School of Computer Science and Information Technology

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School of Computer Science and Information Technology

Subject Code : ITIS 31133

Subject Name : Web Programming
Programme : BIT (Hons) (Information Systems)
Lecturer : S. Sivaguru
Assignment :1
Date : 25 / 02 / 2010
Duration : 1 week

The Student Recruitment Division of AIMST University has asked you to create a homepage for their
division. Design a banner for the Student Recruitment Division of AIMST University by using Adobe
Photoshop. Include the banner into this webpage. Include some useful content into the webpage. Provide
a form that allows prospective students to provide feedback about their visit to Semeling campus. Your
XHTML document should contain a form with text boxes for a name, address (provide a drop-down list
for states) and e-mail. Provide checkboxes that allow prospective students to indicate what they liked most
about the campus. The checkboxes should include: students, staff, location, sports complex, lake, students
hostel, cafeteria, library, laboratories and etc. Also, provide radio buttons that ask the prospective students
how they became interested in the university. Options should include: friends, television, radio, internet,
newspaper, education fair and others. In addition, provide a text area for additional comments, a submit
button and a reset button.

1. Use all three techniques to apply styles (i.e. inline style definitions, embedded style sheet and
external files which then linked) to this homepage:
2. Include images to make the webpage more attractive
3. Use images for linkages
4. Use image mapping technique to link different parts of image to different place
5. Include audio, video and applets
6. Include meta tags

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