The Italian Renaissance

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Name _____________________________ Assignment #:____________

The Italian Renaissance

Read pages 304-307 in your textbook and answer the questions below.

1. How had most people in Europe devoted themselves to Christianity? _______________


2. What are the humanities? _________________________________________________


3. What is humanism? ______________________________________________________


4. What was the result in the interest of humanism? _______________________________


5. Why was there a new interest in history? _____________________________________


6. What are the classical writings? ____________________________________________

7. Where were the lost texts found? ___________________________________________


8. What were other ancient sources of inspiration? ________________________________

9. How were Dantes writings different from other Medieval authors? ________________


10. What was Dantes major work? ___________________________________________

11. What does his story describe? _____________________________________________

12. Who was Machiavelli? __________________________________________________


13. What was Machiavellis belief about government? ____________________________


14. How was renaissance art different from the Medieval Period? ___________________


15. What is perspective? ____________________________________________________


16. What techniques are used to show perspective? _______________________________



17. What is a Renaissance person? ____________________________________________

18. What were Michelangelos talents? ________________________________________


19. What is probably his most famous work? ___________________________________

20. What were Leonardos talents? ____________________________________________


21. Who was Brunelleschi? _________________________________________________


22. What was the new discovery in astronomy? _________________________________


23. What was needed to help spread these changes beyond Italy? ____________________


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