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JUNE 11, 2003

Serial No. 10830

Printed for the use of the Committee on Energy and Commerce

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W.J. BILLY TAUZIN, Louisiana, Chairman
JOE BARTON, Texas Ranking Member
FRED UPTON, Michigan HENRY A. WAXMAN, California
CLIFF STEARNS, Florida EDWARD J. MARKEY, Massachusetts
Vice Chairman BART GORDON, Tennessee
BARBARA CUBIN, Wyoming ANNA G. ESHOO, California
Mississippi KAREN MCCARTHY, Missouri
STEVE BUYER, Indiana LOIS CAPPS, California
JOSEPH R. PITTS, Pennsylvania TOM ALLEN, Maine
MARY BONO, California JIM DAVIS, Florida
LEE TERRY, Nebraska HILDA L. SOLIS, California
DARRELL E. ISSA, California
DAN R. BROUILLETTE, Staff Director
JAMES D. BARNETTE, General Counsel
REID P.F. STUNTZ, Minority Staff Director and Chief Counsel


CLIFF STEARNS, Florida, Chairman
BARBARA CUBIN, Wyoming Ranking Member
JOHN SHIMKUS, Illinois HILDA L. SOLIS, California
JOHN B. SHADEGG, Arizona EDWARD J. MARKEY, Massachusetts
Vice Chairman EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York
CHARLES F. BASS, New Hampshire JIM DAVIS, Florida
JOSEPH R. PITTS, Pennsylvania PETER DEUTSCH, Florida
MARY BONO, California BART STUPAK, Michigan
W.J. BILLY TAUZIN, Louisiana (Ex Officio)
(Ex Officio)


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Testimony of:
Leary, Hon. Thomas B., Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission ........... 35
Muris, Hon. Timothy J., Chairman, Federal Trade Commission ................. 10
Swindle, Hon. Orson, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission ............... 33
Thompson, Hon. Mozelle W., Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission ... 30
Additional material submitted for the record:
Federal Trade Commission, letter dated July 2, 2003, enclosing response
for the record ................................................................................................. 58


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Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room
2123, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Cliff Stearns (chair-
man) presiding.
Members present: Representatives Stearns, Shimkus, Shadegg,
Bass, Ferguson, Otter, Tauzin (ex officio), Schakowsky, Markey,
Stupak, Green, McCarthy, and Strickland.
Staff present: Kelly Zerzan, majority counsel; Ramsen Betfarhad,
majority counsel and policy coordinator; Jill Latham, legislative
clerk; Jon Tripp, deputy communications director; and Jonathan
Cordone, minority counsel.
Mr. STEARNS. Good morning. I would like to welcome all of you
to the Reauthorization of the Federal Trade Commission: Posi-
tioning the Commission for the 21st Century hearing at the Sub-
committee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection. I would
like to welcome and thank the Chairman of the Federal Trade
Commission, Mr. Muris, and three of the FTC Commissioners, Mr.
Leary, Thompson, Swindle, for appearing before the committee on
the matter of this reauthorization.
In working with the Commission we had specifically scheduled
the hearing today as the schedule of all five Commissioners per-
mitted them to be here. Unfortunately, due to urgent family mat-
ters, Commissioner Sheila Anthony is not available to testify this
As I have suggested in the past, I think the Congress must un-
dertake its basic household duties, and this is one of them, more
diligently. One such duty is reauthorizing the various agencies of
the Federal Government. That is what we are trying to accomplish
starting this morning with this hearing.
Now, my colleagues, the last time we reauthorized the Commis-
sion was in 1996, some 7 years ago, when we authorized it through
fiscal year 1998. The reauthorization process accords us with the
opportunity to carefully examine the mission of the agency, its ef-
fectiveness in advancing the mission. In that light I am pleased
that the Commission is presenting a number of legislative pro-

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posals to the committee this morning that it deems necessary for

its better fulfillment of its mission, in particular its consumer pro-
tection mission.
I commend the Commission for being proactive on these matters.
I do want to perhaps express a little concern I had that the com-
mittee was not informed in a timely manner of the Commissions
intent to present its legislative proposal with respect to spam at to-
days hearing.
That said, this hearing is a good opportunity for us to hear the
Commissions argument in support of its three major legislative
proposals. The first FTC legislative proposal calls for the elimi-
nation of the FTC Acts common carrier exemption. The statutory
exemption precludes the Federal Trade Commission from inves-
tigating and prosecuting common carriers for both anticompetitive
behavior and deceptive, unfair and fraudulent activities. The Com-
mission seeks a revisit of that exemption, in particular with respect
to its ability to pursue deceptive, unfair, fraudulent non-common
carrier activities of a telecommunications common carrier.
As the subtitle of this hearing is Positioning the Commission for
the 21st Century, I will obviously listen very carefully to the Com-
missions arguments that the exceptionexemption ratherwas
written into the statutes some 70 years ago. So this is sort of a
landmark discussion that we are having here, and so I think every-
body in the industry and here in government will follow this dis-
cussion very carefully because of its huge implications.
Now, my colleagues, the second Federal Trade Commission legis-
lative proposal addresses spam, the modern scourge of e-mail users
everywhere. The legislative proposal as opposed to the procedural
one especially calls for investing the Federal Trade Commission
with broad rulemaking authority addressing deceptive and abusive
practices with respect to unsolicited commercial e-mail along the
lines of similar authority granted to it with respect to tele-
marketing by Congress in the Telemarketing Consumer Fraud and
Abuse Prevention Act of 1991.
What I find curious about the proposal, an issue that I would
like to further explore with the Commissioners, is the qualifying
language that surrounds the proposal making the proposal seem
tentative. Specifically the Commissions testimony prefaces the pro-
posal by stating that, section 5 of the FTC Act provides a firm
footing for spam prosecution. Additional law enforcement tools
could make more explicit the boundaries of legal and illegal con-
duct. More significantly, the statement concludes by stating that,
admittedly the Commission recognized that these legal systems
will not solve the growing spam problem, nor is it clear what im-
pact these systems will have on some of the other problems associ-
ated with spam; for example, volume and security.
Mr. Tauzin, the chairman of this committee, the full committee,
drafted a bill, H.R. 2214. I am an original cosponsor of that bill,
Reduction and Distribution of Spam Act 2003. So we could be inter-
ested in working closely with the Commission so that we can ad-
vance from this committee and the Congress an effective spam leg-
islation in light of some of your comments.
Another issue, the Commissions sweeping cross-border fraud leg-
islative proposal is one that I think is quite worthy of careful con-

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sideration by members. I believe if we derive the right formulation

of that language it could indeed empower the FTC to be more effec-
tive in tackling this challenge in this century. It is important that
the proposal be rigorously debated, making sure that civil liberties
are not compromised.
Still, as the Commission is well aware, we need to respond more
effectively to fraud that finds its genesis overseas. For example,
one reason that spam has problemsas a problem defies easy solu-
tion is the fact that even if we combat it effectively within the
United States, within our borders, spam will continue to be a seri-
ous nuisance and a costly problem because it is dispatched from
overseas. Thus it is imperative that we explore ways to better pro-
tect our consumers from unfair, deceptive and fraudulent activities
that increasingly have international dimensions to them.
I will work closely with the Commission in further developing its
cross-border fraud proposals in ways that do not abridge our civil
liberties with the objective of enacting legislation, if possible, this
In conclusion, I would like to raise a number of issues for the
Commissions consideration. First, I think it is imperative that the
Commission focus more resources on its efforts fighting ID theft
and assisting the victims of this crime. I ask that the Commission
consider any and all ideas that would help consumers find speedy
redress. Time permitting, I will raise with you a few thoughts that
I have during the question and answer session.
Second, I think it is time for the Commission to seriously con-
sider promulgating a rule separate and distinct from the franchise
rule addressing business opportunities.
Third, I have followed the Commissions activities with respect to
information security, specifically the Eli Lilly and Microsoft consent
agreements. I again commend the Commission for being proactive
on an issue of very substantial importance. Still, I am concerned
that consent decrees concluded at the agency level may now effec-
tively become the corpus of legal guidance on information security
obligations with respect to their customers personal data. I seek to
explore this issue this morning and in the near future with the
I thank all of them for coming and their participation this morn-
ing, and I look forward to their testimony. And with that, the rank-
ing member is welcome for an opening statement.
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. I thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I thank the
chairman of the full committee for holding this important hearing
today as well. I want to thank the Commissioners from the Federal
Trade Commission for being here today. I am sorry that Commis-
sioner Sheila Anthony was not able to be here and hope the other
Commissioners will extend to her my gratitude for all her work on
behalf of the consumers.
It is my understanding that later this session the subcommittee
will consider legislation that will reauthorize the Federal Trade
Commission for the next several years. The FTC is here today to
share its views on what should be included in this legislation, and
I look forward to hearing from all of you.
That being said, I hope that in the near future the subcommittee
will have an opportunity to hear from consumers and law enforce-

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ment officials and other experts on FTC reauthorization. I hope

that the chairman will agree to hold more hearings to ensure that
we have a record that includes a diverse range of views before we
consider legislation that would reauthorize the FTC.
The FTC is responsible for protecting consumers and businesses
from unfair deceptive trade practices. The FTC is responsible for
policing the marketplace and holding bad actors accountable. This
is an extremely important mission because our constituents are far
too vulnerable to unscrupulous companies that put their own bot-
tom line above all else, including obeying the law. And whether it
is at the gas pump, while at the pharmacy, while purchasing a
home, families need to be protected from unfair and deceptive busi-
ness practices and other types of fraud.
It is very important that our laws and regulations are vigorously
enforced by the FTC. Perpetrators of fraud need to know that they
will be held accountable for their actions. The public needs to be
assured that their rights are being protected. It is the FTCs job to
put the interest of consumers first and foremost at all times with-
out exceptions. It is the subcommittees responsibility to ensure
that the FTC enforces the law and vigorously protects the public
from unfair and deceptive trade practices.
The FTC works to prevent fraud and deception from occurring in
the first place. This is an increasingly difficult job because identity
thieves and other scam artists are always working to be one step
ahead of the law. The Internet and other technological advances
have made it increasingly difficult to find perpetrators and protect
consumers. No crime provides a better example of this challenge
than the problem of identity theft.
And according to the Federal Trade Commission, in 2002 identity
theft was the No. 1 consumer complaint for the third year in a row.
The number of identity thefts doubled in 2002. In 2002, there were
at least 7,400 victims in Illinois and over 2,700 in Chicago. This
isand I represent a district on the North Side of Chicago. This
is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Leading consumer groups es-
timate that there were 800,000 victims last year.
Victims are frequently unaware that their identity has been sto-
len in the first place. Thieves can use stolen personal information
to create fake IDs, cash checks, apply for credit cards, loans and
mortgages. Consumers have spent years and thousands of dollars
attempting to clear their credit reports. Many have lost their abil-
ity to borrow, buy a new home or refinance a mortgage through no
fault of their own. I have heard from constituents who have had
their identities stolen, and it is a difficult ordeal.
The FTC has worked hard to educate consumers on how they can
protect their identity. The FTC has also worked to create a master
complaint form that is used by the public and private institutions,
and I commend the FTC for these efforts. Nevertheless, the fact re-
mains that victims have a very, very difficult time restoring their
credit record. I hope the FTC will take additional steps to help con-
I want to work with my colleagues to assist in your efforts to
turn the tide on these serious problems. We also need to look at
ways in which we can help the FTC work closer with foreign gov-
ernments while at the same time ensuring that the constitutional

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privacy rights of our constituents are not infringed upon. I want to

hear the FTCs views on this issue.
Today the Commission will testify on a proposal to remove the
FTCs exemption from regulating the advertisements of long dis-
tance telephone companies. Some telecommunication companies
have evoked the common carriage exemption to prevent the FTC
from taking enforcement actions. I question if the common carriage
exemption serves the public interest. The FTC has expertise in
fighting unfair and deceptive trade practices. I also look forward to
hearing about the Commissions efforts to implement the National
Do Not Call List, fight predatory lending and combat spam.
Thank you.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the gentlelady. And the gentleman from Il-
linois, Mr. Shimkus.
Mr. SHIMKUS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Let me welcome the
Commissioners back to this hearing to talk about the reauthoriza-
tion. The FTC has an important role because it is one that the pub-
lic really understands for the most part. I mean, they understand
the issue of the Do Not Call List. They understand the crisis of
identity theft. They understand the problems with spam. They may
not have a full understanding nor do many legislators on the com-
mon carrier exemption, which will be addressed and discussed and
debated. But that is why we are having this hearing today, to get
in a position to move on a reauthorization bill and tweak the legis-
lative language that we need to do to face a new era with new tech-
nology and new challenges.
So we are really pleased to have you here. I want to apologize
up front. I have another competing hearing at 11, so I am going
to stay to hear most of your statements. I dont know if I will be
around to ask some questions, but I look forward to hearing your
testimony. And with that, Mr. Chairman, I yield back my time.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the gentleman. The gentleman from Michi-
gan, Mr. Stupak.
Mr. STUPAK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for hold-
ing this hearing, and I welcome our distinguished panel here today.
First, I would like to commend the Commissioners and the FTC for
their aggressive pursuit of the Federal Do Not Call Registry. I have
had countless constituents express frustration to me about the fre-
quent telemarketing calls that they receive. I have been pleased to
report to them that both Congress and the FTC have sought to ad-
dress this problem and that help is on the way in the form of the
FTC Do Not Call List.
Along these lines is my concern about another abusive practice,
spam. I believe that Congress must take action on this subject, and
I would support providing the FTC with greater authority to ad-
dress the rise of spam. These unsolicited e-mails range from com-
mercial e-mail that clog up Internet service providers and frustrate
customers to offensive pornographic e-mails that can be opened by
unsuspecting children. I support cracking down on spam so we can
protect business, consumers and our children, and pledge to work
with the FTC on the necessary measures that are needed.
Last, but certainly not least, I am very interested in the hearings
the FTC is conducting on health care issues and competition, par-

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ticularly as they relate to insurance companies, and I look forward

to reviewing the results of the FTC report.
The FTC is involved in issues that are of the utmost importance
to consumers: telemarketers, spam, health care as well as the ongo-
ing antitrust enforcement in the oil and gas industries and identity
theft. While I do not believe the FTC enforcement should take the
place of the rights of individual consumers or the State Attorney
Generals who seek remedies, I believe that by providing all of these
parties with sufficient remedies we can make real progress in the
area of consumer fraud and abuse.
Like Mr. Shimkus, I will have to leave shortly for another hear-
ing in the Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee, but I
hope to hear some of the testimony today and look forward to pro-
ceeding with the reauthorization of the FTC.
And with that, Mr. Chairman, I would yield back the balance of
my time.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank the gentleman. And the vice chairman of
the subcommittee, the gentleman from Arizona, Mr. Shadegg.
Mr. SHADEGG. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And first let me thank
you for holding this important hearing. And let me also thank
Chairman Muris and Commissioners Thompson, Swindle and
Leary for their testimony today.
I am particularly interested to hear about the Commissions ef-
forts to educate consumers and help them deal with and combat
identity theft. My personal interest in identity theft began about 5
years ago when two of my constituents, Bob and JoAnn Hartle of
Phoenix, Arizona, were the victims of an identity theft. My con-
stituents were instrumental in securing passage of the first State
law in the Nation to criminalize identity theft as a crime in and
of itself.
Mr. And Mrs. Hartle suffered the devastation of identity theft
when a convicted felon took Mr. Hartles identity and made pur-
chases totaling more than $100,000. This individual also used Mr.
Hartles identity to obtain a pass to the secure areas of Phoenix
Sky Harbor International Airport, an offense which today following
9/11 would be considered extremely grave. On top of that he ob-
tained handguns using Mr. Hartles clean record to get around the
Brady gun law. As a result of their victimization, Mr. and Mrs.
Hartle were forced to spend more than 4 years of their lives and
more than $15,000 of their own money to restore their credit be-
cause there were no Federal penalties for identity theft.
Their case led me to introduce a bill in the House that was even-
tually signed into law. The Identity Theft and Assumption Deter-
rence of 1998 gave Federal law enforcement agencies the authority
to investigate and prosecute identity theft as a Federal crime for
the first time. Mr. and Mrs. Hartle also turned their unfortunate
circumstance into something positive by establishing a nonprofit or-
ganization to assist other victims of identity theft. Their website,, is available to provide guidance to identity theft
victims nationwide.
Identity theft ranges from single individuals, like the criminal
who victimized the Hartles, involving small or large amounts of
money, to large organized professional crime rings. TriWest
Healthcare Alliance, a company located in my district, may have

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been the victim of a professional crime ring. On December 14,

2002, computer hard drives containing their clients sensitive, per-
sonally identifiable information were stolen from TriWests Phoenix
office. The stolen data included personally identifiable information
such as Social Security numbers, birth dates and addresses for
military personnel, one quarter of whom were on active duty at the
time, retirees and family members who were served by TriWest
under a contract with the Department of Defense.
The nature of identity theft has changed over time and today it
is more likely than ever to involve breaches of security data. Ac-
cording to an identity fraud manager at the Federal Trade Com-
mission, there is a shift by identity thefts from going after single
individuals to going after mass amounts of information. Law en-
forcement experts now estimate that half of all cases involve thefts
of business data banks as more and more information is stored in
computer data bases that are vulnerable to hackers.
The identity theft legislation that I introduced was signed into
law in 1998 and was an important first step to crack down on iden-
tity fraud and identity theft. However, more legislation is needed
in this area to protect consumers from identity theft and to ensure
the soundness and secureness of our economy. I am currently in
the process of developing a legislative response. I will look forward
to hearing your testimony on this and other issues and appreciate
your presence here today.
Yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank the gentleman. The gentleman from Texas,
Mr. Green.
Mr. GREEN. Thank you, Chairman Stearns and Ranking Member
Schakowsky, for holding this important hearing on the reauthoriza-
tion of the Federal Trade Commission. As the agency dedicated to
protecting the interests of American consumers, the FTC has the
important and admirable mission of ensuring both competition and
consumer protection in the marketplace.
Like my colleagues, I would like to thank the FTC for its swift
implementation of the Do Not Call Registry. While I initially urged
that Congress approve stronger language, I am glad that beginning
this summer consumers will have the power to reduce the number
of annoying telemarketing calls that too often interrupt precious
and yet increasingly limited time that the American families have
to spend together. The implementation of this registry is truly a
victory for our consumers.
Additionally, I would like to offer my personal thanks to the FTC
for its role in protecting Spanish speaking consumers in my home-
town of Houston and across America who have been victimized by
deceptive and unfair debt collecting practices. As a result of the
Commissions actions against Houston based United Recovery Sys-
tems, our Spanish speaking consumers can be assured that they
are afforded the same consumer protections as English speaking
I understand our witnesses will be offering several specific legis-
lative proposals to enhance the FTCs ability to protect consumer
interests, and I agree with the Commission that the common car-
rier exemption is outdated and the FTCs ability to protect con-
sumers from anticompetitive and deceptive practices should also

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apply to the telecommunications industry. Times have changed and

the telecommunications industry is no longer a government regu-
lated monopoly. Telecommunications is a deregulated, competitive
industry and its customers should be afforded the same consumer
protections that they receive when dealing with our competitive in-
Additionally, I am pleased that the Commission wishes to broad-
en its authority to address the problematic issue of spam. Last year
Congresswoman Heather Wilson and I introduced spam legislation.
We are putting together the final touches on similar but updated
legislation for this Congress. Our legislation will provide for broad
strong enforcement and seeks to eliminate loopholes, to provide
consumers a true and effective opt out option from unwanted e-
mail, much of what is pornographic.
One spam bill, H.R. 2214, imposes a knowledge standard that
the Commission must prove to successfully bring a civil action for
violations of three provisions of the bill. I am concerned with how
this unusual proposal compares with traditional enforcement au-
thority, and I would hope that would be addressed by our wit-
nesses. It seems safe to say that the FTC would less likely bring
an action in situations where it would be required to prove a
knowledge standard.
Again, I look forward to working with you to crackdown on
spammers, and I will listen with interest to the legislative pro-
posals and further that goal. And again thank you, Mr. Chairman
and ranking member, and for our witnesses being here today.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the gentleman. Gentleman from Idaho.
Mr. OTTER. I will pass.
Mr. STEARNS. Okay. The gentleman from Idaho passes. Mr. Fer-
Mr. FERGUSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate your
holding this hearing. I thank Chairman Muris and the Commis-
sioners for participating.
Mr. Chairman, the FTC provides a substantial service to the con-
sumers of our country and to our economy as a whole. In many in-
stances the FTC is the watchdog that stands up for consumers
against bad actors in the marketplace who engage in deceptive
marketing or other fraudulent activities. Whether combating tele-
marketing fraud, Internet scams or price fixing schemes, the FTCs
primary mission is to protect consumers.
Today I look forward to hearing from the panel regarding their
recommendations as the FTC looks forward in their role to pro-
tecting consumers in the future. We must, however, recognize that
when reassessing the role of the FTC, that we do not duplicate au-
thority or create further jurisdictional ambiguity. We all know that
todays budgets are tight. It simply doesnt make sense to give one
agency new authority to enforce laws and regulations already en-
forced by another agency. Our Nations telecommunications sector
has seen some tough times recently and it seems foolish to me to
add one more layer of government red tape to stifle innovation and
hamper growth.
I look forward to hearing the testimony of our panel today and
also to hearing specifics on why the FTC needs perhaps a new and

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broader mandate. Thank you again, Mr. Chairman. I thank the

members of the panel for coming here today, and I yield back.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank the gentleman. Gentlelady from Missouri,
Ms. McCarthy.
Ms. MCCARTHY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am going to submit
my remarks for the record. They touch on many of the issues my
colleagues on the committee have already raised. I am very grate-
ful to you for this hearing and the Chairman and Commissioners
for sharing their thoughts with us today. I yield back.
Mr. STEARNS. All right. I thank the gentlelady.
[Additional statements submitted for the record follow:]

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing. I commend your continued
leadership of this Subcommittee, as we explore another timely and important mat-
ter in the reauthorization of the Federal Trade Commission.
I would also like to thank the distinguished panelists for coming before the sub-
committee. It is appropriate for the Chairman and Commissioners to come before
the subcommittee today and share with us the proposals for ensuring that the core
mission of the FTC can continue to be effectively accomplished.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has grown to play an invaluable role in the
marketplace. In the presence of ever-changing economies both nationally and inter-
nationally, we must thoroughly examine the FTCs operating parameters and deter-
mine their relevance, effectiveness and flexibility when expansion might be nec-
The FTC has already implemented a number of initiatives addressing recently
raised consumer concerns. The Do-Not-Call registry is an excellent example. In re-
authorizing the FTC, we must ensure its ability to examine, assess and enforce reg-
ulations in the marketplace remains intact and vibrant without exceeding its char-
I look forward to reviewing the proposals before us today and continuing the dia-
logue throughout the reauthorization process.
I thank the Chairman again and yield back the remainder of my time.


Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this important hearing. We have nearly all
of the Federal Trade Commissioners here today, and I thank them for coming.
The authorization for the Federal Trade Commission lapsed in fiscal year 1998,
so it is time for this Committee to examine what the FTC does, how it does it, and
where the Commission plans to move in the future.
The Federal Trade Commission has been remarkably active in the past two years.
Its mission, which is to prevent unfair competition and unfair or deceptive acts or
practices in the marketplace, has guided the Commission in vigorously pursuing bad
actors, scam artists and hucksters.
We have seen a crack down on a range of deceptive marketing practices including
identity theft and Internet fraud, enforcement of privacy policies, and the creation
of a national do-not-call list. Today we will hear about a number of new proposals
the FTC would like to tackle, including cross-border fraud, common carrier regula-
tion, and spam.
I was surprised to find the FTC has a legislative proposal for spam included in
its reauthorization package, although Ill note that many of the issues raised by the
FTC are included in Mr. Burrs anti-spam bill, H.R. 2214. That bill provides the
FTC with more streamlined APA rulemaking authority to give the Commission
more flexibility to respond to changes in the marketplace. In addition, H.R. 2214
gives the FTC and the Department of Justice all of the enforcement powers they
currently enjoy under the FTC Actthe same powers the Commission is requesting
here today. Since H.R. 2214 does not supercede the FTCs authority to enforce
against spam under its unfair and deceptive trade practices authority, it should be
a nice supplement to the Commissions existing authority. In fact, H.R. 2214 may
go even further than the FTC proposal as it allows consumers the opportunity to
opt out of ALL commercial email, not just unsolicited commercial email.

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I look forward to working with the FTC to refine and improve H.R. 2214, the Re-
duction in Distribution of SPAM Act. I encourage you, Chairman Muris, to continue
to communicate your ideas and concerns regarding H.R. 2214 to this Committee.
Another aspect of the Commissions proposal is the removal of the jurisdictional
exemption over telecommunications common carriers. Currently, common carriers
are subject to rigorous regulation by the Federal Communications Commission as
well as by the states. Moreover, to the extent that common carriers are engaged in
non-common carrier activities, courts have found that the FTC has the jurisdiction
necessary to enforce its regulations. If there is a need to codify this judicial interpre-
tation, that is a course of action we can discuss.
I do not, however, believe that a wholesale removal of the exemption is necessary.
If there are instances where common carrier activities are so intertwined with non-
common carrier activities, I encourage the FTC and the FCC to work together and
coordinate a joint enforcement response. However, dual regulation is not the an-
Thank you again, Mr. Chairman for calling this hearing, and I look forward to
hearing from our distinguished panel of witnesses.
Mr. STEARNS. And with that, we will have our witnesses, and I
welcome the Honorable Timothy Muris, Chairman; the Honorable
Mr. Thompson, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission; Honor-
able Mr. Swindle, Commissioner; and the Honorable Mr. Leary. I
think you have heard both sides of our opening statements, so you
have created a little interest in the Federal Trade Commission with
your proactive proposals. So we are anxious to hear, Mr. Chairman,
your opening statement.
Mr. MURIS. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. We certainly
appreciate the opportunity to testify today to support the FTCs re-
authorization request. On behalf of the Commission, let me first
start by expressing our sincere thanks to you, Mr. Chairman, and
all the members of the subcommittee for your continued support of
the FTC. Our dedicated staff has continued to take innovative and
aggressive actions to protect consumers and promote competition.
Today I would like to briefly outline our missions and some of
our recent accomplishments. My colleagues will then each discuss
specific legislative proposals that you mentioned that we are recom-
mending. The FTC consumer protection mission focuses on attack-
ing fraud and deception, consumer privacy, deceptive lending prac-
tices, and cross-border consumer protection. This program provides
Americans with impressive results.
Since April 1, 2002, the FTC has organized 12 joint law enforce-
ment efforts or sweeps with more than 165 partners. These sweeps
resulted in more than 400 cases targeting Internet scams and tele-
marketing fraud, including deceptive work-at-home opportunities,
deceptive health claims, advanced fee credit related fraud, fund-
raising fraud, and Internet auction fraud. Overall, since April 2002
we have obtained more than 65 final judgments, ordering more
than $865 million in consumer redress.
In addition to attacking fraud, the Commission devotes signifi-
cant resources to protecting privacy. This year, the Commission,
with assistance from Congress, is set to launch its National Do-

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Not-Call Registry. Implementation of this registry will begin soon.

Once it is in place, consumers who have registered will begin to re-
view fewer and fewer unwanted telemarketing calls.
I want to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and this committee for your
support of this important initiative. In addition to unwanted tele-
marketing calls, unsolicited commercial e-mail or spam is a grow-
ing concern. We are addressing consumer concerns about spam
through law enforcement, consumer and business education and re-
search. In addition, the Commission has several legislative ideas
that Commissioner Swindle will discuss.
We have been equally as active protecting consumers from anti-
competitive conduct that can raise prices, particularly in the health
care, energy and high tech sectors. In health care, a number of our
activities will likely provide consumers with more affordable drugs.
For example, we published a study examining the frequency of
anticompetitive abuses to block market entry of lower cost generic
drugs, provided comments to the FDA on the potential for misusing
the Hatch-Waxman Act procedures governing generic entry, and
brought law enforcement actions against branded drug companies
alleging improper efforts to delay generic entry. We recently an-
nounced a settlement with Bristol-Myers Squibb concerning alleged
abuses of the Hatch-Waxman process to obstruct the entry of ge-
neric competition for two anti-cancer drugs and one anti-anxiety
The FTC has also been active in protecting consumers from anti-
competitive conduct that may raise the price of oil and gas. This
year, we filed a complaint alleging that Unocal improperly manipu-
lated the process through which California set regulations for the
formulation of low emissions gasoline. We have also begun a
project that monitors wholesale and retail prices of gasoline in ap-
proximately 360 cities across the United States in an effort to iden-
tify possible anticompetitive activity.
This year we are making, as the chairman noted, several rec-
ommendations for legislative changes. We would be happy to work
with the committee staff on these recommendations. First, Com-
missioner Thompson will provide an overview of the Commissions
recommendations to improve cross-border fraud enforcement. These
proposals are also critical to the FTC fight against deceptive spam,
as spammers often send their messages from anywhere in the
world to anyone in the world.
Second, Commissioner Swindle will discuss the agencys rec-
ommendations to enhance the FTCs effectiveness in fighting fraud-
ulent spam. These proposals will improve our ability to investigate
and sue possible spam targets.
Finally, Commissioner Leary will discuss our recommendation to
eliminate the FTC Acts exemption for communications common
Thank you very much for your attention, and I will turn it over,
if I may, to Commissioner Thompson.
[The prepared statement of Hon. Timothy J. Muris follows:]
Mr. Chairman, the Federal Trade Commission (Commission or FTC) is pleased
to appear before the Subcommittee today to support the FTCs reauthorization re-

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quest for Fiscal Years 2004 to 2006.1 Since the last reauthorization hearing, the
FTC has continued to take innovative and aggressive actions to protect consumers
and promote competition. The Commission would like to thank the Chairman and
members of the Subcommittee for their continued support of the agencys missions.

The FTC acts to ensure that markets operate efficiently to benefit consumers. The
FTCs twin missions of competition and consumer protection serve a common aim:
to enhance consumer welfare. The FTCs competition mission promotes free and
open markets, bringing consumers lower prices, innovation, and choice among prod-
ucts and services. The FTCs consumer protection mission fosters the exchange of
accurate, non-deceptive information, allowing consumers to make informed choices
in making purchasing decisions. Because accurate information in the marketplace
facilitates fair and robust competition, the FTCs twin missions complement each
other and maximize benefits for consumers.
Five principles guide the FTCs agenda for consumers. In exercising its competi-
tion and consumer protection authority, the FTC:
Promotes competition and the unfettered exchange of accurate, non-deceptive in-
formation through strong enforcement and focused advocacy;
Stops conduct that poses the greatest threat to consumer welfare, such as anti-
competitive agreements among rivals and fraudulent and deceptive practices;
Employs a systematic approach for identifying and addressing serious misconduct,
with special attention to harmful behavior in key economic sectors;
Uses the agencys distinctive institutional capabilities by applying its full range
of toolsprosecuting cases, conducting studies, holding hearings and work-
shops, engaging in advocacy before other government bodies, and educating
businesses and consumersto address competition and consumer protection
issues; and
Improves the institutions and processes by which competition and consumer pro-
tection policies are formulated and applied.
During the past year, the FTC has applied its unique complement of law enforce-
ment and policy instruments to address critical consumer concerns. Highlights in-
Privacy: Do-Not-Call. The Commission promulgated far-reaching amendments
to its Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR). Among the most important changes,
the agency is poised to launch its National Do-Not-Call registry, one of the most
significant consumer protection initiatives in recent years. The registry will be
a central database of telephone numbers of consumers who choose not to receive
telemarketing calls. Once the registry is in place this summer, telemarketers
will pay a fee to gain access to the registry and then must scrub their tele-
marketing lists against the telephone numbers in the database. This fall, con-
sumers who have placed their telephone numbers on the registry will begin to
receive fewer and fewer unwanted telemarketing calls.
Health Care: Prescription Drugs. Medical therapy increasingly relies on new
pharmaceuticals as alternatives to more invasive treatments, such as surgery.
A number of FTC activities will likely, directly or indirectly, help consumers to
afford drugs to meet their needs. The FTC published a study examining the fre-
quency of anticompetitive abuses to block market entry of lower-cost generic
drugs; provided comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the
potential for misusing the Hatch-Waxman Act procedures governing generic
entry; and brought law enforcement actions against branded drug companies al-
leging improper efforts to delay generic entry. Among other significant matters,
the Commission reached a settlement with Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) re-
solving charges that BMS abused the Hatch-Waxman process to obstruct the
entry of generic competition for two anti-cancer drugs and an anti-anxiety
Financial Practices: Fraudulent Lending. In May 2003, the court finalized a
settlement to resolve FTC charges that The Associates (now owned by
Citigroup, Inc.) had engaged in widespread deceptive and abusive practices in-
volving subprime home mortgage lending. The settlement is expected to provide
$215 million in redress through cash refunds and reduced loan balances to ap-
proximately 2.2 million consumers in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Is-

1 This written statement represents the views of the Federal Trade Commission. My oral pres-
entation and responses to questions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Commission or any other Commissioner.

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lands. A related class action settlement is expected to yield an additional $25
million, for total relief to consumers of $240 million.
E-Commerce: A Unified Approach to Maintaining Efficient Markets. The
development of the Internet has created a host of consumer issues, requiring
the FTC to draw on all its consumer protection and competition capabilities.
Among other activities, the FTC has formed an Internet Task Force to analyze
state regulations that may restrict the entry of new Internet competitors; hosted
public workshops on both spam and potential anticompetitive barriers to e-com-
merce; and brought significant law enforcement actions that continue its histor-
ical role of leading efforts to keep e-commerce free from fraud, deception, and
unfair or anticompetitive practices.
Energy: Gasoline. In an administrative complaint issued in March 2003, the
FTC alleged that Unocal improperly manipulated the process through which the
California Air Resources Board set regulations for the formulation of low-emis-
sions gasoline. The FTC contended that Unocals anticompetitive conduct poten-
tially could cost California consumers hundreds of millions of dollars per year
in higher gasoline prices.
Innovation: Intellectual Property and Competition. With the growth of the
knowledge-based economy, the relationship between competition and patent pol-
icy as spurs to innovation has become increasingly important. The FTC, to-
gether with the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, held hearings
over 24 days, with more than 300 participants, to explore this topic. A report
will issue later this year.
In the next two years, the FTC will continue to address significant law enforce-
ment and policy issues and to devote its resources to those areas in which it can
have a major impact on behalf of consumers. With respect to the consumer protec-
tion mission, the focus will be on broad efforts to fight fraud and deception, as well
as on consumer privacy and security initiatives, including efforts to address spam
and ID theft. With respect to the competition mission, the FTC will continue merger
and nonmerger policy development and law enforcement, with particular emphasis
on health care, energy, high technology, and international issues.
This testimony addresses areas of FTC focus with discussions of specific activities
and accomplishments on behalf of consumers. To further improve the FTCs ability
to implement its mission and serve consumers, this testimony concludes with legis-
lative recommendations to (1) eliminate the FTC Acts exemption for communica-
tions common carriers, (2) enact measures to improve the FTCs ability to combat
cross-border fraud, (3) enact measures to improve the FTCs ability to combat spam,
and (4) make technical changes to allow the agency to accept reimbursements and
certain gifts and services that can enhance our mission performance.

A. Fraud and Deception

The FTC targets the most pervasive types of fraud and deception in the market-
place, drawing substantially on data from Consumer Sentinel, the agencys award-
winning consumer complaint database, 2 and from Internet surfs that focus on spe-
cific types of claims or solicitations that are likely to violate the law. Since April
1, 2002, the FTC has organized 12 joint law enforcement efforts (sweeps) with
more than 165 law enforcement partners.3 These sweeps resulted in more than 400
law enforcement actions targeting Internet scams and telemarketing fraud, includ-
ing deceptive work-at-home opportunities, deceptive health claims, advance-fee cred-
it-related fraud, fundraising fraud, and Internet auction fraud. The FTC filed 70 of
these law enforcement cases.
Overall, since April 2002, the FTC has filed more than 145 cases involving fraud
or deception and has enjoyed significant success in obtaining redress orders to pro-
vide relief for defrauded consumers, with more than 65 final judgments to date or-

2 In 2003, Consumer Sentinel was named one of the top 25 E-Government programs by the

Industry Advisory Council and the Federal Chief Information Officer Council.
3 The FTC works with various federal and state law enforcement agencies, as well as Cana-

dian, Mexican, and other international authorities. See, e.g., FTC Press Release, State, Federal
Law Enforcers Launch Sting on Business Opportunity, Work-at-Home Scams (June 20, 2002),
available at <>. See also FTC Press Release, FTC,
States Give No Credit to Finance Related Scams in Latest Joint Law Enforcement Sweep (Sept.
5, 2002), available at <>.

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dering more than $865 million in consumer redress.4 The agency continues to en-
sure compliance with district court orders by bringing civil contempt proceedings
when appropriate, and by assisting in criminal prosecution of FTC defendants who
flagrantly violate court orders.
The FTCs actions against fraud and deception directly affect consumers. For ex-
ample, in November 2002, the FTC finalized a consent order against Access Re-
source Services, Inc. and Psychic Readers Network, the promoters of Miss Cleo
psychic services, who allegedly engaged in deceptive advertising, billing, and collec-
tion practices. The defendants stipulated to a court order requiring them to stop all
collection efforts on accounts against consumers who purchased or purportedly pur-
chased defendants pay-per-call or audiotext services, to pay $5 million in equitable
relief, and to forgive an estimated $500 million in outstanding consumer charges.5
In January 2003, the FTC obtained a permanent injunction against,
Inc., an alleged massive international pyramid scheme. The final settlement in-
cludes $20 million in consumer redress to be distributed to both domestic and for-
eign victims. The settlement also bans the principal individual defendants from
multi-level marketing for a period of years.6
In March 2003, the FTC announced settlements with five individual defendants
who allegedly engaged in deceptive charitable telemarketing by misrepresenting
both the charities that donations would benefit and the percentage of donations that
the charities would receive.7 Between 1995 and early 1999, the defendants raised
more than $27 million. Among other terms of the settlements, defendant Mitchell
Gold is subject to a $10 million judgment. Following an FTC criminal referral, Gold
was indicted for mail and wire fraud in connection with the fundraising business
and another fraudulent telemarketing scheme. Gold pled guilty and was sentenced
to 96 months in prison.
B. Consumer Privacy
The FTC will continue to devote significant resources to protecting consumer pri-
vacy. Consumers are deeply concerned about the security of their personal informa-
tion, both online and offline. Although these concerns have been heightened by the
rapid development of the Internet, they are by no means limited to the cyberworld.
Consumers can be harmed as much by the thief who steals credit card information
from a mailbox or from a discarded billing statement in the trash as by one who
steals that information over the Internet. Of course, the nature of Internet tech-
nology raises its own special set of issues.
1. Do-Not-Call. As highlighted above, the FTC has initiated a national Do-Not-
Call registry, a centralized database of telephone numbers of consumers who have
asked to be placed on the list. The Do-Not-Call registrypart of the FTCs 2002
amendments to the TSRwill help consumers reduce the number of unwanted tele-
marketing phone calls.
2. Identity Theft. The FTCs toll-free number 1-877-ID-THEFT is the nations
central clearinghouse for identity theft complaints. Calls regarding identity theft
have increased from more than 36,000 calls in FY 2000 to more than 185,000 calls
in FY 2002. These complaints are available to the FTCs law enforcement partners
through an online database, and now more than 620 law enforcement agencies can
access this data. In addition, FTC investigators, working with the Secret Service,
develop preliminary investigative reports that are referred to regional Financial
Crimes Task Forces for possible prosecution.
Continuing a program begun in March 2002, the FTC, the Secret Service, and the
Department of Justice (DOJ) conduct training seminars to provide hundreds of
local and state law enforcement officers with practical tools to combat identity theft.
To date, the FTC and its partners have conducted six regional training sessions for
620 law enforcement officers.
The FTC also engages in extensive education of both businesses and consumers
about preventing and responding to identity theft. One of the agencys most popular
publications is Identity Theft: When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Name. 8

4 This figure represents the amount of redress that has been ordered by the courts in more
than 65 orders from April 2002 to May 2003. The figure does not represent the actual amount
of money that has been or will be collected pursuant to those orders.
5 FTC v. Access Resource Services, Inc., Civ. Action No. 02-60226-CIV Gold/Simonton (S.D. Fla.
Nov. 4, 2002).
6 FTC v., Inc., Civ. Action No. 01-CV-396-EA (M) (N.D. Okla. Jan. 28, 2003).
7 FTC v. Mitchell Gold, Civ. Action No. SAcv 98-968 DOC (Rzx) (C.D. Cal. Mar. 7, 2003).
8 Since the FTC first published the booklet in February 2002, the FTC has distributed more
than 1.2million paper copies and logged more than 1 million hits accessing the booklet on
the FTC web site. The publication is available at <

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3. Safeguarding Consumer Information. In May 2002, the FTC finalized an
order settling charges that Eli Lilly & Company unintentionally disclosed e-mail ad-
dresses of users of its and sites as a result of failures to take
reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality and security of that information. The
settlement requires Lilly to establish a security program to protect consumers per-
sonal information against reasonably anticipated threats or risks to its security, con-
fidentiality, or integrity.9
In December 2002, the FTC settled charges against Microsoft Corporation that,
among other things, the company misrepresented the measures it used to maintain
and protect the privacy and confidentiality of consumers personal information col-
lected through its Passport web services.10 Microsoft has agreed to implement a
comprehensive information security program for Passport and similar services. The
FTC will continue to bring actions involving claims deceptively touting the privacy
and security features of products and services, as well as failures to maintain ade-
quate security for personal information.
In May 2002, the Commission finalized its Safeguards Rule to implement the se-
curity provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB).11 The Rule establishes
standards for financial institutions to maintain the security of customers financial
information, and became effective in May 2003. To help businesses comply with the
Rule, the agency issued a new business education publication, and will conduct
other initiatives to inform businesses of the Rule and provide compliance guidance.12
Commissioner Orson Swindle, in particular, has focused on issues involving infor-
mation security. During the past year, he has served as head of the U.S. delegation
to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Experts
Group for Review of the 1992 OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Sys-
tems. The group released revised guidelines in August 2002 that consist of nine
principles promoting a culture of security.
The FTC has promoted the dissemination of these principles among industry and
consumer groups. The FTCs consumer security web site, <
infosecurity>, contains practical tips for staying secure online and features Dewie
the Turtle, a colorful cartoon mascot to promote effective online security. In addi-
tion, the FTC has worked with the White House Office of Cyberspace Security and
the Department of Homeland Security to develop consumer awareness aspects of the
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.
4. Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).13 COPPA requires
commercial web sites to give notice of their information practices and to obtain pa-
rental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information about chil-
dren under the age of 13. Since April 2001, the FTC has brought eight COPPA cases
and obtained agreements requiring payment of civil penalties totaling more than
$350,000.14 The two most recent cases involved settlements with Hershey Foods and
Mrs. Fields.15 Both companies agreed to settle charges that their web sites allegedly
collected personal data from children without complying with COPPA requirements.
5. Spam. The problems caused by unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) 16 go
well beyond the annoyance spam causes to the public. These problems include the
fraudulent and deceptive content of most spam messages, the sheer volume of spam
being sent across the Internet, and the security issues raised because spam can be
used to disrupt service or as a vehicle for sending viruses.
In particular, deceptive spam is an ever-growing problem that the FTC is address-
ing through law enforcement efforts, consumer and business education, and re-

9 Eli Lilly & Co., Dkt. No. C-4047 (May 10, 2002).
10 Microsoft Corp., Dkt. No. C-4069 (Dec. 24, 2002).
11 Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information; Final Rule, 67 Fed. Reg. 36,484 (May
23, 2002) (to be codified at 16 C.F.R. Part 314).
12 FTC Facts for Businesses, Financial Institutions and Customer Data: Complying with the
Safeguards Rule, available at <>.
13 15 U.S.C. 6501-6506.
14 United States v. Hershey Foods Corp., Civ. Action No. 4:03-cv-00350-JEJ (M.D. Pa. Feb. 26,
2003); United States v. Mrs. Fields Famous Brands, Civ. Action No. 2:03cv00205 (D. Utah Feb.
25, 2003); United States v. The Ohio Art Co., Civ. Action No. 3:02CV7203 (N.D. Ohio Apr. 30,
2002); United States v. American Pop Corn Co., Civ. Action No. C02-4008DEO (N.D. Iowa Feb.
28, 2002); United States v. Lisa Frank, Inc., Civ. Action No. 01-1516-A (E.D. Va. Oct. 3, 2001);
United States v. Looksmart, Ltd., Civ. Action No. 01-606-A (E.D. Va. Apr. 23, 2001); United
States v., Inc., Civ. Action No. 01-605-A (E.D. Va. Apr. 23, 2001); United States
v. Monarch Servs., Inc., Civ. Action No. AMD 01 CV 1165 (D. Md. Apr. 20, 2001).
15 United States v. Hershey Foods Corp., Civ. Action No. 4:03-cv-00350-JEJ (M.D. Pa. Feb. 26,
2003); United States v. Mrs. Fields Famous Brands, Civ. Action No. 2:03cv00205 (D. Utah Feb.
25, 2003).
16 Unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE or spam) is any commercial e-mail message that is
senttypically in bulkto consumers without the consumers prior request or consent.

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search. An important tool the FTC uses to target law violations, identify trends, and
conduct research for education is its spam database. Consumers forward spam they
receive to the FTC database at The database receives, on average, more
than 110,000 e-mail messages each day, and currently contains a total of approxi-
mately 42 million pieces of spam.
In April 2003, the FTC released a report analyzing false claims made in spam.
To prepare the report, the FTC staff reviewed a sample of approximately 1,000
pieces of spam, taken from a pool of more than 11 million e-mails in the FTCs data-
base. Of the 1,000 pieces, 66 percent contained facial elements of deception in the
from line, the subject line, or the text of the message.17
The FTC shares the database information with other federal and state law en-
forcement agencies to broaden the fight against deceptive spam. In November 2002,
the FTC and 12 law enforcement partners brought 30 enforcement actions as part
of an ongoing initiative to fight deceptive spam and Internet scams.18 The FTC also
announced, with ten participating agencies, a Spam Harvest, a study designed to
identify online actions that may put consumers at the greatest risk for receiving
The FTC recently settled an action against a company that allegedly profited from
a particularly insidious spam scam. According to the complaint, the subject line of
the e-mail said Yahoo sweepstakes winner, and the message congratulated the re-
cipient for being chosen as a winner of a prize in a recent Yahoo sweepstakes con-
test. Most often, the message mentioned that the prize was a Sony Playstation 2,
making it particularly attractive to adolescents. But the message was not from
Yahoo, and the recipients had not won anything. Instead, after clicking through five
web pages, consumers were connected to a pornographic web site at a cost of up
to $3.00 a minute. The settlement enjoins the defendants from making misleading
representations of material facts in e-mail and other marketing, including deceptive
e-mail header information. The settlement also requires the defendants to prevent
third parties that promote their videotext services, through e-mail or other means,
from making deceptive statements.20
In April, the FTC filed an action against an allegedly illegal spam operation for
using false return addresses, empty reply-to links, and deceptive subject lines to
expose unsuspecting consumers, including children, to sexually explicit material.21
The FTC alleged that the defendant used the spam in an attempt to drive business
to an adult web site, Married But Lonely. The FTC obtained a stipulated prelimi-
nary injunction to halt false or misleading spam.
The FTC recently hosted a three-day public forum to analyze the impact spam has
on consumers use of e-mail, e-mail marketing, and the Internet industry and to ex-
plore solutions in addition to law enforcement.22 A major concern expressed at the
forum was the dramatic rate at which spam is proliferating. For example, one ISP
reported that in 2002, it experienced a 150 percent increase in spam traffic. America
Online reported that it recently blocked 2.37 billion pieces of spam in a single day.
Indeed, spam appears to be the marketing vehicle of choice for many fraudulent and
deceptive marketers. In addition, and of particular concern, panelists noted that
spam is increasingly used to disseminate malicious code such as viruses and Trojan
Solutions to the problems posed by spam will not be quick or easy; nor is one sin-
gle approach likely to provide a cure. Instead, a balanced blend of technological
fixes, business and consumer education, legislation, and enforcement will be re-
quired. Technology that empowers consumers in an easy-to-use manner is essential
to getting immediate results for a number of frustrated end-users. Any solution to
the problems caused by spam should contain the following elements:
1. Enhanced enforcement tools to combat fraud and deception;
2. Support for the development and deployment of technological tools to fight spam;
3. Enhanced business and consumer education; and
4. The study of business methods to reduce the volume of spam.

17 FTC STAFF REPORT, FALSE CLAIMS IN SPAM (Apr. 2003), available at <
reports/spam/030429spamreport.pdf>. The remaining spam messages were not necessarily truth-
ful, but they did not contain any obvious indicia of falsity.
18 FTC Press Release, Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcers Tackle Deceptive Spam and
Internet Scams (Nov. 13, 2002), available at <>.
19 See FTC Consumer Alert, E-mail Address Harvesting: How Spammers Reap What You Sow
(Nov. 13, 2002), available at <>.
20 FTC v. BTV Indus., Civ. Action No. CV-S-02-0437-LRH-PAL (D. Nev. Jan. 6, 2003).
21 FTC v. Brian D. Westby, Civ. Action No. 03-C-2540 (N.D. Ill. filed Apr. 15, 2003).
22 Draft transcripts of the forum are available at <

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The Commissions legislative recommendations, outlined in Part IV, would en-
hance the agencys enforcement tools for fighting spam. In addition, the FTC will
continue vigorous law enforcement and reach out to key law enforcement partners
through the creation of a Federal/State Spam Task Force to strengthen cooperation
with criminal authorities. The Task Force can help to overcome some of the obsta-
cles that spam prosecutions present to law enforcement authorities. For example,
in some instances, state agencies spent considerable front-end investigative re-
sources to find a spammer, only to discover at the back end that the spammer was
located outside the states jurisdiction. State and federal agencies recognize the need
to share the information obtained in investigations, so that the agency best placed
to pursue the spammer can do so more efficiently and quickly. The Task Force
should facilitate this process. Further, it can serve as a forum to apprise partici-
pating agencies of the latest spamming technology, spammer ploys, and investiga-
tional techniques.
Through the Task Force, the FTC will reach out not only to its civil law enforce-
ment counterparts on the state level, but also to federal and state criminal authori-
ties. Although few criminal prosecutions involving spam have occurred to date,23
criminal prosecution may well be appropriate for the most egregious conduct. The
FTC and its partners in criminal law enforcement agencies continue to work to as-
sess existing barriers to successful criminal prosecutions. The FTC will explore
whether increased coordination and cooperation with criminal authorities would be
helpful in stopping the worst actors.
Improved technological tools will be an essential part of any solution as well. A
great deal of spam is virtually untraceable, and an increasing amount crosses inter-
national boundaries. Panelists estimated that from 50 percent to 90 percent of e-
mail is untraceable, either because it contains falsified routing information or be-
cause it comes through open relays or open proxies.24 Because so much spam is
untraceable, technological development will be an important element in solving
spam problems. To this end, the FTC will continue to encourage industry to meet
this challenge.
Action by consumers and businesses who may receive spam will be a crucial part
of any solution to the problems caused by spam. A key component of the FTCs ef-
forts against spam is educating consumers and businesses about the steps they can
take to decrease the amount of spam they receive. The FTCs educational materials
provide guidance on how to decrease the chances of having an e-mail address har-
vested and used for spam, and suggest several other steps to decrease the amount
of spam an address may receive. The FTCs educational materials on spam are
available on the FTC website.25
Finally, several initiatives for reducing the overwhelming volume of spam were
discussed at the FTCs Spam Forum. At this point, questions remain about the fea-
sibility and likely effectiveness of these initiatives. The FTC intends to continue its
active role as catalyst and monitor of technological innovation and business ap-
proaches to addressing spam.
6. Pretexting. Through its Section 5 authority as well as its jurisdiction under
the GLB Act, the FTC is also combating pretexting, the use of false pretenses to

23 See, e.g., United States v. Barrero, Crim. No. 03-30102-01 DRH (S.D. Ill. 2003) (guilty plea
entered May 12, 2003). Like the related case, FTC v. Corp., Civ. Action No.
02 C 5022 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 30, 2003), the allegations in this criminal prosecution were based on
fraud in the sellers underlying business transaction.
24 An open relay is an e-mail server that is configured to accept and transfer e-mail on behalf
of any user anywhere, including unrelated third parties, which allows spammers to route their
e-mail through servers of other organizations, disguising the origin of the e-mail. An open proxy
is a mis-configured proxy server through which an unauthorized user can connect to the Inter-
net. Spammers use open proxies to send spam from the computer networks ISP or to find an
open relay.
Brightmail recently estimated that 90% of the e-mail that it analyzed was untraceable. Two
panelists at the forum estimated that 40% to 50% of the e-mail it analyzed came through open
relays or open proxies, making it virtually impossible to trace. Even when spam cannot be
traced technologically, however, enforcement is possible. In some cases, the FTC has followed
the money trail to pursue sellers who use spam. The process is resource intensive, frequently
requiring a series of ten or more CIDs to identify and locate the seller in the real world. Fre-
quently the seller and the spammer are different entities. In numerous instances, FTC staff can-
not initially identify or locate the spammer and can only identify and locate the seller. In many
of those cases, in the course of prosecuting the seller, staff has, through discovery, sought infor-
mation about the spammer who actually sent the messages. This, too, involves resource-inten-
sive discovery efforts. While the FTC actions have focused more on deception in the content of
the spam message, recent actions have begun to attack deception in the sending of spam. As
discussed above, the FTC has brought law enforcement actions targeting false subject lines and
false from lines.
25 See <>.

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obtain customer financial information. The agency has obtained stipulated court or-
ders to halt these practices 26 and has sent warning letters to nearly 200 others
about apparent violations of the GLB pretexting prohibitions.
C. Deceptive Lending Practices
As highlighted above, the FTC has been aggressive in its fight against deceptive
lending practices. Unscrupulous lenders can deceive consumers about loan terms,
rates, and fees, and the resulting injury can be severeincluding the loss of a home.
Over the last year, the FTC has obtained settlements for nearly $300 million in con-
sumer redress for deceptive lending practices and other related law violations. The
FTC has settled cases against Associates First Capital Corporation (now owned by
Citigroup) 27 for alleged deceptive sales of credit insurance and alleged violations of
the Equal Credit Opportunity Act 28 and the Fair Credit Reporting Act; 29 against
First Alliance Mortgage 30 for alleged deceptive loan terms and origination fees; and
against Mercantile Mortgage 31 for alleged deception of consumers about loan terms
and alleged violations of the Truth in Lending Act.32 In addition to monetary relief,
the Mercantile settlement gives hundreds of consumers the opportunity to refinance
loans at low or no cost.33
D. Health Fraud and Deception
Truthful and substantiated advertising can serve as an important source of useful
information for consumers about health care. Inaccurate information, on the other
hand, can cause serious financial as well as physical harm. For that reason, com-
bating deceptive health claims, both online and off, continues to be a priority for
the FTC.
1. Dietary Supplements. Challenging misleading or unsubstantiated claims in
the advertisement of dietary supplements is a significant part of the FTCs con-
sumer protection agenda. During the past decade, the FTC has filed more than 80
law enforcement actions challenging false or unsubstantiated claims about the effi-
cacy or safety of a wide variety of supplements.34 The agency focuses its enforce-
ment priorities on claims for products with unproven benefits or that present signifi-
cant safety concerns to consumers, and on deceptive or unsubstantiated claims that
products treat or cure serious diseases. The FTC has taken action against all parties
responsible for the deceptive marketing, including manufacturers, advertising agen-
cies, infomercial producers, distributors, retailers, and endorsers.
2. Weight Loss Advertising. Since the 1990s, the FTC has filed nearly 100 cases
challenging false or misleading claims for all types of weight loss products, including
over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, commercial weight loss centers, weight
loss devices, and exercise equipment.35 In September 2002, the FTC issued a Re-
port on Weight-Loss Advertising: An Analysis of Current Trends, 36 which concludes
that false or misleading claims for weight loss products are widespread and, despite

26 FTC v. Information Search, Inc., Civ. Action No. AMD 01 1121 (D. Md. Mar. 15, 2002); FTC
v. Guzzetta, Civ. Action No. CV-01-2335 (E.D.N.Y. Feb. 25, 2002); FTC v. Garrett, Civ. Action
No. H 01-1255 (S.D. Tex. Mar. 25, 2003).
27 FTC v. Associates First Capital Corp., Civ. Action No. 1:01-CV-00606 JTC (N.D. Ga. Feb.
26, 2002).
28 15 U.S.C. 1691-1691f, as amended.
29 Id. 1681-1681(u), as amended.
30 FTC v. First Alliance Mortgage Co., Civ. Action No. SACV 00-964 DOC (MLGx) (C.D. Calif.
Nov. 26, 2002).
31 U.S. v. Mercantile Mortgage Co., Civ. Action No. 02C 5079 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 15, 2002).
32 15 U.S.C. 1601-1667f, as amended.
33 The FTC continues its litigation against Chicago-area mortgage broker Mark Diamond and
against D.C.-area mortgage lender Capital City Mortgage Corporation. FTC v. Mark Diamond,
Civ. Action No. 02C-5078 (N.D.Ill. filed Nov. 1, 2002); FTC v. Capital City Mortgage Corp., Civ.
Action No. 1: 98-CV-00237 (D.D.C. Jan. 29, 1998). The Diamond case represents the FTCs first
litigated case against a mortgage broker. In Capital City, the FTC alleges that Capital City de-
ceived consumers into taking out high-rate, high-fee loans and then foreclosed on consumers
homes when they could not afford to pay.
34 See, e.g., FTC v. Dr. Clark Research Assn, Civ. Action No. 1-03-00054-TRA (N.D. Ohio Jan.
8, 2003); FTC v. Vital Dynamics, Civ. Action No. 02-CV-9816 (C.D. Calif. Jan 17, 2003) (consent
decree); FTC v. Rexall Sundown, Inc., Civ. Action No. 00-CV-7016 (S.D. Fla. Mar. 11, 2003) (pro-
posed consent decree subject to court approval).
35 See, e.g., Enforma Natural Prods., Inc., Civ. Action No. 2:00cv04376JSL (CWx) (C.D. Cal.
Dec. 9, 2002) (consent decree); Weider Nutrition Intl, Dkt. No. C-3983, 2001 WL 1717579 (Nov.
15, 2000); FTC v. SlimAmerica, Inc., 77 F. Supp. 2d 1263 (S.D. Fla.1999); Jenny Craig, Inc.,
125 F.T.C. 333 (1998) (consent order); Weight Watchers Intl, Inc., 124 F.T.C. 610 (1997) (consent
order); NordicTrack, Inc., 121 F.T.C. 907 (1996) (consent order).
2002), available at <>.

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an unprecedented level of FTC enforcement activity, appear to have increased over
the last decade.
The FTC continues to explore ways to reduce the number of deceptive weight loss
claims. On November 19, 2002, the FTC held a public workshop on the Advertising
of Weight Loss Products.37 Workshop participants included government officials, sci-
entists, public health groups, marketers of weight loss products, advertising profes-
sionals, and representatives of the media. Participants explored both the impact of
deceptive weight loss product ads on the public health and new approaches to fight-
ing the proliferation of misleading claims, including a more active role for the media
in screening out patently false weight loss advertising. Also, in an opinion piece in
Advertising Age, Commissioner Sheila Anthony noted that the FTC cannot
solve this problem alone and challenged the industry and the media to play
their part.38
E. Cross-Border Consumer Protection
The Internet and electronic commerce know no boundaries, and cross-border fraud
is a growing problem for consumers and businesses in the U.S. and abroad. During
2002, approximately 14% of the complaints collected in the Consumer Sentinel com-
plaint database involved a cross-border element. The number of FTC cases involving
offshore defendants, offshore evidence, or offshore assets also has increased. In
2002, the FTC brought approximately 22 law enforcement actions involving cross-
border fraud.
Those who defraud consumers take advantage of the special problems faced by
law enforcers in acting against foreign companies, including difficulties in sharing
information with foreign law enforcement agencies, exercising jurisdiction, and en-
forcing judgments abroad. Thus, law enforcers worldwide, now more than ever, need
to cooperate and expand their consumer protection efforts.
To address the growing problem of cross-border fraud, in October 2002, Chairman
Muris announced a Five-Point Plan to Combat Cross-Border Fraud. Since then, the
FTC has been implementing this plan by:
Developing OECD guidelines on cross-border fraud. Commissioner Mozelle
Thompson of the FTC chairs the OECD Committee on Consumer Policy and
leads the U.S. delegation to the Committee, which is developing guidelines for
international cooperation concerning cross-border fraud. The FTC is working
with its foreign counterparts, and soon expects to finalize these guidelines.
Strengthening bilateral and multilateral relationships. The FTC already
has bilateral consumer protection cooperation agreements with agencies in Aus-
tralia, Canada, and the U.K., and is working to strengthen these relationships
and develop new ones. The FTC also participates in a network of consumer pro-
tection enforcement officials from more than 30 countries. Finally, the FTC has
joined other agencies in various cross-border task forces, such as the Toronto
Strategic Partnership, Project Emptor with British Columbia authorities, and
MUCHthe Mexico-U.S.-Canada Health fraud task force. In the past year, the
FTC has announced numerous joint law enforcement actions taken with the as-
sistance of these task forces, including actions involving credit card loss protec-
tion,39 advance fee credit cards, 40 and bogus cancer clinics.41
Continuing public-private partnerships. The FTC continues to ask respon-
sible industry to help fight cross-border fraud, which hurts businesses as well
as consumers. The FTC held a workshop on this issue in February 2003 and
continues to work with the private sector to follow up on some ideas discussed
at the workshop, including better sharing of information between the private
sector and the FTC.
Providing technical assistance. The FTC wants to ensure that no developing
country becomes a haven for fraud. Therefore, it is conducting U.S. AID-funded
technical assistance on consumer protection issues in various developing coun-
tries. Last year, the FTC conducted technical assistance missions for consumer
protection authorities from 13 Eastern European countries, including Hungary
and Slovenia. This year, the FTC is planning to conduct missions in Romania,
Russia, and Peru.

37 See Public Workshop: Advertising of Weight Loss Products, 67 Fed. Reg. 59,289 (Sept. 20,
38 Commissioner Sheila Anthony, Lets clean up the diet-ad mess, Advertising Age, Feb. 3,
2003, at 18.
39 FTC v. STF Group, Civ. Action No. 03-C-0977 (N.D. Ill. filed Feb. 10, 2003).
40 FTC v. Pacific First Benefit, LLC, Civ. Action No. 02-C-8678 (N.D. Ill. filed Dec. 2, 2003).
41 FTC v. CSCT, Inc., Civ. Action No. 03-C-00880 (N.D. Ill. filed Feb. 6, 2003).

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Recommending proposals for legislative amendments. Many of the chal-
lenges the FTC faces in combating cross-border fraud might best be addressed
through legislative changes. The FTCs proposals for legislative changes are de-
scribed in Section IV of this testimony.
F. Initiatives Designed to Reach Specific Consumer Groups
The FTC has implemented a variety of initiatives that assist particular consumer
groups, including children, Spanish-speaking consumers, and military personnel and
their families.
1. Protecting Children. The agency maintains an active program to monitor, report
on, and provide educational materials about marketing activities affecting children.
The FTC continues to monitor the marketing of violent entertainment products to
children. Since September 2000, the agency has issued a series of reports on this
issue.42 The FTC intends to issue a fourth follow-up report on the industries prac-
tices. The staff also is working with retailer trade groups to devise a consumer edu-
cation message for parents, and is preparing to hold a public workshop on these
issues later this year.
The FTC also conducted an informal survey of online gambling sites and pub-
lished a consumer alert warning parents and their children that online gambling
can pose huge risks, including money loss, impaired credit ratings, and addiction to
Finally, the FTC monitors alcohol advertising to ensure that ads for these prod-
ucts do not involve potentially unfair or deceptive practices, including the targeting
of alcohol advertisements to minors. In response to a Congressional request, the
agency will prepare reports on two subjects related to alcohol advertising and youth:
(1) the impact on underage consumers of the significant expansion of ads for new
alcoholic beverages, and (2) the industrys response to recommendations for im-
proved self-regulation contained in the FTCs 1999 report to Congress.44
2. Spanish-Speaking Consumers. In FY 2002, the FTC instituted a Hispanic Out-
reach Program, which resulted in hiring a Hispanic Outreach Coordinator. This ef-
fort includes the creation of a dedicated page on the FTC site, Protection Para el
Consumidor (Consumer Protection), which mirrors the English version of the con-
sumer protection page and provides Spanish translations of several popular con-
sumer education publications. The FTC also has created an online Spanish-language
consumer complaint form and has undertaken outreach efforts to Hispanic media.
In addition, the FTC has taken action against alleged law violations affecting
Spanish-speaking consumers. The agency settled a civil penalty action against a
Houston-based debt collection company for alleged violations of the rights of
Spanish- and English-speaking consumers under the Fair Debt Collection Practices
Act.45 The settlement requires, among other things, that the company make disclo-
sures in Spanish where applicable.
3. Military Sentinel. In September 2002, the FTC and the Department of Defense
(DOD) launched Military Sentinel, the first online consumer complaint database
tailored to the unique needs of the military community. The system offers members
of the military and their families a way to file complaints and gain immediate ac-
cess to the FTCs full range of educational materials and information.46 It also gives
DOD and law enforcement officers secure access to the complaints entered into the


DUSTRIES (Sept. 2000), available at <>; FTC,
(Apr. 2001), available at <>; FTC, MAR-
2001), available at <>; FTC, MARKETING VIO-
2002), available at <>.
43 FTC Consumer Alert, Online Gambling and Kids: A Bad Bet (June 26, 2002), available at
44 Conference Report on the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for FY 2003, H. Rep. No. 108-10
(Feb. 13, 2003)
45 United States v. United Recovery Systems, Inc., Civ. Action No. H-02-1410 (sl) (S.D. Tex.
Apr. 22, 2002).
46 FTC Facts for Consumers, Military Sentinel: Fact Sheet, available at <

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The FTCs competition mission, as its name suggests, promotes competition in the
marketplace to give consumers the best products at the lowest prices. The FTC em-
ploys a variety of tools to promote and protect competition: in addition to enforcing
the antitrust laws, the agency holds workshops, conducts studies, writes reports,
and monitors the marketplace. The agency will continue to focus both its law en-
forcement activity and other initiatives in key sectors of the economy, such as health
care, energy, and high-tech industries. The global economy also requires the FTCs
competition mission, like its consumer protection mission, to be increasingly con-
cerned with international issues.
A. Health Care
The health care sector remains enormously important to both consumers and the
national economy. Health-related products and services account for more than 15
percent of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), and that share has grown by
about 25 percent since 1990. Without effective antitrust enforcement, health costs
would be greater and the share of GDP would be even higher.
1. Prescription Drugs. As previously mentioned, the FTC recently reached a
major settlement with Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) to resolve charges that BMS
engaged in a series of anticompetitive acts over the past decade to obstruct entry
of low-price generic competition for three of BMSs widely-used pharmaceutical prod-
ucts: two anti-cancer drugs, Taxol and Platinol, and the anti-anxiety agent
BuSpar.47 Among other things, the FTCs complaint alleged that BMS abused FDA
regulations to obstruct generic competitors; misled the FDA about the scope, valid-
ity, and enforceability of patents to secure listing in the FDAs Orange Book list
of approved drugs and their related patents; breached its duty of good faith and can-
dor with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), while pursuing new pat-
ents claiming these drugs; filed baseless patent infringement suits against generic
drug firms that sought FDA approval to market lower-priced drugs; and paid a
would-be generic rival $72.5 million to abandon its legal challenge to the validity
of a BMS patent and to stay out of the market until the patent expired. Because
of BMSs alleged pattern of anticompetitive conduct and the extensive resulting con-
sumer harm, the Commissions proposed order necessarily contains strongand in
some respects unprecedentedrelief.48
The settlement with BMS represents the latest FTC milestone in settlements re-
garding allegedly anticompetitive conduct by branded or generic drug manufacturers
designed to delay generic entry. Other recent FTC successes in this area include:
Biovail. An October 2002 consent order settling charges that Biovail Corporation
illegally acquired a license to a patent and improperly listed the patent in the
FDAs Orange Book as claiming Biovails high blood pressure drug Tiazac
(under current law, the listing of the patent and the subsequent lawsuit
brought by Biovail against a potential generic entrant triggered an automatic
30-month stay of FDA approval of the generic competitor); 49 and
Biovail/Elan. An August 2002 settlement with Biovail and Elan Corporation, plc
resolving charges that the companies entered into an agreement that provided
substantial incentives for the two companies not to compete in the markets for
30 milligram and 60 milligram dosage strengths of the generic drug Adalat CC
(an anti-hypertension drug).50
2. Health Care Providers. For decades, the FTC has worked to facilitate innova-
tive and efficient arrangements for the delivery and financing of health care services
by challenging artificial barriers to competition among health care providers. These
efforts continue. In the last year, the FTC settled with seven groups of physicians
for allegedly colluding to raise consumers costs.51 These settlements involved sig-
nificant numbers of doctorsmore than 1,200 in a case in the Dallas-Fort Worth

47 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Dkt. No. C-4076 (Apr. 14, 2003).

48 The proposed order includes a provision prohibiting BMS from triggering a 30-month stay
for any BMS product based on any patent BMS lists in the Orange Book after the filing of an
application to market a generic drug.
49 Biovail Corp., Dkt. No. C-4060 (Oct. 2, 2002).
50 Biovail Corp. and Elan Corp., Dkt. No. C-4057 (Aug. 15, 2002).
51 Grossmont Anesthesia Servs. Med. Group, Inc., File No. 021-0006 (May 30, 2003) (agreement
accepted for public comment); Anesthesia Serv. Med. Group, Inc., File No. 021-0006 (May 30,
2003) (agreement accepted for public comment); Carlsbad Physicians, File No. 031-0002 (May
2, 2003) (agreement accepted for public comment); System Health Providers, Dkt. No. C-4064
(Oct. 24, 2002); R.T. Welter & Assoc., Inc. (Professionals in Womens Care), Dkt. No. C-4063
(Oct. 8, 2002); Physician Integrated Servs. of Denver, Inc., Dkt. No. C-4054 (July 16, 2002); Au-
rora Associated Primary Care Physicians, L.L.C., Dkt. No. C-4055 (July 16, 2002).

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area and more than three-quarters of all doctors in the Carlsbad, New Mexico area.
The Commissions orders put a stop to allegedly collusive conduct that harms em-
ployers, individual patients, and health plans by depriving them of the benefits of
competition in the purchase of physician services.
3. Health Care Mergers. The FTC has taken action regarding a number of pro-
posed mergers in the health care sector to ensure that consumers continue to re-
ceive the benefits of competitive markets. In April, the Commission reached a settle-
ment with Pfizer Inc., the largest pharmaceutical company in the United States,
and Pharmacia Corporation to resolve concerns that their $60 billion merger would
harm competition in nine separate and wide-ranging product markets, including
drugs to treat overactive bladder, symptoms of menopause, skin conditions, coughs,
motion sickness, erectile dysfunction, and three different veterinary conditions.52
Annual sales in the nine product markets currently total more than $3 billion. The
settlement will require divestitures to protect consumers interests in those markets
while allowing the remainder of the transaction to go forward.
Other recent health care mergers investigated by the FTC include:
Cytyc/Digene. In June 2002, the Commission authorized the staff to seek a pre-
liminary injunction blocking Cytyc Corporations proposed acquisition of Digene
Corporation,53 involving the merger of two manufacturers of complementary cer-
vical cancer screening tests. The complaint alleged that the combined firm
would have an incentive to use its market power in one product to stifle in-
creased competition in the complementary products market. Thus, if the merger
had been consummated, rivals would have been substantially impeded from
competing. Following the Commissions decision, the parties abandoned the
Baxter/Wyeth. The FTC alleged that Baxter Internationals $316 million acquisi-
tion of Wyeth Corporation raised competitive concerns in markets for a variety
of drugs. Of particular concern were the $400 million market for propofol, a gen-
eral anesthetic commonly used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia
during surgery, and the $225 million market for new injectable iron replace-
ment therapies used to treat iron deficiency in patients undergoing hemo-
dialysis.54 To settle this matter, the parties agreed to divestitures that are ex-
pected to maintain competition in those markets.
Amgen/Immunex. The FTC obtained an agreement settling allegations that
Amgen Inc.s $16 billion acquisition of Immunex Corporation would reduce com-
petition for three important biopharmaceutical products: (1) neutrophil regen-
eration factors used to treat a dangerously low white blood cell count that often
results from chemotherapy; (2) tumor necrosis factors used to treat rheumatoid
arthritis, Crohns disease, and psoriatic arthritis; and (3) interleukin-1 inhibi-
tors used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.55 The settlement required
that the companies divest certain assets and license certain intellectual prop-
erty rights in these markets.
4. Promoting Competition in Prescription Drugs. The FTC also has sought
to promote competition in the pharmaceutical industry through published reports
and speeches. Commissioner Leary has a special interest in pharmaceutical competi-
tion and has addressed this topic in speeches to solicit input from affected parties
and to promote dialogue regarding practical solutions.56
In July 2002, the FTC issued a report entitled Generic Drug Entry Prior to Pat-
ent Expiration: An FTC Study, 57 which evaluated whether the Hatch-Waxman
Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are susceptible to strate-
gies to delay or deter consumer access to generic alternatives to brand-name drug
products. The report recommended changes in the law to ensure that generic entry
is not delayed unreasonably, including through anticompetitive activity. In October
2002, President Bush directed the FDA to implement one of the key findings identi-

52 Pfizer Inc., Dkt. No. C-4075 (Apr. 14, 2003) (proposed consent agreement accepted for public
53 FTC Press Release, FTC Seeks to Block Cytyc Corp.s Acquisition of Digene Corp. (June 24,
2002), available at <>.
54 Baxter International Inc. and Wyeth, Dkt. No. C-4068 (Feb. 3, 2003).
55 Amgen Inc. and Immunex Corp., Dkt. No. C-4056 (Sept. 3, 2002).
56 See Thomas B. Leary, Antitrust Issues in Settlement of Pharmaceutical Patent Disputes
(Nov. 3, 2000), available at <>; Thomas B.
Leary, Antitrust Issues in the Settlement of Pharmaceutical Patent Disputes, Part II (May 17,
2001), available at < settlement.htm>.
at <>.

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fied in the FTC study.58 Specifically, the FDA has proposed a new rule to curb one
of the abuses uncovered by the FTC studypharmaceutical firms alleged misuse
of the Hatch-Waxman patent listing provisionsto speed consumer access to lower-
cost generic drugs.59
5. Hearings on Health Care and Competition Law and Policy. To keep
abreast of developments in the dynamic health care market, the FTC, working with
DOJs Antitrust Division, commenced a series of hearings on Health Care and
Competition Law and Policy on February 26, 2003.60 Over a seven-month period,
the FTC and DOJ will spend almost 30 days of hearings in a comprehensive exam-
ination of a wide range of health care issues, involving hospitals, physicians, insur-
ers, pharmaceuticals, long-term care, Medicare, and consumer information, among
others. To date, the hearings have focused on the specific challenges and complica-
tions involved in applying competition law and policy to health care; issues involved
in hospital merger cases and other joint arrangements, including geographic and
product market definition; horizontal hospital networks and vertical arrangements
with other health care providers; the competitive effects of mergers of health insur-
ance providers; and consumer information and quality of care issues. A public report
that incorporates the results of the hearings will be prepared after the hearings.
B. Energy
Antitrust law enforcement is critical in the oil and gas industry. Fuel price in-
creases directly and significantly affect businesses of all sizes throughout the U.S.
economy and can strain consumer budgets.
1. Oil Merger Investigations. In recent years, the FTC has investigated numer-
ous oil mergers. When necessary, the agency has insisted on divestitures to cure po-
tential harm to competition. In the most recent case, Conoco/Phillips, the Commis-
sion required the merged company to divest two refineries and related marketing
assets, terminal facilities for light petroleum and propane products, and certain nat-
ural gas gathering assets.61
2. Natural Gas Merger Investigations. The FTC also has investigated mergers
in the natural gas industry and taken necessary action to preserve competition. Just
two weeks ago, the Commission accepted for public comment a consent order de-
signed to preserve competition in the market for the delivery of natural gas to the
Kansas City area.62 The proposed order conditionally would allow Southern Union
Companys $1.8 billion purchase of the Panhandle pipeline from CMS Energy Cor-
poration, while requiring Southern Union to terminate an agreement under which
one of its subsidiaries managed the Central pipeline, which competes with Pan-
handle in the market for delivery of natural gas to the Kansas City area. Absent
the settlement agreement, the transaction would have placed the two pipelines
under common ownership or common management and control, eliminating direct
competition between them, and likely resulting in consumers paying higher prices
for natural gas in the Kansas City area.
3. Gasoline Monopolization Case. As highlighted above, the Commission re-
cently issued an administrative complaint in an important nonmerger case involving
the Union Oil Company of California (Unocal).63 The complaint alleges that
Unocal violated Section 5 of the FTC Act by subverting the California Air Resources
Boards (CARB) regulatory standard-setting procedures of the late 1980s relating
to low-emissions reformulated gasoline (RFG). According to the complaint, Unocal
misrepresented to industry participants that some of its emissions research was
non-proprietary and in the public domain, while at the same time pursuing a patent
that would permit Unocal to charge royalties if CARB used such emissions informa-
tion. The complaint alleged that Unocal did not disclose its pending patent claims
and that it intentionally perpetuated the false and misleading impression that it
would not enforce any proprietary interests in its emissions research results. The

58 President Takes Action to Lower Prescription Drug Prices by Improving Access to Generic
Drugs (Oct. 21, 2002), available at <
59 Applications for FDA Approval to Market a New Drug: Patent Listing Requirements and
Application of 30-Month Stays on Approval of Abbreviated New Drug Applications Certifying
That a Patent Claiming a Drug Is Invalid or Will Not Be Infringed; Proposed Rule, 67 Fed. Reg.
65448 (Oct. 24, 2002).
60 The FTC web site for the hearings is
To date, the FTC has released a detailed agenda for the hearings sessions in February through
June. All of the documents relating to the hearings appear on the web site.
61 Conoco Inc. and Phillips Petroleum Company, Dkt. No. C-4058 (Feb. 7, 2003) (consent
62 Southern Union Co., File No. 031-0068 (May 29, 2003) (agreement accepted for public com-
63 Union Oil Co. of California, Dkt. No. 9305 (complaint issued Mar. 4, 2003).

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complaint states that Unocals conduct has allowed it to acquire monopoly power for
the technology to produce and supply California summer-time RFG, a low-emis-
sions fuel mandated for sale in California from March through October, and could
cost California consumers five cents per gallon in higher gasoline prices. This case
is pending before an Administrative Law Judge.
4. Study of Refined Petroleum Product Prices. Building on its enforcement
experience in the petroleum industry, the FTC is studying the causes of volatility
in refined petroleum products prices. In two public conferences, held in August 2001
and May 2002, 64 participants discussed key factors that affect product prices, in-
cluding increased dependency on foreign crude sources, changes in industry business
practices, and new governmental regulations. The information gathered through
these public conferences will form the basis for a report to be issued later this year.
5. Gasoline Price Monitoring. In May 2002, the FTC announced a project to
monitor wholesale and retail prices of gasoline in an effort to identify possible anti-
competitive activities to determine if a law enforcement investigation would be war-
ranted. This project tracks retail gasoline prices in approximately 360 cities nation-
wide and wholesale (terminal rack) prices in 20 major urban areas. The FTC Bu-
reau of Economics staff receives daily data purchased from the Oil Price Information
Service (OPIS), a private data collection company. The economics staff uses an
econometric (statistical) model to determine whether current retail and wholesale
prices each week are anomalous in comparison with historical data. This model re-
lies on current and historical price relationships across cities, as well as other vari-
As a complement to the analysis based on OPIS data, the FTC staff also regularly
reviews reports from the Department of Energys Consumer Gasoline Price Hotline,
searching for prices significantly above the levels indicated by the FTCs econo-
metric model or other indications of potential problems. Throughout most of the past
two years, gasoline prices in U.S. markets have been within their predicted normal
bounds. Of course, the major factor affecting U.S. gasoline prices is the substantial
fluctuation in crude oil prices. Prices outside the normal bounds trigger further staff
inquiry to determine what factors might be causing price anomalies in a given area.
These factors could include supply disruptions such as refinery or pipeline outages,
changes in taxes or fuel specifications, unusual changes in demand due to weather
conditions and the like, and possible anticompetitive activity.
To enhance the Gasoline Price Monitoring Project, the FTC has recently asked
each state Attorney General to forward to the FTCs attention consumer complaints
they receive about gasoline prices. The staff will incorporate these complaints into
its ongoing analysis of gasoline prices around the country, using the complaints to
help locate price anomalies outside of the 360 cities for which the staff already re-
ceives daily pricing data.
The goal of the Monitoring Project is to alert the FTC to unusual changes in gaso-
line prices so that further inquiry can be undertaken expeditiously. When price in-
creases do not appear to have market-driven causes, the FTC staff will consult with
the Energy Information Agency of the Department of Energy. The FTC staff also
will contact the offices of the appropriate state Attorneys General to discuss the
anomaly and the appropriate course for any further inquiry, including the possible
opening of a law enforcement investigation.
C. High Technology
With its history of keeping pace with marketplace developments, the FTC is well-
positioned to take a leading role in assessing the impact of technology on domestic
and world markets. In addition to bringing enforcement actions in high tech areas,
the FTC is studying the impact of the Internet and intellectual property on competi-
tion law and policy.
1. Standard-Setting Cases. As technology advances, efforts will increase to es-
tablish industry standards for the development and manufacture of new products.
Standard setting is often procompetitive, but anticompetitive abuses can take place
during the standard-setting process. When the standard-setting process appears to
have been subverted, the FTC will take action. In addition to Unocal, discussed pre-
viously, the agency is currently conducting an administrative adjudication regarding
Rambus, Inc. A June 2002 complaint alleges that Rambus, a participant in an elec-
tronics standard-setting organization, failed to disclosein violation of the organiza-

64 FTC Press Release, FTC to Hold Public Conference/Opportunity for Comment on U.S. Gaso-
line Industry in Early August (July 12, 2001), available at <
gasconf.htm>; FTC Press Release, FTC Chairman Opens Public Conference Citing New Model
To Identify and Track Gasoline Price Spikes, Upcoming Reports (May 8, 2002), available at

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tions rulesthat it had a patent and several pending patent applications on tech-
nologies that eventually were adopted as part of the industry standard.65 The stand-
ard at issue involved a common form of computer memory used in a wide variety
of popular consumer electronic products, such as personal computers, fax machines,
video games, and personal digital assistants. The Commissions complaint alleges
that, once the standard was adopted, Rambus was in a position to reap millions in
royalty fees each year, and potentially more than a billion dollars over the life of
the patents.66 Because standard-setting abuses can harm robust and efficiency-en-
hancing competition in high tech markets, the FTC will continue to pursue inves-
tigations in this area.67
2. Intellectual Property Hearings. In 2002, the FTC and DOJ commenced a
series of ground-breaking hearings on Competition and Intellectual Property Law
and Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy. 68 These hearings, which took place
throughout 2002 and were held in Washington and Silicon Valley, heard testimony
from academics, industry leaders, technologists and others about the increasing
need to manage the issues at the intersection of competition and intellectual prop-
erty law and policy. The FTC anticipates releasing a report on its findings later this
3. Internet Task Force. In 2001, the FTCs Internet Task Force began to evalu-
ate potentially anticompetitive regulations and business practices that could impede
e-commerce. The Task Force has discovered that some state regulations may have
the effect of protecting existing bricks-and-mortar businesses from new Internet
competitors. The Task Force also is considering whether private companies may be
hindering e-commerce through the use of potentially anticompetitive tactics. In Oc-
tober 2002, the Task Force held a public workshop to: (1) enhance the FTCs under-
standing of these issues; (2) educate policymakers about the potential anticompeti-
tive effects of state regulations; and (3) educate private entities about the types of
business practices that may be viewed as problematic.69
D. International Competition
Because competition increasingly takes place in a worldwide market, cooperation
with competition agencies in the worlds major economies is a key component of the
FTCs enforcement program. Given differences in laws, cultures, and priorities, it is
unlikely that there will be complete convergence of antitrust policy in the foresee-
able future. Areas of agreement far exceed those of divergence, however, and in-
stances in which differences will result in conflicting results are likely to remain
rare. The agency has increased its cooperation with agencies around the world, both
on individual cases and on policy issues, and is committed to addressing and mini-
mizing policy divergences.
1. ICN and ICPAC. In the fall of 2001, the FTC, DOJ, and 12 other antitrust
agencies from around the world launched the International Competition Network
(ICN), an outgrowth of a recommendation of the International Competition Policy
Advisory Committee (ICPAC). ICPAC suggested that competition officials from de-
veloped and developing countries convene a forum in which to work together on
competition issues raised by economic globalization and the proliferation of antitrust
regimes. The ICN provides a venue for antitrust officials worldwide to work toward
consensus on proposals for procedural and substantive convergence on best practices
in antitrust enforcement and policy. Sixty-seven jurisdictions already have joined
the ICN, and the FTC staff is working on initial projects relating to mergers and
competition advocacy.
2. OECD. The FTC continues to participate in the work of the OECD on, among
other things, merger process convergence, implementation of the OECD rec-
ommendation on hard-core cartels (e.g., price-fixing agreements), and regulatory re-
E. Other Enforcement
1. General Merger Enforcement. The FTC reviews and challenges mergers in
any economic sectors that have significant potential to harm competition and con-

65 Rambus, Inc., Dkt. No. 9302 (complaint issued June 18, 2002).
66 Id.
67 In 1996, the FTC settled a similar complaint against Dell Computer, alleging that Dell had
failed to disclose an existing patent on a personal computer component that was adopted as the
standard for a video electronics game. Dell Computer Co., 121 F.T.C. 616 (1996).
68 FTC Press Release, Muris Announces Plans for Intellectual Property Hearings (Nov. 15,
2001), available at <>.
69 FTC Press Release, FTC to Host Public Workshop to Explore Possible Anticompetitive Efforts
to Restrict Competition on the Internet (July 17, 2002), available at <

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sumers. For example, last summer the Commission settled allegations that Bayer
AGs $6.2 billion purchase of Aventis S.A.s crop science business raised antitrust
concerns in the markets for a number of crop science products, including markets
for (1) new generation chemical insecticide products and active ingredients; (2) post-
emergent grass herbicides for spring wheat; and (3) cool weather cotton defoliants.
These new generation products are at the forefront of pesticide, insecticide, and her-
bicide products, and maintaining competition in these markets is significant because
they appear to offer greater effectiveness, with less environmental impact than cur-
rent generation products. In settling this matter, the Commission required Bayer
to divest businesses and assets used in the manufacture of these products to parties
capable of maintaining competitive conditions in these markets.70
Also, in October 2002, the Commission authorized the staff to seek a preliminary
injunction in federal court blocking the proposed acquisition of the Claussen Pickle
Company by the owner of the Vlasic Pickle Company.71 If allowed to proceed, the
combined firm would have had a monopoly share of the refrigerated pickle market
in the United States. Following the FTCs decision, the parties abandoned the pro-
posed acquisition.
2. Mergers Not Reportable Under HSR. The FTC will continue to devote re-
sources to monitoring merger activities that are not subject to premerger reporting
requirements under HSR, but that could be anticompetitive. In 2000, Congress
raised the HSR size-of-transaction filing threshold to eliminate the reporting re-
quirement for smaller mergers, but of course it did not eliminate the substantive
prohibition under Section 7 of the Clayton Act 72 against smaller mergers that may
substantially lessen competition. Consequently, the FTC must identifythrough
means such as the trade press and other news articles, consumer and competitor
complaints, hearings, and economic studiesand remedy those unreported, usually
consummated mergers that could harm consumers.
One notable example is the case against MSC.Software Corporation.73 In this
case, the company ultimately agreed to settle FTC allegations that MSCs 1999 ac-
quisitions of Universal Analytics, Inc. and Computerized Structural Analysis & Re-
search Corporation violated federal antitrust laws by eliminating competition in,
and monopolizing the market for, advanced versions of Nastran, an engineering sim-
ulation software program used throughout the aerospace and automotive industries.
Under the terms of the settlement agreement, MSC must divest at least one clone
copy of its current advanced Nastran software, including the source code. The dives-
titure will be through royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive licenses to one or two
acquirers who must be approved by the FTC.
3. Enforcement of FTC Merger Orders. The FTC also will litigate, when nec-
essary, to ensure compliance with Commission orders protecting competition. In
March, a federal judge fined Boston Scientific Corporation (BSC) for violating a
licensing requirement in a merger settlement involving medical technology used to
diagnose and treat heart disease.74 To preserve competition in the market for
intravascular ultrasound catheters following its acquisition of two competitors, BSC
had agreed to license its catheter technology to Hewlett-Packard Company. Finding
that BSC acted in bad faith and took an obstreperous approach to its obligation,
the court assessed a civil penalty of more than $7 million. This represents the larg-
est civil penalty ever imposed for violation of an FTC order.

To improve the agencys ability to implement its mission and to serve consumers,
the FTC makes the following recommendations for legislative changes. The FTC
staff will be happy to work with Subcommittee staff on these recommendations.
A. Elimination of the FTC Acts Exemption for Communications Common Carriers
The FTC Act exempts common carriers subject to the Communications Act from
its prohibitions on unfair or deceptive acts or practices and unfair methods of com-
petition. This exemption dates from a period when telecommunications services
were provided by government-authorized, highly regulated monopolies. The exemp-
tion is now outdated. In the current world, firms are expected to compete in pro-
viding telecommunications services. Congress and the Federal Communications

70 Bayer AG and Aventis S.A., Dkt. No. C-4049 (July 24, 2002) (consent order).
71 FTC v. Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity Fund V, LP, Civ. Action No. 1:02-cv-02070-RWR
(D.D.C. filed Oct. 23, 2002). A notice of voluntary dismissal was filed on October 31, 2002.
72 15 U.S.C. 18.
73 MSC.Software Corp., Dkt. No. 9299 (Oct. 29, 2002).
74 United States v. Boston Scientific Corp., Civ. Action No. 00-12247-PBS, Memorandum and
Order (D. Mass. Mar. 28, 2003).

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Commission (FCC) have replaced much of the economic regulatory apparatus for-
merly applicable to the industry with competition. Moreover, technological advances
have blurred traditional boundaries between telecommunications, entertainment,
and high technology. Telecommunications firms have expanded into numerous non-
common-carrier activities. For these reasons, FTC jurisdiction over telecommuni-
cations firms activities has become increasingly important.
The FTC Act exemption has proven to be a barrier to effective consumer protec-
tion, both in common carriage and in other telecommunications businesses. The ex-
emption also has prevented the FTC from applying its legal, economic, and industry
expertise regarding competition to mergers and other possible anticompetitive prac-
tices, not only involving common carriage but also in other high-tech fields involving
telecommunications. The FTC believes that Congress should eliminate the special
exemption to reflect the fact that competition and deregulation have replaced com-
prehensive economic regulation.
The common carrier exemption sometimes has stymied FTC efforts to halt fraudu-
lent or deceptive practices by telecommunications firms. While common carriage has
been outside the FTCs authority, the agency believes that the FTC Act applies to
non-common-carrier activities of telecommunications firms, even if the firms also
provide common carrier services. Continuing disputes over the breadth of the FTC
Acts common carrier exemption hamper the FTCs oversight of the non-common-car-
rier activities. These disputes have arisen even when the FCC may not have juris-
diction over the non-common-carrier activity. These disputes may increase the costs
of pursuing an enforcement action or may cause the agency to narrow an enforce-
ment actionfor example, by excluding some participants in a schemeto avoid
protracted jurisdictional battles and undue delay in providing consumer redress. It
may have additional serious consequences to new areas of industry convergence,
e.g., high technology and entertainment, where the FTCs inability to protect con-
sumers can undermine consumer confidence.
The FTC has the necessary expertise to address these issues. The FTC has broad
consumer protection and competition experience covering nearly all fields of com-
merce. The FTC has extensive expertise with advertising, marketing, billing, and
collection, areas in which significant problems have emerged in the telecommuni-
cations industry. In addition, the FTC has powerful procedural and remedial tools
that could be used effectively to address developing problems in the telecommuni-
cations industry if the FTC were authorized to reach them.
The common carrier exemption also significantly restricts the FTCs ability to en-
gage in effective antitrust enforcement in broad sectors of the economy. The mix of
common carrier and non-common-carrier activities within particular telecommuni-
cations companies frequently precludes FTC antitrust enforcement for much of the
telecommunications industry. Further, because of the expansion of telecommuni-
cations firms into other high-tech industries and the growing convergence of tele-
communications and other technologies, the common carrier exemption increasingly
limits FTC involvement in a number of industries outside telecommunications.
B. Legislation to Improve the FTCs Ability to Combat Cross-Border Fraud
As stated earlier, consumer fraud is now more global than ever before. To better
protect consumers, the FTC requests that Congress enact legislation that would bet-
ter address the changing nature of the consumer marketplace and improve the
agencys ability to cooperate and share information in cases and investigations relat-
ing to cross-border fraud. The agencys recommendations focus primarily on improv-
ing its ability to combat fraud involving foreign parties, evidence, or assets. At the
same time, some of the recommendations may also benefit the pursuit of purely do-
mestic investigations and cases. Indeed, it is often not immediately evident whether
a matter has a cross-border component.
These proposals also would help the FTC fight deceptive spam. As the agency has
learned from investigations and discussions at the recent FTC spam forum,
spammers easily can hide their identity, forge the electronic path of their e-mail
messages, or send their messages from anywhere in the world to anyone in the
world. Also, a large percentage of spam comes from outside our borders. For these
reasons, the spam forum participants emphasized that successful efforts to combat
deceptive spam will require international enforcement cooperation. These legislative
proposals can improve the FTCs ability to cooperate with international partners on
this issue.
The FTC staff has discussed these legislative proposals with other affected agen-
cies, and these agencies generally support the goals of the proposals. The FTC staff
is continuing to work with these agencies on the details of a few of the proposals.
The FTCs cross-border proposal includes four main components. First, the FTC is
seeking to strengthen, in a number of ways, its ability to cooperate with foreign

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counterparts, who are often investigating the same targets. Under current law, for
example, the FTC is prohibited from sharing with foreign counterparts certain infor-
mation that the FTC has obtained in its investigations. Legislation is necessary to
allow the agency to share such information and provide other investigative assist-
ance in appropriate cases.75
Second, the FTC is seeking enhancements to its information-gathering capabilities
to enable it to obtain more easily information from federal financial regulators about
those who may be defrauding consumers. The FTC is also seeking enhancement of
its ability to obtain information from third parties without the request triggering
advance notice to investigative targets and thus prompting the targets to move their
assets overseas.
Third, the FTC is seeking improvements to its ability to obtain consumer redress
in cross-border litigation, by clarifying the agencys authority to take action in cross-
border cases and expanding its ability to use foreign counsel to pursue offshore as-
Finally, the FTC is seeking to strengthen international cooperative relationships
by obtaining authority to facilitate staff exchanges and to provide financial support
for certain joint projects.
C. Legislation to Enhance the FTCs Effectiveness To Fight Fraudulent Spam
As discussed earlier, a recent study by the Commission found that 66 percent of
spam contained obvious indicia of falsity. Moreover, a significant portion of spam
is likely to be routed through foreign servers. For these reasons, it would be useful
to have additional legislative authority, addressing both procedural and substantive
issues, that would enhance the agencys effectiveness in fighting fraud and decep-
tion. The procedural legislative proposals would improve the FTCs ability to inves-
tigate possible spam targets, and the substantive legislative proposals would im-
prove the agencys ability to sue these targets successfully.
1. Procedural Proposals. The FTCs law enforcement experience shows that the
path from a fraudulent spammer to a consumers in-box frequently crosses at least
one international border and often several. Thus, fraudulent spam exemplifies the
growing problem of cross-border fraud. Two of the provisions in the proposed cross-
border fraud legislation discussed above also would be particularly helpful to enable
the FTC to investigate deceptive spammers more effectively and work better with
international law enforcement partners.
First, we request that the FTC Act be amended to allow FTC attorneys to seek
a court order requiring a recipient of a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) to main-
tain the confidentiality of the CID for a limited period of time. Several third parties
have told us that they will provide notice to the target before they will share infor-
mation with us, sometimes because they believe notice may be required and some-
times even if such notice clearly is not required by law.
Second, we are requesting that the FTC Act be amended to provide that FTC at-
torneys may apply for a court order temporarily delaying notice to an investigative
target of a CID issued to a third party in specified circumstances, when the Right
to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) or the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
(ECPA) would require such notice.
The FTCs experience is that when fraud targets are given notice of FTC inves-
tigations they often destroy documents or secrete assets. Currently RFPA and ECPA
provide a mechanism for delaying notice, but the FTCs ability to investigate would
be improved by tailoring the bases for a court-ordered delay more specifically to the
types of difficulties the FTC encounters, such as transfers of assets offshore. In addi-
tion, it is unclear whether FTC attorneys can file such applications, or whether the
Commission must seek the assistance of the Department of Justice. Explicit author-
ity for the FTC, by its own attorneys, to file such applications would streamline the
agencys investigations of purveyors of fraud on the Internet, ensuring that the
agency can rapidly pursue investigative leads.
Other legislative proposals would enhance the FTCs ability to track deceptive
spammers. First, we request that the ECPA be clarified to allow the FTC to obtain
complaints received by an ISP regarding a subscriber. Frequently, spam recipients
complain first to their ISPs, and access to the information in those complaints would
help the agency to determine the nature and scope of the spammers potential law
violations, as well as lead the agency to potential witnesses.

75 The Securities Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and
the federal financial regulators already have the authority to share information and cooperate
with their foreign counterparts. See 15 U.S.C. 78x(c); 15 U.S.C. 78u(a)(2); 7 U.S.C. 12(e);
7 U.S.C. 16(f); 12 U.S.C. 3109(a)-(b); and 12 U.S.C. 1818(v)(2). The FTCs proposal is mod-
eled after these statutes.

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Second, we request that the scope of the ECPA be clarified so that a hacker or
a spammer who has hijacked a bona fide customers email account is deemed a mere
unauthorized user of the account, not a customer entitled to the protections af-
forded by the statute. Because of the lack of a statutory definition for the term cus-
tomer, the current statutory language may cover hackers or spammers. Such a
reading of the ECPA would permit the FTC to obtain only limited information about
a hacker or spammer targeted in an investigation. Clarification to eliminate such
a reading would be very helpful.
Third, we request that the ECPA be amended to include the term discovery sub-
poena in the language of 18 U.S.C. 2703. This change is particularly important
because a district court has ruled that the FTC staff cannot obtain information
under the ECPA from ISPs during the discovery phase of a case, which limits the
agencys ability to investigate spammers.76
2. Substantive Proposals. Substantive legislative changes also could aid in the
FTCs law enforcement efforts against spam. Although Section 5 of the FTC Act pro-
vides a firm footing for spam prosecutions, additional law enforcement tools could
make more explicit the boundaries of legal and illegal conduct, and they could en-
hance the sanctions that the agency can impose on violators. The Telemarketing and
Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act (TCFAPA), 15 U.S.C. 6101-6108,
provides a model for addressing unsolicited commercial e-mail. Amendments to the
TCFAPA would authorize the FTC to adopt rules addressing deceptive and abu-
sive 77 practices with respect to the sending of unsolicited commercial e-mail. Ap-
proaching spam through this statutory model would provide the market with direc-
tion, but would do so within a framework that could change as the problems evolve.
It also would provide several more specific, important benefits.
First, amendment of the statute would give the FTC general discretionary author-
ity via rulemaking to address deceptive practices relating to spam. The rule would
set out bright lines between acceptable and unacceptable practices for the business
community. The list of deceptive practices could include: the use of false header or
routing information; the use of false representations in the subject line; the use
of false claims that an unsolicited commercial e-mail message was solicited; and the
use of false representations that an opt-out request will be honored. As with tele-
marketing, a rule also could prohibit assisting and facilitating any of the above, i.e.,
providing substantial assistance to another party engaged in any rule violation
knowing or consciously avoiding knowing that such party is engaged in such viola-
Second, amendment of the statute would give discretionary authority via rule-
making to address abusive practices relating to spam. Specific abusive practices
might include: sending any recipient an unsolicited commercial e-mail message after
such recipient has requested not to receive such commercial e-mail messages; failing
to provide a reasonable means to opt out of receiving future e-mail messages; and
sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to an address obtained through harvesting or
a dictionary attack.
Third, amendment of the TCFAPA would ensure that the Rule embodies the same
standard of liability that is embodied in Section5 of the FTC Act, without a gen-
eral requirement to show intent or scienter. Imposition of intent or scienter require-
ments would unnecessarily complicate enforcement, and also would actually con-
strict the scope of the FTCs existing authority under Section 5 to attack spam.
Fourth, the amended statute would provide that the Rule would be enforceable,
like all FTC Rules, through FTC actions in federal district court, and it further
would provide that violators would be subject to preliminary and permanent injunc-
tions and could be ordered to pay redress to consumers. In addition, in an action
brought by DOJ on behalf of the FTC, violators would be liable to pay civil penalties
of up to $11,000 per violation (the amount of civil penalties is governed by statutory
factors, such as ability to pay, previous history of such conduct, egregiousness of the
conduct, etc.).
Like the existing statute, the amended TCFAPA would authorize states to enforce
the FTC Rule in federal court to obtain injunctions and redress for their citizens,
but not civil penalties.
The TCFAPA authorizes a private right of action for any person adversely affected
by a violation of the FTCs Telemarketing Sales Rule if the amount in controversy
exceeds $50,000 in actual damages for each person adversely affected by such ac-
tion. The FTC, however, will need to assess whether the inclusion of an analogous

76 SeeFTC v. Netscape Comm. Corp., 196 F.R.D. 559 (N.D. Cal. 2000).
77 The FTC has determined, in the Statement of Basis and Purpose for the Amended TSR,
that the undefined term abusive used in the legislation authorizing that Rule will be inter-
preted to encompass unfairness. 68 Fed. Reg. 4580, 4614 (2003).

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provision in an amended TCFAPA that addresses spam would be appropriate, effec-
tive, and feasible.
Finally, the rulemaking authority granted through this amendment could be
adapted to new changes in technology without hindering technological innovation.
An amended TCFAPA should seek to assure consistency between state and federal
laws. The scope of the Internet and of e-mail communication is global, transcending
national boundaries. Congress should seek to minimize artificial barriers that would
break up this market.
In addition to the TCFAPA amendments, the possible criminalization of false
header and routing information should be explored. There is some debate over
whether the wire fraud statute covers fraud in the sending of e-mail communica-
tions. The FTC staff is discussing this issue with criminal authorities to determine
whether a specific statute that criminalized this conduct would clear up any statu-
tory confusion or encourage spam prosecutions. At this time, the FTC has no rec-
ommendations on whether changes in the criminal code are necessary or appro-
priate.78 Admittedly, we recognize that these legal steps will not solve the growing
spam problem. Nor is it clear what impact these steps will have on some of the
other problems associated with spam (e.g., volume and security). These issues may
need to be addressed separately. Nevertheless, the FTC believes that the proposed
legislation would provide more effective investigative and enforcement tools and
would enhance the FTCs continuing law enforcement efforts.
D. Technical Changes
Finally, the FTC requests two new grants of authority: (1) the ability to accept
reimbursement for expenses incurred by the FTC in assisting foreign or domestic
law enforcement authorities, and (2) the ability to accept volunteer services, in-kind
benefits, or other gifts or donations. Both new authorities would be useful as the
FTC tries to stretch its resources to meet its statutory responsibilities.
The authority to accept reimbursement for expenses incurred would be especially
useful in connection with the FTCs close coordination with domestic and foreign law
enforcement authorities to address possible law violations. Partnering with these
law enforcement authorities has resulted in enhanced law enforcement efforts and
greater sharing of significant information. In some of these situations, the FTCs for-
eign or domestic partner is interested in reimbursing the FTC for the services it has
provided or in sharing some of the costs of investigating or prosecuting the matter.
Without specific statutory reimbursement authority, however, the FTC cannot ac-
cept and keep such reimbursements because of constraints under appropriations
In addition, the FTC requests authority to accept donations and gifts, such as vol-
unteer services and in-kind benefits. Congress has conferred this authority by stat-
ute on various agencies, including the Office of Government Ethics, the FCC, and
the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Without this authority, the FTC cannot
accept services or keep items because of appropriations law constraints. This broad
restriction on acceptance of gifts sometimes limits the FTCs ability to fulfill its mis-
sion in the most cost-effective manner. For example, the FTC cannot accept volun-
teer services from individuals wishing to provide such services to the agency. In ad-
dition, agency officials must sometimes refuse donated items that could otherwise
be useful in carrying out the agencys mission, such as books and similar mission-
related items.

Mr. Chairman, the FTC appreciates the strong support for its agenda dem-
onstrated by you and the Subcommittee. I would be happy to answer any questions
that you and other Senators may have about the FTCs reauthorization request.
Mr. STEARNS. Welcome. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Thomp-
Mr. THOMPSON. Good morning. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and
members of the committee, for the opportunity to appear before you
today and offer testimony in support of the FTCs reauthorization.
78 Any legislation that criminalizes certain types of spam activities should not negatively im-
pact the FTCs existing Section 5 authority or change the present standards of proof, scienter,
or evidence for cases of civil fraud, deception, or unfairness.

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In recent years the FTC has been doing significant work in the
area of international consumer protection. Improvements in com-
munication and technology have created a global marketplace in
which American consumers and American businesses play an im-
portant and active role. But these same improvements have left
American consumers open to new types of harm in numbers that
are growing at an exponential rate.
Today, I would like to talk about one of the most significant con-
sumer protection problems in the last several years; the
globalization of fraud and deception and the FTCs response, be-
cause not only has the marketplace for consumers been global, so
have the purveyors of fraud and deception.
Now, as you can see from the first exhibit, right behind me, the
same technological tools that have expanded markets across inter-
national boundaries have allowed fraudsters to act more effectively
and quickly to extend their reach from domestic markets. The FTC
needs new tools to effectively combat cross-border fraud and decep-
tion and we ask you for them today.
Now, this first exhibit shows you just where some of our com-
plaints come from, from U.S. consumers to businesses, and you can
just see this from our data right now, all around the world. Now,
there was a time not very long ago when the biggest challenge to
American consumers was whether they wanted to do business with
a mail order company on the other side of the United States. Most
of our consumer protection laws are based on what we knew then,
and they have served us well. Today, however, America represents
the largest and richest consumer marketplace in the world. Im-
provements in technologies have opened world markets to Amer-
ican consumers and vice versa.
So it is not surprising that American consumers are bombarded
with new opportunities to spend their money. These opportunities
arrive from around the world via mail, telephone, television and
even spam. While many of these opportunities may be legitimate,
a rapidly growing number are fraudulent and deceptive.
Now, as you can see from the second chart, from some of our
data, just what is in red are American consumer complaints
against Canadian companies. And the other, the blue part, rep-
resents American consumer complaints against other companies
from around the world. It is amazing what percentage of those
complaints come from outside of our borders.
Now, in response to this dramatic increase, the FTC has taken
a leadership role in reaching a mutual understanding with our
international colleagues that we must plus bring down barriers to
prosecuting fraudsters who prey on victims across borders. Con-
sumer protection law enforcers around the world now agree that
this problem is serious and that international cooperation is a key
to any effort to combat cross-border fraud and deception. We work
in a variety of international fora to address these problems. Our ef-
forts have resulted in bilateral memorandum of understanding and
include our participation in the International Consumer Protection
Enforcement Network, a group of consumer protection law enforce-
ment agencies from around the world.
The issue of cross-border fraud and deception is also at the fore-
front of our discussions at the Organization for Economic Coopera-

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tion and Development, the OECD, and their Committee on Con-

sumer Policy. That committee, which I chair, has worked to develop
guidelines that provide the 30 OECD governments with a blueprint
for cooperation in combatting cross-border fraud. We hope those
guidelines will be finalized and approved later this month.
But participation in international fora is not enough. Criminal
law enforcers saw the need for international cooperation a long
time ago and they found ways to permit governments to share in-
vestigatory information and to engage in cooperative law enforce-
ment. Later, the Federal Government recognized the negative mar-
ket impacts of such activities as securities and commodities fraud.
Consequently, agencies like the SEC and the CFTC were given cer-
tain powers that enable them to better prosecute such fraud across
national borders.
But unlike our sister agencies, the FTCs tools to combat fraud
and deception have not quite caught up with the times. In many
instances the statutes under which we operate do not address the
increasingly cross-border nature of fraud and sometimes even
hinder our ability to engage in strong law enforcement activity. The
growth of cross-border fraud demonstrates the pressing need for
new tools.
As you can see from the third exhibit, our statistics show a sharp
increase in the number of cross-border complaints from American
consumers about foreign companies, from 7,609 in calendar year
1998 to 24,213 in calendar year 2002. In fact, from 2001 to 2002
the number of complaints almost doubled. And as the chairman
recognized in his remarks, participants in our spam forum have
even noted how much fraudulent and deceptive e-mail comes from
outside of the United States. So for this reason alone, cross-border
fraud legislation is a necessary element to make spam legislation
So the legislative proposal that we have presented to you is in-
tended to address some of the problems that I have outlined and
improve the FTCs ability to protect consumers in cross-border
cases. Quite simply, we are asking for the tools to make us more
effective in meeting the challenges posed by cross-border fraud.
I would be happy to provide you with more details and answer
any questions you may have on this or any other subject of the
FTCs activities. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Hon. Mozelle W. Thompson follows:]
Good morning Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, and thank you for
the opportunity to appear before you and to offer testimony in support of the FTCs
reauthorization. In recent years, the FTC has been doing significant work in the
area of international consumer protection. Improvements in communication and
technology have created a global marketplace in which American consumers and
American businesses play an important and active role. But these same improve-
ments have left American consumers open to new types of harm in numbers that
are growing at an exponential rate.
Today, I would like to talk about one of the most significant consumer protection
problems in the last several yearsthe globalization of fraud and deceptionand
the FTCs response. Because not only has the consumer marketplace become global,
so have the purveyors of fraud and deception. The same technological tools that
have expanded markets across international boundaries have also allowed
fraudsters to act more quickly and efficientlyand to extend their reach beyond

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their domestic markets. The FTC needs new tools to effectively combat cross border
fraud and deception, and we ask you for them today.
There was a time when the biggest challenge to American consumers was whether
they wanted to do business with a mail order company on the other side of the coun-
try. Most of our consumer protection laws are based on what we knew then, and
they have served us well. Today, however, America represents the largest and rich-
est consumer marketplace in the world. Improved technologies have opened world
markets to American consumers and vice versa. So, it is not surprising that Amer-
ican consumers are bombarded with new opportunities to spend their money. These
opportunities arrive from around the world via mail, telephone, television, and even
spam. While many of these opportunities may be legitimate, a rapidly growing num-
ber are fraudulent or deceptive.
In response to this dramatic increase, the FTC has taken a leadership role in
reaching a mutual understanding with our international colleagues that we have to
bring down barriers to prosecuting fraudsters who prey on victims across borders.
Consumer protection law enforcers around the world now agree that this problem
is serious and that international cooperation is the key to any effort to combat cross
border fraud and deception.
We work in a variety of international fora to address the problems posed by cross
border fraud.
Our efforts have resulted in bilateral memoranda of understanding, and include
our participation in the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Net-
work (ICPEN), a group of consumer protection law enforcement agencies from
around the world.
The issue of cross-border fraud and deception is also at the forefront of our discus-
sions at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Com-
mittee on Consumer Policy (CCP). The CCP has worked to develop guidelines that
provide the thirty OECD governments with a blueprint for cooperation in combating
cross-border fraud. We hope that the guidelines will be finalized and approved later
this month.
But participation in international fora is not enough.
Criminal law enforcers saw the need for international cooperation many years
ago. They found ways to permit government authorities to share investigatory infor-
mation and to engage in cooperative law enforcement. Later, the Federal govern-
ment recognized the negative market impact of such activities as securities and
commodities fraud. Consequently, agencies such as the SEC and CFTC were given
certain powers enabling them to better prosecute such fraud across national borders.
Unlike our sister agencies, the FTCs tools to combat fraud and deception have
not kept up with the times. In many instances the statutes under which we operate
do not address the increasingly cross-border nature of fraud and deception and
sometimes even hinder our ability to engage in strong enforcement activity against
those who use international borders to the detriment of consumers.
The growth of cross-border consumer fraud demonstrates the pressing need for
new tools to protect consumers. Our statistics show a sharp increase in the number
of cross-border complaints from American consumers about foreign companies, from
7,609 in calendar year 1998 to 24,213 in calendar year 2002. In fact, from 2001 to
2002, the number of complaints almost doubled. Even at our recent Spam Forum,
participants noted that unsolicited e-mail increasingly crosses borders to subject
consumers to fraudulent and deceptive offers.
The legislative proposal that we have presented to you is intended to address
some of these problems and improve the FTCs ability to protect consumers in such
cases. Quite simply, we are asking for the tools to make us more effective in meet-
ing the challenges posed by cross-border fraud.
I would be happy to answer any questions that you have on this subject or any
other part of the FTCs activities.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank you, Commissioner. Commissioner Swindle.


Mr. SWINDLE. Thank you, Mr. Chairmanpardon meand mem-
bers of the committee, for this opportunity to appear before you
and Chairman Muris and
Mr. STEARNS. You might just pull the mike up a little bit.
Mr. SWINDLE. If I turn it on, it would help immensely. Modern
technology. I will start again with the clearing of the throat.

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Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, for

this opportunity to appear before you and with Chairman Muris
and my fellow Commissioners. Today I would like to briefly address
a growing problem for all of us, the unsolicited commercial e-mail,
unwanted e-mail or spam. Consumers must have trust and con-
fidence in technology and its uses, particularly when it comes to
the privacy and security of their personal and sensitive informa-
tion. Spam undermines consumer trust and confidence and is rap-
idly growing threat to Web-based services.
The Commissions testimony provides the committee with an
overview of our efforts to combat spam and also legislative rec-
ommendations to address spam. The legislative recommendations
are modeled on the Telemarketing Act. However, many of the Com-
missions recommendations are already contained in the Burr spam
bill. For example, like the Telemarketing Act, the Burr bill pro-
vides for State law enforcement action in Federal court, allows for
the collection of civil penalties and grants the Commission narrow
rulemaking authority to implement key provisions of the bill.
Spam raises a number of concerns. The volume of spam is in-
creasing at astonishing rates. In addition, recent Commission stud-
ies indicate that spam has become the weapon of choice for those
engaged in fraud and deception. Spam also can transmit viruses,
Trojan horses and other damaging code capable of inflicting major
damage on the Internet and our critical infrastructure. These con-
cerns represent enormous cost to businesses, consumers and the
There is no easy solution to the spam problem, certainly, no sin-
gle approach that will solve the problem. Nevertheless, spam raises
problems that demand attention by policymakers and industry
leaders. First, there is a complex combination of technology, mar-
ket forces and public policy that will be evolving for years to come.
In addition, the spam problem is heavily influenced by the emo-
tions of millions of computer users who are literally fed up with
Spam is about to kill the Killer Ap of the Internet, specifically
consumer use of e-mail and e-commerce. If consumers lose trust
and confidence in Web-based services and stop using them as tools
for communications and on-line commerce, tremendous harm will
be done to the economic potential of information technology. Solv-
ing these problems requires innovation, resources and time. How-
ever, dealing with the emotional reaction of spam by millions of
users requires our immediate attention before it gets out of hand.
Internet service providers, software manufacturers and those en-
gaged in designing operating systems must empower consumers
with better control over their incoming e-mail. Easing the spam
burden on consumers will help to shore up trust and confidence.
Surely this is possible right now. Why has industry not done so?
Frankly, I am not convinced that industry really wants to empower
consumers by giving them easy to use tools to control their incom-
ing e-mail. Spam is a crisis today. We need great minds to quickly
find solutions. Empowering consumers would be a good first step.
Industry must do this and do it now.
The Commission will continue its multifaceted efforts to address
spam. For example, the Commission will continue its aggressive

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law enforcement programs against deceptive spam. However, it is

both resource intensive and technically challenging to find the
guilty parties. Consumer education and awareness are also essen-
tial. Our Web site,, our consumer outreach and
partnerships with industry on fighting spam and promoting safe
computing are expanding our reach.
The Commission also conducts research on various aspects of
spam. Three recent Commission studies helped us to better under-
stand the magnitude of deceptive spam and how consumers are vic-
timized. The Commissions spam forum in May was intended to
better inform the dialog and to explore possible solutions for spam.
The forum was remarkable in its discussions and participants.
Over 80 panelists and over 400 people attended the conference over
its 3-day span. I would like to share some of the forums revelations
about the realities of spam.
First and foremost, the private sector must lead the way to find-
ing solutions to spam. We likely will not find the perfect solution.
The target will be constantly moving as technology evolves. More
laws are not necessarily the right answer. Laws bestowing a com-
petitive advantage to larger firms over smaller firms are question-
able. Unenforceable laws will have little real effect. Overreaching
laws will have unintended adverse consequences. Passing legisla-
tion to mandate best practices for good actors will not help us track
down the bad actors engaged in fraud and deception. Industry and
government, consumers and other users and civil society organiza-
tions must be a part of a continuing dialog to find solutions.
In addition, consumer awareness and developing safe computing
practices by all participants are essential. Developing a culture of
security where all participants work to enhance consumer security
and minimize the vulnerabilities to the Internet and our critical in-
frastructure is an imperative, not an option. The effort to solve the
spam problem and secure our information systems and networks is
a journey. It is not a destination, and we have miles to go before
we sleep.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the Commissioner. Commissioner Leary.
Mr. LEARY. Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the
subcommittee. My role here is to discuss our unanimous rec-
ommendation that the Federal Trade Commission Act be amended
to eliminate the special exemption for telecommunications common
carriers. When the common carrier exemption was included in the
FTC Act many years ago the exemption made sense. It was logical
to exempt monopoly providers of common carrier services who were
not disciplined by competition, but rather by detailed rate and
service regulation. Since that time, the telecommunications indus-
try has changed dramatically and, perhaps even more important,
the regulatory role of the Federal Government has also changed
dramatically. Let me summarize some of the changes that are par-
ticularly significant.
One, the common carrier activities of telecom companies are less
regulated by government fiat today and more by competition. At
the same time, telecom companies have been allowed to expand

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into non-common carrier activities like Internet services. They pro-

vide these services in competition with companies that are
unqualifiably subject to our jurisdiction. These telecom companies
no longer occupy a special niche in our economy.
Two, over the last century you have passed myriad laws and reg-
ulations and created entirely new agencies to monitor and regulate
specific activities of business enterprises whether they are common
carriers or not. Sector specific regulation of the kind that the FCC
or the FDA provides has been supplemented everywhere by specific
substantive law enforcement of agencies like the SEC, OSHA or the
EPAagencies like the FTC that have a broad jurisdiction over a
large number of sectors, but monitor a limited range of activities
in any one sector. We no longer look to a single government agency
to address all problems that may appear in a single sector.
Three, we in the FTC have a long experience cooperating with
other agencies to avoid duplication or inconsistency in these situa-
tions. Specifically, we want to cooperate with the FCC, and we
have no ability or desire to intrude in their core mission as gate-
keeper into the limited communications spectrum. We do not make
the same kinds of public interest determinations that they do. We
are not concerned with the qualifications of companies that com-
pete or the nature of services that they provide.
The core mission that you have assigned to us is to see that any
company, whatever it does, conducts its business with fairness and
with honesty. In carrying out that mission, we have acquired an in-
house expertise and a body of precedent that I really believe is un-
matched anywhere in this country or indeed the world.
Now, some may ask why we are asking for a change after all
these years, and that is a fair question. The short answer is that
technologies are continually converging and we have become in-
creasingly frustrated by our inability to obtain complete relief in
situations where (A) there are multiple parties, some of whom are
common carriers and some who are not; (B) a common carrier en-
gages in deceptive practices involving a mix of common carrier and
non-common carrier activities; or (C) the jurisdiction lines are un-
clear and resources are wasted dealing with an issue that has noth-
ing to do with the merits.
Finally, an admitted common carrier may engage in deceptive
practices that are similar to those we see all the time, that do the
same consumer harm and for which we have special remedies, but
we are paralyzed by the jurisdictional barrier. Potential agency
overlaps may require discussion and cooperation. We have had and
continue to have an ongoing exchange with the FCC on this sub-
ject. We are trying to address the situation where companies that
engage in the same conduct in competition with one another are
subject to different regulatory regimes. We will not have duplicate
regulation, but we want to avoid inconsistent regulation.
In conclusion, let me assure you that we do not want to intrude
into other agencies business and we do not seek to impose reme-
dial relief absent a need for it. But you decided long ago that the
issues we are talking about here are our business, and we cannot
do the best possible job for consumers whom we both seek to serve
while we are constrained by a barrier that has long outlived its

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Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. STEARNS. I thank you. I think we will have two rounds of
questioning, 5 minutes each, and I will start out with my first line
of questioning. I think one of the most alarming statistics in your
testimony deals with identity theft and I guess according to your
prepared statement regarding ID theft, it has increased over 500
percent just in 2 years. In 2002 identity theft was the No. 1 con-
sumer complaint made to the Federal Trade Commission, approxi-
mately 43 percent of all complaints, from your testimony. I have a
person on my staff who has actually had identity, ID theft, so he
can speak to this and he has pointed out to me he has been very
happy and was very clearly pleased with the response of the Fed-
eral Trade Commission. So you have one case example where it is
working. Once a person logs on, in fact, I might point out that I
guess if a person has a complaint with ID theft, you have a toll free
number which is 1-877-IDTHEFT. And then you have a Web site,
of course it is But the question is once
a person logs a complaint into your ID theft data base, what can
they expect in terms of action at that moment from the law en-
forcement agencies that use this data base? Is there a particular
threshold as to whether or not an ID theft complaint will be inves-
tigated by either a local or Federal law enforcement agency?
I will just start with the Chairman.
Mr. MURIS. Well, we provide victim assistance. We dont have the
ability to bring cases. We also provide assistance to law enforce-
ment. In fact, we work with and train law enforcement. I have ac-
tually sat and listened to several consumer calls. When someone
calls what we are particularly good at is helping walk them
through the steps they need to take, both in filing a police report
and in dealing with their creditors and the credit reporting agen-
cies. We published a runaway best selling booklet that we cant
print enough of, to advise people on what to do if they are a victim
of identity theft. Since I became Chairman 2 years ago now, we
now print the booklet in Spanish, Robo Identitad. We have a very
large circulation in Spanish as well.
We continue to try to improve what we do. We have only very
recently increased dramatically our training and we are trying to
work with law enforcement officials. The Secret Service works with
us on this and we have tried to put together packages using our
data of possible problems to send to law enforcement. Finally, I
have supported increased criminal penalties in the identity theft
area. There are some bills that would do that.
Mr. STEARNS. Well, I guess one thing I think we should do imme-
diately, once there is suspicion of fraudulent activity under his or
her name is to file a fraud alert with the three credit reporting bu-
reaus and their report will reflect a notice for any credit lender to
contact the individual directly before extending any credit. It is my
understanding that some credit lenders will continue to extend
credit despite the fraud alert and subsequently fail to actually con-
tact the consumer.
I guess the question is, has your agency encountered any com-
plaints like that and how do we encourage credit companies to heed
the fraud alert when a credit report is pulled?

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Mr. MURIS. We have been talking to the credit reporting agencies

and creditors. One thing that we have done in the last year or so
is created a common form that people who are victims of identity
theft can use. More and more creditors accept this form. In connec-
tion with the reauthorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act dis-
cussing possible reforms. We havent come to any recommendations
yet. But we are considering changes and improvements that would
make it easier to attack identity theft.
I think that in talking to the credit reporting agencies, the prob-
lem that you are identifying does not come up very often. We are
the main regulator of the credit reporting agencies and we talk to
them quite a bit about this and other issues.
Mr. STEARNS. Do these credit reporting agencies talk to each
other, so once an account is fraudulent by one bureau, does that
bureau share that information with the other credit bureaus if they
also have records of the same fraudulent account? And so should
these companies be required to share this information, I think is
the question for you.
Mr. MURIS. Well, at the moment I dont think they share the in-
formation. They have different algorithms for determining credit-
worthiness and this is a good thing in terms of competition. They
use fairly complex credit scoring models. We are trying to work
with them though in ways to deal with identity theft, such as the
common affidavit that I just mentioned.
If you look at the three major credit reporting agencies there are
significant differences in the information that they have and in
how they use the information. The information comes from so-
called furnishers. The people who grant credit are a primary exam-
ple. The big picture is that, since the Congress put us in the busi-
ness of tracking identity theft information and providing victim as-
sistance, we have been on a very steep curve in providing better
assistance to consumers, better working with the credit reporting
agencies, and better assistance to law enforcement. We are also
doing, if I could add for just a second, a nationally projectable sur-
vey which will be the first time that we have a systematic estimate
of the scale of the problem of identity theft. The survey is out in
the field; they are compiling the results. We hope to announce the
results fairly soon, and we will do some very useful things there.
For example, we will look at different kinds of problems. The prob-
lem of having your account number stolen is significantly different,
or can be, from someone who actually goes out and gets a new cred-
it card in your name. We will look at different kind of problems,
and I think that will allow us to assist victims and law enforce-
ment in a better way. Finally, one thing we have encouraged and
we are still talking to the credit reporting agencies about, is to es-
tablish that one call to us from a credit reporting agency will place
a fraud alert with all the three major credit reporting agencies. I
think that will be a positive step.
Mr. STEARNS. Just in conclusion, TransUnion is one, credit re-
porting, and Equifax is another. And TransUnion let us say, takes
it off of your report but Equifax doesnt. How do you get these two
to do it at the same time, so that the consumer isnt constantly
badgering one while the other did it, and I guess how do we do
that? Maybe that is not in your jurisdiction but

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Mr. MURIS. The credit reporting agencies have been very respon-
sive in dealing with us. They understand the problem of identity
theft. The creditors are, obviously, extremely interested. As you
know, under current law, the credit card companies get left holding
a very large bill. ID theft is a very damaging problem to consumers
because of the time involved in getting your good name back. The
out-of-pocket costs are borne by someone else. So I think the busi-
ness community has a lot of interest. We are working with them,
and are making progress.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank you.
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Muris, I am
very happy that you put your book out in Spanish because I think
one of the problems that foreign language speakers may find them-
selves in are immigration complications when there is identity
theft; so I am glad that you have done that. In my district, we
could probably use about 50 languages.
But I wanted to talk to you about the current law that says that
a person has 2 years from the time of theft, identity theft, to seek
court action. The Supreme Court in the TRW versus Andrews sup-
ported this 2-year time limit. The Bush Administration, I am
happy to say, filed a brief in opposition to the Supreme Court deci-
sion, and I also oppose that decision. And in the last Congress, I
introduced bipartisan legislation that would have extended the
statute of limitation to 5 years from the time a victim learned or
should have learned that the identity theft had occurred. The cur-
rent statute of limitations makes it extremely difficult for victims
to seek redress and restore their good name in a timely fashion,
and it is your data that says that it takes on average 12.3 months
for a consumer to learn of the theft. Sixteen percent of the victims
are unaware of the theft for 2 years. So I wanted to get your feel-
ings on this to see if you support the administrations earlier deci-
sion and advocate briefing in that case, and to find out if you, if
the credit, would support the legislation to extend the statute of
Mr. MURIS. I wasnt on the Commission at the time but I believe
the Commission signed on to that brief. My colleagues are shaking
their head yes. I guess I am not sure if we have taken a position
on legislation, but I personally believe that 2 years is too short. Let
me turn to my colleagues.
Mr. THOMPSON. I would agree. Extending the time would be
helpful and especially because this kind of problem poses a more
heinous risk to underserved communities where people dont nec-
essarily know what their rights and remedies are or how to exer-
cise them. We have found at the FTC, with our educational bro-
chures in different languages and trying to reach out to people,
they are now getting more sophisticated and even the credit report-
ing agencies are more sophisticated in how they approach the prob-
lem. But the idea of the fact that the people who are most victim-
ized are often the people who are probably less equipped to know
what to do about it would dictate, at least from my perspective, a
longer period of time, I think that would be helpful.
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Anyone else want to comment on that?
Thank you.

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I wanted to ask about the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This year
financial institutions and credit bureaus are lobbying Congress to
extend the FCRAs preemption of State privacy laws. While the leg-
islation does not fall in this committees jurisdiction, it is the re-
sponsibility of the FTC and the subcommittee to ensure that the
FTC is enforcing the law. Late last year, the Consumer Federation
of America and the National Credit Reporting Association per-
formed a study that concluded 29 percent of credit files were inac-
curate by a range of 50 points, and this is a big problem. These er-
rors have serious consequences. They can prevent people from
being able to get a mortgage or a student loan, a new job.
What steps has the Commission taken to monitor the accuracy
of the data supplied by credit reporting agencies and also what
steps has the Commission taken to ensure that credit reporting
agencies share information in a responsible manner? And, finally,
do you need additional authority to improve your monitoring of
credit reporting agencies?
Mr. MURIS. We are the primary regulator over the credit report-
ing agencies. The Fair Credit Reporting Act is quite an ingenious
statute in certain ways, although, some of its complexity leaves
something to be desired. The model of the statute is extremely im-
portant to the credit economy, which has been an extremely impor-
tant part of the growth in our economy in the last 10 or 12 years.
What the statute does is it allows the credit world to receive infor-
mation on individuals without their consent, but the information
can only be used for permissible purpose. It takes important steps
about accuracy. The most important step that it takes, and the one
in which the Commission in the last several years has really dra-
matically emphasized, is when consumers are denied a benefit,
when they are denied credit insurance employment, because of in-
formation in the credit report, they are to receive what is called an
adverse action notice. That way consumers are put on notice to cor-
rect the information if it is wrong. We have brought a recent im-
portant case involving that issue. We have other investigations un-
derway. We have a compliance project. We did a compliance project
with landlords, and we found there was pretty good compliance
with landlords in this. We also have outlined additional steps that
they could take.
On the particular study that you mentioned, I looked at that
with our staff. Unfortunately, I thought that there were some prob-
lems with that study. There is different information in different
files as I was mentioning before. Although I didnt agree with some
of what was in that study, I do agree that the accuracy issue is
very important, the adverse action notice is extremely important.
In connection with the reauthorization that you mentioned, it may
be that we do propose some additional legislative steps but we are
not there yet.
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Chairman, if I could ask unanimous con-
sent that all members statements and extraneous material be in-
cluded in the record?
Mr. STEARNS. By unanimous consent, so ordered.
The gentleman from New Jersey.
Mr. FERGUSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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Obviously, I am interested in this common carrier exemption. I

have a couple of questions for Mr. Leary. I am going to try to be
brief, and I would to ask you to be brief because my time is limited.
There are several industries, in addition to telecommunications,
that are exempt from FTC right now. Banks, savings and loans,
airlines, air carriers, others. These are all competitive industries.
They have all undergone enormous changes, convulsions in the last
several years, 10 years or more. They have probably, in many
cases, less oversight than the telecommunications industry right
now does, by the FCC. Why is your recommendation to engage the
telecom sector, which already has substantial FCC oversight and
not perhaps other industries?
Mr. LEARY. Thats a very good question. I guess the short and
really serious answer is we are trying to be as unimperialistic as
possible. We dont want to take on an enormous range of additional
problems in this agency without any compelling need for it. This
particular one addresses a situation where we are running into
problems all the time, and what we are trying to do is extend our
jurisdiction in the least intrusive way into the business of another
agency or indeed into the regulation of common carriers generally.
Mr. FERGUSON. Do you see a scenario wherebycommon car-
riers, if they engage in noncommon carrier practices, they are al-
ready subject to FTC regulation or oversight?
Mr. LEARY. Theoretically, they are. If common carriers engage in
noncommon carrier activities, we believe, and I think the FCC
agrees with us, that they are subject to our jurisdiction. The prob-
lem is that this jurisdictional issue can arise in litigation. Maybe
I am anticipating a question that is not in your mind, but we have
a problem when people say, why dont you just work it out with
the FCC in your own way? We are trying to do that, but that
alone wont do it because any deal that we make with the FCC to
handle these concurrent things wont mean anything if some pri-
vate party out there says that you, the FTC, are exceeding your ju-
Mr. FERGUSON. But the Communications Act doesnt seem to be
ambiguous to me in my reading of it, and I will quote from it, A
telecommunications carrier shall be treated as a common carrier
under this act only to the extent that it has engaged in providing
telecommunications services. When a company is not engaged in
providing telecommunications services, then the company is not be
considered a common carrier and would, therefore, be subject to
FTC scrutiny.
Mr. LEARY. That is true, but we have encountered arguments in
dealing with actual matters where there is some dispute as to
whether the activity that people are engaged in is or is not tele-
communications. It is a definitional problem.
Mr. FERGUSON. Just jumping back to something you just said, it
is not your belief that the FTC and the FCC could sort this out?
Mr. LEARY. We can try to sort it out among ourselves without a
statutory change, theoretically. All I am saying is that whatever we
agree to between ourselves is not binding on some private party
which would still be free to raise the jurisdictional matter if we
were to attempt to act pursuant to agreement of the FTC.

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Mr. FERGUSON. Are there some examples of specific cases that

have brought to your attention
Mr. LEARY. We have specific examples, which quite frankly I
would rather not identify in a public forum, situations where we
decided not to sue someone, but we would be delighted to supple-
ment the record in any level of detail you would like.
Mr. FERGUSON. I am not interested in the specific cases. I am in-
terested in what you do with those cases.
Mr. LEARY. Some cases we take a pass because
Mr. FERGUSON. Do you ever refer them to the FTC?
Mr. LEARY. Sure. Sure. And they refer them to us. We have had
an ongoing relationship with them
Mr. FERGUSON. It sounds like you have got it worked out pretty
Mr. LEARY. Well, we have a relationship that is working better
than it used to. You know, up until 5 years ago, the FCC took the
position they had no jurisdiction over advertising at all, which was
in some ways unfortunate because there were some areas that then
fell through the slats completely. The situation is improving, but I
think an optimal situation would be one where the jurisdictional
issue was laid to rest.
Mr. FERGUSON. I am out of time.
Mr. STEARNS. Would the chairman or any of the other commis-
sioners like to add to that? Feel free to do that.
Mr. THOMPSON. I think this is an area where the market would
probably benefit from some clarification. You know, as Commis-
sioner Leary raised, it wasnt very long ago that the FCC didnt
claim jurisdiction over certain things, and it left a gap sort of,
where consumers were sort of left in limbo. While we are working
ontrying to work through those gaps, trying to find situations
where we can have mutual agreement, it doesnt prevent any
telecom company which is engaged in nontelecom activities from
trying to characterize what they are doing as telecom anyway, and
that presents a certain kind of defense within a court challenge,
that challenge that could possibly lead to some market confusion,
and, actually, in the process, leaves consumers without very much
Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. Chairman, could I just respond to that. What
you are describing sounds in the way you are talking about as if
we need is an adjustment, we need a modestwe just need to kind
of sort this out a little bit. My interpretation is something much
more radical than that. You are talking about a repeal of an ex-
emption for an entire sector. My read on that is that is not kind
of a tweaking, a modestyou are talking about an entire industry
being subject to the FTC and the FCC. I think the potential there
for increased ambiguity, increased miscommunication, or doubling
of oversight sounds a little chaotic to me, not a kind of a minor ad-
justment to oversight.
Mr. THOMPSON. I thinkwell, I guess this is a place where I
think working together with the FCC, which we have been doing
I think we can reach understanding so there wouldnt be that kind
of overlap.
Mr. FERGUSON. Precisely, but does that require a repeal of an ex-
emption of an entire industry? Thats my concern.

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Mr. THOMPSON. I think when you have something that is 70

years old that is on the books that doesnt really reflect what is
happening in the marketplace now, I dont think thats necessarily
helpful to anyone.
Mr. LEARY. I understand what you are saying but we have got
to be careful if we were to try to fine tune an exemption to the ex-
emption, if you will, that addresses todays reality. We are dealing
in an extremely fast moving situation. As you know, and as I think
I said in my statement, there is an increasing convergence and a
blurring of the lines between what is common carrier and what is
not common carrier. So we dont want to substitute one set of juris-
dictional issues for another set of jurisdictional issues, and that is
one of the problems with trying to fine tune it.
Mr. FERGUSON. Thank you.
Mr. STEARNS. The gentleman from New Hampshire, Mr. Bass.
Mr. BASS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
As a follow-up to my friend from New Jerseys question, Mr.
Leary you requested here an exemption for telecommunications
common carriers, and in answer to somebodys question, you said
that you didnt want to expand that request to other common car-
riers. Now, there has been some publicity over the past few months
involving fraud and abuse in furniture moving companies, and I be-
lieve if I am not mistaken, that you testified before the Transpor-
tation and Infrastructure Committee, at some point regarding this
issue whether or not the Federal Trade Commission should take
from the Transportation Department some jurisdiction over alleged
fraud and abuse issues associated with moving companies. Is this
true or not?
Mr. LEARY. Do you if
Mr. MURIS. Not to my knowledge but
Mr. LEARY. It doesnt ring a bell with me. We can look into that
Congressman, and see
Mr. BASS. Is the Federal Trade Commission aware of this prob-
lem? Is it a problem, and do you have any position on it?
Mr. MURIS. We are certainly going to have to get back to you.
For the record, my general view is we are the experts of dealing
with advertising. It would make sense to apply for us, with our ex-
pertise, to cover as broad a sector of the economy as possible. We
dont have jurisdiction over airlines. Airlines have our statute, and
we just filed a comment with the Department of Transportation on
Monday. In our comment, we noted that they have the exact same
statutory language we have, yet they are relying on FTC cases in
proposing the rulemaking that the FTC repudiated 20 years ago
and that the Congress repudiated about 9 years ago. The point is
that, if you believe in agency expertise, and there is a question on
what you could disagree, but if you agree with agency expertise, it
doesnt make a lot of sense to kick us out of areas where there are
potential problems.
Mr. BASS. It does or doesnt?
Mr. MURIS. It does not. I personally would repeal a lot more than
the common carrier exemption.
Mr. BASS. Are you going to get back to me on the issue of wheth-
er the Federal Trade Commission feels that it should have some

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regulatory authority with fraud and abuse allegations associated

with furniture moving companies?
Mr. MURIS. I am told that we testified on this issue about 2 years
ago, and I dont know what we said. So I will have to get back to
you on the record.
Mr. BASS. Thank you very much.
On the other subject, the FTC Do-Not-Call list is moving for-
ward, and we all support that effort. But there are some concerns
about the cost of this Do-Not-Call list that are being assessed to
the telemarketers. Now, the telemarketers themselves apparently
have these kinds of lists which they sell for something like 10 per-
cent of what the FTC is proposing to charge. I understand it is on
the order of something like $700 or $800 versus $5,000. Why does
this list cost so much?
Mr. MURIS. Well, first of all, we anticipate having something like
60 million telephone numbers. There is no list that is in any uni-
verse near that amount today. The law that Congress passed, at
our recommendation, that the President signed, I think was based
on the premise that if the telemarketers can go into your home and
force consumers to sign up on a list, if they want to prevent that,
then the costs should be borne by the telemarketers, and we think
that the cost is a fair estimate. We have a rulemaking which we
are about to finish, but the size of our list isborders a magnitude
bigger than anything else.
Mr. BASS. So what you are saying is, in essence, the cost of your
list to telemarketers will reflect what is normally charged for lists
of that size and will not be higher or out of line from what they
would normally charge themselves? In other words, if they had a
list of 60 million individuals on it, theyd charge the same thing
that youre planning to charge.
Mr. MURIS. Well, let me put it this way. If you are a tele-
marketer right now and you have to comply, there are 27 and I
think growing number of state lists. It will be much cheaper to
have one national list than all the individual State lists from the
standpoint of the telemarketer.
Mr. BASS. Mr. Chairman, am I on an 8-minute question or a 5-
Mr. STEARNS. We are going to give you an 8-minute.
Mr. BASS. I wanted to make sure because I was going to yield
back. During the 107th, 108th Congress, we had hearings on the
American Spirit Fraud Bill, which is a bill that doubles penalties
for charitable organization fraud in the aftermath of 9/11 and so
forth. At that time, you commented that you were having difficulty
in quantifying the problem of keeping records. Is there any
progress on this issue? Do you know what I am talking about?
Mr. MURIS. Yes. One of the ramifications of Do-Not-Call, which
we were just talking about, is that the very large complaint vol-
ume, large relative to the number of complaints that we receive
now, that we are anticipating is forcing us to redesign our system
of receiving complaints and getting information. We are just in that
process now. We are doing it in a way that we hope we can better
address that issue and a myriad of other issues about information
of the incidence of fraud.

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I mentioned the identity theft survey which is further along than

a second survey we are doing which is a nationally projectable sur-
vey of fraud-type problems, and we are hoping that these surveys
will provide us better information on the incidence of problems that
consumers have in the economy.
Mr. BASS. In your proposal, you suggest allowing the FTC to ob-
tain ISP consumer complaints on spam. Would you support requir-
ing the ISPs to provide clear notice to the consumers of this access
when they either make a complaint to the ISP or to you?
Mr. MURIS. I think, in general, my experience from looking at
surveys is that consumers understand law enforcement use and ex-
ceptions to various policies. I certainly wouldnt object to that kind
of notification, but I think consumers are what lawyers like to call
constructively on notice, and it is a reasonable expectation.
Mr. BASS. But you wouldnt oppose having some sort of notifica-
tion on the complaint form that would alert the consumer to the
effect that that complaint will be going to a Federal regulatory
agency for their review, and it is automatically done or
Mr. MURIS. Well, no. It certainly wouldnt be automatic. We are
not asking for the routine forwarding of all complaint information.
We wouldnt want it. What we are asking for is the ability, in a
particular case when we are investigating someone for violating our
statute, to be able to get this information.
Mr. BASS. So you dont expect, for example, a system that would
have a consumer complaint to be automatically forwarded to you
and the ISP at the same time? Rather, you want to be able to de-
cide what complaints you ask for from the ISP and just have the
consumeryou have no objection to the consumer knowing that his
or her complaint may be forwarded to you if you request it?
Mr. MURIS. Thats correct. I think if you ask consumers now,
they understand that for law enforcement purposes, that informa-
tion they share with businesses may go to law enforcement agen-
Mr. BASS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the gentleman. Mr. Shadegg youre wel-
come for a first round of questioning.
Mr. SHADEGG. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate that.
I want to ask a series of questions on identity theft to begin with.
One complaint that I have heard from identity theft victims is the
lack of accountability between Federal law enforcement agencies
and also among State law enforcement agencies. Usually, one law
enforcement agency will refer the matter to another State or to an-
other agency and so on and so on. Victims do not know where it
is they go for help. I think that is one of the roles the FTC was
supposed to play, was assisting victims in finding the agency that
would be of assistance to them.
I guess my first question is do you think the FTCs regional
training sessions have helped alleviate that problem by educating
law enforcement agencies about their responsibility? And what I
mean by that is shortly after the law passed, we met with a num-
ber of enforcement agencies in Arizona to try to educate them
about the law, and their first position was, well, tell us what credit
card was stolen, and we explained, well, no, there was no credit
card stolen. This is the theft of an identity, and we had to begin

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by explaining to them the essence of the crime, and then we had

to go on and explain to them that somebody had jurisdiction and
somebody had to take it over.
So my first question is, for any of you, do you think that your
efforts to educate law enforcement have been of value in this re-
gard, and what more could we do to try to assist the law enforce-
ment community in accepting and carrying out its responsibility for
identity theft?
Mr. MURIS. We we are very active in this area, and you helped
us recently. It was May 22, where we just had a law enforcement
workshop in your State. We are on a very steep part of the curve
in improving our relationships with law enforcement. In many
parts of the country, the reaction that you found was there, but we
have been training a great many people recently. We have been
trying to put together a task force. We have put together referrals
working with the Secret Service. I did a press conference recently
with the Attorney General announcing a very large number of
cases including, believe it or not, where someone was murdered to
obtain the particular identity. Fortunately, that is an extremely
rare event. We are doing a nationally projectable survey, which the
results are in and they are being tabulated, about various kinds of
identity theft. I think this will have a significant impact on law en-
forcement. We will share the results with our partners.
It is a fact of life that the system that we have, because we dont
have the criminal enforcement authority ourselvesputs us in a
coordinating position and not an enforcement position, but I think
that we are doing this task very well. When we were discussing the
Fair Credit Reporting Act here a few minutes ago, I wouldnt be
at all surprised if we make some recommendations that will help
in the identity theft area in terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
We are waiting for staff recommendations on that. We have some
statistics I will would be glad to share with you that show just how
much more active we have been each year. We have only been in
this business for a few years. Personally, I very much, and I am
sure my colleagues do as well, appreciate your particular interest
and help in this area.
Mr. SHADEGG. Let me ask for a quick answer on this question.
Has the FTC developed guidelines for businesses which are them-
selves victimized by identity theft?
Mr. MURIS. That is an excellent question. With some of these
very large identity thefts recently, we are also in the victims as-
sistance business. Several of them have called us for help. We have
developed materials. Id be glad to supply those materials to you,
as this is a growing problem. The problem of security itself is some-
thing that we are very active in with consumers. My colleague,
Commissioner Swindle, has been very active in this. It is very im-
portant in the identity theft area, particularly with smaller busi-
nesses who are not as sophisticated, particularly in some of the
techniques they need to use to protect the security of the on-line
Mr. SHADEGG. Third question, there has been some concern ex-
pressed by victims of identity theft that in order to clean up their
record, they have to contact multiple credit reporting agencies and
that takes a substantial amount of time. In some instances it is

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three and in some instances its more than three. Some have pro-
posed, and we are considering in the current draft legislation that
I am working on, that you be given the responsibility for requiring
that there be a centralization of that process. That is to say, that
you would report to one credit reporting agency, and they would be
required to tell the others. So that a victim could only contact a
single credit reporting agency and explain that they have been vic-
timized. Have you looked at that issue? Do you think it is a
Mr. MURIS. We have been encouraging the one call process. My
understanding is it is happening now. We are also encouraging
creditors to accept a single form, which we developed in working
with many in the business community, where the victim of identity
theft can fill out the relevant information and then can submit that
form without having to be faced with someone asking slightly dif-
ferent variations of the questions to some of the creditors. I think
all of these victims assistance measures are extremely important,
and the business community has been very corroborative and quite
interested, as I mentioned earlier. They are left holding the bag,
the credit card companies, for example, in a very large way, and
their cooperation is important to us.
Mr. SHADEGG. My time has expired. I appreciate your efforts in
this area, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the gentleman. We will now start a second
round of questioning.
In dealing with spam, I guess under Section 5, under fraudulent
practices is the area that you use your jurisdiction for the rule-
making. I see on a lot of publications there is a lot of software that
is coming out to prevent spam, and I saw your opening statement
when you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, that the Commissions state-
ment on spam legislative proposals qualified, admittedly, the Com-
mission recognizes that these legal steps will not solve the growing
spam problem.
I guess the question should be how should we interpret those
words and further explain your statement that, nor is it clear
what impact what these stepsthat is, spam legislative pro-
posalswill have on some of the other problems associated with
spam in terms of security and volume. How best the interrelated
problems of volume and security be handled?
So, I mean, that is just the sense I have. I just need an expla-
Mr. MURIS. I will let Commissioner Swindle answer.
Mr. STEARNS. Sure.
Mr. SWINDLE. Mr. Chairman, I think your questioning goes right
to the heart of the problem with spam, and that is its complexity.
I have stated, and I think I have stated in my opening statement,
that no single act or device due to a new piece of legislation, is
really going to solve the problem, and I think our statement merely
is just recognizing that difficulty. Having said that, we have sug-
gested that there are steps and we recommendwe are recom-
mending some amendments possibly to the Telemarketing Act that
would give brighter definition to certain things and give more clar-
ity to interpreting everybody else as to what is acceptable and what

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is not. Our problem today is not in a sense a lack of laws because

if you
Mr. STEARNS. Rules on the books, you mean?
Mr. SWINDLE. Yes, sir. If you falsify the fromto put it very sim-
ply, if you falsify who you are when you send a message and you
are engaged in spam, that is deception. If you have a misleading
subject line, that might be considered deception, and also unfair-
ness, because it might be something that you feel compelled to look
at. You know, a subject line about your recent billing or some-
thing of this nature. The problem is finding these people who do
this. And that is more a technological problem, than it is a lack of
a law problem, and the point of my comments is to say we have
got a tremendous problem that we are all going to have to deal
Representative Shadegg was talking about the education pro-
gram we are on. Awareness alone is probably the biggest challenge
we have got. Collectively, all of us have got to make consumers
more aware of some of the dangers here. But we have suggested,
specifically, some possible amendments to the Telemarketing Act,
using that model, not all of it, but some specific features that might
be more precisely written that would help us. But, again, it is not
going to be the
Mr. STEARNS. Its not a panacea.
Mr. SWINDLE. I dont think there is a panacea, in all honesty.
Mr. STEARNS. Right. Like how are you going to handle inter-
national spam?
Mr. SWINDLE. I mean, we could frame up the United States with
all the great laws and make it all perfect, and we still have no con-
trol of what is coming from outside because there are literally no
laws out there, no boundaries.
Mr. STEARNS. Would someone else like to speak?
Mr. THOMPSON. I agree with Commissioner Swindle to a certain
extent, but let me try to frame this a little differently. What we
learned in our spam forum is that the problem is bigger than we
may have originally thought. In other words, for a long time we
thought the problem is the annoyance factor of just getting a whole
bunch of e-mail in your mailbox. What we have learned is that
there are a lot of different problems going on. One is the fraudulent
and deceptive e-mail that we are getting that victimizes certain
people. The second thing is we are learning about the volume, the
possibility that this inundation of spam actually could clog the ar-
teries of the Internet, and that is a real problem, not only in terms
of national security that this whole channel might be closed down,
but we also learned that there is another security problem because
e-mail is the vehicle of choice in many instances of viruses. So we
cannot address that problem alone just by legislation. Legislation
may have some piece involved into it, but we also have to educate
consumers and businesses. We have to encourage technological an-
swers that give consumers more choices on how this information is
managed, and in some areas, like the volume problem, we may
have to study a little bit more. But all of those thingsthere is no
one silver bullet.
Mr. STEARNS. Let me just conclude by this breachingcoming
about crossborder fraud. Some of the materials you gave us said

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that many of the proposed crossborder provisions were modeled

after existing authority enjoyed by a number of other Federal Gov-
ernment agencies. Could you just explain that for me?
Mr. THOMPSON. Sure. That for example the SEC and the CFTC,
for example, and some other financial regulators already have spe-
cific provisions that allow them to share information with law en-
forcers, similar types of law enforcers overseas. That is their way
of being able to combat what we see as financial fraud that goes0n
around the world. What we are seeing is the same kind of invidious
action taking place in the consumer fraud area where money moves
around and people lie outside of our borders trying to come in and
victimize our citizens. We see that all the time. It is a growing
problem. So being able to share information, for example, with
those law enforcers is going to be very very helpful. As I said, the
CFTC, the SEC has similar kinds of provisions right now.
Mr. STEARNS. My time has expired. The gentlelady.
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Thank you.
I wanted to talk about sharing information as well. So I under-
stand that part of the proposal is to have Congress grant you addi-
tional authority to share information, but let me ask you some
questions that it raises in my mind about privacy, protection of
that information. How can it be assured that the data you share
will only go to appropriate officials and will not be shared with
third parties by the foreign government? I am just going to ask
them all. Two, how do we guarantee the rights of the accused if we
share information with foreign governments, what are the condi-
tions? Three, how can we assure that American citizens are not
prosecuted for exercising their freedom of speech? I am concerned
that this information could be used against those who simply have
dissenting political views from foreign leaders. And I want to un-
derstand the additional FOIA exemptions that have been asked for.
I am concerned that this could weaken our oversight, not yours,
but our oversight of your agencys activities.
Mr. THOMPSON. Thank you. Let me first address your first point,
which is about confidentiality of information in foreign govern-
ments. I think that the first thing is that we have discretion about
the information that we share with foreign entities, and I think
what we would do is ensure that they have some of the same safe-
guards that protect the information that we have in the investiga-
tory process. That is a threshold. I think right now we are not able
to share at all. So for us they have the same concerns about us so
that information doesnt get here either that could help us pros-
ecute cases for our citizens. So I think we would look for that kind
of protection in discussing before we share any information with
anyone. But as I said, this is similar to the kinds of protocols that
exist in other areas, for example sharing information about crimi-
nal prosecutions or in securities or commodities. We would look for
the same kinds of protection.
Now, about the rights of the accused, I think thatI guess it de-
pends on which way it goes. I would like to understand your ques-
tion a little better. You are talking about American companies who
might be victimizing citizens overseas? I would like to understand
that question a little better.

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Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Yes. Exactly what we said, the rights of Amer-

ican companies.
Mr. THOMPSON. Well, I think that to a certain extent American
companies who are availing themselves of going overseas and deal-
ing with another countrys victims, citizens, then they are already
subject to whatever those countries laws are anyway. I think the
kind of information that we have seen that is the traditional re-
quest is just pretty basic information about whether we have a
similar type of prosecution. Let us say there is a case involving one
company that victimizes citizens in both places. To be able to share
witness information orI think that they have their right in court
to protect themselves the way they would in any other type of legal
The third question you asked about American citizens and free-
dom of speech, I think that in terms of the cases that we wind up
prosecuting, I think that we are talking about hard-core fraud and
deception here, and I think we are clear in looking at the cases
that we wind up bringing and we would look at those kinds of
standards and the requests of other countries as the distinction be-
tween what we think is a mere freedom of speech problem or fraud-
ulent, deceptive solicitations of consumers. And I think that this is
merely to sharing information, I think that we would be free to
make our own judgments about whether we do share that informa-
tion and that includes inquiring how that information is going to
be used.
You bring up a final question about FOIA, and I think it is im-
portant to recognize that FOIA, right now, has an exemption for
prosecution. In other words, there is a protection for the sanctity
of investigation process when you are prosecuting a case. I think
that exists now. I think similar kinds of protections would still
exist here too. In other words, that kind of information is not freely
available. There is an exception for that kind of information under
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. What I am asking is there are currently ex-
emptions in FOIA, as you say, business information, personal pri-
vacy, records of financial institutions. So why do you need an ex-
tension of the current FOIA exemptions?
Mr. THOMPSON. One of the keys is when we wind up sharing in-
formation or getting information from a foreign entity to assist us
in a prosecution, that what we would like to have is a more express
understanding that that information is covered under the same
umbrella of an investigatory process.
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. I am wondering if Commissioner Swindle
wanted to comment at all about this. Let me just say my concern
is that sometimes when we deal with these privacy questions that
there are unintended consequences of the goals that we have in
mind, and I think that Americans are very, very concerned both
about prosecuting fraud and deception but also about the protec-
tion of privacy, and maintaining that balance is very important.
Mr. THOMPSON. Can I add one thing though? Under FOIA we
provide confidentiality to foreigners the same way that we seek as-
surances when sharing information, and one of the problems is the
FTC Act doesnt apply to foreign governments. So we need to sit
down and talk to them. We dont get that information at all now

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if we are not able to at least provide some protection of that infor-

mation and the sanctity of that information because there are
many witnesses who would not come forward. There is a lot of evi-
dence that wouldnt exist, and that prevents us from actually help-
ing our consumers.
I will also say one other thing, that I share your concerns about
privacy. That is one of the issues that I am particularly concerned
about at the Commission. I think that this proposal does not jeop-
ardize privacy, and, in fact, actually recognizes the investigatory
process that we have now and allows us to get information to pro-
tect consumers that we would not be able to protect otherwise.
Mr. MURIS. Could I ask Commissioner Swindle to answer the
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Absolutely.
Mr. SWINDLE. Thank you. I think I would like to make a short
general comment to the concerns that you expressed, and I guess
one big word for it would be the Patriot Act would certainty get a
lot of attention, and people are a little bit squeamish about this,
and I am too because we respect consumers, we respect the privacy
of personal information. But I think we are talking about two
things here. One is our ability to share information, and we sense
because things are now worldwide, we need the capacity and ability
to share information. That is one issue and we dont have it in the
cases where we think we need it. The second issue is protecting
that information from misuse. The first issue, needing that ability,
I think, can be debated without emotion to find the bad guys and
it is the same kind of a situation whether you are looking for ter-
rorists or fraud in selling business opportunities, ripping people off.
We need that as an investigative tool.
The second issue of protecting that information that is shared on
either end, and then, God forbid, it gets out in all the extremities
for whom you share it with, this is an age-old problem. It will
never be solved. We have it right here in this body, in Congress.
Confidential briefings, things leak out. I come from a military back-
ground where we have very rigid classification of information, con-
fidential secrets, top secret, out of this world, and interestingly it
is alwaysnot always. That is an exaggeration, it is constantly di-
vulged wrongfully so. And I think in all honesty the only way we
will ever solve that problem is just constant awareness, reedu-
cating ourselves, reminding ourselves, great leadership that says
dont you do that, and having people understand what they are
dealing with. And I dont know the solution to that. We might solve
it yet in my lifetime. So I think for us, from a law enforcement
standpoint, we feel a need and we have expressed it in rec-
ommendations to have this capacity, to share information, to re-
trieve information from other countries. The crossborder thing, the
jurisdictional issue are extremely complicated and we try to work
with our associated countries who are concerned about these things
and we realize right off the bat we agree on 80 percent of the
things, and then there is this 20 percent that we have really got
some difference of opinion because very few people know what we
mean when we talk about freedom of speech. It is certainly not
codified into their constitutions and documents that set them up to
recognize and respect that and honor it; so we have to work out

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those details, and we are in constant contact and dialog with our
foreign partners trying to work out things such as this, but the
need to be able to reach out and find the bad guys is an overpow-
ering thing. It is made more dramatic by the Internet and the ca-
pacity broad dissemination. So I think we have got to be rational
as opposed to being emotional about this and think it through and
recognize it. And then the last leg of the stool is this goes for all
of us, the administration, Congress, us and everybody else. We
have got to learn a way to discuss this without creating the emo-
tion of alarm that seems to surround this whole issue. We are
never going to get to that which we need, if we quickly try to point
out that there are extremists on both ends or the people who are
on both ends, acting in a manner that conveys the idea that they
are extremists. We have really got a PR problem here, and I think
we all need to get together to work on it and do a better job of it.
Mr. STEARNS. The gentleman from Arizona.
Mr. SHADEGG. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will endeavor not to
use my full time.
From my opening statement, I think you can see that I come at
the issue of identity theft from the viewpoint of the individual vic-
tim. My first approach or concern was this needs to be a crime and
it currently isnt a crime. You can steal somebodys identity, but
until you have taken the money, actually stolen some money from
them, or in some other way committed a conventional crime, it was
not a criminal conduct at all, and we dealt with that issue. I think
the second problem we tried to address, and I think you are trying
to address, is the problem of convincing law enforcement that the
mere theft of identity, of inidentity, is in fact a crime and that
there is somebody that is responsible for it. One of the issues is
who is responsible? If I live in Virginia, and my identity is stolen
here, and somebody applies for a credit card with Sears which is
based in Chicago, but they apply for that credit or seek that credit
in LA, which one of the U.S. Attorneys or which one of the county
attorneys is going to take care of that crime? What I found early
on was they each kind of said, well, the site of that crime is Vir-
ginia where you live or in Chicago where Sears is located or it is
LA and they would each point at each other and not get anything
done. The head of your Identity Theft Unit has indicated to my of-
fice, as I said in my opening statement, that this is now not so
much an individual case, a crime where an individual identity is
stolen, as it is the theft of massive amounts of information.
My first question of you is looking at that trend, No. 1, do you
agree with that? Is there a trend that it is the theft of massive data
bases? And No. 2, since we are looking at the reauthorization of the
FTC, do you need or do you perceive a need for additional authority
at the FTC to deal with those large volume thefts of information?
Mr. MURIS. We clearly see more cases of large-scale identity
theft. It is very hard since there hasnt been very good information
for very many years. Our whole process in terms of getting the con-
sumer complaints is very new to know what the historical trends
look like. We also dont have a good idea of the national incidence
of a lot of these problems. The survey that we have just finished
and are tabulating the results will help there. I personally have
supported increased penalties at the Federal level for identity

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theftI know there are bills working their way through Con-
gressas part of this procedure of reauthorizing the Fair Credit
Reporting Act. As I mentioned, we are getting a recommendation
from the staff, and we may propose some additional protections or
changes in the Fair Credit Reporting Act that would help on the
identity theft front.
The primary enforcement obviously is not us but the crime be-
cause we dont do the criminal work.
Mr. SHADEGG. Would any of the others like to comment?
Mr. THOMPSON. I think this is a very interesting challenge. The
bulk theft of the information especially as it appears on line is one
that may also fall under the umbrella of a Cyber Security Act. So
that is one area to pursue as well.
But I think you have highlighted the challenge. One of the rea-
sons why we have engaged in a lot of cooperative efforts and in
education efforts is not just having something on the books but
raising the priority of that item with law enforcement, even crimi-
nal law enforcement officials throughout the United States so it
doesnt fall below the radar screen. That is a very interesting chal-
lenge. But it is a very difficult challenge.
Because what we see is that some jurisdictions are just much
more cooperative than others. What we are seeing, and it is very
helpful, is their willingness to talk to us about it raises the profile
of the issue; and I am sure that a large percentage, for example,
of the information and educational materials that we put out goes
to those localities who are using them.
Mr. SHADEGG. Thank you very much.
I yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank the gentleman.
The gentleman from Ohio.
Mr. STRICKLAND. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I have two questions, and I have got 5 minutes, so I am going
to try to get both of them answered, if I can, as succinctly as pos-
In 1997, the FTC proposed lowering the standards by which the
agency would determine whether a good could carry the made in
the USA label to acknowledge the globalization of production that
is occurring around the world. My question to you, what are your
views on the present standards that all or virtually all of the prod-
uct must be made in the USA? I think it is a standard that we
have had for 5 years or more. What is your present view regarding
that standard? Should it be maintained? Should it be weakened
orI am just interested in knowing what the thinking of the Com-
mission may be in regard to the made in the USA label.
Mr. MURIS. I was on the Commission when it went through all
of this. I mean, in general, for me, for any issue it is a question
of consumer interpretation. Let me defer to my colleagues who may
have been on the Commission when itoh, no one was.
Mr. THOMPSON. Well, I think that Commissioner Swindle and I
came on just after, and I can tell you from talking to staff I dont
sense that there is a great clamoring of people asking for changes
Mr. STRICKLAND. Very good. You know I am willing to settle for
that answer.

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Mr. THOMPSON. Okay. So either a lot of people are silent or

maybe we got it right.
Mr. STRICKLAND. I think there was rather strong feelings ex-
pressed on the part of the Congress in regard to that issue.
The second issue
Mr. THOMPSON. In fact, Congressman, Ithe one thing that I
was warned about when I first came on the Commission was dont
get involved in the made in the USA because there was a big fight
over it and people agree on what it is. So
Mr. STRICKLAND. Thank you so much.
The second question deals with gasoline pricing. In the summer,
spring and summer of 2000, the Midwestern part of the country,
including my State of Ohio, experienced soaring gasoline prices;
and at that time we approached the FTC and asked for an inves-
tigation. In March of 2001, the FTC released a report stating, and
I am quoting, while the Commission found no credible evidence of
collusion or other anti-competitive conduct by the oil industry, the
investigation found a combination of many factors that were likely
responsible for the price spike. These factors included cir-
cumstances beyond the control of the industry, as well as those
within their control, quote, conscious but independent choices by
industry participants to engage in profit-maximizing strategies.
Now, I understand that the FTC is conducting a relatively new
and ongoing gasoline price monitoring project. The question I
would like to ask, would you please share with us the status of this
2002 gasoline price monitoring project, and will you regularly share
updated information regarding that project with the Congress?
Mr. MURIS. We have begun in earnest to track gas prices on a
real-time basis all over the country at retail and also in some
places at wholesale. What have a model about historical relation-
ship of prices and we are looking for what we call anomalies, when
the price cant be explained by factors that normally explain the
price. When we find those anomalies, we look to see what the
source of the problem is.
I sent a letter to all 50 State attorneys general. The response
was overwhelmingly positive. One of the things we dothey are
often closer to the facts than we areis talk to them when we find
these anomalies in place. When the anomalies cant be explained
by some natural cause, for example, a refinery fire or a refinery
outage, we investigate further; and it has been a tool that has led
us to have a much better understanding and in some cases has led
to further investigation.
Mr. STRICKLAND. Do you believe that the FTC may need more
authority than you currently have to do this monitoring and any
follow-up corrective or remedial action that may be necessary to
Mr. MURIS. I think our antitrust and consumer protection laws
are adequate. This is an industry in which we spent a tremendous
amount of resources. We just brought a very large case, which I
mentioned in my opening statement, that is in litigation now in-
volving Unocal in California. The Commission, through its merger
review policy, has required more divestitures in both size and just
the sheer number of divestitures than I believe in any other indus-
try. I think our presence is important and helpful here.

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We are working on some reports as well to talk about our merger

enforcement policy and to discuss a couple of conferences on the
issue of the volatility of changes in gas prices. We are going to be
issuing reports on that. So this is an area that both in the enforce-
ment and trying to explain what happens level we are quite active.
Mr. STRICKLAND. Thank you. And thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. STEARNS. Thank you, gentlemen.
The gentleman from Massachusetts is recognized.
Mr. MARKEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Muris, where do we stand on the implementation of
the national Do Not Call data base?
Mr. MURIS. We just announced, I believe it was last weekwe
had thought we were going to have to roll it out across country in
terms ofthere are two ways you could sign up. One is by e-mail,
and one is by the telephone. We had thought we were going to have
eight different zones in the country visa telephone and we reduced
that to two. We hope to begin the launch in the sign-up very short-
ly, certainly by early next month at the latest.
Mr. MARKEY. Have you spoken with Chairman Powell of the Fed-
eral Communication Commission about their role in this?
Mr. MURIS. Well, we have had extensive conversations with
them. As you know, Congress has directed themand they were
working on this anywayto decide if a similar rule to ours is ap-
propriate. I have every expectation that very shortly they will
make that decision. If they implement a rule like ours, it will fill
some jurisdictional holes that we have. We filed an extensive com-
ment with them, and I am optimistic that we will move forward to-
gether. I obviously cant speak for the FCC.
Mr. MARKEY. So you are hopeful that they will act in a timely
fashion so that the expectations of consumers with regard to those
protections will be built in.
Mr. MURIS. Yes, sir.
Mr. MARKEY. But you cant speak for them.
Mr. MURIS. That is for sure.
Mr. MARKEY. Is it your observation that they are moving in a
timely fashion?
Mr. MURIS. Yes, they have a rulemaking process. We filed com-
ments. We have had extensive discussions with them at the staff
level. I haveall the indications are they are moving in a timely
Mr. MARKEY. Over in the spamming area, can you deal with the
question of how we are going to regulate off-shore spammers? Since
it is just as easy to spam from Boston or Bermuda, how do we deal
with those jurisdictional issues in order to ensure that anything
that is put on the books ultimately winds up working, given all of
the jurisdictional conflicts issues that are raised?
Mr. MURIS. Let me summarize very briefly. My two colleagues
have been talking about these issues at some length. We have pro-
posals we have been working on for over a year, fairly extensive
proposals dealing with cross-border fraud. Unfortunately, more and
more of the fraud in the United States comes from outside the bor-
ders. A lot of that fraud is done via spam, so there is a close inter-
section between the two.

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We have some suggestions which we have made for dealing with

the cross-border fraud problem generally and the spam problem
particularly. They will provide better procedural remedies for us
and an ability to cooperate with law enforcement agencies overseas.
Spam is a very specific example. When we send a CID to the
ISPsI am speaking jargon here.
Mr. MARKEY. CID for our C-SPAN viewers.
Mr. MURIS. It is like a subpoena. It is a civil investigative de-
mand. What happens is, we are trying to investigate someone who
we think is committing fraud. Some of the ISPs think that they are
required to turn around and inform the target that they have a
CID from us, and we are asking that the law be amended so that
they dont have to do that.
That is just one of many procedural examples.
Mr. MARKEY. So we need kind of a spam coalition of the willing
around the world who will help us to isolate these forces of evil.
Mr. MURIS. Spam is the toughest problem I have seen for two
reasons. One, because of the nature of the Internet protocols, you
cannot track who is sending the spam. Through the way the Inter-
net works you have to follow the money and that could be very
hard to do. Second, unlike the telephone calls or the letters, the
cost of sending another 10,000 letters or making an additional
10,000 phone calls is real. The cost of sending an additional 10,000
spam is effectively zero. That makes an extraordinarily difficult
Mr. MARKEY. I only have 24 seconds left. It is my understanding
that the FTC and the State AGs work closely to enforce the tele-
marketing sales rules. Is this a model that works?
Mr. MURIS. Yes. Our cooperation with the States is excellent.
Mr. MARKEY. Is it a model as a result that you believe should
be included in the spam legislation?
Mr. MURIS. We have suggested a model that follows the Tele-
marketing Act. As Commissioner Swindle mentioned, the bills that
exist, the bill that has been introduced out of this committee could
easily follow that act. We think it has been successful.
Mr. MARKEY. Do you agree with that, Mr. Swindle?
Mr. SWINDLE. I think it is a good model, certainly. He is my boss.
I have to agree with him, Mr. Markey. Thank you for putting me
in that box.
Mr. MARKEY. I have been reading a lot of your interviews.
Mr. SWINDLE. Yes, sir. I think it is a good model. Not in its en-
tirety, but we have laid out some specific things that we think
would give us more definition, more clarity.
It would also be good for industry to know, you know, the bright
light concept of making sure we all know what we are talking
about. And I think we are just going to have to grow with the prob-
lem. I guess a better way to put that is we have got to catch up
with the problem, then we can grow along with it and find solu-
tions to it. But technology is going to have to play an incredibly big
role in this.
Mr. MARKEY. Could I ask do you agree with that, Mr. Thompson?
Mr. THOMPSON. Sure. If not for any reason, the rulemaking proc-
ess allows a degree of flexibility; and, as we have seen in this area,
this is an area that changes fairly quickly. The spammers are very

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smart and have every financial incentive to be creative. But there

are lots of things going on here with regard to spam, including
technological efforts, et cetera; and I think a rulemaking under
TSR would allow us to have that kind of flexibility.
Let me just make one other point on your earlier question about
international spam, that this is a topic that is being discussed at
the OECD and other forums, that they are looking to the U.S. for
leadership here. I think we have the floor. I think they are looking
to find out what kind of balanced response that we come up with,
and the cross-border fraud initiative that we have is also going to
be an important element because, to the extent that we want to be
effective in our enforcement, we have to be able to share informa-
tion with our counterparts around the world. I think they are look-
ing to us for guidance on how we do it.
Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, my mother would be very upset if
I didnt ask the Irishman on the panel for his opinion.
Mr. Leary, could you give us your view on the subject? What
high school did you go to, Mr. Leary?
Mr. LEARY. I grew up in New Jersey.
Mr. MARKEY. So what high school?
Mr. LEARY. I went to a place called Newark Academy, which was
a boys day school.
Mr. MARKEY. Catholic school.
Mr. LEARY. It was not.
Mr. LEARY. Better not tell your mother that.
Mr. MARKEY. Actually, my mother would be impressed that such
a high-class Irish family was giving advice to her son.
Mr. LEARY. I agree with the others. There is no magic bullet, and
we have to keep plugging away and plugging away and plugging
away. The only thing I would say is that, you know, that is true
to some degree of everything we do. We plug away and we plug
away and plug away at false and deceptive advertising in this
country, and it is still around us everywhere. One of the biggest ad-
vantages of plugging away and, quite frankly, publicizing what we
do highly is that the more consumer information is out there, the
more wary consumers there are out there, the less the problem.
Mr. MARKEY. Well, as you know, Mr. Leary, the great Jesuit the-
ologian Tiehard de Chardin, in his concept of the neosphere and
the interconnectivity of all of us on this planet, was that essentially
each of us working together collectively advances bit by bit the per-
fectibility of mankind, making us more worthy ultimately as a spe-
cies of the next world.
In many ways, Marshall McLuhan pointed back to Tiehard as his
model anticipating the birth of the Internet; and many people be-
lieve that Tiehard, the great Jesuit philosopher, is the spiritual fa-
ther of the Internet and all of those things that are made possible.
So you are right. You have to just keep working at it, make it bet-
ter, as good as you can make it in your generation and then, you
know, pass it on to the next generation. But, as these problems
emerge, you have that great responsibility. And you, as an Irish-
man, presented the opportunity for me talk about Tiehard de
Chardin here today; and I want to thank you for that.
Mr. LEARY. Always pleased to oblige.

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Mr. MARKEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. MURIS. And, unfortunately, he is a Yankee fan.
Mr. MARKEY. No one is perfect, so we are trying to improve the
species in each generation.
Mr. STEARNS. I thank the gentleman. We are going to plug away
and plug away and bit by bit try and get reauthorization for the
FTC which has not been done since 19661996.
Let me also, Chairman Muris, thank you for coming. It is always
nice to have you before our subcommittee and fellow commis-
sioners, and we will work certainly in the area of cross-border
fraud and spam to get a bill. So we want to thank you very much
for coming.
With that, the subcommittee is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 12:15 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.]
[Additional material submitted for the record follows:]
July 2, 2003
The Honorable JOHN D. DINGELL
Ranking Member
Committee on Energy and Commerce
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-6115
Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection
Committee on Energy and Commerce
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-6115
sponds to your letter of June 16, 2003, submitting questions from several members
of the Committee on Energy and Commerce to the Commission, following up on the
Committees June 11 hearing entitled The Reauthorization of the Federal Trade
Commission: Positioning the Commission for the Twenty-First Century.
Enclosed, for the hearing record, are the Commissions formal responses to your
Should you or your staff require further information or assistance, please contact
Anna Davis at (202) 326-3680.
By direction of the Commission.



Question: What resources has the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) dedicated to
address the problem of identity theft?
Response: The FTC launched its formal identity theft program following the en-
actment of the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act in 1998. That law di-
rected the FTC to provide victim assistance, develop a central repository of identity
theft complaints, and share complaints with law enforcement and private entities
as appropriate. Since that time the FTC has directed substantial resources to this
area, devoting 9.25 staff FTE and an additional approximately $2.3 million in non-
compensation expenditures in fiscal year 2002.
These resources support an extensive program. From the beginning of the ID
Theft Program at the Commission we have:
1. Created the Identity Theft Data Clearinghouse, the database of identity theft
complaints, and its interface with the Consumer Sentinel system to make the
complaint data available to law enforcement. The Clearinghouse currently

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houses more than 373,000 complaints, which are available to law enforcement
through the secure (and free) Sentinel network.
2. Established a toll-free number for callers with identity theft issues and com-
plaints, and staffed the call center with well-trained phone counselors. On aver-
age, our toll-free number receives more than 10,000 consumer contacts each
3. Developed the ID Theft Affidavit in coordination with financial institutions and
privacy organizations, to simplify victims efforts to dispute fraudulent accounts
with creditors. The FTC has distributed more than 600,000 copies of the form
through the web and in hard copy.
4. Developed and distributed consumer education materials including Identity Theft:
When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Name, a comprehensive publication for
ID theft victims in both English and Spanish, and the newly released ID
THEFT: Whats It All About?, a primer for the general population. We have dis-
tributed more than 1.2 million copies of When Bad Things Happen in hard copy.
5. Built and maintained the nations central ID theft website,
idtheft, which contains an online complaint form, our ID theft publications, tes-
timony, state laws and other resources.
6. Trained law enforcement officers around the country through workshops orga-
nized with the US Secret Service, US Department of Justice, US Postal Inspec-
tion Service and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. To date more
than 700 officers have been trained through these sessions. Three more sessions
are planned for the coming months.
7. Developed preliminary investigative reports on high impact leads for further in-
vestigation by criminal law enforcement.
8. Assisted entities that have been subject to an information breach. Such breaches
could lead to identity theft for those whose data was compromised.
Question: What further steps are you considering taking to help victims regain
control of their credit histories and their lives?
Response: We are continuously looking for new ways to assist victims of identity
theft and assist criminal enforcement in this area.
Extending The Accessibility of Our Consumer Education Materials and Resources.
We encourage multiple governmental agencies and private entities to print, post, or
otherwise make available our consumer education material. We also make this ma-
terial available through CD ROM, enabling other organizations to print copies of the
publications and affidavit. We encourage the states to take advantage of the re-
sources we have developed. One model of cooperation is the Office of the Attorney
General of North Carolina, which has used FTC materials to develop a victim re-
sponse kit for state residents. The Attorney Generals website links to the FTCs
complaint form and affidavit, and he actively encourages law enforcement agencies
throughout his state to become Sentinel members with access to the ID Theft Clear-
inghouse data.
Working With Financial Institutions and Credit Reporting Agencies to Streamline
Victim Assistance. To simplify the process that victims must go through to dispute
accounts opened in their names, we are working with the financial industry to mod-
ify the ID Theft Affidavit and increase its usefulness for financial institutions and
law enforcement. We also encourage the consumer reporting agencies to continue
their initiatives to ease the burden on ID theft victims and help them to restore
their financial security. The three national consumer reporting agencies recently
launched a program to enable callers to their fraud lines to call just one of the three
consumer reporting agencies with their request for a fraud alert and copy of their
credit report. That agency will then share the fraud alert request with the other
two agencies, thus eliminating the need for the victim to call each of the three agen-
cies. Through another program to assist victims, the police report initiative, the con-
sumer reporting agencies have agreed to block trade lines if a consumer provides
a police report documenting the incident of ID theft.
Facilitating Criminal Enforcement. The FTC has continued to promote aggressive
prosecution of identity theft by local and federal agencies. Our training of law en-
forcement and improvements to the Identity Theft Data Clearinghouse should facili-
tate more efficient and focused investigation and prosecution of this crime.
Improving Electronic Access. Our website is also scheduled for substantial revi-
sions, which will be unveiled in the next few weeks. Additional educational material,
geared to businesses, will debut with the new website. A self audit guide and a busi-
ness record theft response kit will enable companies to safeguard consumer data,
and better respond when a breach occurs. The FTC is also working on a major up-
grade of the system that houses the Identity Theft Data Clearinghouse. The up-
grade will allow us to provide better customer service to hotline callers, will facili-
tate the use of the data by our in-house analysts, and will substantially improve

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performance of the system for our law enforcement users around the country. Ulti-
mately, each of these improvements will benefit victims of ID theft.
Question: Have you considered creating a separate office within the department
that is solely dedicated to combating identity theft and helping victims restore their
credit record? Do you have adequate resources to address this problem?
Response: Currently, the Bureau of Consumer Protections ID Theft program
maintains a core team that is focused solely on ID theft issues. Other parts of the
Bureau of Consumer Protection help support the ID theft programs. The Commis-
sions Consumer Response Center plays a key role, with an off-site phone center
that handles incoming calls and consumer complaints and in-house FTC staff who
ensure data quality and performance standards by the phone counselors. FTC data
analysts play another central role, reviewing the ID theft data in the Clearinghouse
to develop reports and analyses. The Bureaus Office of Consumer and Business
Education supports the program by developing, promoting, and distributing ID theft
educational and outreach materials.
The work of the ID theft program is also supported by other Bureau units that
enforce issues related to privacy, including security. For example, enforcement of the
safeguard rules, which were promulgated under Gramm-Leach-Bliley, and law en-
forcement actions against companies that misrepresent their security measures (see,
for example, the recent settlement with at
guess) are important features of our consumer protection program.
Additionally, colleagues in other agencies complement the work of our staff. We
have forged strong partnerships with many agencies and work closely with them on
most aspects of our work. The US Secret Service has detailed a special agent to
work with the ID theft team to enhance our work with criminal law enforcement.
The Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Administration systemati-
cally transfers the ID theft complaints from their Social Security Number fraud sys-
tem into our Data Clearinghouse. Assistance from these agencies is critical to the
Finally, deterrence of ID Theft by increased criminal enforcement remains a crit-
ical need. Recent interagency training efforts focusing on local law enforcement as
well as efforts to increase participation by state and local law enforcement agencies
in the ID Theft Data Clearinghouse are all essential to this effort.
Thus, we continue to place a priority on our work in the ID Theft program and
this work extends across several offices of the Bureau of Consumer Protection. Al-
though additional resources would always be desirable, the current resources allo-
cated to the program are balanced with our many other consumer protection respon-
sibilities. We do not believe that creating a separate office through which all ID
Theft-related efforts are conducted would improve our efficiency or productivity.

Question: Can you please tell me about the Commissions efforts to monitor small-
er consumer reporting agencies?
Response: The Commission is aware of several categories of smaller consumer re-
porting agencies.1 First, there are a small and dwindling number of local credit bu-
reaus that are affiliates of the big three nationwide repositories. These bureaus
own records of local consumers that are maintained on the centralized databases of
the nationwide repositories. Almost no small credit bureaus still maintain their own,
local-level databases.
Another type of small credit bureau is represented by resellers, consumer re-
porting agencies that purchase consumer information from one or more of the major
repositories and then resell it, usually after re-formatting, categorizing, or otherwise
assembling the information.
Finally, the consumer reporting industry has also witnessed the emergence of
companies that collect and report specialized, non-credit information such as check
writing histories, rental records (including evictions), drivers records (for the truck-

1 Consumer reporting agency is the term used in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA),
and reflects the fact that consumer information is collected and reported for a variety of pur-
poses in addition to credit transactions. In common terminology, however, the agencies are
known as credit bureaus or credit reporting agencies. The term repository is most often
reserved for the large, national bureaus that collect and store information on over 190 million
consumers. As your question recognizes, there are large credit bureaus, which operate nation-
ally, and smaller credit bureaus, which operate regionally or offer more specialized services. The
major bureaus are sometimes referred to as the big three, in recognition of the three major
companies that have predominated for several yearsEquifax, Experian, and Trans Union. (A
fourth company, Innovis Data Services (an affiliate of CBC Companies), also maintains a na-
tional database of consumers with unfavorable current or past credit histories. See http://

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ing industry 2 and other users), utility exchanges (records of consumer payment his-
tories with electric companies and other utilities), and criminal history and other
public records databases. Each of these entities is covered by the FCRA if the data
are used, among other things, for purposes of determining a consumers eligibility
for credit, insurance, employment, or other goods or services for which the consumer
has initiated a business transaction.
The Commission stays abreast of developments with smaller consumer reporting
agencies in a number of ways. The Commission maintains a Consumer Response
Center (CRC) to receive and record consumer complaints against all kinds of busi-
nesses. The CRC logs consumer complaints by, among other items, type of business
(in this case, credit bureaus) and the company named in the complaints. We can
review individual complaints against smaller bureaus.
Commission staff meets from time to time with representatives of smaller con-
sumer reporting agencies and their trade association, both to learn of new develop-
ments in the industry and to respond to concerns and inquiries. The staff also re-
sponds to numerous telephone inquiries from small or specialized consumer report-
ing agencies, and from their representatives, about interpretation of FCRA require-
ments in the sometimes-unique contexts of their individual businesses and needs.
The Commission also undertakes efforts to insure that those entities that use
smaller consumer reporting agencies with specialized databases, such as landlords
or insurance companies, comply with FCRA requirements to supply adverse action
notices when the user takes an adverse action, such as denial of apartment rental,
based on information from a consumer report. Adverse action notices must disclose
the name of the consumer reporting agency from which the user obtained the infor-
mation, and consumers can thus obtain disclosure of the information on file at the
agency and dispute any incomplete or inaccurate information that they find. Ad-
verse action notices, a key provision of the FCRA, are thus of even greater impor-
tance in the context of small, non-credit reporting agencies, the existence of which
is likely even less evident to consumers than conventional credit bureaus.
The Commission has given high priority to assuring compliance with FCRA ad-
verse action notice requirements by all consumer report users,3 and places special
emphasis on compliance by users of smaller, specialized consumer reporting agen-
cies. For example, staff recently conducted an investigation of fifteen landlords in
five cities across the United States. The staff found a high level of compliance with
the adverse action requirements of the FCRA.4 The Commission has taken actions
to assure compliance by resellers of consumer reports (small agencies that purchase
consumer reports from the major bureaus and resell them),5 as well as specialized
agencies that issue bad check lists,6 or supply medical information.7
Question: How accurate are the data at smaller credit reporting agencies?
Response: The FCRA uses two major avenues to achieve the goal of optimal accu-
racy. First, the FCRA establishes mechanisms for consumers to learn about possible
errors in their credit reports and have them corrected. The statute gives consumers
both the right to know what information the credit bureau maintains on them, and
the right to dispute errors. Second, it provides that consumer reporting agencies

2 Changes to the FCRA provision governing use of consumer reports for employment purposes
were enacted by Congress in recognition of the unique needs of the interstate trucking industry.
Pub. L. No. 105-347, 112 Stat. 3208 (1998), 2 and 3 (codified at FCRA 604(b)(2)(B) and (C);
15 U.S.C. 1681b(b)(2)(B) and (C)).
3 See, e.g., Quicken Loans Inc., D-9304 (Apr. 8, 2003).
4 The Commissions January 15, 2002 press release on the investigation and resulting business
education brochure can be found at
5 See I.R.S.C., 116 F.T.C. 266 (1993); CDB Infotek, 116 F.T.C. 280 (1993); Inter-Fact, Inc., 116
F.T.C. 294 (1993); W.D.I.A., 117 F.T.C. 757 (1994) (consent orders against resellers settling alle-
gations of failure to adequately insure that users had permissible purposes to obtain the re-
ports). See also First American Real Estate Solutions, LLC, 1999 FTC LEXIS 137 (Jan. 27, 1998)
(consent order with a reseller concerning the dispute obligations of consumer reporting agen-
6 Howard Enterprises, 93 F.T.C. 909 (1979).
7 MIB, Inc., 101 F.T.C. 415 (1983) (prohibits a non-profit medical reporting agency from condi-
tioning the release of information to a consumer on his/her execution of a waiver of claims
against the firm; requires timely reinvestigations of disputed information; requires that agency
contact, when possible, the source(s) of disputed information or other persons identified by the
consumer who may possess information relevant to the challenged data and modify its files ac-
cordingly). In 1995, the Commission reached a further agreement with MIB, to ensure that in-
surance company users of MIB reports would supply consumer applicants with adverse action
notices in those cases where information from an MIB report figured in adverse action by the
insurers. See

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must follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the in-
formation they report.8
The Commission does not directly examine the content of consumer reporting
databases. Some specialized consumer reporting agencies, such as employment
screening services, do not maintain databases of their own (using public record data-
bases if reporting criminal or driving history as part of their report). Others, such
as tenant screening services, keep information on local apartment residents and also
provide landlords with a credit report from one of the national repositories in the
agencys report to a landlord on an individual rental applicant.
With respect to the accuracy of reports from smaller reporting agencies, we have
only limited information, but our complaint statistics do not suggest that consumers
lodge a significant number of accuracy complaints against smaller agencies.
Question: Have you taken enforcement actions against these smaller agencies?
Response: Yes. The Commission has taken action when patterns of practices indi-
cated a problem with FCRA compliance. See supra, e.g., notes 3 through 7, and ac-
companying text.

Question: I am pleased that last year the FTC took an enforcement action against
Citicorp which was formerly known as Associates because it was deceiving con-
sumers. Nevertheless, is the FTC working with other regulators to bring additional
cases under the FTC Act? If yes, can you discuss with us today any particulars re-
garding these cases or what has prompted actions by the FTC?
Response: As you know, the FTCs case against The Associates and Citigroup was
recently settled, requiring the defendants to fund a $215 million consumer redress
program. It is worth noting that the FTCs case followed on the heels of an action
brought by the State of North Carolina, the settlement of which returned $20 mil-
lion to consumers in that state.
The FTCs enforcement program in the subprime lending area is ongoing, and we
continue to work closely with state and federal agencies to enforce lending laws. We
maintain close relationships with several federal agencies with responsibility in this
area, including the Federal Reserve Board, the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of Thrift Su-
pervision, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Department of Jus-
tice. The ties we have cultivated allow us to exchange information about potential
law enforcement targets and, in some cases, to join efforts to pursue cases. In the
past few years, for example, we have partnered with HUD to pursue cases against
Mercantile Mortgage Company and Action Loan Company, and with the Depart-
ment of Justice and HUD against Delta Funding Corp. All of these cases resulted
in settlements providing substantial relief for consumers.
State regulators have also been important partners in our law enforcement ef-
forts, providing leads for potential cases and bringing joint enforcement actions. For
example, we are currently pursuing a case in federal court jointly with the State
of Illinois against a mortgage broker for allegedly deceptive and other illegal prac-
tices in brokering subprime loans. This particular defendant was brought to our at-
tention by the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago. Last year, we partnered
with the Attorneys General of Florida, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Massachu-
setts and the New York State Banking Department to pursue a case against First
Alliance Mortgage Company, a California-based subprime lender charged with nu-
merous unlawful practices. The case was settled jointly by the government parties,
as well as a number of private plaintiffs, resulting in an approximately $60 million
redress fund.
In addition to our joint litigation, the FTC routinely consults with state regulators
to learn more about problematic practices occurring in their states. For example,
Kentucky regulators assisted our investigation of two companies, Granite Mortgage,
LLC and LAP Financial Services, allegedly engaged in violations of the Homeowner-
ship and Equity Protection Act of 1994.
Last month, the FTC co-sponsored a law enforcement summit meeting on
subprime lending issues, attended by dozens of federal and state law enforcers from
around the country. At the day-long meeting, the attendees shared ideas and experi-
ences and developed strategies to further our combined efforts to combat subprime

8 By its terms (reasonable procedures . . . maximum possible accuracy), the statute itself recog-
nizes that absolute accuracy is impossible. Section 607(b); 15 U.S.C. 1681e(b). Pragmatic con-
sideration of the large volume of data that credit bureaus must store and process also bears
on this issue.

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lending fraud. At the present time, we have several active investigations of
subprime lenders.
Question: Can you discuss your general investigation and enforcement efforts in
this area?
Response: The FTC has focused its efforts to target lenders that deceive con-
sumers about the terms of their loans. Since early 1998, the Commission has
brought 17 actions alleging deceptive or other illegal practices by subprime lenders.
These cases have included lenders of all sizes and from different regions of the coun-
Our cases have involved a variety of allegedly deceptive or other illegal practices
that occur at or prior to loan origination, including deceptive representations about
costs or other loan terms. For example, some of our cases have alleged that lenders
hid origination fees or balloon payments from borrowers or made misrepresentations
about prepayment penalties. We also have brought cases alleging that lenders de-
ceived consumers into purchasing costly credit insurance and other ancillary prod-
ucts in connection with their loans, a practice known as packing. Still other cases
alleged that lenders made false claims that consumers would achieve savings by re-
financing their debt with the lender. Several of our cases have alleged violations of
specific federal credit laws, in addition to the FTC Act, including the Fair Credit
Reporting Act, Truth in Lending Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Homeowner-
ship and Equity Protection Act, and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. We have
also challenged deceptive and unfair loan servicing practices. For example, in our
Capital City Mortgage case, currently in litigation in federal court, the FTC com-
plaint alleges that the lender imposed charges on borrowers accounts for fees that
the borrower did not owe.
Of the Commissions seventeen recent cases, fifteen have resulted in settlements,
returning in the aggregate hundreds of millions of dollars to defrauded consumers.
The FTC settlement with The Associates and Citigroup includes a $215 million re-
dress judgment, the largest in FTC history. Two cases are currently in litigation:
the Capital City Mortgage case and an action against Mark Diamond, a mortgage
broker in Illinois who allegedly misrepresented loan terms to borrowers.
In addition to its seventeen subprime lending cases, the Commission recently filed
two cases alleging that firms had sent unsolicited email to the public with false
promises for low-rate mortgages. The cases also allege that the spammers were
using the lure of attractive mortgages to dupe consumers into divulging detailed fi-
nancial information, which they then tried to sell to third parties.
Question: What is the most effective way for our constituents to bring abusive
lending cases to your attention? When do my constituents go to the FTC versus an-
other regulatory agency?
Response: Individuals can file a complaint online, at or can call toll
free at 877-FTC-HELP. Although we cannot resolve individual disputes, consumer
complaints are an extremely valuable source in enabling us to identity patterns of
The FTC has jurisdiction over most lenders other than banks regulated by the
Federal Reserve Board, the OCC, or the FDIC; thrifts regulated by the OTS; and
credit unions regulated by the National Credit Union Administration. If consumers
are not sure of the agency to which they should complain, our counselors can direct
them to the appropriate agency.
Another way for consumers to know which federal agency regulates their lender
is to access the website at, click on institution search, and input
information about their lender. Individuals can also file complaints with their own
state attorney generals office or state banking department.


Question: Let me start by asking how the FTC has maintained a high level of
service in the regions that do not have offices, most specifically the Rocky Mountain
Response: The FTCs level of service is higher now than ever. Thanks to an ex-
panded Consumer Response Center, an improved Consumer Sentinel, more and bet-
ter communications with state and local law enforcers, and an aggressive outreach,
communications and training program, more consumers know about the FTC, report
their fraud and identity theft complaints to the FTC, and ask for information from
the FTC than at any time in the agencys past.

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Law Enforcement
Law enforcement is a core mission at the FTC. And, Rocky Mountain consumers,
including Colorado consumers, directly benefit from the FTCs law enforcement ef-
forts. Some recent examples include:
Operation Phoney PhilanthropyIn May 2003, our Northwest Region coordinated
a nationwide law enforcement sweep targeting fraudulent charities and fund-
raisers. With assistance from the Colorado Attorney Generals Office, the Com-
mission filed a case against a Canadian telemarketer which claimed to be affili-
ated with local hospitals and represented that donations would be used to send
childrens activity books to the hospitals. The alleged scam affected a number
of hospitals in Colorado, including Denver Childrens Hospital. FTC v. DPS Ac-
tivity Publishing, Civ. No. CO3-1078C (W.D. Wash. May 2003).
FTC v. Leasecomm, Civ. No. 0311034-REK (D. Mass. May 2003)In May 2003,
the Commission entered a settlement with a Massachusetts finance company
that provided for cancellation of millions of dollars in judgments that the fi-
nance company allegedly obtained through deception. This provided relief total-
ing over $1 million to 300 consumers in the eight states previously served by
the Denver office. (See attachment 1)
FTC v. Triad Discount Buying Club, Civ. No. 01-8922-CIV-Zloch (S.D. Fla.
2001)Also this past year, we sent redress checks to over 11,000 consumers in
the Rocky Mountain Region as their share of a redress pool in a case against
an allegedly deceptive buying club. (See attachment 2)
Cooperative Law EnforcementWe continue to work with state and local law en-
forcement to bring joint enforcement actions. Since 1999, the Commission has
announced 40 of these actions, known as sweeps. A total of 35 state and local
agencies in the Rocky Mountain Region participated in 15 separate sweeps. (See
attachment 3)
Local Antitrust CasesIn the past year, staff from the headquarters office of the
FTC has been involved in the investigation and eventual settlement of Aurora
Associated Primary Care Physicians, C-4063 (July 16, 2002); Physician Inte-
grated Services of Denver, C-4054 (July 16, 2002); and Professionals in Womens
Care, C-4063 (Oct. 11, 2002), three cases involving groups of competing, inde-
pendent physicians in Denver, Colorado. These cases are significant, as they are
among the first in which the FTC has taken action against non-physician
agents for coordinating the allegedly illegal activities of physicians, including
price-fixing and concerted refusals to deal except on collectively determined
terms. Commission staff from both the headquarters office and the Western Re-
gional Office in San Francisco also have been involved in another two non-pub-
lic investigations in Colorado involving antitrust issues.
Consumer Response Center
Through the Consumer Response Center, the FTC responds to about 24,000 con-
sumer calls, emails, voice mails, and letters each week. In the past three years, the
number of contacts from Colorado consumers has almost doubled, from 6554 in cal-
endar year 2000, to 12,761 in calendar year 2002. Much of this increase can be at-
tributed to marketing the new toll-free number which was established in July 1999,
and the ability of consumers to file complaints directly over the Internet.
Consumer Sentinel
More fraud complaints mean a more robust pool for investigators to determine
trends and identify law enforcement targets, and ultimately, better protection for
consumers. Fraud complaints are shared with law enforcers throughout the country
through Consumer Sentinel, the FTCs award-winning database. There are currently
44 Sentinel members in the states formerly served by the Denver Regional Office,
including 11 located in Colorado. (See attachment 4) Non-law enforcement organiza-
tions also contribute information to Sentinel; 11 Better Business Bureaus (BBBs)
located in the Rocky Mountain Region (including those in Denver and Fort Collins)
are Sentinel contributors.
Consumer and business education is a significant part of the FTCs mission.
Through publications, Web sites, media outreach, partnerships, exhibits and presen-
tations, the Commission is able to reach millions of consumers and businesspeople
each year. The more the FTC reaches out to consumers, the more they respond:
more and more consumers are contacting the Commission to report fraud and iden-
tity theft, and to request information; and the information on is attract-
ing more hits than ever. Much of the Commissions outreach program is based on
a wholesale/retailor intermediaryconcept: the Office of Consumer and Busi-

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ness Education (OCBE) distributes information about spotting, stopping and
avoiding scams and frauds to organizations and media that, in turn, disseminate it
directly to consumers.
Every law enforcement action that the Bureau of Consumer Protection announces
has an education component. In addition to the mass media, the FTC sends publica-
tions to local newspapers, special interest publications and organizations that would
have a special interest in a particular topic. The Commission also frequently sends
out consumer information that is not directly related to a law enforcement action.
For example, OCBE recently sent articles on buying a used car, negative option
plans, ID theft, weight loss, and tar & nicotine ratings to community college and
university newspapers in every state. OCBE also sent information to high school
newspaper editors on scholarship scams and other age-appropriate subjects.
A review of our records for FY 2003 shows that the FTC has many customers
in Colorado who are ordering hundredsand in some cases thousandsof the Com-
missions brochures at a time. They then distribute these publications to their own
constituents. For example, since October 2002, FTC customers have included:
Boulder County Justice Center: 19 publications, totaling 5,060 copies.
Western National Bank, Colorado Springs: Identity Theft, 500 copies
Douglas County Adult Services: 11 publications, totaling 1,100 copies.
ENT Federal Credit Union, Colorado Springs: Site Seeing on the Internet, 500
DC County Sheriffs Office, Castle Rock: 9 publications totaling 900 copies.
District Attorney, Denver: 2 publications on ID Theft, 110 copies.
Denver Federal Credit Union: Site Seeing on the Internet, 250 copies.
BBB of Colorado Springs: 17 publications totaling 1,710 copies.
Small Business Development Center, Colorado Springs: 35 publications totaling
3,100 copies.
National Association of Retired Federal Executives, Denver: ID Theft, 110 copies.
Keller Williams Realty, Woodland Park: 6 publications totaling 910 copies.
GMAC Mortgage, Englewood: 1 credit publication, 200 copies.
Our regional offices are involved in additional outreach efforts. For example, an
attorney in the Western Regions San Francisco office recently delivered a Report
From the FTC to presidents and vice presidents of 18 Western BBBs and several
representatives of the national BBB at the BBB Western conference. She covered
a range of topics, including the Telemarketing Sales rule, ID Theft, privacy, spam,
Internet auction fraud, office supply scams and Consumer Sentinel, as well as the
upcoming national Do Not Call Registry. (See attachment 5 for examples of other
regional outreach efforts in the Rocky Mountain Region states.)
Question: Have you been in contact with the external stakeholders since the re-
structuring to get an outside assessment of how well consumers needs are being
met? In areas that you have no regional offices nearby, and lets use the example
of Denver, how are you evaluating how well consumer needs are being met? How
do you conduct outreach in these areas?
Response: As described above, the Commission maintains regular contact with
local law enforcers and consumer groups in all of the Rocky Mountain Region states,
including the State Attorneys General, and representatives of AARP and the local
BBBs. Through these contacts, the Commission continually evaluates how it can
best meet the needs of consumers. The FTCs law enforcement and outreach efforts
in the Denver area are discussed above.
Question: How can staff located in an office in San Francisco be as responsive to
consumer fraud problems in Colorado as a more centrally located office?
Response: The FTC finds that its staff is able to communicate effectively with
many agencies and organizations through frequent telephone calls, e-mails, and oc-
casional visits. In addition, the Commission is fortunate to have members of the
former Denver Regional Office in both the San Francisco Office of the Western Re-
gion and the Northwest Regional Office. These staff members have kept in touch
with their contacts in the states previously served by the Denver office, and have
also introduced members of WR-SF and NWR staffs to these contacts.
Sentinel data suggest that Colorado consumers are as likely to be targeted by
fraudsters operating outside Colorado as they are by fraudsters within the state.
(See attachment 6) Indeed, in the cases we discussed above, where redress was pro-
vided to Colorado victims, defendant companies were located outside Colorado.
Question: The Denver FTC office used to work very closely with a local senior ad-
vocacy group and met with them regularly to exchange information on fraudulent
activities, hold public outreach conferences and distributed educational materials. I
think this is a good example of some of the most important consumer protection
work that needs to be done, and my concern is that these seniors needs are not
being met as effectively since the restructuring. Can you address this?

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At the time the restructuring proposal was made, FTC officials expressed con-
fidence that technological advancements and new innovations, including the new
consumer complaint handling center and the Internet site, would allow the FTC to
be able to fill in the gaps left by fewer regional offices.
However, wouldnt you agree that certain targeted populations (meaning likely
targets by fraudsters), such as immigrants, low-income individuals and seniors,
might be less likely to proactively seek out assistance, go online to get information
and report fraud or be as willing/able to navigate an automated phone mail system
to get the information or help they need?
Response: Reaching out to groups that are targeted by scammers, including sen-
iors, immigrants, and low-income groups, remains a high priority for the FTC. The
Commission recognizes that some consumers may not seek information over the
Internet, so we continue to reach out to consumers through more traditional means.
The Office of Consumer and Business Education supports all regional offices as they
participate in local events like Senior Scam Jams, produced by BBBs, and Consumer
Universities, held by state chapters of AARP. Regional staff also participate in com-
munity outreach, with local law enforcers, local libraries, local community colleges,
and local business consortia; display publications at local malls; and give presen-
tations to seniors and other citizen groups as well as industry associations.
Over the last few years, the FTC has taken a proactive role in encouraging the
media to carry stories that will benefit consumers. Our Office of Public Affairs main-
tains a list of local media outlets that receive all FTC press releases. (See attach-
ment 7) The agency also relies on local media to highlight particularly important
consumer issues. For example, when the FTC conducted a major outreach project
on ID Theft, each of our regional offices (including the offices that serve Colorado
and the other Rocky Mountain States) contacted its major media outlets, provided
data on the number of ID Theft victims in each of their respective states, and par-
ticipated in a number of radio interviews about how consumers can protect them-
selves against ID Theft. (Staff in the San Francisco Office of the Western Region
were interviewed by radio stations in Colorado.) This approach has expanded our
ability to provide information to targeted populationswhether located in urban or
rural areas.
Question: One spam bill, H.R. 2214 (Burr/Tauzin/Sensenbrenner) imposes a
knowledge standard that the Commission must prove to successfully bring a civil
action for violations of three provisions of the bill.
How does this compare with common FTCs enforcement authority?
Is it safe to say that the FTC would be less likely to bring an action in situations
where it would be required to prove a knowledgeable standard?
Knowledge standards under the FTC Act
Response: The key statutory provision respecting the FTCs consumer protection
mission is Section 5 of the FTC Act. That section empowers the Commission to take
action against unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce. A
showing of knowledge or intent is not required for the agency to obtain injunctive
relief or issue an administrative cease-and-desist order. If the act or practice is in-
deed unfair or deceptive, harm to the public interest is presumed, 9 and remedial
action is appropriate.10 The court or the Commission can order a halt to the practice
and can adopt a range of additional remedies suitable to the particular cir-
cumstances of the case.
On the other hand, an FTC action seeking civil penalties for violation of a rule
issued under Section 18 of the FTC Act requires a showing that the defendant acted
with actual knowledge or knowledge fairly implied on the basis of objective cir-
cumstances that such act is unfair or deceptive and is prohibited by such rule. 15
U.S.C. 5(m)(1)(A).
In general, the seller or marketer of a product or service is liable for any mis-
leading or unsubstantiated claims it makes or authorizes to be made about its prod-
uct or service. Similarly, under the do-not-call provisions of the Telemarketing Sales
Rule, issued to prevent abusive telemarketing, both the seller and the telemarketer
(the party actually conducting telemarketing calls) are liable for failure to honor
consumers do-not-call opt out requests. 16 C.F.R. 310.4(b)(1)(iii).11 This provision

9 FTC v. World Wide Factors, Ltd., 882 F.2d 344, 346 (9th Cir. 1989).
10 The legal tests for deception and unfairness incorporate standards to assume that the Com-
mission acts in the public interest.
11 It is an abusive telemarketing act or practice and a violation of this Rule for a telemarketer
to engage in, or for a seller to cause a telemarketer to engage in, the following conduct: Initi-

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includes telemarketer liability for calling consumers who have made company-spe-
cific do-not-call requests to a seller.
Knowledge standards under H.R. 2214
H.R. 2214 as introduced contains three knowledge requirements:
Section 101(b)(2)
Section 101(b)(2) of H.R. 2214 provides that, if an email recipient requests to opt
out of receiving email from a sender, it is unlawful for any person acting on behalf
of the sender 12 to initiate 13 the transmission of an unsolicited commercial email
(UCE or spam) message to that recipient if such person knows, should have
known, or consciously avoids knowing that the transmission falls within the scope
of the recipients opt out request.
This provision deals with the situation when one party actually transmits UCE
messages on behalf of another partythe sender. H.R. 2214 places responsibility
for providing the method of opting out on the sender. 101(a)(1)(C). The bill also
contemplates that recipients will direct their opt out notices to the sender.
101(b). There does not appear to be an affirmative duty on senders to ensure that
persons acting on their behalf are aware of opt out requests they have received. This
omission, coupled with the defense for persons acting on the senders behalf who
lack the requisite knowledge that a UCE message is within the scope of a recipients
opt out request, weaken the enforceability of this provision. Without an affirmative
requirement that the initiator inquire into opt-out requests received by the sender,
the knowledge requirement may be difficult to establish when the person transmit-
ting the email is different from the sender.
The analogous provision in the Telemarketing Sales Rule places liability on both
the seller (analogous to the sender of spam) and the telemarketer (analogous
to the initiator of spam) for failure to honor consumers do-not-call opt out requests.
16 C.F.R. 310.4(b)(1)(iii). This approach reflects our law enforcement experience
showing that telemarketing scammers typically structured their scams in a manner
designed to make it difficult for law enforcement to pin down various parts of the
scam, such as who had responsibility for writing the script, delivering the pitch, ful-
filling the order. This approach provides for straightforward enforcement, by making
both parties responsible.14 This approach also seems appropriate in the commercial
e-mail context.
Section 101(b)(3)
Section 101(b)(3) of H.R. 2214 provides that if an email recipient requests to opt
out of receiving email from a sender, then it is unlawful for any person acting on
behalf of the sender to assist in initiating the transmission to the recipient, through
the provision or selection of addresses to which the message will be transmitted, of
a UCE message that such person knows, should have known, or consciously avoids
knowing would violate the bills prohibition on sending a UCE message to a recipi-
ent who has made an opt out request. This raises the same issues discussed above.
Section 101(d)
Finally, 101(d) of H.R. 2214 prohibits any person from initiating a commercial
email message prohibited by certain of the bills requirements,15 or from assisting
in the origination of such message by providing or selecting email addresses to
which the transmission of such message is initiated, if such person knows, should

ating any outbound telephone call to a person when [that person has placed his or her number
on the national do-not-call registry or] previously has stated that he or she does not wish to
receive an outbound telephone call made by or on behalf of the seller.
12 The term sender, when used with respect to a commercial electronic mail message, means
a person who initiates such a message and whose product, service, or Internet web site is adver-
tised or promoted by the message, or such persons successor in interest. 304(15) (emphasis
13 The term initiate, when used with respect to an electronic mail message, means to origi-
nate such message or to procure the origination of such message, but shall not include actions
that constitute routine conveyance of such message. 304(10).
14 The Rule contains a narrow safe-harbor for telemarketers that allows for a defense by show-
ing that the telemarketer had established procedures to comply with the do-not-call provisions,
maintains, among other things, a list of people not to contact, and any subsequent call is an
error. We believe that this safe harbor avoids any undue finding of liability
15 Specifically, the bills requirements that the email message contain:
an identification that the message is an advertisement or solicitation;
a notice of the opportunity to opt out;
a functioning method to opt out through a return electronic mail address or other Internet-
based mechanism; and
the senders street address.

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have known, or consciously avoids knowing, that the email address was harvested
from an Internet website or proprietary online service in contravention of the wishes
or posted policy of the website or service. As a practical matter, proof of a violation
of this provision may be difficult. Proving knowledge would add to the burden.
The knowledge standards contained in H.R. 2214 exceed those required to obtain
a district court injunction or administrative cease and desist order under Section 5
of the FTC Act. Further, the knowledge standards contained in H.R. 2214 are un-
necessary in connection with a civil penalty action, in light of the knowledge stand-
ard imposed for civil penalty actions under FTC Act Section 18 rule violations.
Moreover, the knowledge standards set forth in H.R. 2214 are expressed differently
from those of the FTC Act, potentially giving rise to litigation issues about dif-
ferences in the standards. Given the harmful nature of the conduct proscribed by
this proposed legislation, the FTC should be able to enjoin future violations readily,
and to impose civil penalties where appropriate without a duplicative burden of
meeting two arguably different knowledge standards. Therefore, we anticipate that
retention of the knowledge standards in H.R. 2214 would reduce the enforceability
of its provisions.
Question: On April 30, 2003, the FTC released a report entitled False Claims in
Spam. In that study, the commission reported that 22 percent of the unsolicited
commercial email it studied contained false information in the Subject line. The
Burns-Wyden bill (S. 877) includes a prohibition against deceptive Subject head-
ings, which is not in H.R. 2214. Is such a provision important and something you
think should be included in a spam bill?
Response: It is important that companies know that placing false information in
the subject line of an email is illegal. Currently the FTC can reach false or decep-
tive claims within the FTCs jurisdiction,16 regardless of the medium in which they
are made. Thus the FTC could reach false or deceptive claims occurring in the sub-
ject line of an unsolicited commercial email.
Legislation expressly prohibiting false or deceptive representations in subject lines
of commercial email messages could provide additional useful law enforcement tools
to the FTC, if the prohibition follows the current standard of liability and proof
under Section 5 of the FTC Act.17 The particular provision in S. 877, Section 5(a)(2),
however, is narrower than the reach of Section 5 of the FTC Act because it imposes
knowledge as a requisite element of proof in every case.18

16 The FTC has limited or no authority over banks, common carriers, and insurers, for exam-
17 As discussed above, the FTCs proof would include the statutory knowledge standard in
order to obtain civil penalties.
18 It is unlawful for any person to initiate the transmission to a protected computer of a com-
mercial electronic mail message with a subject heading that such person knows would be likely
to mislead a recipient, acting reasonably under the circumstances, about a material fact regard-
ing the contents or subject matter of the message.

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