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CLASS - XII BIOLOGY (Reproductive Health)

1. What is lactational amenorrhoea? [1]

2. Write the scientific name of causative agents of :-- [1]

i) Syphillis ii) Gonorrhoea.

3. Name the technique by which one can disorder any possible chromosomal or [1]
metabolic disorders in foetus.

4. Expand the following :-- i) GIFT ii) ICSI iii) IUCD [1]

5. Removal of Gonads cannot be a contraceptive option. Why? [2]

6. What are MTPs ? Under what conditions MTPs are legally permitted? [2]

7. Describe the technique which is used for sex determination in foetus? [2]

8. What are test tube babies? Are they different from normal babies? [2]

9. Mention any four objectives of RCHC. [2]

10. Describe the three manners in which fertilization of human ovum by sperm [3]
can be prevented?

11. Suggest some methods to assist infertile couples to have children? [3]

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