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Project Options for World War II

Instructions: Select only 1 topic. For each person in your group, you must
add another project. For example, if there are two people in a group, you
must select two topics and two products.

The Home Front

Topics: Japanese-American Internment Womens

Changes in the American economy Manhattan Project

The European Theatre

Topics: Hitlers Blitzkrieg Offensive the Battle

of Stalingrad

The Battle of Britain D-Day and


Battle of the Bulge Bombing of


Biography Options (pick two): Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight

Eisenhower, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Charles De Gaul,
Douglass Macarthur, or George S. Patton

Pacific Theatre

Topics: The Pearl Harbor Attack Battle of


Battle at Guadalcanal Battle of Leyte Gulf

Island Hopping and Japanese Resistance

Naval Technology, Weapons, Tactics, and Strategies

The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Reasons for Dropping the Bomb (This requires at least two sides)

Meta Topics
Topics: Propaganda of World War II Planes of
World War II

Impacts of Bombing Total War

Scoring Criteria
/30 Quality, depth, and organization of information
/20 Effort is demonstrated through neatness, proper spelling and
grammar, and quality
/20 Presentation proves you are knowledgeable of your topic and the
work is yours
/5 Proper work cited page

/75 Points
Product Options: Select One [1] Item from Both Sections

Section A

[ ] Detailed Diorama on topic

[ ] Tri-fold display with images, maps, concise explanations, etc., on topic

[ ] Hand-drawn poster (limited to propaganda posters must include


[ ] Scale-model of the topic

[ ] Scrapbook related to topic

[ ] Produce a video, at least 5 minutes in length, with narration on topic

[ ] Create a product (see Mr. Mckay with your idea before you do this)

Section B

[ ] Four-page minimum newspaper on topic

[ ] PowerPoint Presentation on topic

[ ] 3-5 page paper on topic

[ ] Outline notes on all of Chapter 20-21


Group Member:

Topic Selection:

Product Section A:

Product Section B:
Some examples of

1. Detailed diorama of one of the iconic moments of WWII. Some possible

options are the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, the bombing of Pearl
Harbor, the landing on the beaches of Normandy, the Soviet capture of
the Reichstag in Berlin, the Big Three Conference in Yalta, etc. Project
must include a PPT presentation on your topic.

2. Large, quality hand-drawn poster board of a historical World War II

poster with two-page paper on poster's topic and 15-20 PPT slide on
propaganda posters from WWI.

3. Tri-fold/poster display on the evolution of naval combat tactics and

weapons technology during WWII. Must include images and
descriptions in categories. During presentation you must explain your
topic and provide 1st person accounts of weapons in use. You should
include information about carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers,
planes, sonar, code-cracking, etc.

4. Tri-fold/poster on one of the major battles/strikes of WWII: Leyte Gulf,

Pearl Harbor, Midway, D-Day, Stalingrad, etc. Project must have a map,
explains significant facts, people, and events. Presentation to class is

5. Hand-illustrated timeline of World War II with 30 significant

events/moments marked; each mark must have its own illustration and
paragraph summary. Presentation to class is required.

6. Create and write a 5-6 page RAFT writing assignment for WWII about
one of the resistance movements in Europe against the Nazis (this
could be either in France, Belgium, Denmark, etc); must have 20
historical references. Your story then must be turned into a video using
either or Windows Movie Maker. Movie must include
music, dialogue, images, and facts and should be between 5-7 minutes
in length.

7. Scale model of a World War II fighter plane or bomber (extra credit

points for hand crafting your own plane; some examples: P-47
Thunderbolt, P-51 Mustang, P-61 Black Widow, F4F Hellcat, RAF
Spitfire, RAF Hurricane, B17 Flying Fortress Bomber, Japanese Zero,
German Ju-87 Stuka). Must have a two page paper on how the plane
was used, where it was used, its specs, and a short explanation of the
plane's strengths and any weaknesses. Expect to present to class.
8. Create a scrap book of World War II. Scrap book must include images,
dates, facts, vocabulary, and references to events. Scrap book is
graded on quality, length, and organization. Presentation to class is

9. Create a four page newspaper using Publisher that covers life on one of
the theaters of WWII (Pacific, African, or Europe). Must include events,
people, vocabulary, images, and be presented to class.

10. Illustrate design sketches of the uniforms and equipment of the

following groups of soldiers: US bomber/fighter pilots, troops from the
101st airborne uniform, and US naval uniform. You must be able to
explain the form and function of the equipment. You may also do other
countries for comparison for a better grade.

11. Create a game board on the events of WWII. Start with Hitlers
invasion of Poland (or a few years earlier) and end with V-J day. You
need to have a minimum of 30 spaces and 20 cards. The game board
must be well designed, themed around WWII, and sturdy.

12. Video narration/biography of one of the leaders or generals of

WWII (Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Hirohito, Patton,
Eisenhower, Macarthur, etc.) It must cover their service during WWII,
and career up to and after WWII. Video narration should be at least 5-7
minutes in length and include references to history, photos, and when
appropriate, music.

13. Create a magazine for one of the large themes of WWII it could
be regarding leaders, troops, weapons, battles, propaganda, or
something along those lines. The magazine should be 4 pages in
length (that includes both front and backsides) and should include
images, articles, fake ads, and be well designed.

Scoring Criteria

/20 Quality, depth, and organization of information

/20 Effort is demonstrated through neatness, proper spelling and

grammar, and quality

/20 Presentation proves you are knowledgeable of your topic and the
work is yours

/10 Meeting option requirements

/5 Proper work cited page

/75 Points

Extra Credit Option Individuals may turn a separate project for up to

25 pts of extra credit

DUE DATE: 3/7/2017

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