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Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

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Effects of Sit up Exercise Training on Adipose Cell Size

and Adiposity
a a a b
Frank I. Katch , Priscilla M. Clarkson , Walter Kroll , Thomas McBride & Anthony Wilcox

Department of Exercise Science
University Health Service , University of Massachusetts , Amherst , MA , 01003 , USA
Department of Physical Education , University of Kansas , Manhattan , KS , 66506 , USA
Published online: 22 Feb 2013.

To cite this article: Frank I. Katch , Priscilla M. Clarkson , Walter Kroll , Thomas McBride & Anthony Wilcox (1984) Effects of
Sit up Exercise Training on Adipose Cell Size and Adiposity, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 55:3, 242-247, DOI:

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1984, VOL. 55, No.3, PI'. 242-247

Effects of Sit Up Exercise Training

On Adipose Cell Size and Adiposity
University of Massachusetts
University of Kansas

The present experiment evaluated the effects of a 27-day sit up & Edelstein, 1968), or reductions in abdominal cir-
exercise training program on adipose cell size and adiposity. Fat cumferences by performing 6 daily, 6-sec isometric
biopsies were taken from the abdomen, subscapular, and gluteal contractions (Mohr, 1965). Other investigators, on the
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:14 20 May 2015

sites by needle aspiration in l3 experimental and 6 control male basis of photographic analysis (Schade, Hellebrandt,
subjects before and after a five days/week progressive training Waterland, & Carns, 1962), changes in segment vol-
regimen. Day 1 consisted of 10 bouts of l O-sec exercise, 7 sit umes (Carns, Schade, Liba, Hellebrandt, & Harris,
ups/bout, with Itt-sec rest intervals; on day 27, 14 bouts of 30-
1960), fatfold and girth measures of the active and
sec exercise were performed, 24 sit ups/bout with lO-sec rest
intervals. The total number of sit ups done was 5004. Fat cells inactive arms of tennis players (Cwinup, Chelvam, &
were isolated using collagenase and photographed to determine Steinberg, 1971), and fatfold and body density de-
cell diameter. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant terminations (Noland & Kearney, 1978), report no
decreases in cell diameter at the three biopsy sites (p<.O 1), but significant decreases in fat thickness at selected body
no significant differences in the rate of change (pre to post) in sites or in gross body composition when comparing
cell diameter between sites for the experimental and control the effects of general and localized exercise training.
groups (p>.05). Body weight, total body fat (underwater We are aware of only one study that has used a direct,
weighing), and [atfolds and girths remained unaltered. The invasive procedure to evaluate the effects of selective
results demonstrate that (l) the conventional sit up exercise does
exercise training on adipose cellularity. Krotkiewski,
not preferentially reduce adipose cell size or subcutaneous fat
Aniansson, Grimby, Bjorntorp, and Sjostrom (1979)
thickness in the abdominal region to a greater extent compared to
other adipose sites, and (2) significant changes in fat cell size reported no change in fat cell size or thickness of
may occur in the absence of changes in fatfolds, girths or total adipose tissue in the thigh region following a daily 5-
body composition. week training program consisting of 30 maximal knee
extensions performed on an isokinetic device. The use
Key words: adipose cellularity, spot reduction, body of a direct procedure such as the fat biopsy would
composition, sit up exercise, adiposity. seem to offer a better alternative than indirect tech-
niques such as fatfolds or girths to assess selective site
h e needle biopsy procedure to determine adipose changes; indirect techniques may simply be insensitive
tissue cellularity permits a rather precise quantifica- to evaluate true cellular changes in adiposity. This
tion of changes in body composition consequent to may be particularly true for fatfolds, where measure-
nutritional and exercise intervention regimens ment unreliability is a problem inherent in the tech-
(Bjorntorp, Grimby, Sanne, Sjostrom, Tibblin, & Wil- nique (Katch & Katch, 1980).
helmsen, 1972; Bjorntorp, Carlgren, Isaksson, Krot- In the present experiment, the conventional sit up
kiewski, Larsson, & Sjostrom, 1975; Bray, 1970). Only exercise was performed in an effort to significantly
a few studies, however, have evaluated the effects of reduce fat thickness (and adipose cell diameter) to a
specific, relatively localized exercise on body com- greater extent in the abdominal area than in the rel-
position by examining changes in fat cell size (Bjorn- atively unexercised gluteal and subscapular regions.
torp, deJounge, Krotkiewski, Sullivan, Sjostrom, & Proponents of "spot" exercise training would argue
Stenberg, 1973). A basic issue concerns whether local that the conventional hook lying sit up exercise is an
"spot" exercise reduces regional fat accumulation at effective aid in helping to reduce fat thickness in the
a particular body site. abdominal region. If such a notion is valid, it follows
Proponents of spot reducing cite such evidence as that performing a regimen of sit up exercise should
significant decreases in triceps subcutaneous fatfolds affect adipose measures in the abdominal region to a
following specific arm weight lifting exercise (Olson greater extent than at other body areas. In the current



study, a vigorous 27-day sit up training program was were digitized, they were automatically separated into
evaluated for changes in cell size, fatfold thickness, odd and even categories to obtain an index of relia-
and girths measured by anthropometry. bility. If the corrected split-half reliability did not ex-
ceed r = .85, the sample of 200 adipose cells was
Method remeasured.
The subjects were 19 male volunteers, all Cauca- The mean diameter of a minimum of 200 cells was
sian, who gave informed consent in accordance with used as the criterion diameter score for each site on
University Human Subjects Review procedures. The the pre- and posttests. In a recent study from our
mean age was 19.4 years (SD = 2.3), mean weight was laboratory (Clarkson, Katch, Kroll, Lane, & Kamen,
76.1 kg (SD = 7.3), and mean height was 175.4 ern 1980), this method of scoring was the most valid pro-
(SD = 4.8). Six of the 19 subjects did not participate cedure for establishing reliable estimates of cell di-
in sit up training and served as controls. The 13 ex- ameter. In addition, there was no significant difference
perimental subjects were not members of varsity or among four methods to measure fat cell size (Clark-
intramural sports teams, and none were participants son, Kroll, Wai, & Kamen, 1981); this includes digi-
in any formal exercise programs. There were no sig- tization of the photographs, counting with a Zeiss
nificant differences between the experimental and particle analyzer, hand measurement of the photo-
control subjects for age, height, weight, or percent graphs and measurement of the projected cells on the
body fat (p>.05). The general experimental proce- digitizer screen.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:14 20 May 2015

dure was a pre-post test design. The 13 experimental For the pretest, fat biopsies were taken by a phy-
subjects participated in a 27-day sit up exercise pro- sician at each of the three sites on 2 days at approx-
gram. Adipose cell size and body composition were imately the same time, with no more than 6 days
measured in both groups before and the day following separating the two biopsy days. This was done to es-
the training period. tablish a reliable and representative criterion value of
abdominal, gluteal, and subscapular cell diameter.
Determination of Adipose Cell Size There were no significant differences in cell diameter
for any of the three sites from Day 1 to Day 2, and
Fat biopsies, approximately 50 mg, were taken from
an average of the Day 1 and Day 2 measures was used
the abdominal (2.54 ern lateral to the umbilicus), glu-
as the pretest value.
teal (upper quadrant) and subscapular sites by needle
aspiration using extraction procedures described by
Body Composition
Lavau, Susini, Knittle, Blanchet-Hirst, and Green-
wood (1977). The fat sample was placed in 6 ml of All measures of body composition on the pretest
Krebs ringer phosphate buffer containing 10 mg col- were taken on the day following the second biopsy.
lagenase, 5 mM glucose and 2% albumin (fraction V). Body weight was measured on a beam balance scale
The tissue was incubated at 37C for 30 min and shaken to 50 g. Percent body fat was computed from body
gently every 10 min. During this time, all of the fat density measured by the underwater weighing pro-
cells were freed from the tissue. The cells were then cedure (McArdle, Katch, & Karch, 1981) with correc-
filtered through a 250 u nylon mesh to separate the tion for residual lung volume measured twice in
cells and stroma. A 50 ul aliquot of the concentrated succession by oxygen dilution (Wilmore, 1969). Test-
cell suspension was placed on a glass slide and pho- retest reliability of residual volume was r = .97 with
tographed with a Bausch and Lomb photomicroscope a standard error of measurement of 46 ml. Per-
with a yellow filter and 4 x magnification. The film centage of body fat was calculated from density (D)
was projected to the surface of an opaque, 92.3 by by the Siri equation, percent fat = 495/0 - 450 (Siri,
92.3 ern digitizer screen (Science Accessories Corpo- 1961). Total body fat (kg) is percent fat/l00 x body
ration, Southport, CT) for a total magnification of weight, and lean body weight (LBW) is body weight
240 x . The diameter of at least 200 adipose cells from - total fat weight.
each site were digitized with a sonic pen. The pen Subcutaneous fat was measured in triplicate with a
generates a hypersonic impulse that is received by Lange caliper by the same investigator (FK) at the
microphone sensors placed around the perimeter of triceps, subscapula, iliac and abdominal sites on the
the screen. The sensors transmit the impulses to the right side of the body with the subject standing. The
digitizer and the X and Y coordinate values are then mean of the three trials at each site was used as the
input to the computer. Calibration was provided by criterion fatfold score (Katch & Katch, 1980). Selected
a photomicrograph of a stage micrometer taken at the girth measures were taken with a doth anthropo-
same time as the adipose cells (l u = .60 mm). The metric tape of the right and left forearm, biceps re-
projections of individual cell diameters were mea- laxed and flexed, calf, and waist (natural contour),
sured to 0.1 mm, which represented the resolution of abdomen at the umbilicus, and buttocks. All measures
the digitizer apparatus. As individual cell diameters were taken in duplicate following established proce-



dures (Behnke & Wilmore, 1974) and the mean of performed (Lindquist, 1953). The ANOVA provided
the two trials used in subsequent calculations. Test- main effect F-ratios for among sites and pre- to post
retest reliability of all fat fold and girth measures on changes (condition) in fat cell diameter, as well as a
pre- and posttests ranged from r = .98 to .99. site-by-condition interaction. Significant differences
were found in cell diameter among sites; gluteal cells
Sit Up Exercise Training were 8.5% larger in diameter than abdominal and
Training consisted of the conventional hook lying subscapular cells, respectively. Cell diameter for the
sit up exercise performed on a gym mat with the knees abdomen was 7.4% larger than subscapular cell di-
bent at approximately a 90 angle, hands clasped be- ameter.
hind the neck with the elbows pointing in the forward
position, with no external support to hold the feet. Table 1
All subjects trained together in the late afternoon. Progressive Sit Up Training Program-
One of the subjects, experienced in leading exercise
Time per Sit Ups
classes, supervised the total time and cadence for each
Bout, Completed Total
bout of sit ups. Subjects performed the sit ups in un- Days Bout b sec per Bout Sit Ups
ison to a preestablished cadence, touching the elbows 1-6 10 increase to 20 10 7 630
to the knees on each sit up. A progressive method 7-12 10 increase to 20 15 10 900
was employed to increase the duration of sit ups per- 13-18 10 increase to 20 20 14 1260
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:14 20 May 2015

formed on a given day. Day 1 consisted of 10 bouts 19-24 10 increase to 20 25 15 1350

of l O-sec exercise, 7 sit ups/bout, with IO-sec rest in- 25-27 10 increase to 14 30 24 864
tervals between bouts. On successive days, the number aThe 1O-sec rest interval remained constant between bouts
of bouts was increased by 2 until the sixth day, when on all training days.
20 bouts was achieved. On day 7, the total number of bThe number of bouts for each 6-day interval was increased
by 2 on successive days. For example, on days 1-6, 10,
bouts was reduced to 10, but the exercise duration
12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 bouts, respectively, were performed.
per bout was increased to 15 sec. Ten sit ups were The same was true for days 7-12,13-18 and 19-24. For
done during this time period. For the next 5 days, the last 3 days, 10, 12, and 14 bouts were performed.
the number of bouts was again increased by 2 per day
until 20 bouts were achieved on day 12. Table 1 out-
For the pre- to posttest comparisons, cell diameter
lines the method employed to increase progressively
decreased significantly (p<.01). The percentage change
the number of sit ups during the 27-day training pe-
in cell diameter was 6.4% for the abdomen, 5.0% for
riod. On day 27, 24 sit ups were performed for 30
the gluteal, and 3.7% for the subscapular. Converting
sees on each of the 14 bouts (336 sit ups). The total
the diameter measure for each cell to an expression
sit ups done in the 27-day period was 5004. The cu-
of volume (4.19 x radius"), assuming the cells are
mulative actual time spent to perform the 5004 sit ups
spherical, results in volume decreases of 17.9% for
was 2 hr and 3 min, or, on the average, the equivalent
the abdominal, 14.3% for the gluteal, and 10.6% for
of 4 min 33 sec/day.
the subscapular cells.
This interaction term (site x condition) was non-
Results significant (F = .18; p> .(5), and indicates that al-
Changes in Adipose Cell Diameter though there were significant decreases in cell diameter
resulting from the sit up program, there were no dif-
Table 2 summarizes the pre- and posttest values of ferences in the rate of change for cell diameter be-
cell diameter for the three sites. A full model repeated tween sites. We interpret this to mean that the
measures treatments x treatments x subjects was significant reduction in fat cell diameter due to an

Table 2
Pre to Posttest Values of Adipose Cell Diameter (N =13)
Pre Post %
Microns Mean SO Mean SO Change
Abdomen 82.64 16.50 77.39 15.80 6.4 .856 p<.01
Gluteal 90.31 8.77 85.79 11.11 5.0 .818 p<.01
Subscapular 76.53 14.12 73.73 14.64 3.7 .911 p<.01
apearson product-moment correlation coefficient.
bF-ratio based on full model repeated measures ANOVA. The overall F was significant for the and posttest
comparison (F = 21.2; P < .01), and for site-to-site differences (F = 15.8; P < .01). The interaction term
was not significant (F = 0.18; P > .05).



imposed sit up exercise regimen was similar at all reduction. While there is activation of the lower limb
three sites. musculature in addition to abdominals and hip flexors
during the hook lying sit up exercise (Ricci, Marchetti,
Changes in Body Composition & Figura, 1981), there is no evidence that such in-
Table 3 presents the pre- and posttest values for volvement would playa quantitatively important role
body composition, fatfolds, and girth measurements in the primary act of trunk flexion or extension. There
for the 13 experimental subjects. There were no sig- is little reason to doubt that the abdominal muscula-
nificant changes from pre- to posttest in body weight, ture is predominantly involved in sit up exercise as
body density, percent fat and lean body weight, four performed in this study (Flint, 1965; Partridge & Wal-
fatfolds, or the six girth measurements (p>.05). ters, 1959).
The lack of change in the fatfold and correspond-
Discussion ing girth measures would support the position that
A crucial test of "spot" reducing is whether a sig- relatively selective exercise training (such as sit ups),
nificantly greater change occurs in the predominant unaccompanied by significant changes in body weight
body area being exercised compared to the relatively and body composition, would not preferentially re-
inactive or unexercised body parts. In the present duce the concentration of fat in a particular body area.
study, the fact that there was no difference in the rate It does seem plausible that fat cell size may precede
of change in cell diameter among the three sites sug- observable changes in subcutaneous fat and girth
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:14 20 May 2015

gests there was no preferential influence of a possible measures. At the present time, it is not known what
lipolytic mobilizing factor or of enhanced adrenergic magnitude of change must occur in fat cell diameter
responsiveness (Ostman, Arner, Engfeldt, & Kager, before such changes are reflected in fatfold and girth
1979). Because cell diameter decreased significantly measures. The present data suggest that changes in
at the three sites, it seems reasonable to conclude that fat cell diameter less than 6 to 7% are not accom-
the sit up regimen had a more general than specific panied by corresponding decreases in fatfolds and
effect on the overall size (diameter and volume) of girths.
the adipose cells. One could take the position, how- In the present study, the number of sit ups done
ever, that performing the conventional sit up involves on a daily basis probably exceeds that normally per-
muscle groups other than the abdominals (such as formed by most people involved in recreational ex-
gluteals or upper back musculature), and therefore ercise programs. Also, the total number of sit ups
the reduction in cell diameter at the gluteal and sca- performed was increased on successive workout days
pula sites would support the concept of selective fat to ensure progression in the training program. This

Table 3
Pre to Posttest Changes In Body Composition,
Fatfolds and Girths for the Experimental Subjects (N 13)

Pre Post
Variable Mean SO Mean SO F&
Body Composition
weight, kg 76.96 6.90 76.09 7.92 NS
body density, g/ml 1.0722 .0008 1.0737 .0010 NS
% Fat 11.67 3.45 11.06 4.53 NS
total fat, kg 8.85 2.46 8.44 3.58 NS
lean weight, kg 67.22 7.01 67.59 7.48 NS
Fatfolds, mm
triceps 10.66 2.40 10.15 2.48 NS
scapula 12.95 3.37 12.95 3.54 NS
iliac 17.89 7.54 18.01 7.58 NS
abdomen 18.62 6.30 18.62 6.76 NS
Girths, cm
waist 83.00 5.04 84.01 4.95 NS
umbilicus 84.55 5.30 85.23 5.73 NS
buttocks 96.78 4.15 95.37 4.43 NS
forearm 28.92 1.37 28.87 1.44 NS
biceps flexed 35.23 2.87 35.32 2.91 NS
calf 36.95 1.52 36.59 1.67 NS
aRepeated measures analysis of variance. Not significant at p<.05. There were no significant
changes for anyof the abovevariables for thesix control subjects, norwerethereanysignificant
differences on the pre-test between the groups for the above measurements.



was done to increase the relative strenuousness of sit to reduce the fat content at a given body site, total
up exercise. The basic assumption is that the subcu- body composition must be altered; a relatively selec-
taneous fatty layer in the abdominal region is pref- tive exercise regimen of sit ups does not solely affect
erentially affected to a greater extent by exercise of the specific fat accumulation in the abdominal area.
the underlying abdominal musculature than the but- We conclude that sit up exercise as performed under
tocks or subscapular regions. All subjects performed the conditions of this experiment will not be effective
the sit up exercise at the same cadence to ensure a in reducing significantly the observable fat thickness
constant rate of performance. It was of interest to in the abdominal region.
observe that although subjects complained frequently
of severe localized fatigue, heart rate palpated in the References
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throughout training did not exceed 130 beats per ulation of body build and composition. Englewood Cliffs,
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mill-assessed maximal oxygen uptake of 55 cellularity in obese women. American Journal of Clinical
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per minute, heart rate during sit ups did not exceed Bjorntorp, P., Grimby, G., Sanne, H., Sjostrom, L., Tibblin,
Downloaded by [New York University] at 08:14 20 May 2015

127 beats per minute during any of the bouts per- G., & Wilhelmsen, L. (1972). Adipose tissue fat cell size
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trunk in man: An electromyographic study. Physical

Therapy Review, 39, 791-800. Frank I. Katch, Priscilla M. Clarkson and Walter Kroll are in the De-
partment of Exercise Science and Thomas McBride is with the University
Ricci, B., Marchetti, M., & Figura, F. (1981). Biomechanics Health Service, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. Anthony
of sit-up exercises. Medicine and Science in Sports and Wilcox is in the Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas,
Exercise, 13, 54-59. Manhattan, KS, 66506.



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