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SWIFT Story of Sustainable Change

Mwavita Wilondja, president of the Matongo Community

Health Club



Ive learned a lot of things: A community health club set up by

SWIFT changes sanitation and hygiene habits in Matongo
What has changed? How has the change been achieved?
Matongo is a semi-urban village in South Kivu, in the Tearfund with the support of Africa AHEAD has been
east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the helping communities in South Kivu to set up Community
past, defecation took place mostly in the surrounding Health Clubs, an approach being piloted by the SWIFT
bush. Hand-washing with soap or ash wasnt practised, programme in semi-urban areas of DRC. Membership
food was left uncovered outside and discarded rubbish of the clubs is voluntary, free and open to all, and each
rotted in the roads. club typically has 50-100 members.
Mutambala Alimasi Thomas, chief of Matongo The clubs hold weekly discussions on health and
village, says sanitation was poor and disease was rife. hygiene topics, such as the safe storage of drinking
There were a lot of cases of diarrhoea in the village, he water, or making soap to ensure ready availability.
remembers. Households were often in a bad way, and Members are given practical assignments; for example,
there were deaths. digging a refuse pit, or making a dish rack to dry dishes
Kashindi Mathiabu, 26, lives in a household of ten, off the ground. These assignments are monitored, and
including her husband, two children and her older members receive stamps and certificates for attending
sisters children. sessions and completing tasks.
We didnt have a latrine or a shower, she remembers. The Community Health Club in Matongo village,
We didnt know a tippy-tap (hand-washing facility) was which is home to 150 households, has 65 members
a good thing to have, or a rack for drying utensils. We and meets every Sunday.We meet regularly so that
didnt know about hand-washing before eating, or we dont forget the good hygiene habits weve been
keeping clean and dirty clothes separate. learning, says member Mwalihasha Ramazani.
Now, however, as a result of work done through the Kashindi Mathiabu says she has learned a lot
SWIFT programme, the village has been transformed. since becoming a member. Ive learned about how
Many families have constructed rubbish pits and to prepare food in a better, more hygienic way. How
household latrines with hand-washing facilities, and to talk to my neighbours about good hygiene and,
awareness of the importance of hygiene practices such because they have seen our situation here, they
as hand-washing and around the preparation of food have now committed to changing what they do too,
has improved dramatically. she says.
SWIFT Story of Sustainable Change

Why does it matter? with the head of the village and the facilitator of the
Within a few short months of the club being established, dialogue sessions: typically a community resident with
villagers noticed an improvement not just in their reading and writing skills who has been trained by
environment, but in their health and their sense of Africa AHEAD and Tearfund.
community. Mwavita Wilondja is proud of her position as
There has been a drop in the number of people who president of the Matongo Community Health Club, and
are really sick, and there have been no deaths linked to determined to ensure that the benefits it has brought
poor sanitation and hygiene, says Mutambala. her village will be sustainable. I was very proud to be
It has all had an impact on the family, agrees elected, and Im committed to the position because I
Kashindi Mathiabu. The health of the children is better, want to promote the value of women, she says.
and I may be skinny but Im healthy. She believes the weekly meetings provide a valuable
forum that is open to the whole community for the
discussion of village issues. We can get together
regularly to discuss and learn new things, and thats
one of the differences between a club and just attending
a session, she says.
Mwalihasha Ramazani believes that as she did
herself, villagers will increasingly adopt improved
sanitation and hygiene behaviours as they witness
their neighbours enjoying the benefits. I saw that my
neighbour had a clean latrine and compound and I
thought: I want to be like that and follow what they are
doing, she explains.
Kashindi Mathiabu with her drying rack
We have really started to know and care
Like many of the clubs members, the president
of Matongos Community Health Club, 24-year-old for each other
Mwavita Wilondja, had never heard of a club before. Another member, Bilenge Jumdi, is also convinced
She joined because she was keen to change her old that Matongos transformation will be both lasting
habits and learn some new ones, and has been struck and inclusive. If you come back in a years time, he
by the spirit created by the weekly discussions. says, you will see a big difference in the health of the
We didnt all know each other before the club population here. We will have abandoned our old habits
started, and we have really started to know and care for and well have new ones that we have learned in the
each other, she says. If a club member is sick, we go club, and that will mean our families are clean and
and visit them and help to take care of them. The club healthy.
has helped us to live like brothers and sisters.

What are the challenges?

The challenge for Matongo now is to maintain the
smooth running of the Community Health Club,
ensuring that members do not fall back into their old
ways in terms of open defecation and poor hygiene
habits, and establish long-term health improvements.
The club must also try to ensure that the new
behaviours are adopted by the majority of Matongos
residents, including non-members, in order to minimise
the risk of sickness and disease spreading in the village.
Francine Mlasi and Community Health Club members
How will the challenges be met and what makes this
change sustainable? Kashindi Mathiabu sees the benefits stretching well
Community Health Clubs are given a sound long-term into the future. The knowledge and information Ive got
footing,run as they are by management committees from the club will continue to be used, as I will pass it on
composed of president, vice-president, secretary, to my children who will grow up with that information,
vice-secretary, treasurer, vice-treasurer and two water and they will teach their children too, she says.
technicians. These committees work in collaboration
Stories and photos collected by Jane Beesley, freelance humanitarian communications specialist, and edited by Emma Feeny (Oxfam).

5 47 3207 / 2145 / 2172 SWIFT Consortium works to provide access to safe water,
/ 2053
sanitation and hygiene to people in Kenya and DRC, and builds
capacity to ensure services are sustainable. It is funded
with UK aid from the British people.
ortium is led & hosted by:
m House,
e, Oxford OX4 2JY, UK.
ed with UK aid from the British people

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