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International Journal of Geo-Engineering (GEOE)

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts should be electronically submitted. The link to journal submission can be found in the links listed on
the right.

Manuscript Preparation


The manuscript should be written in English.


Contributions are classified into Research Paper and Technical Note.

- Research Papers should be a well organized thesis based on original theories of experimental
research and technical achievement.
- Technical Notes should be of contents describing new research and technical achievements, ideas
on new issues, and contents complementing or revising previously published papers.


Use SI unit system.

The Manuscript

Title page

- A concise and informative title

- The name(s) of the author(s)
- The affiliation(s), full mailing address(es), and e-mail address(es) of the author(s)
- The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author


Abstract should be written in 150~200 words in one complete paragraph, including brief outlines and major
conclusions on the contents of the paper. Do not put down any quotes on tables, numerical formula, and


Please provide 5~7 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.


The text basically consists of three parts: Introduction, main subject, and conclusions.


Write the titles of chapter, paragraph, and subparagraph. For example:

1. Introduction
2. Mathematical Formulation
2.1 Governing Equation and Boundary Conditions
2.1.1 Governing Equation
3. Simulation Results and Sensitivity Analysis
4. Conclusions


Equations are not written along with the sentences. All the symbols used in equations should be indicated in a
separate line, and in italics. Equations in the main text shall be marked as Eq. (2), Eqs. (1) and (2). Even symbols
used in the text should also be in italics. Write the serial numbers at the right side of the row where the numerical
formula was applied.


A literature reference that is quoted in the main text shall feature the last name of the author(s) and publication
year in parentheses. For example:

Chini and Wolde-Tinsae (1998) further investigated the effect of prestressing on elastic arches.

Restoring force is provided by rubber springs (Kawamura et al., 1988) or other special devices in bridge
applications (Constantinou et al., 1991; Buckle et al., 1990; Modeot, 1991).


The author(s) may express his or her appreciation to relevant agencies and related personnel providing financial
support or academic advice to his or her research.


References must be completed in the following order: last name(s) and initial(s) of first and middle name of
author(s), year of publication in parentheses, title of paper in quotes, name of the book or journal in italics,
volume number, issue number, publisher, city, state or country of publication, inclusive page numbers, and DOI
(Digital Object Identifier) number. For example;

Type Example

Book McCarthy, D. (2005). Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics,
7th Ed., Prentice Hall.

Journal article Ha, J.G., Lee, S.H., Kim, D.S., and Choo, Y. (2014). Simulation of the soil-foundation-
structure interaction in a Hualien large scale seismic test using a dynamic centrifuge test
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 61-62, pp. 176-187.

Proceedings Kim, H., Jeon, S., and Jeon, B. (2012), Effect and detection of adverse ground conditions
during the construction of a subsea tunnel, Proc. 13th World Conference of ACUUS,
Singapore, Paper No. RP-052-P052..


Figures and Photos

Write numbers and titles under figures (For Example: Fig.1. Definition Sketch). In the printed paper, the width of
each figure should be 7cm (1 column). Photo should be 3x4 or larger. Chroma printing of figure and is also
available, but authors shall shoulder the cost. Image resolution should be 150~225 dpi (Grayscale), and line
drawings should be 600~900 dpi (Bitmap). When placing more than two figures and photos under the same
number of title, assign subtitles by dividing each figure and photo by (a) or (b). In the text, figures shall be
marked as: Fig.2, Fig 3(a), Figs. 3 and 4.


Table number and title should be written in the upper portion of the table.. (For example: Table 1. Summary of
Resilient Modulus). When placing more than two tables under the same number of title, assign subtitles by
dividing each table by (a) or (b). In the text, tables shall be marked as: Table 1, Table 2(a) and 2(b).

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