ~
5<11< ........

-.clcl:t the Hole li.:aturc and
dtck OK

4 Add points.
(. rl.'atc another :-kltch and add pomt-. Ill the
paucrn ~ho\\ n. ustng mli.:rencmg w ltnc up the
fO\\<, hl'fiiUlltall) <IS 'ihO\\ 11 0

Note Pnmt~ cannot he added dtn.:ctl) to c\isllng ... ketch cndpmnts. rhc
Sketch points cannot be added at the same location as an
existing point.
'' tll appear tl you tr) lnsto.:ad. placo.: the pomts oll'tho.: gcomo.:tr) nnd
drag and drop thl.'m onto the cndpomh later.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 5

Automatic Fully Define Sketch crtatcs n:lauon~ and tl1mcnsHms in a .. kdch.

Dimensioning of <:;c,eral dum:n~ton SL) ks. -.ut:h '" basdine. cha1n and onJmate arc
Sketches suppnrtcd. rl1e !>lartmg. pomts for horiLontal and 'enical sets can he
Introducing: Fully Fully Define Sketch has optwns for dimension type, entitles to he
Define Sketch dimensiOned and stanmg points.

Under defined sketch "1 th

geometnc re lation:-. \ )

..._. __(: )
Chain <~ption s~lct:ted '' 1
'>tan pomt <ll ongm.
Note: ~omc
have been mm cd for

Baseline \)piton selected

'' tth start pomb at ong1n

Ordinate option selected

\\ ith start romts at ongm.
- 01. 10

Note A special option Centerline appears" hen centerlme gcometl) 1s used

111 the sketch . 01mens1lllls can he based from the Ct'ntcrline.

Where to Find lt Menu: Tools, Dimensions, Fully Define Sketch

Shoncut Menu: R1gh t-click 111 the grarhies an:a and click
Fully Define Sketc h

Lesson 5 SolldWorks 2013

5 Relation and dimension

Cltck Fully Define
Under Relations lea\c the
delault. Select All .
In Dimensions, .;,de..:t the
l'tHlp11111t of the sketch
ccnll.:rlme u-. Lh~: datum f\lr
dimcnstuns 111 both
' both Schemes to l!il i~~!!J
_ ,..._,
_.. _
l"ltd. Calculate and OK
-- -~"

6 Relations and dimensions.

llmvontal rdatwns am.J
dunen~tons ure added tnlull;r
deline the -.h.etch.
~-4------- ~
<;;et the \nlue~ a...\n and 50
close the skltch - r - --t--@!11



Note ~kctche~ dtmcn~toncd thts wa;r arc fully ddined but can be edited 'lou
can delete and replace dtnH.'nstons 1r requtred.
7 Pattern .
Add another sketch dm en pattern using the Ill'\\
sketch and thc same seed h:ature. Hole.
8 Save and close the part. 0


0 0
0 0 0

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 19
Linoar Panems

Exercise 19: l'n:atc li!atun: paucrn:-. m tlm, part

Linear Patterns u:-mg a I mcar Paucrn.
I hts lah use'> the folhm mg ""il l ~.

I inear Patrern on page 171

De !l.'fmg /n\fwln'' on page I?J.

Procedure Open an c''' lmg part.

Note l hts part ha-. hcen copied liu use 111 lmcar, tahlc drinn and s"etdt
un\en pattern'>.
1 Open the part Linear
I he pan tnd ulks the seed
realun.: used 111 the pattern~

2 Linear pattern.
(. realc a pallcrn usmg the s~ed . Use the dtmcnsHlll:-. belo\\

3 Save and close the part.

Exercise 20 SolidWorks 2013
Sketch Driven Patterns

Exercise 20: <. r..:at..: lcaturc pauem-. usmg a c;;kcteh Dmcn

Sketch Driven Pattem. I h.: model is an elevator panel.
Patterns I hts lab uses the fo lhm tng sk tlls:
Sl.t!lc1t Dm't'll Pa11erm on page I XO.

Procedure Open an ew.tmg part

1 Open the part Sketch Driven Pattern.
Th..: part tncludcs thc ..,t.:ed" lcaturc used 111 thc
pat tern

2 Sketch drive n patte rn.

Us..: th..: tlimcnstllllS slum n
t11 de fine the sketch used
\\ tth tht.: ~ketch Dm en
3 Save and close the part.

I' ht \1Jn.u, BW\\ u ''' ~11 t (. \I>

'~ ~~.~1h hlf or;,uhmtlltng th" -.,amr1~

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 21
Sk1pping Ins tances

Exercise 21 : C. omplcte tlw. pan usmg the in lbrmation

Skipping anc.J dimen~inn~ prm ic.Jcd.
Instances llm. lab rcmlon:es thc 1(1lhm mg skill..,:
I incar Pullan on pnge 171
Dcletllll! ln\tllllcl!.\ on page 173.
\ !Jrrm Pallt'/"11\ on page 1''"~.

l nits: millimeters
Procedure ( real~.: a Ill!'' pan.
1 Base feature.
Create a blot:h.
It " ill b~ u:.elulto h<nc a
plane ~cn11.:red ,1long the long dr~Cllllll.
2 Seed. 10
(rem~ th~: ..,e~d ll:.:~ture
u... mg the llole
Wi;ard and an ANS l MM drill
3 Pattern.
-- - 1/11 ";' ..

Pattern the hole. :.k1ppmg 1n:.tam.:es as shm' n in the <.llllgram hciO\\.

J 00000

Pattern of a pattern.
M1rror the pattern to create a ..,~mmetm:al arrangement of ho les.

0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

0 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000

5 Change.
Chang~ the hole to 8mm diam~:tcr and rebu ild
6 Save and c lose the part.

Exercise 22 SolidWorks 2013
Linear and Ml"or Patterns

Exercise 22: l ompkt~ thts part using the mfonnation and

linear and pnn tded
Mirror Patterns 'f his fah r~ml(,rce-. the following -.kills.
Li11car l'a/1('/'11 on page I"'~ I.
,\/irrorl'alll!/'11.\ nn page 177.
f'a11erni11g a .~olicl R(}(h (Ill page I 7X.

Procedure Op~n the e\t!->llng part Linear 8e Mi1ror

Linear pattern.
l the c\isllng li:alUre. create a Linear Pattern
that result-. m three grom e-. that arc spaced 0.20".

2 Mirror features. a smgle pallern r~ature. cr~.:atc the dupltcate
bos-. and cut a!> sho\\ n.

3 Symmetry.
Use a tlmd paucrn lcatun: to create the full model
from the h<tl f model Bodies to Mirror
4 Save and close the part.

SolldWorks 201 3 Exercise 23
Crcular Pattoms

Exercise 23: l ompktc thts part u~mg the

Circular informauon and dtmenston-.
Patterns pro\ tdcd
I hi'> fah retnl(m.:es the !(,((owing


( '11ntlar Pallt'rlls on
page 175.

Procedure Open the C'\isting pan Ci:rcular.

Use an equal I> ~paced cm:ular
pattern In paucrn the cut :md
lilkt li1r I~ total mstancc-,.

Exercise 24 SolidWorks 2013
Axes and Multiple Partcms

Exercise 24: <.. ompi\!Lt: lh1s pan usmg Lhl.' mfonmtllon and
Axes and dJm\!JN ons prm idcu.
Multiple l'lw. lab reinf(m:cs the f~)llo\\ mg skills:
Patterns on page 169.
l.inear Pal/em on pug\! I 71
Circular f>allems on page: 175.
Skl'tch Urilen f>ullems on page: I XO.

Procedure Open thl.' C.:AlsLmg part Single Die. L se: the unl\\ ing bclo\\ to pallc.:m
th\! Dot features on the: side:;. as ;.Ill)\\ n.


4.25 I'IP

_, ......
-""'o .. ..._ .
rll<o'IICMII- - t l

.,...,...,. ... eo-.-

~...,..~- -Ill OW+ t4C "N
...... , .,.,.,...,.., ... ep
14Jft~ ... ~- .. "'""'*
A SingS. Di e
.~1:~~;:.:.:=- ~(Jo .. L ; I WEK.tff ~HffT l Of I

SolldWorks 201 3 Exercise 24
Axes and Multiple Patterns

1 Axes .
Create .m a\is lJ),IIlg the Front and Right

Create t\\ o morc a\e), usmg the Top and Front

and the Right anti Top rdi:rencc plane>..
All three a\e'> ),houlu pas" thn>ugh the cuhc
cent er

2 Side Two.
Using. a Linear Pattern '' llh Instances to
Skip. cr.:ut.: the "t\\o side.

3 Remaining sides.
( ompktl' the r.:mammg \tdc~ w .. ing the dc!->cnpttons ot each tlllC lt.,tcd
Side Three
Usc a Ci rcular Pattern " tth an .t\ls to
create a cut at the center of the face
( rcatc a si-.etch ,md U'-.e a Sketch
Driven Pattern \\ llh Faces to Pattern
to create the rcmaming cub

Side Four
llsc a Circular Pattern "tlh an a\ts to
create the n:m<linmg cuts.

Exercise 24 SolidWorks 2013
Axes and Multiple Patterns

Side Five
Us~: a procedure :;imilar to that
or side

' I

Side Six
Use a Circular Pattern "ith an a\.i~ to \
create n cut at the comer or Lhc race. Use
a Linear Pattern to create the rcmaintng
~,, ' \

4 Save and close the part.

Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Upon ~ucccsslul complctmn nlthis lesson, y1m \\Ill h..: able t11:
Cr..:atc ro.:\ oh cd features.
\pply special dunenstonmg l\:chmquc' l\1 skctche' for re\ 111\ cd
lJ.,c the rnultibody solid techni~JUO.:.

Create ,, "" ccp l'calUrl'

Calculate the phy'iu.:al propertu:s M :t purt.
Perfom1 rudtmcnt::tl). lirst JXhs ;tress anafy,t ....

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolved Features

Case Study: I he hand" hcd n:qum:s

Handwheel the crcatron ol' rc\olvcd
1\:atun.:-.. crn:u!Jr
pattcm~ and "''ccp
Abo rm.luded in thi-.
lc-..-.on arc sorm: ha-.rc
an:.rlysi., tool-...

Stages in the ~Oilll'k.e) stages in the lllUOclmg proces-. of thl\ part UI'C shO\\ n in the
Process li1lhm mg lr-.t.

Design intent
lhc par1 \ <.Je,rgn 11111..'111 ''outlined .md e\plained.

Revolved features
I he cent er or the par1 is the Hub. a I'C\Ilh l..'d -.ha pc. lt \\ill he created
rwm a ., \\ ith a con ... tructrnn line a-. the a\ is ofrc\llluuon
Multibody solids
(.rea le I\\ 11 l.lrscrctc S\llids. the Hub .md the Rim. connecting and
merging them u-.rng a third -.olid. the Spoke.
Sweep features
rhe Spoke lcaturc IS acatcd u... ing a s\\ccp lcature. <I combrnatinn or
t\\o -,ketch..:-, that dclinc" a ""ecp prolilc mm rng along a '''ccp path.
L -.rng analy-.r., tool-.. you can pcrh>nn ha-.rc analysr-, llrnctwns -.uch as
ma ... s propcrtrc., calcubuons and lir-.t-pas., sires-. analy-.c-.. Hascd on the
re ... ulh. you can nMkc changes to the part'-. dc-.rgn

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Design Intent I he des1gn intent olth1s part I" sl11m n helm'


\)poke-. must be e\enl) -.pacec.l.

I hi.' ccntn of the nm of the hanc.l\\hc\!1 lies m the enc.lolthc -.poke.
'Jhe spokes puss through the ccntcr of the huh.

Revolved f'he Hub 1s a .-..:,of' ed lcature that 1s created hy re' oh ing geometry
Features arounc.l an il\1'>. RI!\Ol\cd ti:atures require U\i~ymmctric gcomctl) and
a line (used a-. thl' <1\i-.) in the sketch. I hi-. re\OI\cd t~ature "ill be used
as the center of the '"heel l nc.lcr the nght Circumstance-.. a -.ketch Ime
may also be used a-. the centerlmc.

Procedure J'o beg111 thiS Cil'>l' study:

1 Create a new part us ing the Part_MM template.
\an: the part a' Ha.ndwheel
Sketch Geometry ( reomctr) for the re' nh ed feature 1:-. created using thc -.a me tools anc.l
of the Revolved mcthods as 1!'\trudcc.lli:atures. In thl'> case. fines" 111 be u"cd to form the
Feature shape a cyllnder "11h a chamfered edge The eemerline is thec..l as the
a\ls ol rc,oluuon and l(lr locating geomctry.
2 Rectangle.
R1ght-d u.k the Right Plane anc..l click Sketc h.
Crcute a n:ctanglc from thc Ong111 appro.\1111<\lcly
50mm h1gh hy 30mm '' 1de.

Lesson 6 SolidWo rks 2013
Revolved Features

3 Convert to construction.
Seleetthe vertical line ~lllmn and dtd, For
Construction . ! he ltne 1~ comcrted tnto a
construction lmc

Introducing: !he 3 Point Arc opt ton cnahlcs you to create an arc ba!-.ed on lhrel
3 Point Arc potnts the t\\ll endpoinh f()llowcd by a pomt nn the cur. c.

Where to Find lt <.. ommand'vl anag~r Sketch > Centerpoint Arc -~ >
3 Point Arc r..
Menu: Tools. Sketch Entities, 3 Point Arc
Shoticul Menu: Rtght-cltd. in the graphit~ area and click
3 Point Arc

4 Insert 3 Point Arc.

< 3 Point Arc ,:,
lkgm the arc b) po~ tt mnmg the
cursor on the lcfi \Crticallmc and
draggmg do'' n\\ard~ along that
edge. Release the mouse huuon
and then select and drag the pomt
nn the cunc av.a) lromthc
5 Trimming.
Use the Trim tool "ith the Power Trim option and
tnm il\\J) the portion or the lmc lll~tde the arc

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Rules Governing In atkhtllln to th~ g~:n~ral rules gm ~mmg "ketche" that

Sketches of ''~re list~d m Ll'S\cJ/1 :! lntroduuwn to Skl!tclung,. -,um~:
Revolved Features '-PCCi~JI ruli:~ appl} to sketches Of re\ oh ed featliiT'o'

t\ cl.!ntcrlmc. il\1:,. or '>ketch ilnL' must be sp~.:c1lied J).

th~ ,J\IS Of fe\ olution.
I h~ -.k~.:tch must not uo~-. th~ a,i-..
Not Valid
Notc thi.ltln th1s c\dlllpk the nght \~rllcal -,ketch line
LOUid be li~Cd a;. the tl\IS ofrC\OIUtlllll
Dimensioning the Re\ohcd geometr) 1s dimensioned ltkc nny other'' ith one additional
Sketch opt1011. Dimension" that mea~ure dtamcters on th~ linl'>hed feature can
he changed from linear to diamc!~r duncnstons.

6 Arc dime nsion.

Dimensmn the arc hy sdccting tlw \crt1callinc
and then Shift-~ekcttng the cin.:umli.:rencc of
the arc rhe result 1s a dimension het\\l.!cn the
linc .tnd the tangent ut the arc. LJsmg tho.: Shift
kC) the edge rath~:r than the.: CCilt\:1 of
the c1 rl'lc or arc.

7 Fin ished dime nsion.

Change the Value to 4mm.

8 Ve rtical d imensions. 1o-,

R1ght-d1ek cmpt) spaLe and clu:k Mo re I
Dime ns ions and Ve rtical a . l rente the 'crtieal
lmear d1mcns1ons' n at the right
Smart Dimension \\Ill Jlso work.

lesson 6 SolidWorks 201 3
Revolved Fea tures

Diameter Some dtmcnsrons 'hould he dtamcter tltrnensrnns 111 thl.! linrshcd

Dimensions rC\UI\I.:U lemur\!. I or thC'>e uill11.!11SIOI1S. ah,ays -.dcctthe centcrhnc
(<1:\1'> of re\ oluuon ) as one of the picb. You then ha\ e your choice llf
either a rauiu-.. or dtanwter uimension. ucpcnding on \\here you place
thl.' duncnsion le\1. Ir you don't ptck the centerl ine. you wnn"t be ahie
to <:.h,mge the drmen,ron to a diameter

Note lhrs opt ton '" '-" ai lable on !) rf a eentcrline rs used a!> the''''" or
re' oluuon. Drurnetcr urmensrons arc 1101 restncted to u'>e 111 re\ nl\ed
ll:ature '>kctche..,.
9 Dimension to centerline.
Dimen::.tllll bet'' ..:en the centcrltne and the
outer 'ertrcaledgc to create a hori;ontal
linear drmcnsron.
Do lUll click to place the drmensron tc\.ljust
Nntu.:e the pre\le\\ If you pia cl.' th..: ll.'\.1 no\\.
you '" " get a radiU'.. dtrnension .

10 Move the cursor.

Mo\e the cursor 10 the nght or
the c..:nterl111c. I h..: pre\ tC\\ i 30.'20

chang.l.!s to a diameter

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

11 Resulting d imension.
Chclo. In place the duncn~ion le.\ I. Change
the 'aluc to 25mm und prc~s Enter.
Normally, a tltamctcr dum:INOll should
ha'vc a dmmcter symbol preccdmg 11,
thus: 1,. 25 When the re\ oh ed feature 1s 45
created from the si-etch, the '-}'Stem '"Ill
automaticall) add the d1ametcr -.ymbolto
the 25mm d1mcn-.ron.

Note 11 yournad\crtentl) place the d1men~1on tc.\t rn th~ \\rong place, and
get u rad1us dimension Instead of a d1amctcr. you can li\ 11. Clrck the
d1mcnsion, and clrcl- the Le aders tab of the Dime nsion
Pmpcn) Cliclo. the Diameter button to mnkc the
duncnsmn a d1amet~r d1mcnsron.

Creating the Once the sketch 1s com plcted. 1t c~rn he made rnto a re\ oln:d feature
Revolved Feature l'hc process is s1mplc. and a full (360 ) n.:n1IUt1on Is almoo,;t autnmut1c
Introduc ing : I he Revo lve op110n enables you to cr..:atc a 1\:aturc from an
Revolved Feature a \Is) mmet ne sketch and an a \Is. ll1is 1\.:uture can be u base, hoss or cut
feature l hc a \Is can he a ccntcrlinc, lrne. linear edge, a\1::. or
temporary a\IS. Ir only one n\ls sckctron is pr..:sent. 11 1s used
automatlc:Jlly. If more than one is prc-.cnt. youmust,clcct11.

Where to Find lt Features > Revo lved Boss/Bas e

Menu: Insert. Boss/Base, Revo lve

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolved Features

12 Make the feature .

(_ lld. Revolved Boss/Base
A mel>~agc '' tll .trpcar mdu:ating that the !>1--ch.:h 1:-. an oren eomour and
a;.l-mg tf )Oll wnnt to close the contour autom<Htcall). (_l ick Yes.
1he ProrcrtyManagcr appears
"llh these dcfauh end condlltons: ., x
Direction1 : Blind
Angle 360
J\cn:ptthcsc Jd:llllts by clu.:l-mg

13 Finished feature.
!he solid rc,ohcJ ICature I'- crcatcJ <h the lir~t rcmurl.'
or the pun
Rl.'namc it Hub.

14 Edit the sketch.

Rtght-clu:l- the Hub and cite!- Edit Sketch.
Note You can also right-d tl.'!- thl.' ll:aturc 111 the
I caturi.'Managcr destgn tree anJ achte\ e the same
resu lt.

15 Normal To.
Cltl.'!- Normal To ~ tu change thc vie\\ norma l tu the skl.'teh. Doth ts
to '>Cl.' tts true st/1.' and shapl:.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Introducing: Sketch Fillets c.m he UM.:d tntnm ;md add tangent arc.., 111 a single ..,lep
Sketch Fillet lithe cumer hJ.., hcen Lnmmed . ..,elect the \crtc\ pmnt to add the lillct.

Where to Find lt Sketch > Sketch Fillet 1

Menu. Tools. Sketch Tools, Fillet
<-\hortcut 1\knu. Rrght-drek 111 the gr;.tphrcs .trea and c:lu.:k
Sketch Fillet

16 Fillet settings.
llu.:k Sketch Fillet 1 and ..,et the qrluc to Smm . ., x
I\ lake sure the Keep constrained corners nptron ,.., -

17 Selections. (- 25
Sclcl.t hoth cntlpninh of the .rrc. a~ P1ck here ~
indteatcd When cach is sdectcd. the
fillet will appear. I he tlimen..,ton
drl\ c:-. both hut only appear~ nnee, at
till' first ...ell:ctton (. lr~:k OK. 16
"iii1Cl'the cndpoint.., that \\ere lilk:t.:d 1
had dtmen..,mn..,, Virtual Sharp
sy mhols arc added "here the corners
\VI:re lhesc symbnb represent the
mr..,sing corner" und can he
d11nen..,tnncd Ill or used "tth111 rc:latlllll!>.
18 Rebuild the model.
In l'athe the changes tu Luke c:lli!ct cltek Rebuild I .

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolved Features

Building the I he Rim or the Hand-

Rim wheel is another re' oh ell
li:aturc. It too '" n!\ oh ell
~60 1he profile of the
Rim Is n slot ...hapc.
I he Rim'' ill be created :t\
,, "eparatc soltll hod)'. not
merged to the Hub.

Slots C..,traight and arc Slots arc c~mmwn

...hapl.!s based on lines anll arcs. I he
slot is a s1ngk t'lll it) \\ h1ch is
CO Ill posed fll1e\, <li"C\, constrliCI!lln
geometry and pomh.

Introducing: Slots !'he Slot tool 1s u-.cJ Ill crl.!ah.: straight and arc "lot "hapes hasl.!d on
dillcrl.!nt crllcna. I here are two typ.:'> ba.,cd on Ime~ <lnOI\\O type:.
hascd on arc'> 1\11 slolt)pC~ ha' c the option to create d1mcns1ons \\ 1th
the geometry. I he lollo\\ ing 1~ pes ure ,n nt !able

Slot T~ I){' Resulting Geometry

Straight Slot o rhe Straight Slot 1'> created by locating

the eentcrpoinh or thl.! an:s <111d th.:n
dragging out\\'ards to create the" 10th.

Centerpoint Straight The Centerpoint Straight Slot I'> created

Slot Gl b) locating the g.enmctnc cent.:r, one or
the arc centcrpoints and then draggmg
oUt\\ ards tu create the" 10th.

(~ ! ~)

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Slot l) pc l~es ullin g Gcom e lr~

3 Point Arc Slot r lhc 3 Point Arc Slot 1s created llh.c ,, 3

Point Arc ("cc lmmducing, 3 /)oillf Ire
on page IQ6) and then draggmg out\\ards
lll ~:reate the "Jdth

Centerpoint Arc Slot

lhe Centerpoint Arc Slot is ~:n:atcd lih.e
~ a Ce nterpoint Arc (sec Sketch Geometrl'
on page 31) and then dragging out\\ mds to
create th~: "idth .

(0__ .,

Whe re to Find lt l ommandl\1anager: Sketc h > Straight Slot o

Centerpoint Straight Slot o
Menu. Tools, Sketch Entities, Straight Slot,
Cente rpoint Straight Slot
Shortcut Memr Right-d1ch. in the graphics area nnd d11:h.
Centerpoint Straight Slot

19 Sketc h.
Create a ne" -.h.ctch nn the Right pbne. Orient the model 111 the same
20 Centerpoint Straight Slot.
Click Centerpoint Straight
Slot o . Cllch. Add
dimensions and Ove rall
Length. ( lich. the lncauon llf'
the ccnterpomt and a lllCttlilln CPGP
hori/Ontall) to the right Drag
the" 1<.lth .md click OK.

Tip The <.lim~.nsJons arc added autumaticall} Jl'the Add dimensions optlllll
h clicked Set the 'aluc" "" ..,JHm n

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolvod Featu~

21 Rotation axis. - lnw<t L,b, - .,

Add .., ccnterlme usmg
Centerline 1 , setting
Vertical and Infinite
length Plm:c the I me ut the
ungin I hts "tll he the a,j.,
of re\ oluttnll l()r the
re\ oh ed fi..atun.:

22 Add dimensions.
Add dtmlnstnm. rrom
the ccmcrltnc 111 the
centcrpotnt or the :-lot.
and linm the <Ire ccntcr
!1' the Hub edge

lhe ..,!..etch 1s ml\\ li.1ll~

de lined

170 _L _ _

Potential Ambiguity If the sl..ctch contains mnre than one ccntcrlmc. the S)stem \\ill nut
kno\\ \\ h1ch centerline is intended to be thl.! a\tS of rl.!\ olution. ll1e
cl.!nterllllC to hi.! Usl.!d can he :>ckctl.!d l.!tthcr bdorc or alkr selecting the
Revolve tool.

23 Completed feature.
~clcctthc tnlinllc \cntcal
ccntcrl111c lltd. Boss/Base,
lh:namc the li.:aturc to Rim.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Multibody Solids Multihod~ solids occur'' lwn th..:n: 1s more

than one -,olld hod) 111 a part. In cas..:s '"here
lllscrctc fl:aturcs arc '>CJ')aratcd b) a t.ll'.. tancc.
th1s can he the mm.t ctli..: icntmcthod 111
d..::..ignmg a part

fhc Solid Bodies !older hold~ the holllcs and also , . _

lists hm' man) hot.l1cs arc CUITcntl) housed in the tJ Wdoh.""
fold..:r (2). f'hl' but.lics can he mcrg..:d or comhin..:d t ltif LJIIttf,C...,MRSl'""
" oJ!IaOd-l)
later 111 create ;1 single ...olld body 0 ....,
Cl "'
For nwr~: mltmnatmn nn mulubod) parts. s..:e till' = Matl!t~ 41"1(!( coedttd ~
1St ............
Atll'llltcctl Part .\ loclelinJ.: tnllnlll~ manual
~ '"""""'
~1. ,..,.
~-. U
~ ~11'1

Building the l'IH.: Spoke lcatun: IS t:reatcd us m g. a Sweep fi.:aturc. rh.: S\\ ccp push..:s
Spoke a clo~cd contour Profi le along an llpcn cumour Path. rhe Path 1:.
sJ..ctchcd usmg lines ant.! tangent an;s. f he profile 1s thl.!n sJ..ctchcd
usmg a c1rck. llw li:atun: '' 11l hndgc the space hct\\ccnthc c\.lsung
Hub and Rim feature-. and combine them into a -.mglc solid hod)'
I" he Spoke feature IS llll)Wrtant because ll \\Ill be patterned to create
any number ur evenly -.paced -;poke ....

24 Show using the display pane.

Use the I catun:Managcr Search ho\.
to sean:h h} the
!-.tarting h:Hcrs ut" a name nr ... nmc portion
nr th~ name
I>pc.: ske mtn the.: I eaturc.:MJnag~r l>l:.,lgn Irec lilt er to show the
skl:tchc~ of the Hub and Rim.
<.. I1<.:J.. to c\pand lhc.: D1splay Pane <.. l1<.:k on the 'ketch 1con fur the
Hub lo sh11\\ 11. Repl.!at l(lr the Rim.
25 Setup.
( reate a ne\\ sJ..ct<.:h nn the Right plane and change the di.,p lay 10
Hidden Lines Visible.

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 201 3
Revolved Features

26 Sketc h line.
\ketch a lmr11ontal Line
runmng lrnm the centerlinc
in,idc the- Hub hnunuaric-..

27 Tangent arc.
<. rcate ,, Tangent Arc from
the lme enupnmt in the
dtrecttnn sho'' n l he auual
\'a luc" arc nut unpnrtant .ts
c:J "

you -.ketch The)' '' tll he
defined h} dimen .. llllh later.

28 Connecting tangent arc.
Wnh Tangent Arc -.ull
wh:l.leu. ellnlmu~ 'ketching
hy th~ pre\ mu' an: ,
end point <ha 'lilrl "ketch tlw.
:.m.: tangen t l{l the fir ... t. enumg
at a hnri; t.tnucnq posi-
Tip \\hen the \Crtieal infi:rencc lilll' coindue" "ith the arc:' cemer. the
tangent of the an: '' hori;ontal.
29 Horizontal fine.
~ ketch a linal Line lt i-.
htln; "11h 11-. length
111 hi..' dl..'lermmcd h~

30 Relattons.
Dra!! ,1nu drop the lcll 1
~---- - - --
endpnmt of the line onto the
centcrpomt ofth..: Rim skl..'tch
\ Coincident relatitlll ''
\du anotha rdauon hl..'t\\ l..'en
th..: line at the opp!hllc end
;md thl..' c.:enterpnmtnlthe arc

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Fearvros

31 Return to a shaded display.

C lid. Shaded .J anti hid~ the Hub ,mu Rim sketch~~-
Completing the lhc gt.:llllletr)' sketched" Ill act a~ the puth for the prolilc sh.ctch
Path and Profile
32 Add dimensions.
Add an Equal relation to th~
arc~ and add duncnstnns.

Tip Pit.: h. mg. end pntnls and ccntcr points allo"., for m on.: optmn., \\ h~n
cr~aung. th~ dum:nsinns.

33 Exit sketch.
Right-click in the sketch and cltch. Exit Sketch ~ to dose th~ ~kctt:h
"ithout usmg 1t 111 a lcaturl.!.

Introducing: ()h..:tdltng an cllip:-.c 1s 'illllllar to skctchtng :1 c1rcle. Pnsnton the cur~or

Insert Ellipse ''here you\\ ~1 nt th~ ccnt~r and drag thc mouse to e~tabl i-.h the length of
the maJor :1\.ts lh~n n::kasc th~ mouse button. Ne.\.1. drag th~ outline of
th-.: cllips~ to estahltsh the length olthc mmor a\.ts.

Important! li.1 fully dclim: an clltpse )Oll must dtmensmn or othen'i"c constram
the l~ngths of the major anc.lmlllllr a\.c~. You must a/.m constrain the
oricnt:ltinn or one or th~ I\\ 0 a\es. One \HI) to do tlm. IS\\ ith J
Horizontal rd ,ltmn bcmc-.:nthc dltp:-.c ccm-.:r .111d the ~nd of the maJor

Where to Find lt > Ellipse 0

<.. ommandt\l;mager: Sketc h
Menu: Tools, Sketch Entities, Ellipse
%oneut Menu: R1gh t-cltck in the graph1cs area and d 1ck Ellipse

Lesson 6 SolldWorks 2013
Revolved Feawres

34 Ellipse.
t n.:att' a 11~\\ ~k~h.:h 1111
tht Front plan~. Click
Ellipse t9 anti P'"ition
thl' Cl'Jlterpomt at th~ entl
nl' the lln~ . Mm c ,1\\ ay
from th~ cenh:r <lml
position the maJor and
minor a\.es "llh
35 Relations and
1\ dd rdatlllll\ to mak~ the
c~nterpoint and on~ ol'tlw
maJllr a\.1'- point-.
Horizontal \ tltlth~
dun~nswn" a ...... h,l\\ n.

SolidWorks 201 3 lesson 6
Revolved Fea tures

Introducing : Sweep Sweep c r\!atc~ a lc:Hurc rrom t\\() ~kt:tches : a -.weep -.I.!Ct iOn and S\\CCp
pa th. I he ~ec.:tion '' mm cd a lung the p;~lh. ereatmg thl' li.:al urc.

Where to Find lt Comm.mtiM..tnagl'r Features > Swept Boss/Base

vknu: Insert, Base/Boss, Sweep

Note I he Sweep command i-. cm cn~d in dl!pth in lhl! , ldl'ctllced Purl

Jlloddmg cour-.e.

36 Sweep.
C l id. Swept Boss/Base . ~clc.:c.:tthc closed contour sl..l.!tch a.., the
Profile and the npcn con tour sketch a~ the Path.

l hck OK.
37 Results. ~ .....-...~
amc the ne'' li.:ature . ~ ..,.... ......
Spoke. The Solid LJ'I(t.C...,nsSi~
= ~ll"till<noi:'JilW!Cid
Boclies(2 ) ro lder ~---
lhsappear~. l lw, mtllc<lles
that the two sohd hod1e.., ~-
~. OriQn
ha\ c mergl.!d into one. . A "'
. ei -Ao(lf ...

38 Pattern the Spoke.

ChcJ.. Circular Pattern I) '-.dcct th..:
C) lmdncal lac..: as thl! ccm..:r ul rotation for the
p<lltcm. usmg the Spoke. set the Number of
Instances ltl 3 '' llh Equal spacing.

Lesson 6 So lidWorks 201 3
Revolved Features

Rotate View Rotate View cnahk~ }OU to rota!C the' IC\\ o l" thc model freely. fo
rc:>trict that motion. you cant:hoosc an a\is. a line or edge. a \l!rte\, nr
a plane Clld. the Rotate View wol and the ..:enter'"'"
fhc ~amc result can he obt<lincd usmg the mludlc mou~e bullon
mtation. Select the entity to rotate aboutu~lllg the middle mnu~c
hulton. then drag\\ 1th the middle mou:;,e bullon.

39 Rotate.
Rotate ahnut the a:-. 1s b) dragging the mouse.
S\\ ltt:h a\e~ b)' snnp(} t:lld,lllg ,mother <1\b or
mhcr a~:ccptable chmt:c.
lum oil the temporar} a\es.
40 Add fillets.
Add 3mm lillet!-. Ill the
high lighted /tll L'.\ uf thc.. model
Selection ora litce sclct:ts all
edges of that ftiCC.:.
f ace :,.e(c.:cllons make the model
bcllcr sUited to" tl hstand
dimensional changes.

Chamfers ( hamlers ~:rcate a be\el on the edge of a modd. In man) "ays.

ehumkrs arc s1mdar to lillcts 111 that you select edge:. and/nr races 111
the same \\ U).
Introducing: Chamfer creates .1 ho.:\ cl feature lln one or more edges or \ c..'rLtccs. l he
Chamfer shape can br.: ddincu by two distances or a dtsltlncc and an ang le.

Note <;ketch Chamfers can he adur.:d to the skctc.:h rather than to the races .111d
cuge-.. of the solid model

Where to Find lt l ommandManagcr: Features > Fillet r > Chamfer "

Menu: Insert, Features, Chamfer
%uncut 1\knu Right-clu:k a 1:1ce nr edge and click Chamfer ...

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

41 Chamfer.
Add a Chamfer
feature u.:;mg. the top
edge or the Hub
feature. ~et the
di~wm:e~ the
nduc-. sho\\ n .1t right.

IT_ _ Il'_
'1 _, .. __

.,.... ~

ReaiView Graphics If you hmc an VIDIA. J\1 I or JDLah-. grJplm::. accderator. you may
he able tu use the ReaiView Graphics oplwn . lt prov1des h1gh-quah1y,
real time materwl 'hnucr., ''hen :n ailahle.

Where to Find lt Menu. View, Display, ReaiView Graphics

I leads-up V1e\\ I oolhar View Settings " ,
ReaiView Graphics j

Note If~ nu do not h:l\e Rl.'al\'le\\ Graphics. '"lP to ~lep 46 nn page 214.

Tip 11 ReaiView Graphics an: 11\Jl a'.ailahlc, the icon \'vlll be graycd nut
and the Rea!Vie\\ tab un the la.,k Pane \\Ill not he available.

ReaiViewOn ReaiView Off

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 201 3
Revo lved Fearuras

Appearances, 1 he Appearances, Scenes and Decals tab n l the I ask Pane contaim.
Scenes and Decals three main lillucrs. Appearances( calor). Scenes .mu Decals.

OrliJWid~-DeldecDOI'IOII'te ~ OT

'"~"" "~'!

42 ReaiView on.
l he!-- ReaiView w tnggle it on.
43 Appearances and scenes.
I mm the Appearances.
Painted. Powder Coat
li.lldcr. urag .ltld dror
aluminum powdercoat m to
the graph re~ "mdo\\
I rnm the Scenes. Basic
Scenes folder, drag and
dn1p Backdrop - Black
with Fill Lights rnto the
graph res \\ mdo"

21 2
So lidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Tip lh.: Apply Scene -.

llynut toolun the Heads- ]._....,.
up View tool bar .IIIo''"
l - lodod !0"""'-1
you to '>elect and apply a J P'CNntGtten
"ccJK' from the hst. lo<tcln>p - -

E! flo<Wraplllodt-ftll.....
\nnther opuon i" Ill cltck
the tcon to rotate through
llod- Grl)...,
11- l'91'_SI_

th~o: Its! on.: at a tttne. ...........

S..t- SI.OOAAFclllqon
Soli ....


~Ne Floot 11-.,'

~~'""'~ Ftoot Cttt<fNd
, ...1<0yfloor

Grillogt.r ...
rr....c L.9rt
~........ a...,._
c....,...., .,.....,
Ofla Spo< S.. '"""""'

Appearances lolor.., and t~o::-.lures an: applied usmg Appearances I his m.:nu ha'
tabs for Colorllmage and Mapping.
Color ts us~.:d to upply ,, colur to the 11.!\lun: added tinm th~
Appearance fuld.:r
Mapping ts us~.:d to change till' mapping -.tyk \If the le\. lure <ldded
fnm1 the Appearance li.llder

Lesson 6 SotidWorks 2013
Revolved Features

44 Color.
Click Edit,
Appearance and
changc thc color
usmg a dull cnlor
swatch and light
grey nr '' hitc.
<.. l1d. OK.

Note Applymg nn appeurancc does not apply a ma tcriul to the part. For
nppl> ing mall.:na f-,, 'c..: Edit \lwerwl on pug..: 214.

Tip Click View, Display, Ambient Occlusion to add r..:a l ism to th..: shad..:d
45 ReaiView off.
Click ReaiView to tnggk it on:
46 Save the part and close it.

Edit Material l"h..: Edit Materlal l.halog is to adu ,IJ1U cuit the mutcnal <IS'>OCiatcu
\\ 1th a part . I he matcnal 1s used for lalcultttmns that rely on mat..:nal
propcrllc-,. including Mass Properties and SimulationXpress. I he
matenal can \JJ) h) configuratiOn . r or mon.: infim11at1on un
conliguration-,. sce I e.u on 10 Configuration, .

Tip Part templat..:., ( .pf'tdot) can mcluuc a prcuetin..:d matcn al.

Where to Find lt ~hortcut 1\.lcnu R1ght-d1ck Material l: and click

Edit Material t:

1 Open HW Analysis.
Open the c\.l..,tmg part HW Analysis. T his part has additional features
needed ti.1r u-.c m the anal} s1-. 'ccuon or
th1s lcs.,on.

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

2 Materials.
Rtght-cltck Edit Material 1: and click SolidWorks Materials. Copper
Alloys. Aluminum Bronze.

l!:il- -
!l lu-llll<-
IUf toi r1
u- .....
. . . . p!'11pef'. .
....-. ... tw-Cit,..._. .,.~noe~
,...,,....ftm<DP'JI.,.. ...,..,.,.,
u a.- .....
!:t IP.5
t: -c.o-.LHSCtli:IOO
f: ...-a.-.UISCmDO
J: e.r,luo c._,lHSC113al
!:: .......
il:: wsc. _
.......... s-ZIQF _ _-

~;ow-e_. UISCWDO
~= -011--.t.JIS CJOilOI!0-111
t: o..-.c.oo.n~-...... c.,.
= ,...
t: ...,_
- 11<504lCO

l: - - u-u. o.tGC>SJOO
JE,........._ -D.I.tGCSX>O

. il]l f t -
U Oho-
u ,.....

Note l'hc Properties, Appearance and CrossHatch arc tho!.~' as-.tgncd n}

the -.dcc.:tc.:d malcrtal.

- ..... ]

. -


Lesson 6 SolidWorks 201 3
Revolved Features

3 Color.
Clu.:k Apply and Close
A change 111 mat..:rial
chnngcs the col or the or
part l he material name j-,
also upduted 1n the
I eaturel\1unagcr <k'-lgn
' 1!111-
- ll"-.ld<4>11d >

"' .....
~ ~""'""......
~ ... !'Woo

~1. -

Mass Properties One of' the hendits or,\orkmg \\llh a -.ol1d modcl1s the o::asc \\llh
"lm:h you can perform cngmcering cah:ulal1on-, -.uch a-, computing
ma~s. cent er of ma-.s. and momcnh of mcrt1:1.

Notes Section Properties can <~bo be generated from a planar ruee or a

sketch 111 u modd. l'hc sketch can he ucll\ cor sch:ctcd.
You can add a Center of Mass (COM l li.:ature Y<lll can mca!-.ure
dtstancc~ nnd add rcl~rc n ce d1men-.1ons bdwccn the COI\1 ,md
other entitles. 'I nu udJ a(. Ol'vl po1111 m tho:: Mass Properties dining
ho\ or h)- Insert, Reference Geometry, Center of Mass.
Introducing: Mass Properties '' w..~d tu generutc the ma-.s propcrt1c-.. of the entire
Mass Properties ~oil d. l'hc propert i C'> lndudc ma~~. \ olumc and a tem poral) Ulsplay or
th~: pnnctp<ll a\c....

Where to Find lt <..ommundl\l anagcr Evaluate> Mass Properties ""

M~: n u : Tools, Mass Properties

4 Mass properties.
Cl tck Mass Properties
.... . 1 he Density or
Aluminum Bronze 1s

fhc rc-.ults the or

cah:ulations arc - o l t f l l__

d1splaycd 111 the dtalog CGnlo>-'
__ ~,- drlail -

00\ . 0.007f-Pil a.e.: .....

. . , ,... o.b( . . . . . . . .


SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved F~U~tures

Note I"or tho~.: pan~ that do lW I posses an accurat.: physical d.:~cnptmn.) uu

can cl id. Override Mass Properties . You can O\crnde muss. c.:nt.:r of
mass. and the mom.:nt~ of mcrtla. I his is helpful ''hen you us1.'

s11npl ilied nwdL'h 11f purdlJsL'd cnmpon.:nh.
lo ehang.: thc un1t~. clid, Options. cltd.
Use c ustom settings. and '>L'l th.: umts.
I herc arL' othcr <)rtmns vou can set
tncluding the d~:nsit) ,md th~: ac.:urac] "-'' d
or the enkulatlmlS.

( ! -__ -

_.., .

Mass Properties Cnmpon.:nts or the Mas s Properties or a part can be carn.:d "1th thc
as Custom p<trt a!> a Custom Property. This mlormat10n ~:an be .:\traded b) a Bill
Properties of Mah.:nals rL'ptlrt
File Properties I lie prurertll.!" ar~: details about \\m do'' s has~:d liles that help 1dcmil~
11 Ior .:xampk. a dcscnptl\ e title. thL' authur namc. the suh.JL'Cl. Jnd
f..L') words that lth.:nuf). top1cs or other tmportam informat1011 111 th.: lih.:.
Doeum.:nt propcnt.:s can he us.:d to mltmllation <lh<lUI a lik or
to help organt/L' liks ..,,, that they can bL' found easll_y. You can ,._.arch
I(H documcnh bas.:J on dm:umclll pm pert u.:s.

lh.:rc arc Ilk prop.:111cs llllllfliL' lll ')olid\Vnrf...., that arc more suttcu to
<.:ngmc<.:nng than thl.! dd.tult propert1.:-. 1\ddniunal prop1.!1111.::-. l'<tn h~:
audcd bao;.:d on thL' user' llL'I.!Us.
Me tadata I 11.: prope111.:s anu aurihut.:-. arL' Slllllctlmes rdi:rrcd w a-. \111.!tadata.
Classes of File rile propl.!rucs can h<.: gmup.:d into ~e,.:ral clasM:s.
Properties Automatic
1\utornauc pror.:ntcs arc mamtam.:d h) the apphcaunn th.n crcat~:u
Lh.: prop.:rty. I h..:se prop.:rt1cs ...uch as th~.: dat.: th.: lile '"'"
cr.:atcd. last mod11icd and life -.i/L'
Preset prop.:rtiL'" alrcad~ L''\ISl. hut the u ... cr must lill m th.: lc'\t
\al u ~:. T'hc pr.:sl.!t lilc properllc:-. u:-..:d 111 ~olidWorf..s arc stored in
the fik Property.txt. llm till.! ma; be ~dned to add \lr 1\!fllO\L'
prl.!.,cl properlle'i.
lustom propl.!rtics ar.: dL'lincd h) th.: and apply l\1 th.: cnltrL'

Lesson 6 SolldWorks 2013
Revolved Features

Configuration specific
Con liguralam sp~:ci lie propcrllt.:S app l) only to a spcctlic
SolidWorks custom properties
r hcr..: arc se\ cra l custom prop..:rt1t.:s that can b~: automaltcall)
updatcd hy Sol1dWorks. l hc-.c mcludc the part\ mass and

Where to Find lt ~lcnu Bar: File Properties "'1

~knu: File, Properties

Creating File rll..: prnpcn1t.:s can he cn:atcd dm:ctl) m the lik. or th..:y can be crcatcd
Properties hy othcr pwccdun.:s.
Direct method
I ih: propena:~ an: addt.:d dm:ctl) to the li le by the u!
Design tables
Dcsig.n tabks can en:atc eu~tom pnlpt.:rtJes using a column header
$PRP@ property \\here property is the name o l" the propcrty to hc
crcatcd and populatcd \\ it h the 1nformauon created 111 the dc.:s1gn
SolidWorks PDM applications
Solid Works PDM a pplications" ill udd ..,c, era I cu:-.tom properties
to liks chcckc.:d m to the 'ault. l hcsc mdudc: number. status.
de..,cnplton , project and re\ JSJon. ~nhdWorks PI)M applicauons
can dlso be configun:c.J to <ldd audi tlona l properties defined by the
Vault Admm1stratnr.
Uses of File rile propc.:rtJc~ can be uscd lllr se' era I {tpcratwns.
Parts, assemblies and drawings
h ie propertic~ can be u-;cd to create: par,unctric nntc.:s. Annotations In fik prop~'rtll.!'- ,,Jilupdat..: as tht: pmp..:nJc;. change.
Advanced Selection and Advanced Show/Hide can sekct
components has..:d on spcellic file propc.:rt ie .... Spc.:cili c procedures
are fi.lund m th..: tr:unmg cour-.c.: l.ucmhh \locleling.
l ile propcrt1c;. cw1 b..: u-;c.:d to fill in data in the tu le hlock. BOM.
rc\ 1smn hlocks and annotution .... Spcc.:i lie procc.:u ur..:s urc.: l{nllld in
I he trammg c.:nur;...: )o/icfHorJ..., Dra11ing,.,

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

SolidWorks Custom \11 ~ola.IWorb uocumcnh ha' c the li.1lhl\\ ing ~ystcm-dclincu
Properties prop~:rues:

Proper!) l\ame I Yalue


-'\uthnr lick! 111 Summan lnfo
Comment!> lidd in ~ummary lnli.l
SW-Configuration Name Name tn ( onligurationMan<tgcr
SW-Created Date Created lidd 111 <)umnwr) lnl\.1
SW-File Name Document name'' ithoul extension
SW-Folder Name Document 1\lldcr "ith a bad.sla~h
SW-Keywords Kcyworus tidd m Summa!) lnlb
SW-Last Saved By -~"~t \a,cd B} tidu m ~umrnar; tnfo
SW-Last Saved Date Last Sa\ed field 111 Sumlllill) lnli.l
SW-Long Date Current tlatc rn long lhnnal
SW-Short Date Current <.kite m ~hort ti.mnat
SW-Subject Sub.rect ticltlm Summa!") lnro
- -f-- ----
SW-Title Titlc lidtlm <.;ummary ln li.1

5 File properties.
( lrd. File Properties and click the Custom tab lyp~: m the Name
mass. I he Type Text app~:;m. automat really Assign the mass property
component by selecting Mass from the ValuefText Expression drop-
tlm\.n lt~t A <.;o(iuWllrk~ special property anti Evaluated Value are
ereaku. Closc the dralog.

Note I he Configuration Specific tab can al"o he usctl . Thts would allo"'
the proper!) to Hll) h) contiguraunn l onligurauons \\ rll bc tllscw.-.ed
111 I <'SWill /() Con{iguratiom

Lesson 6 So lldWo rks 2013
Revolved Fea tures

SolidWorks ~nltdWorks '\1n1Uiatinn X press i!-> a f/r.llfltts.\ stre~~ analysis tnol fhr
Simulation- ~oltdWorks user.... lt help:-. you JUdge'' hcthcr your Plrt ''Ill \\ llh'>tand
Xpress the load1ng 1t "Ill re~.el\ c under real-\\ orld conditions. <.;olid\\orks
~llnulallon\.prc:-.'> 1., a suhsctofthe ~oltd\VorJ...., <)11nulallllll product.

Overview \tllidWurks ">1mulat10nXpres!'> F1xture

u:-.cs a \\ 1/ard to prm 1uc an
cas) to use. step-b) -step
method uf perli.1mung dc..,1gn
analysi.,. fhc "itard rcqu1r1.'S
st:\l.:ral p1ece~ ofinformatwn m
urucr tu analyte the part:
/h1tm:1. foatf, and moteriaf,
Ih1s mli.11mat1on rqm:-,enh the
part as 1t is used. For t:\ampk.
consider'' hat happens ''hen
you turn the hand\\ heel. l he
Externally applied load
huh 1s attached to sumethmg
that n:s1st:-. turnmg. l his 1s n:prcs~.ntl'd hy u.firture- the hub 1s
restra111ed su ll dtlC'>I,.I n1111e 11\ture:-. are 'omeumc called nm.11raim.,,
\ lnn:c 1s .1ppl1t:d to the hole 111 the rim as) ou atto.:mpt tn I urn the
hand11 heel I hi'> 1:-. a loud \.\hat happens to the ... pnkcs? Dn the) bend?
\VIII they hrcak 1 l'hl!-> depends on the strength nfthe matcnal the
humh1hecl is made of. the physu:al s11e and shape of the spnkcs. and
the ..,11e of the load
Mesh In order LO anal~tc the model. ~olid\\'orks
~11nulat1on>-.prcss lllltonultleall) me,hes the
model. it up 11110 smalkr. casler-to-
analyte p1eces. !'hest: p1ec.:., arc called ehmcltt.\
Although you lie\ er sec the dcments. you can
set the Cll:trscnt:'-s ol the mesh prior to the

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 6
Rovo/ved Features

Using SolidWorks SimulationXpress walk" ynu thruugh the '>tep'> or

SolidWorks anal)"'" lrom Options to Optimize. !"he !'.tcp-. arc
<:;et up the type of untt~ that arc commonly usetll~>r mutenab. load<, and
Select fitce.., orthc part that rcm,tin in pla..:e (li\ed) uuring. the analys~!-..
\dd e\tcmal loads ...uch as force-. and pre'>surcs to mducc and to
deli1m1 the part.
Chnw.c a material li)r the part ln1111 the .,tantlard library or input your
0\\ n.

Run the anal) \ts. optmnally setting thc coarseness or the mcsh used
Vie'\ the rcsu lb nf the analysis: Factor of ~ulcty (I OS}. ~trcs'> and
Dclhrmallons I hts ,.., somettmcs called po.\lfimc<'\sing.
Optim11e a result quanttt) usmg a sclcctt.:u ditm:nsmn.
Where to Find lt CommanuManagcr Evaluate>
SimulationXpress Analysis Wizard ~
f',..knu Tools, SimulationXpress

1 Start SimulationXpress.
t ltd, SimulationXpress JJI . I he analy-,t'>
\\ tlitru appears 111 the I asl-. Pane.

Slmul.otu>nl<jWKI hOI<II ,.., pf.ard

andhttc>S .... dtlt<II)OI.....
p<OOitl!ll '""'"' ... CIOOigft " " '

., Slmuiii!OMJ><IIO. ~ OPC>fr
_ ................. l>llll
-............ ""atm"' port.
andltHJ'IJt.fKUb All~lhtS
mf~m:Doft 1:1 endudeel 1r1 l)lf

1101oll1>0! _ _ , . _

........"" ...............,ti"Jt&.
rtQIUUe a~tehtoiM
- - flilll>d ... ""119n
03 htt i(9pf ""r-h! I!J!!'M.,
=rmwwu !if't*lm.......,...

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolved FeaturllS

The Simulation- I h~ SolidWorks SimulationXpress mt~rt"<u:~ b~gm" in the lask Pane.

Xpress "h.:re th~ checklist nt sequential tasks appear... under the. olidWorks
Interface ~imu l auonXpress tnh. elccuon options and thc
~imulat1onXprcssStud) trc~ app~ar 111 the Proper!)\ l anag~r.

PropertyManager and

Options lh~ Options d1alog t"Unt<llns -.~llings l(lr th~ System of units and
Results location.
2 Click Options.
\t:t the unit!- to SI and use the dcfault Results location. Click Show
annotation for maximum and minimum in the result plots.
Click OK and click ~ Next.

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 201 3
Revol ved Features

Phase 2 : Loads I h.: Loads page ,.., u~ed to add ~:\ Lcnwlltlrcc ... und pre~ ... urc~ Lo faces or
the pan. Force impltls a total force. li1r c\amplc ::!00 lh..,, applted Ln a
lltec 111 a spcctlic dt rccuon Pressure unpltcs that the llllcc is c\ cnly
distnhutcd on the l~tcc. li1r c'\amplc. :HJO pst. and ,.., applktl nnrmal1t1
the lace

Note !he spcctlkd force 'aluc ,.., applied to each tltce. I or c'\amplc. 1r you
..,ckct ~ laces and spcctl} a 50 lh. lor~:e, SunulauonXprcss a pplie~ a
IOt:lJ force 11r J)() Jhs \lr )() Jhs. (Ill C<tl.'h race.
5 Loads page.
In tlm, c'\amplc. \H: \\ill uw <I Force I} pe load. (lick C Add a force.
6 Select the face.
~elect the C) hntlncal face
a~ !>ho\\ n. l'l1ck Selected
direction and clu.:k the
Right plant.:.
Set the Force 10 3000 and
cli~:kOK Cht.:k Next.

c: ~ ... & tul

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Phase 3: Material rhe nnt pha-.e ,.., ...clcctmg the Material. You can chomc lrom librane..,
standurd matcnab or mJd your m-.n

7 Material page.
rhe cun-ent mah:nal. sdccted \\ 1lh111
l:lolidWnrks. 1s Aluminum Bronze from the
Coppe r Alloys list.
2 LOUt

lo change the matcrwl. du..:k Change material

and \Ck\.:t from the 11 ...1. J hi' IS the 'i<lll\C list tha t
appear., "hen usmg Edit Material
l11ck Next to keep Aluminum Bronze as the
2 7~74:l008N.nr2


Phase 4 : Run ~imu l atlonXprcs.., prepares the modcll(,r analysis. crcntes th~..: mesh and
calculates displac:emcnts. 'trams. and -.trc......~..:s.
8 Run page.
I he fl'LJlllrld mlixmatiun ha' hecn prm 1dcd and the analyzcr '' ready.
( lick 1:) Run Simulation.
Phase 5 : Results I he Results page 1s us~..:d to display the ~ Slmvlabonl'prrss;,.tudy(Dtftul!)
results \If analysiS rhe li.d I ::J Fp t\.orfiS
~1mu l atmn \.pri..:S!'t\tudy tree 1s ~hm\ 11 m ~ Rif>:t,..ntl loed
the spl 1t I caturLMunagcr dcs1gn tree. ln1s ..1. ll)hl1 ('Pttltcm; 1~0 ILq
indudcs all the mput and tlULput ofth~..: -"iA"""b
er ~, >"'MI'f'"J)

-.lUd) .r J>ll'' ''"' (lkJ drip)

~ OrfOIM~Ahanl ()hplrrnt 1
llai' r,dQt
rt .)ftty(Ma~wnMI~if.tftn J

Tip Rght-ehc:k a n.:~ull li:atun: huch a' Stress (vonMises-)) and d1ek
Show to \ IC\\ 11
9 Deformation.
I he liN r~..:~ult dl.,pht) cd i., the Deformation
Click tl Yes, continue lll sec the lll..:'\l result.
I h~..: 'e<:\llld r~..:sult 1s th~..: Factor of Safety (I 0~ l "l111.:h compare., the
) 1dd <;lr~ngth nlthc mutenalto the tH..tual stresse:-.

Lesson 6 SolldWorks 201 3
Revolvod Features

Factor of Safety ~lmulatlon_\prc~' u-.cs the ma\1111UI11 von l\ l 1..,c~ strc<,s cntcnon to
calculate the f11ctor of safet) Ul:-.tributllln. l lm cntl!rinn 'talcs that a
ductile matcnal start ... to) 1dd "hen the equ1' ah:nt ...tress(\ on \.1ises
strcs ... ) reaches the yidd st rength (lfthe materi<ll. I he yu:lu strength
(\I(, Yl D) I'- ddincd as a matcnal property. SunulatltlnXprc:-.s
calculate:-. the factor nr salety at a pulfll 0) di\ IUII1g the yield ... trength
h:;. the eqUI\ a lent ... tress at that pomt
At <Ill) locatiOn. a I~Jclor or . .afcty that Is:
I ~~s than I 0 indicate" that the mml!nal at that locatum ha-.. yiellkd
and that the des1gn is nut sale.
l qual to 1.0 mthcatc:-. th,n the matenal ut that location has JU-..t
started to ) 11:ld.
(,reatel than 1.0 imhcah:s that the mah:na1 ,ll that locatwn has not
10 Factor of safety.
1he FOS ha-. areas that arc ll!s:-. than 1. rh1s md1catl!!'. that areas llf thl!
part arc 0\'l!rstn:ssl!d and ''Ill f;.ul.
Red areas llldii!LJIC \\here the ructor or safety IS less than one.

Clid.. Cl Done viewing results and Cl Next

Phase 6: Optimlze I he Optimize tab can be u... l!d to hnng Factor of Safety, Max Stress
ur Maximum Displaceme nt ' alue:-. to acceptable k:' ~b b) itcratmg the
'alue or a duncnswn . I he optunitllllon is perfonned "Jthm set numcnc
boundan..:s "Jth thl! abme cnnstramts
11 Optimize the model.
Click Yes lilr Would you like to optimize your model? and Cl Next.

So lidWorks 201 3 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

12 Value to change.
Sdc~tthc 14mm Jimcn~ron (major a\r:,. ul"thc cllir~e) a~ the Jrmcnsron
to changc. Click OK.

----- D~M-

13 Variables and constraints.

~Cl the Min and Max Variable 'alth.!\ to 18mm and 22mm a'> shtm n
I or Constraints. s-.:lcct Factor of Safety and set 11 to a mmrmum of 1.
(lid. Run.

C>I-(OOtl . . _ :
CkA ..,. ..,fl.,bltra ............
C/Jc:j,..,.,.fO-~IUfh !!.I
.... :

-- -
Tip Design Study Properties tr can he uscJ to set the results qualrl) JnJ
nutrut fillJcr lucauun.

l esson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolved Features

14 Res ults.
1\ 11er se\ era! ucrauun .... the optlllll/<lllon 1..,
complete. Click the Results view tah. l he
rcsuhmg changes m~ct the I 0~ target'" tth
-- ---
only a small increase 111 \\Cight.
hdDretS.tftW' II!DI7S 11101til

..... 21'1a1" 2'PO'ltl1

15 Optimization re sults.
Click the Optimal Va lue option and click ID Ne xt.
llick 4 . Run and Run Simulation

Updating the Chan!!C" pcrfi.mllCU 111 ~olid\\'nrh or dunng nptiiTII/tlll<ln arc dctcch.:d
Model h~ <iimulat10nXpn:ss. Changes can he made to the model. matcnals.
lixturcs or loads. rhe C\lstmg analy.,ls can he re-anal)?ed to\ the
ne\\ c ... t result ....

16 Sa ve data.
(. lick Close in the C:..t,lidWnrks <;imulationXprcss "IIH.lm' and Yes to
sa\ e the uata.
17 Change model.
lhc oplimi/atinn process changellthc
-,elected dimc1Non 'aluc. llld. the
Model tab on the hnllnm or the
graphic'> '' mdo\\ and ch:mgc that
dimcn,ion to the rounded , aluc
20mm (in Sketch4 under the Spoke
lc:nure) and rchudd
18 Retrieve data .
C:..tan <;mllllatlllnXprcss .1g.un anll run
the sumilation again.

19 Save and clos e .

Click Clos e in the <;ohd\1\'urb. <;imulation Xprcss "inllm\ and Yes to
"a"c the data.
20 Save a nd c lose the pa rt.

SolidWo rks 2013 Lesson 6
Revolved Features

Res ults, Reports fh~: ('()110\\ ing arc SO Ill I: C\:t111pJes 1lf the di f1l:r~:nt types or OUlplll that
and eDrawings arc a\ ailabk '' ith an analy~'' '(he) include result~. reports <llld
cDnt\\ mg li k,.

Note Some or th~: dt-;play ... arc C\aggcratcd by a dclixmatwn scale.

St re!>-. (_, on 1\ Iiscs-)

Oi.,p laccmcn t (-Re\ d i'i(>-)

(- l>i:o.placcmc nt-)

Factor of Safet)
(-l\la \. \On lisc .. Stress-)

Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2013
Revolved Features


\\ ord R~porl

eOnm ing<, File

SolidWorks 2013 Exerctse 25

Exercise 25: Create this p<~rlu~mg th.: dunens101h prO\ 1dcd. Use
Flange rdallnn!. '' j-,cl) tn mamtain the de!.ign Intent.
l"his lab u:;es the ltlii0\1 ing sJ...ills:
Remln!cl Featun'\ on page 195.
l 1111:.: millimeters

Design Intent l hc dcs1 gn Intent li1r tlm part 1s :1'> follows.

I . llolc:-. in the pattem are equally
~ llolcs are equal tl1amcter.
3 .<\11 lilleh ar.: equal ami arc R6mm.
Note that LOilstructwn l:lrdes .:an he created u:-.111g the Properties or a

Dimensioned Use the folio" ing graph1c~ '' ith the descnption of the tksign intent to
Views cr.:atc the part .

f--- - - (1140 - - ---1

Top View ..

Front View

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 25

Exercise 25: Create thi-, part ll'>tng the tltmen'>ton~ provttlcd. u.,e
Flange rclauon~ "tscl) to nullnt:un the de!>ign intcnt.

I his lab usc:-. thc foliO\\ mg sktlb:

Remh'('(//eattue., nn page I 95.
Un its: millimeters

Design Intent lhc tlcsign mtent this part ~ a~ f(lllows

I. I lob. 111 the pattern arc equal I) spaced.
2 links arc cqual dwmctcr.
3. t\11 lillcts arc cqual anti are R6mm .
nte that construct ton cm: le., can be cr..:atctl the Properties 11f a

Dimensioned l l ~c the folllm mg graphic' \\ilh the tlescriplton of the dc'>tgn intent to
Views create the part.

- <ll140 - - ---!

Top View


<llll- ---,
Front View

Exercise 26 SolidWorks 2013

Exercise 26: ( r~ate

thl" part usmg the
Wheel dimension~ prm lclcd. u~c
rdat1ons \\ 1scl} to mamtam the
cles1gn mtt:nl.
l"h1s lab use;. the folio\\ mg
f?C'I'Ofl'Ctf f Ct/(1/I'L' \ llll
pagl' 19'\.
units. millimeters

Design Intent 1 he cle-.1g11 intcl\l l(lr thts part 1s "" tnlltm ..,.
Part i;. symmetrical ahoutthc a\i:O.llfthe hub.
2. llub h:Js drafl

Dimensioned l !>e the IC.1lllm mg graphiCS\\ llh the desenption or the dc:-.lgn llllellliO
Views create the part
Front and Top' 1e'' ' ;md Section AA from Front' 11.'\\ .



SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 26

Optional: Text in a Te\.l can be added to a o.,kctch and e\.lruded to lorm a cut or a ho~s . rhe
Sketch lt!\.l can be posit ioned freely. lm:ated usmg dimensmno., or geometnc
relations. or made lo l()lhm sketch geolllell) or model edges.

Where to Find lt CommandMunuger: Sketch >Text

Menu : Tools, Sketch Entities, Text
~honeut Menu : Rght-cl1cJ.. in the graph1cs .m:a und ~hcJ.. Text

1 Construction geometry.
SJ..ctch on the front lace and
add construction I me:. anti arcs
us ... h0\\11.
Tip Use Symmetric relat ionships
between the cndpomls or the
arcs and the' ert1cal ccnterhm:.

2 Text on a curve.
Create '''0 pieces ofte\.l. one
auachcu lo each arc. I hey
ha\C the folltm lllg propalles:
Text: Designed using
Font: Courier New 11pt
Alignment: Center Align
Width Factor: 100%
Spacing : 100%

Text: SolidWorks
Font: Arial 20pt
Alignment: Full Justify
Width Factor: 100%
Spacing : not applicable when using Full Justify
3 Extrude.
l \lniUI.' a boss "ilh a De pth of 1mm and Draft of 1.

Note l"\.trutling te\lcun be t11ne eon ... uming.

4 Save the part and c lose it.

Exercise 27 SolidWorks 2013

Exercise 27: Create this part the infbrmat1on an<.!

Guide <.l uncm.IOn~ pm\ IUCd nw. luh reinforces the
fo liO\\ ing skil ls:
lmrotlucin~ Slots 011 page 202.
Unit~: millimeters
Procedure Create a ne\\ mm part and name it Guide. (. rcatc the gcomctl) as
sho\\ n in the follm' mg step~.

Note rhcse Image~ ~ IHl\\ the -,!-etch rdatJOI1~ (View, Sketch Relations ) lor
Lines and fillet.
Open a ~ketch on the Front plane
( rea!c !hi.' sketch IJnc:.. a sketch fi lkt
anu an angular d111H.:ns1nn a ... -,ho'' n

2 Offset.
Use ol1sl.'! cnuucs 10 create the
20mm ofl~et a~' n

3 Close ends.
Close thl.' en<.!~ using a
tangent arc and a line as
:shll\\ 11.

- - - - - - - - - - _ 125.00"

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 27

4 Drag to origin. R25
Drag the CClllerpumt or the
arc 10 the Ongtn .md drop 11.
Th1~ create'> a Ctnnc1dcm

" /
5 Fully defined.
1\tld a\ Jrttltll Sharp b)
--- 125.00"

-.ekcting the tW1l !me~

a" -,ho\\n ;md
Point Complete the
"keh:h O) atlding
Jimensions a::. shown. ./
l "htrude the sketch

' 125.00"

6 Circle and boss.

Add a circle to a ne\\ "ketch on the wp face of the model. L -,c Tangent
and Coincident rclatwns to relate the C1rck tn the gcomctl). 1 ully
define and c-...trudc the si..I.!Lch 1 Omm as shown
~- 7>45

I lih \


Exercise 27 SolidWorks 201 3
Gwd e

7 Fillet.
Atltl a lillet R20mm as sll\l\\ n.

8 Slot.
Use Straight Slot \\ ith the options Overall Length and Add
Dimensions Ill ereatc the geometry sh0\\11 hd<m. Create a through a ll
cut '' 1th the "ketch geometl) .

Tip rhe s lot sketch should he t'ull) defined. lt may requm: a Parallel
rclauon .
9 Hole.
Atld a 20mm thwugh all hole lll complete the part.

10 Save and c lose.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exercise 28
Tool Post

Exercise 28: l rl.'a ll.' tlw. part th~.- u1mcnsll\Jb pro-
Tool Post ' idcu l Ise rl.'lauon" '' 1sd} to manna in thl.'
dl.'s1gn 111tcnt.
lh1s luh U'l.'" thl.' h11lm\ mg si.. Ills:
Rt'\'Ohcd rca/111'('.\ on page 195.
l !Ill"- millimeters

Design Intent I hi.' ul.'sign intent fi.1r tlm. pi.!rt 1s as 1(1110\\ ~

Pun 1s '}lllmetrical.
2 l.:nter hol.: IS though ull.

Dimensioned l '-1.' thl.' li.1llo\\ ing graplm:s "1th th.: di.'-.Jgn lllll.'nt to create thl.' part.

Top View

~J=h~tiCO I

Front View


Section A-A


Exercise 29 SolldWorks 2013

Exercise 29: Ust.! an ellipse to create the ran.

Ellipse Tlm. lah n:mf(lrCI.!S Ihi! l(llhl\\ mg
lmroclunng /m cri 1:'1/ip.'<' on
page 207.
Unll~: millimeters

Procedure Create a ne\\ mm part. Create the geumctr::.. a~ ~hm\ n in the Ji)illl\\ mg
t.lra\\ 1ng.

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 30

Exercise 30: Create these th ree parh ll',mg SI\Cf1t ll:aturc~. rhcse n:qum: a path unc.l (1
Sweeps SCCIIllll.

I h1-. lab use-. the 1()110\\ mg -.1-..ills:

( omplcting the Path am/ l'ro/ile )ketdws on page 207.
lmrmlul"inK S1nep on page 209
L nih: millimeters
Cotter Pin I he Cotter Pin use!> a path that de"cnhc:- the inner edge or thl.' -.weep.

101- ------

} .~"ol)

l 11, N 1\-A

Paper Clip lhc Paper Clip 1s defined b) a ptllh that dcscnhcs the ccntl.'rlinc of the

I l!<J ~ -P.3.:1l

A_ '

- 7>1


Exercise 30 SolidWorks 2013

Mitered Sweep lh~: Mitered Sweep '"de lined hy u path thut de:-cribe!' the outer edge
of' the "' ecp.

- - ---- - ~~


SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 31
Slmu/olion- Xpress

Exercise 31 : Perli.lrm a lirsl puss sues" on an ----

Simulation- eXISting part.
Xpress llm lab uses the 1\>1 hi\\ mg
<;imulauonXprtss skills
Plww I . Fnrur.! ' on page 223 .
1'/ww 2: /.mu/, on page 22-l
J>hme 3: ,\ /ataml on page 225
Phase .J: Run 011 page 22:;
l'ha.\l ' Resu/1.1 011 pagt 225.
Umts: millimeters
1 Open Pump Cover.
This part represents a cm~.:rlhot "ill he lillcd \\llh oil under high
Start the ~imulauon>.pre ...s \\ ltan.l.
2 Set the units.
Click Options and -.etthc un1ts to SI. Also chck Show annotation for
maximum and minimum in the result plots.
3 Define the fixture.
~elect the uppermo"t ltiCI!'> of
the four tab... and the
cylmdncal 1~\cc ... of lht four
bolt hole....

4 Define the load set.

<)elect Pressure l'or tht
type of load. R1ght-d11:k
one oftht li:tccs on the
imide ot the Pump Cover
Click Select Tangency
from the -.hortcut menu
5 Set the pressure value
and direction.
Set the IXC'osurc 'aluc to
250 psi.

Exercise 31 SolidWorks 2013
Simulation- Xpress

6 Specify the material.

Sel~ct Aluminum Alloys 111d click 2014 Alloy from the list.

7 Run the simulation.

8 Results.
The ractor or sufcty is less than I indicating that the part is 0\ er
stressed. Also 'ie\\ the stress und deformation plots.

~-"-~ .... .... -~c.-

.... ,....~ta.~.o
ll!O:,_".,._ .,p
ft IMll"""~---


''1' 111'2

9 Change the material.
Right-click the Pump Cover (-2014 Alloy-) icon inlht.:
SimulationXprcssStudy and click Apply/Edit Material.
Change the material to Other Alloys, Monei(R) 400.
10 Update.
Click Run Simulation to rerun the analysis using the new mutcnal.
The factor or safety :-hould be greater than I .
11 Save and close the part.

Lesson 7
Shelling and Ribs

l r~m succc;,;,ful complct10n of'thi~ k~snn. you'' rll be able to

\pply drali to modo.:! li.lce'
Pcrlorm shcllmg operation' Ill hollm' out a part .
Creute planes.
Lt-,c the nb ll)OI.
Create th111 feature'

Lesson 7 SolidWorks 201 3
Shelling and Ribs

Shelling and l rcaung thin \\alkd

Ribs part-. mvohc~ "omc
1.1111111lll11 '>CljUCncc~ and
operation:-.,\\ hcthcr they
arc ca-.t or tnjccti1m
nwldcu Both ...hdltng
<md drali arc thcu. a-.
\\dl,l..,rths. lhh
C.\ ampk ''ill go through
the step:-. ori.tddtng drali.
cn:atmg plane..,, -.hdlmg
<1110 cn:i.lting ribs.

Stages in the ">nmc kC) ...tagc~ 111 the nwdcling process nl'th1s part arc gi\cn in the
Process !nllt)\\tng list
Draft with a plane
Drall can be ddincu "ith rc-.pcct to a pbnar ll1cc ''r plane and
Using planes
lhls pan contatn:-. ...c\cralli:aturcs ~tligm:u to the cctllcrlinc or
the part ll,dl ,\ celllcred plane i-. useu li1r locating fi:atttrl!s.
\hdltng I'> the procc~... ul'hollo\\ ing llllt ,I part You ha\e thl. optton or
rcnHI\ tng one or mnrc li1ce" or the part \ -.hcll katun: 1s at) pc nr
appltcd katurc.
Rib tool
I he rih tool can he used tlllJlt l ckl~ l.'reate ... or muluple rths u. . ing
llllllllna l 'ketch gcmnctr). the rth '' crcatcu hct\\ c~.:n houndmg lacc' of
the modcl
Thin features
I he th 111 li:ature opt H\11 create.., n.., nl H:.... c\trU\Inns, "" ccps anu loll-.
"tth thm ".tlls 111 con ...tant .......

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 7
Shelling 8nd Ribs

Analyzing and Drali is required for hoth cast anti inJection nllllued parts. Because Jran
Adding Draft can he created 111 ...e,crul way~ . 11 ~~Important to he able to check the
draft on u part and 1r necessary. at.ld more.

1 Open the part


Draft Analysis rhe Draft Analysis tool IS m.dul Ill detenninmg \\ hether the purl has
suflictcnt draft to be renHncd from the mold based on <1 set drali angle.

Whe re to Find lt {.\lll1111< Evaluate > Draft Analysis ~

1\ lcnu: View, Display, Draft Analysis

Note l"he dialog may 'ar) ;.lightly dependtng on your graph1cs card.

2 l'lic!.. Draft Analysis " .

3 Direction of pull.
<)elect the bottom planar face as the
Direction of Pull. Clt~:l.. Reverse
Direction so the pullt.ltrl!ction arnm
pomts as shm\ n
4 Results.
~et the Angle to 2.
l olor... are :l'slgncd to
the race-. according to
the nature of their dratt.
rhree l) cllo\\) I~ICC~
requm: Jrall. t
Cltcl.. OK to complete
the command .md the
h11.:e colors and lcg.enu
"ill remain '1s1blc.
. P0111'1i1.dlltl
P~1VIf4K df<lll
t<JgotN . drat1

Lesson 7 SolidWorks 201 3
Shel/mg and R1bs

Other Options So far '"e ha\e sc~.:n on~: method lur crcuting l~atur~.:s " 1th drall. usmg
for Draft the Draft optum in the Insert, Boss/Base, Extrude command.
1 hen: an.: lmlcs "hcn thi'> method does not address your spec Ilk
situation. I or c\.amplc, because of the way we modclcd the basc
li.:aturc, there ,..,n 't Llll) drall on 11. Therc 1s a W3) to add draft to l~tecs
a/tl.!r th~.:y ar~.: creatcd.
Introducing: Insert Draft cnabb. you to add drall to faces of the model" 11h rc)>pect
Insert Draft to a neutral plunc or a parting Ime.

Whe re to Find lt (. \HllmandManagcc Feature s > Draft

Menu Insert, Features , Draft
Draft Using a The pnlclss ofuddtng urall n:quires the sclcctton of one Neutral plane
Neutral Plane and one or morl' Faces to draft

5 Neutral plane draft.

Cite!.. Draft . Cite!.. Manual and Neutral Plane as the Type of Draft.
(;)elect the bottom pi:.lnar lace. 'a me as for drali analysts. a-. the Neutral
Set the Draft Angle to 2 dcgrc~:s .
~dcct the three ydhl\\ face.., lll drali and cltck OK to cornpletc the

-!?':"" -- - .,_

Note Cltek Reverse Direction 11' ncccssaf) to pnmt the arnm m the
dtrectmn shu\\ n.

SofidWorks 2013 Lesson 7
Sholling and Ribs

6 Draft analysis recheck.

Not1ce that the col or changes
lor tho.: selected race~ . rhe)
no'' ha,e po~lll\ c drall
"11h1n the boundanc-, set tn
the drall ana lysis.
Cl 1ck Draft Analysis tt t
ugam to !->hut ntr the colors.

Tip looming in on the Top

vIC\\ slm\vs the drafted
f.tce ....

Shelling \ ~hclltng opcmtmn 1s used to 'holhm nut .. a soltd. You can appl)
d1 fkrcnt "allthickncssc!. to selected liu;cs. You can select face~ to he
removed In this e\arnple, all \\Uib "1ll ha\ I! the same thickm:s-...
Order of 1\rlost pJa,t u.: part!> ha\e rountll:d corners. If you add li lll!h to the l'dgc..,
Operations he/or, -.hd lmg and Lhc lilkt mdiu.., Is greater than the \\;tll thu:knc-,~.
the lllsH.Ic COrtll'r'> or the pan \\Ill alllomatlcall) be rounded I he radiu ...
o l the lll"ld\.' corners'' 1ll equal the li lkt rad1u.., minus the \\all
Lh1ckness. laktng ,ld\,llltage of till.., can cluninate the tedmus la'>k or
lilletmg the 111stdc corners
11 the" all thickness 1-. greater than the lillet rad ius. the m-.. de corner'
"tll he sharp.
Introducing: Insert Shell rLmoves selected races and adds thickness w other'> to
Insert Shell create a thm walled ~oltd . 11 can create mullipk thicknessc!. in the 'ame
shel1111g command

Where to Find lt Command~lanager: Features > Shell

Menu Insert, Features, Shell

Tip Clear Show preview bel me st.:lccung thl! l~u.:c~. othen' tsc the prc' le\\
\\ill he updated\\ ith each sclccuon, shm tng. down the oper:IIIOil

Lesson 7 SohdWorks 2013
Shollmg and Ribs

Face Selection <:)h.:llmg can rcmcn cone nr nwn: lhcc~ lrom the mmkl or create u lull~
enclosed 'oi<.l. I krc arc ~nmc c'amplcs

One la~:c seh:ctcd.

0 race:-. ~elected .
Notc: ll1c rc:-tllh arc
shO\\ 11 SCCIIIlll\.'U, liSlllg
the Section View

7 Shell.
Clid, Shell Jntl ... ct ~ x
th\.' Thic kness to 1.5mm .
( lcar Show preview untl
du.:k the 9 fuel.' ...
( mclutlmg 1he h 1dtlcn
honnm fact:) slu1\\ n tb
the Faces to Remove.
lln:k OK

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 7
Shelling and Ribs

8 Shelled part.
I h~ sckctcd thu.:kncss i~
applied to all l~1cc~
C'-CCpt tho~c removed.

Planes I he Plane Wizard cun be u>.cd to create a 'a net) of plane~ u-,mg
dllli.:rcnt geometry. Plane~. laces, cdgcs. 'crticcs. surl~1ccs and sketch
gcomdry can ull he used to appl) constrnmts through First. Second
and 11ptionall) Third References. I he Fully defined stale 1s l1stcd
"hen 11 1~ reached.

Tip I r the scled lOllS cannot be C\)lllbined to l'orm a

'al1d plane. a me...sagc .tppears in the dialog.

Where to Find lt l nmmand" Features > Reference Geometry >

Menu Insert, Reference Geometry, Plane
Shortcut Prcs-, Ctrl and drag an C'-1Stll1g plane to -.tart the Offset Distance plane
as slum n hclt1\\
llcrc me some e"amplcs.

Offset Distance
()elect a planar l:tcc nr
plane and a distance

Opt1onall) create u sene-. ol parallel

planes the ..,a me lllstance apart

Lesson 7 SolidWorks 2013
Shellrng and Ribs

~elect ,1
planar l.tcc or
plane and an ctlge or

Opuonally create a ~cnc'i or angled plane"

the ...ame cli~tancc apart.
~elect three 'crt H:e ....

Sch.:cl a line and n
... mglc 'erte\.

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 7
Shelling and Ribs

\d~Cl a liu~~ anu <I

Tangent and
1:\dcct a C) lmdn~a I t:u.:~
and a rlannr liu.:c: nr
plan~" ith

Lesson 7 SolidWorks 2013
Shelling and Ribs

Tangent and Parallel

St:l~ct a 1:} llndrical bt~:
and a planar ra~:~ or
plan~ "ith Parallel

Mid Plane
~t:kct t\\1) planar la~:t:"
'' 1th Mid Plane

Perpendicular at a
~ekct a "ket~:hcd !in~:
and an ~ndpomt

1\.., a shortcut to Perpendicular at a Poim.

sckct an cdgetlinc and click Insert,
Sketch . The plane 1~ created and a sketch
opened on it.

SotidWorks 2013 Lesson 7
Shellmg and Ribs

9 Offset distance plane.

Cite!. Plane . select the,.,s l ~tce umluse an Offset Distance
of 1 Omm to the im11lt ( mtcrscctmg the model).
Clu.:k OK.


Ribs I he Rib tO\llcnuhk.., ) l'll h> create nhs usmg minimal -;l,.et~.:h geometry.
The tool prompts )llll li1r the thtcl.ness. dtrectinn of the rib matenal.
hlm ) ou \\ant toe'\ tend the ~!.etch tf' ncce aml '' hether you want

Tip L'nlike other skcll:hes, the nh sl.ctdl Ul)Cs not ha\ e tn cm er the
complete length nlthe nh t'cature llw. is due to the r:tct that the nh
1\:aturc automatu:ally 1!\tl'I\Os the sl.ctch to the 1\C'\l fcaturc 1t finus on
both ~:nd"

Lesson 7 So lidWorks 2013
Shelling and Ribs

Rib Sketch The nh sketch can he '>tmpk nr comple\. lt can be J'> '>implc <ha sing le
~ketchelllme that l(mm. the rib centerltm:. or tt can be more elaborate.
Ikpendmg on the natun: ol'thl' rib -.ketch, the nb can be c\truded
paral lel or nonnaltl) the sketch plane. ~tmple ..,kctche ... can be t:.\ truded
etther parallel or normal to the ... ketch plane. Comple\ ...ketches can
oni> he c\trullell nonnalto the ..,ketch plane. llcre an: some e\nmplc....

~tmpk sketch
e\trullcd parallel to
the sketch plnne.

~tmpl e sl..ctch
e\trudcd nnrnmltn
the .,[..etch plane

Cmnplc\ ... I-.ctdl

c\trullcd normal tn
the ... !..etch pbne.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 7
Shelling and Ribs

Introduci ng: Insert Rib cn:alt.:!> u llattopped rib l'ither '' 1th or\\ ithout dr<~l't. The nh
Insert Rib IS baseJ on a skctch~:d ~:ontour line that dl'linc.., the path of the rih. J\
full round tillet can bl' added to round ulrthe nh.

Where to Find lt CnmmundManager: Features > Rib

Menu: Insert, Features, Rib

10 Sketch line.
Create a ne\\ sketch on thl' plane Planel
Sketch l\\O hori;ontalline~ dirncnsmned as
..,hO\\ 11.
Note lhc lines can he umicr-dclincd hccuuse the
cndpntnh do nol ha' e to he coim:ldl'lllLO the
nmdl'l edg~:s. I he Rib lc<~tur~: \\ill e:-..temJ the
Ime.., to mt~:r-;cl'l '' ith the \\ails ol'the model. 5

11 Rib tool.
Cl ick Rib ~ und set the paramcll'rs sh<l\\n:
Thickness: 1.5mm
Create rih on Both Sides nr sketch - At
sketch plane '(-~ 15i>IM

Extrusion direction : Al ...... f'ltltffate

Normal to Sketch "

Draft ,: 3 outward

Lesson 7 SolidWorks 2013
Shcflmg and Ribs

Clld. OK

- /-# _ .

Tip I !'the Flip material side a mm pomh a\\ ay fwm the mot.J.:I. re\ crsc th.:
12 Rib sketch.
~elect the Right plane anu cr.:at~: a 11'-''' ~J..~:tch Chang~: tl11. o1sph1) w
Hidden Lines Visible

Converting Edges Convert Entities is used to create wpie-, of mood Ill th~: actiw
sketch lhc edges ar<: proj~:t:tl.'tllln to the plan~: of the sk~:teh. \\ h~:thcr
thl.') I i.: on that plane or not
Introducing: Convert Entities ~:nabk~ ) ou to I.'Op) moo cl ~:ugcs llllll your aell\ 1.'
Convert Entities skl.'tch

Where to Find lt CommandManager Sketch > Convert Entities I'()

l'vknu Tools, Sketch Tools, Convert Entities
1\hortt:ut Menu. Right-click in thl.' graph i C'~ area antl dtLJ.. Convert

13 Convert.
( IIL'k Convert Entities '0 untl cltck thl.' upper ctlg<: ;~s mtlicatcd.
lllcJ.. OK.

eoo-tl- '

,_.._. ..e - t

fEioa, ct>


SolidWorks 201 3 Lesso n 7
Sha/1/ng and Ribs

14 Drag.
Drag th~ ~:nJpmntl- or th~
CUll\ ~rlCO COg~ 10 lllOVe 11 to the
l lick Rib ... and Parallel to
Sketch "' "1th th~.: option ... u~cd
111 thc prc\ 1ou-. rib li:uturc 111
create the nb.
15 Completed ribs .
1\noth~.:r nh can be aooco usmg
the -.a me methoo as the 1we' 1ou..,

Full Round lh~: Full Round Fillet opllon er~:ate-. a fillet that~~ wngent to three
Fillets adJa~o:ent sch <ll lltces. I <H.:h race 'cl can cnnlam mon: than um: f'acc.
I [0\\~\cr, "ithm each face set. tlw lac~:-. must be tangen t contmunusly.
Introducing: Full \ full round li lt et doc:-. not n ~cd J r;Hhus \aim:. 1 he radiUs 1"
Round Fillets OI:ICflllin~:u
b) thc shape nr the fllccs you select.

Where to Find lt Fi llet Pmpcrtyt\1 anag~.:r Full Round Fillet

Lesson 7 SolldWorks 2013
Sho/1/ng and Ribs

16 Full round.
llick Fillet aml
the Full round
fillet option. Unde r
Items To Fillet
..,ckct one face 111
each ~cl as :.hO\\ n.
't uu nnht li llct
each rib
mdi' 1duall}.
11 Save and close.

Thin Features Thin Features arc made b~ an opm skctl.'h prolik and applying a
\\ allth1cknt:~~. 1111.: tluckncs.., can be upphcd LO the lll..,Jdt! or OUbJUC of
the sketch. equally nn both ~1dc.., of the ~ketch or unequally on either
'-IUC I hin ll!aturc creation ,.., auwmallcull) Ill\ okcd l(lr open conlllur:-.
that arc c\trudcd or re\ oh ed. contour:-. can a]..,o he to
create th111 lcuturcs.
lh in katures can he created f(lr c'\trudes. re\ ohes. "" ccps and loth.

Hc\ oh c, open
\ l.
~ -~
SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 7
St1ellln g and Ribs

f.'\lrudc, open

~~ .

Where to Find lt Revolve PrupcnyManagcr Thin Feature
Extrude Prnpcrtyl\1anagcr Thin Feature

Open Thin Features.

2 Thin revolve.
Sckct the strainer sketch ;md I
Revolved Boss/Base
\\ hen the -.ysh.:m ask-.." hcther
..~-~ - !
the ...ketch shoultl he
nutomatJcttll) clnsetl. click No.
Ciet the Thin Feature thickness
to Smm antlthl' tiJrccuon to the

3 Thin extrude.
~e l ect the bracket sketch anti
Extruded Boss/Base .. Set the
Thin Feature Ill Mid-Plane and

Lesson 7 SolidWorks 2013
Shelling and Ribs

4 Direction.
Set the direction ufthc e'\lrudc
wwanh the bu:-.c rcaturc onu
use Up To Next
Click OK.

5 Save and close the file.

Note I his t:\ample oll~r!> another

comparison bct\\ecn Up To
Surface (lO[l) anu Up To Next
(hollom ). I

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 32
Pump Cover

Exercise 32: (_re.:ale tht~ part 11'-lllg tht

Pump Cover dimcn~mn' prm tdcd l -.c
rdall,m:, " .... e~~ to mamta111 the.:
dcstgn mlcnl.
Tlll'i lab u-.;c..,th~: lhflcm mg skills:
Shllllllg on page 247.
U111t-.. millimeters

Design Intent
I. 1he tah... OJrc OJ II cquOJI -.1/<.: and ~hJpc.
1 ll ok" 111 the t;.~bs arc all equal.
'' All liflch arc equal <11 radtus R3mm .
V.allthicJ..ncss ts ~:on ... t<llll.
"' 1-,Jot .... ccntcn:u on edge.:
6. I 'dud mg. the -.lot. part ., :.} mmctru.:;d ab,,ut I\\ o plane'

Dimensioned Use.: the l(>lhl\\ mg. graphics" ith thl.' lkstgn tntcnl to cr~:atc th~: part.

8 100

~..,.., 12 TIIRU AlL


Exercise 33 SolldWorks 2013
Compression Plate

Exercise 33: Crcatl..' tht~ partu~tng thc

Compression uimcn;,ton-.. prm tdeli. lhc
Plate rclattons " tscl) tu maintain the
destgn tntcnl.
This lah u;,cs thc fnlltm mg

Shl'iltiiJ: on pagl.' 2-17.

Rih.' on pagl..' 253
( omertillg /-c~f!;t'l on
page 2'i6.
Untt;,. millimeters

Design Intent I hi.' design tntent fbr tht'> pa11 '" a-. folio\\..,
I. Part ts symmetrical.
2 Rihs .HI.' ..:yuall) spaced
J. 1\11 tilll.'ls and rnunds ~m 1mm

Dimensioned u-..e tlw loll m\ tng graphics \\ ith the design tnlent to create the pat1
Top View

(. 19

I 6f8 "
Front View

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 33
Compression Plate

Bottom View

"- ~--~--~~~~----~,_~
.,. 75 ~--___;_-=-..:::.....:.....:.........:....:......;;.;:;_::____::___.....,.-J'--r

Right View
-- 1...


r 3

Detail A /"'-

( J

SCALE 4: 1


SCALE 4: 1

Exercise 34 SolidWo rks 2013
Blow Dryer

Exercise 34: l r~at~ !hi~ p;.trt hy rolhl\\ lllg th.:

Blow Dryer ..,tep::. as shO\\ 11.
l h1.., lab use-. the tblhm mg skill!-.:
I nail : ing and lt!c/mg /)rali
on pag~ 245.
Sllt1llllg on page 247.
!'/ant 1 on page 249
Rth.l on p.1gc 253
Full Round Fillet.\ nn
page 257.

Optional I r) Oll \\ ould like ltl us~

the C\.istmg gc.:omcll). ~kip !0 Procedure. If
Sketching you would hkc tn crcatc th~: sketch. open a ne\\ mm pn11 and u~~ thc
dimen .. lon.., hdo'' lhl.' ..ketch '"on the Right Plane

t--- - - - 115

Procedure Open ,111 e\lstll1g part in the Exercises folder.

1 Open the pa rt Blow Dryer.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exerc1se 34
Blow Dryer

Extrude, Draft and \rantng. " ith thc skch:h, thc ha se katurc ts creatcd. dr.tlkd and
Rounds rounded
2 Extrude.
f'\lrude thc ,ketch 25mm il'>
shm\ n. ~

3 Draft.
Add drall ol 2 to all out~r Htcc" C'\ccpt th~
outkt I~ICI.!. ll'otng thc hac!-- race ol the mod..:! a ...
thc neutral plnnc. lht "> ''a Front' tl.!\\,
look111g into the oulkt ~~~~.:~

4 Rounds. ,.
Add round"
(R16mm and
R11mm ). tt">tng the
"t/c and ">l.!lJUCncc
"ho\\ n. to thc -.ol id

5 Check draft.
Ustng Draft Analysis, chcck thc drall ti1r 2 agam~t the Right Plane.

Exercise 34 SolidWorks 2013
Blow Dryer

6 Complete the part.

lomrktc the ran ll'lll!! the follu\\ ing guidcllll..:~.
'Wall th u:km:~~ I\ con.,tant
Vcnh and nh-. arc the sam..: \1/C.
Alllillct~ and rounds 1mm C'\ccpl fu ll rounds on nhs.

!._ l.'i -1
I.~ I/ 1- ll'i

-~ ~-~

lhrubon AI


A ___I 1!P
rr. ~
~ 'l\
Flt'ti ~ /

l.'..l) .....


olll~l (/)'


7 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 35

Exercise 35: Crcatt' thi:. part Lhc c.Jimcnsiom.

Angles provided. LJ~c rel:Hions \\ iscly to
maintain the th:sign intent.
This lab use:; the l()lltm ing skill":
Planes on page 2~9.
Coni'C!I'fing t~es on pug.c 256.
Thin Features on png:c 258.
ll nits: millimeters

Design Intent rhc d.::!.ign inll:nl l'or thiS part j:-, as t'olll>\\S:
I. Part is ~ymmctril:al.
2. A 11 li Ilets and rounds an: 1 mm un lcs!> noted.

Dimensioned LJ,e the lollm'ving gra phic~ with the design llltcnt lo cr<::ak Lht' part.

vrew A-A
(~ololed 16 For Clonly)

Exercise 36 SolidWorks 2013

Exercise 36: Create th" pan usmg the

Arm tl1mens10ns pnn 11.ku l se rclatmns
"1sel) tn maintain the design
lh1s lah me~ the lnllo\\ mg skills
Conn rling / ;tf.l!;t'\ on page 256.
Full Round Fil/(ts nn page 257.
Thin Featurn on page 25X.
lln1ts. millimeters

Design Intent I he dcs1~11 111lt.:nt l(lr tlw. part Is"" li,lll\\\ s:

Part 1s symmdncal
2 Alllillch anu rounds .tre 2mm.

Dimensioned L'..,e the loll()\\ ing graph lt'S \\ ith the dcstgn m tent to \.l'l!atc the rart.
f- - 1 : 2 0 -
J .. 12

R18 2 PI..

/0'8.0 DlomHo~
/ ~CBORE tor M8
He H-ead Bolt

[ soRff __
SolldWorks 201 3 Exercise 37

Exercise 37: ( rl!al~: tht:-. part u"ingthc inlimmllion and

Blade duncnston" pnl\ tJI!J
rh is lab rcmlilrc.: ... the lollml mg sf..tlb:
Plane.' on page 249.
Full Round Fillet\ on page 2 'i 7.
Tfli11 r caflth' llll page 2'iX
l n th: millimeters

Procedure Create a ne11 pan Rdl:r to the unagc ahmc li.1r thc st/e' of lillets and

R1o REF--......,

Ro~ ~75---..._
' >
I -R75
125 \
/ '<-
7 \ 00!
SCALE 1 : .t
.c ~ ~;
\ /



Exercise 37 SolidWorks 2013

Lesson 8
Editing: Repairs

Upon succ.:..:ssful cnmpl..:tron nfthi~ ks-.on. )tlll '"11 be.: ab(..: to:
Dragnosc.: \arious problem ... in a part.
Rc.:parr sketch gcom..:ll) problems.
l 'se the roll back bar.
R..:parr dangling rdations and drmc.:nsruns.
U-,c th..: r catur..:Xpc.:rt to repair lillc.:tmg prnblc.:m ...
U-...: th..: rrll..:tXpcrt to add lill..:ts.

Lesson 8 So lidWorks 2013
Editing Repairs

Part Editing lh~ \olidWork~ sollwar~ prm tdcs the 1:apahilil) to ed1t \ 1rtuall)
anythmg at an) umc lh1' factlital~~ th~. ahillt> w n.:' ~~" or r~pair .Ill)
sketch l)f li:ature Ill the hl'tOf) or th~ model. Man;. toob for editing
parts arc co\cred and r~' icwcd 111 this lcssun
Stages in the c;;ome Kl') stages 111 the procc" nf mod1lymg thi!-. part an: -.ho\\ n 111 the
Process li.1ll1m mg list. I ach ofthe ...t.' topics ~:ompri!'.es a section 111 the les,on.

Add and de lete re lations

c;;omcttmes th~ rclatum" 111 ,1 -.k~tch mu~t he dclctl'd or changed due to
changes 111 the Ul.''>lgn
What's Wrong?
\\hen errllr... occur. the What's Wrong optwn can he U! to
Ill\ c~ugatc and pmpomt the prnblcm

Edit s ketch
1\lakmg change-. tothc gcomctf) and relations of an;. ~k.etch c;m he
done through Edit Sketch
Check sketch for feature
Check Sketch for Feature can check a skctch for problems. \crtlymg
lh \Uilabillt) ror us~ lfl a leatun:. You 111U'-l Edit Sketch b~l(lle ll'.. ing
Check Sketch for Feature
Edit feature
( h.mgcs to 11lm a feature 1s created .trc done through Edit Feature
I hL' samc Propcrt) r--. lanagcr that i ... useu to create a li:aturc 1.., u~cd tn
ed1t n

FeatureXpe rt and FilletXpe rt

l sc the FeatureXpe rt to automaucally rcp<m l.'rwr... 111 lillct ami draft
katures. L <;e thl.' FilletXpert to add lillct li:ature!-..
Editing Topics l dtting eo' crs a" 1tlc range oltoplc!'. l"t'lllll thing
broken -.kctehc' to rcordcnng things in the
I design tree Thc-.e topic" C<lll be
summari1ed a' repairing c.:rrnr<. mt~:rrogating th~
pa11. anti chnnging the u~slgn nlthl! part

Information from a Nnmlc~lructl\ I! tc~tmg of' a mmkl can} 1clu man) Important mstghh as
Model 10ho\\ lht mndcl \\as l.'fl!<ll~d. the r~launn,htps that \\l!rc l!stablishcu.
and chang~" that can he mcorporatc.:d llw. sl!ctltln "tll 1~)\!ll~ on
cdiung tools 111 Cl>llJUilt:tlllll "nh rollhack to "mtc.:rrngatc" the modd.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 8
Edttmg. Repairs

Finding and I andtng and r..:patnng pn,hl..:m-, tn a pan j., a k..:y "'-Ill 111 ~ohd
Repairing modehng. ~ l any changc.!l> thnt arc made to a gl\t:n pan (Edit Fe ature.
Problems Edit Sketch and Reorder, tu naml! a k\\ ) can cause katures do\\ n th~:
lane to tall . Pmpomtmg th-.: prohkm urea and linding the -.olution \\ill
he d1swssed m this sc~:t1on
Prohkms can occur in skctchc~ or any other 1\:atur-.: olthe part.
\I though th-.:n: .Ire llld!l) l) pc.!:- of errors, th<.:re <If<.! -..ome thatlll.Clll'
more ollen than others. Dangling dunensiOn'> ami n:l.num-, arc 'crv
cmnmon. as 1s t''tranl!ous gconll.'try in "'-etches
Op~.nmg a part that has errors can he conlustng. One error near the
hegmntng of the procl!ss can olicn cause many later features to t~ul
along\\ nh ll. R~:pa~nng thatmttial cm1r may li' thl! rest of the error'> as
\\\:11. '.ome r~:p:ms \\Ill he made to this 111\)dd htjim. 111tL'm1gating and
~.hangmg 11.

Settings l wo sctlmgs m the Tools, Options dwlog aiTcct ho'' errors arc
handlo.:d. Show errors every rebuild ensuro.:s that the -.:rmr dwlog
appears alter l!aeh rehulld. l. ~I! the When rebuild error occurs pull-
tin\\ n to control the action tal-,cn \\hen a pan Is opened \\ llh ~.rror-.. lt
can prompt tor action, the rl!hulld Jt the error or continue
Procedure We\\ il l hl.!gm b) mnkmg th~: prnpen~:ttmg:-..

1 Error settings.
Clkk Tools, Options, System Options, Messages/Errors/
Warnings. Click Show errors every rebuild nnd t h~: Always pull-
d<m n lrom Display FeatureManager tree warnings
l11t:l-, OK
2 Open the part named Editing CS.
ll11~ pan "as huilt and "'"' ed "1th num~:wu~ eiTtlr~
3 Feature failure.
Altl!r openmg. the S} -.t~.m dl'>play' nnllther me~!>ag~: bo\. l<tbdlcd
What's Wrong. I .1ch l!rrnr 1s listed b) fi:atun.: nam~: 111 thl! ~croll.1hl~:
d 1a log..
lhe modd 1s ll(lt \ l'>lhh.:: ~:rnm. hmc caused many !Caturcs to li1il.

Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2013
Editing Repairs

What's Wrong Ih~: What 's Wrong di < llog lists allth~: ~.:rnm, 111 the pan. ! he errors
Dialog thcmse h ~.:s arl' hrnk~.:n Ull\\ n 111to Errors that pren:nt fl:atun:o; from
being created anu Warnings that do 1101. rhc other l'llllllllllS olll:r some
help in dwgnusmg the pmblem includmg a pn.:' i~o:\\ 111 sollll' cases.

Tip Cltd, the quest 1on marf.. 1 to op~:n on-lirw help r~:gardmg this t) pc or

J!) WhllsW.onq l ~

P'rr'lteW ~ Dewiptllcln
ThtNknWW*bt....S af9.Uit.._W\~tt/lff/ltl,_edby....._.

1 =~canlMli~OttMIDnltofi'IOdt!f~tl't-"""rok:lnolffto....U.
. -....... ~ ...odt ...... _dooilod_"~-J.

llil "''f..udtl OpeeD'I toQIOllllth: turdton

li il l -
,...._ Wet ~ bocty YOV"lliO lhtf

e: llool<l-11 1 ~~..,._,.., .... to~QifO'I"th~I"'IMelf...

o flitWtlnQIN: dlngllng Ntch .r<tlbel ~ dMned M'td"' dlni*'O cdor)
0!011'10 hmodef IDtf'IWf' i-.r......-qMOdttQIII'Offtf'bV
~IIIIIK1abody,on'flheh " " ' " " toaHtcarll'fteUf'
'"""',...,.,......,~J!"''!--1~ .. ~.....,..,,..,..,~...,........,. ..,,..,,.,,,.,./'~

Tip I he columns or the dialog can be \llfted b} the column IKaders. Cl ick
on the Type header lll s011 by Error and Warning types .

Q.l1b1rudd OJwatan clJetD~tr<~

o r- G! C.M.>tudtl ~ ..., faltd cU- ID QltO'ltR c:onchtl\

o rm. G- .....
ttw Nll.f'l cat'I"''' De'~'- a ~a. ~at~ Meixltlt wtorti'l tfwtd by '""'tot
0 fl"" fit !Mt Plitelcttif<l""bOd't'tOU~Ito_.,

o en...
l . . lit! I Pluw.-c1bodr, on.,.._, W'OU ~t loer-e6erb ft.Ju:t
o rm. O,.aiiCI'\ fMedcLIIII to ~Wtc: CltlnChCir\.

o :: f:) o-lwl
""-'- bodrft r'l>t IUCClQfted b ... -~
Clpetban tiiRdoa 10~n: Cllnllitlell'l
lino til <.ut..1rUdeJ Oolr~ f.-.d 0.. to OC'Of"rh: cord:...

0 ........"' JnvMdtea....~ lht,._aUt-~I'WOIO"'t-.YPtl'tM'I

ooton., . ,......, ht lht fM.ut ............ body

""" .
("'rW" '"'"'~"W>.!n~"lt'~

SolidWorks 2013 l esson 8
Edttmg. Repatrs

Note rh~: Ji-.pla) oftlw, error J1a log 1s nmtrolled hj the opuon Show errors
every rebuild on the Tools, Options, System Options, Messages/
Errors/Warnings menu I his option must bc enah/ccl m orJ cr fo r thi~
mcssagc to appear l hcrc arc se\ era I controls-
'1hrough the Tools, Options uialog
Through thc me!'.sagc d1alog llst'lf: Display What's Wrong during
lhrough the message dialog llsd r 1hsph1) nfJust arms (Show
errors ). JU!-.t \\arnmgs (Show warnings ) or both

4 FeatureManager design tree. ~ 0 EdtUng CS ([era.,llDe

llo.,c the What's Wrong J 1a log. Thc ~ ~ nSOf'S
T caturcManagcr des1gn tn.c lists man} errors a:J Annotattons
ind icated \\ ith m a rker~. r he mar ker~ plalcd :: M atertal <not speclfted>
ne,ttllthc li.:aturcs ha\e pa11 u:ular mean1ngs: ~ front
~ Top
Top Level Error
~ Rtght
'I he CITor markcr ne'-! to the pnrt mune at thc
top or thc trcc 0 mark~ an crror 1n till' tree Qi O mau.
hehl\\. The'e marker' arc usefu l m ~ (-) Sketd\1
asscmhlie... and Jra\\ mgs to sec pa11 cmm. ~ If!! 0 UtE>tnHlel
~ Lh Stetct-2
~ 0 helll
t\n Expand marker LA 1.., placed ne'-! t11 a ~ ~ Plane2
li.:aturc that has an error 11r warnmg on thc . ~ O flibl
li:aturc beneath 1t I '-rand the li.:atu rc to sec ~ ~ (-) Sl:ctcl>ll
thc prnbkm I he IC'-l of the li.:murc 1s -.ho\\ n If!!0 Cut E>rudc2
m l't'l/ou ~ & S\-ctct-3
~ 0 Ch~mfcrl
Error If!!0 CutExtntde]
J\n Error markcr 0 1s plaecJ n..:'t to a ~ ~ Sl.ctc14
fi.:aturc rhat ha ... probl..:m and con11otc:rcat c If!!0 :ut ExtrudeJ
gt:Oil1Ct~. J hc tC'-t or thc fi.:aturc IS shll\\ 11 10 ~ ~ Sletch6
reel f: If!!0 Cut b:l:rude7
~ ih Slett19
Warning () 0 (trPatter'll
J\ Warning markcr ~ is placcd m:'t to a If!!0 Cut Extrucle8
fea tu re that has a prohlcm hut crcatcs ~ ih ~letdH
gcomctr). Jlw, 1., common for 'Jangling t{) 0 Folletl
gcomctr) and relat1ons. The 11!'-1 (lr thc ~ 0 Ftllet2
l i.:atur~ 1s .,h1m n 111 rc//o11 t{) O Ftlld
Normal Features
t\tlrmal li.:atur.:-. that dn not ha\~.: "anungs or t:ITor... appear" llh h/ad.

Lesson 8 SolidWorks 201 3
Edit ing Repairs

Searching the Tree fh.: I euturd\1amtger ~earch

ho\ can
he used to ),e<trch b:,. th.:
stanmg lcu.:r-.. of a name nr
'illlllC pnrllnn of' tht: name.
lr) t)ping 'sk... ne. and as t:\amplcs.
Ci te!-. the x .. 10 dear the

Flat Tree View In pan documenh. you can set the l emureMan~tgcr ~ 11 '\rl<.hl
tkstgn tree to shn\\ ti:atures m the order the) "ere E::& l ..
created. m-..t.:ad of l111.:rarchtcally. Usmg Flat Tree View. 0 l
cunes. ::!D -..1-.ctche;,. and ;[) -.kctche., ,trc not ab-..orhed
111t1l th..: tcalut\:s that rel'.:r~nce them. ~
~ h.
.ao .
~ .!I
I hi.,' te\\ ol the l..:<llUreManager d..:-.~gn trel is helpful 0
ti1r re' te\\ tng pans '' ith enor:-.. Man) 111' the l.!rrors you e o ......,

e& 1" ~
'' illlind an: n:lat..:d to .,1-,etche., \ flat tree' 1e" mal-.e::; 11 0 d..S.
..:asH.:r 111 s..:e skeh.:hes 111 the Fcalllri.!M.magcr dt:~tgn trc.:.

Where to Find lt \hone ut t\ lenu Rtght-clicl-. the top-Ic' cl pan tcnn and eh cl-. Tree
Display, Show Flat Tree View
h.e) hoard \hortcut. Ctrl+T
Where to Begin I catun.:., an: rebui lt 111 sequence lromthe top (l!' the tree. I he bc-.t pl:"llc
to bcg111 ,., ,ttthl' first (ha.,elkaturc "11h an ~..rror. m this c,,..,e that 1:-. the
lcaturl main. /\n error 111 the ha se feature may eau": a -.encs of errors
111 th..: child l'l:aturl'S

5 Flat tree view. ~ ll ""'hl

GO .
Press Ctrl+T to s\\ ttch to flat tree \ IC\\ E':'.:& h
(iO '" 1
Sketch l ,., 0\l\\ 11-.tcd ahead of mam. the feature that lit O V..;I
uses thts sJ..etch./\11 ol'thc other sJ..etche., and features ~" Pl,.,.l
I""& ""'
,md ltsted 111 thl.! order ol crcatmn ;ao 1
~ ;!. >.
t) O
~ ll
(i O

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 8
Edttlng Repairs

6 What's Wrong ?
lhe What's Wrong opt1nn '" u~ed to h1ghlight an error me,snge for a
sekcted 1\:ature. Rl!!hl-clid, th~ main feature and dtd. What's
Wrong? The me~~age md1cates that the ..,ketch cannot he u<..ed I or the
ll:aturc because an endpomt Js '' rongl) ... ha red.

"Storrlen ;~],._,_~
- - ~--
~- - --

Tip rloat ing tlw cur...or O\ o::r the error ,.

in the lo::atureManuger do::... ign treo::
\\ tll re ... ullm a balloon lahdkd
\\ ith the reaturo:: namo:: amJ the -,am;;:
description ''" the \\hat, Wrong
(dltlr g
~ s-n

Jil ....., .......

~ h-
~tw't Off tu

......... . __ ......
desLri pllon ~ lap
<& ~~qoo

1<' .. 0.,...
llli<t< <hl
Go o-
~& ,, ~ Thc,..W.UMII<bo-for
Qo ,....... - .. ~ ..
1'8 0 t ........;, thoml ~ ...................
~& ,.,,1
~ Ji. U
.A O R.t>l
~ JI. .. .
uo ....... do

7 Edit the sketc h.

l he What's Wrong message has lllllicatcd the sl..o::tlh (Sketch!) a., the
probkm l dll Sketch!

Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2013
Edilmg: Repairs

Sketch Issues f hc:rc: arc: ..,c:, c:ral rc:ason.., '' h} sk.::tchc..,

''Ill not rc:hullt.l, hut the:) c:an
gc:omc:tr}. rdaliOilS or UllllCINOilS. r \lrtl
lmc:s connc:c:tc:d to c\ tsung cnt.lpomts ant.l
smallum' antcd ptccc:s of gcomcll) arc

Note \ '>lllglc in Jn othc.:m tsc continunw.. contour 1s acccptahlc.

8 Zoom to fit.
t u:umctry that ,..,
<I\\ a) I mm thc mtcmkd

prolilc gcomctr} can cause skctd1 tssucs.

<.lick Zoom to Fit , <~nd ull the
gcomcl t) 111 the sl..ctch \\ill be sho\\n.
lhl're ''a \l'r} -.mull pt.:ceof'
dtS<.:\lllllected !;!1!\lllll.:try

Box Selection Box selection cnahlc-. you to sdect multtplc: sketch entlltc-. '' llh a
dr<tg\\ mdtm. 1-ntllte ... an:- 'elcctcd hascd on'' hcthcr the" mdm\ is
dragged from nght to h:ll or l..:llLU nght. The sclccuon mdudcs
dimcn-..ton ....
Left to right: On I) the gcomL'try complctd) "ithin the'' mdo" (the
shun lml') ts o.,dceted.

Right to left: 1he geomctr) '' llhin .md cro~smg the'' imhm (short Ime
and t\\olong lmcs) '" -.cle<.:tcd. llHs ts abn called cross selection .

Tip l '>tng Shift '' llh till' hnx 'dccltnn mamtaith prc\ itlll'> sclcctitm'> l smg
Ctrl "llh thc htl\ 111\ en-. tht sdccunns.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 8
Editing. Repairs

9 Select.
L '>I.! Iell to nght ho' sdecuon to ~elect
the 1..!:\traneou~ Ime and delete ll
/nom m on the rcmaming geometl}.

Check Sketch for Check Sketch for Feature enable~ you to chccJ.. the' ahdit) tlf a ~ketch
Feature for use m a lcature. ()mce diO~rent l~ature.., ha\c dilli:rent ,J..etch re4uire-
mcnts for e:\ample, re' oh ed l~ature~ requ1re an a:\Is or re\(1lution
you -.ekctthe I) pc or IC<llUre ftlr 1\ hleh the -.J..eteh IS to bee\ aluated. i\11)
geometn that Impedes the cre<ll lt1111ll that lcature "Ill he highlighted. lt
''ill al.,o ehecJ.. li1r 1111,.,111g and mapproprime geoml!lr).

Where to Find lt l\1enu. Tools, Sketch Tools, Check Sketch for Feature

Notes II' Check Sketch for Feature encounter~ sketch pn1hkms. ll '"11
.. tan Repair Sketch automatically l:,ee Rcpwr '\ket(h on page 2RO.
Ir you 1..!:\ ll a -.J..ctch that has a problem I hill pre\ enh liS feature from
rehuildmg succe-.... rully. you arc prompted to .,htm the problem
u..,mg Check Sketch for Feature You can do that or c:\11 the
'>kl!tch and rchulld any" ay.

Lesson 8 So lidWorks 2013
Editmg Rcpars

10 Check sketch.
Chd-. Check Sketch for Feature. ....
The Check Sketch for Feature
command c.: hc.:c.:b lor mc.:orrec.:t
gClllllCll') 1n the '1-.c.:tc.:h. compared to
''hat ~~ l"l"ljUirc.:d h) the Contour type. In t h1~ ..:a...c.: the.: Feature Usage
1.., ~cl Ill Base Extrude hc.:cau~c.: thm 1" the I) pc.: ort'i:atun.: th is ...!..etch
belongs Ill. The Contour type IS determined lmm the type or li!ature.
( 'lrLk Check and OK nn the me ......agc.: d1alng.
l hc.: Repair Sketch drnlog i-., laum:hc.:d.

Repair Sketch fhc Repair Sketch tool i~ used Ill lind error:-. rn the -.1-.l:tc.:h .mu alllm
)OU to rcparr them. Repatr ..,htc.:h organ11e~ the l'rror.... dc.:sc.:rrbc.:-., them
and /IHlllh in 1\n tho:m ll'tng the magnifying g las-.,.

Where to Find lt 1\k nu. Tools. Sketch Tools. Repair Sketch

Magnifying Glass l'hc Magnifying Glass tool 1'- u... clulm limhng and -.o:h.:c.:llng sm.tll
edges and l'al'o.."s 111 a model or an assemhl~ I hl' magn1l) tng gla'-s
typrcall> '"used'' hill: nther wols arc <ll' l l\ c . !'.1lll1l' addrt romrl l'u11ctums
L'-.o: tho: mrddlo: mou...c.: bull on '' hcdto loom'' tthin the.: glas~.
l l..,c Alt +- mrddlc mou"l' button \\hc.:l'l tu .. c.:c.:tron tlw model.
u-.e Ctrl + mrddle mou ...e bullo111\\ hc.:dto 1110\ l' the magnt lying
g la"' ;md potntcr together

Where to Find lt J... c.:~ hoard ~hnrtc.:ut G

11 Repair sketch.
Repair Sketch start" au tomauc.:all). ~et
the Gap to 0.010mm and cite.:!.. Refresh
., lh rcc.: error., <lflpl!ar '' rth till'
magm l) mg g l a.,~ toom..:u rn (111 the lir... t

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 8
Edtrlng Repatrs

12 Next.
(. lu.:k Next . \mce two etTOh arc: m
mughl) th~ s~un~ .tr~u. th~ mugntf)mg
g luss rcm<tllh m mor~ or less the same
Rota h.' the'' hed IO/lllllllthe magnifying
glass 111 on the problem urea.
rhe error d~scnpllon ,.,.
A small entity. Is it intentional?.
lt 1sn"t. ( ltcf.. the short line and dcl~tl' it.
lllck Refresh

13 Two points gap.

I hl' nc.\l ernll ts lhtl'd ,,.., a Two Points
Gap. A . . s hown 111 the mllgni I} tng glas-.,
thl'rl' 1s a het\\e~n cmlptlint-.. S~ket
thl' endpomt-. and aud a Merge rebtion.

14 Last error.
Chef.. Refresh anu the htst l.'ITlll"
appears. Clo-.l' the d i<tlllg.
\dect the hn~ anu tkk:tl' 11.
llosl' th~ Repair Sketch uialog .

15 Eq ua l.
\dd an Equal rdation h~t\\l'cn tlw

~-----------------,, ~

~dgcs as -.Ill>\\ n to ~~1mpktc thl'



Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2013
Editing: Rcpa1rs

Rebuild Options 1\ fkr repmring the first 1\:ature. u nwssagc appear~ to help deline the
nc:\tedit. T he mc ...sagc Feature Sketch2 has a warning, which
may cause subsequent features to fail. Would you like to
repair Sketch2 before SolidWorks rebuilds the subsequent
C l ick the <lption Continue (Ignore Error) to rebuild the entire
model and place the ro ll bad. bar after the last feature.
C l ick Stop and Repair to placc thc ro ll back bar aflcr the nc\L
lcaturc "ith a \\<lrning llr error.

16 Exit the sketch.

I \ ttthe skctch ant.! click Stop and Repair.
17 Next error.
l"hc top error on the lbt is ror Sketch2 of" the feature Cut-Extrudel i t
contains dangling sketch cntitics uccordmg to the me:-.sagc. Dangl mg
sketch cntnics arc found when tli mcnstun ... or n.:ln!lons rcfcrcncc thmg~
that no lnngcr c\ t ... t.

Note Dangling tlimcnsions and rcluuons can 11

be hidden from \ iC\\ . l hc Hide

dangling dimensions and J o.;.a... ~~-
annotations opt ion can he round under *~'nn;bal~
~a;;;;;;;;;; ;;a..,........
Tools, Options, Document Properties,
Reattach Collinear Dangling colhncar relations can be quick I)' repaired hy rcauacl11ng
Relations them tO a simii,u /ii/CC//"edgc of the lllllllci.
18 Edit Sketch.
Rtght-d tck the ..,kt.:tch Sketch2 and cl tck Edit Sketch .

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 8
Edlllng Reparrs

19 Dangling relations .
On~ IIll~ or the sk..:tch IS shcm 11 Ill th~
dangling color. l lick on that Ime to ~;..:lect 11
and lhspkt) lh drag handle .... I he drag handle:
can be uscd 111 a drag unJ drop r\.'ratr
'When you d1d. nnthe lm~. lh n:latiuns arc
di..,ph1y~d 111 th\.' PmpenyManagcr. I he
rel.tt1on that 1'- dangling i~ color coded the
...ame ..... thl' skdch \.'lllity it ... cl r


20 Reattach.
Drag thc handk nnto the tnpnw:-t hort/tltltal
edge \If th~ ba!>c 1\!ature. I he "Y'tc.m
tmnslcrs the collmear rdatinn from the
n11,s1ng cnt11y (a delet<.:d plane) In th~ model
\.'dge lhe ~KI.'tch ''no longer dangling

Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2013
Editmg. Repairs

Repairing Relations 'I (lll can Ji,pht} th~: rdnuons based on crllcna '>liCh a' Janglmg or 0\ ~:r
Using Display/ dclincd. ~omc rcknmn~. like coincident pomh Lhut arc Jangling. can
Delete Relations on!~ oc r~:p:ured through the Display/Delete Relations command. Thi'>
npllon cnahlc-. you to son through all the rclallnn' 111 a ;.ketch. Sec
lmmclunn.~ . Dlsplar Rdariom on page 40.

21 Undo.
ll1ck Undo to rcmo'c the la:-.t c\cnl. the n.:pmr of the danglmg rclauon.
22 Display/Delete Relations.
llllk Display/Delete
Relations .f. .
In the Filter li~t select
Dangling I hts dt-.plays only
the rclauon' 1hut arc d;mglmg.
1.\ekct the Collinear rchllion.

23 Entities section .
I llll" at the to'' er section ol the Pro pert) Manager.
!here 1'> a ltsl of the cntllies used 0} tht" rclallon.
One entlly has a Fully Defined \IJLUs. the other j,

24 Replacement.
\elect the cntlly m:.trked Dangling ami dtc"- the same top lwn;ontal
edge nf the b:.t\C katurc u' m step 20 on page 2X3.
l'l1c"- Replace and then cllc"- OK
25 Exit the sketch.

SohdWorks 201 3 l esson 8
Edlrmg. Repatrs

26 Roll forward . ' 9'
Drag the rt)((had. bar to a r)(l~lliOn hel\\een Cut-
Extrude2 anJ Chamfer!. I h" '"11 pn:n:m JII s..-.p,
J:o.c....... - -1..0
li!ature-.. that come al1er the etht..:d 1\:.llure f'rom ~ r....

rehulldmg Q r.,.

~ ~... hi
27 Message. p ...... hl
R1ght -clld. Sketch3 aml elk(.. What's Wrong. rJit Sidl
rhe me~~age -,[ate ... ~ ~
~" IJ IO.hlt
The plane used by this sketch is rnlssing and ,a w
cannot be accessed. You can use command iedl. hI
& ..
'Edit Sketch Plane to add a reference plane 11
for this sketch. 4


Repairing Sketch \n(lthl'r common l'rrllr occur-, "hl'n J p l an~ llf li:ature \\ nh a planar
Plane Issues la cl' i-, remn' ed that "a~ u-..l'd ih a -.(..etch plane li.1r another ti!aturc In
th1" cu.,e. the ""-etch ha~ .m error ,md rcqlllrc:-. that a nc'' ""-ctch planc be
Introducing: Edit Edit Sketch Plane enable... ~nu Lo changc the or lace that a
Sketch Plane spec die '>ketch 1~ ncatcJ on I he ne\\ skctch plane doe-. not hm c Ill he
pnralld Lnthe ongmJI.

Where to Find lt O..,hortcut \ knu R1ght-chc(.. a s(..etch and chlk

Edit Sketch Plane 4'
Menu. '>clcct <l "ketch and cl ick Edit, Sketch Plane

28 Edit sketch plane.

R1ght-dick Sketch3 and cllct.. Edit
Sketc h Plane . ll1e Prupen~ \1nnager
ll"t" Missing Plane< 1 > ._.~ the ... ketch
plane and n dasl11.:d out line nf'the 1111-..s111g
rcl\:rem:e " .,htn\ n

" X

l esson 8 SolidWorks 2013
Ed1t1ng Repa1rs

29 Select a replacement.
\dt.:Cl the frunt planar (;ICC of the part <I~ a
rcplm.:cmcnt. ( l1ck OK. I he li!aturc 1'-

30 Roll forward.
Roll forward to JUst alh:r Cut-Extrude4. '' h1ch carncs tht: nc\t error
marker l -.e What's Wrong on thts li!aturc

Reattach Dangling duncn~1ons can be qutckl) rcpa1n:d b} reattaching them to

Dimensions edge~ or' crt1cc' or thc mmkl. I he dimcnston 'aluc "tll rellcct thc
nt:\\ t.ltstancc.

Tip Duncn,tons can bc n:auachcd 111th1s manner \\hcthcr the) arc dangling
nr not.

31 Edit the sketch.

l utt Sketch6. thc skl'tch nftlll' Cut-
Extrude4 lcaturc. Note that the 9mm
dunension appear-. in the dangling colnr f\1r
d1menstlltb :.llld rdation-.. fhc lhnh.:nstnn is
tl") ing w <lltach to gcomClt) that nn longer
1.''\lsb. and thcrclllfl.! ll 1s cnns1dcrcd
( ltck on thl' 9mm duncn~1nn 1\l \Cc the drag
hant.lles I h~ cm.lmarkcd "tth the red squar..: t'> the t.lang.lmg cnt.l. -.tmtl,tr to h<m
dangling rdattlllh an: mark..:d

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 8
Editing: Repairs

32 Drag and drop.

Drag th~ handle and dmp it on th~ holtom
~dg..: ol th~ p:m ''hen the ~. dgc cur~or
appear-.. I r) nu If) lll drop ll Oil an
mapprnpriatc locallnn the cur-.,lr ''Ill dt.,pla}
the ~ -.ymhol Both the and the
gcometl) rctum to th~1r normal color... l"he
dunen~llm '-. \<lluc update-. lo rellcctlhe -.uc
of the gcnmctry. If you need to chang..: th..:
dtmetv.~on. duuhlc-ehd. ll

33 Exit the sketch.

Reattach Concentric Danghng eonccntnc nnd coradtal rdallons can be qutckl) repatn.:d b)
and Coradial rl'<lllachmg them loa suntlar circular edge nfthc model.

34 Roll Forward.
Right chd.. on Cut-ExtrudeS and dtd. Roll Forward.
35 Edit sketch.
hlit Sketchl3. the -,J..cteh of
the Cut-E.x:trude8 feature.
C ltcf.. till' n ghtnmst dangling
circk (( OIK'..:ntnc) to sec the
drag handle. Drag and drop th~ t - --t-- -
handlc on the .. mall ctrcular
edge bchmd. R~pentthc
procedure lilr th..: lcllnl(lst
d:.111gltng ctrdc ((\,radtal).

36 Exit the sketch.

37 Roll to end.
Rtght-dtef.. 1n the I de-.tgn trc1.' and dicf.. Roll To End l\1
po,llinn the rnllbad. bar at the end of the realurd'v1anager destgn tree.

Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2013
Edttlng Repairs

Highlighting Ccrtmn CIT~lr mc~~agc" contumthe pre\ ll'\\ ~ymhol !fr . lryou d1ci- on
Problem Areas that marker. the system" 1ll highlight the pmbkrn area 111 the model. If
you u-.e What's Wrong on the tculllre threctly. 1t automntica lly
highlights the pwhlcm area.
38 Highlight message.
lire!- on the prc' 11..'\\ ' ) mholtn 't-.uall~ d1spla~ the area 111 "htch the
error ocutrs.

........ """ filled oMW Mc1. ~ Ched lhP qui.,.._.., I


39 Graphic error display.

r he area" here the error occurs is highlighted
" ith ,m edge The li lkt t;ul" m the area
indicated hy the dotted hn~...

FeatureXpert r hc FeatureXpert opunn ts a' ailahlc 1~1r ccnam

enntl111ons "here lillch or dral1 features l~t rl . In tlm
c:\amplc. th~.. Flllet2 li:ature" l~11 hng . I cuturcXpert " 1l l
make use 11r all adt<tccnt lillets to creak a so lution. f"hc
au tomated -.olulmn may in,oh c -,plitting -.decllons 1nto diiTcn:nt lillct
rcaturcs and rcnrdenng the -.cqucnce I he I caturc\perlt'- ba.,cu on
Sohd \\orb ._, \\ 11 I tr.:chnology.

Note l hl.' nptmll Enable FeatureXpert must hc chcl-eu from Tools.

Options. System Options. General for tht" to he"' atlablc

SolldWorks 201 3 l esson 8
Edltmg. Repairs

40 FeatureXpert.
l'ltck the Feature Xpert huuon on thl' What's
Wrong dtalog hn\ Not.: that the origmal li lkt
ha~ hcen spill mtll thrcl.' lilh:t~

41 Model rebu ilt

l"ht: model ts 110\\ rehllllt \\ ithout .Ill)- error nr
'' c~rnmgs. Save and clu~c the modd.

Freezing I c<~tures can be fro/en usmg thl.' ~ f. .- (l)oi...... Od...

Features Freeze Bar. 1\11 1\:atun:-. ahm c thl.' ~--

l.lil ..............
free/C.: bar clrl.' fhvcn. thl'} .tre not = Mtll....... <Cnot iftftllllf'd,

rebuilt and ctmnot be cdtted. I ht.:.,c ~ -

<S). T.,.
ll:aturcs ha\ c n lock S) mbol . ~ .......
l. o...
. ! ) ..... -
ll1t.: liec/ t.: bar Js a useful tool "hen GO
~ ll D<lltl
you ''ant to del a) rchu il d~ or preYent
Freeze ____. 0 . _ , _
clmngcs to '>0111C k<~LUrl'" I or more on
"h) you want to trcc/c some featurcs,
Rollback --+- --'~-.,---
sec F ealltre Slalt.l//( ~ on page.: 1 I I
Edit Feature and l dtl lcature IS bJm:kcd J(lr frtl/1.'11 fctllllfi.'S . If V<lll tr) to dwngc a
Frozen Features duncnsinn or a rnven fcature. thts me.,-;agc appears:
Modifying the dimension is disabled because the feature
associated with the dimension is frozen.

1 Enable Freeze Bar.

C lu:k Tools, Options, System Options, General and Enable Freeze
2 Open the part FilletXpert.

3 Set freeze bar. ~ ,...,._ ro.t...a<Dtl.....

Drag the.: frc~.:/c b<~r to a pusllHlll aller the 1\!aturc Rll*-

. . . . . .tDftf

CirPattern4 ''' ,fllm n. None of the.: fnvcn J: M.tNN 4 rtOt '""llllltd .

~ f-
ll:aturcs \\ tll bc rebuilt or can hc l.'dt tcd ~ t..

~:. 0..,..
t oio!} a-~
Gil l

Lesson 8 SolidWorks 201 3
Edltmg. Repars

FilletXpert In adllitllmto ..,ol\ing lilh.t prohkmll, th~

Fille tXpert wol '' ltl cr~atc mu Ill ph:
lilkt" qtuckl) and dlict~ntl), bl\ mg
cnnccms ol "cquetll:c to the ")stem. 1t
automuttcall) leverage.., the FeatureXpert
and Reorder to li\ pot~ntta l prob lems as
}<)ll create th~ li Ilet features.

Optmns \\llhlll the diulog allo\\ you to

Add. Change and Remove lillch

Where to Find lt Fillet Propet1yManaglT FilletXpert

4 FilletXpert.
( l11:k Fillet " and FilletXpert. "et the rall tth tu 4mm. ')dect the edge
as shm\ nand the Connected to start loop kl oplton. ( Itd. Apply.

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 8
Edrting Repairs

5 Edge selection .
()~:t the radtm. tn 1mm. O..,d~:t:l the t:dg~ siHm 11 and lh~ Between left
feature and part option Cltd. Apply


Lesson 8 SolidWorks 201 3
EdWng Repa1rs

Changing Fillets Us111g the Change tab on the FilletXpert diu log. "lln\\., ~ ou w Resize
or Remove !illets "llhlll the contc\l 11f the PropcrL)'i\ lanagcr llw..
alhm!. you to make bulk sclcctwn~ and cull llltll\ idual fillet'>.

6 Change.
ll1ck the Change tah and click the the hn-..c or the Circular bo''>
,h -..ho" n \t:t the radiu" ,alue 1\) Smm and click Resize

7 Remove.
~elect this \Cl or lillcts b) "clcctlllg the indicated race \\ ith Left Loop
(or Right Loop) and click Remove. C l1ck OK.

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 8
Edrrmg Reparrs

Editable Features lhl: m:\\ li:atlll'l"'> ar~: an~all'd ,thcr the

bar and arc l:dllahle.
flw,c katurl::-. ,1hm l: the lfl:C/C bar
rcmaan uncdatahlc. I he~ can be made
l:dllahk hy:
\I m mg thl: lreol: hur ah<H e lhl:m
n.....,blmg thl: lrl:l:/l: bar.

8 Disable Freeze Bar.

Drag the Freeze bar lothe top ol'th-.: tree (belo\\ the pan name) (lad.
Tools, Options, System Options and clear Enable Freeze bar
9 Save and close the model.

FilletXpert Corners <.. orncr lace.., generated h) lillds can he mod !lied w ahcmati\ e hkmb
usmg tlw Corner tah of' the FilletXpert.

Tip l l'~ou Lr) w ~dl:ct .Jl'llml:r that a... unsullahk. amcs-..agc \\all appear
tdlmg) ou that you mu..,L ..dl:ct a cumcr thnt """ thrl:l' con-..wnt radiu ...
filkts nlllli\Cd Cllll\e\ 11) llll'l:tlllg at \111\." \CMe\.

1 Open the part Corners.

2 Select face.
( facio. Fillet ' . Fille tXpert and Corner
~del' I thl: l:u:l: .Is !>hll\\ n.

Lesson 8 SolldWorks 2013
Editing Repairs

3 Alternatives.
tile~ Show Alternatives and cllc~ the altcrnatl\ c ... hm' n.

4 Copy to.
I he Copy to opt ton ., x ..,
allow>. you to <lppl~ the
>-a me eo mer altematt\ e to
other \tllltlar corner ....
Cllc.:~the lilkt corner that
\\a\ju ...t changed. ( ltd~
Enable Highlighting and
dick 111 the Copy
Targets sch.:ctwn ho\
~11111lar cnrncrli htghllght
';ckctthcm and die~
Copy to.

5 Results.
<..ltc~ OK
6 Save and close the model.

SolldWorks 201 3 Exercise 38

Exercise 38: l <.In tlus ran tl'.. mg th~:

Errors1 mli.,rm~lllon uim~:n.,1ons
pro' 1ucd to rcpmr th~: errors
and warnmgs t~nd compkle the
nw. fah n.:mlnn:e... the
l(llf(m mg sf...i lk
lf'hat \ H i~mg Dia/ng on
page 274.
( 'hec J.. Sk,fch for f,atllrt'
on page 279
Rc-al/o,h Cullinear
Rdatum.\ on page 2X2
l?eallw h Dimemirms on
page 286
lligl1/ight111g f'mh/,m
1reas l'l1 page 2XX.
Procedu re Open the e\l..,ting part Errors! and 111<11.. c !>C\cml ed1t... to rcmoHthc
and warnmg... from the part. L se the Jra\\lllg h~:Jm, ~1'.. a gtud~:.



Exercise 39 SolldWorks 2013

Exercise 39: Ld1t tlw. pi.lrl u~mg the

Errors2 inl(mlltlllon and
.- Go ,.1..,. ..,
dlllll:ll\ltlllS prm llkd lO
,. go .............
rt:plllr the error-.. unu E:' A ,.,
\\am111g~ <lllU complete &1 . . 0 ..'-
the pan e: ~
.. Qo .......,.,
I"his lah r.:mfix.:~:... th.:
~~ .... ...
eo -
!,lliO\\ 111g -.kills: eo ...
-. .tO '-'l<M"l'" ... I
Wlwr \ H mng /Jialop, E,!&
on page 274
. 0 '-'"
Finding and wQo r,..;,
E::& .... ff;
R<'fllliring Prohhm1 eo -
1111 page 273. wltO """'"'~~~---~.. . 1/ier
E::& .., I
( "heck )kt'lcltJor p~{hll

Fi.afurc on pi.lgt: 279

Procedure Op~:n th~ C\i-.ung part Errors2 anu make 'iC\ era I edits Ill rcnl<l\C thl!
.:rror-.. anu \\ ilnllllf '> from the Plrl. L S\! th.: dra\\ mg hel<l\\ as a gUJdC

Tip l'l1ck Me rge solids 1111hc Mirror! 1\:atun:. I he completed part :-.houlu
he a smgh -.olld hod)

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 40

Exercise 40: I dtt tht.., part th~:

Errors3 tnl(mnaltlm aml dim~:n-.ttms
prm tlkd to rl.!pair the errors
nnd \\arntng:, and compktc
th<.' part.
I his lab rc tnhm:c-. the
lilllo\\ mg "" tl b:
If'!tat' 11 /'11//.f!. [)w/og tlll
Citee k ~kc fc lt for Fcofllre
on pagl' '279.
RI!JlCiiring l?t'latium
{ 1i11g /JistliOI Delete
Relatilllt.\ un page ~K-1.
Rcul/ac-!t f>lllll'/1.\ toll\ on
page 2X6 . 1/icr
llt~hltJ!,Ilfl11g l'm/Jicm
lr<'ll.\ 110 page 2Xl\.
Procedure Opl' ll the 1..':\t-.ting part Errors3 and makl se1 era I cdth to rcmm..- the
error-. <111d \larning-. from the part. l ..,e the dnm 111g bdo11 as n gutde

ll-U~ r ~rr_u - U-iJ l:12

Lrvzr ---~ ~IIOIJA A

Exercise 41 SolidWorks 2013
Adding Draft

Exercise 41: Lunthis part using the mfi.>rmatlllll am.l

Adding Draft dimensions pm\ 1dcu L .,e cu1 tmg
tcchn,qut:!' to matntam the dcstgn mtcnt.
rlus tub reinforces the folll1\\ ing si-lib:
lntmduc mg Edit )f..t le"!I J>lwtt un
page 2~"

Procedure Open the C\ i.,l111g part Add Draft, amlmal-.e -,e,eral edit" usmg the
linal urJ\\ ing helm,. Change the mndd -.o that s o of draf1 ,., added

! AI" IMe~r!C
I , ., . Scr>.~W ANSI Sl8.6.7M


A~ ! 11 N A A

~ -

t______ L.___ . .J
1-- - - o5 - - -

$CALE2: 1

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 42
Usmg lhe F/1/eiXpert 1

Exercise 42: ( ompl~h: tlw. part b~ u~1ng hoth thl:

Using the l l:aturcXpat and hlll:tXpcrt
FilletXpert 1 rlw. lah u:-c~ the folhm mg "kill:.
Bm St'let /ton on page 27X.
I illtt \flt'rt on pag..: 290.

Procedure Op..:n an e\.l ... llng part.

1 Open Filletxpert Lab 1.

2 Fillet.
C. hd, Fillet anu the Manual huuon.
Set the Radius 'alul: to 2mm and Box
Select the ~.-dgc~ a:-\n. ( lkk OK.

3 FeatureXpert.
The What's Wrong <.l1alug e\plams
thllt the ti !lets cannot he cremcd.
ll1rk the FeatureXpert button. I ht:
tillch arc treated

Exercise 42 SolidWorks 2013
Using the FilleiXport 1

4 Remove.
Use FilktXpcrt In remove sclcclcd
lillcl laces as sho'' 11.

5 Resize.
Use rillctXpcrt tu rcsizc
selected fi Ilet faces to
1mm as -,ho\\ 11.
6 Save and close.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 43
Using tho FillotXpert 2

Exercise 43 : lumpkt~.: th~:..,..: part' h~ u.. mg

Using the th~ I i ll~LX p..:rl.
FilletXpert 2 rhh lah ll"<.:" lh<.: follo\\ing.
Fillet,\jlcr/ on pag..: 2lJO

Procedure ( >p..:n ~o:\istmg pan ....

1 Open Filletxpert Lab 2 and Filletxpert Lab 3 .

2 FilletXpert.
\dd thl: lilkt-. sho\\11 "ith lhl: I ilkt>.p..:rt usmg 1h1s I:<.Hk red 1mm
and yl:llll\\ 2mm .

Tip '\omdim~.:.., 1L is ~.:as1..:r to filkt ,illth..: ..:dg~.:s th..:n r<.:mO\<.: ami ..:dll lilkt~

Exercise 43 SolidWorks 2013
Using tho Fl/letXpert 2

Lesson 9
Editing: Design Changes

Uptlll ~lll:Ccs~rul compkllon urtht ... lcs ...tln. you\\ ill ne ahk tu
Llndcrsland hm' modclmg tcchniqtu:~ mllw:ncc the abtlil.> In
modify a p.lrt.
l ltltle all the :t\ :ttlahlc wols to cdll and make changes w a pan.
llsc Sketch Contour.., Ill ddinc the ... ha pc or a feature.

Lesson 9 Sohd Works 2013
Edllmg Design Changes

Part Editing I he <;;nJidWmks ~oli\\ arc pro\ ltk:-.

the cupuhilll) lll re\ 1e'' the'' a) a
nHH.kl "a~ built. Changes can he
ea~il) appl1ed1o the model I the
c.l~<.;ign 111ten1 has been rede lined.
lnnls for re\ le\\ mg ,tnd ednmg pans
an: re\ le\\ .:d here 111 tJw, le:-. son.

Stages in the ~ome ke) stages 111 the prot:c,.,nJ nHH.Iil) mg 1h1s pari arc '>l1ll\\l1111the
Process folhm mg 11~1. I m.h tlf thcsc lnplt:s a section 111 the k;.stm

Information from a model

Man) nfthc lllthl common I) editing commands. Ldll o;;~o.ctt:h. L.dil
I ~.aturc. I dll sketch plane. Reordcr. Rnllback and<. hang\. tl1men..,ion
'alue ar1.' used here
Edit the model
lJ;.\. thl' l'tl1t111g ton)., to moth 1\ the geometry and tks1gn lllll.'lll
Sketch contours
A\ .,mgk 'ketch can he In create multipk katurcs h) using
t:tllllnurs "1thin the sketch.
Design ~ome chang1.'s h.:s\e In he madl' to the model ~om1. \\111 change the
Changes ... true tun.: or it. others only dimCilSIOil \ alm~s Making design changes tu
a llltldd can he as -.u11plc a., changmg the alu~. or a dmlcn ... ltlll and as
dil'licuJt il'i 1'\:1110\ mg 1.!\h.'rlla) rdcrcnccs. J'lw, \t:CtiOil step-. through a
-.enc-. 111' changl's to a model. I he liKu-. 1s onl.'dllmg li.:aturc-. mthcr
than dl'lt:ting ,tnd rl.'m..,crtmg them. I Jnmg cnabks you to mamtain
rdi.'rcm:c ... to dr;m mgs. assemhlic., nr other pans that" nuld he l1ht 11
)OU t.lelcted th~. lcature

Procedure We\\ ill cdll ,, part that""' n.:p<med 111 a 111.111nt:r ~imllar In lilt: pr1.'\ inu~
it:' SI Ill

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
Ed1tlng Design Changes

Required Changes lh~ chang~s to tht.: llHH.ld arc

a!> f()llows :

lhl c1r~ulur
ct.:nt~red m~~
hos,. is
the nb.
I hl' rih 1s rounded at the

I he ein:u!.Jr hn,..., j..,

tangent tn the n!-(ht edge.
!\ ClllOIIl \\ 1lh hole.., IS
added to the basl'.
I he Circular hn.,s 1.., llush
"nh the 'ert1cal plate
Only the ha!>e 1., ... hdled .

1 Ope n the part Editin.g_Design Changes.

lhe part h<~., no rchulld error.., hut th1s does nut mean that 11 1.., fr~l of
1111!-.takes. fhc model doe-. nut uphold the mtent and requm:s
changes. We" ill re\ ll'\\ the cnllr~ mndel. then make thos~ changes.

Information lh~ part has some hullt-111 prohlcms

From a Model related to the '>equence nf features. lhe!-.l'
pmhlcm., \\ill become e' 1cknt ''hen 1t
comes tunc to make de'>ign changes. In
order tu undcr...tand the\\ J) that this part
\\a!-. constmctcd, ''e \\ill walk through the
steps nf'huildmg 11 I he dC\Igll llltcnt or
the part" Ill he re\ ea led as the features .1re
re' le\H:d one at a lime
Part Reviewer You cun us~: Part Rev iewer to re' IC\\ lhl\\ parts an: ercalt.:d tcature-b) -
ti!atur..: Use the aiTil\\-.. 111 tht.: Iask Pane tl) guidl' )Ull through the
lcatur..: ... and ..,J..ctche-.. of the mot.lcl \., ynu -..tep through the modl'l . ) llll
can re\ ie\\ or add cnmmcnh fur your en Ileague!> w r..:\ ic" .

Whe re to Find tt Menu Toots, Part Reviewe r

Lesson 9 SolidWorks 2013
Edttlng Design Changes

2 Part Reviewer.
Cltck Tools, Part Reviewer
1 he Part Reviewer J"a-.k Pane tah
,tppc;m. 'We '' illt"c the controb
m tlm. Iask Punc Ill step through
the part Ill sec hlm 1t ,., hullt.

3 Display sketches.
In the Part Reviewer la,J.. Pane. cltck Show Sketch Details t. . lhe
... kctche.., \\Ill he ,(llmn as )OU -.tcp through the feature'> oftlm. part.
4 Feature Base Plate.
<.lick Jump to Beginning .,. .
l'hc Base Plate wa-. created l'rom a
rectangle ami C\truJcd.

5 Sketch Sketchl.
<. ltck Step Forward
Sketch 1 open-. fo1 ed umg. I he sk-.:tch <
-.=tm"'"" ol a rectangle <lllChored at the
Origin" 1th t\\O dimensmn'

6 Feature Base Fillet.

(.'lick Step Forward Note that you do not
ha' e Ln cln-.c Sketch 1 bel ore alh m11:mg to the
nc\t fcatun:.
I diets nl' equal radtu.., an: auded tn the front
comcr-. 111 thJ'> katurc

7 Feature Vertical Plate.

<. lu.:k Step Forward
I hi:-. feature'''" -.ketchcd !111thc rear lilcc o l
the modd and e\truJcd t<manl-. the front.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
Edilmg: Design Changes

8 Review comments.
1he Vertical Plate 1\:aturc ha~ <I

comment that ~talc~ Remember

to double-check the thickness
of this feature.
l ommcnts a~~octatcd "ith
f~aturcs appear 111 the Part
Re' lt:\\ er and 111 th..: Comments
litldcr 111 the l..:atureM,magcr 1!1~
a.ks1gn tree

Tip Io add commcnh out ~tdt: or th..: Part Re' le\\ t:r. nght-cltek a l..:ature 111
the 1t:atureManagt:r dcstgn tree and elld. Comment, Add Comment.
9 Remove comment.
Cl1d, Edit feature name and comment 1, then dick Delete to delete
the Cltmmcnt. I\ bat, you could ha\c modified the comment
10 Sketch Sketch2.
Cl1ck Step Forward
Sketch2 opens lor Clilllng You can
'-CC the gcontdl) and 11., connediOth

11 Display/Delete Relations.
lllck Display/Delete Relations ..i . <;et the Filter
to All in this sketch and click tndl\ tdual relation~ -

111 the ll.,t to e\phuc all gt:umetric rc latton., 1111 the

or .L On_
sketch entltte~ l ht: rclatllllll- '' tll t.:\.p!Jm IHl\\
~nttttcs arc nttachcd w each nthcr .md to the rest tOI"'ie't'l
the mndcl


c- _ . .

Lesson 9 SolldWorks 2013
Ed1tlng. Desgn Changes

12 Circular Plane.
( lick Step Forward
I he plane wth created fur sketching
the nc\.t ll:aturc, a ctn.:ular hos:,. lt
lies hchmu Sketch2

Dependencies Dqu:ndcncu:s arc rclatmn..,htp~ hcl\\ecn feature" 111 tin:

I eaturcManagcr design tree. fht" m formation i" unportant \\hen
ec.li11 ng, dclctmg nr reordering li:ature-..
Parents - I c:.llurcs that the target l\:ature ucpemb upon.
Children - I catur~., '' hich arc dependent uplHl the target li::ature
Introducing : Parent/ Parent/Child i-. to} the.: dc.:pc.:ndcnctc" hetwec.:n li:aLUres. f tt~
Child Relationships used Ill dtspla} the parem-. and chtlurcn ora feature.
Where to Find lt c;.hnrh.:ut l\1c.:nu: Right-clu.:k a 1\:aturc .md dtck Parent/Child

13 Parent/Child relationships.
(.heck the rdationshtps on the
plane R tght-cltd. the plane and
cltck Parent/Child. I he Parent
nf the plane.: '" the Base Plate
1\:ature the plan~ is dependent
upon 11. l hc Children arc.:
Sketch3 ami the Circular Boss. the~ arc dependent on the plane.
(lick Close
14 Hide sketches.
<..h:k Show Sketch Details (. to tum tlw. nil: I he ..,ketchc., ''ill
rem am l111.lden J" ~nu -.tcp through the fi:atun: ... or tht" pan.
15 Feature Circular Boss.
<..lick Step Forward
Circular Plane'',,., used li1r -.kctchmg
Circular Boss. I he sketch \\<I'> c\truded
through the part from the

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
Edtllng Destgn Changes

16 Feature Rib Under.

l Itd. Step Forward
I ht-. lcatun: ''"" ... 1-..~:tch~:u as a r~:ctangk
and 1:\truded up 11110 the Circular Boss.
Note Sketch3 of Circular Boss dttl m,t app~.:ar
hccmt..,c \\l: tumed ofT Show Sketch
Details t..
17 Feature Wall Thickness.
<.h:k Step Forward
rhe mntld \\ib ... hdled out ka\tllg h(lth
ctn:uh1r face ... and the btlllnm lace open.
~c..: the \l'Ctton cut at the nghtli.1r detail-..

18 Feature CounterBore.
Clu.:k Step Forward
I he Hole Wizard ''"' used tn create a
count~:rborc hok \)fl the Lop planar li.lcl:
llo\\C\ er, dw.: ltl the thin" all. 11 appear-. a-.
a ... unpk cut.

19 Pattern feature.
(. lick Step Forward
1 he CounLerBore \\a., panemcd usmg a
I meat pattern. LPattern l

20 Rib Fillet feature.

( lick Step Forward
I he Rib_Fillet l~aturc neatc.., lillch "here
the Rib_Under jtlin-. the Circular Boss
and Base Plate.

Lesson 9 SolidWorks 2013
Ed1tlng Design Chsnges

21 Circ Fillet feature.

lltd. Jump to End . .
Tlw. kalurt' m.:ah:~ lillo.:t" 011 both .,,do.:" ol
th~ Vertical Plate.
t'lu:l.. Close 111 tho.: Part R~,,~\\~o:r to clo..e
tht 1.1,1..

Rebuilding R~huilum~ .tmndd m~orpMat~" th.: ..:hang~' that ~~~~ ha\~ mmk- "hm
Tools ro.:hutld tllll~' ~an -.lo\\ dm\11 the mmkling pn1~e" ,jgntlicantl~ f'her..:
.tre 'om..: tools .t\<lllahl~ to opttmtt..: r~hlllldmg tum:-..
Rollbac k ~an h..: w.o.:d tolin11tthe rehulldmg 11111..: h~
n1lltng had. to th~. l..:aturo.: ho.:mg ..:dtt~od I or ..:\ample.
+ a Base_Piiltr
~ BaR_Aid
il"the Vertical Plate'' h~mg tdned. n1llbad. 1\l a
pn,111o11just alio.:r that ti:.uuro.:
a Ve-1D_Piiltr
Ciruilr_Boa ... .tr~ made toth~ katur~. .md it ''rebuilt Dul'
111 th~ rollhacl.. 1111siti1ll1. nnl~ the li:<rtures he/or, the
bar aro.: r..:huilt. luniti11g th~ 'ol'ope ol'tho.: rebuild. I he
rcm.und~:r 111" the pan ''ill h..: r..:huilt ''hen the hat i'

Freeze Bar I h~ Freeze Ba r can he u...~d to ti..:~t~ th~ li:atlll~, ahn\ ~ it. I nvcn
katurc' do not ro.:huild
I or mm~. mlnrmatum . ...~~I rn :111g Fi:a/urn on pag~ 2X9.
Rebuild Feedback Dunng a r~.huild. a progr~.,., bar .111d statu-. ar..: ... h1n\n 1111 the hollom bar
and Interrupt nfth~: \oltd\\nrl.. ... \\ ind1m I h.: r.:huild Gill h~: ...wpped hy prc,,ing th..:
Esc (I ...~ap.:) !..~.:~ .
~ ;;JJ> .... ....~trwtuM

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 9
Edlring Design Changes

Feature Feature Suppression j., a mnn: pcrmam:nt m~o:thod

;+ lli Base_Plalr
Suppression or lm1111ng. n:huild t1me. I eaturcs that are supprcs.,cd ~ Base-~
arc not rchuilt. Conligurat1on., can he used to arrange .. Qi vencat_Piatr
or . .
comhlll<tllnn ... upprcssed fi:ature ... ~ c:roAar-"'-
+ Q <io.B_BallS
' GRII_lhla'
~ wal_lhidlnes
~ &' Cculla1Jore
::: lPatiBn l

Feature Statistics Feature Statistics 1s a tn~ll that d1.,plays the amount of tunc it tnkcs to
rebUild cach rcaturc Ill a part. l ...c tills tool to Identify the rcature" that
take a long umc to rebuild . Once the} arc 1dcnt1 ficd. you can po.,.,ibl}
cd1tthcm tn mcrc:hc ctlicicnc). or -.upprc"' them 1fthc) arc not criucal
to the cd1ting procc;.-...
Introducing: Feature !he Feature Statistics d1alog ho\ d1splay;. a list nl" all features and
Statistics thc1r rebuild tunes 111 dcsccndmg order.
Feature Order
L 1.,ts c:ach Jlcm in the I \.'aturef\lanager dcs1g.n tree: katures. sketches.
and dcm ed plane.... llsc the shnncut mc:nu to Edit Feature. Suppress
lcature;.. and 'o on.
D1.,plays the rcrccntagc ol"thc total pan rebuild tune tu regenerate each
D1-.plays the amountortimc 111 -..cclmd-.that each itcm takes to rchuild.
Where to Find lt CommandM<lnagcr: Evaluate> Statistics 1t
Menu: Tools, Feature Statistics

Feature statistics.
lliLk Statistics " .
!he lcalltrcs arc li;.ted 111 Je..,ccnding -.p.p.s--
,....... Ut. s.wa ~... ..,....
,.., rda.*t...,..., ll!alr'4ll: 0.09
order accordmg lo the amount or
tune reqUired to rcgener~lle them. .......... ._.... r~

t ' !lb-O.'>l U>O 0.02
Clll'k Close flt w,, _ l7.XI Q.O]

""" G.G2
~ Sir... I ao.u
...... ,....
... ......

.... uo


Les son 9 So lidWorks 2013
Ed iting Design Ch anges

Interpreting the Data l h~ lin.t thmg to t...e~p 111 llllnd 1'- that the total r~:hutiJ 111ne lor th1-. pa11
1s much le~-.. th:m one ~~cond. so <1 d1<tnge tu itll) unc feature ,., 1wt
ltkd) lll maf..e ,, ''gntlic:mt dtlll:rcnce
l he ),ecnnJ thmg 1s the number ol s1gn11ican1 d1g th anJ roundmg error
I or c'l.ample. Featurel ma) app~nr to tal\e I <A 11:1: as long to n:hutld a),
Feature2. 0.02 sclond), 'vCI"'>ll~ 0 0 I ...ccontk Does tlm, md1cate n
prohlcm " 1th Feature 1'? Not ntccssartl) . ll r...q uttc possible that
Feature 1 tut..e~ 0.0 15 I ~c:conds "h1lc Feature2 takes 0.0 IN second-..
a dtllerence 111 unl~ 0.0002 second-.. Feature Statistics In tdenlll~ lcature ... that stgmlicant ly 1mpac1
rebuild 111nc: t hen ellher
'.upprcs~ or delete katurcs tu 1mpron: pcrlimlwncc. Optwnall).
Yllllcan dtl this d t r~:ctl) lrom the Feature Statistics dwlog h11\
\nal~ /C and modtl) kalllrcs to tmpnn c perlhrmancc

What Affects Icatures can he anal) /Cd to dctcrmmc '' h\ the) beh:~' I! a-.. thl!)' do.
Rebuild Time? Dl!pl!nthng 1111the l~alllrt t)pe nnd hlm tit'- the rcao,ons "111 \<If).
ror sl\ell.:heJ lcatu rcs. loot.. liu C'l.ternul rc latHllls and ~:nd condition..
that rcl~n:ncc otlll'r katur~:s. 1<-cep t hcs~: relatwn-. allached to tht'
L'nrltesl knture po-.sthlc Dn tht' same li1r sl-.dd1 phut~: ....
Tip In gt>neral. the more parellls that a t'catur..- ~h)\\o:r 11 "111 r~:huild .

Set R.puiring RC'Iariom u\ing J>i,p/u, /Jcl<'ll' Rdoriom nil pagl.' 21<4
l\1r an e'l.amplc ol changing rclatum!> Ill a ..,keteh.
For lcatur..-.., appltLd ttl c:dgl.'.., or li.tLt''>, cht:ek the fcaturt' \ opt ulns and
the pm.illon of the l~ature 111 tht' I eaturel\ lanager lb.tgn tree. Sl'l.' .J l:dit
Fl'clfurc un page ~ 14 l\1r an t''l.amplt> ol relations 111 a fcallll\.'.
General Tools In gl.!neral. thero: art liHtr tool-. <1\iltlahlc to n111d1l~ lcalure...
Edit Feature ('>Cl' lntmclucw.f!.. Fd11 ll'llflln on page 83 )
Edit Sketch h~l.' llllnuluc mg l:'tllf \'/..t'tc/1 on page 82)
Edit Sketch Plane (''-''-' lntmcluc mg Lc/11 S/..,rl'll l'lm1e on
page 285)
Delete Feature
Deletions '\n) ICaturL' l'Llll bL' dekted from the model lnnsidl.!ration .,huuld be
gl\ cn111 "hat111h~ r kalur~o:'>. nt h ~r thJnthe sdectLd onl!. '' 111 he dektcd
" 1th 11 I ht> Confirm Delete dralog !ish Dependent Items that " tll b~:
deleted \\ llh the -.cketed 1111\.' l he '>k\.'teh!.!... or most ll:aturc ...tre not
u u tom~ll l~ dekto:d I hm C\ ~:r tht.' sf..etdll!., a"\lCI.tted "11h Hole
Wizard lcatur~: ... an automattcall) dckted "hen the hole "'ddl!ted I or
other dep!.!lldenl 1\:ature!--. Ul.'it'llllg tht parl:lll \\ill de ll:tt' the l'htldrt'll

31 2
SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 9
Ed1tlng Desgn ChBnges

2 Delete feature.
:;ch:ct and dd~.:t~o: the CounterBore
h:atun: fhc chcd, bo\. Also ~#' ( f'eH.It: J

delete all child features .,.., ill read) And,-""'"- The dtalng mdteatc-. the lPIIr.cnt l (f<uUf')

LPatternl li:ature "tll al.,o he lb-("""""1

deleted hccau ...c ll is a child the
CounterBore. ..., ........
lltd. Yes to cnnlirm the delctllln . (!on, . . . . . _

Reorder Reorder allm\s for change., to the sequence 111' lcaturc., 111 the model.
s~4ucncc change'> arc limttcd h> parcnvchild relationships that c.xt'>t
Reorder l"catun:s b> draggmg and droppmg them nnw other h:atun.:~ 111
th~o: I emure'1.1an.tgcr dc ... tgn tree The) arc placed alter the !Cature that
they arc droppcu omn.

Note 'tou cannot rconlcr the target (child) lcatun: belnrc the parcm li.:atun:.

3 Try to reorder.
1 f) to the shdl fen tun:. Wall Thlckness. w a po..,ttton
tmmcdiatcly alkr the Base Fillet. lhc cur.,or dtsplays a "nnmm c
symbol. 1f you If) to drop the feature, lhts mc.,sagc app~.:ars:
Cannot reorder. Change would put chlld feature before parent
rhc Circular Boss rcli.:rcnccs need
to he rem m cd 111 order fot us to bl:'
ahk to reorucr the f~.:aturc .

Lesson 9 SolldWorks 201 3
Editing Design Changes

4 Edit Fe ature .
R1ght-dJc!- tlw Wall Thickness
li:atun: and cite!- Edit Feature
~ch:ct both ur
the highlighted
c1rcular face~. !"he Faces to
Remove "elcctllln lht ''Ill -.him
onl) a ~ingle t:u.:l.!.
C lid. OK.

No te When you rl.!sclcct ,111 ,!lrcnd) sdcctcd race:. it a~.:t-. l1kc a toggle,
dcs~kctmg 11.
\..,an ahcrmlli\C, )Ull can cll~.:k on <Ill item mthr.: -.clcctwn lt-.,t and
dc~cl..:ct 1t by prc"mg th..: De lete kc) on the !..c) hm1rd. ~om..:t1mes tlu~
can h..: conli. ... mg becau..,e )OU mght not al""Y" ! \\hu.:h lnec 1s
labcled Face<2>.
5 Changes to dependencie s .
Ldumg th..: Wall Thickness lcatur..:
cau-.,c-. .1 change 111 the
depcnd..:nc1cs. I he parent 1.., no\\ 111
only ~me: lcatur~. the Base Plate
rhe ICaturc can lhl\\ he: reorlkr\.'d.
6 Reorder. ~ Front ~ Front
Drag the Wall Thickness lcaturc ~ Top ~ Top
and reorder 1t hy dmppmg 1t on ~ Right ~ RIQht
the Base Fillet. lt .... po'>ltlllncd 1, Or1gn 1. Or~gn
,11"Lcr till' Base Fillet katurc + l[i 8Me_Piate + G sase_Piate
~ BMe_Ftet ~ Base_Folet
~ l[i Verbcal_Plate
~ Cwkr_Piane ~ G VPrbcai_PiatP
t l[i Cwokr _Boss ~ Cwcuar _PianP
tfMiHh!Jfj G Cwcua<_Boss
l[i Rb_l.nler t G Rlb_l.Xldel
~ Rlb_Fiilet e! Rlb_AIIet
~ CV'c_Fillet (I Cwc_F,net
7 Re sults.
Nm\ the shcl1111g opcwllon allccts onl)
the lir... t and ...ccund lt.:ature ... or the part.

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
Ed11Jng Des1gn Changes

8 Editing the sketch.

ll.lnth~ -.ketch ofth~ Vertical _Plate li:atur~ .

9 Add new re lation. - r 64

llnld l.lm1 n Ctrl and click
th~ nghtllltl~t 1~rttcallm~
and th~ an.: Rtght-d td.
and dtck Make Tangent R12
(). to add a Tangent
relation bel\w~n the I me
and the .m:.
10 Over defined.
I he udditillll nl tlw 14 64
rd.ttion trigg~r-.. an
1.!11\lr Ill the sketch. rhc
'kch:h ts nm1 m et
ddin~d R12
, .

Overdefined 11 the -.tutU'> o f till: '>ketch changt:'> li'Oill full) dcJim;d to 0\ er defined
Sketches {'>CC )toll/\ o / 11 SI. de h nn page 36 ). a dtagtwsuc tool appear-... I llt'> llWI
can he t11 repair the -.kdch. Oth~.:r unt:l\ nrahk 'late-.. can he
rcpa trcd '''\\ell.
SketchXpert lhc SketchXpert optton ,., used to automate the rcpattlll 01 er
lklined. n ~o l utmn I ound. or ln1 altd Soluttnn l nund cundttiOil'- 111
th~ sklll:h. lhc (\kctchXpcrt ts based on Solid\\ orb lntdhgent
l e:.llurc~ I cchnolll~.!)
Note (lencral part ~.:dtung and rcpatr-. \\cri.! di.;cu 111/ t'l\on8 Fdtting:
Rt'f'CI/1'\ .

Whe re to Find lt ";talll-. Bar Over Defined ..1

11 Over Defined.
\\hen the -.kL'tch
h..:nlmc-. 01 ..:r ddincd, a
mcs'>agc pups up I rum
fll"'tth~ ... ~

the In\\ er nght corner lll

the "crc~n . lltck llll the
tc\1 Over Defined

Lesson 9 SolldWorks 2013
Editing.- Design Changes

12 Diagnose.
Cl id, Diagnose ;tnu d1el-- the hut ton ln walk through the ,oJuuon"
I ach ..,olutmn n:prcscnh a pos-.1hh: solut1nn. [ aeh set uses a dlflcrent
eomhmatlon or rclauons ;JilU dimension ... Relations nr dimensiOns that
''Ill he n:rm)\ cd h} ,t:Jeeung that set arc marl--cd "1th a red I me through
thenl. rhc} an: also listed 111 the More lnlimllUtiOn OptiOn~ !.!I"Ollp in the
Proper\) Manager.

Possible Solutions 1-4

64 151 .45 -1 64
R12 75 Rl2 75

----~ ----

15t .45 r 64 64

R12 ~I 715 R12


-- ~-

.-64 151.45
R12 75 R12 75

64 64
I ~
R12 R12 75

13 Select.
Click Accept and OK 1\l
o.,dect the :-.olution that
dcktes the horl/ontal
lmcar duncnsl\ln

SolidWo rks 2013 Lesson 9
Editing Destgn Chilnges

Manual Repairs rh~: Manual Repair npt1on ~:an also ht: u ...ed tu
re ...oh e the m er ddim:d -.LUte LJ... mg this opllon.
the wnlln:tmg rclatwn or dnncns1on i-. selected
and ddctt:d

, 1

14 Exit the s ketch.

15 Res ulting model.

r-,,.., mm~:-. th~..

Circular Boss so that

lh C)lmdm.:alli.tct: ,.., tangent
hlthe nutt:r edge orthl!
Base Plate. lhc: lillel'>
update: 1<1 the: 111..''' po... iunn ....

16 Edit the Rib Under sketch .

lhc Rib Under skct1..h ,.., ..,llllllc:d
to ih original rclauon,. tht: outer
edge ol'thc Base Plate. 34


Lesson 9 SolidWorks 201 3
Edtrmg Destgn Cha nges

17 Display relations.
Cltck DisplayiOelete Relations ~
and -.hll\\ nllthl.! gcutm:tnc r<..'lauons
111 the slo..etch ustng the All in this
sketch opuun. In order Ill
repo~llll\11 lh<..' rib. most or thl.!
rdutllms must bl.! dd<..'h.:d.
~l.'il:l:t and rcmo\ c these rclattl\11S
u~tng the Delete hutt1111
Collinear rdatton tu the nnicol cdg<..' nlthl.! Base_Plate.
Both Distance rclattons (the mo tltmethtons)
1\.eep thl.! Collinear n:httion to the Vertical_Plate and the Vertical
rd,tlton on thc lcfi hand ltn~-
18 New geometry.
Dmg the rectangle so tt ts
.tppro\lmatcl) centcrcd helm'
the circular bus...
I>clcte the bottom Ime olth~
rectangle and adtl a tangent arc
Dti11L't1'.ton the slo..ctch as .,hm' n.

Tip Shift+select the arc" hen creating the 2mm dtmension.

19 Vertical relation.
Dektmg the Collinear relauon
lc:n e... the nght 'erttca l 11111.'
\\ ithout any relatton to lo..cep tl
verucal I o li\ thts. add a
Vertical relatwn tu the R8
nghtmost lme.

20 Temporary graphics .
l um on disp lay ol temporary
a'\es <111tl relate the cen t~r of the
an. to the temporar) n\ls. llw.
"tll center the nb on the ctrcular
huss. llose the slo..ctch lum olr R8
the dtspla) nr tempor;.Jr) ""-'"

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
Edttlng Design Changes

21 Result.
I he Rib Under li:atun: i~ nov\ centen:d
under the Circular Boss. ll ha-. a
nltmd.:d lront ~dge and '' abo llt-.tde the
edge or th.: bo~~ h) a .. mall amount.

22 Edit Sketch Plane.

I 'pand the li..,tmg of th.: Circular Boss
katun:. Rtg ht-cl tck the .,kch.:h and chck
Edit Sketch Plane liom the shoncut
You do not h.l\ e to edllth.: "ketch.

23 Face or plane selection.

I he curn.:nt plane u:-.ed 111 the sketch ., x
'' hi ghhgiH~d. You can mm clwo..,e
a ne\\ '>ketch plane.
~elect the rear 1~1cc ol th.: model and
dtck OK

24 Edited sketch plane.

I h.: Circular Boss lcaturc h<ls
h~.:cn cdllcd I he ... keh.:h mm
reli:rcnce., a model li.tce rather than a

25 Delete the plane.

(_heck the Parent/Child Relationships Ill the I h.:
Circular Plane 11\1\\ has no children.
Delete the plane.

Lesson 9 SolldWorks 2013
Editing. Design Changes

26 Edit Feature.
Edit th.: Clrc Fillet 1\:atur.:
Add th.: ~:u g~: ..,hm\ n and cltck

27 Result.
l h.: ilddillonal cdg.: is lillct.:d ih
part or the Circ Fillet l~atur.: .

28 Save and Close.

An C\ i-.ting part\\ il l b.: u~.:d li.1r
the rcmmucr or the case '>Ill d) .

29 Open Partial Editing CS.

Open an e\tsung part that I'> td.:ntical e\cept for one add it tonal sketch.
Contour Selection. l hc '>kltch contam.., t\\0 circles cndosed \\ 1th111 a
30 Reorder and rollback.
Reorder tlw Contour Selection
-.ketch tu a pu..,itltln hct\\een the
Base Fillet and Wall Thickness
Rollback to a po,ll um between
the Contour Selection sketch
and Wall Thickness l~at urc .

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
EdiUng; Des1gn Changes

Sketch Sketch Contours allm\ you tn -.elect ponwns o l a skcll.:h that .1rc
Contours gcncratl'd hy the mtcr-.ecttnn ofgt!omctry and create t~aturc-. lhts \\3~
you can use a partial sketch t11 crl!ate fcatun:s.
Another adv<Jntagc or thts method is that the -.ketch can he reusld.
crcmmg separate features fhlln diJTercnt port ton!-. oflhc -.ketch.
hHl commands, Contour Select Tool <llld End Select Contours. arc
w-ed lll start and end the contour sclcl'llon proccs...

Contours rhcrc arc oftcnmulttplc Sketch Contours a' ailahlc "tthm a ~mglc
Available sketch. 1\n) houndar~ g~.ncratcd by the tntcr..cction ol"!-.ketch gcometr)
can be used smgly or tn cornbmation wtth other contours.
Usmg tht'- -.ketch U'- an e'\dmple. these arl' 'illllll' of the possible rcg.tnn.,,
contour-. <llld cnmhmat11111s a\atlahlc fbr use
Reg ions


lnd;v;dualf -

Co mbined
Co ntour
m lJ ll2J

Se lection

~ ~ ~

l esson 9 SolidWorks 2013
Edltmg Design Changes

Note Mu lurk ~1p..:n a nu comour:-. can be u,..:t.J a:- Sketch

Contours to creat..: e wuded thin li.:murc .... lor more
mlimnatmn, ... ..:c Thin Feat/Ill.'' on pag\.' 2:'il\.

31 Extrude a cut.
S\.kct till' ~!-e t ch Contour Selection ,mu chef- Ft

Extruded Cut .
I \f1<111d the Selected Contours list and dtcl- the
mdt\ tllual contour nlthe ro.:ctangular -.hape
<. r\.ate a blmu ..:ut. 10mm deep mto the model.
Rename the tcaturc Hole Mt.g.

Shared Sketches 1\ ..,f-.:teh can be u"cd more th,m once to create muhtplc li:atun.:....
\\.IH:Il ~llll crcat\.' a li.:atur..:. the ~!-etch I!\ ahsorb..:u mto the feature olllU
lmld..:n from' te\\ \~ h..:n )llll <tctiHih: thl.' Contour Select Tool, thc
"kctch j, automntu:all) nhtlk 'isihlc.
32 Add more cuts. 35
'-.elect the 'ketch nltlw 25 /
Hole Mtg ll.'ature .mu ciKk
Extruded Cut
L'panu th..: Selected
Contours l! ... t and dtcl- thl.' l\\ll
ctrutlar r..:gwn" ol th..: ,f-.:tch
l:,trudc th..: r..:gtllll' u... ing the
enJ condllwn Through All.
Renaml.' thl.' cut.., Thru Holes

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 9
Ed iting: Design Changes

33 Roll to End.
Right-did. in the
reaturcMum1gcr design tree
and cltck Roll to End. Note
that the cut hole:. are U)>CU in
the shdling operation to
creatt: addillonal. unncc<kd

34 Reorder.
Reorder the Thru Holes lcuture lll ., posit inn
alicr the Wall_Thickness feature. I hi.! rl.!sult
is that the Thru_Holes feature 1s not ulli.'ctl.!d
O) the shcllmg.

35 Change wall thickness.

Change the wallthtd.ncss to 6mm ,md

Lesson 9 SolidWorks 2013
Edrling Dosrgn Ch1tnges

Copying Fillets A qUJck ami ea!'.) \\il) to c:r~ate a ne'' fil let~~ w cop) 1t lrum an
e:-.i~ung feature I he llC\\ lilkt j, the ..,ame t~pe and '>i/c but unrelated
to the origin:.~!.
36 Copy.
l ll1ld do\\ n Ctrl .md dmg th~ Cl re Fillet h!alllre lllllo the edge of the
model. Rdca-.c the mou..,c button.
I he lilkt can hl' copied lrom th~ I eatureM.magcr de~1gn tree. <lr
dm.:ctl) lrom the nwd~l.

+ l!i BIIR_~lle
~ s-_Fiet
+ lfil HIR_Mig
(ill Wal_lhidlnes
lfil nru_Holes
+ Q Verllall_~lle
+ !ti OroJar_llol:s
+ Ita Rb_lklder
~ Rb_FII!t
~ 'Mta

Tip ( ham fer, ~an be copied ll..,lllg the ..ame rwccdun:.

37 New fillet feature .
\ llt:\\ fillet 1\:atun: 1' cn:aled nn the edge.

Edit the lillet and add tht' ~dge on the oppo'>lll: ~iue. Change the rad1u'
\,lluc to 3mm

38 Trimetric view.
Change the \ IC:\\ nncntatillll 111 .a
Trimetrlc ' IC\\.

SolidWorks 2013 l esson 9
Editing Design Changes

Introducing: Section Section View euh thl. \ 11:\\ u~ing llllC or more sectiOn planes rhe
View pl.m~:s 1:<111 hi.' Jragg~:d tl} nam11.'.tll). Planes nr planar faces l.'an he thed.

Where to Find lt Menu . View, Display, Section View

I kads up Vk'\\ lo11lhur Section View

Note I)r.l\\ HH! 'IC\\ -.c~..tuln~ l.<lll abo he created h~ dickmg OK and ..,a, mg a
Drawing Annotation View I he) ar~: aJdetl Ill thl.' Jra\\ mg usmg the
VIe\\ Pal~:ttc

39 Select Face.
\~:lcct the pl.mar 1;1~:c intli~.:atcd. lt \\ill h~: used
to define th~: -.cctmn plan~:.
Note You do nut ha\ c to pr~:-s~:l~:d the -.~:~:lion plane
dn not. the ')st~:m "dlu~c a Jefault
-.cctum plane. u..,uall) thi.' Front.
40 Section view.
(. lu.:l.. Section View l\1 li'l.' the sclcctl!d thee il'> ., X

Lesson 9 So lidWorks 2013
Edltmg: Des/g,, Changes

41 Drag the plane.

lh111g the a mm' drag tn a
dtn:ctwn normal to the plane and
l hc plane angle can be changed hy
draggtng the cdgl'" orthe ...ection

42 Reverse section direction.

Click Reverse Section Direction
', 10 re\ erse the dtrcettnn nr the
( Itd. Cancel to clo'c the dtalog.

43 Save and close the model.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 44

Exercise 44: Mal-~ ~.:hang.:' to th.: part crcJt~d in th.:

Changes pn:\ Jllll'> ~.:~,on.

I h1' 1.'\l.!ru,c U'-1.!'- th.: foll<m mg 'kilb:

f)..f, flom 1111 pag.: J 12.
Rmrd,r nn page: 3 13.
( "op1ing Fillcl' on pag.: "\24.

Procedure <>r~n .111 ~,J,tmg pnrt

1 Open the part Changes.

';~,.:rat change-, ;md addnwn ... "ill h.:
mad~ w thc mmld

2 Delete.
I kktc the muuntmg huk-.. cut nut ami
'hell (Cut-ExtrudeL
Wall TWckness and Cut-Extrude2)
ami ah,nrhcd l~atur~s rrum the: 111\ll.kl.

3 Same thickness.
~ct tlw tlm:l-.n.:-.,-.cs of th.: Base Plate
and Vert1cal Plate to the: sumc: '.1lu.:.

Exercise 44 SolidWorks 2013

4 Cut.
Remo' c the portion or the
Vert_Plate on the right ~de nl the
Circular _Boss and Rib Under
Edit. Rollback and Reorder features
''here nece::.sary to maintain the

5 Fi llet.
\ dd another fillet the same radtu~ ,,.,
the Circ_Fillet.

6 Counterbored holes.
1\dd t\\O coumerhorcd lmll.!!> of the
li11lowing s iLc:
ANSI Metric
M6 Hex Cap Screw
Through All
Reorder feature!. \\here neccssar} tll
a\(ltd undercuts.
7 Save and c lose the part.

SolldWor~s 2013 Exercise 45

Exercise 45: 1 dll tlw, part u"mg. the mfi.lrmation and d1mens1ons pro\ 1ded. Use
Editing rdallons, up tu c;urlhce end cun dit10n~ to maintain the de!.1gn mtent.

!"his lab remli.lrcc., the li.lllu\\ ing skdb,:

Reorder ~m p:.1g.e 3 13.
Procedure Open the c,i.,ting pan EDITING, und make se\ era! edll
(_ hange the t:'\tstmg part, edit1ng and adding gt:nmt:l l) and relations. to
match the 'ersrnn !-.h\l\\ n bel m\.




Exercise 46 SolidWorks 2013

Exercise 46: U-.e the ~1-.ct~.: h .Apert to n.:pan

SketchXpert the p.trl.
rt11s l:th n.:tnli>recs the
l'olhm rng. sl-.ilb:
Sk,/c'h \pcrtun page 31 "

Procedure <>pen an C\1\ting pan and tMmed SketchXpert. Rep<llr the ...1-.etchc!-. :.1'
\hll\\ n 111 the fi)ll11\\ tttg -.tcps.

1 Edit Sketchl.
r\pand the Base-ExtPUde
lcaturc anti edit the ... ketch
Sketch! ( licJ.. View Normal To
w unent the si-. etch a' -.htm n

75 - -r
2 Solution.
\tart the SketchXpert and dtcl-.
Diagnose Choo...c the -.oluuon I
slllm n at nght.

1- 75

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 46

3 Other sketches.
l omplct..: ri!IXIJr~ ln thc rl'maining l\\l) ~'-ct<.:hl'~ u;.ing "kctchXpcrt
llht Sketch3 frum the Cut-Extrude l
l'..:aturc. Sl'lcct thc ...olul1nn sho" n.


l Sketch9 from thc 010.0 (10)

Diameter Holel lcaturc. cll'<.:tlhl'
solutiOn slum n 10 Jdctc Co1ncident2
and Concident3.
4 Save and close the part.

Exercise 47 SolidWorks 2013
Contour Sketches

Exercise 47: I dit these parts usmg. the lllformulion prO\ idcd. htrudl.' pro ti l e~ to
Contour create the gcoml'tr)-.
Sketches Jlm.lao reinforce" the l(lllll'' mg -.ktlls:
\'kctt h Cmumtn on rag..: 321.
~hartd )k,t(h'\ on rage 322.

Depth: 50mm
and 30mm

Depth: 3.5", 1"
and 2.5"

Depth: 30mm and

#4 f , ...... \
Depth: 1.5" and .. . \
0.5" \ , I ""~

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 47
Contour Sketches

Handle Arm

Oil Pump

Idler Arm

' /

Exercise 47 SolldWorks 2013
Contour Sketches

Lesson 10

L pon )>LJCccssful comph~tionuftlw. lcs~nn. you" tll he ahlc 10.

Use global \'artahlc~ to tie' ttlucs together.

(. rea le C4Ual inn~ .
Lse cunligur..tltnlb to repn:scnl dlll"crem \\!fSIOil~ ora part \\llhlll a
~mg.leSoltdWorb lile.
'.uppre-,s and unsupprc~s fc:uurc..,.
Change dimen..,mn \aluc~ hy cunliguratinn.
Suppn:s~ li:ntun:~ h) conliguralton
UndcNamJ Lhc ramtticultons ol makmg change)> to p<llh that h:l\ I!
L-.e !he dcstgn lthrat"} 10 mscrt li:aturcs tntu a part.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

Configurations Conligurauom, Jllo\\ you 111 rcpn:scnl more than on~ '~r~1on of th..: part
111 the same Jil..: hn l.!\tl111pk. ~y \UpprC~!>IIlg the machined fealllres
(hoks. ch.1mli!n... pocket~. ~Le.) .mtl changmg tlllncns1nn 'a l u~~ 111 the
parts at the top ofth~. lllustratmn. you can n:present th~. rough lt)rgmgs
shO\\ n o..:JO\\ them

Jlw., lesson addrcssc~ th..: U\e of eonliguratJOih Ill parts. J\<,scmOI) con-
liguratwns arc CO\ ered m l <.1.1011 I:! Bollom-{ p. hwmhh \lode/m~.
Terminology ~ome or the term~ u~ed ''hen d1scu"'mg. and "ork mg. '' llh
conligurat ions arc 1.!'\plamed hclo\\.
Configuration Name 'The Configuration Name appc.m, 111 th..: CnnligurauonManag..:r. 1t 1~
w....:d to distinguish hdwccn config.uralmns \\ ithm th~. -.amc pun or
as~~mhl) nt the part. a ...s..:mhl) or dra" mg lcH:I

I hey can b..: cr..:ated lhr..:ctl) or inJirectl) through a d..:s1gn wblc

Suppress/ Suppress b used to tempor..tri ly r..:m11\ c a katun.. \\ hen a 1\!atur...: 1..,
Unsuppress i>llppres~..:J. th..: '-Y"Lem treats ll ,I, I f" 11 do..:,n't C\ist rh<ll means other
Features 1\!ature.., that arc dependent on ll \\Ill he suppn.:sscd aJ...o. In add1Unn.
o,uppr..:s~cd features arc rem m ..:d from memor:. rn:emg up') st..:m
resources. <:>upprl'ss..:d ti:atur..:s e<~n he unsupprc.., .11 an) 11mc.
Other Configurable In addltmn w katun:s. othl!r lll'ms can h..: ..;upprcsscd and un ...upprcssed
Items usmg con Jigurauons
Sketch Constraints
External Sketch Relations
Sketch Dimensions
Sketch Planes and C'\truJ..: End Conditions can be set d1 llcrcntly on a
configuration h) conligurutlllll ha~JS.

SolldWorl<s 201 3 Lesson 10

Using Both parts and i.lSsemhltcs can h:l\c configuration~ . Dra'' ing'- do not
Configurations h:l\ c con liguraltons or thctr ()\\ n but dnt\\lng ' te\\ s can dt ...plav
thiTcrcnt configurations of the files the~ reference.

Procedure In thi ~ Jc.,son )llU \',ill learn ahnutusmg configurat iOns \\ tthm .1 pat1
ti le. In l c.uo11 /3 L \iflJ! ls.~tmhlic~. you'' tll e\plllre usmg
configurations 111 cnnJuncllon "11h assemhlics.
Begm thas c\ample b) folio\\ ing thts procedure:
Open the Ratchet Body.
rhi" part ts a cupy of the one created 111 a prc\ wu;, lesson.

Accessing the Configurations Jre manJgcd from \\ 11h111 ~ Conf'Jgur-.ons Conf'9'"lJOn(s)

Configuration- the samc \\.llldO\\ that '" nc~.up t ed by the te Ot'faul! I Conf~gurilbon< I
Manager h!atureManagcr design tree. In..,,,atch the display '' it hin tlus \\mdll\\,
use the tab" located at the very top or the '' mdn\\ pane. Chcking the
tah \\ tl l lllsplay the lon tigurationManager (sho'' n at the upper
right) with the delilllh configuration listed I he dclauh eontiguratllln is
named ( \\ ho say-. \\ c don't h:n e .1 sense of humor'?) Thts
cnnligur:.llmn rcprcsenh the part a-. you modcled it '' it h nothmg
suppressed or changed. When you \\a nt to s\\ at eh hucl.. to the
leatun:Manager dbplay, chd. the ~ ! tab .

Note !he l untigurat10nManager contams both the Configurations and

Display States pane!>. l'nr informataon al'lout Dtspluy ~late-.. .....:e the
I.1.\E'111hh \/oclelill# traming manual.

Lesson 10 SotidWorks 2013

Splitting the Man} Lllllt:~ 11 ' '

dlit:lent to h;. ahle to
FeatureManager nccc.:s~ lmth the I enturei\lanager
Window de~1gn tn:e and thc
l llllliguratmnl\lanager at thc -;ame
time.: J"h1~ IS rarllcllfarf) true \\hell

........ locly
lilll s...-

1: ---""""'"'
~ -""
~ lop-
o..p..y~l l

\\Orl-mg "1th cnnligurntllllb Rather

~ """"-
than '" ltt:h hac!- und rorth ll~ing thc 1. 0..,...
tab,. you can ..,rlnthc h:muret'vlanager a l......_
(k-.1gn tree "ulllo" tor to houom. nG ._
Q , ......
crcatmg t\\ o p;mes. One ranc can Q , .....
Ql Q WhoftHok
~ho\\ the I caturcl\ lanager ucs1gn tree g ...,,..._
Jnu the nther can !' the et) ...... -.
Hlndf. .h
Con tigurallon r...tan.tger l H film

ro \Uhdl\ IUe the I eature!'-.1anagt:r

de.,1gn trcc "mlltm mto two panci-,
drag the 'PIiw:r bar UO\\ nwards thm1
the tor ot' the '' mdO\\. Use thc tabs to
contml "hat i!>. d1~playcd 111 each pane.

Adding New I ,.Cl) pan (and <tsscmhl)) mu-.t ha\c at lt:ast one conliguntt1on. and
Configurations multipk ~:nnligurauons arc t:omnwn. There arc sc' cralnptions be) llllU
the Configuration name that ytlll .:an ...~-:1.
Bill of Materials \\hen the pun 1s used 111 an asscmhl) und tunhcr. a hill or mat..:nal-.. set
Options thc 1wmc that -.houlu appear under Part Number.
Advanced Options I he ad\,IJlced 11rtnnh mcludc rules for creauon ol ne\\ 1\:atun:s and
color scLtings. Parent Child upt10m. .1rc for a...... emhhes onl).
Suppress Features
I h.., opt1on controls\\ hat happcno, to Ill'\\ I} t:reated lcawre... "hen
lllhcr conliguratmm. arc actin anu thi-. t:onligur<llltlll IS inactin I r
~.:heel-ed. nc\\ feature., addcd \\ 1th other conligun.lllnns act I\ e arc
suppres'>CU in tlw. one.
Use configuration specific color
\I fl)\\ ~ filr u1 n'erent col or... l(>r each configuration us111g the colur
p<lkllc. DI!Terent nwterial ... may Introduce di ffcrcnt col or-.
Add Rebuild/Save Mark
Rcbullds and sa\ cs con figuration data \\ hcn the pan "' sa\ t:d.
Where to Find lt <:;hnrtcut Mlnu : R1ght-clic" inth~ Configuration Manager and chef-
Add Configuration

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 10

2 Add a new configuration.

( hoose Add Configuration ... from the pulldo'' n menu "1thm the
Con figurntmnl\1.mager.
When }OU add a eonligurat1on that conligur:llltlll become~ aeU\e ,\n}
suh~eyuent changes to the part (such as '-Uppn:-,smg featureo;) are stored
as part ol the cnnliguratinn
Tip Specml charm:tcr.., 'tuch ao; the slash ( ) an: not allm\ed 10 the
conligurat 11!11 name
3 Add configuration.
1 he Add Configuration property manager IS u~cd ~ x
to add con!lguratmns to the part (,1\C the
conliguraunnthe name f r'lf i , uC r 1 and
npuonally, add a comment.
Click OK.


....,.._ -_,1
.., ~

4 Added to list. ~ ~tchet Body Confgur.ton(s) (forgrd, long)

I he ne\\ configuration '" foe ., Dtt I ~ ' 11 t ~
adued to the list and ~ _, Forged. Long [ Ratchet Body I
autumatJcall) made the
aetl\ e eonligur:llmn Notice that thl.! name nlthe acll\ c configura tion 1s
"ho\\ n 10 parl.'nthcses. appended to the top 11.:' cl part name Jetln.

Lesson 10 SolldWorks 2013

Defining the You de line the conliguration h) tummg olr llr supprc~sing -.elected
Configuration feature~ 111 the part. When a li.:aturc ~~ suppressed, it ,uiJ appea~ in the
r caturel\ltanagcr Ul!slgn tn:c but it IS gray et! Olll. l"hls \ ersllln of the part
1-. s;n et! or ston:tl 111 the aell\ c conliguratwn. You can create many
tllllcrent conligun:nion~ "1thm a part. You can then easily m itch
het\\ een tllll'i.:r..:nt conliguratmns usmg the Configuration Manager.
Introducing: Suppress 1'- used to rcmO\ c a feature from memo!), essentially
Suppress dclcung it frnm the model Jt 1'- used to rcmO\ c selected li.:atures lrom
the model to create dincrcnt "'\cr-.i,ms" of that modd 1\.llthc children
11f a li.:atun: that 1s suppn:s,cd are suppressed "11h 11.
Unsuppress .md Unsuppress with Dependents an; u ...ed to rcH.:r'>e
the dli.:ct of suppression on one (un,urpress) or more (unsupprcss "llh
depcndcnts) features.
Where to Find lt Shoncut Menu. R1ght-dick a li.:ature and click Suppress ..

5 Check Parent/Child.
Right-d1ck the ~ " li.:ature
and 'elect Parent/Child. I 'pand
the ..... lcaturc on the
Children -.1dc to sec other child

6 Suppress the Recess feature. + Qi Handl~

In the I caturcManagcr dc-.1gn tn.:e. \elect the Qi TrallSltoon
""'"' li:ature. R1ght-chd. Suppress t Qi H9d
Jhc system, not only the t c ; hut ai ~ess
~ Poc~
aiMI the . the wt .:! , and the
hor Ho , \V h)'?
+ aiWheel Hol~
q!) R&chd~
Bccau-.c the Po l, 1Jt1ee . and ~ H.ndl~ FiPs
1 Hol arc all children of the s. lr tl) H End F.Um
~ T-HFdlds
)OU recall. the - L k "a'
..,kctchcd on the
bottom lace of the n I h1. t\\ o holes "ere:
then ""-etched on the bottom lnc~: of the t. I h1-. 1'- ''hat
cstahllshcd the parent-child relationships among them.
Rule ~upprcssmg a li.:aturc autom<~ticall) supprcsst.:s lh children.
\\ hen the li.:aturcs nrc suppressed 111 the
lcaturcManager dc~1gn tree. the1r
corresponding geometry is suppressed 111
thl' model. Wtl.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 10

Changing lo "" nch 10 a <.hrli:n:nt conliguratton, ''m pi) doubk-cltLk on Lhc one
Configurations that you want. lt '' tll become the active conlig.uratton.
7 Switch back to the Default configuration. , ~ Handle
Pm.ttton the cur...or O\ er the t J Q TransrtJon
conliguratton tcon and douhlc-cltd. tl. ~ Head

lh..: ~ystcm ke..:r~ the --- . 1 1 ~. ,

Q;J Recess
ll and r 1 1 li:uturc~ unsupprcs.,ed
ll!J Pock.d
!@) Wheel Hole
makmg them 't1>tble in both the I catur..:Manager + lliJ R.atchd Hole
Je:-.tgn lrt.'l' and the graphic.,'' mdo''" ~ Handle Ftltd.s
fl) H End Ftlld.s
~ T-Hftllds

Renaming and \\cmm ha\e(\\OCOnJigurattons: t anu r) t J ,

Copying lh..: JE - 1 conltgunttwn represent-. the pan 111 th n1.tchmcd \talc
Configurations I hme\cr. the name " ' ., not too m..:aningl'ul.
Conligumuons can hl' renamcu 111 the .,a me ''ay a~ teat urcs. ll o"e' cr.
tfa lnnlig.urationt'> hcmg rcli:rcnccd b) another SoltuWorb
uocumenl. renaming that conliguratwn can cause some dtt1iculucs.
A Better Approach lnsteau ol n:thtmmg the dd,tult conliguratwn ''e ''ill make a cnp} oltt
and then rename the cop~

8 Copy the Default Ratchd Body Conftguration(s) (Default)

configuration. Otf~ult [Ratchet Body I
(.,elect the ..1- ., Default ( Ratchet Body I
l'llllligurall\lll and cop) it ustng. Long I Ratchet B ri I
any olthe ..,lanuard techntques Ratchet Body Configuration(s) (Default)
for copymg a li:ature; Ctri+C.

. , Default [ Ratchet Body 1
Edit, Copy. or the tool. -' Forged long [Ratchet Bodv 1
- Mac honed L rog [ Rac et B 1y 1
Paste the conligurallon u... mg
Ctri+V. Edit, Paste, or thl' tnol.
Rename till' t.:llp) to t ~< l ,, J , ..,,,o11q.
You 110\\ ha\e conligurat ulns that repr..:scntthe atchct. Body in ib
l'org.ed and rmu.:hmcJ ...talc.::-..

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

Configuration I he Cllllligur<llwns icnn-. 111 the Con ligurntionl\ lanagcr an: markeu "1th
Symbols ":Vmhuls that muicatc -.tatu~. I hcsc symbols arc to inu1catc n.:huild
and "''' c statu;..
Symbol Desc ription
~~ Thc conliguratllll1 1~ up-to-date. 1\ fi.ll l data sct ha..,
hccn gcncrated
--- ~


~ _ l he cunliguraunn 1:. mu of dah.:.

'I he conligumtmn ha., heen to be

<~Ulllmaticall} rebuilt and san:d ''hen the part 1!-.

Note rhc cunligurat1on icon;. can abo \<I!"} depend ing l'n ho'' the
conligurallon-. ha\1.: heen crcall:d . l:;ce Other \letluu/, to ( reote
( on/igurarwm on page J45 for more in formatmn.
Managing !'here arc scnral options to manage conlig.uraltnn data h}
Configuration Data <~utonwtically gcncratlllg up-to-date conliguratlons or purging
conligumt1on d<lla.
Single lo generate thc li.11l data for a single configuration. nght-chclo. a
Configurations configuration and cl1clo. Add Rebuild/Save Mark. fhi.., \\Ill marlo. 11 a;.
Up-to-date e\ er~ time thc part is \lflCIH:d.
Multiple lo generate the full Llata sct lnr a set of configurations. nght-d1d. the
Configurations top le' cl cnmrnnent in the Configumt1onManager and cltclo. Rebuild/
Save Mark '' nh an nptmn. I he option-. mclude thl~. all or speci lieu
con lig.unnwns.
Purging Data ro purge the full Llat<l sct for all conligurat 1 on~. nght-c lick the top lc\cl
comp1ll1cnt m thc Conlig.umunnMunagcr. click Rebuild/Save Mark.
Remove Mark and Purge Data for All Configurations

Note 1\utornallc gcncrauon Lan he con\cn1ent hut 1s gcnerall~ co.,tl) m terms

of part tile :.1/C I or th1' reason. only selected conligurauon-, l:>hould he
rnarhd li.>r rchuildmg.

9 Create more configurations.

L 'ing the same proceuurc. cop~ and pa.,te the F lr<Jed , Lon~J
configuration. Rename 1t 1 l, , ' .
Cnpy and pastL' the M J('h inet , Lon 1 conligura11011. rcnurning 1t

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 10

Changing l'\ll11i gurut t on~

can al~o he u-.ed to control the \aluc ora dmlcn-.ton.
Dimension Values l.ach conligunllton cun be used to change the d tmen-.ion to a dillcrenl
\a luc l hc change can he eunligurl.'d for the actt\e, -.pccilied. or all
con figuration~ .
In tlw, c\ample, the hor " nmliguratmm. \\ tll ha\e a sltghtl)
shorter hand le length

10 Activate configuration. ~~
R.o';'loclrCOI'I"":~ '- ""'""-SNwtJ
Doublc-clid. ~ , t
make it the actt\c conliguratton.
tu ~
- .. .'

"" M~tJ 1ho111Ra ht-tBod,

11 Key dimension.
Duublc-cltd, the 11 111 i
lcaturc to '-''rose the 'ketch

( onlig urc the dunenswn.

Dnuble-eltck the .220mm dtmenston
and change ttto 180mm. In the
dropdtm n. eh nose Specify
\elect onlt the _
l, 1 l iltl\1
1 1 1, con fi guration.,
fmm the ltst and dtck OK

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

12 Changes.
R~bulld th~ model to--~~ th~ m th~ curr~nt configuration.

Note Featun:~ can be ~uppn:~~ed or unsuppr~~s~d

m the act I\ e, sp~etticd, or all conligurnuons
u~ing Properties.
Rtght-dick the li:ntur~ and sch:ct Feature,
Properties. (.heck or ckar Suppressed
and select the conligunllinns using the
dn)pd11\\ n ltst

13 Test configurations. '~~too~'":;.coo~...,..-w CMK- 5hooiJ

Double-did, ~ach ctmliguration as a ~

t~st I h~ Ma I, r ~'
911 4 , n
configuration i~ shO\\ n belli\\ ., Mtc:htftcd,. Sh~ I A.tUtt Boct, I

SolldWorkl'> 201 3 Lesson 10

Other Methods <. onfigur:Hions ~.:an he created several methnds. rhe rc-.ults arc
to Create .. nndar "11h an) of the methods: ~.:on figuration names added to the
Configurations ConligunllionMunagcr coupled\\ ith \ariatwns Ill the slate or fcmurc ..
and the 'alu~: llf dim~:ns1nn-..
Tu get ei.JUIYalcnt conliguratiuns usmg other methods rc:qlllrcs th~: use
ol dilkrent tm1b and approaches. In~: Modify Configurations and
Design Table arc more automated methods and arc mcnllnncd hcllm .
Modify Modify Configurations 1.., used to create configurations h~ controllmg
Configurations the suppi'C'>,Illll StaiC" of lcaiUfi..'S. SCIIIIlg thc \a lues of" dlllll'llSIOil'- and
-,ekctmg a material l(w each cunfigurauon .
l hc Modify Configurations d1alog 1s used Ill 'et and d1spla)
~.:unliguration mli.mnatmn. r hc dialog uppea r'> \\ hcn any of the
lllllO\\ ing commands arc u~ed
Configure Feature
Configure Dimension
Configure Material

I fthe table 1s "'" cd. 11 \\Ill he listed in the ConligurauonMunugcr under

the 11 J ltlldcr. Mult1pl~: tahlcs nm he saved 111 each pan.
' 11.<- 8ovy ~_,.ogu.L""'-l ,...._........ - .
1W1 looblr I

..,_ 'I

f'CJ ~ Mtchm t d ' J o" ( R1ch~t So,_,. I

Note Modify Configurations ll:-l'S u tuhlc format Ill ,jmphl} the 111plll and
'il.'\\ thl.' results. Dcs1gn tahlcs u-.cs an Mu.::rosofi F\ccl sprcad-.hect for
a \llllllm purpo... l.' ~cc Dn(f!./1 Tahle' nn pug..: 346.

Lesson 10 So lidWorks 201 3

Design Tables Dc~ 1 g11 t,1 hlc~ arc a g~ncral purpo-.e method to create con lig.urallon-.
'"hdc us1ng the po\\Cr or M icrosotl I \Cc! 111 cdls. row~ and column~.

["he dco.,1g11 tahlc IS ll ...tcd Ill the ~ ~dd ..... (oni'IU'- I'M<- Shonl
ConligurauonManager under the Ill O...,..hbl<
11>. liluer lhcrc c;tn on!} be unc . . - L' I
~ _ ,.
_ ,

dcs1g.n table 111 a part

t" ., ~ell ,,.d

ror mon: infOrllllll1011 about dC~ 1 g11 tables, SCI.' the step-by-step gu1de
)o/u/11 orks l'roduc lll'ill Tools.
Dimension Names Dnnl!nslons nam..:l> arc generated outomaticall) and li1lhm the ltmn
Name@FeatureName ~uch ao., D3@Sketchl and Dl@Fillet2 lhe-,c
arc nut uh' ayo., dcscnpt 1\ c enough f'or w.,e '' 1th the Modify
Configurations and Design Tables method .... I olltm th1" prm:ctlure:
tlu:h. on a dimcnswn Ill ace..:..,, thc Dimension

1 l l1gh li the name 111 the Prima ry Value and .

t} pt J ne\\ name

Note ( )ni) thl..' port ion of thl..' name bel(lre the @

")mho I change~ ro change the li.:ature
n:~me. n ght-dich. the kature and d1ck
- _,.,.
Feature Prope rties

llolooeowdl 1/lllOOl II:O~UM
U O I I - 7/l/lllllliiOMO ...

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 10

Using Global !his scct1tm mtrnducl.!s thi.! tools U\euto create mathcmautLII
Variables and rdauon!>hlps bet\\ ccn climcm.mns: Global Variables and Equations.
Equations Global Variables (sec C/ohal I (moh!t 1 nn page 34g) arc used to
mulllpk \aim:~ equal. Equations (scc Eq11alum1 on
page 353) arc uscd to create mathcnHlllcnl n:lauonship), hct\\een
U1111ens1ons. !he llllllm ing scenarios ''ill be e\plon.:d.
Equalities ~c\cr.Jl fillet duncn-.wns ~hould ha\.C equal 1aluc-. at all tunc~ . 1\
glohal 1anahk '''11 he crcatcd ,md applied to all ol them.
Overall Width Use Global Variables to set the 01 erall '' 1dth dimensions ul the part
and Equations w relate them lllthe .. hall'' idth" dri1 mg dimensiOib.
<;cc Dt:(ininp, 1/u: Owru/1 Widlf1 on page 351.

Minimum Edge L se Global Variables and Equations to

Distance \CL a nlii11111Urn edge Ul'-tance bctllccn the
nu hide or the bn'>s and mam body as
slum n. <;ct (_ r!!aling a Hinimum Ldg<
fJiii<IIIC'C' on page 357.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

Creating Global Variables can b.: us.:J to ;.et a series of thmcnsions equal b}
Equalities .ls'-lgnmg the same glnhal \Unable tn each oftht:m. Tlw. crcall's a
number nfcquatton~ \\here the dmH.nswn 'a lues arc nil s~:t t oth~: same
(ilobal Vanuhlc Changmg the va l u~: of the global Hmahl~: change;, the
'a lues of all the asSlK" tatcd dtmt:nston;..
In thi.., e\ample fillet radiu.., 'aim~..,'' tll h~: st:t equal
Global Global Variables an: user defined names that arc assigm:d numenc
Variables 'uluc.., !"hey can used to dm t: dtmensions ns mdcpcnlknt qunntttte;. or
he appl ted dm.:ctly to dtmt:IhJons. They arc used 111 eon.Juncuon \\tth

Note Global Variables and Equations can he created in the Equations,

Global Variables and Dimensions dialog or" uhm the Modify Jwlog
of th~: d tmcnsmn.
Creating Global Global Variables can he created and a-. .. tgncd 'ulues for u.,c "uhin
Variables equauons. The gloh<.~l \unable requtre .. a un tque name und a \'aluc.
Introducing : Global I he Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions dta log can he
Variables and used to add. cdtt and delete global \.triahlcs and equations. lt can abo
Equations b-: u..ed to -.-:1 the value of an) dtmens ton 111 the part.

Where to Find lt Menu: Tools, Equations

<;;hortnttl\knu: Rtght-cltck the Equations lnh.lcr ,md d td .
Manage Equations

1 Open Equations.
nw; model u..cs <I tntrror 1\:aturt: Ill create ha If of the model.
2 Fillet features .
l>oubk-chd. the features Fillet2. Fillet4. Fillet5 und Fillet6 !"hi~
dt,play-. Lhc dt111Cf1<.,11\11S that \\ tll he \Cl Cl)Ulll.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 10
Con fig urai.Jons

3 Create global variable.

Clu:k Equations. ( hlk Equation View & and chck 111 lddg/oha/
mriable lyp~ Sm Rad ami click 111 t h ~ Value/Equation cell.
the equal sign. t}'pc the' aluc 3 . Optwnal l) add to the Comments cl'! I.
Clid. Automatically rebuild


~- ....

Note fhc quuta111111 marks arc cr..:atcd automatica lly. not typed h} th..: user.
4 Expose dimension.
\ '-!>lgn the glohal 'anahlc to a
d11ncns1on. Douhk-click Fillet2 and
douhlc-chck thl' 3mm radia l
d1mcnsmn ,1., ~hm\ n.

5 Assign global variable.
lype =mer the c\islmg 3.00mm '.due
and ~~h.:ct Global Variables > r?-u

Sm_Rad (3).
C:lu.:k OK.
...... >


l;.t X l t? ~

Lesson 10 SolldWorks 201 3

6 Dimension driven by equation.

1 he dimension ha ... changed to
mdudc the pn:li\ !. md1caung that
dnnen ... lllll I~ Ufi\1!11 hy an equat1011.
yhe comph:ted ~:quat ion 1~ :
"D l @Fillet2 " = '' Sm Rad "

Note I or more ml\mnation about equatmns usmg op~.:mtnr., luncllon .... and
lik properties sec FlJIIation<~ on page 353.

Driven Dimensions The \'aluc a-..,1gncd to the global \Unable 1s llll\\ appl1cd 111 the
dimen..,11111 and dmcs 11. Douhlc-chckmg the Jnm:nsmn \\Ill disrla) the
dri' en Htlue and the equation .
Dnnen ... Hllh dri' en h) glohal 'anabks ''ill sho\\
the glohal \'ariahks ICon \\ llh <I greyed-out
\alue that cannot he edited.

ll1ck1ng the glohal 'anahb, 1cnn tngglc\

het\\CCil the \ilfliC Jllllthc Cl]Unllllll . f'hc l!ljlltll11111
can be edited 111 the tlialog.

Note I quatinn ... "ill ... ho\\ -.imilar rc ... ulh u~mg the equation ICon t l.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 10

7 More global variables.

L ... mg .1 ~unilar pn1cedure to step 5 on page 349. doublc-dtcl- th.:
fi.:aturc F1llet4 and a:.stgn the global Hmable Sm_Rad to the
R~:pcat lhr the li.:alllr.:s Fillet5 and Fillet6 and r~:htuld the pan.

Note I he fillet ,:due-. ban all bcl'll changl'd to the current global \ nnabk
\aluc. 3mm.

Defining the l hb nwdd ''a . . created the sc4ucncc -.htm n bdtm .
Overall Width ( onscqucntl). th~: modd contams some mcom~:ntent hair\\ tdth ..
dunenstOth. In\\ or!- .tround thts. the 0\ enlll '' tdth or the part \\Ill be
controlled by o global 'anabll'. I hat global 'anahlc "Ill be then be
u-.~:tl in an l quation.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

8 Double-click features.
I)ouhlc-cltcl-. the l~aturc-; Plate and Hsg Lo di~play the dtm~nston ....
I he "'half" tdth"" dtm~ll'-ltlll~ arc 60mm and 110mm

9 Create global variable.

<.lick Equations llid, 111 the nc\l Global Variables cell, type
overall. boss, I) pc 125. Rcr~at to create overall base and I) pc 245
a-. '>lW\\ n. Cite!-. OK.

SolidWo rks 2013 Lesson 10

Equations Mun) 11111~s you \\Ill m:l.!d lll c ... tahlt~h u n:latlllnshtp hi.!l\\1.!~11
parameters that cannnt hi.! acht~\ l.!d ustng gcomctm: rclatton~ or
moul.!ling tcchntqul.!~. For 1.!\amph:, you can use ~:quattons to ~:stahlt.,h
mathcmatical relation~ hct\\Cen u tmensions in the modcl.
Dependent vers us lhc Sol u.J Works Mlli \\are u ...e... cquatwns or the limn /)epellc/('1//
independent fllciLpeodC'III . I hi-, means tlwt 111 the equatwn I B. the .,y.,h.:tn sol\ e'
for I \\hen gt\en B. You can cull R utrl'cll) and chang~: it Once thc
equation b '' nu~:n anu npplicu.) ou callllllt direct I) change I lklilrl'
you start '' ntmg equations, you need 111 dcctUl' '' hich parameter'' tll
c/rilc lhc equal ton (the tnd..:pendelll unc) and'' htch \\ tll bc clrit'('/1 h}
the equation (the dependent one)
Functions l'he Functions tncludc basH: operators. tngonomett) functions -.uch as
I s in() anu logical .,latemcnts li"t: if() .

... in() colan() arcwtan() till( )

-- - --
cos( ) arcsin( ) abs( ) sgn( )
-- -- 11{)
tttn( ) arccos( ) c>.p( )
(can Usl.! "-
sec() atn( ) log( l
m ll)l
COSI.!C( ) arcsec( ) sqr( ) eo m part son)

File Properties Thl' File Pro perties mcludl' phystcal pmpt:rltcs 'uch ,,., SW-Mass
and 0 SW-Volum e. lhc l'Urrent \llllll.: ol'lhc rrorl.!rt:. IS li'>tl.!d in
parenthc~c~ .

S W-Mns..,( 6 . 6~-1) ~ W-L:-. \( Ml:!.-11)-1)

~ W-lknstty(O.OO I) ~W- 1 \)'(0.000)

~W- Vnlumc(665-1.253) SW-L \/(O.OtHl)

S \\ - SurfnccAn:a(J 7 1'l .-112) "W-1) \(0.000)

SW-( 'cntcroiMass>-.(0.000) SW- I yy(-15!U92)

- ~ w- I .}/(().()()())
S\\ -Ccntcro!MassY( l2.07X)
- -
~ W-l'cntcro !Muss/ ( 0.000) <;\\ -I /\(0.()(10)
~ \\- -P\{-1 'iX.J92) ', W-1 t} (0.000)
\\\-Py(662...19-l) ~\\-1 //(662.-19-1)
-- ---
~ \\-- Pt( 662.-19-1)

Measure I he Measure optton ullo\\.., you to cr..:at.: and use thc 'all h..' nr a
rcli:rl.!nl.!e d1mcn.,ton "ithtn thc ..:quaunn

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

Equation Solve I quallom. arc 'ill I\ cd in the order 111 ''hi eh the) arc ll"h:d 111 the
Order Ordered View . ' If Automatic solve order 1:- clicked. the order or
the cqua11on~ '' 111 be automatically dctcrm1ncd to <1\()ld 'ol' c 1 ~!-.uc...
... uch a), inlinitc loop!-.

....... -.....

[ <Mal

- "Ot.,.;.r


'0 .....-

Direct Input of [ quauons can be <lddcd d1rc~.:tl) into Propcrtyl\.1anagcr numeric input
Equations lil.'ld" usmg d1rcd mput. l'hi" mcludcs the Property!\ lanagcr... l'or many
common command., ... uch <b e.\.trud..:s. r..:,ohcs, lilkh and pauerns.
The) rc ... ulllng. ..:quat1on:. '' ill appear 111 th..: Equations, Global
Variables, and Dimensions dmlog.
. t:a'l.2_ _ _ _"._]


--- "I

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 10

10 Double-click dimension.
Th.: global vanabl<:-, "111 be us<.!d "1th tl um:nsinns Ill create cquatwn ....
Double-click the ba-.c 1\:aturc anti tlouhh:-clld. the 110mm Ullllt:m. mn
as -,ho\\ n

11 Equation.
In the Modify uialog. l) pc - aml clld. Global Variables
>overall_base(245). J)(, not click Of.. ) cl.
12 Complete the equation .
I) p<.! /2 to cnmpletc the CliUatwn. Click OK and rcbullu the part.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

13 Equation dialog.
Op~n t h~ ~quallnn dialog. l h~ wmpl.:tc<.l ~li Uation 1~:
"D2@Sketchl = "overall ' I 2
( h.mge the 'alue or " overall base " tu 250mm and click OK

14 Overall width equation.

l ~mg the Hsg l.:atur~ an<.lth.: hall\limcn-,lon 60mm. create all~\\
~o. quatmn u... mg the global 'ariahlc overall width. I h~o. ~o. nmplct~d
~o. q LHIII\lll Is :

"Dl @Sketch2 " = "overall boss " I 2

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 10

Creating a In order to mamtam and ~et a mmlmum edge dl'>tancc from the c'bme
Minimum Edge hole 10 the outer lihcr... of' the part, glohal \'ariabJc, ''Ill he w.cJ 111 a
Distance CtJll<lllllll.

In thl'> cquatmn. a nunhmatmn nl'tho.: c'horc J1amctcr and the

minimum edge tllstance \\Ill be uscJ to the lillct radiUs.

Z:let rad1us

Planning th e I\ basiC f(lrlll of tin: Cljll:ltiOil '>tarts IIJ..o.: this.

minimum ec(f{e cli.ltwtn /il!tr racliu.1 - c horc cliwnettr '
The minitnumt't(!!.t di.,tcmn \\Ill be rerrescnted usmg a global 'ana hi..:.
~n 1tmu<.t lie on the right s1c.le of the equation the cquatwn to
1110\ l' the./illl't radius to th..: kit <old..:

:lilll't nultn\ - c 'horc diameter I :!- mmimum t't(~e tlilttmn

and linally
Jilll't radius minilllt/111 ed~e cli,tann! I c 'hore tliolttt'tcr I :!

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013
Con figurattons

15 Create global variable.

llsing the Equations, Global Variables, and Dimensions dialog.
cr..:at..: a Ill:\\ global \ariable as shlmn: edge d1st Smm
Opuonall~. add Comments to th..: global variahl..:s or equatmns and
click OK.

Adding an lquations can he adt.h:d dir..:ctl} in the Modify diu log or through the
Equation Using Equations, Global Variables and Dimensions dialog. fhe larger
the Dialog UIHIOg. 111dude't the S:lllll.! llp11011S l'nr scl..:ctl011 ol'gloha l \<lrJabks.
runctiom lite prl1per11es and m..:asur..: nption., that are a\ ailahle m thl'
Modi!) llialog b..:c Equatw11 on page 355) and more

16 Add dimension.
l'lu:k Equations .md douhlo:-click the Filletl lcaturo:.
Cl1ck in tho: Add equation cell anJ selcl:t the 12mm dimeno;10n as
shm\ 11.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 10

17 Select global variable.

Click in the Value/Equation cdl allcr the= ~1gn anu ~elect

Global Variables> min_ edge_ dist(8). I"~ pc+ but do nut ciH.Io. OK

" !;oo....,.

.._ .. _.2
.._.. _ _ 3

-..-... ....
Note The red + mdicate~ that the equation 1~ mcompletc.
18 Add dimension.
Dnuhlc-click the CBORE for M6 Hex Head Boltl feature and !>elect
the 14.55mm uum:n~10n as ~hlm n. Do not chck OK yet.

19 Complete the equation.

l)flC I 2 anu chclo. OK. I he edge dist \Jiuc '" arrhcu

Lesson 10 SolldWorks 2013
Con figurations

20 Change values.
lc't the global \ ariabh.:-. and cquatllll1' h) d1anging '.llucs.
Sm Rad 1mm
overall boss 135mm
overall base 225mm
min edge dist 6mm

21 Expand Equations folder. W .........,.

o ~. ~.~
I \ pand the Equations roldcr in the o OI.' stn
lcHurcMunagcr des1g.n tree. All or the global g ...........,..m
g _,_.,._dost.6
\ilnahlcs. "1th current va lue .... arc listed. = Mam.l not 5peO'!It'd~

Note R1g ht-chd.. the lolucr name nr<lll) of the glohal '.~rwhlc-. anu click
Manage Equations to open thl.' Equations, Global Variables and
Dimensions umlog
22 Save.
Sa\ e and do-.1.' the part

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 10

Other Uses of Pun conligurullon.., ha' e num~.:mu.., appl i~:atwrh ant! u:.cs. ~ome nr the
Configurations r~.:a-.nns
for creating dlflcr~.:nl conligunttions include
Applicaltnn-!>pecllic rcqutrcmcms.
Dtllcr~.:nt product -..pecrficatinn.., such as a mtlitary and ~:I\ tlian
\ er:.ron ol a part
Performance cnn..,tdcrallnn-..
\ssembl} ton,td~.:ralloth .
Application -specific Man) times the lint:.h~.:d
Requirements purl model contains line
d~.:t.ul such a-. lilleh and
rounds. Wh~.:n pr~.:panng a
pan such as the one
shm' n at the right ltlf
finite dcment analysts
(I[ \ ). tit-.. desirable In ... imphf) th~.: part. B) the
unnecessary u~.:tatl lcaturcs )llU can cr~.:atc a contig.uratwn -;pcctficall)
for I I A
Another apphcauon that might r~.:qutrc a :.pecrah!ed mndd
rcpres~.:matmn \\oulu h~.: rapu..l protot) ptng.

Performance P<rrts '' tth complc\ g.C(llllCII) :.uch ""-.wept and loft~.:J fi:atur~.:....
Considerations \ art<tbh: radru-.. fillet-.., and multHhtckncss shdb ha' c a tcndenc~ to ta\
sy::.tcm r~.:sourc~.:-... You mtght \\Untto ~:nn ... ider detinmg a configuration
that ... uppr~.:s-..~.:s ... om~.: of the ...~: features lhis "ill allll\\ you to tmpro\ c
-.y-.tcm performance ''hen \\ orkmg. on other. unrdat~.:d area-, of the
modd . Wh~.:n ynu dn lhi .... hmn:vcr. h~.: sure tnlllkc 1111 n accoulll parent
child r~.:lallO!h . You cannot acces..,, use. or rckrcnce :.upprc-.-.ed
feature-.. th~.:rd{m~ they can, o;cn ~.: a>. parents.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 201 3

Assembly When \\llfklllg llll .:omplc\ Js-.emblie-.thal Clllllam large number-. or

Considerations par\:,, ll!>lllg simpli lieU repre-.entatlllllS or thOSe parts C;.ln IITipnl\ e
~}:-.lem perlimnnncc. ( onsider -.upprc... ,.ing unnecessary detail such as
lillets, lea\ ing onl) cntic;.il g.comctr) that 1s neetkd for matmg,
interli:rcnce dtccking, and ddinmg lit and lunctmn. \\hen ) nu add a
componem to <Ill a""cmbl}. the Insert, Component, From File en<~hlcs you to chouse the configuration 1ll'thc part to he
shO\\ n. I o t;tkc bc-.t ad\ am age of this,} ou ha\-c to plnn ahead. ddinmg
and sa\ mg tlw conligunllton \\hen the component is bllllt
()unilar parts that h;l\ 1.' the same
baste -.lwp!! can he ddinl.'d as
Jj ne rent conliguration-. .Jild
in thl.' saml.' assembly. I he pan
sho" n at the nght has 1'' u
conligurallons. f' nr an c\amplc
sho" 1ng. hm' to w.c 1" o d tlli.:rcnt
conligurauom. ora part\\ llhlll an
assembly "~'I.! L .,' Ill}!. Pan
Configurmion' i11 . I.Ht'lllh!h., on
pagl.' ~29
Modeling V. hen )OU modi.!l a pan that\\ ill he used" llh ~:ontiguratmns. you
Strategies for -.hould gJ\ e -.umc thought to ''hat you \\<lilt th~: ~:on figura tions In
Configurations COntrol. l ons1dcr, ror C\<tlllplc. the par!US~U Ill the (11'~\ iou ... prOCl:dUrl!.
One \\<I} a pan like thi-. ~:an he moddcd is Ill 11l<tke a single sket~h of
thi.! prolilc and huild the part'"' a '>lllgk rcH>I\ ed katurl.'.

\I though that approad1 -.ecms etlir1cnl. hm mg all the inf'onnat1on

contamcd 111 a wtglc. monolithic ICature reall) limits your l1c\1billty.
B) hrl.'aking th~ part do\\11 uno,mallcr. mdi' 1dual feature!', you gain
the tlex1hillt) of h~mg able 10 '>Upprcss l~alllrl.'s such as lil leh or cuts.

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 10

Editing Parts When conliguraltnth arc atlth::d tu u part, fcattlle-. ma} hl' automattcall:r
that Have '>Uppressed. tltalog., hst man: <tddnmnal npuuth. anti mhcr strange
Configurations thtng., can happen. I ht'> scctmn sho".., "hat happen.," hen there arc
multtplc conliguration~ " 'the part hemg l.d ned.

Note l'ntl condittun.,. color., and matenal-. can .1l-.t1 be conligun:tl.

Introducing: Add Add Configuration can be u~cd ltl manually add conliguratitltl'> lll a
Configuration part

Where to Find lt Shortcul f\lcnu. Rtght-clid.. in the Ctlnligurationf\lanager and cltck

Add Configuration

Open the part.

Open the part WorkingConfigs. lh i;. part
has 11ne conliguration: Default.
Conligurallon-. and ne\\ fi:aturcs "ill be
added to the pan

2 Add configuration.
Chck the ConliguratumManagcr tab
Right-click in the Conligurn110nManagcr anti click
Add Configuration to accc,., the Configuration
Properties dt.tlog.
lhc Add Configuration to adcJ a cnnliguration
n.1mcd keyseat nnd opttonall}. atlcJ a comment
(lick OK.

Note By dclaultthc opt tun Suppress new features and mates ,.., ..,eJected.
l ht'> means that "' nC\\ fcawrcs arc added. the) arc 'llppre..,.,cd 111 all
contiguralloth c\ccpt the aell\ cone. \ t tht'> t11ne. all three
conligurm tons arc the '><lllll'.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013
Configura tions

3 Added to list. 8 ~ Wo11angConfrgs Configwbon(s) (keysut)

rh~ ne\\ cnn liguration I~ 1-e .P Default: Worl mg onfrg!j
added to the list and ~ ., I eyseat [ Wor~rngConfigs I
au iOllUllCilll)' lll<ldC the
acll\ c eonligurauon. Noucc that the name nt'thc act I \ c cnntigurutiOil 1~
shm\n 111 pan.:nthc!>c~. appended Lo the pan name 1con
4 Copy and paste.
<.. l1ck the keyseat cnnligurallnn ami d 1ck Edit, Copy. ( licl-. Ill the
(\mligurallon M anag~r and clicl-. Edit, Paste.

5 Rename. 1::! WomngConftgs Configorabon(s) (ports)

R1ght-dicl-. 1111 the ne" contig- <R Detaultl WorlrngConfrgl I
umllnn and cl1ck Properties .,p I < ,, ' I
R~namc the ne\\ cnnlig.urauon ., ports [ WorlnngConf1gs I
to ports ;tllll cllcl-. OK.

6 Active configuration.
Douhlc-cllck the configuration ports lil mak~ it the acti\ e conligura-
Tip fhl..' nJml..' 111 squar\.' hracl-.ets I'> the name that" Ill app\.'ar Ill a BOM .
lh1s can he changed h) changmg th\.' "cttng lllf th\.' Part number
displayed when used in a bill of materials in the Configuration
Properties d1alog.

Design Library I hi.' Design library I'> a Ctlllcctinn or features. pans and assembly till.:"
'' 1th111 the Task Pane. 1 he lilcs can be mscrh.:d 11110 pans and
assemhlies to reuse c\ 1st mg daw. The features folder ''Ill be u-.ed 111
th1s c\ampk.
Default Settings ll1e liN llf three lihral) katures \\Ill be mserted w .. mg the lkfauh
-..~ t ltngs
lhr lo~o:atl<ln anJ -.tte.
Where to Find lt lasl-. Pane Design Library ~ 'drag a lthral) feature ontn the

7 Folders.
( Itd. the Design Library and the pushp1n.
I 'pand the features loltkr.
I \panJ the inch l{1ldcr.
( li~k the fluid power ports fillder.

'""jlDI ._jlt~l

'"'"""'- lt..,_._

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 10

8 Drag and drop.

l>rag and drop the saej 1926 1 (circular
face) 1\:ature onto the rlanar model lace a~
:-hem n. The drop liu.:c is thl' Placement Plane
for thl' lcawr.:.

9 Settings and selections.

cll'ct the conligurauun 616-24 from the lbt. ~ x
Sl'iccl thl' Edgel (circular edge) rcl\:rcncc a~
lllUICatcd Ill thl! prl!\ IC\\ \\Ill dO\\.
C l1ck OK.

Note I he Link to library part opt1on ''ill creme a link to update th1s rart
lrnm change~ 111 the lihrar) ll:aturl'.
Tip Override dimension values Jllm' ~the Internal dimension
'alul!s ol" the lculllre to he changed.
10 Feature. 13 !) sae )19261 (c~cutar face)<! >( 51624)
l"hl' hhrar) 1\:aturc 1s <lddcd to the ~ (-) SN!tch2t
I caturc:Mtmagcr tks1gn tree as a ~Plane!
llhraf) katurc eOIISISIIIH! of E:i SAE Port
~ketch~:-.. a plan~: ,md a cut ~ Port Si<etch

Note I hl' '"L" IJhds superimposed m er the lea tu re ICOn'> mdicatc a lihmr)

Lesson 10 SolldWorks 2013
Configura tions

Multiple Man) lc:.tlllr~::; contatn mu ltiple rdi.:rencc~ to l ~tces. edge'> or planes.

References I h~:sc arc used to a!lach dimcns tons and set relations on gconK'tl")
I r thc rdercnc<.:'> arc not properI) attached to modd gcomctl"). the) "il l
become dangling. I or more m formatiOn. '-CC /?,alia' h Dilll<.'tlliom on
page :!X6.

11 References.
Drag ,md dnlp the saejl926-l
(rectangular face) leatun: onto the
planar race. llm, feature rcqutre~ the
sele~.:uon olt\\ o references. each betng a
ltnear model edge
~elect the 716-20 configuration. r or
the t\\o References. ~elect the edge
shl)\\ n tn green foliO\\ cd b) the edge sho\\ n 111 red.
12 Dimension values.
~et each Locating Dimension
to 0.5" by cltckmg the cell and
I) pmg.

Click OK

13 Check configurations.
l hc ne\\ 1\.:aturcs arc tii/SIIf1JII'e ssed in the actiYc conlig.uratum (ports)
but suppreswd in all the mhcrs.
~~~~"--~~~~~I k~l "j ~
~ WC>fb,gC~ l>c')"<<O< o..,.l.tyltotd>l
!QI s.n.....
4: ~Nii .:not 19Ktled ~
I& r....,
~ TOf'
~ R"Jhh
4: - ...... --~...t
~ fo-
~ Top
I& R"Jhh
!. Oogln
o!o uw
g .....,.. u-
Q wi<
(l r-
tl f6oll
c:a -jm61

- <Jll;l

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 10

Dropping on "iomc li:atUfi!S attach tO ClfCUJar face~ of the target nHHJcJ anti fl.!ljlllfe
Circular Faces the tirst ..drop'' face to he that face. In thc:;c case~. the Placcmem Pl<tnl.'
i-. ~clcetl!d atier the drop.

14 Active configuration.
Makc the configuratton keyseat the actl\e one.
15 Feature.
Open the keyways folul.'r 111 thl! dl.'stgn ltbrary Drag .tnd urop the
rectangular keyseat ti:atun: ~m to the c/r('Uiur fa cl! of the -,hall.
<)dcctthc 0 0.6875 W=0.1875 conliguratton and thl! planar ~:nd
ti.tcl.' as the Placement Plane.

16 Reference.
~ekct thc ctrcular L'c~~l! or the end
flux as the Reference.

Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2013

17 Locating dimensions.
c;;~:t tht: Locating
Dimensions tn the
\itluc~ -.hlm n.

(.lick OK.

18 Check configurations.
I he ne'' h.:murc 1s tmwppressed in the acll\ t: cnnfigurallon (keyseat)
hut supprcued 1n all the other-.,.

' 6:-
' "'"""'9<""'"1'

==-. . -if. .
~ --
~ TOjl
~ Rogto
(Dof. . .O.U..> ~St.dl>l

=--. .-. .

~ ~-
~ '""
~ Rorjht
f\--~~< J.>l

. """" 0.,....

WO'""'J{onf'9'C...roguo~ (!)of....
f'e ., [\~taut:. I Wor\ ~ngC~r 911

19 Save and close the file.

SolidWo rks 2013 Lesson 10

In the Advanced In th~ ml\ anec:d course l11emhh \lot!.f111g. the: conlcpt nr
Course ... Configurations ~~earned ullo asscmbltl.!~.

\sscmhltl.!s can ha\ I! conliguratJI)Ils that an: en:atl.!d manuall~ usmg

ennligurl.! eompon~nt. \\ ht k part conli~urati1111s locus on features,
<l'>!>l.!mhl:- conliguraunns fonts on components, mates. or assernbl) lca-
turl.!s. \s ..cmbl) configurations can he used to control.
fvl.Hcs aml \-latl.! Dimcn-.tons
.1\\sl.!mbly l c:aturl.!"

\tthe Js~cmhl) k\ !.!I there arc morc npttons Ll\ ailabk Ill control onl.! or
more C\llllpnncnl mstancc:s.

Exercise 48 SolidWorks 2013
Configurations 1

Exercise 48: l ..,~an c\t<.,llng p:.m to create c.:ight 11C\\

Configurations c:on l igu ratmn~ m four scn cs.
1 llw. lah n:111forcc" the l(lllcl\\ tng sktlb:
le/cling \e11 Con/igumtion' on
r~1gc: 1 'x
Changing Cmr/igurcuiom on
page 3-1 I

Procedure Open the c\t.,ting part Speaker.

100 and 200 <..,urpn.:s.... liiNtpprc..,, the ti:atun.:s to c:rc.:atc the li1llo\\ ing
Seri es C:<ln ligurattnn ....

100 Series 200 Series

lOOC lOOS 200C 200S

c , S Slave

No te

SolldWorks 2013 Exercise 48
Configurations 1

300 and 400 ~urrrcss. unsupprcss ur mmlll~ dimcnsilllls of the lcaturc" toncatc the
Series rnl hm mg con liguratlllll\.

300 Series 400 Series

300C 3008 400C 4008

C = Contr ., Slave


Detail of Tweeter, I he Tweeter, Rectangular lc:tlurc ~11c di11"crs from till: 200 to 300
Rectangular scm:s {nght)

Exercise 49 SolidWorks 2013
ConfiguraUons 2

Exercise 49: U~~: an \!.\1Stll1g part\\ llh configun.:

Configurations dum:nsl(lll and conligur..: f..:<llur..: to
cr'-at~: Ill!\\ ~.:onliguratllllh
This bh rl.!mli1rccs the l(lll(m mg skilb;
le/cling ,\cu Con/igllrttf/IJ/1.1 1111
page UX
Clttm.~ing ( oll/iguratiom 11n

page 341

l n1b millimeters
Procedure Open the e.\i..,llng part Using Configure Feature.
1 Configure Dimension and Feature.
Cr..:ate conligurauon ... the conliguratmnnames. d1men..,wn \ alu..:s
Ior CtoC@Sketchl and the li:utur..: state or Holes as shu'' n hclo\\
Size 1. 130mm. unsuppn:'oscd
S1ze2. 115mm. Lm<>upprl.!s'-l.!d
Size3. 105mm. unsuppr..:....,..:d
Slze4. 105mm. suppressed

Note Tu d1spla: d1m..:n-.wn names.

clld. View, Dimension


2 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 50
Configurations 3

Exercise 50: Use an c-..i~llng part"" the basi~ for a senes

Configurations nl con ligurat ions. Create ui trerent \'CrSU)Jl<,
3 by suppressing 'anous leatun.:s in cach
ll us lab rcmli1rt:cs the li1lhm mg 'kills:
le/din~ \ t'll Con/igurarums on
page 33X
( 'lwn.~ing ( 'on{igurtllitms on page 341.

Configurations Open the e\1-.tlllg part con fig part. Cr..:ate ne'' con ligurations to
match the cnndltl llns and names hciO\\. \dd features to the modd
'' h..:re reqLurcd.

Includes ammo
holder and sight

Includes neither Shu\\ s <I scctillll cut holder nor through the
sight Standard model

Note lhl.' Section cnnliguratmn 1s creatcd u... mg ,t cut feature In create the
cut li.:ature .tell\ ate the Standard conliguration. !'hen u>.e tht' Front
plane and the command Insert, Cut, With Surface to cut the mod..: I.
What is th is Thing? rh\.' part li'Cd Ill thl>. 1:\alllplc 1-. the
main t\\ 111 h.1rrd colllplmcnt fiom J
toy that shnoh ... uti. l\1a111 rm:kch

E~tercise 51 SolidWorks 2013
Ustng Global Variables

Exercise 51 : ( r~:at~ global 'anablcs Ill create equalt11es 111 an

Using Global e'\l..,ting part and test 11.
Variables Thi ... lah remltm:~s th~: folio'' mg "'-db.
(Jfohal I ar/(/hh\ on page 34S
Creating HtJIIafllll'' on pag~ 34X.

l 'nit ... : mitlimeters

Procedure Open the ~''"ling part named Global Variables. Cr~ate a global
\ariabkthat make ... a ll the l'ill~t;. fcatur~ '<llu~:.., equal.
1 Create global variable.
( r~:ate and appl) a global Hmablc nam~d
AllFillets ami set it tn 2mm.
\pply th~ global 'ariahl~ to the tlimt'lhinn nf the
Rounds li:atur~ .
2 Apply global variable.
\pp I~ the global 'anablc to the remainmg thr~c
fillet 1\:atun:... :
3 Test.
rc~l th~: linb b) changing the global \ ariable-.
' aluc tu 3mm ami rehulldmg.
4 Save and close the part.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exerc 1se 52
Usmg Equations

Exercise 52: l r~at~ an ~quauon u~mg an

Using c\J..,llng ran and tco.,t 11.
Equations llm !.1h r~tnforcc.., lhl' following
htfiUitiom on page 35 \ .f

l n1h: millimeters
Procedure Op~n IlK' C\ISIIIlg rartnamcd Using Equations lllc dimclhl011.., A. 8
and C\n ahn' c ''ill h~ us~d to dclinc the Cl(Uation.
1 Write equation.
\\ me ,lfl ~l(U<liHlll that 1-ccp.., the ho lt
cJr.:lc uwn~tcr (A ) ccntcrcu bet\\ ~~n
th~ Ollhlue ~dgeo., of lh~ hub ( 8 } anu
flange (C). I he (A ) valu~ ..,(wuld he

2 Test equation.
k-..t th1. el(UJIIlln he changmg the
llangc u1amcter ( C ) tn 300mm . the
hub dJaJ11CII:r ( 8 ) to 150mm ,lflu
rebulldmg the model. lc..,t oth..:r
'a lue-.. 11 you "1 ... h.
3 Save and close the part.

Tip lf}Oll an: hJ\ ing trouble. the ~l(U<IIinn f(lmlal -.lwuld he:
A=( C-B )/2+B
'vluhiplying both o.,Jde-. by 2. the Cl(tJation can be \llnplilicd to:
A =(C+B )/2

Exercise 52 SolidWorks 2013
Using Equations

Lesson 11
Using Drawings

Upon ... Ul:ccs..,ful clllnplctmn oftlw. lcs ...on. you\\ ill he ahlc to:
( 'r~.:atc W\ ~.:ral I) p..:s of drU\\ tng \ IC\\ "
Mmill~ dru\\ mg \ lt.:\\.., h) <1l1gnmcnt md tangt.:nl edges.
\dd ,mnotalll\11.., In a ora\\ 111g.

Lesson 11 SohdWorks 2013
Usrng Drawings

More About Dm\\ mg:> 1\t:r.: lir-.1 1ntrmJu~~d 111 I e.u1111 3 /Jam Pari Jlocleling. In
Making th1s seetum 1\C 1\ ill e\plnr<.: ... nmc Jduillonal t.h:t.llling tnp1c-.. lhc~c
Drawings tnp1cs mdudc: Model Views. Section Views. Detail Views ami
sc\cral Annotation t) pc:>. In ;tddltion. multtplc dra" mg shcch "ill he
used tu1ktail h11th the lixged and n~;u;hmeu CllnligurulHm..,llf the part.

, .' I m
g' ./
I 1.:-::
! l /~.: --
""- --
Q ' I

~: ::--
- --- :.- :.::........ -_.
Stages in the lhe st~ps 111 pl;tnnmg and e\ccutmg the cl\!,liiOil ufth1-. dra\\ mg arc
Process listed helm'

lmrouuctwns hl man) common I~ uscu dra" tng 'tC\\.., mduding:
...cctllln mndd. and projected 'ic'"
l se .umotJIIIlll' tn mid nutc-. <md symbol" to the dra'' mg.

('lid. Tools, Options, System Options, Drawings, Display Style,
Tangent edges in new views anu Visible

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 11
Usmg Drawmgs

2 Open the drawing Ratchet Body.

Open the dr:m in!! named Ratchet ~
Body lt ~~an A <ANSI) Portrait -,hel'l
\\llh one dnm mg 'le\\ .
I he other -.heel 'clltng:-. <tre:
Type of projection I hird angle Q
Scale I I


Section View The Section View toolt:-. uscd Ill crcall a ne\\ dra\\ ing 'tC\\ that ''
ddined ~~ CUlllllg an e\1-,lill!! \le\\ \\ tth i1 sect lOll line. I he '>el:llllll
'tc\\ cl;trilie' tiK mll.'rHH constrlll:llon of an modd that cannot bl'
cl earl) Je.,crthi.'U hy hu.Jtkn fmc-. 111 the stantfarU \le\\~. f"hc 'l:Cllllll
'IL' \\ ,., autnnhlltcall) aligncu Ill the parent '1.:"

Where to Find lt CnmmandManagcr: View Layout > Section View :J

Menu Insert, Drawing View, Section
C.,hortcut l\knu I{ ight-dtd. in the graph tc:-. .trca and chd;
Drawing Views, Section View
llcrc <Ire some c\amplcs:
., -,
Vertical .! ,---

Gl !==

(Dep ~



Lesson 11 SolidWorks 2013
Usmg Drawmgs

Horizontal ,:-lj

E9 c::::::r- j_i


Auxiliary ../ '' I



f .
Aligned oJ "'

Arc Offset j
Note: lh~ oll\.:t t) r~~
.tr~ ,tY;ul,thl~ unl) tf
)'llll ~kar Auto-start
section view 111 th~
l 1 rnpL'rty~ la nag~r

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 11
Using Drawmgs

Single Offset 1

Ull I
f h NlL

Notch Offset
-l "'""" . .,
r L{i)~ .

I IT D11 I

3 Section view. ~-VOIW- --. .,

l"l1ck Section View :J .

Cl1ck Horizontal r-~ anJ

Auto-start section view m th\!
Pror\!rt} Mnnag\!r l h\!n, click '' h~r\!
ShO\\ 11 tO rlat'\! the CUlling 1111\! near
the m1uulc of the handle.
Du llllf click 111 r lacc the \ ic" yet.


Lesson 11 SolldWorks 2013
Usrng Drawrngs

4 Place view.
\..:t th~: tollllWing prop..:rti..::-. ~

Display style <. lld.. Use

parent style
:~ [ ,_,_ ]

Scale <. lld.. Use sheet scale ...

J o..:.- ....
(. lld, hdo\\ th~ \ 11!\\ to phl\!1! IlK'
'..:..:lion \'IC\\ .

-- 4


- ..._...
U...-.nt.:* "
Ullt ...., . . .

_,_ 11


'-'"-......... ..
View Alignment \llgnm..:nt '' u-...:d to k~:cp r..:lat..:d dra\\ Ill!.! 'i..:w-. ulittncd to
1H11.: anoth..:r h) llm11i11g mm 1.!1111!111. Wh..:11 ym1 drag a' IC\\,
dash..:d lin..:s .1pp..:ar to 'ho\\ any 1!\lSllng. altgnm..:nt
..:ondtllon-.. ,\ltgnm..:nl ..:an h..: .1dd..:u llr ..:d lh1111 ~Ill~


Break Alignment I h~: autum.tllC alignment h..:t\\ ..:..:11 a '>ourn dril\\ 111g '11!\\ and a -...:..:tiu11.
111 prnJe..:ted '1e'' ..:an he hrok~:n to nunc the' te\\ freely.
Where to Find lt \hort..:ut M..:11u Rl~ht-dllk a' IC\\ ami click Alignment,
Break Alignment

SolidWorks 2013 Lesso n 11
Using Drawings

5 Break alignment.
Right-click the \eCtl(ln 'le\\ and clu;k Alignment, Break Alignment.
I he 'le\\ 1s no\\ li-ce to 1110\ e
Tip I o 111\l\ ea\ le\\, cltck the edge or Alt+clu.:k any\\ here in thl' \ ll'\\ and
6 Similar section.
Crea te another -,cctmn \ IC\\ \\ 1th '11111la r scttmgs
to the prc\ ious one. !lddltlonalf) . ..,efcet Partial _.... ....
section and Display only cut face(s} : :. [ ~Ooft-

\tier plactng the scd1on, break the al1gn111cnt as in

the prC\ IOU'- 'tep.


l __ __j


Model Views Model View creates u 'mgle 'ie" hascd on a pn:ddincd 'ic\\
oricntatHilr Top. Front. Isometric and "o on. r hc Vie" Pa lette
(!Jntll ing I ic11s on page 9 I) can also h\. used t~l create an <lrtentatton-
hascd ' IC\\.
Where to Find lt CommandManagcr View layout> Model View
1\lcnu Insert, Drawing View, Model
~hortcut '\ lcnu R1ght-cllck m the graph1cs area and click
Drawing Views, Model
Tangent Edges Tangent Edges arc tllplllog lcal edges of ntce... that match Ill tangency
lhc most cum111onl) seen tangent edge" arc the edges ol lillch !hey
.1rc otlcn made '1:-ihk 111 p1ctonal ' te\\.., hut arc rcmm ed lhun
orthographic' 1e"' '\ou '\.'t the' tsthtl ity of tangent edges 111 llC\\
' tc\\' (-,cc -,tcp 1 on pagl' 171-:) or change mdt\ 1dual 'ic'"
Where to Find lt ~hortcut 1\lcnu: Ri ght-click the' 1\.'\\ and click Tangent Edge

Lesson 11 SolidWorks 2013
Using Drawings

7 Model view.
l'llck Model View and 0
cl id, the Ratchet Body part. "" ..
~rw'G~ht~to MMwMttod aNII'Ied.....,.h<wn
Click Next Y. Clld. Rlght .....
..,.._h~(JNI'Pttw~ UftlCU thl' hi beb- ......t trll!f\ p.:. tt.-

as the Orientation :md

.. ' t.lllhllrt-ehtclt,....,ai:IOO'

- ..-
PillttiA.,.,......,t...._. con~ds.lottrwntdw.w~
Hidden Lines Removed nl Qs>on :O>:~norUi ~lithe~

u~ the Display Style. Click M tHtitp

Use s heet scale.
lbrdo<d -
Place the \ IC\\ JUst aho\c the

title block area ami cl 1ck OK.
!he' IC\\ is\\ idcr than till'
sheet format border ....
Tangent edges.


Q.. GP


~(A) ..,_.....,_ I!"

r~J 9.,,....-,d..,.. (A) .,.........,V.W %
R1ght-c llck the\ IC\\ and click o...-..;,....0........-.o

Tangent Edge, Tangent (.. . ...tK t'hNrM.,...., . ( ) J

Edges Removed. O tto~>- c-

O o..ot..,., ..._.,.._
Olol- 4


C u..cuot... ....,

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 11
Using Drawings

Broken View Broken Views ....omt:ttmc~ called mll:nuptt:d 'tC\\'>, makl' 11 p1h.,ihk to
dtsplay a long part :.u a larger ... calc on a ... mallcr '"I.! drawtng sh~.:t:t.
rhis , ... donc h) crt:aling a or hrcak 111 thl' \ ll'\\ using a p:.ur orbr..:ak
Where to Find lt (. ommandManagcr: View Layout> Break :t
M..:nu . Insert, Drawing View, Break
~hortcut "vknu Rtght -cltd. m the graphtc-. an:a and cltck Drawing
Views, Break

9 Broken view. '.

~l.!ll'ct th..: 'te\\ and dtck Break liJ. lltck Add
vertical break line anu set the Gap size to
30mm L se the ddhult Zig-Zag Cut.
llu:l.. 111 tht: 'te\\ to cr.:atc patf' nr hrt:ab. \\hen "
thl' lirst patr ts cotnpkte. the' tC\\ brl.!al...., Crcntc a
sl.!cond hr..:al.. on th..: handle. ( ltck OK

Lesson 11 So lidWorks 201 3
Using Drawings

Aligning Views Vit:\\ scan be aligm:d by ong1n or ccmcr. n1ey can also be rcLUmcd to
the default alignment.
Where to Find lt Shortcut Menu: RighH.:IIck a 'IC\\ and click Alignment

10 Align views.
Right-click in SECTION B and click Alignment, Align Horizontal by
Origin Click in lhl! bru!...en 'ic" tn complete lhl! alignml!nt.

11 Complete revolved section.

Align SECTION A using the -.uml! proecdur..:.

~----r o _]== o ~

Note I rdii11Cihion-. arc added acros., the break lm..:s, the) arc Lru.: and include
tlw hn:a!... symbol -./'-.

. ~. -=8~,)~

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 11
Usmg Drawings

Detail Views Detail Views can h~: c rcat~:d usmg a closed -;!-etched shape in an
act1vntcd source' IC\\. l hc cnnt~:nh olthe detail 'll'\\ arc detennmcd
hy "hat 1s encluscd "llhm thl' sketch.
Where to Find lt Cnmmand\ lanager: View Layout> Detail View 0
1\knu. Insert, Drawing View, Detail
c;;hortctn Menu. R1ght-cllck in the graphic~ area und cl 1ck Drawing
Views, Detail View

12 Detail view.
Click Detail View a and cl1ck Draft quality lor .,
Cosmetic Thread Display.

\ketch a c1rck m the 'le\\ as "hO\\ n. Name the (?. ... - - J
'IC\\ HEAD and cllcl- Use sheet scale and place
the ne'' 'IC\\ a;; "hm\ n.

(}ooo ....


Lesson 11 SolidWo rks 2013
Using Drawings

Drawing Sheets Dr::m mg -.hcch. a-. mentioned carll..:r. r..:pn:-.entthc '"paper -.h..:..:t". The
and Sheet ora\\ ing shCCh ho ld the \ il!\\ S. Uii11Cil!-.H\n-. anJ annntaJH\nS nf the
Formats dra\\ Ill g. ('nntamcd \\ tlhin the Ufa\\ ing sheet IS the sh..:et format rh..:
-.h..:et fi.1rt1lal holds th..: hord..:r. lltle hlm:k anu te'\t to adu
informattnn to the ura\\ 1111!
Where to Find lt Menu: Edit, Sheet Format
\ h:nu Edit, Sheet
\hortcut 1\.knu Rtght-clic.:k on the Jra\\ ing sheet anu dtc.:k
Edit Sheet Format
l\hl\11Clll Menu. Rtght-c.:lic.:k on the sheet lim1lH anu click
Edit Sheet
Adding Drawing l'hc 1-,oltdWorb ur;:J\\ mg lilt! cnntatns one or mun: ura\\ mg sheet-.
Sheets \\ hic.:h in tu m can contain multtpk 'tc\\s. In this ksson. multtpk
dnm tng :,.h..:ets " tth mu lupk ' tews '' tll be created I h..: ne'' dra\\ rng
sheet do..:s not ha\ e to he the -,am..: Sill' "" the current drJ\\ mg sheet.
Where to Find lt I ah \t the hollom 111 the dr.m tng -.heel. c.:llc.:k
Add Sheet 1 )$ft!s!t c::o
Menu Insert, Sheet
~hortcut Menu Rtght-eltck the dra'' tng -.heel anu c.:ltck Add Sheet

13 Add s heet. o+ ' Qwgerp ern

(lick Add Sheet a::1111 and uud a ne\\ Jra" mg
!-.heel Righl-l hc.:k the ne\\ -.heel tah anu cltck Rename. Rename tlw
~heel to MACHINED. Ren.tme the nnginal -.hL:et to FORGED.

Projected Views Projected Views ,tre created h) li1lding nil' an e\1-.Ltng 'tl'\\ tn one of
etght possible proJections
Whe re to Find lt ( lllllmandl\1anagct.. View Layout > Projected View
Menu . Insert, Drawing View, Projected
~hortcut \lcnu Rtght-dtck 111 the graphtcs area .tnd dick
Drawing Views, Projected View

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 11
Using Drawmgs

--'""'-. -
14 Projected view.
<. reate a Model View usmg the
Ratchet Body. l nda
Reference Configuration. Ad_............._ "' ............~ . .... "

sdcct Machined, Long 1,\-L..,."Moctoi
~Machined" lrom the li!-.t.

Clld, Right unentatwn and a


custom !-.Cal~: l'f 1 :2 11.1''' 1: th~o:
eur-.or ahm 1: the nwdd \ 11:\\
and d1ck to plac~: .1 Projected
View. fhc proJected '11:\\ 1s the
d~o:-.Jr~o:d 'IC''
"'1 ............. _

-~w~ ....
<.lick OK. "Oooorrc

-- -

....... _
_... .............

~tJJ Cl





15 De lete v iew.
tl11:l,. the ongmal mudd 'ie\\ (*Right) and pr~o:!'.-. th~o: Delete k~:>

Lesson 11 SolidWorks 201 3
Using Drowlngs

Drawing View The Drawing View Properties d1alog prm idt:-. lnl(mnation ahuuttht'
Properties \ 11!\\ and ;tllml ~ }Oll Ill dtangt: sellmg-. likt: the t:on ligumuon of the
compont:nt u-,eJ in the 'ie\\
Where to Find lt ~h<lrtcull\1enu. R1ghH:Itck tht: 'lt:\\ and d1d.. Properties

16 View properties. the' ie" and
clu.:k Properties. <.ht:ck to that under Use named
configuration. Machined,
Long "Mach1ned" ~~used
-- .....

and d1ck OK.

17 Detail v iew.
.<\dd a Jctatl 'IC\\ rt:nammg it HOLES as
~htl~\ n

18 Tangent edges.
Remo' c the tangent eJge.., in the dctatl '1e\\

Dl1Ail HI""~~ E

19 Section of detail.
(. reute n st:cllon through the ~.:entcrpmn t
nl an .trc t"ly "'\1akmg up the centerpoml
and .,ketchmg ,J I me through ll. Click
Reverse Direction I r nc~odcd . :>E< 11 'f'l

L DEl All f10l ES

Rcm11111..' -,eclHll1 hl SECTION C.

So lldWorks 201 3 Lesson 11
Using Drawings

20 Model view.
'\dd a modc:l '11!\\ u-,tng thl! Machined.
Long "Machined" l!lln ligumtton.
IsometrlC om:ntaunn. -,cak 1 :4 and
Shaded with Edges ;tnd pli.!<:l! it 111 thl!
uppl!r right com.:r

Annotations Annotations Jr.: ")'mhnl., u ...-.:d LU-.:nhJncc th.: dnt\\ mg by pru' idmg
add 1tionul tnlimnattnn li.)r manu1:1cturing and a-.-,l!mbl)' -.uch a-. te\t
and labd"
t\ lun} typ..:., ol antl\lt~llwm, urc d\atlable 111 l.,olidWork.,, I h..: mo-,t
gen..:ntl type, thl! Note. ~~ reprcscnldll\ e nr
the charaltcn,tl.:... thal
c~nnotallon-. po-....e .......

Properties in The lillllm 111g tahk lt..,h .\tJ/1/( of the -.y-.tcm-defined propert1..:.,
Drawings a' atlab le
111 dnl\\ m g-.

J>ro pe rt~ l'llame

I \'aluc

SW-Current Sheet '-.heel numh.:r nf th.: act I\ e 'he..:t

SW-Sheet Format Size I <;h.:et site of the .letl\e ,h.;.:t li)rmat
SW-Sheet Name 1 Name of the acttH' .,heel
SW-Sheet Scale C...~:alc ol the act I' e ..,(ll:et
SW-Temptate Size 4 s11e of the dra\\ ing ~cm plate
SW-Total Sheets I otal number of ,hcet., m the Jt:ll\ e
dr<l\\ mg dorument

Prdh b ntuatcd From

$PRP lurr..:nt dm:ument

$PRPVIEW 1\lmlclm' ic\\ to \\h1ch the .mnntatllln 1'-

$PRPSHEET I !\lode I 1n 'll'\\ '-PCt:i lied 111 ..,hcct

$PRPMODEL 1 Cnmponcnt l\l "h1ch 1hc annotation I'

lesson 11 SolidWorks 2013
Using Drawmgs

Where to Find lt l'ommandM,mngcr Annotation > Note AJ

M~:nu. Insert, Annotations, Note
~hortcut Menu. R1ght-cl1ck 111 th~: graph1cs area and click
Annotations, Note

1 Note in v iew.
Douhl..:-cltck the dnm tng '11!\\. Cltck Note A and cl1ck m th..: model
'11!\\ , I) p~: Configuration und prcs.., the Enter ke)

Douhh:-cltckmg in the dra\\ mg
Link to property.
Click Link to Property

links the note to tht.: 'ie''

- und cltck Model in ~ Jlbiel"'.-r'll"

view to which the Modcf~ww....._n""""~ta

annotation is attached ~ ll'llfld'l: .............. a1QI:Ncl

<-.dcct SW
Configuration Name swa...,.. ..- ~ .... - l

lrnm the list and cltd, OK.

M:JC~11ned lor 11

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 11
Using Dnowmgs

3 Copy and paste.

(lick in the\ JC\\ and cllcJ... Edit, Copy <.lick
on the dra\\ mg and ciJcJ... Edit, Paste
l !Sill):!. the dr~l\\ mg. \ IC\\ rnlrcriiCS. change the
con liguraLJOih to those sillm n her~
Mochinecl. long

Co11!igUJalio 11
Machined Sho1 l

Datum Feature Datum Fe ature Symbols can h~.: add~.:d to a dra\\ mg 'IC\\ on a ..,uri~Jc~.:
Symbols that arrears"" ancdgc (Including ,Jihnucllcs) t(l Jdcnlll'y datum plane'
111 the part

Where to Find lt <. ommam.ll\ lanagcr: Annotation > Datum Feature ,;

~lcnu: Insert, Annotations, Datum Feature Symbol
Shortcutl\knu: RJght-cl1cJ... in the graphics are;.~ and clicJ...
Annotations, Datum Feature Symbol

4 Add datums.
<. llcJ... Datum Feature ~.\1 and chcJ... th~.: line in ., )C

SECTION C as ... ho\\ n 1\ hn ~.: to the le li ;mu helm' ..-,;. ..

to place th~.: datum Rcrcat the rroceJurc I..W...._

lur the ,JJ'L 111 DETAJL HOLES. A



. / . . dot;ullorr-1 ~

... I ..1. I

Lesson 11 SolidWorks 2013
Using Drawmg s

Surface Finish You can spccrfy the surli.rcc tC\Lurc ora par1 lal:C b~ u... rng. J Surface
Symbols Finish Symbol
Where to Find lt lnmmandManagcr: Annotation> Surface Finish v'
l'vlcnu Insert, Annotations, Surface Finish Symbol
..,hort~o:ul M enu: Right-drck in the graphrcs area <liH.I clrck:
Annotations, Surface Finish Symbol

5 Add surface finish.

llrck Surface Finish v' and Machining
Required <..lick on the lrne 111 SECTION C a...
si HI\\ n. ( lr~.:k OK and drag thl' S) mho I a lung the

6 Dimensions. 0.94?
Use Smart Dimension () to auu
the Ullllt'ns11ln' us siHl\\ n .
Note I he 0.949 dJm~o:nswn appear-.'' llh
3 uecunal pla~.:cs acc(l f"Umg lOLhc
document prnperttc~ . In one nf the )ti.;IIU

l(llJO\\ lllg '>ll'lh. \\ C nlllllr f) tht'- 01, -09

UI Il1Cil~l()tl.
c c

t J
R '- R9

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 11
Using Drswtngs

Dimension l he prop1:rl11:s nl a drm<:rbron can he accc-.scJ b)' sclectmg a

Properties drmcn~mn I he optron~ arc dt\ rdcd ullo thn:e tabs: Value, Leaders and
Where to Find lt Dimension Pwpcrt~~1anager Leaders

7 Diameters.
Cltd, either or the radr,tl dtmen~wn-; 111 DETAIL ~

HOLES ( lrd. the Leaders Lab ol the Dimension ~-yea.:.=.)..__

Proper!) Manager and drck Diameter. Rlp..:at l(lr
th..: rcmmnrng radral d11ncn~1on


J JU.~ . . . . . , . .
JU. _ _ _ .....,

[L} b ttr'Ci blnC --Rw.t

fJ) 4 '--- /])18


8 Tolerance.
Click the 0.949 dtmem.ron ~hm-.n and set the
Tolerance/Precision \ alue~ :
lolcrancl' l)'pc Limit
l'vh1 \ 11num V:matt\111 0.1
Mmtmum VanaLH\11 0.2
Primar} u11tt rn:ei.,ion .1
1.0 I
0.7 - -t IJ

Lesson 11 SolidWorks 201 3
Using Dr awmgs

Centerlines Centerlines ..trc cn:c1ted a' llmtcd I me" and an:' in the drawing\ IC\\
Where to Find lt <.ommaml Manager Annotation > Centerline ~
~knu Insert, Annotations, Centerline
'-thortcut Menu. Right-chd. 111 the graphic' :~n.:a ;mu ehd.
Annotations, Centerline

9 Add centerlines.
Click Centerline .. Band did. the t\\ u C) lmuncal

., x
;~ ,-q.Q4n)'I(~ ',.


- - - ..;;===-- - - - - - - - -
Geometric l hc Geometric Tolerance Symbol "'u"cd tu adu getlmetm tnkrance"
Tolerance usmg l~ature ctlntrol frame~ to part' ami c.lnl\\ mgs. 1\olid\\ nrb
Symbols supports \ N~ l 'I 14 .5 Geometric anti I ru~ PosH mn l olcrancmg.
Where to Find lt Ct'mmandl\ l anagcr. Annotation > Geometric Tolerance
Menu Insert, Annotations, Geometric Tolerance Symbol
\ lwrtcut Mc.:nu R1ght-d11.:k m the: graph1cs .m:a and c.:llck
Annotations, Geometric Tolerance Symbol

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 11
Using Drawings

10 Geometric tolerances.
( Itd. Geometric Tolerance ~i Clu.:l.. No
Leader. ll~mg th1. ")'mhnl~. ltsh anti ..
1-~:)hnard . cr~at~:
th..: ") mhnl ...h<m n hd1m.
(real~: a second s) mbul usmg the

[4[~ 0.10 [Bj

1 010 I :
~~ 0.20 lliJ

l_""'~_O._IOF_~_'_ _ ___.I ,-=-

Tip I he Primary. Secondary and Tertiary pulldn\\ n-.. h,l\ c a
cumtliiMtmn nf L) pc-m and '>) mbol hut tun ...

11 Drag and drop.

Drag. and drop the gcomdru.: tukrances 111*1 d r mcn~ron" "" slumn.
I h1.') attach to th~. drrncn,rnns and 11111\ c "ith them.

ITI~~J~J \ rffH1> 0.10 ~.BJ

(' c


Lesson 11 SolidWorks 2013
Using Drawings

Copying Views 1"\t'illllg 'ie" ~can b.: copted and rast.:d '' ithm the sam.: .,heel. onto
dtlli:relll sheet... \\ 1thm the same dnt\\ mg. ~1r bel\\ een dnm mg'i. I he}
can also be 1mn cd '' ithout copymg
12 Drag and drop. a ..._..,. a ...-..,.
In the ~eaturcManagcr Senlr< llJ-..
L\I N'I IOC.tlltlln w............
dcstgn tree. hold d(mn Ctrl .. Ui llwtl
und drug the lust dra" ing -~~
--~-..., ..
.. a:
. tll ,... ....... ,

'te\\ up and drop it on the ~e[iil

FORGED sheet c........ ~ "'()f~~

The copted 'te\\ 1~ placed on .. ;JSo<tlan-lHI

,. ~-- .. :J-.-
D>-- . l!\)eo-. /
the FORGED sheet a., a rh!\\ .a Oo< .. ._lbO(l ,,
lilVOot.. N>r
QjMNJl!IC) t tlt~VII l
\ IC\\ . !Oij :;t-oootf'u..... l .. QI I'IAC>1H[I
lii @l c-~v.....,
!Oil -"""'"'~
. a C!o<al -..:.usn u 1*' !! 1>--
. a .,.... _ .,u:su l
. ;J 511on-c<
. fli t - -.. . ;J -..n-C<
. e . fii o.__,_,
EJil ....,_u
Tip lh mg drag <llld drop \\ tlhout the Ctrl key mo\ cs the' il'\\ to th\.'
dnl\\ mg sh\.'el.
13 Switch sheets.
( lid. the FORGED tab at the bottom oi' thl! '" indo\\ lo slum th,ll sheet.
14 Copy in sheet.
(.up~ the' 11..'\\ again and set the conliguratiuns fur
~.uch us si1U\\ n.
Forgoo LOI'Q

forged Short

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 11
Using Drawings

15 Add dimensions.
lf..,t: Smart Dimension c to .tdd tlw dimt:nswn~ as ~h~m n.




RI R3 \ .

Lesson 11 SolldWorks 2013
Using Drawings

Dimension Text I h~ Dimension Text group ho' th;~t app~~m. ~1rd ..

'' h~n you ~clc..:t a dlm~n--1on allo\\-. )llUto prdi\.
app~ml 11r replm.:l.' the 1~\t ol.1 duncn:-wn. I h~
.lctualtc\1 ,., -.h,m n a-. <DIM> 111 the liciJ. llid.
hdm~ ur i.ilkr the 1~'\ 1 (m u-.e Enter 10 add l111e-..)
to place tC\l and or s~ mhoJ...
lkletmg the <DIM> te'\1 chmmat~.:sthc 1~.\l nfth~.:
di mcn .. um li1r n.:pla~~m~.nt.

Tip 'I h~ lmHr port iun nl' th~ group hu\ eont<llll'- ..:ommon I} u-.ed ~}m hob
-.udl "" thameta. d~.:grc~... and cent~.:rlin.:.

16 Append dimension text.

C...ckct allthr~c ol'th~.: radwl dimcn,luns in the
'le\\ Place the cur;.or alicr the dun~n!iun ll''\t
(R<DIM> ). pres;. the Space bar .md 1~ pc TYP
Clid. OK

,-- F<l fYP 1-~fYP- \


J; o- , ,


SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 11
Using Drawings

17 Replace dimension text.

Cl11:k the 220mm d1men~1on and dl.'lctc the
<DIM> te\1 llw. message .tppcar..,: Overriding
the dimension value text <DIM> cllsables
tolerance cllsplay. Do you wan~ to continue?
lllek Yes
I~ JK' tlm. tc\l.
220mm Long ___
180mm Short and eh~!k OK.

Z'l'nrn l<HCI
B 'CIJmrn Sh:>rl

:. r -'

18 Save and close the files.

Exercise 53 SolidWorks 201 3
Detarls and Sections

Exercise 53: Create a multiple "heel Jra" m~,t of' a part.

Details and lhi ... lah n:mf(lrcc:-. the roll m\ tng. -.J...ill-..:
Sntwn I tell on page 379
\lode/ I ie1c1 on page 383.
Broken 11"''' on page 385. ~E<..flvN H<:Jr,JIHondte
'CAlE ~:I
Pmi<'<'fl.'tf neu' on pug.c 3XX.
Cot~ling ltt 11 .1 till page NX
/Jimen1i111t Tc rl on page 400
lJnits: millimeters
Procedure Lsc the pan Deta.ils&Sections to create Jra,, mgs -.IHm n here and lln
the I(>II m' ing page

Sheetl Create the dra" mg ... hm' n hclim u... mg an A (ANSI) Landscape
temp late !'he red annntauons arc for danlicatmn and should not he
mcluueu on the tlra" mg

UCIION Hol\dl" Hondl

$CAlE 2: I HCIION $10pt-$1opo

Top vtews

. . . <11Qo4. . . . . . . . . .

ProJected VIeWS =~~.


- ........ --.
..... ,_.......... . .................

__ __
-.. w
., ...,.,._
.llll D'11(; U O
A 04 IO~& SucfiC>~
~-u... . .- '..:.Al..t I WEI0t11 HR

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 53
Details and Sections

Sheet2 <. rl!at~ th~ dra\\ mg sho'' n hdlm usmg an A (AN SI) Portrait temp l at~.

o....... "'Vl&WS

__ ____
.............. .,.....
_.. ... _..........
~~~:-:: . ~.:::.

zf?."~~ -- -- :_...... - &

Exercise 54 SolidWorks 2013
Broken Views and Seclions

Exercise 54: Create .. multtpll.' \ 11.'\\ dra\\ lllg or a part.

Broken Views l lw, lah remli1rce.., the l(,llo\\ mg .,!..tfl..,.
and Sections
)cctum I iell" un page 3 7tJ
\/odd lle11.1 1111 page 3~3
Brokc11 I lc11 nn png~ 3H5
lltg11i11.1! I hu1 on page 1X6
( enterlim s nn page 396.
Din~tmioll l'mpcrti, on page 395.
Dimt'mitm Jht tm page 400
llnn... : millimeters

Procedure U:-.e the part Broken&Sectlons to create Jra,, mg:- "l11m n here .mJ on
the folllm mg page

Sheetl (. rcatt.' the dnm Ill!! "ho" 11 bclm1 using an B (ANSI) Landscape

--- :::
. ....
....8 ~ .. .,. ,. . ...
fi:J't , ...fC

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 55

Exercise 55: (. n:al~ a muluph: '1~\\ dra\\ mg tlf ,t ~

Drawings pan "11h ~.:onfigurnunrh ........:
1h1s lah n:mforc~s th~ [(,lltm 111g skills:' (@) '

S<'cl ion I h
!>era if I /e1r.1
pag~ 179
page 1!P
ln11nfaliom nn pag~ 391

l lnn-. millimeters
11 on

Procedure U'e the part Design for to create a B--.1/t: dr:111 ing '1mrl:u 111
Lhc one shcmn here. ~cc dcta1b hdo11

Views '\ lodd and o.,ccuon \ 11:\\..,

c:::: Q ::::::, C:::: ! I :---.>)


~ -1>127 -J ~ 1>~ ~
S( , .."",. . . . F<:.1~Hll

AU 1' 1

'L '


Exercise 55 SolidWorks 2013

Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly

l pnn "ucce.....,ful cumpli.:unn ot'thi.., lesson. )<lU "Ill he ahk to:

Crco.uc a 111.:\\ assc:mhl~ .

IIN.:rt compon.:nt.., Into an a-.-.cmhl> all <l\ o.11lahk technique!-..

,\dd matmg rcl.tllon,hlps hc:t\\c-.:n compnncnts.
Utili/c.: the U!-.!-.Cillbly-..,pc.:cllic ,!..,pc.:c.:t!-. llfthc: I catureManagcr lh.:..,lgn
tree Ill man1pulate <111d managl' the as..,cmhl}.
ln-.crt '>llh- o.~..,scmbhc:-..

ll-.e part cunligurat1nn.., 111 an assembly.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modelmg

Case Study: lhts kssnn '' tl l e-.;aminc assemhl~ tmlddin!lthrough tilL' con.,tnH:llnn
Universal Joint of a Unl\ er-,,tl JOt Ill. I he Jillllt Clltl\t\ls nf 'e\ cralcompom:lll'> and one

Bottom-Up Bnuom-lp as...emhhe., an.: created h) adumg and onenung e\1:-.tmg

Assembly path 111 an n..,:-.emhl) . PJrts added to the a-.~emb l y appear a., Compcm c'llf
l'art.1 . t omponent path an: nnenh:d and posJ111>11ed in the as...emhl)
using Mates '\1ate' relate race:-. and edge-, ur component part., to plane...
llld other litces cuges.
Stages in the ~lli11C1-.e) \t.lge._ tnlhe mouel111g procc-.\Orthis a-.-..emhl) .tre '>hll\\ n in
Process tht folhm mg I1st I .1ch ol these tnp1cs comprbcs a scttwn 111 thc
k-.son .

Creating a new assembly

Ne'' assemblies arc created u... lllg the ~amc mtth<ld m. llC\1 pan-..

Adding the first component

<.nmpom.:nh can he ad1kd 111 se\cral \\,t)' lhc} can he draggeu and
dmprcu tiom an open part '' indo\\ ur opened from a sl.tndard hm\\ .,cr.

Position of the first component

I he 111111.11 component audcd tn tht a~... emhl) IS automallcall) li\cd :hit
t., added Other., components can he pn-..n11mcd alitr the) an: added

FeatureManager design tree and symbols

l hc I eatureManager dcsl!!ll tree mcludes many S) mb11l-.. prcli\es <lltd
!>lllliw... that pn11 tuc inlimnatnm ;thllllt the assembly and the
t'0111pllnents 111 ll .
Mating components to each other
1\l.!lcs ,trc LN:u to pos111on and nm:nt complllll.'llh " 1th r..:li:relll:e tn
each nther 1\ l:llc~ re mm e degree~ of fretdom lrnm the component-..
\~~cmhftc.., cJn ht cro.:ateJ and llbl.'rted mtn the cuncnt a.,...emblj. I ho.:j
arc cunstdcro.:d ... ub-as..,cmhl) compnncnh

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 12
BotromUp AssC!mbly Modeling

The Assembly In tfw, lc.:~~on \\O: ''Ill make an a~sc.:mbl) u~mg C\1\llng compnnc.:nt~ .
I he <h~o.:mhly 1" u un1' c.:r:>al Jlllllt, :md 1~ made up of a numhcr of
mui\ 1uual parts and ono.: "uh-<l~scmhl) u-. slum n hclo\\ :

crank sub

Yoke male

pin[long) --..4:.;;~


Yoke female

1 Open an existing part.

Opc.:n the.: part bracket. \ n.:\\ assc.:mhl) ''ill
he .:rc.:ato.:u us1ng th 1 ~ pan .
I ho.: lirsl component uuuc.:d In <111 a-.semhl)
should he a part that \\Il l not mmc, By li\lng
th.: lir~l compon.:nt, otho.:rs can be mated lo it
\\ lthnut Un) dang.:r or 11 mm m g.

Lesson 12 SolidWo rks 201 3
Bo ttom-Up Assembly Mod el/11g

Creating a New Ne\\ a-;..,cmhltc.., can he cn.:atcd t.ltrcctly or he lll<tuc from an op.:n part
Assembly or assembly. l hc ne\\ as...cmbl} conta lll!\ an ongm, the three sl<muarJ
planc;. and a Mates lillucr
Introducing: Make L ..,e the Make Assembly from PartJAssembly optlllll to gcncratc a
Assembly from Partl ne\\ a-..... cmhly from Jn upcn part. l"hc pJrt 1s uscu "" thc liro.t
Assembly component 111 the ne\\ <J-..>.cmhly <lllU '" li'\CU m -.pac.:.

Where to Find lt 1\.knu Bar: New . Make Assembly from PartJAssembly ll

Menu: File, Make Assembly from Assembly
Introducing: New lilc can bc cr..:atcd h) New
1\ ne\\ assembly ~ anti ...dcctmg
Assembly an """cmbly h:mplatc

2 Choose template.
('Itd. Make Assembly from PartJAssembly ;t! . Us.: the
Assembly MM tcmplmc.


Note I h.: unit\ Ill thc ,h...Cillhl} can be t.ltlh:rcnt from the Ulllh ut' the parts.
I or c\amplc, ynu can assemble a 1111\lurc of meh anti milltmct..:r parts
111 an ,ts-...:mhl) \\ hos~ units arc Ice! I ll m<.:\ ..:r, "hen you cult the
dilllCihiOil>. lll'wlt' of the parts m the cuntexto l' the assembly, they " Il l
he di..,playc.:d m the un1h ol'the a... ..,emhly. not tho..,c of the pan thdl'.
t '>lllg Tools, Options. you can check the unit... of the assemhl) anti il
J..:~meJ. dMnge them

SolidWo rks 201 3 Lesson 12
Botto m-Up Assembly Modelmg

3 Locate component.
Placl.' the componl'nt at thl'
ongm b) rlacmg thl' cur:-.or al
lhl' ong1n or h~ ~ mply clicking
4 Save.
Sa\ c the asscmhly under thl.'
naml.' Universal Joint
t\s!>l'mnl) lib, hm~: lhl' till'
l'\tem.on .sldasm.
Cluse the bracket part till'

- "'
~ s:::=--
IGt. . . . pt11!rW


Position of the lhl' mit1al comptll1l'lll adtkd to thl' a~"~:mbl) '"h) dd<tull. Fixed
First I 1\l.'U componl'nh c.mnot hi.' mm l.'U and arl' lockl'd mto platc ''hen.:' er
Component lhl') rail \\hen you lllSl'r\ lhcm mwthc tl'o~Cmhly . By the 4-l
cur-..or dunng placement. thl' component\ origm 1:-. at the assl.'mbl~
origm postllllll. I h1s abnmcuns that the plan~.:~ of the l'lllll[llllll'ntmateh
thl' planes of the J"sembly, ,\llU the l'Oillplllll'lll i~ fu lly uelincu.
( on~dcr a~semhlmg a \\a-..hmg machml' ll1e first componcntlogtcally
"ould be the frame onto "htdt c.:' crythmg dse " mounted. B} al ignmg
this componl'nt \\ ith the us,.,emb l) \ plunes. \\ e \\ ould l.'stahl ish \\ h;~ t
could IK called "product spael.'". \utomot J\ c manul~tcturcrs rctcr Ill
lhts as .. , eh tell' space I h1s space create-. a logttal fhtllll'\\ ork for
pnslltonmg <tll thl' othl'r Ctlll1J1lll1l'nh 111 thetr proper poslltnn ....

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

FeatureManager \\ llhln the I caturc'\ lanagcr dc-.1gn tree of an asscmhl}. the Iolder-. and
Design Tree and ')mho Is arc slightly dlllcrcntthan in <1 pnrl f"hl'l\! arc also -.ome term'
Symbols that arc umquc to the asscmhl) . Nlm that a part 1s!d there. the\\\ Ill
be de'>enhl.!d
Degrees of There <Ire''' dl.!grec" of lret:dom for any component
Freedom that is added Lot he a">Semhly bdnre ll l'i mated m
li'\cd tr<m">latton alnng the:\. Y. am!/ a'\es and
rotat1on around those same 3\t:s. I hm a component
~~able to mm c 1n the a'-st:mhly i" tlcll'rmtncd b) il">
degree-. ol' lrecdum. 1111: Fix .md Insert Mate
opuon ... arc used tu remm e dcgn:cs ol' l'rt:cdom
Components Pans th,\1 ar~ ~ Asseml. (Deault< Deault_O.sp~St.ate-1>)
1n~crted 1n1o the ~ Sensors
a-.-.cmhl). such a-.. the (lJ Annotations
bracket, arc ~ Front Plane
reprcscntl.!d b) th.: ~ TopPiane
same top-Ic\ cl 1cun ~ Right Plane
as 1s U'-l.!d in th..: part I. On tn
$ ~ (f}brack~<l> (OefaultDefault>_OtsplayStatel>
C.:ll\ lf011111\.!lll.
'\:.!'.Cil1bl1..:s can alsll &:1 Sensors
I AnnotabOM
be lll!'.Crtcd and ,,r..:
J;: Maten.JI <not speCifted>
-.IHm n \\ llh ,1 -.inglc ) front
1con. I hm C\ c.:r. "hen
the.: lt-.ung or these
1con-. 1s c\pandcd.
the.: tndl\ 1dual
components ;md
~'en the.:
li.:aturcs an: l~!'.tcd and acce'isihl..:.
Component Part l.ach component part contains the cntirl' contcms of thl' pan. incluuing
Folder all lcaturc-.. plane~ anti <1\l.!s.
Note Ir thl component IS .111 as-.cmhly, the as-.cmbly. incluuing a lithe pan~.
"o1ald be d1spla) ctl.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modo/lng

Component Name lhc compnntnt name 111 the Fcalllrcl\ design trcl.' tbplays a
\\Calth of mlilfllKilllln.

(f) bracket< 1> CDefault~ult> Display State l >)

'~ o,,,,, .....

~~ Configuration
Instance Number

F1le Name

State of the Component

State of the component

lhl.' part can be l"ull). ll\l.'r or under d~lincd " ( ) ur
(- ) ''gn 111 pHrcnthcsc ... ''ill precede the name 11"it '"Over or Under
Defined. Parts that arc umkr ddined ha' c some degree' tll
fn:cdom <1\ :11lahlc lull} de lined tllll.'s ha\ c none lhc Fixed state
(f} Indicate.., a compnncnt "" li\l.'d 111 1b ~.urrcnt plNtlon. hut 11ot
mat~:d Th\.' lJUI.'sllun mar!..(?)"') mhol1.., l'or compon~:nts that ar~:
Not Solved . I hc:-.c Cl'lllpnnenh cannot he placed u... ing. the
llllilnll.ll1011 gi\1.'11
File Name
lhc namt of tht ~.-omptment. part ur asscmhl). 1s listed. I he ictln
\\ill slum \\hcther 111-. a part or an asscmhl).ltlr mnrc information
un ........cmhllc-.. .,cc fnq rtmg )uh-orl\clllhlic.l 11n page 440.
Instance Number
lhc mstancc number i... u... cd mtcrnall) tn d"ttngu1sh each instance
oJ' thl: nllllfllli\Cill from each ut her\\ hen lllllftipJc lll'>tanee-. nf the
emnponent arc included in the ~hsemhl)
Instances arc not renumber~d 1<.1r deletions lhc h1ghe'>t mstancc
number 111<1\ not relkct the total.
the cunligurauon. Default in thi-. e\amph:. ts the eunligurathlll11l'
the cnmpon~.nt that '" used h~ tht). .~-. ...emhl~
Display State
I h.: dt~pla) \liltc. <Default> .Displa.y_Statel in tht~ ~\ample. i~
th\.' Ul'>pl.t) \t..ttc nr th.: ClllllflOilent that i... u-.ed h) !Ill'l ......cmhly.
I m more mlnrmat1on on ellntigur<llmns anti di ... pht) \late' 111
a:-.scmhl1e-.. the hsl'mhh \Jodcflll~ manual.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modcllng

External \\'hen :m~ p<trcnt uocumcnt 1~ opcncu. all document~ that :.~re
References Search n.:lcn.:lll:cu h:y the parent uocumcnt an.: also loadcu 11110 memory. In the
Order ca~c 111' :J'>'>cmhhcs, compOill' llt'> arc loadeu mto memo!) accordmg tn
the supprcs-,ion state th~:~ \\ ~:n~ 111 \\ h~:n th~: a-,..,crnhl) ''as""' ~:d.
lh~: '>llll\\are ..,l:'<m:h~:-, for rl..'l~rcnc..:d documcnh m path., you can
"p..:c1l). th~: path "h~:rl' you last op~:ncu a uocumcnt. and otllL'r path~. If
th~: rd~renccd document 1" '>till not round, the son,, arc g1' c-..) ou the
opllon Ill hnm '>C.: f11r it ur ope.:n the a ...-....:mhl~ '' 1Lhout the uocument. Sec
the Seorclr Routing /rll' Refi'n'IJcetl /Jocwnelltl topic 111 the onlmc help
f(Jr i.l complete IJ~t or the.: path<, the -..on\\.;Jre sean.:hcs.
Note J\ llupdat~:d n: fcr~:n~:e path-, in the parent dm:ume.:nt ar~: stl\ e.:d "hen you
s,l\ e the parent doe.:ume.:nt
File Names I'!le.: name-, 'hould he 1111/Cfll to a\ o1d bad re.:lcre.:nces. "ohu\\urk-..
~:an not open (\\ (l uJill:r~:nt document ... \\ ith the -.;am~: name at the , , lllll:
lime. """cmbhe.., can use.: the \\l'<lllg pnrt 1ryou ha\ I: L\\0 d1tlcn:nt parh
'' 1th the ..,,,me n<~mc I kr~: ,trc L\\O c\nmpl~:-...
hHl tit fll:n:nt p<~rh called bracket.sldprt an: '>J\ ed ;md do-,ed.
When )Oll open an as ...cmbl~ thut rd~rcnce-.. bracket.sldprt. the
soli\\ arc\\ tltw. c '"h1che\ e.:r l'llllll.':, lir-..t 111 the ~\!arch nrder.
\ lilc n.1mcd frame.sldprt I'- open 111 ~olid\\orb . lhi.!n, )lllltry
to open an <ls-,embly that refl:rcncc-. a d1fl~rcnt lile named
frame.sldprt. lhc "on ware gl\ e.:s the l(llltl\\ mg me~"age.:: The
document being opened references a file with the same
name as an already-open document. You can conunue to
open thc a . . -..cmhly '' llh all in-..tances offrame.sldprt -.,
or) nu l'an :tclept the open li 11.' a" a rcplaccment.
Annotations I hL' Annotations katurc 1:-.. u~ed fi.1r the same pllrJ10"I.! "" m a part.
\nnutat1on-. can he added at the Js-.emhl) le\ cl and 1111p1\J1\!d to a
dr:m mg. l hcir dl..,pln} 1s als11 Cll!llrollcu b) the Details nption.

SohdWorks 2013 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modcllng

Rollback Marker I he Rollback can he w.. .:d in an U">scmbl:r to mllhack:

Assembly planes, axes, sketches
Mates folder
Assembly patterns
In-context part features
Assembly features
An:r katun:s h~:lo\\ the arc suppr~::-.scd . lndl\ 1dual components
cannot he rolled ha.:J..
Reorder Certain obJeCt:- in an as..,cmbly l'an he reordered. I he) arc:
Assembly planes, axes, sketches
Assembly patterns
In-context part features
Mates within the Mates folder
Assembly features
Mate Groups lhc malmg r..:latllllhlups m <lsscmbllcs arc ,_
O c...unn"~-*1")
grouped tOgether into a Mate Folder c< canudlntl er .... ,, ...~dart c ,,,
named Mates. \ mate group ,.., a
ClliiCLtl<lll of mate' that get '-.O)Wd Ill the Order Ill\\ )uch lhC) arc Ji ... tcd.
1\11 ;~sscmhhc.., '' 1ll ha\l' ,, mate group
Mates Folder
The ltlldcr used to Ill! Id lllJh::" that arc ...oh ed together. ldcntllied h:r
a double paper dip 1con
I he rclatinn..,hips bet\\ cen l~1cc-.. cJgcs. plane.... axe-. or ..,J..etch
gcomctl) that dcline the location and oriental IOn or
The) an.~ JL) \cr...ions ol'thc 2)) gcom.:tric relations 111 a !'>J..ctch.
Mate!. can be used to J'ull:r dclinc a componenL that Jocs not 1110\C,
or parually delinc on..: that "' mtcnded Ill 1110\e. Under IHI
condlllons !-.hnuld a compono:nL hc O\ o:r dclino:d. I he pos:-.Jbk -.talcs
I or a mate an: Under Defined. Over Defined, Fully Defined or
Not Solved.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bo trom -Up A ssembly Modellng

Adding One<-' the lir't cnmpon~.:nl has been m-.t:rted .md fully ddineJ. ntiH:r
Components parts can be aJdcJ and matcJ tu 1L. In th1s <.':-.ample. the Yoke male
pan\\ il l be inserted and mu ted. l his pan ,Jmuld b<.' under <.klincd sll
that 11 I'> tree to rotate.
There arc ''-''era I '' ays to add compon<-'nh to the a-.sembly:
Use the Insert dialog
Drag them from the Explorer
Drag them from an open document
Drag them from the Task Pane
\ llthese nH.:tlwd., ''ill be demonstrated 111 this lesson. hegmnmg '' 1th
use of Insert Component. Jlm, 1s th~: same dwlug that app<..'ar"
atllolllatleally \\ hen Make Assembly from Part'" used
Insert Component I he Insert Component dwlog ,.., u-.~..d to lind. prc\ 1<-'\\ and add
eump<lll<-'llh Ill the cun~:n t assembl}. <.licl-. the Keep Visible (pushpm)
huuon Ill aJd muluple components or multiple mst<lll<..'e-, or th<-' -.amc

Where to Find lt ( ltmmamHvlamtger: Assembly > Insert Components >

Insert Components
l\ lcnu : Insert, Component, Existing Part/Assembly
\\ mdo\\" 1 \plnrcr I)rag a <.'Omponelll mLO the gntplm:~ .trea

5 Insert Yoke male.

llick Insert Components and elld,
the Yoke male part usmg the Browse
bullon. Po-.iuun the component on the
-.erc~:n wth<-' k li o l the bracket and clicJ..
lo plm.:e ll.
I h~: ne'' component ,.., lhted a-.:
( ) Yoke male < 1>
1hi.., means that the compllnent '"the lir-.t mstance oi'Yoke male and
it i'-o Ulldl..'f' dc!ined. lt s(lll has aJJ SI\ dq!.f'~'CS or frecdUill

Tip nn a compnnl..'nt 111 tlk' I caturel\ t.mag~:r d-.:stgn trce '' il l causl..'
lh<ll componcnltu htghhght. \ I'll. lllll\ mg thl..' .:ur"or to a comJWrh.:ntm
th..: graph1-.:s '~ md1m \\ill di,pl.l) the 1\:ature mtml..'

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

Moving and Onl' or more ~elected components can be 111m ed m rotated tl'
Rotating repo,llmn them ll1r matmg usmg the mou,e, the Move .md Rotate
Components Component command~ or the Triad
Move Using Abu. mm mg under de lined componcnh simulate' mm cm cm of a
Dynamic Assembly mcchant'm thnlltgh d~namtl a-..-.cml:'ll) ll1l'llon Sl.'c Dnwmic Aswmh(t
Motion llmirm on page 429
Move Move Component '" used to nw' c the compon~..nt 111 space.

Where to Find lt Mow.c Button: Drag a Cll111poncnt ,.., 1th thc lcll mm1'1.' button
t otmnand\lhmagcr Assembly > Move Component ~
1\Jcnu: Tools, Component, Move
Move Rotate Component " used to rotatl.' the componcnt in -..pace.

Where to Find lt Mouse Button: Drag a component \\ ith thc mou-..e hutton
t ommand~ lan.lg.Ct" Assembly > Move Component . Rotate
Component 3
Menu. Tools, Component, Rotate
Triad The Triad '" u-..ed Ill dynamtcall) 1110\C Jlong an il\is nr rntme about .m
~1\i ...

Where to Find lt ~hortcut l'vll'nu a component and

dtd. Move with Triad

Note Move Component and Rotate

Component hdm' e as'' -.mglc. " -
untlicu command. B) C\panding + , .. c...
either the Rotate or Move
npttom you l'an ""Itch ht:t\\ l..':n tht l\\ o command-.." lllwut C\cr
dmtng the Proper!\ Managtr
l hc Move tool has se\ era I nptlllllS Ior de lining thc l) re ol lllll' cmcnt.
I h1. option Along Entity ha-.. .1 sch.:ctwn bO\. Along Assembly XYZ,
By Delta XYZ. and To XYZ Position rcqlllrc eoordmatc "tlucs.
I he Rotate tool ab11 ha-.. nptu1ns to dl'linc ho" thc nllllpnncnt '' 111
rot; !le

4 17
Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modo/mg

6 Move.
Drag the compom:nt Yoke male \'vlth the lt:ti
mou~c hutton ~o 11 1~ clo~cr to" here 11 "Ill he
Other option~ I m mm mg and rotatmg the
nlmp.mcnt \\Ill he d1~cus'-ocd later 111 tlm.

Mating ( )h\ 1\lll~l) draggmg. a component I~ not sulliclcntl) precise ror hutldmg
Components an as:-.embl). the ract:l> and edges to mate components to l!ach other
"ll1e pnrts ms1dl.! the bracket arc llltl.!ntkd to mm c. '>ll make sure that
the proper degrees or rrecdom an: leli <.\\ allabk.
Note The Standard Mates .1r~ di:-.cusscd in thl'> lcs:-.nn. 'I he Advanced
Mates (~) mmetm:. ( .m1. (icar and Di~tancc 1\nglc L 1m1t l'v latcs) arc 111 the 1., H'mh/r \lode/in}!. manual.
Introducing: Insert Mate creates rdatwnsh 1p:. het'' cen component parts or het''ecn
Inse rt Mate a part and the asscmhl) 1\\ll or the most common I) mate;. arc
Coincident and Concentric.
Mates can he crcatl!d u~mg man~ d1 !len:nt ohtcct'>. You can use
I aces
I dg~s
~ketch lmcs and pumt"
1\ \Cs <111d orig1ns
Mo~t nWtC<, arl made hetwccn a pair nr objctts.

Where to Find lt ( ommand". lanagcr Assembly > Mate '

Mlnu Insert, Mate
~horlcu t t\knu. Rght-cllck :J component nnd click Mate '

Note \llatcs h:l\ c IC<'Il" that arc based on th~1r type. tor l!\:.tmple

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 12
Bortom-Up Assembly Modellng

Mate Types and Mate' art.: ust.:d to n~:ate rdalwnshtp!-. hct\\ccn component:-.. I ace-. arc
Alignment the mmt t'nmmnnl) used geometry 111 mates. f"hc L}J1C of male, in
combinatiOn "tlh the cnndtlltllls Anti-aligned or Aligned , dc t~:rmines
the result

Anti-Aligned Aligned

Coincident "
(laccs he nn the ~amc
tmaginat") infinite planc)

Perpendicular .L
Altgncd and antt-allgned dn
not appl) to Perpendicular.
Jl. . . '

Angle [

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 201 3
Bottom-Up Assembly Modelmg

I e" er options tre "' allahlc "nh c~ hmlncall1tccs hut they .1rc 1.:\ cry hll
as tmpurtanL

Anti-Aligned Aligned

Concentric @

Tangent c>

__ j~
Cumpon~:nts that <~r.: locked
~el~:ct an)-\\ here on l'OmponenL "Ill 1110\e together. Nn
alignment oplton~.

Common Buttons l here arc thn:e huunns common l(l a lithe control-..

'9 '' Undo

, ts Flip Mate Alignment
v t'- OK or Add/Finis h Mate
In adutlillll to the-.~:. th~: Mate dtalog usclr .tbn h'" -.pectlic mate
alignment cuntrnls. and

Tip \lll-r the mate h.t-. h.:cn created, you~:an right-dtck .mu click Flip Mate
Alignme nt to re' er-.c the altgnmcnL

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 12
B ottom-Up Assembly Modeling

Things to which you l hcrc arc man} type' oltopulog~ ami gcomctl) that cJn be u'cu in
can mate malmg. lhc sdccll<ltb can cn:atc man~ mate t) pc~.

lOI>olog) /
~ e l~ction'i 1\latl'

Faces or

Line or Linear


Axis or
Axis .

Point, Vertex,

f 1
Origin or

Arc or Circular

Lesson 12 SolldWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling

Tip \!though plane' can h~ sdcct~d on the screen 1fthe) arc' i-.1hle. Ill!>
olh:n eas1er to '>eh:ctlhem b) name thmugh the leaturi.'!Manago::r de .. ign
tree. (.lld. the "+" -.ymbol LO the tree and e:\pand indl\ 1dual
component'> and katur~~.
Mating Concentric lhc Yoke. male Clmlponcnt 1-. to be mated so that lh shall align-." 1th
and Coincident the hole and the llat face contacts the bracket 1nn~r toe~ Concentric
and Coincident male~\\ ill he used.

Tip Selectnlll filter'> can be u-.ed to lumt your .,eJection ... hy geometr) t)pc
such as lace or edge.

7 Mate PropertyManager.
( llcf.. Insert Mate ' . Ir the Propert) Manager IS
open. you can select the 1:1ces \\ 1thout using the Ctrl

~ . ~

.L -

Mate Options ~e\cral mate options arc a\ailahlc ror all mates:
Add to new folder
Cr~atcs a ne\\ rulder to hold all the m.1t~s creah.'u
''hi k the Mate tool i-. alii\ e I he folder n:~uk-. m
the Mates fi.>ldcr and can he rcn;~mcd .
Show pop-up toolbar the Male pop-up toolhar on and otl'
Show preview
Sho\\-. thc ptF.Itlnnmg creatcd h) th ~ male as soon as the -.econd
selection 1~ made 11 is nm linal11ed until the d1alng OK i-. dickcd
Use for positioning only
I hr-. option can be U\ed t11 po-.tllon gcometr) without Cllll'>lraining it.
No mate ,.., add~d.

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

Introducing: Mate rhc Mate pop-up tlllllbar IS useu to make

Pop-up Toolbar sdcctllln1- ea~1cr by u11-pluymg the ;1\ all able
mate types un the screen. fhc mate !)pi!:. that arc a\allablc \nry b)
gcumctf) selection .md m1rror those that appear 111 the
Pmpcrt} Manager l hc d1alng appears 1111 the graphic!. but can he
dragged any\\ hen.
I 1ther the on-screen or Propcrt)l\1anagcr dialog t:an he used. I h1s
lcs'-.un USl'S the nn-scrcen dialog. Alii) pes arc lislld 111 the ~:hart \lute
Tt /1C.\ a11tl I Iiglmlt'llf 1111 page -lllJ.

8 Selections and preview.

Select the llu:c:-. of the Yoke _male
and the bracket a.., md1eatcd
t\ s the '-.ccond face 1s ... ctcctcd. the
Mate pnp-up toolhar 1s d1splaycd
Concentric ll> ~clcl: tcd a., the t.h.: f:nllt
and the mate I'- pre\ tc\\CU.

9 Add a mate.
l11c ((tees arc !1s t ~.:d tn the Mate Selections list i \actly t\\o nems
>.hould ;lppcar 111 the lt~L Acc~.:pt the Concentric mate and cltck Add/
Finish Mate (ched. mark) nr right-click 'e OK.
10 Planar face .
Select the tup plan<tr lac~.: of the Yoke_male

11 Select Other.
Use Select Other to -;de~:t the
lmlckn race nf"the bracket on the nf the tup llange. Add a
Coincident mute to hnng the
w lccted lltccs mw cuntal'L

Lesson 12 SotidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

12 Mates listed.
Ih: mate,.,, C(lncentm: and co111cldem. O c.. MK:t(*I:)} "
J( .noJintl {twldrie~ C I ,,'t~...,...w c l ))
n:ma1n listed 111 the Mates gruup bu\
lhey '"Ill he added to the Mates !'older
'' h~.:n the OK bullon on the
Propc11y\1anagcr dHtlog IS die ked. The~ can abo b~.: rell1l)\ cd rrom thi-.
group bo\ so that they an: not adtkd. C.lil!k OK
13 State of constraint.
l hc Yoke male cornpom.nt 1!-. llst~.:d as under
eonstnuned. lt 1s "1111 nbk tu mm e hy rotallng i\round
the '"" tll' 1ts l!) lmdrical surl~tce.
lest thl.' beha' tor lll' till' Yoke_male by draggmg it.

14 Add the spider.

Usc Ins ert Compone nt to add thl.' spider

15 Conce ntric mate for spider.

\dd a Concentric mate hl!l\\l.:~..n the two cyhndncal
laces of the spider and Yoke_male componcnh.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 12
BottomUp Assembly Modellng

Width Mate I h~: W idth mat~: i" on~: llf th~ Advanced Mates from the Mate dialog
O..,cft: d inn:-. mclutf~: n pa ir of Width selections ami a pair oJ' Tab
selections !"he Tab lil~cs arc ccntcrcd bet\\ ccn the Width laces w
Joc:ne the component. fhc spider componen t slHluld he cemcrcd
"1th111 till: Yoke male and Yoke female components.
Width References The Width wleetion-; l(mn the '' tlutcr.. laec.:-.. used tu conta111 the othl'r
en m pnm:nt.
Tab References 'I he Tab sckction(.,) lim11 the 'inner'" li.H:e .... u-;..:d w Im: at..: the

(Front v1ew)

(smgle selection)

(Front v1ew)

(Front v1ew)

16 Width mate.
Click Insert Mate ' and
click the Advanced Mates

( fie!.. the Width , mall' ami

cllcl.. th..: Width selections
and Tab selections as
"'1\)\\ 11

Lesson 12 SolldWorks 201 3
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

17 Results.
I he mate keeps the spider ccntercu IINUe the
Yoke _male '' llh equal gap!:> on each "1uc.
18 Mates by component.
l \panu the spider component in the I eaturcl\ lanagcr
dc!-llgn tree. 1\ folder muned Mates in Universal
J oint is added to each component that 1s mated. lhe
I(Jic.ler eontallls the mate-. \\h Ieh lhe gcomctf) or that
~ Asseml (OefaUt<.OefaUt_Otsplay Sta~l>)
:JJ Sl!n5ln
+ Amotabons
<& Front Plane
<& Rl!tlt Plane
+ ~ (f) bl'liCRt< l> (DefaAt< <.OefaUt> _Display Sta~ I>)
+ ~ (-) Yolcr_llllie< 1> (OefatAt<<.OefaUt>_Display Sta~ 1>)
- ~ (-) ~< 1> (t)efaUt<<.OefaUt>_OtsplayStatr 1>)

8 ~~::;;-.;.;.;..;;;.=,_...,--,--.,---,

.. Amotabons
+ ~bons
!:: Matrnal <not speofied
~ Front
~ Rl!tlt
t. Q-lgn
. ~ra ~
-t a; Cut-Exlrude 1
s ~~~ Mab5
@ Cona:ntnc1 (lrlKRt< l ,Yolcr_llllie<l>)
Cooodentl (lrlKRt< 1 , Yolcr_llllie< 1>)
0 Cona:ntnc2 (Yolcr.,JMie <1>..spide'< 1>)
'1 Widlh1 (Yolcr malr<l> ,!pder-< 1>)
lhe folder 1s a suhsct or the Mates lhldcr '' h1eh wntains all mates
Note I he ie1)11 J:. ind1eatc:-. that the mate 1" in the puth 1\l ground. or, 1t "'one
of the mate-. that keeps the component 111 p(blliOn

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modelmg

Adding Components Another"')' to add components to th..: m.scmbl} '' thwugh \\ uuhm s
Using Windows f\p lnn.:r or My<. ompuh:r. rhe p<trt or assembl)' tih:(s) can he dragged
Explorer and dropped mto the ucttve as,cmhl) .

19 Open Windows Explorer.

Sitc thc \.\.u1dm\s I \.plorc1 \\lllthm ~~~ thc <..,oltdWorf..'> graphtcs area
can he seen. l..,111cc St,ltd\\'orks ,., <l natl\1..' Wmdu\\" appllc<tllon. 1L
suppt.,rts standard \\ indt.m-. tcchllllflll'~ llf..c 'drag and drop ... ! he part
lilcs can h.: dragged from the L\plorer '' indO\\ into the a-.s.:mhl) to
add them. Drag and drop the Yoke female uno th.: graphtc.-. area

lli Ln ....OI
;l L.-..o1
. l .......Ol
Jj. l -
Jo t -
6. t...-

20 Rotate using Triad.

Rtgh t-~.:llcf.. thl Yoke Female and clicf..
Move with Triad. Drag the nng as sho" n.

21 Concentric mate.
Select thc C) lmdnca l f,u.:cs .ts sho\\ nand add a
Concentric nhll.: h.:t\\ e.:n them.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modclmg

22 Second width mate.

\du a Width mate h.:t,,ecn the spider and the
Yoke female.
I he spider 1~ l'Cnh.:rcd on tlw Yoke female

23 Potential over defined condition.

C.., del:! the hrce~ of the Yoke_ female .mtl bracket
as ~hm\ n lkcause of thlllcararKe h~o. t \\e~.:n the
Yoke female and the bracket. a Coincident
mate rs un..,oh ahk I he g.1p pre\ enh cornc rdcnce
I he Coincident mate rs -.e leetetl as dcliwlt and .1
"arnrng dra in!! .1ppcar,.

The default mate type (comcident) would over-define the

assembly. Please select the mate type below.
Parallel Mate r\ Parallel mate ke.:ps the ,deetetl pl.mar l;rc~.~ nr planes parallel to
~.:.rdl other\\ ithout lnrung contact hct\\een them.

24 Set to Parallel.
\cl.:\.'1 the Parallel mate w
mamt.1m thl.! gap hl.!t\\een the
la1.e' Press G to u~~. the
magnrl\ rng gl<r~s ami 're\\ the

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Model/ng

Dynamic Drag untkr de lined cnmponenh to tlispln) the motion allo\\cd h) the
Assembly Motion rcma111111g degn.'es of l'recdom .
Note l omponenb that an: thed or fully Jclined cannot be drugged.

25 Drag components.
Drag the Yoke male complment to tu m 11 !he
mated C<lmponents spider and Yoke .female
mm c '' 1th 11.

Displaying Part ~hen ) nu add a part to an a~~emhl) ) ou can chlllhc ''hi eh ol its
Configurations in con figurations '' 111 be tilsplaycd.
an Assembly
Or. lll1cc the part 1' m-.erted and mated. )llll can '" 1td1 its
con lig.uration.
The Pin I he part named pin has l\\ll conlii!Ur<Hmns; ~
- -
SHORT an d L0 NG \ 11) cnnllgunHwn can I1e LONG
used in the ussembl). In th1s cuse. two
mstanccs ''ill use SHORT and one'' ill use
Using Part 1\lultiph: inst~1111.:es ofthc same JXIrl can he used 1n an tls,emhl). "ith
Configurations each llhlance rclercncing a d1Il~ren1 conlguratwn. \\c \\lllu ...e
in Assemblies multipk- lllslances ora part \\l(h ddl"crenl conliguratmns ltl this

l herc .~re se\ era I "ay" Ill create thl" l) pc ut cnnlig.urat1on '' 1thm a pan
(SCC /c' \ICI/1f() ( 'on{t.f!.l/1"11/111/1.\ f'or more IJ1[(lrlll:lllllll).
l se ~!odd} l on Iig.uraunns
t\pplymg lhllcrent dimension values to mdl\ 1dual conligurauon....
D~:s1gn tahl~:s.

Drag and Drop from I h~: pin" Ill he m~~:ncu h) dragging it in !'rum an np~:n Jocum~nl
an Open Doc ument \\ indm\ into th~: ass~:mhly.
Note l fth~o bracket" mutm 1s still opcn. ~:lost: 11 bd()r~. the 111.'\l sll.'p.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modeltng

26 Drag and drop.

Open the pa11 pm and u1c the" md~1,,..., of the ""\emh1y and part. Drag
and drop the pin Into the assemb1) '' indo'' by thl.! lop-11.!\ cl
component ( ~ p1n (LONG}} from thl.! 1l.!<llureiV1anagl.!r des1gn tree. An
llhl<llliX of the pin 1\ added lll t1ll' as-.emb1).

Important! 1he pin" a compnn.:ntthat q, l.bvesal Jow~t {DI!fault<OdaJit_DisPav statet>)

contain" multiple + (AJ Annotations
conliguraunn~. Lights, Canleras and Sa!ne
(_ nmponcnh lil-.1.! lhl" Sensors
dt~play the cunliguraunn ~Front~
and displa} stall.! they arl.! ~Top~
usmg a... part nf the ~Rqlt~
component name In thl\ LOnort
ca..,c the conligurauon U<.,cd + ~ (f)bf~t<l>
J: (-) Yoke_male<l>
h} m~tanct.: < 1> ts LONG.

.. ~ (-) spdi!f<l>
r hl display stale.., DisplB\Y + ~ ()Yoke f'emaie<l>
State 1 "1thin tht.: (i ()pr~<l>(lONG<<l.ONG>_~vState l>) l
contig.uratlllll <LONG>. :t Mates
I ach uhtancc can use a
d1llcn.:nt conligurauon thsplay stall' combmallon.
Note Displu) ~late-. arc primart1) 1n a....cmbltc\. but can hi.' u\cd 111
muh1-hnu) parts I nr more ml(mmlltnn on ... tatc-.. sec the
''""mhh \lodding train1ng manual.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling

27 Conce ntric mate.

Add a Conc entric mat~: h~l\\ccn the cylmdncal
lun in the Yoke female and pin.

rill' pin can he dragg~.:d \\ hilc using the mate

dtalog. Drag it through us ~hm\ n

28 Tange nt ma te.
Add a Tangent mate bet 1\'I.!Cil th~.: planar
cnc.J l~1ec ot th~.: pin and th~.: C) lmdrictll
face 111 the Yoke female.

The Second Pin Another mstancc olthe pin i-. needed l his one" ill he the shoncr
'cr'>wn. SHORT. \\~.: "tllupcn the pin. ulc thl' '' mdo'' s of the pan and
as:>emhly. and ~ho\\ the pan\, Conlig.ura t ionManag:~r.
Opening a \Vh~n you n~cd to m:cc~s a componcm '"hile \\orking 111 an .tsscmhl).
Component you can open it dm:etly. "ithout ha\ mg to u~c th~ File, Open m~nu .
lhc componl.'lll ~an be clllwr a pan nr a sub-a..,s~mhly.

29 Cascade the windows.

Click Window, Casc ade to sec both th~ part and as-.emhly "indlm "
s,, 1tch to th~ l'onligurauonManagcr of the pin.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assemb/)1 Modellng

30 Drag and drop a configuration.

Drag and drup the conligurallon SHORT into the g:r:~plm:" "mdo\\ of
the as ... embl) . You can drag and Jrop c1111 conligurntmn from the
Con ligurat mn 'vlanagcr, not .lll"l the act 1\ c one.

Other Methods of l'o get the same rc ... ult U!>lng Insert Component. hro\\sc for the part
Selecting and as..,oc1uh:d conliguration
When u ... mg I 'PI(H-cr. parts that conta111
conligurauons tngga a mcs!><tgc ho\
"hen dragged and dropped I., elect the
de!>! red con figuration !'rum the Iist

31 Second instance.
I he second inswnce of till: pln
. ,~ ,~() bt-
' () -
component i" added, th1s time us1ng the . ~ (-) '--
SHORT conliguratum. the component I!. ~.:...,,;r.,,:.;,:;.;;.;.:=:;.;.;.=:;.;.::=:..:=::...:.:.:...~
added and 1t <.ll ... pla).., thc proper
cnnligurat1on namc 111 the h:aturcManagcr de,ign tree.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 12
BoNom-Up Assembly Modellng

32 Mate the component.

J\c.Jd Concentric ancJ Tangent matt:s tu matt: Lht:
scconcJ im.tancc of the pin.

Recent Documents Sull(.lWork!> maintams <t list of n:ct:ntl:y npcnt:c.l documt:nls that can be
u"cd tu access documents qutcl-.1) l)pL' the shoncut 1-.t:) R and clu.:k
tht: document to open
I he pm can ht: u::.ed to keep document:-. on the recent document\ hst
lhc Show in Folder link ts U\t:d to open th~.: ''here lht:
dm:umcnL rt:sttks.

Recent Documents

Preview 11 not Ptevtr'llll Is not

"""lleblo. vellable.

Preview Is not
wallable. .

Preview la not PuMcw1a not

rnftabtc wllab lc.

Where to Find lt J....cyhoard \honcut. R

Tip Jhe l'uJI palhnallll: oft he \elcch.:d dnc um~nt j<, hstt:U at the top of the
"crecn suntlar to Ctri+Tab.

Lesson 12 SolldWorks 201 3
Bottom-Up Assembly Mod ollng

33 Switch documents.
~'' i tch to the pin.SLDPRT document. dose ll and 111<1'\11111/e the
a...semhl~ '' imhm
Creating Copies of Man} time~ parts and suh-assemhl 1es arc used nwn.: than once 111 Jn
Instances assemhl) . ro create mu lupk Instances. or cop1es or the component....
copy ami paste.: e\1-.tlllg nncs 11110 the .a ... semhl) .
34 Drag a copy. . "'(11"'-..1.
Creah: Jnother C.:llJ'' of the pin C.:Oll1J10nent "' ,.,,......,....,.
- "' 0 - <1>

- 1 1
mstanc.:e "1t 1 Ill.! SHO .R r
T con 1gurauon
into the graphic" ar..:a. r hc result i"
- , "',.
hv lwldmg the Ctrl I.e.:\ '' hd.: dragl!ing the . ' 1-l'*-- "'
,,.,.,QNG. ...- .Jlloooioo - 1' '
o w > !l!p!!<s!tQII l>!lrx l'
(: ' :!:rt>(!HORTc<90tT>..PoiiMtS,... ,.ll
mHllhcr mst:Jncc that ll',es the SHORT
conligurallon. '>lllC.:C 1t ''as c.:np1cd rrom a component\\ Hh that
con liguraunn.

Tip You can drag a cup) from the h :atureManug.:r de-,lgn trl.'e nr the
g.raphtcs area of the a.ssemhly.

Component Hiding I lading a cotnplllll.!nt t.:mporartl) n:mo\ e' the c.:ompnncnt \ graphtcs
and Transparency hut lea\ c.:s the C.:LIInpnncnt act!\ c '' 1thm thl.' :hsemhl::r. 1\ h1ddcn
componl.'nt still rl.'sidcs In memory. sllll has its mates sohcd, and is stil l
c.:orhHkred 111 operauons Ilk.: mass proper!) calculallon ...
\ not her opt10n Is to chungl.' the tran.,pan.:nq of th~ comp<m~o:nt.
~dt.:dlllns can ht.: mad~: through thl.' cnmpuncnl to lllht:ri. bl.'hmd il.
Introducing: Hide Component tu m~ ollth~ displa) of a
Hide Component t.:omponl.'nl, mak mg 11 ea~tl'r to sec other parts ol thl.'
Show Component a!>scmhl) . When a compnncnt 1., h1ddl.'n. tls icon 111 the.:
l catweManag~r 1ks1gn lrl.'c appl.'ar" tllllllllmc form
like this. ~ cn~o
Show Component tums thl.' c.hspln} hack on.

Where to Find lt Shurtcut J\knu. Rlght-chc!. a component and c.:hc!. Hide

Components <t or Show Components r
ni ... rla} Pane: Hide/Show ~. , Ill the c.:omponl.'nl nm
Kl.'} huan.l \lwrtcut. \1m.: the putntl.'r over a t:nmponcnt and prl.'.,...
Tab to htdc. \hl\1.' thl.' pmnh:r mer a hidden componl.'nl and pr~s.,
Shift+ Tab to c.hspla) .

SohdWorks 2013 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modeflng

Introducing: Change Change Transparency toggh:~ the component

Transparency transparency hct,wen 0% and 75%. Selection~
pa'~ through the tran~parent componenl unlcl>~
the Shift J..e} I~ pn:l>:.Cd during selectiOn nlc
leatureManager destgn tree tc.:un does not
change ''hen a cumponent i~ transpan.:nt.

Where to Find lt Shoneul Menu : Rtght-cl1ck a component and click

Change Transparency
D1:-pla} Pane : Transparency .. 111 the cnmponent nm

35 Hide the bracket.

l'h<lngc the \ ie\\ nrientat10n l'mm the dcl"auh
Isometric h} prcssmg Shift+ left Arrow once l ill.'!..
on the bracket component and
Hide/Show Component , .

36 Complete the mating.

Complete the matmg of thi~ component h~ addmg
Concentric and Tangent nHltc~ ustng Insert Mate.

37 Show the component.

~elect the brilcket agam and click Hide/Show
Component tn toggle the graphic~ hack on

38 Return to previous view.

Pn:' iou' 'JC\\ ... late~ can he n:ca lled b) clicking Previous View ~J on
the llcad-..-up Y1e'' Ionlhar I ach tnne you pre~~ the button. the' 1e\\
display hacks up through the d1spla} list.\\ het her the\ ic\\ state \HI'>
-.m ed ur not (. Itd. once to return w the pn:\ Hill~ Isometric \ Je\\.

Lesson 12 So lldWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Mod ellng

Component Th: Component Properties tlialog control' se\ era I aspcch of' a
Properties cnrnpono.:nt lll'>lilnce


. . ..,

" " - -""...on<rl

' - " - ....


- --- c-~-,.._'--'UOC..
,..__...,_ _ _ _ _ of ... ~ll
__ ,



Model Document Path

Dbplay ... the part tile that the llhWnce uses. lo replace the lilc mstancc
rdcn.:m.:cs "ith a tlllli.:rent tile. use File, Replace.
Display State specific properties
l ltde-. or 'bows the component. \1-..o cnahk-. you to sdo.:ct a uhplay
state b:- name
Suppre ssion state
~uppress. resuh c 11r '>cl thc component to light\\Cight status.

Solve a s
Makes the ..,uh-assemhl:- ng1d ,,r
llc:--ihh:. Th1s allu\\.., tlynamiL
asscmhly motion tu s1lh c nwuon at th~.: suh-ass~.:rnhl~ k' cL
Referenced configuration
lktcnninc;. \\luch conligurat1on nfthc component Is hcmg.u,cd

Whe re to Find lt ()hortcut Menu R1g.h t-d1ck a component <llld click

Component Propertie s ""J

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modetmg

39 Component properties.
R1ghH:Irc~ the pin<3> component ami clic~ Component
Properties !he Referenced configuration opuon i~ ~et to
SHORT. fhb dwlog bo\ can h.: u::.l!d Ill change the contiguratmn. -.up-
pre~.,. or h1de an 11Nam:e. Clrd. Cancel

Sub-assemblies l'\lstmg as~emhlles cun al-.o he mscrted into the current a-.-.emhl~ h)
dragg1ng. \\hen an ,p,sembly file 1s addl!u to <~n c\1sting as,l!mbl). \\e
relcr tn 1t a-. a -.uh-asscmhl::. . I lo" c\ cr. to thl! Sol1u'Worb ,oft\\ arl!. 11 1-.
"till an a~s.:mhl} ( .sldasm) lil~:
I he .,uh-as-.embl) and .111 its component parts ,m: .tddeu to the
I eaturd'vlanagcr d~:.,1gn tree I he sub-a::.sembl~ must he mated to th~:
as,emhl::. h) one ol ns component pans or 11:.. planes. 1 h...: "ub-a"">~o:mbly
j., treated as a smgle p1ccc component. rcgardlcs-. ofiHm man)
components an: \\ 1th111 11.
\ne\\ assl'mhl) \\Ill be crcall.:d for the componclll-. of the crank. It will
be a., a suh-a-;~cmhl)

40 New assembly.
Cn:1te a ne" a-;scmbl) th~: Assembly MM template.
<. l1c~ Keep Visible on the Begin Assembly
Propcrt) Manager and add tlw crank-shaft component.
Locate it <~t the on gm of the asscmbl) lt " Fixed .

41 Add components.
l ~mg th.: same d1alog .tdd the
crank-arm and crank-knob
t losl." thl." thalog.

lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

Smart Mates Mates can h~ add<!d h~t\\~cn compnncnh \\lulc dragging and Jropping
them. I h1~ m~thoJ. calbl Smart Mates, uses th~ Aft kc~ 111
conjunctwn '' 1th ~tandard drJg and drop t~chniyu~s.
these mat~s usl.! the same Mate pop-up toolhar J.., th~ Mate 11'ul u~l.!.., to
..,cl the type <IIlO other aunhutes All mate type~ can h~ created" 11h tlw,
( crlllll tcchllllflll.!s g~ncrate multiple mates and do not usc the tool bar.
lh~s~ r~qtur~ the us~ nl the Tab to s\\ 11ch mate ahgnmt'nt.

42 Smart Mate concentric.

lolhm the-.e steps l\l atld a Concentric 111Jtc through th~ Smart Mate
I . Press and holu the Aft kc~ .
., t Ii<:k and lllllu the e1rculor li.lce or the
crank arm.
J \.1o\ e th~ compon~nl O\ er the c1rcular
face or the crank-shaft.
4. Drop the component \\hen the ~ ~
toolup appears. 11101cating a cnncentrie
mat~ .

'i onlirm tlw Concentric type fiom the

Mate pop-up wolhar
I\ Concentric mate 1.., add~d het\\een the crank-arm and the crank-
shaft compom:nt ....

Tip ! he Alt key can he prl'ssed bclore m aller selecting a tltcc to mate.
43 Smart Mate parallel.
~pin the crank arm around ..,o the lhn I'
-.dectablc usmg draggmg. Select the llat and
Aft-+drag n to the llJt on the crank-shaft.
Drop the cnmponcnt \\hen the ~ S) mbol
appears. int.ltcatlllg a Coincident mate
het\\ ecn planar
Use the Mate p11p-up tnolbar to .\ lntch L11 11
Parallel mate

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 12
BottomUp Assembly Modeltng

44 Coincident.
Select the ec/ge of th.: crank-arm and Alt
+drag 11 to the llat on th.: crank-shaft. Dr,lp
the complllll.!lll "hen the ~ s~ mho I app.:ars.
md11:atmg <1 Coincident mate het\\ecn and
cdg~: and ,1 pl.mar rue.:. U-.e the Mate pop-up
toolbar 111 cuntinn the Coincident mate.

45 " Peg-in-hole".
I he Peg-m-hole upllon I a
spec tal case or the Smart Mate that
creates 1\\0 mull:-. from one drag
and Jrop lh1s opcratJ()!l IS easier If
Lh~: crank-knob ha-. been rot<Jted

\elect the ~:m:ular edge 1m th~

crank-knob. Prc-.s Alt and drag 1t
to the l:lrl:ular edge \)1\ the top or the
Release the Alt kc~ \\hen the ~tl.
S) rnbol appears. int.ltc:.lllng that both
Coincident and Concentric mate-.
\\ 111 he added.
Prc1>s the Tab 1-.ey. 1r necessary. to
rcv..:r-.;o.: the al ignmcnl. Drop tho.: component.
46 Save.
S:l\..: the a ...-...:mbly. naming 11 crank sub. l~:;n..: the a-,s..:mhl) open.

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 201 3
Bot tom-Up Assembly Modelmg

Inserting Sub- ~ub-a ... c\l~lmg as.,cmbllc.,that ar.: added to th.: .u.:u\c
assemblies a...scmhl) . \11 nlthc components and mates act a... a '>mgk compnnent.

47 Selec t the sub-assembly.

o;.;,, nch to the ma111 asscmhl). Usmg Inse rt Component. the lllalog i-.
'Cl to list an) open parts or a-. ...emhltes under Open doc uments. rhe
crank sub ts lt..,tcd and selected.
48 Place the sub-assembly.
Place the suh-a ...... emhl} near the lop 11r the Yoke_male component.
L\pandmg the suh-as...emh l) component icon sho\\' all the component
part~\\ ithm ll, mcluding 11., o\\ n male group .

' (f) bobt <l >

'' "'()-- -a
. , ~-~~--"'
' o ...<Dli;H;)
~ 11...<1> C!HlRTl
ll-'S> I!K'In1

Mating Sub- ~uh-as..,emhlle'

lnlln'' the .,<~me rule' li1r maung "' part~ . I he) arc
assemblies con~ t tlercd
component., and can be ma ted the Mate tool.
Alt+drag mating ur a Clllllhmatum ol hoth
49 Smart Mate conc entric.
\dd a Concentric mate. using Alt+drag,
bel\\eCn the C) hndrtC<I( \UrfiH;C., of the ptlS[ on
the lllp of the Yoke male aml th~ crank-shaft.

SolidWorks 2013 l esson 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Model/ng

50 Parallel mate.
Mate the llat on the Yoke_male '' ith the Oat 111 the
D-hole 111 the crank-shaft us1ng the Mate LOul and
a Parallel matl.'.

51 Alignment.
<. hck the Flip Mate Alignment
hullon to test Anti-Aligned
(aho\e) and Aligned (nght). l se
the anti-aligned cnndit1011 lm tlm.

Question : \\ h~ \\Ouldn' t ynuLhC a Coincident mah: here,

~Iljlll;'l~sP :'ltp :'IUU:'I(l J.~ \0 pp10 \\

:'llelll lll:'lp1 .1ll lll:l n tq'ilu \p.1P.\:'I ;!Jr. :'llllll llll!(lliOUs
-:'IJJ01 (llll1 llrlf' .~l[l JO S.l:'ll;'IU1r.Jp ;'llfl (lliP SlPU
;llp .fll SlJlll Sll;'lllll p :'ll(l SS:'I!llll :'l... lll~ ;l:'lfl : J;) \\ 'll \

Distance Mates Distance mate.., alltn\ for gap' het\\ ecn maung component.... You can
thmk oln Is a paralh:lmatc "nh an o llsct d1 ... tanec. lhcn: 1s general!\
more than one ..,olut1on so the options Flip Mate Alignment nnd Flip
Dimension an: used in dctermme lum the dl.,lancc 1., mca... ured ami
"h1ch '-lth: 1t 1.., 1111

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bottom-Up Assembly Modellng

Unit System lhc Unit System cum rob tnput tn the document a..," ell "" the untts of
mass property calcul:ll tom.. lhc umt -..ystcm can he ;, Tools,
Options, Document Properties, Units. You can also set the untt
system In cltd. mg Unit System on the status har

CG\hff'l~ 9'fn\~ond~

ol 1.4MGS ,....,,.,.,, qnm, - -


Altcrnatl\d), you can enter dimensiOn~ in a rModol)o

unit system other than the document~ unth. In o-
the Pnlpen~ 1\lamtger. type the untts alh:r the
\aluc. -..uch as 2 in 2 tm:hcs. In the Modify L~~~~~~~~:-1
dti.llog bm. sclec.: t the untt'>.

52 Select the faces.

Select thl' tnp fac.:e o I' the bracket and
the hullom lace ot the crank shaft
C(lmpnnl'llt tn create the mate.

53 Add a Distance mate.

~reedy ,, dtstance 111 lllllh that an: dt ncn:nt
than the dm.:ument's untts. l)pe 1/32 in.
If the crank-shaft penetrates mtothe bracket sdect the Flip
Dimension " button t Itd. OK to crea te the mate.

Tip Douhlc-cltd.tng a Distance or Angle mau:

111 the I eatur.:Manager dcstgn tree clisplays 0
ll on the ..cre~n I hl ',due dt.,plays in the
units ol'thc ,tssemhl). 111 tlw, case

SolidWorks 201 3 l esso n 12
Bottom-Up Assembly Modelmg

54 Select in the FeatureManager design tree.

o;;d..:ct the suh-,ts..,emhl) crank sub 111 the
I eatun:l\1nn,tgcr dec,rgntrcc. 1\lltomp(mcnh in the <,uh-
as..,._mhl) "Ill h<-' sdc.:tcd and highlighted

Tip I rom the graph tc '' mdm,, nght-chd. ,, CllllliWIH:nt nftlw "uh-as.,._mhl~
and .:hd Select Sub-assembly
55 Dynamic Assembly Motion.
t 1-,e Change Transparency on the )'okes Dmg the
crank-arm to sec th~o motmn of the spider.

Use For Positioning ! he mate opt ton Use for positioning only can he U'>ed to posiunn
Only gclllllctr) \\ ithout add mg the re\l i"ICliOil or:t mate. I hi'> IS a u...crul
method l\1r sl'lling up a Jnl\\ ing 'IC\\
56 Mate.
( lid. Mate ' .md chd. Use for
positioning only '-;tlectthc planar li.tees
...htm n and a Parallel m.uc. l hck OK
I Ill' gcometr) '" pnsllrom:d hJ..e .1
puralld mate cnntlttlllll hut 1111 m.lle ts
added ~a' e tho.: assemhl) .

Pack and Go Pack and Go 1s u:-cd lll collect .md cnp) ,Ill the lib. used hy the
<Jsscmhl) mto u ... mgk lnldcr or ;ip lik ltts o.:speci~l ll) m.cli.ll \\hen the
enll re Jsst:mhl) mu ... t ht: "ent to another and the lik.., .m: -;tnreJ 111
111<111) drl'li:rcnt lolder....

Note Dra\\ mgs <lllc..l ~1mulatum n: ... ult.., can .1lst1 he tollcctcd .md cnp1ed .

Where to Find lt \1cnu : File, Pack and Go

Lesson 12 SolidWorks 2013
Bortom-Up Assembly Modeling

57 Pack and Go.

llld, Pack and Go and chd, Save To Zip File u~mg. I Ill' ddltult nam~
and Flatten to single folder

IO Ptt-Go
$-tlloo"'bo,_to ... _PO<l.,odGo- ""'" ....,....oet_bo
lllloodt~'Vt~Mhiteo~~,.,. ... ~
~~.-.gll ""-"'~o.o.a..j~.atifti~CMW~
lr.:.Uk! dttd die* 4rd k . . .

C.\.\oMW-~Unflot'fut *""-~ ' t

~'V"" "'!sac~
+c \OIMI'No"- LuMl.,,.\&dpft
_....s ~~on&.ftOb-~
.,...c >..\otKMoarlt.;,._n~4NI\.~
(4\tllft(tYI(('It !,l ,..,,.,_\ftP'

"' r..,s

[ ~"""' hontgfolr. .[ ~

C\S~o llant9r~\l. uoi!IM.~\la&C11'11

(. hch. Save
58 Save and close the assembly.

59 Zip file.
Dnuhlc-clid-: th~ 11p tile Universal in 1h~ lesson rold~r.

-- Opboots Hd!>

[!pM J~outG




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'i< fot.. IOI.Io.IJ1'_k8 6 U

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 56

Exercise 56: ( r~at~ tlu~ ass~mhl:- h) addtng

Mates cnmpllll~nl\ tn a 11~\\ ass~mhl) and U'>ing
Insert Mate
I ht~ lab USl''> th~ li1lhm tng skilb:
( rt'<lllllg a \ eu hwmh/1 t)ll pag~ 4 I 0.
le/cling Cwnpollt'n/1 011 pag~ -116
\lating Compont'nt.' o11 rag~ -11 !-i.

l nil\: millimeters
Procedure (. r~at~ .1 n~\\ ,\.,...~m hi).
Add the component RectBase.
Create u n~" assembly, drag th~ RectBase
rrom th~ Mates li1ldcr mto the ao.;s~mhl:- and
litll} l'onstratn it ltl tilL' assemhl) urig111.

2 Add the EndConnect.

'\JJ .m Hht,mc:c of the EndConnect to the
a'scmhl). Mate tt tu th~ RectBase u... mg a
JtsiUtK'e of 1 Omm .111J 1\\ll comcu.icnt mutes ns
''lll\\ 11

3 Add the Brace.

1\Jd an mstance of the Brace tn the "''~m hi)
Mate tt ltl the RectBase ustng ~otnctd~nt
lll.llC" '1' ,fill\\ 11 .
r he Brace !'.. c:~nten.:d on the htlle Ill the
End Connect cnmponlnt

Tip (. lltnc:tdent mates b~t\\ e~11 planes c<~n he used to cent~r ~.:omponcnts.

Exercise 56 SolidWorks 2013

4 Additional components.
1\ou nwrc lllSIUilCl'~ or thc Brace uno EndConnect compnncnts.
placing thcm as sho\\ n.

5 Save and close all files .

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 57
Grtpe Grmder

Exercise 57: 1\-.s~mhh: tlw; de\ ICl' O) fnllm' mg the stcrs

Gripe Grinder ....... hll\\ ll

lh1s lab u~o.:s the lhll<m mg sk11ls:

( rcoting Cl \('11 . hwmhl\' on rag~ 410.
ldding Compolll!llts nn page 4 16.
\fating ( 'omponem., on pag~ 41 X.
Drnwlll< "'' mh~r \fotmn <'11 pago.: 42t>.
Smart \late' (111 pag~ .nx.
l lnlls: millimeters
Procedure l r~al~ a ne\\ a~s~mbl~ .
1 Add the component Base.
( ro.:ate ,, no:\\ ,ts-.o.:mhl). umg the Base
fiom the Grinder Assy folder 11110 the and full) l'lln~tram 11 to tho.:
a-.-...:mhl) <lflgin

2 Add the Slider.

1\ud th ... Slider to tho.: a-.-.~mhl) Mate 11
to on..: ol the tlo\l~tail -.l<w... 1\ "tllth .111d
..:omcitl~nt mate ar~ required.

3 Add a second co py of the Slider.

Mate it to the oth..:r U\l\ ~tat! ,Jot. Bnth
Sliders ,[lllllld be fro.:c to mm e had. and
lorth m tho.:1r ro.:spcctl\ c 'I oh.

Exerc1so 57 SolidWorks 2013
Gripe Grmder

4 Crank assembly.
<>r~n I n.:" a-.-..:mhl~ th.:
Assembly MM t~mplat.: . Build th~:
Crank a''l'lllhl} "" -.111m n at the right.
t on-.iJ~:r u... ing .. p..:g-n-hnl.:..
<..,m art~lat~:' 111 add th..: ..:oindJ~:m and
..:nllll'lltru: llhllc-. in nn.: -.t..:p l'hc Crank
'' -.111m n 111 h1llh C\plml~:d and ..:ollap,~d
o,t,ll~ ....

Handle( ll
Knob( IJ
Truss Head Screw ( I l
[tl !-\-32 (S'Ionglj..:unligurati,m
RH Machine Screw 12 J
[ff-1-W ( .62:' .. lnng l jl'lln liguratinn
Note B1'th mm:hut..: ".:re'"' llllliUifl multipk
l'l>nliguratillll'- lk -.url \llll u'c the cnn..:ct onl''-
5 Insert the Crank assembly into the
main assembly.
Ill..: thl' l\\0 a"".:mhh '' imhm,, and
drag and drop th.: -.uh a"'.:mhl:-- inh' th.:
main a-. ... ~:mhl~

6 Mate the Crank assembly to the

I h.: t\Hl RH Machine Screws g11
llltl' th.: hok' m th.: Sliders. I h.:
undl'ro.. dc nrtlll' Handle mat.:" 111 tlw
top 1:1n ''' nn.: of th~ Sliders.

7 Turn the Crank.

I h.: lllll\ -.:m.:nt olthl' Knob l(lh''" an ~:lhplll.ll path l'h.: 1TI1l\ .:ml'nt
ol..:a..:h Slider tra.:-.:" tlw maj11r ;111d llHIHII ,1\..:-. 111' that dlp-.e.
8 Save and close the assembly and the part.

SolidWo rks 201 3 Exercise 58
Using Hi de and Show Componenr

Exercise 58: <.. r~at~ th 1 ~ assl'mhl) hy us1ng mal l.!!> 1mly.

Using Hide and '-Ill d 1 mo.:n~mn~ arc pro' 1tkd.
Show I his lab Lhl'S the li1llll\\ mg -.kills
Component ( 'rt! tlllllg a ,\eH A' 'cmh(1 (11\
pagc-+ I 0
, tc/clin,l!. Componc'/11' on pagc 41 o.
Jfatlllg ( 'o/1/flO/U' III' on pagc 4 1X.
CWI/fllll/l'lll 1/itling tlllllli'cnnparcllc' l'
1lll page B-t
.\ mal'/ lftlh '.\ nn rag.: -131\.

l , nlh' millimeters

Procedure <..rcatc a ne'' ass..:mhl>

Create assembly.
<)ptn the Housing ..:ompllllo.:lll lnund
111 the Gearbox Assy folder. l sc
Make Assembly from PartJAssembly tu crcah.: a ne" <tssemhl) '' 11h
the Assembly MM tcmplale.
2 Add the components.
Drag m mscrt the remammg eompuncm parts imu the asscmhl) .
3 Mates.
Male the Cover Plate and bnth
Cover _Pl&Lug mmpunents to the
Housing a:- ... h,m n

4 Hide.
lltdl.' the Cover Plate mu \lltl.' ol'the
Cover Pl&Lug t'ompunenh a" sho\\ n.
5 Add more components .
\do the Worm Gear Shaft .mu Worm
Gear eumpllnenh a-. -.ho'' n.

Exercise 58 SolidWorks 2013
Using H1de and Show Componen t

Tip :'-.l.ttL th~: Worm Gear to lhl.!

Housing <1 Width mate.

6 Detail.
1\ho" th~: htud~:n ~:omponcnh. l -..e Change Transparency to change
the appcarnm:c ol th~: Housing.
1\ud the Offset Shaft. cnmpnncnt and mate tt.

Tip \ detail for mating thL Offset

Shaft to till Housing ....
-,11\t\\ n at nght.

7 Save and close all files.

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 59
Part Connguratlons in an Assembly

Exercise 59: lJs111g the pun., llldUUCU. l'OIIlph:tc 1111',

Part bottom up .tssemhl) . l se se\ era! con-
Configurations liguration., ol the ...ame pan 111 the
,t.,:-.emhl) to nealc a :-et llfalkn
in an Assembly

flll ... remlllree ... the rolhm ing -,1\ill-,:

!riding ( omJ>Oil<'/1/1 on page 41 (1.
lfating ( umJmlle/11\ un pagl' 41 X.
L1i11,~ f'arl <on/iguralill/1.\ 111 , llwmhlic \ un page 429
Opening a ( ompmw111 on page 4J I .

Procedure (>pen ;.~n l'\.t.,tmg a ...scmhl)

1 Existing assembly.
Open the as..,cmbl) part
configs found 111 the
part configs li.1lder I he
a ...scmhl) cont.tllh thn:e
compnnent:-., I\\ o of
" lm:h ha\ e multiple
1m.tanees. ( lne
cnmptmcnt. the Allen
Wrench. uses u dtiTcrcnt
cuntig.uratmn lix each

2 Open part.
\el ect an) lll.,l<lllCl' of the
Alien Wrench compuncnt ,mu
open the pari

Exercise 59 So lidWorks 2013
Part Conflgurarlons m an Assembly

3 Configuration.
I uitthc tahh: LENGTH unuer the Tables loltkr. Change the \alue~ 111
the Length euhtmn.

I Length

<;;vdll "O
~1/dl.:! 160 -
C...ttdl3 170
\lldl-1 1(()

" ltdl"' I)()

\ttdl(l lOO
\vdP lOO
~veOX l)()

.t xo
<:;t;eiO 100

4 Add and mate components. Size 8

'\ dd and mate three nwrc cum (wncnl~.
notmg the cvnliguratlon~ n!' the Alien Size 9
Wrench part>-. I he ... ,;..: .... pmt twns und part 1
nam..: ... ,tre <ktatl..:u 111 the .ll'C{ll11fXIIl} 1ng
lllu ... trat lnn ....
Hint \\ l!h the part .111d the """..:mhl ~ both open.
tile till' \\muo"" \\\Itch to the
Conligurationl'vl:1nagcr m till' pari and drag
in onl) the con ligurat1un-. that )<lll need
5 Save and close the assembly and the Size 7

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 60
U-Jolnt Changes

Exercise 60: 1\l ak~ ~hang..:~ ll' th~ a''..:mhl) ~r~.:at~.:d 111 th~
U-Joint pn.!\ IOU\ k:-.,011
Changes I his ~:-.~n.1'~ lho.:' tho.: l\1llm' ing ,t.;jlb:
on p;1go.: ~ I(I
/m.T/ ( 'olllfllllll '/1/
lfclllllt:, Cwnpolltlll' 011 pag~.: 11 S.
l Jpe11111p, ,, ( 'omptmc/11 1111 pag~.: -+31 .
CtJ/1/f'OII<'IIIIIIIIing <111d lrcl/1\f'll'l'//c 1 on
p.lg~.: ~ 14.

Procedure clp~n <Ill L \hllnt; ~'''"'mhl)

1 Open the assembly named Chan.ges.
<lpo.:n th~ as-.o.:mhl) Changes lound 111
th~ U.Joint Changes ll1IJo.:r.

2 Open the bracket component.

I rorn th~.: I ~aturo.:".. l an,t.!~r do.:~n ll~.:'O.: 111'
tlw ~Lr~~n. 11pen the O.:l1111pono.:lll
bracket< 1> li1r ~d111ng .

3 Changes.
l>l1Ublo.:-o.:llck tho.: liN l~aturo.: .md
..:hang..: the dmlO.:Ihllllh th.1t .u-~.: sh11\\ 11
as hold and undo.:rhn~d
Rebuild the p;~n

4 Close and save. /

l Ios.: th~ bracket p.1rl. "" mg tho.: ~r
o.:ham.!o.:' th;~t )llll ha\o.: n1.1do.:. Ro.:-,pn11d
Yes to ro.:hllllding th~ ~~'~o.:mhl) LJIU -

5 Changes
l h~.: ~.: hang..:-. mad~: 111 th~.: p.1r1 . 11~1' .1ppo.:.u 111 tho.:
6 Turn the crank.
1h.: crank ~hllllld tum t'ro.:d~. turnmg the l\\ll )llk..:~.
the -.pltkr. and tho.: pm' "llh 11.
7 Delete mate.
I 'PIIld th~ Mate li1ld~r .md ddo.:tL th~.: nwll

Exercise 60 SolldWorks 2013
U-Jolnt Changes

8 Turn the crank.

rh.: c:runk :.hou ld turn lh:d) hut lt ,., no
l,,ngc:r l"Onnc:c:kd to the Y'1kc~ nnd ~p ith:r.

9 Insert a set screw.

llhct1 thl..' C:'\l'ttng component named
set screw. 1\l,llc tt to thc: 'mall hok 111 the
crank-shaft" nh a Concentric mate.

10 Hide component.
llldc the crank shaft component. \dd a
Coincident mate het\\ecn the llat lltcc' of the
set screw and the Yoke Male.
11 Show component.
~IHm the crank shaft wmponcm.

12 Turn the crank.

I he c:rank should tum fiec:l) .md otKe aga111,
the t" o yokes. the spider ;.md the pins .,hould
nllate "ith tl
13 Save and close the assembly.

Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

Upon succcssrul cmnplctmn ortlw.lcs;.\m. you ,,JII be able tn:

Pcrtimn mas ... prnpcrllcs calculation;..
( reate an c.\ plodcd 'IC\\ I) I an a;.~cmbl) .

Add c\pl()dc line;..

(rcncratc a hill nf rnatcnab lnr an a!->scmbly.
(._ opy a bill or matcnal ... to a dra\\ mg.

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Usmg Assemblies

Using I ht~ k~:-.on \\Ill C\llllllllC other ''"PC:Ch ora~ ...cmbl;. 11llllkling U:-.lllg il
Assemblies lla'>h light. I he completed as.,cmhl~ \\ill he: annl)l'<:d. cdttcd and
sho\\ n 111 .111 e\pl<tdcd "talc.
Stages in the Some KC) ,t,tgc~ 111 the ;mal)sis pntc~.s:-. ol tlu-. J-.;~cmhl) arc .,(Hmn in
Process the lnlltm mg lt-..t I ach (tfthcsc Lopt.:-. cumpnsc... a !->Ccllon I ll the

Analyzing the assembly

You can p~.rfonn mass prnpcrLIC'> calculation-. on entirl' us.,cmhltes

Editing the assembly

lndl\ tdual pan., can he edited \\hi le 111 the as.,cmhl) . Ibis mc<ll1'- you
can mukl.' change ... Ln tlw 'alul.'., of,, pa11-. dllncn"!llll.., "htk acll\ 1.' in
the """c:mbl)
Exploded assemblies
I 'plndccl '"-'" s of the """cmhl) can bl.' created h;. selecting llw
compnnl.'lll.., and the dir..:cttonlltstancc or lllll\ c:mcnl.

Bill of Materials
\ BOl\ 1 tahlc can h..: gcncrah:d 111 the (lsscmhl) ,tnd coptcd llllOLhc
dra" mg .,heel. \ ... ..,nctatcd balloon., can be added w tdcnttl) the item ....

Open an assembly.
('(i~. k Open and hr<t\\ se tn the Exploded V1ews folder. t.ltl:k
Filter Top-Level Assemblies IS;. "dcct the ;.bscmbl~ Exploded ami
click Open .

.il l -
.10 1..-11
. ,......u


t,.lodtd. v....

.. ""...............

oi,t lntf1:1C1ut hon to Sob(hYVI

,..,.,..,......., Dot....

0..... 5111 [~>o~...-..~SU<.

SolidWork s 201 3 Lesson 13
Usmg Assemblies

Analyzing the I her~: arc sc1 era I t) pc~ 11l;mal) ~1s) nu can pcrlorm un an a~scmhl:.
Assembly I hcsc mdud~. caku laung. the m as~ propcrllcs of the <tsscmbl) and
checking for llltcrfcrC!ll'CS.
Mass Properties Mass prop~:rties eakulat1ons \\er~. m l n1duc~:d earl1er 111 1111-. course \cc
Calculations \fa1.1 Properfn'' on pag~: .::! 16. When 11 \\ 1Lh asscmhllc-.. the
1mportantthmg to remember 1s that the m;Hcnal properties of each
t:Oill (WilCill ore controlkd mdl\ 1dually l' ia the Material feature in the
part. I he m,Jtcnal pmpcrti~:s can ,1bo be si.'\ thmugh Edit Material.
I he s~ mh11b reprc-..cnt

Output coordinate Principle Axes at

system 1
l th1. Center of Mass

2 Mass properties .
t l1ck Mass Properties :::! .
3 Results.
l hc ')"t~:m perlomh t h~: cnkulauon.., and dl'.,pla) s thl' r.:-,uh-.. m a
report "indo11 T he ~yst cm al-.o d1sph.1ys th.: Principal Axes u-.
temporar) graphics. Options can be used Ill changl' the unns 111' the
( l t~:l.. Close.

- om
1. -,.. '"

Note l nlcs-, matcnal pwpcrllc-.. arc ;tsslgncd to all or the com pnm:nh. man:
o l thc 4uanti tic' (-.uch as 1\l,t"s) 11 tll be ma~:curah:

Lesson 13 So lidWork s 2013
Usmg Assemblies

Checking for l mdmg lllkrli:r~n~~~ h~l\\~en 'rari,

Interference cnmpon.:nt~ in the ~~.:mhl) 1~ the Joh nl
Interference Detection. !111~ option takes a
11..,1 nf ClllllflOilcnh and lind.., lnh:rlcrcncc..,
hct\\c~n them. I he mkrlcrencc~ an: listed by
ptmed components mdudmg a graphi~
r~rrcs~ntatwn of the interkr~n.:e lntl1\ idual
1111crkn:m:c' can h~.. 1g.nor~d.

Tip lntcrfi:rcncc.., can -.omeum~.:~ he d~o:termincd \ isually . Shaded (\\ llhout

edgl's) anu Hidden Lines Visible d1..,play.., can he
Interference Options I hi.' Options group hn\. ..,cJI.'cllnn.., arc used 111 reline thl.' dl.'ll'etion
Treat coincidence as interference mclude.., all~.:oinclul'nt lll~.:c ....1s
<.,cl.:~.:tcd mterli.:renccs can hi! llaggcd to he 1gnon:d by the
cnkulauon ... ll'>lllg the Ignore hunon I hey .:an h~.- ,.,hn\\ n hll.:r u... mg
Show ignored interferences.
Clu.:kmg Treat sub-assemblies as components Ignores an)
mterfi:rl'l1l'I.'S \\ 1th111 th.: sub-a .......:mhly itsdt'and lhes it as a ... inglc

Include multibody part interferences look ... at h11dy to hlld)

intcrlcn:ncc.., '' itlun part Cl1111poncnts
l ... mg Make interfering parts transparent ... 11\l\\.., the mterli.:rcnc.:.:
'olumc;, m J tran~parent state.
Create fasteners folder gcncratc.:s a Fasteners fi.1lder to holu all
the mtcrli.:rcnc~;. that 1m oh..: a fastener.
Create matching cosmetic threads folder place:-, components
"llh matching Clhllletlc thr.:ad~ in a ....:parate folder.
Ignore hidden bodies all m\.., ) nu to cll\lnse components 111 he
1gnnred h) lllll mg them 111 ad' a11cl.'.
Introduc ing : Interference Detection hi.! d1r.:etcd w .:heck all compon~nt... in th~
Interference .h~~.:mhl).
or JU'>l s.:k~.:t.:d nn.:'>.

Where to Find lt l ommandl\.l an.tgcr: Evaluate > Interference Detection

M.:nu Tools, Interference Detection

4 Begin interference detection.

<. IH:k Interference Detection I he lllp le\ cl ~.:ompuncnt Exploded
1'!ctcd automat11:all)
C l ick Calc ulate.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

5 Interferences.
lhc analyllt~ has l(nmd two tnterh:rl!llCI!!> among
the -;ch:ctctl cnttllc~. I he llstmg~ Interference 1
anJ Interference2 arc -.ho'' n 111 the Results
ll~tmg ltlllo" cd b) a 'nlumc t)r 111IL'rlcrcncc. ,md
occur bctw ccn tht: ~a me patr or componcnh
Holder< l > anti Round SWivel Cap< 1 >
-' .....,~,
. ell .,..........,.,

I ht: mtcrli:rcncc '' m<~rkcd m the !:,lraplm:~ "inJm, ustll!:,l a \ olumc

dtsplaycd 111 red. B) dclitult. thl' tntcrfcnng components .trt: transparent
und the oth..:r componcnts n:nwm 111 tht::ir pn:-e\lstmg dtspbt) ~>late.
("litk OK.

lnterference1 lnterference2

6 Open sub-assembly.
I hest: tntcrlcrcncc., ncl'ur
"tlhtn the suh-a~semhl~ Base.
l hc tnh.:rli:rcncc cJn on I) be:
n:patrt::d h) cdnmg ettmptmc:nt;.
111 the '>Ub-u-;o;cmhl) .

RJght-dtck the sub-a"t:mhl)

Base 111 the I caturd\ lanagcr
dc-.tgn trt:c and cltek Open

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Usmg Assemblies

7 Change dimension.
Douhlc-cla:l- the t~tc~ 11lthc Holder
component and double-click the
c..limen"11m a;. ""11'' 11.
<..hang~: the 'alt~~: In Smm anti rehulld

8 Recheck the interference.

Click Interference Detection I he top le\dt.:lllllponenl Base is
"dccted automallcall). Click Calculate to ":e that there .1re no
llllerli:rcncc chck OK.

Checking for I he actuul clearance between

Clearances component.... lik.: mlerli:rcm:cs. lll<IY
be dillicult tn ddcrminc Ylsttall).
<..lcurancc ... bct\\cen both parallel
and concentnc component-. can he
Introducing : Clearance Verification 1s u-,cd to dctcrmme the "tat1c ckar<mcc
Clearance het\\ ccn component part" 111 an .ls,emhly h can be directed to check
Verifi ca tion the clcnruncc hct\\een sdcctcc..l cumpu1H.:nts in the as ... emhl). or all
componenh agai1hl each other.

Where to Find lt ( ommanc..ll\lanager: Evaluate > Clearance Verification

Menu Tools. Clearance Verification

9 Hide component.
Ill tie the Battery Cover< 1> comJwncnl

SolldWorks 201 3 Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

10 Cleara nce verification.

Clu:k Clearance Ve rification : and click both ., x
Battery AA cumponcnh. Set the Minimum
Acceptabl e C learance 'aluc 111 Omm Ill
dctcrmme il thcrl 1~ un_y ch:arancc at all
ll11.k Calculate and the clearance" 11l appear a~
Clearancel m the Results. !"here~~ a clearance
llf 0.44mm bet\\ ccn the Cll111p1111Cnls.
( Itd. OK

I; c...n:.. , o....._
, _ , .. l lfNI,
~ eotowv .. liDo-f...,

Note !his C\amplc u..,c~ the option Make parts under study transparent.
11 Show component.
~h'"' the Battery Cover< l > component.

ll1ck Ctri+Tab and cl1ck the Exploded """l'lllhl~

Static vs. Dynamic l"hc problem "nh a statu: method ol mll:rli.rcncc detcellllll I'- that the
Interference component~ ol an asscmhl> nm} onl) mt~.rlcre under ~.ertam
Detection nllldltlllns \\hat 1s needed 1s a \\ay Ill detect cu)Jt,ion-. dyn.mlll: all).
'' htle .111 asscmhl) 1~ mm mg.
Introducing : Collision Detection anal)/C.., selected components 111 the as-,embl)
Collision Detection dunng d) nam1c usscmbl} mo11on. alcrttng vou '' ln:n lures clash or
col11dc You h~l\ c the optmns or ~topptng. the fllllllun upon co)lt-,ion.
h1g.hlightmg the coll1d111g lnec~. and generating. a s)-SLem sound

Where to Find lt Move Component Propert) '-'h1nager: Collision Detection

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assemblies

12 Collision Detection.
llick Move Component " and clld, Collision
~elect All components and Stop at col lision .
Drag tlw Head<l> wllalthc pomtwllu.k ... \\tlh thi.!
Swivel< I> a... -.lumn !"he ')'tcm alert, you b)
highltghllng thl' l"<ll'C~. 'il0(1(lll1g thi.! 11Hll101l and
generating a '~ -.tem -.ound

13 Narrow the selection.

rh!.! opuon All components means coJh ... IOn"> '' 11h
a/J (I,,Cillhl) C\llll(lOllCnl~ ,Ire dl'll'Cil'd ( ht\ put'
111~1re demands on ') .,tl.!m n: ... ourcl'~. c"pcL tally 111 a
large nssl'mbl). I r) ou choo~c These
components. on I) eol lt '>tons "ith J group or
<hsembl) component ... that )llll ,eJect an: dctl'ctcd.
Cl id, These components and ell d. the Head< 1>
and Swivel<!> cnmpom:nls. Click Stop at
collision .md then Resume Drag
Drag the Head< 1"> 111 the opposlll' dtrl'ctton unul
11 collides '' ith the Swivel< 1 > on the oppostte stde ~h shtm 11

SolidWorks 2013 lesson 13
Using Assemblies

14 Turn off Collision Detection.

Drag th~: Head< 1 > to a ro..,nion bet\\ cen the t\\ o coli "'mn ....
Chck OK ttl do...~: the Pmpl'rl) Manager.

Performance lh~: arc a number 111 optHms ;mu technique~ you can U\C to 1mprm e
Considerations system p~:rli1rmancc during Dynam ic Collision De tection:
C hck The s e components. m~t~:ad of All c ompone nts. In general.
pcrlormance can be tmpn)\cd 1l )OU mtntllll/C the number ol
compon~:nts the'>) -.h~m ha, to C\ aluatc. l lo\\ c\ cr. he cardul that
you do not O\ er look a compon~nt that doe .... 111 !lllt. mtcrh:rc
l\1akc -.urc Dra gged pa rt o nly I' -,ck:ctcd llm. mean-. on I.>
colli..,lon.., "ith the compnnclll you are dragging arc dch:cted. 11
unclu.:ckeJ. cnlll,ton' o~rc dctectcJ lur both the mo' mg t:tllnponcnt
and <111) componcllls th<ttmm c Cl'> a rc ... ult of mate.., to the mm 111g
11 po ...slhlc, use Ignore c omplex surfac es.
Note l'he Dynamic Cle aranc e optmn eun be used to
d1spla) tlu: actu..ll d~:aram:c b~o:twecn compnm:nh as
they llHl\ c. 1\ d1menston appears between the
...clecteJ componcnh. updatmg. as th~: mmtmum
dtstancc bel\\ ecn them changes.

Correcting th e lllleting or chamlcring lhc edge... olth~: )1\kes \\Ill elun111atc till'
Interfere nce lllterli:r~:ncc.

15 Open part.
In the I caturei'vhtnagcr Jc-.1gn tree. right-cltck the Head< 1 > and click
Ope n Part
16 Add fillets.
\dJ a 1 m m fillet to four edge... as shm' n. '.,1\ c the ch;mg~: ....

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assemblies

17 Return to the assembly.

Cltck Ctri+Tab and du.:l- th~ Exploded <hs~mhl) .
\\ h~n th~ -;nli \\ arl! detect-. th~ chang~ in t h~ part. you \\Ill he pwmpted
\\llh a mes~.1 ge <1!->king 1fyou \\ould ltl-1.: Ill rebuild th~ assembly
ll 1ck Yes 111 response lo the message.
18 Check for interference.
l l1ck Move Component. lllcl\ th~,~.; optwn-.:
Collision Detection
All components
Stop at collision
Iest li.1r a ,flghtly l,1rger range of nl(ltion as 'ho'' 11

lnterference1 lnterference2

19 Turn off the Move Component tool.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Usmg Assemblies

Changing the ( h.mging. th\! \ Jilll' of a dimi.'I1SI\ll1 111 the <l~SL'Illhl} \\orb C\.actl} thl'
Values of as l:hangmg that Ulllll'll~l\m in a part . duuhll'-clld. the leature and
Dimensions then douhll.'-click thl' dlml.'n!--1011 ~olid\~orb uses thl'\! part 111 thl.!
,,s...cmbl: or th\! dra\\ mg. '>0 chan~mg 11 111 onl.! place chang~.:~ 11 Ill all
lh~.: li.:aturl.! L'Jil h~.: douhle-cllckcd from thL' ll',llllr\!Matl<tger dl'stgn tre~
or the .,crel'fl, hutthl' d11nensiun "tll al"ays .1ppeJr \lt1 the ..,ereen

20 Edit the Holder.

Double-click on the graph1cs of thl' Holder< 1 > part Ill acct.'ss ll'-
dltth:n-.lons. lhcsc an.! thl' d1mcns1ons used Ill build the part.
l hange thl' length to 60mm

21 Re build.
Rcbutld the ussl.!mhl) "<ollcl.' that not only arc the purls rchutlt and the
asscmhl:r upJatcd. thl' matmg rclallon..,hlps ensure that the component:-.
rl'main togl'thcr.

22 Open Holder
R1ght-clll'k till' Holder< 1 > and click Open Part from the shurtcut

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assembtes

23 Part level changes.

(. hungtng a part at the a~~cmhl) k' d changes ll at the pi.lrt le' cl and
'tcc-H:rsa. I hat'' hccau'c it "the ":tmc part. not J cop) .
l hnngc tlw ' .1luc had. to 53 mm ,mu dn;.c the pa11. "" mg the change;..

24 Assembly update.
l h.tngc., ha\c been made to a rcfercru:c of the asscmhl), in thi-. case the
;.t;c of a part l ' pon reentenng the as-.embl). <;joltd~'orb a'"'- ''het her
)llll \\illltto n:but ld l'lick Yes

Exploded 'Hlll c.m make Exploded Views or "''~mblte;. h) C'\plndmg the

Assemblies a'semhl) component by component. I he asscmhl) cnn thcn be togglcd
hct,,ecn normal and e'\plodcd ' tl'\\ !>talcs. ( >nee crcatcd. the Exploded
View can be cdtted Jnd al'o u'cd " nhm a urn\\ ing. Exploded Views
,1rc 'a' l.'d '' llh the ac!l\ c cnnliguration Ynu can ha\ c mnrc than l111C
1..''\ploucd 'tC\\ per conligurat 1, 111
Setup for the lkfore addtng the Exploded View, there MC some 'ctup \Lcps that" tll
Exploded View make the c\ploded 'tC\\ caster to Ul' CCs\. lt ts gllOU prm:ticc to cr~atc a
configuraunn lor stortng an Exploded View and also tn add <tmatc that
holds the asscmb l) 111 a .....tarting posttmn"

. -~

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Using Assembltcs

1 Add a new configuration.

<:i\\ 1tch to the C.onligurationvlanagcr. right-click
and click Add Configuration
rypc the name Explode Ullll <ldd the conliguratHlll.

The nc\\ conliguratwn rs tht act I\ cone

Note ror ITillfC llll(lrmatmn llll h\t'/1/h~l ( 1111/iguratiom. 'CC lhe fH<'111hfl'
1/otle/ing iraming manuul.

Introducing: Exploded View "u~cd to mm e one or ITI<lrc compom:lll:. a lung an arm

Exploded View
or the Move Manipulator A or triad. lach llHl\ e din.:cll\111 ami
d1stam:c l.'> stortd "" a step.

Where to Find lt ( tlmmamlManager Assembly> Exploded View 1

Menu: Insert. Exploded View
The Exploded View Tl1e Exploded View Pmpc11}-Manager 1s ml!d to crl!ate and store all
PropertyMa nager the c'.plode step.., 111 thc c'.plmlcd 'ic\\.
Explode Steps aiiO\u lnr
'cctor lll(l\ cmcnt of onc or lll<lre
component..,. [ach dr..,tance and tto. f o: A:

d1r1!ctwn mm emcnt or
onc or ~~(J.}trdtfw'l
more eomponelll.., I'> cons1derel.l
a -.mglc Explode Step
I he Settings group PO\ lists thc
component(s) usel.lm the currcnt ,..........
c.x plode '> tcp al<,ng \\ 11h the
diStance: and drrect1on
1he Options group bo\ 1111.:ludcs
the Auto -space components
after drag option lnr aulllmatlon
and th-.: Select sub-assembly 's
parts option to 1.!\plodc the
mu I\ 1dual cnmpon..:nts of a sub-


Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assemblies

General Sequence I he general ... equencc u...~.-d to create an e\plmh:d ...tcp 1.., repeated man}
in Explode t1111c' to create the c\plodcd '1e'' ll i....
l.lcleu till' component(s) h' e\plllde.
2 Drag and drop an <l\1" of the mm e manipulator.
~. l'lll.. k "air'' (oil or an~ component)
Exploding a Single l lne or more l'Omponent;. l'an he tno\ ed 111 one or more dm:et ton;.. I aeh
Component mn' l'I11Cnt (Ol1l' or more cnmponcnts) set hy a d1~tancc and d1rcctwn 1s
considered lllll' 'tep.
Move Manipulator I he Move Manipulator a\e:. <trc useu to create the 'eclor mm emcnt
required 111 each c\plode sh:p u... ing the .,tanuard dra~ and drop method.
Drag Arrow I he Drag Arrow is u... cd as a 'ector lilr the t.:x plode ... tep. (>nee created.
the step distant.:c can he modtlied h} dteking the .,lcp 111 the Explode
Steps dwlog and draggmg the blue arn1\\ along the c\plode hne
Edit Step R1ght -cltck a 'otlp and clu:k Edit Step to ed1t '' hkh enmpunent., arc
u-;cd 111 the 'otep or Ill 'oCL thc distance to Jll c:\uctnumcnc ';tluc.

2 Select component.
Drag tht.: Head< l > tn u po~ition
-.untlar to that shm\11.
lltck Exploded View 1 .
<,electtht.: LockJng Pin< l >
component. i\ lllO\ c mun tpulatur
appears at the -.election. I he mmc
mantpulator I'- ahgned \\ ith the a\es of
the a"scmhl}
3 Drag e xplode.
I \plodc the component h) dragging
the grel'll <lrn'" a\\ a) from the
a ... ~cmh l ) and ll'lllg the ruler l<l set the
llt ...tance to ahtlUt 30mm. I he Explode
Step 1 kat urc 1~ adt.led .

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

4 Complete explode step.

l'l 1ck n iT ol an} component to
cmnpletc the 'tcp I he complet..:d ... tcp
appears m the Explode Steps I 1st .1s
Explode Step 1. I h~ component io.;
list..:d h..:ncath it.

Tip "idect mg the -.Lt.:p b) name m the

Explode Steps I1st di ... pla~ s the
components 111 magcnt.J 11 1th the hlu~
Drag Arrow.
I he urnm c.m he dragg..:d to change
th..: diSt<lllCC 011 1}

5 Explode similar component.

l.,ckct the Locking Pin<2> component and drag it about 30mm m the
thrcct1un sh(l\\11. (._ I1Lk oil th..: gcomCtr).

Lesson 13 SolldWorks 2013
Usmg Assemblies

Assembly Explode A sub-us~cmbl)' can he treated us a smgk component or a:- the

components that mal-e up the assembly.
11 the Select sub-assembly's parts opt1on 1s ckurcu. the suh-
as\cmhl) c\plodcs a:- one component.
I I tlw Select sub-assembly's parts opt1nn 1s clicked. the sub-
asscmhl)' components can be e\plntkd 111d1' 1tluall)' .

6 Settings.
I \pnnu th~ Options group bo\ ami dl'ar the
Select sub-assembly's parts option

7 Explode sub-assembly.
CllcJ.. the suh-a~semhly Base< 1> and urag ll .lhnut 55mm Ill the
uirectlllll :-.llll\\ 11 (. lid. oil' th~ g.eomelr)' .

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

8 Explode sub-assembly components.

J'xpund the Options group box and click the Select sub-assembly's
parts opuon. l xplodc the Round SWivel Cap< l >. Battery
Cover<l >. SWitch<2 >, Clip<2> ami Pin< l > \\ ith the d1~1anccs and
d1rccll\1n~ 'ho\\ n.

Exploding Multiple Mulupk component~ can be 'dcctcd <lnd explmkd \\ 1lh the 'a me
Components \ cltnr d1stancc aml dJrct' tlon 111 <1 'ingk c:-.plodc ~tcp. fhc Ctrl kc) ''
not reqturcd fi.1r thc~c ..,dccuom.

9 Explode multiple components.

.;;elect both Battery AA component' and dmg them <~bout 75mm 111
the dm:ct10n -;ll\l\\ n. Chck olf the gcomt:tr) .

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Usmg AssemblieS

Changing the In some case .... the aw'> of" Move Manipulator arc not pomllng tn the
Explode Direction dc-.m:d C'\plodc dm:c11ons. lhr" ,., usual!) becau-.c the component has
h~:cn mated or placed at angle tn the standard drrectrons. In c<lsl's lrkc
thc-.c. thc oricntation or lhc a\c.., can he ~:hanged to crcut.: the Jcl>i r.:c.l
c\plndc drn.:clton.
Changing the Move If the Move Manipulator <1\t:~ do not pmnllll the dcstrcd drrccttons. Its
Manipulator on.:ntmum can be changed
Alt+drag thc manrpulawr orrgrn (sph..:rc) to an cdge. a \I'>. racc or
plane to rcoricnt rt.
Right-du.:k the manipulator origrn Jnd clrcf.. Move to selection or
Align to. ~elect an edge, J\i'>. l ~rcc or planc to ro.:um:nt 11.

Right-cl ref.. thl.' mantpul:nor origm and dtck Align to Component

Origin w ll''-' thl.' a\es ol the compom:m.
RtghH.:lrcJ.. the mantpulator ongm and clrlk Align to Assembly
Origin l(l usc the a\eS or the as-.cmbl).

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

10 Settings.
I \pano the Options group ho\ and dear the Select sub-assembly 's
parts opt1on
11 Wrong direction.
Sclc\:tthe Swivel Clip<l> ,md
drag thi.! red <1\i~ as ~hU\\11 1"1!1:
~.:mnponl.!nt 1.!\plodo..'~ aInng. an
<ISSI.!lllh() i.l\IS Olfi:CtiOil.

( lu.:k Undo

12 Move origin.
Alt+drag the ma111pulutor
ongln (sphcrl.!) 10 the race
slwv. n ,1110 drop it.

lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assemblies

13 Proper direction.
\elect the SWivel Clip< l >
component and dri.lg 1t ahout
30mm m the d1recll\lll -;ho\\ n.
l lick 11ll the gcomelf}.

Using Auto- I he Auto-space components after drag opt1on 1s u~cd to -.prcad i.l
Spacing -.enes \lretlmponenls along. a smglc a\iiJI step. I he ),pacing. d1stancc 1s
set usmg. a slldcr and CiJn he changed alter creation.

14 Select multiple components.

')elect the components
Lens Cover'< 1 >. Reflector'< l >,
Miniature Bulb<l> and Head<l>
as sll\l\\ n.
Click Auto-space components
after drag.

SolldWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Usmg Assemblies

15 Change orientation.
Due to the angle 111 the cnmpnncnh,
the triutl oncntattnn mu-.t he dumgcd.
Alt+drag the mampulatnr origm
(!o.plwn::) In the face ~hO\\ 11 a nu urop it
Drag the ...pacmg ,Jtder to m:ar the
middle a" ... 111mn

16 Drag.
Drag the hluc a\1' ahout 50mm w C\plotlc and auto--.pacc the
cnmp!lncnts .

17 Reorder.
In the PropcrtyManager. drag thc Miniature Bulb<! > to,, position
hcl\\ecn the Head<l> and the Reflector< I >. llw, changes the order
olthc compnncnts in the chain Click OK

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Usmg Assemblres

Explode Line (. rcatc IIIH.'" as the t.::\plmk path' of the componcnb using Explode
Sketch Lines. 1\ l) pc of 1I) -.ketch called an Explode Line Sketch 1s used w
create and d1spla) the Iincs. The Explode Line Sketch and Jog line
tools can b~o. U<.,ed 111 cr..:atc and mmh 1) th..: Im..:<.,.
Explode Line Iypical sdccuDns. su~o.h as 'ertlccs. edges and li1ccs. can b..: made to
Selections create e'plode lmc.... ll is Important to:
\el..:ct geometry 111 the proper order to ddine the e:\plod..: hn..:.
\..:kct g..:omctry that Is Jppropnllt.: to start. end ur pas' through
Note \wllccs ilnu edge.., ar~o. typt~.:ally suncd to start and end t.:\plmlc hncs.
I ac..:s arc l)plcall) useu W"pass through'' rhcs~o. sclccttoll\ \\Ill he
sho\\ n in the filllll" ing ... tcps
Introducing: \n Explode Line Sketch enables ynu tn semi-autom<llleall)' cn:atc
Explode Line Sketch C\pJmk Jmc.., Jo Ullthis. )llll -.elect moucJ geometry such a ... taccs.
edge .... or \t.:l1in:.....111tlthe system generales liK' e:\plndc lines

Where to Find lt l ommantlMunager Assembly > Explode Line Sketch '

Menll' Insert Explode Line Sketch
Other Explode lhcr~. ilrt.: :.~lint.: \\hen: the c\pludc lm~.:s d11 not matth up \\1!11
Lines '' llh e:\lslmg 'l!rlll'!..'s, tdg~.:" or I:tees.
Adding Geometry \uumg sketch gcom~tr) "nhm thc componcnts to sclcct for the
nplodc lines can hdp placc the lmes

Free Sketching Lmcs can be skctchcd w.. ing 3D -.kctching tc~.:hniqucs (1gnonng the
tm'l" flW\ ltkd "11h thc L 'plodc I me ~ketch d1alog) Ill t:rcmt the
t.:\plod~.: lines

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Usrng Assemblies

1 Explode line .
l'ltd. Explode Line Ske tc h ' lll start the
11> -.ketch. ll1d.. Along XYZ.
thl.' cm:ulur l.'dge~ .1-.. -.hlm n to crl.'atl.' a
luw bl.'t\\een thl.'m.

Adjusting the !"he t:\plllde l ine~ and ends ullcr several option-. bl.'lnrc
Explode Lines the) arc completed. I he ...dccllon pomt~ ha' 1.' arnm-.. that
can b..: clichd to r<.:\O.:r'>l'lhc I me dir..:t:tmn
l'hc I me' thclll,Ch CS can he dragged\\ lthin th..: plane llf
the: geomc.:tl) Place the curo,or on the Im\.' t\l thl.' drag
arnm -...
l"he Reverse and Alternate Path options can abo he
U! to generate more c\plodc Ime optmn-..

2 S imila r explode line.
~Cil'Ct a '>llllilar set of circular cdgl.'s I() Cl'l.'iiiC
a lml.' bl.'t\\CI.'Il thl'm.
ll1d. the drag arnl\\" 1f nece,-..,,r~ Ill rl.'' cr"l'
the direction.
ll1ck OK.
Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assemblies

3 Through explode line.

Sd~t:llht: ~dg~ rnllmwd b:,. l\\0 t:J~c~ lo ""pass through" and an edge [I)
~nd thl' line a' sho\\ n l"lld. OK

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Using Assem bites

4 Along the axes.

Mal-.~ sure Along XYZ i-, ~.: hckcu aml cl tel-. the cugc' nflhc Swivel< 1 >
l'nlltmcd b) the Head< l > a~ shll\\11.

5 Shortest.
l kar Along XYZ anu click OK.

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Using Assemblies

6 Exit explode line sketch. ",..

~ '""'9"-<1
., huf! ,;,
lltd. OK ag.1in and then t:\ilthe t:\plode linl' l"'., ,..,...,,, ! ........ ,
:-.!..etch. .,/..,._1
l' tl ~
The l'onfigurattont\ lnna!:ler lists both the t:\p lodcd iJ!.plod< S<...Z
\'ie\\ ExplViewl and the t:\plodc -,!..etch 1~~1
1 ..... 11....
3DExplodel along" ith the mdl\ tduale\plnde
~ 9.,.
[.plod< S<.,S

\leps. bplod<ll""
l.fplod< lc<pl
1 .....
.tJ [,plod< S<..,.IG

Animating T he Aru mat ton lontrol kt l'an hL' used to nn tnwte the e\plmk or
Exploded Views etlllapsc motton

Where to Find lt (\hortcut Menu Right-d tck the ExplVlewl 1-_.aturc .mu dtck
Animate Collapse or Animate Explode
Animation l hc Animall\lll ( ontrolle r ,.,
Controller Ill\ ol-.cdh} the Play .. button on l~o:~ ~
the ...,tmttlation ltmlhar
Playback Options 'I here arc ..,c, crul opt ton:-. for rcplaymg the 'imul.tttnn
Fast Forward .. Rewind

Stop J;if Save as AVI Normal

q Loop ... Reciprocate ~! Slow Play
m Fast Play
, ,., .oo_ Progress Bar

Tip \uu can ul-.11 Explode ami Collapse the asscmh l ~ h;. thl
ExplViewl rcnture c
Ill till: ontiguratwn Munager IH h) righ
111 the graphic., area

7 Animation toolbar.
Right-dll:l-. nn Exp!Viewl and cite!.. Animate Collapse l h-.: dialng
use' s tandard Ctllltnlb tncluding Play
8 Save.
Save tht' ,,s,cmhl) ,tlh:r collapsing the e\plndcd ' te\\
Clusc all lifco., hut the as;.J:mhly Exploded.

SolidWorks 2013 Lesson 13
Usin g Assemblies

Bill of Materials In an a-..,~mhl)'. a hill of mah:nals r.:port can h.: autonwtrcally cr.:ah:tl
and .:tln.:tl. ILcan then be imencd omothc dra\\Jng 'heel. The lint ... hed
'crswn or
the BOM \\Ill appcur 111 the assembly and ltn.:r on the
dra\\ mg 'heel

Whe re to Find lt ( ornmandM.mager: Asse mbly> Bill of Ma teria ls

Mcnu. Insert, Tables, Bill of Mate rials

9 BOM Settings.
Clic'- Bill of Materials
l;)clcet born-standard as th~: Table Template and
. . . . . . . . . . . .p

Inde nted '' uh No numbering a-. thl! BOM Type.
Cite'- OK then dtd, 111 thc graplm:s '' 111tl011 to Tap~only

placc thl' BOM . Ptsoiy

0 ~...

~ ; . .... , ..

10 BOM feature.
[ \pand thl.' Tables folder 111 the
I eaturcManag~:r dc:-.tgn trce l he hill ol
matenaJ.., J'eature, Bill of Materialsl
~ ,,_,.


~ h---
<Explode>. '"stored there. 11011"'-
~ -....
!. 0...,0
~ Jilllo,...I!Od-()o,.ploy-
' -.<I!Od-D<Id llo
, ~ t-k.td4l(Defdul)(4d., _Or'..
, ,, .......... -J(Oof.... ,,
' , ...... """'h {Dif..... ~ .. Drf.,.
lotlonor ..... 1> llld-
()-Ciop<l !Od..... llod.

' ( )"dl> (l)l!fautuDft.ul

' (}lf'l\'$ (cwa..:f COtfdH Dtft
ff M.oln

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 2013
Usmg A ssem bltes

11 Show table in new window.

Right-chd. the tahh.: Bill of
Matertalsl <Explode> .mu d1ck
Show Table in New Window
Cfld, Window, Tile Horizontally to
-.llll\\ both " mum\-.


12 Moving a column.
Click in the QTY. column anu du;k the hcaucr cell D. Drag Lhc column
header cell to the kll, uroppmg ll at the PO'>ll l\lll -.h!m 11. Click Ill the
table <1110 urag \WtiCi.ll Of hOri /Oiltal lines lO f CSI/C the cel l....


~"-C'1,~-.e 1
n f ~

e '
. ~

bnl: J-lir)


""' '-..

I ~""'la~"" '
I !!_aiiO!Y
~ . I

.. '

.. ""' " '


13 Hide table.
llo-.c the tahk " llllhm R1ght-d u.:k the li.lblc Bill of Materials!
<Explode> ,mu clil:k Hide Table.

SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 13
Usmg Assemblies

Assembly /b~cmhli~.:~ ha' c se' era I untqu~ rClJlllrcm~.:nh "hen 11 come~ to making
Drawings tktml tlra\\ mgs l)f them In ,tdtlit 1011 to -.pcciali/ed \le\\~. as~emblte ...
req111re a Bill of"Mat~.:nal nnd Ball(lons tn fully do~.:ument the a~semhl)
In tlm. e\ampk. th~.: explod~.:d 'te\\ and Hill ofMatenal tahll.: createtlm
the as-.emhl) ''Ill be Ulletltn the dr<l\\ mg.
Displaying Exploded Vie'"' .trc nonnall) aeated 111 thetr non-e\plodcd '>late. Wlwn adding a
Views ' te\\ from the View Palette, you can chmhe to dmg the an c\plmled
\ 11!\\ onto the ~heel I hts only \\Orks If the aCti\C ~onfigunll1011 orthl.'
model cnntams .tn 1.:\plmkd 'tC\\
\ltematl\l.'ly.) uu can change the conliguratton 111
th~.: Proper!) \1anagl.'r 11fthc tlra\\ mg 'te\\ !'hen.
'>l.' ll.'ct Show in exploded state to dtsplay the
explndl.'d 'te'' l ma lly. choose the e\plodcd 'te\\
you "ant to dt:,.pla} tf the configuration ha., multiple -
e\plmkd \ te\\ s I'Jm, \\Ill he a\ alia hie 0111) If there I' an e\phldl.!d \le\\
111 th~: sekctetl ctmlig.umtlllll.

1 New drawing.
Ma\tllll/1.' the a ..-.emhly "mdo'' Cltl.'k Make Drawing from Part/
Assembly . to creme a ne" dra\\ mg. u.. mg th~.: A CANS!)
Landscape template.
2 Model View.
Drag and dwp the rsometric Exploded' 1e'' lrnm the View Palette.
'-,~t the Display Style to Shaded with Edges .

f 0
----- ----
=.:=;.=:...: -:
-- ..
~ A El\ptoded

Lesson 13 SolidWorks 201 3
Usmg Assemblies

Copying a BOM If n hill ol mah.:rmb table ha~ hct.:nlTc.ued 111 the a~~cmhl). it cnn be
Ta ble from the copted to the dr<l\\ mg.
The ~a me option u~cd to crc:Jt..:: the t.thlc ts u..,cd to cop) tl I or more
Ill format ton. sec Bill of \laterial1 un pagc -ll\ I.

3 Copy table.
l lick Ins ert, Tables, Bill of Materials and chef... in ., x
the' ic11 . Click Copy existing table Blll of IOf Ooot- *
Materialsl. click Linked and click OK. ere... ,_,....

Mo\c the Btll of Mah:nah to the top h:ll corner of

the dra11 ing l(mnat and click to platc it.

A Exploded

Note I or more inlnrl11<tltnn about crl!atmg and ediung Bill of l'v1atcrial table~.
sec the Solidll'orA, !Jrmtings manual
4 Font.
(ltcf.... the uppcr-1\!1'1 handle of the table and chef... 10 as the timt ~..ttc.
Douhk-cltck ltne.., of the table t11 re..,itc to the content-..

0--- f. 00,... :

. . B /\l5'
~ r-" _:=I
I'IMHO ,lt.ITH!J..,I Dll(tll0t4


SolidWorks 201 3 Lesson 13
Using Assemblies

Adding Balloons I h~ JL~m numh~r-. "'stgn~d h) th~ hill or mat~nals can h~ adtl~d to th~
dr;l\\ mg u..,mg Balloons. I h~se ha!loons "1!1 assign the pn1p~r 11~111
number a., they are IIN:rtetlonto eugc-.. 'erttcc.., or lite..:-.
Introducing: Auto !'ht AutoBalloon command ,.., uscu to automuucall) lahcl the
Balloon component-. nl .111 ;ts..,cmhl) unl\\ mg b)- Item nu mher ;tml optlllna!l)
tlll<lllllt)'. I here arc se\ cm I tli lll>relll layou h. -;ha pc-. and nH:thotb to
create the ballnom.

Where to Find lt Comm.mtll\1,mager Annotation> Auto Balloon ~

Menu. Insert, Annotations, Auto Balloon
%ortcul Menu R1ght-chck in the dra\\ mg 'ic\\ and click
Annotations, Auto Balloon

5 Insert balloons.

'>elect the dra'' mg 'te\\
Chck Auto Balloon ~ and click the Balloons to
Right pullcm and chck OK.



__. ....... .....

:.=2:-:~:u ::
A Exploded
. . .. .

lesson 13 SolidWo rks 201 3
Using Assombllos

Editing the The I \plod~o:d Vie\\ can he edncd at any time to edit, :-~dd or rcmmc
Exploded View step:-. In this e\alllple. the th..,tance and direction of a -.tcp \\ill he edited
to rcprc ...o.:nt the proper motion of the component.

6 Assembly.
Return to the assembly Exploded.
7 Edit exploded view.
Cl id, tho.: ( ontigurauonManagl'r and double-did, tho.: Explode
con liguratwn.
l 'P~lllU thl' Explode contiguratmn. Rtght-chd, .; ExplVlewl and
clu;k Edit Feature
8 Edit step.
Click on thl' steps m the Explode Steps h~>t to iuctllify tho.: "tcp thm
C\plodcs the Battery CoveT'< l > wmponent. Rtght-clkk that step and
click Edit Step

9 Change vector.
Rtght-cltl'k 111 the Explode Direction field and click Clear Selections.
Select th..: edge or the component part <lS "htm 11

SolidWo rks 2013 Lesson 13
Usmg Assemblies

10 Change s ettings.
l)c:t the: Explode Distance tn SOmm. Click ' Reverse direction 111
place the component on the sH.Ic a~ .,hm\ n.
(_ ltck Apply, Done and OK to cnmpktc cditmg the c\pludcd 'tc\\.

Editing the l ikc the C\plmlctl '1e". the I \plotlcd I me Sketch can he: edited at an)
Explode Line time to CUll. adtf Or rt:ll10\C: C\.pluJc: I me~. lntlm. C\Uillplc. a llC\\ I me: IS
Sketch added 1111 the c:d1tct.l t:\plndc -.tcp.

11 Add explode line.

Click Explode Line Ske tch ~. ~c:lcctthc \C:rtlccs a;. shtmn.
C. lick OK t\\ t~:c and t:\ll th~: -,l,.ctch.

Tip lhc changes tn th~: e\plodcd 'IC\\ anti tlw C\.plodcd ltnc ... ketch" ill
appear 111 the dra\\ mg 'IC\\
12 S a ve and c lose all files.

Exercise 61 SotidWorks 2013
Using Coll1slon Detection

Exercise 61: lJ~mg the assemhly

Using Collision prm idclL detcrmmc the
Detection range ol motmn of the
clamp handh:.
Thi~ h1b reinfon.:es the
li.lllll\\ mg sk d Is:
lnter(erence un
page 45X
fii(I'Ocflldll,l!, ( 'olfi1i011
nett< tu m on page 46 I .
Procedure Open ,,n e\isllng a~!>cmhl) .
1 Existing assembly.
<>pen tlw e\t~tmg a~~emhl) named Collision Jiom
the !'older Collision.
2 Collis ion locations.
l he link stops the motmn ufthc tl'>semhl) lllt\\11
plm:es. t\llne the assembly to the point ol'eulhstllll
,mu mea~urc the angle l~nmed u~ing Measure or, on a dr;m mg 1 1e11.
ANGLE " A"- \s the handle sub-assy is pulled
had. thc link hlls 11.
ANGLE " 8 "- \s thc handle sub assy ~~ pu-.hed
forward, the link hns thl' hold-down sub-assy.
Meas urements: (rounded)
Angle " A" =38 Angle " 8 " =90

3 Save and close all files.

SolidWo rks 201 3 Exercise 62
Finding and Repai ring ln terlorences

Exercise 62: l'su1g the asscmhl) prO\ tdcd. tint.! hoth

Finding and static an<.l U}nanm: intertcrcnccs then rcpatr
Repairing them
Interferences llm. lah reinforces the ltllln\\ tng -.ktlls:
( "lu:ckiug fiw lnlt'/:f(n nee on page 45K
lnlmdncing: C(ll/ision Dell'Oinn on
page 46 1
Untt-.. miltimeters

Procedure Open an c\i-.ung assembly.

1 Existing assembly.
Open the e-,;istmg as~embl) named UJoint !iom the 1\llder UJoint.
2 Static interferences.
I ind the staltc tntcrl~n:m.:cs.
Repmr the interti:renccs h)'
npplymg Flip Dimension to a 0
-.mgle mate t

3 Dynamic interferences.
I ind dynamtc tlllcrfcrenn:s bet\\cen
the Yoke Male< 1> and
Yoke_Female< l > l.'omponems.

Exercise 62 SolidWorks 2013
Fmdmg and Repamng Interferences

4 Add features .
1\dd ehamlcr lcaturc:-. (2mm X 45) to the edge~ nr the Yoke_Male<l>
and Yoke Female< 1> eompnnent;. a...' n

5 Test.
The the assemhl} lilr hoth -.t<ttie and dynamtc mterkrence-.
6 Save and close all files.

SolidWorks 201 3 Exerc ise 63
Checking for Interferences, Collisions and Clearances

Exercise 63 : L 'mg. the .~ ... .,emhly pro\ ttkd. check lt)r

Checking for mterli!rence'>. clearJnce.., and colltsJOn....
Interferences, I hts lah remfuree-. the l(lllll\\ mg skill..,
Collisions and ( 'hl'( kmg /iJI' lnlc'r/i.'n:nn on page 45X.
Clearances Ch<'ding /(JI' Clearwnc.\ on page 460.
lntmclu6ng Colli.\ion 1>.-tc'c'lum on page 461.
l nits. millimeters

Procedure Open an e\1\llng ""'cmhly.

1 Existing assembly.
Open the c\l'llng <bsemhly named A _D_Support linm the !"older
2 Static interference.
(.'heck lm 'taltc imerlercnce., u... mg Interference Detection.
3 Dynamic clearance and collision detection.
Drag the Internal suh-ao,semhl}. C. olltstons 'LOP the molton in l\Ht
piJce..,. T\ hn e the a.,semhl} to the pomt or cull tston (open l and mca..,ure
the muwnum tllstancc het\\ een the End and the small collar using the
Dynamic Clearance opttnn.
lhe ttnage hd!m ... ho\\ s the d) namtc clearance dimen .... on during dmg.

eo,..----- -
(Ans\\ er 225mm)
( 1-48.01 } --=>
4 Sub-assembly clearances.
Open the suh-a.....,emhl} internal and ma'-e .,urc thut there an:
dearam:c' bel\\ ccn
(. nmpnncnts small center tube and small collar.
(. nmponcnts small center _tube und thin_collar.

( \n"''cr: O. IJmm .tnd 0 l

Exercise 63 SolidWorks 2013
Checking for Interferences, Collisions and Clearances

5 Top level assembly clearances.

R~:turn to the tnp k\ d assemhl) A D_Support and make sure that
then: .tre clearance-.. bet\\ cen
C. omponcnts center_tube ;m<.l small center_tube.
C. omponents center_tube and small collar.

( \ns\\ er- 1.6Xmm an<.l 0. 1Omm)

6 Save and close all files _

SolidWorks 2013 Exercise 64
Explodod VIews and Assembly Drawings

Exercise 64: l smg the e\tstmg .ts-.emblies, add 1!\ploded \tC\\ S, e:-.plode lmes and a
Exploded Views HO 'VI in the a-.-,embl~ L se the e\ploded \IC\\::. lll gem: rate dra\\ ing:.
and Assembly "ith balloons and cop~ the B0\-1 from the a s~embl} . l se till' A
Scale 1 to2 template.
I ht-. t..tb reinforces the J"ollo" mg sh.tlls
Erpl(/(lnl J.\, cmhln' on page 4h6
1:\plmh I im S/.:ctt h on pag~ -1 ~(l
, I., H'mhh f>rc111 i ng' on page 4K1
Bill c!l l!aft'rial' on page -11-i I .
Untts. millimeters
lhe rile-. .trc li.1und 111 the Exploded Views lillder.

Assembly: l!fMHO f'llll'UiM11! llC!CII..CA-1 OTT

part configs I kM t'oHII Mo!H I


._... 2

r-.-- ,,..


'"" ~Jibd
tf,ot "-"9~..,
1--,- ~

....., - -r--;-_lbj
t'tl t~~~lbd

r-;o- ...., ~-
..... ~.'bet

I! .UOII /ilt'lo..Q'"A 'Itl>CI

Tip lt..,t all the Hexagon Rod components separalcl} hy the
Display configurations of the same part as separate items under
Part Configuration Grouping.

Assembly: I!MH:> ,.,.,.lN&lJt DfSCliii'IICII Ql'r

Gearbox ' ....... ~ I

Assembly 2 -.<-eo I

I W\.1f1(,o'!Ot<..Jn I

eo ....._HMt J
5 eo- - I
C~t ~

Exerc1se 65 SolidWorks 2013
ExplodiKI VIews

Exercise 65: tbmg th~: \!\l~tmg as-.~!mhl~. add 1!\plmh.:tl \ 1\!\\~

Exploded Views antl an 1!\plod\! hn~: skl!tch
lh1s lab n:infnrcc-. th~: l~llllmll1 g sk1 lls:
bp/tilled '''<'lllhli'-'' on page -l66
1:\p/(}(/e l.ilw \'/.;cl eh llll page -l ~6.
l n1h m illimeters

Assembly: I h~: fih:-. .1re lountl in th~: Support Frame lnld\.r

Support Frame
' 'l ' '' f'
'! ' ,:.I

Appendix A

) he ll1:Jlenal111 thi:- appi.!11JI\ -.upph.:ment~ the material Cll\ creJ Ill the
lc-. ..on-. lt '""' rcmm ed from the lo.:s-.ons to keep them llf managcahle
length. and induded here f(1r your reh:rencc.
Tools, Options scttmg:- u"cd 111 th1s cour~l.!.
l rcatmg ,1 cu-.toml/cd donunent template for parts.
Organi/ing Y<lllr documo.:lll template.,.

Appendix A SolidWorks 2013
Temp lates

Options 'I h~ Tools, Options d1a log 1s th~ m~<tns hy "htch dl!li1uh ~olid\Vorb
Settings s~tt 1 ngs Jr~ chang~d lt contains ,cuings th1t apply to tndi' idual
docum~nts .1~ \\ell as -.~lltng~ that appl) only to~ 1Htt syst~m .md your
"nrk en\ ironmcnl.
I he Tools, Options dialog wnwms two tabs that .trc labelled System
Options and Document Properties Your chotccs an:.

Sys tem Options

(_ hangc-. tu the system opt tuns custnmttc your \\ork en\ 1ronmcm lhc)
arc not sa\ cd "tth any spcc11ic document. Rather. <Ill) dncument
opened on your '>ystcm '' tll rcllcct the"c "cllings. lnr c\amplc) nu
might \\am your dclilllh 'Pill hm. mcrctm:nt to he 0.25 im:he-.. I mtght
l) pica II) \\ ,,rk nn ... mall parts and ''-till a uclillllt 1:10\ incrcmc.:nt or
only 0.0625 tndll'" Sy..,tem opllons let us each customitc our \\Otl
cm trunmc.:nt to our \I\\ n nc.:cd'>

Document Prope rties

Ch.tngcs \\ill Jlku only the cuncntly open dm:umc.:nt. l"hc,
dd(tult sc.:uings arc not changc.:d.
Changing the lo change the dclauh Options. li.>lltm tlm pmcc.:Jun:
Default Options
I r11111 the Tools menu. choose Options.
2. ~c.:kct the wh li.1r the.: setungs you '' l',h to change.
~. \\'hcn fint..,hc.:d. did. OK
Note 'I nu can only iiCcc.:s' Jocumc.:nt pmpcrtic.:s ''hen a uocumc.:nt I'> open.
Suggested lor <I compktc lt ... ung of all the.: sellmgs avatlahk through the Tools,
Settings Options dialog rl'li.:r totln: on-lmc.: help.
lmpllrt,tnt System Options that arc w. c.:d in thi ... manual arc.::
Input dimc.:nston 1 aluc: I nab led.

D1splu) plan..: \\hen shaded . Dl-.,tbii!J.

Default Templates
\I ways ll'.e thc..,c.: Jcfltuh document h:mpi<IIC-.: L11L1hkd.
Document \\ nh u Document Template lite ( .prtdot. .asmdot. .drwdot) ~ou
Templates can -.a\ c Jocumc.:nt pwpcrucs Ior use 111 no.:\\ documc.:nts. You can
Cl'l!<lte a ne'' t~mplate thtlll'Onlatn!>just th..: sc.:llmgs that )Oll \\<lnt
\\ hcn } nu ''ant to create il 111!\\ document. sekct the template you want
and the dncumc.:nt "illmherllthc.: template\ '>ellmgs

SolidWo rks 201 3 A ppendix A

How to Create a Cr~ating. a cuslollli/~U tt:mplat~ 1' a simpk proc~dur~. You open <In~''
Part Template docum~.:nt U'>lll!J. th~ C:\ l,llllg dcl1tult tcmplall.!. N~-.t )'llll U'iC th~ Tools,
Options dialog lo modtl} the docum~.:n t \ -.~ttmg .... rh~n you ":l\C the
dn~.:um~nl a~
n ll.:mplmc lil~ You can set up l(>ld~r~ to contam and
mgan11~ ynur h:mpbtcs

In thts 'ect10n we" tllncate a lllstom i;cu pnrt h;'lllplnt~

1 Create a new part.

\ n~" part" ill h~ u"~u to tim11 th~ t~mplatc and" ill he d1,~.:arued
l'l1ch. File, New and the Templates tah ofth~ dialog. tltck the
template Part and OK.

- Dt-

Preview I nol vUablc.

Note Dll not us~ the Novice '~llings1>11 th~ dwlog "hen sa\ ing a dn~.:um~nt
templat~ . lh~ r~sulung template\\ 111 not b~ 'cen.
2 Properties.
Yen I), <111d I r need~d. ,~, th~ tolfl)\\ 11 \g Document Properties .
Drafting Standard
(h~rall dra ltlllg -..tandard \I\ .... I

Dimensions, Font
D 1 111~1bllll1 (. entll!') (iothic: I kight - I~ pomts.
Annotations, Font
Hallonm.. CclllUI) (.othll , I k1g.h1 12 p11111h
Note' ( entlll) (il>lhlc: llc1ghl I~ poinb.
Dimensions, Primary precision
Pnmar)- pr~c1s11m, l nll PrcCI'>Illll 123.
Displa) <Jnd- Dl'.. ablcd.

AppendiX A SolidWorks 201 3
Templa tes

Unit S)st~m - M'\1( ,1.,

Reference Geometry
lh~ tkliull t names forth~ t hr~~ ... ystcm planes ar~ nm contmllcu h)
Tools, Options . l'hc) arc contmllcu by the uocumcnt template.
\\hen 1111.. part 1s san:u as a te mplate. the plane names'' Il l be s<l\cu
in the temp late lilc lh~n. any ne\\ parts crcateJ using th 1s templutc
\\Ill auwmu11cal ly mherit the plane names. lfyou '""h, n: name the
p l an~.:s I nr e\amplc. you llllght prdcr XY. xz. a nu yz inst~.:au ol
the d~.:l'ault name ....

3 Save a template.
<. lick File, Save As.
r or Save as type. 'dect Part Templates.
Name the tcmplat~ mm part uno na' gate LOth~ tllreetory \\here you
''ant w ...tore ~our cu..,tnllllteu t~mrl ates. In this c:>..ample. ''e \\ill
... unpl~ S:l\ e th~.: template 111 the ~ohdWork~ J:.~ta rcli.:rencc threctmy 111
the li.1ld~.:r
C: \ Program.Data \ SolidWorks \ SolidWorks 2013\ Templates.
(.lick Save.
4 Use the template.
(.lose the current p:lrt \\ llhnut sa\ mg 1t. (.rea le u 11\!\\ part u... mg. tl11..
template mm. part that appeurs 111 the dmlog under the Templates tab.
Check to '-CC that the ...eumgs ha\ c heen eamed m er

SolldWorks 201 3 Appendix A

Drawing I )ra\\ mg templates and ;,heel Jimnats ha' c man~ more opuons than
Templates and pan or assemhl~ templates !1. completl.' treatml.'nt ol creatmg ,mc.J
Sheet Formats custnllllllng dr;m mg templates and "hc.:t l(mnats ,.., co,cr.:d m the
toursc Soliclll ork' Drt111'i11g.\
Organizing Your 1\o., a g.:ncral rule. tt is not a good 1d.:a to o.,ton.: )'our customi/cd
Templates t.:mplate.., m the ~ohc.JWorks mstallauon d1recwry l he rea'-tll1 li1r this
IS that \\hen }llU lllstall a nl.'\\ \l.'fSIOn of~oiJJWorh. the lle\\
tnstallatum dirct:tor~ \\ould \l\ Cf\\nL~ your cw.tollli/Cd templates
i\ better stratl.!g)'
IS ttl o.,el up a .,epttratc director) ror tcmplaiC'i. .JUSt liS
you \\ould lor lihrary features and ... tandard p:ms lihmncs.
You can control "here o;;oltdWnrks searches f11r th~ templates h~
meano., ot Tools, Options, System Options, File locations I he.!
Show folders for ho:\ display-, search paths for lill.!s or' anouo., I) pl.!s.
lneludtng doeumentll.:mplates. !he roh.h:rs arc sean:hed in the tlrdcr
they an: l1st1.!d You can aud nl.!\\ fi.1lc.lers. dclc.!k 1.!:\tsting folders. or
nw' 1.! ti1ldcr... up 11r do\\ n to change.! the .,\!arch orc.Jcr

Appendix A SolidWo rks 2013

Default Templates t'crtam npcratlun~ 111 O..,uilu WorJ..s automaticall) cr..:m..: '' ne" p<ll1.
a... s..:mbl). or Ul"ll\\ lllg cJncument ~OlllC l' \illllpJ..: ... are.
Insert, Mirror Part
Insert, Component, New Part
Insert, Component, New Assembly
Form New Sub-assembly Here
File, Derive Component Part
In thc~c '- tt uatwn .... ynu h,l\e the tlpli~111 of either spcc tl}ing a t..:mp l at~o:
tu u...e nr ha\ mg the sy-,tl'm use a default template. rhts opllon ts
controlled b) Tools, Options, System Options, Default Templates.

._._.,..,.c .. ..-. ... . ,. . .,.......
fw(f/ftn~ ...... ~ ..._..


----_.-- -
. . . . 1W 1..., .


,,.... .....__.
I J.a,._

0 l ._ J

11 ~ou ha\ c wlcctecl Prompt user to select document template. the

New SolidWorks Document dtalng btl\ '' tll appeur ;mu you can
choose the t..:mplate you "i..,h tn u..,e I f yuu h:l\ e selected Always use
these default document templates. the apprnpnatc lilc '' tll bl'
aultllllal teally created usmg the tkfilll h template. l'hts ..,ection of the
Tools, Options llll'lllt also en,thl..:-,) ou lll dl'linc " hat template liks the
sy ... tcm o.,hould use b1, tkl:lltlt.


Numerics UT\:S ,lUhln1aliC' 1111'-tmg ~1HI

3J.,IIll 1 Jltlilll l')h ilUIHill,UI~ rd.ltltllh S
.trc slut 'll .lllhUr.ut,ltil111tng lxt''"'"'ll IIth.~, and ,.Ht1Hill.l11~ '"-'"td1 lhing 1 I'
,If(' ll .tr"s 71 "'-~ 1h')
..:~nh.r f\.'t.:l.tnglcs ~~ \.'C'I1h:f]~lifl1
11 oi'<'S,I"01J't11;)1) ll'l, 11'
~t:uh:rpHint :-tlf~ught 'h1t \:! t..hnh:thhming m in 111.1' 1''7
~r,;Onh.T fCLLU\glt:' J~ nunn~l 7(1 B
1 pnmt arcs 111< tans,m 7u, ~11( t>:llltKIII crllouh .JN<;
1 1-i111 c..nt~ r~:.:tansk h7 ~lh!\'lll 111h..nt 7fl0c.'' 71 ll<:'cl. '< chamf\.'1'1\
J f'<lllll ""rm"r r.:.:wngk t> i .tr"a tlll p.tll~llh Ill7 htll 111 lll.ttcn.rls .JS I I S-i
nrca.. s,'", mc;asun bknJ,, '"' fiii<"IS
A ,,., ubt1 "!o4."\:llun prOf"'!'r11\."S Ill l\1, .,.., btll "' 1113l<'fl~l~
.ur.t~ \._"(' J~llh."IJh lk'" Jclintllnn 111 hi
lhtur.: ~l~
Ill 112. 11 h ~mn\\,, c.l11111o!l1'11'th 1.:!5
.t,<.:mblu:s 4117 I-ll. ' ' ' 1~7
''"t' "\'0 h:.lltHl".,
rcl~11 j,,,..., I1 .tdding l'tllllll<lll\'IIIS Ill, .j 11>, -1~7 illtr;Ctt ('PIIlJ'kHH:Ill Jtt2., I l6
r\.'"\ll'iJII\1 z~, ,tddan~ !trollh... h;.'"mh11"'s t 17 'kt\ing.),nn \\ur~ ~s

uhgn :main, .J~7

111' "'"''' ulignnMtl 4211, -l W nnu~atmg '""''"led '""' s -1 11 c

m,at.:s 41'' l~llt>III-IIJl ,f.:,tj;ll IllS, Hh ~lllluut, '11, IS~> 2~11 changml! dtm''""""' lhS l~lll\.'"1' m.trL.' '1.1

uni!IC mates 41~ culliin ,f..-tcctinn .Jh I .:c:ntc.r,,fm.a~' 21h
UI\,SUI.&r Jim4.'CL-.iun~ ~S cunligur...Ui<tns 1h1, lh'J~ ~~'1. t~,:: f."t.'Uh.'T n.c.:t.mJ;Ie h..,
tnum.llllll! c'rludnl 'ie"' .JSII l.:tlp) ing \:OI1\fl'1114."111S 11 J ~l'llll'fllllt"i 11 11, 1117
~mnnt.ttl\llh 1' I <rc.ning """ ~Ill ~cntc.rptHIIt un., 11
h.tll~'"' -iS~ t.h namic IIWII<HI 117 dt;tlllkl' 210
mark' 114 -~rhdtltn"s rh dMnging dinh:n..,wo'
u:nh;rllnc' l~Jh C\f'h'<kd 'ic\\ lhll ISII app~.u.uh.L' 1~". I,,,
dJIUin f~~alUt't"' ~\ rnh.:tl~ l'J l lt~lur,\l.m~g"r """J:.'Illr,c 41~ 111.tfllh!>.CIIlhh Ill:'
gcumctrk htkr~h..'t: ~)lnbnl ~h hiJrng ~nmpcll\L"Jlh 4 \,J 11! .opan IIHI.
Ill ~""'mhlt," ll.j 111h:rkh:l1..:'" t.J\!'h.''- tu m '<:\, ..ah I dtangmg rhc "'"of a pbn<" 1.!1
n<tc Jl I m~tmg '''"'!'""'"''' 4 IS dh.''""L. ,_k~o.h..~h lor k.uun. 1.1'1
mo,mg .. ompon~nL~ .JI7, .l'H, 1 ~1
surlau: fim>h ~~ ml>ul 1114 ctrdcs 1.:!-1'' upcnmg a '-.411Ufk'"'"'l11 lll p.mern~ 17'
<<>lur x7 h:tlrdcnng ''hJt.:'-''' I I"
rt>JifxK~ IJ ~"' dC"h:~ttPfl 'h \
hiJ111g Li10li'IIIICI11' r>l "''llh;idcnf n~oth.~ 121
'-'t tlmh.'thi'"" l.!"'i lutlling"''"'P''n". . fll\ 117,..1~~. 1~ 1 J ..:..nrtrtlk-111 rd.llmn I I\'i"" gt.lf'lhtc\ ;: 11 'hU\\ing C:tUllJ'Uil\..'1\h .,a l'\ \:ollin"'trrd.llHtl1 I ~
lr.m raarcnl') ,,, LCUllP.'Ih:tll~ ~tJ I lf.llhp,th.'lh.-~ t\l l.Hf11fl\llh..'l\h ..a 1~ Jhl
l.liiJt.,.ltU\ ddl.'t.'IUtll
115 u~mg J'aft Ctlnligur:ali,,n, ~~~1. ~h'l. ..:nhtr
'> 2111 ~11, H2 c.lttmg S7
Dpf".llllll<'S 111 ll\'<'lllhh dr.l\\111!:.' 4~ 1 -IS' mkr'-'lh..'C' lin~~ ~~
l'otll mat\.'nais IS I 4!14\ '~" gr.tph" ' .:! I I
"'J'li~t.k ""'"' ~ 7h c..nuu..ntl\ 1Jn:tgcr I
"''crnhh mutiun 117, ~~' ~~,,
.ltl.lmg ''"' 17
nss.~t.:r.rtf\11) !i, lOO 10:! r"'llh'' ing' 17
.wtn nrmncc t.liructhiUJI\ '1'1
'""""11<'iilkt lhtng .::s~

5 01
S."''JtlU'.;ll ''"'/11 '''-'"
1'1 .1111111!11!111'
)I "run t~ aS' .I tht~H!IIUWI'"'
~s~ ''"''J P'1' tJ(.Jt Surtmt~5Jn L 1 s~!LJ.xhuJ utnJ~n:t
SI! '(HI~ l:S '1'1',' iht ,"\)I~J;'I UJ \\tllj ~ lJ I SUJ;Il)1~ U.:'I.\!JI' ~ \Jtl.)
1'1~ lli!J~I~lll fl(l) l(twpp ~~ ~~~11\."1
t 1t fs ,;,,;n u~~~ OU~ l)t,f 'l~ 5.'WidUI01) )U,"lllll\~'1' l. ~ I ucunq '"IH'UI ..'"1(ppHu \111\\
(It u~ 'tL I '~<t I 'is .>m1~~~ f;:' ''!IJ.'>\hiJlflll"llll:>clfl IMII
slt J-'1' "~'' ~I"'IJ'' .lJO~I~"'HU i'-'.\' \"l.'UI'l._,!J" ~h l<iL'I t pt l) KtU.1 lllll:lo>JI It'll'"
LIt ~It "')S~ ';:s~ ~n U!.11'll='~lll!f' Ill ''11'111 .J.IIIl'l'lf' ~~ 'r ~p~l4n 'l"!liii!U 1'111!1"'1~'
l'l f ' t !I U1 11!U!Io'l' ~lli 'col 1 '111 \"'tl>~p (t 1 Sth'llJt1 \\:l! \ . h~l
L~ .IUtU=' It I SIIHtIU \qtl~!l' r;:i ~J.III!I flu! \doJ
S'lt s.'~qqtu .,,,,, (>h 'H IJI'UI~ Lh 'IIUI'\U."'Ill~p fllll \4-J,,_,
', %I s.>Jnlll'tf I'~' I",;~.~ \.1, fJI I
3 !.S( 'JS:. 'ZSi: 11-"''lii'."'IJ ~ 1~ tpwq~'!li,,J,
:t. 1ropo:.o p.ll!/1 \\ .:lJtl\( "''.\ ''fU!'-'"IllllH ,'
c,~ l 'flmwu~m ~un~u \1-. hl 1 ~'!JJ.xf,ud ('Jr.'"/~.\\ ;lftill '~"'.\~ ".'\J",:fJ~IUT'UL."'I
I'Jt liU!P~P(l Utl!511ftl., ."''tltn'U\(l H "J"'hl L') ::t(iiUL'D;lJ J.llU!IJ
t lt UliiP,>I~I' nuCJI'~p JlUICll \p )I' tuu~IIUI<Ki t~f '1~11!1
olt' (>t> 'IPII~ol L(l SU''!'-""U.."~Ili!Jl
'l'tt 'LIt tkll>tll .\lot"'~"" ~11111'11 \p h fiu~ ,.,,u In: lUlll1'Jil:lUU''"'~
~h Mlll!\U.lUIIp 'fiu1 \~JJl '.11 1"<11 {IIJl<llU I'll' '1'1111''"" Ill' Ill ~~~~~lhXIlll..~
)h ~IHl!'\11,'1\ll l llli,,\!J f' Lc1l 'IUI!I!Jlllll.l ."'UI! \I~W 11!111 . \dtl."\
I'"~"" ~1 11111'\' 'IIIJI1 Sh l"lli>J ii~J.H," flll!'ll'lll l)~ ~ ~.'ltJilll" Ll' \IIH.l
I h ,>IIJil'l "'L\ .,,. Jt'.'ll!l 1(\. l'"'l P.:'\J."lS Jnc,tUc'l
fkt $11t)!Jlftl '!-!Ut11 ~h iilllf\111 ,, 11 MI~Uht:'l:l UU!l)t\JtWH)
I h S II!UUC~I 11~11' 11( 111'1 'SUOIIt~J;\1 "'!Jt..)llU)J5 JJ,l,\' ""U111!JJ<\Utt"l
h!l .\\.'1! \ UH!P'' ~~~ 'L :lUI\IJI' Of J."'UJ0-1 tu,t!II~UU!IUtX'I
S~t '''" p:'IIJ.;"'ft'JJ ~h U,"\\!1Jl SLt "-"filii \\I'JI' Ul 'fiUIMI
l~t 1 Lh "'--iitii\\I~P
"'! \ l~('k UI I'Jf J'' ~:tsn
l ~I "''" 1 1 '1'"11'~ ~t- I'Hll Utl~"'U."llU!P t)t t \:lU(Cl\I!HIJ,'ll
Lh fltl!lii'!'U.'l\Uip ~h [ J,1f,1UII'!f' 1t~ 'iiu!UII'II.'l
LSf "''" I'"PI' L\Z '.1St flu!lji'"'l' l'J~ ~Utl!Jr~;.fU\:UcJ,'"i ""~lut:tW<!P~
L~f "'!' 1orpp lh 'But \dtt., O:H
Ill~ UU! \\CJI' \\;!U "l!U!JC."\J) ~9t 'tiCJI ~11(1'.\ Jl:l\Jl ';iu!l!Ut:Lp h~t h')\ r_l( "~!1'1"'~'\n ut 'ucJ JO
th S"1Jf~lll l.))lf,,:'\ h~ I ~~~~ """'lii'H~.l\IJt u:tqJ5u~iiUc1p ~'Jf Jll S.."'!11:"u:..~t~ ~u .'l~row
~Sr tt\t.. ~SLt ~nl hS i\ffui\WJf'l t~l S;)'l't1 , , S9t tJt ,.liH!II~-IIlfitJliU.'l
IJhl ''~I.PdcuJ \\.;'1!' ,,, SU!lhW~11-"'IUI _1p '~ll'llll'llll~ .HI~I1'''il 'IJT'd ji111111l~
(,(1 ~'filii'JJl' 'tltl1' h(t' fiUIII~."lJ:\
lh '" '1''<1 "~!.\
f,!.f Unl).).')~ t;'f:l S .\\llJJil
-~~ P='JJ.;"'fnJJ St JI'JilfiUl~ LH J:!!!r.Ut'I\UIII)L\.Ill:l!JUU,
It~ l'!u! '""')
th ffUJ.\11111 ~Ut'!~U.;>UI!P 1tf (fillltJ.Il! '"l 'iiu!ftunp
iS PI'""' o;l'!uo.,IL\.11' "'1''i1.'S ~H'c>zr
LSf 1"'"'1' ~SI ~SI''SL.~ '(Ill hS iill'lll'lo'J' th')~ 'Z,tJi '-lU'!lU.J:'\p~S.Utl,"' \JqUI;tott:~n
'"'! \ fiu! \\I'JP L"l. S\\o1 !' III'J.'I' hlt ;;11!1'1"'
lh :ltii\II'J(I li I~ 'I I ~1'1"1 Ull!''l' 9 1 -suc,rwmSuun.,
1>1' J~tnJ jio:or Pit u~ Ur~Jq~Jufi!')P Ltt j,"\~I:UI'I\li'"''''Jfl.-i!llh'.. l
'ihii\UUI h s:II!IC\IJJoio1 iiii![~Jl<llll Ll' lhHW(:\1 JtJIU.'l."'IJU,"'
'"'lh'!'U'"'!P LfnJp pm1 ii1~JP o."'JI' A'S " .1" ~~'""""~ (( t' S..'ICW '~IUJ.'\UO:t
flu!lilllul' 'tPI'~~ ,,,,,. 's;.ll'"mtllr.Jr S ''h'~HUtJ"'P i I I ' '-1111'1-i
~~ ~ H' ~'\Jnl''"l J,'l'tJo.;'J L 11 'I ! "lif 'i! L Jll,lttll trlioo;."P ~~t '5U!'""-fS
L~l:' ~uu!~'a:tuJap tt:'ll'Ur...,J hZ! 't~t 'LIt fiulll'hiJ
L I~ 't'l ~ ''''"''!'
!6 ~"''!~"~"uup fiu~ '''HI SI f ''Ill., 'u"'"'l~' l)ff' '=''U"dtl.ltt
t"~~ '-1""11!1 'iiu! \Liu"' (L I ,,l,llii'I>UI IU.Illl'd sI I' fluL>Ctl
Lh '-lltli'..:U~UI! I' flu1 \du.., tt ~ ~='Jf1W~I 1tl" l!uau"'")
rit ~un,uum1~llk_l;'l ;11-"11 1' ,,,,.r~t ~ 1t 5u! '"m
'''"I' tur. fir.op -LIt Uhl)l.).)J.J ~""~:U':i~"P
_,n Sit SUI)IlW
Jt: Stuu'J'.I'' s\t\\ ;'>tlrld ;>,'.'; '""'Id tnntrp It J:x1mnu ;..onJ~ll!
'11 ~ ~llttlliCJIII.>U L8r 'J~r Su!Jatx!~ Hr iiur!'l
I;: I '.:"JnH~f p~piUI\:'1 U! O~l' ,lh,!lt'F'' t"f t :iw \cJcJ~
~fl~ .)Jiltr...~l LSr 9S" '-\H1!'li~IU!P L~t ''Ill' 'I It :luoppot
Lt< q~ '!' {II'UI~ 5uol;ltwj> Slli--'UO..IUU''
IICJp a 1s ltt."'-'."'J ,p,nuuu,,_,
SolldWo rks 2013 Index

cthting part' .!71. ~Ill hell .:!-17 G

~llip-... .:o7 '~ct.:hctl h ccumctrh: rdati''"' ., ~. ~o . flt)
lli("<',parti.ll 11 -.tall'' i._:, "\ 11 .rdd n
cnJ c.mdili<>n' 'urrres- 116, 1-10 aultHU<IIIc S, 1-1
l>hnd 511 '''C'-'1' ~U9 c<~iu,iJcnt 41
nnu-pl;mc 121 thm .!~l! '-"~llin\.".tr 41
<111'-:t lrnm 'urta.:< 11!1 IIINIJ'Jll<"' 1 1(1, 1-HI t.'uth,.:~..ntri~.. I '7
r~\<IIHd l;_.aturc' ~!Ill ''mc.lrm '1(1.1 d;mgling :!~1
through 1111 75 I caturc.\pcn 2SX ,J.:klc Ill
up tn '"''' I ~b kcdh.r,~. '~etch ;' Ji,rl) c.ldclc -10. 11'1, 11 ~
UJ' 1n surl'a..:\! 1~b Ilk CljtliiJ 41
cntiti,, ''"''h 1t 'a"-. 2X ~\.tlllpk,, t.rhk tll 11
<'l.jllal r~latlllll n '''"' ,;t, .:!X lltlf"Oiltill 4~
cLJUations 15.1 ~1\C ,.1~ l'll'~ ~X ll1CI']!C -11
c.lq"'ndent and independent 151 lite"'"''''"' 1 1
1 4;
IUOCIIL'Il' 151 rik ~'tcn,um~ f13r.tltcl 41
"~r-.l'~ "- \S\11>0 I -I <Ill p.~pcnJicuiJr .J~
t:rrurs 1>1{\\ J)t 11 4% 'lllllllcllic 11 11
highhghung pmhlcm "'""' 'l-iS I'R ll)l) I 1'1!1 t.;n~cnt 11'
01\!,~}!C' 175 \I J) \\\1 111 ,,-rli..-al ~:
r.:buil.t ~71 \I llllR\\ I)() !:'L'<llllL"tl) patient J7.J
rcpainng ~71 .:~1 \IIWRI .!~ Cl.'<lllletf\ '~Ct<h 11
\\'hat\\\ rnn~,t~ .:!74 277 Ilk llilntC' Il-l - 1 Jl<lil;; ;lfL" I%
cwlodc line' -171> lik I'WJX'rtic' 21'1 .:cntcrluw' 11 11
<'\Pit>Jcd \ iC\\' nl u"cmhlic' 4hh -1~11 n".tttog :!I!' l."Cith.'~'int :.!h.'S ~I
c\t<~tding ~~met!) in a '~ctdt 111\ U~l, .! I' ~r..h.:, ~~--
c\lcma I reference' ~ 1-1 lilcs cllip,~. p;trllal i I
c\lrutk "1"'11 l.l lille\ \1
~~'' ,lt)f(,IJ rclcrcncc' Ill par;ll'><la' 11
I.:Ul 7J '~;lh.h ~() p.u\tlh:lu:;rams h7
\.nd t.:Uih.illiUn'\ hX tr.unmg 1 pninls lXI
thin katurc .2~1\ tiling_. ,\n 'i.l\ lll.~41UI \\Uil pul)gnn' 'I~
"ith dmlt I:! I lill rattcrn' Ih 7 rcd~tngh:~ h 7
c\trusinn hI lillch 77 ~loh .:n:
"''"'""" r.rtlru\ 7'1 rlin,, 11
F ":op~ mg 124"m urc" 7()
I..K:h,r ul '~tkt:- ~~6 .tclinilltoiiHI bl j_!lnh.ll \ari;rbko; l-IS
fcaturc-ba,cd 111<>tkling I> cUgc pnlpag.o.l1 j,,ll )\I u.:.lling 1-11-.
rcouun:\1unag~r d('""lgn lr..'l" h i. lh lirll wuud 257 grHphi'"'' co.trd~ ..I
t.>rrur marker'\ '!.75 pr~..,1c:''' 7" gr1p~. ,\~( '"l'tLh.
llaltn.'l.. 'i-.-\, 17h rule .,\',,f1/\fJ drag .uu.J drup: dmll"ll,IUih.
11\LIUI J(>11 I illct\pcrt .l1lU 11h,\U1g
h;tlc and 'h"" item' I h li\1111,!
in l"cmhlic' -11 ~ lUIIl(",liiCilh Ill H
'Piinmg tlw "imlm\ 118 rJrh Ill hL'>ttJ,IIJl \ IC\1 h~tll->.11 11
fcuur~' ~'t.~ ,~_,,, l'JTnl"'\ lndtkn lkllh. ~.:koing 141
.lppllnl h lbttrcc 1 '"" 171t hidtl"n lUlL' r<'ll!ttl :I till R) 77, Ill
ll1p drlllL'I1'ittn, di~tarwc 111<11' 4-1.:! Imic
" " " (,<1
chamiCr .:! Ill 11~ t'Ul l.:atur~:\1allagct th.,ig.n trC\.' Ih'J Ct1111J'I<li1CIIt' .J 14
dtcd ,~,tch .:!7<1 limt nil'''' 10 Uimt.n.,inn' ~n
cut 71 full r.und lillct' ':57 hnk 11 i~>ml i ' 7h
tldinitiunnf f>l lull~ de lined -~ct<h lh, Jl;"; ~mnu~rhun. h,,J.. ... h
Jcklc 11' "''unlcrhorc: hull..., Sll
dr:tlt '~h
editing l< l. 111
c.\trlH,h.' -1')
""'' '
,:uunt~r'\Jnl-. 1\h
7h. ~h

lillct hi. 77 l~t>k "ii:~rJ 7S

IHik, 7~ 7(1 ,t.llltbrd l<lt
lihral'\ 114 liiJl\'r\.'\1 ~fl
""'tx-"n;.,, '1h, qu hulhl\\lllg l~lrt, -'hdlmg .. r-11
renaming h'J huri/,,tual n.latrun ' 2
re11rLk1 \11, 121
rL'\Cthcd 1115. 1111
rilh .:!"1 2"X

Index SolidWorks 2013

mu.IJh. nH,u~ hutlnn J';:! p.111~111> I h~ I S.J

1111-:n.:n.:c lln~s \.&, 7t'. ~Uh modp.>illl r~b1i11n 1.1 '"''" lill 11>7
in~l'fl rnrn,,r 1-.:ndil, lh~
11l sk~,h ~7h 0\1131111C 120 'Hnllar 17~
:S\C\ 1611 .. ~~ h 1~(J ~UI\\." llrt\4.."11 ft,7
bo"' "' I.'<'Jl :!f~J ntlrlr 177 ""!311''' ' Ii l
comrmro1 411, 41 " 4~7 m,,J,I) till 167
clli1= :u7 Jim('O:Shns .:&h g~~>rn'tr) pau.m 174
"'PI,,.k lm"" 4~h r..aturc.. ~l luwar li'l
IOStUl~:l muuvn. ~l'"ml'tl) 11 7. 424, 4~') nurrnr I 17
(t1p~ ing. in lltl .,,s...mh1) 114 muu .... huuun~ .:! I Ufllinn~ lhS
11111111"'' 111 11h"t: 1"'11~111w,d <Ill) 17'1
1111\.'lft..ll'IU.."C lh.ll'llh111 (lllllpt.\Jh,.'ll\ 11 7, -12 t, 4~11 '~o:1d1 ..trl\ ,n I ~11
<hn.nnk lhl dimcahtUih '17 'kepring ilhl~lct:' 171
,,j,,i,m.. ~SN Jra,,inl! 'll'"~ ~n 1.1hk <I m .:n IN>
pcrh,rm;uh,;(' ..:nc;,ldt..T~tliuns 1ttt muhhl>d)- "'lid 2n' p"rhumDIIt:l" ".,,rl'idcraliun' ~hI, 4 h 1
''''" 4~S
1111\'rTJ:;:IIillg .1 l>an 1U' N
pc.'l (ir-d"'' I~-'
1"-''l"'lltli<utu rcbunn 11
ml~tntl'l r~huol..t >111 lt.lllh:J \h.'\\' ll' 1"-''"'IX''-'t" c '~''' I \I
l"t'IIH..'U il' \ h.'\\S ,\,.,. "I.UH.I.trd \ j'-'\\ S IICIIIr.llpl;uo. 1hall 21h pl.1.:ong "'"llJ'IIn<'llh -11 s
He..'\\ pl.lll\'\ ~4 11
K "'''"nhli,.., I 111 ~~.~~~~~~ z~~ ~51
~,., I"'"J ''""lull' I~. ,S, 11!, IIHI, I ~3 lira\\ In~~ ''0
"''''"" m
detinuit h1,,f h 1
rrt~ ~'
l n1 rn.altn 'ic.~' I:!-1 hid~ shm\ I~~
hbroif) f<o;llur,..,. 11>-l rn.111111; tn m as.<emt>lic~ 421
ln.:ar h1114:n<i"n~ 16 0 ncUiral ~.Ill
hno::u r;n'"" 171 . '''"' hnling and <"mfx-,ldntl 10 ""iang 123
lm~ n .,n;.,1 -~-!rh L"11111or:. I 1~ ~ct.:h "11
auhnr;.ut\llh'lllng tx-r"ccn I me-' Hfhl Ill I IU Jl<llnl li' I
arcs 71 ''JX'Il ..:nmJ~''"'Itl 411 J"ll~ gtliiS \~
nplilll\1' ~.:!. )U, t'll' -''IS --1')') S~..t! ttplittlh
M 1t1cntatiun ''' nwdd h 1 (lHl)t:\.h:..J \ ic\\ S 9:!
magml) ing gl;"' 11.1, .::su ,,n~m -;u. hl pr''llC'11t.'~

maL, tlrtl\\1111! lnrn p;m 10 ,,nh~~plu~.. \ '"'\\S, S4t sl:t.nd.;ud ''"~'' t:tlllptlllt.'lll 41h
~:tl,hHI1 217
"'"""' 1''"',..." 21 o.'S h, ~q
m er ..t<'lino:..t l.c1d1 lr,
dun~n~iun J'~J
llkliO:!!'''"'"' ,,'~
m.11cn.1ls 21 1 p fL.uur~ 1 ~h~ ~..fu

mah.s pa.:~ .md !?'' 111 lil, 21'1

mldm~t liS pah.~th:. Juucn,Huh ,,,, lllit'~ ~lh~ 15i
IU\1111<,.1 IIX p;m 'ic\1 I.12 mah:ri.rl ~ 1-l,.:! 17
,&li~lllll'lll 111, I I I l'"mbolas 11 ~upprc..-. J lt>. ~40
f..,\UH.:Hklll ~~ 'l parallclm.ucs 4~1\ lr~'lX:rt~ \l.mact.r 11\
..:uth.:l'ntrk .t;1 l"lnlllcl rdmi,n -11
dl'linilic'll -!IS paml h 7 a
.h<lall.:<' 411\f. c Utm"nsiuns 4UCf) mg il J'lrt ~Cl~
Jl.&ramctri.: IIIO<lclintl 7 I)UI'~ lop:; 15
drag and"'''" 4lS
C'lllll~<"' tlul.::tn
h.: mntcJ 4~1 p;m:nt .:hil..t rciJIO<>n.,hp:. 1(1 ~,.I
lhp rnatc ali~;~un.ul J:n ran n."
it:\\ er .105 R
m:ll<'l!ll>Uf'' I I~ p.m, rn(llal dimt.nsic'ns -.2
p;tr.ollcl 12S, Ill <np) mg on un "''"1111>1) I'~ R \ \l t\'Sid.:nl 11
'"'ll-111' ''"'ll"u 4~' L.:h.o.uing "'-''' :!.7. h7 R.:.ol\;,." <or;1pl11,-s I
''"'n -'1!\ cdilmg 271,1111 R,al\ '"" gr.tphoc' .:: 11
Sl.ll\.lahl 4 I~ mtcrrug.lmg l(l'l td>UiiJ lllll, :!Ill
suiHJ..,S<mt.liC'S 4~11 lil>rdf) :o. ;h4 enurs ~7\
l.mgcnl 411 l"'e'f\o..urmg ~rh'r~ ~71 ~ '' inlctnr[lling ~ 10
h> rcr..-rcnco:plan<."S 121 '>;!\ill!,! .:!li rt"\.'Cnl Ht01maJl\.ls 'I
U,,. l11r J">Sili~>OIIl!! 1>1ll) <I .I l lcmpiJI~ 1'17 ..J,"'unwnh .rr;
'"dth IZS ''inJ'''' 'lh-1 lt.'\'lf.l11glt.s h7
ITI\.',hUU;14Z 'H\
,\n flbo 'l'dUIIl pr''IX'rlh.'-,. r.:.Jo;l\\ llll
111\'llll' II rdl'h.'m I." plar11. . .\n'
llh.:lgl' rdaliun dl rdr,nwtri...t \0
111.:1.od.o1.1 .:!17 n:ktl.'lln:' IU

SolidWorks 2013 Index

rctr,-..hith! lh< di,pl.t) Ifll '"-ctt.::h ~t) \ult..J\\urb \pen lnt>l,

regcncralc. s" rebuild 'l Jlt.'int nr'' llJh I c,nur~\J1<.'11 'ss
rd~uitm~ . .\, ,. t!C"Ontclrt\: 1ciJtinn~ r~' 11 , I'Jh ltlkl\p~rt ~J(I
rdalinn,hil". l"n-nl <hild 10i'. 1111 .HI1<111l.ltk diml'tbitmin~ I :o..l '>l.c!ch \1"'n ; 1~
~nanung lc:nun:' r,'l .IUhltran,iHtmins lxh" ~en !In~, .anJ 'phne' 11
rmdct 2<lfl ,If<' 7 J ''~mdarc.l '11.:\\,
t~aturc' ;1 ' 1~' .:~m,tlinc: 11 'I j,Onll'Tfi\ 125
in to\-cmhlk-s ~ 15 ~cnt~rJ" ~tr\:''I 'tc..'"' ~nh:m.ttiun ~ornmanJ ll \
rtrxinl. Se.."' r'-"t..r.w. ch,.:l. lur li:"turc: 2 7'1 -.1,\h: ut ~"'cmhl~ l..'clttlJXmcnt.. -'ll
n-p;oir dan!llin!! dimcn\inn' ~M .:irdc' 11-1 "'IUii~ltl::,, f'-"HUI'C:!<. 111
=uin1 a 12.1 wntlich 11h s tn!'' ,t nal~ ,j, :!~O
I'<')(""''"' \uli<l\\'nrb 11 (tlllh,ur. l~ I 'lr~l~h ~-, .,.sl.e"h. dra~mg
re~k". l"on' 11)5 nun crt ~nlltl~, 1~h '"h '"emhlie' -11 7
n-~<hcd k;nur,-.. 1115. I'Ill ~rc:uc: MC\\ ~,, 'tlpprc'' lt:~IIUr-l 111. Jl(, ~-HI
dim~'""ming IIIX <lclintll\>11111 hi '\\C'\!'1' 209
end Ct>ndiliorh 2110 1lm~ging l~. 41 \\\ 11 I kdmnlug~
multiple ccmcrlin,., ::!1).1 c:tlil plane 2X~ I c;uuo-~\pcn ~s~
'~<'~eh rule' 117 editing ;\~. ~ 15 I ilkl\J'<'n .Nu
rih~ ~5' 15h- cllipw :07 'll.clch \pert 11'

~ "'l>.tll"('"'
"' '
roll lie\\ 1.1: cllip,.:, p.tni,,l 11
rollb;"~ c:rnitic, 11 o~s.;
in>lic' 4 15 nplod~ hnc, ~ i'h C<'llter nMr~s 114
inrxm ,q -:\h:nc.hng. J:l!l'lllt.."ll1 I ~\' '~ nun,lri rcl~unn 11>
i(lll fe.tllll'l: 1111 kcdh.t<~ 21, 1:i s~ stem li:c<ll>a.-~ 21
nuah.. gctHndr) 'll '}'tcm ''Jllinn' ~J
component -11 7. 4:!4. 4~'' imlt.-,unr :1(1 ..,~ ... tent \CUin~~ ..1')6
\ic\\ 11~, ~IU tnli:rcnc. I in<'' .206
fl>llll<h, s..-. fillel uhc..n :::.9 T
ruler ~<I lfllr,H.Im:ti'"' ~,, 1abk dri"'" paucrns Ibl
line' n mg."nt
5 mcdMilil"' ul l~ .m.:s 70. 10h
~J\C _.,~
"'""" 1.20 gcnnt~tric rclauun, 115
"*' c ~~~ .;.~ ufhc:t cnulic:' 11'\
par.ohol'" 11
intcnll:,llll'" 71
s.t\\." .t~ ~ClJ'I) ~X m.uc' 411
..Uling p;u;tllc:hlgrams < 7 lap. s,-.
hk "11.u.t .
) uur "urk .:!S perimeter dn: le' I ~-I la.'~ !"tile I '1, 3ti-l
1 1cmpl.u,.,
''cnc~ 19 pl.uw ''"" 11
sctoll 'it.:" 11:! pui111s I ~I 'iOU
'c~tn:h ~0. ~ ~ ~\l~gtHI"' 1:! tln1:um~nl l'lh ~ Oil
\earch p.nh 4 14 ~"tallgk-. ~t7 ho\\ h ~rea le -1 1>7
'~''"'" 'il''' ~ I ~I . \~:'1 t~(l rclallllth 1!1, 11'1 ttrganitulg 499
!'<:e<l 1~1 rules lhat t:"crn 17, 'I. 117 1...~mpl.11t:~. Jn~usncnt ~J
'ch.'t ~h~ucJ ~""'h:hc ... ~:2 lcmpural) ""' Ih'l . ll S
ho\ ~..,!'\ '"'(\ 2112 1nl
ll<l\ '"'h l'unlr<lll.<'' :!7S ~[llilll'S 1J ctn"l''cd or ~..n~m' c.:d nn a pou1 2:t l
hn\ \lllh '>hilll.e~ ;!7~ sl.lll" 111 l(t lim1 111
Ch''i' ~7S ') mmcuy 11 11 th1n h:.uun."s .2:-'S
<llhcr 70 taugc:nt .an: imcn1 ~on"'' 71 lhin t.\,111 p.IM>. ,\,t shdltn~ ,t p.UI
'dc<llllhcr 111 tan~cnl .uc, 70 ,.,..n,,t,._
.,dc...tmg 114..'11\' lilh 51 .mimati<>n cnm>lkr 4MJ
'nntuur \dC\:Iinn ;: I trimmin~ 117 h.:;llls-up \ te\\ l<~lt>.u I I
htddcn i1cm' 1-1 I \\.l~c! UJ' ing ""6 111.11~, 4:!1
mulliplc nbjcLh ~ 1, ~I liZ '~e1d1 ,I rh en p.tncm~ I sn h~>l,. upli<llh ~.:! . 1111, l'lh, 4'1~ 1'19
pre~clc<:~tllll 11 ,k,idt plane 711 lrathp;lrenc~ 4 1~
'had,d V ICl\ 17, 111 <'llil ~S5 lrt.oLI .10
'hurcd ... ~~lcht..~, '~ htH\ hl t.::hu~, ...c h 1
. uim. in a '"ch.:h 1 ) 7
'hCl't lunuut!t t' I 'k~ldt rclalllllts ~u. 11 'l
,hell in!: u p.on :!-17 \~et.:h:\p,rt 11 S
'ltlts ~().2
'"""~l'nll'<lllellt .p.; 'man tHmt:'n~um' 9')
plan~' 1~1 \late' I IS
'-imuhuimt~prc'!-. .:!~0 '"JP
Sc.t. inkri."O(C: hn~.~
'"li<l n1<1lld' 7

Index SolidWorks 2013

Un<kr defined >kel.:h }I 18
in ~~~nhi1<'> 1111
Wlsuppr'l"' h.-.ttur..:~ ''" ~l-HJ
u._,"..r 1111'-"rfa..~"" I ' 21
c,lllnuls Sll
lUf\.UI'\ ~I

r"~"""" 11
~C) '"'.11 hnncut~ I 'i
menu. 14
mou>e hullnlh 21

dq:nJ~nt ~~rMI' and~1..:ndcn1 l'l>
\cr,uut'. ,.,.,f t:nnligur;tllnll'i
\ L"rtk.""tlJ rdHI1t111 '~
d1spl.1} npllllll> 77, 111
c~phl.:d 4cof. 4811
tlJI I ~alur~\t~nat~r
nu>dil) nplinns 111
"'"''&"''''" l"l
11:101~d 11'i
ouin11.11iun h l, ll3
i~'lnt.."lfiC \ h,."\\ 125
nnn.11 "' l:!~.:wu
I''" 11~
'"" 11~
r,11a1~ I '\2. 21u
SC(11''" 1~" 'llh
undu ~IS
'IC\\"S. lira\\ in
d1.ail 387
mO\IR!l ''I}
prnjl'\:lcd 9~
1 u1ual sh.'fJ'' :!U I

"'1.,-ur anfcrcn,lns
Whm's \\rung'! luncti<n3lit~ :!7~ :!77
"idth Jll,ll,~ I ~5
\\ 1114.1.."'
lllSI.: pane I''. J~J.l
l~pcs I~
\\ mJoi\\S I>Clokhf' '~~h ;!11
.. ; , , 1il.'\\ 77, PI
'"''" rlan~. ,\C,'I''""''S
IIJ'Jling till:, H.1
i"P,Irtt I \I

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