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, Legal and Administrative Framework

Law Categorization summary report

Prepared by : Shaima Al Rawahi

Shaima Al Rawahi

Policy , Legal and Administrative Framework

Specific EIA Requirements

Nature Conservation

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

RD 49/97 Establishing the Khawrs Reserve of Salalah Coast

RD 114/2001 Conservation of the Environment and Prevention of Pollution

RD 23/96 Establishing the Turtle Sanctuary

RD 27/2003 Issuing the regulation of the Special Economic Zone at Duqm

Air and Noise Management

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

MD 5/86 Air Pollution Control from Stationary Sources

MD 79/94 Noise Pollution Control in Public Environment

MD 80/94 Noise Pollution Control in Working Environment

MD 118/2004 Air Pollution Control from Stationary Sources Updated

Shaima Al Rawahi

Solid Waste Management

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

MD 17/93 Management of Solid Non-Hazardous Waste

MD 18/93 Management of Hazardous Waste

Water/Wastewater Management

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

RD 115/2001 Law on Protection of Sources of Potable Water from Pollution

MD 145/93 Wastewater Re-use and Discharge

MD 159/2005 Discharge of Liquid Effluents to the Marine Environment

OS 8/2006 Unbottled Drinking Water

Radioactive Materials Management

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

MD 249/97 Control and Management of Radioactive Materials

Climate Affairs

Shaima Al Rawahi

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

MD 37/2001 Control and Management of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS).

MD 243/2005 Control and Management of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). Updated

MD 18/2012 Issuance of the Executive Regulations for the Management of Climate Affairs

Handling and Management of Hazardous Chemicals

Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

MD 248/97 Hazardous Chemicals Substances and the Relevant Permits

MD 317/2001 Regulations for Packing, Packaging,and Labeling of Hazardous Chemicals.

RD 46/95 Law of Handling and Use of Chemicals


Law Number Law Description Additional Comments

MD 23/97 Defined the Setbacks of the Built-up Costal Areas

MD 200/2000 Crushers, Quarries and Transport of Sand from Coasts, Beaches and Wadis

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