The Goshorns Step by Step: Peru

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The Goshorns Step by Step

March 2017

Were sitting in a hotel in Lima right now. We

had a hard time getting here because the road was
continuously being closed due to heavy rain causing
mudslides. Therefore we drove a back route through
the mountains that was absolutely beautiful. A lot of
you know about Zumilinda. Shes a six year old girl
that lives 6 1/2 hours deeper in the mountains from
us. She has some serious medical issues and we are
having tests performed. More about her on the
second page. After we finish up with tests for
Zumilinda well be heading to the states. Im very
excited to be able to see our boys:) Its been around 8
months since Ive seen Matthew and close to a year
and a half since Ive seen Daniel and Audrey.

Were going to be extremely busy with our schedule. We continue with movie nights at the
On March 12 well be at Carthage UMC orphanage. This is a big night for the kids. I also
13th 17th were at our mission agency in Georgia had 31 at the orphanage last week for the Bible
for meetings study. I cant get over how much the kids
18th were having our first big dinner at Henderson Participate during this time.
First UMC Jennifer has put together a new team for
19th were at Highlands UMC the Bible study at the women's Prison. These are
22nd were at Walton UMC women we have known for some time now and it
25th we have another big dinner at Crestwood UMC is working out really well. The women's Bible
26th were at Flemingsburg UMC study has grown from 14 to 20 in just a couple
April 1 we have the last big dinner at Immanuel UMC weeks. I suspect it will continue to grow.
April 2 were at Alexandria UMC Jennifer and I also had another
April 1216 visiting family opportunity to speak with several more college
April 25 we fly back to Peru classes. A few of the students expressed an
Please contact the churches and join us for dinner. interest in helping in the programs

We humbly thank you for your continued

prayers and financial support. If you havent
yet, we ask that you would prayerfully
consider financially supporting this ministry
in Peru. Without more financial partners this
ministry can not continue to grow. We love
you all and thank you for being part of Gods
work in Peru.

This is Zumilina. Shes a 6 year old sweetheart that lives 6 1/2 hours deeper in the mountains from
us. We made contact with her, her sister and mom through a doctor who travels to more remote areas
seeing patients. They ended up at our house so we could find out if there was anything we could do to
help. While at our house we found out the mom and older sister believe in Christ. The older sister, age 20
with 2 babies, has many questions and said she didnt have a Bible. So she received her first Bible. When
we found out the mom couldnt read or write , we gave her a solar powered audio Bible which she listens
to every night. To be honest, I thought that giving them the word of God and learning more was the only
reason that we came in contact with this family. When I looked at Zumilinda and I knew that this was too
big of a problem. But after spending
time with her and praying about what
to do, I realized that it is to big for us,
but nothings to big for the Lord.
Jennifer also truly believed that people
would step up and help this precious
child of God and she was right. Weve
had her in Lima for a battery of tests
with more to come after we return
from the states. The doctors are
worried that incest is one of the problems. She also has rickets, which is a vitamin deficiency. She will be 7
in May and weighs only 23 pounds. This has weakened her bones, heart and lungs. We also found out the
dad has had affairs and past on a STD to mom. Were not sure if this has affected Zumilinda. With all the
test and needle pricks going on, Ive yet to hear her complain. She smiles all the time, plays and calls me
uncle:) They say there are treatments for this, but were not sure if thats the case in Peru. To top this off,
we found out that she has a 12 year old brother and he lives in the shan-
ty towns on the mountain side of Lima. Were pretty sure the father sold
him. We drove 2 hours to find him and when he saw his mom, he ran and
hug her neck for a long time. Were going to look into to this situation a
lot more. Also, there is a sister a little older than Zumilinda living with
another relative in Lima. When we asked the mom if it was OK with her
husband to travel to Lima with us, she said he could care less. They are
experiencing the love of God at the moment. They know that there are
people that have helped make some of this possible. Please pray
continuously for all of them and guidance for us and the doctors.
Page 3 The Goshorns Step by Step

P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s
Continued physical, emotional and Prayers for the Bible study/ feeding
spiritual protection. programs
Continued financial and prayer Prayers for the Bible study with the
support, as well as new financial and children at the orphanage.
prayer partners. Prayers for the new discipleship
Discernment as we continue to group in Palian.
explore ministry opportunities. Prayers for prison ministries
Travel mercies as we travel in Peru. Prayers for kids programs.
Praises for our Peruvian team.
For Jennifers mom, Joan.
We are thankful for the body of
Prayers for the children that lost Christ.
their mother. We are thankful for our health.
Prayers for Daniel, Matthew and We are thankful that the Lord
Audrey while they live in the U.S. continues to provide. 1 Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, who has called
Pa r t n e r w i t h u s you into fellowship with his Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods Kingdom
in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
TMS Global
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: Goshorn Support 5/540
Or online at:
and go to give to a missionary and use our name.
Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

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