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Br J Sports Med 1999;33:301311 301


Sport injuries of the elbow

Simon P Frostick, Mohammad Mohammad, David A Ritchie

Athletic injuries of the elbow are common collateral ligament. Imperfect healing of the
especially in throwing sports such as baseball medial collateral ligament (MCL) results in its
and tennis. An early diagnosis, early initiation attenuation and elbow instability. Any further
of treatment, and appropriate referrals for sur- valgus stresses induce compression of the
gical management enable athletes to return radiocapitellar joint.
safely to competition as quickly as possible.
Elbow injuries may involve any of the anatomi- Incidence
cal structures in the region. Safran3 suggests that elbow injuries are becom-
The normal range of motion at the elbow ing more common as more people participate
joint is 140 of flexion from full extension and in throwing and racquet sports. The type of
from 75 of pronation to 85 of supination.1 injury that is encountered depends, to some
The functional range of motion for activities of extent, on the type of athletic pursuit, but the
daily living is from 30 to 130 of flexion and injuries can be roughly grouped into the
50 of supination and pronation.2 This arc of enthesopathies (lateral and medial epicondyli-
motion allows independent function but would tis and other rarer similar conditions), valgus
Department of be very limiting for many athletic pursuits. The stress injuries as the result of altered function of
Musculoskeletal most appropriate range of motion varies with the primary constraint to valgus stress, and the
Science, University of the type of sport. For example, a gymnast per- MCL, posterior impingement, and nerve com-
Liverpool, Liverpool, forming handstands requires at least full exten- pression syndromes. Osteochondritis dissecans
United Kingdom sion (if not hyperextension) to lock the elbows, is found in younger athletes. Slocum4 classified
S P Frostick
M Mohammad
whereas baseball pitchers may have a flexion throwing injuries to the elbow but interestingly
contracture of their dominant elbow of up to did not mention injuries such as MCL damage,
Department of 20 that does not limit their eVectiveness.3 indicating that this type of injury has only fairly
Radiology, Royal Elbow injuries in athletes can be classified recently been recognised. Table 1 summarises
Liverpool University into acute or chronic. Most injuries in the ath- the types of injuries found in relation to
Hospital, Liverpool lete are chronic overuse injuries. Overuse inju- particular sports. Injuries to the elbow in
L69 3GA
D A Ritchie
ries are the result of repetitive overload result- throwers are quite common. King et al6
ing in microtears of the soft tissues. They are reported that 50% of all pitchers have flexion
Correspondence to: often myotendinous to the flexor-pronator contractures and about 30% have a cubitus
Professor S P Frostick, muscle group and can lead to tendonitis or valgus deformity. Tullos and King1 reported
Department of
Musculoskeletal Science,
muscular injury and eventually elbow flexion that 50% of baseball pitchers have injuries of
University of Liverpool, contracture. Repetitive microrupture of the either their shoulder or elbow that prevent
Liverpool L69 3GA, United flexor-pronator muscle group compromises the them from performing at some point in their
healing process leading to muscle contracture careers. The same authors also suggested that
Accepted for publication and fatigue. More repetitive stresses to the two thirds of pitchers have radiographic
19 July 1999 ulnar side of the elbow aVect the ulnar evidence of upper limb joint damage. Conway
et al7 found in a group of baseball pitchers
Table 1 Sports that commonly produce elbow injuries5
undergoing repair for chronic medial instability
Sport Common injury of the elbow that 68% had a fixed flexion
deformity. The common throwing injuries on
Racquet sports Lateral epicondylitis with backhand
Golf Medial epicondylitis on downswing with trailing arm the medial side of the elbow include MCL
Lateral epicondylitis with leading arm injury, posteromedial osteophyte formation,
Basketball Posterior compartment with follow through on jump shot medial epicondylitis, and ulnar nerve injury.8
Water-skiing Valgus extension overload of the posterior compartment with trick skiing
Bowling Flexor-pronator soreness Modern techniques of training and treatment
Baseball Valgus stress of pitching: medial traction, lateral compression, posterior may well have reduced the problem to some
abutment extent but the overall incidence of athletic inju-
Volleyball Valgus stress at impact of striking
Football Valgus stress with throwing a pass; hyperextension and dislocation and ries to the elbow is increasing because of
olecranon bursitis with direct trauma increased numbers of participants.
Gymnastics Radiocapitellar overload and posterior impingement with weight
bearing on extended elbow
Weight training Ulnar collateral ligament sprain, ulnar nerve irritation Biomechanics of elbow function
Field events One of the major misconceptions about all
Shot-put Posterior impingement with follow through upper limb joints concerns whether they are
Javelin Valgus-extension overload of throwing: medial traction, posterior
abutment, lateral compression weight-bearing or not. The more correct term
Canoeing, kayaking Distal bicipital tendinitis that should be applied to upper limb joints is
Archery Extensor muscle fatigue, lateral epicondylitis of bow arm
Rock climbing Brachialis or distal bicipital tendinitis
that they are load-bearing and the level of the
load depends on the position of the limb and
302 Frostick, Mohammad, Ritchie

the activity being undertaken. Certainly, the cocking to arm acceleration, the shoulder
upper limb joints bear less load than the hip or rotates internally, the forearm is in near-full
knee but to say they are not load-bearing is supination, and the elbow flexes another
incorrect. An and Morrey9 have estimated that, 2030 increasing the valgus load on the
at 90of flexion, a force three times body weight medial side of the elbow.12 This moment is
can be transmitted through the elbow. The sta- called the moment of explosion or initiation of
bility of the elbow depends on the bony archi- speed.13 The arm acceleration phase is the
tecture, the collateral ligaments (medial and short time from maximum external rotation to
lateral), and dynamic forces from the extensive ball release; during this phase the elbow
musculature that crosses the joint. The contri- extends rapidly to 20 of flexion at ball release,
bution made by each component depends on with a maximum speed as high as 2500 per
the position of the joint. Further, it must be second11 to 4500 per second.7 During arm
remembered that the radiohumeral joint and acceleration, the need to resist valgus stress at
the ulnohumeral joints both play a significant
the elbow can result in wedging of the
role in stress distribution. In sport injuries of
olecranon against the medial aspect of the tro-
the elbow, it is not only the transmission of load
chlear groove and the olecranon fossa. This
through the joint that is important but also the
angular velocities that are achieved in order to impingement leads to osteophyte formation at
launch a projectile, etc. Conway et al7 state that, the posterior and posteromedial aspects of the
in the acceleration phase of throwing a olecranon tip and can cause chondromalacia
baseball, the peak angular velocity across the and loose body formation.14 The arm decelera-
elbow is 4500 per second. At this level, tissues tion phase begins from ball release and when
such as the MCL may be subjected to damag- the arm reaches its maximum internal rotation.
ing forces. Soon after ball release, high compressive forces
The movement of the elbow is extremely are generated at the shoulder and elbow to pre-
complex in all athletic activities. The phases vent distraction.11 These compressive forces are
have been studied extensively in baseball pitch- greatest with throwing a fastball or slider
ers. Although the exact details diVer in other pitches.15 During the later stages of accelera-
overhead sports, the pitchers elbow movement tion, the triceps muscle contracts to extend the
can be used as a model of the stresses that are elbow, placing tensile forces on the olecranon
applied in such strenuous activity. process.16 The follow through phase begins at
The act of throwing a baseball can be divided maximum internal rotation and ends when the
into several phases; each phase involves com- pitcher attains a balanced fielding position.11
plex body movements with the elbow playing a During the follow through phase, the elbow
central role in each phase. Werner et al10 flexes into the resting position.17 Forces at the
divided the throwing motion into six phases: elbow during follow through are significantly
wind up, stride, arm cocking, arm acceleration, less than during arm deceleration.11 This
arm deceleration, and follow through. Wind up description of the position changes that occur
starts when the thrower begins the movement in baseball pitching shows that the elbow is put
and is completed when the front of the knee under severe stress at several points in the
reaches its maximum height. The elbow is manoeuvre, each of which can result in serious
flexed throughout this phase. The stride phase injury.
ends when the front foot contacts the mound The act of throwing depends on a stable
and during this phase the throwing arm and elbow joint. Considerable emphasis has been
ball separate from the lead arm and glove. The placed on the role of the MCL in the stability of
elbow in this phase extends at first and then the elbow to valgus stress. In a number of arti-
flexes. Minimal muscle activity and elbow cles and reviews, Morrey and others refer to the
kinetics are present during the wind up and anterior bundle of the MCL as being the
stride phases. The arm cocking phase starts primary stabiliser against valgus stress.18 19 The
when the front foot contacts the mound and
radial head is regarded as being the secondary
ends when the arm reaches maximum external
stabiliser to valgus stress, which in the presence
rotation. Shortly after the arm cocking phase
of a normal MCL plays no part in resisting a
begins, the upper torso is rotated to face the
batter.11 Elbow flexors are active during the valgus deforming force. Interestingly, there is
early part of the arm cocking phase.10 About 30 little in the literature about the role of the mus-
millseconds before maximum external rota- cles acting about the elbow and their ability to
tion, the triceps become active and elbow flex- resist deforming forces. Hamilton et al20
ors become inactive, resulting in a decrease in showed alterations in the electromyographic
flexion torque and thus the elbow begins to characteristics of the extensor/supinator and
extend.11 At the conclusion of the arm cocking flexor/pronator groups during diVerent phases
phase, the shoulder is abducted, extended, and of baseball pitching when comparing pitchers
externally rotated to about 130 and the elbow with an MCL injury with those without.
is flexed to about 90. In this position, the Further, it is evident that in some sportsfor
elbow begins to be subjected to severe valgus example, gymnasticsthere appears to be
stress.12 During the arm cocking phase, the arm hypermobility of the elbow joint. Ellenbecker et
rotates externally at the shoulder and a varus al21 have shown that in uninjured baseball
torque is produced at the elbow to prevent the pitchers there is an increase in the opening of
joint from going into valgus. An abnormal load the medial joint space of the dominant arm
on the elbow in this phase may lead to serious compared with the non-dominant on valgus
injury. In the transitional moment from arm stress testing. This may suggest that there is
Sport injuries of the elbow 303

Table 2 Valgus extension overload syndrome23 pronator teres and triceps play significant roles
in power production for the serve. Kibler28
Medial tension
injury type Description indicated that the elbow joint contributes 15%
of the force produced during the tennis serve.
I MCL injury, MCL subacute injury with The motion for ground strokes creates smaller
inflammation, MCL partial tear, MCL
complete tear demands on the elbow.
II Posteromedial impingement, chondromalacia,
osteophyte formation, olecranon stress Physical examination of the throwers
fractures and loose bodies
III Flexor-pronator injury, medial epicondylitis, elbow
partial rupture of flexor-pronator muscle type The examination of the elbow includes inspec-
IV Ulnar nerve entrapment, cubital tunnel tion, palpation of bony and soft tissues, range
syndrome, ulnar nerve subluxation, lateral
compression injury of motion assessment, resisted muscle testing, a
V Radiocapitellar overload syndrome, lateral neurological examination, and special tests. A
elbow pain, capitellum and radial head complete and thorough history is important
chondromalacia, capitellum and radial head
osteochondritis dissecans including site and severity of pain and the
aggravating movements.
MCL, medial collateral ligament. Athletes with chronic instability of the elbow
due to either complete disruption or attenua-
chronic stretching of the MCL before an injury tion of the MCL have pain and soreness along
occurs which presumably could put the MCL the medial elbow during the acceleration phase
at risk. (85%), projectile release or contact between
In baseball pitchers, most elbow injuries the racquet and ball (35%), and during follow
occur during the late cocking and early through (25%).7
acceleration phase.8 Bennett22 and Slocum4 The mechanism of injury should be ex-
were the first to divide throwing injuries of the plained thoroughly as it is usually the best
elbow into two types: medial tension and valgus guide for diagnosis. For example, feeling a pop
compression. This concept has been refined so on the medial elbow while throwing followed
that throwing injuries now fall into a broad by soft tissue swelling and pain indicates an
group termed valgus extension overload syn- MCL injury. In contrast, the throwers with
drome (table 2). During the early part of the ulnar nerve pathology often complain of
acceleration phase, excessive stress causes a neurological symptoms in the hand.30
wedging eVect of the olecranon into the Examination of the patient requires com-
olecranon fossa. This impingement leads to plete exposure of the trunk and both arms.
osteophyte formation at the posterior and pos- This provides the clinician with a full view of
teromedial aspects of the olecranon tip. A the neck, shoulders, and arms. The following
chondromalacic lesion may be found on the structures should be palpated and tests carried
trochlear of the humerus as a result. Moreover, out. (a) The medial epicondyle as it is the ori-
the olecranon osteophyte can break oV as a gin of the flexor pronator group and its base is
loose body in the joint. If the posteromedial the origin of the ulnar collateral ligament. (b)
impingement is preventing optimum perform- The medial supracondylar ridge should be
ance in the athlete, surgical excision of the pos- examined for osteophytes and any other poten-
teromedial aspect of the olecranon tip may be tial causes of nerve compression syndromes. (c)
required.14 In a pitcher with an attenuated Tenderness or bony prominence along the
MCL, more of the valgus stability depends on proximal one third of the ulnar border may be
the articulation of the radial head with the associated with stress fracture in throwers.30 (d)
capitellum.24 Repetitive loading of the radio- The lateral epicondyle is painful in cases of lat-
humeral joint can lead to osteochondral eral epicondylitis. Tenderness over the supina-
fractures of the capitellum which can displace tor muscle and not over the lateral epicondyle
and become a loose body within the joint.8 or conjoint tendon diVerentiates radial tunnel
In gymnasts, the upper extremities transmit syndrome from unresolved lateral
high loads during tumbling, handstands, one epicondylitis.31 In addition, several other physi-
arm balance, and trunk stabilisation on the cal findings in radial tunnel syndrome are
bars. The most common elbow injury in gym- absent in patients with tennis elbowfor
nasts is a traction injury to the ulnar aspect of example, pain may be produced with resisted
the elbow joint.25 These injuries include partial supination or resisted extension of the middle
tears of flexor muscle mass, MCL strains, and finger (positive middle finger sign).32 On
medial epicondyle traction injuries. In gymnas- physical examination of patients with posterior
tics, excessive forces are applied to the triceps, interosseous nerve compression, there is weak-
especially during vaulting and floor exercises, ness in the long thumb abductor, thumb and
when the repeated flexion and extension of the digital extensors, and the extensor carpi
elbow inflames the triceps insertion.26 Inflam- ulnaris, and when wrist extension is tested,
mation of the triceps insertion is described as there is radial deviation of the extended wrist
the jumpers knee of the elbow.27 due to weakness of the extensor carpi ulnaris.32
In tennis, the load on the elbow is dependent (e) The MCL is occasionally referred to as the
on the type of stroke used. During the serve, anterior cruciate ligament of the elbow. It
the elbow functions through a range of 100, extends from the medial epicondyle to the
from 116 to 20 of flexion, but during ground medial margin of the ulnar trochlea notch. It is
strokes, the range of motion is significantly diYcult to palpate but pain can be elicited on
smaller, with 11 for forehand and 18 for valgus stress testing. Conway et al7 describe the
backhand.28 Morris et al29 found that the valgus stress test as follows: the arm of the
304 Frostick, Mohammad, Ritchie

standing patient was postioned in the coronal Plain films will also detect most cases of
plane of the body, with the shoulder in abduc- osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum.
tion and external rotation and the forearm Cystic changes within the capitellum and
supinated. The elbow was flexed 30 to reduce flattening or irregularities of the articular
the constraints provided by the configurations surface can be seen, especially in the antero-
of the bones of the elbow. The patients hand posterior view. Loose bodies can sometimes be
was held between the examiners arm and chest seen on plain films, but often CT arthrography
wall; this left one of the examiners hands free or MRI is needed. A bone scan may be positive
to apply valgus stress on the elbow and the in cases in which the plain radiographic
other hand free to palpate the medial joint line findings are unhelpful, but CT/MRI will
beneath the ulnar collateral ligament. (f) A provide definitive answers.36 MRI is useful in
neurological examination should be per- identifying early osteochondritis dissecans in
formed. It should be determined if the ulnar the elbow. Decreased signal is seen in the
subluxes or dislocates from the groove. It must capitellum on T1 weighted images, with
be remembered that in some athletes ulnar increased signal on T2 weighted images.35
neuritis may be associated with MCL instabil- CT of the elbow provides excellent bony
ity. (g) Valgus extension overload test is positive details; also small loose bodies that escape
in the case of painful elbow due to posterome- detection on plain films can be identified with
dial osteophyte in the medial side of olecranon CT. So, in general, CT and MRI are helpful
fossa.14 Impingement in this area is a common when symptoms persist and plain radiographs
finding in throwers. The test is performed by fail to define the disorder precisely. MRI is now
placing the arm in forced extension and exert- the imaging method of choice for detecting and
ing valgus stress, simulating the position of the staging osteochondritis dissecans. Intact carti-
arm during the acceleration phase of pitching. lage, contrast enhancement of the lesion, and
The palpating finger over the posteromedial absent cystic defects are in keeping with a
olecranon tip will elicit tenderness. Crepitus stable lesion (fig 1) whereas cartilage defects
may be felt. (h) In patients with radiocapitellar with or without incomplete separation of the
chondromalacia or degenerative changes, if the fragment, fluid around an undetached frag-
examiner places a finger over the radial head ment, and a dislodged fragment denote an
while gently supinating and pronating the unstable lesion. Therefore MRI plays a crucial
elbow in diVerent degrees, crepitus, popping, role in the decision on which patients require
and pain may be elicited. arthroscopy and possible intervention.3739 Os-
teochondritis has to be diVerentiated from the
Imaging techniques normal pseudo-defect of the capitellum, but
Plain radiographs of the elbow should include this defect occurs on the posterolateral aspect
an anteroposterior view in extension and full of the capitellum whereas osteochondritis
supination, a lateral view with the elbow in 90 dissecans is classically on the anterior aspect.
of flexion, both external and internal oblique Panners disease (osteochondrosis of the
views in extension, and an axial projection of capitellum) is similar to osteochondritis disse-
the olecranon process. cans but occurs in children of five to seven
In cases of MCL injuries, routine radio- years of age and carries a good prognosis.40
graphs may show calcification within the Residual deformity and loose bodies are
ligament and chronic traction spurs on the ulna commonly found with osteochondritis disse-
or loose bodies. A gravity valgus stress cans but are unusual with Panners disease. In
radiograph of both the symptomatic and rare cases, MRI may be helpful in diagnosing
asymptomatic elbows can be useful in assessing lateral epicondylitis (fig 2). Ruptures of the
medial joint line opening, although a negative distal biceps tendon are also readily confirmed
radiograph should not rule out the diagnosis of by MRI (fig 3).
MCL insuYciency.33 Elbow arthroscopy may be a useful modality
More detailed imaging methods may be in the diagnosis and treatment of athletic elbow
needed to determine the exact extent of an injuries. It is diYcult to learn and requires high
injury especially when there is ligamentous quality equipment. For the few experts in the
damage. In a recent study of the reliability of technique, the indications for its use in the
imaging techniques,34 computed tomography elbow have broadened to include loose body
(CT) arthrograms and magnetic resonance and osteophyte removal, synovectomy, joint
imaging (MRI) scans were compared in contracture release, evaluation of undiagnosed
baseball pitchers with MCL injuries who were elbow pain, evaluation and treatment of acute
undergoing surgery. Both CT arthrogram and fractures, and diagnosis of MCL tears.41 The
MRI had 100% sensitivity in detecting com- advantage of elbow arthroscopy is that exten-
plete tears, but only CT arthrography was sive direct visualisation of the elbow joint can
helpful in detecting partial undersurface tears be achieved and treatment undertaken with
(71% sensitivity compared with 14% for MRI) minimal soft tissue damage. At present it is not
in which a thin superficial layer of the anterior possible to be certain that rehabilitation is any
bundle is still intact. Both methods showed faster than with open techniques and therefore
high specificity in detecting tears (CT arthro- whether the athlete can return to competition
gram 91%, MRI 100%). A further study deter- earlier. Experience with the shoulder has been
mined the role of MR arthrography in similar that the rehabilitation time after arthroscopic
injuries.35 This study showed that MR arthrog- techniques is at least as long as after open tech-
raphy is likely to be useful in detecting both niques and some surgeons protect the joint for
complete and partial tears of the MCL. considerably longer.
Sport injuries of the elbow 305

Figure 1 Imaging results for a 14 year old girl (a gymnast) with lateral elbow pain (diagnosis osteochondritis dissecans of
the capitellum). (A) Oblique arthrographic image of the capitellum; sagittal (B) T1 weighted spin echo, (C) T2 weighted
magnetisation transfer contrast gradient echo and (D) T1 weighted volume spectral presaturation inversion recovery
magnetic resonance images. The arthrographic image shows an ill defined 10 mm subtle subchondral lucency (curved white
arrows) aVecting the anterior portion of the capitellum but the overlying cartilage appears intact. On the magnetic
resonance images, the osteochondral lesion displays inhomogeneous mainly intermediate signal intensity on both T1W/T2W
resulting from some reparative granulation/fibrous tissue (black arrowheads). Some reactive change is noted in the adjacent
humeral marrow. The overlying cortex has an ill defined irregular margin, and the articular cartilage (straight white
arrows) is thickened and inhomogeneous. However, there is no fluid between the osteochondral lesion and parent bone and
the lesion is considered stable.

Elbow arthroscopy is a technically demand- tains relaxation of the neurovascular structures

ing procedure, and a detailed knowledge of the in the antecubital fossa and allows capsular
elbow anatomy is needed to avoid neurovascu- laxity facilitating distension.42 The soft spot of
lar complications from improper portal place- the elbow is located before portal placement. It
ment. The patient is placed in a supine position lies in the centre of a triangle bordered by the
on the operating table, with the arm suspended olecranon tip, radial head, and the lateral
freely over the edge of the table to allow full epicondyle. The elbow joint is usually dis-
access to the elbow. The shoulder is abducted tended with saline introduced. The antero-
to 90 and the elbow flexed to 90. The arm lateral portal is established first; it is just ante-
position is maintained with Chinese finger rior and proximal to the radial head and is
traps attached to an overhead pulley using a located 23 cm distal and 1 cm anterior to the
counterweight of 25 kg. Elbow flexion main- lateral epicondyle.43 The second portal that is
306 Frostick, Mohammad, Ritchie

option. Secondly, prevention requires educa-

tion about proper warm up, stretching exer-
cises, and avoidance of fatigue. Once an athlete
develops an overuse injury, an aggressive non-
operative programme is undertaken. The acro-
nym PRICEMM contains the elements of
rehabilitation (table 3). The use of various
modalities such as ultrasound depends on the
preferences of the therapists involved. Our
experience is that these methods have very lit-
tle use in the treatment and rehabilitation of
sports persons. In acute injuries, initial rest and
reduction of swelling is required before the for-
mal rehabilitation programme is commenced.
Wilk et al45 described the phases of rehabilita-
tion after elbow injuries as follows: (a)
immediate controlled motion; (b) immediate
strengthening; (c) dynamic stabilisation; (d)
Figure 2 Coronal T2 weighted fast spin echo fat suppressed functional progression.
magnetic resonance image of the elbow of a patient with The progression through each phase de-
lateral epicondylitis showing a tear of the common extensor pends on the response to treatment. Those who
origin (arrow).
provide treatment for these injuries need to
have in mind a set of achievable milestones that
usually established is the anteromedial. This
will demonstrate resolution of the problem to
can be positioned by either an inside out
both the patient and therapist but also, when
method or an outside in technique. The
not achieved, indicate that the problem may be
anteromedial portal is 2 cm anterior and 2 cm
more complex than originally thought. The
distal to the medial epicondyle.44 The antero-
success of non-operative methods of treatment
lateral and anteromedial portals allow a thor-
depends on our understanding of the problem
ough examination of the anterior compartment
in terms of both normal and abnormal physiol-
of the elbow. Once the anterior compartment
ogy, how well the treatment can be applied, and
has been examined, the direct lateral portal is
the motivation of the patient. Moreover, it must
placed at the soft spot of the elbow. A second
be remembered that correction of an elbow
lateral working portal can be established 1 cm
problem may need a much more holistic
distal to the direct lateral portal if needed.44
approach both physically and psychologically.
The posterolateral portal is made under direct
visualisation with the arthroscope in the lateral
Some specific conditions
portal; it is located 3 cm proximal and 1 cm
lateral to the tip of the olecranon along the lat-
The most common problem with the elbow in
eral edge of the triceps.43 The direct posterior
athletes is lateral epicondylitis, called tennis
portal is established while the scope is in the
elbow in the United Kingdom. Lateral epi-
posterolateral portal. It is placed through the
condylitis is an overuse injury. It is well known
triceps 3 cm proximal to the tip of the
that it aVects tennis players but it also aVects
olecranon.43 The posterior portals allow good
athletes participating in other racquet sports,
visualisation of the posterior structures and
throwing athletes, golfers, labourers, and
joint surfaces.
musicians.46 The term tennis elbow is inappro-
priate and anachronistic as 95% of cases of lat-
Principles of treatment eral epicondylitis occur in non-tennis players.47
The basic principles of treatment of all sporting Field and Savoie48 estimate that 50% of people
injuries are that the injuries are speedily and partaking in any sport that involves overhead
eVectively treated with the aim of returning the arm motions will develop lateral epicondylitis.
patient to their sport at the same level as previ- It is associated with repetitive and excessive use
ously as soon as possible. Whether these prin- of the wrist extensors. Pathologically there is
ciples are achievable or not depends on the degeneration of the origin of the extensor carpi
severity of the injury, the eYcacy of the radialis brevis at the common extensor origin.
treatment modalities, and the motivation of the Coonrad and Hooper49 described the pathol-
sports person. Treatment of injuries of the ogy of tennis elbow as necrosis, round cell
elbow should start with prevention. Prevention infiltration, focal calcification, and scar forma-
depends on several factors. Firstly, correct tion in the extensor carpi radialis brevis origin.
training techniques are required to ensure Nirschl and Pettrone50 showed that pathologi-
optimal performance without injury. This con- cally there is invasion of blood vessels,
cept presupposes that there is an understand- fibroblastic proliferation, and lymphatic infil-
Table 3 PRICEMM3 ing of both the optimisation of performance tration (angiofibroblastic hyperplasia). As the
and the causes of injury and normal physiologi- process continues, mucoid degeneration at the
P Protection cal function. It is to be hoped that, for elite and origin of the tendons occurs.51 The term tendi-
R Rest professional sports persons, good quality nosis is sometimes used to distinguish the
I Ice
C Compression coaching are available as well as exercise physi- problem from acute tendinitis.52 The patho-
E Elevation ologists, etc. Sports persons other than the elite logical changes involve the extensor carpi
M Medication
M Modalities
are unlikely to have access to such professionals radialis brevis tendon in nearly all cases, but the
so that primary prevention may not be an anterior edge of the extensor communis tendon
Sport injuries of the elbow 307

Figure 3 Distal biceps tendon rupture in a professional

rugby league player. Sagittal (A) T1WSE and
(B) T2WFSE fat suppressed and (C) axial T2WFSE fat
suppressed magnetic resonance images. Complete avulsion of
the biceps tendon close to its insertion at the radial
tuberosity (white arrow). The retracted tendon shows an
irregular stump surrounded by fluid (arrowheads).

is involved in 30% of cases.52 Plancher et al53 there was increased electromyographic activity
reported that the extensor carpi radialis longus in the wrist extensors and pronator teres at the
and the extensor carpi ulnaris may also be point of ball impact and follow through
involved. Lateral epicondylitis in young tennis compared with uninjured individuals. Lieber et
players develops as a result of incorrect al58 studied sarcomere length in the extensor
production of the single arm backhand stroke.54 carpi radialis brevis and determined that there
Giangarra et al55 compared single and double is a biphasic lengthening of the sarcomeres and
handed backhand strokes and concluded that postulated that the eccentric contraction may
using a double handed stroke may allow impact cause muscle damage. Lateral epicondylitis is a
forces to be transmitted through rather than common diagnosis but care must be taken not
absorbed by the elbow. In right handed golfers, to miss a radial tunnel syndrome, which may be
lateral epicondylitis can develop in the left either presenting in association with the
elbow. This occurs in the power portion of the epicondylitis or mimicking it. The incidence of
down stroke when the left elbow is extending lateral epicondylitis is 47% in recreational ten-
sharply so that at impact the lateral elbow nis players and 45% in world class players.59
extensors forcefully and isometrically control Gruchow and Pelletier60 also noted a 40% inci-
hand/wrist motion. On the follow through, the dence of lateral epicondylitis in recreational
left wrist supinates to cause increased torque tennis players. Nirschl61 noted a 50% incidence
on the extensor/supinator origin on the lateral of lateral epicondylitis in tennis players older
epicondyle.56 than 30 in a study performed on 200 club play-
Kelley et al57 were able to show that, in ers. The male to female ratio is approximately
patients suVering from lateral epicondylitis, one. The median age of onset of tennis elbow is
308 Frostick, Mohammad, Ritchie

41 years although it has been diagnosed in Childress71 noted that 16.2% of the general
children as young as 12 and people as old as 80. population had evidence of recurrent disloca-
Kitai et al62 compared tennis players with and tion of the ulnar nerve. He divided these into
without lateral epicondylitis. In this study, the two types. In the first there is an incomplete
players without symptoms were found to be dislocation of the ulnar nerve; in this group the
younger and played tennis for fewer hours each ulnar nerve is susceptible to direct trauma. In
week. Most athletes respond to non-operative the second type, the nerve dislocates
methods of treatment. This includes activity completely and neuritis of the friction type
modification, physiotherapy, and occasionally develops more often. Recurrent subluxation of
local steroid instillation. Plancher et al53 the ulnar nerve is more often found in athletes
emphasised that most athletes respond to non- who exhibit congenital musculoskeletal
surgical treatment but also stated that, in hyperlaxity.72 Although these previous data
carefully selected resistant cases, surgery is seem to indicate frequent occurrence of a sub-
successful in 8595%. Assendelft et al63 per- luxing or dislocating ulnar nerve, it is our per-
formed a systematic review of the literature on sonal experience that this is a rarity.
the use of steroids in the treatment of lateral Entrapment of the ulnar nerve can occur as
epicondylitis, and were only able to find very the result of a combination of any of four major
poor evidence for their benefit and then prob- aetiological factors. (a) Traction injuries to the
ably only short term. Labelle et al64 were unable nerve may occur because of the dynamic valgus
to find any good quality evidence to support forces of pitching especially when combined
any treatment modality for lateral epicondyli- with valgus instability of the elbow.73 Apfelberg
tis! Comerford P (unpublished work) suggests and Larson74 showed that the ulnar nerve must
that, in a situation in which there is dominance elongate on average by 4.7 mm during elbow
of the extensor carpi radialis brevis, lateral epi- flexion. Valgus instability due to MCL incom-
condylitis will occur and suggests that retrain- petence results in further traction of the ulnar
ing the primary elbow flexors and lengthening nerve as it courses around the medial epi-
of the wrist extensors is beneficial. condyle. (b) Progressive compression can
Medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow) is only occur at the cubital tunnel or where the nerve
20% as common as lateral epicondylitis.61 passes between the two heads of the flexor
Some 80% of cases of medial epicondylitis are carpi ulnaris. Normally the ulnar nerve is not
found in men.65 Lateral epicondylitis in golfers fixed at the elbow and requires freedom to
has been reported as often as medial move longitudinally with elbow movement.
epicondylitis.66 Lateral epicondylitis more com- Compression at the cubital tunnel can occur
monly occurs in the left arm, whereas medial secondary to inflammation and adhesions from
epicondylitis occurs more commonly in the repetitive stresses. ODriscoll et al75 observed
right arm. Right handed golfers develop lateral that with elbow flexion there is a decrease in the
epicondylitis in the left elbow, the pulling arm. size of the cubital tunnel because of the
Medial epicondylitis occurs as a result of anatomic orientation of the cubital tunnel reti-
hitting the ground rather than the ball.67 In naculum resulting in compression and flatten-
amateurs, the lateral elbow was found much ing of the ulnar nerve. Entrapment at the origin
more commonly to be the source of injury by of the flexor carpi ulnaris is due to overdevelop-
nearly 5 to 1 than the medial side.68 Lateral ment secondary to resistance weight training
elbow pain most often involves the lead arm.69 exercises. (c) Recurrent subluxation of the
Among male amateur golfers, the elbow was nerve due to acquired laxity from repetitive
the most commonly injured site.67 Field and stress or trauma leading to friction neuritis. (d)
Savoie48 have suggested that medial epicondyli- Irregularities within the ulnar groove such as
tis is precipitated by repetitive valgus strain on spurs commonly seen from overuse injuries in
the elbow. The condition typically presents throwers.
with pain in the region of the common flexor In the throwing athlete multiple factors may
origin but particularly at the junction of the operate in the aetiology of the ulnar neuritis.
pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis. As with
lateral epicondylitis, the treatment of choice is Radial nerve
non-operative, but occasionally surgery is Radial tunnel syndrome caused by a compres-
required. Increased flexor electromyographic sion of the radial nerve is uncommon but may
activity has been found in golfers with medial be confused with lateral epicondylitis.65 There
epicondylitis in the address and swing phases of are four possible sites of entrapment of the
the stroke.70 Comerford P (unpublished) has radial nerve. The most proximal site is just
suggested that medial epicondylitis may be due anterior to the radial head and is caused by a
to overactivity of the wrist flexors and unload- fibrous band at the entrance to the radial tun-
ing can result in resolution of the symptoms. nel. The second cause of compression is by
vessels from the recurrent radial vessels. The
tendinous margin of the extensor carpi radialis
NERVE INJURIES AND COMPRESSION SYNDROMES brevis is the third site of compression, and the
Ulnar nerve fourth is that caused by the arcade of Frohse.8
Ulnar neuritis is a common finding in patients The arcade of Frohse is found as the nerve
with chronic elbow instability, and surgery to enters the supinator. The fourth site is the most
stabilise the elbow can precipitate similar common. In 5% of cases, the posterior interos-
symptoms. Conway et al7 reported a 21% post- seous nerve entrapment can coexist with lateral
operative incidence of ulnar nerve symptoms epicondylitis.76 In 30% of people, the arcade of
and signs. Frohse is a thick fibrous band.77 Behr and
Sport injuries of the elbow 309

Altchek8 mentioned that weight lifters and RUPTURE OF THE DISTAL BICEPS TENDON
bowlers have been known to develop posterior Morrey81 noted that distal rupture of the biceps
interosseous nerve syndrome. Compression tendon is rare, accounting for 310% of all
neuropathy of the posterior interosseous nerve biceps ruptures with none reported in women,
occurs after repetitive pronation and supina- and occurs in the dominant arm in over 80%.
tion of the forearm in tennis players and with Davis and Yassine82 postulated that the rupture
the repeated activity of throwing and batting, occurred as a combination of degeneration in
and in gymnastics. Cabrera and McCue78 the tendon and hypertrophic lipping at the
noted that radial tunnel syndrome alone is seen anterior border of the radial tuberosity.
in throwing sports, swimming, golf, tennis, and Leighton et al83 describe the typical case as
weight lifting. Radial tunnel syndrome occurs occurring between the 4th and 6th decades,
in athletes participating in sports such as after a single traumatic event. The rupture
weight lifting, rowing, and bowling through occurs at the junction of tendon and bone.
vigorous contraction of the extensor muscles.32 Patients present with pain, swelling, and local
Andrews and Whiteside31 reported that radial bruising. Discernible biceps weakness is
present but diYcult to test because of pain.
tunnel syndrome occurs in athletes who
The treatment is by surgical repair. Morrey et
perform racquet sports and forceful handwork
al81 showed that, in patients treated by
such as rope climbing. These authors also sug-
non-operative means, there was a 40% loss of
gested that the most obvious cause of posterior supination strength and on average a 30% loss
interosseous nerve syndrome in athletes is of flexion strength, whereas in those treated by
overuse/muscular hypertrophy at the arcade of operative means full power was restored when
Frohse or in the mid or distal supinator muscle. repaired acutely. The standard method of
Radial tunnel syndrome has been referred to as treatment was described by Boyd and
resistant tennis elbow because many patients Anderson84 but recent modifications such as
have been misdiagnosed as having lateral re-attaching the tendon with suture anchors
epicondylitis with unsuccessful treatment.8 has simplified the procedure. A number of
The presenting symptoms and signs depend on authors have reported good return of function
the site of compression. However, there may be after surgical repair.83 8588 Rupture in sports
no motor or sensory deficits with radial tunnel persons is uncommon in an uncommon prob-
syndrome.79 Symptoms and signs may be only lem. In the nine patients described by Leighton
found in relation to activities. Nerve conduc- et al,83 only one sustained the injury in a sport
tion studies may not contribute to the diagno- (weight lifting). Our limited experience in-
sis. Surgical decompression may be required. cludes recent treatment of a professional rugby
league player who sustained his injury while
tackling (fig 3). As with all tendon ruptures in
Musculocutaneous nerve
sports persons, it is necessary to be aware that
Entrapment of this nerve has been reported in anabolic steroid ingestion may be a contribut-
swimmers, weight lifters, racquet players, and ing factor.
throwing athletes.65 Compression of the mus-
culocutaneous nerve occurs proximally at the OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS AND OTHER
level of the coracobrachialis. In weight lifters, LESIONS SEEN IN YOUNG ATHLETES
the condition has been found to be secondary Elbow injuries are a relatively common occur-
to muscle hypertrophy. More commonly, en- rence in gymnasts. Rettig and Patel65 estimated
trapment of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the that 5% of sport injuries in gymnasts occurred
forearm is encountered. The nerve is com- at the elbow. Chan et al89 reported that 19 elite
pressed between the distal biceps tendon and gymnasts of average age 13.5 years had chronic
the brachialis muscle. Entrapment of this nerve stress injuries at the elbow: seven had pathol-
has been reported in racquet ball and tennis ogy aVecting the capitellum, four had radial
players probably secondary to repetitive elbow head abnormalities, seven had an abnormal
hyperextension.77 olecranon epiphysis, and one had an injury to
the medial articular surfaces. These authors
also showed that those with articular surface
Median nerve
abnormalities did not return to gymnastics.
Pronator teres syndrome is uncommon; it has Jackson et al90 reported 10 cases of osteochon-
been reported in throwing sports, racquet dritis dissecans of the capitellum in seven elite
sports, weight lifting, gymnastics, and contact gymnasts; only one was still training at 2.9
sports.80 Entrapment of the median nerve years follow up. Osteochondritis dissecans of
occurs as the result of compression from mus- the capitellum is seen most commonly in ado-
cle hypertrophy of the dominant arm in lescents. Sport involving repetitive motionfor
racquet sports for example or from both arms example, throwing sportsor activities that
in strength training.31 Entrapment can occur at increase the load across the elbowfor exam-
the ligament of Struthers, lacertus fibrosis, ple, gymnasticsare associated with the
between the two heads of the pronator teres, problem.36 Most osteochondritis dissecans le-
and at the flexor digitorum superficialis arch. sions occur in the dominant extremity.12
As with radial tunnel syndrome, the presenting Williamson and Albright91 reported on a 17
complaint depends on the anatomical site of year old female pitcher with bilateral elbow
the compression. Nerve conduction studies are osteochondritis. The treatment of osteochon-
required to disclose the level of the compres- dritis dissecans depends on the extent of the
sion, and surgical decompression is required. area of devascularisation and whether the
310 Frostick, Mohammad, Ritchie

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