Section A: (15 Marks) (Time Suggested: 25 Minutes)

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Section A

(15 marks)
(Time suggested: 25 minutes)

Grand Krayon

Come discover the natural beauty of rocky cliffs and undulating peaks

With peaks soaring over 1700 meters, there is a sense of wonder that overcomes
you in Grand Krayon. Keep exploring and you will discover more natural
phenomena in one destination than you ever imagined.
1. From the extract above, it can be concluded that Grand Krayon has
A. beautiful beaches
B. exciting nightlife
C. mountain views
D. natural parks

2. From the cartoon strip, we can conclude that both the men
A. did not agree with the saying
B. shopped on an empty stomach
C. had not shopped enough for foodstuff
D. bought a lot of foodstuff despite having eaten

Many people in the city would want to settle down in a quieter locality when they retire. One such
place they may want to consider is the coast off Rompin, a little island, four thousand hectares in
an area scattered with rock, thorny bushes and trees, with eagles and wildlife making the place
their home. Nobody has thought of settling there until recently.
3. From the extract, it can be concluded that
A. no one wants to stay on the island
B. there are people living on the island
C. the island has many primitive settlements
D. only eagles and wildlife can be found on the island

Do you enjoy snacking? Here are few tips to help you:

Keep each snack about the same size to avoid over-eating yet still satisfies your appetite

Appetizer-size portions in restaurants and at home are about the right size for mini-meals

You dont have to plan six or more different bite-sized meals each day
We cancould
You conclude
you enjoy
meals yousnacking,
are havingyou have to
A. consume as much as food as you like
B. eat both at home and at restaurants
C. make sure that you do not eat too much
D. divide your meal portions equally each day

2 Offer Cash Aid to Syrian Refugees

Petaling Jaya: Students nationwide came together as one when a collection of RM 800,000 was
collected to aid Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan due to the civil conflict in Syria. The
campaign, spearheaded by Datuk Megat Ayub, the Director of Relief Aid Foundation, is a
collaboration between Relief Aid Foundation and Warisan Sdn. Bhd. Students pledged their
donations via English carnivals, jumble sales and charity drives such as jogathons and food fairs.
5. From the news report, we know that the campaign
A. aims to promote humanitarian values
B. has targeted a collection of RM 800,000
C. is a joint effort between two organizations
D. has received limited support from students

6. The extract tells us that the Syrian refugees are affected by

A. natural disasters
B. drought
C. famine
D. war

Come February, figure skater ChewKai Xiang will create history when he becomes the
first ever Malaysian to ___9___ at the Winter Youth Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway.
7. When
No Harun saidI
Malaysian has know better thanintothese
ever competed do that, he was
games, referring
whether to or youth level.
at senior
A. doing his homework
Sixteen-year old Kai Xiang, is now braced for the ___10___ occasion of his skating career
B. playing online games
in February.
C. goingKai Xiang who
to detention started skating ___11___ the age of four, will compete against
15 D.
tired andinlethargic
the mens figure-skating event, including ___12___ from Japan
and the United States.
Piranhas hunt with speed and surprise tactics. The typical way of attacking prey is by swimming
The Japan-based skater ___13___ a year off from school to train in Osaka to
directly into a shoal of fish. The attacked shoal will scatter in all directions, and the piranha quickly
prepare forand
overpowers Lillehammer andSmall
individual fish. attempted toswallowed
fish are qualify forwhole.
the 2018
As forWinter Olympics
the larger in South
prey, chunks are
Korea.out of them, which the piranha swallows instantly so it can immediately attack another prey.
8. The word them in the extract refers to the
A. chunks
Its really hard as I stopped studying for one year to train in Japan. I train in the
B. piranhas
morning, then I go for Japanese language classes for three hours ___14___ I train again at
C. small fish said.
night, Kai Xiang
D. larger fish
Kai Xiang is actually a ___15___ for Julian Yee Zhi Jie who won Malaysias spot
Questions 9-15 finishing
in Lillehammer after are based19th
on the following
at the World passage. Choose the best
Junior Championship answerEstonia
in Tallinn to fill in
each blank.
in March.
However, as Julian is over the age limit of 17, his place went to Kai Xiang who is
the countrys No.2 ranked junior figure skater. Kai Xiang is also hoping that figure-skating
is included in the 2017 Sea Games in Kuala Lumpur as it is a step towards qualifying for
the Olympics.

Adapted from NST January 2016

A. compete
B. competes
C. competed
D. competing

A. big
B. bigger
C. biggest
D. most big

A. at
B. in
C. of
D. by

A. ones 4
B. them
C. these
D. those
A. took
B. takes
C. has taken
D. had taken

A. after
B. when
C. while
D. before

A. reserve
B. stand-in
C. substitute
D. replacement
Ever wonder how the shoes or footwear you are wearing were created? There are so
many interesting facts about shoes and their history. Now we can find shoes of every type and
colour. We wear them out of necessity but many follow trends and fashion. It is one big
industry which can make people rich., famousSection B
and glamorous. Let us see some facts about
(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 25 minutes)
At the beginning there was no right or left shoe. As such wearing shoes would be
Questions 16-25
uncomfortable. It was in Philadelphia where the first right and left shoes was invented. In
Read the following information on shoes and answer the questions that follow.
Ancient Egypt, shoes were used to distinguish between the poor and the rich. People wearing
red or yellow shoes would mean they came from the highest status of the society as the colours
were reserved for their use only. There are also shoes made from wood known as clogs. The
Dutch is famous for their wooden shoes, referred to as klompens. Nowadays we can easily see
all kind of shoes. There are sport shoes, court shoes, slippers, sandals, boots, and platforms.
Young women are crazy about their high-heeled or stilettos whilst the elderly will prefer flat-
heeled shoes or sandals. The materials for shoes are also varied; from palm leaves, cloths and
wood to canvas, PVC and leather.

Thanks to creative people, we are now able to put on shoes that are not only
comfortable but protective for our feet. Nevertheless, the rich still has an advantage of having
expensive shoes which are custom-made for them only. They are willing to pay for shoes that
they want. The most expensive pair were sold at an auction for US$660,000. They were the
Ruby Slippers, worn by actress Judy Garland in the Wizard of Oz.

Adapted from the internet-article by Charles Tops

(10 marks)
Section C
(25 marks)
(Time suggested: 50 minutes)

Questions 26-31 are based on the following passage.

26. From paragraph 1,
a) What do yoga practitioners do in laughter yoga sessions?
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

b) What does the word it in line 5 refers to?

_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

27. a) From paragraph 3, how do practitioners gain physiological and psychological benefits
of laughter yoga?
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

b) From paragraph 4, what is the difference between natural laughter and laughter
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

28. a) From paragraph 5, which word conveys the meaning of spur-of-the-moment?

_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

b) They are always running and walking in a mad rush (line 21).
What does this tell us about Japanese?
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

29. From paragraph 7,

a) What one piece of evidence shows that practitioners have gained from practicing
laughter yoga?
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

b) What does the phrase as the word spreads means?

_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

30. Laughter yoga provides a safe environment where one can laugh loudly and heartily
without any social implication.
Based on this statement, state one area that is considered a safe environment for practicing
laughter yoga.
Give a reason to support your answer.
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
_________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

31. It is believed that people who practice laughter yoga can gain a lot of benefits.
Write a summary on the benefits of laughter yoga.
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
meaning.Your summary must:
be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
use material from line 20 to line 40
not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:

Laughter yoga can be infectious and practitioners can gain the.

______________________(15 marks)
Section D
(5 marks)
(Time suggested: 35 minutes)

32. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

The Living Photograph by Jackie Kay

My small grandmother is tall there,

Straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt,

Pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,

A kind, old smile round her eyes.

Her big hand holds mine,

White hand in black hand.

Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look.

My tall grandmother became small.

Her back round and hunched

Her soup forgot to boil.

She went to the awful place grandmothers go

Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,

In the photo with me at three,

The crinkled smile is still living, breathing.

a) How does the persona thinks of her grandmother in stanza 3?
(1 mark)
b) In stanza 1,
(i) What does the phrase Her big hands holds mine refers to?
(1 mark)
(ii) How does the writer think her grandmother looks like?
(1 mark)
c) The writer refers to her grandmother based on a photograph.
(i) Why do you think she say The crinkled smile still living, breathing?
(1 mark)
(ii) How do you think she feels when she remembers her grandmother?
(1 mark)



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