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Exam Practice Evans Tries an O-Level

Short Answer Type Questions (3 marks each)

Note: These questions must ideally be answered in your own words, in approximately 30-
40 words each.

1. What was unusual about the request received by the examination board?

2. What reason did McLeery give for bringing the rubber ring with him?

3. Who had impersonated whom in the plan to escape?

4. How is Evans not a typical criminal?

5. Did the exam go as scheduled?

6. Did the Governor and his staff finally heave a sigh of relief?

7. Will the injured McLeery be able to help the prison officers track Evans?

8. Did the clues left behind on the question paper put Evans back in prison again?

9. Hed look after that particular side of things himself. What does that refer to?

10. When Evans tutor said that there was little chance that Evans would pass, he responded, I
may surprise everybody. What surprise did he have in mind?

11. Why did Evans wish to wear a dirty red-and-white bobble hat on the day of his exam?

12. What reason did Evans give for asking for a blanket? What was the real reason?

13. How did the Governor know that Evans was in the Golden Lion Hotel?

Long Answer Type Questions (6 marks each)

i. This list takes care of extrapolatory, value-based and global comprehension questions,
as per the latest curriculum.
ii. These questions must ideally be answered in your own words, in approximately 120-
150 words each.
1. What were the precautions taken for the smooth conduct of the examination?

2. There were several interruptions during the exam. How did these interruptions help Evans

3. Reflecting on the story, what did you feel about Evans having the last laugh?

4. When Stephens returns to the cell he jumps to a conclusion and the whole machinery blindly
goes by his assumption without even checking the identity of the injured McLeery. Does this
show how hasty conjectures can prevent one from seeing the obvious? How is the criminal
able to predict such negligence?

5. What could the Governor have done to securely bring Evans back to prison when he caught
him at the Golden Lion? Does that final act of foolishness really prove that he was just
another good-for-a-giggle, gullible governor that was all?

6. While we condemn the crime, we are sympathetic to the criminal. Is this the reason why
prison staff often develops a soft corner for those in custody?

7. Do you agree that between crime and punishment it is mainly a battle of wits?

8. What did the prison authorities do to ensure that Evans would not escape?

9. Theres many a slip between the cup and the lip. Discuss the truth of this proverb with
reference to this story.

10. Justify the title Evans Tries an O-Level.

11. Write a character sketch of Evans.

12. Imagine you are the Governor. After your failure to capture Evans, you decide to resign.
Write a letter of resignation, stating your reasons for doing so.

13. You have to take part in a declamation on the topic, Punish the crime, not the criminal!
Keeping in mind the story, Evans Tries an O-Level write your declamation.

Value Points for Short Answer Type Questions (3 marks)


The 3 marks for these questions are split as follows:

Content: 2 marks
Expression & Accuracy: 1 mark
Points for Short Answer Type Questions (3
1. What was unusual about the request received by the examination board?

Value Points
one prisoner, named Evans wished to take the O-Level German exam
had taken night classes with utmost sincerity

2. What reason did McLeery give for bringing the rubber ring with him?
Value Points
as invigilator, McLeery was supposed to sit for considerable time
suffered from haemorrhoids, needed the ring to be placed on the chair he would sit on

3. Who had impersonated whom in the plan to escape?

Value Points
Evans accomplice first impersonated Reverend Stuart McLeery
during exam, Evans impersonated McLeery and was seen off by Stephens
accomplice disguised as Mcleery found injured in the cell by Stephen later

4. How is Evans not a typical criminal?

Value Points
a congenital kleptomaniac, not really a typical criminal
pleasant personality, no record of violence
clever, schemer, tactful, has a track record of escaping from imprisonment
amusing, mischievous
great actor, mimic, participates in Christmas concerts

5. Did the exam go as scheduled?

Value Points
not as per scheduleexam started late, interrupted when Stephens stepped out of cell
correction slip sent, corrections made
Evans asked for permission to cover himself with a blanket

6. Did the Governor and his staff finally heave a sigh of relief when the exam was

Value Points
hoped to be relieved but were not nagging doubt prompted Stephens to return to the
cell after seeing McLeery out
McLeery found half-conscious and bleeding
prison alert; frantic activity to chase Evans

7. Will the injured McLeery be able to help the prison officers track Evans?

Value Points
no, McLeery wont be of any help; was actually Evans in disguise
misguided them, stated he spotted Evans driving towards Elsfield Way
couldnt help in recollecting Evans car number

8. Did the clues left behind on the question paper put Evans back in prison again?

Value Points
no, Evans could not be imprisoned
wrong clues to mislead the police to Newbury
enquiries in Newbury Evans untraceable
Evans escaped disguised as McLeery
Governor found him but failed to get Evans back to prison
9. Hed look after that particular side of things himself. What does that refer to?

Value Points
Evans reputationEvans the Break
had escaped from prison thrice
very clever in making detailed escape plans
Governor to ensure that Evans doesnt repeat it

10. When Evans tutor said that there was little chance that Evans would pass, he
responded, I may surprise everybody. What surprise did he have in mind?

Value Points
on face value, the surprise seemed to refer to Evans clearing O-Levels in German
actually the plan to escape despite tight security
perfect escape plan up his sleeve

11. Why did Evans wish to wear a dirty red-and-white bobble hat on the day of his

Value Points
Evans wished to wear it on the pretext of it being a lucky charm
actually needed to cover his chopped hair to look like false McLeery

12. What reason did Evans give for asking for a blanket? What was the real reason?

Value Points
reason why Evans asked for a blanket was that he was feeling cold
real reason to cover himself while he got into the guise of McLeery to impersonate him as
part of escape plan

13. How did the Governor know that Evans was in the Golden Lion Hotel?

Value Points
the correction slip referred to Golden Lion
Evans Index number 313 and Centre number 271 on Ordnance Survey Map for
Oxfordshire enabled him to reach Golden Lion at Chipping Norton

Value Points for Long Answer Type Questions (6 marks)


The 6 marks for these questions are split as follows:

Content: 4 marks
Expression & Accuracy: 2 marks

1. What were the precautions taken for the smooth conduct of the examination?

Value Points
two officers assigned to watch Evanssenior prison officer Jackson and Stephens
nail file, scissors and razor taken away
cell bugged to enable governor to hear all conversation in Evans cell
invigilator frisked, briefcase checked, paper-knife removed
Stephens posted outside Evans cell

2. There were several interruptions during the exam. How did these help Evans plan?

Value Points
Evans objection to Stephens presence in the cellcould execute plan
correction slip sent with two objectivesto find exact time of the start of exam
and to get name of hotel for Evans to stay
distract and get everyone out of the way before exam ended
asked for permission to cover himself with a blanket, helped Evans to change clothes for

3. Reflecting on the story, what did you feel about Evans having the last laugh?

Value Points
Evans reputation of breaking prisons
careful planningpredicts behaviour of prison staff, takes advantage of weakness of
characterJacksons compassion which allowed Evans to keep his hat on
fooling prison authorities about identity of teacher, invigilator, leaving question paper
behind with false clues
several back-up plans including a fake prison van and impersonated guards
truly a smart schemer, could fool seasoned players

4. When Stephens returns to the cell he jumps to a conclusion and the whole
machinery blindly goes by his assumption without even checking the identity of the
injured McLeery. Does this show how hasty conjectures can prevent one from
seeing the obvious? How is the criminal able to predict such negligence?

Value Points
set mindset based on assumptions, makes one overlook the obvious
knew that Evans had thrice broken free from prison, yet did not think out- of- the- box
Evans knew invigilator was a parson; ignored this vital giveaway
routine check of McLeerys brown suitcase but not his identity, German teachers
identity also not checked
assumed that Evans escaped; facilitated his escape later
did not do a thorough physical check on Evans; his plan could have been foiled
criminals mind sharp, easy to catch such lapses/human weaknesses; plan hatched
not questioning McLeery how he knew where Evans went
knew officers would believe a fellow officer immediately
because of uniform the Governor would not doubt identity of prison guard in the van
careful planning and observation help a criminal mind to predict behaviour, have the last

5. What could the Governor have done to securely bring Evans back to prison when he
caught him at the Golden Lion? Does that final act of foolishness really prove that
he was just another good-for-a-giggle, gullible governor that was all?

Value Points
Governor could have been very alert in escorting Evans back to the prison after latters
first successful escape
could have had more policemen for the task
could have verified the identity of prison officers with prison van
could have personally escorted him back and not let him out of his sight
proved he was just another good-for-a-giggle, gullible governor

6. While we condemn the crime, we are sympathetic to the criminal. Is this the reason
why the prison staff often develops a soft corner for those in custody?

Value Points
crime is condemnable but criminal gains sympathy when we see him suffer, especially
when he is not badly behaved/evil
Evans was not violent; instead was pleasant-natured, well-behaved, talented, humorous
and intelligent
protagonist participated in Christmas concert, wanted to get an academic qualification
Jackson, a hardened Prison Governor too develops a soft cornerallowed Evans to wear
his hat; instructed Stephen to guard from outside the cell
Governor respected Evans knowledge (how to stop blood from clotting) and planning
spoke to him almost like a friend
reader concludes that such a harmless congenital kleptomaniac doesnt deserve
imprisonment but rehabilitation

7. Do you think that it is mainly a battle of wits between crime and punishment?

Value Points
often criminals take to crime to outwit law-enforcers; basic human nature
each tries to be one-up on the otherGovernor tried to think of all ways that Evans
would use to escapetook precautions, checks
Evans relied on careful planningeventually the one who could think faster and more
deeply, won
outwitted the Governor the second time

8. What did the prison authorities do to ensure that Evans would not escape?

Value Points
ensured security at all levelsexam conducted in prison cell, thoroughly checked, cell
bugged for all sounds
scissors, nail-file and razor removed
McLeery frisked to see if he had anything objectionable; his suitcase checked
Stephens posted outside, checked through peephole regularly, Jackson on duty

9. Theres many a slip between the cup and the lip. Discuss the veracity of this
proverb with reference to this story.

Value Points
several errors made by the Governor and the prison officials though precautions taken
did not check antecedents of tutor; verify identity of parson, prison guard when Evans
sympatheticJohnson allowed Evans to wear his hat, Governor asked Stephens to stay
outside the cell, sent Evans back to prison without proper escort
though took several precautions, Stephens did not look inside cell at the end of the
exam, did not realise that parson wore two sets of clothes during frisking; did not check
how McLeery knew where Evans was or how Evans knew that invigilator a clergyman
10. Justify the title Evans Tries an O-Level.

Value Points
O-level exam needs high level of skill, planning and preparation
Evans well prepared, careful planning and preparation for every stage, carrying blood and
how to stop blood from clotting, parsons clothes
proper researchcareful observation of weaknesses of prison staff and systems
excellent coordination within teama mastermind at work
passed his O-Level with flying colours

11. Write a character sketch of Evans.

Value Points
Evans: a congenital kleptomaniac
a pleasant person, no record of violence, mimics, participates in Christmas concerts
very intelligent and great schemer, detailed planning and backup plan for all eventuality; thinks
of all possibilities
good observer and judge of human behaviour; innocently exploits peoples weaknesses; good
and reliable network of friends

12. Imagine you are the Governor. After your failure to capture Evans, you decide to
resign. Write a letter of resignation, stating your reasons for doing so.

Value Points
use format of formal letter
admit to having failed in duty
knew Evans was clever, would try to break free
major oversightsnot checking facts properly, allowing emotion to influence action
efforts to track Evans, catching him at the Golden Lion, fooled by the fake prison guard
duped by a prisoner twice in one evening; doesnt do justice to his post

13. You have to take part in a declamation on the topic, Punish the crime, not the
criminal! Keeping in mind the story, Evans Tries an O-Level write your

Value Points
topic for declamation good in principle but not easy to implement
criminal mind difficult to understand, cunning and clever; example, Evans misused
compassion of authorities
need to change systems in prisonhelp prisoners realise their worth
Evans could be taught to use planning ability for constructive purposes

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