PDS Reference Data Manager

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Plant Design System (PDS)

Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Version 2010 (V11) November 2009 DPDS3-PB-200034G

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Preface PDS ................................................................................................................................................ ix
What's New in Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) ............................................................................. x

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Project Organization............................................................................................................................... 1
Reference Data Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2
Piping Job Specification Introduction ............................................................................................. 4
Graphic Commodity Data Introduction ........................................................................................... 4
Material Description Data Introduction ........................................................................................... 4
Standard Note Library Introduction................................................................................................. 5
Label Description Library Introduction ........................................................................................... 5
Piping Assembly Library Introduction ............................................................................................ 6
Reference Database Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6
Delivered Reference Data ...................................................................................................................... 6
Reference Data Setup ............................................................................................................................. 7

PDS Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 9

PD Shell ................................................................................................................................................. 9
PD_Shell Form Conventions ......................................................................................................... 12
Common Tools on the PD_Shell Forms ........................................................................................ 12
Batch Processes ............................................................................................................................. 16
Help ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

Reference Data Manager ......................................................................................................................... 19

Data Security ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Reference Data Archival ...................................................................................................................... 22

Reference Data Location .......................................................................................................................... 23

Default Project Control Data ................................................................................................................ 23
Reference Database Management Data................................................................................................ 24

Piping Job Specification ........................................................................................................................... 29

Material Reference Database Structure ................................................................................................ 29
Neutral File Input ................................................................................................................................. 31
Piping Materials Class Data (201) ................................................................................................. 34
Piping Commodity Specification Data (202) ................................................................................ 38
Piping Specialty Specification Data (203) ..................................................................................... 45
Instrument Component Specification Data (204) .......................................................................... 48
Tap Properties Data (205).............................................................................................................. 51
Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211).............................................................. 54
Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) ........................................................................... 56

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) i


Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231) ................................................................................ 59

Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (232) ........................................................................................ 61
Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data (233) ................................................................... 63
Spec Writer .......................................................................................................................................... 65
Features.......................................................................................................................................... 66
RDB Options File .......................................................................................................................... 66
Piping Materials Class Data Command ......................................................................................... 75
Piping Commodity Data Command............................................................................................... 79
Piping Specialty Data Command ................................................................................................... 89
Instrument Data Command ............................................................................................................ 92
Tap Properties Data Command ...................................................................................................... 95
Commodity Implied Data Command............................................................................................. 98
Table Checker .............................................................................................................................. 101
Piping Job Specification Manager...................................................................................................... 101
Load, Replace, or Replace Commodity Subset Options .............................................................. 104
Delete Option ............................................................................................................................... 106
Report Option .............................................................................................................................. 107
Piping Job Spec Report Manager ....................................................................................................... 109
Using the Report Commands ....................................................................................................... 110
Report Format Form .................................................................................................................... 111
Report Discrimination Data Form ............................................................................................... 114
Report Form................................................................................................................................. 120
Report Management Defaults Form ............................................................................................ 128

Piping Job Specification Tables ............................................................................................................. 131

PJS Tables and Functions................................................................................................................... 131
Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table ......................................................................... 132
Nominal Piping Diameters Table ................................................................................................ 134
Thickness Data Tables ................................................................................................................. 136
Materials Data Table ................................................................................................................... 139
Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement Equations ............................................................... 141
Branch Insertion Tables ............................................................................................................... 145
Gasket Separation Table .............................................................................................................. 150
Fluid Code Table ......................................................................................................................... 152
RDB Tables ........................................................................................................................................ 153
Commodity Item Name Table (G02) ........................................................................................... 154
Bend Deflection Table (G04) ...................................................................................................... 156
Segment Pipe Run Length Threshold Table (G06) ..................................................................... 157
Pipe Length Threshold Table (G07) ............................................................................................ 158
Preferred Bolt Length Table (G11).............................................................................................. 159
Weld Type Table ......................................................................................................................... 163
Bolt Commodity Code Table ....................................................................................................... 166
Weld Clearance Table ................................................................................................................. 167
Weld Graphics Dimensions Table ............................................................................................... 168
Gasket Diameter Table ................................................................................................................ 169
Field Fit Length Table ................................................................................................................. 169
Component Mirror Table ............................................................................................................. 170
Operator Mirror Table ................................................................................................................. 170

ii Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Default End Preparation Table .................................................................................................... 171

MTO Tables and Functions ......................................................................................................... 172
Piping Job Specification Tables Command ....................................................................................... 172
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 174
Compress Library ........................................................................................................................ 174
Unapproved ==> Approved ......................................................................................................... 174
Create/Interactive Spec Tables .................................................................................................... 174
Create/Batch Spec Tables ............................................................................................................ 175
Revise Spec Tables ...................................................................................................................... 176
Delete Spec Tables ...................................................................................................................... 177
Report on Spec Tables ................................................................................................................. 178
List Spec Tables........................................................................................................................... 180
Extract Spec Tables ..................................................................................................................... 180

Graphic Commodity Data ...................................................................................................................... 183

Graphic Commodity Library .............................................................................................................. 184
Symbol Processors ....................................................................................................................... 186
Sub-Symbol Processor ................................................................................................................. 187
Physical Data Definitions ............................................................................................................ 188
Parametric Shape Definitions ...................................................................................................... 192
Physical Data Tables .......................................................................................................................... 194
Data Retrieval from the Physical Data Library ........................................................................... 195
Example of Physical Data Look-Up ............................................................................................ 196
Notes for Graphic Commodity Data .................................................................................................. 197
Connect Point Data ...................................................................................................................... 197
Bends and Branches..................................................................................................................... 198
Bolts, Gaskets, and Flanges ......................................................................................................... 199
Pipe, Tubing, and Hose................................................................................................................ 199
Graphic Commodity Library Manager ............................................................................................... 200
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 201
Compress ..................................................................................................................................... 201
Unapproved ==> Approved ......................................................................................................... 201
Create/Interactive Graphic Commodity Data .............................................................................. 201
Create/Batch Graphic Commodity Data ...................................................................................... 202
Revise Graphic Commodity Data ................................................................................................ 203
Delete Graphic Commodity Data ................................................................................................ 204
Report Graphic Commodity Data ................................................................................................ 205
List Graphic Commodity Data..................................................................................................... 206
Extract Graphic Commodity Data ............................................................................................... 207
Graphic Commodity Modules List .............................................................................................. 208
Physical Data Library Manager.......................................................................................................... 209
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 211
Compress ..................................................................................................................................... 211
Unapproved to Approved ............................................................................................................ 211
Create/Interactive Physical Commodity Data ............................................................................. 211
Create/Batch Physical Commodity Data ..................................................................................... 212
Revise Physical Commodity Data ............................................................................................... 213
Delete Physical Commodity Data ................................................................................................ 214

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) iii


Report Physical Commodity Data ............................................................................................... 215

List Physical Commodity Data .................................................................................................... 217
Extract Physical Commodity Data............................................................................................... 217

Table Formats and Naming Conventions ............................................................................................. 219

Table Conventions ............................................................................................................................. 219
Abbreviations............................................................................................................................... 228
Table Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 229
Tables Required for Piping Components ..................................................................................... 229
Tables Required for Instrument Components .............................................................................. 232
Generic Tables ................................................................................................................................... 233
Variables for Generic Tables ....................................................................................................... 234
Generic Table for Bolted Ends (G10) .......................................................................................... 237
Generic Table for Studs used in Bolted Connections (G12) ....................................................... 239
Generic Table for Studs in Bolted Connections w/ Term Type (G12T)...................................... 241
Generic Table for Male Ends (G20) ............................................................................................ 243
Generic Table for Female Ends (G30)......................................................................................... 244
Generic Table for Weight and Thickness Data, Male Ends (G50) .............................................. 245
Piping Component Tables .................................................................................................................. 247
Variables for Specific Tables....................................................................................................... 249
Piping Component Table for GCP Data (P11A, P15A) .............................................................. 253
Piping Component Table GCP Overflow Data (P11B, P15B) .................................................... 254
Piping Component Table Green and Red CP Data (P21A, P25A, P26A, P27A,
P28A, P29A) ................................................................................................................................ 255
Piping Component Table Green and Red CP Overflow Data
(P21B,P25B,P26B,P27B,P28B) .................................................................................................. 257
Piping Component Table for Operators and Actuators (P31A) ................................................... 258
Piping Component Table for Operators and Actuators, Overflow Data (P31B) ......................... 260
Piping Component Table for Empty Weight based on GCP Data (P51,P52,P59) ...................... 261
Piping Component Table For Empty Weight of Valves (P60A) ................................................. 263
Piping Component Table For Empty Weight of Valves, Overflow Data (P60B) ....................... 264
Piping Component Table for Empty Weight based on GCP and RCP Data
(P61,P62,P63,P64,P65) ............................................................................................................... 265
Piping Component Tables for Specialty Components ................................................................. 267
Instrument Component Tables ........................................................................................................... 267
Instrument Body (I80 and P80) ................................................................................................... 267
Instrument Operator (I81 and P81) .............................................................................................. 269

Material Description Data ..................................................................................................................... 273

Material Data in the Material Reference Database ............................................................................ 277
Short Material Description Library .................................................................................................... 277
Long Material Description Library .................................................................................................... 283
Specialty Material Description Library .............................................................................................. 286
Material Description Library Manager .............................................................................................. 287
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 289
Unapproved ==> Approved ......................................................................................................... 289
Load/Revise Interactive ............................................................................................................... 289

iv Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Load/Revise Batch ....................................................................................................................... 290

Replace Interactive ...................................................................................................................... 291
Replace Batch .............................................................................................................................. 291
Report Option .............................................................................................................................. 292

Table Checker ......................................................................................................................................... 295

Table Checker Form ........................................................................................................................... 298
Using the Report Commands ....................................................................................................... 299
Report Format Form .................................................................................................................... 300
Discrimination Data Form ........................................................................................................... 303
Report Form................................................................................................................................. 308
Report Management Defaults Form ............................................................................................ 316
Sample Table Checker Output ........................................................................................................... 317

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager .......................................................................................... 327

Support Tutorial Definition Manager ................................................................................................. 327
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 328
Compress ..................................................................................................................................... 328
Unapproved ==> Approved ......................................................................................................... 329
Create Data .................................................................................................................................. 329
Revise Data .................................................................................................................................. 329
Delete Data .................................................................................................................................. 331
Report Data .................................................................................................................................. 332
List Data ...................................................................................................................................... 333
Extract Data ................................................................................................................................. 333
Library List .................................................................................................................................. 334

Standard Note Library ........................................................................................................................... 335

Standard Note Library Manager ......................................................................................................... 338
Create Library .................................................................................................................................... 340
Compress ............................................................................................................................................ 340
Unapproved ==> Approved ............................................................................................................... 340
Create Standard Note Type ................................................................................................................ 340
Revise Standard Note Type ................................................................................................................ 341
Report Standard Note Library Contents ............................................................................................. 342
List Standard Note Data ..................................................................................................................... 343
Delete Standard Note Data ................................................................................................................. 343
Extract Standard Note Type ............................................................................................................... 344
Load Database .................................................................................................................................... 345
Standard Note Types List ................................................................................................................... 346

Label Description Library ..................................................................................................................... 347

Label Types ........................................................................................................................................ 348
Displayable Attribute Labels ....................................................................................................... 348
Alphanumeric Labels ................................................................................................................... 348
Displayable Attribute Message .................................................................................................... 348
Commodity Code Attribute Message .......................................................................................... 349

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) v


Isometric Drawing Labels ........................................................................................................... 349

Report Labels ............................................................................................................................... 349
Clash Management Labels ........................................................................................................... 349
Label Description Library Manager ................................................................................................... 351
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 352
Compress Library ........................................................................................................................ 352
Unapproved ==> Approved ......................................................................................................... 352
Create Label Data ........................................................................................................................ 352
Revise Label Data ........................................................................................................................ 363
Delete Label Data ........................................................................................................................ 365
Report Label Data ........................................................................................................................ 366
Label Library Merger ......................................................................................................................... 371
Label Library Merger Interface ................................................................................................... 371
Label Library Merge Workflow .................................................................................................. 374

Piping Assembly Library ....................................................................................................................... 379

Piping Assembly Language................................................................................................................ 379
Placing Taps in Assemblies ......................................................................................................... 390
Sample Piping Assembly Files .................................................................................................... 391
Piping Assembly Library Manager .................................................................................................... 393
Create Library .............................................................................................................................. 395
Compress ..................................................................................................................................... 395
Unapproved ==> Approved ......................................................................................................... 395
Create/Interactive Piping Assembly Data .................................................................................... 395
Create/Batch Assembly Data ....................................................................................................... 396
Revise Piping Assembly Data ..................................................................................................... 397
Delete Piping Assembly Data ...................................................................................................... 398
Report Assembly Data ................................................................................................................. 399
List Assembly Data ..................................................................................................................... 400
Extract Assembly Data ................................................................................................................ 401

Reference Database Revision Manager ................................................................................................ 405

Reference Data Conflict Report ......................................................................................................... 407
Table Change Report.......................................................................................................................... 412
Reference Data Impact Report ........................................................................................................... 417
Proposed RDB Changes Report ......................................................................................................... 420

Verify RDB Library ............................................................................................................................... 425

Appendix: Reference Data Manager Error Messages ......................................................................... 429

Appendix: Codelists ................................................................................................................................ 431

CL31, Object Types for Orthographic Drawings (40) ....................................................................... 434
CL35, Approval Status (10) ............................................................................................................... 435
CL36, Structural Approval Status (15) .............................................................................................. 435
CL37, HVAC Approval Status (10) ................................................................................................... 436
CL50, Hold Status (10) ...................................................................................................................... 436

vi Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


CL69, Equipment Divisions/Form Code (99) .................................................................................... 436

CL125, Fluid Code/Connector Type (999) ........................................................................................ 437
CL130, Construction Status (15) ........................................................................................................ 441
CL145, Materials Grade (4500) ......................................................................................................... 441
CL148, Piping Materials Class Description (31999) ......................................................................... 470
CL160, Responsibility (25) ................................................................................................................ 479
CL180, Fabrication Category (99) ..................................................................................................... 479
CL190, Coating Requirements (99) ................................................................................................... 480
CL200, Heat Tracing Requirements (10) ........................................................................................... 480
CL210, Heat Tracing Media (60) ....................................................................................................... 481
CL220, Insulation Purpose (40) ......................................................................................................... 481
CL230, Cleaning Requirements (99) ................................................................................................. 482
CL330, CP Type/Termination/Preparation (999)............................................................................... 482
CL332, Schedule / Thickness Override.............................................................................................. 486
CL340, Safety Classification (99) ...................................................................................................... 487
CL360, Stress Analysis Requirements (15) ....................................................................................... 488
CL365, Reporting Requirements (25) ................................................................................................ 488
CL366, Requirement to Reconstruct (10) .......................................................................................... 488
CL380, Piping Component Type (2500) ............................................................................................ 488
CL390, Action (40) ............................................................................................................................ 496
CL400, Option (999) .......................................................................................................................... 496
CL420, Piping Component Type/Source (25).................................................................................... 503
CL425, Piping/Tubing Type (25) ....................................................................................................... 504
CL430, Instrument Component Type/Source (25) ............................................................................. 504
CL499, Piping Notes (999) ................................................................................................................ 504
CL530, Accessory/Item Type (125) ................................................................................................... 506
CL550, Operator Actuator Type (200) ............................................................................................... 507
CL570, Design Standard (200) .......................................................................................................... 508
CL572, Wall Thickness Equation ...................................................................................................... 508
CL575, Geometry Standard (31999) .................................................................................................. 509
CL576, Table Suffix/End Standard - Green (999) ............................................................................. 523
CL577, Table Suffix/End Standard - Red (999) ................................................................................ 528
CL578, Weight Code (399) ................................................................................................................ 532
CL990, Types of Piping Commodity Data Forms ............................................................................. 534
CL999, Standard Note Title (2000).................................................................................................... 535
CL1010, Area Units (25).................................................................................................................... 536
CL1028, Mass Units (40) ................................................................................................................... 537
CL1056, Temperature Units (15) ....................................................................................................... 537
CL1064, Pressure Units (40) .............................................................................................................. 538
CL1074, Density Units (35) ............................................................................................................... 539
CL1100, Weld Type (100) ................................................................................................................. 539
CL1162, Force Units (40) .................................................................................................................. 540
CL1201, Drawing Scale (540) ........................................................................................................... 540
CL1202, Drawing Size (199) ............................................................................................................. 540
CL1203, Interference Manager Approval Status (99) ........................................................................ 541
CL1204, Interference Clash Type (10) .............................................................................................. 541
CL1205, Interference Manager Action (10) ....................................................................................... 543
CL1207, Interference Manager Approval Method(10) ...................................................................... 543

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) vii


CL1208, Clash Checking Option ....................................................................................................... 544

CL1209, Clash Checking Volume Filter Option ................................................................................ 544
CL1310, Report Source (99) .............................................................................................................. 544
CL1312, Report Type (999) ............................................................................................................... 544
CL1410, Design Review Type (10) ................................................................................................... 545
CL1605, Model Status ....................................................................................................................... 545
CL1610, Force Units for FrameWorks Plus (40) ............................................................................... 545
CL1620, Drawing View Directions (7) .............................................................................................. 545
CL1630, Drawing View Composition Status (4) ............................................................................... 545
CL1710, Document Source (99) ........................................................................................................ 546
CL1720, Document Type (999) ......................................................................................................... 547
CL1900, Isometric Drawing Type ..................................................................................................... 549
CL2000, PD_Draw Document Type (999) ........................................................................................ 549

Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 553

viii Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Preface PDS
This document provides command reference information and procedural instructions for the
Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) task.

List of PDS Documentation

DPDS3-PB-200003 - DesignReview Integrator (PD_Review) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200004 - Drawing Manager (PD_Draw) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200005 - EE Raceway Modeling Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200006 - Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200010 - PDS 3D Theory User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200013 - PDS EDEN Interface Reference Guide Volume I : Piping
DPDS3-PB-200015 - PDS Equipment Modeling (PD_EQP) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200017 - PDS ISOGEN Reference Guide, Vol. 1
DPDS3-PB-200022 - PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200023 - PDS Project Setup Technical Reference
DPDS3-PB-200025 - PDS Stress Analysis Interface (PD_Stress) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200026 - Pipe Supports Modeler Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200028 - Piping Design Graphics (PD_Design) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200030 - Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200033 - Project Engineer HVAC (PE-HVAC) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200034 - Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PB-200035 - Report Manager (PD_Report) User's Guide
DPDS3-PB-200041 - PDS EDEN Interface Reference Guide Volume 2 : Equipment
DPDS3-PB-200042 - PDS EDEN Interface Reference Guide Volume 3 : Pipe Supports
DPDS3-PE-200016 - PDS Express Project Creation Quick Start Guide
DPDS3-PE-200052 - PDS Ortho Draw User's Guide
DPDS3-PE-200029 - Piping Model Builder (PD_Model) Reference Guide
DPDS3-PE-200031 - Project Engineer HVAC Getting Started Guide
DPDS3-PE-200032 - Project Engineer HVAC Overview
DPDS3-PE-200045 - PDS Label Library Merger Utility
DPDS3-PE-200047 - PDS Reference Data Auditing Tool
DPDS3-PE-200048 - Pipe Supports Explorer Utility
DPDS3-PE-200050 - Batch Services Quick Start Guide
DPDS3-PE-200051 - Batch Services User's Guide

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) ix

Preface PDS

What's New in Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

The following changes have been made to Reference Data Manager (PD_Data):
Version 2010
You can now schedule the Reference Data Conflict Report to run at regular intervals using
Batch Services. For more information, see Reference Database Revision Manager (on page
405). (P3 PB:73730)
Additional information added to Branch Table topic Create/Revise Piping Materials Class
Data. (see "Create/Revise Piping Materials Class Data" on page 75) (P3 PB:96483)
An additional piping wall thickness calculation (EL06) has been added. See Wall Thickness
and Branch Reinforcement Equations (on page 141) for more information.

x Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Welcome to the Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) module of the Plant Design System of
software. Intergraph's plant design software can be used to design any type of plant from
petrochemical plants, offshore platforms, chemical and pharmaceutical plants, consumer
products (food, beverages, cosmetics, soap, paper, and so forth), to power plants, waste water
treatment plants, and cogeneration facilities.
Specifically, the Plant Design System (PDS) integrates many discipline-specific software
modules; these modules automate the many phases of a plant design project. Reference Data
Manager (PD_Data) is one of these modules.
In PDS, placement of piping components is driven by the specification. The PDS reference data
provides the selection criteria for the piping commodity items that are found in the piping job
specification and the piping commodity libraries that are delivered with the product. This data is
contained in the reference database (RDB) and can be used by other projects.
The Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) is specifically designed to define and modify the
reference data for the PDS 3D modules. This reference data ensures consistency in the
definition of piping specifications and commodity libraries. It is used to control and standardize
the PDS 3D modules to reflect company practices and standards.

Project Organization
Since a process plant such as a refinery can be extremely large, PDS uses the following
organization to break the plant into smaller pieces that can be handled more easily.
A project is a convenient grouping of either all or part of the items that constitute a plant. The
project is the fundamental structure for working in PDS. Each project contains all the
information required to work in a PDS task.
The Project Administrator controls the creation and modification of Piping projects. Each
Piping project consists of a project control database, project design database, piping and
equipment models, reference models (structural, HVAC, and electrical raceway), a set of
drawings, and a collection of reference data. The reference data may be specific to one project or
shared by more than one project.
A project and all of its accompanying files must be defined with the Project Administrator
before you can use any of the other 3D PDS modules. Refer to the Project Administrator
Reference Guide for more information on setting up a project.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 1


Reference Data Overview

The Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) enables you to define and modify the reference data
for the PDS 3D modules. This reference data is used to ensure consistency in the definition of
piping specifications and commodity libraries. It enables you to control and standardize the PDS
3D tasks. You can also modify the reference data to reflect company practices and standards.
The Reference Data for PDS 3D is composed of the following basic components:

Spec/Material Database
Piping Materials Class Data (201) (on page 34)
Piping Commodity Specification Data (202) (on page 38)
Piping Specialty Specification Data (203) (on page 45)
Instrument Component Specification Data (204) (on page 48)
Tap Properties Data (205) (on page 51)
Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211) (on page 54)
Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) (on page 56)
Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231) (on page 59)
Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (232) (on page 61)

Practice Specific Reference Data

Physical Data Tables (on page 194)
Piping Job Specification Tables (on page 131)
Short Material Description Library (on page 277)
Long Material Description Library (on page 283)
Specialty Material Description Library (on page 286)

Practice Independent Reference Data

Graphic Commodity Data (on page 183)
Standard Note Library (on page 335)
Label Description Library (on page 347)
Piping Assembly Library (on page 379)
The Reference Data Manager supports both approved and unapproved reference data for a
project. The Project Control Database contains complete file management data for both an
approved and unapproved version of each type of reference data such as the Piping Job
Specification or the Graphic Commodity Library. This allows revisions to take place in
unapproved files while other processes read the approved files. Once the information in the
unapproved files has been verified, it can be posted to the approved reference data files.

2 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


The following figure illustrates the various pieces of reference data required to place a 6" gate
valve in a piping model and report on the placed component. It depicts how the various parts that
make up PDS work together. Whenever possible, this placement example will be used
throughout the rest of this document. For example, the discussion of the physical dimension
tables will use the tables called to place the gate valve as examples.

See Also
Project Organization (on page 1)
Reference Database Introduction (on page 6)
Delivered Reference Data (on page 6)
Reference Data Setup (on page 7)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 3


Piping Job Specification Introduction

The Piping Job Specification (PJS) provides selection criteria for piping commodity items,
piping specialty items, and instruments. The information for the Piping Job Specification is
contained in the following files:
Specification/Material Reference Database - database containing the definitions for piping
materials classes, commodity items, specialty items, and tap properties tables.
Spec Table Library - library containing the specification tables referenced in the PJS.
The information in the Specification/Material Reference database and Spec Table Library tables
is also delivered in the form of neutral files which you can extract and modify.
The Piping Job Specification Manager enables you to create or revise the specification data in
the Material Reference Database. You can use the interactive (forms-driven) specification writer
or define/revise the data using ASCII neutral files.
The Piping Job Spec Tables command enables you to create, revise, and delete tables in the Spec
Table Library.

Graphic Commodity Data Introduction

The graphic commodity data is used to define commodity items, specialty items, and
instruments. The Graphic Commodity Library contains the parametric symbol definitions
required to place piping and instrument components in a 3D model. When you place a
component the system uses the Piping Job Specification to select the appropriate component
from the parametric symbol definition library which then accesses the component dimensional
The graphic commodity data is contained in the following object libraries:
Graphic Commodity Library - contains the parametric definitions for the commodity items.
Physical Dimension Libraries - contains dimension data for the commodity items. (A
different Physical Dimension Library is required for each type of practice such as U.S., DIN,
or British Standard).
Spec Table Library - contains the specification tables referenced in the PJS.
The parametric descriptions and dimension tables are also delivered in the form of text libraries
which you can extract and modify using the Graphic Commodity Library Manager and
Physical Data Library Manager.

Material Description Data Introduction

The Material Description Data is accessed for:
Material Take-off (MTO) reporting from the Design Database
Other miscellaneous reporting
Interfaces to the material control system
Stress analysis
Isometric drawing extraction.
The Material Description Data consists of the commodity item data which is not stored in the
Design Database, which is not required for the creation of graphic symbologies, and which is not
part of the geometric data. This data is contained in the following files:

4 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Material Data in the Specification/Material Database - database tables containing

definitions for commodity items, criteria for implied material, and weld data.
Short Material Description Library - contains the short material descriptions for commodity
items and taps.
Long Material Description Library - contains the long material descriptions for commodity
Specialty Material Description Library - contains the material descriptions for specialty
The material descriptions are also delivered in the form of neutral files which you can modify
and post to the libraries.
The Material Description Library Manager enables you to create, revise, and delete data in
the Material Description Libraries. You can use the Piping Job Specification Manager to load
the material data tables in the Specification/Material Database.

Standard Note Library Introduction

The text for code-listed attributes and standard notes is stored in the Standard Note Library. All
attributes identified as code-listed are actually stored as integer values. The code list text
associated with the integer is stored in the Standard Note Library. Information in the Standard
Note Library is identified by note number and note type. Output from the library consists of free-
format text which forms the standard note.

Label Description Library Introduction

The Label Description Library contains the definitions for the following label types used in PDS
Orthographic drawing view specific labels
Orthographic drawing view identification labels
Orthographic drawing - user input
Displayable attribute messages
Commodity code attribute messages
Isometric drawing labels
Report labels
Clash management labels
These labels are intelligent graphics with links to the material database.
The Label Description Library Manager enables you to define the graphic parameters for a
label (such as level, line weight, and color code) and to define the format of the label (what
information comprises the label).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 5


Piping Assembly Library Introduction

The Piping Assembly Library contains the piping assembly definitions which define the
parameters necessary to place a piping assembly (group of components) automatically in the
A Piping Assembly object library and text library which contain the definitions for basic
assemblies are included in the product delivery.

Reference Database Introduction

A database is a collection of formatted data which conforms to a set of pre-defined rules. The
Specification/Material Reference Database is composed of a set of tables (entities) which
represent categories of data. A table is a defined set of attributes which describe an item, such as
the Piping Commodity Data table.
An attribute is a single type of information to be stored about an item, such as nominal diameter
or end preparation. Each attribute has a column number in the database table and a name which
describes the piece of information to be stored. The actual information stored in the database is
referred to as the attribute value. This value is a fixed data type; it can be either numeric,
alphanumeric, or code-listed.
numeric data types can be either real (decimal) or integer. These attributes are used for
quantitative values such as pressure or temperature.
alphanumeric data types (also called character) are used for textual information such as
component names or descriptions.
code-listed data types are special integer values which help standardize and speed up data
entry. A code list is a set of acceptable values for a particular attribute which can be referred
to by an index number. A code-listed attribute is an attribute whose value is defined using
one of the selections from a particular code list set.

Delivered Reference Data

The following reference data is delivered in the reference database products for the
corresponding practices (such as RDUSRDB or RDDINRDB).

File Description Library Object Library Text

Physical Dimension Table Library us_pcdim.l us_pcdim.l.t

Piping Job Specification Table Library us_pjstb.l us_pjstb.l.t
Short Material Description Library us_shbom.l -
Long Material Description Library us_lgbom.l -
Specialty Material Description Library us_spbom.l -
For the DIN RDB substitute din_ for us_ in the listed library file names.
The following reference data, which is not unique to any specific practice, is delivered in the PD
Shell product in the \win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib directory.

6 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


File Description Library Object Library Text

Graphic Commodity Library pip_gcom.l pip_gcom.l.t
Piping Assembly Library assembly.l assembly.l.t
Label Description Library labels.l -
Standard Note Library std_note.l std_note.l.t

Reference Data Setup

A project and all of its accompanying files must be defined with the Project Administrator
before you can use the Reference Data Manager. Refer to the Project Administrator Reference
Guide for information on:
Loading PDS 3D products.
Editing the control script to identify the location of the project data.
Setting up a project and creating the associated database schemas.
Accessing the PDS 3D products remotely using NFS.
In addition to the information specified in the Project Administrator Reference Guide, you
should complete the following steps before using the Reference Data Manager.
Load the appropriate Reference Data product (such as RDUSRDB for U.S. Practice or
RDDINRDB for DIN Practice).
Edit the pds.cmd file to identify the text editor to be used when revising reference data
through the Reference Data Manager forms. You can specify any text editor that has been
loaded on the workstation. The default setting for Windows systems is Notepad.
$ENV {'PD_EDITOR'} = '<absolute path to preferred editor
Edit the pds.cmd file to define PDS_COMMIT_INTERVAL to control the commit interval
for use in loading specification data into the Material Reference Database. This has the same
impact as adjusting the -c option in a risload command line. The default commit value is 25.
Increasing this variable may improve performance.
Identify the location of the Reference Data files as described in Reference Data Location (on
page 23).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 7


8 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


PDS Environment
The PDS 3D software supports a variety of applications. All the supported applications use a
common interface that is controlled by the PD Shell program. This ensures consistency across
applications and minimizes the amount of time required to learn the product.
The PDS 3D modules provide a simple user interface through extensive use of forms. The
modules also provide an on-line Help capability for easy access to information while working in
the product.
The PD_Shell Environment and all batch jobs in the PDS 3D products interface to Intergraph's
Network Licensing System.
See Also
PD Shell (on page 9)
Help (on page 16)

PD Shell
The PD Shell program provides access to the various functions that are associated with the PDS
3D Modules. You can access the Plant Design System Environment form by clicking Start >
All Programs > PD_Shell > PD_Shell. This executes a control script that defines all of the
environment variables that are needed to run the product, and it identifies the location of the
product files. These files can be located on the workstation or a server on the network. See
pds.cmd for more information on this file. The script also activates the Plant Design System
Environment form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 9

PDS Environment

To make colors easier to read on flat screens and projectors, a zip file with modified color for
PDS forms is delivered as alternatecolorfb.zip.

This form identifies the active project(s) and provides access to all the PDS functions.
Schematics Environment Provides access to the PDS 2D modules that are used to create and
modify piping and instrumentation diagrams, process flow diagrams, and instrumentation
database records.
Equipment Modeling Provides access to the Equipment Modeling module, which provides
an interactive graphics environment that is used to create and revise equipment model graphics
and database information.
FrameWorks Environment Provides access to the FrameWorks module, which provides an
environment that is used to create and revise structural models, create and revise structural
drawings, and propagate structural models.
Piping Designer Activates an interactive command environment that is used to create piping
and in-line instrumentation in the model; revise existing model graphics and database
information; and verify the integrity of the data in the model.
Electrical Raceway Environment Provides access to the Electrical Raceway module, which
provides an interactive environment that is used to create and revise raceway models and access
raceway utilities.
Piping Design Data Manager Provides access to a set of options that are used to verify the
integrity of the graphic and database information that is associated with a model.
Piping Model Builder Enables you to create piping graphics from a nongraphics
environment. This module is used with PD_Design to create an accurate 3D model of the piping

10 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

PDS Environment

Pipe Support Designer Activates an interactive command environment that is used to create
pipe supports in the model, and revise existing pipe support model graphics and database
Pipe Stress Analysis Activates a set of forms that are used to extract information from piping
models for input to third-party pipe stress analysis products.
Interference Manager Activates a set of forms that are used to check for interferences
among project models and to control approved interferences.
Isometric Drawing Manager Activates a set of forms that are used to extract isometric
drawings from piping models and to review or plot the created isometric drawings.
Drawing Manager Activates a set of forms that are used to create and manipulate drawings
and drawing views; provide access to the interactive graphics environment for drawings; and
provide access to a plot manager and vector hiddenline manager.
DesignReview Integrator Activates a set of forms that are used to extract information to
form label files for use in SmartPlant Review and to review data from a SmartPlant Review
Report Manager Activates a set of forms that are used to create and revise report format
files and report on information in a project including Material Take-Off reports.
Project Administrator Provides access to a set of forms that are used to create a project,
create and revise project files, define project seed data, and control the project.
Reference Data Manager Provides access to a set of forms that are used to control the
reference data for a project including Piping Job Specification data, Graphic Commodity Data,
Alphanumeric Commodity Data, Standard Note Library, Label Description Library, and Piping
Assembly Library.
User ID Used for access control. This field also sets the Review User ID for use in the
Interference Manager module.
If access control has been defined, you must key in a valid user ID as defined by your system
manager to gain access to the projects. Refer to Access Control Manager, page 467, for more
information on using access control.
If access control has not been defined, no entry is required for this field.
Password Key in the password for the specified user ID.
Project List Field Displays the defined projects for the network and allows you to select the
active project. The system lists all the defined PDS projects (2D-only, 3D-only, and 2D & 3D).
An error is displayed if you select an option that is incompatible with the active project. For
example, if the active project is a 2D-only project, you cannot access the Interference Manager
If access control has been defined, only those projects for which you have some level of access
are displayed.
Message Area Displays prompts and messages that are associated with the active process.
Error messages are displayed in red.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 11

PDS Environment

PD_Shell Form Conventions

The following conventions describe how to respond to the various buttons, lists, and prompts
that make up the environments. The display size of forms and dialog boxes in the non-
Microstation graphics environment are independent of the size of the workstation's display
system. Most forms contain the same basic features: buttons, fields, text, and other gadgets. In
general, anything you find on a form is called a gadget.
You move through the PD_Shell forms by selecting function buttons or other gadgets from the
form. Select means to place the screen cursor (which appears as an arrow) on top of a screen
gadget and press <D>.
For most of the forms with scrolling lists, you can double-click on a row to select and accept the
data in that row. This performs the same action as selecting a row (which highlights) and then
selecting the Accept button.
You use the select action to select functions, access other forms, activate data fields, toggle
buttons, select from lists, scroll through data displayed on the screen, and so on.
The following summarizes other basic actions you use in the environments:
Enter - When keying in any data in a key-in field, press the <ENTER> or <Tab> key for the
data to be entered into the system. You can also press <ENTER> or <Tab> to move through a
set of key-in fields.
Delete - If you make a mistake while keying in text, press the <Delete> key to erase character(s)
to the left of the cursor.

Common Tools on the PD_Shell Forms

There are many gadgets in the environments that are common to most or all of the forms. The
following describes these tools.

Standard Commands
The PD_Shell forms have a set of standard buttons in the upper right corner of most of the form
windows. The available commands vary from form to form depending on the type of operation.
The Help button activates on-line Help for the
active form. Help remains active until you
delete the Help window.
The Shell button exits the active form and
returns control to the base manager that is
associated with the active form. For most
forms this returns to the Plant Design System
Environment form.
The Top button exits the active form and
returns control to the top form of the active
The Cancel button cancels or exits from the
active form. Control returns to the
immediately preceding form in the hierarchy.

12 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

PDS Environment

The Accept button accepts a selection or

operation. Depending on the active form or
option, the active form remains active so that
you can repeat a similar operation or control
returns to the preceding form.
The Restart button clears any key-in fields on
the form that have values you can modify.

Scrolling List
Some screen menus have a scrolling list of
projects or applications. You need to scroll a
list only if more options are available than can
be displayed in the window. To scroll a list,
select the arrow buttons on the side of the list.
The list scrolls up or down depending on
which arrow you select.
The scrolling list has an arrow pointing
up and an arrow pointing down. These arrows
scroll lists line by line. There is a button that
slides between these two arrows to indicate
your position on the list. To page through the
list, select the space above or below the
sliding button. The list pages up or down
You can also select the slider and, while
pressing <D>, slide the button up or down the
bar. The items scroll through the window as
you move the button. The size and position of
the button on the scroll bar is an indication of
the number of lines and the relative position
within the list.
All commands that display a list of design
areas or models order the list
alphanumerically by the design area number
or model number in ascending order.
In some forms with scrolling lists, you can
double-click on a row to select and accept the
data in that row. This performs the same
action as selecting a row (which highlights)
and then selecting the Accept button.
Key-in Fields
Screens that accept keyboard input have key-
in fields. These fields are box-shaped and
dark gray. You can select a key-in field and

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 13

PDS Environment

key in a new value. A bar cursor appears in

the active key-in field. Key in your input, and
press <Return>. To change a field, re-select
the field and key in the new information.
Key-in fields have a maximum number of
characters depending on the item that is being
If you select a key-in field for a code-listed
attribute, the system activates a form that lists
the code list values for the selected field.
MicroStation requires lowercase characters
for the file specification and path name of all
design files. Therefore, the system
automatically converts any input for the file
specification and path name of a design file
(such as a model or drawing) to lowercase
before loading into the Project Control
Display-List Boxes
A display-list box is located at the end of
some key-in fields. It lets you select data
from a list instead of keying in information.
For example, there is a display list associated
with the Authorization key-in field shown. At
the end of the field, there is a small box with
horizontal dashes. When you select this
display list box with the screen cursor, an
associated list of valid input values displays.
Select an item from the list to enter its value
into the field.
Shift Left and Shift Right buttons
At the bottom of some key-in and display
fields, there are two buttons marked with
arrows. These buttons are called shift left and
shift right buttons. Often, you can key in more
characters than a field display shows. Shift
Left moves the text display to the front of the
field; Shift Right moves the text display to
the end of the field.

14 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

PDS Environment

A toggle field on a screen menu enables you
to select one of two possible choices, one of
which is always displayed. Place a data point
on the toggle field to toggle between the two
Roll-Through List
A roll-through list shows one choice at a time
of a list that can be several items long. Place
a data point on the roll-through list to scroll
through the available options. The option
displayed is active.
Standard Window Icons
When using this software, you can press <D>
along the edge of a form or any area not
occupied by a button, key-in field, or other
gadget, to display a box of icons. You can
manipulate form windows just like any other
workstation window.
The following list defines the available
window icons.
Restore Size

Path Location Fields

Some key-in fields are used to specify paths for various files and folders, such as project folders,
model files, reference data files, drawing files, and isometric drawing files. Prior to PDS 8.0,
these path fields required the user to enter a full path, including the drive name, such as
d:\project1\piping\models. Beginning with PDS 8.0, path fields accept share names as input. For
example, if you have the project1 folder set up as a share, you could enter
\project1\piping\models or project1\piping\models as the path for piping models.
This new functionality allows administrators to set different permissions for shares used by
different sets of users. For more information on setting up shares and permissions, see the PDS
Project Setup Technical Reference.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 15

PDS Environment

Batch Processes
When you install the PDS 3D applications, the system creates the necessary batch queues for
that application. Refer to Loading Products in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for a
listing of the batch queues.
PDS 3D uses these batch queues to allow you to continue working in the environment while the
system processes a request. Many of the batch processes can be delayed for submission at a
specified time.

On-line Help is a special feature of your application software. Help provides
instant access to information from the application reference documents, such as
command descriptions and explanations, prompt sequences, and much more.
There are several avenues you can take to find information about a command or subject. For
instance, Help provides
A table of contents that lists subjects by topic and subtopic (in a hierarchy).
An alphabetized index of every command or subject that has been documented for the
A glossary to help you become familiar with product-specific terms.
The ability to move up, down, back, and forth through Help by using cross-references and
links to primary and secondary commands.
The ability to quickly search through Help for information on a specific subject or

When you first select Help, the Help Table of Contents is displayed in a pop-up window. Select
a topic from this list or select a command from the menu to display an article in the pop-up
Whenever possible, PDS Help is context sensitive. For example, if you select the help icon for a
given form, Help that is specific to that form is displayed.

16 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

PDS Environment

The Help window has buttons that you can use to manipulate either Help or the window itself as
Scroll Bar - Moves up or down in an article that is displayed in the Help window.
Help Command Buttons - Enable you to move around in the Help file.
Cancel or File > Exit - Exits Help and closes the Help window.
1. Select the Help button from the command window or form.
If you select Help while using a command, help on the active command is displayed. If no
command is active, the table of contents is displayed.

2. Use the command buttons or scroll bar to move around in Help.

Exit Help.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 17

PDS Environment

18 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Reference Data Manager

The Reference Data Manager provides access to the various functions associated with the PDS
3D Reference Database. Select the Reference Data Manager option from the PD Shell form.

Select the option to be performed.

Spec Writer Used to create, modify, and delete information in the Material Reference
Database using a forms interface. See Spec Writer (on page 64).
Piping Job Specification Manager Used to create, modify, and delete information in the
Material Reference Database using neutral files. See Piping Job Specification (on page 29) and
Piping Job Specification Manager (on page 101).
Piping Job Specification Tables Used to create, modify, and delete information in the
Piping Job Spec Table Library. See Piping Job Specification Tables (on page 131) and Piping
Job Specification Tables Command (on page 172).
Piping Job Spec Report Manager Used to define and generate reports of data in the
Material Reference Database. See Piping Job Spec Report Manager (on page 109).
Graphic Commodity Library Manager Used to create, modify, and delete graphic
commodity library data (Eden modules). See Graphic Commodity Library (on page 183) and
Graphic Commodity Library Manager (on page 200).
Physical Data Library Manager Used to create, modify, and delete physical data
(dimension tables) in object and text libraries. See Physical Data Tables (on page 194) and
Physical Data Library Manager (on page 208).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 19

Reference Data Manager

Material Description Library Manager Used to create and modify alphanumeric

commodity data. See Material Description Data (on page 273) and Material Description
Library Manager (on page 287).
Support Tutorial Definition Manager Used to create, revise, and delete data in the Tutorial
Definition Library. See Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager (on page 327).
Standard Note Library Manager Used to create, revise, and report the code lists and
standard notes associated with the PDS 3D modules. See Standard Note Library (on page 335)
and Standard Note Library Manager (on page 338).
Label Description Library Manager Used to define the graphic parameters for a label (such
as level, line weight, and color code) and to define the format of the label (what information
comprises the label). See Label Description Library (on page 347) and Label Description
Library Manager (on page 351).
Piping Assembly Library Manager Used to create, revise, and delete piping assembly
definitions in the Piping Assembly Library. The Piping Assembly Language (PAL) enables you
to define the parameters necessary to place a piping assembly (group of components)
automatically in the model. See Piping Assembly Library (on page 379) and Piping Assembly
Library Manager (on page 393).
Table Checker Used to verify that all the commodity spec tables, entries, and Eden modules
for a piping materials class exist in the graphic data libraries for the project. See Table Checker
Form (on page 298).
Reference Database Revision Manager Used to create a set of reports for coordinating
revisions in the Reference Database and the implied changes which are required in the model.
See Reference Database Revision Manager (on page 405).
Reference Database Management Data Used to define the file names for Reference
Database Files, graphic commodity data, dimension tables, and spec tables. You can define both
approved or unapproved RDB data for each item. See Reference Database Management Data
(on page 24).
Default Project Control Data Used to define the default location for the source files used to
load the RDB files (such as neutral files, program files, and report files). See Default Project
Control Data (on page 23).

Data Security
The Reference Data Manager provides data security features for the following reference data
libraries in the event of accidents such as, electrical power surges and network failures. These
features also protect the libraries in the event that a library is being shared by multiple projects,
and different users in different projects mistakenly attempt to revise one of the libraries
Graphic Commodity Library
Physical Data Library
Piping Job Specification Table Library
Short Material Description Library
Long Material Description Library
Specialty Material Description Library

20 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Data Manager

Standard Note Library

Label Description Library
Piping Assembly Library
When you enter the Reference Data Manager to create, revise, or delete data in any of the these
libraries, the system creates a temporary file for that library. This temporary file is named
<library_specification>.c and will be created in the same directory location as the object library.
Once you successfully exit the applicable library manager, the system deletes the temporary file.
If a PDS user is unable to exit the Reference Data Manager for any reason (such as a power
failure), the system displays a dialog box when the next user enters the Reference Data Manager
to revise that library. You must decide which of the following situations applies and respond

If you are certain that the warning results from a previous unusual exit, make one of the
following decisions.
If a corrupted library (including the corresponding source library and revision library)
has been restored from a backup, select the accept option.
If you are concerned with the integrity of the library for any reason, select the exit
option. Then restore the library, the corresponding source library, and the corresponding
revision library to their previous state (before the last revisions).
If you are aware that a different user may be revising that library within a different project,
select the exit option.
This feature requires that PDS users have write access to the directory in which the
libraries reside. The Reference Data Manager will display an error message, if the user does
not have privileges for write access to the applicable directory and the user will not be able
to revise that library.
When a PDS user exits a data creation or revision session, the Reference Data Manager verifies
the integrity of the binary tree structure within the library. The system displays an error if the
Reference Data Manager determines that an error exists in the binary tree structure. In this event,
you should contact Intergraph immediately for assistance in repairing the library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 21

Reference Data Manager

Reference Data Archival

PDS includes a Project Archival Manager to provide archival and retrieval facilities for
projects, including reference data. For more information about the Project Archival Manager,
see Project Archival Manager in the Project Administrator Reference Guide. For specific
information about archiving reference data, see Reference Data in the Project Administrator
Reference Guide.

22 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Reference Data Location

This section describes the options used to define the location of the Reference Data files on the
Reference Database Management Data (on page 24) Defines the location for Reference
Database Files, graphic commodity data, dimension tables, and spec tables. You can define
both approved or unapproved RDB data for each item.
Default Project Control Data (on page 23) Defines the default location for the source
files used to load the RDB files (such as neutral files, language files, and report files).

Default Project Control Data

This option defines the default location for common reference files used by the project (such as
neutral files, report files, and library files). You can also change these file locations during the
operation of the applicable managers

Operating Sequence
1. Select Default Project Control Data from the Reference Data Manager form to define the
default location for the RDB source files.
2. Select the field to be defined and key in the location of the source files and the associated
node name.
Piping Eden Path / Node The default location for the Eden source files.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 23

Reference Data Location

Dimension/Spec Table Path / Node The default location of the Dimension Table
and Spec Table source files.
Piping Spec Path / Node The default location for the neutral files to be used to load
the Specification/Material Reference Database and Material Description Libraries.
Assembly Path / Node The default location for the Piping Assembly Language
source files.
Standard Note Library Path / Node The default location for the Standard Note
(code list) source files.
Equipment Eden Path / Node The default location for the Equipment Eden source
TDF Table Path / Node The default location for the Equipment table definition files.
Model Builder Path / Node The default location for the model builder language
source files.
3. Accept any changes to the Project Control Data.

Reference Database Management Data

This option activates the Reference Database Management Data form used to define the file
names for Reference Database Files, graphic commodity data, dimension tables, and spec tables.
You can define both approved or unapproved RDB data for each item.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Reference Database Management Data from the Reference Data Manager form.

2. Select RDB File Type

Select the RDB file from the list of files. You can use the scroll arrows to scroll through the
listed files.

24 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Data Location

The system identifies the file for the selected field in the fields at the bottom of the form.
There are no default settings for these files; you must define the applicable file locations
before you can continue.
Material/Specification Reference Database This field identifies the Material
Reference Database for the project. Refer to the Project Setup Manager in the Project
Administrator Reference Guide for more information on this database.
Piping Job Specification Tables (on page 131) Library This field identifies the
location of the Piping Job Spec Table library.
Short Material Description Library (on page 277) This field identifies the library
which contains the short bill-of-material description for all piping commodity items and
the BOM description addenda for taps.
Long Material Description Library (on page 283) This field identifies the library
which contains the long BOM description for all piping commodity items. The long
BOM description is only used for requisitions.
Specialty Material Description Library (on page 286) This field identifies the library
which contains the BOM description for engineered items, in-line instruments, and pipe
supports. This library tends to be customer-specific.
Standard Note Library (on page 335) This field identifies the location of the standard
note library.
Label Description Library (on page 347) This field identifies the location for the
label description library.
Piping Assembly Library (on page 379) This field identifies the location for the
Piping Assembly library. This library contains the symbol definitions for assemblies.
Graphic Commodity Library (on page 183) This field identifies the library which
contains the Eden modules used to place components in the model.
Physical Data Tables (on page 194) Library These fields identify the library files
which contain the physical data tables for a range of geometric industry standards.
Commodity Synonym Library This field identifies the user-defined library which
contains the map for translating the default piping commodity names used in the P&ID
Task to names specified by the user in the Piping Job Specification.
Orthographic Drawing Borders This field identifies the drawing border files to be
used when creating drawings. A set of border files are delivered to the directory
win32app\ingr\pddraw\border. You must specify which style of borders is to be used.
3. Key in any changes to the selected RDB files. Refer to Delivered Reference Data (on page
6) for a listing of the delivered reference data files.
If you specify an unapproved file, the system will use the unapproved file for all Reference
Data Manager operations (such as revising entries in a library.)
Refer to the Project Data Manager in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for
information on setting the choice of data for a model file or drawing.
4. You can select Approved --> Not Approved to copy the approved definition of the selected
RDB file to the Not Approved fields. Select confirm to update the information.
Refer to the individual managers for information on posting the unapproved information to
the approved files.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 25

Reference Data Location

5. You can select Default All Library Locations to define a default location for all approved
and all unapproved library files.
6. You can select Copy All Standard Libraries to copy the delivered library files to a
specified location.
7. Select Accept following each change to the reference data to accept the specified file
Select Cancel to exit the form.

Default All Library Locations

This option assigns a default network address, pathname, and file specification to the various
Reference Database libraries for both the approved and unapproved libraries. You can override
any of these default specifications by selecting the appropriate library and keying in the file
Specify Default Nodename
Key in a default network address and pathname to be used for all approved Reference Database
libraries and a network address and pathname to be used for all unapproved libraries.
The file specifications for all libraries are determined automatically on the basis of the industry
practice and the following naming convention.
When copying the Not Approved library to the Approved library, the copy will not
occur if the approved library is the most recent or has the same date as the unapproved library.

Library File name

Graphic Commodity Library pipe_gcom.l
Label Description Library labels.l
Standard Note Library std_note.l
Piping Assembly Library assembly.l
Piping Spec Table Library pjs_tbl.l
Short Material Description Library short_bom.l
Long Material Description Library long_bom.l
Specialty Description Library spclty_bom.l
Physical Data Library <standard>_pcdim.l

26 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Data Location

The text to be used for the <standard> is determined in the following manner.

Practice Prefix
U.S. Practice us
European - DIN din
European - British Standard bs
European - Practice A eua
European - Practice B eub
International - JIS jis
International - Australian aus
International - Practice A ina
International - Practice B inb
Company Practice cmp

Copy All Standard Libraries

This option copies the delivered Reference Database libraries from the applicable product
directories to the disk locations specified in the Reference Database Management data of the
Project Control database.
This option provides a new user with a simple method to create a Reference Database using
RDB products delivered by Intergraph. This is not intended for use in a production environment.
The following Reference Database libraries are copied from the PD Shell product.
Graphic Commodity Library Standard Note Library
Label Description Library Piping Assembly Library
The following Reference Database libraries are copied from the applicable Reference Database
product (such as rdusrdb or rddinrdb).
Physical Data Library Long Material Description
Piping Spec Table Library Specialty Description Library
Short Material Description Library
The system also copies the applicable Table Revision Management Libraries for the Piping Spec
Table Library and Physical Data Libraries.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 27

Reference Data Location

The text to be used for the standard is determined in the following manner.

Practice Prefix
U.S. Practice us
European - DIN din
European - British Standard bs
International - JIS jis
International - Australian aus
The list of available products is determined from the list of exported variables as specified in the
pds.cmd shell script. Therefore, this command presently searches for the following exported

Product Practice
RD_USRDB U.S. Practice
RD_BSRDB British Standards
RD_AUSRDB Australian
The file specification recorded in the Project Control Database, and not that of the library in the
delivered product, will be used for the destination library.
If the RDB product resides on a remote server (or workstation), you must manually mount
the directory that includes the RDB product and change the exported variable in the pds.cmd
shell script accordingly.
The system will display an error message for any of the following conditions.
Any of the active Reference Database libraries for the project are in use (locked). None of
the libraries are copied.
The network address for any of the active Reference Database libraries for the project is
undefined. None of the libraries are copied.
The network address and path name for any of the active Reference Database libraries for
the project cannot be mounted. None of the subsequent libraries are copied.

28 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Piping Job Specification

The Piping Job Specification (PJS) defines the characteristics, properties, design standards, and
company practices associated with piping commodity items, piping engineered items, and
instruments. When you select an item for placement in the model, the system uses the active
parameters (such as piping materials class and nominal diameter) to search the Piping Job
Specification for the selected item. Then the system reads the PJS for the parameters required to
define the item.
See Also
Material Reference Database Structure (on page 29)
Spec Writer (on page 64)
Piping Job Specification Manager (on page 101)
Piping Job Spec Report Manager (on page 109)

Material Reference Database Structure

The Material Reference Database contains a set of tables which define the Piping Job
Specification data. The numbers in parentheses indicate the database table number.
Piping Materials Class Data (201) (on page 34)
Piping Commodity Specification Data (202) (on page 38)
Piping Specialty Specification Data (203) (on page 45)
Instrument Component Specification Data (204) (on page 48)
Tap Properties Data (205) (on page 51)
Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211) (on page 54)
Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) (on page 56)
Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231) (on page 59)
Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (232) (on page 61)
Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data (233) (on page 63)
The Piping Commodity Specification Data is linked to the Piping Materials Class Data.
The Reference Database Revision Management Data table is totally system-defined. It
stores the revision dates for the other database tables in the Material Reference Database. The
revision dates are updated automatically when you use the Piping Job Spec Manager to load,
revise, or delete data in these database tables.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 29

Piping Job Specification

Attribute Types
The following conventions are used to designate the field type for database attributes.
character(n) alphanumeric field n characters in length
integer long (double word) integer
short short integer
double real (floating point) value
standard note Standard Note Type for code-listed attribute

Code-Listed Attributes
A code-listed attribute is an attribute whose value must be defined using one of the selections
from a particular code list in the Standard Note Library. In the following database description,
attributes which are code-listed are identified by a standard note number at the end of the line
following the field type description. For example, the line
6. fluid_code , character(6) , SN 125
indicates that fluid_code is defined in terms of code list numbers belonging to Standard Note
125, Fluid Code/Connector Type. A possible entry for this attribute would be 197 for chlorine
gas (GCL). Refer to Appendix: Codelists (see "Table Checker" on page 295) for a listing of the
code list sets associated with PDS 3D.

Connect Point Data

The Piping Commodity, Piping Specialty, and Instrument database tables classify connect point
dependent data about a component in terms of green and red connect points. The following
conventions are used to coordinate the two sets of data:
If data is only shown under the green connect point, it applies to all ends of the component.
If a component has ends with different nominal diameters (regardless of other end
properties), the larger nominal diameter is designated as the green connect point.
If a component has ends with the same nominal diameter but other end properties which
differ, the following rules apply:
If the ends have different termination types (regardless of the values for
schedule/thickness), the end(s) whose end preparations have the lowest codelist number
are designated as the green connect point.
If the termination types are the same but the values for rating, schedule, or thickness
differ, the "stronger" ends(s) are designated as the green connect point.

NPD Units
Nominal piping diameter is defined as a special coded number (NPD units) with the following
For metric units, the coded number equals the size (in millimeters).
For English units, the coded number equals the size (in inches) times 32 plus 5000.
This allows nominal piping diameter to range from 1 mm to 5000 mm in 1 mm increments for
metric units, and to range from 1/32" to at least 200" in 1/32" increments for English units.

30 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Neutral File Input

A neutral file is an ASCII text file used to load information into the Material Reference
Database. The neutral file must conform to the following rules:
There must be an entry for each user-defined parameter in the Material Reference Database.
For certain attributes, you can use a dash (-) to indicate that a default value be used.
The SEQUENCE statement can be used to define the order of entries in the neutral file.
The system_unique_no attribute is never user-defined. Therefore, it should not be
included in the neutral file data or in the list of attributes defined by the SEQUENCE
Each entry (attribute) can begin at any point along the input. You can set the spacing
between each entry by specifying SINGLE_SPACING or DOUBLE_SPACING as the first item
in the file. If you do not define the spacing, double spacing is used.
For single line comments, place an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line. All
comments are disregarded by the system.
You can place blank lines anywhere in the file for readability. These lines do not affect the
information being copied.
You can use any of the three PDS conventions to enter fractional Nominal Piping Diameters.
The entries
2-1/2 2.5 2 1/2
are all equivalent ways of entering the same figure.
If you use the SINGLE_SPACING option, 2 1/2 can be used only if enclosed by
single quotes ('2 1/2').
You can use both metric and English units. The default system of units must be declared
once in the beginning and each time the default system is changed. Entries are automatically
interpreted as English. To declare the system of units, add the appropriate units marker to the
mm for metric
" for English
The Tap Properties Table must include the Table Name along with other data by using the
TABLE statement.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 31

Piping Job Specification

SEQUENCE Statement
The SEQUENCE statement is an optional statement which can be used to define the order of the
parameters in the neutral file. If the SEQUENCE statement is used, it must be placed before any
entries. The SEQUENCE statement can only be used once per file.
If the SEQUENCE statement is omitted, it is assumed that the parameters appear in the
order defined by PDS.
SEQUENCE= P1 P2 P3 P4 ... Pn
SEQUENCE= keyword which can be entered in either upper or lower case
P1,P2,...Pn parameters 1 through n. The values of P1...Pn are the
parameter numbers assigned by PDS, and their position tells the
system the order in which to enter them.

At least two spaces must separate the keyword and each


SEQUENCE= 5 3 4 1 2
The first parameter read corresponds to PDS parameter #5, the second to PDS parameter #3, the
third to PDS parameter #4, the fourth to PDS parameter #1, and the fifth to PDS parameter #2.
You can use the convention *Pn to indicate an attribute that is not defined in the neutral file. All
of the *Pn attributes should be placed at the end of the SEQUENCE statement following the list
of included attributes. For example,
SEQUENCE= 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *4 *5 *21 *22

ORDER Statement
Neutral files translated from VAX PDS data may contain an ORDER statement rather than a
SEQUENCE statement. This statement performs the same function as the SEQUENCE
statement except that it lists the order of the attributes as they were defined in the VAX Piping
Job Specification Database.

32 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

TABLE Statement
The TABLE statement defines a table name to be associated with a particular set of data. The
active table name remains unchanged until another TABLE statement is encountered. The
TABLE statement can be used more than once in a neutral file.
TABLE= table_name
TABLE= keyword which can be entered in upper or lower case
table_name the name of the table associated with the following data.
There must be at least one/two spaces (depending on the default spacing selected) between the
keyword and the table_name.
For example, the Tap Properties Table below defines two tables (C001, and C002) by using the
Table keyword to segregate the data for each table being defined.
Order= 2 3 5 4 6 7
! By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=2 Date=12-May-1995
Table= C001
! Description= SWE CL3000 default taps
! Diam Opt Rating Prp Sc/Th Tap Code
0.375 691 - 591 NREQD E$37591XXX
> 0.5 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E$50421064
0.5 691 - 591 NREQD E$50591XXX
30 691 - 591 NREQD E030591XXX
32 691 - 591 NREQD E032591XXX
34 691 - 591 NREQD E034591XXX
36 691 - 591 NREQD E036591XXX
42 691 - 591 NREQD E042591XXX
48 691 - 591 NREQD E048591XXX
Table= C002
! Description= SWE CL6000 default taps
! Diam Opt Rating Prp Sc/Th Tap Code
0.375 691 - 591 NREQD E$37591XXX
> 0.5 1 CL6000 421 NREQD E$50421072
0.5 691 - 591 NREQD E$50591XXX
34 691 - 591 NREQD E034591XXX
36 691 - 591 NREQD E036591XXX
42 691 - 591 NREQD E042591XXX
48 691 - 591 NREQD E048591XXX

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 33

Piping Job Specification

Piping Materials Class Data (201)

The piping materials class data is independent of nominal piping diameter and commodity item.
A piping materials class defines a classification of components based on design data and service
limits. Much of the design data is stored in tables so that common information can be accessed
by more than one piping materials class.
The Piping Materials Class Data table contains 23 attributes.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. piping_mater_class, character(16)
This attribute identifies the service number, spec class, spec name, or spec number.
3. revision_no, character(2)
This attribute identifies the revision number for the data in the piping materials class. It is
user-defined and is not updated automatically when the piping commodity data for that
piping materials class is revised.
The revision number of the unapproved Material Reference Database is incremented
only, when you specify a new revision number in the neutral file.
The revision number of the approved Material Reference Database is updated to that of
the unapproved Material Reference Database, when the unapproved data is posted to the
approved Material Reference Database.
4. version_no, character(2)
This attribute represents the version number, as determined by the system, for the data in this
piping materials class (including the Commodity Item data). The version number starts with
A and is incremented (B,C,D,...) when you revise the piping materials class. This attribute is
under the complete control of the system.
The Piping Job Spec Manager increments this attribute when the piping commodity data
for that piping materials class is revised or reloaded. When that piping materials class is
posted from the unapproved to the approved Material Reference Database, the version
number for that piping materials class is reset to A in the unapproved Material Reference
5. revision_date, character(10)
This user-defined attribute can be used to define a date for the latest revision to the data in a
piping materials class.
6. fluid_code, character(6), SN 125
This attribute can be used to define the type of fluid for which the piping materials class is
You can specify:
a single fluid code value (such as 521 for process) from code list set 125.
the name of a fluid code table to define a set of fluid code values. Refer to Fluid Code
Table (on page 151) for more information.
To use the specified fluid code(s), you must also set the Fluid Code Control toggle to Yes
on the Piping Data Control form of the Project Data Manager. Refer to the Project
Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide for more information on this form.

34 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

7. mater_of_construct, character(6)
This attribute defines the materials of construction class for the piping materials class. This
code has a detailed definition outside the scope of PDS that represents the decision of the
Project Metallurgist regarding the piping system. It is required for reporting and making
matches and comparisons with values for this parameter from the Piping Design Database.
This parameter includes the material code.
8. corrosion_allow, double
This attribute defines the corrosion/erosion allowance that applies to the piping materials
class. It is required for reporting and to calculate the wall thickness of piping components
whose thickness is not specifically included in the piping materials class.
9. mat_description, short, SN 148
This code-listed attribute is a generic description of the materials used for this piping
materials class (such as carbon steel). This attribute is only used for reporting.
10. service_lim_table, character(6)
This attribute identifies the table used to determine maximum pressure as a function of
temperature. This table includes the pressure and temperature sets that form the boundary
for which the commodity items, engineered items, and instruments included in this piping
materials class are suitable (unless you define a lower maximum temperature limit for a
specific commodity item). You must insure that all commodity items within the piping
materials class are acceptable within the boundary of this table.
Refer to Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table (on page 131) for more information
on this table.
11. diameter_table, character(6)
This attribute identifies the nominal piping diameter table used to verify valid nominal
piping diameters in this piping materials class. Refer to Nominal Piping Diameters Table
(on page 133) for more information.
12. thickness_table, character(6)
This attribute identifies the thickness data table used in piping wall thickness calculations for
this piping materials class. Refer to Thickness Data Tables (on page 136) for more
13. materials_table, character(6)
This parameter defines the materials data table used to determine the material properties
required for piping wall thickness calculations in the piping materials class. Refer to
Materials Data Table (on page 139) for more information.
14. thickness_equation, character(6)
This attribute identifies the default piping wall thickness equation to be used for this piping
materials class. If a schedule/thickness parameter for an item specifies the default
calculation, then this equation is used to perform the piping wall thickness calculation.
Refer to Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement Equations (on page 141) for more

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 35

Piping Job Specification

15. branch_table, character(6)

This attribute identifies the branch insertion table used to determine the name of the branch
commodity item to be used for tee and lateral branches. The item name is determined as a
function of branch geometry, run size, and branch size. The output of the branch table is the
item name of a commodity item (AABBCC code).
Refer to Branch Insertion Tables (on page 144) for more information.
16. tap_data_table, character(6)
This attribute defines the name of the tap properties table which includes those parameters
required to define a tap on a specific commodity item. Refer to Tap Properties Data (205)
(on page 51) for more information.
17. vent_drain_macro, character(6)
This attribute is not currently used by the PDS software. Several vent and drain definitions
are contained in the delivered Piping Assembly Library.
18. gasket_separation, character(8)
This attribute is used to determine the actual gap that is assumed between seating surfaces of
two mating bolted ends. It can coincide with, but is not necessarily the compressed gasket
thickness. You can override this value during a design session by changing the type of
gasket that applies to the joint. (You cannot override this value by defining a specific gasket
gap override value.)
This attribute exists as alphanumeric data.
A value with all numeric characters is interpreted as a gasket separation value in the
physical subunits specified for the model.
All other values are assumed to identify a table name for gasket separation data as a
function of nominal piping diameter in the Piping Graphic Commodity Library. Refer to
Gasket Separation Table (on page 150) for more information.
Refer to the description of gaskets in the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for
more details.
19. standard_note_no_a, short , SN 499
20. standard_note_no_b, short , SN 499
These code-listed attributes provide the index numbers to CL499 for notes that apply to this
piping materials class. The input to the Standard Note Library is the note number. The
output is the free- format text which forms the standard note.
In the delivered data, note numbers 1 through 199 are allocated for defining the PJS.
21. revision_mngt_date, integer
This system-defined attribute identifies the date of the latest revision for the data in this
piping materials class.
22. bend_deflect_table, character(6)
This attribute identifies the Bend Deflection Table to be used for this piping materials class.
This attribute is useful for defining specs for underground piping.
If this column is undefined (blank), the system will use the default Bend Deflection Table
specified in the Type 63 data through the Project Data Manager. Therefore, you need not
define a Bend Deflection Table for each piping materials class in the Material Reference
Database. Likewise, you need not revise any existing neutral files to include this column.

36 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Note that the Bend Deflection Table name in the Piping Materials Class data is limited to 6
characters to be consistent with the other tables referenced in this data. The maximum
length of the default Bend Deflection Table name, as specified with the Project Data
Manager can be as many as 20 characters.
Refer to Bend Deflection Table (G04) (on page 156) for more information.
23. pipe_length_table, character(6)
This attribute identifies the Pipe Length Threshold Table to be used for this piping materials
class. This attribute is useful in defining specs for underground piping.
If this column is undefined (blank), the system will use the default Pipe Length Threshold
Table specified in the Type 63 data through the Project Data Manager. Therefore, you
need not define a Pipe Length Threshold Table for each piping materials class in the
Material Reference Database.
Note that the Pipe Length Threshold Table name in the piping materials class data is limited
to 6 characters to be consistent with the other tables referenced in this data. The maximum
length of the default Pipe Length Threshold Table name, as specified with the Project Data
Manager can be as many as 13 characters.
Refer to Pipe Length Threshold Table (G07) (on page 158) for more information.

Neutral File Format

The following is a sample neutral file for the Piping Material Class database table. Entries in
this table should be sorted alphanumerically by Piping Materials Class.
The Sequence= keyword in a piping materials class data neutral file does not require *21 for the
revision management date. Any previously created piping materials class data neutral files will
not require any revision as a result of this change.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 37

Piping Job Specification

Sample Files
A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\classes.pmc. A set of sample files depicting various options
are delivered in the \win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data directory.
bend_tbl.pmc gasket.pmc pharm.pmc
equiv_npd.pmc gskt_tbl.pmc piplen_tbl.pmc
fluid_code.pmc metric_npd.pmc thickness.pmc

Piping Commodity Specification Data (202)

The Piping Commodity Specification Data defines all the components, pipes, bolts, and gaskets
associated with a particular Piping Materials Class. It defines the standard components found in
a manufacturers catalog (commonly referred to as off-the-shelf components). Because the Piping
Commodity Specification Data is linked to the Piping Materials Class, a separate set of
commodity items must be defined for each Piping Materials Class.
Information for connect point data is defined in terms of two types of connect points known as
green and red connect points. Refer to Connect Point Data (on page 197) for more information
on green and red connect points.
The Piping Commodity Specification Data table contains 28 attributes:
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. piping_mater_class, character(16), index 1
This attribute identifies the Piping Materials Class for the piping commodity.
3. commodity_name, character(6)
This attribute identifies the commodity item name. This can be:
a PDS commodity item name. Refer to the PDS Piping Component Data Reference
Guide for more information on item names.
a Piping Job Specification access name. If you do not use the AABBCC code, you must
define a Commodity Synonym Library for proper communication with the P&ID Task.
The PDS commodity item names are also used with the delivered Place Component
forms. If you use a different code, you should create a forms customization file as
defined in the Piping Designer.
4. option_code, short, SN 400
This code-listed attribute identifies the option code which determines the search criteria.
This parameter enables you to request that the system retrieve the primary commodity item,
a secondary commodity item, or another special option from the Piping Job Specification.
This parameter is used as a commodity override in Piping Design. You can select the unique
options (as defined in CL400) from a form. If no option is specified at placement, this
attribute defaults to option 1 (primary commodity item). Option 2 is reserved as the
secondary commodity item.
Option codes 4001 to 4010 are used to specify manual input of bend data for pipe bends.
Option codes 4500 to 4999 are reserved for company practice (user-defined).
Option codes 5000 to 5999 are used to refer to implied components.

38 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

5. maximum_temp, double
This attribute is used if the commodity item is temperature dependent. It represents the
maximum temperature for which this commodity item is acceptable. When a commodity
item is retrieved from the Piping Job Specification, the system verifies that the normal
operating temperature, the alternate operating temperature, the normal design temperature,
and the alternate design temperature are less than this maximum allowable temperature. If
this maximum is exceeded by any of these temperatures, the system automatically searches
for another occurrence of the same commodity item.
For gaskets, to help determine the gap thickness at bolted joints, the maximum
temperature value is used as an input to the Gasket Gap Table. Proper entry of
temperature values in the PJS assists the definition of gap thicknesses when gaskets with
different gap thicknesses are used in the same piping materials class.
If you specify the default value (-9999), no test is performed. Any reports created from
the Piping Job Specification depict this default value as alphanumeric blanks.
The order in which entries of the same piping commodities with different maximum
temperature values are made in the PJS (PDtable_202) is not considered by the system;
however, these entries must have the same option code in order to be considered by the
commodity selection in the Place Component command. When you do define the piping
commodity, a maximum temperature value must be defined for each entry or an error
message is displayed. To define the highest maximum temperature for the same piping
commodity, set the maximum temperature equal to or greater than the maximum
temperature of the spec limits table for the applicable piping materials class instead of using
an undefined value ('-').
6. gcp_from_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
7. gcp_to_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the green connect point (first size) in NPD units. The to value must equal
or exceed the from value. These values are not necessarily the same as the range in Tables
211 and 212. The applicable NPD value specified at placement is used to search for the
suitable component in the Piping Job Specification.
The default system of units (" for inches, or mm for millimeters) must be declared once in
the beginning and each time the default system is changed. If no units are given, the value is
automatically interpreted as inches.
8. gcp_end_prep, short, SN 330
This code-listed attribute identifies the end preparation for the green connect point. The
system determines the termination type based on the range of values:
2 - 199 bolted terminations
300 - 399 male terminations
400 - 599 female terminations
You can define end compatibilities by using the End Preparation Compatibility Table.
(Refer to the Project Data Manager in the Project Administrator Reference Guide.)
9. gcp_rating, character(8)
This attribute identifies the pressure rating for the green connect point. This parameter
exists as alphanumeric data. The system interprets the first set of sequential numeric
characters as being the pressure rating value.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 39

Piping Job Specification

Ratings can be expressed in any of the following formats: CLxxxx, xxxx#, or OTxxxx.
However, table entries and file names representing the rating exclude the CL, #, or OT
characters. This enables the same table to be used regardless of how the rating is defined. In
the delivered PJS, these rating formats are used in accordance with the following criteria:
CLxxxx refers to an ANSI or API pressure rating
xxxx# refers to a pressure rating defined by an organization other than ANSI or API.
OTxxxx refers to the rating of a connect point that meets the applicable ANSI or API
rating geometrically but not from a pressure carrying standpoint. An example is a valve
supplied with flanged ends that meets the bolting pattern of ANSI CL150 pressure rating
but has pressure carrying characteristics different from those of that ANSI rating.
For bolts and gaskets, you must use a numeric pressure rating (do not use the
characters CL, #, or OT). If any character entries are encountered, the system will be unable
to locate the proper information.
Female ends for plastic pipe are usually defined in terms of schedule/thickness and not in
terms of rating. To make female ends for plastic pipe follow the rules for other female ends,
the applicable schedule/thickness is used as the value for rating. If such rating values consist
of alphanumeric characters, the system strips all alpha characters from the rating value and
uses only the numeric values in accessing the applicable tables.
If the rating in the PJS is expressed in terms of alphabetic characters only, the system uses
the characters in accessing the data tables. The names of the data tables include all the
alphabetic characters included in the PJS.
GRAVHD can be used to identify the rating for components rated to sustain a nominal
fluid head. This value can be used in the PJS and in the data tables.
OTHER can be used to identify a non standard rating value.
NONE can be used to identify the rating for components whose ends would normally
require the attribute rating as part of the table name, but for which a rating does not
apply. This value can be used in the PJS and in the data tables.
10. gcp_sch_thk, character(8)
This attribute identifies the schedule thickness value for the green connect point. This
parameter exist as alphanumeric data. (Refer to Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement
Equations (on page 141) for more information on this attribute.) In order of preference,
schedule, and thickness are expressed in terms of:
A generic schedule such as S-STD, S-XS, and S-XXS. If a schedule name exceeds the
provided field length (for example, S-SDR13.5), it is defined in terms of its wall
A specific schedule such as S-40, S-40S, and S-80.
NREQD is used in cases where all of the following conditions apply:
The thickness value is not required in purchasing the component.
Empty weights are not significantly affected by actual thickness values.
Either stress analysis is not applicable, or, if applicable, the component is to be
considered infinitely rigid in stress analysis calculations.
A value with all numeric characters is interpreted as a wall thickness value in the same
physical units as nominal piping diameter. To insure compatibility between the PJS,
data tables, and wall thickness calculations, thickness is expressed in the form:

40 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

.xxxx if the thickness is less than 1 inch

x if the thickness is an even inch
x.xxx if the thickness is 1 inch or larger
Trailing zeroes are not included. Decimal points are not included for numbers without
An asterisk (*) followed by a name (of the form Cyyy) defines the specific calculation or
table lookup to be used for wall thickness. Refer to Wall Thickness and Branch
Reinforcement Equations (on page 141) for a more detailed description of the naming
conventions for these calculations.
MATCH indicates the need to match the thickness of a component to that of the pipe of
the same diameter and of option 1.
11. gcp_table_suffix, short, SN 576
This code-listed attribute is used to further reference the source of the generic dimensional
data, such as flange data or piping outside diameter data. This attribute is also referred to as
the table suffix.
For AMS standards, it represents the table suffix for the green connect point.
For DIN standards, it represents the piping outside diameter selection flag (reihe
number) for pipes and fittings.
12. rcp_from_nom_diam, short
13. rcp_to_nom_diam, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the red connect point (second size). The to value must equal or exceed the
from value. These values are not necessarily the same as the range in Tables 211 and 212.
For a full size component, you should set these parameters to - (hyphen). In cases such as
a concentric reducer or weldolet, this value must be less than the corresponding green value.
14. rcp_end_prep, short, SN 330
See gcp_end_prep.
15. rcp_rating, character(8)
See gcp_rating.
16. rcp_sch_thk, character(8)
See gcp_sch_thk.
17. rcp_table_suffix, short, SN 577
This attribute is used to further reference the dimensional data for a specific component.
For AMS standards, it represents the table suffix for the red connect point.
For DIN standards, it represents the built-in length selection flag (or reihe number) for
valves and wall thickness selection flag for pipes and fittings.
A parametric definition is used when connection graphics are required in the model and
orthographic drawings.
18. commodity_code, character(16)
The commodity code is a user-assigned code that together with the NPD and
schedule/thickness uniquely defines the component. It defines the customer's commodity

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 41

Piping Job Specification

code (or part number). This attribute is the index into the Material Data Tables and the
Material Description Library. The commodity code can be defined in one of three ways:
Commodity codes with neither an * or a + prefix, indicate a commodity item that has no
associated implied components.
Commodity codes prefixed by an *, indicate a commodity item (primary component)
which has one associated implied component (such as a lap joint flange and stub end).
For more information on defining * implied items, refer to the PD_Report User's Guide.
It is not recommended that specification implied (*) items be generated by
size change components (that is, reducers, reducing flanges, and so forth) as the NPD
assigned by the system for the implied component can be either the larger or smaller
(green or red) NPD of the implying item based on how the system traces the line.
Commodity codes prefixed by a +, indicate a commodity item (primary component)
which has one or more associated implied components as defined in Table 212.
The default length for a commodity code is 16 characters, but you can modify this length if
needed. This value is specified in two files: design.ddl and reference.ddl. To customize the
character length, modify the design.ddl file as follows:
In table 34 (Piping Component Data), modify the value in column 8.
In table 50 (Piping/Tubing Data), modify the value in column 12.
Modify the reference.ddl file as follows:
In table 202 (Piping Commodity Specification Data), modify the value in column 18.
In table 211 (Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data), modify the values in
column 2 and column 7.
In table 212 (Piping Commodity Implies Material Data), modify the values in column 2
and column 7.
When you modify these values, set the character limit to be one more than the
number of characters you actually want in the commodity code. This is necessary for
you to add a * or + prefix if needed. For example, to create a 20-character commodity
code, set the specified values to 21.
You must make these modifications before the project is created.
For valves, the commodity code also defines the name of the dry weight table (required for
stress analysis). For large diameter valves (25"+), it is used to build the name of the operator
dimension table.
19. model_code, character(6)
This attribute identifies the specific item name for generic bends, spec flanges, or spec
valves. Each model code is classified by:
Item name
size ranges
end preparations

42 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

The model code includes the definition of the graphic representation of the component in the
piping model. Depending upon the circumstances:
One or more model codes can be assigned to a single Item Name (for example, GAT,
GATR, and GATF are all used for 6Q1C01).
The same model code can be assigned to different Item Names.
For gaskets, this attribute can be used to prioritize gasket entries in the Piping Materials
Class. The priority is set with a numeric value (integer or decimal) greater than zero. Non-
numeric values are ignored by MTO and not considered to be a priority selection. The
smaller the value the higher the priority. A value of 999999 is interpreted as an undefined
20. PDS_sort_code, character(6)
This field can be used to specify the length (in subunits) for Purchased length pipe, or to
specify the gasket diameter for gaskets. The gasket diameter table is used if the
pds_sort_code for the gasket spec entry is set to _GKT. The system uses the NPD to
determine the gasket inside and outside diameters.
If the pds_sort_code for the gasket spec entry is set to "_GKT", the gasket outside and
inside diameters are generated using the table gasket_commodity_code_GKT.TBL.
If the pds_sort_code for the gasket spec entry is not "_GKT", the gasket outside
diameter is equivalent to the NPD of the rated component and the gasket inside diameter
is undefined.
21. modifier, double
This attribute is used for pipe bends, elbows, miters, and valves. It has various uses
depending on the type of commodity item as defined below.
For pipe bends, it defines the bend radius of the pipe in terms of the numeric factor by
which the nominal diameter of the pipe is to be multiplied to obtain the bend radius.
For pipe, it defines the joint quality factor (E) times 100 to be used during branch
reinforcement calculations in those cases where the wall thickness is not calculated.
For orifice flanges and drip ring tees, it defines the number of taps to be provided. A
value of 1 defines a single tap. A value of 2 defines 2 taps, 180 degrees apart. A value
of negative 2 (-2) defines 2 taps, 90 degrees apart.
For nippolets and nipples, it defines the length of the component.
For reinforcing pads and welds, it defines whether data about the component is to be
derived from tables in the system (0) or from the user by prompting (1).
For gaskets, it defines the gasket thickness to be used in procuring the gasket. This is
the actual gasket thickness for MTO reports - not the compressed gasket thickness
(gasket separation), which is derived from the Piping Materials Class data.
For bolts, it defines whether the bolt is a stud bolt (0 or positive), or machine bolt
(negative). The absolute value of this modifier, which ranges from 0 to 5, determines
the applicable bolt extension.
For valves, it represents the code list number from CL550 (operator/actuator type) which
defines the symbol description and the source of the physical data for the valve operator.
If this value is a negative number (such as -3), the operator is not displayed when
placing the component.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 43

Piping Job Specification

22. geometric_standard, short, SN 575

This code-listed attribute identifies the source of the data (which is usually an industry
standard, such as ANSI, ISO, or DIN, or a company standard) from which the specific
geometry of the commodity item can be deduced. This parameter represents the vendor or
industry standard, and the material if either affects the dimensions of the commodity item.
Code list numbers 2-6999 are reserved for geometry standards that apply to US piping
practices. Numbers 7000-27999 are reserved for geometry standards that apply to European
piping practices. Numbers 28000-31999 are reserved for specific company practices.
23. weight_code, short, SN 578
This code-listed attribute defines the weight code for the component. It determines the table
to be used in finding the dry weight of the component. It is required for those cases where
material causes the dry weight data but not the dimensional data to differ for a specific
geometric industry standard.
24. fabrication_cat, short, SN 180
This code-listed attribute identifies the shop/field fabrication and purchase status of a
component. It defines how the component was supplied and how the component was
fabricated (for example, Shop Supplied, Field Fabricated).
25. materials_grade, short, SN 145
This code-listed attribute identifies the material code, specification, grade-temper, and joint
efficiency for the component. This data is used in wall thickness calculations. It can also be
used to access physical data in the Physical Data Library.
26. standard_note_no_a, short, SN 499
27. standard_note_no_b, short, SN 499
These code-listed attributes provide index numbers to standard notes in standard note type
499 that apply to this commodity item. The input to the Standard Note File is the note
number. The output is the free-format text which forms the standard note.
In the delivered data, note numbers 200 through 599 are allocated for piping commodity
28. input_form_type, short, SN 990
This code-listed attribute defines the type of input form to be used to define data with the
Spec Writer command.

44 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Neutral File Format

The following is a partial listing of the sample neutral file for the Piping Commodity
Specification Data. Entries in this table should be sorted alphanumerically by commodity_name.
The Sequence= keyword in a piping commodity data neutral file does not require the *2 for the
piping materials class name. Any previously created piping commodity data neutral files will
not require any revision as a result of this change.

Sample Files
A set of neutral file for US practice are delivered in the files
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\*.pcd (one for each piping materials class specified in the
classes.pmc file).
A set of sample files depicting various options are delivered in the
\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data directory.
bend_tbl.pcd gasket.pcd pharmf.pcd
equiv_npd.pcd gskt_tbl.pcd pharmk.pcd
fluid_code.pcd metric_npd.pcd piplen_tbl.pcd
fpipe.pcd pharm.pcd thickness.pcd

Piping Specialty Specification Data (203)

This database table contains data for a specific specialty item. It is used to define those specialty
items which are used frequently by a particular company or installation. The specialty items are
defined for the entire project, they are not partitioned by Piping Materials Class.
The Piping Specialty Specification Data table contains 26 attributes.
You can also place specialty items interactively in the model by defining the necessary
parameters at the time of placement. No entries in the PJS database are required for these
interactive definitions. Refer to the Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide for more
information on placing specialty items.
1. system_unique_no, integer

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 45

Piping Job Specification

2. piping_comp_no, character(20)
This attribute uniquely identifies the specialty component number. It is sometimes referred
to as Item Number.
3. model_code, character(6)
This attribute identifies the piping specialty name. This can be a Piping Job Specification
access name or a PDS commodity item name.
4. option_code, short, SN 400
This code-listed attribute identifies the option code which determines the search criteria.
This parameter enables you to request that the system retrieve the primary item, a secondary
item, or another special option from the Piping Job Specification. You can select the unique
options (as defined in standard note 400) from a form. If no option is specified at placement,
the primary item is used. Option 2 is reserved as the secondary item. This parameter is used
as a component override in the Piping Designer.
5. gcp_from_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
6. gcp_to_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the green connect point.
7. gcp_end_prep, short, SN 330
These attributes identify the end preparation for the green/red connect point. This value is
an intelligent code list. The system determines the termination type based on the range of
2 - 199 bolted terminations
300 - 399 male terminations
400 - 599 female terminations
8. gcp_rating, character(8)
These attributes identify the pressure rating for the green/red connect point. This parameter
exists as alphanumeric data. The system interprets the first set of sequential numeric
characters as being the pressure rating value. (Refer to the description of pressure rating
under Piping Commodity Data for more information on standard formats.)
9. gcp_sch_thk, character(8)
These attributes identify the schedule or thickness value for the green/red connect point.
This parameter exist as alphanumeric data. (Refer to the description of schedule and
thickness for more information on standard formats.)
10. gcp_table_suffix, short, SN 576
These code-listed attributes identify the source of the generic dimensional data, such as
flange data or piping outside diameter data.
For AMS standards, it represents the table suffix for the connect point.
For DIN standards, it represents the piping outside diameter selection flag (reihe
number) for pipes and fittings.
11. rcp_from_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)

46 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

12. rcp_to_nom_diam , short (NPD Units)

These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the red connect point. For a full size component, these values are set to
13. rcp_end_prep, short, SN 330
See gcp_end_prep.
14. rcp_rating, character(8)
See gcp_rating.
15. rcp_sch_thk, character(8)
See gcp_sch_thk.
16. rcp_table_suffix , short, SN 577
See gcp_table_suffix.
17. physical_data_id , character(8)
This parameter can be used to identify the name of the physical dimension table in the
Physical Data Library to be used for this engineered item.
18. PDS_sort_code, character(6)
This attribute can be used to define an arbitrary index to a geometric data table for piping
specialties. This is an optional input.
19. modifier, double
This attribute is used for pipe bends, elbows, and miters. It represents the bend radius in
terms of the nominal piping diameter.
20. geometric_standard , short, SN 575
This attribute provides a reference to the source of the data (which is usually an industry
standard, such as ANSI, ISO, or DIN, or a company standard) from which the specific
geometry of the commodity item can be deduced.
21. weight_code, short, SN 578
This code-listed attribute defines the weight code for the component. It determines the table
to be used in finding the dry weight of the component. It is required for those cases where
material causes the dry weight data but not the dimensional data to differ for a specific
geometric industry standard.
22. fabrication_cat, short, SN 180
This code-listed attribute identifies the shop/field fabrication and purchase status of a
component. It defines how the component was supplied and how the component was
fabricated (for example, Shop Supplied, Field Fabricated).
23. materials_grade, short, SN 145
This code-listed attribute identifies the material code, specification, grade-temper, and joint
efficiency for the component. It can be used to access physical data in the Graphic
Commodity Library.
24. standard_note_no_a, short, SN 499

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 47

Piping Job Specification

25. standard_note_no_b, short, SN 499

These attributes provide index numbers to standard notes in 499 that apply to this specialty
item. The input to the Standard Note File is the note number. The output is the free-format
text which forms the standard note.
In the delivered data, note numbers 600 through 799 are allocated for piping specialties.
26. input_form_type, short, SN 990
This code-listed attribute defines the type of input form to be used to define data with the
Spec Writer command.

Neutral File Format

Sample Files
A sample neutral file is delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\specialty.data.
A sample file containing various bio-pharmaceutical specialty items is delivered in the file

Instrument Component Specification Data (204)

This table contains the data for a specific instrument item. It is used to define the instruments
which are used frequently by a particular company or installation. The instruments are defined
for the entire project; they are not partitioned by PMC. The following data exists in the
Instrument table.
The Instrument Component Specification Data table contains 26 attributes.
You can also place instruments interactively in the model by defining the necessary
parameters at the time of placement. No entries in the PJS database are required for these
interactive definitions. Refer to the Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide for more
information on placing instruments.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. instrument_comp_no, character(20)
This attribute identifies the tag number for the instrument item. You can modify the
character length for this attribute.

48 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

3. model_code, character(6)
This attribute identifies the specific item name for generic bends, spec flanges, or spec
valves. This can be a Piping Job Specification access name or a PDS commodity item name.
Refer to the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for more information on item
4. option_code, short, SN 400
This code-listed attribute identifies the option code which determines the search criteria.
This parameter enables you to request that the system retrieve the primary item, a secondary
item, or another special option from the Piping Job Specification. You can select the unique
options (defined in a standard note) from a form. If no option is specified at placement, the
default option 1 is used. Option 2 is reserved as the secondary item. This parameter is used
as a component override in Piping Design.
5. gcp_from_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
6. gcp_to_nom_diam , short (NPD Units)
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (low bound to high
bound) for the green connect point.
7. gcp_end_prep, short, SN 330
These code-listed attributes identify the end preparation for the green/red connect point. The
system determines the termination type based on the range of values:
2 - 199 bolted terminations
300 - 399 male terminations
400 - 599 female terminations
8. gcp_rating, character(8)
These attributes identify the pressure rating for the green/red connect point. This parameter
exists as alphanumeric data. The system interprets the first set of sequential numeric
characters as being the pressure rating value. (Refer to the description of pressure rating for
more information on standard formats.)
9. gcp_sch_thk, character(8)
These attributes identify the schedule thickness value for the green/red connect point. (Refer
to the description of schedule and thickness for more information on standard formats.)
10. gcp_table_suffix, short, SN 576
These code-listed attributes reference the source of the generic dimensional data, such as
flange data or piping outside diameter data.
For AMS standards, it represents the table suffix for the connect point.
For DIN standards, it represents the piping outside diameter selection flag (reihe
number) for pipes and fittings.
11. rcp_from_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
12. rcp_to_nom_diam, short (NPD Units)
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (low bound to high
bound) for the red connect point. For a full size component, these parameters are set to zero.
13. rcp_end_prep, short, SN 330
See gcp_end_prep.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 49

Piping Job Specification

14. rcp_rating, character(8)

See gcp_rating.
15. rcp_sch_thk, character(8)
See gcp_sch_thk.
16. rcp_table_suffix, short, SN 577
See gcp_table_suffix.
17. physical_data_id , character(8)
This parameter can be used to reference the set of physical data from the Physical Data
Library to be used for this instrument item.
18. PDS_sort_code, character(6)
This attribute can be used to define an arbitrary index in the geometric data table for
instruments. This is an optional input.
19. modifier, double
This parameter, if applicable, is used to determine the type of valve operator for instrument
valves. It specifies the identification of the symbol description and the source of the
physical data for a valve operator.
20. geometric_standard, short, SN 575
This code-listed attribute identifies the source of the data (which is usually an industry
standard such as ANSI, ISO, or DIN; or a company standard) from which the specific
geometry of the commodity item can be deduced.
21. weight_code, short, SN 578
This code-listed attribute defines the weight code for the instrument. It determines the table
to be used in finding the dry weight of the instrument. It is required for those cases where
material causes the dry weight data but not the dimensional data to differ for a specific
geometric industry standard.
22. fabrication_cat, short, SN 180
This code-listed attribute identifies the shop/field fabrication and purchase status of a
component. It defines how the component was supplied and how the component was
fabricated (for example, Shop Supplied, Field Fabricated).
23. materials_grade, short, SN 145
This code-listed attribute identifies the material code, specification, grade-temper, and joint
efficiency for the instrument. It can be used to access physical data in the Piping Graphic
Commodity Library.
24. standard_note_no_a, short, SN 499
25. standard_note_no_b, short, SN 499
These code-listed attributes provide the index number to standard notes in NL499 that apply
to this instrument. The input to the Standard Note File is the note number. The output is the
free-format text which forms the standard note.
In the delivered data, note numbers 800 through 999 are allocated for instruments.
26. input_form_type, short, SN 990
This code-listed attribute defines the type of input form to be used to define data with the
Spec Writer command.

50 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Neutral File Format

Sample Files
A sample neutral file is delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\instrment.data.
A sample file containing various bio-pharmaceutical instruments is delivered in the file

Tap Properties Data (205)

This table contains the tap properties data that is a function of the tap properties table name and
the nominal piping diameter. These tables define the piping taps which can be added to any of
the components included in a piping materials class. The system uses the information in these
tables and the nominal diameter to provide values for rating, end preparation, schedule/thickness,
and tap code. Tap tables do not allow a NPD range; there must be an individual entry for each
tap diameter.
The NPD entry in the tap table should be either imperial units or metric units depending on the
NPD requirements of the project. For imperial units, enter the specified NPD, such as 0.375. The
software will provide a default unit of inches when the value is loaded into the project. For
metric NPD units, enter the units after the value on the first NPD entry.
For example:
! Diam Opt Rating Prp SC/Th Tap Code
10mm 1 - 591 NREQD E$37591XXX
20 691 - 591 NREQD E$37581XXX

The Tap Properties Data table contains 8 attributes.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 51

Piping Job Specification

The following kinds of taps may be defined in this table:

No-hole taps that permit the subsequent placement of a pipe support trunnion. For example,
a no-hole tap may be placed on an elbow or tee to allow the subsequent placement of a pipe
trunnion for a pipe support; the diameter of this no-hole tap must be defined to have the
same nominal diameter as the component part on which placed.
Hole taps that permit the subsequent placement of piping, piping components, and
instrument components. For example, a hole tap may be placed on a cap to allow the
subsequent placement of a reducing component such as a flatolet; the diameter of this hole
tap must be defined to have the same nominal diameter as the component part on which
placed. A hole tap can also be placed on a blind flange to allow the placement of plain
piping; the diameter of this hole tap must be defined to have the same nominal diameter as
the plain piping.
Hole taps that permit the venting or draining of a piping and/or instrument component. For
example, a hole tap can be placed on an elbow downstream of a relief valve; the diameter of
this hole tap must be defined to have the same nominal diameter as the desired drain hole.
Component taps that represent a tap connection, rather than a hole. For example, a
socketwelded component tap may be placed on a gate valve to represent a socketwelded
connection furnished by the valve manufacturer. The diameter of this component tap must
be defined to have the same nominal diameter as the desired connection.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. tap_table_name, character(6)
This attribute identifies the name of the Tap Properties Data Table. These tables use the
following naming conventions:
first character: C
next three characters: numbers from 001 through 999 used to make the table name
The combination of the tap properties table name, the tap NPD, and the tap option, must be
3. nominal_piping_dia , short
This attribute defines the value for the nominal tap diameter.
4. option_code, short, SN 400
This code-listed attribute identifies the option code which determines the search criteria.
This parameter enables you to request that the system retrieve the primary item, a secondary
item, or another special option from the Piping Job Specification. If no option is specified at
placement, this attribute defaults to option 1 (primary item). This parameter is used as a
component override in Piping Design.
5. end_preparation, short, SN 330
This code-listed attribute identifies the end preparation. The system recognizes a certain
range of values as being flanged termination types, another range as being butt welded
termination types, and so forth.
6. rating, character(8)
This attribute exists as alphanumeric data. The system interprets the first set of sequential
numeric characters as being the pressure rating value. (Refer to the description of pressure
rating for Piping Commodity Data for more information on standard formats.)

52 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

7. sched_thick, character(8)
This attribute identifies the generic or specific schedule, a thickness value, or a calculation.
(Refer to the description of schedule and thickness for Piping Commodity Data for more
information on standard formats.)
8. tap_material_code, character(10)
This optional attribute can be used to access the Material Description Library for the tap's
material description addendum. It must be a unique reference to the Material Description
Library, including material descriptions for commodity items. In reporting or isometric
extraction, this text can be appended to either the short or long descriptions of the
component to which the tap applies.
This attribute is also referred to as the Tap Code. Refer to the listing of the tap descriptions
in the Short Material Description Library (on page 277) for more information on the tap
commodity code.

Neutral File Format

6 8
Sequence= 3 4 6 5 7 8
! By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=2 Date=12-May-1988

Table= C001
! Description= SWE CL3000 default taps
! Diam Opt Rating Prp Sc/Th Tap Code
0.375 691 - 591 NREQD E$37591XXX
> 0.5 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E$50421064
0.5 691 - 591 NREQD E$50591XXX
> 0.75 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E$75421064
0.75 691 - 591 NREQD E$75591XXX
> 1 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E001421064
1 691 - 591 NREQD E001591XXX
> 1.25 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E1$2421064
1.25 691 - 591 NREQD E1$2591XXX
> 1.5 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E1$5421064
1.5 691 - 591 NREQD E1$5591XXX
> 2 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E002421064
2 691 - 591 NREQD E002591XXX
2.5 691 - 591 NREQD E2$5591XXX
> 3 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E003421064
3 691 - 591 NREQD E003591XXX
3.5 691 - 591 NREQD E3$5591XXX
> 4 1 CL3000 421 NREQD E004421064
4 691 - 591 NREQD E004591XXX
5 691 - 591 NREQD E005591XXX
6 691 - 591 NREQD E006591XXX
8 691 - 591 NREQD E008591XXX
10 691 - 591 NREQD E010591XXX
12 691 - 591 NREQD E012591XXX
14 691 - 591 NREQD E014591XXX
16 691 - 591 NREQD E016591XXX
18 691 - 591 NREQD E018591XXX
20 691 - 591 NREQD E020591XXX

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 53

Piping Job Specification

24 691 - 591 NREQD E024591XXX

26 691 - 591 NREQD E026591XXX
28 691 - 591 NREQD E028591XXX
30 691 - 591 NREQD E030591XXX
32 691 - 591 NREQD E032591XXX
34 691 - 591 NREQD E034591XXX
36 691 - 591 NREQD E036591XXX
42 691 - 591 NREQD E042591XXX
48 691 - 591 NREQD E048591XXX

Sample Files
A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file
A sample file containing various bio-pharmaceutical tap properties is delivered in the file

Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211)

The Size-Dependent Data table contains the data for a specific commodity item that is dependent
on the commodity code, nominal piping diameter, and schedule/thickness.
This table is used for miscellaneous batch reporting, such as construction cost reports and
requisition orders, and interfaces to material control, stress analysis, and isometric drawing
There are multiple occurrences for a specific commodity code and a specific pair of green and
red nominal piping diameters in the Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data table
because schedule/thickness is not included in the commodity code.
The Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data table contains 10 attributes.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. sys_commodity_code, character(16)
This parameter identifies the customer's commodity code (or part number). You can modify
the character length for this attribute.
3. gcp_nom_diam, short
4. rcp_nom_diam, short
These coded attributes identify the nominal piping diameter for the green/red connect point
in NPD Units.
5. gcp_sch_thk, character(8)
6. rcp_sch_thk, character(8)
These attributes identify the schedule thickness value for the green/red connect point. This
parameter exist as alphanumeric data.
A generic schedule such as S-STD, S-XS, and S-XXS. If the schedule name exceeds the
provided field length, it is defined in terms of its wall thickness.
A specific schedule such as S-40, S-60, and S-80.

54 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

NREQD is used if the thickness value is not required in purchasing the component,
empty weights are not significantly affected by actual thickness values, and stress
analysis is not applicable.
A value with all numeric characters is interpreted as a wall thickness value in the same
physical units as nominal piping diameter.
An asterisk (*) followed by a name (of the form Cyyy) defines the specific calculation or
table lookup to be used for wall thickness.
7. commodity_code, character(16), index 1
This attribute identifies the customer's commodity code or vendor's part number. It is not
required for the customer's commodity code if the customer's commodity code is not
dependent upon nominal piping diameter or thickness.
8. weld_weight, double
This parameter represents the total weld required at all welded ends of the commodity item.
9. unit_price, double
This attribute identifies the unit price (materials cost) for the commodity item.
10. manhours, double
This attribute identifies the unit manhours associated with the commodity item.

Neutral File Format

A sample neutral file is delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\pcd_size.data.

Data Retrieval
The data retrieval from the Size-Dependent Data table involves data for a commodity item that is
dependent upon nominal piping diameter and schedule/thickness. This form of data retrieval is
used during the MTO report creation process.

inputs (search criteria)

pointer to the commodity item dependent data
NPD green - first size
NPD red - second size
schedule/thickness - green connect point
schedule/thickness - red connect point

customer's commodity code or vendor's part number
weld data

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 55

Piping Job Specification

price data (materials cost) - unit price

labor data - unit manhours

Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212)

The Implied Material Data table contains the implied material data for a specific commodity
item that is dependent on both the Piping Commodity Library code and nominal piping diameter
This data is used strictly for generating implied material for MTO reporting and material control.
It is reserved for spec implied material, such as caps or stubs, for a specific commodity item. It
is also used for reporting the implied components of a commodity item (for example, cap
The Piping Commodity Implies Material Data table contains 10 attributes.
The entries in this tables should not be confused with mating implied items (such as
welds, bolts, nuts, or gaskets) which are generated automatically by the system. Refer to the
Report Manager (PD_Report) User's Guide for more information on implied items.
A unique commodity code must be defined for each commodity definition. For example, if a
commodity code is defined for gate valves from 2" to 14", but you want a different description
for an 11" gate valve, you must assign a new commodity code to the 11" valve.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. sys_commodity_code, character(16)
This parameter identifies the customer's commodity code (or part number), if it is not
dependent upon nominal piping diameter. You can modify the character length for this
3. gcp_from_nom_diam, short
4. gcp_to_nom_diam, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters for the green connect
point in NPD units. These values are not necessarily the same as the range in the Piping Job
NPD is defined as a special coded number with the following formula.
for Metric units, the coded number equals the size (in millimeters)
for English Units, the coded number equals the size (in inches) times 32 plus 5000.
coded number = 32*diameter + 5000 (in)
This allows nominal piping diameter to range from 1 mm to 5000 mm in 1 mm increments
for metric units, and to range from 1/32" to at least 200" in 1/32" increments for the English
System of Units.
5. rcp_from_nom_diam, short
6. rcp_to_nom_diam , short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters for the red connect
point in NPD units. These values are not necessarily the same as the range in the Piping Job
Specification. For a full size component, these parameters should be set to '-'.

56 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

7. commodity_code , character(16) , index 1

This attribute identifies the Piping Commodity code of the implied material. It is used to
generate an MTO line item as a result of a piping commodity item in the Piping Design
model. The implied material is generated by accessing the Piping Commodity Library - not
by accessing the Piping Design database.
8. quantity, double
This attribute identifies the quantity of the implied material.
9. fabrication_cat, short
This code-listed attribute identifies the shop/field fabrication and purchase status of a
component. It defines how the component was supplied and how the component was
fabricated (for example, Shop Supplied, Field Fabricated).
10. standard_note_no , short
This code-listed attribute provides index numbers to standard notes in CL499 that apply to
this implied material.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 57

Piping Job Specification

Neutral File Format

58 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Sample Files
A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file
A sample file containing various bio-pharmaceutical gasket data is delivered in the file

Data Retrieval
Data retrieval from the Implied Material Data table involves implied material data for a
commodity item that is dependent on nominal piping diameter range. This form of data retrieval
is used during the MTO Report Creation process and Material Control.

inputs (search criteria)

pointer to the commodity item dependent data

Commodity code of the implied material
Quantity of the implied material
Fabrication category of the implied material
Standard note for the implied material

Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231)

The Component Insulation Exclusion Data is used to completely or partially exclude the
insulation of components on insulated lines with respect to interference checking.
For each piping component, piping specialty, or instrument component (excluding pipes) on an
insulated line, the Piping Envelope Builder will search the Component Insulation Exclusion Data
Table on the basis of the following data to determine whether or not insulation should be
completely excluded from that component's interference envelope.
green nominal piping diameter of the component (range search)
red nominal piping diameter of the component (range search)
heat tracing requirements (range search)
insulation purpose (range search)
normal operating temperature (range search)
For piping commodities, the Piping Envelope Builder searches for the component's commodity
name in the Component Insulation Exclusion Data Table using the preceding data.
If the piping commodity is defined in the exclusion table for those conditions, the applicable
insulation thickness will not be added to the component's interference envelope.
If the commodity name is not specified in the exclusion table for those conditions, the Piping
Envelope Builder searches for the component's model code using the same data. If a match
for those conditions is found on the basis of model code, the applicable insulation thickness
will not be added to the component's interference envelope.
Otherwise, the insulation thickness will be included in the component's interference
For piping specialties and instrument components, the Piping Envelope Builder searches for the
component's model code in the Component Insulation Exclusion Data Table using the preceding

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 59

Piping Job Specification

data. If the component is defined in the exclusion table for those conditions, the applicable
insulation thickness will not be added to the component's interference envelope. Otherwise, the
insulation thickness will be included in the component's interference envelope.
The piping segment data (heat tracing requirements, insulation purpose, and normal operating
temperature) are determined on the basis of the piping segment that is associated with the first
connect point of the applicable component.
The Component Insulation Exclusion Data table contains 13 attributes.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. commodity_name, character(6)
This attribute identifies the commodity item name of a piping component as defined in the
Piping Commodity Specification Data (Table 202 attribute 3).
If this attribute is blank, the system will search for a match by model code.
3. model_code, character(6)
For piping commodities, this attribute identifies the model code as defined in the Piping
Commodity Specification Data (Table 202 attribute 19).
For piping specialties, this attribute identifies the model code as defined in the Piping
Specialty Specification Data (Table 203 attribute 3).
For instruments, this attribute identifies the model code as defined in the Instrument
Component Specification Data (Table 204 attribute 3).
4. gcp_npd_from, short
5. gcp_npd_to, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the green connect point of the component or instrument in NPD units.
6. rcp_npd_from, short
7. rcp_npd_to, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the red connect point of the component or instrument in NPD units.
For full size components, use a dash (-) for these attributes.
8. heat_tracing_from, short, SN 200
9. heat_tracing_to, short, SN 200
These code-listed attributes identify the range of heat tracing values (lower bound to higher
bound) using values from code list set 200, Heat Tracing Requirements.
A dash (-) can be used for the from value to indicate that heat tracing requirements are not to
be considered as part of the discrimination process.
10. insul_purpose_from, short, SN 220
11. insul_purpose_to, short, SN 220
These code-listed attributes identify the range of insulation purpose values (lower bound to
higher bound) using values from Standard Note type 220, Insulation Purpose.
A dash (-) can be used for the from value to indicate that insulation purpose is not to be
considered as part of the discrimination process.
12. nor_oper_temp_from , double

60 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

13. nor_oper_temp_to , double

These attributes identify the range of temperature values (lower bound to higher bound) for
the component or instrument.
A dash (-) can be used for the from value to indicate that temperature is not to be considered
as part of the discrimination process.
The system of units for the temperature range is the same as the system of units for the
maximum temperature in the Piping Commodity Specification Data Table. Note that normal
design temperature, alternate operating temperature, and alternate design temperature are not

Neutral File Format


Sequence= 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- I15AS 4 12 - - 3 3 5 5 150 200
6Q2C76 - 4 12 - - 3 3 5 5 150 200
- REDE 4 12 2 10 3 3 5 5 150 200

A sample neutral file is delivered in the file


Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (232)

The Flange Insulation Exclusion Data provides for partial exclusion of flange insulation
thickness from the generation of interference envelopes. This is an optional data table; if no data
is defined for this table, the Piping Envelope builder will continue to function as it has in
previous releases of PDS.
The Piping Envelope Builder searches for matching data in this table for each bolted end of each
piping component or instrument component on an insulated line that are determined to be
insulated. The system only searches for components that passed the component insulation
exclusion test, as described in Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231) (on page 59).
The Piping Envelope Builder searches for matching data on the basis of the following data to
determine whether or not insulation should be excluded from the flange outside diameter of that
bolted end of the component.
nominal piping diameter of the bolted end (range search)
heat tracing requirements (range search)
insulation purpose (range search)
normal operating temperature (range search)
If matching criteria is found in the exclusion table for these conditions, the applicable insulation
thickness will not be added to the flange outside diameter of the bolted end of that component's
interference envelope. Otherwise, the insulation thickness will be included in the component's
interference envelope.
The piping segment data (heat tracing requirements, insulation purpose, and normal operating
temperature) are determined on the basis of the piping segment associated with the first connect
point of the applicable component.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 61

Piping Job Specification

The Piping Eden modules for the interference envelopes that are to consider the
partial exclusion of insulation from the flange outside diameter of a bolted end must be
revised to accommodate this option. If you do not change any or all of the Piping Eden
modules for the interference envelopes, this table will have no impact and the interference
envelopes will include complete insulation, when applicable.
For example, the required modification to the interference parametric for the weldneck
flange (FWN) is as follows:
!FLANGE - Interference Module
Interference_Parametric_Shape_Definition 'F1A'
Call Define_Connect_Point_Geometry ( LINEAR )
Thickness_1 = Thickness_1 + CP_Offset_1
Thickness_2 = Thickness_2 + CP_Offset_2
!Original Line
! Facing_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1 + Insulation * 2
!Modified Line
Facing_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1 + Insulation_1 * 2
Facing_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2 + Insulation * 2
Call Draw_Cylinder ( Thickness_1, Facing_OD_1 )
Call Draw_Cylinder ( Thickness_2, Facing_OD_2 )
The Flange Insulation Exclusion Data table has 9 attributes.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. bolted_npd_from, short
3. bolted_npd_to, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the bolted end of the component or instrument in NPD units.
4. heat_tracing_from, short, SN 200
5. heat_tracing_to, short, SN 200
These code-listed attributes identify the range of heat tracing values (lower bound to higher
bound) using values from code list set 200, Heat Tracing Requirements.
A dash (-) can be used for the from value to indicate that heat tracing requirements are not to
be considered as part of the discrimination process.
6. insul_purpose_from, short, SN 220
7. insul_purpose_to, short, SN 220
These code-listed attributes identify the range of insulation purpose values (lower bound to
higher bound) using values from Standard Note type 220, Insulation Purpose.
A dash (-) can be used for the from value to indicate that insulation purpose is not to be
considered as part of the discrimination process.
8. nor_oper_temp_from, double
9. nor_oper_temp_to, double
These attributes identify the range of temperature values (lower bound to higher bound) for
the bolted end of the component or instrument.

62 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

A dash (-) can be used for the from value to indicate that temperature is not to be considered
as part of the discrimination process.
The system of units for the temperature range is the same as the system of units for the
maximum temperature in the Piping Commodity Specification Data Table. Note that normal
design temperature, alternate operating temperature, and alternate design temperature are not

Neutral File Format


Sequence= 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 12 3 3 5 5 150 200
4 12 3 3 5 5 150 200
4 12 3 3 5 5 150 200

Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data (233)

The Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data can be used to completely or partially
exclude construction tolerance from the generation of interference envelopes. This feature only
applies to Piping vs. Piping construction tolerances.

This is an optional data table; if no data is defined for this table, the Piping Envelope builder will
continue to function as it has in previous releases of PDS.
For each piping or instrument component, excluding pipes, the Piping Envelope Builder searches
Table 233 on the basis of the following data to determine whether the Piping versus Piping
construction tolerance should be excluded from that component's interference envelope.
green NPD of the component (range search)
red NPD of the component (range search)
For piping commodities, the Piping Envelope Builder searches for the component's commodity
name in the Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data Table using the preceding data.
If the piping commodity is defined in the exclusion table for those conditions, the applicable
construction tolerance will not be added to the component's interference envelope.
If the commodity name is not specified in the exclusion table for those conditions, the Piping
Envelope Builder will search for the component's model code using the same data. If a
match for those conditions is found on the basis of the model code, the applicable
construction tolerance will not be added to the component's interference envelope.
Otherwise, the construction tolerance will be included in the component's interference

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 63

Piping Job Specification

For piping specialties and instrument components, the Piping Envelope Builder searches for the
component's model code in the Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data Table using the
preceding data. If the component is defined in the exclusion table for those conditions, the
applicable construction tolerance will not be added to the component's interference envelope.
Otherwise, the construction tolerance will be included in the component's interference envelope.
The Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data table has 7 attributes.
1. system_unique_no, integer
2. commodity_name, character(6)
This attribute identifies the commodity item name of a piping component as defined in the
Piping Commodity Specification Data (Table 202 attribute 3).
If this attribute is blank, the system will search for a match by model code.
3. model_code, character(6)
For piping commodities, this attribute identifies the model code as defined in the Piping
Commodity Specification Data (Table 202 attribute 19).
For piping specialties, this attribute identifies the model code as defined in the Piping
Specialty Specification Data (Table 203 attribute 3).
For instruments, this attribute identifies the model code as defined in the Instrument
Component Specification Data (Table 204 attribute 3).
4. gcp_npd_from, short
5. gcp_npd_to, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the green connect point of the component or instrument in NPD units.
6. rcp_npd_from, short
7. rcp_npd_to, short
These coded attributes identify the range of nominal piping diameters (lower bound to
higher bound) for the red connect point of the component or instrument in NPD units.
For full size components, use a dash (-) for these attributes.

Neutral File Format


Sequence= 2 3 4 5 6 7
- I15AS 4 12 - -
6Q2C76 - 4 12 - -
- REDE 4 12 2 10

A sample neutral file is delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\constol.data.

64 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Spec Writer
This command provides a forms interface for interactively creating, revising, and managing the
following specification data. This interface provides more simplicity and flexibility to a beginner
or a casual user than defining specs with their respective neutral files:
Piping Materials Class Data (201) (on page 34)
Piping Commodity Specification Data (202) (on page 38)
Piping Specialty Specification Data (203) (on page 45)
Instrument Component Specification Data (204) (on page 48)
Tap Properties Data (205) (on page 51)
Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) (on page 56)

See Also
Features (on page 65)
RDB Options File (on page 66)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 65

Piping Job Specification

The Spec Writer provides the following general features:
User-specified options for customizing the input of data (RDB_options).
A direct interface to the unapproved Specification Material Reference Database.
On-line validation for the existence of a material description, once the commodity code (or
component number) has been defined.
Optional on-line Table Checker validation using pre-defined Table Checker reports.
Automated selections from the Standard Note Library for code-listed data. The approved
Standard Note Library must have been defined to include the correct data for use in the
Material Reference Database.
Selectable list of acceptable model codes for a specified commodity name.
Context-sensitive user interface. The form options will vary depending on the item being
defined. For example, the creation (and revision) of specification data for bolts and gaskets
will display only those inputs relevant for bolts or gaskets.
Context-sensitive on-line help that is linked to the Piping Component Data Reference Guide
and the Reference Data Manager Reference Guide.

RDB Options File

The RDB Options File allows you to customize the data input operations for the Interactive Spec
Writer. You should define an RDB options list, named RDB_options in the project directory. A
default RDB options list is included in the PD_Data sample/data/ directory.
! RDB_options
! general items = three main toggles
! PDtable_201 items
! PDtable_202 items

66 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

! Pipe/Tube
! Valves (6Q1C)
6Q1C04 = GATBL
! Generic 3-way
6Q1C05 = BAL3P, GLO3W, PLU3W, SLI3W, 3WRV1
6Q1C08 = BAL3P
6Q1C13 = GLO3W
6Q1C18 = PLU3W
6Q1C19 = PLU4W
6Q1C22 = NEE
6Q1C32 = KNF
6Q1C33 = SLI
6Q1C34 = SLI3W
6Q1C41 = CKST
6Q1C42 = CKAST
6Q1C43 = CKYST
6Q1C50 = CKBP
6Q1C51 = CKAR
6Q1C53 = BDA
6Q1C54 = BDY
6Q1C56 = PIN
6Q1C57 = FLO
6Q1C58 = FOOT
6Q1C62 = TKDR
6Q1C69 = DEL
6Q1C72 = HOS
6Q1C73 = HOSA
! Generic Vent/Drain Valve

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 67

Piping Job Specification

! Generic Instrument Root Valve
6Q1C81 = 3WRV1
6Q1C82 = 4WRV1
! On-line Fittings (6P2C) and In-line Fittings (6Q2C)
6Q2C04 = FEWN
6Q2C08 = FBLD
6Q2C10 = BLSPO
6Q2C11 = BLSPC
6Q2C12 = BDISC
6Q2C13 = BLPAD
6Q2C14 = T1SPA, T2SPA1
! Generic End
6Q2C19 = PLUG
! Generic Conentric Diameter Change
! Generic Eccentric Diameter Change
6Q2C25 = CPL
6Q2C26 = CPLH
6Q2C27 = REDC
6Q2C28 = REDE
6Q2C32 = CPLR
6Q2C35 = SWGC
6Q2C36 = SWGE
6Q2C39 = UN
6Q2C40 = UNO
6Q2C41 = UND
6Q2C43 = HC
6Q2C44 = BUSH
6Q2C46 = INSR1, INSR2
6Q2C47 = PIPB, PIPB2
6Q2C49 = E5
6Q2C51 = E11
6Q2C53 = E22

68 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

! Generic <45 Degree Direction Change
6Q2C55 = E5, E11, E22, E45TLR, PIPB, PIPB2
! Generic 45 Degree Direction Change
6Q2C56 = E45LR, E45, PIPB, PIPB2, E45LT, E453D, E45T3D, E45U, E45ST,
E45S, E45L, M451, M452
6Q2C57 = E45
6Q2C59 = E45LR, E45TLR
6Q2C60 = E45LT
6Q2C61 = E453D, E45T3D
6Q2C63 = E45U
6Q2C65 = E45ST
6Q2C66 = E45S
6Q2C68 = E45L
6Q2C73 = E60
! Generic 45-90 Degree Direction Change
6Q2C75 = E90TLR, PIPB, PIPB2
! Generic 90 Degree Direction Change
6Q2C76 = E90LR, E90, E90SR, E90LT, E90R, E903D, E903T3D, E90U, E90ST,
E90RST, E90S, E90L, PIPB, PIPB2, E90LT, M901, M902, M903, M904
6Q2C77 = E90
6Q2C79 = E90SR
6Q2C80 = E90LR, E90TLR
6Q2C82 = E90LT
6Q2C84 = E90R
6Q2C86 = E903D, E903T3D
6Q2C88 = E90U
6Q2C90 = E90ST
6Q2C91 = E90RST
6Q2C93 = E90S
6Q2C94 = E90L
! On-line Fittings (6P3C) and In-line Fittings (6Q3C)
6Q3C01 = R180
6Q3C03 = R180SR
6Q3C05 = R180LR
6Q3C07 = R180CL
6Q3C08 = R180MD
6Q3C09 = R180OP
6Q3C14 = M1, M2, M3, M4
6Q3C16 = M451, M452
6Q3C18 = M901, M902, M903, M904
6Q3C22 = T, TBT
6Q3C24 = TRB, TRBT
6Q3C25 = TRRB
6Q3C27 = TUOR
6Q3C28 = TUOB
6Q3C31 = TST

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 69

Piping Job Specification

6Q3C34 = TRI
6Q3C38 = TBA
6Q3C45 = Y
6Q3C47 = L
6Q3C49 = LRB
6Q3C50 = LRRB
6Q3C52 = S90YB
6Q3C53 = S90YRB
6Q3C54 = L90YB
6Q3C55 = L90YRB
6Q3C60 = X
6Q3C62 = XRB
6Q3C63 = XRRB
6Q3C64 = XBA
6Q3C70 = SAD
6Q3C72 = SWOL
6Q3C73 = WOL
6Q3C74 = SOL
6Q3C75 = TOL
6Q3C76 = NOL
6Q3C78 = LOL
6Q3C79 = FOLHC
6Q3C80 = RPAD, RPAD2
6Q3C88 = NIP
6Q3C89 = NIPIL
!6Q3C95 = GASKET
!6Q3C97 = STUD
!6Q3C98 = NUT
! Handwheels
OP_0 = None Required
OP_3 = Handwheel
OP_4 = Handwheel if GCP>RCP
OP_5 = Handwheel, inclined
OP_9 = Wrench, short
OP_11 = Wrench, long
OP_17 = Lever
OP_19 = T-handle, short
OP_21 = T-handle, long
OP_25 = Handwheel, special
OP_27 = Wrench, special
OP_29 = Gear, top mounted handwheel
OP_31 = Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel
OP_33 = Gear, side mounted handwheel
OP_35 = Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel

70 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

OP_39 = Lever, quick-action

OP_40 = Post indicator
! Actuators
OP_411 = Diaphragm, type 1
OP_412 = Diaphragm, type 2
OP_413 = Diaphragm, type 3
OP_431 = Press-balanced diaphragm type 1
OP_432 = Press-balanced diaphragm type 2
OP_433 = Press-balanced diaphragm type 3
OP_451 = Regulator type 1
OP_452 = Regulator type 2
OP_453 = Regulator type 3
OP_491 = Single acting cylinder type 1
OP_492 = Single acting cylinder type 2
OP_493 = Single acting cylinder type 3
OP_511 = Doulble acting cylinder type 1
OP_512 = Doulble acting cylinder type 2
OP_513 = Doulble acting cylinder type 3
OP_531 = Pilot operated cylinder type 1
OP_532 = Pilot operated cylinder type 2
OP_533 = Pilot operated cylinder type 3
OP_534 = Pilot operated cylinder type 4
OP_571 = Motor type 1
OP_572 = Motor type 2
OP_573 = Motor type 3
OP_574 = Motor type 4
OP_611 = Digital type 1
OP_651 = Electro-hydraulic type 1
OP_652 = Electro-hydraulic type 2
OP_811 = Weight type 1
OP_851 = Manual type 1
OP_852 = Manual type 2
OP_853 = Manual type 3
OP_854 = Manual type 4
OP_891 = Spring type 1

You can use the following keywords to customize the settings in the RDB options file.

General Items
For piping commodities, you can verify that a material description has been defined in the Short
Material Description Library and/or the Long Material Description Library. For piping
specialties and instruments, you can verify that a material description has been defined in the
Specialty Material Description Library.
material description is displayed when you specify the commodity code.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default setting is OFF.
material description is displayed when you specify the commodity code.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 71

Piping Job Specification

If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default setting is OFF.
material description is displayed when you specify the commodity code.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default setting is OFF.

PDtable_201 items
SERVICE_LIMITS_TABLE = LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of Service Limits
Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library) is displayed.
You must specify a prefix to use as a substring search to determine the list of tables. (Use L
for the delivered tables.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
NOMINAL_PIPING_DIAMETER_TABLE = LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of
Nominal Piping Diameter Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table
Library) is displayed. You must specify a prefix to use as a substring search to determine
the list of tables. (Use D for the delivered tables.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
BRANCH_TABLE = LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of Branch Tables (as defined
in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library) is displayed. You must specify a
prefix to be used as a substring search to determine the list of tables. (Use B for the
delivered tables.) The list is filtered to only include the unique tables, where the branch
angle is 90 degrees.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
You should not assign the same Branch Table to be used in two different piping
materials classes if, for example, one allows intersections at both 45 degrees and 90 degrees,
and the other only allows 90 degree intersections. The Reference Data Manager will not
detect this problem.
Properties Data Tables (as defined in PDtable_205 of the unapproved Material Reference
Database) is displayed.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
GASKET_SEPARATION_TABLE = KEYIN or LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of
Gasket Separation Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table
Library) is displayed. You must specify a prefix to be used as a substring search to
determine the list of tables. (Use G for the delivered tables.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
When listing the Gasket Separation Tables, the list of tables is restricted to unique
names, excluding the underbar (_) and the pressure rating value that follows. In other words,
the list of Gasket Separation Tables will not include the pressure rating (G001 instead of

72 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

THICKNESS_DATA_TABLE = KEYIN or LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of

Thickness Data Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library)
is displayed. You must specify a prefix to be used as a substring search to determine the list
of tables. (Use T for the delivered tables.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
MATERIALS_DATA_TABLE = KEYIN or LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of
Materials Data Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library) is
displayed. You must specify a prefix to be used as a substring search to determine the list of
tables. (Use M for the delivered tables.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
FLUID_CODE = VALUE Specify a default fluid code value to be used for the piping
materials class.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is that you do not
intend to define this data, unless you specify the name of a Fluid Code Table.
FLUID_CODE_TABLE = KEYIN or LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of Fluid
Code Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library) is
displayed. You must specify a prefix (such as FC) to be used as a substring search to
determine the list of tables.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION = KEYIN or LIST If set to LIST, a list of materials
descriptions (as defined in the approved Standard Note Library) is displayed.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
BEND_DEFLECTION_TABLE = KEYIN or LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of
Bend Deflection Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library)
is displayed. You must specify a prefix to be used as a substring search to determine the list
of tables.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
PIPE_LENGTH_TABLE = KEYIN or LIST, <prefix> If set to LIST, a list of Pipe
Length Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library) is
displayed. You must specify a prefix to be used as a substring search to determine the list of
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
table name.
STANDARD_NOTE = KEYIN or LIST If set to LIST, a list of standard notes (as defined
in the approved Standard Note Library) is displayed.
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file, the default mode is to key in the
value of the standard note.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 73

Piping Job Specification

PDtable_202 items
MODEL_CODE = KEYIN or LIST If set to LIST, a list of acceptable model codes
(determined by the commodity name) is displayed. (See keyword COMMODITY_NAME
<===> MODEL_CODES for more information.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file or the list of acceptable model codes
is not defined, the default mode is to key in the value.
VALVE_OPERATOR = KEYIN or LIST If set to LIST, a list of valve operator types (as
defined in the RDB options file) is displayed. (See keyword VALVE_OPERATOR_LIST for
more information.)
If this keyword is not specified in the RDB options file or the list of valve operator types is
not defined, the default mode is to key in the value.
PROMPT_FOR_TAP_ORIENTATION This keyword is used if you require that all (or some)
orifice flanges have two taps oriented 90 degrees apart. By default orifice taps are oriented
180 degrees apart on the outside diameter of the flange.
If this keyword is not included in the RDB options list, the relative tap orientation for two
taps will always be 180 degrees.
COMMODITY_NAME <===> MODEL_CODES This keyword precedes the list of
associations between commodity names and their acceptable model codes. This list must be
defined to use the LIST option for MODEL_CODE.
The association between a commodity name and the acceptable model codes for that
commodity name is defined as follows.
<commodity_name> = <model_code_A>,<model_code_B>, ...
You can define as many as 50 model codes, separated by a comma, for each commodity
The delivered RDB options list includes a list of acceptable model codes for the reference
data provided with PDS.
VALVE_OPERATOR_LIST This keyword precedes the list of valve operator types and
their corresponding descriptions.
The list of valve operator types is defined as follows.
<valve operator type> = <description>
OP_0 = None Required
OP_3 = Handwheel
The delivered RDB options file includes a list of valve operator types for the reference data
provided with PDS. The description is for information only to aid the user in selecting the
proper valve operator type.
END_VALVE_OPERATOR_LIST This keyword must follow the valve operator list as a

74 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Piping Materials Class Data Command

The Piping Materials Class Data command can be used to create a piping materials class
definition in Table 201 of the Material Reference Database or revise and existing piping
materials class definition.

Create The system activates the Create Piping Materials Class Data form.
Revise By Keyin The system activates the Revise Piping Materials Class Data form.
Key in the name of the piping materials class to revise in the Piping Materials Class field.
Revise By List Select the piping materials class to be revised from the displayed list of
piping materials classes (as defined in the Unapproved Material Reference Database) and
select Accept. The system activates the Revise Piping Materials Class Data form with the
data for the selected piping materials class.

Create/Revise Piping Materials Class Data

The Create/Revise Piping Materials Class Data form is used to create or modify the definition of
a piping materials class. When creating a new definition, the system will jump to the input fields
for the mandatory data. You must specify a value for all the mandatory fields.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 75

Piping Job Specification

The system highlights the mandatory input fields (those that must be specified). Once you define
a valid input for a mandatory field the system will drop the highlight for that field.
Refer to RDB Options File (on page 66) for information on defining list options for the
applicable input fields.
Refer to Piping Materials Class Data (201) (on page 34) for more information on the attributes
for the Piping Materials Class Data table (201).

Mandatory Input Fields

Piping Materials Class (keyin) Key in up to 16 alphanumeric characters for the piping
materials class to be defined. The system verifies that specified piping materials class does
not already exist in the Unapproved Material Reference Database.
Gasket Separation (keyin) Key in the value for the gasket separation for this piping
materials class.
Gasket Table (keyin or list) Key in the table name or select from the list of tables (as
defined in the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library). The list of Gasket
Separation Tables will exclude the pressure rating value.
Service Limits (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Service Limits Table for this piping
materials class or select from a list of Service Limits Tables (as defined in the approved
Piping Job Specification Table Library).
Diameter (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Nominal Piping Diameter Table for this
piping materials class or select from a list of Nominal Piping Diameter Tables (as defined in
the approved Piping Job Specification Table Library).
Branch Table (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Branch Table for this piping
materials class or select from a list of Branch Tables (as defined in the approved Piping Job
Specification Table Library). The list will only include the unique tables, where the branch

76 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

angle is 90 degrees. For more information, see Bends and Tee-type Branches and Branch
Components in Piping Design Reference Guide.

The 90 degree button only works if a Branch Table exists.

You should not assign the same Branch Table to two different piping materials classes
if, for example, one allows intersections at both 45 degrees and 90 degrees, and the other
only allows 90 degree intersections. The Reference Data Manager will not detect this
You can place components without a Branch Table; you simply select the components
using the individual component buttons.
The Branch Table is the primary choice for picking branching components because of
the engineering calculations required.
Sometimes you can override the Branch Table based on company rules or the Stress
Group requirement. For example, the Branch Table can be overridden by not selecting
the 90 degree button and then selecting any other branching component. However, doing
so without direction from the rules or the Stress Group is a violation on the codes or
Tap Data (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Tap Properties Data Table for this
piping materials class or select from a list of Tap Properties Data Tables (as defined in
PDtable_205 of the unapproved Material Reference Database).
The unapproved tap properties data is referenced, since all specification data within the
Material Reference Database is approved in one operation.

Optional Data - Wall Thickness

This data is required for piping commodities, where the schedule or thickness is not explicitly
defined in the piping materials class or in a wall thickness table.
Corrosion Allowance (keyin) Key in a numeric value, if wall thickness calculations are
to be used.
Thickness Equation (list) Select one of the displayed wall thickness equations.
ANSI B31.3-1987 EL01
ANSI B31.1a-1986 EJ01
The corresponding name for the thickness equation is loaded into the Piping Materials Class
Data Table.
Thickness Table (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Thickness Data Table for this
piping materials class or select from a list of Thickness Data Tables (as defined in the
approved Piping Job Specification Table Library).
Materials Data Table (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Materials Data Table for
this piping materials class or select from a list of Materials Data Tables (as defined in the
approved Piping Job Specification Table Library).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 77

Piping Job Specification

Optional Data
The following data is not required and can be defined or not defined based on your company
Materials Description (keyin or list) Key in the numeric value for the materials
description in the Standard Note Library for this piping materials class or select from the list
of materials descriptions (as defined in the approved Standard Note Library).
Revision (keyin) Key in up to two alphanumeric characters for the revision number.
Revision Date (keyin) Key in up to ten alphanumeric characters for the date. The
current date will not be entered automatically.
Note that the Reference Data Manager creates and maintains a separate revision
management date on the basis of the current date and time which can be used in the
reporting of reference data.
Fluid Code (keyin list) Define a default fluid code to be used for the piping materials
Fluid Code Table (keyin list) Key in the name of the Fluid Code Table for this piping
materials class or select from a list of Fluid Code Tables (as defined in the approved Piping
Job Specification Table Library).
Materials of Construction (keyin) Key in up to six alphanumeric characters.
Bend Deflect Table (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Bend Deflection Table for this
piping materials class or select from a list of Bend Deflection Tables (as defined in the
approved Piping Job Specification Table Library).
Pipe Length Table (keyin or list) Key in the name of the Pipe Length Table for this
piping materials class or select from a list of Pipe Length Tables (as defined in the approved
Piping Job Specification Table Library).
Standard Note Number (keyin or list) Key in the note number in the Standard Note
Library for this piping materials class or select from the list of standard notes (as defined in
the approved Standard Note Library).

78 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Piping Commodity Data Command

The Piping Commodity Data command can be used to create a piping commodity definition in
Table 202 of the Material Reference Database or revise an existing piping commodity definition.

Create Select the Piping Materials Class for the commodity item to be created from the
list of piping materials classes (as defined in the Unapproved Material Reference Database)
and select Accept. The system activates the Create Piping Commodity Specification Data
Revise By Keyin Key in the name of the piping materials class for the commodity item
to be modified. Then select the piping commodity to be revised from the displayed List of
Piping Commodities and select Accept. The system activates the Revise Piping Commodity
Specification Data form with the data for the selected piping commodity.
Revise By List Select the piping materials class for the commodity item to be revised
from the displayed list of piping materials classes and select Accept. Then select the piping
commodity to be revised from the displayed List of Piping Commodities and select Accept.
The system activates the Revise Piping Commodity Specification Data form with the data
for the selected piping commodity.
Copy You can use the Copy option in conjunction with the Revise options as a cut-and-
paste feature. This command requires that both the source piping materials class data and the
destination piping materials class have been created.
You can copy a complete piping materials class, including the piping commodity
specification data or selectively copy specific commodities. Select the option for the items
to be copied.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 79

Piping Job Specification

Source and Destination Piping Materials Class - These are active fields that, when selected,
display the piping materials class list. Select the source piping materials class from the
displayed list, and then select Accept. Select the destination piping materials class from the
displayed list and select Accept.

Select All - This option copies the specification data for all piping commodities within the
selected source piping materials class to the specified destination piping materials class.
Select From List - Select the source piping materials class from the displayed list and select
Accept. Select the destination piping materials class from the displayed list and select Accept.
Then select the piping commodity to be copied from the list of all piping commodities within the
source piping materials class.
Select Gaskets - Select the source piping materials class from the displayed list and select
Accept. Select the destination piping materials class from the displayed list and select Accept.
The system copies the specification data for all gaskets within the source piping materials class
to the destination piping materials class. Gaskets are recognized on the basis of the gasket
commodity name, as specified through the Project Data Manager.
Select Bolts - Select the source piping materials class from the displayed list and select Accept.
Select the destination piping materials class from the displayed list and select Accept. The
system copies the specification data for all bolts within the source piping materials class to the
destination piping materials class. Bolts are recognized on the basis of the bolt commodity
name, as specified through the Project Data Manager.
Short Commodity Material Description ON/OFF You can set this toggle to ON to
verify that the material description for a specified commodity code has been defined in the
Short Material Description Library.

80 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Long Commodity Material Description ON/OFF You can set this toggle to ON to
verify that the material description for a specified commodity code has been defined in the
Long Material Description Library.

If the Material Description toggle is set to ON and no corresponding material description is

found for a specified commodity code, the system activates the Add Entry to Material
Description Library form. See Add Entry to Material Description Library (on page 88).

Create/Revise Piping Commodity Specification Data

The Create/Revise Piping Commodity Specification Data form is used to create or modify the
definition of a piping commodity within a specified piping materials class. When creating a new
definition, the system will jump to the input fields for the mandatory data. You must specify a
value (by keyin or selection from a list) for all the mandatory fields.

Refer to RDB Options File (on page 66) for information on defining options for the applicable
input fields.
Refer to Piping Commodity Specification Data (202) (on page 38) for information on the
attributes for the Piping Commodity Specification Data table.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 81

Piping Job Specification

Where possible, the system verifies that the specified value is valid for the applicable piping
materials class. For example, NPD values are checked against the associated diameters table in
the approved Piping Job Spec Table Library.
Commodity Type This field can be used to select the type of piping commodity data to
be created based on the settings in Standard Note Type 990 of the Standard Note Library.
General Fittings Piping
Pipe Bends Tubing
Orifice Flanges Gaskets
Branch Nipples Bolts
Branch Reinforcement Nuts
The system will modify the form fields to reflect the data that is specific to that type of
component. The system stores the commodity type as the input_form_type within the Piping
Commodity Specification Data Table of the Material Reference Database.
Any input fields that are not used for a specific piping commodity type will be de-activated.
The General Fittings category will allow input in all the input fields. This form is used for
any piping commodity that does not fall within any of the other types.

General Fittings, Pipe Bends, Orifice Flanges, Branch Nipples, Branch Reinforcement, and
Commodity Name (keyin)
From NPD - First Size (keyin)
To NPD - First Size (keyin)
End Preparation - First Size (list)
Pressure Rating - First Size (keyin) This data is automatically set to undefined (blank)
for the branch reinforcement commodity type.
Table Suffix - First Size (list)
Schedule/Thickness - First Size (list) Attribute 10. This data is automatically set to
undefined (blank) for the branch reinforcement commodity type.
Commodity Code (keyin) Key in the commodity code for the piping commodity. When
size-dependent commodity codes are required, this will represent a system commodity code
and will be used by the Report Manager to reference the size-dependent commodity code in
the Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data Table.
The system automatically translates the specified commodity code to be upper-case.
You can use the Implied Data option to specify implied data for this piping commodity.
Refer to Commodity Implied Data Command (on page 98) for information on project-
specific implied data. Refer to Implied Data (on page 87) for information on class-specific
implied data. The default is that implied data does not apply.
For the revise command, the prefixes for implied data are not displayed as part of the
commodity code, although the prefix will be loaded in the database. For implied data
(project-wide or class-specific), the system will display the toggle setting rather than
showing the prefix in the commodity code field.

82 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Model Code (keyin or list) Attribute 19. Key in the model code or select the model code
from a list of acceptable model codes (as defined by commodity name in the RDB options
Geometric Industry Standard (list)
Weight Code (list)
fabrication category (list)
Define the following data for any reducing components. This data will not apply to either the
orifice flange or branch nipple commodity type.
From NPD - Second Size (keyin) Attribute 12. Key in the lowest second size for which
this specification data applies.
To NPD - Second Size (keyin) Attribute 13. Key in the highest second size for which
this specification data applies.
You can optionally define the following fields when two ends of that component require
different data. By PDS convention, if you specify a red End Preparation, you must specify the
corresponding pressure rating, table suffix, and schedule/thickness.
End Preparation - Second Size (list)
Pressure Rating - Second Size (keyin) This data is set to undefined (blank) for the
branch reinforcement commodity type.
Table Suffix - Second Size (list)
Schedule/Thickness - Second Size (list) This data is set to undefined (blank) for the
branch reinforcement commodity type.
The following data must be defined for the designated [component types]. The setting is stored
in the modifier attribute.
Bend Radius (keyin) [Pipe Bend] Key in the bend radius for the pipe bend.
Number of Taps (toggle) [Orifice Flanges] Set the toggle for the number of taps (1 or
2) on the orifice flange. If applicable, set the orientation of the taps as 90 degrees or 180
degrees. This toggle only appears for orifice flanges that have two taps.
Nipple Length (keyin) [Branch Nipples] Key in length of the branch nipple.
Reinforcement Data (toggle) [Branch Reinforcement] Set the toggle for the source of
the branch reinforcement data to By System or By User.
If you select the by user branch reinforcement option, the commodity option code is
automatically defined with a value of 699 (User-defined), as required by PDS.
Valve Operator (keyin or list) [Valves] Key in the valve operator type or select the
valve operator type from a list of valve operator types. The list of valve operator types and
the corresponding descriptions are defined in the RDB options list.
Valve Operator Display (toggle) [Valves] Set the toggle to ON or OFF to determine
whether the valve operator is displayed in the model.
Modifier (keyin) You can define this value for specific piping commodities not covered
by the previous list.
You can define the following optional data depending on your requirements.
Commodity Option (list) Attribute 4.
Max Temperature (keyin) Attribute 5. If no value is specified, the default value
(undefined) is assigned automatically.
Materials Grade (list) Attribute 25.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 83

Piping Job Specification

Standard Note Number (list) Attributes 26 and 27. Select the note for this commodity
from the list of standard notes defined in the approved Standard Note Library.
PDS Sort Code (keyin) Attribute 20. The specified value is automatically converted to

Specification Data for Piping

You must define the following data for piping. The piping commodity name is defined
automatically, as specified through the Project Data Manager.
From NPD - First Size (keyin)
To NPD - First Size (keyin)
End Preparation (list)
Pressure Rating (keyin)
Table Suffix (list)
Schedule/Thickness (list)
Joint Quality Factor (keyin) (For wall thickness calculations) In lieu of the
schedule/thickness, you can request that the wall thickness be computed automatically by the
system by specifying the joint quality factor for wall thickness calculations. The system
multiplies the joint quality factor by 100, add a *C prefix to designate that the default
calculation is to be used, and loads the value into the schedule/thickness column. For
example, if the joint quality factor is 0.95, this value will be '*C095'.
Note that this is not the joint quality factor that is to be used in the branch reinforcement
Commodity Code (keyin)
Model Code (toggle) Set the toggle to By System (PIPE) or By User (*FPIPE).
Geometric Industry Standard (list)
Weight Code (list)
Fabrication Category (list)
You can optionally define the following data for piping.
End Preparation - Second Size (list)
Commodity Option (list)
Max Temperature (keyin)
E, Reinforcement (keyin) Define the joint quality factor (E) for piping for which branch
reinforcement calculations apply. The system multiplies the joint quality factor by 100 and
loads it in the modifier column.
This is not the joint quality factor that is to be used in the wall thickness calculations for the
Purchased Length (keyin) You can key in the purchased length of the piping in sub-
units. This value is stored in the PDS sort code attribute.
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)
End Preparation - Other (list)

84 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Specification Data for Tubing

Define the following data for tubing. The tubing commodity name is defined automatically, as
specified through the Project Data Manager.
From NPD - First Size (keyin)
To NPD - First Size (keyin)
End Preparation - First Size (list)
Pressure Rating - First Size (keyin)
Table Suffix - First Size (list)
Schedule/Thickness - First Size (list)
Joint Quality Factor (keyin)
Commodity Code (keyin)
Geometric Industry Standard (list)
Weight Code (list)
Fabrication Category (list)
You can optionally define the following data for tubing.
End Preparation - Second Size (list)
Commodity Option (list)
Maximum Temperature (keyin)
E, Reinforcement (keyin)
Purchased Length (keyin)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)
End Preparation - Other (list)

Specification Data for Gaskets

Define the following data for gaskets. The gasket's commodity name is defined automatically,
as specified through the Project Data Manager. The system displays the active project's
selection of MTO options applicable to gaskets for reference.
From NPD - First Size (keyin)
To NPD - First Size (keyin)
End Preparation - First Size (list)
Pressure Rating - First Size (keyin)
Table Suffix - First Size (list)
Commodity Code (keyin)
Gasket Thickness (keyin) Key in the gasket thickness to be reported through the Report
Manager. This value is loaded into the modifier column.
You must define the following specification data for gaskets, when the alternate gasket search
option has been enabled for MTO through the Project Data Manager. Otherwise, the input fields
will be disabled.
Alternate End Preparation (list) Select from the list of end preparation values as
defined in the approved Standard Note Library.
Alternate Pressure Rating (keyin) Key in up to eight characters to define the pressure
Alternate Table Suffix (list) Select from the list of table suffix values as defined in the
approved Standard Note Library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 85

Piping Job Specification

You can optionally define the following data on the basis of the user-specific requirements for
Commodity Option (list)
Max Temperature (keyin)
Fabrication Category (list)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)

Specification Data for Bolts

You must define the following data for bolts. The bolt's commodity name is defined
automatically, as specified through the Project Data Manager. The system displays the active
project's selection of MTO options applicable to bolts for reference.
From NPD - First Size (keyin)
To NPD - First Size (keyin)
Pressure Rating - First Size (keyin)
Table Suffix - First Size (list)
Commodity Code (keyin)
Bolt Extension (keyin)
You can optionally define the following data on the basis of user-specific requirements for bolts.
Commodity Option (list)
Fabrication Category (list)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)

Specification Data for Nuts

You must define the following data for nuts. The commodity name is defined automatically, as
specified through the Project Data Manager.
Max Temperature (keyin)
Commodity Code (keyin)
You can optionally define the following data on the basis of user-specific requirements for nuts.
Fabrication Category (list)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)

List of Piping Materials Classes Form

This form displays when you click any of the following commands:
Select Piping Materials Class. For more information, see Discrimination Data Form (on
page 303).
Create or Revise by List in the Piping Commodity Data Command. For more information,
see Piping Commodity Specification Data (PDtable_202) (see "Piping Commodity Data
Command" on page 78).
Select a Piping Materials Class by placing a data point over an entry in the list and selecting

86 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Implied Data
When defining a piping commodity, you can select the Implied Data option to indicate that the
commodity will have an associated implied item that will be included in MTO reports. After
selecting the option, set the toggle to Class Specific.
This option is intended for implied components that are not unique within the project. A lap-
joint flange is an example of the primary component, where the stub-end is the implied
Refer to Commodity Implied Data Command (on page 98) for information on Project Specific
implied data.
When you select Accept to define a primary component, the system modifies the form display to
allow you to define the specification data for the implied component.

When you accept the specification data for the implied component, the system prefixes an
asterisk (*) to the commodity code of the primary component to indicate that implied data is
The following specification data for the implied component are determined by the corresponding
data for the primary component. This data is displayed in review only fields.
Commodity Name Same as the primary component.
Commodity Option The commodity option code for the implied component is set to the
primary component's commodity option code plus 5000.
From NPD same as the primary component.
To NPD same as the primary component.
Model Code same as the primary component.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 87

Piping Job Specification

You can optionally define the following specification data for the implied component based on
your reporting requirements. The values for the implied component default to the corresponding
values for the primary component, except for the commodity code.
End Preparation (list)
Pressure Rating (keyin)
Table Suffix (list)
Schedule/Thickness (list)
Commodity Code (keyin) Key in the commodity code for the implied item. The system
converts this value to upper-case.
When size-dependent commodity codes are required, this will represent a somewhat
arbitrary value, referred to as the system commodity code, and will be used by the Report
Manager to reference the size-dependent commodity code.
Geometric Industry Standard (list)
Weight Code (list)
Fabrication Category (list)
Modifier (keyin)
Max Temperature (keyin)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)
PDS Sort Code (keyin) (optional). The system converts the value to upper-case.

Add Entry to Material Description Library

This form is used to define the material description for a specified commodity code in the
appropriate Material Description Library (short, long, or specialty). Refer to Material
Description Data (on page 273) for more information on material descriptions.

The Material Description toggle must be set to ON.
If you have defined size-dependent commodity codes, this option will be ignored, unless both of
the following conditions are met:
The option for MTO to use the system commodity code to reference the material description
has been enabled through the Material Takeoff Options of the Project Data Manager.
The material descriptions have been created with embedded commodity code labels as the
means of inserting the size-dependent data into the material description.

88 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Description Key in the material description for the specified commodity code and select
The system adds the specified entry to the Material Description Library.

Piping Specialty Data Command

The Piping Specialty Data command can be used to create a piping specialty definition in Table
203 of the Material Reference Database or revise an existing piping specialty definition. You can
also add specialty descriptions to the Material Description Library.

Create Select the type of specialty (Piping Specialty or Valves) from the list. Then key
in the component number for the specialty item to be created and select Accept. The system
activates the Create Piping Specialty Specification Data form.
Revise By Keyin Key in the component number of the specialty to be modified and
select Accept. The system activates the Revise Piping Specialty Specification Data form
with the data for the selected piping specialty.
Revise By List Select the piping specialty to be revised from the displayed List of Piping
Commodities and select Accept. The system activates the Revise Piping Specialty
Specification Data form with the data for the selected piping specialty.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 89

Piping Job Specification

Specialty Material Description You can set this toggle to ON to verify that the material
description for a specified commodity code has been defined in the Specialty Material
Description Library.

If no corresponding material description is found, the system activates the Add Entry to
Material Description Library form. See Add Entry to Material Description Library (on page

Create/Revise Piping Specialty Specification Data

The Create/Revise Piping Specialty Specification Data form is used to create or modify the
definition of a piping commodity within a specified piping materials class. When creating a new
definition, the system will jump to the input fields for the mandatory data. You must specify a
value (by keyin or selection from a list) for all the mandatory fields.

Refer to RDB Options File (on page 66) for information on defining options for the applicable
input fields.
Refer to Piping Specialty Specification Data (203) (on page 45) for information on the attributes
for the Piping Specialty Specification Data table.

Mandatory Input Fields

Piping Component Number (keyin) Key in the piping component number, which
uniquely identifies the piping specialty. The system verifies that the piping component
number does not already exist in the Unapproved Material Reference Database.

90 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

From NPD - First Size (keyin) Key in the first size value for the piping specialty. Both
the from and to values are loaded on the basis of this input.
To NPD - First Size (keyin) Key in the first size value for the piping specialty. Both the
from and to values are loaded on the basis of this input. The TO NPD field is only visible if
an applicable specialty type is selected.
End Preparation - First Size (list) Select from the list of end preparation values as
defined in the approved Standard Note Library.
Pressure Rating - First Size (keyin) Key in up to eight characters to define the pressure
Table Suffix - First Size (list) Select from the list of table suffix values as defined in the
approved Standard Note Library.
Schedule/Thickness (list) Select from the list of schedule/thickness values as defined in
the approved Standard Note Library.
Model Code (keyin) Key in the model code to be used to parametrically define the
piping specialty.
Physical Data ID (keyin) Key in the ID to be used as an arbitrary index into the
geometric data table for piping specialties.
Sort Code (keyin) Key in the sort code to be used as an arbitrary index into the
geometric data table for piping specialties. The system will convert the value to upper-case.
Fabrication Category (list) Select from the list of fabrication category values as defined
in the approved Standard Note Library.
You must define the following data for any reducing component.
NPD - Second Size (keyin) Key in the second size value for the piping specialty. Both
the from and to values are loaded on the basis of this input.
You must define the following data for valves. This data is stored in the modifier attribute.
Valve Operator (keyin or list) Key in the valve operator type or select the valve
operator type from a list of valve operator types (as defined in the RDB options file).
Valve Operator Display ON/OFF (toggle) Set the toggle to determine whether the
valve operator will be displayed in the model.
Specialty Type (field) This field can be used to select the type of piping specialty data to
be created based on settings in Standard Note Type 990 of the Standard Note Library. Place
a data point in this field to activate the Spec Writer Data Form Type pick list, then select
the preferred data type.

The system stores the specialty type as the input_form_type within the Piping Specialty Data
Table as a code-listed attribute for Standard Note Type 990.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 91

Piping Job Specification

Optional Input Fields

You can optionally define the following data, when two ends of the component require different
data. By PDS convention, if you specify the red end preparation, you must specify the
corresponding pressure rating, table suffix, and schedule/thickness.
End Preparation (list)
Pressure Rating (keyin)
Table Suffix (list)
Schedule/Thickness (list)
You can optionally define the following data depending on you requirements for piping
Weight Code (list)
Geometric Industry Standard (list)
Modifier (keyin)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)

Instrument Data Command

The Instrument Data command can be used to create an instrument definition in Table 204 of
the Material Reference Database or revise an existing instrument definition. You can also add
descriptions to the Material Description Library.

Create Select the type of instrument (Instruments or Valves) from the list. Then key in
the component number for the instrument to be created and select Accept. The system
activates the Create Instrument Specification Data form.
Revise By Keyin Key in the component number of the instrument to be modified and
select Accept. The system activates the Revise Instrument Specification Data form with the
data for the selected instrument.
Revise By List Select the instrument to be revised from the displayed List of Instruments
and select Accept. The system activates the Revise Instrument Specification Data form with
the data for the selected instrument.
Specialty Material Description You can set this toggle to ON to verify that the material
description for a specified commodity code has been defined in the Specialty Material
Description Library.

92 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

If no corresponding material description is found, the system activates the Add Entry to
Material Description Library form. See Add Entry to Material Description Library (on page

Create/Revise Instrument Specification Data

The Create/Revise Instrument Specification Data form is used to create or modify the definition
of an instrument. hen creating a new definition, the system will jump to the input fields for the
mandatory data. You must specify a value (by keyin or selection from a list) for all the
mandatory fields.

Refer to RDB Options File (on page 66) for information on defining options for the applicable
input fields.
Refer to Instrument Component Specification Data (204) (on page 48) for information on the
attributes for the Instrument Specification Data table.
Instrument Component Number (keyin) Key in the component number, which
uniquely identifies the instrument. The system verifies that the component number does not
already exist in the Unapproved Material Reference Database.
From NPD - First Size (keyin) Key in the first size value for the instrument. Both the
from and to values are loaded on the basis of this input.
To NPD - First Size (keyin) Key in the first size value for the instrument. Both the from
and to values are loaded on the basis of this input. The TO NPD field is only visible if an
applicable instrument type is selected.
End Preparation - First Size (list) Select from the list of end preparation values as
defined in the approved Standard Note Library.
Pressure Rating - First Size (keyin) Key in up to eight characters to define the pressure

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 93

Piping Job Specification

Table Suffix - First Size (list) Select from the list of table suffix values as defined in the
approved Standard Note Library.
Schedule/Thickness (list) Select from the list of schedule/thickness values as defined in
the approved Standard Note Library.
Model Code (keyin) Key in the model code to be used to parametrically define the
Physical Data ID (keyin) Key in the ID to be used as an arbitrary index into the
geometric data table for instruments.
Sort Code (keyin) Key in the code to be used as an arbitrary index into the geometric
data table for instruments. The system will convert the value to upper-case.
Fabrication Category (list) Select from the list of fabrication category values as defined
in the approved Standard Note Library.
You must define the following data for any reducing component.
NPD - Second Size (keyin) Key in the second size value for the instrument. Both the
from and to values are loaded on the basis of this input.
Instrument Type (field) This field can be used to select the type of instrument
component data to be created based on settings in Standard Note Type 990 of the Standard
Note Library. Place a data point in this field to activate the Spec Writer Data Form Type
pick list, and then select the preferred data type.

The system stores the specialty type as the input_form_type within the Piping Specialty Data
Table as a code-listed attribute for Standard Note Type 990.
You can optionally define the following data when two ends of the component require different
data. By PDS convention, if you specify the red end preparation, you must specify the
corresponding pressure rating, table suffix, and schedule/thickness.
End Preparation (list)
Pressure Rating (keyin)
Table Suffix (list)
Schedule/Thickness (list)
You must define the following data for valves. This information is stored in the modifier
Valve Operator (keyin or list) Key in the valve operator type or select the valve
operator type from a list of valve operator types (as defined in the RDB options file).
Valve Operator Display ON/OFF (toggle) Set the toggle to determine whether the
valve operator will be displayed in the model.

94 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

You can optionally define the following data depending on your requirements for instruments.
Weight Code (list)
Geometric Industry Standard (list)
Modifier (keyin)
Materials Grade (list)
Standard Note Number (list)

Tap Properties Data Command

The Tap Properties Data command can be used to create a tap properties definition in Table
205 of the Material Reference Database or revise and existing tap properties definition.

Create Key in the name of the tap table to be defined. The system activates the Create
Tap Properties Data form.
Revise By Keyin Key in the name of the tap table to be modified. The system activates
the Revise Tap Properties Data form with the data for the selected tap table.
Revise By List Select the tap table to be revised from the displayed List of Tap
Properties Data (as defined in the Unapproved Material Reference Database) and select
Accept. The system activates the Revise Tap Properties Data form with the data for the
selected tap table.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 95

Piping Job Specification

Create/Revise Tap Properties Data

The Create/Revise Tap Properties Data form is used to create or modify the specification data for
taps. When creating a new definition, the system will jump to the input fields for the mandatory
data. You must specify a value for all the mandatory fields.

Refer to RDB Options File (on page 66) for information on defining list options for the
applicable input fields.
Refer to Tap Properties Data (205) (on page 51) for more information on the attributes for the
Tap Properties Data.
Tap Table Name (keyin) Key in up to six characters for the table name. The combination of
the tap properties table name, the tap nominal piping diameter, and the tap option code must be
Nom Piping Diameter (keyin) Key in the nominal piping diameter for this tap
properties definition.
Tap Option (list) Select from the list of tap option codes as defined in the approved
Standard Note Library. If you do not select a tap option code, the default value (one) is
assigned automatically.
End Preparation (list) Select from the list of end preparation values as defined in the
approved Standard Note Library.
Rating (keyin) Key in up to eight characters to define the pressure rating.
Schedule/Thickness (list) Select from the list of schedule/thickness values as defined in
the approved Standard Note Library.
Tap Material Code (keyin) During the tap properties data creation process, if the Short
and Long Commodity Description toggles are set to ON, you are allowed to insert Tap
Material Code data into the Short Material Description Library. This is the code that may

96 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

optionally be used by MTO for appending the tap's material description to that of the
component which has been tapped.
If you have defined size-dependent commodity codes, this option will be ignored, unless
both of the following conditions are met:
The option for MTO to use the system commodity code to reference the material
description has been enabled through the Material Takeoff Options of the Project Data
The material descriptions have been created with embedded commodity code labels as
the means of inserting the size-dependent data into the material description.
This form is used to define the material description for a specified commodity code in the
appropriate (short) Material Description Library. Refer to Material Description Data (on page
273) for more information on material descriptions.

Key in the material description for the specified commodity code and select Accept. This code
must be a unique index into the project's Material Description Libraries.
The system converts the specified tap material code to upper-case, and then adds the specified
entry into the appropriate Material Description Libraries.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 97

Piping Job Specification

Commodity Implied Data Command

The Commodity Implied Data command defines the specification data for implied components
in Table 212 or the Material Reference Database. These implied components are reported by
MTO with the primary component in situations where the implied data is independent of the
piping materials class (used throughout the project).

Create Key in the system commodity code of the implied component to be created. The
system activates the Create Piping Commodity Implied Material Data form.
Revise By Keyin Key in the name of the piping materials class for the commodity item
to be modified. Then select the piping commodity to be revised from the displayed List of
Piping Commodities and select Accept. The system activates the Revise Piping Commodity
Specification Data form with the data for the selected piping commodity.
Revise By List Select the implied component definition to be revised from the displayed
list of Commodity Implied Data and select Accept. The system activates the Revise Piping
Commodity Implied Data form with the data for the implied component definition.

Create/Revise Piping Commodity Implied Material Data

The Create/Revise Piping Commodity Implied Material Data form is used to create or modify
the definition of an implied component. When creating a new definition, the system will jump to
the input fields for the mandatory data. You must specify a value (by keyin or selection from a
list) for all the mandatory fields.

98 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Refer to RDB Options File (on page 66) for information on defining list options for the
applicable input fields.
Refer to Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) (on page 56) for more information on
the attributes for the Piping Commodity Implied Material Data table.
System Commodity Code Key in the commodity code for the primary component. The
system converts the value to upper-case.
For this type of implied data to be reported with the primary component, the specification
data for the primary component must have enabled the option in each piping materials class
for which this implied data applies.
From Diameter (First Size) Key in the lowest first size value for which this implied
specification data applies.
To Diameter (First Size) Key in the highest first size value for which this implied
specification data applies. The to value must equal or exceed the from value.
From Diameter (Second Size) For reducing components, key in the lowest second size
value for which this implied specification data applies. In cases where the piping
commodity represents both a full-size component and a reducing component, this value
should equal the corresponding first size NPD. Otherwise, for a reducing component, this
value must be less than the corresponding first size value.
To Diameter (Second Size) For reducing components, key in the highest second size
value for which this implied specification data applies. The to value must equal or exceed
the from value.
Commodity Code (keyin) During the commodity implied data creation process, if the
Short and Long Commodity Description toggles are set to ON, you are allowed to insert
Commodity Code data into the Short and Long Material Description Libraries.
If you have defined size-dependent commodity codes, this option will be ignored, unless
both of the following conditions are met:

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 99

Piping Job Specification

The option for MTO to use the system commodity code to reference the material
description has been enabled through the Material Takeoff Options of the Project Data
The material descriptions have been created with embedded commodity code labels as
the means of inserting the size-dependent data into the material description.
This form is used to define the material description for a specified commodity code in the
appropriate Material Description Library (short or long). Refer to Material Description
Data (on page 273) for more information on material descriptions.

Key in the material description for the specified commodity code and select Accept. This
code must be a unique index into the project's Material Description Libraries.
The system converts the specified commodity code to upper-case, then adds the specified
entry into the appropriate Material Description Libraries.
Quantity (keyin) Key in a whole number or a decimal value for the quantity of the
implied component per primary component.
Fabrication Category (list) Select from the list of fabrication category values as defined
in the approved Standard Note Library.
Standard Note Number (list) You can optionally select from the list of standard notes
as defined in the approved Standard Note Library.
Select a Piping Material Class commodity and click Accept.

100 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Table Checker
You can use the Table Checker option to perform on-line Table Checker validation for the
defined piping commodity specification data. When this option is enabled, table checker
validation will be performed for all piping commodities, except:
implied data specific to the piping materials class
When you enable this option, the system displays a list of the defined Table Checker reports for
the project. Select the report validation to be performed and select Accept.

Refer to Table Checker Form (on page 298) for more information on creating a Table Checker
report definition.

Piping Job Specification Manager

This command enables you to load all of the database tables which make up the Piping Job
Specification portion of the Material Reference Database. You can also extract neutral files of
the data contained in the Material Reference Database.

Before Using This Command

Refer to the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on creating a project and
creating the approved and unapproved Specification/Material Reference Database.
You must have installed the applicable reference database files (such as USRDB or
Use the Default Project Control Data option to set default settings for Piping Spec
Path and Piping Spec Node to point to the location of the neutral files. The default
settings are maintained in the Project Control Database.
You can also change these settings during the operation of the Piping Job Spec Manager.
However, such changes are temporary; they will not update the default locations.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 101

Piping Job Specification

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Piping Job Specification Manager option from the Reference Data Manager
The system displays the Piping Job Specification Manager main form used to select the type
of data to process.

The data manipulation procedure for each of the database tables is similar. You can perform
the following activities for each of the entities.
2. Select Option

102 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Select Unapprove ==> Approve to post the data from the unapproved
Specification/Material Reference Database to the approved database.

Accept to Create New Records or Exit

Toggle between Submit Immediately to submit the report for immediate processing, or
Delayed Submit to specify a time to submit the report for delayed processing.
When delayed submission is selected, you will be prompted Accept Time or Re-specify
Submit Time. Enter the day, hour, and minute, and then select AM or PM.
Select the command for the database table to be loaded.
The system displays the options for the selected item. The following illustration reflects the
screen for Piping Materials Class.

Select Option

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 103

Piping Job Specification

Select the option for the type of action to be performed.

Load, Replace, or Replace Commodity Subset (see "Load, Replace, or Replace Commodity
Subset Options" on page 104) from a neutral file.
Delete existing entries. For more information, see Delete Option (on page 106).
Report on the entity data (create a neutral file). For more information, see Report Option (on
page 107).
The manipulation procedure for each of type of piping data (listed below) is similar. See Piping
Job Specification Manager (on page 101).
Piping Material Class Data (Piping Materials Class Data (201) (on page 34))
Piping Commodity Data (Piping Commodity Specification Data (202) (on page 38))
Piping Specialty Data (Piping Component Tables for Specialty Components (on page 266))
Instrument Data (Instrument Component Specification Data (204) (on page 48))
Tap Properties Data (Tap Properties Data (205) (on page 51))
Size Dependent Material Data (Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211)
(on page 54))
Project Implied Material Data (Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212) (on page
Component Insulation Exclusion Data (Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231) (on
page 59))
Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (232) (on page 61))
Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data (Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion Data
(233) (on page 63))
Pipe Support Group Data (Pipe Support Group Reference Data)
Pipe Support Commodity Data (Pipe Support Commodity Reference Data Table 241)
Pipe Support Material Data (Pipe Support Material Reference Data Table 242)
Pipe Support Material Description (Pipe Support Material Description Data Table 243)
Depending on the selected data, all or a few of the options below are available.
Load, Replace, or Replace Commodity Subset Options (on page 104)
Delete Option (on page 106)
Report Option (on page 107)

Load, Replace, or Replace Commodity Subset Options

These options enable you to load entries from a neutral ASCII file into the Material Reference
The Replace Commodity Subset option is only available for the Size Dependent
Material Data and Project Implied Material Data commands.
Refer to Material Reference Database Structure (on page 29) for a list of database tables and
neutral file formats used in defining the delivered PJS and material data.
Load adds the contents of the neutral file(s) to the information currently in that database
table of the Specification/Material Reference Database.
Replace deletes all entries in the respective database table and then loads new entries from
the neutral file.

104 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Replace Commodity Subset revises (deletes and replaces) previously created size-
dependent or implied commodity data for a specific commodity or group of commodity
codes specified in a neutral file. This option is only available for the Size Dependent
Material Data and Project Implied Material Data commands.
The neutral files for the delivered USRDB data are in the directory
classes.pmc the neutral file for the Piping Materials Class Data.
*.pcd The neutral files for the Piping Commodity Data are stored in a set of files of the
format pmcname.pcd. (For example, 1c0031.pcd defines all the commodity items for
piping materials class 1c0031.)
list.pcd a file that lists the neutral file names of all the delivered pcd files for the different
piping materials classes.
taps.data the neutral file for Tap Properties Data.
implied.data the neutral file for Project Implied Material Data.
A set of sample neutral files are delivered in the directory
specialty.data --- a sample neutral file for Piping Specialty Data.
instrment.data --- a sample neutral file for Instrument Data.
pcd_size.data --- a sample neutral file for Size Dependent Material Data.
You can copy the files and make changes before loading the information into the database.

Before Using This Command

You can define the variable PDS_COMMIT_INTERVAL= in the control.sh file to control the
commit interval in loading specification data into the Material Reference Database. This has the
same impact as adjusting the -c option in a risload command line. The default commit value is
25. Increasing this variable may improve performance.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Load/Replace (or other load or replace) option. See the description above for
differences in Load, Replace, and Replace Commodity Subset.
2. Specify Neutral File Name
Key in the file specification for the neutral file that contains the data to be copied.
For Piping Commodity Data, you can load or replace a single file or a list of files. To
process a list of files, create a list file which lists each neutral file on a separate line. The
file list.pcd contains a list of all the delivered neutral files.
For Size-Dependent or Implied Commodity Data, you can replace specific commodity
codes or all the entries in the database. To replace specific commodity codes, create a
neutral file which contains only the commodity codes to be replaced.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 105

Piping Job Specification

For the Load option, the system displays a dialog box to indicate that the data loaded will be
appended to existing data. Select Accept to continue.

3. Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit.

For Delayed Submit, set the time to process the neutral file(s).
4. Accept to Create New Records or Exit
Select Accept to begin processing the request.
Job Has Been Submitted
The system submits the load/replace request as a batch job. Once the job is completed, the
system sends a mail message indicating the completion status of the load (successful or
The system also creates a set of log files in the \tmp directory.
pmc.log Piping Materials Class Data
pcd.log Piping Commodity Data
specialty.log Piping Specialty Data
instrument.log Instrument Data
taps.log Tap Properties Data
pcd_size.log Size-Dependent Material Data
implied.log Project Implied Material Data
These log files contain the following information.
The name of the neutral file being loaded
The completion status of the load (successful or unsuccessful)
The line number that caused the failure if the neutral file was not loaded.

Delete Option
This option enables you to delete entries from the Piping Job Specification.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option.

106 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

The system displays a list of all the items in the database for the selected class of data.

2. Select the item to be deleted from the database.

3. Accept to Delete Materials Class
Select Accept to begin deleting the data.

Report Option
The Report options enable you to create neutral files using the information in the
Specification/Material Reference database. The order and field lengths of the data in the neutral
file is determined by a format file named spec_order.max. This format file is expected to reside
in the same network address and directory specified for the report output. A default format file
is delivered with the PD_Data product in the file
\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\format\spec_order.max. If the spec_order.max file is not found
at the specified output directory, the system will use the default spec order.
If an unapproved Specification/Material Reference database exists for the active project, you can
select the database to process: approved or unapproved.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from one of the data forms (such as the Piping Commodity Data
For Piping Commodity Data, select the appropriate PCD from the list.
2. Specify Neutral File Name
Key in the name of the neutral file to be created. You can change the Node Name and File
Path information.
3. Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit.
For Delayed Submit, set the time to process the neutral file(s).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 107

Piping Job Specification

4. Accept to Create Report

Select Accept to create the specified neutral file.
Job Has Been Submitted
The system creates the neutral file and a log file named specmgr.log.

Example spec_order.max File

! This file contains the spec attribute order and their maximum
! lengths required for creating spec output neutral files. When
! spec reports the system will default an attribute order and set of
! attribute lengths. The user can edit these attribute orders and
! lengths in this file ( spec_order.max ). If this file is in the
! directory where the software is being run the orders defined in
! this file will be used as the default attribute order and lengths.
201 = 2,16 3,3 4,3 5,10 6,7 7,7 8,8 9,6 10,6 11,6 12,6 13,6 14,6 15,6
16,6 17,6 18,8 19,6 20,6
202 = 3,6 4,6 5,7 6,6 7,6 8,6 9,8 10,8 11,8 12,8 13,8 14,8 15,8 16,8
17,6 18,16 19,6 20,6 21,7 22,6 23,6 24,6 25,6 26,6 27,6
203 = 2,20 3,6 4,6 5,8 6,8 7,6 8,8 9,8 10,6 11,8 12,8 13,8 14,8 15,8
16,6 17,8 18,6 19,7 20,6 21,6 22,6 23,6 24,6 25,6
204 = 2,20 3,6 4,6 5,8 6,8 7,6 8,8 9,8 10,6 11,8 12,8 13,8 14,8 15,8
16,6 17,8 18,6 19,7 20,6 21,6 22,6 23,6 24,6 25,6
205 = 3,8 4,6 5,8 6,8 7,8 8,10
211 = 2,16 3,8 4,8 5,8 6,8 7,16 8,8 9,8 10,8
212 = 2,16 3,8 4,8 5,8 6,8 7,16 8,8 9,6 10,6

108 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Piping Job Spec Report Manager

This command activates the Piping Job Spec Report Manager form. It is used to generate
reports from the Specification/Material Reference Database with the report definition data. The
Piping Job Spec Report Manager stores the report record and location records for each
discrimination data file and format file in the Project Control Database. The numbered records
are used to locate ASCII files on their specified nodes.

Report Format Displays the Report Format form, which you can use to create, revise,
copy, or delete the record of a format file (not the format file). For more information, see
Report Format Form (on page 111).
Report Discrimination Data Displays the Discrimination Data form, which you can
use to create, revise, copy, or delete the record of a discrimination data file as well as the file
itself. For more information, see Report Discrimination Data Form (on page 114).
Report Displays the Report form, which you can use to create, revise, delete, and
approve report records and report files. For more information, see Report Form (on page
Report Management Data Displays the Report Management Defaults form, which
you can use to create a record in the project control database of the default nodename and
path for the report definition files. This option is primarily used for setup. For more
information, see Report Management Defaults Form (on page 128).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 109

Piping Job Specification

Using the Report Commands

Understanding Report Files and Records
The Piping Job Spec Report Manager uses the discrimination data files, format files, and
database records that represent these files to generate reports. The following definitions explain
all of the files and records in the reporting process.

Format File and Record

The format file is a user-defined, ASCII file which must be created with a text editor outside of
the Piping Job Spec Report Manager. It contains special indices identifying what data appears
in the report and how the data is sorted. It also defines how the data is formatted in the report.
Without the format file(s), Piping Job Spec Report Manager reports cannot be processed. A
set of basic format files is delivered for each type of reporting.
Using the Report Format option, you can create a numbered record for each format file so that
it can be accessed for report processing. The format record is a record in the Project Control
Database used to name and locate a specific format file. Unlike the format file, the format record
is created interactively. It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is used for report
processing but is not an actual file.

Discrimination Data File and Record

The discrimination data file limits the report to only the specified database occurrences. It is an
ASCII file that is created interactively using the Piping Job Spec Report Manager.
The discrimination data record is a record in the Project Control Database used to name and
locate a specific discrimination data file. There is a uniquely-numbered record for each
discrimination data file so that it can be accessed for report processing. This is the same way
that the format record is used to access a format file.

Report Output and Record

The Piping Job Spec Report Manager creates a report using the specified format,
discrimination, and search criteria data files, and places it in the specified directory on the
specified node.
The report record names or defines locations for all of the files that are necessary to generate a
report, including the report output. (It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is
used for report processing but is not an actual file.)

Group Workflow
There is a definite workflow for at least the first time you create a report. First, use the Report
Management Data option to specify defaults for the nodename and path of the report definition
files. By defining the defaults first, you can prevent keying in a nodename and path on each
form. If you want to use a different nodename or path than the defined default, simply place a
data point in that field and key in the modification.
The following steps can be done in any order: create your format record, discrimination data
record, and discrimination data file using the Report Format and Report Discrimination Data
options. Reports cannot be generated until the format file, the discrimination data file, and their
corresponding records have been established.

110 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Finally, use the Report option to create the actual report.

Report Format Form

When you select the Report Format option from the Piping Job Spec Report Manager form,
the Report Format form is displayed.

This form enables you to create, copy, revise, or delete a record of the location of the format file
in the project control database. An option is also provided that enables you to copy a record and
its corresponding ASCII format files.
The format file defines the data that will be reported and the way in which that data will be
displayed. Reports cannot be generated unless a format file exists and a record of the file's
location has been entered into the project control database.
Create Displays the Format Creation/Revision form, which enables you to add a new
record of a format file in the project control database. For more information, see Format
Creation/Revision Form (on page 112).
Copy Displays the Format Creation/Revision form, which copies the record of an
existing format file from the project control database along with the corresponding ASCII
format file. For more information, see Format Creation/Revision Form (on page 112).
Revise Displays the Format Creation/Revision form, which modifies a record of an
existing format file in the project control database. For more information, see Format
Creation/Revision Form (on page 112).
Delete Displays the Deletion form, which deletes an existing record of a format file from
the project control database. If the record of the format file is deleted, reporting cannot be
performed. For more information, see Format Deletion Form (on page 113).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 111

Piping Job Specification

Format Creation/Revision Form

When you select Create, Copy, or Revise from the Report Format form, the Piping Job Spec
Report Manager form is displayed.

This form creates, copies, or revises a record in the project control database; this record defines
the location of a format file. The format file itself defines the contents and format of the report.
Both the location specification and the format file must exist to report on PDS data.
Number A unique number of up to 24 characters. Specifies the short name in the project
control database used to identify the record of the format file.
Description A description of up to 40 characters for the format file.
File Specification The file name of the format file to reference.
File Path The disk location of the format file. This field retains the active setting.
File Node The nodename of the system on which the format file is located. This field
retains the active setting.

Before Using this Form

You must have created an ASCII format file. A set of basic format files is delivered with the
PD_Report product in the win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\format directory. The file for Spec
Reporting reporting is named piping_rdb.fmt.
For a description of each of the delivered sample format files, see PDS Report Manager.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Create, Copy, or Revise.
A list of available records displays for copy or revision. To create a database record, go to
Step 3.
2. Select Report Format
3. From the displayed list, select the record to be copied or revised. Then select Accept.
Key-in fields are displayed for you to specify the required database information.
4. Specify Report Format Data

112 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Type information in each of the displayed fields, taking care to press Enter in each field.
Then select Accept.
The project control database is updated.

Format Deletion Form

When you choose Delete, the Deletion form is displayed.

This form deletes a report record from the project control database and can optionally delete the
associated file. This form is used with format files and their database records, discrimination
data files and their database records, and search criteria files and their database records.
Number/Description Displays the 24-character short name and the 40-character
description of a report record in the project control database.
Delete File/Do Not Delete File Determines whether the associated file is deleted. When
set to Delete File, the database record is deleted along with the associated file. When set to
Do Not Delete File, only the database record is deleted.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Format
From the displayed list, select the database record to be deleted.
2. Set the Delete File/Do Not Delete File toggle as needed. Then click Accept.
The specified record is deleted. If specified, the associated file is also deleted.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 113

Piping Job Specification

Report Discrimination Data Form

When you select Report Discrimination Data from the Report Manager form, the
Discrimination Data form is displayed.

This form creates, copies, revises, and deletes a discrimination data file from the specified
directory. The associated record in the project control database is also copied, revised, or
deleted as needed.
A discrimination data file is an ASCII file that designates which models will be included in a
report. That is, discrimination data specifies the scope of the report. The project control
database record specifies the name and location of the discrimination data file that is to be
associated with a specific report.
Create Displays the Discrimination Data Creation form, which creates a new
discrimination data file. The associated project control database record is also created. For
more information, see Discrimination Data Creation Form (on page 115).
Copy Displays the Discrimination Data Revision form, which copies an existing data
file. The associated project control database record is also copied. For more information,
see Discrimination Data Revision Form (on page 117).
Revise Displays the Discrimination Data Revision form, which modifies discrimination
data. You can use this option to revise the contents of the discrimination data file, the
location of the discrimination file, and the associated record in the project control database.
For more information, see Discrimination Data Revision Form (on page 117).
Delete Displays the Deletion form, which deletes a discrimination data file as well as its
associated record in the project control database. For more information, see Discrimination
Data Deletion Form (on page 119).

114 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Discrimination Data Creation Form

Approved Piping Job Spec Defines the database to be reported: approved or
Search Criteria Defines search criteria for specified attributes in the
Specification/Material Reference Database. For more information, see Search Criteria
Form (on page 116).

Field Descriptions
Number --- Key in a unique number to name the discrimination data record to be created by
discrimination. The number can be up to 24 characters in the Project Control Database.
This number is a short name to identify the record of the discrimination data file.
Description --- Key in a description of the discrimination data file with up to 40 characters
in the Project Control Database.
File Specification --- Key in the filename of the discrimination data file to create.
The system verifies that the file does not already have a record in the project.
File Path --- Displays the disk location of the discrimination data file. This field retains the
active setting.
File Node --- Displays the nodename where the discrimination data file is located. This field
retains the active setting.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 115

Piping Job Specification

Search Criteria Form

You can define search criteria to restrict the elements to be reported based on database attributes.
The default is no search criteria. This option enables you to define search criteria for specified
attributes in the Spec Database.
If you do not restrict the piping materials class attribute for Piping Commodity Data, all
piping materials classes will be reported.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Search Criteria option from the Discrimination Data form.

2. Select Entity
Select the database entity that contains the data to be restricted.
The system displays the attributes for the selected entity.

3. Select Attribute
Select the attribute to be restricted.

116 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

The system displays the selected attribute and displays a list of operators.

4. Select Operator
Select the required operator to define the search criteria.
The system displays the selected operator and prompts you to key in an attribute value.
5. Enter Attribute Value
Key in the attribute value. For a sub-string search, key in a string to appear anywhere within
the attribute value (do not use wild cards).
If the attribute is code-listed, the system displays a list of values from the standard note
library. Select the value and select Accept.
The system validates the input and displays the defined search criteria.
6. Accept or Select And/Or Operator.
Select AND to specify an additional condition or select OR to specify an alternative

Accept the defined search criteria.

Discrimination Data Revision Form

When you select Copy or Revise from the Discrimination Data form, the Discrimination Data
Revision form displays. This form enables you to copy or revise a discrimination data file from
the specified directory and its record from the Project Control Database. The copied
discrimination data file can then be modified.
First, the system displays the Record Number display list as shown below on the left. After
you select and Accept the discrimination data file you need, the system then displays the
discrimination data identification fields. These fields are used to define the record as shown

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 117

Piping Job Specification

Approved Piping Job Spec Defines the database to be reported: approved or
Search Criteria Defines search criteria for specified attributes in the
Specification/Material Reference Database. For more information, see Search Criteria
Form (on page 116).

Field Descriptions
Number Key in a unique number to name the discrimination data record with up to 24
characters in the Project Control Database. This number is a short name to identify the
record of the discrimination data file.
Description Key in a description of the discrimination data file with up to 40 characters
in the Project Control Database.
File Specification Key in the filename of the discrimination data file to reference.
The system verifies that the file does not already have a record in the project.
File Path Displays the disk location of the discrimination data file. This field retains the
active setting.
File Node Displays the nodename where the discrimination data file is located. This field
retains the active setting.
If prompted to... Do this:
Select Discrimination Data Select the record number of the discrimination data file to
revise and select Accept.
Specify Discrimination Key in any changes to the discrimination data record displayed
Data in the information fields, and select as many of the
Discrimination Data options as necessary to define the
discrimination data file.

118 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Discrimination Data Deletion Form

When you choose Delete, the Deletion form is displayed.

This form deletes a report record from the project control database and can optionally delete the
associated file. This form is used with format files and their database records, discrimination
data files and their database records, and search criteria files and their database records.
Number/Description Displays the 24-character short name and the 40-character
description of a report record in the project control database.
Delete File/Do Not Delete File Determines whether the associated file is deleted. When
set to Delete File, the database record is deleted along with the associated file. When set to
Do Not Delete File, only the database record is deleted.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Format
From the displayed list, select the database record to be deleted.
2. Set the Delete File/Do Not Delete File toggle as needed. Then click Accept.
The specified record is deleted. If specified, the associated file is also deleted.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 119

Piping Job Specification

Report Form
When you select Report from the Report Manager form, the Report form is displayed.

This form creates, revises, and deletes report records and report files. A report record holds
specifications for a report; these specifications include the report name, the report description,
and which format file, discrimination data file, and search criteria data file to use to generate a
The report name is not the title that is printed on the report; the title is included in the
format file.
At the end of each report, a parameters page is included that contains the following information:
Report Output The report number, report title, report creation/revision date, and report
node, path, and file name.
Format The report format number, description, and node, path, and file name.
Discrimination Data The report discrimination data number, description, and file
location (network address, path, and file name). The following discrimination data is also
included: list of model numbers (with discipline), volume (if applicable), search criteria (if
applicable), and sorting sequence.
Search Criteria The report search criteria number, description, and file location (node,
path, and file name. The following search criteria data is also included: list of model
numbers (with discipline), volume (if applicable), search criteria (if applicable), and sorting

Create Displays the Report Creation form, which creates a report record and generates
a report. For more information, see Report Creation Form (on page 121).

120 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Revise Displays the Revise Report form, which regenerates a report from an existing or
revised report record. For more information, see Revise Report Form (on page 123).
Delete Displays the Deletion form, which deletes an existing report record and the
corresponding report. For more information, see Report Deletion Form (on page 125).
Approve Displays the Report Approval form, which approves an existing report. For
more information, see Report Approval Form (on page 125).
Multi-Create Displays the Report Multiple Submit form, which submits multiple
reports to the printer. For more information, see Report Multiple Submit Form (on page

Report Creation Form

When you select Create from the Report form, the Report Creation form is displayed.

Use this form to create a report record and to generate a report. Because report records are stored
in the project control database, you can use them repeatedly.
Report Number The 24-character number that uniquely identifies the record of the
report file in the project control database. This is sometimes referred to as the report file
short name.
Report Title The 40-character descriptive name of the report file. This is not the title in
the actual report, but is rather the title of the report record. The title of the report is
contained in the format file.
Report File Spec The name of the report output file (up to 14 characters).
Report File Path The disk location for the report output file. This field retains the active
settings, and it is automatically populated if you have specified this data on the Report
Management Data form. For more information, see Report Management Defaults Form
(on page 128).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 121

Piping Job Specification

Report Node The name of the system on which the report output file will be located.
This field retains the active settings, and it is automatically populated if you have specified
this data on the Report Management Data form. For more information, see Report
Management Defaults Form (on page 128).
Report Format File The name of the format file to be used to generate the active report.
When you select this field, a list of available format files is displayed. Select the appropriate
format file, and click Accept.
Report Discrimination File The name of the discrimination data file to be used to
generate the active report. When you select this field, a list of available discrimination data
files is displayed. Select the appropriate discrimination data file, and click Accept.
Report Search Criteria The name of the search criteria data file to be used to generate
the active report. When you select this field, a list of available search criteria files is
displayed. Select a search criteria file, and click Accept.
Select this field a second time to specify a different search criteria file. To clear a
specification, click Accept without selecting a file.
If the report discrimination data selected for the active report has search criteria data
defined within it, and you specify a search criteria in this field, the search criteria specified
in the Report Search Criteria field takes precedence over the search criteria contained in
the discrimination data.
Revision Number The revision number (up to three characters) for the report.
Last Revision Number The revision number of the last report generated. This is a read-
only field; you cannot edit it.
Revised By The user (up to five characters) who checked the report. This field is
Revision Description The description (up to 40 characters) of the report revision. This
field is optional.
Print/Delete Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and then deletes
the report output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is
displayed. Click on a queue to select it.
Print/Save Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and saves the report
output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is displayed. Click
on a queue to select it.
Save Saves the report output file without printing the report.
Submit Immediately/Submission is Delayed Specifies when the report will be
processed. When this toggle is set to Submission is Delayed, additional fields display for
you to specify the date and time that the report is to be generated.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Create.
The Report Creation form is displayed.
2. Specify Report Data
Key in the report record information. Then select the appropriate report format file,
discrimination data file, and search criteria data file.
3. Select the appropriate print/save/delete option, and select a queue if the report is to be

122 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

4. Specify whether the report is to be generated now (Submit Immediately) or later

(Submission is Delayed). If you choose delayed submission, specify the date and time that
the report is to be submitted.
5. Click Accept to save the report file.

Revise Report Form

When you select Revise from the Report form, the Revise Report form is displayed.

This form revises an existing report record and generates a report from the project control
database. An option is also provided to update (in some cases) the report record without
generating a report output file. Similarly, you can choose to generate an updated report output
file without updating the report record.
Report Number The 24-character number that uniquely identifies the record of the
report file in the project control database. This is sometimes referred to as the report file
short name.
Report Title The 40-character descriptive name of the report file. This is not the title in
the actual report, but is rather the title of the report record. The title of the report is
contained in the format file.
Report File Spec The name of the report output file (up to 14 characters).
Report File Path The disk location for the report output file. This field retains the active
Report Node The name of the system on which the report output file will be located.
This field retains the active settings.
Report Format File The name of the format file to be used to generate the active report.
When you select this field, a list of available format files is displayed. Select the appropriate
format file, and click Accept.
Report Discrimination File The name of the discrimination data file to be used to
generate the active report. When you select this field, a list of available discrimination data
files is displayed. Select the appropriate discrimination data file, and click Accept.
Report Search Criteria The name of the search criteria data file to be used to generate
the active report. When you select this field, a list of available search criteria files is
displayed. Select a search criteria file, and click Accept.
Select this field a second time to specify a different search criteria file. To clear a
specification, click Accept without selecting a file.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 123

Piping Job Specification

If the report discrimination data selected for the active report has search criteria data
defined within it, and you specify a search criteria in this field, the search criteria specified
in the Report Search Criteria field takes precedence over the search criteria contained in
the discrimination data.
Revision Number The revision number (up to three characters) for the report.
Last Revision Number The revision number of the last report generated. This is a read-
only field; you cannot edit it.
Revised By The user (up to five characters) who checked the report. This field is
Revision Description The description (up to 40 characters) of the report revision. This
field is optional.
Print/Delete Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and then deletes
the report output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is
displayed. Click on a queue to select it.
Print/Save Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and saves the report
output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is displayed. Click
on a queue to select it.
Save Saves the report output file without printing the report.
Submit to Batch Immediately/Delayed Submit to Batch Specifies when the report will
be processed. When this toggle is set to Delayed Submit to Batch, additional fields display
for you to specify the date and time that the report is to be generated.
Revise Data Only/Revise Report and Data Specifies revision of the report data only
(Revise Data Only) or revision of the report data and the report output file (Revise Report
and Data). To revise the report specification without updating the report output file, make
the necessary changes, set this toggle to Revise Data Only, and click Accept. To revise the
report output file only, set this toggle to Revise Report and Data without modifying any of
the fields, and click Accept. To modify both the report file and the report output file, make
the necessary changes, set this toggle to Revise Report and Data, and click Accept.
If you update any field other than Report Number and Report Title, this toggle is
automatically set to Revise Report and Data, and the report output file is generated.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Revise.
The Report Creation form is displayed with a list of available report files.
2. Select Report
From the displayed list, select the report to be revised. Then click Accept.
The fields update to display the selected report file specifications.
3. Revise Report Information
Update the report record information as needed.
4. Select the appropriate print/save/delete option, and select a queue if the report is to be
5. Specify whether the report is to be generated now (Submit Immediately) or later
(Submission is Delayed). If you choose delayed submission, specify the date and time that
the report is to be submitted.

124 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

6. Click Accept to save the report file.

Report Deletion Form

When you choose Delete, the Deletion form is displayed.

This form deletes a report record from the project control database and can optionally delete the
associated file. This form is used with format files and their database records, discrimination
data files and their database records, and search criteria files and their database records.
Number/Description Displays the 24-character short name and the 40-character
description of a report record in the project control database.
Delete File/Do Not Delete File Determines whether the associated file is deleted. When
set to Delete File, the database record is deleted along with the associated file. When set to
Do Not Delete File, only the database record is deleted.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Format
From the displayed list, select the database record to be deleted.
2. Set the Delete File/Do Not Delete File toggle as needed. Then click Accept.
The specified record is deleted. If specified, the associated file is also deleted.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 125

Piping Job Specification

Report Approval Form

When you select Approve from the Report form, the Report Approval form is displayed.

Use this form to select a report to approve. Approving a report means that a database attribute is
set from not approved (the default) to approved. This approval status provides a way for you to
flag reports that you have run and verified that the output data is valid. When a report is revised,
the approval status is automatically reset to not approved.
Number The 24-character unique name (also called short name) of the report record.
Description The 40-character description of the report record.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Approve.
The Report Approval form is displayed.
2. From the displayed list, select a report to approve. Then click Accept.
The Approval form is displayed.
For more information, see the PD_Report User's Guide.

126 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Report Multiple Submit Form

When you select Multi-Create from the Report form, the Report Multiple Submit form is

Use this form to submit multiple reports at the same time.

Number The 24-character number that uniquely identifies the record of the report file in
the project control database. This is sometimes referred to as the report file short name.
Description The 40-character descriptive name of the report file.
Print/Delete Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and then deletes
the report output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is
displayed. Click on a queue to select it.
Print/Save Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and saves the report
output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is displayed. Click
on a queue to select it.
Save Saves the report output file without printing the report.
Submit to Batch Immediately/Delayed Submit to Batch Specifies when the report will
be processed. When this toggle is set to Delayed Submit to Batch, additional fields display
for you to specify the date and time that the report is to be generated.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Multi-Create.
The Report Multiple Submit form is displayed.
2. Select Reports for Submission
From the displayed list, select the reports to submit. Highlighted reports are selected; select a
highlighted report to remove the highlight and to not submit the report.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 127

Piping Job Specification

3. Select the appropriate print/save/delete option, and select a queue if the report is to be
4. Specify whether the report is to be generated now (Submit to Batch Immediately) or later
(Delayed Submit to Batch). If you choose delayed submission, specify the date and time
that the report is to be submitted.
5. Click Accept to submit the reports.

Report Management Defaults Form

When you select Report Management Data from the Report Manager form, the Report
Management Defaults form is displayed.

This form creates a record in the project control database of the node name and path of the report
definition files. This option is used primarily for setup.
Report Path Specifies the default path of the report output files.
It is recommended that you not send output reports to your system's temporary (that
is, tmp or temp) directory.
Report Node Specifies the default node name of the system on which report output files
are located.
Report Format Path Specifies the default path of the format files.
Report Format Node Specifies the default node name of the system on which format
files are located.
Report Discrimination Data Path Specifies the default path of the discrimination data
Report Discrimination Data Node Specifies the default node name of the system on
which discrimination data files are located.

128 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification

Report Search Criteria Data Path Specifies the default path of the report search criteria
data files.
Report Search Criteria Data Node Specifies the default node name of the system on
which report search criteria data files are located.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report Manager form, select Report Management Data.
The Report Management Defaults form is displayed.
2. Accept or Exit
In the fields provided, key in the default paths and node names for the report output files,
format files, discrimination data files, and search criteria data files. Then click Accept.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 129

Piping Job Specification

130 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Piping Job Specification Tables

Nonphysical data such as branch calculations or gasket separation are stored in the Spec Table
Library or hard-coded in the system. The Spec Tables for US practice are delivered in the
following files:
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_pjstb.l - object library
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_pjstb.l.t - text library
These libraries contain the Piping Job Specification tables and the other special tables which
contain nonphysical data.
The data in the Spec Table Library falls into two basic categories.
Specification Tables - Referenced in the Piping Materials Class Specification Data of the
Material Reference Database. For more information, see PJS Tables and Functions (on page
RDB Tables - Referenced in the Component Placement and Material TakeOff forms of the
Project Data Manager. For more information, see RDB Tables (on page 152).
You can use the Piping Job Specification Tables command to create a new Piping Job
Specification Table library or to create, modify, or delete tables in an existing library. For more
information, see Piping Job Specification Tables Command (on page 172).
Piping Job Specification Table files are limited to a file size of approximately 60,000
bytes or 750 rows.

PJS Tables and Functions

The following special tables and functions are provided in the Spec Table Library. These
table/equation names are defined in the Piping Materials Class Specification Table of the
Specification Material Reference Database.
Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table (on page 131)
Nominal Piping Diameter Table (on page 133)
Thickness Data Tables (on page 136)
Materials Data Table (on page 139)
Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement Equations (on page 141)
Branch Insertion Tables (on page 144)
Gasket Separation Table (on page 150)
Fluid Code Table (on page 151)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 131

Piping Job Specification Tables

Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table

The temperature and pressure service limits table includes the sets of temperatures and pressures
that define the boundaries of acceptability for a piping materials class. These limits can be
dictated by factors such as strength of components and materials used. You must insure that
each of the components included in the piping materials class meet the indicated temperature and
pressure limits.
You can define both positive and negative values for temperature. However, you can only define
positive values for pressure. The units of measure for the pressure and temperature values in the
table are defined as a part of the table description.
The system uses the information in this table to insure:
The highest temperature from the TDB does not exceed the highest temperature value in the
The lowest temperature in the TDB is not less than the lowest value in the table
For a given temperature, the pressure from the table is not less than any of the corresponding
pressure(s) from the TDB.
This table is limited to 100 temperature and pressure values.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'LWWWW'
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One
Units= DF, PSIG
! Temperature Pressure

Table_Data_Definition 'L1001'
! Description= B16.5 CL150-1.1, -20 to 800
! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=13-Feb-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One
Units= DF, PSIG
! Temperature Pressure
-20 285
100 285
200 260
300 230

132 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

400 200
500 170
600 140
650 125
700 110
750 95
800 80

Table_Data_Definition (character-6) This parameter specifies the name of the
Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table. These tables use the following naming
first character: L
second character: the pressure rating of the piping materials class as defined by the
following code:
1= CL150 8= GRAVHD K= CL5000
2= CL300 9= OTHER L= CL6000
3= CL400 A= CL125 M= CL9000
4= CL600 F= CL800 N= CL10000
5= CL900 G= CL2000 R= CL15000
6= CL1500 H= CL3000 T= CL20000
7= CL2500 J= CL4500 V= CL30000
third, fourth, and fifth characters: numbers from 001 through 999 used to make the table
name unique.
Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One This statement tells the system to interpolate between
known values for the temperature value. The statement must be included as shown in the
table format for the desired interpolation to take place.
Temperature (real) This field identifies the maximum temperature value. You can use
both positive (+) and negative (-) values. Values are assumed to be positive unless
otherwise indicated.
Pressure (real) This field identifies the value for pressure corresponding to the
previously defined temperature. Negative (-) values are not accepted in this field.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 133

Piping Job Specification Tables

Nominal Piping Diameter Table

The NPD Table consists of the diameters for piping and tubing which are valid within any piping
materials class which references this table. The system verifies any NPD input in the Piping
Design TDB.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'DWWW'
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 0
Units= NPD_IN
! Diam

This table can also be used to define the equivalency for English and metric diameters. The
output column defines the English equivalent for the matching metric size.

Neutral File Format - English/Metric Equivalency

Table_Data_Definition 'DWWW'
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
! Metric Diam


Table_Data_Definition 'D036'
! Description= From 0.5 to 36
! By=NP Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=22-Jan-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 0
Units= NPD_IN
! Diam

134 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Table_Data_Definition 'DB001'
! Description= From 6mm to 900mm (0.375 to 36)
! By=aw Ckd By= Rev=1 Date=17_jul 1989
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
! metric diam, imperial diam
10 0.375
15 0.5
20 0.75
25 1
40 1.5
50 2
80 3
100 4
150 6
200 8
250 10
300 12
350 14
400 16
450 18
500 20
550 22
600 24
650 26
700 28
750 30
800 32
850 34
900 36

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 135

Piping Job Specification Tables

Table_Data_Definition (character 6) This field identifies the name of the NPD table.
These tables use the following naming conventions:
first character: D
second, third, and fourth characters: numbers from 001 through 999 used to make the
table name unique.
Diam - Nominal Piping Diameter (integer) This field identifies the value for nominal
diameter. You can use the value ET_AL to indicate that any nominal diameter value from
the TDB which is equal to or greater than the value in the preceding line is an acceptable
nominal diameter for the PMC.

Thickness Data Tables

Thickness data is determined as a function of the table name and nominal piping diameter.
These tables include the minimum, retirement, thread, and preferred thicknesses required in the
calculation of piping wall thickness. The tables provide the actual thickness, not a schedule.
Therefore, there must be an individual entry for each diameter. You cannot use an NPD range.
PDS requires that the schedule/thickness values be in inches.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'TWWWW
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
! Diam Min Thick Ret Thick Thread Thick Preferred

136 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables


Table_Data_Definition 'TA501'
! Description= A,0.063CA,0.0071D<=24, 0.0075D>=26
! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=31-Jan-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
! Diam Min Thick Ret Thick Thread Thick Preferred
0.5 .147 .06 - S-160 - - - -
0.75 .154 .06 - S-XS - - - -
1 .179 .06 - S-XS - - - -
1.5 .2 .06 - S-XS - - - -
2 .154 .06 - S-STD - - - -
3 .216 .06 - S-STD - - - -
4 .237 .07 - S-STD - - - -
6 .28 .1 - S-STD - - - -
8 .250 .1 - S-STD - - - -
10 .250 .1 - S-STD - - - -
12 .250 .1 - S-STD - - - -
14 .250 .12 - S-STD - - - -
16 .250 .12 - S-STD - - - -
18 .250 .12 - S-STD - - - -
20 .250 .13 - S-STD - - - -
22 .250 .15 - S-STD - - - -
24 .250 .15 - S-STD - - - -
26 .3125 .17 - S-10 S-STD - - -
28 .3125 .19 - S-10 S-STD - - -
30 .3125 .20 - S-10 S-STD - - -
32 .3125 .21 - S-10 S-STD - - -
34 .3125 .23 - S-STD - - - -
36 .3125 .24 - S-STD S-XS - - -

Table_Data_Definition - Thickness Data Table Name (character 6) This field
identifies the name of the table. These tables use the following naming conventions:
first character: T
second character: code which combines the criteria type with the maximum size for
which threaded components are used in the piping materials class, as defined below.
Criteria 1 applies to carbon steels and low-alloy steels; criteria 2 applies to aluminum
alloys, stainless steels, and non-ferrous alloys.
A= Criteria 1 with no threaded components
B= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 1 inch diameter
C= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 1.5 inch diameter
D= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 2 inch diameter
F= Criteria 2 with no threaded components
G= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 1 inch diameter

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 137

Piping Job Specification Tables

H= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 1.5 inch diameter

I= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 2 inch diameter
Z= Special criteria
third character: the corrosion allowance of the piping materials class for which the table
is intended, per the following criteria:
1= None C= 304 clad P= Polyester lined
2= 0.020" D= 304L clad Q= Polypropylene lined
3= 0.030" E= 316 clad R= PTFE lined
4= 0.050" F= 316L clad S= Saran lined
5= 0.063" G= 317 clad T= Teflon lined
6= 0.10" H= 317L clad U= TK31 lined
7= 0.125" J=321 clad V= R11 lined
8= 0.188" L= Cement lined W= R15 lined
9= 0.250" M= Epoxy lined X= R18 lined
A= 405 clad N= Glass lined Y= Other 1
B= 410S clad O= Kynar lined Z= Other 2
fourth and fifth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to make the table name
Diam - Nominal Piping Diameter (integer) This parameter identifies the desired value
for nominal diameter.
Min Thick - Minimum Required Thickness (real) This parameter represents the least
thickness, inclusive of corrosion allowance and mill tolerance, which is acceptable for a
given NPD. Either a positive number or a blank entry must be provided. This value is only
used in piping wall thickness calculations.
Ret Thick - Retirement Thickness (real) This parameter represents the least thickness,
exclusive of corrosion allowance, thread allowance, or mill tolerance, which is acceptable
for a given NPD. Either a positive number or a blank entry must be provided. This value
is only used in piping wall thickness calculations.
Thread Thick - Thread Thickness (real) This parameter represents the thickness for
threaded pipe that must be added to the calculated wall thickness to account for the presence
of threads. Either a positive number or a blank entry must be provided. It is only used in
piping wall thickness calculations.
Preferred Schedule/Thicknesses 1 through 6 (real) These parameters represent the
schedules and/or thicknesses you prefer be used as a result of a piping wall thickness
calculation. Values in the table are arranged in ascending thickness sequence. The system
rounds the calculated wall thickness to the next higher preferred thickness. You are
restricted to a limit of six preferred thicknesses. PDS requires that these values be in inches.

138 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Materials Data Table

The Materials Data Table consists of the materials data that is a function of the table name,
material grade, wall thickness range, and temperature. These tables include the properties which
are required for the calculation of piping wall thickness. You must insure that units of measure
used in the Materials Table are consistent with those used in the corresponding Temperature-
Pressure Table(s).
Note that you can express the mill tolerance as either a thickness percentage or a tolerance value.
Only one value can exist per table entry. If values exist for both, the system only uses the mill
thickness percentage.
The system uses the materials grade and temperature to access the information in the table and
provide the values of thickness range, coefficient Y, allowable stress (S), and the applicable mill
tolerance. Once the actual thickness is calculated for the component, the calculation software
compares that value with the thickness range. If the thickness range is exceeded, the next entry
in the materials table for the applicable materials grade and temperature is sought and the
calculation process is repeated.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'MWWW'
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 6
Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One
! Mill Tol
! Mat Gr Temp Thick Range Y S % Value


Table_Data_Definition 'ML01'
! Description= ASTM A53-B, A106, API 5L-B
! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=24-Feb-87
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 6
Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One
! Mill Tolrnce
! Mat Gr Temp Thick Range Y S % Value
142 -20 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
142 100 - - .4 20000 12.5 -

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 139

Piping Job Specification Tables

142 200 - - .4 20000 12.5 -

142 300 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
142 400 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
142 500 - - .4 18900 12.5 -
142 600 - - .4 17300 12.5 -
142 650 - - .4 17000 12.5 -
142 700 - - .4 16500 12.5 -
142 750 - - .4 13000 12.5 -
142 800 - - .4 10800 12.5 -
162 -20 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
162 100 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
162 200 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
162 300 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
162 400 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
162 500 - - .4 18900 12.5 -
162 600 - - .4 17300 12.5 -
162 650 - - .4 17000 12.5 -
162 700 - - .4 16500 12.5 -
162 750 - - .4 13000 12.5 -
162 800 - - .4 10800 12.5 -
116 -20 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
116 100 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
116 200 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
116 300 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
116 400 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
116 500 - - .4 18900 12.5 -
116 600 - - .4 17300 12.5 -
116 650 - - .4 17000 12.5 -
116 700 - - .4 16500 12.5 -
116 750 - - .4 13000 12.5 -
116 800 - - .4 10800 12.5 -

Table_Data_Definition - Materials Data Table Name (character 6) This field
identifies the number of the table. These tables use the following naming conventions:
first character: M
second character: the applicable design code, per the following convention:
A= ASME Section I [Power Boilers] L= ANSI-B31.3 [Petroleum]
B= ASME Section III [Nuclear] M= ANSI-B31.4 [Oil Transport]
C= Do not use N= ANSI-B31.5 [Refrigeration]
D= ASME Section VIII-1 [Unfired Vessels] P= ANSI-B31.8 [Gas Transmission]
E= ASME Section VIII-2 [Unfired Vessels] Q= ANSI-B31.9 [Building Services]
J= ANSI-B31.1 [Power] T= API
K= ANSI-B31.2 [Fuel Gas] V= AWWA
third and fourth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to make the table name

140 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One This statement must be included as shown for

interpolation to take place. Interpolation is used for all the output fields, if required.
Mat Gr - Material Grade (integer - standard note 145) This code-listed parameter
identifies the materials grade. This compound attribute includes the code, specification,
grade, temper, and joint efficiency to be used for the component.
Temp - Temperature (real) This field identifies the applicable temperature for a set of
material properties.
Thick - Wall Thickness Range - low (real)
Range - Wall Thickness Range - high (real) These fields identify the lower and upper
wall thickness bounds for a set of material properties. You can enter positive numbers or
blanks. A blank indicates that the properties apply regardless of the thickness of the
component. You cannot define this range in terms of schedule.
Y - Coefficient Y (real) This parameter represents the coefficient Y corresponding to
the previously defined parameters in the line. You can enter a positive number or a blank.
S - Allowable Stress (real) This parameter represents the allowable stress
corresponding to the previously defined parameters in the line. You can enter a positive
number or a blank. S is the basic allowable stress for the material excluding casting, joint or
structural grade quality factor (E).
Mill Tol % - Mill Thickness Percentage (real) This parameter represents the per cent
of the wall thickness that is to be considered as mill tolerance for pipe material. Enter the
mill tolerance to be considered for the material as a percent of nominal thickness, such as
Mill Tol Value - Mill Thickness Value (real) This parameter represents the actual wall
thickness that is to be considered as mill tolerance for plate material. Enter the value of mill
tolerance to be considered for the material, such as 0.01 inch.

Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement Equations

These equations define formulas for the calculation of piping wall thickness and branch
reinforcement to resist positive pressure. The actual equations and their logic are hard-coded in
the software. PDS requires that the thickness value be defined in inches.
Thickness equations have project unique names which must follow the following convention:
first character: E
second character: the applicable design code, per the following convention:
A= ASME Section I [Power Boilers]
B= ASME Section III [Nuclear]
C= Do not use
D= ASME Section VIII-1 [Unfired Vessels]
E= ASME Section VIII-2 [Unfired Vessels]
J= ANSI-B31.1 [Power]
K= ANSI-B31.2 [Fuel Gas]
L= ANSI-B31.3 [Petroleum]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 141

Piping Job Specification Tables

M= ANSI-B31.4 [Oil Transport]

N= ANSI-B31.5 [Refrigeration]
P= ANSI-B31.8 [Gas Transmission]
Q= ANSI-B31.9 [Building Services]
third and fourth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to make the equation
name unique.
If the equation name is provided as part of the definition *Cyyy in the Schedule/Thickness
attribute of the Piping Commodity Specification Data table, the equation name must be
limited to the format Ex; no third or fourth character can be defined.
These equations define formulas for the calculation of piping wall thickness and branch
reinforcement to resist positive pressure.

Delivered Equations
The thickness and branch reinforcement logic for the following equations are hardcoded in the
Source - ANSI-B31.1.1986 [Power Piping]
Thickness logic from paragraph 104.1, equation 3
Reinforcement logic from paragraph 104.3.1(D)

Source - ANSI-B31.3c.1986 [Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping]
Thickness logic from paragraph 304.1, equation 3a
Reinforcement logic from paragraph 304.3.3 & Code - Appendix H

The following considerations apply to both thickness equations and branch reinforcement
Pressures and temperatures used in thickness/branch reinforcement calculations are derived
from data in the Piping Design Database. Both normal and alternate pressure and
temperature conditions are considered. If actual values exist for the normal design or the
alternate design pressure/temperatures, the corresponding operating conditions are ignored.
If default values exist for BOTH sets of design conditions, both normal and alternate
operating conditions are used. At least one complete set of conditions must be defined.
Once the proper pressure and temperature sets are determined, their units of measure are
converted to those used in the Temperature-Pressure Table associated with the Piping
Materials Class to which the component belongs. Conversions are performed using the
procedures and conversion factors defined for the Units of Measure in Appendix F.

142 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Only positive pressure is considered. The system reports an error if you request a thickness
calculation involving a vacuum condition (negative pressure).
Independent sets of thickness/reinforcement calculations are carried out for each applicable
pressure/temperature set. In each calculation set, table values that are temperature dependent
are determined on the basis of the temperature applicable to the calculation set being
considered. The thicker calculated thickness is used.

Thickness Equations
The following considerations apply to thickness equations.
Thickness calculations are triggered by specifying an equation name in the
Schedule/Thickness attribute of the Piping Commodity Specification Data. An asterisk (*)
followed by a name (of the form xyyy) defines the specific calculation or table lookup to be
used for wall thickness. The letters that form this code have the following meaning:
x alphanumeric code that defines the equation to use in the calculation. Possible values and
their definitions are:
If this character is C, the schedule/thickness for the applicable end of the component is
determined by calculations using the thickness equation defined in the
DEFAULT_WALL_THICK_EQUATION attribute of the Piping Materials Class
database table.
If the code is any character other than C, the schedule/thickness for the applicable end of
the component is determined by calculations using the thickness equation with the name
yyy casting, joint or structural grade quality factor (E) times 100.
This factor is one of the parameters used in the thickness calculation. If you are defining a
calculation to be performed on a seamless fitting (E=1) but want to match the thickness for
the mating welded pipe (E=0.85), the quality factor for the pipe should be entered here.
For components with ends having different nominal diameters, independent sets of thickness
determinations are performed for each NPD. One or more ends may need to calculated, as
determined by specific *xyyy entries in the Commodity Item entity. The larger thickness
(calculated or predefined) is used. For example:
A 20" x 10" reducer is defined in the Piping Commodity Table to have a *xyyy 20" end
and a 0.55" thick, 10" end. The calculation of the 20" end results in a 0.5" thickness. A
0.55" thick reducer is used.
A 24" x 20" reducer is defined in the Piping Commodity Table to have a *XYYY 24"
end and a *XYYY 20" end. The calculation of the 24" end results in a 0.6" thickness.
The calculation of the 20" end results in a 0.5" thickness. A 0.6" thick reducer is used.
All thickness calculations involve a casting, joint, or structural grade quality factor (E).
The value for this factor is YYY/100, where YYY is defined in the entry *XYYY made
under the Schedule Thickness attribute for the Commodity Item under consideration.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 143

Piping Job Specification Tables

Branch Reinforcement
The following considerations apply to branch reinforcement calculations.
The need to perform a branch reinforcement calculation is triggered by
the placement of a generic branch component with the actual item name determined
from a branch table. (See Branch Insertion Tables.)
the presence of more than one item name in the Preferred Branch AABBCC Codes
fields of the applicable branch table.
the applicable branch reinforcement being either a reinforcing weld or a reinforcing pad.
All calculations involve a casting, joint, or structural grade quality factor (E). The value for
this factor is YYY/100, where YYY is defined in the Modifier attribute for entries with an
item name of PIPING.
The fillet welds joining reinforcing pads to the header and to the branch are considered in
determining the available reinforcement area.

Spec Access
The execution of a pipe wall thickness calculation is performed when the variable PIPE_OD_n is
encountered in the physical data definition of a pipe or component. Therefore, pipe outside
diameter must be calculated or retrieved from a table before the wall thickness can be used as
part of a table name.
After the actual thickness is calculated, it is compared against the thickness range in the
Materials table and the retirement thickness in the Thickness Data table. The system uses the
greater of these values as the uncorroded wall thickness. Then the system adds the corrosion
allowance from the PMC, the thread thickness from the wall thickness table, and the mill
tolerance from the Materials table. This revised thickness is compared against the minimum
thickness value in the Thickness Data table. The larger of these two values is compared against
the preferred thickness value in the Thickness Data table, and the next largest preferred value is
used for table look-ups and is stored in the TDB.
If the Thickness Data table uses schedules as preferred thickness, the schedules are translated to
an actual thickness by a table look-up from a table of the form
and output 2 gives the actual wall thickness.

Verification of Schedule Thickness

You can set an option in the RDB to determine how the piping segment override
schedule/thickness value will be handled during wall thickness calculations. By default, the
piping segment schedule/thickness override is used in place of the value determined from the
Piping Job Specification.

144 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Branch Insertion Tables

A branch insertion table defines the selection criteria for tee and lateral branches. You must
specify the type of wye or cross to be placed in the model and specify the reinforcement data.
Branch tables define the reinforcement to be used at tee and lateral branches in the piping system
as a function of the acute angle of intersection and the nominal diameters for the intersecting
lines. These tables do not include the reinforcement required at Y's and crosses. For them, the
required reinforcement must be specified in Piping Design.
The types of tee branch connections include branch weld, coupling, thredolet, reducing tee, tee
with reducing insert, nipolet, branch weld with reinforcing pad, sockolet, tee, weldolet, tee with
reducing bushing, and reducing tee with reducer(s).
The system accesses the branch table when placing a component at an intersection when no
reinforcement component has been specifically defined.
The system uses the information in this table and the header nominal diameter (first size) and
branch nominal diameter (second size) to provide the item name of the component to be used at
the intersection. Neither interpolation nor extrapolation is allowed.
The Branch insertion table will not include the two components (for example, Tee and
Reducer) at the same time. The software cannot place two components based on one set of
criteria. If you are trying to place a 6"x6"x6" Tee and a 6"x2" Reducer, it can only be done
through manual placement. There is no rule in PDS that allows the placement of both

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'BWWWW_WW'
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 3
Units= NPD_IN, NPD_IN, AN*6, AN*6, AN*6
! Nom Diam Preferred Branch
! Header Branch AABBCC Codes


Table_Data_Definition 'BA501_90'
! Description= A,0.063CA, Use with TA501
! By=DCG Ckd By=DCG Rev=3 Date=17-Aug-1988
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 3
Units= NPD_IN, NPD_IN, AN*6, AN*6, AN*6
! Nom Diam Preferred Branch

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 145

Piping Job Specification Tables

! Header Branch AABBCC Codes

0.75 0.75 '6Q3C22' - -
1 0.75 '6Q3C24' - -
1 1 '6Q3C22' - -
1.5 0.75 '6Q3C24' - -
1.5 1 '6Q3C24' - -
1.5 1.5 '6Q3C22' - -
2 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
2 1 '6Q3C74' - -
2 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
2 2 '6Q3C22' - -
3 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
3 1 '6Q3C74' - -
3 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 3 2 '6Q3C73' - -
3 3 '6Q3C22' - -
4 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
4 1 '6Q3C74' - -
4 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 4 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 4 3 '6Q3C73' - -
4 4 '6Q3C22' - -
6 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
6 1 '6Q3C74' - -
6 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 6 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 6 3 '6Q3C73' - -
> 6 4 '6Q3C73' - -
6 6 '6Q3C22' - -
8 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
8 1 '6Q3C74' - -
8 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 8 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 8 3 '6Q3C73' - -
> 8 4 '6Q3C73' - -
> 8 6 '6Q3C73' - -
8 8 '6Q3C22' - -
10 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
10 1 '6Q3C74' - -
10 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 10 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 10 3 '6Q3C73' - -
> 10 4 '6Q3C73' - -
10 6 '6Q3C82' - -
10 8 '6Q3C82' - -
10 10 '6Q3C22' -
12 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
12 1 '6Q3C74' - -
12 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 12 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 12 3 '6Q3C73' - -
> 12 4 '6Q3C73' - -
12 6 '6Q3C82' - -
12 8 '6Q3C82' - -

146 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

12 10 '6Q3C82' - -
12 12 '6Q3C22' - -

Table_Data_Definition - Branch Insertion Table Name (character 6) This field
identifies the name of the table. This name results from the compounding of the Branch
Table entry defined in the Piping Materials Class with the acute angle of intersection
between the header and the branch.
These tables use the following naming conventions:
first character: B
second character: a code which combines the criteria type with the maximum size for
which threaded components are used in the PMC, as defined below. Criteria 1 applies to
carbon steels and low-alloy steels; criteria 2 applies to aluminum alloys, stainless steels
and non-ferrous alloys.
A= Criteria 1 with no threaded components
B= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 1 inch diameter
C= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 1.5 inch diameter
D= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 2 inch diameter
F= Criteria 2 with no threaded components
G= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 1 inch diameter
H= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 1.5 inch diameter
I= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 2 inch diameter
Z= Special criteria
third character: the corrosion allowance of the piping materials class for which the table
is intended, per the following criteria:
1= None C= 304 clad P= Polyester lined
2= 0.020" D= 304L clad Q= Polypropylene lined
3= 0.030" E= 316 clad R= PTFE lined
4= 0.050" F= 316L clad S= Saran lined
5= 0.063" G= 317 clad T= Teflon lined
6= 0.10" H= 317L clad U= TK31 lined
7= 0.125" J=321 clad V= R11 lined
8= 0.188" L= Cement lined W= R15 lined
9= 0.250" M= Epoxy lined X= R18 lined
A= 405 clad N= Glass lined Y= Other 1
B= 410S clad O= Kynar lined Z= Other 2
fourth and fifth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to make the table name

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Piping Job Specification Tables

The second part of the table name defines the acute angle of intersection. Negative
values and values less than 45 degrees or greater than 90 degrees are not valid.
However, when dealing with branch reinforcements, negative values and values less
than 20 degrees or greater than 90 degrees are not valid (per ANSI B31.1 and ANSI
The data fields are sorted by header NPD and then by branch NPD.
Nom Diam Header - NPD for Run (integer) --- This field identifies the nominal diameter
of the header at the intersection. This is the member with the largest nominal diameter.
Nom Diam Branch - NPD for Branch (integer) --- This field identifies the nominal
diameter of the branch member at the intersection. This is the member with the smallest
nominal diameter.
Preferred Branch AABBCC Codes (character 6) --- These field identify the commodity
item name of the component used to reinforce the intersection.
If only one item name is listed, no branch reinforcement calculation is performed. The
specified item is placed at the intersection.
If two or more item names apply in one line, the system calculates the branch
reinforcement thickness. The system tests the listed item names sequentially (from left
to right) until the applicable strength criteria are satisfied.
Therefore, these codes should be arranged in ascending strength sequence (for example,
reinforcing welds, followed by reinforcing pads, followed by weldolets.)
If you enter a value of LOOKUP in the AABBCC field, it will refer to the
BRANCHID.LN file in the \project directory. You must create this file and edit the
attributes. For an example of the file format, see BRANCHID.LN File (on page 148)
Typically, the codes are from one of the following types:
Reinforcing elements, such as reinforcing welds and pads.
Weld-on components reinforcing the intersection such as saddles and weldolets.
Weld-in components actually making the intersection such as laterals and tees.

The BRANCHID.LN file must be placed in the \project directory and is formatted as shown

BRANCH_DEF: 5192; 5192; 6Q3C22
BRANCH_DEF: 5768; 5320; 6Q3C80

BRANCH_DEF: 5192; 5032; ATECH

MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES - Defines the search criteria for the pipeline to be revised.

The value 3 is the attribute number as defined by the Design DDL and Piping Segment Data,
and 3 is therefore equal to line_id.

148 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

LINE_DEF - Used with the MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES value. In the example above, the
first MATCHING_ATTRIBUTES: 3 value is WC-0104. The software searches for pipeline
WC-0104 to place the branching component.
BRANCH_DEF - Determines which branch value is placed on the pipeline based on the
first and second size attributes. If the first and second size attributes match, the branch value
is used. For example, in the second BRANCH_DEF line of the WC-0104 LINE_DEF
section, the first and second size attributes are 5768 and 5320, respectively. If these
attributes match up, then the value 6Q3C80 is placed on the WC-0104 pipeline.
BRANCH_DEF - Determines which branch value is placed on the pipeline based on the
first and second size attributes. If the first and second size attributes match, the branch value
is used. For example, in the second BRANCH_DEF line of the WC-0105 LINE_DEF
section, the first and second size attributes are 5192 and 5032, respectively. If these
attributes match up, then the value ATECH is placed on the WC-0105 pipeline.

The piping assembly TECH must be proceeded by an A.

The BRANCHID.LN file references the Piping Assembly Library when a value of
"LOOKUP" is placed in the AABBCC field of the branch insertion table. Below is an
example of the lookup value in the branch insertion table:
! Nom Diam Preferred Branch
! Header Branch AABBCC Codes
0.75 0.75 '6Q3C22' - -
1 0.75 '6Q3C24' - -
1 1 '6Q3C22' - -
1.5 0.75 '6Q3C24' - -
1.5 1 '6Q3C24' - -
1.5 1.5 '6Q3C22' - -
2 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
2 1 '6Q3C74' - -
2 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
2 2 '6Q3C22' - -
3 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
3 1 '6Q3C74' - -
3 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 3 2 'LOOKUP' - -
3 3 '6Q3C22' - -
4 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
4 1 '6Q3C74' - -
4 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 4 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 4 3 'LOOKUP' - -
4 4 '6Q3C22' - -
6 0.75 '6Q3C74' - -
6 1 '6Q3C74' - -
6 1.5 '6Q3C74' - -
> 6 2 '6Q3C73' - -
> 6 3 '6Q3C73' - -
> 6 4 'LOOKUP' - -
6 6 '6Q3C22' - -


Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 149

Piping Job Specification Tables

Gasket Separation Table

These tables define the gasket gap to be used for a given nominal diameter and maximum
For each bolted end, the system uses the applicable table, the NPD of the end, and the maximum
temperature for the gasket to be used at the end, to determine the gap thickness to be used at the
end. Lines in this table are sorted by NPD first and maximum temperature second.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'GWWW_WWWWWW'
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 1
Units= NPD_IN, DF, IN
! Diam TMx Gaskt Gap


Table_Data_Definition 'G001_1500'
! Description= SP-1000 deg F , RJ-1001 deg F
! By=DCG Ckd By=DCG Rev=0 Date=24-Jun-1987
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 1
Units= NPD_IN, DF, IN
! Diam TMx Gaskt Gap
0.5 1000 .125
0.75 1000 .125
1 1000 .125
1.5 1000 .125
2 1000 .125
3 1000 .125
4 1000 .125
6 1000 .125
8 1000 .125
10 1000 .125
12 1000 .125
14 1000 .125
16 1000 .125
18 1000 .125
20 1000 .125
24 1000 .125
0.5 1001 .16

150 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

0.75 1001 .16

1 1001 .16
1.5 1001 .16
2 1001 .12
3 1001 .12
4 1001 .12
6 1001 .12
8 1001 .16
10 1001 .16
12 1001 .19
14 1001 .22
16 1001 .31
18 1001 .31
20 1001 .38
24 1001 .44

Table_Data_Definition - Gasket Gap Table Name (character 6) This field identifies
the name of the table. This name results from the compounding of the entry defined in the
Piping Materials Class with the rating of the bolted end to which the gasket gap applies.
These tables use the following naming conventions:
first character: G
next three characters: numbers from 001 through 999 used to make the table name
The second part of the table name is the rating of the components to which it applies.
The characters CL and # are not included in the rating designation.
Diam - Nominal Piping Diameter This field identifies the applicable NPD value. The
units of measure used to define the NPD must match the NPD units to be used in the Piping
TMx - Maximum Temperature This field identifies the maximum temperature for the
gasket as defined in the Piping Commodity Specification Data (Table 202 attribute 5). (The
system must find a match of the commodity item temperature and the value in this column
for successful retrieval of data.)
The units of measure used to define the temperature must be the same as the units used in the
Temperature Pressure Service Limits table.
Gasket Gap This field identifies the full gasket gap to be used.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 151

Piping Job Specification Tables

Fluid Code Table

Fluid Code tables can be used to limit the number of fluid codes which are valid for a particular
Piping Material Class. A Fluid Code table works much like the Diameters table. Where the
Diameters Table contains a valid set of diameters for a PMC, the Fluid Code table contains a set
of valid Fluid Codes for a PMC.
To use a Fluid Code table,
Specify the name of the Fluid Code Table in the fluid_code attribute of the Piping Materials
Class definition.
Set the Fluid Code Control toggle to Yes on the Piping Data Control form of the Project
Data Manager. Refer to the Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide for more
information on this form.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'FC001'
! Description= By Process Vendor
! By=SCC Ckd By=SCC Rev=1 Date=12-OCT-90
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 0
Units= INT

Table_Data_Definition (character 6) This field identifies the name of the Fluid Code
table. These tables use the following naming conventions:
first and second character: FC
third, forth, and fifth characters: numbers from 001 to 999 used to make the table name
Fld Cd (integer) This field lists the code list numbers for the valid fluid codes from code
list set 125.

152 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

RDB Tables
The following reference data tables are defined in the Spec Table Library. These tables are
required to provide basic data for the performance of the software.

TNF Table Name

G02 COMMODITY_ITEM_NAME (see "Commodity Item
Name Table (G02)" on page 154)
G04 BEND_DEFLECTION (see "Bend Deflection Table
(G04)" on page 156)
G06 PIPE_RUN_LENGTH (see "Segment Pipe Run Length
Threshold Table (G06)" on page 157)
G07 PIPE_LENGTH (see "Pipe Length Threshold Table
(G07)" on page 158)
G11 BOLT_LENGTH (see "Preferred Bolt Length Table
(G11)" on page 159)
WELD_TYPE_TABLE (see "Weld Type Table" on page
WELD_C10031 (see "Weld Clearance Table" on page
DRV_WELD_DEF (see "Weld Graphics Dimensions
Table" on page 168)
CommodityCode_BLT (Bolt Commodity Code Table
(on page 166))
CommodityCode_GKT (Gasket Diameter Table (on
page 168))
FIELD_FIT_LENGTH (see "Field Fit Length Table" on
page 169)
Component_Mirror_Table (see "Component Mirror
Table" on page 170)
Operator_Mirror_Table (see "Operator Mirror Table"
on page 170)
Default_End_Prep (see "Default End Preparation Table"
on page 171)
MTO Tables and Functions (on page 172)
The system uses the settings in the Component Placement and Material TakeOff forms of the
Project Data Manager to determine the applicable names for these basic tables.
Refer to Table Formats and Naming Conventions (on page 219) for information on the
basic conventions used for PDS tables.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 153

Piping Job Specification Tables

Commodity Item Name Table (G02)

The commodity item name table is used when placing a component at the vertex of an existing
piping segment (in either automatic or manual component placement). It enables you to relate
the component types (1 to 70) hard-coded in the software with the applicable Item Names. As
the system processes the segment for component placement, it uses the derived Item Name from
this table to reference the Piping Commodity Specification data in the Specification Material
Reference Database.
When placing change of direction components, this table is used in conjunction with the Bend
Deflection Table.
The table name format that applies to this table is:


Table_Data_Definition 'COMMODITY_ITEM_NAME'
! Description= Correlation of hardcoded component types and AABBCC
! By=GJH Ckd By=DCG Rev=2 Date=16-May-1989
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= INT, AN*6
! Type Code
3 'HOSE'
4 '6Q2C23'
5 '6Q2C01'
6 '6Q2C01'
7 '6Q2C76'
8 '6Q2C75'
9 '6Q2C56'
10 '6Q2C55'
11 '6Q3C45'
12 '6Q3C60'
13 '6Q2C47'
14 '6Q2C84'
15 '6Q3C47'
16 '6Q3C49'
17 '6Q3C50'
18 '6Q3C25'
19 '6Q3C47'
20 '6Q3C77'
21 '6Q3C82'
22 '6Q3C80'
> 23 '6Q3C88'
> 24 '6Q2C24'
25 '6Q1C76'
26 -
27 -
28 '6Q2C16'

154 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

29 '6Q2C19'
30 '6Q2C21'
31 '6Q2C08'
32 -
33 -
34 -
35 -
36 -
37 -
38 'IND'
39 -
40 -
41 '6Q2C49'
42 '6Q2C51'
43 '6Q2C53'
44 '6Q2C06'
45 '6Q3C89'
The meaning of the various component types is outlined below:

Comp Type Definition

1 Piping (not used by the software)
2 Tubing (not used by the software)
3 Hose (not used by the software)
4 Concentric diameter change
5 Flange in bends
6 Flange in other components
7 90 degree directional change
8 45-90 degree directional change
9 45 degree directional change
10 < 45 degree directional change
11 True Y
12 Equal size cross (if not equal size, software will handle as a
13 > 90 pipe bend
14 90 degree reducing elbow
15 Lateral (not used by the software)
16 Reducing lateral
17 Reducing run and branch lateral
18 Reducing run and branch tee
19 Lateral (not used by the software)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 155

Piping Job Specification Tables

Comp Type Definition

20 Elbolet (used by Compute for Elbolet under the Tap command)
21 Reinforcing weld
22 Reinforcing pad
23 Branch nipple
25-27 vent/drain valve A - C
28 end
29 plug
30 cap
31 blind flange
32-37 Closing component A - F
38-40 Instrument indicator A - C
41 5.625 degree bend
42 11.25 degree bend
43 22.5 degree bend
44 Orifice flange
45 In-line nipple
51-60 Pipe-like commodity item 1 - 10
61-70 Pipe-like model code 1 - 10
If you do not want to place one of the above component types as part of automatic component
placement, place a hyphen (-) for the Item Name.

Bend Deflection Table (G04)

The bend deflection table is used when placing a component at the vertex of an existing piping
segment (in either automatic or manual component placement). The system uses the bend angle
at the segment vertex to determine the type of component to be placed.
This table contains the following data:
bend angle - low
bend angle - high
index into the Commodity Item Name table for a full size bend
index into the Commodity Item Name table for a reducing bend
This table defines which full size and reducing size component types will be placed for a
specified angle range. The angle is defined as the smallest angle that the continuation of one
pipe run makes with the other run. The component types are defined in the commodity item
name table. See Commodity Item Name Table (G02) (on page 154). A value of 0 for the type
indicates that no reducing component should be placed for an angle range.

156 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

The system uses the bend angle to search this table for the matching range of bend angles. The
system uses the index into the Commodity Item Name table for either a full size bend or a
reducing bend depending upon the nominal piping diameters of the line route segments that form
the bend. The system searches for an entry in the table where the angle is greater than or equal
to the low bend angle and less than the high bend angle.
You can define more than one bend deflection table for a project provided they are given
different names. For example, one table can apply to underground piping and the other to
aboveground piping. Refer to the Component Placement form in the Project Data Manager
for information on defining the bend deflection table for a project or model.
The table name format that applies to this table is:


Table_Data_Definition 'BEND_DEFLECTION'
! Description= Component type to use as function of angle between runs
! By=EPZ Ckd By=DCG Rev=2 Date=09-Nov-1987
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 2
! Angle Comp Type To Use
! Low High Full Red
0.1 44.9 10 0
44.9 45.1 9 0
45.1 89.9 8 0
89.9 90.1 7 14
90.1 179.9 13 0
The following listing shows the component types used in this example.
bend angle index
low high full size reducing size
0.1 44.9 10 ( < 45 trimmed bend) N/A
44.9 45.1 9 (45 bend) N/A
45.1 89.9 8 (45-90 trimmed bend) N/A
89.9 90.1 7 (90 bend) 14 (reducing 90 bend)
90.1 179.9 13 ( > 90 trimmed bend) N/A

Segment Pipe Run Length Threshold Table (G06)

This table enables you to define the minimum allowable segment run length which can be placed
in the model during centerline routing. The values defined in this table do not apply to the
segment run automatically created by the software when placing components end to end.
The Piping Designer insures that the length of any pipe run of a piping segment exceeds the
active segment run length threshold. The threshold is determined from this table as a function of
nominal piping diameter. The only exception to this is for the small pipe run required for the
offset of an eccentric reducer. This threshold is used to insure that the pipe run between two
connected bends exceeds the fabrication length of the two bends.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 157

Piping Job Specification Tables

The value for nominal diameter is interpreted as follows:

Diam Entry Range of Diameters Covered

n1 nominal diameter < n1
n2 n1 <= nominal diameter < n2
n3 n2 <= nominal diameter < n3
n9 n8 <= nominal diameter
Using this scheme, you should look on the line following the actual segment NPD to determine
the minimum length. Only lengths greater than the minimum length in the table are allowed.
For example, if you are placing a segment with 12 inch NPD, you can only place segments
greater than .75 inches in length.
The table name format that applies to this table is:

Table_Data_Definition 'PIPE_RUN_LENGTH'
! Description= Minimum allowable piping segment run length
! By=DCG Ckd By=GJH Rev=1 Date=04-Aug-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= NPD_IN, IN
! Diam Min Length
2 0.25
6 0.50
12 0.50
24 0.75
36 1.00
96 1.00
144 1.00
192 1.00

Pipe Length Threshold Table (G07)

This table enables you to define the minimum and preferred allowable pipe lengths which can be
placed (manually or by automatic component placement).
The Piping Designer insures that the length of any pipe or tube exceeds the pipe length
threshold, as defined in this table. The threshold is determined as a function of the nominal
piping diameter. This table is used during model creation and model revision activities to verify
the nominal or theoretical pipe (or tube) length.

158 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Any value for nominal diameter is interpreted as follows:

Diam Entry Range of Diameters Covered

n1 nominal diameter <= n1
n2 n1 < nominal diameter <= n2
n3 n2 < nominal diameter <= n3
n8 n7 < nominal diameter <= n8
n9 n8 < nominal diameter <= n9
Using this scheme, you should look on the line following the actual NPD to determine the
minimum length, unless the NPD is equal to one of the diameter entries. Only lengths greater
than the minimum length in the table are allowed. For example, if you are placing a pipe with 14
inch NPD, you can only place pipe runs greater than 3 inches in length.
The table name format that applies to this table is:


Table_Data_Definition 'PIPE_LENGTH'
! Description= Minimum and preferred allowable plain piping length
! By=DCG Ckd By=GJH Rev=1 Date=04-Aug-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 2
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN
! Min Preferred
! Diam Length Length
2 2 2
6 2 3
12 2 4
24 3 6
36 3 9
96 3 12
144 6 12
192 6 12

Preferred Bolt Length Table (G11)

The data for bolts and gaskets is a function of nominal diameter, end preparation for each mating
flange, and pressure rating for each mating flange. The bolt length table supplies data for
machine bolts, stud bolts, and cap screws. It determines the bolt data required for both regular
and bolt-thru bolts. This table enables you to define the low and high range for calculated bolt
lengths and the corresponding preferred or purchased lengths of the bolt.
You can define up to 300 entries in this table.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
Refer to the Report Manager Reference Guide for more information on bolt tables and bolt table

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 159

Piping Job Specification Tables

Table_Data_Definition 'BOLT_LENGTH'
! Description= Preferred bolt lengths (maximum of 300 entries)
! By=GJH Ckd By=DCG Rev=1 Date=04-Aug-1987
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 1
Units= IN, IN, IN
! Bolt Length Preferred
! Low High Bolt Length
0.0 1.5 1.5
1.5001 1.75 1.75
1.7501 2 2
2.0001 2.25 2.25
2.2501 2.5 2.5
2.5001 2.75 2.75
2.7501 3 3
3.0001 3.25 3.25
3.2501 3.5 3.5
3.5001 3.75 3.75
3.7501 4 4
4.0001 4.25 4.25
4.2501 4.5 4.5
4.5001 4.75 4.75
4.7501 5 5
5.0001 5.25 5.25
5.2501 5.5 5.5
5.5001 5.75 5.75
5.7501 6 6
6.0001 6.25 6.25
6.2501 6.5 6.5
6.5001 6.75 6.75
6.7501 7 7
7.0001 7.25 7.25
7.2501 7.5 7.5
7.5001 7.75 7.75
7.7501 8 8
8.0001 8.25 8.25
8.2501 8.5 8.5
8.5001 8.75 8.75
8.7501 9 9
9.0001 9.25 9.25
9.2501 9.5 9.5
9.5001 9.75 9.75
9.7501 10 10
10.0001 10.25 10.25
10.2501 10.5 10.5
10.5001 10.75 10.75
10.7501 11 11
11.0001 11.25 11.25
11.2501 11.5 11.5
11.5001 11.75 11.75
11.7501 12 12
12.0001 12.25 12.25
12.2501 12.5 12.5

160 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

12.5001 12.75 12.75

12.7501 13 13
13.0001 13.25 13.25
13.2501 13.5 13.5
13.5001 13.75 13.75
13.7501 14 14
14.0001 14.25 14.25
14.2501 14.5 14.5
14.5001 14.75 14.75
14.7501 15 15
15.0001 15.25 15.25
15.2501 15.5 15.5
15.5001 15.75 15.75
15.7501 16 16
16.0001 16.25 16.25
16.2501 16.5 16.5
16.5001 16.75 16.75
16.7501 17 17
17.0001 17.25 17.25
17.2501 17.5 17.5
17.5001 17.75 17.75
17.7501 18 18
18.0001 18.25 18.25
18.2501 18.5 18.5
18.5001 18.75 18.75
18.7501 19 19
19.0001 19.25 19.25
19.2501 19.5 19.5
19.5001 19.75 19.75
19.7501 20 20
20.0001 20.25 20.25
20.2501 20.5 20.5
20.5001 20.75 20.75
20.7501 21 21
21.0001 21.25 21.25
21.2501 21.5 21.5
21.5001 21.75 21.75
21.7501 22 22
22.0001 22.25 22.25
22.2501 22.5 22.5
22.5001 22.75 22.75
22.7501 23 23
23.0001 23.25 23.25
23.2501 23.5 23.5
23.5001 23.75 23.75
23.7501 24 24
24.0001 24.25 24.25
24.2501 24.5 24.5
24.5001 24.75 24.75
24.7501 25 25
25.0001 25.25 25.25
25.2501 25.5 25.5
25.5001 25.75 25.75
25.7501 26 26

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 161

Piping Job Specification Tables

26.0001 26.25 26.25

26.2501 26.5 26.5
26.5001 26.75 26.75
26.7501 27 27
27.0001 27.25 27.25
27.2501 27.5 27.5
27.5001 27.75 27.75
27.7501 28 28
28.0001 28.25 28.25
28.2501 28.5 28.5
28.5001 28.75 28.75
28.7501 29 29
29.0001 29.25 29.25
29.2501 29.5 29.5
29.5001 29.75 29.75
29.7501 30 30
30.0001 30.25 30.25
30.2501 30.5 30.5
30.5001 30.75 30.75
30.7501 31 31
31.0001 31.25 31.25
31.2501 31.5 31.5
31.5001 31.75 31.75
31.7501 32 32
32.0001 32.25 32.25
32.2501 32.5 32.5
32.5001 32.75 32.75
32.7501 33 33
33.0001 33.25 33.25
33.2501 33.5 33.5
33.5001 33.75 33.75
33.7501 34 34
34.0001 34.25 34.25
34.2501 34.5 34.5
34.5001 34.75 34.75
34.7501 35 35
35.0001 35.25 35.25
35.2501 35.5 35.5
35.5001 35.75 35.75
35.7501 36 36

162 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Weld Type Table

This table defines the weld type code for a given pair of fabrication category values. The
fabrication category values are determined from the connect point data at each of the mating
welded ends.
The table name format that applies to this table is:


Table_Data_Definition 'BOLT_LENGTH'
! Description= Preferred bolt lengths (maximum of 300 entries)
! By=GJH Ckd By=DCG Rev=1 Date=04-Aug-1987
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 1
Units= IN, IN, IN
! Bolt Length Preferred
! Low High Bolt Length
0.0 1.5 1.5
1.5001 1.75 1.75
1.7501 2 2
2.0001 2.25 2.25
2.2501 2.5 2.5
2.5001 2.75 2.75
2.7501 3 3
3.0001 3.25 3.25
3.2501 3.5 3.5
3.5001 3.75 3.75
3.7501 4 4
4.0001 4.25 4.25
4.2501 4.5 4.5
4.5001 4.75 4.75
4.7501 5 5
5.0001 5.25 5.25
5.2501 5.5 5.5
5.5001 5.75 5.75
5.7501 6 6
6.0001 6.25 6.25
6.2501 6.5 6.5
6.5001 6.75 6.75
6.7501 7 7
7.0001 7.25 7.25
7.2501 7.5 7.5
7.5001 7.75 7.75
7.7501 8 8
8.0001 8.25 8.25
8.2501 8.5 8.5
8.5001 8.75 8.75
8.7501 9 9
9.0001 9.25 9.25
9.2501 9.5 9.5
9.5001 9.75 9.75
9.7501 10 10

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 163

Piping Job Specification Tables

10.0001 10.25 10.25

10.2501 10.5 10.5
10.5001 10.75 10.75
10.7501 11 11
11.0001 11.25 11.25
11.2501 11.5 11.5
11.5001 11.75 11.75
11.7501 12 12
12.0001 12.25 12.25
12.2501 12.5 12.5
12.5001 12.75 12.75
12.7501 13 13
13.0001 13.25 13.25
13.2501 13.5 13.5
13.5001 13.75 13.75
13.7501 14 14
14.0001 14.25 14.25
14.2501 14.5 14.5
14.5001 14.75 14.75
14.7501 15 15
15.0001 15.25 15.25
15.2501 15.5 15.5
15.5001 15.75 15.75
15.7501 16 16
16.0001 16.25 16.25
16.2501 16.5 16.5
16.5001 16.75 16.75
16.7501 17 17
17.0001 17.25 17.25
17.2501 17.5 17.5
17.5001 17.75 17.75
17.7501 18 18
18.0001 18.25 18.25
18.2501 18.5 18.5
18.5001 18.75 18.75
18.7501 19 19
19.0001 19.25 19.25
19.2501 19.5 19.5
19.5001 19.75 19.75
19.7501 20 20
20.0001 20.25 20.25
20.2501 20.5 20.5
20.5001 20.75 20.75
20.7501 21 21
21.0001 21.25 21.25
21.2501 21.5 21.5
21.5001 21.75 21.75
21.7501 22 22
22.0001 22.25 22.25
22.2501 22.5 22.5
22.5001 22.75 22.75
22.7501 23 23
23.0001 23.25 23.25
23.2501 23.5 23.5

164 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

23.5001 23.75 23.75

23.7501 24 24
24.0001 24.25 24.25
24.2501 24.5 24.5
24.5001 24.75 24.75
24.7501 25 25
25.0001 25.25 25.25
25.2501 25.5 25.5
25.5001 25.75 25.75
25.7501 26 26
26.0001 26.25 26.25
26.2501 26.5 26.5
26.5001 26.75 26.75
26.7501 27 27
27.0001 27.25 27.25
27.2501 27.5 27.5
27.5001 27.75 27.75
27.7501 28 28
28.0001 28.25 28.25
28.2501 28.5 28.5
28.5001 28.75 28.75
28.7501 29 29
29.0001 29.25 29.25
29.2501 29.5 29.5
29.5001 29.75 29.75
29.7501 30 30
30.0001 30.25 30.25
30.2501 30.5 30.5
30.5001 30.75 30.75
30.7501 31 31
31.0001 31.25 31.25
31.2501 31.5 31.5
31.5001 31.75 31.75
31.7501 32 32
32.0001 32.25 32.25
32.2501 32.5 32.5
32.5001 32.75 32.75
32.7501 33 33
33.0001 33.25 33.25
33.2501 33.5 33.5
33.5001 33.75 33.75
33.7501 34 34
34.0001 34.25 34.25
34.2501 34.5 34.5
34.5001 34.75 34.75
34.7501 35 35
35.0001 35.25 35.25
35.2501 35.5 35.5
35.5001 35.75 35.75
35.7501 36 36

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 165

Piping Job Specification Tables

Bolt Commodity Code Table

This table is used if the Basis of Bolt Commodity Code is set to Bolt Commodity Code Table in
the Project Data Manager. The system uses the bolt length and bolt diameter to find the
commodity code in the table.
If you define a bolt commodity code which is less than 17 characters, you should code a hyphen
(-) in the third column.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
Cmdty Code_BLT

Neutral File Format

! Description=
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 4
Units= IN, IN, IN, AN*8, AN*8, AN*8
! Bolt Bolt Length Bolt Commodity Code
! Diam Low High 1 2 3
Do not load the Bolt Commodity Code table with more than 900 lines.
If Bolt Commodity Code is set to Bolt Commodity Code Table, the Commodity Code and
Bolt Description is reported from this table.

Commodity Code Bolt Commodity PD Report PD MDP

Toggle Code Toggle

size_independent Piping Job Spec System Commodity System

Code (table_202) Commodity Code
size_independent Bolt Commodity Code Commodity Code Commodity Code
table from Bolt Commodity from Bolt
Code Table Commodity Code
size_dependent Piping Job Spec Size Dependent Size Dependent
Commodity Code Commodity Code
(table_211) (table_211)

166 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Commodity Code Bolt Commodity PD Report PD MDP

Toggle Code Toggle

size_dependent Bolt Commodity Code Commodity Code Commodity Code

Table from Bolt Commodity from Bolt
Code Table Commodity Code

Weld Clearance Table

This table contains information obtained from the NPD and the Weld Type table, which are
retrieved from the piping model. Add a version of this table to the Physical Data Library for each
The table name format that applies to this table is:


Table_Data_Definition 'WELD_1C0031'
! Description= Weld Clearance Table
By=XXX Ckd By=XXX Rev=1 Date=01-22-1999
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 4
Weld Weld
NPD Type NPD Type Radius Overall
From From To To Increase Length
1 1 2 25 6 18
3 1 4 25 8 24
5 1 6 25 10 30
7 1 8 25 6 18
9 1 10 20 10 18
9 21 10 22 12 24
9 23 10 25 14 30
11 1 12 25 10 30

NPD From - NPD To (integer) These parameters identify the range of nominal piping
diameters (lower bound to higher bound) for the weld in NPD units. The To value must
equal or exceed the From value.
Weld_Type_From - Weld_Type_To (integer) These parameters identify the range of
weld type values (from standard note 1100). The To value must equal or exceed the From
Radius_Increase (integer - NPD Units) This parameter identifies the increase to be
applied to the NPD of the weld for use in generating a cylinder to represent the construction
tolerance envelope for the weld.
Overall_Length (integer) This parameter identifies the length of the cylinder for the
weld construction tolerance envelope.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 167

Piping Job Specification Tables

Weld Graphics Dimensions Table

This table provides the dimensions used to generate the graphical representation of welds in a
SmartPlant Review session. You may customize this table to modify the appearance of weld
graphics by weld type and diameter. The table name format that applies to this table is:


Table_Data_Definition 'DRV_WELD_DEF'\
! TNF=G12T By=XXX Ckd By=XX Rev=0 Date= 04-Oct-2000
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 4
! From_NPD From_Weld_Type TO_NPD To_Weld_Type Weld_Dia_Increase
2 10 7 22 0.25 0.25
6 12 10 22 0.25 0.25
8 10 12 22 0.25 0.25

From NPD - TO _NPD (integer) These parameters identify the range of nominal piping
diameters (lower bound to higher bound) for the weld in NPD units. The To value must
equal or exceed the From value.
From_Weld_Type - To_Weld_Type (integer) These parameters identify the range of
the weld type values (from standard note 1100). The To value must equal or exceed the
From value.
Weld_Dia_Increase (decimal) This parameter identifies the percentage increase to be
applied to the NPD of the weld for use in displaying a cylinder to represent the weld in
SmartPlant Review. For example, if the NPD is 6" and the increase is .25, the diameter of
the weld cylinder would be 7 1/2" (6 x 1.25 = 7.5).
Weld_Thickness (decimal) This parameter identifies the percentage to be applied to the
NPD of the weld to determine the thickness of the cylinder.
If this table is absent or if there is no NPD range encapsulating the WELD NPD, the
weld graphics dimensions will be determined as follows:
Diameter = 130% of the NPD at the weld.
Thickness = 25% of the NPD at the weld.

168 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Gasket Diameter Table

This table is used if the pds_sort_code for the gasket spec entry is set to _GKT. The system uses
the NPD to find the gasket outside and inside diameters.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
Cmdty Code_GKT

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 2
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN
! Gasket Diameter
! NPD Inside Outside

Field Fit Length Table

This table defines the pipe length adjustment for a given weld type. The weld type is determined
from the connect point data at the mating welded ends.
This table is only used if the Field Fit Length option is activated on the Material Takeoff
Options form in the Project Data Manager. MTO reads the specified table and increases the
pipe length at each welded end of the pipe based on the weld type at that specific end.

Neutral File Format

Table_Data_Definition 'Fit_Length_Table'
! Description=
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= INT, IN
! Weld Type Adjust.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 169

Piping Job Specification Tables

Component Mirror Table

This table is used for components which require non-symmetrical mirroring. It defines a mirror
option for a given Eden module. This table is called through the use of the Eden keyword
TOGGLE_<INT>, where <INT> is an integer value as defined below for Option 1.


Table_Data_Definition 'Component_Mirror_Table'
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
Units= AN*6, INT, INT, INT
! Model Code Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Model Code This column lists the model codes for components which require non-
symmetrical mirroring. The model code is used as input by the calling Eden module.
Option 1 This column represents the TOGGLE_<INT> Eden variable or specific
command instruction used to control a non symmetrical mirror operation. This column can
have any of the following values.
mirror logic in the Eden module. All items with these setting must have a tutorial
accessed in the Eden module to allow the user to change the TOGGLE during
For example, if Option 1 = 1, check the TOGGLE_1 Eden variable in the Eden module
to perform specific logic to compensate for a mirrored component.
degrees instead of mirroring it.
The Model Code item will be rotated due to a specific non symmetrical definition where
there are no non symmetrical connect points involved.
the specific item.
The item will not be mirrored due to specific non symmetrical definition. In other
words, the item is only stocked in one non symmetrical configuration which has non
symmetrical connect points involved.
Option 2 & Option 3 These columns are not currently used.

Operator Mirror Table

This table is used for operators that require non-symmetrical mirroring. It defines a mirror option
for a given Eden module. This table is called through the use of the Eden keyword
TOGGLE_<INT>, where <INT> is an integer value as defined below for Option 1.


Table_Data_Definition 'Operator_Mirror_Table'
! This Table has NOT been Checked
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
Units= AN*6, INT, INT, INT
! Model Code Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

170 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

OI_33 1 - -
OI_35 1 - -
OI_43 1 - -
OI_53 1 - -
A_1033 1 - -
OP_331 1 - -
OP_332 1 - -
OP_333 1 - -
OP_334 1 - -
OP_351 1 - -
OP_493 1000 - -
OP_494 1000 - -
OP_573 1000 - -
OP_574 1000 - -
OP_711 1000 - -
OP_853 1000 - -
OP_854 1000 - -

Model Code This column lists the model codes for operators which support mirroring.
The model code is used as input by the calling Eden module.
Option 1 This column represents the TOGGLE_<INT> Eden variable or specific
command instruction used to control a non symmetrical mirror operation. This column can
have any of the following values.
mirror logic in the Eden module. All items with these setting must have a tutorial
accessed in the Eden module to allow the user to change the TOGGLE during
For example, if Option 1 = 1, check the TOGGLE_1 Eden variable in the Eden module
to perform specific logic to compensate for a mirrored component.
degrees instead of mirroring it.
For example, if Option 1 = 1000, the Model Code item will be rotated due to a specific
non symmetrical definition where there are no non symmetrical connect points involved.
tell the Mirror command to rotate the component 180 degrees instead of mirroring it.
The item is only stocked in one non symmetrical configuration and does not have non
symmetrical connect points involved.
Option 2 & Option 3 These columns are not currently used.

Default End Preparation Table

The Default End Preparation Table is an optional table that can be used to automatically set the
end preparation of instruments and piping specialties that are being placed in a piping model.
The system looks for a table with the name Default_End_Prep in the spec table library.
If the table does not exist in the library, the end prep for the instrument/specialty defaults to
the end prep of the connected piping component.
If the table exists in the spec table library and the active placement point is connected to
previously placed piping or a nozzle, the end preparation for the instrument or piping
specialty is set based on entries in the table.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 171

Piping Job Specification Tables


Table_Data_Definition 'Default_End_Prep'
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= INT, INT
!E_P_in E_P_out
331 441
392 421
441 331
421 391

Data Retrieval
The system performs a table look-up using the active end preparation value. In the table above,
the last line (421 391) indicates that the end prep for an instrument/specialty connected to a
SWE (421) component will default to PE (391).
If the table does not exist in RDB, the end prep for the instrument/ specialty defaults to the end
prep of the connected piping component. In the example above, the instrument/specialty end
prep would default to SWE (421).

MTO Tables and Functions

The following special tables and functions are used by the system during Material Take-Off.
Refer to the Report Manager Reference Guide for more information on the reporting process.
field fit length tables (not currently implemented)
preferred bolt length tables
preferred bolt length roundoff factor
nut allowance table
bolt diameter and bolt pattern specification
Gasket Outside and Inside diameter tables
Bolt Length/Diameter Commodity Code tables

Piping Job Specification Tables Command

This command enables you to access the library management options for the Piping Job
Specification Table Library. You can create a new library file or create, modify, or delete data in
an existing Library. You can also create reports of the data in the library and post data from the
unapproved library to the approved library.
The spec tables for US practice are delivered in the file us_pjstb.l in the RDUSRDB product
The system tracks revision dates for table entries when a table is revised. This revision
management data is recorded in a separate Table Revision Management Library, named
<table_library>.l.r. If the library has been removed or deleted, the software regenerates the
library file.
With the 4.2 release, the limitation on the size of tables in the Piping Job Spec Table Library was
increased from approximately 16,000 bytes per table to 20,000 bytes per table.

172 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

With the 7.1 release, the limitation on the size of tables in the Piping Job Spec Table Library was
increased from approximately 20,000 bytes to 60,000 bytes or 750 lines.

Before Using This Command

Define the location of the approved and unapproved (if applicable) Piping Job Spec Table
library files in the Reference Database Management Data.
You must have write access to the specified file and directory path.

Operating Sequence
The Piping Job Specification Tables command activates the Specification Tables Library/Data
Management form used to control the contents of the spec table library.

Create Library (on page 174) used to create a new Piping Job Spec Table Library.
Compress Library (on page 174) used to compress the Piping Job Spec Table library.
Unapproved ==> Approved (on page 174) used to copy the unapproved Piping Job Spec
Table library to the approved library.
Create/Interactive (see "Create/Interactive Spec Tables" on page 174) used to compile
table files and add the resulting code to the Piping Job Spec Table library. You can create a
single table or specify a list of tables to be created.
Create/Batch (see "Create/Batch Spec Tables" on page 175) used to compile and add
tables to the library via batch processing.
Revise (see "Revise Spec Tables" on page 176) used to select a table from the library for
editing and compile the revised table definition.
Delete (see "Delete Spec Tables" on page 177) used to delete a specified table from the
Report (see "Report on Spec Tables" on page 178) used to create a report of the library

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 173

Piping Job Specification Tables

List (see "List Spec Tables" on page 180) used to list the files contained in the library.
Extract (see "Extract Spec Tables" on page 180) used to extract a table file from the
library for editing or printing.
Refer to Default Project Control Data (on page 23) for information on defining the default
location for library files. You can also change the default file locations for each option at any

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Piping Job Spec Table Library. It automatically creates the
object library (.l), the text library (.l.t), and table revision management library (.l.t.r) for the
library that is being created.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Piping Job Spec Table Library names as
defined in the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library files. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

Compress Library
This option is used to compress the Piping Job Spec Table library. Any tables which have been
deleted from the library will be removed.

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option copies the unapproved Piping Job Spec Table library to the approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create/Interactive Spec Tables

This option enables you to compile tables and add the resulting code to the spec table library.
You can create a single table or specify a list of tables to be created.

Before Using This Command

To add more than one table to the library, create a list file in the Piping Spec Path directory
which identifies the names of the table files to be added. This file should list one filename per
line with no directory paths. All of the listed files must reside in the Piping Spec Path

174 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management form.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single table file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
Key in the name of the table file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library.
(Refer to PJS Tables and Functions (on page 131) for information on the table formats.)
4. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the file and begin processing.

Create/Batch Spec Tables

This option enables you to load table files into the Spec Table Library as a batch operation at a
specified time.

Before Using This Command

To add more than one table file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of the
table files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (filename) per line.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create/Batch option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single table file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for Processing
Key in the name of the table file or list file to be added to the active library.
4. Accept to Submit or Set Submit Time
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit.
For Delayed Submit, set the time to process the table files.
5. Accept the file and begin processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 175

Piping Job Specification Tables

Revise Spec Tables

This option enables you to revise selected table files from the library. For each table to be edited,
select the table, edit the file, and then compile the table and put it back in the library. The
system updates the revision date for revised table in the Table Revision Management Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Revise option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management form.

2. Select Table for Revision.

Select the table file to be revised and select Accept.
The system extracts the specified table from the library and activates the text editor
(specified for PD_EDITOR in the control.sh file) to enable you to modify the file.

176 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

3. Make any changes to the displayed file.

When you exit the text editor, the system compiles the revised file and inserts it back into the
If an error occurs in revising a table, the editor screen is invoked automatically to give you
an opportunity to correct the problem.
The system redisplays the list of table files.
4. You can select another table to be revised as specified in step 2.

Delete Spec Tables

This option enables you to delete tables from the Piping Job Spec Table Library. It also deletes
the revision date for the table from the Table Revision Management Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 177

Piping Job Specification Tables

2. Select Module Name

Select the table files to be deleted from the list of tables. You can use the scroll bar to scroll
through the available tables.
3. Select Module Name, Accept or Exit
Accept the selected tables.
The system deletes the tables from the Spec Table Library.

Report on Spec Tables

This option creates a report of information in the Spec Table Library. You can create a list file of
all the table files in the Spec Table library or create a detailed report of all the tables modified
since a specified date.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management form.

178 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

2. Set the toggle to Default Report to create a list file of all the table files in the library.
Set the toggle to Revision Dates Report and key in a revision date to process all tables
modified since the specified revision date. The report lists the full contents of the modified
tables with individual revision dates per line.
3. Set the toggle to Report on Unapproved or Report on Approved to define the source of
information to be reported. This toggle is only displayed when both the approved and the
unapproved library are being used.
4. Accept to Form Report or Revise Report Parameters
Select Accept to form the report using the default parameters, and proceed to step 6.
Key in the file information (Node Name and File Path) for the location of the neutral file to
be created.
5. Select Save, Print, or Print/Save.
For Print or Print/Save, select the print queue from the list of displayed queues. Refer to
the section on Plot and Print Queues in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for more
information on setting up multiple print queues.
If you select the Save or Print/Save option, the system creates a file named spec_tables in
the default source file location or in the location you specified.
6. Accept to Submit or Specify Submit Time
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit. For Delayed Submit, set the
time to process the request.
7. Accept to Create Report
Select Accept to create the specified report file.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 179

Piping Job Specification Tables

List Spec Tables

This option displays all the tables for the Spec Table Library with the revision date of each table.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the List option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management form.

2. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the available tables.

Extract Spec Tables

This option enables you to extract a table file or set of table files from the Spec Table Library for
editing or printing.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Extract option from the Specification Tables Library/Data Management form.

180 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Job Specification Tables

2. Select the tables from the list of files and select Accept. You can use the scroll bar to scroll
through the available files. You can extract multiple tables at one time.
Select Extract All to to bulk extract all the tables in one operation.
The system pulls the files out of the library and places them in the default directory for
Piping Spec Data. The system also writes the names of the extracted files to a file named
If the list file is less than 24 hours old, the system appends the entries to the file; otherwise,
it overwrites the file.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 181

Piping Job Specification Tables

182 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Graphic Commodity Data

The graphic commodity data is contained in the following object libraries:
Graphic Commodity Library (on page 183) - The delivered file
\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\pip_gcom.l contains parametric definitions for the components.
Physical Data Tables (on page 194) - The delivered file \win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_pcdim.l
contains American dimension data for components.
Piping Job Specification Tables (on page 131) - The delivered file
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_pjstb.l contains specification tables referenced in the Piping Job
Refer to Reference Data Overview (on page 1) for an illustration of the relationships among
these libraries.
When you select a component for placement in the model, the system:
uses the active parameters (such as piping materials class and nominal diameter) to search
the Piping Job Specification (PJS) for the selected item name. If the selected item is found
in the PJS database, the system reads the PJS for the parameters required to place the
component. Included in this information is the model code (or specialty item number) for
the selected component and the names of the spec tables defined for the Piping Materials
uses the model code (or specialty item number), derived from the PJS, to access the graphic
commodity library. The definitions in the graphic commodity library determine the physical
tables required to place the component and call the tables in the physical commodity library.
places the symbol graphics in the model design file and writes the nongraphic information
for the component in the database.
This section describes the graphic commodity data used in placing components in the piping
model. Refer to the Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide for a detailed description of the
actual placement process.
Additional Information
Notes for Graphic Commodity Data (on page 197)
Graphic Commodity Library Manager (on page 200)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 183

Graphic Commodity Data

Graphic Commodity Library

The Graphic Commodity Library (GCL) provides data for commodity items, engineered items,
and instruments. It is basically a catalog of component data which is accessed to:
determine physical data based on user specifications (such as NPD and end preparation)
assign connect point data from the Piping Job Specification
define the parametric shape for the model graphics. The Graphic Commodity Library
includes data required for model creation, resymbolization for model presentation,
interference detection, and any special functions of the Piping Job Specification, piping
industry standards, or company design practices.
PDS Piping uses the Eden Parametric Language to define and place components, specialty items,
operators, and envelopes. Eden is a high-level language (similar to FORTRAN) which uses
information from the Piping Job Specification and model to access parametric and dimensional
Eden is composed of three major modules:
Symbol Processors (on page 186) and Sub-Symbol Processor (on page 187)
Physical Data Definitions (on page 187)
Parametric Shape Definitions (on page 192)
These modules are designed to carry out two functions: data definition and graphic presentation.
The data associated with these modules is delivered in the following files:
\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\pip_gcom.l - object library
\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\pip_gcom.l.t - text library
The modular approach provides for more efficient storage of information in these libraries by
enabling common information to be shared by different symbols.

184 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

The first line of each Eden module defines the type of module (such as symbol processor) and
the module name. This statement determines a two- character category code to be prefixed to
the module name in the object library. This prefix is only used by the system; it should not be
keyed-in as part of the module name.

The entries in the library use the following prefixes to identify the type of data.
SP Symbol Processor
PD Physical Data Definition Module
UF User Function Module
MG Model Parametric Shape Definition Module
DG Detailed Parametric Shape Definition Module

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 185

Graphic Commodity Data

IG Interference Envelope Parametric Shape Definition

SS Sub-Symbol Processor Module
Each module must be given a unique name within the graphic commodity library. Refer to the
PDS Eden Interface Reference Guide for information on creating or modifying these modules.

Symbol Processors
A symbol processor is the controlling function or logic used to produce the graphics for a
commodity item, piping specialty, instrument, pipe support, or interference envelope. During
component placement, the symbol processor:
accesses the active component design parameters
assigns connect points
calls the required physical data modules
determines and calls the required parametric shape modules.
The system retrieves the active component parameters which are dependent upon a connect point
from the PJS in terms of green, red, or tap connect point properties. The symbol definition
assigns the data corresponding to these connect point types (green, red, or tap) to the physical
connect point numbers (CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, or CP5).
The first line of the Eden module defines the type of module and the module name. The
following statement is used in the Eden modules to indicate a symbol processor module.
Symbol_Processor 'module name'
This statement tells the system to use the category code SP for the prefix. You should use the
following conventions in assigning the module name. The module name is determined by the
type of component being placed (commodity item or specialty item).
For a commodity item, the system searches for the New Item Name (model code) of the
commodity item as the module name. If the New Item Name is blank in the Commodity
Item entity, the system searches for the Item Name as the module name.
For a specialty item, the system searches for the specialty item name (derived from the PJS)
as the module name.
For an instrument, the system searches for the instrument name (derived from the PJS) as the
module name.
The delivered symbol processors are identified in the library with the prefix SP.
The following lists the symbol processor SPGAT which is used to control the placement of a
gate valve.
Symbol_Processor 'GAT'
Call Assign_Connect_Point ( GREEN, CP1 )
Call Assign_Connect_Point ( RED, CP2 )
physical_data_source = 'V1' // Standard_Type
Call Get_Physical_Data ( physical_data_source )
parametric_shape = 'V1'
Call Draw_Parametric_Shape ( parametric_shape )
Valve_Operator = DABS ( Valve_Operator )
If ( Valve_Operator .NE. 0 ) Then
If ( Valve_Operator .LT. 1000 ) Then

186 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Subcomponent = 'OP' // Valve_Operator

Subcomponent = 'A' // Valve_Operator
Operator_Orient = FALSE

Sub-Symbol Processor
A subcomponent call in a symbol processor module indicates a sub-symbol processor.
Subcomponents are additions to symbols such as an operator on a valve.
The first line of a sub-symbol processor module indicates the module type and the module name.
Sub_Symbol_Processor 'module name'
This statement tells the system to use the category code SS for the prefix.
The sub-symbol processor name for operators is a concatenation of the characters OP_ and the
modifier value from the Commodity Item entity in the PJS database. The value is expressed as a
code list number from CL550 (operator/actuator type). If the value is a positive number (such as
3) the operator is placed with the valve. If the value is a negative number (such as -3) the
operator is not placed with the valve. (This is useful in segregating large diameter valves which
almost always have a valve operator from small diameter valves which frequently do not have an
The symbol processor for the gate valve calls a sub-symbol processor (Subcomponent = 'OP' //
Valve_Operator) which places an operator on the valve. The following depicts the sub-symbol
processor SSOP_3 which is used to control the placement of a hand wheel operator on the valve.
Sub_Symbol_Processor 'OP_3'
If ( Operator_Orient .EQ. TRUE ) Then
prompt = 1.0
Call Prompt_to_Orient_Operator ( prompt )
physical_data_source = 'OPERATOR_3'
Call Get_Physical_Data ( physical_data_source )
parametric_shape = 'OP3'
Call Draw_Parametric_Shape ( parametric_shape )

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 187

Graphic Commodity Data

Physical Data Definitions

The system uses the physical data definitions to determine the dimension data, weight data, and
surface area data using the active design parameters. Physical data modules are identified by the
Physical_Data_Definition 'module name'
as the first line in the Eden module. This statement tells the system to use the category code PD
for the prefix. This prefix is only used by the system; it should not be keyed-in as part of the
module name.
The module name for a physical data module consists of a symbol type (such as V1, V2,... for
valves) and a generic type of geometric industry standard (such as AMS or DIN). You can
define multiple physical data modules for the same symbol depending on the type of standard
being referenced (for example, V1_AMS for American standards and V1_DIN for European
You can manage ten different sets of logic for table naming conventions for the following
industry practices. The corresponding table suffix ranges and the suffix for the Piping Eden
physical data modules are indicated below.

Practice Range Suffix

U.S. Practice 1-99 AMS
European - DIN 100-199 DIN
European - British Standard 200-299 BRITISH_STD
European - Practice A 300-399 EURO_A
European - Practice B 400-499 EURO_B
International - JIS 500-599 JIS
International - Australian 600-699 AUS
International - Practice A 700-799 INT_A
International - Practice B 800-899 INT_B
Company Practice 900-999 COMPANY
The geometric industry standard for a component is defined in the Piping Commodity Data table
of the Material Reference Database. Each component must be assigned a geometric industry
standard if it is to use physical data tables.
For most of the delivered symbols, the physical data modules are classified into two categories:
specific and generic. The specific physical data module is called by the symbol processor. This
module then calls a generic physical data module.

Specific Physical Data Modules

The physical data module PDV1_AMS determines the specific dimensions (face-to-center and
face-to-face) and other physical properties for a gate valve. This is the module called by the
symbol processor SP_GAT:
Physical_Data_Definition 'V1_AMS'

188 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

physical_data_source = 'VALVE_2_AMS'
Call Get_Physical_Data ( physical_data_source )
Call Read_Table ( Table_Name_A, input, output )
Surface_Area = Output_1
Wet_Weight = Output_2
F_to_C_Dim_1 = Output_3
If ( Term_Type_1 .EQ. Term_Type_2 ) Then
F_to_C_Dim_2 = F_to_C_Dim_1
F_to_C_Dim_2 = Output_4
F_to_F_Dim = F_to_C_Dim_1 + F_to_C_Dim_2
If ( Valve_Operator .LE. 24.0 ) Then
Call Read_Table ( Table_Name_W, input, output )
Dry_Weight = Output_1

Generic Physical Data Modules

The generic modules contain information which is common to more than one symbol such as
flange thickness, gasket separation, and outside diameter. The physical data module V1_AMS
calls another physical data module VALVE_2_AMS which contains the generic dimension data
for all valves with two connect points.

Physical_Data_Definition 'VALVE_2_AMS'
Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_1
If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. BOLTED ) Then
table_name = 'BLT' // Term_Type_1 // Pr_Rating_1 //
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Facing_OD_1 = Output_1
Thickness_1 = Output_2
Seat_Depth_1 = Output_3
Thickness_1 = Thickness_1 - Seat_Depth_1
CP_Offset_1 = Gasket_Sep_1
If ( Symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then
Thickness_1 = 0.0
Depth_1 = 0.0
Pipe_OD_1 = 0.0
Body_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1
table_name = 'MAL_300_5'
Depth_1 = Thickness_1
Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_1
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Pipe_OD_1 = Output_2
Body_OD_1 = Pipe_OD_1
If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. MALE ) Then
table_name = 'MAL' // Term_Type_1 // Gen_Flag_Green
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 189

Graphic Commodity Data

Facing_OD_1 = Output_2
Thickness_1 = 0.0
Depth_1 = 0.0
Seat_Depth_1 = 0.0
CP_Offset_1 = 0.0
Pipe_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1
Body_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1
table_name = 'FEM' // Term_Type_1 // Pr_Rating_1 //
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Facing_OD_1 = Output_1
Depth_1 = Output_2
Seat_Depth_1 = 0.0
Thickness_1 = 0.0
If ( symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then
Depth_1 = 0.0
CP_Offset_1 = 0.0
Pipe_OD_1 = 0.0
Body_OD_1 = Facing_OD_1
CP_Offset_1 = -Depth_1
table_name = 'MAL_300_5'
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Pipe_OD_1 = Output_2
Body_OD_1 = Pipe_OD_1
If ( Term_Type_2 .EQ. Term_Type_1 .AND. Nom_Pipe_D_1 .EQ.
Nom_Pipe_D_2 )
Facing_OD_2 = Facing_OD_1
Pipe_OD_2 = Pipe_OD_1
Body_OD_2 = Body_OD_1
Thickness_2 = Thickness_1
Depth_2 = Depth_1
Seat_depth_2 = Seat_Depth_1
CP_Offset_2 = CP_Offset_1
Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_2
If ( Gen_Type_2 .EQ. BOLTED ) Then
table_name = 'BLT' // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2 //
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Facing_OD_2 = Output_1
Thickness_2 = Output_2
Seat_Depth_2 = Output_3
Thickness_2 = Thickness_2 - Seat_Depth_2
CP_Offset_2 = Gasket_Sep_2
If ( Symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then
Thickness_2 = 0.0
Depth_2 = 0.0
Pipe_OD_2 = 0.0

190 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Body_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2
Depth_2 = Thickness_2
table_name = 'MAL_300_5'
Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_2
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Pipe_OD_2 = Output_2
Body_OD_2 = Pipe_OD_2
If ( Gen_Type_2 .EQ. MALE ) Then
table_name = 'MAL' // Term_Type_2 // Gen_Flag_Red
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Facing_OD_2 = Output_2
Thickness_2 = 0.0
Depth_2 = 0.0
Seat_Depth_2 = 0.0
CP_Offset_2 = 0.0
Pipe_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2
Body_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2
table_name = 'FEM' // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2 //
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Facing_OD_2 = Output_1
Depth_2 = Output_2
Seat_Depth_2 = 0.0
Thickness_2 = 0.0
If ( Symbology .EQ. MODEL ) Then
Depth_2 = 0.0
CP_Offset_2 = 0.0
Pipe_OD_2 = 0.0
Body_OD_2 = Facing_OD_2
CP_Offset_2 = -Depth_2
table_name = 'MAL_300_5'
Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_2
Call Read_Table ( table_name, input, output )
Pipe_OD_2 = Output_2
Body_OD_2 = Pipe_OD_2
Table_Name_A = Item_Name // Geo_Ind_Std // Term_Type_1
Table_Name_W = Commodity_Code
Input_1 = Nom_Pipe_D_1
Input_2 = Nom_Pipe_D_2
If ( Term_Type_1 .EQ. Term_Type_2 .AND. Nom_Pipe_D_1 .EQ.
Nom_Pipe_D_2 )
Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 // 'A'
If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. Gen_Type_2 ) Then

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 191

Graphic Commodity Data

! Male X Male or Bolted X

! or Female X Female
Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 // Term_Type_2 //
Pr_Rating_2 // 'A'
If ( Gen_Type_1 .EQ. MALE ) Then
! Male X Bolted and Male X
Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Term_Type_2 // Pr_Rating_2
// 'A'
If ( Gen_Type_2 .EQ. MALE ) Then
! Bolted X Male and Female
X Male
Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 //
Term_Type_2 //
! Bolted X Female and
Female X
Table_Name_A = Table_Name_A // Pr_Rating_1 //
Term_Type_2 //
Pr_Rating_2 // 'A'

Parametric Shape Definitions

The parametric shape definition describes the graphics symbol (such as bend, flange, or valve
body) which is placed for the component in the model.
Parametric shape definitions are used to place symbol graphics in the model or define
interference envelopes. This involves the following major functions
defining connect point geometry
placing connect points
moving the active location a specified distance
drawing a specific graphic shape
placing a center of gravity location.
Parametric shape definitions are divided into three basic types: model parametric shapes,
detailed parametric shapes, and interference envelopes. The first line of the Eden module
indicates the module type and the module name.

192 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Model Parametric Shape Definitions

Model parametric shapes are used to define the symbol graphics to be placed in the model. For
example, the parametric shaped module for a valve consist of a cylinder, two cones, and a
cylinder (flange, valve body, flange).
The first line for these modules is of the form
Model_Parametric_Shape_Definition 'module name'
This statement tells the system to use the category code MG for the prefix. This prefix is only
used by the system; it should not be keyed- in as part of the module name.
The module name for a parametric shape module consists of a symbol type (such as V1, V2,...
for valves).
The parametric shape module MGV1 determines the model graphics for a valve. This is the
module called by the symbol processor SPGAT. The parametric shape module MGOP3
determines the model graphics for a hand wheel operator. This is the module called by the sub-
symbol processor SSOP_3.

Model_Parametric_Shape_Definition 'V1'
Call Define_Connect_Point_Geometry ( LINEAR )
Call Place_Connect_Point ( CP1 )
Call Move_By_Distance ( CP_Offset_1 )
Call Draw_Cylinder_With_Capped_Ends ( Depth_1, Facing_OD_1 )
length = F_to_C_Dim_1 - Thickness_1
diameter = 0.0
Call Draw_Cone ( length, Body_OD_1, diameter )
Call Place_Connect_Point ( CP0 )
Call Place_COG_Location ( DRY_COG )
Call Place_COG_Location ( WET_COG )
length = F_to_C_Dim_2 - Thickness_2
Call Draw_Cone ( length, diameter, Body_OD_2 )
Call Draw_Cylinder_With_Capped_Ends ( Depth_2, Facing_OD_2 )
Call Move_By_Distance ( CP_offset_2 )
Call Place_Connect_Point ( CP2 )

Model_Parametric_Shape_Definition 'OP3'
Call Define_Connect_Point_Geometry ( OPERATOR )
Call Convert_NPD_to_Subunits ( Nom_Pipe_D_1, dia )
dist = dia + Min_Cyl_Dia * 0.5
angle = 90.0
radius = ( Dimension_2 - Min_Cyl_Dia ) * 0.5
Call Draw_Cylinder_With_Capped_Ends ( Dimension_1, Min_Cyl_Dia
Call Move_by_Distance ( -dist )
Call Rotate_Orientation ( angle, Secondary )
Call Rotate_Orientation ( angle, Normal )
Call Move_Along_Axis ( -radius, Secondary )
Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia )
Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia )
Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia )
Call Draw_Torus ( radius, angle, Min_Cyl_Dia )

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 193

Graphic Commodity Data


Detailed Parametric Shape Definition

Detailed parametric shapes are used to define more complex symbol graphics to be placed in the
model when the model symbology lock is set to detailed.
The first line for these modules is of the form
Detailed_Parametric_Shape_Definition 'module name'
This statement tells the system to use the category code DG for the prefix.

Interference Parametric Shape Definition

Interference parametric shapes are not used during component placement. They are referenced
during interference detection to determine the volume (interference envelope) to be compared
for clashes with other elements. If a clash is detected during the interference detection process,
the interference parametric shape is used to place an interference marker. Refer to the PDS
Interference Checker / Manager Reference Guide for more information on interference
Interference_Parametric_Shape_Definition 'module name'
This statement tells the system to use the category code IG for the prefix.
If no interference module is found for a component, the system uses the model graphics
module to determine the interference parametric shape.

Physical Data Tables

The physical data tables contain the physical data (dimensions, weights, and surface area)
required for symbol creation, interference detection, stress analysis, and MTO reporting. These
tables are segregated for commodity item data, engineered item data, and instrument data. Refer
to Section 4 for a detailed description of the physical data tables and the table naming
conventions used in PDS.
The physical data tables for US Practice are delivered in the following files:
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_pcdim.l - object library
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_pcdim.l.t - text library
These libraries contain physical data for American standards. The physical data can be stored in
one of ten physical data libraries. The system uses the geometric industry standard for a
particular commodity item (or specialty item) to determine which library to reference for the
physical data tables.
Geometric industry standard is expressed as a code list value from Standard Note Type 575.
Code list numbers 2-6999 are reserved for standards that apply to American piping practices.
Code list numbers 7000-27999 are reserved for standards that apply to European piping
practices. Numbers 28000-31999 are reserved for specific company practices.

194 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

By segregating data into separate physical data libraries you can access a subset of the total
physical data available for a project. You can also build a specific set of physical data for a
particular project. The following table types are required for piping and instrument components.
Generic dimensional data
Generic tables contain data which is not specific to a particular symbol (such as flange
outside diameter or flange thickness). These tables are identified by the prefix BLT, FEM,
or MAL (for the termination type) and end with the extension .TBL (the table name is
independent of the name of the physical data module).
Specific commodity data
Specific tables contain commodity data which is specific to a particular component (such as
dimensions, water weight, and surface area). These specific tables use the model code or
commodity code as part of the table name to classify data by symbol type.
The system uses the water weight data to compute the wet weight using the specific
gravity of the operating fluid.
fluid weight = water weight * specific gravity for fluid
operating weight = dry weight + fluid weight
The surface area data enables the system to perform paint requirement calculations and
insulation weight calculations.
Specific commodity dry weight data
Piping Specialty physical data
The dimensions, dry weight, water weight, and surface area for specialty items can be stored
in a set of tables or defined at placement.
Instrument physical data
The dimensional data, dry weight, water weight, and surface area for instruments can be
stored in a set of tables or defined at placement.
You can form the name of a physical data table from attributes for the component (such as
geometry standard and end preparation). However, the table name cannot exceed 46 characters.
Additional Information
Data Retrieval from the Physical Data Library (on page 195)
Example of Physical Data Look-Up (on page 195)

Data Retrieval from the Physical Data Library

The data retrieval from tables in the Physical Data Library is restricted to two independent
variables and eight dependent variables. If only one independent variable is required, then nine
dependent variables are allowed. If more independent variables are required, the additional
independent variable(s) must be a part of the table name. If nominal diameter is one of the
independent variables, it must be listed first in the table.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 195

Graphic Commodity Data

Example of Physical Data Look-Up

In order to place the valve described earlier in this section, the system references the following

Generic Tables
The spec access for a six-inch gate valve defines the end preparation at both connect points as
Raised Face Flanged End (code list value 21) which is a bolted connection. As shown in the
listing for VALVE_2_AMS, the table name for a bolted connection on a two-connect point valve
table_name= 'BLT' // Term_Type_1 // Pr_Rating_1 // Gen_Flag_Green
Using the values from the Piping Job Specification (PMC=1C0031, Item Name=6Q1C01), the
actual table name will be
This table returns the outside diameter, flange thickness, and the seating depth for each end of
the valve. Note that the termination type (20) is used rather than the actual end preparation value
Specific Tables
The specific tables are used to define the main body of the valve. Refer to Table Requirements
(on page 228) for an outline of the types of tables which are required to place a valve. Since the
termination type is the same at both ends of the valve (bolted), no red connect point data is
required. The required tables are found by referring to the Bolted(G) termination type.
MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A (P15A)
MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B (P15B) - This table is only required if more than eight
outputs are necessary to define a commodity item.
Commodity Code (P59)
Using this information, the dimension tables for a 6" gate valve are:
This table returns the face-to-center dimension for the valve. Table P15B is not required for
a gate valve.
This table returns the empty weight of the valve, including the weight of the operator.
If the end preparations were different at each end of the valve (such as female threaded by socket
welded) then a different set of tables would be required.
An additional table look-up is required to access the dimensional data for the valve operator.
The following table is required to define the valve operator.
MC_Type(G)_Rat(G)_Op_A (P31A)
Using this table name format, the dimension table for a hand wheel operator on a 6" gate valve
This table returns the stem length and the wheel diameter for the handwheel operator.

196 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Notes for Graphic Commodity Data

Connect Point Data (on page 197)
Bends and Branches (on page 198)
Bolts, Gaskets, and Flanges (on page 199)
Pipe, Tubing, and Hose (on page 199)

Connect Point Data

As described in the Piping Job Specification description, connect point information for
commodity items, piping specialties, and instruments is classified in terms of green and red
connect points. The following conventions are used to coordinate the two sets of data:
For full-size components, data is only defined for the green connect point and applies to all
ends of the component.
For size change components, data for commodity items, engineered items, or instruments
should be created with the green connect point representing the larger diameter (first size) of
the component and the red connect point diameter representing the smaller diameter (second
If the end preparation is different at each end of the component, the end preparation should
be defined to match the green and red connect points.
If a component has ends with the same nominal diameter but other end properties which
differ, the following rules apply:
If the ends have different end preparations (regardless of the values for
schedule/thickness) the end(s) whose end preparations have the lowest code list number
are designated as the green connect point.
If the end preparations are the same but the values for rating, schedule, or thickness
differ, the "stronger" ends(s) are designated as the green connect point.
Schedule or thickness values should be defined for all applicable components. Refer to PJS
Tables and Functions (on page 131) for a detailed description of the methods for defining
the schedule or thickness value.
A flow direction component (such as a check valve) must be defined so that the flow is
directed from connect point 1 to connect point 2.
A tee type branch must be defined with connect point three on the branch leg of the tee.

The origin of a component must lie between connect point 1 and connect point 2.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 197

Graphic Commodity Data

Flanges should be defined with the green connect point representing the flanged connect
point and the red connect point representing the non-flanged connect point.

A valve operator is always placed at the component origin of the corresponding valve body.

To insure consistency in pipe cut length calculations, the connect points of a component
should be located using face-to-face or face- to-center dimension rather than end-to-end or
end-to-center dimension.
A change of direction component placed by component center must be defined such that
connect point 1 is on the primary axis.

Bends and Branches

For bend components (specific and generic), the item name and the new item name must be
unique with respect to the angle of the bend. In other words, you specify the angle of the
bend by selecting the item name for the corresponding angle of the bend.
The number of joints in a miter is required to compute the stress intensification factor (SIF).
The graphics symbol description in the Graphic Commodity Library sets an attribute in the
piping design database that defines the number of joints.

198 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

For miter bend components, the system requires that the item name and the new item name
be unique with respect to the number of miter joints of the bend. In other words, the item
name specifies the number of miter joints of the bend.
For branches (tees and laterals), the system uses the first and second size to access the
branch table and determine the item name of the component to be placed at the branch point
(intersection). Depending on the active values, the branch table may define a single
component, or a set of two or three components.

Bolts, Gaskets, and Flanges

The data for the number of bolts and the bolt diameter is available with the flange data in the
Physical Commodity Library as a function of nominal piping diameter, pressure rating,
termination type, and geometric industry standard. However, the bolt data and the flange
data are stored in separate tables. Refer to the Report Manager Reference Guide for a
description of the table access.
A lap joint flange is defined with the end preparation at one end as flanged and the other end
as lap.
The system determines the gasket separation at each connect point of a piping component
and an instrument component by the following rules.
If the end preparation for the connect point is flanged, the gasket separation for the
connect point is set to one-half the Active Gasket Separation. However, some flanged
connections (lug, ring type joint, or wafer) have integral gaskets and do not have a
gasket separation. In this situation, the gasket separation at each connect point is set to
If the end preparation for the connect point is not flanged, the gasket separation for the
connect point will be set to zero.
Flange data exists in two tables.
The first table (BLT_Term_Rat_TS) contains the flange data required for modeling
activities (such as flange outside diameter and flange thickness).
The second table (STUD_Rat_TS) contains flange data required for reporting or analysis
activities (such as bolt diameter, number of bolt holes, and nut extension).

Pipe, Tubing, and Hose

All tubing (such as fiberglass and copper) is specified in terms of piping outside diameter
rather than nominal piping diameter. All commodity item data in the Alphanumeric
Commodity Library exists in terms of nominal piping diameter.
Mechanical joint and cast iron pipe can have various fixed lengths. Polypropylene-lined tube
is purchased with flanged ends in various fixed lengths.
Piping wall thickness is defined it terms of NPD units rather than model units.
A piping converter component (which converts nominal piping diameter from one system of
units to another system of units) must be defined in the PJS database for each specific pair of
nominal piping diameters. You cannot specify a convertor component for a range of
nominal piping diameters.
Flexible hose has flanged, screwed, or quick disconnect end preparations.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 199

Graphic Commodity Data

Graphic Commodity Library Manager

This command enables you to create a new graphic commodity library or create and modify data
(Eden modules) in an existing library. Refer to Graphic Commodity Library (on page 183) for
more information on this library.
You can compile Eden source code, review and delete object code files, and insert, extract, and
delete Eden source files from the library.
Select the Graphic Commodity Library Manager command from the Reference Data
Manager form.

Create Library (on page 201) Used to create a new Graphic Commodity Library.
Compress (on page 201) Used to compress the Graphic Commodity library.
Unapproved ==> Approved (on page 201) Used to copy the unapproved Graphic
Commodity library to the approved library.
Create/Interactive (see "Create/Interactive Graphic Commodity Data" on page 201) Used
to compile Eden source files and insert them in the Graphic Commodity Library. You can
create a file or specify a list of files to be created.
Create/Batch (see "Create/Batch Graphic Commodity Data" on page 202) Used to
compile Eden source files and add the files to the library via batch processing. Used to
compile Eden source files via batch processing.
Revise (see "Revise Graphic Commodity Data" on page 203) Used to select an Eden
module from the library, edit the file, and put the recompiled file back into the library.
Delete (see "Delete Graphic Commodity Data" on page 204) Used to remove an Eden
module from the library.
Report (see "Report Graphic Commodity Data" on page 205) Used to create a report
listing the library contents.

200 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

List (see "List Graphic Commodity Data" on page 206) Used to display the Eden modules
in the library.
Extract (see "Extract Graphic Commodity Data" on page 207) Used to extract an Eden
module from the library for editing or printing.
You can set the toggle at the bottom of the form to determine the Eden modules to be listed.
Full List - Lists all the Eden modules in the Graphic Commodity Library.
Sub-string - Limits the list to those Eden modules which contain a specified substring.

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Graphic Commodity Library. It automatically creates the
object library (.l) and the text library (.l.t) for the library that is being created.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Graphic Commodity Library names as
defined in the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library files. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

This option is used to compress the Graphic Commodity library. Any tables which have been
deleted from the library will be removed.

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option copies the unapproved Graphic Commodity library to the approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create/Interactive Graphic Commodity Data

This option enables you to compile Eden source code and add the resulting code to the graphic
commodity library. You can process a single file or specify a list of files to be created. Refer to
the description of the Graphic Commodity Library (on page 183) for information on naming
conventions for Eden modules.

Before Using This Command

Set Piping Eden Path and Piping Eden Node in the Default Project Control Data to the
location of the Eden source files.
To add more than one Eden file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of
the Eden source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (source file name)
per line. The list file and all of the source files should reside in the source file directory.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 201

Graphic Commodity Data

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
4. Key in the name of the Eden file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library.
The system verifies the existence of the specified file.
The system displays the default node name and path for the Eden modules, as specified in
the Default Project Control Data, at the bottom of the form.
You can use the default setting or modify these fields to override the default location for this
5. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the file and begin processing.

Create/Batch Graphic Commodity Data

This option enables you to compile Eden source code and insert the specified files into the
graphic commodity library via batch processing. You can process a single file or specify a list of
files to be created. Refer to the description of the Graphic Commodity Library (on page 183) for
information on naming conventions for Eden modules.

Before Using This Command

Set Piping Eden Path and Piping Eden Node in the Default Project Control Data to the
location of the Eden source files.
To add more than one Eden file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of
the Eden source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (source file name)
per line. The list file and all of the source files should reside in the source file directory.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Batch Load option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
4. Key in the name of the Eden file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library.
The system confirms the existence of the specified file.
The system displays the default node name and path for the Eden modules, as specified in

202 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

the Default Project Control Data, at the bottom of the form.

You can use the default setting or modify these fields to override the default location for this
5. Accept or Select Other Option
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit. For Delayed Submit, set the
time to process the source files.
6. Accept the file and begin processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.

Revise Graphic Commodity Data

This option enables you to select Eden modules from the library, edit the file, and then compile
the file and put it back in the library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the Eden modules to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Revise option.
The system displays the Eden modules in the Graphic Commodity Library.

2. Select Module for Revision

Select the Eden modules to be revised and select Accept.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 203

Graphic Commodity Data

The system extracts the specified file from the library and activates the text editor (specified
for PD_EDITOR in the control.sh file) to enable you to modify the file.

3. Make any changes to the displayed file.

When you exit the text editor, the system compiles the revised file and inserts it back into the
library. (If you quit the text editor, the file will not be recompiled.)
If the file compiles successfully, the system returns to Step 2. You can select another Eden
module to be revised or select Exit.
If an error occurs in revising a Piping Eden module or table, the system invokes the editor
automatically to give you an opportunity to correct the problem.

Delete Graphic Commodity Data

This option enables you to delete Eden modules from the graphic commodity library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the Eden modules to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option.

204 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

The system displays the Eden modules in the Graphic Commodity Library.

2. Select Module for Deletion

Select the Eden modules to be deleted from the list of modules. You can use the scroll bar to
scroll through the available files.
3. Accept or Select Other Module
Accept the selected modules.
The system deletes the modules from the Graphic Commodity Library.

Report Graphic Commodity Data

This option enables you to create a list file of all the Eden modules in the Graphic Commodity
library and their creation dates.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from the Data Management form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 205

Graphic Commodity Data

2. Key in the file information for the location of the report file to be created or use the
displayed defaults.
3. Select Print or Print/Save.
Then select the print queue from the list of displayed queues. Refer to the section on Plot
and Print Queues in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on setting
up multiple print queues.
If you select the Print/Save option, the system will create a file named piping_eden in the
defined default source file location.
4. Accept to Form Report or Revise Report Parameters
Select Accept to create the report file.

List Graphic Commodity Data

This option displays a list of Eden modules in the Graphic Commodity Library. The display
a description of the type of Piping Eden module, such as Physical Data Definition or Model
Parametric Shape, at the end of each line.
the revision date of each Piping Eden module.
The module names are sorted alphanumerically within the list for each type of Piping Eden

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the Eden modules to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the List option.

206 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

The system displays the Eden modules in the Graphic Commodity Library.

2. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Select Cancel to exit the form.

Extract Graphic Commodity Data

This option enables you to extract an Eden module or set of Eden modules from the Graphic
Commodity library for editing or printing.

Before Using This Command

Set Piping Eden Path and Piping Eden Node in the Default Project Control Data to the
location of the Eden source files.
Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the Eden modules to be listed.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 207

Graphic Commodity Data

Operating Sequence
1. Select Extract from the Data Management form.

2. Select EDEN Module for Extraction

Select the modules from the list of files and select Accept. You can use the scroll bar to
scroll through the available files. You can extract multiple files at one time.
Select Extract ALL to bulk extract all the Piping Eden modules in one operation.
The system pulls the files out of the library and places them in the default eden directory.
The system also writes the names of the extracted files to a file named PD_gc_list.
If the list file is less than 24 hours old, the system appends the entries to the file, otherwise it
overwrites the file.

Graphic Commodity Modules List

This form allows you to select an Eden module from the library in order to revise, delete, list, or
extract the modules.
For more information, see Revise Graphic Commodity Data (on page 203), Delete Graphic
Commodity Data (on page 204), List Graphic Commodity Data (on page 206), Extract Graphic
Commodity Data (on page 207).

208 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Physical Data Library Manager

This command enables you to access the library management options for the Physical Data
Library. You can create a new library file or create, modify, and delete data in an existing
library. You can also create reports of the data in the library and post the contents of the
unapproved library to the approved library. Refer to Physical Data Tables (on page 194) for
more information on this library.
The system tracks revision dates for table entries when a table is being revised. This revision
management data recorded in a Table Revision Management Library, named
<table_library>.l.r. If the library has been removed or deleted, the software will regenerate the
library file.
This feature can be used to create revision management reports of components that require
reconstructing as a result of changes to any dimension tables since a specified date.
With the 4.2 release, the limitation on the size of tables in the Physical Data Library was
increased from approximately 16,000 bytes per table to 20,000 bytes per table.
With the 7.1 release, the limitation on the size of tables in the Physical Data Library was
increased from approximately 20,000 bytes to 60,000 bytes or 750 lines.

Before Using This Command

Define the location of the approved and unapproved (if applicable) Physical Data Library
and Spec Table Library files in the Default Project Control Data.
You must have write access to the specified file and directory path.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Physical Data Library Manager command from the Reference Data Manager

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 209

Graphic Commodity Data

2. Select Table Library

Select the active practice (such as U.S. Practice or European - Din) from the display list
and select Accept.
The system loads the table list for the selected practice into memory.
3. You can set the toggle at the bottom of the form to determine the physical data tables to be
Full List lists all the tables in the Physical Data Library.
Sub-string limits the list to those tables which contain a specified substring.
4. Select Table Data Management Option
Select the option to perform.

Create Library (on page 211) Used to create a new Physical Dimension Library.
Compress (on page 211) Used to compress the Physical Dimension library.
Unapproved ==> Approved (see "Unapproved to Approved" on page 211) Used to copy
the unapproved Physical Dimension library to the approved library.
Create/Interactive (see "Create/Interactive Physical Commodity Data" on page 211) Used
to process table files and add the resulting code to the active Physical Dimension library.
You can create a single table or specify a list of tables to be created.
Create/Batch (see "Create/Batch Physical Commodity Data" on page 212) Used to
compile and add table files to the active library via batch processing.
Revise (see "Revise Physical Commodity Data" on page 213) Used to select a table file
from the library for editing and put the revised file back into the library.
Delete (see "Delete Physical Commodity Data" on page 214) Used to remove a table file
from the library.

210 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Report (see "Report Physical Commodity Data" on page 215) Used to create a report of
the library contents.
List (see "List Physical Commodity Data" on page 217) Used to display the table files in
the active library.
Extract (see "Extract Physical Commodity Data" on page 217) Used to extract a table file
from the library for editing or printing.

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Physical Dimension Library. It automatically creates the
object library (.l), the text library (.l.t), and table revision management library (.l.t.r) for the
library that is being created.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Physical Dimension Library names as defined
in the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library files. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

This option is used to compress the Physical Dimension library. Any tables which have been
deleted from the library will be removed.

Unapproved to Approved
This option copies the unapproved Physical Dimension library to the approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create/Interactive Physical Commodity Data

This option enables you to process physical dimension table source files and insert the specified
files into the active library. You can process a single table file or specify a list of files to be
created. Refer to the description of the applicable table file for information on naming
conventions and file formats.

Before Using This Command

Set the default table path and node in the Default Project Control Data.
To add more than one table file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of
the table source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (source file name)
per line. The list file and all the source files should reside in the defined default table

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 211

Graphic Commodity Data

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
Key in the name of the table file or list file to be processed and added to the active library.
The system displays the default node name and path for the table files, as specified in the
Default Project Control Data, at the bottom of the form.
You can use the default setting or modify these fields to override the default location for this
4. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the file and begin processing.
The system processes the source file and, if successful, it stores the resulting object file in the
active library and stores the source file in the associated text library.

Create/Batch Physical Commodity Data

This option enables you to process physical dimension table source files and insert the specified
files into the active library via batch processing. You can process a single table file or specify a
list of files to be created. Refer to the description of the applicable table file for information on
naming conventions and file formats.

Before Using This Command

Set the default table path and node in the Default Project Control Data.
To add more than one table file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of
the table source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (source file name)
per line. The list file and all the source files should reside in the define default table

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
Key in the name of the table file or list file to be processed and added to the active library.
The system displays the default node name and path for the table files, as specified in the

212 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Default Project Control Data, at the bottom of the form.

You can use the default setting or modify these fields to override the default location for this
4. Accept or Select Other Option
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit. For Delayed Submit, set the
time to process the source files.
5. Accept the file and begin processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.
The system processes the source file and, if successful, it stores the resulting object file in the
active library and stores the source file in the associated text library.

Revise Physical Commodity Data

This option enables you to select a table file from the library, edit the file, and then put it back in
the library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the tables to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Revise option.
The system displays the table files in the active library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 213

Graphic Commodity Data

2. Select Table for Revision

Select the table files to be revised and select Accept.
The system extracts the specified file from the library and activates the text editor (specified
for PD_EDITOR in the control.sh file) to enable you to modify the file.

3. Make any changes to the displayed file.

When you exit the text editor, the system compiles the revised file and inserts it back into the
library. (If you quit the editor, the table is not recompiled.)
The system returns to Step 2. You can select another table to be revised or select Exit.

Delete Physical Commodity Data

This option enables you to delete a table file or set of table files from the active library. It also
deletes the revision dates from the corresponding Table Revision Management Library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the tables to be listed.

214 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option.
The system displays the table files in the active library.

2. Select Table for Deletion

Select the tables to be deleted from the list of tables. You can use the scroll bar to scroll
through the available files.
3. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the files and begin processing.
The system deletes the table files from the active library.

Report Physical Commodity Data

This option enables you to create a report file of all the table files in the active library or those
defined by the substring search criteria.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from the Data Management form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 215

Graphic Commodity Data

The system displays the reporting options on the form.

2. Revise Report Parameters

Set the toggle to Default Report to create a report that list the tables in the physical data
Set the toggle to Revision Dates Report and key in a date in the Revision Date field to
process all tables modified since the specified revision date. The report lists the full contents
of the modified tables with individual revision dates per line.
3. Set the toggle to Report on Unapproved or Report on Approved to define the source of
information to be reported. This toggle is only displayed when both the approved and the
unapproved library are being used.
4. Key in the file information for the location of the report file to be created.
5. Select Save, Print, or Print/Save.
Then select the print queue from the list of displayed queues. Refer to the section on Plot
and Print Queues in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on setting
up multiple print queues.
If you select the Save or Print/Save option, the system will create a file named
<standard>_tables in the default source file location (where <standard> is a prefix
depending on the active practice).
U.S. Practice us International - JIS jis
European - DIN din International - Australian aus
European - British bs International - Practice A ina
European - Practice A eua International - Practice B inb

216 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Graphic Commodity Data

European - Practice B eub Company Practice cmp

6. Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit. For Delayed Submit, set the
time to process the request.
7. Accept to Form Report or Revise Report Parameters
Select Accept to create the specified report file.

List Physical Commodity Data

This option displays all the table files for the active library with the revision date of each table.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the tables to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the List option.
The system displays the table files in the active library.

2. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Select Cancel to exit the form.

Extract Physical Commodity Data

This option enables you to extract a table file out of the active library for editing or printing.

Before Using This Command

Set the default table path and node in the Default Project Control Data.
Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the tables to be listed.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 217

Graphic Commodity Data

Operating Sequence
1. Select Extract from the Data Management form.

2. Select Table for Extraction

Select the tables from the list of files and select Accept. You can use the scroll bar to scroll
through the available files.
The system pulls the files out of the library and places them in the default table directory.
The system also writes the names of the extracted files to a file named PD_tbl_list. For
The current date and time is: Wed Apr 29 15:59:41 1992
If the list file is less than 24 hours old, the system appends the entries to the file; otherwise,
it overwrites the file.

218 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Tables are used to store data required for interactive processing of piping and instrument
components. This section describes the tables which are included in the physical data libraries.
Refer to Physical Data Tables (on page 194) for more information on these libraries. Also, refer
to Piping Job Specification Tables (on page 131) for more information on tables.
See Also
Table Conventions (on page 219)
Abbreviations (on page 228)
RDB Tables (on page 152)
Generic Tables (on page 232)
Piping Component Tables (on page 246)
Instrument Component Tables (on page 267)
Table Requirements (on page 228)

Table Conventions
Table Names
Unless otherwise indicated, values for specific and generic parameters are stored in tables whose
names are derived from parameters in the PJS. When naming ASCII files in the text libraries, if a
dot (.) or a hyphen (-) is included in the Sc/Th column of the piping job specification, the dot or
hyphen will be converted to a dollar sign ($) when the table name or ASCII file name is created.
The actual character, and not the $, is displayed in all fields representing the actual attribute
involved. The following examples illustrate how thicknesses are represented on the basis of the
above rule:
Actual Characters ASCII
.25 $25
1 1
1.375 1$375
With version 5.0, the Physical Data Library Manager will respect the use of a dash (-) in a table
name. This allows you to include a dash in the commodity code for a piping commodity valve,
where the commodity code is used to form the name of the dimension table.
Commodity codes are read verbatim when they are used to create table names. No
conversion of dots (.) or hyphens (-), as described above, takes place. Also note that a dot (.) is
not a valid character to include in a table name. For this reason, they should not be included as
part of commodity codes for valves.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 219

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

You can include any number of comments in a table, using the conventions described below:
For single-line comments:
For multi-line comments:
where XXXX... represents the comment text.

Revision Markers
Table entries preceded by a karat (>) have been revised since their original release. For
example, the section of the table shown below has been revised three times since it was first

Component Tables
The following conventions apply to the definition of columns in all the tables except tables for
specialty items.
The following line is required to define the number of input and output columns:
No_Inputs x No_Outputs x
The number of input columns must not exceed 2. The number of output columns must not
exceed 9; it can be 0.
The following statements are used in some tables to indicate that values will be interpolated.
Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One
Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One
A definition must be made using the following format regarding the units of measure used in
each column of a table:

220 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Units are defined for each column of a table as follows:
Angle, degrees DEG
Angle between runs, degrees DEC

Area FT2

Code-listed attributes INT

Density LBF3

Length, inches IN
Length, millimeter MM
Length, inches decimal IN_DEC
Length, mm decimal MM_DEC


Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 221

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Nominal diameter, inches NPD_IN

Nominal diameter, mm NPD_MM

Pressure, psig PSIG

Pressure, pascal gage PAG
Pressure, bar BAR
Pressure, bar (gage) BAR_G
Pressure, atmospheres ATM
Pressure, inches water absolute INH20
Pressure, inches water at 32 deg INH20_32F
Pressure, inches mercury absolute INHG
Pressure, inches mercury at 32 deg INHG_32F
Pressure, kg per cm squared (gage) KG_CM2
Pressure kg per cm squared KG_CM2_A
Pressure, mm water at 4 deg MMH20
Pressure, mm mercury at 32 deg MMHG
Pressure, megaPascal (gage) MPa_g

Rating RAT
CLxxx and xxx# are expressed as xxx

Schedule/thickness, inches SC_TH_IN

Schedule/thickness, millimeters SC_TH_MM

Stress, psi PSI

Stress, pascal PA
Stress, kpa KPA
Stress, mpa MPA

Surface area, square feet SF

Surface area, square meter SM

222 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Surface area, square millimeter SMM

Surface area/unit,
square feet per foot SFF
square meter per meter SM_M
square millimeter per meter SMM_M

Temperature, degrees Celsius DC

Temperature, degrees Fahrenheit DF
Temperature, degrees Kelvin DK
Temperature, degrees Rankine DR

Unitless alphanumeric AN*xx where xx defines the number of


Unitless integer INT

Unitless real number DEC

Weight, pounds LB
Weight, kilogram KG

Weight/unit, pounds per foot LBF

Weight/unit, kilograms per meter KGM

Fields (Input/Output Columns)

Attributes can consist of the following field types. The system determines the field type on
the basis of data provided in each table.
-NPD (for nominal diameter)
-REAL4 (floating point)
-AN*x (alphanumeric, where x defines the number of characters up to a maximum of 8)
All entries in the tables are left justified.
Field locations and field lengths defined with XXXXs, WWWWs, and ZZZZZs in this
document are observed.
Fractions are not used to define any table value.
Adjacent columns in a table are separated by one or more spaces.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 223

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

If a value in a table is not known, a hyphen (-) must be used in the corresponding field. The
system interprets this entry as a blank value and displays a blank in reports, drawings, and
other data outputs.
Real numbers without decimals can be expressed with or without a decimal point. For
example, a nominal diameter of twenty inches can be expressed as 20, 20. , or 20.0. For
consistency, all delivered tables use the value 20
All alphanumeric values in a table must be enclosed in single quotes (' '). For example,
For tables with only one input column, the generic value ET_AL can be used in the input
column. The system translates this entry to indicate that values in the immediately
preceding line apply to any input value equal to or greater than the value in the current line.

NPD Values
The following table is used to correlate English nominal pipe diameters with their corresponding
metric values.
Nominal Pipe Diameter Nominal Pipe Diameter
inches mm inches mm
0.125 6 14.00 350
0.250 8 16.00 400
0.375 10 18.00 450
0.500 15 20.00 500
0.750 20 22.00 550
1.000 25 24.00 600
1.250 32 26.00 650
1.500 40 28.00 700
2.000 50 30.00 750
2.500 65 32.00 800
3.000 80 34.00 850
3.500 90 36.00 900
4.000 100 38.00 950
5.000 125 40.00 1000
6.000 150 42.00 1050
8.000 200 44.00 1100
10.00 250 46.00 1150
12.00 300 48.00 1200

The following conventions apply to the rating attribute with respect to the naming of data tables:
Ratings can be expressed in the PJS in any of the following formats: CLxxxx, xxxx#, or
OTxxxx. However, table entries and file names representing the rating exclude the CL, #, or
OT characters. This enables the same table to be used regardless of how the rating is
defined. In the delivered PJS, these rating formats are used in accordance with the following
CLxxxx refers to an ANSI or API pressure rating
xxxx# refers to a pressure rating defined by an organization other than ANSI or API.
OTxxxx refers to a rating that meets the applicable ANSI or API rating geometrically but not
from a pressure carrying standpoint. An example is a valve supplied with flanged ends

224 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

meeting the bolting pattern of ANSI CL150 pressure rating but with pressure carrying
characteristics different from those of that ANSI rating.
Female ends for plastic pipe are usually defined in terms of schedule/thickness and not in
terms of rating. To make female ends for plastic pipe follow the rules for other female ends,
the applicable schedule/thickness is used as the value for rating. If such rating values
contain alphanumeric characters, the system strips all the alpha characters from the rating
value and uses only the numeric values in accessing the applicable tables.
If the rating in the PJS is expressed in alphabetic characters only, the system uses the
characters to access a data table. The names of the data tables include all the alphabetic
characters included in the PJS.
GRAVHD can be used to identify the rating for components rated to sustain a nominal fluid
head. This value can be used in the PJS and in the data tables.
OTHER can be used to identify a nonstandard rating value.
NONE can be used to identify the rating for components whose ends would normally require
the rating value as part of the table name, but for which a rating does not apply. This value
can be used in the PJS and in the data tables.

Schedule or thickness values are shown for all applicable components. In order of preference,
schedule and thickness are expressed in terms of:
Generic schedules, such as S-STD, S-XS, and S-XXS. If the schedule name exceeds the
provided field length (for example, S-SDR13.5), it is defined in terms of its wall thickness.
Specific schedules, such as S-40, S-60, and S-80.
NREQD: This value is used in cases where all of the following conditions apply:
The thickness value is not required to purchase the component.
Empty weights are not significantly affected by actual thickness values.
Either stress analysis is not applicable, or the component is considered to be infinitely
rigid in stress analysis calculations.
Specific wall thicknesses: To insure compatibility between the data tables, the PJS, and wall
thickness calculations, thickness is expressed as defined below. Trailing zeroes are not
included. Decimal points are not included for numbers without decimals.
.xxxx if the thickness is less than 1 inch
x if the thickness is an even inch
x.xxx if the thickness is 1 inch or larger
*Cyyy: The need to perform a thickness calculation is triggered by an entry with the format
*Cyyy in the Schedule/Thickness attribute of the Commodity Item entity. The letters that
make up this code have the following meaning:
The character C ensures that the schedule/thickness for the applicable end of the
component is determined by calculations using the thickness equation defined for the
piping materials class in the Default Wall Thickness Equation attribute of the Piping
Materials Class entity.
The characters yyy define the casting, joint or structural grade quality factor (E) times
100. This factor is one of the parameters used in the thickness calculation. If you are

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 225

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

defining a calculation for a seamless fitting (E=1) but want to match the thickness for
the mating welded pipe (E=0.85), the quality factor for the pipe should be used.
MATCH: The need to match the thickness of a component to that of the pipe of the same
diameter and of option 1 is triggered by an entry with the format MATCH in the
Schedule/Thickness attribute of the Commodity Item entity.

226 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

To minimize duplication when the same thickness can be expressed for metallic materials in
terms of either a generic or a specific schedule, the following convention is used. For a given
nominal diameter, only the schedules shown in the line for that diameter are used in the PJS and
in the data tables.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 227

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Weight Tables
Weight tables are required for the following thicknesses:
For components made from pipe material:
If the thickness involved is covered by a schedule, tables are required for all
commercially available schedules to the full range of their nominal diameter.
If the thickness involved is not covered by a schedule, tables are required in 1/16 inch
increments from 0.25 to 1.25 inches (inclusive), and from 22 inches to the full range of
their nominal diameter.
For components made from plate material, tables are required in 1/16 inch increments from
0.25 to 1.25 inches and in 1 inch increments from 12 to 144 inches.

The following abbreviations are used to describe the table name formats in this document.
(G) Green
(R) Red
BrchTbl Branch Table
Cmdty Code Commodity Code
GCP Green Connect Point
GS Geometric Industry Standard (from
MC Model Code
Op Operator/actuator type (from CL550)
Rat Pressure Rating
RCP Red Connect Point
Sc/Th Schedule/Thickness
Term End Preparation (from CL330)
TNF Table Name Format
TS Table Suffix (from CL576 and CL577)
Type Termination type (BLT, FEM, or MAL)
WC Weight Code (from CL578)
Refer to Variables for Generic Tables (on page 233) and Variables for Specific Tables (on page
249) for a description of the variables used in table definitions. Generally, values appearing in
all uppercase characters (such as BLT or STUD) indicate a hard-coded value.

228 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Table Requirements
This section indicates which tables are required to place a particular type of component (such as
a valve or fitting). The table groups listed in this section are used to store data required for
interactive processing of piping and instrument components. The applicability of the various
table groups is defined as a function of the termination types of the components as defined in the
Piping Job Specification (PJS).
Refer to the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for a detailed description of the
requirements for specific commodity items, instruments, and miscellaneous piping and
instrument items.
Typically, the tables in the table combinations are used to store:
The surface area and weight of water for the component.
The dimensional parameters for the component.
The empty weight of the component and/or data about valve operators.
Tables Required for Piping Components (on page 229)
Tables Required for Instrument Components (on page 232)

Tables Required for Piping Components

Valves (6Q1C) (on page 230)
Fittings (6P2C, 6P3C, 6Q2C, and 6Q3C) (on page 231)
Fire and Safety Piping Components (6P4C and 6Q4C) (on page 232)
Specialty Piping Components (6P6C and 6Q6C) (on page 232)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 229

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Valves (6Q1C)
Termination Types Applicable Tables
Bolted(G) P15A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A
Male(G) P15B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B
Female(G) P59 Cmdty Code (if operator code <=24)
P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A (if operator code >24 &
Bolted(G)-Male(R) P25A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_A
Female(G)-Male(R) P25B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_B
P59 Cmdty Code (if operator code <=24)
P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A (if operator code >24 &
Bolted(G)-Bolted(R) P26A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
Bolted(G)-Female(R) P26B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
Female(G)-Female(R) P59 Cmdty Code (if operator code <=24)
Female(G)-Bolted(R) P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A (if operator code >24 &
Male(G)-Male(R) P26A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
P26B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
P59 Cmdty Code (if operator code <=24)
P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A (if operator code >24 &
Male(G)-Female(R) P27A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
Male(G)-Bolted(R) P27B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
P59 Cmdty Code (if operator code <=24)
P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A (if operator code >24 &
Operators P31A MC_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Op_A (if operator code
P31B MC_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Op_B (if operator code
P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A (if operator code >24 &
P60B Cmdty Code_WOPD_B (if operator code >24 &

230 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Fittings (6P2C, 6P3C, 6Q2C, and 6Q3C)

Termination Types Applicable Tables
Male(G) P11A MC_GS_Term(G)_A
P11B MC_GS_Term(G)_B
P51 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
Bolted(G) P15A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A
Female(G) P15B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B
P52 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
Bolted(G)-Male(R) P25A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_A
Female(G)-Male(R) P25B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_B
Bolted(G)-Bolted(R) P26A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
Bolted(G)-Female(R) P26B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
Female(G)-Female(R) P62
Male(G)-Male(R) P21A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_A
P21B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_B
Excludes olet and stubbing type fittings
Male(G)-Bolted(R) P27A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
Male(G)-Female(R) P27B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
P64 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_WC
Excludes olet and stubbing type fittings
Olet fittings P28A
Stubbing fittings P29A MC_GS_BrchTbl_Angle_A
Overflow and weight tables do not apply.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 231

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Fire and Safety Piping Components (6P4C and 6Q4C)

Termination Types Applicable Tables
Male(G) P11A MC_GS_Term(G)_A
P11B MC_GS_Term(G)_B
P51 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
Bolted(G) P15A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A
Female(G) P15B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B
P52 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
Bolted(G)-Male(R) P25A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_A
Female(G)-Male(R) P25B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_B
Bolted(G)-Bolted(R) P26A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
Bolted(G)-Female(R) P26B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
Female(G)-Female(R) P62
Male(G)-Male(R) P21A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_A
P21B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_B
Male(G)-Bolted(R) P27A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
Male(G)-Female(R) P27B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
P64 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_WC

Specialty Piping Components (6P6C and 6Q6C)

P80 Specialty Body Data
P81 Operator/Actuator Data

Tables Required for Instrument Components

The following table sets are used for instrument component classes 7P1E (Control Valves and
Regulators), 7P2C (Relief Devices), 7P3C (Other in-line Instruments), and 7Q4D (Off-Line
I80 Inbody_Specific_AABBCC_MC_n
I81 Inoper_Specific_AABBCC_MC_n

232 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Generic Tables
This section describes the neutral file formats used to define generic piping and instrument data.
The following tables are required to store generic data which applies to both piping and
instrument components:

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table Name

G10 BLT_Term_Rat_TS (see "Generic Table for Bolted Ends (G10)" on page
G12 STUD_Rat_TS (see "Generic Table for Studs used in Bolted Connections
(G12)" on page 239)
G12T STUD_Term_Rat_TS (see "Generic Table for Studs in Bolted
Connections w/ Term Type (G12T)" on page 241)
G20 MAL_Term_TS (see "Generic Table for Male Ends (G20)" on page 243)
G30 FEM_Term_Rat/Sc/Th_TS (see "Generic Table for Female Ends (G30)"
on page 244)
G50 MALWT_Term_Rat/Sc/Th_TS_WC (see "Generic Table for Weight and
Thickness Data, Male Ends (G50)" on page 245)
These tables are stored in the physical data library.
Table format G14, COMPAT_Rat(low)_TS_Rat(high)_TS, which was used with the
VAX Piping Design product, is not used by the Workstation product. This table format may be
included in the physical data library but it will not be accessed by the product.
See Also
Variables for Generic Tables (on page 233)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 233

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variables for Generic Tables

The letters P through Z are used in the generic tables to represent the following generic

Variable End Type Explanation

P Bolted This is the outside diameter of a bolted end of the

indicated termination type, rating, and nominal
diameter, as defined in the table named
Male This is the outside diameter of a male end of the
indicated termination type and nominal diameter, as
defined in the table named "MAL_Term_TS".
Female The is the outside diameter of the female end of the
component of the indicated termination type, rating,
and nominal diameter, as defined in the table named
"FEM_Term_Rat_TS". For model graphics, it is
desirable for the value of this parameter to be larger
than the value of the matching male termination end.
However, components such as 90 degree elbows and
tees will not place if the value is too large. Therefore,
the following values have been defined for this
For PVC and CPVC female ends, use the same as the
value of P for the corresponding male termination
For all other female ends, use 30% of the fitting OD at
the female end plus 70% of the matching pipe OD.

Q Bolted Not applicable.

Male The value of this variable is "0" for all male ends.

234 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variable End Type Explanation

Female This is the depth of socket, as defined in the table

named "FEM_Term_Rat_TS".
For socketwelded ends, this value is the nominal depth
of the socket less 1/16". The actual depth of socket
less 1/16" is used to determine a component's
dimensional parameters.
For female threaded ends, this is the thread
engagement as defined: in Table 8-1 for components
complying with ANSI-B16.12 and in Table 8-2 for all
other components.

R Bolted This is the flange thickness, as defined in the table

named "BLT_Term_Rat_TS". This dimension
represents the distance from the outermost face of the
flange to the back surface of the flange on which the
nut rests. It includes any projections of the flange,
such as the raised face.
For lap-flanged ends, it includes the thickness of the
pipe or stub end plus the thickness of the loose flange
used. If the Source of Bolt Spec Data is set as a
function of termination type, rating, and table suffix in
the RDB, the entries for the lap type terminations in
the BLT_Term* and STUD_Term* generic tables
provide for the addition of wall thickness from the
This parameter is primarily used to calculate stud
length. When dealing with specialty components
(such as relief valves), you might have to develop
many generic tables for precise values. A practical
alternative would be to create a table in which values
for this parameter are large enough to insure that short
studs do not result.
Male Not applicable.

Female Not applicable.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 235

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variable End Type Explanation

S Bolted This is the seating depth, as defined in the table named

"BLT_Term_Rat_TS". This dimension represents the
distance from the outermost surface of the bolted end
to the seating surface of the gasket. It will only have a
value for small groove, large groove, small female and
large female flanged ends, and for mechanical joints.
The value of this parameter will be zero for all other
bolted ends.
Male Not applicable.
Female Not applicable.

T Bolted This is half of the gasket gap thickness, as defined in

the PJS for the applicable piping materials class.
Male Not applicable.
Female Not applicable.

V Bolted This is the diameter of bolts required at a bolted

connection, as defined in the table named
"STUD_Rat_TS" as a function of the nominal pipe
diameter, rating, and table suffix of the applicable
bolted end.
Male Not applicable.
Female Not applicable.

X Bolted Not applicable.

Male This is the wall thickness of the applicable end of a
component of the indicated nominal diameter, as
defined in the table named
Female Not applicable.

Z Any No specific meaning is attached to this variable.

236 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Table 8-1. Thread Engagement for

Components per ANSI-B16.12
Thread Engagement, inches
NPD in ANSI-B16.12 PDS
1.25 0.42 0.42
1.5 0.42 0.42
2 0.44 0.44
2.5 0.68 0.68
3 0.77 0.77
4 0.84 0.84
5 0.94 0.94
6 0.96 0.96
8 1.06 1.06

Table 8-2. Thread Engagement for All Other

Thread Engagement, inches

NPD NAVCO ANSI- Stockha Crane Average PDS

in B1.20.1 m
0.125 0.3125 0.2726 0.25 0.25 0.2713 0.25
0.25 0.4375 0.3945 0.375 0.375 0.3955 0.375
0.375 0.4375 0.4067 0.375 0.375 0.3986 0.375
0.5 0.5625 0.5343 0.5 0.5 0.5242 0.5
0.75 0.5625 0.5533 0.5625 0.5625 0.5602 0.5625
1 0.6875 0.6609 0.6875 0.6875 0.6809 0.6875
1.25 0.6875 0.6809 0.6875 0.6875 0.6859 0.6875
1.5 0.6875 0.6809 0.6875 0.6875 0.6859 0.6875
2 0.75 0.6969 0.75 0.75 0.7367 0.75
2.5 1.0625 0.932 0.9375 0.9375 0.9674 0.9375
3 1.125 1.016 1 1 1.0353 1
3.5 1.1875 1.071 1.0625 1.107 1.0625
4 1.1875 1.094 1.125 1.1355 1.125
5 1.3125 1.187 1.25 1.2483 1.25
6 1.3751 1.208 1.3125 1.2985 1.3125
8 1.4375 1.313 1.4375 1.396 1.4375
10 1.625 1.46 1.625 1.57 1.5625
12 1.75 1.61 1.75 1.7033 1.75

Generic Table for Bolted Ends (G10)

This table enables you to define the outside diameter, flange thickness, seating depth, and bolt
circle diameter for components with bolted ends.
The table name format for this table is:
For TNF=G10 BLT_Term_Rat_TS

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 237

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=G10 By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 4
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! Diam P R S BCD

Table_Data_Definition 'BLT_20_150_5'
! Description= CL150 raised face flange dimensions
! Source= MSS-SP-42 1/4 & 3/8", ANSI-B16.5-1981 1/2" - 24" & API 605
above 24"
! TNF=G10 By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=1 Date=15-Oct-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 4
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! Diam P R S BCD
0.25 2.5 0.3438 0 1.6875
0.375 2.5 0.3438 0 1.6875
0.5 3.5 0.4375 0 2.375
0.75 3.875 0.5 0 2.75
1 4.25 0.5625 0 3.125
1.25 4.625 0.625 0 3.5
1.5 5 0.6875 0 3.875
2 6 0.75 0 4.75
2.5 7 0.875 0 5.5
3 7.5 0.9375 0 6
3.5 8.5 0.9375 0 7
4 9 0.9375 0 7.5
5 10 0.9375 0 8.5
6 11 1 0 9.5
8 13.5 1.125 0 11.75
10 16 1.1875 0 14.25
12 19 1.25 0 17
14 21 1.375 0 18.75
16 23.5 1.4375 0 21.25
18 25 1.5625 0 22.75
20 27.5 1.6875 0 25

238 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

24 32 1.875 0 29.5
26 30.9375 1.625 0 29.3125
28 32.9375 1.75 0 31.3125
30 34.9375 1.75 0 33.3125
32 37.0625 1.8125 0 35.4375
34 39.5625 1.9375 0 37.6875
36 41.625 2.0625 0 39.75
38 44.25 2.125 0 42.125
40 46.25 2.1875 0 44.125
42 48.25 2.3125 0 46.125
44 50.25 2.375 0 48.125
46 52.8125 2.4375 0 50.5625
48 54.8125 2.5625 0 52.5625
50 56.8125 2.6875 0 54.5625
52 58.8125 2.75 0 56.5625
54 61 2.8125 0 58.75
56 63 2.875 0 60.75
58 65.9375 2.9375 0 63.4375
60 67.9375 3 0 65.4375

Generic Table for Studs used in Bolted Connections (G12)

This table defines the number of bolts, the bolt diameter, and the bolt extension for a given NPD,
for studs in bolted connections. If the Length Calculation toggle on the Material Takeoff
Option form is set to Almost Precise in Project Administrator, the bolt spec data is set as a
function of rating and table suffix.
The W_n columns are used to classify the bolt extension. The n applies to the value defined in
the Piping Commodity Data for the bolt diameter being considered. For example, if the modifier
value for the PCD is 0, the value in the W_0 column is used for nut allowance. This capability
enables the system to handle special nut allowances, such as when stud tensioning devices are
The table name format for this table is:
This table is accessed using values for rating and table suffix derived from the applicable flanged

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=G12 By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, INT, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! Diam U V W_0 W_1 W_2 W_3 W_4

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 239

Table Formats and Naming Conventions




! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=G12 By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, INT, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! Diam U V W_0 W_1 W_2 W_3 W_4

240 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Generic Table for Studs in Bolted Connections w/ Term Type

This table defines the number of bolts, the bolt diameter, and the bolt extension for a given NPD,
for studs in bolted connections. If the Length Calculation toggle on the Material Takeoff
Option form is set to Precise in Project Administrator, the bolt spec data is set as a function
of termination type, rating, and table suffix.
The W_n columns are used to classify the bolt extension. The n applies to the value defined in
the Piping Materials Class for the bolt diameter being considered. For example, if the modifier
value for the PMC is 0, the value in the W_0 column is used for nut allowance. This capability
enables the system to handle special nut allowances, such as when stud tensioning devices are
The table name format for this table is:
This table is accessed using values for termination type, rating and table suffix derived from the
applicable flanged end.

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Parameter W_2 equals 50% of applicable stud diameter plus W_0.
! TNF=G12T By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, INT, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! Diam U V W_0 W_1 W_2 W_3 W_4

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 241

Table Formats and Naming Conventions


Table_Data_Definition 'STUD_20_150_5'
! Description= CL150 bolting
! Parameter W_2 equals 50% of applicable stud diameter plus W_0.
! TNF=G12T By=GJH Ckd By=NP Rev=0 Date=04-Oct-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, INT, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! Diam U V W_0 W_1 W_2 W_3 W_4
0.5 4 0.5 0.625 1 - - - -
0.75 4 0.5 0.6875 0.875 - - - -
1 4 0.5 0.625 1 - - - -
1.25 4 0.5 0.6875 0.875 - - - -
1.5 4 0.5 0.625 1 - - - -
2 4 0.625 0.8125 1.125 - - - -
2.5 4 0.625 0.8125 1.125 - - - -
3 4 0.625 0.75 1 - - - -
3.5 8 0.625 0.75 1 - - - -
4 8 0.625 0.75 1 - - - -
5 8 0.75 0.875 1.25 1.25 - - -
6 8 0.75 0.9375 1.125 1.3125 - - -
8 8 0.75 0.9375 1.125 1.3125 - - -
10 12 0.875 1 1.5 1.4375 - - -
12 12 0.875 1.0625 1.375 1.5 - - -
14 12 1 1.1875 1.625 1.6875 - - -
16 16 1 1.125 1.5 1.625 - - -
18 16 1.125 1.25 1.75 1.8125 - - -
20 20 1.125 1.375 2 1.9375 - - -
24 20 1.25 1.4375 2.125 2.0625 - - -
26 36 0.75 1.0625 1.375 1.4375 - - -
28 40 0.75 1.0625 1.375 1.4375 - - -
30 44 0.75 1.0625 1.375 1.4375 - - -
32 48 0.75 1 1.5 1.375 - - -
34 40 0.875 1.125 1.75 1.5625 - - -
36 44 0.875 1.125 1.75 1.5625 - - -
38 40 1 1.3125 1.875 1.8125 - - -
40 44 1 1.25 2 1.75 - - -
42 48 1 1.25 1.75 1.75 - - -
44 52 1 1.3125 1.875 1.8125 - - -
46 40 1.125 1.5 2 2.0625 - - -
48 44 1.125 1.375 2 1.9375 - - -
50 48 1.125 1.375 2 1.9375 - - -
52 52 1.125 1.4375 2.125 2 - - -
54 56 1.125 1.375 2 1.9375 - - -
56 60 1.125 1.4375 2.125 2 - - -
58 48 1.25 1.5 2.25 2.125 - - -
60 52 1.25 1.5625 2.125 2.1875 - - -

242 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Generic Table for Male Ends (G20)

This table enables you to define the surface area, water weight, outside diameter, and 1/2 pipe
OD for components with male ends.
The table name format for this table is:
For TNF=G20 MAL_Term_TS

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=G20 By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
Units= NPD_IN, SFF, IN, IN
! Unt Sur
! Diam Area P P/2


Table_Data_Definition 'MAL_300_5'
! Description= Pipe outside diameters
! Source= ANSI-B-36.10M, 36.19M, API-5L, 5LE, 5LP, 5LS & 5LU
! TNF=G20 By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=0 Date=10-Sep-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
Units= NPD_IN, SFF, IN, IN
! Unt Sur
! Diam Area P P/2
0.125 0.106 0.405 0.2025
0.25 0.141 0.54 0.27
0.375 0.177 0.675 0.3375
0.5 0.22 0.84 0.42
0.75 0.275 1.05 0.525
1 0.344 1.315 0.6575
1.25 0.434 1.66 0.83
1.5 0.497 1.9 0.95
2 0.622 2.375 1.1875
2.5 0.753 2.875 1.4375

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 243

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

3 0.916 3.5 1.75

3.5 1.047 4 2
4 1.178 4.5 2.25
5 1.456 5.5625 2.7813
6 1.73 6.625 3.3125
8 2.26 8.625 4.3125
10 2.81 10.75 5.375
12 3.34 12.75 6.375
14 3.67 14 7
16 4.19 16 8
18 4.71 18 9
20 5.24 20 10
22 5.76 22 11
24 6.28 24 12
26 6.81 26 13
28 7.33 28 14
30 7.85 30 15
32 8.38 32 16
34 8.9 34 17
36 9.42 36 18
38 9.95 38 19
40 10.47 40 20
42 10.99 42 21
44 11.52 44 22
46 12.04 46 23
48 12.57 48 24
52 13.61 52 26
56 14.66 56 28
60 15.71 60 30
64 16.76 64 32
68 17.80 68 34
72 18.85 72 36
76 19.90 76 38
80 20.94 80 40

Generic Table for Female Ends (G30)

This table enables you to define the outside diameter and depth of socket for female ends.
The table name format for this table is:
For TNF=G30 FEM_Term_Rat/Sc/Th_TS

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=G30 By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 2

244 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN

! Diam P Q


Table_Data_Definition 'FEM_420_150_5'
! Description= CL150 socketwelded flange hub O.D. and socketwelded
valve O.D.
! Source= ANSI-B16.11 CL3000 for .125 to .375 dia's, ANSI-B16.5 above
.375 dia.
! TNF=G30 By=GJH Ckd By=JPF Rev=0 Date=29-May-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 2
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN
! Diam P Q
0.125 0.486 0.3125
0.25 0.6353 0.3125
0.375 0.7755 0.3125
0.5 0.9443 0.3125
0.75 1.185 0.375
1 1.5018 0.4375
1.25 1.8558 0.5
1.5 2.0988 0.5625
2 2.5813 0.625
2.5 3.0813 0.6875
3 3.725 0.75

Generic Table for Weight and Thickness Data, Male Ends

This table enables you to define empty weight and wall thickness data for male ends.
The table name format for this table is:
For TNF=G50 MALWT_Term_Rat/Sc/Th_TS_WC

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 245

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

! TNF=G50 By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-

No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
! GCP Unit Wt Unit Wt
! Diam Empty Water X


Table_Data_Definition 'MALWT_300_S$40_5_52'
! Description= Schedule 40 wall thickness
! Source= ANSI-B36.10M-1985
! TNF=G50 By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=0 Date=10-Sep-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
! GCP Unit Wt Unit Wt
! Diam Empty Water X
12 53.52 48.5 0.406
14 63.44 58.63 0.438
18 104.67 96.92 0.562
20 123.11 120.45 0.594
24 171.29 174.22 0.688
32 230.08 319.2 0.688
34 244.77 362.25 0.688
36 282.35 405.09 0.75

246 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Piping Component Tables

This section describes the table formats used to define component data. The following tables are
required to store component-specific data required for interactive processing of piping
These tables are stored in the physical data library.
Use tables P11*-P20* for piping component data based only on green connect point data.

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table

P11A MC_GS_Term(G)_A (see "Piping
Component Table for GCP Data (P11A,
P15A)" on page 253)
P11B MC_GS_Term(G)_B (see "Piping
Component Table GCP Overflow Data
(P11B, P15B)" on page 254)
P15A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A
P15B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B
Use tables P21*-P30* for piping component data based on green and red connect point data. For
more information, refer to Piping Component Table Green and Red CP Data (P21A, P25A,
P26A, P27A, P28A, P29A) (on page 255) and Piping Component Table Green and Red CP
Overflow Data (P21B, P25B, P26B, P27B, P28B) (see "Piping Component Table Green and Red
CP Overflow Data (P21B,P25B,P26B,P27B,P28B)" on page 257).

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table Name

P21A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_A
P21B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_B
P25A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_A
P25B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_B
P26A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(
P26B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(
P27A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A
P27B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B
P28A MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Ra
P28B MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Ra

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 247

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table Name

P29A MC_GS_BrchTbl_Angle_A
Use tables P31*-P40* for dimensional data based on green connect point data of piping valve
operators whose operator code list values (as defined in CL550 - Operator/Actuator Type) are
equal to or less than 24.

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table

P31A MC_Type(G)_Rat(G)_Op_A (see "Piping
Component Table for Operators and
Actuators (P31A)" on page 258)
P31B MC_Type(G)_Rat(G)_Op_B (see "Piping
Component Table for Operators and
Actuators, Overflow Data (P31B)" on
page 260)
Use tables P51-P58 for non-valve piping component empty weights based on green connect
point data.

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table Name

P51 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC (see
"Piping Component Table for Empty
Weight based on GCP Data (P51,P52,P59)"
on page 260)
P52 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
Use table P59 for empty weights of piping valves, including weight of operators, whose operator
code list values (as defined in CL550 - Operator/Actuator Type) are less than or equal to 24,
regardless of whether only green connect point or both green and red connect point data applies
to the valve.
P59 Cmdty Code
Use tables P60* for empty weights of piping valves, weights and centers of gravity of valve
operators, model codes of valve operators and for dimensional data of piping valve operators
whose operator code list values (as defined in CL550 - Operator/Actuator Type) exceed 24 and
are less than or equal to 40, regardless of whether only green connect point or both green and red
connect point data applies to the valve.
P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A
(see "Piping
Component Table For
Empty Weight of
Valves (P60A)" on
page 263)
P60B Cmdty Code_WOPD_B
(see "Piping

248 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Component Table For

Empty Weight of
Valves, Overflow Data
(P60B)" on page 264)
Use tables P61-P70 for non-valve piping component empty weights based on green and red
connect point data. Refer to Piping Component Table for Empty Weight based on GCP and RCP
Data (P61, P62, P63, P64, P65) (see "Piping Component Table for Empty Weight based on
GCP and RCP Data (P61,P62,P63,P64,P65)" on page 265) for more information.

TNF Attributes Used to Form Table Name

P61 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat/Sc/Th(R)_WC

P62 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_Sc/Th(R)_W
P63 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Sc/Th(R)_WC

P64 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_WC

P65 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat/Sc/Th(R)_WC
Use tables P80 and P81 for data about piping specialty components defined in the Material
Reference Database. See Piping Component Tables for Specialty Components (on page 266) for
more information.
P80 Specialty Body Data
P81 Operator/Actuator
See Also
Variables for Specific Tables (on page 249)

Variables for Specific Tables

Letters A through O represent variables which are specific to a component.

Variable End Type Explanation

A Any For components with identical end terminations
and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this is the distance from
the origin of the component to the outermost face
of any of its ends.
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to the outermost face of
the end in the vicinity of PCP1.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 249

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variable End Type Explanation

Bolted This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Male Not applicable.
Female This value can be deduced from the expression E
+ Q using the values of E and Q from the
appropriate tables.

B Any For components with identical end terminations

and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this parameter does not
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to the outermost face of
the end in the vicinity of PCP2.
Bolted This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Male Not applicable.
Female This value can be deduced from the expression F
+ Q using the values of F and Q from the
appropriate tables.

C Any For components with identical end terminations

and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this parameter does not
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to the outermost face of
the end in the vicinity of PCP3.
Bolted This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Male Not applicable.
Female This value can be deduced from the expression G
+ Q using values of G and Q from the
appropriate tables.

250 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variable End Type Explanation

D Any For components with identical end terminations
and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this parameter does not
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to the outermost face of
the end in the vicinity of PCP4.
Bolted This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Male Not applicable.
Female This value can be deduced from the expression H
+ Q using values of H and Q from the
appropriate tables.

E Any For components with identical end terminations

and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this is the distance from
the origin of the component to any of its PCPs.
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to PCP1.
Bolted This parameter can be deduced from the
expression A + T using the values of A and T
from the appropriate tables.
Male This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Female This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.

F Any For components with identical end terminations

and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this parameter does not
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to PCP2.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 251

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variable End Type Explanation

Bolted This parameter can be deduced from the
expression B + T using the values of B and T
from the appropriate tables.
Male This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Female This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.

G Any For components with identical end terminations

and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this parameter does not
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to PCP3.
Bolted This parameter can be deduced from the
expression C + T using values of C and T from
the appropriate tables.
Male This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Female This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.

H Any For components with identical end terminations

and branches (if any) that are normal to the main
axis of the component, this parameter does not
For components with different end terminations
or branches that are not normal to the main axis
of the component, this is the distance from the
origin of the component to PCP4.
Bolted This parameter can be deduced from the
expression D + T using the values of D and T
from the appropriate tables.
Male This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.
Female This value is included in the appropriate
dimension table.

252 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Variable End Type Explanation

I,J,K,L,M, Any These values are used in dimension tables for

N specific components as required by the
component being defined.

O Any This is the overall length of the component

considering the outermost surface at each end of
the component.

Piping Component Table for GCP Data (P11A, P15A)

This table enables you to define general parameters for components which require only green
connect point data.
The table name formats for this table are:
For TNF=P11A MC_GS_Term(G)_A For TNF=P15A MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_A

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! SN=ZZZZZZ Par 1=ZZ Par 2=ZZ Par 3=ZZ Par 4=ZZ
! Par 5=ZZ Par 6=ZZ
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, SF, LB, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! GCP Surf Water Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Area Weight Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4 Par 5
Par 6

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 253

Table Formats and Naming Conventions


Table_Data_Definition 'GAT_40_20_150_A'
! Description= CL150 gate valve raised face flanged ends
! Source= ANSI-B16.10-1986
! TNF=P15A By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=1 Date=29-Oct-
! SN=V1 Par 1=A
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 3
Units= NPD_IN, SF, LB, IN
! GCP Surf Water Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Area Weight Par 1
0.25 - - 2
0.375 - - 2
0.5 - - 2.125
0.75 - - 2.3125
1 - - 2.5
1.25 - - 2.75
1.5 - - 3.25
2 - - 3.5
2.5 - - 3.75
3 - - 4
4 - - 4.5
5 - - 5
6 - - 5.25
8 - - 5.75
10 - - 6.5
12 - - 7
14 - - 7.5
16 - - 8
18 - - 8.5
20 - - 9
24 - - 10
26 - - 11
28 - - 12
30 - - 12
36 - - 14

Piping Component Table GCP Overflow Data (P11B, P15B)

This table enables you to define overflow parameters for components to which table name
formats P11A and P15A apply.
The table name formats for this table are:
For TNF=P11B MC_GS_Term(G)_B For TNF=P15B MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_B

Neutral File Format

! Description=

254 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

! Source=
! SN=ZZZZZZ Par 1=ZZ Par 2=ZZ Par 3=ZZ Par 4=ZZ
! Par 5=ZZ Par 6=ZZ Par 7=ZZ Par 8=ZZ
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! GCP Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4 Par 5 Par 6 Par 7
Par 8

Piping Component Table Green and Red CP Data (P21A,

P25A, P26A, P27A, P28A, P29A)
This table enables you to define parameters for components which require both green and red
connect point data.
The table name formats for this table are:
TNF=P21A MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_A TNF=P25A
MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_A TNF=P26A
MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A TNF=P27A
MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_A TNF=P28A
MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat/Sc/Th(R)_A TNF=P29A

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! SN=ZZZZZZ Par 1=ZZ Par 2=ZZ Par 3=ZZ Par 4=ZZ
! Par 5=ZZ
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 7
! Nom Diam Surf Weight Dimensional Parameters

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 255

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

! GCP RCP Area Water Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4

Par 5

Table_Data_Definition 'E90R_39_300_300_A'
! Description= 90 deg long radius reducing elbow beveled ends
! Source= ANSI-B16.9-1978
! TNF=P21A By=GJH Ckd By=JPF Rev=0 Date=15-May-
! SN=F84 Par 1=E Par 2=K Par 3=F Par 4=L
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 6
! Nom Diam Surf Weight Dimensional Parameters
! GCP RCP Area Water Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4
2 1 - - 3 0.53 3 0.53
2 1.25 - - 3 0.3575 3 0.3575
2 1.5 - - 3 0.2375 3 0.2375
2.5 1.25 - - 3.75 0.6075 3.75 0.6075
2.5 1.5 - - 3.75 0.4875 3.75 0.4875
2.5 2 - - 3.75 0.25 3.75 0.25
3 1.5 - - 4.5 0.8 4.5 0.8
3 2 - - 4.5 0.5625 4.5 0.5625
3 2.5 - - 4.5 0.3125 4.5 0.3125
3.5 2 - - 5.25 0.8125 5.25 0.8125
3.5 2.5 - - 5.25 0.5625 5.25 0.5625
3.5 3 - - 5.25 0.25 5.25 0.25
4 2 - - 6 1.0625 6 1.0625
4 2.5 - - 6 0.8125 6 0.8125
4 3 - - 6 0.5 6 0.5
4 3.5 - - 6 0.25 6 0.25
5 2.5 - - 7.5 1.3438 7.5 1.3438
5 3 - - 7.5 1.0313 7.5 1.0313
5 3.5 - - 7.5 0.7813 7.5 0.7813
5 4 - - 7.5 0.5313 7.5 0.5313
6 3 - - 9 1.5625 9 1.5625
6 3.5 - - 9 1.3125 9 1.3125
6 4 - - 9 1.0625 9 1.0625
6 5 - - 9 0.5312 9 0.5312
8 4 - - 12 2.0625 12 2.0625
8 5 - - 12 1.5312 12 1.5312
8 6 - - 12 1 12 1

256 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

10 5 - - 15 2.5937 15 2.5937
10 6 - - 15 2.0625 15 2.0625
10 8 - - 15 1.0625 15 1.0625
12 6 - - 18 3.0625 18 3.0625
12 8 - - 18 2.0625 18 2.0625
12 10 - - 18 1 18 1
14 8 - - 21 2.6875 21 2.6875
14 10 - - 21 1.625 21 1.625
14 12 - - 21 0.625 21 0.625
16 10 - - 24 2.625 24 2.625
16 12 - - 24 1.625 24 1.625
16 14 - - 24 1 24 1
18 10 - - 27 3.625 27 3.625
18 12 - - 27 2.625 27 2.625
18 14 - - 27 2 27 2
18 16 - - 27 1 27 1
20 10 - - 30 4.625 30 4.625
20 12 - - 30 3.625 30 3.625
20 14 - - 30 3 30 3
20 16 - - 30 2 30 2
20 18 - - 30 1 30 1
24 12 - - 36 5.625 36 5.625
24 14 - - 36 5 36 5
24 16 - - 36 4 36 4
24 18 - - 36 3 36 3
24 20 - - 36 2 36 2
24 22 - - 36 1 36 1

Piping Component Table Green and Red CP Overflow Data

This table enables you to define overflow parameters for components to which table name
formats P21A, P25A, P26A, P27A, and P28A apply.
The table name formats for this table are:
For TNF=P21B MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_B For TNF=P25B
MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_B For TNF=P26B
MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B For TNF=P27B
MC_GS_Term(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_B For TNF=P28B

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 257

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

! SN=ZZZZZZ Par 1=ZZ Par 2=ZZ Par 3=ZZ Par 4=ZZ

! Par 5=ZZ Par 6=ZZ Par 7=ZZ
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 7
! Nom Diam Dimensional Parameters
! GCP RCP Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4 Par 5 Par 6
Par 7

Piping Component Table for Operators and Actuators (P31A)

This table enables you to define parameters for valve operators of piping valves whose operator
code list values (as defined in CL550 - Operator/Actuator Type) are equal to or less than 24.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
For TNF=P31A MC_Type(G)_Rat(G)_Op_A
where Type can have the following possible values:

Preparation Type
2-199 BLT
300-399 MAL
400-599 FEM

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=P31Y By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
! SN=ZZZZZZ Par 1=ZZ Par 2=ZZ Par 3=ZZ Par 4=ZZ
! Par 5=ZZ Par 6=ZZ Par 7=ZZ Par 8=ZZ
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! GCP Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4 Par 5 Par 6 Par 7
Par 8

258 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions




Table_Data_Definition 'GAT_BLT_150_3_A'
! Description=Stem and handwheel operator
! Source=PDS Document 2630-33-OP
! TNF=P31A By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=0 Date=26-Feb-
! SN=OP3 Par 1=Y1 Par 2=Y2
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 2
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN
! GCP Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Par 1 Par 2
0.25 8.375 3.75
0.375 8.375 3.75
0.5 8.375 3.75
0.75 9.25 4.125
1 11.875 6
1.25 12.5 6
1.5 17.75 10
2 17.813 10
2.5 20.125 10
3 22.375 12
4 28.188 13.75
5 31.75 13.75
6 35.375 15.5
8 45 19.5
10 52.5 19.5
12 61.125 20
14 70.5 24
16 79.75 28
18 89 30
20 97.25 30
22 105 30
24 112.75 36
26 116 36
28 123.25 36
30 140 36
32 145 36
34 150 36
36 155.5 36

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 259

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Piping Component Table for Operators and Actuators,

Overflow Data (P31B)
This table enables you to define overflow parameters for operators to which table name format
P31A applies.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
For TNF=P31B MC_Type(G)_Rat(G)_Op_B
where Type can have the following possible values:

Preparation Type
2-199 BLT
300-399 MAL
400-599 FEM

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=P31B By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
! SN=ZZZZZZ Par 1=ZZ Par 2=ZZ Par 3=ZZ Par 4=ZZ
! Par 5=ZZ Par 6=ZZ Par 7=ZZ Par 8=ZZ
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! GCP Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Par 1 Par 2 Par 3 Par 4 Par 5 Par 6 Par 7
Par 8

260 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Piping Component Table for Empty Weight based on GCP

Data (P51,P52,P59)
This table enables you to define empty weights for components to which table name formats
P51, P52, and P59 apply.
The table name formats for this table are:
For TNF=P51 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
For TNF=P52 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Sc/Th(G)_WC
For TNF=P59 Cmdty Code
With version 5.0, the Physical Data Library Manager will respect the use of a dash (-) in a table
name. This allows you to include a dash in the commodity code for a piping commodity valve,
where the commodity code is used to form the name of the dimension table.

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= NPD_IN, LB
! GCP Weight
! Diam Empty


Table_Data_Definition 'VAABAHCCAA'
! Description= CL150 gate valve raised face flanged ends weight
! Source= CRANE catalog for figure 47XU
! TNF=P59 By=GJH Ckd By=RJW Rev=0 Date=29-May-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= NPD_IN, LB
! GCP Weight
! Diam Empty
2 46
2.5 70
3 76

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 261

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

4 110
5 155
6 175
8 310
10 455
12 650
14 860
16 1120
18 1400
20 2125
24 3120
30 4250

Table_Data_Definition 'E90LR_39_300_S$STD_52'
! Description= 90 deg long radius elbow beveled ends
! Source= Taylor Forge Cat. 722
! TNF=P51 By=GJH Ckd By=JPF Rev=0 Date=24-Apr-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Units= NPD_IN, LB
! GCP Weight
! Diam Empty
0.5 0.17
0.75 0.17
1 0.34
1.25 0.58
1.5 0.84
2 1.5
2.5 3
3 4.7
3.5 6.6
4 8.9
5 15
6 24
8 47
10 83
12 123
14 158
16 207
18 263
20 323
22 392
24 468
26 550
28 625
30 733
32 825
34 -
36 1061
38 -
40 -
42 1442

262 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

44 -
46 -
48 -

Piping Component Table For Empty Weight of Valves (P60A)

This table enables you to define empty weights of piping valves, weights and centers of gravity
of valve operators, model codes of valves operators and dimensional data of piping valve
operators whose operator code list values (as defined in CL550, Operator/Actuator Type) exceed
24 and are less than or equal to 40.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
For TNF=P60A Cmdty Code_WOPD_A

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=P60A By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, LB, LB, IN, IN, IN, DEG, IN, IN
! GCP Weight Weight Oper Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Vlv Emp Oper Code Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 263

Table Formats and Naming Conventions


Table_Data_Definition 'VAABAHCCGR_WOPD_A'
! Description=Crane 47 gate valve with gear operator 3X-N for 14",
! 4X-N for 16, 18 & 20", & 6X-N for 24" valve.
! Par "Y4" includes a 8" mounting adaptor.
! Source=CRANE catalog for Converto-Gear valve operators
! TNF=P60A By=GJH Ckd By=DCG Rev=1 Date=01-Dec-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
! GCP Weight Weight Oper Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Vlv Emp Oper Code Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
14 860 75 331 57.625 2.375 0 61.1875
16 1120 109 331 62 3.625 0 65.9688
18 1400 126 331 69.8125 4.25 0 73.7188
20 2125 150 331 80.375 5.5 0 84.2188
24 3120 248 331 92.75 4.625 0 99.375

Piping Component Table For Empty Weight of Valves,

Overflow Data (P60B)
This table enables you to define overflow parameters for
operators/actuators to which table name format P60A applies.
The table name format that applies to this table is:
For TNF=P60B Cmdty Code_WOPD_B

Neutral File Format

! Description=
! Source=
! TNF=P60B By=ZZZ Ckd By=ZZZ Rev=ZZ Date=ZZ-ZZZ-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! GCP Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12

264 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions




Table_Data_Definition 'VAABAHCCGR_WOPD_B'
! Description=Crane 47 gate valve with gear operator 3X-N for 14",
! 4X-N for 16, 18 & 20", & 6X-N for 24" valve.
! Source=CRANE catalog for Converto-Gear valve operators
! TNF=P60B By=GJH Ckd By=DCG Rev=0 Date=22-May-
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 7
Units= NPD_IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN
! GCP Dimensional Parameters
! Diam Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12
14 3.375 6.6875 12.375 20 0 - -
16 3.625 7.2188 15.25 20 0 - -
18 3.625 7.2188 15.25 24 0 - -
20 3.625 7.2188 15.25 30 0 - -
24 5.375 11.375 18.5 30 0 - -

Piping Component Table for Empty Weight based on GCP

and RCP Data (P61,P62,P63,P64,P65)
This table enables you to define empty weights for components to which table name formats
P61, P62, P63, P64, and P65 apply:
The table name formats for this table are:
For TNF=P61 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat/Sc/Th(R)_WC
For TNF=P62 MC_GS_Term(G)_Rat(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_Sc/Th(R)_WC
For TNF=P63 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Sc/Th(R)_WC
For TNF=P64 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat(R)_WC
For TNF=P65 MC_GS_Term(G)_Sc/Th(G)_Term(R)_Rat/Sc/Th(R)_WC

Neutral File Format


Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 265

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

! Description=
! Source=
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 1
! Nom Diam Weight
! GCP RCP Empty


Table_Data_Definition 'REDC_39_300_S$60_300_S$40_52'
! Description= Concentric reducer beveled ends weight.
! Source= TAYLOR FORGE Cat. 722, weights for schedule 60 fitting
! TNF=P63 By=GJH Ckd By=JPF Rev=0 Date=15-Aug-
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 1
! Nom Diam Weight
! GCP RCP Empty
14 12 92
16 14 125
16 12 125
18 14 173
18 12 173
20 18 278
20 14 278
20 12 278
22 20 -
22 18 -
22 14 -
24 20 397
24 18 397

266 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Piping Component Tables for Specialty Components

Six dimension tables are used for each combination of piping specialty generic name (AABBCC
code) and piping specialty model code. The AABBCC code is defined in the PDS Sort Code
attribute of the Piping Specialty Specification Data of the Material Reference Database.
The tables used to to define the physical data for piping specialty components have the same
format as those used to define instrument components. The table names are of the format:
EQBODY_SPECIFIC_<PSC>_<MC>_A, _B, _C - Specialty Body Data
EQOPER_SPECIFIC_<PSC>_<MC>_A, _B, _C - Specialty Operator/Actuator Data
Refer to Instrument Component Tables (on page 267) for more information on these tables.

Instrument Component Tables

Six dimension tables are used for each combination of instrument name (pds_sort_code) and
instrument model code. Multiple tables are required since tables with one input are limited to
nine outputs. The instrument pds_sort_code is defined in the Instrument Component
Specification Data of the Material Reference Database (Table 204 attribute 18). (For the
delivered examples, the pds_sort_code is the Instrument AABBCC code as defined in the PDS
Component Data Reference Guide.)
Input to these tables is defined in the physical_data_id attribute of the Instrument Component
Specification Data (Table 204 attribute 17). The entries in the tables must agree with the entries
in the Instrument Component Specification Data of the Material Reference Database.
Each table is limited to approximately 60,000 bytes or 750 lines.
When the tables are created in the Physical Data Library, you should define the values for the
physical units for length, surface area, and weight to match the seed data defined for the project.
See Also
Instrument Body Data (see "Instrument Body (I80 and P80)" on page 267)
Instrument Operator/Actuator Data (see "Instrument Operator (I81 and P81)" on page 269)

Instrument Body (I80 and P80)

Three tables define the instrument body physical and geometric data for each combination of
instrument pds_sort_code and the model code in the Instrument Component Specification Data
of the Material Reference Database.
The default prefix for these table names is Inbody. You can specify a user-defined prefix up to 6
characters for the table names. If you use a user-defined prefix, you must revise the appropriate
Piping Eden modules for the instruments.
The prefix is followed by either Specific or Typical, the instrument pds_sort_code, the model
code, and a letter indicating the table (A-C).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 267

Table Formats and Naming Conventions


The input field is the physical_data_id for the instrument.

The first four output fields are the surface area, the dry weight, the water weight, and the number
of connect points for the instrument.
The remaining output fields are the dimensional parameters P2 through P6, as prescribed in the
PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide.


The output fields are the dimensional parameters P7 through P15, as prescribed in the PDS
Piping Component Data Reference Guide.

268 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions


The output fields are the dimensional parameters P16 through P24, as prescribed in the PDS
Piping Component Data Reference Guide.

Instrument Operator (I81 and P81)

Three tables are required for the instrument operator/actuator geometric data for each
combination of instrument pds_sort_code and model code in the Instrument Component
Specification Data of the Material Reference Database.
The default prefix for these table names is Inoper. You can specify a user-defined prefix, up to 6
characters, for the table names. If you specify a user-defined prefix, you must revise the
appropriate Piping Eden modules for these instrument operators.
The prefix is followed by either Specific or Typical, the instrument pds_sort_code, the model
code, and a letter indicating the table (A - C).


The first two output fields for this table are the operator weight and the operator type. The
operator type must be loaded in the modifier attribute of the Instrument Component

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 269

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Specification Data of the Material Reference Database. The operator type is the number (such as
411) representing the operator and not the symbol name (such as OP_411).
The remaining output fields are dimensional parameters Y2 through Y8, as prescribed in the
PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide. For some operators, the first three dimensional
parameters, Y2 through Y4, define the center of gravity for the operator in terms of offsets from
the instrument center.


The output fields are the dimensional parameters Y9 through Y17, as prescribed in the PDS
Piping Component Data Reference Guide.


The output fields are the dimensional parameters Y18 through Y24, as prescribed in the PDS
Piping Component Data Reference Guide.

270 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Formats and Naming Conventions

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 271


Material Description Data

The PDS 3D modules use the Material Description Library and the material data in the Material
Reference Database to provide material descriptions for commodity items and specialty items.
This data is accessed for:
Material Take-off (MTO) reporting from the Design Database.
Other miscellaneous reporting.
Interfaces to a material control system.
Stress analysis.
Isometric drawing extraction.
The alphanumeric commodity data is made up of four major parts:
Material Data in the Material Reference Database (on page 276) - These database tables
(211 and 212) contain commodity definitions which enable you to further classify the
commodity items defined in the Piping Job Specification. This database information tends
to be customer-specific.
Short Material Description Library (on page 277) - This library contains the short bill-of-
material (BOM) descriptions for all piping commodity items and the BOM description
addenda for taps.
Long Material Description Library (on page 283) - This library contains the long bill-of-
material descriptions for all piping commodity items. The long BOM description is only
used for requisitions.
Specialty Material Description Library (on page 286) - This library contains the bill-of-
material descriptions for engineered items, in-line instruments, and pipe supports.
The material description data in these files is used for reporting and material control and is not
required for the interactive placement of symbols in the model. This data is only accessed
during a batch (non-interactive) process.
See Also
Material Description Library Manager (on page 287)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 273

Material Description Data

Commodity Code
The system uses the commodity code as an index to access the descriptions in the material
description libraries. You can use the commodity code defined in the Piping Commodity
Specification Data table (Table 202 attribute 18) or a user-defined commodity code defined in
the Size-Dependent Material Data table (Table 211 attribute 7).

The source of the commodity code and other processing options for reporting are defined for a
model with the Material Takeoff Options form of the Project Data Manager.
The commodity code represents that set of parameters that completely describe a commodity
item, exclusive of nominal piping diameter and thickness. The character length for the
commodity code is determined from the character length of the commodity code in the Size
Dependent Data table of the database, or from the character length of the commodity code in the
Piping Commodity Data table of the database, depending on which is being used to access the
material descriptions.
The delivered commodity codes use a 10 character code to fully identify the item. The first
letter of the commodity code identifies the basic type of component, such as a valve or flange.

274 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

The remaining characters provide a detailed description of the component. The first character
designations are:
B Flanged and Misc. Fittings Q Socket End Fittings
D Fire and Safety Components R Tubing Fittings
E Steam Specialties S Socketwelded Fittings
F Flanges T Threaded Fittings
G Flanged Specialties U Underground Fittings
H Strainers V Valves
M Misc. Wetted Components W Welded Fittings
N Misc. Non-Wetted Components X Gaskets
O Tubing and Hose Y Bolting
P Pipe


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
P - Pipe
AD - Pipe, Plain Ends
AA - Seamless
BC - X-Strong (s-xs)
AAE - ASTM A106 Gr. B
V - Valve
A - Gate Valve
A - CL150
B - Raised Face Flanged Ends
A - Carbon Steel
H - Trim 8
CC - Crane 47
AA - Blank
Refer to the PDS Piping Component Data Reference Guide for a complete listing of the
delivered commodity codes.
You can use the delivered commodity codes or create your own naming scheme. Regardless of
the scheme used, all the codes must be unique and there must be an exact match between the
commodity code specified for an item in the Material Reference Database and commodity codes
used to define the material descriptions in the Material Descriptions Library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 275

Material Description Data

Tap Commodity Codes

The delivered tap codes use a 10 character code to full identify the tap's material description
addendum. The basic format of the tap commodity code is:
A E if English.
BBB the nominal diameter value of the tap such as $50, $75, or 001. The use of leading
and trailing zeroes is specific to this table naming convention. ($ represents a
decimal point.)
CCC End preparation value as defined in code list set 330.
DDD user-defined value.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
E $ 5 0 4 2 1 0 6 4
E - English
$50 - NPD = 0.5 inches
421 - SWE - socketwelded end
064 - unique number

Tri-Clover Commodity Code Logic

The Tri-Clover commodity codes are based on Tri-Clover part numbers, but have been modified
so that they are less than 18 characters.

Tri-Clover part number:
BS14AM = Part Description
4" = Size
316L = Material Grade
PL = Surface Finish Description
Tri-Clover commodity code:
In the Tri-Clover commodity code, the dashes ("-") and size are removed so that the commodity
code is less than 18 characters. The commodity code description lists the full part number.

276 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

Material Data in the Material Reference Database

The Material Reference Database contains two database tables which contain Material Data.
Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Data (211)
The Size-Dependent Data table contains the data for a specific commodity item that is
dependent on the commodity code, nominal piping diameter, and schedule/thickness. It is
used for miscellaneous batch reporting, such as construction cost reports and requisition
orders, and interfaces to material control, stress analysis, and isometric drawing extraction.
Piping Commodity Implied Material Data (212)
The Implied Material Data table contains the implied material data for a specific commodity
item that is dependent on both the Piping Commodity Library code and nominal piping
diameter range. This data is used strictly for generating implied material for MTO reporting
and material control. It is not used for welds, bolts, nuts, or gaskets, but is reserved for other
types of implied material, such as caps or stubs, for a specific commodity item. It is also
used for reporting the implied components of a commodity item (such as cap screws).
Refer to Material Reference Database Structure (on page 29) for information on the structure of
these database tables. Also, refer to the description of the Piping Job Specification Manager (on
page 101) for information on loading material data into these database tables via neutral files.

Short Material Description Library

This library contains the short bill of materials description for all piping commodity items and
the description addenda for taps. The short BOM description is used for MTO reporting and for
reporting from the Piping Job Specification. This parameter is required during the creation of
the Piping Job Specification. Nominal piping diameter is not included in this description.
The short material descriptions are delivered in the files
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_shbom.l - object library
The short material descriptions can be up to 240 characters in length.

Neutral Files
You can use neutral files to insert data into the Short Material Description Library or replace
existing data. The neutral files for the delivered material descriptions are contained in the text
library. You can use the neutral files in the following files:
The Short Material Description Library is created from two neutral files. (These can be created
with a text editor such as Notepad.)
A neutral file containing the short material descriptions for commodity items. The neutral
file contains unique Commodity Codes followed by at least one space and a description
enclosed in single quotes. It also contains the chain wheel descriptions and implied material
descriptions associated with a commodity item.
The commodity code identifies the Piping Commodity Library code or customer's
commodity code. The character length for this code is determined from the character length
of the commodity code in the Size Dependent Data table of the database, or from the
character length of the commodity library code in the Piping Commodity Data table of the
database, depending on which is being used to access the material descriptions.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 277

Material Description Data

For chain wheels, the commodity code has the format CHAIN_xx, where xx represents the
chain wheel number (for example, CHAIN_12). The chain wheel number is defined in the
component and instrument analysis entities of the TDB.
A neutral file containing the material description addenda for taps. This file contains the tap
code and the text for the tap description. The tap code identifies the unique identification of
a tap.
The following conventions are used to identify different types of information in the material
^ All information to the left of the carat (^) is used in MTO reporting and isometric
extraction, but is excluded from Spec reporting.
|| Information appearing in |Pipes| indicates information for Spec descriptions only. This
information is excluded from the descriptions for MTO reporting and isometric
[] Information appearing in [brackets] indicates a label type from the Label Description
Library. The system uses the label format to determine the information to be included in
the material description for MTO reporting and isometric extraction. The label
information is never used in Spec reporting.
The following label types are provided in the product delivery:

Label No Data in Label Source of Data

400 Comp cmdty code Component
401 Piping sch/thk 1 Pipe
402 Tag no Component
403 Component sch/thk 1 Component
406 Component sch/thk 1 b Component
407 Component sch/thk 2 Component
409 Component sch/thk 2 b Component
412 Component sch/thk 1 x 2 Component
414 Component sch/thk 1 x 2 Component
416 Component sch/thk 1 x 3 Component
417 Component sch/thk 1 x 3 Component
421 Bonnet length Component
422 Piping chain length Component
423 Reinforcing weld size Component
424 Instr chain length Component
425 RPAD width x thick Component

278 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

Label No Data in Label Source of Data

426 Comp NPD 1 Component
427 Monitor elev length Component
428 Hydrant cover Component
429 Blank/spacer thk Component

Data Retrieval
The system uses the commodity code to retrieve the short material descriptions from the
Material Description Library.
Commodity Material Descriptions
! Date/Time: Thu Apr 23 14:16:58 1992
! Processed Library c:
!Cmdty Code
CHAIN_1003 'Chainwheel operator each with [422] of total chain
length for [426] NPD valve with commodity code [400]'
CHAIN_1005 'Chainwheel operator each with [422] of total chain
length for [426] NPD valve with commodity code [400]'
CHAIN_1251 'Chainwheel operator each with [424] of total chain
length for valve with tag no [402]'
DAABAXAABE 'Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ^station type, 4" CL150 in-let
by 2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet
w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with 0.75"
coupling in base, w/shapertip nozzle, Stang BB0309-21'
DAABAXAABF 'Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ^station type 4" CL150 in-let
by 2.5" NHT stainless steel
outlet w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with 0.75"
coupling in base, w/fog nozzle,
Stang BB0309-21'
DACBAXABBC 'Monitor, CL150 FFFE, ^elevated type, free standing,
4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT
stainless steel outlet, [427], w/drain coupling,
w/shapertip nozzle and two reaction supports,
Stang BB2999-'
DACBAXABBD 'Monitor, CL300 FFFE, ^elevated type, supported, 6"
CL300 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless
steel outlet, [427], w/drain coupling, w/shapertip
nozzle, Stang BB3561'
DBAAAXBAAB 'Fire hydrant, CL125 FFFE, ^5" size,
counterclockwise open, 4.5" steamer nozzle,
two 2.5" hose nozzles equipped w/caps and chains,
[428], American Darling B-50-B'
DCBGDXEADA 'Hose rack, 300#, FTE, ^w/valve, wall mount, rt hand
w/100 ft hose & fog nozzle Powhatan 30-333'
DDAXCJDAAA 'Spray sprinkler, MTE, filled cone w/rupture disc,
304, Grinnell, Mulsifyre Projector S-1'

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 279

Material Description Data

FAAAAAWAAA 'Flange, CL150, FFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,

[409]|bore to match|'
FAAAAAWWAA 'Flange, CL150, FFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
cement lined, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABADIIA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
FAAABADIIF 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
FAAABADNPF 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-B166-600, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, S-80S bore'
FAAABAOAAA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
S-160 bore'
FAAABAOABB 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, S-160 bore'
FAAABAOFFH 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, S-160 bore'
FAAABAWAAA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
[409]|bore to match|'
FAAABAWABB 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABAWFFH 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABAWFFL 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F9, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABAWIIA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABAWIIF 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABAWNPF 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-B166-600, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAABBDAAA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
S-XXS bore'
FAAADAOAAA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
125 Ra finish, S-160 bore'
FAAADAOFFC 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, 125 Ra finish, S-160 bore'
FAAADAWAAA 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAADAWFFC 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|'
FAAADBDFFC 'Flange, CL150, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, 125 Ra finish, S-XXS bore'
FAABBADIIA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
FAABBADIIF 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
FAABBAOAAA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
S-160 bore'
FAABBAOABB 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, S-160 bore'

280 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

FAABBAOFFC 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,

WN, S-160 bore'
FAABBAOFFH 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, S-160 bore'
FAABBAWAAA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
[409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWABB 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A350-LF2, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWFFC 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWFFH 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWFFL 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F9, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWIIA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWIIF 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBAWNPF 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-B166-600, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABBBDAAA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
S-XXS bore'
FAABDADIIJ 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F321, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, S-80S bore'
FAABDAOAAA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
125 Ra finish, S-160 bore'
FAABDAOFFC 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, 125 Ra finish, S-160 bore'
FAABDAWAAA 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABDAWFFC 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABDAWFFH 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|'
FAABDAWIIJ 'Flange, CL300, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F321, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, 125 Ra finish, [409]|bore to match|'
FAADBADIIA 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
FAADBADIIF 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F316, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, S-80S bore'
FAADBAOAAA 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
S-160 bore'
FAADBAOABE 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASME-SA105, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, S-160 bore'
FAADBAWAAA 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A105, ANSI-B16.5, WN,
[409]|bore to match|'
FAADBAWABE 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASME-SA105, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAADBAWFFC 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F11, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAADBAWFFH 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F5, ANSI-B16.5,
WN, [409]|bore to match|'

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 281

Material Description Data

FAADBAWFFL 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F9, ANSI-B16.5,

WN, [409]|bore to match|'
FAADBAWIIA 'Flange, CL600, RFFE/BE, ^ASTM-A182-F304, ANSI-
B16.5, WN, [409]|bore to match|'

Tap Material Descriptions

! Date/Time: Thu Apr 23 12:09:23 1992
! Processed Library c:
!Cmdty Code
E$12591XXX '0.125" diam hole'
E$25591XXX '0.25" diam hole'
E$37591XXX '0.375" diam hole'
E$50021018 '0.5" NPD, CL150 RFFE tap'
E$50021028 '0.5" NPD, CL300 RFFE tap'
E$50021036 '0.5" NPD, CL600 RFFE tap'
E$50401093 '0.5" NPD, Sch 80 SE tap'
E$50421064 '0.5" NPD, CL3000 SWE tap'
E$50421072 '0.5" NPD, CL6000 SWE tap'
E$50421076 '0.5" NPD, CL9000 SWE tap'
E$50441056 '0.5" NPD, CL2000 FTE tap'
E$50441064 '0.5" NPD, CL3000 FTE tap'
E$50441072 '0.5" NPD, CL6000 FTE tap'
E$50591XXX '0.5" diam hole'
E$75021018 '0.75" NPD, CL150 RFFE tap'
E$75021028 '0.75" NPD, CL300 RFFE tap'
E$75021036 '0.75" NPD, CL600 RFFE tap'
E$75401093 '0.75" NPD, Sch 80 SE tap'
E$75421064 '0.75" NPD, CL3000 SWE tap'
E$75421072 '0.75" NPD, CL6000 SWE tap'
E$75421076 '0.75" NPD, CL9000 SWE tap'
E$75441056 '0.75" NPD, CL2000 FTE tap'
E$75441064 '0.75" NPD, CL3000 FTE tap'
E$75441072 '0.75" NPD, CL6000 FTE tap'
E$75591XXX '0.75" diam hole'
E001021018 '1" NPD, CL150 RFFE tap'
E001021028 '1" NPD, CL300 RFFE tap'
E001021036 '1" NPD, CL600 RFFE tap'
E001401093 '1" NPD, Sch 80 SE tap'
E001421064 '1" NPD, CL3000 SWE tap'
E001421072 '1" NPD, CL6000 SWE tap'
E001421076 '1" NPD, CL9000 SWE tap'
E001441056 '1" NPD, CL2000 FTE tap'
E001441064 '1" NPD, CL3000 FTE tap'
E001441072 '1" NPD, CL6000 FTE tap'
E001591XXX '1" diam hole'
E002021018 '2" NPD, CL150 RFFE tap'
E002021028 '2" NPD, CL300 RFFE tap'
E002021036 '2" NPD, CL600 RFFE tap'
E002401093 '2" NPD, Sch 80 SE tap'

282 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

E002421064 '2" NPD, CL3000 SWE tap'

E002421072 '2" NPD, CL6000 SWE tap'
E002421076 '2" NPD, CL9000 SWE tap'
E002441056 '2" NPD, CL2000 FTE tap'
E002441064 '2" NPD, CL3000 FTE tap'
E002441072 '2" NPD, CL6000 FTE tap'
E002591XXX '2" diam hole'
E003021018 '3" NPD, CL150 RFFE tap'
E003021028 '3" NPD, CL300 RFFE tap'
E003021036 '3" NPD, CL600 RFFE tap'
E003401093 '3" NPD, Sch 80 SE tap'
E003421064 '3" NPD, CL3000 SWE tap'
E003441056 '3" NPD, CL2000 FTE tap'
E003441064 '3" NPD, CL3000 FTE tap'
E003441072 '3" NPD, CL6000 FTE tap'
E003591XXX '3" diam hole'
E004021018 '4" NPD, CL150 RFFE tap'
E004021028 '4" NPD, CL300 RFFE tap'
E004021036 '4" NPD, CL600 RFFE tap'
E004401093 '4" NPD, Sch 80 SE tap'
E004421064 '4" NPD, CL3000 SWE tap'
E004441056 '4" NPD, CL2000 FTE tap'
E004441064 '4" NPD, CL3000 FTE tap'
E004441072 '4" NPD, CL6000 FTE tap'
E004591XXX '4" diam hole'

Long Material Description Library

This library contains the long bill of materials description for all piping commodity items. The
long bill of materials description is only used for requisitions. It is usually a very long
description such as a paragraph. Nominal piping diameter is not included in the description.
This data is used strictly for MTO reporting and material control.
The long material descriptions are delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\us_lgbom.l.
The long material descriptions can be up to 500 characters in length.

Neutral Files
The Long Material Description Library is created through a neutral file which contains the long
material descriptions for commodity items. The neutral file contains unique commodity codes
followed by at least one space and a description enclosed in single quotes.
You can use neutral files to insert data into the Long Material Description Library or replace
existing data.
The commodity code identifies the Piping Commodity Library code or customer's commodity
code. The character length for this code is determined from the character length of the
commodity code in the Size Dependent Data database table, or from the character length of the
commodity library code in the Piping Commodity Data table of the PJS database, depending on
which is being used to access the material descriptions.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 283

Material Description Data

The long description can be up to 500 characters. Because this description may include label
numbers which are translated to text strings, the reported (compiled) length of the description
can be up to 600 characters.
Prior to the 5.0 release, there was a restriction that no more than 255 characters could be
specified per line in the neutral file. This required that long descriptions be continued on
multiple lines. With the 5.0 release, a neutral file for long material descriptions may contain up
to 600 characters per line.

Data Retrieval
The system uses the Piping Commodity Library code or commodity code to access the text for
the long description in the Long Material Description Library.
Listing for Long Material Descriptions
! Date/Time: Fri Apr 24 10:48:13 1992
! Processed Library c:
!Cmdty Code
DAABAXAABE 'Monitor, 750 GPM at 100 psig, CL150 flat face
flange end, station type, 4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless
steel outlet w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with
0.75" coupling in base, w/shapertip nozzle, Stang BB0309-21
or approved equal'
DAABAXAABF 'Monitor, 750 GPM at 100 psig, CL150 flat face
flange end, station type 4" CL150 in-let by 2.5" NHT stainless
steel outlet w/stainless steel stem lock knobs with
0.75" coupling in base, w/fog nozzle, Stang BB0309-21
or approved equal'
DACBAXABBC 'Monitor, 750 GPM at 100 psig, CL150 flat face
flange end, elevated type, free standing, 4" CL150 in-let by
2.5" NHT stainless steel outlet, w/drain coupling,
w/shapertip nozzle and two reaction supports,
Stang BB2999-[427] high or approved equal'
DACBAXABBD 'Monitor, 750 GPM at 100 psig, CL300 flat face
flange end, elevated type, supported, 6" CL300 in-let by 2.5"
NHT stainless steel outlet, w/drain coupling,
w/shapertip nozzle, Stang BB3561-[427] high or approved equal'
DBAAAXBAAB 'Fire hydrant, CL125 flat face flange end, 5" size,
regular rating, ductile iron barrel, bronze trim,
bituminous paint below grade, red epoxy paint above
grade, counterclockwise open, 4.5" steamer nozzle, two 2.5"
hose nozzles equipped w/caps and chains, [428],
American Darling B-50-B or approved equal'
DCBGDXEADA 'Hose rack w/bronze angle valve, 300#, female
threaded end, wall mount, right hand w/100 ft synthetic single
jacketed hose, rack nipple & fog nozzle, Powhatan
30-333 or approved equal'
DDAXCJDAAA 'Spray sprinkler, male threaded end, filled cone
w/rupture disc, .313" orifice, Type 304 stainless steel,

284 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

Grinnell Fire Protection, Mulsifyre Projector S-1

50-12 or approved equal'
FAAAAAWAAA 'Flange, weld neck, flat face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, [409]'
FAAAAAWWAA 'Flange, weld neck, flat face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, cement lined, [409]'
FAAABADIIA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F304, Sch 80S bore'
FAAABADIIF 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F316, Sch 80S bore'
FAAABADNPF 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-B166 Gr.600 UNS N06600, hot finish, Sch 80S bore'
FAAABAOAAA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, Sch 160 bore'
FAAABAOABB 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A350 Gr.LF2, Sch 160 bore'
FAAABAOFFH 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F5, Sch 160 bore'
FAAABAWAAA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, [409]'
FAAABAWABB 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A350 Gr.LF2, [409]'
FAAABAWFFH 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F5, [409]'
FAAABAWFFL 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F9, [409]'
FAAABAWGFD 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASME-SA182 Gr.F11, [409]'
FAAABAWIIA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F304, [409]'
FAAABAWIIF 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F316, [409]'
FAAABAWNPF 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-B166 Gr.600 UNS N06600, hot finish, [409]'
FAAABBDAAA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, XX-strong bore'
FAAADAOAAA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, 125 Ra
finish, ANSI-B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, Sch 160 bore'
FAAADAOFFC 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, 125 Ra
finish, ANSI-B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F11, Sch 160 bore'
FAAADAWAAA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, 125 Ra
finish, ANSI-B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A105, [409]'
FAAADAWFFC 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, 125 Ra
finish, ANSI-B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F11, [409]'
FAAADBDFFC 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, 125 Ra
finish, ANSI-B16.5 CL150, ASTM-A182 Gr.F11, XX-strong bore'
FAABBADIIA 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL300, ASTM-A182 Gr.F304, Sch 80S bore'
FAABBADIIB 'Flange, weld neck, raised face flanged end, ANSI-
B16.5 CL300, ASTM-A182 Gr.F304L, Sch 80S bore'

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 285

Material Description Data

Specialty Material Description Library

This Library contains the material descriptions for any engineered items or in-line instruments
which are reported by MTO or material control. These material descriptions are job-specific and
are accessed by the specialty item's tag number.
This data is used strictly for MTO reporting and material control. The specialty material
descriptions can be up to 240 characters in length.
Neutral Files
Three neutral files are used to insert data into or replace data for the specialty material
Material descriptions for engineered items
(engineered item number = tag).
Material descriptions for instruments.
(instrument tag number = tag).
Material descriptions for pipe supports.
(commodity code = tag).
These files contain the specialty tag number and the text for the material description. The
specialty tag number is appended by a specialty type which is used to distinguish between
engineered items, in-line instruments, and pipe supports.
The descriptions in Specialty Material Description Library tend to be customer-specific. The
following is a listing of sample neutral files for the specialty data.
! Date/Time: Thu Apr 30 09:02:24 1992
! Processed Library c:
!Cmdty Code
INSTR 'Instrument'
PSPECIALTY 'Piping specialty component'
PSUPPORT '[970]'
! Date/Time: Thu Apr 30 09:02:39 1992
! Processed Library c:
!Cmdty Code
! Date/Time: Thu Apr 30 09:02:56 1992
! Processed Library c:

286 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

!Cmdty Code
SUPP1 @fffffe"ffff98O 'PIPE SUPPORT NUMBER 1.'
SUPP2 @fffffe"ffff98O 'PIPE SUPPORT NUMBER 2.'
SUPP3 @fffffe"ffff98O 'PIPE SUPPORT NUMBER 3.'

Data Retrieval
The system uses the specialty tag number and specialty type to access the text for the material
descriptions in the Specialty Material Description Library.

Material Description Library Manager

The Material Description Library Manager enables you to create and modify alphanumeric
commodity data. You can initialize libraries, create material description data, append new data
to existing material description data, revise (delete and replace) existing data, and delete existing
You can use the copy and paste commands to copy existing library data from another project and
make the necessary revisions using the Material Description Library Manager.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Material Description Library Manager from the Reference Data Manager form.
The system displays the Material Description Library Manager form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 287

Material Description Data

2. Select the option for the library to be modified.

Short Material Description Library
Long Material Description Library
Specialty Material Description Library
3. The data manipulation options for each of the libraries is similar. You can perform the
following activities for each of the libraries.

Create Library (on page 289) Creates a new (empty) Short Material Description Library,
Long Material Description Library, or Specialty Material Description Library.
Unapprove ==> Approve (see "Unapproved ==> Approved" on page 289) Copies data
from the unapproved library to the approved library.
Load/Revise Interactive (on page 289) Adds the contents of the neutral files to the
information currently in an existing Material Description Library or revises an existing table
in the library.
Load/Revise Batch (on page 290) Adds the contents of the neutral files to the information
currently in an existing Material Description Library or revises an existing table in the
Replace Interactive (on page 291) Deletes all entries in the respective Material
Description Library file and then loads new entries from a neutral file.
Replace Batch (on page 291) Deletes all entries in the respective Material Description
Library file and then loads new entries from a neutral file.
Report (see "Report Option" on page 292) Used to create a report file or a neutral file of
the contents of the material description library.

288 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Material Description Library. This option is disabled if the
library already exists.
1. Select Create Library from the Material Description Library Manager form.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Library names as defined in the RDB
Management Data.

2. The system prompts Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library
Select Accept to create the specified library files.

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option is used to copy the data in the unapproved material description library to the
approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the library file to the approved library.
If the approved and unapproved library names are the same, the system displays an error

Load/Revise Interactive
This option enables you to load entries from a neutral ASCII file into the Material Description
Library. Refer to the library descriptions earlier in this section for a listing of the neutral file
formats used in defining the delivered material data.
This option adds the contents of the neutral files to the information currently in the library or
revises an existing table in the library.
The neutral files for the delivered RDB data are contained in the delivered material description
libraries. Refer to the Report option for information on extracting the neutral files.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Load/Revise option.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 289

Material Description Data

2. Select File Type

Select the type of material data to be loaded into the specified library from the display list
and select Accept.

3. Specify Neutral File Name

Key in the file specification for the neutral file that contains the data to be processed.
4. Accept to Create New Records or Exit
Select Accept to begin processing the neutral file.
The system begins processing the load/revise request.

Load/Revise Batch
This option enables you to load entries from a neutral ASCII file into the Material Description
Library via batch processing. Refer to the library descriptions earlier in this section for a listing
of the neutral file formats used in defining the delivered material data.
This option adds the contents of the neutral files to the information currently in the library or
revises an existing table in the library.
The neutral files for the delivered RDB data are contained in the delivered material description
libraries. Refer to the Report option for information on extracting the neutral files.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Load/Revise option.
2. Select File Type
Select the type of material data to be loaded into the specified library from the display list
and select Accept.


290 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

4. Specify Neutral File Name

Key in the file specification for the neutral file that contains the data to be processed and
select Accept.
5. Accept to Submit or Specify Submit Time
Set the toggle to Submit Batch Immediately or Delayed Batch Submit Time.
For delayed submission, set the time to process the neutral file.
6. Select Accept to begin processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.

Replace Interactive
This option enables you to load entries from a neutral ASCII file into the Material Description
Library. Refer to the library descriptions earlier in this section for a listing of the neutral file
formats used in defining the delivered material data.
This option deletes all entries in the respective library file and then loads new entries from the
neutral file.
The neutral files for the delivered RDB data are contained in the delivered material description
libraries. Refer to the Report option for information on extracting the neutral files.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Replace Interactive option from the Material Description Library form.
2. Select File Type
Select the type of material data to be loaded into the specified library from the display list
and select Accept.

3. Specify Neutral File Name

Key in the file specification for the neutral file that contains the data to be processed.
4. Accept to Create New Records or Exit
Select Accept to begin processing the neutral file.

Replace Batch
This option enables you to load entries from a neutral file into the Material Description Library
via batch processing. Refer to the library descriptions earlier in this section for a listing of the
neutral file formats used in defining the delivered material data.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 291

Material Description Data

This option deletes all entries in the respective library file and then loads new entries from the
neutral file.
The neutral files for the delivered RDB data are contained in the delivered material description
libraries. Refer to the Report option for information on extracting the neutral files.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Replace Batch option from the Material Description Library form.
2. Select File Type
Select the type of material data to be loaded into the specified library from the display list
and select Accept.

3. Specify Neutral File Name

Key in the file specification for the neutral file that contains the data to be processed and
select Accept.
4. Accept to Submit or Specify Submit Time
Set the toggle to Submit Batch Immediately or Delayed Batch Submit Time.
For delayed submission, set the time to process the neutral file.
5. Select Accept to begin processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.

Report Option
The Report option enables you to create neutral files or report files using the information in the
Material Description Library. Refer to the description of the Short Material Description Library
(on page 277), Long Material Description Library (on page 283), and Specialty Material
Description Library (on page 286) for more information on the types of neutral files.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from one of the library forms.

292 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Material Description Data

2. Select File Type

Select the type of material data to be extracted from the specified library from the display list
and select Accept.

3. Specify Neutral File Name

Key in the name of the neutral file to be created. You can change the Node Name and File
Path information.
4. Accept or Toggle to Create Report
Select Accept to create the specified neutral file.
5. Set the toggle to Unapproved Library or Approved Library to define the source of
information to be reported. This toggle is only displayed when both the approved and the
unapproved library are being used.
6. Set the toggle to Create Neutral File to create a neutral file which can be revised and
reloaded into the library.
Set the toggle to Create Report to create a report file of the information in the library. The
report output is the same as the neutral file except that the system aligns subsequent lines of
the material description left-justified to the beginning of the material description rather than
the commodity code.
For the report selection, the system displays the following options.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 293

Material Description Data

7. Select the reporting option.

Print / Delete submit the generated report output file to the specified print queue and
delete the output file.
Print / Save submit the generated report output file to the specified print queue and
save the output file.
Save save the output file and suppress printing.
For either of the Print options, the system displays a list of queues based on information in
the project Queue Description Library. Refer to the Project Administrator Reference Guide
for more information on the Queue Description Library and setting up print queues.
Select the queue for the required output device.
8. Select Accept to begin processing the request.

294 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Table Checker
The Table Checker enables you to verify that all the commodity spec tables, entries, and Eden
modules for a piping materials class exist in the graphic data libraries for the project.
This process accesses the Eden code for each commodity item in the piping material class and
checks that the table names created in the physical dimension modules exist in the project
Physical Data Library. This routine checks for the existence of the tables and checks the contents
of the tables.

For Table Checker to function, there MUST be at least one piping model file created in the
project, and it must have a piping materials class (spec) defined in the Active Segment
The Type 63 settings of the model with the highest alphanumeric name are used as defaults
for the Table Checker reports. If weight tables are set to 'yes' for this model, then Table
Checker will search for and report on found and missing weight tables. If MTO Bolt
Calculation is set to 'almost precise,' Table Checker will search for the 'almost precise' tables
(table naming format = G12). If set to 'precise,' Table Checker will search for 'precise' tables
(table naming format = G12T).
When the spec contains PIPING/TUBE and PIPE/TUBING, Table Checker will report as per
Type 63 data settings.
If Component Placement is set to PIPING for Pipe Commodity Name and TUBE for Tube
Commodity Name, Table Checker uses these commodity names and searches for PDPIPING
and PDTUBE in the Graphic Commodity Library. If there are any other PIPE and TUBING
values found in the spec that do not match with Type 63, Table Checker assumes that this is a
regular commodity item. It uses the model_code and searches for SPmodel_Code in the
Graphic Commodity Library.
If Component Placement is set to PIPE for Pipe Commodity Name and TUBING for Tube
Commodity Name, Table Checker uses these commodity names and searches for PDPIPE and
PDTUBING in the Graphic Commodity Library. If there are any other PIPING and TUBE values
found in the spec that do not match with Type 63, Table Checker assumes that this is a regular
commodity item. It uses the model_code and searches for SPmodel_code in the Graphic
Commodity Library.
In such cases, if the model_code of the item is the same as the commodity_name that matches
with Type 63 data, the Table Checker may report the same value under both Eden Found and
Eden Not Found. In other words, Table Checker reports the commodity_name under Eden
Found and the model_code under Eden Not Found.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 295

Table Checker

The Table Checker provides the following features.
Reports on one piping material class selected from the available entries in the
Specification/Material Database.
Reports on all valid sizes in the size range for each piping commodity using the Nominal
Piping Diameter table for that piping materials class.
Reports dimensional tables used during the placement of each piping commodity in the
piping materials class. This includes the table names, the types of tables, the existence of
those tables (found or not found), and the output values from those tables.
Reports Piping Eden modules used during the placement of each piping commodity in the
piping materials class. This includes the Piping Eden module names and the existence of
those modules (found or not found).
Reports dimensional tables used for all piping commodities in the entire report (the piping
materials class). This includes the table names, the revision dates for those tables, and the
source Dimension Table Library.
Reports bolt tables for each piping commodity with bolted ends.
Reports Piping Eden modules used for all piping commodities in the entire report (the piping
materials class). This includes the Piping Eden module names and the existence of those
modules (found or not found).
Verifies that a material description exists in the Material Description Library for any piping
commodities defined in the Material Reference Database. The commodity code as defined
in the Piping Commodity Specification Data Table (PDtable_202) or the Piping Commodity
Size-Dependent Material Data Table (PDtable_211) is used to verify the material
Verifies that a material description exists in the Material Description Library for any implied
component defined in the Piping Commodity Implied Material Data Table (PDtable_212) of
the Material Reference Database.
Verifies that a material description exists in the Specialty Material Description Library for
any piping specialty or instrument defined in the Material Reference Database.
Provides a detailed error report of any tables or table entries that were found missing during
the processing of the piping materials class.
For tables containing schedule thickness calculations as part of the name, the
calculations are replaced with preferred thickness unless no preferred thickness is found for
that size or PMC thickness table.
If any errors are encountered during execution, the system appends the errors to the end of the
report output. In the case of severe errors, it creates a file named RPT_ERR.LOG.
Commodity items with option codes greater than 5000 (spec implied components) are not

Format Files
The Table Checker uses report format files to define the report output. It uses the same reporting
indices as any other report from the Piping Job Specification data (the C indices). Refer to
Format Files in the Report Manager Reference Guide for more information on these indices.

296 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

The following example report formats for the Table Checker are included in the PD_DATA
sample directory (\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\format/). Refer to the Report Manager
Reference Guide for more information on report type.
This report format reports on virtually all data generated by the Table Checker. It is a
combination of the following sample report formats: tbl_chk_2.fmt, tbl_chk_3.fmt, and
It reports the piping commodities in the selected piping materials class with the dimension
tables and Piping Eden modules used, including a list of all entries read in the dimension
tables. It also lists all dimension tables and Piping Eden modules required for those piping
commodities, but not available in the Reference Database.
This report format reports the dimension tables and Piping Eden modules used by each
piping commodity in the applicable piping materials class.
This report lists all entries read in dimension tables for the applicable piping materials class.
This report format reports a total list of dimension tables and Piping Eden modules used for
the applicable piping materials class. It also lists all dimension tables and Piping Eden
modules required for those piping commodities, but not available in the Reference Database.
This report verifies the reference data for any piping specialties defined in the Reference
Database (pdtable_203).
This report verifies the reference data for any instruments defined in the Reference Database
Table format 5 or 6 must be used when the discrimination file is created with the No
Piping Material Class button selected.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 297

Table Checker

Table Checker Form

The Report Manager form enables you to generate reports from the project, design, and
reference database files with the report definition data. The report record and the location
records for each discrimination data file and format file are stored in the project control database.
These numbered records are used to locate ASCII files on their specified nodes.

Report Format Displays the Report Format form, which you can use to create, revise,
copy, or delete the record of a format file (not the format file). For more information, see
Report Format Form (on page 300).
Report Discrimination Data Displays the Discrimination Data form, which you can
use to create, revise, copy, or delete the record of a discrimination data file as well as the file
itself. For more information, see Discrimination Data Form (on page 303).
Report Displays the Report form, which you can use to create, revise, delete, and
approve report records and report files. For more information, see Report Form (on page
Report Management Data Displays the Report Management Defaults form, which
you can use to create a record in the project control database of the default nodename and
path for the report definition files. This option is primarily used for setup. For more
information, see Report Management Defaults Form (on page 316).

298 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Using the Report Commands

Understanding Report Files and Records
The Table Checker uses the discrimination data files, format files, and database records that
represent these files to generate reports. The following definitions explain all of the files and
records in the reporting process.

Format File and Record

The format file is a user-defined, ASCII file which must be created with a text editor outside of
the Table Checker. It contains special indices identifying what data appears in the report and
how the data is sorted. It also defines how the data is formatted in the report. Without the
format file(s), Table Checker reports cannot be processed. A set of basic format files is
delivered for each type of reporting.
Using the Report Format option, you can create a numbered record for each format file so that
it can be accessed for report processing. The format record is a record in the Project Control
Database used to name and locate a specific format file. Unlike the format file, the format record
is created interactively. It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is used for report
processing but is not an actual file.

Discrimination Data File and Record

The discrimination data file limits the report to only the specified database occurrences. It is an
ASCII file that is created interactively using the Table Checker.
The discrimination data record is a record in the Project Control Database used to name and
locate a specific discrimination data file. There is a uniquely-numbered record for each
discrimination data file so that it can be accessed for report processing. This is the same way
that the format record is used to access a format file.

Report Output and Record

The Table Checker creates a report using the specified format, discrimination, and search criteria
data files, and places it in the specified directory on the specified node.
The report record names or defines locations for all of the files that are necessary to generate a
report, including the report output. (It is called a record to classify it as a block of data that is
used for report processing but is not an actual file.)

Group Workflow
There is a definite workflow for at least the first time you create a report. First, use the Report
Management Data option to specify defaults for the nodename and path of the report definition
files. By defining the defaults first, you can prevent keying in a nodename and path on each
form. If you want to use a different nodename or path than the defined default, simply place a
data point in that field and key in the modification.
The following steps can be done in any order: create your format record, discrimination data
record, and discrimination data file using the Report Format and Report Discrimination Data
options. Reports cannot be generated until the format file, the discrimination data file, and their
corresponding records have been established.
Finally, use the Report option to create the actual report.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 299

Table Checker

Report Format Form

When you choose the Report Format option from the Report Manager form, the Report
Format form is displayed.

This form enables you to create, copy, revise, or delete a record of the location of the format file
in the project control database. An option is also provided that enables you to copy a record and
its corresponding ASCII format files.
The format file defines the data that will be reported and the way in which that data will be
displayed. Reports cannot be generated unless a format file exists and a record of the file's
location has been entered into the project control database.
Create Displays the Format Creation/Revision form, which enables you to add a new
record of a format file in the project control database. For more information, see Format
Creation/Revision Form (on page 301).
Copy Displays the Format Creation/Revision form, which copies the record of an
existing format file from the project control database along with the corresponding ASCII
format file. For more information, see Format Creation/Revision Form (on page 301).
Revise Displays the Format Creation/Revision form, which modifies a record of an
existing format file in the project control database. For more information, see Format
Creation/Revision Form (on page 301).
Delete Displays the Deletion form, which deletes an existing record of a format file from
the project control database. If the record of the format file is deleted, reporting cannot be
performed. For more information, see Format Deletion Form (on page 302).

300 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Format Creation/Revision Form

When you choose Create, Copy, or Revise from the Report Format form, the Format
Creation/Revision form is displayed.

This form creates or revises a record in the project control database; this record defines the
location of a format file. The format file itself defines the contents and format of the report.
Both the location specification and the format file must exist to report on PDS data.
Number A unique number of up to 24 characters. Specifies the short name in the project
control database used to identify the record of the format file.
Description A description of up to 40 characters for the format file.
File Specification The file name of the format file to reference.
Path The disk location of the format file. This field retains the active setting.
Node The nodename of the system on which the format file is located. This field retains
the active setting.

Before Using this Form

You must have created an ASCII format file. A set of basic format files is delivered with the
PD_Data product in the ~\pddata\sample\format directory. The file for MTO reporting is named

Operating Sequence
1. Select Create, Copy, or Revise.
A list of available records displays for copy or revision. To create a database record, go to
Step 3.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 301

Table Checker

2. Select Report Format

From the displayed list, select the record to be copied or revised. Then click Accept.
Key-in fields are displayed for you to specify the required database information.
3. Specify Report Format Data
Type information in each of the displayed fields, taking care to press Enter in each field.
Then click Accept.
The project control database is updated.

Format Deletion Form

When you choose Delete, the Deletion form is displayed.

This form deletes a report record from the project control database and can optionally delete the
associated file. This form is used with format files and their database records, discrimination
data files and their database records, and search criteria files and their database records.
Number/Description Displays the 24-character short name and the 40-character
description of a report record in the project control database.
Delete File/Do Not Delete File Determines whether the associated file is deleted. When
set to Delete File, the database record is deleted along with the associated file. When set to
Do Not Delete File, only the database record is deleted.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Format
From the displayed list, select the database record to be deleted.
2. Set the Delete File/Do Not Delete File toggle as needed. Then click Accept.
The specified record is deleted. If specified, the associated file is also deleted.

302 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Discrimination Data Form

When you select Report Discrimination Data from the Report Manager form, the
Discrimination Data form is displayed.

This form creates, copies, revises, and deletes a discrimination data file from the specified
directory. The associated record in the project control database is also copied, revised, or
deleted as needed.
A discrimination data file is an ASCII file that designates which models will be included in a
report. That is, discrimination data specifies the scope of the report. The project control
database record specifies the name and location of the discrimination data file that is to be
associated with a specific report.
Create Displays the Discrimination Data Creation form, which creates a new
discrimination data file. The associated project control database record is also created. For
more information, see Discrimination Data Creation Form (on page 304).
Copy Displays the Discrimination Data Revision form, which copies an existing data
file. The associated project control database record is also copied. For more information,
see Discrimination Data Revision Form (on page 305).
Revise Displays the Discrimination Data Revision form, which modifies discrimination
data. You can use this option to revise the contents of the discrimination data file, the
location of the discrimination file, and the associated record in the project control database.
For more information, see Discrimination Data Revision Form (on page 305).
Delete Displays the Deletion form, which deletes a discrimination data file as well as its
associated record in the project control database. For more information, see Discrimination
Data Deletion Form (on page 306).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 303

Table Checker

Discrimination Data Creation Form

When you select Create from the Discrimination Data form, the Discrimination Data
Creation form is displayed.

This form creates a discrimination data file in a specified directory. It also creates a
corresponding record in the project control database. In addition, you can use this form to
specify segment and component search criteria.
If you use this form to specify search criteria data and you specify search criteria data
using the Report Search Criteria option, the data specified using the Report Search Criteria
option takes precedence.
Number The unique number, up to 24 characters, that is the short name of the
discrimination data record in the project control database.
Description The description, up to 40 characters, of the discrimination data record in the
project control database.
File Specification The file name of the discrimination data record to be created.
File Path The disk location of the discrimination data file. This field retains the active
File Node The nodename of the system on which the discrimination data file is located.
This field retains the active settings.
Piping Materials Class Key in up to 16 alphanumeric characters for the piping materials
Approved Piping Job Spec Defines the database to be reported: approved or
Select Piping Materials Class Sets the piping materials class(es) in the
Specification/Material Reference Database which defines the tables to be checked.

304 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

No Piping Materials Class When selected, indicates to the system that either the piping
specialties or instruments will be verified by Table Checker.
Either format 5 or 6 must be used when the discrimination data is created with the No
Piping Materials Class button selected.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report Discrimination Data form, select Create.
The Discrimination Data Creation form displays.
2. Specify Discrimination Data
In the fields provided, key in the number, description, file specification, path, and node.
3. Select additional options as needed to define the report discrimination data. Then select
After including any models or search criteria for the discrimination data file, be
sure to select the final Accept. Because you must accept many forms while specifying the
discrimination data, it is easy to forget this step. Even though you may have accepted many
of the specifications, the discrimination data file is not actually created until you select
Accept on the Report Discrimination Data form.

Discrimination Data Revision Form

When you select Copy or Revise from the Discrimination Data form, the Discrimination Data
Revision form is displayed.

This form revises an existing discrimination data file. It also copies an existing discrimination
data file; you can then use the revision options to modify the copy as needed. The corresponding
records in the project control database are copied and/or modified as needed. In addition,
options are provided for you to modify segment and component search criteria data.
If you use this form to specify search criteria data and you specify search criteria data
using the Report Search Criteria option, the data specified using the Report Search Criteria
option takes precedence.
Number The unique number, up to 24 characters, that is the short name of the
discrimination data record in the project control database.
Description The description, up to 40 characters, of the discrimination data record in the
project control database.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 305

Table Checker

File Specification The file name of the discrimination data record to be created.
File Path The disk location of the discrimination data file. This field retains the active
File Node The nodename of the system on which the discrimination data file is located.
This field retains the active settings.
Piping Materials Class Select one or more piping materials classes from this list of
loaded classes.
Approved Piping Job Spec Defines the database to be reported: approved or
Select Piping Materials Class Sets the piping materials class(es) in the
Specification/Material Reference Database which defines the tables to be checked.
No Piping Materials Class When selected, indicates to the system that either the piping
specialties or instruments will be verified by Table Checker.
Either format 5 or 6 must be used when the discrimination data is created with the No
Piping Materials Class button selected.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report Discrimination Data form, select Copy or Revise.
The Discrimination Data Revision form is displayed.
2. Specify Discrimination Data
In the fields provided, key in the number, description, file specification, path, and node.
3. Select additional options as needed to define the report discrimination data. Then select
After updating any models or search criteria for the discrimination data file, be
sure to select the final Accept. Because you must accept many forms while specifying the
discrimination data, it is easy to forget this step. Even though you may have accepted many
of the specifications, the discrimination data file is not actually updated until you select
Accept on the Report Discrimination Data form.

Discrimination Data Deletion Form

When you choose Delete, the Deletion form is displayed.

306 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

This form deletes a report record from the project control database and can optionally delete the
associated file. This form is used with format files and their database records, discrimination
data files and their database records, and search criteria files and their database records.
Number/Description Displays the 24-character short name and the 40-character
description of a report record in the project control database.
Delete File/Do Not Delete File Determines whether the associated file is deleted. When
set to Delete File, the database record is deleted along with the associated file. When set to
Do Not Delete File, only the database record is deleted.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Format
From the displayed list, select the database record to be deleted.
2. Set the Delete File/Do Not Delete File toggle as needed. Then click Accept.
The specified record is deleted. If specified, the associated file is also deleted.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 307

Table Checker

Report Form
When you select Report from the Report Manager form, the Report form is displayed.

This form creates, revises, and deletes report records and report files. A report record holds
specifications for a report; these specifications include the report name, the report description,
and which format file, discrimination data file, and search criteria data file to use to generate a
The report name is not the title that is printed on the report; the title is included in the
format file.
At the end of each report, a parameters page is included that contains the following information:
Report Output The report number, report title, report creation/revision date, and report
node, path, and file name.
Format The report format number, description, and node, path, and file name.
Discrimination Data The report discrimination data number, description, and file
location (network address, path, and file name). The following discrimination data is also
included: list of model numbers (with discipline), volume (if applicable), search criteria (if
applicable), and sorting sequence.
Search Criteria The report search criteria number, description, and file location (node,
path, and file name. The following search criteria data is also included: list of model
numbers (with discipline), volume (if applicable), search criteria (if applicable), and sorting

308 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Create Displays the Report Creation form, which creates a report record and generates
a report. For more information, see Report Creation Form (on page 309).
Revise Displays the Revise Report form, which regenerates a report from an existing or
revised report record. For more information, see Revise Report Form (on page 311).
Delete Displays the Deletion form, which deletes an existing report record and the
corresponding report. For more information, see Report Deletion Form (on page 313).
Approve Displays the Report Approval form, which approves an existing report. For
more information, see Report Approval Form (on page 314).
Multi-Create Displays the Report Multiple Submit form, which submits multiple
reports to the printer. For more information, see Report Multiple Submit Form (on page

Report Creation Form

When you select Create from the Report form, the Report Creation form is displayed.

Use this form to create a report record and to generate a report. Because report records are
stored in the project control database, you can use them over and over again as needed.
Report Number The 24-character number that uniquely identifies the record of the
report file in the project control database. This is sometimes referred to as the report file
short name.
The Table Checker Report Number must not contain spaces. If there are spaces in the
number, the report will not be submitted to the batch queue.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 309

Table Checker

Report Title The 40-character descriptive name of the report file. This is not the title in
the actual report, but is rather the title of the report record. The title of the report is
contained in the format file.
Report File Spec The name of the report output file (up to 14 characters).
Report File Path The disk location for the report output file. This field retains the active
settings, and it is automatically populated if you have specified this data on the Report
Management Data form. For more information, see Report Management Defaults Form
(on page 316).
Report Node The name of the system on which the report output file will be located.
This field retains the active settings, and it is automatically populated if you have specified
this data on the Report Management Data form. For more information, see Report
Management Defaults Form (on page 316).
Report Format File The name of the format file to be used to generate the active report.
When you select this field, a list of available format files is displayed. Select the appropriate
format file, and click Accept.
Report Discrimination File The name of the discrimination data file to be used to
generate the active report. When you select this field, a list of available discrimination data
files is displayed. Select the appropriate discrimination data file, and click Accept.
Report Search Criteria The name of the search criteria data file to be used to generate
the active report. When you select this field, a list of available search criteria files is
displayed. Select a search criteria file, and click Accept.
Select this field a second time to specify a different search criteria file. To clear a
specification, click Accept without selecting a file.
If the report discrimination data selected for the active report has search criteria data
defined within it, and you specify a search criteria in this field, the search criteria specified
in the Report Search Criteria field takes precedence over the search criteria contained in
the discrimination data.
Revision Number The revision number (up to three characters) for the report.
Last Revision Number The revision number of the last report generated. This is a read-
only field; you cannot edit it.
Revised By The user (up to five characters) who checked the report. This field is
Revision Description The description (up to 40 characters) of the report revision. This
field is optional.
Print/Delete Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and then deletes
the report output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is
displayed. Click on a queue to select it.
Print/Save Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and saves the report
output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is displayed. Click
on a queue to select it.
Save Saves the report output file without printing the report.
Submit Immediately/Submission is Delayed Specifies when the report will be
processed. When this toggle is set to Submission is Delayed, additional fields display for
you to specify the date and time that the report is to be generated.

310 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Create.
The Report Creation form is displayed.
2. Specify Report Data
Key in the report record information. Then select the appropriate report format file,
discrimination data file, and search criteria data file.
3. Select the appropriate print/save/delete option, and select a queue if the report is to be
4. Specify whether the report is to be generated now (Submit Immediately) or later
(Submission is Delayed). If you choose delayed submission, specify the date and time that
the report is to be submitted.
5. Click Accept to save the report file.

Revise Report Form

When you select Revise from the Report form, the Revise Report form is displayed.

This form revises an existing report record and generates a report from the project control
database. An option is also provided to update (in some cases) the report record without
generating a report output file. Similarly, you can choose to generate an updated report output
file without updating the report record.
Report Number The 24-character number that uniquely identifies the record of the
report file in the project control database. This is sometimes referred to as the report file
short name.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 311

Table Checker

Report Title The 40-character descriptive name of the report file. This is not the title in
the actual report, but is rather the title of the report record. The title of the report is
contained in the format file.
Report File Spec The name of the report output file (up to 14 characters).
Report File Path The disk location for the report output file. This field retains the active
Report Node The name of the system on which the report output file will be located.
This field retains the active settings.
Report Format File The name of the format file to be used to generate the active report.
When you select this field, a list of available format files is displayed. Select the appropriate
format file, and click Accept.
Report Discrimination File The name of the discrimination data file to be used to
generate the active report. When you select this field, a list of available discrimination data
files is displayed. Select the appropriate discrimination data file, and click Accept.
Report Search Criteria The name of the search criteria data file to be used to generate
the active report. When you select this field, a list of available search criteria files is
displayed. Select a search criteria file, and click Accept.
Select this field a second time to specify a different search criteria file. To clear a
specification, click Accept without selecting a file.
If the report discrimination data selected for the active report has search criteria data
defined within it, and you specify a search criteria in this field, the search criteria specified
in the Report Search Criteria field takes precedence over the search criteria contained in
the discrimination data.
Revision Number The revision number (up to three characters) for the report.
Last Revision Number The revision number of the last report generated. This is a read-
only field; you cannot edit it.
Revised By The user (up to five characters) who checked the report. This field is
Revision Description The description (up to 40 characters) of the report revision. This
field is optional.
Print/Delete Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and then deletes
the report output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is
displayed. Click on a queue to select it.
Print/Save Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and saves the report
output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is displayed. Click
on a queue to select it.
Save Saves the report output file without printing the report.
Submit to Batch Immediately/Delayed Submit to Batch Specifies when the report will
be processed. When this toggle is set to Delayed Submit to Batch, additional fields display
for you to specify the date and time that the report is to be generated.
Revise Data Only/Revise Report and Data Specifies revision of the report data only
(Revise Data Only) or revision of the report data and the report output file (Revise Report
and Data). To revise the report specification without updating the report output file, make
the necessary changes, set this toggle to Revise Data Only, and click Accept. To revise the
report output file only, set this toggle to Revise Report and Data without modifying any of

312 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

the fields, and click Accept. To modify both the report file and the report output file, make
the necessary changes, set this toggle to Revise Report and Data, and click Accept.
If you update any field other than Report Number and Report Title, this toggle is
automatically set to Revise Report and Data, and the report output file is generated.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Revise.
The Report Creation form is displayed with a list of available report files.
2. Select Report
From the displayed list, select the report to be revised. Then click Accept.
The fields update to display the selected report file specifications.
3. Revise Report Information
Update the report record information as needed.
4. Select the appropriate print/save/delete option, and select a queue if the report is to be
5. Specify whether the report is to be generated now (Submit Immediately) or later
(Submission is Delayed). If you choose delayed submission, specify the date and time that
the report is to be submitted.
6. Click Accept to save the report file.

Report Deletion Form

When you choose Delete, the Deletion form is displayed.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 313

Table Checker

This form deletes a report record from the project control database and can optionally delete the
associated file. This form is used with format files and their database records, discrimination
data files and their database records, and search criteria files and their database records.
Number/Description Displays the 24-character short name and the 40-character
description of a report record in the project control database.
Delete File/Do Not Delete File Determines whether the associated file is deleted. When
set to Delete File, the database record is deleted along with the associated file. When set to
Do Not Delete File, only the database record is deleted.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Format
From the displayed list, select the database record to be deleted.
2. Set the Delete File/Do Not Delete File toggle as needed. Then click Accept.
The specified record is deleted. If specified, the associated file is also deleted.

Report Approval Form

When you select Approve from the Report form, the Report Approval form is displayed.

Use this form to select a report to approve. Approving a report means that a database attribute is
set from not approved (the default) to approved. This approval status provides a way for you to
flag reports that you have run and verified that the output data is valid. When a report is revised,
the approval status is automatically reset to not approved.
Number The 24-character unique name (as called short name) of the report record.
Description The 40-character description of the report record.

314 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Approve.
The Report Approval form is displayed.
2. From the displayed list, select a report to approve. Then click Accept.
The Approval form is displayed.
For more information, see Approval/Revision Interface Form in the PD_Report User's

Report Multiple Submit Form

When you select Multi-Create from the Report form, the Report Multiple Submit form is

Use this form to submit multiple reports at the same time.

Number The 24-character number that uniquely identifies the record of the report file in
the project control database. This is sometimes referred to as the report file short name.
Description The 40-character descriptive name of the report file.
Print/Delete Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and then deletes
the report output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is
displayed. Click on a queue to select it.
Print/Save Submits the report output file to the specified print queue and saves the report
output file. When you select this option, a list of available print queues is displayed. Click
on a queue to select it.
Save Saves the report output file without printing the report.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 315

Table Checker

Submit to Batch Immediately/Delayed Submit to Batch Specifies when the report will
be processed. When this toggle is set to Delayed Submit to Batch, additional fields display
for you to specify the date and time that the report is to be generated.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report form, select Multi-Create.
The Report Multiple Submit form is displayed.
2. Select Reports for Submission
From the displayed list, select the reports to submit. Highlighted reports are selected; select a
highlighted report to remove the highlight and to not submit the report.
3. Select the appropriate print/save/delete option, and select a queue if the report is to be
4. Specify whether the report is to be generated now (Submit to Batch Immediately) or later
(Delayed Submit to Batch). If you choose delayed submission, specify the date and time
that the report is to be submitted.
5. Click Accept to submit the reports.

Report Management Defaults Form

When you select Report Management Data from the Report Manager form, the Report
Management Defaults form is displayed.

This form creates a record in the project control database of the node name and path of the report
definition files. This option is used primarily for setup.
Report Path Specifies the default path of the report output files.

316 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

It is recommended that you not send output reports to your system's temporary (that
is, tmp or temp) directory.
Report Node Specifies the default node name of the system on which report output files
are located.
Report Format Path Specifies the default path of the format files.
Report Format Node Specifies the default node name of the system on which format
files are located.
Report Discrimination Data Path Specifies the default path of the discrimination data
Report Discrimination Data Node Specifies the default node name of the system on
which discrimination data files are located.
Report Search Criteria Data Path Specifies the default path of the report search criteria
data files.
Report Search Criteria Data Node Specifies the default node name of the system on
which report search criteria data files are located.

Operating Sequence
1. From the Report Manager form, select Report Management Data.
The Report Management Defaults form is displayed.
2. Accept or Exit
In the fields provided, key in the default paths and node names for the report output files,
format files, discrimination data files, and search criteria data files. Then click Accept.

Sample Table Checker Output

The following is a listing of selected pages from the table checker output for Piping Materials
Class 1C0031.
21-Apr-92 Page:
Description: Gate valve, CL800, SWE, BB, OS&Y,
ASTM-A105, trim 8, Smith 800

Piping Class: 1C0031

Size Range: 1st 3/4IN 1-1/2IN

2nd - -


End Preparation(s): SWE (421)

Rating(s): CL800

End geometry standard(s): Default (5)

Body geometry standard: Smith 1 (4625)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 317

Table Checker

Maximum allowable temperature: -9999

Material Grade: A105 (150)

Modifier: 3

Fabrication category: CSFF (7)

Note 1: -

Note 2: -

PDS Reference data

Commodity Code: VAUSAHGAAA
Weight Code: 490 pcf (52)
EDEN Modules Tables
GATR FEM_420_800_5
V1_AMS GATR_4625_420_800_A
V1 GATR_FEM_800_3_A

21-Apr-92 Page: 2

Description: Gate valve, CL800, SWE, BB, OS&Y, full

port, ASTM-A105, trim 8, Smith 888

Piping Class: 1C0031

Size Range: 1st 3/4IN 1-1/2IN

2nd - -

Option: Full port (24)

End Preparation(s): SWE (421)

Rating(s): CL800

End geometry standard(s): Default (5)

Body geometry standard: Smith 1 (4625)

Maximum allowable temperature: -9999

Material Grade: A105 (150)

318 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

Modifier: 3

Fabrication category: CSFF (7)

Note 1: -

Note 2: -

PDS Reference data

Commodity Code: VAUSAHGCAA
Weight Code: 490 pcf (52)
EDEN Modules Tables
GATF FEM_420_800_5
V1_AMS GATF_4625_420_800_A
V1 GATF_FEM_800_3_A

21-Apr-92 Page: 3
Description: Gate valve, CL150, RFFE, BB, OS&Y,
ASTM-A105, trim 8, Smith 815

Piping Class: 1C0031

Size Range: 1st 3/4IN 1-1/2IN

2nd - -

Option: RFFE (221)

End Preparation(s): RFFE (21)

Rating(s): CL150

End geometry standard(s): Default (5)

Body geometry standard: ANSI-B16.10 (40)

Maximum allowable temperature: -9999

Material Grade: A105 (150)

Modifier: 3

Fabrication category: CSFF (7)

Note 1: Use at flanged equipment connections.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 319

Table Checker

Note 2: -

PDS Reference data


Commodity Code: VAABAHGGAA

Weight Code: 490 pcf (52)

EDEN Modules Tables

GAT BLT_20_150_5
V1_AMS GAT_40_20_150_A
V1 GAT_BLT_150_3_A
OP_3 STUD_20_150_5

21-Apr-92 Page: 133



Piping Class: 1C0031


1st Size 2nd Size Physical Data

Weight Generic Specific Sub-Component
________ ________ _______ ________ _____________
3/4IN 3/4IN
4.5Lb 1.1715In, 0.4375In Undefined, Undefined, 1.125In 11In, 4In
6.25Lb 1.4538In, 0.4375In Undefined, Undefined, 1.375In 13In, 5.5In
1-1/2IN 1-1/2IN
12Lb 2.0575In, 0.4375In Undefined, Undefined, 1.5625In 16.125In, 5.75In
21-Apr-92 Page: 134



Piping Class: 1C0031


1st Size 2nd Size Physical Data

Weight Generic Specific Sub-Component
________ ________ _______ ________ _____________
3/4IN 3/4IN
6.25Lb 1.1715In, 0.4375In Undefined, Undefined, 1.125In 11In, 4In
9.75Lb 1.4538In, 0.4375In Undefined, Undefined, 1.375In 13In, 5.5In
1-1/2IN 1-1/2IN

320 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

21.75Lb 2.0575In, 0.4375In Undefined, Undefined, 1.5625In 16.125In,


21-Apr-92 Page: 376


Tables Not Found Table Library
________________ _____________
REDC_39_300_S$10_300_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library
REDE_39_300_S$10_300_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library

21-Apr-92 Page: 377

Tables Found Table Library Table Revision Date
____________ _____________ ___________________
BALR_3028_420_600_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:46:45 1991
BALR_FEM_600_9_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:16:28 1991
BALSP_40_20_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:01:23 1991
BALSP_BLT_150_9_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:16:28 1991
BFYHP_4200_160_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:08:15 1991
BFYHP_BLT_150_17_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:16:33 1991
BLPAD_1026_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:00 1991
BLPAD_1026_120_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:01
BLPAD_146_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:48 1991
BLPAD_146_120_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:51
BLSPA_1026_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:01 1991
BLSPA_1026_120_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:02
BLSPA_146_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:49 1991
BLSPA_146_120_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:52
BLSPC_146_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:50 1991
BLSPC_146_120_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:53
BLSPC_146_120_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:56 1991
BLSPC_146_120_300_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:59
BLSPO_146_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:51 1991
BLSPO_146_120_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:54
BLSPO_146_120_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:28:57 1991
BLSPO_146_120_300_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:29:00
BLT_120_150_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:06 1991
BLT_120_150_80 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:06 1991

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 321

Table Checker

BLT_120_300_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:09 1991

BLT_160_150_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:23 1991
BLT_160_150_80 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:24 1991
BLT_20_150_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:29 1991
BLT_20_150_80 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:30 1991
BLT_20_150_81 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:31 1991
BLT_20_300_29 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:38 1991
BLT_20_300_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:40 1991
BLT_20_300_80 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:17:42 1991
CAPBV_5150_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:10:17 1991
CAPBV_5150_300_S$10_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:10:51 1991
CAPBV_5150_300_S$STD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:03 1991
CAPBV_5150_300_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:07 1991
CAPOT_5375_420_3000_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:19 1991
CAPOT_5375_420_3000_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:22
CKLR_4625_420_800_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:09:40 1991
CKS_40_20_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:01:26 1991
CKWF_40_120_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:01:12 1991
CPL_41_420_3000_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:46 1991
CPL_41_420_3000_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:49 1991
E45LR_39_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:52:46 1991
E45LR_39_300_S$10_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:54:04 1991
E45LR_39_300_S$STD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:59:04 1991
E45LR_39_300_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:00:12 1991
E45_41_420_3000_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:46 1991
E45_41_420_3000_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:50 1991
E90LR_39_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:52:47 1991
E90LR_39_300_S$10_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:54:04 1991
E90LR_39_300_S$STD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:59:30 1991
E90LR_39_300_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:00:12 1991
E90SR_58_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:49 1991
E90SR_58_300_S$STD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:58 1991
E90_41_420_3000_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:47 1991
E90_41_420_3000_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:51 1991

EOLLR_1575_300_S$STD_300_S$160_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3

09:39:37 1991
EOLLR_1575_300_S$STD_300_S$160_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3
09:39:42 1991

21-Apr-92 Page: 378

Tables Found Table Library Table Revision Date
____________ _____________ ___________________
FBLD_254_20_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:44:58 1991
FBLD_35_20_150_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:28 1991
FEM_420_150_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:20:07 1991
FEM_420_3000_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:20:10 1991
FEM_420_300_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:20:48 1991
FEM_420_600_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:20:50 1991
FEM_420_800_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:20:51 1991
FEM_440_800_5 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:03 1991

322 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker

FOLHC_1575_300_NREQD_420_3000_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3

09:31:30 1991
FOLHC_1575_300_NREQD_420_3000_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3
09:31:44 1991
FOWNAW_66_20_300_300_300_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:12:47
FOWNAW_66_20_300_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:12:51 1991
FRSW_6_20_150_420_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:14:14 1991
FRSW_6_20_150_420_150_S$160_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:14:15
FRSW_6_20_300_420_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:14:18 1991
FRSW_6_20_300_420_300_S$160_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:14:19
FSW_35_20_150_420_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:17 1991
FSW_35_20_150_420_150_S$160_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:17
FSW_35_20_150_420_150_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:20
FSW_35_20_300_420_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:41 1991
FSW_35_20_300_420_300_S$XS_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:49:04
FWN_165_20_150_300_150_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:43:17 1991
FWN_165_20_150_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:43:18 1991
FWN_254_20_150_300_150_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:44:57 1991
FWN_254_20_150_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:44:57 1991
FWN_254_20_300_300_300_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:44:59 1991
FWN_254_20_300_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:44:59 1991
FWN_35_20_150_300_150_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:13 1991
FWN_35_20_150_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:16 1991
FWN_35_20_300_300_300_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:39 1991
FWN_35_20_300_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:48:41 1991
GATF_4625_420_800_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:09:40 1991
GATF_FEM_800_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:14 1991
GATR_4625_420_800_440_800_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:09:39
GATR_4625_420_800_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:09:41 1991
GATR_FEM_800_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:18 1991
GAT_40_20_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:01:27 1991
GAT_40_20_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:01:46 1991
GAT_BLT_150_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:30 1991
GAT_BLT_300_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:32 1991
GLOR_4625_420_800_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:09:41 1991
GLOR_FEM_800_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:42 1991
GLO_40_20_150_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:01:28 1991
GLO_BLT_150_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:21:52 1991
LOL_1575_300_S$STD_300_S$160_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3
09:39:39 1991
LOL_1575_300_S$STD_300_S$160_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:39:44
MALWT_300_S$10_5_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:22:48 1991
MALWT_300_S$STD_5_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:23:07 1991
MALWT_300_S$XS_5_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:23:10 1991
MAL_300_5 Physical Data Library Thu Mar 21 15:55:49 1991
NEE_5375_420_800_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:11:31 1991

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 323

Table Checker

NEE_FEM_800_3_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:23:25 1991

NIP_100_300_S$160_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:27:27 1991
PLUG_41_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:29 1991
PLUG_41_300_NREQD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 10:06:37 1991
REDC_39_300_300_A Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:52:38 1991
REDC_39_300_S$10_300_S$10_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:53:51
REDC_39_300_S$10_300_S$STD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:54:02
REDC_39_300_S$STD_300_S$10_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:58:40
REDC_39_300_S$STD_300_S$STD_52 Physical Data Library Thu Jan 3 09:58:52

21-Apr-92 Page: 381

EDEN Not Found EDEN Found
______________ __________

324 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Table Checker



21-Apr-92 Page: 382

EDEN Not Found EDEN Found
______________ __________

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 325

Table Checker


.*****. REPORT ERROR LOG CREATION TIME: Tuesday 04/21/92 15:35

1 - ERROR - EDEN error (-3) for pmc 1C0031 item 6Q1C26 with 1st
size 32IN and 2nd size 32IN
Error in module MGOP_32768
2 - ERROR - EDEN error (-3) for pmc 1C0031 item 6Q1C26 with 1st
size 34IN and 2nd size 34IN
Error in module MGOP_32768

Error Codes
The following error codes are used in the reported error messages.
-3 Eden Module Not Found
-4 Entry Not Found in Table
-7 Table Not Found

326 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

The Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager provides access to the Tutorial Definition Files
(TDFs) used in placing pipe supports in the model. The TDFs define the pipe support's
modeling requirements.
For more information on TDFs, refer to the Pipe Supports Modeler Reference Guide.

Support Tutorial Definition Manager

The Support Tutorial Definition Manager is used to create a new Tutorial Definition Library
or to create, modify, or delete data in the library. You can also create reports of the data in the
library. Select the Support Tutorial Definition Manager from the Reference Data Manager

Before Using This Command

Define the location of the approved and unapproved (if applicable) Pipe Support Tutorial
Definition Library files in the Reference Database Management Data.
You must have write access to the specified file and directory path.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 327

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

Create Library (on page 328) Used to create a new Tutorial Definition Library.
Compress Library (see "Compress" on page 328) Used to compress the Tutorial
Definition Library.
Unapproved ==> Approved (on page 328) Used to copy the unapproved Tutorial
Definition Library to the approved library.
Create Data (on page 329) Used to compile source files and add the resulting code to the
Tutorial Definition Library. You can create a single tutorial definition file or specify a list
of tutorial definition files to be created.
Revise Data (on page 329) Used to select a tutorial definition file from the library for
editing and compile the revised tutorial definition file.
Delete Data (on page 330) Used to delete a specified tutorial definition file from the
Report Data (on page 331) Used to create a report file of the library contents.
List Data (on page 333) Used to list the files contained in the library.
Extract Data (on page 333) Used to extract a tutorial definition file from the library for
editing or printing.
Full List/Sub-string Use this toggle to determine the data to be listed. Full List returns
all the definition in the Tutorial Definition Library. Sub-string limits the list to those files
that contain the substring you enter in the corresponding box.
Node Name Key in the node name of the location of the table definition files for pipe
File Path Key in the path to the location where you store table definition files for pipe

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Tutorial Definition Library.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Tutorial Definition Library names as defined
in the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library files. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

This option is used to compress the Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Library. Any tables which
have been deleted from the library will be removed.

328 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option copies the unapproved Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Library to the approved

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create Data
This option enables you to create a new tutorial definition file. You can process a single file or
specify a list of files to be created.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create Data option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
Key in the name of the source file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library.
The system displays the default node name and path for the tutorial definition files as
specified in the Default Project Control Data at the bottom of the form.
You can use the default setting or modify these fields to override the default location for this
4. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the file to begin processing.
If a fatal error occurs while loading files, the Tutorial Definition File Library is left unchanged.

Revise Data
This option enables you to replace an existing tutorial definition file. This option enables you to
select a tutorial definition file from the library, edit the file, and then compile the file and put it
back in the library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Revise option.
The system displays the tutorial definition files in the Tutorial Definition Library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 329

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

2. Select Table for Revision

Select the tutorial definition files to be revised and select Accept.
The system extracts the specified file from the library and activates the text editor to enable
you to modify the file.
3. Make any changes to the displayed file.

When you exit the text editor, the system compiles the revised file and inserts it back into the
library. (If you quit the text editor, the file is not recompiled.)

330 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

Delete Data
This option enables you to delete a tutorial definition file from the Tutorial Definition Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option.
The system displays the tutorial definition files in the Tutorial Definition Library.

2. Select Table for Deletion

Select the tutorial definition file to be deleted from the list of files. You can use the scroll
bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Accept or Select Other Table(s)
Accept the selected tutorial definition file.
The system deletes the tutorial definition file from the Tutorial Definition Library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 331

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

Report Data
This option enables you to create a report on the contents of the Tutorial Definition Library.
This report lists all the tutorial definition files in the Tutorial Definition Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report Data option from the Library/Data Management form.

2. Set the toggle to Report on Unapproved or Report on Approved to define the source of
information to be reported. This toggle is only displayed when both the approved and the
unapproved library are being used.
3. Select the report option: Save, Print/Delete, or Print/Save.

For the Print/Delete or Print/Save options, select the print queue from the list of displayed

332 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

4. Select Accept to create the report.

For the Save or Print/Save options, the system generates a report named ppsm_tdf in the
default directory based on the contents of the Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Library.

List Data
This option displays all the tutorial definition files for the Tutorial Definition Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the List option.
The system displays the tutorial definition files in the Tutorial Definition Library.

2. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Select Cancel to exit the form.

Extract Data
This option enables you to extract a tutorial definition file from the Tutorial Definition Library
for editing or printing.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 333

Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager

Operating Sequence
1. Select Extract Data from the Library/Data Management form.

2. Select Table for Extraction

Select the tutorial definition file from the list of files and select Accept. You can use the
scroll bar to scroll through the available files.
Select the Extract All button to extract all the available files.
The system pulls the file out of the library and places it in the default directory defined in the
Default Project Control Data. See Default Project Control Data (on page 23).

Library List
The Library List form allows you to select database tables in order to revise, delete, list or
extract the tables.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Table.
Select a table to manipulate.
2. Accept or Select Other Table(s).
Select more tables to manipulate.
Select Accept to continue the workflow.
Select Cancel to exit the form.

334 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Standard Note Library

The Standard Note Library contains the code list text for code-listed attributes, including
standard notes. It enables you to define standard text required to support the piping design
The standard code list text is delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\std_note.l. The
accompanying source listing for this file is contained in the file std_note.l.t. You can add, delete,
or revise code list sets in the library to reflect your own practices, terminology, and language.
Entries in these files are in the form Standard Note Type xxxx where xxxx is the number of the
code list set.
Refer to Appendix: Codelists (on page 431) for a listing of the delivered Standard Note Library.

Neutral File Description

A neutral file is an ASCII text file which contains standard notes or code lists to be placed in the
Standard Note Library. An entry is a single input/output record. One entry (or word) is retrieved
each time a neutral file is read. The entries in a neutral file must be separated by at least one
space. If an embedded blank is contained within an entry, the entire entry must be enclosed in
single quotes (').
2 = 'Hydrogen Gas'
Entries enclosed in single quotes can take up more than one line. When an entry continues onto
a new line, a blank character is automatically appended to the end of the previous line.

Neutral File Format

; Piping Notes
1 = ' '
; Notes Applicable to the Piping Materials Class, 2-199






Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 335

Standard Note Library

; Notes Applicable to a Piping Component, 200-499






; Notes Applicable to a Piping Specialty, 500-699


; Notes Applicable to an Instrument Specialty, 700-899



General Rules
EACH standard note type or code list type should be contained in a separate neutral file.
Neutral files should have the following basic format:
; This is a comment line !!!!!!
; This file contains a code list for type 125.
0125, Fluid Code/Connector Type (999)
NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values 950-999.
1 = ' '
6 = 'Standard note or code list descriptions can extend
beyond one line of text up to a maximum of 80 characters'

336 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Standard Note Library

11 = 'A'
14 = 'AC'
17 = 'AE'
The first entry in each neutral file should be the note/code TYPE (C125 in the above
example). The first letter must be either: C for a codelist set or N for a standard note.
This character is followed by a number, which identifies the specific codelist set or standard
note. This number must be a valid short integer.
This entry should also include the text used for extracting information from the Standard
Note Library. This text may contain up to 80 characters.
The first line should also contain the maximum number of entries for the codelist or standard
The following numbering conventions are used for standard note type 499:
Piping Job Specification: note numbers 1 through 199.
Piping Commodity Item: note numbers 200 through 599.
Specialty Item: note numbers 600 through 799.
Instrument Item: note numbers 800 through 999.
You can include the keyword PID_RDB in the neutral file on the line following the standard
note type to load the standard note into both the Piping Reference Database and the P&ID
Reference Database simultaneously. (Optional)
Each note/code entry is comprised of three parts (triplet) which must appear in the following
<Note/Code number> <equal sign> <Note/code description>
2 = 'Sulfuric Acid'
The description text must be enclosed in single quotes.
The description text can extend for more than one line.
Code list description text can contain up to 80 characters.
Standard note description text can contain up to 400 characters.
The Note/code description text can be on a line by itself.
The equal sign must have a blank character on either side of it.
The equal sign can be on a separate line by itself.
The note/code number must be a valid I*2 integer.
The note/code number must begin a new line; it cannot be on the same line with any
part of another triplet.
The note/code number can be on a line by itself.
The only valid edit you can make to code list 1056 (temperature units) and code list 1064
(pressure units) is to modify the displayed text string. Modifications to this field affect only
the display of the text; the actual units (for example, degrees) cannot be modified. You
cannot add any entries to code lists 1056 and 1064.
Comments are indicated with a semicolon (;) or exclamation point (!). Any information on a
line to the right of either of these characters is considered a comment and is ignored. These
comment lines can only occur following a description; they cannot break up a triplet.
Valid Comments

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 337

Standard Note Library

1 = 'Caustic'
; Comment line.
2 = 'Sulfur' ! Another Comment line.
! Another Comment line.
3 = 'Hydrogen Sulfide' ; Another Comment line.

Invalid Comments
1 =
; Invalid Comment line.
2 = ! Invalid Comment line. 'Sulfur'

Any text enclosed in < angle brackets > is considered a comment and is ignored. These
comments can appear anywhere in the neutral file except within a description.
Blank lines can occur anywhere in a neutral files for readability. These lines are ignored.
Each entry can begin at any point along an input line but must be separated from adjacent
entries by one or more spaces.
Note/code numbers need not be in sequential order.

Defining Text for Standard Note Types

You can specify the text for the various standard note types by loading the standard note titles as
standard note type 999. The specified title will display in a list of standard note types or a list of
the selections for a specific standard note type.

Standard Note Library Manager

The Standard Note Library Manager is used to create a new Standard Note Library (on page
335) or to create, modify, or delete data in the library. You can also create reports of the data in
the library. Select the Standard Note Library Manager from the Reference Data Manager

338 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Standard Note Library

Before Using This Command

Define the location of the approved and unapproved (if applicable) Standard Note Library
files in the Reference Database Management Data.
You must have write access to the specified file and directory path.

Create Library (on page 340) Used to create a new Standard Note Library.
Compress Library (see "Compress" on page 340) Used to compress the Standard Note
Unapproved ==> Approved (on page 340) Used to copy the unapproved Standard Note
Library to the approved library.
Create (see "Create Standard Note Type" on page 340) Used to compile source files and
add the resulting code to the Standard Note Library. You can create a single standard note
set or specify a list of standard notes to be created.
Revise (see "Revise Standard Note Type" on page 341) Used to select a standard note set
from the library for editing and compile the revised standard note definition.
Report (see "Report Standard Note Library Contents" on page 342) Used to create a
report file of the library contents.
List (see "List Standard Note Data" on page 343) Used to list the files contained in the
Delete (see "Delete Standard Note Data" on page 343) Used to delete a specified standard
note set from the library.
Extract (see "Extract Standard Note Type" on page 344) Used to extract a standard note
set from the library for editing or printing.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 339

Standard Note Library

Load Database (on page 345) Used to load the contents of the Standard Note Library into
the applicable schemas of the project's relational database to support DBAccess reporting of
PDS data.

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Standard Note Library. It automatically creates the object
library (.l) and the text library (.l.t) for the library that is being created.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Standard Note Library names as defined in
the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library files. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

This option is used to compress the Standard Note Library. Any tables which have been deleted
from the library will be removed.

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option copies the unapproved Standard Note Library to the approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create Standard Note Type

This option enables you to create a new standard note set by inserting the data in a neutral file
into the Standard Note Library. The neutral file enables you to define piping notes required to
support the piping design effort. You can define code list sets, or standard notes applicable to a
piping materials class, a piping commodity, a specialty item, or an instrument. You can process
a single file or specify a list of files to be created.

Before Using This Command

To add more than one standard note type to the library, create a list file which identifies the
names of the standard note source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry
(source file name) per line.
You can define the default path for standard note neutral files using the Default Project Control
Data option. See Default Project Control Data (on page 23).

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create option.

340 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Standard Note Library

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for processing
Key in the name of the source file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library.
The system displays the default node name and path for the standard note neutral files as
specified in the Default Project Control Data at the bottom of the form.
You can use the default setting or modify these fields to override the default location for this
4. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the file to begin processing.
If a fatal error occurs while loading neutral files, the Standard Note Library is left unchanged.

Revise Standard Note Type

This option enables you to replace an existing standard note type. This option enables you to
select a standard note type from the library, edit the file, and then compile the file and put it back
in the library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Revise option.
The system displays the standard note types in the Standard Note Library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 341

Standard Note Library

2. Select Module Name

Select the standard note types to be revised and select Accept.
The system extracts the specified file from the library and activates the text editor (specified
for PD_EDITOR in the control.sh file) to enable you to modify the file.

3. Make any changes to the displayed file.

When you exit the text editor, the system compiles the revised file and inserts it back into the
library. (If you quit the text editor, the file is not recompiled.)

Report Standard Note Library Contents

This option enables you to create a report on the contents of the Standard Note Library. This
report list all the standard note types in the Standard Note Library.
Refer to Appendix: Codelists (on page 431) for a listing of the report file for the delivered
Standard Note Library. - Not sure where this appendix is.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from the Data Management form.
2. Set the toggle to Report on Unapproved or Report on Approved to define the source of
information to be reported. This toggle is only displayed when both the approved and the
unapproved library are being used.
3. Select the report option: Save, Print/Delete, or Print/Save.

342 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Standard Note Library

For the Print/Delete or Print/Save options, select the print queue from the list of displayed
4. Select Accept to create the report.
For the Save or Print/Save options, the system generates a report named stnotelib.rpt in the
default directory based on the contents of the Standard Note Library.

List Standard Note Data

This option displays all the standard note types for the Standard Note Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the List option.
The system displays the Standard note types in the Standard Note Library.

2. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Select Cancel to exit the form.

Delete Standard Note Data

This option enables you to delete a Standard note type from the Standard Note Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option.
The system displays the Standard note types in the Standard Note Library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 343

Standard Note Library

2. Select Note Type

Select the Standard note type to be deleted from the list of note types. You can use the scroll
bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Accept or Select Other Note Type
Accept the selected standard note type.
The system deletes the standard note type from the Standard Note Library.

Extract Standard Note Type

This option enables you to extract a neutral file from the Standard Note Library for editing or

344 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Standard Note Library

Operating Sequence
1. Select Extract from the Data Management form.

2. Select Note Type

Select the standard note type from the list of files and select Accept. You can use the scroll
bar to scroll through the available files.
The system pulls the file out of the library and places it in the default directory defined in the
Default Project Control Data. See Default Project Control Data (on page 23).

Load Database
This option loads the contents of the Standard Note Library into the applicable schemas of the
project's relational database to support DBAccess reporting of PDS data.

Before Using This Command

You must create the necessary database structure for DBAcess reporting through the Project
Administrator. Refer to the description of the Project Setup Manager in the Project
Administrator (PD_Project) User's Guide for more information.
You must specify the maximum length of the text for each standard note type in the Standard
Note Library in an ASCII file named stnote_max_len. This maximum length is used to load the
standard note data in the relational database. This is the same file used in the Project
Administrator to modify the database structure to support DBAccess. It must reside in the
project directory.
Entries in this file consist of one line for each standard note type with the following format.
!note type max length short?
35 15 *
36 10

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 345

Standard Note Library

The note type and the maximum length are separated by one or more spaces or tabs. An asterisk
(*) following the maximum length indicates that the short version of the standard note data be
loaded into the relational database. The default is that the long version be loaded. Comments
can be placed anywhere in the file and must be preceded by an exclamation point (!).
You can determine which standard note data is loaded or not loaded into the relational database.
If the maximum length for a standard note type is defined as zero (0) or the standard note type is
not included in stnote_max_len, the data for that standard note type will not be loaded.
Standard notes loaded into the schema are listed below.
In DD_SCHEMA, the following codelists required by designing purposes are loaded:
430,499, 570,575,576,577,578,1010,1028,1056,1064,1074,1100};
In PD_SCHEMA, the following codelist tables required at the project level are loaded:
In RU/RA_SCHEMA, the following codelist tables required at the database level are loaded:
reference_cls [12] = {11,125,145,148,180,330,400,499,575,576,577,578};
A default note length file is delivered with the PD_Shell product in the file
\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\stnote_max_len. These maximum lengths were determined on the
basis of the long option of standard note data reporting. To minimize relational database size,
you should exercise discretion in specifying the maximum length. The maximum length for any
standard note type is restricted to 240 characters by RIS.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Load Database from the Data Management form.
2. Select Submit to Batch Immediately to begin processing as soon as you exit the form.
Select Delayed Submit to Batch to specify a day and time to process the request.
3. Accept the specified time.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.

Standard Note Types List

This form allows you to select a Standard Note Type from the library in order to revise, list,
delete, or extract the type.
For more information, see Revise Standard Note Type (on page 341), List Standard Note Data
(on page 343), Delete Standard Note Data (on page 343), and Extract Standard Note Type (on
page 344).

346 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Label Description Library

The Label Description Library contains the definitions for the following basic types of labels.
(The numbers in parentheses indicate the range of label numbers for each group of label types.)
Refer to Label Types (on page 348) for more information.
Drawing View Specific Labels (1-129, 2500-2599)
System Reserved Labels (1-29)
User Defined Piping/Equipment Labels (30-49)
User Defined Structural Labels (70-89)
User Defined Miscellaneous Labels (90-109)
User Defined Electrical Raceway Labels (110-129)
User Defined PLANTGEN Labels (2500-2599)
Drawing View Identification Labels (50-69)
User Input Labels (200-219)
Displayable Attribute Labels (300-399)
Commodity Code Labels (400-899)
U.S. practice (400-449)
European - DIN (450-499)
European - British Standard (500-549)
European A - Finnish, French, etc. (550-599)
European B - (750-799)
International - JIS (600-649)
International - Australian (650-699)
International A (800-849)
International B (850-899)
Company practice (700-749)
Isometric Drawing Labels (900-999)
Report Labels (1150-2149)
Clash Management Labels (2200- 2399)
These labels are intelligent graphics which represent information from the non-graphical data
(databases, user data, etc.). You can update existing drawing view specific labels (1-49, 70-130)
to reflect the latest data in the database.
The default label description library is delivered in the file \win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\labels.l.
All changes to the library are performed interactively using the Label Description Library
Manager (on page 351).

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 347

Label Description Library

Label Types
Displayable Attribute Labels (on page 348)
Alphanumeric Labels (on page 348)
Displayable Attribute Message (on page 348)
Commodity Code Attribute Message (on page 349)
Isometric Drawing Labels (on page 349)
Report Labels (on page 349)
Clash Management Labels (on page 349)

Displayable Attribute Labels

Each type of displayable attribute label has a description in the Label Description Library. This
description identifies the label characteristics such as level, color code, style, and font, and the
attribute data associated with the label.
A displayable attribute label consists of the text and optionally, a leader line, a line terminator,
and some label enclosure graphics. There are four sub-types of Displayable Attribute Labels:
Drawing View Specific Label
displayable attribute labels for named model items which are placed in a drawing.
Drawing View Identification Label
labels with attribute linkages to the Drawing View Data (table 122) that report information
about the drawing view such as drawing view name and view scale
Drawing View Specific Labels are further divided into subcategories for Piping, Structural,
HVAC, and Raceway. Drawing View Specific Labels for Piping and View Independent Labels
are divided into sub-ranges for system-defined labels and user labels.
PDS delivers Design Review Labels (317-330). These labels are the only ones processed
by PDS Design Review. You can create new Design Review labels, but the system will not
access them.

Alphanumeric Labels
Alphanumeric labels are non-intelligent user-defined labels. Each type of alphanumeric label has
a description in the Label Description Library. This description identifies the label
characteristics such as level, color code, style, and font. An alphanumeric label consists of the
text and optionally, a leader line, a line terminator, and some label enclosure graphics.

Displayable Attribute Message

Each type of displayable attribute message has a description in the Label Description Library.
Unlike the other label types, the description of a displayable attribute message only contains the
attribute data. Therefore, you cannot define label description data such as color, weight, style,
and text size for a displayable attribute message.
A displayable attribute message has all or part of its text derived from the alphanumeric data that
is linked to a specified named item in the model.

348 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

A displayable attribute message is displayed temporarily at the terminal either as an

identification message or as a reporting message. Some of these messages are displayed in the
terminal's refresh message fields. Other messages are displayed temporarily in the model. The
system does not place any graphics in the model for this type of label. The text size of these
labels is always the same regardless of the screen view scale.
A displayable attribute message can also be used to create a value for another attribute, for
example, the Line Number Label attribute.
Displayable attribute messages also define the hard-coded values for Design Review labels.

Commodity Code Attribute Message

Commodity code attribute messages are the same as displayable attribute messages, except they
are used for bill of materials reporting. All or part of the messages text is derived from the
alphanumeric data in the database. A material description attribute message only contains
attribute data; you cannot define label description data such as color, weight, style, and text size.
There are 10 categories of commodity code attribute messages:
U.S. practice
DIN practice
British Standard
European practice A
European practice B
International practice - JIS
International practice - Australian
International practice A
International practice B
Company practice

Isometric Drawing Labels

The isometric drawing labels are similar to the commodity code attribute messages and are used
by the isometric extraction software.

Report Labels
A range of report labels (1150-2149) is reserved in the Label Description Library for use in
formatting fields in a report. This is accomplished by using the special report indices for the
Label Description Library. (Refer to the Report Manager Reference Guide for information on
the report indices.)
When report labels are used, you cannot sort on an individual attribute used to form the
report label. However, you can sort on the complete report label.

Clash Management Labels

A range of labels (2200-2299) is reserved in the Label Description Library for use by the
Envelope Builder in creating the primary description and the secondary description for clash

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 349

Label Description Library

The label to be used is determined on the basis of the model's discipline and the type of
component. The following label numbers are reserved in the Label Description Library for use
in clash management.
Envelope builders for disciplines other than piping and equipment do not implement the
labels reserved below.
2200 Piping - primary description for piping specialty - 2 cp's
2201 Piping - primary description for piping specialty - 3 cp's
2202 Piping - primary description for piping commodity - 2 cp's
2203 Piping - primary description for piping commodity - 3 cp's
2204 Piping - primary description for piping/tubing
2205 Piping - primary description for instrument component - 2 cp's
2206 Piping - primary description for instrument component - 3 cp's
2207 Piping - primary description for pipe support
2208 Piping - secondary description for piping segment
2220 Equipment - primary description for equipment
2221 Equipment - primary description for nozzle
2222 Equipment - secondary description for equipment
2223 Equipment - secondary description for nozzle
2240 PLANTGEN - pipe
2241 PLANTGEN - piping component
2242 PLANTGEN - equipment/miscellaneous
2243 PLANTGEN - nozzle
2244 PLANTGEN - structural/civil
2246 PLANTGEN - raceway
2247 PLANTGEN - pipe support
2260 Raceway - Straight Primary Label
2262 Raceway - Straight Secondary Label
2261 Raceway - Fitting Primary Label
2263 Raceway - Fitting Secondary Label
2264 Raceway - Panel Primary Label
2265 Raceway - Panel Secondary Label
2266 Raceway - Ductbank Primary Label
2267 Raceway - Ductbank Secondary Label
2280 HVAC - Primary Label for Connector
2281 HVAC - Secondary Label for Connector
2282 HVAC - Primary Label for Fitting
2283 HVAC - Secondary Label for Fitting
2284 HVAC - Primary Label for Duct
2285 HVAC - Secondary Label for Duct
2286 HVAC - Primary Label for Diffuser
2287 HVAC - Secondary Label for Diffuser
2288 HVAC - Primary Label for Grille
2289 HVAC - Secondary Label for Grille
2290 HVAC - Primary Label for Register
2291 HVAC - Secondary Label for Register
2292 HVAC - Primary Label for Humidifier
2293 HVAC - Secondary Label for Humidifier

350 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

2294 HVAC - Primary Label for Filter

2295 HVAC - Secondary Label for Filter
2296 HVAC - Primary Label for Damper
2297 HVAC - Secondary Label for Damper
2298 HVAC - Primary Label for Coil
2299 HVAC - Secondary Label for Coil
2300 HVAC - Primary Label for Terminal Device
2301 HVAC - Secondary Label for Terminal Device
2302 HVAC - Primary Label for Equipment
2303 HVAC - Secondary Label for Equipment
2304 HVAC - Primary Label for Hood
2305 HVAC - Secondary Label for Hood
The 2 CP clash management labels are used when the number of connect points, excluding taps,
is less than or equal to two. The 3 CP clash management labels are used when the number of
connect points, excluding taps, is greater than or equal to three.
The primary description is limited to 20 characters, and the secondary description is limited to
40 characters.

Label Description Library Manager

The Label Description Library Manager enables you to define the graphic parameters for a
label (such as level, line weight, and color code) and to define the format of the label (what
information comprises the label). You can create a new (empty) label description library or
create, revise, or delete label descriptions in an existing library.

Create Library (on page 352) Used to create a new Label Description Library.
Compress Library (on page 352) Used to compress the Label Description library.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 351

Label Description Library

Unapproved ==> Approved (on page 352) Used to copy the unapproved Label
Description library to the approved library.
Create Label Data (on page 352) Used to create a new label description and insert it in
the Label Description Library.
Revise Label Data (on page 362) Used to select a label from the library, edit the file, and
put the revised file back into the library.
Delete Label Data (on page 365) Used to remove a label description from the library.
Report Label Data (on page 365) Used to create a report of the library contents.

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Label Description Library. This option will be deactivated if
the specified library already exists.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Label Description Library names as defined
in the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library file. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

Compress Library
This option is used to compress the Label Description library. Any labels which have been
deleted from the library will be removed.

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option copies the unapproved Label Description library to the approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create Label Data

This option enables you to add a label description of a specified type to the Label description

Operating Sequence
1. Select Create Label Data from the Data Management form.

352 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

The system displays a form listing the types of labels which can be created.

2. Select Option
Select the type of label to be created. See Label Types (on page 348) for a description of all
the label types and subtypes.
The system adds a label number in the range for the selected label type, and activates one of
the following screens to enable you to define the description data and/or attribute data for
the label to be created.
For Drawing View Specific Labels and Drawing View Identification Labels, you can
define both graphic data and attribute data.
For User Input Labels, you can define graphic data only. Refer to Create Label
Graphic Data (on page 355) for more information.
For Isometric Drawing Labels, Displayable Attribute Labels, Commodity Code
Labels, Report Labels, or Clash Management, you can define attribute data only.
Refer to Create Label Attribute Data (on page 357) for more information.

Label Subtypes
Depending on the Option selected, the system may activate one of the following basic types of
labels to further classify the type of label to be created. (The numbers in parentheses indicate the
range of label numbers for each group of label types.)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 353

Label Description Library

Orthographic Drawing View Specific Labels

System Reserved Labels (1-29)

User Defined Piping/Equipment Labels (30-49)
User Defined Structural Labels (70-89)
User Defined Miscellaneous Labels (90-109)
User Defined Electrical Raceway Labels (110-129)
User Defined PLANTGEN Labels (2500-2599)
Commodity Code Labels

U.S. practice (400-499)

DIN practice (450-499)

354 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

British Standard (500-549)

European practice 'A' (550-599)
European practice 'B' (750-799)
International practice - JIS (600-649)
International practice - Australian (650-690)
International practice 'A' (800-849)
International practice 'B' (850-899)
Company practice (700-749)

Create Label Graphic Data

This form enables you to define the graphic parameters for the selected label type.

Create Label Attribute Data (on page 357) Enables you to specify the attributes which
make up the label and the format of the label.
Mass Annotation Options (on page 362) Enables you to set up the Mass Annotation
options for use with PD_Draw.

Field Descriptions
Label Type Number of the label being created. (This field is filled in automatically by
the system.)
Label Description Short description for the label (up to 20 characters).
Graphics Color Activates the Select Color form used to set the color for the label
enclosure, leader line, and line terminator.
Graphics Weight Line weight (0-31) for the label enclosure, leader line, and line
Graphics Style Line Style (0-7) for the label enclosure, leader line, and line terminator.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 355

Label Description Library

Alternate Style Alternate (centerline) line style (0-7) for name label leader lines. The
default is the same as the Graphics Style.
Text Color Activates the Select Color form used to set the color for the label text.
Text Weight Line weight (0-31) for the label text.
Character Size Activates the Define Active Character Size form used to set the character
plot size (text height and text width). You can select one of the default settings (A - J) or
key in a size. The default settings are defined in the drawing's type 63 data. Refer to the
Project Data Manager in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on
setting the default sizes.
Maximum Length Maximum line length (1-80) for the text. This setting is also used to
determine the label enclosure size.
Line Spacing Line spacing between label text represented as a fraction of text height (0. -
10.). Also used to determine label enclosure size.
Maximum Lines Maximum number of lines in the label text (1-30). Also used to
determine label enclosure size.
Text Font Font (0-255) for the label text.
Enclosure Option Displays a set of options at the bottom of the form for setting the type
of label enclosure. The default is No Label Enclosure.

The User Defined Enclosure Option places as a cell, with no Leader Line. When this
option is chosen, the Leader Line Option toggle is no longer available.
Diameter (Used with Label Enclosure Options 2 and 3) Diameter of the circle enclosure
Cell Name (Used with Label Enclosure Option 8) Name of the Label Enclosure cell.
Leader Line Option Toggle to define whether to use a Leader Line for the label.
Terminator Char. Character that represents the line terminator symbol in the attached
Font Library.
Terminator Font Font (0-255) for the line terminator.
Underline Spacing Underline spacing below text represented as a fraction of text height
(0. - 10.). If this value is 0, no underlining is performed.
Label Category The form displays the name label category and the user-defined drawing
annotation categories. You can select one of the 20 user-defined drawing annotation
categories or use the default category. The default category is that of the name label
category. The text for the drawing annotation categories is extracted from the drawing
category descriptions (drwcats.txt) in the project directory.
All of these parameters do not apply to each label type; the system skips over any non-required
Once you have defined all the applicable parameters, select Attribute Label Data to specify the
attributes which make up the label and the format of the label (or select Accept for graphics only
labels). If your project will be using the Mass Annotation command in PD_Draw to simplify
label placement, select the Mass Annotation Options command to set up the Mass Annotation
options. Refer to Mass Annotation Options (on page 362) for more details.

356 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

Create Label Attribute Data

This form enables you to specify the attributes which make up the label and the format of the
label. The Line and Item fields are used to define the attributes that make up the label and the
order of the attributes within the label.

Set the option at the upper left of the form.

Insert Data Used to add a line or item to the label description.
Delete Data Used to delete a selected line or item from the label
Edit Data Used to revise a selected line or item in the label

Insert Data
1. Set the option to Insert Data.
2. Set the toggle to Insert after or Insert before.
3. Select Line or Item to Insert Data
Select a line field to create a new line (before or after) the selected line.
Select an item field to create a new item in the current line (before or after) the selected item.
The system activates a form that displays the Attribute Data Types. The following forms
illustrates the displays for a drawing view specific label. (The second form appears when
Other Data is selected.)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 357

Label Description Library

4. Select Option
Select the attribute data type for the label.
You can select Other Data to select the attribute data type for Raceway data.

358 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

The system displays the attributes for the selected data type.

5. Enter Data
Select the attribute to be reported from the form. The system sets the Format Data
automatically. You can modify the total length and the number of decimal places (if
For labels that include an angle value (such as the bend angle of a piping component), select
the Angle format to display the value in angle units (such as degrees and minutes). The
angle units are determined by the angular format defined through the Project Data
For labels that include a distance attribute (such as the face-to-face dimension of a piping
component), you can select Fraction to format decimal attributes as a coordinate readout.
This option is restricted to those decimal attributes that represent dimensions.
For drawing view specific labels, you can select User Keyin Attribute to specify text to be
entered by the user at label creation.
Select Text Only and key in the text for a literal expression to be inserted in the label.
Select Spacing Only and key in the number of spaces to define spacing between attributes.
6. Repeat the previous step to add additional attribute text information. This allows you to
combine attribute values and pre-formatted text.
You can only define one user-defined keyin in a specific label.
7. Select one of the Optional Data options to specify a modifier to the active format.
Master Units = MicroStation master units, Sub Units = MicroStation sub units.
8. Accept the specified attribute data.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 359

Label Description Library

Delete Data
1. Set the option to Delete Data.
2. Select the line or item to be deleted.
3. Select Accept to delete the highlighted line or item. When you select a line, the system
deletes all the associated items.

Edit Data
1. Set the option to Edit Data.
2. Select Item to Edit
Select the item to be revised.
The system displays the attributes definition form for the selected item. The active setting is
highlighted or shown in the display fields.
3. Select an attribute from the form to change the type of data.
Select the Format Data option. You can modify the total length and the number of decimal
places (if applicable).
For drawing view specific labels, you can select User Keyin Attribute to specify text to be
entered by the user at label creation.
Select Text Only and key in the text for a literal expression to be inserted in the label.
Select Spacing Only and key in the number of spaces to define spacing between attributes.
4. Repeat the previous steps to edit additional items.
Accept the edits.


**************** Label Type = 310 ****************

Label Name = Line Number Label
Piping Segment Data
[1] fluid_code - Character (3)
[2] unit_code - Character (2)
[3] line_sequence_no - Character (16)
4 - '-'
[5] nominal_piping_dia - Character (7)
6 - '-'
[7] piping_mater_class - Character (6)
8 - '-'
[9] insulation_purpose - Character (3)
**************** Label Type = 317 ****************
Label Name = Dgn review segment
Line no: [2]

360 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

Construction status: [4]

Nor oper press: [6][7]
Nor oper temp: [9][10]
Steam out temp: [12][13]
Heat tracing: [15]
Insulation: [17]
Cleaning: [19]
Piping Segment Data
1 - 'Line no: '
[2] line_number_label - Character (30)
3 - 'Construction status: '
[4] construction_stat - Character (15)
5 - 'Nor oper press: '
[6] nor_oper_pres - Real (8.2)
[7] nor_op_pres_units - Character (10)
8 - 'Nor oper temp: '
[9] nor_oper_temp - Real (5.0)
[10] nor_op_temp_units - Character (5)
11 - 'Steam out temp: '
[12] steam_outlet_temp - Real (5.0)
[13] nor_op_temp_units - Character (5)
14 - 'Heat tracing: '
[15] heat_tracing_media - Character (5)
16 - 'Insulation: '
[17] insulation_thick - Real (5.2) with sub units (ex. ",IN,MM,etc.)
18 - 'Cleaning: '
[19] cleaning_reqmts - Character (10)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 361

Label Description Library

Mass Annotation Options

Selecting the Mass Annotation Options command activates the Mass Annotation Options

This form allows you to specify the following options for use with the Mass Annotation
command in PD_Draw:
Are Previously Labeled Objects to be Labeled?
Are Objects Clipped by Drawing View Bounds to be Labeled?
Are Objects Hidden by Other Objects to be Labeled?

Operating Sequence
1. Place a data point on the desired selection under each question.
2. Accept the selections and return to the Create Label Graphic Data form.

362 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

Revise Label Data

This option enables you to revise the graphic data or attribute data for an existing label

Operating Sequence
1. Select Revise from the Data Management form.
The system activates the following form which enables you to select the type of label to be

2. Select Option
Select the type of label to be revised. See Label Types (on page 348) for a description of all
the label types and subtypes.
The system displays the existing label for the selected label type.
3. Select Label Type
Select the specific label description to be revised.
Depending on the label type selected, the system displays the graphic data form or the
attribute data form.
For example, if you select label type 011, the system displays the following form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 363

Label Description Library

4. Select the parameter to be modified and key in the new value for that parameter.
5. You can select Attribute Label Data to activate the attribute data form.

6. Set the option to Insert Data, Delete Data, or Edit Data. The default is Edit Data. Refer
to Create Label Attribute Data (on page 357) for information on these options.
7. When finished, select Accept to save the changes and return to the Revise Label Description

364 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

Select Cancel to exit without saving the changes.

Delete Label Data

This option enables you to delete an existing label description.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Delete Label Data from the Data Management form.
The system activates the following form which enables you to select the type of label to be

2. Select Option
Select the type of label to be deleted. See Label Types (on page 348) for a description of all
the label types and subtypes.
The system displays the existing labels for the selected label type.
3. Select Label Type
Select the specific label description to be deleted.
4. Accept to Delete Label Type xxx
Select Accept to delete the selected label type.
The system deletes the description and refreshes the selection screen to enable you to delete
another label type.
5. Select Cancel to return to the Data Management form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 365

Label Description Library

Report Label Data

This option creates a listing of the label types defined in the Label Description Library.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Report Label Data from the Data Management menu.

2. Set the toggle to Unapproved or Approved to define the source of information to be

reported. This toggle is only displayed when both the approved and the unapproved library
are being used.
3. Select the reporting option.
Print/Delete submits the generated report output file to the specified print queue and
deletes the output file.
Print/Save submits the generated report output file to the specified print queue and
saves the output file.
Save saves the output file without printing.
For either of the Print options, the system displays a list of queues based on information in
the Project Queue Description Library.
4. Select Accept to submit the report for processing.
Report Completed
For either of the Save options, the system creates a file named LABEL.RPT in the default
directory. Portions of the listing for the delivered labels are provided below.
A RIS error may be displayed if an Electrical Raceway Database has not been created
as part of the PDS database. The error will only be reported the first time the report is run
each PDS session.

366 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

**************** Label Type = 1 ****************

Label Name = Line Number Label
Graphics Color = 4
Graphics Weight = 1
Graphics Style = 0
Text Color = 4
Text Weight = 1
Label Category = 0
Char Size = 0
Max Length = 40
Text Space = 0.400000
Number Line = 1
Text Font = 0
Enclosure Option = 9
Cell Enclosure Name =
Leader Line = 1
Line Terminator Char = >
Text Font = 125
Under Line = 0.000000
Piping Segment Data
[1] line_number_label - Character (40)
**************** Label Type = 2 ****************
Label Name = Piping Component No
Graphics Color = 4
Graphics Weight = 1
Graphics Style = 0
Text Color = 4
Text Weight = 1
Label Category = 0
Char Size = 0
Max Length = 20
Text Space = 0.300000
Number Line = 1
Text Font = 0
Enclosure Option = 9
Cell Enclosure Name =
Leader Line = 1
Line Terminator Char = >
Text Font = 125
Under Line = 0.000000
Piping Component Data
[1] piping_comp_no - Character (20)
**************** Label Type = 200 ****************

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 367

Label Description Library

Label Name = No Label Enclosure

Text Color = 4
Text Weight = 1
Label Category = 0
Char Size = 0
Max Length = 10
Text Space = 0.250000
Number Line = 2
Text Font = 0
Under Line = 0.000000
**************** Label Type = 201 ****************
Label Name = Rectangle Enclosure
Text Color = 4
Text Weight = 1
Label Category = 0
Char Size = 0
Max Length = 10
Text Space = 0.250000
Number Line = 2
Text Font = 0
Under Line = 0.000000
Attribute Data
**************** Label Type = 300 ****************
Label Name = Piping Component ID
[1] / [3] Connect Point
Piping Component Data
[1] commodity_name - Character (6)
2 - ' / '
[3] model_code - Character (6)
4 - 5 space(s)
5 - 'Connect Point '
**************** Label Type = 301 ****************
Label Name = Piping Comp Center
[1] / [3] Component Center
Piping Component Data
[1] commodity_name - Character (6)
2 - ' / '
[3] model_code - Character (6)
4 - 5 space(s)
5 - 'Component Center'
**************** Label Type = 353 ****************
Label Name = Dgn Rvw Weld Label
Weld Number: [2] - [4]
Weld Type: [6]
Piping NPD/OD: [8] - [10]
PMC: [12]
Weld Attributes

368 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

1 - 'Weld Number: '

[2] weld_id - Character (16)
3 - ' - '
[4] weld_no_A - Character (8)
5 - 'Weld Type: '
[6] weld_type_A - Character (20)
7 - 'Piping NPD/OD: '
[8] nom_pipe_diam_A - Character (20)
9 - ' - '
[10] outside_diam_A - Real (15.4)
11 - 'PMC: '
[12] piping_mater_class - Character (16)
**************** Label Type = 400 ****************
Label Name = Comp cmdty code
Piping Component Data
[1] commodity_code - Character (16)
**************** Label Type = 401 ****************
Label Name = Pipe sch/thk 1
Piping/Tubing Data
[1] schedule_thickness - Character (8)
**************** Label Type = 404 ****************
Label Name = 1/2CP COMP GCP
Piping Component Data
**************** Label Type = 405 ****************
[1] X [3]
Piping Component Data
2 'X'
**************** Label Type = 408 ****************
Label Name = 3CP RED COMP GCP x RCP
2 'X'
**************** Label Type = 410 ****************
Label Name = 3CP COMP RCP
**************** Label Type = 950 ****************
Label Name = MAL nozzle descr
[1] [3]
Nozzle Data

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 369

Label Description Library

[1] nominal_piping_dia - Character (9)

2 - 1 space(s)
[3] preparation - Character (8)
**************** Label Type = 951 ****************
Label Name = Iso continuation
Piping Segment Data
[1] unit_code - Character (3)
[2] line_sequence_no - Character (16)
3 - '-'
[4] fluid_code - Character (5)
[5] design_area_number - Character (12)
**************** Label Type = 1150 ****************
Label Name = Line ID
Piping Segment Data
[1] unit_code - Character (3)
[2] line_sequence_no - Character (16)
3 - '-'
[4] fluid_code - Character (5)
**************** Label Type = 1151 ****************
Label Name = Iso no
Piping Segment Data
[1] unit_code - Character (3)
[2] line_sequence_no - Character (16)
3 - '-'
[4] fluid_code - Character (5)
[5] design_area_number - Character (12)
**************** Label Type = 2200 ****************
Label Name = Specialty 2cp (1st)
Piping Component Data
[1] piping_comp_no - Character (20)
**************** Label Type = 2201 ****************
Label Name = Specialty 3cp (1st)
Piping Component Data
[1] piping_comp_no - Character (20)

370 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

Label Library Merger

The Label Library Merger utility allows PDS users to copy labels from one or two label
description libraries into another library and to modify the destination library as necessary. You
can only add and remove labels with this command. To edit an existing label or create a new
label definition, use the Label Description Library Manager command.

Copy labels from one library to another.
Delete an existing label from the destination library.
Rename an existing label in the destination library.
Compress the destination library.
Validate the destination library.

Label Library Merger Interface

This section contains descriptions of the Label Library Merger interface, including information
on all dialog boxes and commands. The Label Library Merger commands are available from
the toolbar and from menus.

The Label Library Merger dialog box contains three label description library views. The two
views on the left display the contents of the source libraries, and the view on the right displays
the contents of the destination library. Each library view is divided into two columns, Number

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 371

Label Description Library

and Description, which display the appropriate data for each label. You can click a heading in
any library view to sort the labels by that heading.
The bottom pane of the Label Library Merger dialog box is the message window, which
displays errors and other informational messages during the library merge workflow.

File Menu
The commands on the File menu allow you to open libraries, display information in the Message
Window, and exit the Label Library Merger.

Open Source Label Library 1

This command opens a label description library from which to copy labels. You can key in or
browse to the location of a source library. The system displays the label number and description
in the Library 1 View.

Open Source Label Library 2

This command opens a second label description library from which to copy labels. Using a
second source library is optional, and not required for the use of this command. The system
displays the label number and description in the Library 2 View.

Open Destination Library

This command opens a new or existing destination library, where labels from the source libraries
are copied. The system displays the copied label numbers and descriptions in the Destination
Library View.
To create a new destination library, browse to the appropriate folder in the Open Destination
Library dialog box, type a new library name in the File name text box, and click Open. The
system will then create the new label description library in the specified location.

This command displays information in the Message Window regarding the source and
destination libraries.


MESSAGE: D:\WIN32APP\INGR\PDSHELL\lib\labels.l Opened as Source Label

Library 1
MESSAGE: D:\WIN32APP\INGR\PDSHELL\lib\company_labels.l Opened as Source
Label Library 2
MESSAGE: D:\WIN32APP\INGR\PDSHELL\lib\all_labels.l Opened as
Destination Label Library

This command closes the Label Library Merger utility.

372 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

Edit Menu
The commands on the Edit menu allow you to modify your selections in the various views on
the Label Library Merger dialog box, modify and delete the label information in the
destination library, and check the destination library for errors.

Select All
This command selects all the labels in the active view.

Unselect All
This command resets selections so that no labels in the active view are selected.

Invert Selection
This command switches the selection status of the labels in the active view, so that labels that are
currently selected become unselected, and labels that are currently not selected become selected.

Edit Label Number

This command allows users to modify the label number of the selected label in the Destination
Library View.

Edit Label Description

This command allows users to modify the label description of the selected label in the
Destination Library View.

This command removes the selected labels from the destination library.

This command checks the labels in the destination library for valid label numbers, and reports
any invalid label numbers in the Message Window.

Compress Destination Library

This command removes the deleted labels from the destination library.

Copy to Destination
This command copies the selected labels from the source libraries to the destination library. The
system uses the following criteria to determine label numbers:
If there is no label in the destination library with the same label number as the label being
copied, the label is copied with its original label number.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 373

Label Description Library

If there is a label in the destination library with the same label number as the label being
copied, the label is copied with a new label number, which is assigned using the following
If there is an unassigned label number in the copied label's category in the destination
library, the system assigns the next available label number in that category.
If there is no unassigned label number in the copied label's category in the destination
library, the system adds 5000 to the label number and copies the label. For example,
label number 23 in the source library is copied to label 5023 in the destination library.
Label numbers above 5000 generate errors in PDS. The Validate command
reports any such label numbers in the Message Window.
Refer to Label Description Library (on page 347) for more information on label

Clear Error Messages

This command refreshes the Message Window.

Help Menu
The commands on the Help menu display online Help and other information about the Label
Library Merger utility.

This command displays the Label Library Merger online Help file.

About Library Merger

This command displays the About dialog box with information about the Label Library
Merger utility, including the version number and copyright date.

Label Library Merge Workflow

This section describes the general workflow for the Label Library Merger utility.
1. Click Start > Programs > PD_Shell > PDS Label Library Merger to start the Label
Library Merger utility.
The Label Library Merger interface displays.

374 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

2. Click File > Open Source Label Library 1.

3. Browse to the location of the first label description library, select the library, and click
The system displays the contents of the library in the Library 1 View.
4. Repeat the previous two steps for the second label description library.
The system displays the contents of the library in the Library 2 View.
5. Click File > Open Destination Library. You can either open an existing library for update
or create a new library.
The system displays the contents of the destination library in the Destination Library View.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 375

Label Description Library

6. Select labels in the existing label description libraries to copy to the destination library. Use
CTRL+click to select multiple labels, or SHIFT+click to select a range of labels. Use the
selection commands on the Edit menu to select all labels, unselect all labels, or invert your
7. Click Edit > Copy to Destination to copy the selected labels to the destination library.
The system displays the copied labels in the Destination Library View.
8. Click Edit > Edit Label Number or Edit > Edit Label Description to modify labels in the
destination library as necessary.
9. Click Edit > Validate to check the destination library for errors.
The system displays any warnings in the Message View.
10. Click Edit > Compress Destination Library to compress the destination library.

376 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Label Description Library

The system displays any warnings in the Message View.

11. When you are finished modifying the destination library, click File > Exit to exit the Label
Library Merger utility.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 377

Label Description Library

378 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Piping Assembly Library

The Piping Assembly Language (PAL) enables you to define the parameters necessary to place a
piping assembly (group of components) automatically in the model. This function is most useful
for a commonly placed group of components.
The PAL definition is compiled and stored in Piping Assembly Language object library and its
text stored in the text library.
A Piping Assembly Library which contain the definitions for basic assemblies (macros) is
included in the product delivery.
The PAL definition must be processed and stored in the Piping Assembly Library.
See Also
Piping Assembly Language (on page 379)
Piping Assembly Library Manager (on page 393)

Piping Assembly Language

The Piping Assembly Language provides a set of functions to define the placement operation.
You can create a PAL definition outside the PDS environment using a text editor.

PAL Keywords
The following list outlines all the keywords that can be used to create a PAL definition.
Keywords followed by a number in (parentheses) such as
NPD_A (3221), NPD_B (3222), NPD_C (3223)
are used to create form gadgets for defining and placing piping assemblies. The number
represents the application command number for the keyword. The key entry field number is this
number minus 3000. (Therefore, the key entry field number for NPD_A is 221.)

Formbuilder Guidelines
You can customize forms for the purpose of inputting data in the creation of a piping assembly,
such as a control station. You can use the gadget numbers for the corresponding input fields.
You must adhere to the following conventions when customizing form input fields for the
applicable piping assembly. If not documented, any other gadgets on the form should remain
consistent with those delivered by Intergraph.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 379

Piping Assembly Library

All input fields should be sequenced and must have the following characteristics. The Edit
Field Options setting in the Form Builder should be Change Mode.

The characteristics form in the Form Builder should have the following settings.
Notify Upon Completion - off (NOT the default)
Notify at Initial Selection - off
The forms delivered by Intergraph can be used as examples for customization. The following
list the form builder data for the standard form gadgets.

key: 456
gadget number: 995
button: automatic

Form Size
key: 403
gadget number: 997
button: automatic


key: 4001
gadget number: 998
button: manual

380 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library


key: 4002
gadget number: 999
button: manual

Message Area A - for

gadget number: 251
characters: 40
lines deep: 3
edit mode: review only
font size: 12

Message Area B - for active segment data

gadget number: 254
characters: 40
lines deep: 3
edit mode: review only
font size: 12

Material description
gadget number: 150
characters: 80
lines deep: 3
edit mode: review only
font size: 12

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 381

Piping Assembly Library

This keyword is used to specify a description for the piping assembly from within the assembly
language file. Place a # in the first column of any line followed by a description of as many as
100 characters.
# Control Station

This keyword is used with other keywords to initiate a defined action.
This keyword defines the active point for the next component placed in the PAL definition. The
specified reference point must be defined before using this option.
This keyword defines the type of item to be placed. Refer to the PLACE Command Component
keywords for a list of component/instrument types.
Example: PLACE FITTING , 6Q2C01 ,
This keyword is used with the PLACE keyword to set the placement mode to be used in placing
the specified component. Refer to the Connect Point keywords for a list of viable placement
Example: PLACE FITTING , 6Q2C01 , BY CP1
This keyword is used with an orientation keyword to define the direction of the secondary axis.
It can be used at the end of a PLACE statement.
Example: PLACE FITTING , 6Q2C01 , BY CP1 , STEM = UP

PLACE Command Components

These keywords are used with the PLACE keyword to define the type of item to be placed.

382 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

These keywords are used to place instruments and specialty items that have been defined in the
PJS using the tag number.

Connect Point
These keywords identify the connect point for an operation. They can be used with the BY
keyword to indicate the means of placement.
Example: PLACE VALVE, 6Q1C38, BY CP1
This keyword sets the starting elevation or point of connection.

These keywords identify the orientation direction.

No Material TakeOff
This keyword can be used immediately before a PLACE statement to specify that the component
is not reportable. The system automatically resets MTO processing after placement.

Assembly End Keywords

These keywords define an assembly end point as a specified coordinate value. An assembly end
definition is used to define the endpoints of an assembly. This is required when the assembly is
being placed into a pipe so that the pipe is broken properly and the assembly inserted (as in the
case of a valve assembly: flange - valve - flange).

Reference Point Keywords

These keywords set reference points at specified coordinate values. You can define up to 20
points on the assembly for future reference in the PAL definition.
Example: REF_PNT_A = CP_1

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 383

Piping Assembly Library

Once a reference point is defined, it can be used by a following statement in the PAL definition
to indicate a coordinate location (for example, CONNECT TO REF_PNT_A).

Generic End Types

These keywords specify the generic termination type for use in conditional testing.

Number of Connect Points

This keyword contains the number of connect points of the component just placed. It can be
used in branch placement to determine whether to use CP2 or CP3 as a reference point.

Commodity Item Name

This keyword defines an item name to be used for placement.
Example: ITEM_NAME = xxxxxxx
This keyword defines the tag for the component to be placed. You can prompt for the tag or use
the tutorial interface using the designated field and command numbers.

UORs per Model Subunit

This keyword defines the number of UORs per Subunit defined in the model. It can be used to
calculate tap location.

Local Coordinates and Orientation

These keywords define the active placement point which can be used in the connect to segment
and point in space routines. These keywords are initially set to the active placement point of the
assembly at the start of the assembly placement.
COORDINATE_1 (3191) ... COORDINATE_12 (3203)
These keywords are used to receive user input from the tutorial to define the active placement
point. The Coordinate keywords identify actual points and the Dimension keywords identify
distances and offsets. The Coordinate keywords are only used for elevation values, not Easting
or Northing values.

384 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library


These keywords are defined as the active primary, secondary, and normal axis at the time the
assembly is placed. They are automatically set internally at the start of placement and cannot be

Dimension Definition
DIMENSION_1 (3141), DIMENSION_2 (3142), ... DIMENSION_20 (3160)
The Dimension keywords identify distances and offsets.

Move Specified Distance

This keyword moves a specified distance in the direction of the active primary. It is useful in
placing a variable length pipe by moving out a specified distanced and calling place pipe.

Load Spec Data

This keyword reads the spec record for the commodity item and assigns values for the following

Setting First and Second Size

These keywords set the active first size or second size placement parameter a step down/up in
the NPD piping material class table. (The system uses the next entry in the NPD table from the
active size as the first/second size for a step up or next higher size and uses the previous entry in
the NPD table from the active size as the first/second size for a step down or lower size). This
particular statement in PAL is used as the active size (first or second) in the placement of all the
following components, until the active size is redefined. If you do not include a line size in the
PAL definition, the active size at the time of placement of the piping assembly will be used.

Coordinates of Component Just Placed


Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 385

Piping Assembly Library

These keywords define coordinate values for the component just placed.

Outside Diameter
These keywords contain the pipe outside diameter at each connect point for the component just
placed. These values can be used to calculate a tap location.
Example: DELTA_DISTANCE = ( PIPE_OD_CP1 - PIPE_OD_CP2 ) / 4.0
These keywords contain the flange outside diameter at each connect point for the component just
placed. These values can be used to calculate a tap location.

Tutorial Display and Acquisition

PROMPT_MESSAGE = 'Keyin coordinates and valve data'
DISPLAY = prompt_message
used to display any ascii keyword.
used to display any numeric keyword.
used to get data from the user at placement via a tutorial.
These keywords get data of a specified type from a user keyin.

Prompt for ASCII Input


Updating Active Place Point

The variables APP_X, APP_Y, and APP_Z are assigned the X, Y, and Z values of the current
active placement point. This command is useful for variable distance changes in assemblies, and
you need to know the new coordinates.

Point in Space
The values of the keywords APP_X, APP_Y, and APP_Z are used to define the active placement
point that is not connected to piping or a piping segment. These keywords need to be set before
POINT_IN_SPACE is called.

386 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

Connect to Piping Segment

The command syntax is the same as for connecting to a reference point except that the keywords
APP_X, APP_Y, and APP_Z are used as the coordinates. These points are assumed to lie on a
piping segment whereas a reference point identifies a connect point. The keywords should be set
before this command is called.

Orientation of Primary and Secondary

This statement orients the primary axis to be the same as the primary at the beginning of the
assembly placement.
This statement orients the secondary to be the same as the secondary at placement.
This statement allows the secondary to be inverted from its current position. You can also use
INVERT for the primary axis.

Placement of BRANCH using Table Lookup

This statement performs a table lookup on the 90 degree branch table to determine the branch
component type given the current first and second size. If the branch is on a piping segment or
in free space, then Placement BY CENTER should be used. If you are placing fitting to fitting,
you should specify connect point placement (BY CP1).

Placement of OPTION flange

IF ( END_PREP_A .GE. 2.0 .and. END_PREP_A .LE. 199) THEN
The keywords OPTION_RATING and OPTION_END_PREP values are used to determine which
option to use for the specified flange.
TBL_SUFFIX_A (301), TBL_SUFFIX_B (302), ... TBL_SUFFIX_E (305)
These keywords provide the ability to select the correct optional flange, when the flange is being
placed by its welded end.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 387

Piping Assembly Library

Placement of Optional Components

This keyword sets the option code for the next component placed. If the PROMPT keyword is
used, the system activates the Option Code Selection tutorial at placement to enable the user to
select the option code. Otherwise, the option code is hard-coded.

Placement of Variable Length Pipe


Logical Marks
CHECK_MARK_1 (3161), CHECK_MARK_2 (3163), ... CHECK_MARK_20 (3180)
The check marks are logical keywords that can be accessed through the tutorial. They can be
used for testing for placement of components, etc. Initially, they are all set to true.

Changing Piping Materials Class within an Assembly

The values for materials class can be:
obtained from the tutorial using the predefined fields
defined by prompt (USER_INPUT)
hard-coded in the PAL definition.
The values for MATERIALS_CLASS_A through _J are stored locally until a statement with
ACTIVE_MATERIALS_CLASS is executed. At that time, the Materials Class in the active data is
updated to the assigned value. This enables you to obtain up to three different classes from the
tutorial at the start which can be used as needed in the definition.

388 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

Component Attributes
NPD_A (3221), NPD_B (3222), NPD_C (3223)
NPD_D (3284), NPD_E (3285), ... NPD_J (3290)
These keywords store nominal piping diameter values.
END_PREP_A (3231), END_PREP_B (3232)
These keywords store end preparation values.
RATING_A (3236), RATING_B (3237)
These keywords store pressure rating values.
SCHEDULE_A (3241), SCHEDULE_B (3242)
These keywords store schedule/thickness values.

Setting Bend Angle

BEND_ANGLE_A (3212), BEND_ANGLE_B (3213), ... BEND_ANGLE_E (3216)
The values for bend angle can be:
obtained from the tutorial using the predefined fields
defined by prompt
hard-coded in the PAL definition
The active bend angle in the model is not set until a statement with ACTIVE_BEND_ANGLE is
executed. At that time, the active bend angle is assigned the appropriate value and the next
component placed uses that value. The active bend angle is set to 0 after placement.

Component Group
This statement causes the system to search for the next available component group number. This
number is assigned to the component group number attribute of each subsequent component
placed until the statement COMPONENT_GROUP = OFF is executed or the assembly is completed.

Local Variables
You can use local variables to store values for use in defining a piping assembly. You can use
any alphanumeric string as long as it is not reserved as a keyword.

Test Attribute Values

T12C# - Piping Segment Data
T34C# - Piping Component Data
T50C# - Pipe Data
T67C# - Instrument Component Data
You can use these keywords to test specific values of the active segment data or active
component data, where # refers to the column (attribute) number for the applicable database

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 389

Piping Assembly Library

table. The active component data is represented by the last component placed or the component
to which the user is connected.

Pre-Define Attribute Values

T34C# - Piping Component Data
T50C# - Pipe Data
T67C# - Instrument Component Data
You can use these keywords to pre-define specific values for the component to be placed, where
# refers to the column (attribute) number for the applicable database table. This functionality is
similar to the Pre-Define Component Data option of the Place Component command.
If you pre-define a value for fabrication category, the component will be designated as
having the fabrication category defined by user versus by system such that reconstructing the
component will not override the user value with the value in the Reference Database.
Having the ability to pre-define the fabrication category within a control station piping assembly
will enable you to automatically override the RDB specification of the fabrication category of a
single field component, such as a small diameter control valve, in what would otherwise be a
shop spool.
See Placing Taps in Assemblies (on page 390) for additional information on PAL keywords.

Placing Taps in Assemblies

The syntax for placing taps in assemblies is outlined below:
PLACE TAP , 2.0 , 1
where 2.0 is the tap NPD and 1 is the option code.
CPn designates the connect point from which to obtain the tap data.
The following PAL definitions should be used to specify the tap location before making the
PLACE TAP request.
CP_1_LOCATION_X +- delta_distance
CP_2_LOCATION_X +- delta_distance
CP_1_LOCATION_Y +- delta_distance
CP_2_LOCATION_Y +- delta_distance
CP_1_LOCATION_Z +- delta_distance
CP_2_LOCATION_Z +- delta_distance

390 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

The keywords PIPE_OD_CP1, PIPE_OD_CP2, FLANGE_OD_CP1, and FLANGE_OD_CP2 can be

used to calculate the delta distance. These values are based on the component just placed in the
For TAP_LOCATION_X, _Y, _Z, the X, Y, and Z represent a local coordinate system
that is analogous to the orientation at Connect point 1 of the component flipped to point towards
the inside of the component.
The tap orientation should also be set before making the PLACE TAP request using the PAL
orientation commands. The active orientation at time of placement (tap) is used.

Sample Piping Assembly Files

This section presents sample PAL files from the delivered Piping Assembly Library. It lists the
files and shows the resulting graphics created by the file. Refer to the Piping Design Graphics
Reference Guide for more information on placing piping assemblies with the Place Component


# Drain assembly
! This assembly will place a drain. The user needs to place a 1"
! sockolet at the point the drain is desired.
! The data from the component spec is read into the keywords.
! TERM_TYPE_1 TO 5 gets the numeric value for end preparation (eg. 21)
! PR_RATING_1 TO 5 gets the pressure rating
! GEN_TYPE_1 TO 5 gets the textual value for end preparation (eg. MALE)
! This 'IF' statement determines if an optional flange is needed before
! the gate valve is placed.
! Places a gate valve. Notice in the spec that this type of gate valve
! is different than a 6Q2C01.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 391

Piping Assembly Library

! This command allows the user to pick which component to place. If
! option command is not used the s/w will choose option 1. In this
! without the OPTION_CODE command will cause an error because there are
! option 1 attributes available for 6Q2C16. Another possiblilty would
be to
! use OPTION_CODE = PROMPT. The user will be prompted for which
component is
! desired.

Graphics Placed by Drain Assembly

Pump Discharge Assembly

# Pump Discharge
! Pump Discharge
PROMPT_MESSAGE = 'Enter Reducer First Size '
DELTA_DISTANCE = ( PIPE_OD_CP1 * 0.5 - PIPE_OD_CP2 * 0.5) / 2.0

392 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library


PROMPT_MESSAGE = 'Enter Branch Size '

Graphics Placed by Pump Discharge Assembly

Piping Assembly Library Manager

The Piping Assembly Library Manager enables you to create a new (empty) piping assembly
library or create, revise, and delete piping assembly definitions in an existing library. The Piping
Assembly Language (PAL) enables you to define the parameters necessary to place a piping
assembly (group of components) automatically in the model. This function is most useful for a
commonly placed group of components.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 393

Piping Assembly Library

Refer to Piping Assembly Library (on page 379) for more information on this library, and refer
to Piping Assembly Language (on page 379) for more information on the PAL files.

Before Using This Command

Define the location of the approved and unapproved (if applicable) Assembly Library files in
the Reference Database Management Data.
You must have write access to the specified file and directory path.

Create Library (on page 395) used to create a new Piping Assembly Library.
Compress (on page 395) used to compress the Piping Assembly library.
Unapproved ==> Approved (on page 395) used to copy the unapproved Piping
Assembly library to the approved library.
Create/Interactive Data (see "Create/Interactive Piping Assembly Data" on page 395)
used to compile Piping Assembly Language source files and insert them in the Piping
Assembly Library.
Create/Batch Data (see "Create/Batch Assembly Data" on page 396) used to compile
Piping Assembly Language Source files via batch processing.
Revise Data (see "Revise Piping Assembly Data" on page 397) used to select an PAL
module from the library, edit the file, and put the revised file back into the library.
Delete Data (see "Delete Piping Assembly Data" on page 398) used to remove an PAL
module from the library.
Report Data (see "Report Assembly Data" on page 399) used to create a report of the
library contents.
List Data (see "List Assembly Data" on page 400) used to display the Eden modules in
the library.

394 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

Extract Data (see "Extract Assembly Data" on page 401) used to extract an Eden module
from the library for editing or printing.
Full List / Sub-string You can set the toggle at the bottom of the form to determine the
assembly data tables to be listed.
Full List lists all the assembly definitions in the Assembly Library.
Sub-string limits the list to those files which contain a specified substring.

Create Library
This option is used to create a new Piping Assembly Library. It automatically creates the object
library (.l) and the text library (.l.t) for the library that is being created.
The system displays the approved and unapproved Piping Assembly Library names as defined in
the RDB Management Data.

Accept to Create or Exit to Avoid Creating New Library

Select Accept to create the specified library files. If you specify an existing library file, the
system displays an error indicating the library already exists.

This option is used to compress the Piping Assembly library. Any tables which have been
deleted from the library will be removed.

Unapproved ==> Approved

This option copies the unapproved Piping Assembly library to the approved library.

Accept to Copy or Exit to Avoid Copying

Select Accept to copy the unapproved library file to the approved library.

Create/Interactive Piping Assembly Data

This option enables you to compile PAL source code into object code and insert the specified
files into the Piping Assembly library. You can process a single file or specify a list of files to
be created. Refer to the description of the Piping Assembly Library (on page 379) for more
information on Piping Assembly Language modules.

Before Using This Command

To add more than one PAL file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of
the source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (source file name) per line.
Set Assembly Path and Assembly Node in the RDB Management Data to the location of
the assembly source files.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 395

Piping Assembly Library

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create/Interactive option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for Processing
Key in the name of the PAL file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library.
The system displays the default node name and path for the location of the PAL files at the
bottom of the form.
You can use the default options or override the values for this operation.
4. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the file to begin processing.

Create/Batch Assembly Data

This option enables you to compile PAL source code into object code and insert the specified
files into the Piping Assembly library. The specified files are submitted to the batch queue
PDreference for processing.

Before Using This Command

To add more than one PAL file to the library, create a list file which identifies the names of
the source files to be added. The list file should contain one entry (source file name) per line.
Set Assembly Path and Assembly Node in the RDB Management Data to the location of
the assembly source files.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Create/Batch option.

2. Set the toggle to Single to process a single source file or to List to process a list file.
3. Specify Filename for Processing
Key in the name of the PAL file or list file to be compiled and added to the active library and
select Accept.
The system displays the default node name and path for the location of the PAL files at the
bottom of the form.
You can use the default values or override the values for this operation.

396 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

4. Accept to Submit or Specify Submit Time

Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or Delayed Submit.
For Delayed Submit, set the time and day to process the files.
5. Accept the file to begin processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreference.

Revise Piping Assembly Data

This option enables you to select a PAL module from the library, edit the file, and then compile
the file and put it back in the library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the PAL files to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Revise option.
The system displays the PAL modules in the Piping Assembly Library.

2. Select Assembly for Revision

Select the PAL modules to be revised and select Accept.
The system extracts the specified file from the library and activates the text editor (specified
for PD_EDITOR in the control.sh file) to enable you to modify the file.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 397

Piping Assembly Library

3. Make any changes to the displayed file.

When you exit the text editor, the system compiles the revised file and inserts it back into the
library. (If you quit the text editor, the file is not recompiled.)
If an error occurs in revising a piping assembly, the system invokes the editor automatically
to give you an opportunity to correct the problem.
4. You can select other files to edit or select exit to return to the data management form.

Delete Piping Assembly Data

This option enables you to delete a PAL module or set of PAL modules from the Piping
Assembly Library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the PAL files to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Delete option.
The system displays the table files in the active library.

398 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

2. Select Module for Deletion

Select the modules to be deleted from the list of modules. You can use the scroll bar to
scroll through the available files.
3. Accept or Select Other Option
Accept the modules and begin processing.
The system deletes the modules from the Piping Assembly Library.

Report Assembly Data

This option enables you to create a list file of all the PAL modules in the Piping Assembly

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Report option from the Data Management form.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 399

Piping Assembly Library

2. Revise Report Parameters

Key in the file information for the location of the report file to be created.
3. Select Print or Print/Save.
Then select the print queue from the list of displayed queues. Refer to the section on Plot
and Print Queues in the Project Administrator Reference Guide for information on setting
up multiple print queues.
If you select the Print/Save option, the system will create a file named assemblies in the
default source file location.
4. Accept to Form Report
Select Accept to create the specified report file.

List Assembly Data

This option displays all the PAL modules for the Piping Assembly Library.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the PAL modules to be listed.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the List option.
The system displays the PAL modules in the Piping Assembly Library.

400 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

2. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through the available files.
3. Select Cancel to exit the form.

Extract Assembly Data

This option enables you to extract an PAL module out of the Piping Assembly Library for
editing or printing.

Before Using This Command

Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-string to determine the PAL files to be listed.
Define the node name and path for the location of the PAL files in the Default Project Control
Data or using the fields at the bottom of the Assembly Data Management form.

Operating Sequence
1. Select Extract from the Data Management form.

2. Select Assembly for Extraction

Select the modules from the list of files and select Accept. You can use the scroll bar to
scroll through the available files.
The system pulls the files out of the library and places them in the default directory specified
in the Project Control Data. The system also writes the names of the extracted files to a file
named PD_pal_list.
If the list file is less than 24 hours old, the system appends the entries to the file; otherwise,
it overwrites the file.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 401

Piping Assembly Library

402 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Piping Assembly Library

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 403


Reference Database Revision Manager

This command creates a set of reports used to coordinate revisions in the Reference Database
and the implied changes which are required in the model. Each of the four reports listed is
created in the directory for the applicable model.
Creation of any of these reports also generates a summary report. The summary report is created
and named according to user-specified information provided on the Reference Database
Revision Manager form. Selecting the option to print the summary report will also force the
printing of the individual report that initiated the creation of the summary report.

Reference Data Conflict Report (on page 407) - Creates a report of piping or instrument
components (including piping and tubing) in any model within the project that have any
specification data that is in conflict with the appropriate Piping Commodity Data, Piping
Specialty Data, or Instrument Data of the Material Reference Database. The RDB Conflict
Report file has an extension of .rpt and is created in the model directory as
Refer to the section titled Summary of Report Parameters and Discrepancy Hierarchy
found at the beginning of this chapter for information on the order of significance of reported
You should run this report when segment data or RDB data (such as in the Piping Job
Specification Database, the Piping Job Spec Tables, and the Physical Dimension Tables) have
been changed and you want to determine which components need to be reconstructed or updated
from the RDB.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 405

Reference Database Revision Manager

Table Change Report (on page 412) - Creates a report of all piping or instrument components
(including pipes) in any model within the project that are affected by a change to a specific table
for a specific input or set of inputs. Both geometric changes as a result of revisions to dimension
tables and changes in weight data as a result of revisions to weight tables are reported. The
Table Change Report file has an extension of .tcr and is created in the model directory as
If your project was created with PDS version 6.0, use the Reference Data Conflict
Report instead.
Reference Data Impact Report (on page 417) - Creates a report, based on user-defined search
criteria, of the effects of modifying individual component attributes in the current approved
RDB. The RDB Impact Report file has an extension of .imp and is created in the model
directory as <model_number>.imp.
Proposed RDB Changes Report (on page 420) - Creates a single report assessing the effect of
multiple changes in the unapproved Material Reference Database. The Proposed RDB Changes
Report file has an extension of .pcs and is created in the model directory as
<model_number>.pcs. This report does not update the model.
Scheduled Reference Data Conflict Report - This is the same report as the Reference Data
Conflict Report (on page 407) except that you can schedule the report to run on a regular basis
using Batch Services.

Field Descriptions
Report Node Specifies the node on which the summary report will be created.
Report Path Specifies the directory in which the summary report will be created.
Report Name Specifies the name that will be used for the summary report file.
Print/Delete This option deletes the summary report after it is printed. Selecting this option
activates the queue pick list which allows you to select the appropriate print queue.
Print/Save This option does not delete the summary report after it is printed. Selecting this
option activates the queue pick list which allows you to select the appropriate print queue.
Save Saves the report in the model directory, and saves the summary report in the user-
specified directory. This option does not print the summary report.

406 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

Summary of Report Parameters and Discrepancy Hierarchy

The following chart summarizes some of the parameters used in the processing and creation of
the reports available from this command:

Discrepancies are reported according to the significance of the problem they represent. In all
cases, the most severe problem will be the problem that is reported. The hierarchy of the
problems reported is as follows:
1. Item not found in the spec.
2. Dimension tables have changed.
3. Discrepancy between component connect point NPD and segment NPD.
4. Discrepancy between model and RDB for any of the following attributes:
end preparation - green commodity code
pressure rating - green model code
schedule/thickness - green modifier
table suffix - green geometric industry standard
end preparation weight code
pressure rating - red fabrication category
schedule/thickness - red materials grade
table suffix - red
5. Weight tables have changed.

Reference Data Conflict Report

This option creates a report of piping or instrument components (including piping and tubing) in
any model within the project that have any specification data that is in conflict with the
appropriate Piping Commodity Data, Piping Specialty Data, or Instrument Data of the Material
Reference Database. The output file for this report has an extension of .rpt.
This command is used to coordinate between revisions in the Reference Database and the
implied changes which are required in the model. It also reports piping and instrument
components that require reconstruction or recalculations as a result of piping segment data
changes in the model.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 407

Reference Database Revision Manager

The Reconstruct Component command is required for any component which has geometric
type specification data revised.
The Update from Reference Database command is required for any component which has
non-geometric specification data (such as commodity code or weight table) revision.
The Re-Compute Thickness command is required for any component which has been
reported as requiring calculations as a result of changes in the material tables or thickness
You can use the Review Reference Database Revision Management Report command to
review any component in the model requiring reconstruction or an update of the specification
data as a result of changes to the Material Reference Database. This command allows you to
review any component in the model requiring reconstruction or replacement as a result of RDB
changes or deletions from the Material Reference Database. In support of this review capability,
an indexed file, the RDB Revision Management Component List, is created in the same
directory as the model with the name <model_number>.rdb. Refer to the Piping Design
Graphics Reference Guide for more information on this command.
Any component, previously reported as having required reconstructing or updating, which has
been deleted from the model, will not be included in any future reports or in the RDB Revision
Management Component List. Likewise, the RDB Revision Management Component List will
be automatically compressed as part of the report creation process.
The system will not report a component as requiring reconstruction or updating from the RDB
solely on the basis of the requirement to reconstruct flag being set for the piping segment
associated with that component. The Reference Data Conflict Report will clear the requirement
to reconstruct (or recalculate) flag if it determines there are no discrepancies for the component
associated with that piping segment.
The system will not report a component as requiring reconstruction or updating from the RDB as
the result of changing any attributes of an Implied Item.

Before Using This Command

You should not access any piping model for an interactive design session while a Reference
Database Revision Management report is being created.


Piping Commodities
The system extracts the following data from the model for the purpose of reading piping
commodity specification data from the Material Reference Database. This is the same data that
is used for the placement or reconstruction of a piping commodity.
piping materials class second size
commodity name option code
first size maximum temperature
The first size and second size are determined from the piping segment data and not from the
component itself.
If the piping commodity in the model is a branch that was initially placed using a branch table
from the Reference Database, the system reads the appropriate branch table from the Piping

408 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

Materials Class data to determine if there has been a change in the commodity name for the
branch. If so, this component is flagged as requiring reconstruction.
The system compares the following data for consistency between the model and the Reference
Database for piping commodities. The data which may impact the geometry and/or the
symbology in the model is designated by an asterisk.
* end preparation - green * commodity code
* pressure rating - green * model code
* schedule/thickness - green * modifier
* table suffix - green * geometric industry standard
* end preparation - red weight code
* pressure rating - red fabrication category
* schedule/thickness - red materials grade
* table suffix - red
Note that user overrides of fabrication category and schedule/thickness will not be included in
the report.
The system compares the gasket thickness for each bolted end of a piping commodity with the
gasket separation in the corresponding Piping Materials Class data. If a value is defined in the
Reference Database, the gasket thickness at the bolted end is compared with that value. If a
Gasket Separation Table name is defined, that table is used to determine a gasket separation
value for comparison with the gasket thickness at the bolted end.
When a component is placed next to an integral gasket, the gasket thickness is set to zero
in the model. As a result, the Reference Data Conflict Report may report a gasket thickness
error for such components. The report compares the component gasket thickness in the model (0)
with the component gasket thickness defined in the reference data, which may be different from
0, without considering the mating component data. Such errors should be ignored.
The system compares the NPD at each connect point of the component with the NPD of the
The system compares the schedule thickness data for a component in the model to the
corresponding data in the Material Reference Database. The comparison will consider the
following issues at a minimum:
the application of the schedule/override in the model.
changes to the value for the schedule thickness in the Piping Commodity Data within the
Material Reference Database.
changes to the joint efficiency value in the Piping Commodity Data within the Material
Reference Database.
changes to the value for the thickness equation in the Piping Materials Class Data within the
Material Reference Database.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 409

Reference Database Revision Manager

changes to the Thickness Data Table or the Materials Data Table.

Refer to the section titled Summary of Report Parameters and Discrepancy

Hierarchy found at the beginning of this chapter for information on the order of
significance of reported problems.
The RDB Conflict Report does not identify discrepancies between taps placed in the
model and the RDB Tap Properties Data tables used to place the taps.

Piping Specialties and Instruments

The system extracts the component number from the model for the purpose of reading piping
specialty and instrument specification data from the Material Reference Database. The
component number is also used for the placement or reconstruction of a piping specialty or an
instrument. For example, instrument_comp_no is used for instruments, and piping_comp_no is
used for piping specialties.
The system compares the following data for consistency between the model and the Reference
Database for piping specialties and instruments. The data which may impact the geometry
and/or the symbology in the model is designated by an asterisk.
* end preparation - green * physical data id
* pressure rating - green * model code
* schedule/thickness - green * modifier
* table suffix - green * geometric industry standard
* end preparation - red weight code
* pressure rating - red fabrication category
* schedule/thickness - red materials grade
* table suffix - red
The system compares the gasket thickness for each bolted end of a piping specialty or instrument
with the gasket separation in the corresponding Piping Materials Class data. If a value is defined
in the Reference Database, the gasket thickness at the bolted end is compared with that value. If
a Gasket Separation Table name is defined, that table is used to determine a gasket separation
value for comparison with the gasket thickness at the bolted end.
The system compares the green specification data in the Reference Database with all connect
points for that component in the model which are designated as having green connect point
The system compares the red specification data in the Reference Database with all connect
points, if any, which are designated as having red connect point properties.
The system compares the schedule thickness data for a component in the model to the
corresponding data in the Material Reference Database. The comparison will consider the
following issues at a minimum:
the application of the schedule/override in the model.
changes to the value for the schedule thickness in the Piping Commodity Data within the
Material Reference Database.

410 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

changes to the joint efficiency value in the Piping Commodity Data within the Material
Reference Database.
changes to the value for the thickness equation in the Piping Materials Class Data within the
Material Reference Database.
changes to the Thickness Data Table or the Materials Data Table.
The RDB Conflict Report does not identify discrepancies between taps placed in the
model and the RDB Tap Properties Data tables used to place the taps.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Reference Data Conflict Report option.
The system activates the Reference Data Conflict form.

2. Select the extent of the project to be processed.

Project process all piping models for the entire project.
Piping Design Area process the selected piping design areas.
Models process the selected models within a selected design area.
3. You can key in changes to the Report Node, Report Path, and Report Name for the
summary report output or use the default location and name.
The default location for the summary report is determined by the Report Management
Data of the Report Manager.
4. Select the desired output method for the summary report: Print/Delete, Print/Save, or Save.
If you will be printing the summary report, select a queue from the pick list.
5. Accept to Submit Job, Restart or Exit
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or select Delayed Submit and fill in the day and time
to process the request.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 411

Reference Database Revision Manager

6. Select Accept to submit the request for processing.

The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreport. It updates the batch log file
periodically to include a list of piping models which have been processed. The Reference
Data Conflict report file has an extension of .rpt and is created in the model directory
as<model_number>.rpt . If the summary report is printed as a result of creating this report,
this report will also be printed.

Table Change Report

This option creates a report of all piping or instrument components (including pipes) in any
model within the project that are affected by a change to a specific table for a specific input or
set of inputs. Both geometric changes as a result of revisions to dimension tables and changes in
weight data as a result of revisions to weight tables are reported. The output file for this report
has an extension of .tcr.
This report should be used only in the following situation:
The RBD was revised and you did not reconstruct the affected components. Then you
upgraded the project to PDS version 6.0, at which time all components were updated to have
the new last_placed_date attribute set to the date the upgrade occurred.
You will need to know the date the RDB was modified in order to find which components
require reconstruction as a result of the RDB change. This report may return false
discrepancies because it will include those items that were placed after the RDB was
In short, we recommend using this report only when the RDB is changed prior to upgrading
to PDS version 6.0, and affected components have not been reconstructed to reflect the RDB
The Reconstruct Component command is required for any component which has a dimension
table revised and the Update from Reference Database command is required for any
component which has a weight table revised.

The system performs a virtual component placement for each component in a piping model (in a
manner similar to that used by the Table Checker) to determine if that component has had any
of its geometric or weight data derived from the specified tables. The system searches all piping
and instrument components in all piping models within the project for the use of such tables and
creates a report.
In searching the model for components that have dimensional and weight data derived from the
list of revised tables, the first size and second size are determined from the components data -
not the piping segment data. This is due to the fact that reconstruction of the component will be
required, if the nominal piping diameter of any segment associated with the component differs
from the corresponding connect point size.
The contents of this report include the following data, which is sorted by the piping model
number and the line id within each piping model.
piping model number
line id
component number (if applicable)

412 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

commodity name (if applicable)

model code
dimension or weight tables
The title page for the report will include the sub-title, Table Change Report.
Piping specialties and instruments are excluded from this report when the specification data and
the geometry data have been defined by the user (not defined in the Reference Database).
You can use the Review Reference Database Revision Management Report command to
review any component in the model requiring reconstruction or updating as a result of the
components geometric or weight data being changed by a table revision. In support of this
review capability, the system creates an indexed file, the RDB Revision Management
Component List, in the same directory as the model with the name <model_number>.rdb. Refer
to the Piping Design Graphics Reference Guide for more information on the Review Reference
Data Revision Report command.
Any component, previously reported as needing reconstructing or updating, which has been
deleted from the model, will not be included in any future reports or in the RDB Revision
Management Component List. Likewise, the RDB Revision Management Component List will
be automatically compressed as part of the report creation process.
Piping and instrument components in any model which do not have a corresponding record in
the applicable table of the Piping Design Database are ignored and excluded from the report.
These components, if any, are reported through the Database Verification command of the
Project Administrator.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Table Change Report option.
The system displays a list of Physical Data Libraries.

2. Select Table Library

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 413

Reference Database Revision Manager

Select the Physical Data Library to process, such as U.S. Practice, DIN, or Company
Practice and select Accept.
3. Enter Date for Search ( dd-mmm-yy )
Key in a date (such as 10-Aug-95) in the Revision Date field to list all the tables that have
been revised since the specified date.
4. Accept, Re-enter Date or Choose Extent
Set the toggle to Full List or Sub-String. For Sub-String, key in a string to limit the tables
to be listed.
Select Accept to begin processing.
The system displays a list of all dimension and weight tables (or those which match a
specified substring).

5. Select Tables or Exit

Select the dimension tables to be considered in the creation of the revision management
You can select Process All to process all the listed tables (those which meet the specified
revision date and substring).
Select Accept to process the selected tables.

414 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

For each of the selected tables, the system displays the table data in the Table Data Display

6. Select Table Entry

For each table, you can specify which entries (up to a total of 200 entries) in the table have
been revised.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 415

Reference Database Revision Manager

Although the performance of the Reference Data Manager in creating the report will not be
impacted by the number of dimension table entries that are to be considered for revision
management, the list of components in the model will be impacted. For example, if you
inadvertently identify entries which had not actually changed, you may create significant,
unnecessary work.

7. Select the extent of the project to be processed.

Project process all piping models in the entire project.
Piping Design Area process the selected piping design areas.
Models process the selected models within a selected design area.
The summary report path and report node are determined by the settings defined with the
Report Manager.
8. You can change the location or name for the summary report output or use the defaults.
9. Select the desired output method for the summary report: Print/Delete, Print/Save, or Save.
10. Accept to Submit Job, Restart or Exit
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or select Delayed Submit and fill in the day and time
to process the request.
11. Select Accept to begin processing the request.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreport. It updates the batch log file
periodically to include a list of piping models which have been processed. The table change
report file has an extension of .tcr and is created in the model directory as
<model_number>.tcr . If the summary report is printed as a result of creating this report,
this report will also be printed.

416 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

Reference Data Impact Report

Selecting the Reference Data Impact Report command activates the Search Criteria form.

This report is based on user-defined search criteria of attributes such as piping materials class,
commodity code, commodity name, option code, maximum temperature, nominal diameter, end
preparation, schedule thickness, table suffix, and so forth. The purpose of this report is to find
which components (constrained by your search criteria) will be impacted by a change in the
attributes as they exist in the current approved RDB. The RDB Impact Report search criteria
are valid for Piping Material Class Data (pdtable_201) and Piping Component Specification
Data (pdtable_202).
The RDB Impact Report file has an extension of .imp and is created in the model directory as
<model_number>.imp. This report does not include a graphical review capability.

Example 1
As an example, assume that you want to know the impact of changing the vendor for a specific
type of valve. You could define the search criteria to find all instances of valves with that
specific geometric industry standard that would need to be reconstructed if the vendor were

Example 2
As a second example, assume that you are working with a project that uses spec A and spec B.
Both of these specs contain the value X, for the vendor of gate valves. A model has been created
that uses both spec A and B, and valves have been placed from both of these specs.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 417

Reference Database Revision Manager

Also, assume that spec B has been modified since the valves have been placed so that the vendor
in spec B now has a value of Y (instead of X), and the model has not been updated to reflect this
spec change.
If the Reference Data Impact Report was run now to determine the impact of changing the
vendor X, the system would scan the RDB for all occurrences of vendor X (which, at this time,
would be only those placed from spec A), check the portions of the design you specified for
occurrences of vendor X, then report the matching occurrences back to you.
The resulting report would not list those valves from vendor X that were placed from spec B,
because the occurrences of those valves in the model did not match the occurrences in the RDB
(due to the model not being updated after the spec change).

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Reference Data Impact Report command from the Reference Data Revision
Manager form.
The system activates the Search Criteria form, which prompts you to select the attribute to
be restricted.
2. Select Attribute
Select the attribute to be restricted.
After selecting attribute from the attribute display list, the system displays the selected
attribute in a separate field and displays a list of operators.

3. Select Operator
Select an operator to define the search criteria.
The system displays the selected operator and prompts you to key in an attribute value.
4. Enter Attribute Value
Key in the attribute value. For a sub-string search, key in a string to appear anywhere within
the attribute value (do not use wild cards).
If the attribute is code-listed, the system displays a list of values from the Standard Note
5. Select the value and select Accept.
The system validates the input and displays the defined search criteria in the Search
Criteria display field.

418 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

6. Accept or Select And/Or Operator

Select AND to specify an additional condition or select OR to specify an alternative

Accept the defined search criteria and activate the Reference Data Revision Manager

7. Revise the search criteria, if necessary, using the Revise Search Criteria option.
Select the extent of the project to be processed.
Project Process all piping models for the entire project.
Piping Design Area Process the selected piping design areas.
Models Process the selected models within a selected design area.
8. You can key in changes to the Report Node, Report Path, and Report Name for the
summary report output or use the default location and name.
The default location for the summary report is determined by the Report Management
Data of the Report Manager.
9. Select the desired output method for the summary report: Print/Delete, Print/Save, or Save.
If you will be printing the summary report, select a queue from the pick list.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 419

Reference Database Revision Manager

10. Accept to Submit Job, Restart or Exit

Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or select Delayed Submit and fill in the day and time
to process the request.
11. Select Accept to submit the request for processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreport. It updates the batch log file
periodically to include a list of piping models which have been processed. The reference
data impact report file has an extension of .imp and is created in the model directory as
<model_number>.imp . If the summary report is printed as a result of creating this report,
this report will also be printed.

Proposed RDB Changes Report

This command creates a report assessing the impact of multiple changes in the unapproved RDB.
Selecting this command from the Reference Data Revision Manager form activates the
Proposed RDB Changes Report form.
You must make changes to the unapproved Material Reference Database in order to
assess the effect of these changes. You are responsible for restoring the unapproved Material
Reference Database to its original state if you decide not to pursue these changes.
Refer to the section titled Summary of Report Parameters and Discrepancy Hierarchy
found at the beginning of this chapter for information on the order of significance of reported

420 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

Piping Commodities
The system extracts the following data from the model for the purpose of reading piping
commodity specification data from the Material Reference Database. This is the same data that is
used for the placement or reconstruction of a piping commodity.
piping materials class second size
commodity name option code
first size maximum temperature
The first size and second size are determined from the piping segment data and not from the
component itself.
If the piping commodity in the model is a branch that was initially placed using a branch table
from the Reference Database, the system reads the appropriate branch table from the Piping
Materials Class data to determine if there has been a change in the commodity name for the
branch. If so, this component is flagged as requiring reconstruction.
The system compares the following data for consistency between the model and the Reference
Database for piping commodities. The data which may impact the geometry and/or the
symbology in the model is designated by an asterisk.
* end preparation - green * commodity code
* pressure rating - green * model code
* schedule/thickness - green * modifier
* table suffix - green * geometric industry standard
* end preparation - red weight code
* pressure rating - red fabrication category
* schedule/thickness - red materials grade
* table suffix - red
Note that user overrides of fabrication category and schedule/thickness will not be included in
the report.
The system compares the gasket thickness for each bolted end of a piping commodity with the
gasket separation in the corresponding Piping Materials Class data. If a value is defined in the
Reference Database, the gasket thickness at the bolted end is compared with that value. If a
Gasket Separation Table name is defined, that table is used to determine a gasket separation
value for comparison with the gasket thickness at the bolted end.
The system compares the specification data for any connect point of a piping commodity which
has been designated as a tap with the appropriate data (either the specification data from the Tap
Properties Data in the Reference Database or from another connect point.
The system compares the NPD at each connect point of the component with the NPD of the
The system compares the schedule thickness data for a component in the model to the
corresponding data in the Material Reference Database. The comparison will consider the
following issues at a minimum:
the application of the schedule/override in the model.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 421

Reference Database Revision Manager

changes to the value for the schedule thickness in the Piping Commodity Data within the
Material Reference Database.
changes to the joint efficiency value in the Piping Commodity Data within the Material
Reference Database.
changes to the value for the thickness equation in the Piping Materials Class Data within the
Material Reference Database.
changes to the Thickness Data Table or the Materials Data Table.
Refer to the section titled Summary of Report Parameters and Discrepancy Hierarchy
found at the beginning of this chapter for information on the order of significance of reported

Piping Specialties and Instruments

The system extracts the component number from the model for the purpose of reading piping
specialty and instrument specification data from the Material Reference Database. The
component number is also used for the placement or reconstruction of a piping specialty or an
instrument. For example, instrument_comp_no is used for instruments, and piping_comp_no is
used for piping specialties.
The system compares the following data for consistency between the model and the Reference
Database for piping specialties and instruments. The data which may impact the geometry
and/or the symbology in the model is designated by an asterisk.
* end preparation - green * physical data id
* pressure rating - green * model code
* schedule/thickness - green * modifier
* table suffix - green * geometric industry standard
* end preparation - red weight code
* pressure rating - red fabrication category
* schedule/thickness - red materials grade
* table suffix - red
The system compares the gasket thickness for each bolted end of a piping specialty or instrument
with the gasket separation in the corresponding Piping Materials Class data. If a value is defined
in the Reference Database, the gasket thickness at the bolted end is compared with that value. If
a Gasket Separation Table name is defined, that table is used to determine a gasket separation
value for comparison with the gasket thickness at the bolted end.
The system compares the specification data for any connect point of a piping specialty or
instrument which has been designated as a tap with the appropriate data, i.e. either the
specification data from the Tap Properties Data in the Reference Database or from another
connect point. Piping specialties and instruments are excluded from this report when the
specification data and the geometry data is defined by the user (not defined in the Reference
The system compares the green specification data in the Reference Database with all connect
points for that component in the model which are designated as having green connect point

422 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Reference Database Revision Manager

The system compares the red specification data in the Reference Database with all connect
points, if any, which are designated as having red connect point properties.
The system compares the schedule thickness data for a component in the model to the
corresponding data in the Material Reference Database. The comparison will consider the
following issues at a minimum:
the application of the schedule/override in the model.
changes to the value for the schedule thickness in the Piping Commodity Data within the
Material Reference Database.
changes to the joint efficiency value in the Piping Commodity Data within the Material
Reference Database.
changes to the value for the thickness equation in the Piping Materials Class Data within the
Material Reference Database.
changes to the Thickness Data Table or the Materials Data Table.

Operating Sequence
1. Select the Proposed RDB Changes Report option.
The system activates the Proposed RDB Changes form.

2. Select the extent of the project to be processed.

Project process all piping models for the entire project.
Piping Design Area process the selected piping design areas.
Models process the selected models within a selected design area.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 423

Reference Database Revision Manager

3. You can key in changes to the Report Node, Report Path, and Report Name for the
summary report output or use the default location and name.
The default location for the summary report is determined by the Report Management
Data of the Report Manager.
4. Select the desired output method for the summary report: Print/Delete, Print/Save, or Save.
If you will be printing the summary report, select a queue from the pick list.
5. Accept to Submit Job, Restart or Exit
Set the toggle to Submit Immediately or select Delayed Submit and fill in the day and time
to process the request.
6. Select Accept to submit the request for processing.
The system submits the request to the batch queue PDreport. It updates the batch log file
periodically to include a list of piping models which have been processed. The proposed
RDB changes report file has an extension of .pcs and is created in the model directory as
<model_number>.pcs. If the summary report is printed as a result of creating this report,
this report will also be printed.
Reference Data Conflict Report (on page 407)
Proposed RDB Changes Report (on page 420)

424 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Verify RDB Library

For releases prior to the 4.2 PDS release, a problem existed in the Reference Data Manager, such
that the binary tree structure in a reference data library (such as the Graphic Commodity Library)
could be corrupted without the user immediately detecting any problems with that library.
Although the software problem was corrected in the 4.2 PDS release, the data problem that
resulted may have persisted beyond that release, particularly if the library has not been
As a final step within the project upgrade process, the system verifies the integrity of the binary
tree structure within each of the reference data libraries. If an error is detected, a specific
warning message will be reported, both interactively and in the upgrade log. In this event, you
should contact Intergraph immediately for assistance in repairing the library.
The Verify RDB Library utility has been provided to allow the capability to verify the integrity
of the binary tree structure on demand.
The Verify RDB Library icon is located in the PD_Shell program group on systems upon
which the PD_Data software has been loaded locally; double-click on this icon to activate the

Operating Sequence
1. Execute the command by double-clicking on the Verify RDB Library icon in the PD_Shell
program group.

The system activates the Reference Database Library Verification Utility form, and prompts
you to select the appropriate project number from the list.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 425

Verify RDB Library

2. Select the desired project number, and then select the Verify Reference Database Library
The system begins the verification process and displays the Verifying RDB Library Files
message. When processing is complete, the system returns a message similar to the one
shown below:

A typical output file has been excerpted below. No errors were found in this example.

Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618pjstb.l
header number keys = 234
tree number keys = 234
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618pjstb.l.t
header number keys = 234
tree number keys = 234
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618pjstb.l.r
header number keys = 234
tree number keys = 234

426 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Verify RDB Library

Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618shbom.l
header number keys = 2877
tree number keys = 2877
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618lgbom.l
header number keys = 2629
tree number keys = 2629
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618spbom.l
Empty file, no keys.
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618note.l
header number keys = 4162
tree number keys = 4162
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618note.l.t
header number keys = 65
tree number keys = 65
Counting implied keys for code31
Counting implied keys for code35
Counting implied keys for code36
Counting implied keys for code37
Counting implied keys for code50
Counting implied keys for code69
Counting implied keys for code125
Counting implied keys for code2000
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618label.l
header number keys = 217
tree number keys = 217
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618assem.l
header number keys = 110
tree number keys = 110
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618assem.l.t
header number keys = 110
tree number keys = 110
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618gcom.l
header number keys = 1509
tree number keys = 1509
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618gcom.l.t
header number keys = 1509
tree number keys = 1509
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618pcdim.l
header number keys = 4820
tree number keys = 4820
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618pcdim.l.t
header number keys = 4820
tree number keys = 4820
Opening : /onneso3a/rdb/lib/approved/618pcdim.l.r
header number keys = 4820
tree number keys = 4820
Total files with errors : 0

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 427

Verify RDB Library

428 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Appendix: Reference Data Manager

Error Messages
The PDS 3D products share common message files contained in the win32app\ingr\pdshell\msg
pdsmc.msg command field messages
pdsme.msg error and warning messages
pdsmp.msg prompts and messages
pdsms.msg status messages.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 429

Appendix: Reference Data Manager Error Messages

430 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Appendix: Codelists
This section details the codelists used in PDS.
The data contained within this appendix is for informational purposes only and may not
exactly match the codelists delivered with the product.

General Comments
Codelist sets in this document define the values for all codelisted attributes used in the PDS
Piping Task which are specific to US plant design practices.
You can add, delete, or revise codelist sets to reflect your own practices, terminology, and
language. A task user, however, cannot revise a codelist set from a work session. Revisions to a
codelist set, can only be made in the General RDB or Standard Note Library.
In listings that follow, the maximum number of entries that may be expected for a specific
codelist set is shown in parentheses following the name of the codelist set.
For PDS users that wish to modify codelist files delivered with the PDS software to reflect their
own practices, two approaches are possible:
Make the modifications within the range of codelist numbers defined in the codelist library
delivered with the PDS software. This has the advantage of resulting in the best organized
set of codelisted definitions. The disadvantage is that numbers added by the user may
conflict with numbers added in future versions of software.
Increase the maximum number of entries allowed for the codelist set and make additions to
it in the range of extended numbers. This will minimize possible conflicts assigned numbers
but will require compiling of the codelists and of the associated databases.
Values enclosed in brackets [ ] in pages that follow represent descriptive information. The
values stored in the codelist sets will exclude this bracketed information from the codelist
The net length of a codelist entry cannot exceed 50 characters. Other considerations may,
however, require that a shorter description be made. For example:
For the P&ID Task, the total compressed length of a label part can not exceed 36 characters.
The formats of specification type reports for the Instrument Task require that applicable
codelist descriptions do not exceed 25 characters.

Comments Specific to Units of Measure Codelist Sets

The PDS system of units is derived from the 1980 Edition of API-2564, Manual of Petroleum
Measurement Standards, Chapter 15 "Guidelines for the Use of the International System of
Units (SI) in the Petroleum and Allied Industries".
The tables in this document include the following information.
Codelist set This is the number of the codelist set that identifies a specific
quantity. For example, codelist set 1028 includes the units of
measure that apply to the quantity "mass".

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 431

Appendix: Codelists

Codelist no This is the number that defines a specific unit of measure within
a codelist set. For example, codelist number 1 in codelist set
1028 refers to the "lb" units of measure.
Unit type This code is not explicitly shown in the tables. The unit type
equals the number of the codelist set minus 1000. For example,
reference to unit type 28 refers to "mass".
Quantity name Entries in this column define the quantity whose units of
measure are being defined.
Unit name Several unit names are provided for a given codelist set. Any of
these names can be used to define the quantity.
Conversion to destination Two sets of columns define the conversion of variables
unit expressed in the units shown under the column "Unit Name" to
the unit shown under the column "Destination Unit". The
following explanations apply:
The column captioned Destination Unit defines the unit to
which the unit included under the column Unit Name will be
converted using the value shown under the column Factor.
The column captioned Factor provides the actual conversion
factor to be used for the conversion. For example, in codelist
set 1028, to convert a mass measurement in "lb" to "kg",
multiply the value in the former units by the conversion
factor, 4.535 924 E-01. In some cases, such as temperature,
summation may also be required to effect the desired
conversion. All conversion factors are taken or derived from
API Publication 2564. Groups of three digits are separated
by spaces with no commas. For example,
3.048 000 E-01 = 3.048 000 x 10-1 = 0.3048000.
9.290 304 E+02 = 9.290 304 x 102 = 929.0304.
An asterisk (*) indicates that all following digits are zeros. If a
conversion factor happens to end in several zeros but does not
have an asterisk, any subsequent digits would not necessarily be
zeros. Most of the conversion factors are shown to six or seven
significant figures. Those shown to fewer than six significant
figures are limited by the precision of the known or
determinable value of a physical property, such as the density of
distilled water at a reference temperature.

432 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

Conversion to first unit in Two sets of columns define the conversion of the units shown
CL under the column Unit Name to the first unit shown in that
column. The conversion is done per the equation:
y= A + Bx
x applies to the value of the variable expressed in the units
shown in the column captioned Unit Name.
y applies to the value of the variable expressed in the units
shown in the first line of the column captioned Unit Name.
A is the factor in the column captioned Factor A.
B is the factor in the column captioned Factor B.
The distinction between upper case and lower case symbols is very important. For example:
K= kelvin
k= kilo= 103
M= mega= 106
m= milli= 10-3 (when m is used as a prefix)
m= metre (when m is used alone)
N= newton
n= nano= 10-9
In editing any of the codelist sets for units, do not change the meaning of existing codelist
In all codelist sets for units, a blank space is provided as the first character in the unit name. The
blank space is used to silence the units in the formation of labels.

Symbol Name Quantity

bar bar pressure

degC degree Celsius temperature

g gram mass

kg kilogram mass

m metre length

min minute time

Pa pascal pressure

t metric ton mass

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 433

Appendix: Codelists

CL31, Object Types for Orthographic Drawings (40)

0031, Object Types for Orthographic Drawings (40)

Equipment Category Object Types (100-149)

The Range of 100-149 for the equipment category is
divided into two parts:
101-110 These entries are reserved by INTERGRAPH
and may not be changed by the user.
111-149 Codelist entries in this range may be created,
revised, and/or deleted by the user.
If modified the user must also revise the
contents of the file eqp_object.dwg and
labels.xxx (where xxx is the drawing type
number defined in CL2000 ) in the project

101 = Equipment Group

110 = Equipment Nozzle
120 = Equipment Platform
124 = Equipment Handrail
128 = Equipment Penetration
130 = Equipment Stair
135 = Equipment Ladder
140 = Equipment Davit

Piping Category Object Types (200-249)

205 = Piping Segment

207 = Pipe
210 = Piping Component
215 = Piping Specialty
220 = Piping Support

Instrument Category Object Types (250-279)

250 = Control Valves and Regulators

252 = Relief Devices
255 = Other In-Line Instruments
260 = Off-Line Instruments

HVAC Category Object Types (359-399)

359 = HVAC Coil Data

360 = HVAC Connector Data
361 = HVAC Damper Data
362 = HVAC Diffuser Data
363 = HVAC Duct Data
364 = HVAC DEquipment Data
365 = HVAC Filter Data

434 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

366 = HVAC Fitting Data

367 = HVAC Grille Data
368 = HVAC Hood Data
369 = HVAC Humidifier Data
370 = HVAC Register Data
371 = HVAC Terminal Devices

EERWAY Category Object Types (300-306)

300 = EERWAY Connect Point

301 = EERWAY OneLine
302 = EERWAY Straight
303 = EERWAY Fitting
304 = EERWAY Space Envelope
305 = EERWAY To_Equipment
306 = EERWAY To_Support
307 = EERWAY Eqp Panel
308 = EERWAY Duct Bank

CL35, Approval Status (10)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.
The following are the requirements in use of the "approval status."
2 reserved for approved
3 reserved for not approved
11-20 reserved for approved
21-30 reserved for not approved
1 = [Blank]
2 = A =Approved
3 = NA=Not approved

CL36, Structural Approval Status (15)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.

0= New
1 = Existing
2 = Future
3 = User 1
4 = User 2

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 435

Appendix: Codelists

CL37, HVAC Approval Status (10)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.

1 = New
2 = Existing
3 = Dismantle
4 = Future

CL50, Hold Status (10)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed. Labels
always require that only values to the right of the "=" sign be

1 = NH=Not held
2 = H =Hold

CL69, Equipment Divisions/Form Code (99)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of codelist value "All". Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other data displays
require that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.

1 = A= All
2 = B= Vessels
3 = C= Heat transfer
4 = D= Mechanical
5 = E= Civil/Structural
6 = F= Piping
7 = H= Electrical
8 = I= Other

436 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL125, Fluid Code/Connector Type (999)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values 950-999.
1 = [Blank]

11 = A [Air]
14 = AC [Combustion air]
17 = AE [Aeration air]
20 = AI [Instrument air]
23 = AO [Operational air]
26 = AP [Plant air]
29 = APU [Purge air]
32 = AR [Regeneration air]
35 = AS [Starting air]
40 = AZ [Other air]

71 = C [Refrigerant]
75 = CA [Ammonia refrigerant]
79 = CE [Ethylene refrigerant]
83 = CF [Freon refrigerant]
87 = CLP [LP refrigerant]
91 = CPR [Propylene refrigerant]
100 = CZ [Other refrigerant]

101 = D [Sewer]
103 = DC [Caustic sewer]
105 = DCH [Chemical sewer]
107 = DGR [Drain to grade]
109 = DOW [Oily water sewer]
111 = DP [Process sewer]
113 = DPH [Heated process sewer]
115 = DS [Sanitary sewer]
117 = DSP [Press sanitary sewer]
119 = DST [Storm sewer]
121 = DW [Clean water sewer]
123 = DWS [Sour water sewer]
125 = DX [Acid sewer]
127 = [Blank] [Storm, oily water or sanitary sewer]
128 = [Blank] [Storm or oily water sewer]
130 = DZ [Other sewer]

161 = F [Foam]

191 = G [Gas]
194 = GCD [Carbon dioxide gas]
197 = GCL [Chlorine gas]
198 = GCN [Chlorination gas]
200 = GF [Fuel gas]
203 = GG [Flue gas]
206 = GH [Hydrogen gas]
209 = GHS [Hydrogen sulphide gas]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 437

Appendix: Codelists

212 = GI [Inert gas]

215 = GLP [LP gas]
218 = GM [Make-up gas]
221 = GN [Natural gas]
224 = GNI [Nitrogen gas]
227 = GOX [Oxygen gas]
230 = GP [Purge gas]
233 = GR [Reformed gas]
236 = GS [Synthesis gas]
239 = GSO [Sour gas]
242 = GSW [Sweet gas]
245 = GW [Waste gas
250 = GZ [Other gas]

341 = K [Solvent]
346 = KG [Glycol]
351 = KF [Furfural]
356 = KD [Dewaxing]
370 = KZ [Other solvent]

401 = M [Chemical]
402 = [Blank] [Chemical injection]
405 = MAA [Anhydrous ammonia]
409 = MAC [Aluminum chloride]
413 = MAW [Aqueous ammonia]
417 = MC5 [0-50% caustic solution]
421 = MCL [Dry chlorine]
425 = MEO [Ethylene oxide]
429 = MHC [Hydrogen chloride]
433 = MIA [Inhibitor A]
434 = MIB [Inhibitor B]
440 = MLA [Lube oil additives]
444 = MMA [Methyl alcohol]
448 = MS [Sulfur]
452 = MSL [Liquid sulfur]
460 = MZ [Other chemical]

491 = O [Oil]
493 = OD [Diesel fuel oil]
495 = ODS [Dry slop oil]
497 = OF [Flushing oil]
499 = OFR [Fuel oil return]
500 = OFS [Fuel oil supply]
503 = OH [Hydraulic oil]
505 = OL [Lube]
507 = OLS [Lube and seal oil]
509 = OS [Seal oil]
511 = OSO [Sour oil]
513 = OSW [Sweet oil]
515 = OWS [Wet slop oil]
520 = OZ [Other oil]

438 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

521 = P [Process]
522 = [Blank] [Special process]
524 = PA [Process w/ rich/lean amine]
527 = PAS [Process w/ severe amine]
530 = PB [Process w/ benzene]
533 = PH [Process w/ H2]
536 = PHH [Process w/ H2 & H2S]
539 = PHW [Process w/ aqueous H2S]
542 = PL [Low temperature process]
545 = PS [Process w/ S]
550 = PZ [Other process]

581 = RA [Relief to atmosphere]

591 = RF [Relief to flare]
610 = RZ [Other relief]

611 = S [Steam]
613 = [Blank] [Boiler feed water or steam]
615 = [Blank] [Boiler feed water, steam or condensate]
617 = [Blank] [Steam or condensate]
621 = SE [Extr press CL1500 steam]
623 = SH [High press CL900 steam]
625 = SL [Low press CL150 steam]
627 = SM [Med press CL600 steam]
629 = SN [Nor press CL300 steam]
631 = SS [Superheated steam]
633 = SV [Vacuum steam]
635 = SX [Exhaust CL125 steam]
640 = SZ [Other steam]

641 = SC [Steam condensate]

643 = SCA [Atmospheric CL125 steam condensate]
645 = SCE [Extr press CL1500 steam condensate]
647 = SCH [High press CL900 steam condensate]
649 = SCL [Low press CL150 steam condensate]
651 = SCM [Med press CL600 steam condensate]
653 = SCN [Nor press CL300 steam condensate]
655 = SCV [Vacuum steam condensate]
660 = SCZ [Other steam condensate]

721 = V [Vent]
731 = VA [Vent to atmosphere]
741 = VF [Vent to flare]
750 = VZ [Other vent]

751 = W [Water]
753 = WB [Boiler feed water]
755 = WBA [Ballast water]
757 = WBB [Water boiler blowdown]
759 = WC [Cooling water]
761 = [Blank] [Cooling or utility water]
763 = WCH [Chlorinated water]
764 = WCL [Chlorine in water]
765 = WCF [Clarified water]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 439

Appendix: Codelists

767 = WCR [Cooling water return]

768 = WCS [Cooling water supply]
771 = WPT [Potable water]
772 = [Blank] [Potable water or instrument air]
773 = WDM [Demineralized water]
775 = WFA [Aboveground fire water]
777 = WFI [Filtered water]
779 = WFU [Underground fire water]
781 = WG [Glycol water]
783 = WGL [Gland water]
785 = WGR [Glycol water return]
786 = WGS [Glycol water supply]
789 = WH [Hot water]
791 = WHR [Hot water return]
792 = WHS [Hot water supply]
795 = WI [Chilled water]
797 = WIR [Chilled water return]
798 = WIS [Chilled water supply]
801 = WK [Treated water]
803 = WN [Brine water]
805 = WP [Process water]
807 = WR [Raw water]
809 = WS [Sea water]
811 = WSR [Sea water return]
812 = WSS [Sea water supply]
815 = WT [Test water]
817 = WU [Utility water]
819 = WW [Waste water]
830 = WZ [Other water]

831 = X [Acid]
835 = XH [Hydrofluoric acid]
839 = XN [Nitric acid]
843 = XSD [Dilute sulfuric acid]
847 = XS3 [30% sulfuric acid]
851 = XS8 [75-80% sulfuric acid]
853 = XS9 [93-97% sulfuric acid]
860 = XZ [Other acid]

861 = Y [Catalyst]
865 = YA [Catalyst addition]
869 = YG [General catalyst]
873 = YH [Catalyst w/ H2]
877 = YL [Catalyst lift lines]
881 = YW [Catalyst withdrawal lines]
890 = YZ [Other catalyst]

950 = ODPC [Off-dwg piping connectors]

951 = OUPC [Off-unit piping connectors]
953 = UODPC [Utility off-dwg piping connectors]
955 = ODIC [Off-dwg instr connectors]
956 = OUIC [Off-unit instr connectors]
960 = OVPC [Off-vol piping connectors]
961 = OSPC [Off-site piping connectors]

440 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

999 = TERM [Terminator piping connector]

CL130, Construction Status (15)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values 2, 3 and 8. In addition, codelist
values 4-7 must imply an "existing" construction status. Codelist
values 9-15 inherit the color symbology from the construction
status of the item previously placed in the model.

1 = [Blank]
2 = New
3 = Existing
4 = Revamp
5 = Relocate
6 = Temporary
7 = Dismantle
8 = Future

CL145, Materials Grade (4500)

NOTE: Some data displays require that only values to the left of the
"=" sign be shown; other reports require that only values to the right
of the "=" sign be displayed.

1 = [Blank]

Irons, 10-99
10 = A47-32510
12 = A47-35018
15 = A48-20
16 = A48-25
17 = A48-30
18 = A48-35
19 = A48-40
20 = A48-45
21 = A48-50
22 = A48-55
23 = A48-60
25 = A74
30 = A126-A
31 = A126-B
32 = A126-C
35 = A197
40 = A278-20
41 = A278-25
42 = A278-30
43 = A278-35
44 = A278-40

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 441

Appendix: Codelists

45 = A278-50
46 = A278-60
47 = A278-70
48 = A278-80
55 = A338
60 = A395-Ductile
62 = A395-Ferritic Ductile
70 = A571
75 = AWWA-C110-Ductile
76 = AWWA-C151-Ductile

Carbon Steels, 100-499

110 = API-5L-A
114 = API-5L-A25
116 = API-5L-B
118 = API-5L-X42
120 = API-5L-X46
122 = API-5L-X52
124 = API-5L-X65
135 = A36
140 = A53-A
142 = A53-B
144 = A53-Type F
150 = A105
160 = A106-A
162 = A106-B
164 = A106-C
170 = A120
180 = A134-A36
182 = A134-A283-A
183 = A134-A283-B
184 = A134-A283-C
185 = A134-A283-D
186 = A134-A285-A
187 = A134-A285-B
188 = A134-A285-C
190 = A134-A570-30
191 = A134-A570-33
192 = A134-A570-36
193 = A134-A570-40
194 = A134-A570-45
195 = A134-A570-50
200 = A135-A
202 = A135-B
210 = A139-A
212 = A139-B
214 = A139-C
216 = A139-D
218 = A139-E
220 = A179
230 = A181-CL60
234 = A181-CL70
240 = A211-A570-30
241 = A211-A570-33

442 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

242 = A211-A570-36
243 = A211-A570-40
244 = A211-A570-45
245 = A211-A570-50
250 = A216-WCA
252 = A216-WCB
254 = A216-WCC
264 = A234-WPB
266 = A234-WPC
270 = A283-A
272 = A283-B
274 = A283-C
276 = A283-D
280 = A285-A
282 = A285-B
284 = A285-C
290 = A333-1
293 = A333-6
295 = A334-1
298 = A334-6
300 = A350-LF1
302 = A350-LF2
305 = A352-LCB
310 = A369-FPA
312 = A369-FPB
320 = A381-Y35
321 = A381-Y42
322 = A381-Y46
323 = A381-Y48
325 = A381-Y50
327 = A381-Y52
334 = A420-WPL6
340 = A515-55
342 = A515-60
344 = A515-65
346 = A515-70
350 = A516-55
352 = A516-60
354 = A516-65
356 = A516-70
360 = A520-30
361 = A520-33
362 = A520-36
363 = A520-40
364 = A520-45
365 = A520-50
370 = A524-I
372 = A524-II
375 = A537-CL1
380 = A587
390 = A671-CA55
392 = A671-CB60
394 = A671-CB65
396 = A671-CB70

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 443

Appendix: Codelists

398 = A671-CC60
400 = A671-CC65
402 = A671-CC70
404 = A671-CD70
406 = A671-CE55
408 = A671-CE60
410 = A671-CK75
420 = A672-A45
422 = A672-A50
424 = A672-A55
426 = A672-B55
428 = A672-B60
430 = A672-B65
432 = A672-B70
434 = A672-C55
436 = A672-C60
438 = A672-C65
440 = A672-C70
442 = A672-D70
444 = A672-E55
446 = A672-E60
448 = A672-N75
460 = A691-CMS75
464 = A691-CMSH70

Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, 500-899

510 = A182-F1
512 = A182-F2
514 = A182-F5
516 = A182-F5a
518 = A182-F6a Cl.1
519 = A182-F6a Cl.2
520 = A182-F6a Cl.3
521 = A182-F6a Cl.4
523 = A182-F6b
524 = A182-F7
526 = A182-F9
528 = A182-F11
530 = A182-F12
532 = A182-F21
534 = A182-F22
536 = A182-F22a
540 = A202-A
542 = A202-B
550 = A203-A
552 = A203-B
554 = A203-D
556 = A203-E
560 = A204-A
562 = A204-B
564 = A204-C
576 = A217-C5
578 = A217-C12
580 = A217-CA15

444 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

582 = A217-WC1
584 = A217-WC4
586 = A217-WC5
588 = A217-WC6
590 = A217-WC9
600 = A225-A
602 = A225-B
610 = A234-WP1
614 = A234-WP5
616 = A234-WP7
618 = A234-WP9
620 = A234-WP11
622 = A234-WP12
624 = A234-WP22
630 = A302-A
632 = A302-B
634 = A302-C
636 = A302-D
644 = A333-3
646 = A333-4
648 = A333-7
650 = A333-8
652 = A333-9
664 = A334-3
666 = A334-7
668 = A334-8
670 = A334-9
680 = A335-P1
682 = A335-P2
684 = A335-P5
686 = A335-P5b
687 = A335-P5c
690 = A335-P7
692 = A335-P9
694 = A335-P11
696 = A335-P12
698 = A335-P15
700 = A335-P21
702 = A335-P22
710 = A350-LF3
720 = A352-LC1
722 = A352-LC2
724 = A352-LC3
730 = A353
740 = A369-FP1
742 = A369-FP2
744 = A369-FP3b
746 = A369-FP5
748 = A369-FP7
750 = A369-FP9
752 = A369-FP11
754 = A369-FP12
756 = A369-FP21
758 = A369-FP22

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 445

Appendix: Codelists

760 = A385-7 Cl.1

761 = A385-7 Cl.2
770 = A387-2 Cl.1
771 = A387-2 Cl.2
774 = A387-5 Cl.1
775 = A387-5 Cl.2
778 = A387-9 Cl.1
779 = A387-9 Cl.2
780 = A387-11 Cl.1
781 = A387-11 Cl.2
782 = A387-12 Cl.1
783 = A387-12 Cl.2
784 = A387-21 Cl.1
785 = A387-21 Cl.2
786 = A387-22 Cl.1
787 = A387-22 Cl.2
794 = A420-WPL3
798 = A420-WPL8
800 = A426-CP1
802 = A426-CP2
804 = A426-CP5
806 = A426-CP5b
808 = A426-CP7
810 = A426-CP9
812 = A426-CP11
814 = A426-CP12
816 = A426-CP15
817 = A426-CPCA15
820 = A426-CP21
822 = A426-CP22
830 = A553-Type I
832 = A553-Type II
835 = A645
840 = A671-CF70
842 = A671-CF71
850 = A672-L65
852 = A672-L70
854 = A672-L75
860 = A691-CM65
862 = A691-CM70
864 = A691-CM75
866 = A691-0.5Cr
868 = A691-1Cr
870 = A691-1.25Cr
872 = A691-2.25Cr
874 = A691-3Cr
876 = A691-5Cr
878 = A691-9Cr

446 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

Stainless Steels, 900-1324

920 = A167-301
922 = A167-302
923 = A167-302B
926 = A167-304
927 = A167-304L
930 = A167-305
932 = A167-308
934 = A167-309
935 = A167-309S
938 = A167-310
939 = A167-310S
942 = A167-316
943 = A167-316L
946 = A167-317
947 = A167-317L
950 = A167-321
952 = A167-347
954 = A167-348
960 = A182-F10
964 = A182-F304
965 = A182-F304H
966 = A182-F304L
968 = A182-F310
970 = A182-F316
971 = A182-F316H
972 = A182-F316L
974 = A182-F321
975 = A182-F321H
978 = A182-F347
979 = A182-F347H
982 = A182-F348
983 = A182-F348H
990 = A240-X8M
992 = A240-302
994 = A240-304
995 = A240-304L
996 = A240-304H
998 = A240-305
1000 = A240-309S
1004 = A240-310S
1006 = A240-316
1007 = A240-316L
1010 = A240-317
1011 = A240-317L
1014 = A240-321
1016 = A240-347
1018 = A240-348
1020 = A240-405
1022 = A240-410
1023 = A240-410S
1026 = A240-429
1028 = A240-430
1040 = A268-TP329

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 447

Appendix: Codelists

1044 = A268-TP405
1046 = A268-TP409
1048 = A268-TP410
1050 = A268-TP430
1051 = A268-TP430Ti
1054 = A268-TP443
1056 = A268-TP446
1060 = A269-TP304
1061 = A269-TP304L
1064 = A269-TP316
1065 = A269-TP316L
1066 = A270-TP316L
1070 = A312-TP304
1071 = A312-TP304H
1072 = A312-TP304L
1074 = A312-TP309
1076 = A312-TP310
1078 = A312-TP316
1079 = A312-TP316H
1080 = A312-TP316L
1082 = A312-TP317
1084 = A312-TP321
1085 = A312-TP321H
1088 = A312-TP347
1089 = A312-TP347H
1092 = A312-TP348
1095 = A351-CA15
1100 = A351-CF3
1102 = A351-CF3A
1104 = A351-CF3M
1106 = A351-CF8
1108 = A351-CF8A
1110 = A351-CF8C
1112 = A351-CF8M
1113 = A351-CF10
1114 = A351-CF10MC
1116 = A351-CN7M
1118 = A351-CH8
1120 = A351-CH10
1122 = A351-CH20
1124 = A351-CK20
1126 = A351-HK30
1128 = A351-HK40
1130 = A351-HT30
1140 = A358-304
1141 = A358-304L
1144 = A358-309S
1146 = A358-310S
1148 = A358-316
1149 = A358-316L
1152 = A358-321
1154 = A358-347
1156 = A358-348
1160 = A376-16-8-2H

448 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

1162 = A376-TP304
1163 = A376-TP304H
1166 = A376-TP316
1167 = A376-TP316H
1170 = A376-TP321
1171 = A376-TP321H
1174 = A376-TP347
1175 = A376-TP347H
1178 = A376-TP348
1179 = A376-TP348H
1190 = A403-WP304
1191 = A403-WP304H
1192 = A403-WP304L
1194 = A403-WP309
1196 = A403-WP310
1198 = A403-WP316
1199 = A403-WP316H
1200 = A403-WP316L
1202 = A403-WP317
1204 = A403-WP321
1205 = A403-WP321H
1206 = A403-WP347
1207 = A403-WP347H
1210 = A403-WP348
1220 = A409-TP304
1222 = A409-TP309
1224 = A409-TP310
1226 = A409-TP316
1228 = A409-TP317
1230 = A409-TP321
1232 = A409-TP347
1234 = A409-TP348
1240 = A430-FP304
1241 = A430-FP304H
1244 = A430-FP316
1245 = A430-FP316H
1248 = A430-FP321
1249 = A430-FP321H
1252 = A430-FP347
1253 = A430-FP347H
1260 = A451-CHP10
1262 = A451-CHP20
1264 = A451-CPF8C
1266 = A451-CPF8M
1268 = A451-CPF10MC
1270 = A451-CPH8
1272 = A451-CPK20
1280 = A452-TP304H
1282 = A452-TP316H
1284 = A452-TP347H
1300 = ASME SA479-316L

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 449

Appendix: Codelists

Copper and Copper Alloys, 1325-1549

1325 = AISI-CDA Alloy 377
1330 = B42 Cl.C10200, drwn, NPD 0.0625-2
1331 = B42 Cl.C10200, drwn, NPD 2.5-12
1334 = B42 Cl.C12000, drwn, NPD 0.0625-2
1335 = B42 Cl.C12000, drwn, NPD 2.5-12
1338 = B42 Cl.C12200, drwn, NPD 0.0625-2
1339 = B42 Cl.C12200, drwn, NPD 2.5-12
1342 = B43 Cl.C23000, annld
1346 = B61 Cl.C92200
1350 = B62 Cl.C83600
1354 = B68 Cl.C10200, annld
1356 = B68 Cl.C12000, annld
1358 = B68 Cl.C12200, annld
1362 = B75 Cl.C10200, annld
1363 = B75 Cl.C10200, hrd drwn
1364 = B75 Cl.C10200, light drwn
1368 = B75 Cl.C12000, annld
1369 = B75 Cl.C12000, hrd drwn
1370 = B75 Cl.C12000, light drwn
1374 = B75 Cl.C12200, annld
1375 = B75 Cl.C12200, hrd drwn
1376 = B75 Cl.C12200, light drwn
1380 = B75 Cl.C14200, annld
1381 = B75 Cl.C14200, hrd drwn
1382 = B75 Cl.C14200, light drwn
1386 = B88 Cl.C10200, annld
1387 = B88 Cl.C10200, drwn
1392 = B88 Cl.C12000, annld
1393 = B88 Cl.C12000, drwn
1398 = B88 Cl.C12200, annld
1399 = B88 Cl.C12200, drwn
1404 = B96 Cl.C65500, annld
1408 = B152 Cl.C10200, annld
1410 = B152 Cl.C10400, annld
1412 = B152 Cl.C10500, annld
1414 = B152 Cl.C10700, annld
1416 = B152 Cl.C12200, annld
1418 = B152 Cl.C12300, annld
1422 = B169 Cl.C61400, soft
1430 = B283 Cl.C11000
1432 = B283 Cl.C37700
1434 = B283 Cl.C46400
1436 = B283 Cl.C48500
1438 = B283 Cl.C63900
1440 = B283 Cl.C65500
1442 = B283 Cl.C67500
1450 = B402 Cl.C70600, annld
1452 = B402 Cl.C71500, annld
1456 = B466 Cl.C70600, annld
1458 = B466 Cl.C71500, annld
1462 = B467 Cl.C70600, annld, <=4.5in OD
1463 = B467 Cl.C70600, annld, >4.5in OD
1466 = B467 Cl.C71500, annld, <=4.5in OD

450 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

1467 = B467 Cl.C71500, annld, >4.5in OD

1472 = B584 Cl.C86200
1474 = B584 Cl.C86300
1476 = B584 Cl.C86400
1478 = B584 Cl.C86500
1480 = B584 Cl.C86700
1482 = B584 Cl.C90300
1484 = B584 Cl.C90500
1486 = B584 Cl.C92200
1488 = B584 Cl.C92300
1490 = B584 Cl.C95200
1492 = B584 Cl.C95300
1494 = B584 Cl.C95500
1496 = B584 Cl.C95600
1498 = B584 Cl.C97300
1500 = B584 Cl.C97600
1502 = B584 Cl.C97800

Nickel and Nickel Alloys 1550-1774

1560 = B127-400 (N04400) hot rolled plt annld
1561 = B127-400 (N04400) hot rolled plt AR
1564 = B160-200 (N02200) annld
1565 = B160-200 (N02200) hot fin
1568 = B160-201 annld
1572 = B161-200 (N02200) annld, <=5in OD
1573 = B161-200 (N02200) annld, >5in OD
1574 = B161-200 (N02200) stress rlvd
1576 = B161-201 (N02201) annld, <=5in OD
1577 = B161-201 (N02201) annld, >5in OD
1578 = B161-201 (N02201) stress rlvd
1582 = B162-200 (N02200) hot rolled plt annld
1586 = B162-201 (N02201) hot rolled plt annld
1587 = B162-201 (N02201) hot rolled plt AR
1590 = B164-400 (N04400) annld forged
1591 = B164-400 (N04400) hot fin
1594 = B165-400 (N04400) annld, <=5in OD
1595 = B165-400 (N04400) annld, >5in OD
1596 = B165-400 (N04400) stress rlvd
1600 = B166-600 (N06600) annld
1601 = B166-600 (N06600) hot fin
1604 = B167-600 (N06600) cold drwn annld, <=5in OD
1605 = B167-600 (N06600) cold drwn annld, >5in OD
1606 = B167-600 (N06600) hot fin/hot fin annld, <=5in OD
1607 = B167-600 (N06600) hot fin/hot fin annld, >5in OD
1610 = B168-600 (N06600) hot rolled plt annld
1611 = B168-600 (N06600) hot rolled plt AR
1614 = B333-B (N10001) sln annld plt
1615 = B333-B (N10001) sln annld sheet
1616 = B333-B-2 (N10665) sln annld
1620 = B335-B-2 (N10665) sln annld
1624 = B366-WPHB (N10001)
1626 = B366-WPHX (N06002)
1628 = B366-WPN (N02200)
1630 = B366-WPNC (N04400)

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 451

Appendix: Codelists

1632 = B366-WPNC1 (N06600)

1634 = B366-WPNL (N02201)
1636 = B366-WPNLWX
1638 = B366-WPNWX
1642 = B407-800 (N08800) cold drwn annld
1643 = B407-800 (N08800) hot fin/hot fin annld
1646 = B407-800H (N08810) cold drwn sln annld/hot fin
1648 = B443-625 (N06625) annld
1650 = B444-625 (N06625) annld
1652 = B446-625 (N06625) annld
1654 = B464-20Cb (N08020) annld
1656 = A494-CW-12M-1
1658 = A494-CW-12M-2
1660 = A494-CY-40
1664 = B574-C-4 (N06455) sln annld
1666 = B574-C-276 (N10276) sln annld
1670 = B575-C-4 (N06455) sln annld
1672 = B575-C-276 (N10276) sln annld
1676 = B581-G (N06007) sln annld
1680 = B582-G (N06007) sln annld
1684 = B612-200 (N02200) hot rolled plt AR
1688 = B619-20-Mod (N08320) sln annld
1700 = B619-B (N10001) sln annld
1702 = B619-B-2 (N10665) sln annld
1704 = B619-C-4 (N06455) sln annld
1706 = B619-C-276 (N10276) sln annld
1708 = B619-G1 (N06007) sln annld
1710 = B619-X (N06002) sln annld
1714 = B620-20-Mod (N08320) sln annld
1718 = B621-20-Mod (N08320) sln annld
1722 = B622-B (N10001) sln annld
1724 = B622-B-2 (N10655) sln annld
1726 = B622-C-4 (N06455) sln annld
1728 = B622-C-276 (N10276) sln annld
1730 = B622-G (N06007) sln annld
1732 = B622-X (N06002) sln annld

Aluminum Alloys 1775-2299

1780 = B26-356.0 temper T6
1782 = B26-356.0 temper T71
1784 = B26-443.0 temper F
1790 = B209-1060 temper 0
1792 = B209-1060 temper H12
1794 = B209-1060 temper H14
1796 = B209-1060 temper H112
1798 = B209-1100 temper 0
1800 = B209-1100 temper H12
1802 = B209-1100 temper H14
1804 = B209-1100 temper H112
1806 = B209-3003 temper 0
1808 = B209-3003 temper H12
1810 = B209-3003 temper H14
1812 = B209-3003 temper H112
1814 = B209-3004 temper 0

452 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

1816 = B209-3004 temper H32

1818 = B209-3004 temper H34
1820 = B209-3004 temper H112
1822 = B209-5050 temper 0
1824 = B209-5050 temper H32
1826 = B209-5050 temper H34
1828 = B209-5050 temper H112
1830 = B209-5052 temper 0
1832 = B209-5052 temper H32
1834 = B209-5052 temper H34
1836 = B209-5052 temper H112
1838 = B209-5652 temper 0
1840 = B209-5652 temper H32
1842 = B209-5652 temper H34
1844 = B209-5652 temper H112
1846 = B209-5083 temper 0
1848 = B209-5083 temper H321
1850 = B209-5086 temper 0
1852 = B209-5086 temper H32
1854 = B209-5086 temper H34
1856 = B209-5086 temper H112
1858 = B209-5154 temper 0
1860 = B209-5154 temper H32
1862 = B209-5154 temper H34
1864 = B209-5154 temper H112
1866 = B209-5254 temper 0
1868 = B209-5254 temper H32
1870 = B209-5254 temper H34
1872 = B209-5254 temper H112
1874 = B209-5454 temper 0
1876 = B209-5454 temper H32
1878 = B209-5454 temper H34
1880 = B209-5454 temper H112
1882 = B209-5456 temper 0
1884 = B209-5456 temper H321
1886 = B209-6061 temper T4
1888 = B209-6061 temper T4, wld
1890 = B209-6061 temper T6
1892 = B209-6061 temper T6, wld
1894 = B209-6061 temper T651
1896 = B209-Alclad 3003 temper 0
1898 = B209-Alclad 3003 temper H12
1900 = B209-Alclad 3003 temper H14
1902 = B209-Alclad 3003 temper H112
1904 = B209-Alclad 3004 temper 0
1906 = B209-Alclad 3004 temper H32
1908 = B209-Alclad 3004 temper H34
1910 = B209-Alclad 3004 temper H112
1912 = B209-Alclad 6061 temper T4
1914 = B209-Alclad 6061 temper T4, wld
1916 = B209-Alclad 6061 temper T6
1918 = B209-Alclad 6061 temper T6, wld
1920 = B209-Alclad 6061 temper T451
1922 = B209-Alclad 6061 temper T651

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 453

Appendix: Codelists

1930 = B210-1060 temper 0

1932 = B210-1060 temper H14
1934 = B210-1060 temper H112
1936 = B210-3003 temper 0
1938 = B210-3003 temper H14
1940 = B210-3003 temper H18
1942 = B210-3003 temper H112
1944 = B210-5052 temper 0
1946 = B210-5052 temper H32
1948 = B210-5052 temper H34
1950 = B210-5083 temper 0
1952 = B210-5083 temper H112
1954 = B210-5086 temper 0
1956 = B210-5086 temper H32
1958 = B210-5086 temper H34
1960 = B210-5086 temper H112
1962 = B210-5154 temper 0
1964 = B210-5154 temper H34
1966 = B210-5456 temper 0
1968 = B210-5456 temper H112
1970 = B210-6061 temper T4
1972 = B210-6061 temper T4, wld
1974 = B210-6061 temper T6
1976 = B210-6061 temper T6, wld
1978 = B210-6063 temper T4
1980 = B210-6063 temper T4, wld
1982 = B210-6063 temper T5, wld
1984 = B210-6063 temper T6
1986 = B210-6063 temper T6, wld
1988 = B210-Alclad 3002 temper 0
1990 = B210-Alclad 3003 temper H14
1992 = B210-Alclad 3003 temper H18
1994 = B210-Alclad 3002 temper H112
2010 = B221-1060 temper 0
2012 = B221-1060 temper H112
2014 = B221-1100 temper 0
2016 = B221-1100 temper H112
2018 = B221-3003 temper 0
2020 = B221-3003 temper H112
2022 = B221-5052 temper 0
2024 = B221-5053 temper 0
2026 = B221-5086 temper 0
2028 = B221-5154 temper 0
2030 = B221-5454 temper 0
2032 = B221-5456 temper 0
2034 = B221-6061 temper T4
2036 = B221-6061 temper T4, wld
2038 = B221-6061 temper T6
2040 = B221-6061 temper T6, wld
2042 = B221-6063 temper T4
2044 = B221-6063 temper T4, wld
2046 = B221-6063 temper T5
2048 = B221-6063 temper T5, wld

454 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

2050 = B221-6063 temper T6

2052 = B221-6063 temper T6, wld
2054 = B221-Alclad 3003 temper 0
2056 = B221-Alclad 3003 temper H112
2070 = B241-1060 temper 0
2072 = B241-1060 temper H112
2074 = B241-1100 temper 0
2076 = B241-1100 temper H112
2078 = B241-3003 temper 0
2080 = B241-3003 temper H18
2082 = B241-3003 temper H112
2084 = B241-5052 temper 0
2086 = B241-5083 temper 0
2088 = B241-5083 temper H112
2090 = B241-5086 temper 0
2092 = B241-5086 temper H112
2094 = B241-5454 temper 0
2096 = B241-5454 temper H112
2098 = B241-5456 temper 0
2100 = B241-5456 temper H112
2102 = B241-5462 temper 0
2104 = B241-5462 temper H112
2106 = B241-6061 temper T4
2108 = B241-6061 temper T4, wld
2110 = B241-6061 temper T6, <NPD 1
2112 = B241-6061 temper T6, =>NPD 1
2114 = B241-6061 temper T6, wld
2116 = B241-6063 temper T4
2118 = B241-6063 temper T4, wld
2120 = B241-6063 temper T5
2122 = B241-6063 temper T5, wld
2124 = B241-6063 temper T6
2126 = B241-6063 temper T6, wld
2128 = B241-Alclad 3003 temper 0
2130 = B241-Alclad 3003 temper H112
2140 = B247-3003 temper H112
2142 = B247-3003 temper H112, wld
2144 = B247-5083 temper 0
2146 = B247-5083 temper H112
2148 = B247-5083 temper H112, wld
2150 = B247-6061 temper T6
2152 = B247-6061 temper T6, wld
2160 = B345-1060 temper 0
2162 = B345-1060 temper H112
2164 = B345-3003 temper 0
2166 = B345-3003 temper H18
2168 = B345-3003 temper H112
2170 = B345-5083 temper 0
2172 = B345-5083 temper H112
2174 = B345-5086 temper 0
2176 = B345-5086 temper H112
2178 = B345-6061 temper T4
2180 = B345-6061 temper T4, wld
2182 = B345-6061 temper T6, <NPD 1

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 455

Appendix: Codelists

2184 = B345-6061 temper T6, =>NPD 1

2186 = B345-6061 temper T6, wld
2188 = B345-6063 temper T4
2190 = B345-6063 temper T4, wld
2192 = B345-6063 temper T5
2194 = B345-6063 temper T5, wld
2196 = B345-6063 temper T6
2198 = B345-6063 temper T6, wld
2200 = B345-Alclad 3002 temper 0
2202 = B345-Alclad 3002 temper H112
2220 = B361-WP1060 temper 0
2222 = B361-WP1060 temper H112
2224 = B361-WP1100 temper 0
2226 = B361-WP1100 temper H112
2228 = B361-WP3003 temper 0
2230 = B361-WP3003 temper H112
2232 = B361-WP5154 temper 0
2234 = B361-WP5154 temper H112
2236 = B361-WP6061 temper T4
2238 = B361-WP6061 temper T4, wld
2240 = B361-WP6061 temper T6
2242 = B361-WP6061 temper T6, wld
2244 = B361-WP6063 temper T4
2246 = B361-WP6063 temper T4, wld
2248 = B361-WP6063 temper T6
2250 = B361-WP6063 temper T6, wld
2252 = B361-AP Alclad 3003 temper 0
2254 = B361-AP Alclad 3003 temper H112

Other Materials 2300-2999

2310 = B337-1
2311 = B337-2
2313 = B337-3
2317 = B337-7
2320 = C76-CLIII
2325 = C443
2350 = C700
2400 = D1785-PVC1120
2402 = D2467-PVC1120
2440 = F439-CPVC4120
2442 = F441-CPVC4120

Gaskets 3000-3999]
3051 = G51 [Flat, org fib, nitrile binder]
3052 = G52 [Flat, org fib, nitrile binder, full face]
3076 = G76 [Flat, graph]
3077 = G77 [Flat, graph, full face]
3078 = G78 [Flat, graph, 304 tang reinf]
3079 = G79 [Flat, graph, 304 wire mesh reinf]
3101 = G101 [Flat, asb]
3102 = G102 [Flat, asb, full face]
3103 = G103 [Flat, asb, wire mesh reinf]
3111 = G111 [Flat, blue-asb]
3112 = G112 [Flat, blue-asb, full face]

456 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

3154 = G154 [Flat, Buna-N]

3171 = G171 [Flat, Hypalon]
3175 = G175 [Flat, Kel-F]
3189 = G189 [Flat, neoprene]
3195 = G195 [Flat, polyethylene]
3204 = G204 [Flat, Teflon]
3210 = G210 [Flat, Viton]
3231 = G231 [Flat, soft-iron]
3234 = G234 [Flat, 304]
3236 = G236 [Flat, 321/347
3241 = G241 [Corr, soft-iron]
3244 = G244 [Corr, 304]
3246 = G246 [Corr, 321/347

3251 = G251 [Flat dbl jktd, PTFE-J, asb-F]

3256 = G256 [Flat dbl jktd, Teflon-J, blue-asb-F]
3261 = G261 [Flat dbl jktd, soft-iron-J, graph-F]
3262 = G262 [Flat dbl jktd, soft-iron-J, asb-F]
3266 = G266 [Flat dbl jktd, low-C-steel-J, graph-F]
3267 = G267 [Flat dbl jktd, low-C-steel-J, asb-F]
3271 = G271 [Flat dbl jktd, 304-J, graph-F]
3272 = G272 [Flat dbl jktd, 304-J, asb-F]
3276 = G276 [Flat dbl jktd, 321/347-J, graph-F]
3277 = G277 [Flat dbl jktd, 321/347-J, asb-F]
3281 = G281 [Flat dbl jktd, I600-J, graph-F]
3282 = G282 [Flat dbl jktd, I600-J, asb-F]
3286 = G286 [Flat dbl jktd, I800-J, graph-F

3306 = G306 [Corr dbl jktd, soft-iron-J, graph-F]

3307 = G307 [Corr dbl jktd, soft-iron-J, asb-F]
3311 = G311 [Corr dbl jktd, low-C-steel-J, graph-F]
3312 = G312 [Corr dbl jktd, low-C-steel-J, asb-F]
3316 = G316 [Corr dbl jktd, 304-J, graph-F]
3317 = G317 [Corr dbl jktd, 304-J, asb-F]
3321 = G321 [Corr dbl jktd, 321/347-J, graph-F]
3322 = G322 [Corr dbl jktd, 321/347-J, asb-F]
3326 = G326 [Corr dbl jktd, I600-J, graph-F]
3327 = G327 [Corr dbl jktd, I600-J, asb-F]
3331 = G331 [Corr dbl jktd, I800-J, graph-F

3356 = G356 [Inlaid corr, soft-iron-J, asb-chords]

3361 = G361 [Inlaid corr, low-C-steel-J, asb-chords]
3366 = G366 [Inlaid corr, 304-J, asb-chords

3403 = G403 [O ring, Buna-N]

3404 = G404 [O ring, butyl]
3408 = G408 [O ring, EDPM]
3429 = G429 [O ring, nitrile]
3435 = G435 [O ring, Saran]
3436 = G436 [O ring, synthetic rubber]
3441 = G441 [O ring, Viton

3451 = G451 [BX ring, soft-iron, 90 BHN max]

3452 = G452 [BX ring, lo-C, 120 BHN max]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 457

Appendix: Codelists

3463 = G463 [BX ring, 304, 140 BHN max]

3466 = G466 [BX ring, 316, 140 BHN max]
3468 = G468 [BX ring, 321, 140 BHN max]
3473 = G473 [BX ring, I-X-750

3476 = G476 [RX ring, soft-iron, 90 BHN max]

3477 = G477 [RX ring, lo-C, 120 BHN max]
3488 = G488 [RX ring, 304, 140 BHN max]
3491 = G491 [RX ring, 316, 140 BHN max]
3493 = G493 [RX ring, 321, 140 BHN max]
3498 = G498 [RX ring, I-X-750

3551 = G551 [Octag ring, soft-iron, 90 BHN max]

3552 = G552 [Octag ring, lo-C, 120 BHN max]
3556 = G556 [Octag ring, 5Cr-0.5Mo, 130 BHN max]
3563 = G563 [Octag ring, 304, 140 BHN max]
3566 = G566 [Octag ring, 316, 140 BHN max]
3568 = G568 [Octag ring, 321, 140 BHN max]
3569 = G569 [Octag ring, 347, 140 BHN max]
3573 = G573 [Octag ring, I-X-750

3601 = G601 [Oval ring, soft-iron, 90 BHN max]

3602 = G602 [Oval ring, lo-C, 120 BHN max]
3606 = G606 [Oval ring, 5Cr-0.5Mo, 130 BHN max]
3608 = G608 [Oval ring, 9Cr-1Mo, 130 BHN max]
3610 = G610 [Oval ring, 410, 170 BHN max]
3613 = G613 [Oval ring, 304, 140 BHN max]
3616 = G616 [Oval ring, 316, 140 BHN max]
3618 = G618 [Oval ring, 321, 140 BHN max]
3619 = G619 [Oval ring, 347, 140 BHN max]
3623 = G623 [Oval ring, I-X-750

3651 = G651 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]

3653 = G653 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, graph-F, CS-CR]
3655 = G655 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, asb-F, CS-CR]
3657 = G657 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, blue-asb-F, CS-CR]
3659 = G659 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR]
3661 = G661 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 304-IR]
3663 = G663 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 304-IR]
3665 = G665 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 304-IR]
3669 = G669 [Sprl-wnd, 304-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 304-IR

3671 = G671 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]

3673 = G673 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, graph-F, CS-CR]
3675 = G675 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, asb-F, CS-CR]
3677 = G677 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, crodidolite asb-F, CS-CR]
3679 = G679 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR]
3681 = G681 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 316-IR]
3683 = G683 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 316-IR]
3685 = G685 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 316-IR]
3689 = G689 [Sprl-wnd, 316-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 316-IR

3691 = G691 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]

3693 = G693 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, graph-F, CS-CR]

458 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

3695 = G695 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, asb-F, CS-CR]

3699 = G699 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR]
3701 = G701 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, mica/gra-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR]
3703 = G703 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR]
3705 = G705 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR]
3709 = G709 [Sprl-wnd, 316L-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR

3711 = G711 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]

3713 = G713 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, graph-F, CS-CR]
3715 = G715 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, asb-F, CS-CR]
3719 = G719 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR]
3721 = G721 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 321-IR]
3723 = G723 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 321-IR]
3725 = G725 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 321-IR]
3729 = G729 [Sprl-wnd, 321-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 321-IR

3731 = G731 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]

3733 = G733 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, graph-F, CS-CR]
3735 = G735 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, asb-F, CS-CR]
3739 = G739 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR]
3741 = G741 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 347-IR]
3743 = G743 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 347-IR]
3745 = G745 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 347-IR]
3749 = G749 [Sprl-wnd, 347-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 347-IR

3751 = G751 [Sprl-wnd, I600-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]

3753 = G753 [Sprl-wnd, I600-W, graph-F, CS-CR]
3755 = G755 [Sprl-wnd, I600-W, asb-F, CS-CR]
3761 = G761 [Sprl-wnd, I600-W, mica/graph-F, I600-O&IR]
3763 = G763 [Sprl-wnd, I600-W, graph-F, I600-O&IR]
3765 = G765 [Sprl-wnd, I600-W, asb-F, I600-O&IR
3771 = G771 [Sprl-wnd, I800-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR]
3773 = G773 [Sprl-wnd, I800-W, graph-F, CS-CR]
3775 = G775 [Sprl-wnd, I800-W, asb-F, CS-CR]
3781 = G781 [Sprl-wnd, I800-W, mica/graph-F, I800-O&IR]
3783 = G783 [Sprl-wnd, I800-W, graph-F, I800-O&IR]
3785 = G785 [Sprl-wnd, I800-W, asb-F, I800-O&IR

Bolting 4000-4999]
4011 = B11 [A193-B5, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-3]
4012 = B12 [A193-B5, lub, w/A194-3]
4014 = B14 [A193-B5, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-4]
4015 = B15 [A193-B5, lub, w/A194-4]
4021 = B21 [A193-B6, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-6]
4022 = B22 [A193-B6, lub, w/A194-6]
4031 = B31 [A193-B7, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-2H]
4032 = B32 [A193-B7, lub, w/A194-2H]
4033 = B33 [A193-B7 zinc coated w/A194-2H zinc coated]
4035 = B35 [A193-B7 galv w/A194-2H galv]
4038 = B38 [A193-B7M, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-2H]
4039 = B39 [A193-B7M, lub, w/A194-2H]
4041 = B41 [A193-B8 Cl.1, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-8]
4042 = B42 [A193-B8 Cl.1, lub, w/A194-8]
4044 = B44 [A193-B8C Cl.1, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-8C]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 459

Appendix: Codelists

4045 = B45 [A193-B8C Cl.1, lub, w/A194-8C]

4046 = B46 [A193-B8 Cl.1, lub, w/A194-8]
4047 = B47 [A193-B8M Cl.1, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-8M]
4048 = B48 [A193-B8M Cl.1, lub, w/A194-8M
4050 = B50 [A193-B8T Cl.1, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-8T]
4051 = B51 [A193-B8T Cl.1, lub, w/A194-8T]
4061 = B61 [A193-B16, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-3]
4062 = B62 [A193-B16, lub, w/A194-3]
4064 = B64 [A193-B16, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-4]
4065 = B65 [A193-B16, lub, w/A194-4]
4066 = B66 [A193-B16, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-7]
4067 = B67 [A193-B16, lub, w/A194-7]
4068 = B68 [A193-B16, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-8M]
4069 = B69 [A193-B16, lub, w/A194-8M]
4071 = B71 [A307-B w/A563-A]
4074 = B74 [A320-L7, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-4]
4075 = B75 [A320-L7, lub, w/A194-4]
4076 = B76 [A320-B8, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-8]
4077 = B77 [A320-B8, lub, w/A194-8]
4078 = B78 [A320-B8, >=1.5" lub, w/A194-B8]
4079 = B79 [A320-B8, lub, w/A194-B8]
4080 = B80 [A320-B8T Cl.1 >=1.5" lub, w/A194-B8]
4081 = B81 [A320-B8T Cl.1 lub, w/A194-B8]
4082 = B82 [A325 w/A325]
4084 = B84 [A453-660, >=1.5" lub, w/A453-660]
4085 = B85 [A453-660, lub, w/A453-660

4500 = Undefined

Materials for British Standards - Ranges used 6000-7999

carbon steel pipes and tubes BS3601

6000 = BS3601:BW320
6001 = BS3601:ERW320
6002 = BS3601:ERW360
6003 = BS3601:ERW430
6004 = BS3601:S360
6005 = BS3601:S430
6006 = BS3601:SAW430

steel pipes and tubes BS3602 part 1 1987

6010 = BS3602:PART 1:HFS360:Cat 1
6011 = BS3602:PART 1:HFS360:Cat 2
6012 = BS3602:PART 1:HFS430:Cat 1
6013 = BS3602:PART 1:HFS430:Cat 2
6014 = BS3602:PART 1:HFS500Nb:Cat 1
6015 = BS3602:PART 1:HFS500Nb:Cat 2
6016 = BS3602:PART 1:CFS360:Cat 1
6017 = BS3602:PART 1:CFS360:Cat 2
6018 = BS3602:PART 1:CFS430:Cat 1
6019 = BS3602:PART 1:CFS430:Cat 2
6020 = BS3602:PART 1:CFS500Nb:Cat 1
6021 = BS3602:PART 1:CFS500Nb:Cat 2
6022 = BS3602:PART 1:ERW360:Cat 1

460 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

6023 = BS3602:PART 1:ERW360:Cat 2

6024 = BS3602:PART 1:ERW430:Cat 1
6025 = BS3602:PART 1:ERW430:Cat 2
6026 = BS3602:PART 1:CEW360:Cat 1
6027 = BS3602:PART 1:CEW360:Cat 2
6028 = BS3602:PART 1:CEW430:Cat 1
6029 = BS3602:PART 1:CEW430:Cat 2

steel pipes and tubes elevated temp prop BS3602 part 2

6030 = BS3602:PART 2:SAW410:cat 1
6031 = BS3602:PART 2:SAW410:cat 2
6032 = BS3602:PART 2:SAW460:cat 1
6033 = BS3602:PART 2:SAW460:cat 2

steel pipes and tubes low temp prop BS3603 1977

6040 = BS3603 HFS410 LT 50 Cat 1
6041 = BS3603 HFS410 LT 50 Cat 2
6042 = BS3603 CFS410 LT 50 Cat 1
6043 = BS3603 CFS410 LT 50 Cat 2
6044 = BS3603 ERW410 LT 50 Cat 1
6045 = BS3603 ERW410 LT 50 Cat 2
6046 = BS3603 CEW410 LT 50 Cat 1
6047 = BS3603 CEW410 LT 50 Cat 2
6048 = BS3603 HFS503 LT 100 Cat 1
6049 = BS3603 HFS503 LT 100 Cat 2
6050 = BS3603 CFS503 LT 100 Cat 1
6051 = BS3603 CFS503 LT 100 Cat 2
6052 = BS3603 HFS509 LT 196 Cat 1
6053 = BS3603 HFS509 LT 196 Cat 2
6054 = BS3603 CFS509 LT 196 Cat 1
6055 = BS3603 CFS509 LT 196 Cat 2

steel pipes and tubes elevated temp prop BS3604

6060 = BS3604:HFS620-460 Cat 1
6061 = BS3604:CFS620-460 Cat 1
6062 = BS3604:ERW620-460 Cat 1
6063 = BS3604:CEW620-460 Cat 1
6064 = BS3604:HFS620-460 Cat 2
6065 = BS3604:CFS620-460 Cat 2
6066 = BS3604:ERW620-460 Cat 2
6067 = BS3604:CEW620-460 Cat 2
6068 = BS3604:HFS620-440 Cat 1
6069 = BS3604:CFS620-440 Cat 1
6070 = BS3604:ERW620-440 Cat 1
6071 = BS3604:CEW620-440 Cat 1
6072 = BS3604:HFS620-440 Cat 2
6073 = BS3604:CFS620-440 Cat 2
6074 = BS3604:ERW620-440 Cat 2
6075 = BS3604:CEW620-440 Cat 2
6076 = BS3604:HFS621 Cat 1
6077 = BS3604:CFS621 Cat 1
6078 = BS3604:ERW621 Cat 1
6079 = BS3604:CEW621 Cat 1
6080 = BS3604:HFS621 Cat 2

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 461

Appendix: Codelists

6081 = BS3604:CFS621 Cat 2

6082 = BS3604:ERW621 Cat 2
6083 = BS3604:CEW621 Cat 2
6084 = BS3604:HFS660 Cat 1
6085 = BS3604:CFS660 Cat 1
6086 = BS3604:HFS660 Cat 2
6087 = BS3604:CFS660 Cat 2
6088 = BS3604:HFS622 Cat 1
6089 = BS3604:CFS622 Cat 1
6090 = BS3604:HFS622 Cat 2
6091 = BS3604:CFS622 Cat 2
6092 = BS3604:HFS625 Cat 1
6093 = BS3604:CFS625 Cat 1
6094 = BS3604:HFS625 Cat 2
6095 = BS3604:CFS625 Cat 2
6096 = BS3604:HFS629-470 Cat 1
6097 = BS3604:CFS629-470 Cat 1
6098 = BS3604:HFS629-470 Cat 2
6099 = BS3604:CFS629-470 Cat 2
6100 = BS3604:HFS629-590 Cat 1
6101 = BS3604:CFS629-590 Cat 1
6102 = BS3604:HFS629-590 Cat 2
6103 = BS3604:CFS629-590 Cat 2
6104 = BS3604:HFS762 Cat 1
6105 = BS3604:CFS762 Cat 1
6106 = BS3604:HFS762 Cat 2
6107 = BS3604:CFS762 Cat 2

SS pipes and tubes for pressure purposes BS3605:1973

6110 = BS3605 304S14
6111 = BS3605 304S18
6112 = BS3605 304S59
6113 = BS3605 304S22
6114 = BS3605 304S25
6115 = BS3605 316S14
6116 = BS3605 316S18
6117 = BS3605 316S59
6118 = BS3605 316S22
6119 = BS3605 316S26
6120 = BS3605 321S18
6121 = BS3605 321S59(1010)
6122 = BS3605 321S59(1105)
6123 = BS3605 321S22
6124 = BS3605 347S18
6125 = BS3605 347S59
6126 = BS3605 347S17

plates BS1501 part 1 1980

6200 = BS1501-141 360A
6201 = BS1501-151 360A
6202 = BS1501-151 400A
6203 = BS1501-151 430A
6204 = BS1501-151 360B
6205 = BS1501-151 400B

462 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

6206 = BS1501-151 430B

6207 = BS1501-154 360A
6208 = BS1501-154 400A
6209 = BS1501-154 430A
6210 = BS1501-161 360A
6211 = BS1501-161 400A
6212 = BS1501-161 430A
6213 = BS1501-161 360B
6214 = BS1501-161 400B
6215 = BS1501-161 430B
6216 = BS1501-164 360A RT
6217 = BS1501-164 360A LT0
6218 = BS1501-164 360A LT20
6219 = BS1501-164 360B RT
6220 = BS1501-164 360B LT0
6221 = BS1501-164 360B LT20
6222 = BS1501-164 400A RT
6223 = BS1501-164 400A LT0
6224 = BS1501-164 400A LT20
6225 = BS1501-164 400B RT
6226 = BS1501-164 400B LT0
6227 = BS1501-164 400B LT20
6228 = BS1501-223 460A RT
6229 = BS1501-223 460A LT0
6230 = BS1501-223 460A LT15
6231 = BS1501-223 460A LT30
6232 = BS1501-223 460B RT
6233 = BS1501-223 460B LT0
6234 = BS1501-223 460B LT15
6235 = BS1501-223 460B LT30
6236 = BS1501-223 490A RT
6237 = BS1501-223 490A LT0
6238 = BS1501-223 490A LT15
6239 = BS1501-223 490A LT30
6240 = BS1501-223 490B RT
6241 = BS1501-223 490B LT0
6242 = BS1501-223 490B LT15
6243 = BS1501-223 490B LT30
6244 = BS1501-224 400A RT
6245 = BS1501-224 400A LT0
6246 = BS1501-224 400A LT20
6247 = BS1501-224 400A LT30
6248 = BS1501-224 400A LT40
6249 = BS1501-224 400A LT50
6250 = BS1501-224 400B RT
6251 = BS1501-224 400B LT0
6252 = BS1501-224 400B LT20
6253 = BS1501-224 400B LT30
6254 = BS1501-224 400B LT40
6255 = BS1501-224 400B LT50
6256 = BS1501-224 430A RT
6257 = BS1501-224 430A LT0
6258 = BS1501-224 430A LT20
6259 = BS1501-224 430A LT30

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 463

Appendix: Codelists

6260 = BS1501-224 430A LT40

6261 = BS1501-224 430A LT50
6262 = BS1501-224 430B RT
6263 = BS1501-224 430B LT0
6264 = BS1501-224 430B LT20
6265 = BS1501-224 430B LT30
6266 = BS1501-224 430B LT40
6267 = BS1501-224 430B LT50
6268 = BS1501-224 460A RT
6269 = BS1501-224 460A LT0
6270 = BS1501-224 460A LT20
6271 = BS1501-224 460A LT30
6272 = BS1501-224 460A LT40
6273 = BS1501-224 460A LT50
6274 = BS1501-224 460B RT
6275 = BS1501-224 460B LT0
6276 = BS1501-224 460B LT20
6277 = BS1501-224 460B LT30
6278 = BS1501-224 460B LT40
6279 = BS1501-224 460B LT50
6280 = BS1501-224 490A RT
6281 = BS1501-224 490A LT0
6282 = BS1501-224 490A LT20
6283 = BS1501-224 490A LT30
6284 = BS1501-224 490A LT40
6285 = BS1501-224 490A LT50
6286 = BS1501-224 490B RT
6287 = BS1501-224 490B LT0
6288 = BS1501-224 490B LT20
6289 = BS1501-224 490B LT30
6290 = BS1501-224 490B LT40
6291 = BS1501-224 490B LT50
6292 = BS1501-225 460A LT20
6293 = BS1501-225 460A LT30
6294 = BS1501-225 460A LT50
6295 = BS1501-225 460A LT60
6296 = BS1501-225 460B LT20
6297 = BS1501-225 460B LT30
6298 = BS1501-225 460B LT50
6299 = BS1501-225 460B LT60
6300 = BS1501-225 490A LT20
6301 = BS1501-225 490A LT30
6302 = BS1501-225 490A LT50
6303 = BS1501-225 490B LT20
6304 = BS1501-225 490B LT30
6305 = BS1501-225 490B LT50

steel plates BS1501 part 2 1988

6310 = BS1501-243
6311 = BS1501-271
6312 = BS1501-281
6313 = BS1501-620
6314 = BS1501-621
6315 = BS1501-622-515

464 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

6316 = BS1501-622-690
6317 = BS1501-660
6318 = BS1501-503
6319 = BS1501-510
6320 = BS1501-828

steel plates BS1501 part 3 1973

6321 = BS1501-403S17A
6322 = BS1501-405S17A
6323 = BS1501-304S12A
6324 = BS1501-304S15A
6325 = BS1501-304S49A
6326 = BS1501-321S12A
6327 = BS1501-321S49A
6328 = BS1501-347S17A
6329 = BS1501-347S49A
6330 = BS1501-316S12A
6331 = BS1501-316S16A
6332 = BS1501-316S37A
6333 = BS1501-316S49A
6334 = BS1501-320S17A
6335 = BS1501-310S24A
6336 = BS1501-NA15A
6337 = BS1501-NA16A
6338 = BS1501-460S52A
6339 = BS1501-304S62A
6340 = BS1501-304S65A
6341 = BS1501-304S87A
6342 = BS1501-347S67A
6343 = BS1501-316S62A
6344 = BS1501-316S66A
6345 = BS1501-316S82A
6351 = BS1501-403S17B
6352 = BS1501-405S17B
6353 = BS1501-304S12B
6354 = BS1501-304S15B
6355 = BS1501-304S49B
6356 = BS1501-351S12B
6357 = BS1501-351S49B
6358 = BS1501-347S17B
6359 = BS1501-347S49B
6360 = BS1501-316S12B
6361 = BS1501-316S16B
6362 = BS1501-316S37B
6363 = BS1501-316S49B
6364 = BS1501-320S17B
6365 = BS1501-310S24B
6366 = BS1501-NA15B
6367 = BS1501-NA16B
6368 = BS1501-460S52B
6369 = BS1501-304S62B
6370 = BS1501-304S65B
6371 = BS1501-304S87B
6372 = BS1501-377S67B

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 465

Appendix: Codelists

6373 = BS1501-316S62B
6374 = BS1501-316S66B
6375 = BS1501-316S82B
6376 = BS1501-460S52A LT70

steel forgings to BS1503 1980

6380 = BS1503 164-490
6381 = BS1503 221-410
6382 = BS1503 221-430
6383 = BS1503 221-460
6384 = BS1503 221-490
6385 = BS1503 221-510
6386 = BS1503 221-530
6387 = BS1503 221-550
6388 = BS1503 223-410
6389 = BS1503 223-430
6390 = BS1503 223-460
6391 = BS1503 223-490
6392 = BS1503 223-510
6393 = BS1503 224-410
6394 = BS1503 224-430
6395 = BS1503 224-460
6396 = BS1503 224-490
6397 = BS1503 224-510
6398 = BS1503 245-420
6399 = BS1503 620-440
6400 = BS1503 620-540
6401 = BS1503 621-460
6402 = BS1503 660-460
6403 = BS1503 271-560
6404 = BS1503 622-490
6405 = BS1503 622-560
6406 = BS1503 622-650
6407 = BS1503 625-520
6408 = BS1503 625-590
6409 = BS1503 503-490
6410 = BS1503 509-690
6411 = BS1503 410S21
6412 = BS1503 420S29
6413 = BS1503 403S17
6414 = BS1503 405S17

6415 = BS1503 304S11

6416 = BS1503 304S31
6417 = BS1503 304S51
6418 = BS1503 347S31
6419 = BS1503 347S51
6420 = BS1503 321S31
6421 = BS1503 321S51-490
6422 = BS1503 321S51-510
6423 = BS1503 316S11
6424 = BS1503 316S13
6425 = BS1503 316S31
6426 = BS1503 316S33

466 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

6427 = BS1503 316S51

6428 = BS1503 320S33
6429 = BS1503 310S31

6430 = BS1503 164-490E

6431 = BS1503 221-430E
6432 = BS1503 221-460E
6433 = BS1503 221-490E
6434 = BS1503 221-510E
6435 = BS1503 221-530E
6436 = BS1503 221-550E
6437 = BS1503 223-410E
6438 = BS1503 223-430E
6439 = BS1503 223-460E
6440 = BS1503 223-490E
6441 = BS1503 223-510E
6442 = BS1503 224-410E
6443 = BS1503 224-430E
6444 = BS1503 224-460E
6445 = BS1503 224-490E
6446 = BS1503 224-510E

6447 = BS1503 245-420E

6448 = BS1503 620-440E
6449 = BS1503 620-540E
6450 = BS1503 621-460E
6451 = BS1503 660-460E
6452 = BS1503 271-560E
6453 = BS1503 622-490E
6454 = BS1503 622-560E
6455 = BS1503 622-650E
6456 = BS1503 625-520E
6457 = BS1503 625-590E
6458 = BS1503 410S21E
6459 = BS1503 420S29E
6460 = BS1503 403S17E
6461 = BS1503 405S17E

6462 = BS1503 304S11E

6463 = BS1503 304S31E
6464 = BS1503 304S51E
6465 = BS1503 347S31E
6466 = BS1503 347S51E
6467 = BS1503 321S31E
6468 = BS1503 321S51-490E
6469 = BS1503 321S51-510E
6470 = BS1503 316S11E
6471 = BS1503 316S13E
6472 = BS1503 316S31E
6473 = BS1503 316S33E
6474 = BS1503 316S51E

6475 = BS1503 223-410-LT10

6476 = BS1503 223-410-LT20

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 467

Appendix: Codelists

6477 = BS1503 223-410-LT50

6478 = BS1503 223-430-LT10
6479 = BS1503 223-430-LT15
6480 = BS1503 223-430-LT40
6481 = BS1503 223-460-LT0
6482 = BS1503 223-460-LT10
6483 = BS1503 223-460-LT20
6484 = BS1503 223-490-LT0
6485 = BS1503 223-490-LT10
6486 = BS1503 223-510-LT0
6487 = BS1503 224-410-LT10
6488 = BS1503 224-410-LT20
6489 = BS1503 224-410-LT50
6490 = BS1503 224-430-LT10
6491 = BS1503 224-430-LT15
6492 = BS1503 224-430-LT40
6493 = BS1503 224-460-LT0
6494 = BS1503 224-460-LT10
6495 = BS1503 224-460-LT20
6496 = BS1503 224-490-LT0
6497 = BS1503 224-490-LT10
6498 = BS1503 224-510-LT0

6499 = BS1503 503-490-LT80

6500 = BS1503 509-690-LT196

6501 = BS1503 304S11-LT196

6502 = BS1503 304S31-LT196
6503 = BS1503 347S31-LT196
6504 = BS1503 321S31-LT196
6505 = BS1503 321S51-490
6506 = BS1503 321S51-510
6507 = BS1503 316S11-LT196
6508 = BS1503 316S13-LT196
6509 = BS1503 316S31-LT196
6510 = BS1503 316S33-LT196

steel casting to BS1504 1976

6520 = BS1504-161 grade 430A
6521 = BS1504-161 grade 480A
6522 = BS1504-161 grade 540A
6523 = BS1504-161 grade 430E
6524 = BS1504-161 grade 480E
6525 = BS1504-161 grade 430A-LT40
6526 = BS1504-245A
6527 = BS1504-245B
6528 = BS1504-245A-LT50
6529 = BS1504-503-LT60
6530 = BS1504-621A
6531 = BS1504-622A
6532 = BS1504-622E
6533 = BS1504-623A
6534 = BS1504-625A
6535 = BS1504-625E

468 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

6536 = BS1504-629A
6537 = BS1504-660A
6538 = BS1504-420C29A
6539 = BS1504-425C11A
6540 = BS1504-304C15A
6541 = BS1504-304C15A-LT196
6542 = BS1504-304C12A
6543 = BS1504-304C12A-LT196
6544 = BS1504-347C17A
6545 = BS1504-347C17A-LT196
6546 = BS1504-315C16A
6547 = BS1504-315C16A-LT196
6548 = BS1504-316C12A
6549 = BS1504-316C16A
6550 = BS1504-316C71A
6551 = BS1504-318C17A
6552 = BS1504-316C16E
6553 = BS1504-316C71E
6554 = BS1504-316C12A-LT196
6555 = BS1504-316C16A-LT196
6556 = BS1504-316C71A-LT196
6557 = BS1504-317C12A
6558 = BS1504-317C16A
6559 = BS1504-364C11A
6560 = BS1504-332C11A
6561 = BS1504-310C40A
6562 = BS1504-330C11A

steel bars and billets for bolting BS1506 1986

6570 = BS1506-162
6571 = BS1506-253
6572 = BS1506-253-LT100
6573 = BS1506-509-650
6574 = BS1506-509-650-LT196
6575 = BS1506-509-690
6576 = BS1506-509-690-LT196
6577 = BS1506-630-790
6578 = BS1506-630-790-LT100
6579 = BS1506-630-790-LT75
6580 = BS1506-630-860
6581 = BS1506-630-860-LT100
6582 = BS1506-630-690
6583 = BS1506-630-690-LT100
6584 = BS1506-631-850
6585 = BS1506-670-860
6586 = BS1506-671-850
6587 = BS1506-681-820
6588 = BS1506-410S21-690
6589 = BS1506-410S21-720
6590 = BS1506-410S21-760
6591 = BS1506-410S21-750
6592 = BS1506-410S21-770
6593 = BS1506-416S29
6594 = BS1506-286S31

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 469

Appendix: Codelists

6595 = BS1506-286S31-LT196
6596 = BS1506-304S31
6597 = BS1506-304S31-LT196
6598 = BS1506-304S51
6599 = BS1506-304S61
6600 = BS1506-304S61-LT196
6601 = BS1506-304S71
6602 = BS1506-304S71-LT196
6603 = BS1506-303S22
6604 = BS1506-316S31
6605 = BS1506-316S31-LT196
6606 = BS1506-316S33
6607 = BS1506-316S33-LT196
6608 = BS1506-316S51
6609 = BS1506-316S53
6610 = BS1506-316S61
6611 = BS1506-316S61-LT196
6612 = BS1506-316S63
6613 = BS1506-316S63-LT196
6614 = BS1506-316S65
6615 = BS1506-316S65-LT196
6616 = BS1506-316S67
6617 = BS1506-316S67-LT196
6618 = BS1506-321S31
6619 = BS1506-321S31-LT196
6620 = BS1506-321S51-490
6621 = BS1506-321S51-520
6622 = BS1506-347S31
6623 = BS1506-347S31-LT196
6624 = BS1506-347S51

7999 = undefined

CL148, Piping Materials Class Description (31999)

NOTE: Codelist numbers 2-7999 are reserved for values that apply
to US practices. Codelist numbers 8000-31999 are reserved for
values that apply to practices in other countries.
1 = [Blank]

US Piping Material Class Descriptions, 2-7999

Irons, F
2 = [FAY1W8] [8F0002] Gravity Head, Gray CI
3 = [FDYLW8] [8F0003] Gravity Head, DI Cement Lined
6 = [FDYLU9] [9F0006] AWWA 150# MJ, DI Cement Lined

Carbon Steels, C
14 = [CAA5UA] [AC0014] CL125 FFFE, CS, Brnz Trim
16 = [CAA5VA] [AC0016] CL125 FFFE, Brnz Trim
19 = [CAALV1] [1C0019] CL150 FFFE, CS Cement Lined
31 = [CAC5C1] [1C0031] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8

470 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

32 = [CAC5C2] [2C0032] CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8

33 = [CAC5C4] [4C0033] CL600 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
35 = [CAC5G1] [1C0035] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
43 = [CAC5Q1] [1C0043] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ANSI-B31.1)
45 = [CAC5R1] [1C0045] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
48 = [CAC5U1] [1C0048] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
49 = [CAC7C1] [1C0049] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
50 = [CAC7C2] [2C0050] CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
51 = [CAC7C4] [4C0051] CL600 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
65 = [CAC8C1] [1C0065] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
66 = [CAC8C2] [2C0066] CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
73 = [CAC9C1] [1C0073] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
74 = [CAC9C2] [2C0074] CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
75 = [CAC9C4] [4C0075] CL600 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
76 = [CAC9C5] [5C0076] CL900 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
105 = [CAD7K1] [1C0105] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 9
106 = [CAD7K2] [2C0106] CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 9
146 = [CAF5S1] [1C0146] CL150 RFFE, CS, SS/TFE Trim
153 = [CAF7J1] [1C0153] CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 13
171 = [CAFYC1] [1C0171] CL150 RFFE, CS, 316 Trim
176 = [CAH5C1] [1C0176] CL150 RFFE-SF, CS, Trim 8
177 = [CAH5C2] [2C0177] CL300 RFFE-SF, CS, Trim 8
182 = [CAH5G1] [1C0182] CL150 RFFE-SF, CS, Trim 8
183 = [CAH5G2] [2C0183] CL300 RFFE-SF, CS, Trim 8
185 = [CAH7C1] [1C0185] CL150 RFFE-SF, CS, Trim 8
186 = [CAH7C2] [2C0186] CL300 RFFE-SF, CS, Trim 8
320 = [CALYC2] [2C0320] CL300 RFFE-SF, CS, 316 Trim
389 = [CAU5P4] [4C0389] CL600 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-I)
390 = [CAU5P5] [5C0390] CL900 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-I)
391 = [CAU5P6] [6C0391] CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-I)
394 = [CAU5Q2] [2C0394] CL300 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ANSI-B31.1)
395 = [CAU5Q4] [4C0395] CL600 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ANSI-B31.1)
396 = [CAU5Q5] [5C0396] CL900 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ANSI-B31.1)
397 = [CAU5Q6] [6C0397] CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 5, (ANSI-B31.1)
400 = [CAU5R2] [2C0400] CL300 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ANSI-B31.3)
401 = [CAU5R4] [4C0401] CL600 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ANSI-B31.3)
402 = [CAU5R5] [5C0402] CL900 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ANSI-B31.3)
403 = [CAU5R6] [6C0403] CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 5, (ANSI-B31.3)
405 = [CAU5RF] [FC0405] CL800 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ANSI-B31.3)
407 = [CAU7C6] [6C0407] CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 8
458 = [CAYYC1] [1C0458] CL150 BE, CS
459 = [CAYYC2] [2C0459] CL300 BE, CS
460 = [CDA1U1] [1C0460] CL150 FFFE, Galv CS, Brnz Trim
461 = [CDA5U1] [1C0461] CL150 FFFE, Galv CS, Brnz Trim
548 = [CJD7K1] [1C0548] CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
549 = [CJD7K2] [2C0549] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
551 = [CJD7K5] [5C0551] CL900 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
557 = [CJD8K2] [2C0557] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
564 = [CJD9K1] [1C0564] CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
577 = [CJE7C2] [2C0577] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 9
593 = [CJE9C2] [2C0593] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 9
600 = [CJF5C1] [1C0600] CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
601 = [CJF5C2] [2C0601] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
602 = [CJF5C4] [4C0602] CL600 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 471

Appendix: Codelists

609 = [CJF7C1] [1C0609] CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12

610 = [CJF7C2] [2C0610] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
611 = [CJF7C4] [4C0611] CL600 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
618 = [CJF9C1] [1C0618] CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
619 = [CJF9C2] [2C0619] CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
620 = [CJF9C4] [4C0620] CL600 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
630 = [CJH7C4] [4C0630] CL600 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, Trim 8
722 = [CJL7C2] [2C0722] CL300 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
723 = [CJL7C4] [4C0723] CL600 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
724 = [CJL7C5] [5C0724] CL900 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
730 = [CJL9C2] [2C0730] CL300 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
731 = [CJL9C4] [4C0731] CL600 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
732 = [CJL9C5] [5C0732] CL900 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
785 = [CJU7C6] [6C0785] CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, Trim 8
794 = [CJV5C6] [6C0794] CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, Trim 8
800 = [CJV7C6] [6C0800] CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
803 = [CJV7K6] [6C0803] CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
841 = [CPD5D1] [1C0841] CL150 RFFE, Low Temp CS, Trim 2
842 = [CPD5D2] [2C0842] CL300 RFFE, Low Temp CS, Trim 2

Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, L

1669 = [LPFYG2] [2L1669] CL300 RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 316 Trim
1670 = [LPTYG2] [2L1670] CL300 RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 316 Trim
1671 = [LPH5B1] [1L1671] CL150 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1672 = [LPH5B2] [2L1672] CL300 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1673 = [LPH5B4] [4L1673] CL600 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1677 = [LPH7B1] [1L1677] CL150 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1678 = [LPH7B2] [2L1678] CL300 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1679 = [LPH7B4] [4L1679] CL600 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1691 = [LPH9B4] [4L1691] CL600 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1864 = [LPU5B6] [6L1864] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
1868 = [LPU5P5] [5L1868] CL900 BE/RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-
1869 = [LPU5P6] [6L1869] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-
1874 = [LPU5Q5] [5L1874] CL900 BE/RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ANSI-
1875 = [LPU5Q6] [6L1875] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ANSI-
1882 = [LPU5R6] [6L1882] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ANSI-
1885 = [LPU7B6] [6L1885] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3013 = [LTC5B1] [1L3013] CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3014 = [LTC5B2] [2L3014] CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3027 = [LTC7B1] [1L3027] CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3028 = [LTC7B2] [2L3028] CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3029 = [LTC7B4] [4L3029] CL600 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3040 = [LTC8B1] [1L3040] CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3041 = [LTC8B2] [2L3041] CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3042 = [LTC8B4] [4L3042] CL600 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3048 = [LTC9B1] [1L3048] CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3049 = [LTC9B2] [2L3049] CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3193 = [LTH7B5] [5L3193] CL900 RFFE-SF, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3203 = [LTH9B2] [2L3203] CL300 RFFE-SF, 5Cr-0.5Mo, NACE, Trim 8

472 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

3204 = [LTH9B4] [4L3204] CL600 RFFE-SF, 5Cr-0.5Mo, NACE, Trim 8

3390 = [LTU7B6] [6L3390] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
3725 = [LVC7B1] [1L3725] CL150 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
3726 = [LVC7B2] [2L3726] CL300 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
3746 = [LVC9B1] [1L3746] CL150 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
3747 = [LVC9B2] [2L3747] CL300 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
3748 = [LVC9B4] [4L3748] CL600 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
3749 = [LVC9B5] [5L3749] CL900 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8

Stainless Steels, S
3977 = [SAC3T1] [1S3977] CL150 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
3978 = [SAC3T2] [2S3978] CL300 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
3979 = [SAC3T4] [4S3979] CL600 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
3980 = [SAC3T5] [5S3980] CL900 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
3984 = [SAD3C1] [1S3984] CL150 RFFE, 304/316 Valves, Trim 12
3985 = [SAD3C2] [2S3985] CL300 RFFE, 304/316 Valves, Trim 12
3988 = [SAD3E1] [1S3988] CL150 RFFE, 304, Trim 2
3989 = [SAD3E2] [2S3989] CL300 RFFE, 304, Trim 2
3991 = [SAD3F1] [1S3991] CL150 RFFE, 304, Trim 2
4104 = [SAFYG1] [1S4104] CL150 RFFE, 304, 316 Trim
4218 = [SAM3T6] [6S4218] CL1500 RJFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
4396 = [SBD3C2] [2S4396] CL300 RFFE, 304L/316 Valves, Trim 12
4488 = [SBF3U1] [1S4488] CL150 RFFE, 304/316 Valves, Trim 2
5135 = [SED5C1] [1S5135] CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
5187 = [SEF3C1] [1S5187] CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
5188 = [SEF3C2] [2S5188] CL300 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
5189 = [SEF3C4] [4S5189] CL600 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
5197 = [SEF3G1] [1S5197] CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
6246 = [SHJ3B2] [2S6246] CL300 RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
6247 = [SHJ3B4] [4S6247] CL600 RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
6258 = [SHJ5B2] [2S6258] CL300 RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
6449 = [SHV3B5] [5S6449] CL900 BE/RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
6450 = [SHV3B6] [6S6450] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
6457 = [SHV5B6] [6S6457] CL1500 BE/RJFE, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim

Copper Alloys, K

Nickel Alloys, N
7540 = [NGF5G1] [1N7540] CL150 RFFE, Inconel 600, Inconel Trim

Aluminum Alloys, A

Other Materials, X
7687 = [XCY1W8] [8X7687] Gravity Head, Vitrified Clay
7689 = [XEY1W8] [8X7689] Gravity Head, Reinforced Concrete
7733 = [XTY1U9] [9X7733] SCH-80, SE, PVC

European Piping Material Class Descriptions, 8000-9999

8000 = Carbon steel
8001 = Stainless steel
8002 = Forged steel
8010 = Ferritic steel
8011 = Austenitic steel
8020 = Plastic

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 473

Appendix: Codelists

8021 = Fiber glass

8030 = Glass lined
8031 = Cement lined
8032 = Chloroprene (CR) lined

9999 = Undefined

The names of Piping Materials Classes are determined as follows:

o A list includes possible Piping Materials Classes. It consists of six
character names which are established on the basis of the naming
convention ABCDEF. The meaning of each of the characters in this code
is defined below. Corresponding values are given in the lists included
in subsequent pages.

A.......materials group
B.......materials type
C.......detail features
D.......corrosion allowance or type of lining
E.......service description
F.......pressure rating

o The name of a Piping Materials Class is then determined from the

convention FAXXX, where:

F.......pressure rating
A.......material group
XXX.....sequence number from list in 2090-41-SN

MATERIALS GROUP AND TYPE: (1st and 2nd character)

Irons, F
A= Gray iron
D= Ductile iron
G= Ferritic ductile iron
J= Austenitic ductile iron
Z= Other 1

Carbon Steels, C
D= CS, galvanized
G= CS, jacketed
J= CS, killed
M= CS, killed, jacketed
P= CS, low temp
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3

Low and Intermediate Alloys, L

A= 2Ni-1Cu
C= 3.5Ni
D= 5Ni
G= 9Ni
J= C-0.5Mo
M= 0.75Cr-0.5Mo

474 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

N= 1Cr-0.5Mo
P= 1.25Cr-0.5Mo
Q= 2Cr-0.5Mo
R= 2.25Cr-1Mo
S= 3Cr-1Mo
T= 5Cr-0.5Mo
U= 7Cr-0.5Mo
V= 9Cr-1Mo
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3

Stainless Steels, S
A= 304
B= 304L
C= 304H
D= 310
E= 316
F= 316L
G= 316H
H= 321
J= 321H
K= 410S
L= CHP10
M= CHP20
P= CPK20
Q= UNS S31200
R= UNS S31250
S= UNS S31500
T= UNS S31803
U= UNS S32304
V= UNS S32550
W= Alloy 20
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3

Copper Alloys, K
A= Brass
F= Bronze
K= Copper
P= 90Cu-10Ni
R= 70Cu-30Ni
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3

Nickel Alloys, N
A= Low C Ni
D= Monel
E= K-Monel
F= R-Monel

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 475

Appendix: Codelists

G= Inconel 600
H= Inconel 601
J= Inconel 625
L= Incoloy 800
M= Incoloy 800H
N= Incoloy 801
P= Incoloy 802
Q= Incoloy 825
T= Hastelloy B
U= Hastelloy C
V= Hastelloy G
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3

Aluminum Alloys, A
C= 3002 aluminum
D= 3003 aluminum
E= 3004 aluminum
F= 5050 aluminum
G= 5052 aluminum
Q= 6061 aluminum
R= 6063 aluminum
S= Alclad
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3

Other Materials, X
A= Asbestos cement
B= Borosilicate glass
C= Clay, vitrified
D= Concrete, prestressed
E= Concrete, reinforced
G= Epoxy/Glass fib
J= Furan/Carbon
K= Furan/Glass fib
L= Kynar
N= Nylon
P= Polyester/Glass fib
Q= Polyethylene, high dens
R= Polyethylene, low dens
S= Polypropylene
U= Teflon
V= Titanium
W= Zirconium
X= Other 1
Y= Other 2
Z= Other 3


476 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

A= Std FF, std trim

B= Std FF, other
C= Std RF, std trim
D= Std RF, SS trim
E= Std RF, Monel trim
F= Std RF, other
G= Std RF, other
H= RFSF, std trim
J= RFSF, SS trim
K= RFSF, Monel trim
L= RFSF, other
M= RTJ, std trim
N= RTJ, SS trim
0= RTJ, Monel trim
P= RTJ, other
Q= MJ, std trim
R= MJ, SS trim
S= MJ, Monel trim
T= MJ, other
U= BE, std trim
V= BE, SS trim
W= BE, Monel trim
X= BE, other
Y= Other 1
Z= Other 2

CA OR LINING TYPE: (4th character)

1= None
2= 0.020"
3= 0.030"
4= 0.050"
5= 0.063"
6= 0.10"
7= 0.125"
8= 0.188"
9= 0.250"
A= 405 clad
B= 410S clad
C= 304 clad
D= 304L clad
E= 316 clad
F= 316L clad
G= 317 clad
H= 317L clad
J= 321 clad
L= Cement lined
M= Epoxy lined
N= Glass lined
O= Kynar lined
P= Polyester lined
Q= Polypropylene lined
R= PTFE lined
S= Saran lined

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 477

Appendix: Codelists

T= Teflon lined
U= TK31 lined
V= R11 lined
W= R15 lined
X= R18 lined
Y= Other 1
Z= Other 2

SERVICE: (5th character)

A= Process, hottest (-20 to 1500+/- degF)

B= Process, hotter (-20 to 1000+/- degF)
C= Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
D= Process, cold (-20 to -50 degF)
E= Process, colder (-20 to -150 degF)
F= Process, coldest (-20 to -425 degF)
G= Process, other
H= Category M
J= Acid
K= Caustic/Amine
P= Steam ASME-I
Q= Steam B31.1
R= Steam B31.3
S= Fuel gas, fuel oil
T= Lube oil, seal oil
U= Category D
V= Firewater
W= Sewer
X= Instrument
Y= Other 1
Z= Other 2

RATING: (6th character)

1= CL150
2= CL300
3= CL400
4= CL600
5= CL900
6= CL1500
7= CL2500
A= CL125
F= CL800
G= CL2000
H= CL3000
J= CL4500
K= CL5000
L= CL6000
M= CL9000
N= CL10000
R= CL15000

478 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

T= CL20000
V= CL30000

CL160, Responsibility (25)

1 = [Blank]
2 = By Contractor
3 = By Owner
4 = By A
5 = By B
6 = By C
7 = By D
8 = By E
9 = By Equip Vendor
10 = By Vendor
15 = By Piping
16 = By Instruments
25 = By Others

CL180, Fabrication Category (99)

NOTE: Some data displays require that only values to the left of
the "=" sign be shown; other reports require that only values to the
right of the "=" sign be displayed.

1 = [Blank]
5 = CSSF, Contractor supplied, shop fabricated
7 = CSFF, Contractor supplied, field fabricated
15 = SSSF, Shop supplied, shop fabricated
17 = SSFF, Shop supplied, field fabricated
25 = FSSF, Field supplied, shop fabricated
27 = FSFF, Field supplied, field fabricated
35 = ASSF, A supplied, shop fabricated
37 = ASFF, A supplied, field fabricated
45 = BSSF, B supplied, shop fabricated
47 = BSFF, B supplied, field fabricated
95 = OSSF, Owner supplied, shop fabricated
97 = OSFF, Owner supplied, field fabricated

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 479

Appendix: Codelists

CL190, Coating Requirements (99)

1 = [Blank]
2 = None
3 = Galv
4 = PS1.04
5 = PS1.07
6 = PS1.08
7 = PS1.09
8 = PS1.10
9 = PS1.11
10 = PS1.12
11 = PS1.13
12 = PS2.03
13 = PS2.05
14 = PS4.01
15 = PS4.02
16 = PS4.03
17 = PS4.04
18 = PS4.05
19 = PS8.01
20 = PS9.01
21 = PS10.01
22 = PS10.02
23 = PS11.01
24 = PS12.01
25 = PS13.01
26 = PS14.01
27 = PS16.01
28 = PS18.01
40 = Varies

CL200, Heat Tracing Requirements (10)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values.

1 = [Blank]
2 = NT [Not heat traced]
3 = HT [Heat traced]
4 = PHT [Partially heat traced]

480 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL210, Heat Tracing Media (60)

NOTE: Codelist numbers 3-39 have been reserved for heat tracing
media used for non-jacketed pipe heat tracing. Codelist numbers
40-60 have been reserved for heat tracing media used for jacketed pipe
heat tracing. It is important that this allocation be respected.
1 = [Blank]
2 = N [None]

For Non Jacketed Pipe Heat Tracing, 3-39

3 = E [Electric]
10 = FA [Heat transfer fluid A]
11 = FB [Heat transfer fluid B]
12 = FC [Heat transfer fluid C]
16 = I [Impedance]
17 = MI [Magnetic induction]
18 = SKE [Skin effect]
20 = SH [Steam high pressure, CL900]
21 = SL [Steam low pressure, CL150]
22 = SM [Steam medium pressure, CL600]
23 = SN [Steam normal pressure, CL300]
24 = SS [Steam superheated]

For Jacketed Pipe Heat Tracing, 40-60

40 = FAJ [Heat transfer fluid A]
41 = FBJ [Heat transfer fluid B]
42 = FCJ [Heat transfer fluid C]
50 = SHJ [Steam high pressure, CL900]
51 = SLJ [Steam low pressure, CL150]
52 = SMJ [Steam medium pressure, CL600]
53 = SNJ [Steam normal pressure, CL300]
54 = SSJ [Steam superheated]

CL220, Insulation Purpose (40)

1 = [Blank]
2 = N [Not insulated]
3 = P [Personnel protection insulated]
4 = H [Hot insulated]
5 = HS [Hot insulated with sound attenuation]
11 = HF [Hot insulated with fire protection]
14 = AS [Anti-sweat insulated]
15 = C [Cold insulated]
16 = CV [Cold insulated vacuum type]
17 = CS [Cold insulated with sound attenuation]
18 = CH [Cold and hot insulated]
20 = CF [Cold insulated with fire protection]
21 = S [Sound attenuation insulated]
22 = SV [Sound attenuation insulation with vapor barrier]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 481

Appendix: Codelists

30 = R11 [Refractory lined, insulation]

32 = R15 [Refractory lined, insulation/erosion]
34 = R18 [Refractory lined, erosion]
40 = Varies

CL230, Cleaning Requirements (99)

1 = [Blank]
2 = None
3 = CC1
4 = CC2
5 = CC3
6 = CC4
7 = CC5
15 = Varies

CL330, CP Type/Termination/Preparation (999)

NOTE: Use 2-199 for bolted types; 300-399 for male types and
400-599 for female types. Refer to Reference Data Manager
(PD_DATA) Reference Guide for additional data.
1 = [Blank]

2 = FE [Flanged end]

Use 11-15 for ends without integral gaskets; 16-19 for ends with
integral gaskets.
10 = FFTP (11-19) [Flat-face flanged termination type]
11 = FFFE [Flat-face flanged end]
16 = FFFEWG [Flat-face flanged end with integral gasket]

Use 21-25 for ends without integral gaskets; 26-29 for ends with
integral gaskets.
20 = RFTP (21-29) [Raised-face flanged termination type]
21 = RFFE [Raised-face flanged end]
26 = RFFEWG [Raised-face flanged end with integral gasket]

Use 31-35 for ends without integral gaskets; 36-39 for ends with
integral gaskets.
30 = RJFTP (31-39) [RTJ-face flanged termination type]
31 = RJFE [RTJ-face flanged end]

Use 41-45 for ends without integral gaskets; 46-49 for ends with
integral gaskets.
40 = TMFTP (41-49) [Tongue/male-face flanged termination type]
41 = STFE [Small-tongue-face flanged end]
42 = LTFE [Large-tongue-face flanged end]
43 = SMFE [Small-male-face flanged end]
44 = LMFE [Large-male-face flanged end]

482 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

Use 51-55 for ends without integral gaskets; 56-59 for ends with
integral gaskets.
50 = GFFTP (51-59) [Groove/female-face flanged termination type]
51 = SGFE [Small-groove-face flanged end]
52 = LGFE [Large-groove-face flanged end]
53 = SFFE [Small-female-face flanged end]
54 = LFFE [Large-female-face flanged end]

Use 61-65 for lap-flanged ends without integral gaskets; 66-69 for
lap-flanged ends with integral gaskets.
60 = FFLFTP (61-69) [Flat-face lap-flanged termination type]
61 = FFLFE [Flat-face lap-flanged end]

Use 71-75 for lap-flanged ends without integral gaskets; 76-79 for
lap-flanged ends with integral gaskets.
70 = RFLFTP (71-79) [Raised-face lap-flanged termination type]
71 = RFLFE [Raised-face lap-flanged end]

Use 81-85 for lap-flanged ends without integral gaskets; 86-89 for
lap-flanged ends with integral gaskets.
80 = RJFLFTP (81-89) [RTJ-face lap-flanged termination type]
81 = RJLFE [RTJ-face lap-flanged end]

Use 91-95 for lap-flanged ends without integral gaskets; 96-99 for
lap-flanged ends with integral gaskets.
90 = TMFLFTP (91-99) [Tongue/male-face lap-flanged termination
91 = STLFE [Small-tongue-face lap-flanged end]
92 = LTLFE [Large-tongue-face lap-flanged end]
93 = SMLFE [Small-male-face lap-flanged end]
94 = LMLFE [Large-male-face lap-flanged end]

Use 101-105 for lap-flanged ends without integral gaskets; 106-109

for lap-flanged ends with integral gaskets.
100 = GFFLFTP (101-109)[Groove/female-face lap-flanged termination
101 = SGLFE [Small-groove-face lap-flanged end]
102 = LGLFE [Large-groove-face lap-flanged end]
103 = SFLFE [Small-female-face lap-flanged end]
104 = LFLFE [Large-female-face lap-flanged end]

Use 111-115 for ends without integral gaskets; 116-119 for ends
with integral gaskets.
110 = FFTBTP (111-119)[Flat-face thru-bolted termination type]
111 = FFTBE [Flat-face thru-bolted end]
116 = FFTBEWG [Flat-face thru-bolted end with integral

Use 121-125 for ends without integral gaskets; 126-129 for ends
with integral gaskets.
120 = RFTBTP (121-129)[Raised-face thru-bolted termination type]
121 = RFTBE [Raised-face thru-bolted end]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 483

Appendix: Codelists

126 = RFTBEWG [Raised-face thru-bolted end with integral


Use 131-135 for ends without integral gaskets; 136-139 for ends
with integral gaskets.
130 = RJTBTP (131-139)[RTJ-face thru-bolted termination type]
131 = RJTBE [RTJ-face thru-bolted end]

Use 141-145 for ends without integral gaskets; 146-149 for ends
with integral gaskets.
140 = MRJTBTP (141-149)[Male RTJ-face thru-bolted termination type]
146 = MRJTBEWG [Male RTJ-face thru-bolted end with integral

Use 151-155 for ends without integral gaskets; 156-159 for ends
with integral gaskets.
150 = FFTBCSTP (151-159)[Flat-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws
termination ty
151 = FFTBCSE [Flat-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws end]
156 = FFTBCSEWG [Flat-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws end
with integ

Use 161-165 for ends without integral gaskets; 166-169 for ends
with integral gaskets.
160 = RFTBCSTP (161-169)[Raised-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws
161 = RFTBCSE [Raised-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws end]
166 = RFTBCSEWG [Raised-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws end
with int

Use 171-175 for ends without integral gaskets; 176-179 for ends
with integral gaskets.
170 = RJTBCSTP (171-179)[RTJ-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws
termination typ
171 = RJTBCSE [RTJ-face thru-bolted-with-cap-screws end]

Use 181-185 for ends without integral gaskets; 186-189 for ends
with integral gaskets.
180 = FFFTBTP (181-189)[Flat-full-face thru-bolted termination type]
181 = FFFTBE [Flat-full-face thru-bolted end]
186 = FFFTBEWG [Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with integral

190 = MJTP (190-199)[Mechanical joint termination type]

191 = MJE [Mechanical joint end]

300 = MTP (301-399)[Male termination type]

Use 301-309 for welded ends only

301 = BE [Beveled end]
302 = OLET [Olet beveled end]

484 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

Use 311-319 for welded ends only

311 = TBE [Tapered and beveled end]
321 = MFE [Male flared end]
331 = MTE [Male threaded end]
341 = MGE [Male grooved end]
351 = MQCE [Male quick connect end]
355 = MCE [Male clamp end]
361 = MFRE [Male ferrule end]
371 = MHE [Male hose end]
381 = SPE [Spigot end]

Use 391-399 for welded ends only

391 = PE (391-399)[Plain end]
393 = 3"FFPE [Plain end, 3" field fit]
395 = 6"FFPE [Plain end, 6" field fit]

400 = STP (401-409)[Socket termination type]

401 = SE [Socket end]

Use 421-429 for welded ends only

420 = SWTP (421-429)[Socketwelded termination type]
421 = SWE [Socketwelded end]

440 = FTTP (441-449)[Female threaded termination type]

441 = FTE [Female threaded end]

460 = FGTP (461-469)[Female grooved termination type]

461 = FGE [Female grooved end]

470 = FCTP (471-479)[Female clamp termination type]

471 = FCE [Female clamp end]

480 = FQCTP (481-489)[Female quick connect termination type]

481 = FQCE [Female quick connect end]

500 = FFRTP (501-509)[Female ferrule termination type]

501 = FFRE [Female ferrule end]

520 = FHTP (521-529)[Female hose termination type]

521 = FHE [Female hose end]

540 = BLTP (541-549)[Bell end termination type]

541 = BLE [Push-on bell end]
542 = MJBE [Mechanical joint bell end]

590 = HTP (581-599)[Hole end termination type]

Use 591-599 for welded ends only

591 = HCE [Circular hole end]

600 = NTP (600-605)[Null termination type]

601 = NE [Null end]

650 = UDTP (651-659)[User defined termination type]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 485

Appendix: Codelists

651 = UD [User defined end] (When a "UD"

preparation end is detected by the
system in the piping materials
class, it will prompt the User to define
the actual CP preparation to use. The
value provided by the User will be used
for initial placement of the component
as well as for subsequent recreations of
the piping system.)

CL332, Schedule / Thickness Override

NOTE: Schedule/thickness override values for metric projects must
have codelist values between 499 and 1000.

1 = [Blank]
10 = .0625
11 = .125
12 = .1875
13 = .25
14 = .3125
15 = .375
16 = .4375
17 = .5
18 = .5625
19 = .625
20 = .6875
21 = .75
22 = .8125
23 = .875
24 = .9375
25 = 1
30 = 1.0625
31 = 1.125
32 = 1.1875
33 = 1.25
34 = 1.3125
35 = 1.375
36 = 1.4375
37 = 1.5
38 = 1.5625
39 = 1.625
40 = 1.6875
41 = 1.75
42 = 1.8125
43 = 1.875
44 = 1.9375
45 = 2
50 = 2.0625
51 = 2.125
52 = 2.1875

486 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

53 = 2.25
54 = 2.3125
55 = 2.375
56 = 2.4375
57 = 2.5
58 = 2.5625
59 = 2.625
60 = 2.6875
61 = 2.75
62 = 2.8125
63 = 2.875
64 = 2.9375
65 = 3
100 = S-5S
101 = S-10S
102 = S-40S
103 = S-80S
110 = S-10
111 = S-20
112 = S-30
113 = S-40
114 = S-60
115 = S-80
116 = S-100
117 = S-120
118 = S-140
119 = S-160
130 = S-STD
131 = S-XS
132 = S-XXS

CL340, Safety Classification (99)

1 = [Blank]
2 = SC1
3 = SC2
4 = SC3
5 = SC4
6 = SC5
7 = SC6
8 = SC7
9 = SC8
10 = SC9

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 487

Appendix: Codelists

CL360, Stress Analysis Requirements (15)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.
1 = [Blank]
2 = ANR =Analysis not required
3 = ATBP=Analysis to be performed
4 = AC =Analysis completed

CL365, Reporting Requirements (25)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
codelist values.
1 = Reportable by MTO
2 = Not Reportable by MTO

CL366, Requirement to Reconstruct (10)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed. Labels
always require that only values to the right of the "=" sign be

0 = None
1 = reconstruct
2 = re-calculate

CL380, Piping Component Type (2500)

1 = [Blank]

2 = Piping [Primary single line]

3 = Piping [Secondary single line]
4 = Piping [Primary double line]
5 = Piping [Double line]
6 = Hose
8 = Tubing

18 = Gate valve

488 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

19 = Extended body gate valve

20 = Conduit gate valve
21 = Blank gate valve
22 = 3-way valve
23 = Ball valve [2-way]
24 = 2-way valve
25 = 3-way ball valve
28 = Globe valve [2-way]
29 = Angle globe valve [2-way]
30 = 3-way globe valve
31 = Y globe valve
33 = Plug valve [2-way]
34 = 4-way valve
35 = 3-way plug valve
36 = 4-way plug valve
39 = Needle valve
43 = Butterfly valve
47 = Diaphragm valve
49 = Knife gate valve
50 = Slide valve [2-way]
51 = 3-way slide valve
54 = Angle valve
55 = Check valve
56 = Wafer check valve
57 = Angle check valve
58 = Stop check valve
59 = Angle stop check valve
60 = Y stop check valve
67 = Backflow preventer
68 = Automatic recirculation valve
70 = Angle blowdown valve
71 = Y blowdown valve
73 = Pinch valve
74 = Float valve
75 = Foot valve
79 = Tank drain valve
86 = Deluge valve
89 = Hose valve
90 = Angle hose valve
93 = Vent/drain valve
97 = Instrument root valve
98 = 3-way instrument root valve
99 = 4-way instrument root valve

117 = Flange
119 = Reducing flange
120 = Expander flange
122 = Orifice flange
124 = Blind flange
126 = Open spectacle blank
127 = Closed spectacle blank
128 = Blank disc
129 = Blind spacer
130 = Tapered spacer

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 489

Appendix: Codelists

131 = Open spacer

132 = End
133 = Head
135 = Plug
137 = Cap
138 = Diameter change
139 = Concentric diameter change
140 = Eccentric diameter change
141 = Coupling/connector
142 = Half coupling
143 = Concentric reducer
144 = Eccentric reducer
148 = Reducing coupling
151 = Concentric swage
152 = Eccentric swage
155 = Union
156 = Orifice union
157 = Dielectric union
159 = Hose connection
160 = Bushing
162 = Reducing insert
163 = Pipe bend
165 = 5.625 deg elbow
167 = 11.25 deg elbow
169 = 22.5 deg elbow
171 = <45 deg direction change
172 = 45 deg direction change
173 = 45 deg elbow
175 = 45 deg LR elbow
176 = 45 deg long tangent elbow
177 = 45 deg 3D elbow
179 = 45 deg union elbow
181 = 45 deg street elbow
182 = 45 deg short elbow
184 = 45 deg long elbow
189 = 60 deg elbow
191 = 45-90 deg direction change
192 = 90 deg direction change
193 = 90 deg elbow
195 = 90 deg SR elbow
196 = 90 deg LR elbow
198 = 90 deg LR long tangent elbow
200 = 90 deg reducing elbow
202 = 90 deg 3D elbow
204 = 90 deg union elbow
206 = 90 deg street elbow
207 = 90 deg reducing street elbow
209 = 90 deg short elbow
210 = 90 deg long elbow
216 = 180 deg return
218 = 180 deg SR return
220 = 180 deg LR return
222 = 180 deg close return
223 = 180 deg medium return

490 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

224 = 180 deg open return

229 = Miter
231 = 45 deg miter
233 = 90 deg miter
237 = Tee
239 = Reducing branch tee
240 = Reducing run and branch tee
242 = On-run union tee
243 = On-branch union tee
246 = Street tee
249 = Reducing instrument tee
251 = Drip ring tee
253 = Basin tee
260 = True Y
262 = Lateral
264 = Reducing branch lateral
265 = Reducing run and branch lateral
267 = 90 deg short Y-branch
268 = 90 deg reducing short Y-branch
269 = 90 deg long Y-branch
270 = 90 deg reducing long Y-branch
275 = Cross
277 = Reducing branches cross
278 = Reducing run and branches cross
279 = Basin cross
285 = Saddle
287 = Sweepolet
288 = Weldolet
289 = Sockolet
290 = Thredolet
291 = Nippolet
292 = Elbolet
293 = Latrolet
294 = Endolet
295 = Reinforcing pad
297 = Reinforcing weld
299 = Buttweld
303 = Branch nipple
304 = In-line nipple
310 = Gasket
312 = Stud
313 = Nut

315 = Fire monitor

316 = Elevated fire monitor
317 = Remotely operated fire monitor
318 = Foam monitor
319 = Elevated foam monitor
320 = Remotely operated foam monitor
324 = Fire hydrant [2-way]
325 = Fire hydrant w/monitor nozzle [2-way]
327 = 3-way fire hydrant
338 = Hose reel
339 = Hose rack station

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 491

Appendix: Codelists

340 = Foam chamber

344 = Wet sprinkler
345 = Pre-action sprinkler
346 = Spray sprinkler
352 = Eye wash
353 = Safety shower
354 = Safety shower and eye wash
374 = Siamese [2-way]
380 = 90 deg siamese [2-way]

513 = Flame arrestor

515 = Hammer arrestor
516 = Vent silencer
517 = In-line silencer
518 = Vent
519 = Exhaust head
521 = Breather vent
523 = Free vent w/o screen
524 = Free vent w/screen
525 = Motor operated valve
527 = Mixing T
529 = Spray nozzle
533 = Removable spool
535 = Swing elbow
540 = Expansion joint
542 = Hinged expansion joint
544 = Swivel joint
546 = Mechanical coupling
548 = Flexible hose
552 = Sample cooler
556 = Strainer/filter
557 = Single basket strainer
559 = Duplex basket strainer
561 = T strainer
563 = Y strainer
564 = Temporary strainer
565 = Basket strainer
567 = Cone strainer
569 = Flat plate strainer
571 = Sump strainer
576 = Filter
582 = Steam trap
583 = Float steam trap
584 = Inverted bucket steam trap
586 = Thermostatic steam trap
588 = Thermodynamic steam trap
590 = Impulse steam trap

611 = Generic component

613 = Pip seg heat tracing brk/comp 2

747 = Air utility station

748 = Nitrogen utility station

492 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

749 = Water utility station

750 = Steam utility station
823 = Vent/drain detail 1
824 = Vent/drain detail 2
825 = Vent/drain detail 3
833 = Vent/drain detail H
873 = Connection detail 1
874 = Connection detail 2
875 = Connection detail 3
876 = Connection detail 4
877 = Connection detail 5
878 = Connection detail 6
879 = Connection detail 7
880 = Connection detail 8

909 = Anchor
911 = 1-way support
913 = 2-way support
923 = Spring support
927 = Damping support

1008 = Tie-in marker

1018 = Utility connector

1019 = Drain connector
1020 = Utility station connector
1038 = TRM off-dwg piping connector
1039 = TLM off-dwg piping connector
1040 = TTM off-dwg piping connector
1041 = TBM off-dwg piping connector
1042 = FRM off-dwg piping connector
1043 = FLM off-dwg piping connector
1044 = FTM off-dwg piping connector
1045 = FBM off-dwg piping connector
1047 = Utility off-dwg pip connector
1049 = To off-vol piping connector
1053 = From off-vol piping connector
1068 = TRM off-unit piping connector
1069 = TLM off-unit piping connector
1070 = TTM off-unit piping connector
1071 = TBM off-unit piping connector
1072 = FRM off-unit piping connector
1073 = FLM off-unit piping connector
1074 = FTM off-unit piping connector
1075 = FBM off-unit piping connector
1079 = To off-site piping connector
1083 = From off-site piping connector

1108 = Piping node marker

1117 = Terminator piping connector

Entries above 1500 are reserved for DIN components.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 493

Appendix: Codelists

1500 = Valve generic

1501 = Angle plug valve
1502 = Non-return valve
1503 = Check valve
1504 = Valve with continuous action
1505 = 4-way globe valve
1506 = 4-way valve,generic
1507 = Steam throttling angle valve
1508 = Steam throttling 3-way globe valve
1509 = Butterfly valve with continuous action
1510 = [Blank]
1511 = [Blank]
1512 = Globe valve with continuous action
1513 = Gate valve with continuous action
1514 = Plug valve with continuous action
1515 = Angle globe valve with continuous action
1516 = Free wheel check valve
1517 = Safety check valve

1518 = Fire safety butterfly valve

1519 = Aeration and deaeration armature
1520 = Angle ball valve
1521 = 4-way ball valve
1522 = Taper plug valve
1523 = Taper angle plug valve
1524 = 3-way taper plug valve
1525 = 4-way taper plug valve
1526 = Flat seal bottom
1527 = Blank disk
1528 = Flange connection
1529 = Screwed connection
1530 = Angle diaphragm valve

1533 = Safety valve

1534 = Safety valve regulated with spring
1535 = Safety valve regulated with weight
1536 = Angle safety valve
1537 = Angle safety valve regulated with spring
1538 = Rupture disk
1539 = Aeration with screw cap
1540 = Inspection glass
1542 = Aeration with plug
1543 = Flanged aeration
1544 = 90 deg aeration
1545 = 180 deg aeration
1546 = Tapered filter
1548 = Discharge valve with blind flange
1549 = Discharge valve
1550 = Discharge with blind flanged gate valve
1551 = Discharge with gate valve
1552 = Bellow expansion joint
1553 = Lyra expansion joint
1554 = 90 degree elbow for JP
1555 = T connection for JP

494 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

1556 = Flange between JP

1557 = Valve for connecting JP media
1558 = Blindflange JP
1559 = Skewed connection JP
1560 = Y connection JP
1561 = flanged connection segment/comp type 1
1562 = flanged connection segment/comp type 2
1563 = flanged connection segment/comp type 3
1564 = flanged connection segment/comp type 4
1565 = Flange from JP to normal pipe
1566 = Valve for JP media supply
1567 = Flange connection for JP
1568 = Bypass for JP media
1569 = Flange for bypassing JP
1570 = Syphon
1571 = Ball linkage
1572 = Mixing component
1573 = Flow straightener
1574 = [Blank]
1575 = Spring clip
1576 = Fire extinguishing equipment powder
1577 = Fire extinguishing equipment halogen
1578 = Fire extinguishing equipment carbonic acid
1579 = Fire extinguishing equipment foam
1580 = Fire extinguishing equipment floor connection
1581 = Fire extinguishing equipment overhead conn.
1582 = Fire extinguishing connector
1583 = Fire extinguishing water supply
1584 = Fire brigade accessory
1585 = Hydrant ground floor
1587 = Hydrant overhead
1588 = Wall hydrant
1590 = Sprinkler equipment
1591 = Flooding spray equipment
1592 = Spraying equipment
1593 = Refrigerating unit
1594 = Globe valve with open function
1595 = Angle valve with open function
1596 = Clamp joint
1597 = Taper pipe thread
1598 = [Blank]
1599 = Socket joint
1600 = Taper pipe joint
1601 = Cool box
1602 = Ball float valve
1603 = Ball check valve
1604 = Flanged joint

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 495

Appendix: Codelists

CL390, Action (40)

1 = [Blank]

2 = NO [Normally open]
3 = NC [Normally closed]
5 = CSO [Car seal open]
6 = CSC [Car seal closed]
10 = LO [Locked open]
11 = LC [Locked closed]

15 = FO [Fail open]
16 = FC [Fail closed]
18 = FL [Fail locked]
19 = FLO [Fail locked open]
20 = FLC [Fail locked closed]
24 = FI [Fail indeterminate]

30 = EO [Energize to open]
31 = EC [Energize to close]
34 = DEO [De-energize to open]
35 = DEC [De-energize to close]

CL400, Option (999)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
the indicated codelist ranges. The number of codelist numbers used
in this codelist set must not exceed 5000.
1 = [Blank]
2 = Bypass PMC Use to bypass PMC access

Types Options, 11-19

11 = Type 1
12 = Type 2
13 = Type 3
14 = Type 4
15 = Type 5
16 = Type 6
17 = Type 7
18 = Type 8
19 = Type 9

Valve Type Options, 21-60

21 = Red port [Reduced port valve]
24 = Full port [Full port valve]
27 = Tight SO [Tight shutoff valve]
30 = Dbl disc [Double disc valve]
32 = Y pattern [Y pattern valve]
33 = Wafer [Wafer valve]

496 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

34 = Lug [Lug pattern]

36 = Single flange [Single flange valve]
38 = 1/8" hole [1/8" diam hole in flapper]
39 = Non lube [Non-lubricated valve]
40 = 3/16" hole [3/16" diam hole in flapper]
41 = 1/4" hole [1/4" diam hole in flapper]
42 = Lube [Lubricated valve]
43 = Quick close [Quick closing valve]
44 = Quick open [Quick opening valve]
45 = Al chk [Alarm check valve]
46 = Excess flow [Excess flow check valve]
48 = Limit stop [Limit stop valve]
49 = Hor chk [Horizontal check valve]
50 = Vert chk [Vertical check valve]
56 = Tap lcn G [Tap at location G]
57 = Tap lcns G & H [Tap at locations G & H]
58 = Tap lcns G & I [Tap at locations G & I]
59 = Tap lcns G & J [Tap at locations G & J]
60 = Tap lcns G & K [Tap at locations G & K]

Valve Operator Options, 61-100

61 = HW op [Handwheel]
64 = WR op [Wrench operator]
67 = LV op [Lever operator]
70 = T op [T-handle operator]
73 = GTM op [Gear operator, top mounted handwheel]
76 = GSM op [Gear operator, side mounted handwheel]
79 = EM op [Electric motor operator]
82 = ESHW op [Extended stem and handwheel]
88 = ESGTM op [Extended stem and gear operator, top
mounted handwheel
91 = EXGSM op [Extended stem and gear operator, side
mounted handwheel
100 = Post ind [Post indicator]

Bend Radius Options, 121-140

121 = 1D bend [1D pipe bend]
124 = 1.5D bend [1.5D pipe bend]
127 = 3D bend [3D pipe bend]
130 = 4D bend [4D pipe bend]
133 = 5D bend [5D pipe bend]
134 = 6D bend [6D pipe bend]
136 = 10D bend [10D pipe bend]

Head Type Options, 141-150

141 = Hemi hd [Hemispherical head]
143 = Ellip hd [Ellipsoidal head]
145 = 2:1 hd [2:1 elliptical head]

Miter Options, 151-160

151 = 1 cut [1-cut miter]
152 = 2 cuts [2-cuts miter]
153 = 3 cuts [3-cuts miter]
154 = 4 cuts [4-cuts miter]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 497

Appendix: Codelists

Miscellaneous Options, 161-170

161 = Housing [Housing]
163 = After vlv [After isolating valve]
165 = Match branch nipple [Match branch nipple]
167 = Straight ends [Straight ends]
168 = Hor [Horizontal]
169 = Vert [Vertical]

Flange Type Options, 171-200

171 = WN [Weld neck flange]
173 = LWN [Long weld neck flange]
175 = SO [Slip-on flange]
177 = LJ [Lap joint flange]
179 = PL [Plate flange]
181 = SS-SO [Short-stub-end, slip-on flange]
183 = SS-LJ [Short-stub-end, lap joint flange]
185 = SS-PL [Short-stub-end, plate flange]
187 = LS-SO [Long-stub-end, slip-on flange]
189 = LS-LP [Long-stub-end, lap joint flange]
191 = Filler [Filler flange]
193 = Socket [Socket flange]
195 = SW [Socketwelded flange]
196 = SW Red [Socketwelded reducing flange]
197 = Thd [Threaded flange]

Bolted End Options, 201-400

202 = FE [Flanged end]
211 = FFFE [Flat-face flanged end]
216 = FFFEWG [Flat-face flanged end w/ integral gasket]
221 = RFFE [Raised-face flanged end]
226 = RFFEWG [Raised-face flanged end w/ integral
231 = RJFE [RTJ-face flanged end]
241 = STFE [Small-tongue-face flanged end]
242 = LTFE [Large-tongue-face flanged end]
243 = SMFE [Small-male-face flanged end]
244 = LMFE [Large-male-face flanged end]
251 = SGFE [Small-groove-face flanged end]
252 = LGFE [Large-groove-face flanged end]
253 = SFFE [Small-female-face flanged end]
254 = LFFE [Large-female-face flanged end]
261 = FFLFE [Flat-face lap-flanged end]
271 = RFLFE [Raised-face lap-flanged end]
281 = RJLFE [RTJ-face lap-flanged end]
291 = STLFE [Small-tongue-face lap-flanged end]
292 = LTLFE [Large-tongue-face lap-flanged end]
293 = SMLFE [Small-male-face lap-flanged end]
294 = LMLFE [Large-male-face lap-flanged end]
301 = SGLFE [Small-groove-face lap-flanged end]
302 = LGLFE [Large-groove-face lap-flanged end]
303 = SFLFE [Small-female-face lap-flanged end]
304 = LFLFE [Large-female-face lap-flanged end]
311 = FFTBE [Flat-face thru-bolted end]

498 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

316 = FFTBEWG [Flat-face thru-bolted end w/ integral

321 = RFTBE [Raised-face thru-bolted end]
326 = RFTBEWG [Raised-face thru-bolted end w/ integral
331 = RJTBE [RTJ-face thru-bolted end]
346 = MRJTBEWG [Male RTJ-face thru-bolted end w/ integral
351 = FFTBCSE [Flat-face thru-bolted-w/-cap-screws end]
356 = FFTBCSEWG [Flat-face thru-bolted-w/-cap-screws end
w/ integra
361 = RFTBCSE [Raised-face thru-bolted-w/-cap-screws
366 = RFTBCSEWG [Raised-face thru-bolted-w/-cap-screws end
w/ integ
371 = RJTBCSE [RTJ-face thru-bolted-w/-cap-screws end]
381 = FFFTBE [Flat-full-face thru-bolted end]
386 = FFFTBEWG [Flat-full-face thru-bolted end w/
integral gasket]
391 = MJE [Mechanical joint end]

Male End Options, 401-500

401 = BE [Beveled end]
402 = OLET [Olet beveled end]
411 = TBE [Tapered and beveled end]
421 = MFE [Male flared end]
431 = MTE [Male threaded end]
441 = MGE [Male grooved end]
451 = MQCE [Male quick connect end]
455 = MCE [Male clamp end]
461 = MFRE [Male ferrule end]
471 = MHE [Male hose end]
481 = SPE [Spigot end]
491 = PE [Plain end] [391-399]
493 = 3"FFPE [Plain end, 3" field fit]
495 = 6"FFPE [Plain end, 6" field fit]

Female End Options, 501-696

501 = SE [Socket end]
521 = SWE [Socketwelded end]
541 = FTE [Female threaded end]
561 = FGE [Female grooved end]
581 = FQCE [Female quick connect end]
601 = FFRE [Female ferrule end]
621 = FHE [Female hose end]
641 = BLE [Push-on bell end]
642 = MJBE [Mechanical joint bell end]
691 = HCE [Circular hole end]

User Defined Null End Options, (697-697)

697 = NE [Null end]

User Defined End Options, 699-699

699 = UD [User defined]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 499

Appendix: Codelists

Mixed End Options, 701-717

701 = FE x MJE [Flanged end by mechanical joint end]
702 = FE x BE [Flanged end by beveled end]
703 = FE x PE [Flanged end by plain end]
705 = BE x MTE [Beveled end by male threaded end]
706 = BE x PE [Beveled end by plain end]
707 = BE x SWE [Beveled end by socketwelded end]
708 = BE x FTE [Beveled end by female threaded end]
709 = OLET x FTE [Olet beveled end by female threaded end]
710 = MTE x PE [Male threaded end by plain end]
711 = PE x MTE [Plain end by male threaded end]
712 = PE x SWE [Plain end by socketwelded end]
713 = PE x FTE [Plain end by female threaded end]
714 = SWE x FTE [Socketwelded end by female threaded end]
715 = OLET x SWE [Olet beveled end by socketwelded end]
716 = MTE x FTE [Male threaded end by female threaded end]
717 = FE x FTE [Flanged end by female threaded end]

The following options have been modified to include mm in lengths

and add British metric pressure ratings (PN).

Nipple Options, 718-755

720 = 3.0"(75mm) BE [3.0" long, BE]
721 = 3.0"(75mm) MTE [3.0" long, MTE]
722 = 3.0"(75mm) PE [3.0" long, PE]
723 = 3.0"(75mm) BE x MTE [3.0" long, BE x MTE]
724 = 3.0"(75mm) BE x PE [3.0" long, BE x PE]
725 = 3.0"(75mm) MTE x PE [3.0" long, MTE x PE]
726 = 4.0"(100mm) BE [4.0" long, BE]
727 = 4.0"(100mm) MTE [4.0" long, MTE]
728 = 4.0"(100mm) PE [4.0" long, PE]
729 = 4.0"(100mm) BE x MTE [4.0" long, BE x MTE]
730 = 4.0"(100mm) BE x PE [4.0" long, BE x PE]
731 = 4.0"(100mm) MTE x PE [4.0" long, MTE x PE]
732 = 5.0"(125mm) BE [5.0" long, BE]
733 = 5.0"(125mm) MTE [5.0" long, MTE]
734 = 5.0"(125mm) PE [5.0" long, PE]
735 = 5.0"(125mm) BE x MTE [5.0" long, BE x MTE]
736 = 5.0"(125mm) BE x PE [5.0" long, BE x PE]
737 = 5.0"(125mm) MTE x PE [5.0" long, MTE x PE]
738 = 6.0"(150mm) BE [6.0" long, BE]
739 = 6.0"(150mm) MTE [6.0" long, MTE]
740 = 6.0"(150mm) PE [6.0" long, PE]
741 = 6.0"(150mm) BE x MTE [6.0" long, BE x MTE]
742 = 6.0"(150mm) BE x PE [6.0" long, BE x PE]
743 = 6.0"(150mm) MTE x PE [6.0" long, MTE x PE]
744 = 7.0"(175mm) BE [7.0" long, BE]
745 = 7.0"(175mm) MTE [7.0" long, MTE]
746 = 7.0"(175mm) PE [7.0" long, PE]
747 = 7.0"(175mm) BE x MTE [7.0" long, BE x MTE]
748 = 7.0"(175mm) BE x PE [7.0" long, BE x PE]
749 = 7.0"(175mm) MTE x PE [7.0" long, MTE x PE]
750 = 8.0"(200mm) PE [8.0" long, PE]

500 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

751 = 9.0"(225mm) PE [9.0" long, PE]

752 = 1O.0"(250mm) PE [10.0" long, PE]
753 = 11.0"(275mm) PE [11.0" long, PE]
754 = 12.0"(300mm) PE [12.0" long, PE]
755 = HEX [Hexagon]

Rating Options, 756-849

756 = CL25
757 = PN2.5
758 = CL50
759 = CL75
760 = 86#
761 = CL100
762 = CL125
763 = CL150
764 = 175#
765 = PN6
766 = PN10
767 = CL200
768 = PN16
769 = CL250
770 = 275#
773 = CL300
774 = 350#
775 = PN25
776 = PN40
777 = CL400
778 = PN64
781 = CL600
782 = PN100
785 = CL800
789 = CL900
790 = PN160
792 = 1000#
794 = PN250
795 = PN320
796 = PN400
797 = CL1500
801 = CL2000
805 = CL2500
809 = CL3000
813 = CL4500
815 = CL5000
817 = CL6000
821 = CL9000
823 = CL10000
827 = CL15000
831 = CL20000
835 = CL30000
836 = SCH 40
838 = SCH 80
840 = GRAVHD

Thickness Options, 851-869

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 501

Appendix: Codelists

851 = 0.0625"(2mm) thck

852 = 0.125"(3mm) thck
853 = 0.1875"(4mm) thck
854 = 0.25"(6mm) thck
855 = 0.3125"(8mm) thck
856 = 0.375"(9mm) thck
857 = 0.4375"(10mm) thck
858 = 0.5"(12mm) thck
859 = 0.5625"(14mm) thck
860 = 0.625"(16mm) thck
861 = 0.6875"(18mm) thck
862 = 0.75"(20mm) thck
863 = 0.8125"(21mm) thck
864 = 0.875"(22mm) thck
865 = 0.9375"(24mm) thck
866 = 1.0"(25mm) thck

End Finish Options, 870-879

870 = 63 Ra [63 Ra finish]
871 = 60-100 Ra [60-100 Ra finish]
873 = 80-150 Ra [80-150 Ra finish]
875 = 200 Ra [200 Ra finish]
877 = Stock [Stock-finish]

Gasket Options, 880-899

880 = F gskt [Flat gasket]
881 = FFF gskt [Flat full face gasket]
882 = C gskt [Corrugated gasket]
883 = FDJ gskt [Flat double jacketed gasket]
884 = CDJ gskt [Corrugated double jacketed gasket]
885 = R gskt [Ring gasket]
886 = SW gskt [Spiral-wound gasket]
887 = MSS gskt [MSS-SP-44 gasket]
894 = SP gskt [Special gasket]

Stud & Nut Options, 900-909

900 = Spec bolt [Special bolting]

ID Basis Options, 910-910

910 = ID basis [Dimensions based on inside diameter]

Code Options, 911-989

912 = ANSI-B16.12 [Cast iron drainage fittings]
915 = ANSI-B16.15 [Cast bronze fittings]
922 = ANSI-B16.22 [Copper solder joint pressure fittings]
923 = ANSI-B16.23 [Copper solder joint drainage fittings]
924 = ANSI-B16.24 [Bronze flanges]
929 = ANSI-B16.36 [Orifice flanges]
930 = ANSI-B16.42 [Ductile iron flanges and fittings]
933 = ANSI-B1.20.3 [Dryseal pipe threads]
937 = ANSI-B1.20.7 [Hose coupling screw threads]
945 = ASTM-A74 [Cast iron soil pipe and fittings]
949 = AWWA-C110 [Iron fittings]
950 = AWWA-C115 [Iron pipe and fittings]

502 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

955 = AWWA-C151 [Ductile iron pipe]

960 = AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, ring [Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150,
961 = AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, hub [Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150,
962 = AWWA-C207 Cl.E, hub [Steel slip-on flanges CL275]
970 = API-5LE [Polyethylene fittings]
975 = API-6A [Wellhead flanges and fittings]
979 = API-605 [API-605 flanges]
980 = MSS-SP-44-NB [MSS non-blind flanges]
981 = MSS-SP-44-B [MSS blind flanges]

Vendor Options, 990-999

990 = Tube-Turn
991 = Dow
992 = Aloyco
993 = Yarway
994 = Teledyne Farris 1
995 = R & G Sloane
996 = American DI Pipe
997 = Gladding McBean [Vitrified clay S-XS pipe and
998 = Taylor Forge

European DIN Standards

1001 = Spacer length 10 mm
1002 = Spacer length 15 mm
1003 = Spacer length 20 mm
1004 = Spacer length 25 mm
1005 = Spacer length 30 mm
1006 = Spacer length 35 mm
1007 = Spacer length 40 mm
1008 = Spacer length 45 mm
1009 = Spacer length 50 mm
1010 = Spacer length 60 mm
1011 = Spacer length 70 mm
1012 = Spacer length 80 mm
1013 = Spacer length 90 mm
1014 = Spacer length 100 mm

CL420, Piping Component Type/Source (25)

NOTE: This codelist defines the type of piping component involved
and the source of the data used in its definition. In editing this
codelist set, do not change the meaning of existing codelist values.
0 = Piping cmdty component from PMC
1 = Piping cmdty component from User
2 = Piping flanged cmdty component from PJS
3 = Piping cmdty component from branch table
4 = Piping specialty component from PJS

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 503

Appendix: Codelists

5 = Piping specialty component from User - spec data input

6 = Piping specialty component from User - no spec data input
7 = Branch reinforcement from user
8 = Branch reinforcement from branch table

CL425, Piping/Tubing Type (25)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
existing codelist values.
1 = Piping
2 = Tubing
3 = Hose

CL430, Instrument Component Type/Source (25)

NOTE: This codelist defines the type of instrument component
involved and the source of the data used in its definition. In
editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of existing
codelist values.
0 = Instr specialty component from PJS
1 = Instr specialty component from User - spec data input
2 = Instr specialty component from User - no spec data input

CL499, Piping Notes (999)

1 = [Blank]

Notes Applicable to the Piping Materials Class, 2-199

3 = Valve and flange protectors required.
22 = Valves shall be in accordance with NACE MR-01-75.
50 = The Manufacturer shall be consulted for special bolting
requirements where both the design temperature is above 800 degF
and the valve bonnet is insulated.
54 = Unions shall not be used.
56 = Gasket seating surfaces shall have 125 Ra surface finish.
57 = Unions shall not be used. Gasket seating surfaces shall
have 125 Ra surface finish.
58 = Unions shall not be used. Gasket seating surfaces shall
have 125 Ra surface finish. Valves shall be in accordance with
NACE MR-01-75.
60 = All welds shall use compatible rod and shall be PWHT
regardless of thickness and/or joint configuration.
61 = All welds shall use compatible rod and shall be PWHT
regardless of thickness and/or joint configuration unless
specifically approved by Contractor and permitted by
ANSI-B31.3 Code.

504 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

62 =
Refer to AWWA-C151 for suitable installation types.
63 =
Underground pipe and fittings shall be coated and wrapped.
64 =
Pipe and fittings shall be cement lined.
79 =
Extra thickness has been included.
80 =
All components shall be bored to suit thickness of pipe.
Taper bore flanges to a depth of 1.5 inches as required to match
inside diameter of all connecting piping and valves. Welds
shall be ground smooth to match inside diameter of pipe.
82 = Use long radius bends with radius as specified on the P&IDs
for all changes in direction.
83 = Do not allow galvanized or any other zinc bearing material
to come in contact with stainless steel or high nickel
alloys components. This includes supports, nipples, weld
splatter, wire, bolts, paint, or any other type of contact.

Notes Applicable to a Piping Component, 200-499

201 = To be used only where specifically required.
202 = Use between blind flange and gasket.
203 = Use for thermowell connections.
204 = Use for hydrostatic vents and drains. Seal (bridge) weld
after testing in accordance with piping job specifications.
205 = Use bends for direction changes.
206 = Use at flanged equipment connections.
207 = Use for hydrostatic vents and drains.
208 = Use threaded plug for vent/drain valve; do not seal weld plug.
209 = To be used only where specifically required and/or between
blind flange and gasket.
210 = Use threaded plug for vent/drain valve; do not seal weld
plug. Vent/drain and instrument root valves with 1 inch nominal
diameter in carbon steel and 9Cr-1Mo materials provide more
than 3/16 inch but less than 1/4 inch CA.
211 = Use of this component under certain pressure/temperature
conditions may provide less than 3/16 inch CA.
214 = Use where full port is required.
220 = Install in the horizontal position only.
221 = Valve shall be in accordance with NACE MR-01-75.
222 = Use 0.75 inch diameter only at orifice flange taps.
223 = Use 0.5 inch diameter only at orifice flange taps.
224 = To be used only where specifically required. Valve sizes
16" and larger require electric motor operators.
253 = Use of unions and threaded fittings shall be limited to a
maximum temperature of 500 degF.
257 = When mating stainless steel flanges to ferritic steel
flanges, use studs corresponding to the ferritic flange.
259 = Double hub fittings are available in 90 degrees and 45
degrees elbows.
260 = Cement lined per AWWA-C205-80. Minimum lining thickness
shall be 0.3125 inch thick. Lining shall be Type II cement per
ASTM-C150 with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of
3000 psi. Lining shall be flush with ends.
276 = Remove internals of valves containing Teflon seats and/or
seals prior to welding or backwelding.
304 = For use in deluge systems.
325 = Do not use over 100 degF.

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 505

Appendix: Codelists

326 = Do not use over 150 degF.

328 = Do not use over 180 degF.
329 = Do not use over 200 degF.
330 = Do not use over 250 degF.
331 = Do not use over 300 degF.
332 = Do not use over 350 degF.
333 = Do not use over 400 degF.
334 = Do not use over 450 degF.
335 = Do not use over 500 degF.
336 = Do not use over 550 degF.
337 = Do not use over 600 degF.
338 = Do not use over 650 degF.
339 = Do not use over 700 degF.
340 = Do not use over 750 degF.
341 = Do not use over 800 degF.

Notes Applicable to a Piping Specialty, 500-699

Notes Applicable to an Instrument Specialty, 700-899

CL530, Accessory/Item Type (125)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.
1 = [Blank]

Accessory Type, 2-99

5 = AC =Actuator
10 = A =Alarm
20 = C =Controller
30 = I =Indicator
45 = PO =Positioner
50 = R =Recorder
55 = S =Switch
65 = T =Transmitter
75 = X =Unclassified
80 = Y =Converter

Item Type, 100-125

101 = Equipment nozzle
103 = Piping segment
105 = CV or regulator
107 = Relief device
109 = Other-in-line instrument
111 = Off-line instrument
113 = System function
115 = Instr connector
117 = Function label
121 = Other

506 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL550, Operator Actuator Type (200)

NOTE: Codelist numbers 2-24 apply to operators for piping
commodity valves whose dimensions are determined from tables whose
names are formed from attributes in the Piping Job Specification.
Codelist numbers 25-40 apply to operators for piping commodity
valves whose dimensions are determined from tables whose names
depend on the commodity codes for the valves. Codelist numbers
41-99 apply to operators and actuators for piping and instrument
specialty valves. Codelist numbers 101-150 should be used for user
defined operators with only primary orientations, such as handwheels
and post indicators. Codelist numbers 151-200 should be used for
user defined operators with both primary orientations and secondary
orientations, such as levers and T-handles.

1 = [Blank]

Operators with Data Derived from Spec Parameters, 2-24

3 = Handwheel
4 = Handwheel if GCP > RCP
5 = Handwheel, inclined
9 = Wrench, short
11 = Wrench, long
17 = Lever
19 = T-handle, short
21 = T-handle, long

Operators with Data Derived from Valve Codes, 25-40

25 = Handwheel, special
27 = Wrench, special
29 = Gear, top mounted handwheel
31 = Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel
33 = Gear, side mounted handwheel
35 = Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel
39 = Lever, quick-action
40 = Post indicator

Actuators, 41-99
41 = Diaphragm
42 = Electro-Pneumatic
43 = Press-balanced diaphragm
45 = Regulator
49 = Single acting cylinder
51 = Double acting cylinder
53 = Pilot operated cylinder
57 = Motor
61 = Digital
65 = Electro-hydraulic
69 = Single solenoid
71 = Single solenoid w/reset

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 507

Appendix: Codelists

73 = Double solenoid
77 = Pilot
81 = Weight
85 = Manual
89 = Spring
91 = Capacitance sensor
93 = Ball float
95 = Displacement float
97 = Paddle wheel

CL570, Design Standard (200)

1 = [Blank]
10 = ASME-I [Power Boilers]
11 = ASME-III [Nuclear]
12 = ASME-VIII-1 [Unfired Vessels]
13 = ASME-VIII-2 [Unfired Vessels]
20 = ASME Fld Mets & AGA Rpt 3 [Instruments]
21 = ANSI-B31.1 [Power]
22 = ANSI-B31.2 [Fuel Gas]
23 = ANSI-B31.3 [Petroleum]
24 = ANSI-B31.4 [Oil Transport]
25 = ANSI-B31.5 [Refrigeration]
28 = ANSI-B31.8 [Gas Transmission]
29 = ANSI-B31.9 [Building Services]
38 = API-2000 [Tank Venting]
50 = AWWA [Water Services]
51 = DIN

60 = BS806
61 = BS3351

CL572, Wall Thickness Equation

1 = [Blank]
21 = ANSI B31.1a-1986
23 = ANSI B31.3-1987

508 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL575, Geometry Standard (31999)

NOTE: The symbol "||" at the end of a description in this document
signifies that the standard has been used in preparing RDB data.
Codelist numbers have been reserved as follows:
o US practices 2-6999
o European practices 1 (DIN) 7000-11999
o European practices 2 (British) 12000-16999
o European practices 3 (Finnish, French, etc. 17000-19999
o International practices 1 (JIS) 20000-24999
o International practices 2 (Australian, etc.) 25000-27999
o Company practices 28000-31999

1 = [Blank]

US Practice Geometry Standards, 2-6999

6 = PDS-P1 [REDE, RWELD, RPAD, BLSPC_>24"_API+/- thk varies,
BLSPO_>24"_API+/- thk varies]
7 = PDS-P2 [BLSPC_>24"__API+/-_0.375"thk, BLSPO_>24"_API+/-
8 = PDS-P3 [BLSPC_>24"_MSS+/- thk varies, BLSPO_>24"_MSS+/-
thk vari
11 = PDS-I1 [BLSPC_>24"_API+/-_1.5"thk, BLSPO_>24"_API+/-
12 = PDS-I2 [BLPAD_>24"_MSS+/-_0.75"thk, BLSPA_>24"_MSS+/-
13 = PDS-I3
16 = PDS-Op1
17 = PDS-Op2
18 = PDS-Op3

31 = ANSI-B16.1 [Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ||]

33 = ANSI-B16.3 [Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings ||]
34 = ANSI-B16.4 [Cast Iron Threaded Fittings ||]
35 = ANSI-B16.5 [Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ||]
39 = ANSI-B16.9 [Steel Beveled End Fittings ||]
40 = ANSI-B16.10 [Dimensions of Ferrous Valves ||]
41 = ANSI-B16.11 [Forged Steel Socketwelded and Threaded Fittings
42 = ANSI-B16.12 [Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings ||]
44 = ANSI-B16.14 [Ferrous Pipe Plugs and Bushings]
45 = ANSI-B16.15 [Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings ||]
50 = ANSI-B16.20 [RTJ Gaskets and Grooves ||]
51 = ANSI-B16.21 [Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges ||]
52 = ANSI-B16.22 [Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure Fittings
53 = ANSI-B16.23 [Cast Copper Solder Joint Drainage Fittings ||]
54 = ANSI-B16.24 [Bronze Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ||]
55 = ANSI-B16.25 [Beveled End Preparation]
56 = ANSI-B16.26 [Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 509

Appendix: Codelists

58 = ANSI-B16.28 [Steel Beveled End Short Radius Elbows and

Returns ||]
59 = ANSI-B16.29 [Wrought Copper Solder Joint Drainage Fittings]
64 = ANSI-B16.34 [Valves Flanged and Beveled Ends ||]
66 = ANSI-B16.36 [Steel Orifice Flanges ||]
69 = ANSI-B16.39 [Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions ||]
72 = ANSI-B16.42 [Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitting
73 = ANSI-B16.43 [Wrought Copper Alloy Solder Joint Fittings for
Drainage Systems]

81 = ANSI-B18.2.1 [Square and Hex Bolts and Screws ||]

82 = ANSI-B18.2.2 [Square and Hex Nuts]
100 = ANSI-B36.10M [Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ||]
109 = ANSI-B36.19M [Stainless Steel Pipe ||]

114 = API-5A [Casing, Tubing and Drill Pipe]

115 = API-5B [Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe Threads]
119 = API-5L [Line Pipe ||]
120 = API-5LE [Polyethylene Line Pipe ||]
122 = API-5LP [Thermoplastic Line Pipe ||]
124 = API-5LS [Spiralweld Line Pipe ||]
126 = API-5LU [Ultra High Test Heat Treated Line Pipe ||]
127 = API-5LX [High Test Line Pipe]
131 = API-6A [Wellhead Equipment]
132 = API-6AB [30,000 PSI Flanged Wellhead Equipment]
135 = API-6D [Pipeline Valves, End Closures, Connectors and
141 = API-526 [Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valves]
145 = API-590 [Steel Line Blanks ||]
146 = API-590Z1 [Steel Line Blanks - with 0.125" CA ||]
147 = API-590Z2 [Steel Line Blanks - with 0.25" CA ||]
153 = API-593 [Ductile Iron Plug Valves]
154 = API-594 [Wafer Check Valves]
155 = API-595 [Cast Iron Gate Valves]
157 = API-597 [Steel Venturi Gate Valves]
159 = API-599 [Steel Plug Valves]
160 = API-600 [Steel Gate Valves ||]
161 = API-601 [Metallic Gaskets for Raised Face Pipe Flanges
Flanged Connections ||]

162 = API-602 [Compact Steel Gate Valves]

163 = API-603 [Class 150 Cast Flanged End Gate Valves]
164 = API-604 [Ductile Iron Gate Valves]
165 = API-605 [Large Diameter Carbon Steel Flanges ||]
166 = API-606 [Compact Carbon Steel Gate Valves]
169 = API-609 [Butterfly Valves Lug and Wafer Type]

171 = ASTM-A74 [Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings]

172 = ASTM-C76 [Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and
Sewer Pipe]

510 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

173 = ASTM-C700 [Extra Strength and Standard Strength Clay Pipe

Perforated Clay Pipe]

174 = ASTM-D2464 [Threaded PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule 80]

176 = ASTM-D2466 [Socket-Type PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule
40 ||]
177 = ASTM-D2467 [Socket-Type PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule
80 ||]

179 = AWWA-C106 [Cast Iron Pipe]

181 = AWWA-C110 [Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings 3"-48" ||]
184 = AWWA-C115 [Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Pipe]
186 = AWWA-C151 [Ductile Iron Pipe ||]

190= AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, ring

[Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150, CL175 ||]
191= AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, hub
[Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150, CL175 ||]
192= AWWA-C207 Cl.E, hub
[Steel slip-on flanges CL275 ||]

193 = AWWA-C208 [Steel Water Pipe Fittings]

200 = AWWA-C500 [Gate Valves 3"-48" for Water and Sewage Systems]
204 = AWWA-C504 [Rubber Seated Butterfly Valves]
206 = AWWA-C506 [Backflow Prevention Devices-Check Valves]
207 = AWWA-C507 [Ball Valves]
208 = AWWA-C508 [Swing Check Valves for Water Works Service 2"-
220 = AWWA-C900 [PVC Pipe 4"-12" for Water]
221 = AWWA-C901 [Polyethylene Pipe, Tubing and Fittings 1/2"-3"
for Water
222 = AWWA-C902 [Polybutylene Pipe, Tubing and Fittings 1/2"-3"
for Water
230 = AWWA-C950 [Glass-Fiber Reinforced Pressure Pipe]

235 = PFI-ES-24 [Pipe Bending Tolerances ||]

243 = ISA-S75.03 [Face to Face Dimensions Globe Control Valves]

244 = ISA-S75.04 [Face to Face Dimensions Flangeless Control

252 = MSS-SP-42 [CL150 Valves ||]

253 = MSS-SP-43 [Stainless Steel Buttwelding Fittings]
254 = MSS-SP-44 [Steel Pipe Line Flanges ||]
255 = MSS-SP-51 [CL150LW Cast Flanges and Flanged Fittings]
268 = MSS-SP-58 [Pipe Hangers and Supports]
277 = MSS-SP-67 [Butterfly Valves]
278 = MSS-SP-68 [High Pressure-Offset Seat Butterfly Valves]
282 = MSS-SP-72 [Ball Valves with Flanged or Beveled Ends]
285 = MSS-SP-75 [Wrought Beveled End Fittings]
288 = MSS-SP-78 [Cast Iron Plug Valves]
289 = MSS-SP-79 [Socketwelding Reducing Inserts]
290 = MSS-SP-80 [Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle & Check Valves]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 511

Appendix: Codelists

291 = MSS-SP-81 [Flanged, Wafer Knife Gate Valves]

293 = MSS-SP-83 [Carbon Steel Socketwelded and Threaded Pipe
Unions ||]
295 = MSS-SP-88 [Diaphragm Valves]
297 = MSS-SP-95 [Swage Nipples and Bull Plugs ||]

298 = NFPA-1963 [Screw Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose

300 = ASME BPE-97
[Geometry standards that follow apply to specific manufacturers.
If one of these standards is used to define a component, the
following information will be shown in brackets to the right of the
geometry standard:
o For valves: the applicable model codes and vendors designations
o For fittings: the applicable model codes will be shown unless
the vendors designation is required to differentiate between
components requiring a different geometry standard to assign them
to the proper data table.
1000 = Adamson 1
1001 = Adams 1
1025 = Aitken 1 [BLPAD; BLSPA; TDRA; TDRB; TDRBW ||]
1026 = Aitken Z1 [BLPAD; BLSPA - with 0.125" CA ||]
1027 = Aitken Z2 [BLPAD; BLSPA - with 0.25" CA ||]
1050 = Allied Pipe Products 1
1075 = Aldo Colombo 1
1100 = Aloyco 1 [GATR-Fig_114; GATR-Fig_114DB; GATR-Fig_114EB;
GATR-Fig_2214A; GLOR-Fig_2310A; GLOR-Fig_2314A; GLOR-Fig_314;
GLOR-Fig_314EB; GLOR-Fig_504; CKLR-Fig_554; CKLR-Fig_2554A;
CKSR-Fig_374; TKDR-Fig_751 ||]
1101 = Aloyco 2 [GATR-Fig_2110; GATR-Fig_2114 ||]
1125 = American Darling 1 [H3W1-Fig_B-50-B ||]
1130 = American DI Pipe [PIPE; L; LRB ||]
1150 = American Valve 1
1175 = Amri 1
1200 = Anaconda 1
1225 = Anderson Greenwood 1
1250 = Anvil 1
1275 = A.O.Smith 1
1300 = Apollo 1
1325 = Argus 1
1350 = Armstrong 1 [S51AC-Fig_K1SC; S70AC-Fig_2011; S70BC-
Fig_2011 ||]
1375 = Asahi/American 1

1400 = Babbitt 1
1425 = Babcock and Wilcox 1
1450 = Badger Meters 1
1475 = Bailey Co 1

1500 = Balon 1
1525 = Basic Engineering 1

512 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

1550 = Bestobel 1
1560 = Bete 1 [SSP1-Series_N ||]
1575 = Bonney Forge 1 [GAT-Fig_9HLF-10; GATR-Fig_9H-10; GATR-
GLOR-Fig_9WL-30; CKLR-Fig_9HL-40; CKLR-Fig_9HL-50; CKLR-Fig_9HL-
CKLR-Fig_9WL-40; CKLR-Fig_9WL-50; CKLR-Fig_9WL-60; CKLR-Fig_HL-40;
CKLR-Fig_9HLF-40; CKLRY-Fig_9Y-40; CKLRY-Fig_25Y-40; CAPOT; UN; L;
1576 = Bonney Forge 2 [GATR-Fig_9H-10; GATR-Fig_25W-10; GLOR-Fig_9HL-
GLOR-Fig_9WL-30; GLOR-Fig_25W-30; GLOY-Fig_25Y-30; CKLR-Fig_9HL-
CKLR-Fig_9HL-50; CKLR-Fig_9HL-60; CKLR-Fig_9WL-40; CKLR-Fig_9WL-
CKLR-Fig_9WL-60 ||]
1577 = Bonney Forge 3 [GATF-Fig_H-10; GATF-Fig_W-10; GATR-Fig_HL-10;
GATR-Fig_WL-10; CKLR-Fig_HL-40; CKLR-Fig_WL-40 ||]
1585 = Boots & Coots 1 [MN1-Spectrum_Allpha_6235 ||]
1590 = Bray 1
1600 = Brooks Meters 1

1625 = Cameron 1
1650 = Carbone 1
1675 = Ciba-Geigy 1
1700 = Clark Reliance 1
1725 = Clayton Automatic Valves 1 [CKBP-Model_D; FLO-Series_427-01
1750 = Clayton Mark 1
1775 = Clow 1
1800 = Cochrane 1
1825 = Condren 1
1850 = Continental Emsco 1
1875 = Cooper Valve 1
1900 = Crane 1 [GATF-Fig_3904U; GATR-Fig_424; GATR-Fig_431UB; BALR-
GLOF-Fig_3944U; GLOR-Fig_14 1/2P; GLOR-Fig_70; GLOY-Fig_7189; NEE-
CKS-Fig_373;CKLF-Fig_3973U; CKSR-Fig_36; CKSR-Fig_137; FOOT-
FOOT-Fig_395; FLWN; FSO; L; LRB ||]
1925 = Crosby 1

1950 = Daniel 1
1975 = Demco 1
2000 = Dezurik 1
2025 = Dixon 1
2050 = Dresser 1
2075 = Dover 1
2100 = DOW 1 [TRI-Lining_SL; TRI-Lining_PPL, TRI-Lining_KL ||]
2150 = Duo Seal 1

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 513

Appendix: Codelists

2155 = Dur-O-Lock 1 [CPL ||]

2175 = Durco 1

2200 = Elkhart 1
2225 = Enpro 1
2250 = Epsco 1
2275 = Everest 1

2300 = Fabri-Valve 1 [KNF-Fig_36 ||]

2325 = Fairbanks 1
2350 = Fasani 1
2375 = Fetterolf 1
2400 = Fibercast 1
2425 = Fike 1
2450 = Fisher 1
2475 = Flexitallic 1
2500 = Flowline 1
2525 = FMC 1
2550 = Foxboro 1
2575 = Garlok 1
2600 = General 1
2625 = Geosource 1
2650 = Gestra 1
2660 = Gladding McBean 1 [REDC; E45; E90; M451; M452; L ||]
2675 = Graylock 1
2700 = Grinnell 1 [BALR-Fig_3022; CAPOT; UNO; E45U; E90RST; TOUB;
TOUR ||]
2715 = Grinnell Fire Prot 1 [DEL-Model_A-4; SSP-Mulsifyre-Projector
2725 = Grove 1
2750 = Gulf 1

2775 = Hammond 1
2800 = Hancock 1 [BDA-Fig_5505W ||]
2825 = Haws 1 [SSEW1-Fig_8309; SSEW1-Fig 8309CRP ||]
2850 = Heaton 1
2860 = Hex 1
2875 = Hindle-Hamer 1
2900 = Hitachi 1
2915 = Hoke 1
2925 = Hydril 1

2950 = Imperial Eastman 1

2975 = Ishida 1
2980 = ITT 1

3000 = Jacoby Tarbox 1

3025 = Jamesbury 1 [BALR-Style_B; BALSP-Type_530S; BAL3W-
BAL3W-Style_DM150FD ||]
3026 = Jamesbury 2 [BALR-Style_A ||]
3027 = Jamesbury 3 [BALR-Type_2000_Brass ||]
3028 = Jamesbury 4 [BALF-Type_4000; BALR-Type_4000 ||]
3050 = Jenkins 1

514 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

3075 = Jerguson 1
3100 = Judd Valve 1

3125 = Kamyr-Neles 1
3150 = Kemp 1
3175 = Kennedy 1
3200 = Keystone 1
3225 = Kinka Kikai 1
3250 = Kitz 1
3275 = KTM 1
3300 = Kubota 1

3325 = L & M Valve 1

3350 = Ladish 1 [CAPOT; L; LRB ||]
3375 = Lamons 1
3400 = Lukens 1
3425 = Lunkenheimer 1

3445 = Mac-Iron 1
3450 = Magnetrol 1
3475 = Malbranque 1
3500 = Maloney 1
3525 = Mark Controls/Centerline 1 [BFYLP-Series_A; BFYLP-Series_LT;
BYFLP-Series_504 ||]
3550 = Mark Controls/Flowseal 1 [BFYHP-Style_1LB ||]
3575 = Mark Controls/Marpac 1
3600 = Mark Controls/Pacific 1 [GATSP-Fig_21555; GATSP-Fig_55509;
GLOSP-Fig_56009; GLOSP-Fig_56015; CKSSP-Fig_58809-5-WE; CKSSP-
CKST-Fig_160S ||]
3625 = Marlin 1
3650 = Marwin 1
3675 = Masoneilan 1
3700 = Media 1 [BFYLP]
3725 = Milwaukee 1
3750 = Mueller/Muessco Brass 1
3775 = Mueller/Muessco Steam Specialty 1 [S51AC-Fig_761WE; S51AC-
S51AC-Fig_762 ||]

3800 = Navco 1
3825 = Nells 1
3850 = Newco 1
3860 = Nibco 1
3875 = Nicholson 1 [S78AC-Fig_N302L ||]
3900 = Nippon-Benkan 1 [BW fittings above 48" ||]
3925 = Nupro 1

3950 = OPW 1
3975 = Orbit 1
4000 = Oseco 1

4025 = Pan Korea 1

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 515

Appendix: Codelists

4030 = Parker CPI 1

4050 = Parks Cramer 1
4075 = Peabody Dore 1
4100 = Penberthy 1
4125 = Penn-AirCheck 1
4150 = Persta 1
4175 = Petrolvalves 1
4200 = Posi-Seal 1 [BFYHP-Model A31; BFYHP-Model A21; BFYHP-Model A11
4225 = Powhatan 1 [HOS-No_18-217; HOSA-No_18-157; HRST1-No_30-333 ||]
4250 = Powell 1
4275 = Pratt 1 [BFYLP-Model_PIVA & IBV-FM4; Groundhog ||]
4300 = Premafu 1
4325 = Protectoseal 1

4335 = R & G Sloane [BALF-Fig_1081; CAPOT; FS; INSR1]

4350 = Resistoflex 1 [PIN-Code_R6000D1 ||]
4375 = Ring-O 1
4400 = Rockwell 1 [DIA-Type_STD_Unlined ||]
4425 = Rockwell/Edwards 1 [GLOA-Fig_849; GLOA-Fig_849Y; GLOYR-
GLOYR-Fig_848Y; GLOYR-Fig_1048; GLOYR-Fig_1048Y; CKLRY-
CKLRY-Fig_36278; NEE-Fig_4152; CKST-Fig_302; CKST-Fig_302Y;
CKAST-Fig_303Y; CKAST-Fig_869; CKAST-Fig_869Y; CKYST-Fig_302;
BDY-Fig_1641; ||]
4426 = Rockwell/Edwards 2 [CKLRY-Fig_832Y; GLOY-Fig_36124; GLOY-
CKLRY-Fig_1032Y; CKAST-Fig_605Y; CKAST-Fig_607Y; BDA-
Fig_1643Y ||]
4427 = Rockwell/Edwards 3 [GLOY-Fig_7514Y ||]
4450 = Rockwell/McCanna 1 [BAL3W-Type_500-3WAY ||]
4475 = Rockwell/Nordstorm 1 [PLUVP-Fig_4169; PLU3W-Fig_3813; PLU3W-
PLU3W-Fig_4813; PLU3W-Fig_5115; PLU3W-Fig_5119; PLU3W-
PLU3W-Fig_5219; PLU4W-Fig_3823; PLU4W-Fig_4822; PLU4W-
PLU4W-Fig_5129 ||]
4500 = R P & C 1

4520 = Sarco 1
4522 = Saunders 1
4525 = Sella 1
4550 = Serck Audco 1
4575 = Serfilco 1
4600 = Shoritsu 1
4625 = Smith 1 [GATF-Fig_888; GATF-Fig_5870; GATR-Fig_800; GATR-
GATR-Fig_1500; GATR-Fig_1570; GATEX-Fig_811 & 812 MPE/THD; GATEX-

516 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

& 877 MPE/THD; GATEXB-Fig_874 & 875 OLET/THD; GATXBA-Fig_874 & 875
GATXBB-Fig_874 & 875 OLET/THD; GLOR-Fig_G80; GLOR-Fig_G87; GLOR-
GLOR-Fig_G157; CKLR-Fig_B80; CKLR-Fig_C80; CKLR-Fig_C150; CKLR-
CKLR-Fig_SC80 ||]
4626 = Smith 2 [GATEX-Fig_813 & 814 MPE/SW; GATEX-Fig_878 & 879
MPE/SW ||]
4650 = Spraying Systems 1
4675 = Spirax Sarco 1
4700 = Stanco 1
4725 = Standard Fittings 1 [CAPOT; SWGC; SWGE ||]
4750 = Stang Hydronics 1 [M1-Fig BB0309-21 w/shapertip nozzle; ME1-
Fig BB3561
4751 = Stang Hydronics 2 [M1-Fig_BB0309-21 w/fog nozzle; ME1-Fig
B22999 ||]
4752 = Stang Hydronics 3 [ME1-Fig_BB3561 composite, w/monitor nozzle
4753 = Stang Hydronics 4 [ME1-Fig_BB3377 composite, w/monitor nozzle
4775 = Stockham 1
4800 = Strahman 1
4825 = Swagelok 1

4850 = Tapco 1
4875 = Taylor 1
4900 = Taylor Forge 1
4901 = Taylor Forge 2, Rev 1957 [L; S-STD WT ||]
4925 = Teledyne Farris 1
4950 = Texas Bolt 1
4975 = Thevignot 1
5000 = Titeflex 1
5025 = TK 1
5050 = TKM 1 [GAT-Fig_100 ||]
5060 = Top Line 1
5075 = Triangle 1
5085 = Tri-Clover 1
5100 = Truflo 1
5125 = TRW/Mission 1 [||]
5150 = Tubeturn 1 [FWN; FEWN; FOWNA; FOWNB; CAPBV; E453D; E90LT;
E903D; L; SA
5175 = Tufline 1
5200 = Tyler 1 [CPL; REDC; E45LT; E90LT; L ||]

5225 = Valvotecnic 1
5250 = Vanessa 1
5275 = Velan 1 [S3AC-Fig_N675 ||]
5300 = Victaulic 1
5325 = Viking 1
5350 = Vitas 1
5375 = Vogt 1 [GATR-Series_15373; GLOR-Series_15141; CKLR-

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 517

Appendix: Codelists

NEE-Series_22461; NEE-Series_SW22461; CAPOT; UN; E90U; E90ST; L


5400 = Wada 1
5425 = Wallworth 1
5450 = Watts Regulator 1
5475 = Weco 1
5500 = WFI 1
5525 = Winston 1 [S49AC-T-Strainer Type-59 W/flgd cover; S53AC-
Fig 51-WIP W/CL150 flgd cover & 3/4" SWE drain||]
5535 = Wirt & Knox 1
5550 = WKM 1
5575 = Worcester 1

5600 = Yarway 1 [CKAR-Fig_5301; CKAR-Fig_5302; BDA-Fig_6909-C; BDY-

TKDR-Fig_8106 ||]
5625 = Yoneki 1
5650 = Zurn 1

o European practices 1 (DIN) 7000-11999

General Specifications
7000 = DIN 2401-1 Pressure, nominal
7001 = DIN 2401-2 Pressure, nominal
7002 = DIN 2402 Diameter,nominal

7010 = DIN 2448 ;Steel pipes, seamless
7011 = DIN 2458 ;Steel pipes, welded
7012 = DIN 2440 ;Threaded pipes, medium weight
7013 = DIN 2441 ;Threaded pipes, heavy weight
7014 = DIN 2442 ;Threaded pipes, spec. qualty
7015 = DIN 2445 ;Seamless steel pipes,dyn. load
7016 = DIN 2460 ;Steel pipes for water
7017 = DIN 2462 ;Seamless ferritic steel pipes
7018 = DIN 2463 ;Seamless austenitic steel pipes
7019 = DIN 2391 ;Seamless precision steel tubes
7020 = DIN 2393 ;Welded precision steel tubes

7025 = DIN 2848 ;Flanged lined pipes

7026 = DIN 2873 ;Flanged lined enamelled pipes

7030 = DIN 2462 ;Seamless stainless steel tubes

7031 = DIN 2463 ;Welded austenitic steel pipes and tubes

7040 = DIN 8062 ;Pipes of unplasticized polyvinyl chlor.

7041 = DIN 8077 ;Polypropylen (PP) pipes

7100 = DIN 2530 ;Cast iron flanges, PN 2,5
7101 = DIN 2531 ;Cast iron flanges, PN 6
7102 = DIN 2532 ;Cast iron flanges, PN 10

518 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

7103 = DIN 2533 ;Cast iron flanges, PN 16

7104 = DIN 2534 ;Cast iron flanges, PN 25
7105 = DIN 2535 ;Cast iron flanges, PN 40
7106 = DIN 2543 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 16
7107 = DIN 2544 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 25
7108 = DIN 2545 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 40
7109 = DIN 2546 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 64
7110 = DIN 2547 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 100
7111 = DIN 2548 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 160
7112 = DIN 2549 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 250
7113 = DIN 2550 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 320
7114 = DIN 2551 ;Cast steel flanges, PN 400
7115 = DIN 2558 ;Plain face oval screwed flange PN 6
7116 = DIN 2561 ;Oval screwed flange w/ socket PN 10,16
7117 = DIN 2565 ;Screwed flange PN 6 rund
7118 = DIN 2566 ;Screwed flange PN 10,16
7119 = DIN 2567 ;Screwed flange PN 25,40
7120 = DIN 2568 ;Screwed flange PN 64
7121 = DIN 2569 ;Screwed flange PN 100
7122 = DIN 2630 ;Welding neck flange PN 1
7123 = DIN 2631 ;Welding neck flange PN 6
7124 = DIN 2632 ;Welding neck flange PN 10
7125 = DIN 2633 ;Welding neck flange PN 16
7126 = DIN 2634 ;Welding neck flange PN 25
7127 = DIN 2635 ;Welding neck flange PN 40
7128 = DIN 2636 ;Welding neck flange PN 64
7129 = DIN 2637 ;Welding neck flange PN 100
7130 = DIN 2638 ;Welding neck flange PN 160
7131 = DIN 2628 ;Welding neck flange PN 250
7132 = DIN 2629 ;Welding neck flange PN 320
7133 = DIN 2627 ;Welding neck flange PN 400
7134 = DIN 2673 ;Loose flange w/ wldg neck PN 10
7135 = DIN 2667 ;Loose flange w/ wldg neck PN 160
7136 = DIN 2668 ;Loose flange w/ wldg neck PN 250
7137 = DIN 2669 ;Loose flange w/ wldg neck PN 320
7138 = DIN 2573 ;Flange, soldering or wldg PN 6
7139 = DIN 2576 ;Flange, soldering or wldg PN 10
7140 = DIN 2641 ;Flange, lapped, plain collar PN 6
7141 = DIN 2642 ;Slip-on flange, upturned wldg PN 10
7142 = DIN 2652 ;Flange, lapped, plain collar PN 6
7143 = DIN 2653 ;Flange, lapped, plain collar PN 10
7144 = DIN 2655 ;Flange, lapped, plain collar PN 25
7145 = DIN 2656 ;Flange, lapped, plain collar PN 40
7146 = DIN 2501 ;Flanges, Dimensions
7147 = DIN 2512 ;Flanges, tongue & groove
7148 = DIN 2512 ;Rings
7149 = DIN 2513 ;Flanges, projection & recess
7150 = DIN 2514 ;Projection w/ groove & recess
7160 = DIN 2527 ;Flange, blind PN 6,10,16,25,40,64,100
7161 = DIN 2848 ;Reducing flanges, lined
7162 = DIN 2873 ;Reducing and blind flanges, enamelled

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 519

Appendix: Codelists

7200 = DIN 2605 ;Tube bends f. butt wldg
7201 = DIN 2606 ;Tube bends, steel 5d
7202 = DIN 2916 ;Bending radii, seaml.& wld pipes
7203 = DIN 2983 ;Threaded steel pipe fittings, bends
7204 = DIN 2987 ;Threaded steel pipe fittings, elbows
7205 = DIN 2987 ;Threaded steel pipe fittings, elbows,
7206 = DIN 2950 ;Malleable cast iron fittings, elbows

7210 = DIN 2605-1 ;Elbows, bend radius 1d, standard 12.85

7211 = DIN 2605-1 ;Elbows, bend radius 1.5d, standard 12.85
7212 = DIN 2605-1 ;Elbows, bend radius 2.5d, standard 12.85
7213 = DIN 2605-1 ;Elbows, bend radius 5d, standard 12.85
7214 = DIN 2605-1 ;Elbows, bend radius 10d, standard 12.85
7215 = DIN 2605-2 ;Elbows, bend radius 1d, standard 12.85
7216 = DIN 2605-2 ;Elbows, bend radius 1.5d, standard 12.85
7217 = DIN 2605-2 ;Elbows, bend radius 2.5d, standard 12.85
7218 = DIN 2605-2 ;Elbows, bend radius 5d, standard 12.85
7219 = DIN 2605-2 ;Elbows, bend radius 10d, standard 12.85

7230 = DIN 2848 ;Flanged lined steel fittings, Bends

7231 = DIN 2873 ;Flanged steel fittings enamelled, Bends

7240 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Pipe bends

7241 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components,Elb. W1,W2,part
7242 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components,Elb.W3,W4,part

7300 = DIN 2616 ;Steel fittings, reducers
7301 = DIN 2990 ;Threaded steel pipe fittings, Bushings
7302 = DIN 2988 ;Threaded steel pipe fittings, Reducing
7303 = DIN 2950 ;Malleable cast iron fittings, Reducing
7304 = DIN 2950 ; - " - , male and female connections,

7310 = DIN 2848 ;Flanged lined steel fittings, Reducers

7311 = DIN 2873 ;Flanged steel fittings enamelled, Reducers

7320 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Red. R1, part

7321 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Red. NRGI,
part 9
7322 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Red. R2, part
7323 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Red. R3, part

520 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

7400 = DIN 2615 ;Butt wldg steel fittings;T
7401 = DIN 2618 ;Welding saddles, short
7402 = DIN 2618 ;Welding saddles, long
7403 = DIN 2619 ;Bends for welding
7404 = DIN 2987 ;Threaded steel fittings;cross;T
7405 = DIN 2987 ;Threaded steel fittings;cross;T;redcd
7406 = DIN 2950 ;Malleable cast iron fittings, Tees, Crosses

7410 = DIN 2848 ;Flanged lined steel fittings, T

7411 = DIN 2873 ;Flanged steel fittings enamelled, T

7420 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Tee, T1,T5

part 2
7421 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Tee, T2, part
7422 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Tee, T2G, part
7423 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Tee, T3, part

7500 = DIN 2617 ;Butt wldg steel fittings, Caps
7501 = DIN 2991 ;Threaded steel fittings, Caps
7502 = DIN 2950 ;Malleable cast iron fittings, Caps

7510 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Cap K1, part 8

7511 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Cap K2, part

Other fittings
7600 = DIN 2981 ;Threaded steel fittings with long screw
7601 = DIN 2982 ;Threaded steel fittings, Parallel Nipples
7602 = DIN 2982 ;Threaded steel fittings, Taper Nipples
7603 = DIN 2986 ;Threaded steel fittings, Sockets
7604 = DIN 2990 ;Threaded steel fittings, Hexagon Nipples
7605 = DIN 2991 ;Threaded steel fittings, Plain plugs
7606 = DIN 2993 ;Threaded steel fittings, Pipe unions

7610 = DIN 2950 ;Malleable cast iron fittings, Sockets,

;Nipples, Plugs etc.

7620 = DIN 16962 ;Polypropylen (PP) components, Soc. M1,MGI, p. 8

7630 = DIN 2848 ;Flanged lined steel fittings, spacers

7631 = DIN 2873 ;Flanged lined steel fittings enamelled,

Bolts and Nuts

8000 = DIN 934
8001 = DIN 931

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 521

Appendix: Codelists

8100 = DIN 2690 ;Gasket for plain face C
8101 = DIN 2691 ;Gasket for tongue & groove
8102 = DIN 2692 ;Gasket for recessed faces
8103 = DIN 2693 ;Rings for grooved faces
8104 = DIN 2695 ;Diaphragm
8105 = DIN 2696 ;Lenticular gaskets
8106 = DIN 2697 ;Grooved O- rings
8107 = DIN 2698 ;Corrugated steel sheet

9000 = Non conform DIN 3202
9010 = DIN 3202-F ; Teil 1
9020 = DIN 3202-S ; Teil 2
9030 = DIN 3202-K ; Teil 3
9040 = DIN 3202-M ; Teil 4
9050 = DIN 3202-F ; Teil 5

Dummy standard

9999 = Dummy DIN Std ; Used for engineered items and instruments

British Standards geometry standards 12000-16999

sub ranges (provisional) :-

12000-12099 pipes
12100-12199 flanges
12200-12599 fittings
12600-12999 valves
13000-13199 bolts
13200-13499 gaskets

12000 = BS3600 table 1 carbon and low alloy steel tubes
12001 = BS3600 table 2 austenitic stainless steel tubes
12002 = BS3600 table 3 high alloy ferritic steel tubes
12003 = BS3600 table 4 cs tubes for compression fitting - tbi
12004 = BS3600 table 5 ss tubes for compression fitting - tbi

12010 = BS1387 tables 3,4 and 5 light,medium and heavy

12015 = BS1600 part 2 steel pipe for petroleum industry


12100 = BS4504 p1 steel flanges for pipe,valves and fittings

12101 = BS4504 p1 iron flanges for pipe,valves and fittings - tbi

12110 = BS1560 p2 steel pipe flanges Metric dimensions

12200 = BS1740 part 1 screwed wrought steel pipe fittings
12210 = BS1965 part 1 butt welding pipe fittings - CS
12220 = BS3799 steel pipe fittings screwed and socket welding (mm)

522 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

12221 = BS3799 steel pipe fittings screwed and socket welding (in)
12230 = BS1640 part 3/4 steel butt-welding pipe fittings


12600 = BS2080 flanged and butt-welded steel valves

12620 = BS5150
12625 = BS5151
12630 = BS5152
12635 = BS5153
12640 = BS5154
12645 = BS5155
12646 = BS5155 and app A
12650 = BS5156
12651 = BS5156 and app A
12655 = BS5157
12656 = BS5157 and app A
12660 = BS5158
12661 = BS5158 and app A
12665 = BS5159
12666 = BS5159 and app A
12670 = BS5160
12671 = BS5160 and app A


13001 = BS4865:part 1 - non-metallic for BS4504 flanges

13002 = BS4865:part 2 - spiral wound for BS4504 flanges
13010 = BS3381 - spiral wound for BS1560 flanges

13200 = BS4882 metric series bolting
13210 = BS4882 inch series bolting

13999 = dummy BS code

CL576, Table Suffix/End Standard - Green (999)

NOTE: Codelist numbers have been reserved as follows:
o US practices 2-99
o European practices 1 (DIN) 100-199
o European practices 2 (British) 200-299
o European practices 3 (Finnish, French, etc. 300-399
o International practices 1 (JIS) 400-499
o International practices 2 (Australian, etc.) 500-599
o Company practices 900-999

1 = [Blank]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 523

Appendix: Codelists

US Practice Table Suffixes, 2-99

5 = Default [See below for definition]
6 = PDS-1 [See specific table for details]
7 = PDS-2 [See specific table for details]
8 = PDS-3 [See specific table for details]
10 = ID Duct [Nominal diameter based on inside diameter]

12 = ANSI-B16.12 [Cast iron drainage fittings]

15 = ANSI-B16.15 [Cast bronze fittings]
22 = ANSI-B16.22 [Copper solder joint pressure fittings]
23 = ANSI-B16.23 [Copper solder joint drainage fittings]
24 = ANSI-B16.24 [Bronze flanges]
29 = ANSI-B16.36 [Orifice flanges]
30 = ANSI-B16.42 [Ductile iron flanges and fittings]
33 = ANSI-B1.20.3 [Dryseal pipe threads]
37 = ANSI-B1.20.7 [Hose coupling screw threads]

40 = ASME BPE-97 (PE)

41 = ASME BPE-97 (MCE)

45 = ASTM-A74 [Cast iron S-XH soil pipe and fittings]

46 = ASTM-C76 [Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and
Sewer Pipe]
47 = ASTM-C700 [Extra Strength and Standard Strength Clay Pipe
and Perfor
Clay Pipe]
49 = AWWA-C110 [Iron fittings]
50 = AWWA-C115 [Iron pipe and fittings]
55 = AWWA-C151 [Ductile iron pipe]
60 = AWWA-C207 Cl.B &
D, ring
[Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150, CL175]
61 = AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, hub
[Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150, CL175]
62 = AWWA-C207 Cl.E, hub
[Steel slip-on flanges CL275]
70 = API-5LE [Polyethylene fittings]
75 = API-6A [Wellhead flanges and fittings]
79 = API-605-B [API-605 blind flanges. These are based on API-
605 flange
bolt diameters and MSS-SP44 flange thicknesses]
80 = MSS-SP-44-NB [MSS non-blind flanges]
81 = MSS-SP-44-B [MSS blind flanges]

85 = Crosby
86 = Consolidated
87 = Lonergan
88 = Top Line
90 = Tube-Turn
91 = Dow
92 = Aloyco
93 = Yarway
94 = Teledyne Farris 1
95 = R & G Sloane
96 = American DI Pipe

524 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

97 = Gladding McBean [Vitrified clay S-XS pipe and fittings]

98 = Taylor Forge
99 = Vendor 4

CL No. 5 is used to define the "Default for end type", which

represents the basis on which most US-practice generic piping tables
for dimensional parameters will be defined. The system will default
to table suffix "5" when dimensions from a male termination type
table are required in defining the component but the component ends
are other than male termination. The basis for this table suffix
will be as follows:

End Termination Type Basis for Table Values

Flat-face flanged.................ANSI-B16.1 or B16.5

Raised-face flanged...............ANSI-B16.1, B16.5, API-605 or MSS-SP-

in this order of precedence

RTJ-face flanged..................ANSI-B16.5

Tongue/male-face flanged..........ANSI-B16.5

Groove/female-face flanged........ANSI-B16.5

Flat-face lap-flanged.............ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


Raised-face lap-flanged...........ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


RTJ-face lap-flanged..............ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


Tongue/male-face lap-flanged......ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


Groove/female-face lap-flanged....ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


All thru-bolted...................For sizes and ratings for which API-

590 applie
the value of parameter "P" shall be
taken from
API-590. For sizes and ratings for
which APIdoes
not apply, the bolt circle diameter
ANSI-B16.1, B16.5, API-605 or MSS-SP-
42, in th
order of precedence, less one bolt
diameter l
1/8 inch will be used for parameter

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 525

Appendix: Codelists

Male RTJ-face thru-bolted with cap screws....................None

Flat-face thru-bolted with cap screws........................None

Raised-face thru-bolted with cap screws......................None

RTJ-face thru-bolted with cap screws.........................None

Flat-full-face thru-bolted........DOW

Male..............................ANSI-B36.10M, ANSI-B36-19M, API-5L,


PVC & CPVC socket.................API-5LP, ASTM-D2466 or ASTM-D2467

Socketwelded......................For pressure ratings XXXX#s, per

basis defined
in the applicable generic tables;
for pressure ratings CLXXXXs and
OTXXXXs, per
ANSI-B16.11 and ANSI-B16.5.

Female threaded
thread engagement per Table 2.4 of
..................................Forged steel.For pressure ratings
defined in the applicable generic
tables; for
pressure ratings CLXXXXs and OTXXXXs,
per ANSI
and ANSI-B16.5. In all cases, thread
will be per Table 2.4 of 2630-33
descriptions in the applicable
generic tables.
In all cases, thread engagement will
be per
Table 2.4 of 2630-33

Female grooved....................Victaulic catalog G100E

Female quick connect..............

Female ferrule....................

Female hose.......................

Mechanical joint bell.............AWWA-C110

Gasket............................Not applicable

526 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

Bolt..............................Not applicable

Nut...............................Not applicable

User defined......................None

o European practices 1 (DIN) 100-199

Codelist numbers used for DIN European practice
Generic dimension data select flag access starts here

105 = Gen blt & fem end prep dim

111 = Blt dim for cast steel flanges

112 = Blt dim for cast iron flanges
113 = Blt dim for oval screwed flanges
114 = Blt dim for screwed flanges
115 = Blt dim for sold & weld flanges
116 = Blt dim for lap flanges
117 = Blt dim lap flanges w/ plain collars
118 = Blt dim for loose flanges w/ weld neck
119 = Blt dim for loose flanges in enamelled components

125 = OD acc to DIN 2631 Reihe 1

126 = OD acc to DIN 2631 Reihe 2

129 = OD for plastic pipes

130 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 100

131 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 160
132 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 250
133 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 320
134 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 400

140 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 64-100

141 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 160
142 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 250
143 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 320
144 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 400

150 = OD acc to DIN 2391

160 = OD acc to DIN 2393

170 = OD acc to DIN 2440

171 = OD acc to DIN 2441
179 = OD for threaded components

British Standards

205 = default metric

206 = default converted imperial

210 = plate flanges BS4504

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 527

Appendix: Codelists

CL577, Table Suffix/End Standard - Red (999)

NOTE: Codelist numbers have been reserved as follows:
o US practices 2-99
o European practices 1 (DIN) 100-199
o European practices 2 (British) 200-299
o European practices 3 (Finnish, French, etc. 300-399
o International practices 1 (JIS) 400-499
o International practices 2 (Australian, etc.) 500-599
o Company practices 900-999

1 = [Blank]

US Practice Table Suffixes, 2-99

5 = Default [See below for definition]
6 = PDS-1 [See specific table for details]
7 = PDS-2 [See specific table for details]
8 = PDS-3 [See specific table for details]
10 = ID Duct [Nominal diameter based on inside diameter]

12 = ANSI-B16.12 [Cast iron drainage fittings]

15 = ANSI-B16.15 [Cast bronze fittings]
22 = ANSI-B16.22 [Copper solder joint pressure fittings]
23 = ANSI-B16.23 [Copper solder joint drainage fittings]
24 = ANSI-B16.24 [Bronze flanges]
29 = ANSI-B16.36 [Orifice flanges]
30 = ANSI-B16.42 [Ductile iron flanges and fittings]
33 = ANSI-B1.20.3 [Dryseal pipe threads]
37 = ANSI-B1.20.7 [Hose coupling screw threads]

40 = ASME BPE-97 (PE)

41 = ASME BPE-97 (MCE)

45 = ASTM-A74 [Cast iron S-XH soil pipe and fittings]

46 = ASTM-C76 [Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and
Sewer Pipe]
47 = ASTM-C700 [Extra Strength and Standard Strength Clay Pipe
and Perfor
Clay Pipe]

49 = AWWA-C110 [Iron fittings]

50 = AWWA-C115 [Iron pipe and fittings]
55 = AWWA-C151 [Ductile iron pipe]
60 = AWWA-C207 Cl.B &
D, ring
[Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150, CL175]
61 = AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, hub
[Steel slip-on flanges CL86, CL150, CL175]
62 = AWWA-C207 Cl.E, hub
[Steel slip-on flanges CL275]

70 = API-5LE [Polyethylene fittings]

528 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

75 = API-6A [Wellhead flanges and fittings]

79 = API-605-B [API-605 blind flanges. These are based on API-
605 flange
bolt diameters and MSS-SP44 flange thicknesses]
80 = MSS-SP-44-NB [MSS non-blind flanges]
81 = MSS-SP-44-B [MSS blind flanges]

85 = Crosby
86 = Consolidated
87 = Lonergan
90 = Tube-Turn
91 = Dow
92 = Aloyco
93 = Yarway
94 = Teledyne Farris 1
95 = R & G Sloane
96 = American DI Pipe
97 = Gladding McBean [Vitrified clay S-XS pipe and fittings]
98 = Taylor Forge
99 = Vendor 4

CL No. 5 is used to define the "Default for end type", which

represents the basis on which most US-practice generic piping tables
for dimensional parameters will be defined. The system will default
to table suffix "5" when dimensions from a male termination type
table are required in defining the component but the component ends
are other than male termination. The basis for this table suffix
will be as follows:

End Termination Type Basis for Table Values

Flat-face flanged.................ANSI-B16.1 or B16.5

Raised-face flanged...............ANSI-B16.1, B16.5, API-605 or MSS-SP-

in this order of precedence

RTJ-face flanged..................ANSI-B16.5

Tongue/male-face flanged..........ANSI-B16.5

Groove/female-face flanged........ANSI-B16.5

Flat-face lap-flanged.............ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


Raised-face lap-flanged...........ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


RTJ-face lap-flanged..............ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


Tongue/male-face lap-flanged......ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness


Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 529

Appendix: Codelists

Groove/female-face lap-flanged....ANSI-B16.5 with stub end thickness

ll thru-bolted...................For sizes and ratings for which API-
590 applies
the value of parameter "P" shall be
taken from
API-590. For sizes and ratings for
which API does
not apply, the bolt circle diameter
ANSI-B16.1, B16.5, API-605 or MSS-SP-
42, in th
order of precedence, less one bolt
diameter l
1/8 inch will be used for parameter

Male RTJ-face thru-bolted with

cap screws........................None

Flat-face thru-bolted with

cap screws........................None

Raised-face thru-bolted with

cap screws........................None

RTJ-face thru-bolted with

cap screws........................None

Flat-full-face thru-bolted........DOW

Male..............................ANSI-B36.10M, ANSI-B36-19M, API-5L,


PVC & CPVC socket.................API-5LP, ASTM-D2466 or ASTM-D2467

Socketwelded......................For pressure ratings XXXX#s, per

basis defined
in the applicable generic tables;
for pressure ratings CLXXXXs and
OTXXXXs, per
ANSI-B16.11 and ANSI-B16.5.

Female threaded
thread engagement per Table 2.4 of
..................................Forged steel.For pressure ratings
defined in the applicable generic
tables; for
pressure ratings CLXXXXs and OTXXXXs,
per ANSI

530 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

and ANSI-B16.5. In all cases, thread

will be per Table 2.4 of 2630-33
descriptions in the applicable
generic tables.
In all cases, thread engagement will
be per
Table 2.4 of 2630-33

Female grooved....................Victaulic catalog G100E

Female quick connect..............

Female ferrule....................

Female hose.......................

Mechanical joint bell.............AWWA-C110

Gasket............................Not applicable

Bolt..............................Not applicable

Nut...............................Not applicable

User defined......................None
o European practices 1 (DIN) 100-199

Codelist numbers used for DIN European practice

Generic dimension data select flag access starts here

105 = Gen blt & fem end prep dim

111 = Blt dim for cast steel flanges

112 = Blt dim for cast iron flanges
113 = Blt dim for oval screwed flanges
114 = Blt dim for screwed flanges
115 = Blt dim for sold & weld flanges
116 = Blt dim for lap flanges
117 = Blt dim lap flanges w/ plain collars
118 = Blt dim for loose flanges w/ weld neck
119 = Blt dim for loose flanges in enamelled components

125 = OD acc to DIN 2631 Reihe 1

126 = OD acc to DIN 2631 Reihe 2

129 = OD for plastic pipes

130 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 100

131 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 160
132 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 250
133 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 320
134 = OD acc to DIN 2445-1 PN 400

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 531

Appendix: Codelists

140 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 64-100

141 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 160
142 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 250
143 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 320
144 = OD acc to DIN 2445-2 PN 400

150 = OD acc to DIN 2391

160 = OD acc to DIN 2393

170 = OD acc to DIN 2440

171 = OD acc to DIN 2441
179 = OD for threaded components

181 = Wallthickness Reihe 1

182 = Wallthickness Reihe 2
183 = Wallthickness Reihe 3
184 = Wallthickness Reihe 4
185 = Wallthickness Reihe 5

191 = Wallthickness selection 1

192 = Wallthickness selection 2
193 = Wallthickness selection 3
194 = Wallthickness selection 4
195 = Wallthickness selection 5

British Standards

205 = default metric

206 = default converted imperial

210 = plate flanges BS4504

CL578, Weight Code (399)

NOTE: Codelist numbers 2-99 have been reserved for values that
apply to US practices. Codelist numbers 100-399 have been reserved
for values that apply to practices in other countries.

1 = [Blank]

US Practice Weight Codes, 2-99

9 = 35 pcf [Vitrified clay]
10 = 57 pcf [Polypropylene]
16 = 88 pcf [PVC]
22 = 97 pcf [CPVC]
28 = 111 pcf [FRP, Kynar]
30 = 150 pcf [Reinforced concrete pipe]
34 = 165 pcf [Aluminum]
40 = 260 pcf [Titanium]
46 = 450 pcf [Iron]
47 = 450 pcf [Standard thk cement linin, ductile iron]

532 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

48 = 450 pcf [Double thk cement lining ductile iron]

52 = 490 pcf [Carbon steel, low Cr alloy steel, stainless steel]
58 = 490 pcf [Cement lined carbon steel]
64 = 525 pcf [Brass, Inconel]
70 = 555 pcf [Bronze, copper, Monel, nickel]
76 = 570 pcf [Hastelloy]

European Practice Weight Codes, 101-199

101 = [Blank]

111 = Weight selection flag 1

112 = Weight selection flag 2
113 = Weight selection flag 3
114 = Weight selection flag 4
115 = Weight selection flag 5
131 = 1 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F1/K1/V1]
132 = 2 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F2/S2/K2/M2/V2]
133 = 3 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F3/S3/K3/M3]
134 = 4 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F4/K4/M4]
135 = 5 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F5/S5/K5/M5]
136 = 6 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F6/M6]
137 = 7 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F7/S7]
138 = 8 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F8/S8/M8]
139 = 9 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F9/S9/M9]
140 = 10 [Acc. to DIN 3202-S10/M10]
141 = 11 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F11/M11]
142 = 12 [Acc. to DIN 3202-S12]
143 = 13 [Acc. to DIN 3202-S13]
144 = 14 [Acc. to DIN 3202-S14/M14]
145 = 15 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F15/M15]
146 = 16 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F16]
147 = 17 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F17]
148 = 18 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F18]
149 = 19 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F19]
150 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
151 = 21 [Acc. to DIN 3202-V21]
152 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
153 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
154 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
155 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
156 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
157 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
158 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
159 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
160 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
161 = 31 [Acc. to DIN 3202-S31]
162 = 32 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F32/M32]
163 = 33 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F33/M33]
164 = 34 [Acc. to DIN 3202-F34]
165 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
166 = 36 [Acc. to DIN 3202-M36]
167 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
168 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]
169 = - [Not existent under DIN 3202]

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 533

Appendix: Codelists

British Standards numbers (200-299)

units kg per cubic metre

201 = [Blank]

209 = 561 km3

210 = 913 km3 [polypropylene]
216 = 1410 km3 [pvc]
222 = 1554 km3 [cpvc]
228 = 1778 km3 [FRP, Kynar]
230 = 2403 km3
234 = 2643 km3 [Aluminium]
240 = 4165 km3 [Titanium]
246 = 7208 km3 [Iron]
247 = 7208 km3
248 = 7208 km3
252 = 7849 km3 [CS]
253 = 7849 km3 [low alloy st]
254 = 7849 km3 [SS]
258 = 7849 km3 [8mm thk cement lined CS]
264 = 8410 km3 [Brass, Inconel]
270 = 8890 km3 [Bronze, copper, Monel, Nickel]
276 = 9130 km3 [Hastelloy]

CL990, Types of Piping Commodity Data Forms

1 = General Fittings
2 = Pipe Bends
3 = Orifice Flanges
4 = Branch Nipples
5 = Branch Reinforcement
21 = Valves
41 = Piping
42 = Tubing
61 = Gaskets
62 = Bolts
63 = Nuts

100 - 299 values are for Piping Specialties

100 - 149 range of values are for specific specialties
150 - 199 range of values are for typical specialties
200 - 249 range of values are for specific valves
250 - 299 range of values are for typical valves

100 = Specific - General

150 = Typical - General
200 = Specific - Valve
250 = Typical - Valve

300 - 499 values are for Instruments

534 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

300 - 349 range of values are for specific instruments

350 - 399 range of values are for typical instruments
400 - 449 range of values are for specific valves
450 - 499 range of values are for typical values

300 = Specific - General

350 = Typical - General
400 = Specific - Valve
450 = Typical - Valve

CL999, Standard Note Title (2000)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
existing codelist values.
1 = [Blank]
31 = Object Types for Mass Annotation
35 = Approval Status
36 = Structural Approval Status
37 = HVAC Approval Status
50 = Hold Status
69 = Equipment Division
125 = Fluid Code
130 = Construction Status
145 = Materials Grade
148 = Materials Description
160 = Responsibility
180 = Fabrication Category
190 = Coating Requirements
200 = Heat Tracing Requirements
210 = Heat Tracing Media
220 = Insulation Purpose
230 = Cleaning Requirements
330 = End Preparation
332 = Schedule / Thickness Override
340 = Safety Classification
360 = Stress Analysis Requirements
365 = Reporting Requirements
366 = Requirement to Reconstruct
380 = Piping Component Type
390 = Action
400 = Commodity Option
420 = Piping Component Data Source
425 = Piping/Tubing Type/Source
430 = Instrument Component Data Source
499 = Piping Notes
530 = Accessory / Item Type
550 = Operator / Actuator Type
570 = Design Standard
572 = Wall Thickness Equation
575 = Geometry Standard
576 = Table Suffix / End Standard - Green

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 535

Appendix: Codelists

577 = Table Suffix / End Standard - Red

578 = Weight Code
990 = Spec Writer Data Form Type
999 = Standard Note Title
1010 = Area Units
1028 = Weight Units
1056 = Temperature Units
1064 = Pressure Units
1074 = Density Units
1100 = Weld Type
1162 = Force Units
1201 = Drawing Scale
1202 = Drawing Size
1203 = Interference Manager Approval Status
1204 = Interference Clash Type
1205 = Interference Manager Action
1207 = Interference Manager Approval Method
1208 = Clash Checking Option
1209 = Clash Checking Volume Filter Option
1310 = Report Source
1312 = Report Type
1410 = Design Review Type
1605 = Model Status
1610 = Force Units for FrameWorks Plus
1620 = Drawing View Direction
1630 = Drawing View Composition Status
1710 = Document Type
1720 = Document Sub-Type
1900 = Isometric Drawing Type
2000 = Orthographic Drawing Type

CL1010, Area Units (25)

Convert to Destination Unit Convert To First
Unit in CL
No Unit Name Dest. Unit Factor A B
1 ft2 m2 9.290 304* E-02 0.0
1.0* E+00
3 in2 cm2 6.451 6* E+00 0.0
6.944 444 E-03
5 yd2 m2 8.361 274 E-01 0.0
9.0* E+00
7 mi2 km2 2.589 988 E+00 0.0
2.787 840 E+07
10 mm2 mm2 1 0.0
1.076 391 E-05
12 cm2 mm2 1.0* E+02 0.0
1.076 391 E-03
14 m2 cm2 1.0* E+04 0.0
1.076 391 E+01

536 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

16 km2 m2 1.0* E+06 0.0

1.076 391 E+07
25 [Blank] -9999. -

CL1028, Mass Units (40)

Convert to Destination Unit Convert To First
Unit in CL
No Unit Name Dest. Unit Factor A B
1 lb kg 4.535 924 E-01 0.0
1.0* E+00
3 grain mg 6.479 891 E+01 0.0
1.428 571 E-04
9 USton Mg 9.071 847 E-01 0.0
2.0* E+03
11 UKton Mg 1.016 047 E+00 0.0
2.24* E+03
20 (Mu)g (Mu)g 1 0.0
2.204 622 E-09
22 mg mg 1 0.0
2.204 622 E-06
24 g g 1 0.0
2.204 622 E-03
26 kg kg 1 0.0
2.204 622 E+00
28 Mg Mg 1 0.0
2.204 622 E+03
40 [Blank] -9999. -

CL1056, Temperature Units (15)

Convert to Destination Unit Convert To First
Unit in CL
No Unit Name Dest. Unit Factor A B
1 degF degC (degF - 32)/1.8 0.0
1.0* E+00
2 degC degC 1 +3.2* E+01
1.8* E+00
3 degR K 5/9 -4.596 900 E+02
0.0* E+00
4 K K 1 -4.596 900 E+02
1.8* E+00
15 [Blank] -9999. -

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 537

Appendix: Codelists

CL1064, Pressure Units (40)

NOTE: New entries in this codelist cannot be added by the user.
Changes will NOT be recognized unless the software is changed to
use them.

Convert to Destination Unit Convert To First

Unit in CL
No Unit Name Dest. Unit Factor A
1 psig [gage] kPa 0.0
1.0* E+
2 psi [absolute] kPa 6.894 757 E+00 -1.469 595
E+01 1.0* E+00
4 inH2O [absolute] kPa 2.488 4 E-01 -1.469 595
E+01 3.609 119 E-02
6 inH2O @ 32degF kPa 2.491 14 E-01 -1.469 595
E+01 3.613 010 E-02
7 inHg [absolute] kPa 3.376 85 E+00 -1.469 595
E+01 4.897 707 E-01
8 mmHg [absolute] kPa 1.333 22 E-01 -1.469 595
E+01 1.933 672 E-02
9 atm [absolute] kPa 1.013 250* E+02 -1.469 595
E+01 1.469 595 E+01
10 bar [absolute] kPa 1.0* E+02 -1.469 595
E+01 1.450 377 E+01
11 bar (gage) [gage] psig 1.450 377 E+01 0.0
1.450 377 E+01
13 dyn/cm2 [absolute] Pa 1.0* E-01 -1.469 595
E+01 1.450 377 E-05
15 mmH2O [absolute] kPa 9.806 38 E-03 -1.469 595
E+01 1.422 295 E-03
16 inHg @ 32degF kPa 3.386 38 E+00 -1.469 595
E+01 4.911 054 E-01
17 kPa [absolute] kPa 1 -1.469 595
E+01 1.450 377 E-01
18 MPa [absolute] kPa 1.0* E+03 -1.469 595
E+01 1.450 377 E+02
19 Pa [absolute] Pa 1 -1.469 595
E+01 1.450 377 E-04
20 kg/cm*2 (gage) [gage] psig 1.422 334 E+01 0.0
1.422 334 E+01
21 kg/cm*2 [absolute] kPa 9.806 65 E+01 -1.469 595
E+01 1.422 334 E+01
22 Mpa_g psig 1.450 377 E+02 0.0
1.450 377 E+02
40 [Blank] -9999.
67 kPa_g psig 1.450 377 E-01 0.0
1.450 377 E-01

538 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL1074, Density Units (35)

Convert to Destination Unit Convert To
First Unit in CL
No Unit Name Dest. Unit Factor A
1 lb/ft3 kg/m3 1.601 846 E+01 0.0
1.0* E+00
3 lb/UKgal kg/m3 9.977 633 E+01 0.0
6.228 834 E+00
5 lb/USgal kg/m3 1.198 264 E+02 0.0
7.480 519 E+00
7 kip/ft3 kg/m3 1.601 846 E+04 0.0
1.0* E+03
9 lb/in3 kg/m3 2.767 990 E+04 0.0
1.728 000 E+03
11 USton/ft3 kg/m3 3.203 692 E+04 0.0
2.0* E+03
17 degAPI kg/m3 Use API2564 Tbl -9999.
20 kg/m3 kg/m3 1 0.0
6.242 797 E-02
22 g/cm3 kg/dm3 1 0.0
6.242 797 E+01
24 kg/L kg/m3 1.0* E+03 0.0
6.242 797 E+01
26 kg/dm3 kg/m3 1 E+03 0.0
6.242 797 E+01
35 [Blank] -9999.

CL1100, Weld Type (100)

NOTE: Codelist numbers 0-19 have been reserved for shop welds,
numbers 20-29 have been reserved for field welds, and 30-39 have
been reserved for offshore welds. In editing this codelist set, do not
change the meaning of existing codelist values.

1 = [Blank]
2 = Pipe connector
11 = Shop weld
21 = Field weld at assembly site
22 = Field weld at job site
23 = Field weld at job site for loose flange
24 = Field fit weld at job site

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 539

Appendix: Codelists

CL1162, Force Units (40)

1 = lbf
3 = kipf
5 = UStonf
7 = UKtonf
20 = dyn
22 = mN
24 = N
26 = kgf
28 = kN
40 = [Blank]

CL1201, Drawing Scale (540)

(1-499) English System of Units
1 = [Blank]
104 = =1/8"= 1 0"
108 = =1/4"= 1 0"
112 = =3/8"= 1 0"
116 = =1/2"= 1 0"
124 = =3/4"= 1 0"
132 = =1"= 1 0"
164 = =2"= 1 0"
(500-599) Metric System of Units
500 = 1:10
510 = 1:4
530 = 1:2
540 = 1:1

CL1202, Drawing Size (199)

(1-99) English System of Units
1 = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
5 = E
6 = F

(100-199) Metric System of Units

101 = A0
102 = A1
103 = A2
104 = A3
105 = A4

540 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL1203, Interference Manager Approval Status (99)

1 = Unapproved
2 = Approved [User has approved clash]
99 = Cleared [Software detected that clash has been fixed]

CL1204, Interference Clash Type (10)

1 = ' Hard versus Hard' ;
2 = ' Hard versus Soft' ;
3 = ' Hard versus Construction' ;
4 = ' Soft versus Soft' ;
5 = ' Soft versus Construction' ;
6 = ' Construct vs Construct=Construction versus Construction' ;
105 = ' Hard vs Fproof' ;
106 = ' Hard vs Insul' ;
110 = ' Hard vs HardMaint' ;
111 = ' Hard vs HardAccess' ;
112 = ' Hard vs HardSafety' ;
113 = ' Hard vs HardOperating' ;
120 = ' Hard vs SoftMaint' ;
121 = ' Hard vs SoftAccess' ;
122 = ' Hard vs SoftSafety' ;
123 = ' Hard vs SoftOperating' ;
206 = ' Soft vs Insul' ;
220 = ' Soft vs SoftMaint' ;
221 = ' Soft vs SoftAccess' ;
222 = ' Soft vs SoftSafety' ;
223 = ' Soft vs SoftOperating' ;
501 = ' Fproof vs Hard' ;
502 = ' Fproof vs Soft' ;
504 = ' Fproof vs CT' ;
505 = ' Fproof vs Fproof' ;
506 = ' Fproof vs Insul' ;
510 = ' Fproof vs HardMain' ;
511 = ' Fproof vs HardAccess' ;
512 = ' Fproof vs HardSafety' ;
513 = ' Fproof vs HardOperat' ;
520 = ' Fproof vs HardMain' ;
521 = ' Fproof vs HardAccess' ;
522 = ' Fproof vs HardSafety' ;
523 = ' Fproof vs HardOperat' ;
602 = ' Insul vs Soft' ;
604 = ' Insul vs CT' ;
606 = ' Insul vs Insul' ;
620 = ' Insul vs SoftMain' ;
621 = ' Insul vs SoftAccess' ;
622 = ' Insul vs SoftSafety' ;

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 541

Appendix: Codelists

623 = ' Insul vs SoftOperat' ;

1001 = ' HardMain vs Hard' ;
1002 = ' HardMain vs Soft' ;
1004 = ' HardMain vs CT' ;
1005 = ' HardMain vs Fproof' ;
1006 = ' HardMain vs Insul' ;
1010 = ' HardMain vs HardMain' ;
1012 = ' HardMain vs HardSafety' ;
1013 = ' HardMain vs HardOperat' ;
1020 = ' HardMain vs SoftMain' ;
1021 = ' HardMain vs SoftAccess' ;
1022 = ' HardMain vs SoftSafety' ;
1023 = ' HardMain vs SoftOperat' ;
1101 = ' HardAcc vs Hard' ;
1102 = ' HardAcc vs Soft' ;
1104 = ' HardAcc vs CT' ;
1105 = ' HardAccess vs Fproof' ;
1106 = ' HardAccess vs Insul' ;
1110 = ' HardAcc vs HardMain' ;
1111 = ' HardAcc vs HardAcc' ;
1112 = ' HardAcc vs HardSafety' ;
1113 = ' HardAcc vs HardOperat' ;
1120 = ' HardAcc vs SoftMain' ;
1121 = ' HardAcc vs SoftAcc' ;
1122 = ' HardAcc vs SoftSafety' ;
1123 = ' HardAcc vs SoftOperat' ;
1201 = ' HardSafety vs Hard' ;
1202 = ' HardSafety vs Soft' ;
1204 = ' HardSafety vs CT' ;
1205 = ' HardSafety vs Fproof' ;
1206 = ' HardSafety vs Insul' ;
1210 = ' HardSafety vs HardMain' ;
1211 = ' HardSafety vs HardAcc' ;
1212 = ' HardSafety vs HardSafety' ;
1213 = ' HardSafety vs HardOperat' ;
1220 = ' HardSafety vs SoftMain' ;
1221 = ' HardSafety vs SoftAccess' ;
1222 = ' HardSafety vs SoftSafety' ;
1223 = ' HardSafety vs SoftOperat' ;
1301 = ' HardOperat vs Hard' ;
1302 = ' HardOperat vs Soft' ;
1304 = ' HardOperat vs CT' ;
1305 = ' HardOperat vs Fproof' ;
1306 = ' HardOperat vs Insul' ;
1310 = ' HardOperat vs HardMain' ;
1311 = ' HardOperat vs HardAccess' ;
1312 = ' HardOperat vs HardSafety' ;
1313 = ' HardOperat vs HardOperat' ;
1320 = ' HardOperat vs SoftMain' ;
1321 = ' HardOperat vs SoftAccess' ;
1322 = ' HardOperat vs SoftSafety' ;
1323 = ' HardOperat vs SoftOperat' ;
2002 = ' SoftMain vs Soft' ;
2004 = ' SoftMain vs CT' ;

542 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

2006 = ' SoftMain vs Insul' ;

2020 = ' SoftMain vs SoftMain' ;
2021 = ' SoftMain vs SoftAccess' ;
2022 = ' SoftMain vs SoftSafety' ;
2023 = ' SoftMain vs SoftOperat' ;
2102 = ' SoftAccess vs Soft' ;
2104 = ' SoftAccess vs CT' ;
2106 = ' SoftAccess vs Insul' ;
2120 = ' SoftAccess vs SoftMain' ;
2121 = ' SoftAccess vs SoftAccess' ;
2122 = ' SoftAccess vs SoftSafety' ;
2123 = ' SoftAccess vs SoftOperat' ;
2202 = ' SoftSafety vs Soft' ;
2204 = ' SoftSafety vs CT' ;
2206 = ' SoftSafety vs Insul' ;
2220 = ' SoftSafety vs SoftMain' ;
2221 = ' SoftSafety vs SoftAccess' ;
2222 = ' SoftSafety vs SoftSafety' ;
2223 = ' SoftSafety vs SoftOperat' ;
2302 = ' SoftOperat vs Soft' ;
2304 = ' SoftOperat vs CT' ;
2306 = ' SoftOperat vs Insul' ;
2320 = ' SoftOperat vs SoftMain' ;
2321 = ' SoftOperat vs SoftAccess' ;
2322 = ' SoftOperat vs SoftSafety' ;
2323 = ' SoftOperat vs SoftOperat' ;

CL1205, Interference Manager Action (10)

1 = No Action by user
2 = Approve Real Clash
3 = Approve False Clash
4 = Transfer Responsibility

CL1207, Interference Manager Approval Method(10)

1 = Not Approved
2 = Accepted by Graphical Review
3 = Accepted from List

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 543

Appendix: Codelists

CL1208, Clash Checking Option

1 = Unknown
2 = Project Mode
3 = Design Area Mode
4 = Pre-defined Volume Mode

CL1209, Clash Checking Volume Filter Option

1 = Volume Filter Is Inactive
2 = Volume Filter Is Active

CL1310, Report Source (99)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
existing codelist values. Codelist values are reserved as follows:
0-10 from design data, 11-20 from project data, 21-30 reference

1 = MTO Report
2 = Drawing Report
3 = PID Report Header
11 = Project Control Report
12 = Clash Management Report
21 = Piping Job Spec Report
22 = Table Checker Report

CL1312, Report Type (999)

NOTE: Document types defined below must be numerically identical
to those defined in CL1720, Document Type; codelist numbers used
must not exceed 999. In editing this codelist set, do not change
the meaning of existing codelist values.

601 = Piping RDB Reports

682 = Equipment List
685 = Piping Line List
687 = Piping Segments Report
689 = Piping Components MTO Report
690 = Pipe Supports Report
692 = Instrument List
696 = Piping Release Report

544 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL1410, Design Review Type (10)

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning of
existing codelist values.

1 = Client Review
2 = Informal Review

CL1605, Model Status

1 = Undefined
11 = Preliminary
12 = Temporary
21 = Permanent

CL1610, Force Units for FrameWorks Plus (40)

1 = LBS
2 = KIPS
3 = N
4 = kN

CL1620, Drawing View Directions (7)

1 = Plan
2 = East Elevation
3 = North Elevation
4 = Isometric
5 = West Elevation
6 = South Elevation
7 = Plan (Vertical)

CL1630, Drawing View Composition Status (4)

1 = Drawing View Not Composed
2 = Drawing View Composed
3 = Composite Drawing View Not Composed
4 = Composite Drawing View Composed

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 545

Appendix: Codelists

CL1710, Document Source (99)

NOTE: Do not make any new entries to this codelist. In editing
this codelist set, do not change the meaning of existing codelist

1 = Process RDB report

2 = Process TDB report
5 = Process TDB drawing

11 = P&I RDB report

12 = P&I TDB report
15 = P&I TDB drawing

21 = Vessel RDB report

22 = Vessel TDB report
25 = Vessel TDB drawing

31 = Heat Transfer RDB report

32 = Heat Transfer TDB report
35 = Heat Transfer TDB drawing

41 = Mechanical RDB report

42 = Mechanical TDB report
45 = Mechanical TDB drawing

46 = Piping Specialty RDB report

47 = Piping Specialty TDB report

51 = Civil/Structural RDB report

52 = Civil/Structural TDB report
55 = Civil/Structural TDB drawing

61 = Piping RDB report

62 = Piping TDB report (PD_Report)
65 = Piping TDB drawing (PD_Draw)
67 = Piping isometric TDB drawing

71 = Instrument RDB report

72 = Instrument TDB report
75 = Instrument TDB drawing

81 = Electrical RDB report

82 = Electrical TDB report
85 = Electrical TDB drawing

91 = HVAC RDB report

92 = HVAC TDB report
95 = HVAC TDB drawing

99 = No planned PDS source

546 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

CL1720, Document Type (999)

NOTE: The PDS source of each document type is shown to the right
of the document type separated from it by the character | on the
basis of codelist numbers defined in CL1710, Document Source. In
editing this codelist set, respect the number ranges identified below.

(100-199) Process Documents

101 = Process RDB Reports | 1
121 = Process Flow Diagrams | 5
125 = Materials of Construction Drawings | 5
127 = Temperature/Pressure Diagrams | 5
131 = Equipment Process Datasheets | 2
133 = Instrument Process Datasheets | 2
199 = Other Process Documents | 99

(200-299) Vessel Documents

201 = Vessel RDB Reports | 21
205 = Vessel Job Specifications | 99
211 = Vessel Requisitions | 22
231 = Reactor Drawings | 25
233 = Regenerator Drawings | 25
235 = Cyclone Drawings | 25
237 = Transfer Line Drawings | 25
239 = Tower Drawings | 25
241 = Drum Drawings | 25
243 = Tank Drawings | 25
245 = Silo Drawings | 25
247 = Stack Drawings | 25
299 = Other Vessel Documents | 99

(300-399) Heat Transfer Documents

301 = Heat Transfer RDB Reports | 31
305 = Heat Transfer Job Specifications | 99
311 = Heat Transfer Requisitions | 32
331 = Heat Transfer Drawings | 35
399 = Other Heat Transfer Documents | 99

(400-499) Mechanical Equipment Documents

401 = Mechanical RDB Reports | 41
405 = Mechanical Equipment Job Specifications | 99
411 = Mechanical Equipment Requisitions | 42
431 = Mechanical Equipment Drawings | 45
499 = Other Mechanical Equipment Documents | 99

(500-599) Civil/Structural Documents

501 = Civil/Structural RDB Reports | 51
505 = Civil/Structural Job Specifications | 99
511 = Civil/Structural Requisitions | 99
531 = Site Preparation Drawings | 99

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 547

Appendix: Codelists

535 = Foundation Location Drawings | 65

537 = Piling Drawings | 65
538 = Foundation Drawings | 55
540 = Structural Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details | 65
545 = Concrete Structural Drawings | 55
550 = Steel Structural Drawings | 55
570 = Building Drawings | 99
599 = Other Civil/Structural Documents | 99

(600-699) Piping Documents

601 = Piping RDB Reports | 61
602 = Piping Specialty RDB Reports | 46
605 = Piping Job Specifications | 99
611 = Piping Commodity Requisitions | 99
612 = Piping Specialty Requisitions | 47
631 = P&IDs | 15
633 = Hydrotest P&IDs | 15
641 = Plot Plans | 65
643 = Equipment Arrangement Drawings | 65
651 = Piping Underground Drawings | 65
661 = Equipment Orientations | 65
663 = Piping One Line Drawings | 65
665 = Piping Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details | 65
667 = Pipeline Alignment Drawings | 65
669 = Piping Isometric Drawings | 67
671 = Piping Spool Drawings | 67
673 = Spring Hanger Drawings | 99
675 = Pipe Support Details | 99
681 = P&ID Equipment List | 12
682 = Equipment List | 62
684 = P&ID Line List | 12
685 = Piping Line List | 62
687 = Piping Segments Report | 62
689 = Piping Components MTO Report | 62
690 = Pipe Supports Report | 62
692 = Instrument List | 62
696 = Piping Release Report | 62
699 = Other Piping Documents | 99

(700-799) Instrument Documents

701 = Instrument RDB Reports | 71
705 = Instrument Job Specifications | 99
711 = Instrument Requisitions | 72
721 = Instrument Logic Diagrams | 75
723 = Instrument Loop Diagrams | 75
731 = Instrument Location Plans | 65
733 = Instrument Control House/Panel Drawings | 99
735 = Instrument Hook Up Drawings | 75
737 = Instrument Heat Tracing Drawings | 75
739 = Instrument Wiring Drawings | 99
771 = Instrument Index | 72
799 = Other Instrument Documents | 99

(800-899) Electrical Documents

548 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

801 = Electrical RDB Reports | 81

805 = Electrical Job Specifications | 99
811 = Electrical Requisitions | 99
831 = Electrical One Line Diagrams | 99
841 = Electrical Area Classification Drawings | 65
851 = Electrical Underground Drawings | 65
861 = Electrical Power Drawings | 99
863 = Electrical Communications Drawings | 99
865 = Lighting Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details | 65
867 = Electrical Heat Tracing Drawings | 99
899 = Other Electrical Documents | 99

(900-999) HVAC Documents

901 = HVAC RDB Reports | 91
905 = HVAC Job Specifications | 99
911 = HVAC Requisitions | 99
931 = HVAC Flow Diagrams | 99
971 = HVAC Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details | 65
999 = Other HVAC Documents | 99

CL1900, Isometric Drawing Type

NOTE: In editing this codelist set, do not change the meaning
of existing codelist values. Some data displays require that only
values to the left of the "=" sign be shown; other reports require
that only values to the right of the "=" sign be displayed.

1 = Fabrication
2 = Spool
3 = Stress

CL2000, PD_Draw Document Type (999)

NOTE: Document types defined below must be numerically identical
to those defined in CL1720, Document Type; codelist numbers used
must not exceed 999. In editing this codelist set, do not change
the meaning of existing codelist values.

535 = Foundation Location Drawings

537 = Piling Drawings
540 = Structural Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details
641 = Plot Plans
643 = Equipment Arrangement Drawings
651 = Piping Underground Drawings
661 = Equipment Orientations
663 = Piping One Line Drawings
665 = Piping Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details
667 = Pipeline Alignment Drawings
731 = Instrument Location Plans

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 549

Appendix: Codelists

841 = Electrical Area Classification Drawings

851 = Electrical Underground Drawings
865 = Lighting Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details
971 = HVAC Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details

This form allows you to manipulate various data libraries and database tables.
For more information on specific data and libraries, see Graphic Commodity Library Manager
(on page 200), Piping Assembly Library Manager (on page 393), and Physical Data Library
Manager (on page 208).

550 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)

Appendix: Codelists

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 551

CL1310, Report Source (99) 544
A CL1312, Report Type (999) 544
Abbreviations 228 CL1410, Design Review Type (10) 545
About Library Merger 374 CL145, Materials Grade (4500) 441
Add Entry to Material Description Library CL148, Piping Materials Class Description
88 (31999) 470
Alphanumeric Labels 348 CL160, Responsibility (25) 479
Appendix CL1605, Model Status 545
Codelists 431 CL1610, Force Units for FrameWorks Plus
Reference Data Manager Error Messages (40) 545
429 CL1620, Drawing View Directions (7) 545
CL1630, Drawing View Composition Status
B (4) 545
CL1710, Document Source (99) 546
Batch Processes 16
CL1720, Document Type (999) 547
Bend Deflection Table (G04) 156
CL180, Fabrication Category (99) 479
Bends and Branches 198
CL190, Coating Requirements (99) 480
Bolt Commodity Code Table 166
CL1900, Isometric Drawing Type 549
Bolts, Gaskets, and Flanges 199
CL200, Heat Tracing Requirements (10)
Branch Insertion Tables 145
CL2000, PD_Draw Document Type (999)
C CL210, Heat Tracing Media (60) 481
CL1010, Area Units (25) 536 CL220, Insulation Purpose (40) 481
CL1028, Mass Units (40) 537 CL230, Cleaning Requirements (99) 482
CL1056, Temperature Units (15) 537 CL31, Object Types for Orthographic
CL1064, Pressure Units (40) 538 Drawings (40) 434
CL1074, Density Units (35) 539 CL330, CP Type/Termination/Preparation
CL1100, Weld Type (100) 539 (999) 482
CL1162, Force Units (40) 540 CL332, Schedule / Thickness Override 486
CL1201, Drawing Scale (540) 540 CL340, Safety Classification (99) 487
CL1202, Drawing Size (199) 540 CL35, Approval Status (10) 435
CL1203, Interference Manager Approval CL36, Structural Approval Status (15) 435
Status (99) 541 CL360, Stress Analysis Requirements (15)
CL1204, Interference Clash Type (10) 541 488
CL1205, Interference Manager Action (10) CL365, Reporting Requirements (25) 488
543 CL366, Requirement to Reconstruct (10)
CL1207, Interference Manager Approval 488
Method(10) 543 CL37, HVAC Approval Status (10) 436
CL1208, Clash Checking Option 544 CL380, Piping Component Type (2500)
CL1209, Clash Checking Volume Filter 488
Option 544 CL390, Action (40) 496
CL125, Fluid Code/Connector Type (999) CL400, Option (999) 496
437 CL420, Piping Component Type/Source (25)
CL130, Construction Status (15) 441 503

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 553


CL425, Piping/Tubing Type (25) 504 Create/Interactive Graphic Commodity Data

CL430, Instrument Component Type/Source 201
(25) 504 Create/Interactive Physical Commodity Data
CL499, Piping Notes (999) 504 211
CL50, Hold Status (10) 436 Create/Interactive Piping Assembly Data
CL530, Accessory/Item Type (125) 506 395
CL550, Operator Actuator Type (200) 507 Create/Interactive Spec Tables 174
CL570, Design Standard (200) 508 Create/Revise Instrument Specification Data
CL572, Wall Thickness Equation 508 93
CL575, Geometry Standard (31999) 509 Create/Revise Piping Commodity Implied
CL576, Table Suffix/End Standard - Green Material Data 98
(999) 523 Create/Revise Piping Commodity
CL577, Table Suffix/End Standard - Red Specification Data 81
(999) 528 Create/Revise Piping Materials Class Data
CL578, Weight Code (399) 532 75
CL69, Equipment Divisions/Form Code (99) Create/Revise Piping Specialty Specification
436 Data 90
CL990, Types of Piping Commodity Data Create/Revise Tap Properties Data 96
Forms 534
CL999, Standard Note Title (2000) 535 D
Clash Management Labels 349 Data Retrieval from the Physical Data
Clear Error Messages 374 Library 195
Commodity Code Attribute Message 349 Data Security 20
Commodity Implied Data Command 98 Default End Preparation Table 171
Commodity Item Name Table (G02) 154 Default Project Control Data 23
Common Tools on the PD_Shell Forms 12 Delete 373
Component Insulation Exclusion Data (231) Delete Data 331
59 Delete Graphic Commodity Data 204
Component Mirror Table 170 Delete Label Data 365
Compress 201, 211, 328, 340, 395 Delete Option 106
Compress Destination Library 373 Delete Physical Commodity Data 214
Compress Library 174, 352 Delete Piping Assembly Data 398
Connect Point Data 197 Delete Spec Tables 177
Contents 374 Delete Standard Note Data 343
Copy to Destination 373 Delivered Reference Data 6
Create Data 329 Discrimination Data Creation Form 115,
Create Label Attribute Data 357 304
Create Label Data 352 Discrimination Data Deletion Form 119,
Create Label Graphic Data 355 306
Create Library 174, 201, 211, 289, 328, Discrimination Data Form 303
340, 352, 395 Discrimination Data Revision Form 117,
Create Standard Note Type 340 305
Create/Batch Assembly Data 396 Displayable Attribute Labels 348
Create/Batch Graphic Commodity Data 202 Displayable Attribute Message 348
Create/Batch Physical Commodity Data
Create/Batch Spec Tables 175
Edit Label Description 373
Edit Label Number 373

554 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Edit Menu 373 I

Example of Physical Data Look-Up 196 Implied Data 87
Exit 372 Information 372
Extract Assembly Data 401 Instrument Body (I80 and P80) 267
Extract Data 333 Instrument Component Specification Data
Extract Graphic Commodity Data 207 (204) 48
Extract Physical Commodity Data 217 Instrument Component Tables 267
Extract Spec Tables 180 Instrument Data Command 92
Extract Standard Note Type 344 Instrument Operator (I81 and P81) 269
Introduction 1
F Invert Selection 373
Features 66 Isometric Drawing Labels 349
Field Fit Length Table 169
File Menu 372 L
Fire and Safety Piping Components (6P4C Label Description Library 347
and 6Q4C) 232 Label Description Library Introduction 5
Fittings (6P2C, 6P3C, 6Q2C, and 6Q3C) Label Description Library Manager 351
231 Label Library Merge Workflow 374
Flange Insulation Exclusion Data (232) 61 Label Library Merger 371
Fluid Code Table 152 Label Library Merger Interface 371
Format Creation/Revision Form 112, 301 Label Types 348
Format Deletion Form 113, 302 Library List 334
List Assembly Data 400
G List Data 333
Gasket Diameter Table 169 List Graphic Commodity Data 206
Gasket Separation Table 150 List of Piping Materials Classes Form 86
Generic Table for Bolted Ends (G10) 237 List Physical Commodity Data 217
Generic Table for Female Ends (G30) 244 List Spec Tables 180
Generic Table for Male Ends (G20) 243 List Standard Note Data 343
Generic Table for Studs in Bolted Load Database 345
Connections w/ Term Type (G12T) 241 Load, Replace, or Replace Commodity
Generic Table for Studs used in Bolted Subset Options 104
Connections (G12) 239 Load/Revise Batch 290
Generic Table for Weight and Thickness Load/Revise Interactive 289
Data, Male Ends (G50) 245 Long Material Description Library 283
Generic Tables 233
Graphic Commodity Data 183 M
Graphic Commodity Data Introduction 4 Mass Annotation Options 362
Graphic Commodity Library 184 Material Data in the Material Reference
Graphic Commodity Library Manager 200 Database 277
Graphic Commodity Modules List 208 Material Description Data 273
Material Description Data Introduction 4
H Material Description Library Manager 287
Help 16 Material Reference Database Structure 29
Help Menu 374 Materials Data Table 139
MTO Tables and Functions 172

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 555


N Piping Component Table for Operators and

Neutral File Input 31 Actuators, Overflow Data (P31B) 260
Nominal Piping Diameters Table 134 Piping Component Table GCP Overflow
Notes for Graphic Commodity Data 197 Data (P11B, P15B) 254
Piping Component Table Green and Red CP
Data (P21A, P25A, P26A, P27A, P28A,
O P29A) 255
Open Destination Library 372 Piping Component Table Green and Red CP
Open Source Label Library 1 372 Overflow Data
Open Source Label Library 2 372 (P21B,P25B,P26B,P27B,P28B) 257
Operator Mirror Table 170 Piping Component Tables 247
Piping Component Tables for Specialty
P Components 267
Parametric Shape Definitions 192 Piping Construction Tolerance Exclusion
PD Shell 9 Data (233) 63
PD_Shell Form Conventions 12 Piping Job Spec Report Manager 109
PDS Environment 9 Piping Job Specification 29
Physical Data Definitions 188 Piping Job Specification Introduction 4
Physical Data Library Manager 209 Piping Job Specification Manager 101
Physical Data Tables 194 Piping Job Specification Tables 131
Pipe Length Threshold Table (G07) 158 Piping Job Specification Tables Command
Pipe Support Tutorial Definition Manager 172
327 Piping Materials Class Data (201) 34
Pipe, Tubing, and Hose 199 Piping Materials Class Data Command 75
Piping Assembly Language 379 Piping Specialty Data Command 89
Piping Assembly Library 379 Piping Specialty Specification Data (203)
Piping Assembly Library Introduction 6 45
Piping Assembly Library Manager 393 PJS Tables and Functions 131
Piping Commodity Data Command 79 Placing Taps in Assemblies 390
Piping Commodity Implied Material Data Preface PDS ix
(212) 56 Preferred Bolt Length Table (G11) 159
Piping Commodity Size-Dependent Material Project Organization 1
Data (211) 54 Proposed RDB Changes Report 420
Piping Commodity Specification Data (202)
38 R
Piping Component Table for Empty Weight RDB Options File 66
based on GCP and RCP Data RDB Tables 153
(P61,P62,P63,P64,P65) 265 Reference Data Archival 22
Piping Component Table for Empty Weight Reference Data Conflict Report 407
based on GCP Data (P51,P52,P59) 261 Reference Data Impact Report 417
Piping Component Table For Empty Weight Reference Data Location 23
of Valves (P60A) 263 Reference Data Manager 19
Piping Component Table For Empty Weight Reference Data Overview 2
of Valves, Overflow Data (P60B) 264 Reference Data Setup 7
Piping Component Table for GCP Data Reference Database Introduction 6
(P11A, P15A) 253 Reference Database Management Data 24
Piping Component Table for Operators and Reference Database Revision Manager 405
Actuators (P31A) 258 Replace Batch 291

556 Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data)


Replace Interactive 291 T

Report Approval Form 126, 314 Table Change Report 412
Report Assembly Data 399 Table Checker 101, 295
Report Creation Form 121, 309 Table Checker Form 298
Report Data 332 Table Conventions 219
Report Deletion Form 125, 313 Table Formats and Naming Conventions
Report Discrimination Data Form 114 219
Report Form 120, 308 Table Requirements 229
Report Format Form 111, 300 Tables Required for Instrument Components
Report Graphic Commodity Data 205 232
Report Label Data 366 Tables Required for Piping Components
Report Labels 349 229
Report Management Defaults Form 128, Tap Properties Data (205) 51
316 Tap Properties Data Command 95
Report Multiple Submit Form 127, 315 Temperature and Pressure Service Limits
Report on Spec Tables 178 Table 132
Report Option 107, 292 Thickness Data Tables 136
Report Physical Commodity Data 215
Report Standard Note Library Contents 342
Revise Data 329
Revise Graphic Commodity Data 203 Unapproved ==> Approved 174, 201, 289,
Revise Label Data 363 329, 340, 352, 395
Revise Physical Commodity Data 213 Unapproved to Approved 211
Revise Piping Assembly Data 397 Unselect All 373
Revise Report Form 123, 311 Using the Report Commands 110, 299
Revise Spec Tables 176
Revise Standard Note Type 341 V
Validate 373
S Valves (6Q1C) 230
Sample Piping Assembly Files 391 Variables for Generic Tables 234
Sample Table Checker Output 317 Variables for Specific Tables 249
Search Criteria Form 116 Verify RDB Library 425
Segment Pipe Run Length Threshold Table
(G06) 157 W
Select All 373 Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement
Short Material Description Library 277 Equations 141
Spec Writer 65 Weld Clearance Table 167
Specialty Material Description Library 286 Weld Graphics Dimensions Table 168
Specialty Piping Components (6P6C and Weld Type Table 163
6Q6C) 232 What's New in Reference Data Manager
Standard Note Library 335 (PD_Data) x
Standard Note Library Introduction 5
Standard Note Library Manager 338
Standard Note Types List 346
Sub-Symbol Processor 187
Support Tutorial Definition Manager 327
Symbol Processors 186

Plant Design System (PDS) Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) 557

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